

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares

Ticker:  EVLMC

Listing Exchange:  The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC

Prospectus Dated
June 1, 2022

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has not approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete.  Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


Information in this Prospectus





Fund Summary


Investment Objective & Principal Policies and Risks


Investment Objective


Additional Information about NextShares


Fees and Expenses of the Fund


Management and Organization


Portfolio Turnover


How Net Asset Value is Determined


Principal Investment Strategies


Buying and Selling Shares


About NextShares




Principal Risks


Portfolio Holdings Disclosure




Fund Distributions




Potential Conflicts of Interest


Purchases and Sales of Fund Shares


Additional Tax Information


Tax Information


Financial Highlights


Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries




NextShares® are a new type of actively managed fund that differ from traditional mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.  Individual shares of a NextShares fund may be purchased and sold only on a national securities exchange or alternative trading system.  Trading prices of NextShares are directly linked to the fund’s next-computed net asset value per share (“NAV”) and will vary from NAV by a market-determined trading cost (i.e., a premium or discount to NAV), which may be zero.  Investing in NextShares involves certain risks as described in this Prospectus.  NextShares funds began trading in February 2016.

This Prospectus contains important information about the Fund.
Please save it for reference.

Fund Summary

Investment Objective

The Fund's investment objective is to seek current income exempt from regular federal income tax.

Fees and Expenses of the Fund

This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.  

Investor Fees (fees paid directly from your investment): None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) (1)


Management Fees


Distribution and Service (12b-1) Fees


Other Expenses


Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses


Expense Reimbursement(2)


Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Expense Reimbursement


(1)Expenses in the table above and the Example below reflect the expenses of the Fund and 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond Portfolio (the “Portfolio”), the Portfolio in which the Fund invests its assets.  

(2)The investment adviser and administrator and the sub-adviser have agreed to reimburse the Fund’s expenses to the extent that Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses exceed 0.35%.  This expense reimbursement will continue through May 31, 2023.  Any amendment to or termination of this reimbursement would require approval of the Board of Trustees.  The expense reimbursement relates to ordinary operating expenses only and does not include expenses such as: brokerage commissions, acquired fund fees and expenses of unaffiliated funds, borrowing costs (including borrowing costs of any acquired funds), taxes or litigation expenses.  Amounts reimbursed may be recouped by the investment adviser and administrator and sub-adviser during the same fiscal year to the extent actual expenses are less than the contractual expense cap during such year.  

Example. This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other funds.  The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods.  The Example also assumes that the Fund provides a return of 5% a year, that Fund operating expenses remain the same and that any expense reimbursement arrangement remains in place for the contractual period.  Investors may pay brokerage commissions on their purchases and sales of Fund shares, which are not reflected in the example.  Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

10 Years






Portfolio Turnover

The Fund and Portfolio in which it invests pay transaction costs, such as commissions, when they buy and sell securities (or “turn over” the portfolio).  A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund shares are held in a taxable account.  These costs, which are not reflected in Annual Fund Operating Expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund’s performance.  During the most recent fiscal year, the Portfolio's portfolio turnover rate was  22%  of the average value of its portfolio.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares2Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 


Principal Investment Strategies

Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in municipal obligations with final maturities of between five and fifteen years, the interest on which is exempt from regular federal income tax (the “80% Policy”). For the purposes of the Fund’s 80% Policy, final maturity is defined as (i) the stated final maturity of a callable bond; (ii) the pre-refunded date of an existing pre-refunded bond; (iii) the earliest put date of a put bond; or (iv) the monthly re-set date of a municipal floating-rate bond or obligation. For municipal obligations held by the Fund that become pre-refunded after the Fund purchases such obligations, the final maturity of such obligation remains the stated maturity. All municipal obligations maturing within a calendar year will be defined as having the same final maturity. At least 90% of the Fund’s net assets normally is invested in municipal obligations rated at least investment grade at the time of investment (which are those rated Baa or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”), or BBB or higher by either S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) or Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”)) or, if unrated, determined by the investment adviser or sub-adviser to be of at least investment grade quality. The balance of net assets may be invested in municipal obligations rated below investment grade and in unrated municipal obligations considered to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser or sub-adviser (“junk bonds”). For purposes of rating restrictions, if securities are rated differently by two or more rating agencies, the highest rating is used. The Fund will not invest in an obligation if the interest on that obligation is subject to the federal alternative minimum tax. With respect to 20% of its net assets, the Fund may invest in municipal obligations that are not exempt from regular federal income tax, direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury and/or obligations of U.S. Government agencies, instrumentalities and government-sponsored enterprises.

The Fund invests primarily in general obligation or revenue bonds.  In pursuing its investment objective, the Fund seeks to weight investment in obligations such that at least 5% and not more than 15% of its net assets are invested in obligations with a final maturity in a year within the five-to-fifteen year maturity range (the “weighted investment strategy”).  The Fund does not have a specific target for its average portfolio duration.  When a municipal obligation has a final maturity of less than five years, the Fund intends to sell that security within a year and reinvest the proceeds in obligations with longer maturities.  With respect to the Fund's weighted investment strategy, the Fund intends to invest at least 5% of its net assets in securities with a final maturity of 15 years within 90 days of the beginning of the calendar year.  The Fund’s portfolio is “laddered” by investing in municipal obligations with different final maturities so that some obligations age out of the five-to-fifteen year maturity range during each year.

The investment sub-adviser’s process for selecting obligations for purchase and sale emphasizes the creditworthiness of the issuer or other person obligated to repay the obligation and the relative value of the obligation in the market.  In evaluating creditworthiness, the investment sub-adviser considers ratings assigned by rating agencies and generally performs additional credit and investment analysis.  The portfolio managers may also trade securities to seek to minimize capital gains to investors. The portfolio managers may also consider financially material environmental, social and governance factors in evaluating an issuer.  These considerations may be taken into account alongside other factors in the investment selection process.

The Fund currently invests its assets in the Portfolio, a separate registered investment company with substantially the same investment objective and policies as the Fund.

About NextShares®

NextShares are a new type of actively managed exchange-traded product operating pursuant to an order issued by the SEC granting an exemption from certain provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). NextShares funds began trading in February 2016.  There can be no guarantee that an active trading market for NextShares will develop or be maintained, or that their listing will continue unchanged.  

Individual shares of a NextShares fund may be purchased and sold only on a national securities exchange or alternative trading system through a broker-dealer that offers NextShares (“Broker”), and may not be directly purchased or redeemed from the fund.  As a new type of fund, NextShares initially may be offered by a limited number of Brokers.  Trading prices of NextShares are directly linked to the fund’s next-computed net asset value per share (“NAV”), which is normally determined as of the close of regular market trading each business day.  Buyers and sellers of NextShares will not know the value of their purchases and sales until NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.    

Trading prices of NextShares will vary from NAV by a market-determined trading cost (i.e., a premium or discount to NAV), which may be zero.  The premium or discount to NAV at which NextShares trades are executed is locked in at the time of trade execution, and will depend on market factors, including the balance of supply and demand for shares among investors, transaction fees and other costs associated with creating and redeeming Creation Units (as defined below) of shares, competition among market makers, the share inventory positions and inventory strategies of market makers, and the volume of share trading. Reflecting these and other market factors, prices of shares in the secondary market may be

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares3Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

above, at or below NAV.  See “Purchases and Sales of Fund Shares” below for important information about how to buy and sell shares.  

How NextShares Compare to Mutual Funds.  Mutual fund shares may be purchased and redeemed directly from the issuing fund for cash at the fund’s next determined NAV.  Shares of NextShares funds, by contrast, are purchased and sold primarily in the secondary market.  Because trading prices of NextShares may vary from NAV and commissions may apply, NextShares may be more expensive to buy and sell than mutual funds.  Like mutual funds, NextShares may be bought or sold in specified share or dollar quantities, although not all Brokers may accept dollar-based orders.

Relative to investing in mutual funds, the NextShares structure offers certain potential advantages that may translate into improved performance and higher tax efficiency.  These potential advantages include: (a) a single class of shares with no sales loads or distribution and service (12b-1) fees; (b) lower fund transfer agency expenses; (c) reduced fund trading costs and cash drag (the impact of uninvested cash on performance) in connection with investor inflows and outflows; and (d) lower fund capital gains distributions.  Because NextShares do not pay sales loads or distribution and service (12b-1) fees, their appeal to financial intermediaries may be limited to distribution arrangements that do not rely upon such payments.

How NextShares Compare to ETFs.  Similar to exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), NextShares are issued and redeemed only in specified large aggregations (“Creation Units”) and trade throughout the day on an exchange.  Unlike ETFs, trading prices of NextShares are directly linked to the fund’s next end-of-day NAV rather than determined at the time of trade execution.  Different from ETFs, NextShares do not offer opportunities to transact intraday at currently (versus end-of-day) determined prices.

Unlike actively managed ETFs, NextShares are not required to disclose their full holdings on a daily basis, thereby protecting fund investors against the potentially dilutive effects of other market participants front-running the fund’s trades. Because the mechanism that underlies efficient trading of NextShares does not involve portfolio instruments not used in creations and redemptions, the need for full portfolio holdings disclosure to achieve tight markets in NextShares is eliminated.  The NAV-based trading employed for NextShares provides investors with built-in trade execution cost transparency and the ability to control their trading costs using limit orders.  This feature of NextShares distinguishes them from ETFs, for which the variance between market prices and underlying portfolio values is not always known by individual investors and cannot be controlled by them.  For more information, see “Additional Information about NextShares” in this Prospectus.

Principal Risks

Market Trading Risk. Individual Fund shares may be purchased and sold only on a national securities exchange or alternative trading system through a Broker, and may not be directly purchased or redeemed from the Fund. There can be no guarantee that an active trading market for shares will develop or be maintained, or that their listing will continue unchanged. Buying and selling shares may require you to pay brokerage commissions and expose you to other trading costs.  Due to brokerage commissions and other transaction costs that may apply, frequent trading may detract from realized investment returns. Trading prices of shares may be above, at or below the Fund’s NAV, will fluctuate in relation to NAV based on supply and demand in the market for shares and other factors, and may vary significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility. The return on your investment will be reduced if you sell shares at a greater discount or narrower premium to NAV than you acquired shares.

Contingent Pricing Risk.  Trading prices of Fund shares are directly linked to the Fund’s next-computed NAV, which is normally determined as of the close of regular market trading each business day. Buyers and sellers of shares will not know the value of their purchases and sales until the Fund’s NAV is determined at the end of the trading day. Like mutual funds, the Fund does not offer opportunities to transact intraday at currently (versus end-of-day) determined prices. Trade prices are contingent upon the determination of NAV and may vary significantly from anticipated levels (including estimates based on intraday indicative values disseminated by the Fund) during periods of market volatility. Although limit orders can be used to control differences in trade prices versus NAV, they cannot be used to control or limit trade execution prices.

Market Risk.  The value of investments held by the Fund may increase or decrease in response to social, economic, political, financial, public health crises or other disruptive events (whether real, expected or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets and include such events as war, natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, terrorism, conflicts and social unrest. These events may negatively impact broad segments of businesses and populations and may exacerbate pre-existing risks to the Fund. The frequency and magnitude of resulting changes in the value of the Fund’s investments cannot be predicted. Certain securities and other investments held by the Fund may experience increased volatility, illiquidity, or other potentially adverse effects in reaction to changing market conditions.  Monetary and/or fiscal actions taken by U.S. or foreign governments to stimulate or stabilize the global economy may not be effective and could lead to

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares4Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

high market volatility.  No active trading market may exist for certain investments held by the Fund, which may impair the ability of the Fund to sell or to realize the current valuation of such investments in the event of the need to liquidate such assets.

Municipal Obligations Risk. The amount of public information available about municipal obligations is generally less than for corporate equities or bonds, meaning that the investment performance of municipal obligations may be more dependent on the analytical abilities of the investment adviser and sub-adviser than stock or corporate bond investments. The secondary market for municipal obligations also tends to be less well-developed and less liquid than many other securities markets, which may limit the Fund’s ability to sell its municipal obligations at attractive prices. The differences between the price at which an obligation can be purchased and the price at which it can be sold may widen during periods of market distress. Less liquid obligations can become more difficult to value and be subject to erratic price movements. The increased presence of non-traditional participants (such as proprietary trading desks of investment banks and hedge funds) or the absence of traditional participants (such as individuals, insurance companies, banks and life insurance companies) in the municipal markets may lead to greater volatility in the markets because non-traditional participants may trade more frequently or in greater volume.

Interest Rate Risk. In general, the value of income securities will fluctuate based on changes in interest rates. The value of these securities is likely to increase when interest rates fall and decline when interest rates rise.  Duration measures the time-weighted expected cash flows of a fixed-income security, while maturity refers to the amount of time until a fixed-income security matures.  Generally, securities with longer durations or maturities are more sensitive to changes in interest rates than securities with shorter durations or maturities, causing them to be more volatile.  Conversely, fixed-income securities with shorter durations or maturities will be less volatile but may provide lower returns than fixed-income securities with longer durations or maturities. In a rising interest rate environment, the duration of income securities that have the ability to be prepaid or called by the issuer may be extended. In a declining interest rate environment, the proceeds from prepaid or maturing instruments may have to be reinvested at a lower interest rate.  Certain instruments held by the Fund may pay an interest rate based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), which is the average offered rate for various maturities of short-term loans between certain major international banks. LIBOR is used throughout global banking and financial industries to determine interest rates for a variety of financial instruments (such as debt instruments and derivatives) and borrowing arrangements. The ICE Benchmark Administration Limited, the administrator of LIBOR, ceased publishing certain LIBOR settings on December 31, 2021, and is expected to cease publishing the remaining LIBOR settings on June 30, 2023. Although the transition process away from LIBOR has become increasingly well defined, the impact on certain debt securities, derivatives and other financial instruments that utilize LIBOR remains uncertain. The phase-out of LIBOR may result in, among other things, increased volatility or illiquidity in markets for instruments based on LIBOR and changes in the value of such instruments.

Credit Risk. Investments in municipal obligations and other debt obligations (referred to below as “debt instruments”) are subject to the risk of non-payment of scheduled principal and interest. Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances may reduce the capacity of the party obligated to make principal and interest payments on such instruments and may lead to defaults. Such non-payments and defaults may reduce the value of Fund shares and income distributions. The value of debt instruments also may decline because of concerns about the issuer’s ability to make principal and interest payments. In addition, the credit ratings of debt instruments may be lowered if the financial condition of the party obligated to make payments with respect to such instruments deteriorates.  In order to enforce its rights in the event of a default, bankruptcy or similar situation, the Fund may be required to retain legal or similar counsel, which may increase the Fund’s operating expenses and adversely affect net asset value.  Municipal obligations may be insured as to principal and interest payments. If the claims-paying ability or other rating of the insurer is downgraded by a rating agency, the value of such obligations may be negatively affected.

Lower Rated Investments Risk.  Investments rated below investment grade and comparable unrated investments (sometimes referred to as “junk”) have speculative characteristics because of the credit risk associated with their issuers. Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances typically have a greater effect on the ability of issuers of lower rated investments to make principal and interest payments than they do on issuers of higher rated investments. An economic downturn generally leads to a higher non-payment rate, and a lower rated investment may lose significant value before a default occurs. Lower rated investments typically are subject to greater price volatility and illiquidity than higher rated investments.

Risks of Principal Only Investments. Principal only investments entitle the Fund to receive the stated value of such investment when held to maturity. The values of principal only investments are subject to greater fluctuation in response to changes in market interest rates than obligations that pay interest currently. The Fund will accrue income on these investments and distribute that income each year. The Fund may be required to sell other investments to obtain cash needed for such income distributions.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares5Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

U.S. Government Securities Risk. Although certain U.S. Government-sponsored agencies (such as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the Federal National Mortgage Association) may be chartered or sponsored by acts of Congress, their securities are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury.  U.S. Treasury securities generally have a lower return than other obligations because of their higher credit quality and market liquidity.  

Liquidity Risk.  The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker or trading partner, large position size, market conditions, or legal restrictions impair its ability to sell particular investments or to sell them at advantageous market prices.  Consequently, the Fund may have to accept a lower price to sell an investment or continue to hold it or keep the position open, sell other investments to raise cash or abandon an investment opportunity, any of which could have a negative effect on the Fund’s performance. These effects may be exacerbated during times of financial or political stress.

Tax Risk. Income from tax-exempt municipal obligations could be declared taxable because of changes in tax laws, adverse interpretations by the relevant taxing authority or the non-compliant conduct of the issuer of an obligation.

Tax-Sensitive Investing Risk. The Fund may hold a security in order to achieve more favorable tax-treatment or sell a security in order to create tax losses. The Fund’s utilization of various tax-management techniques may be curtailed or eliminated by tax legislation, regulation or interpretations.  The Fund may not be able to minimize taxable distributions to shareholders and a portion of the Fund’s distributions may be taxable.

Risks Associated with Active Management.  The success of the Fund’s investment strategy depends on portfolio management’s successful application of analytical skills and investment judgment.  Active management involves subjective decisions.

General Fund Investing Risks. The Fund is not a complete investment program and there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. It is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund.  The Fund is designed to be a long-term investment vehicle and is not suited for short-term trading.  Investors in the Fund should have a long-term investment perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.  Purchase and redemption activities by Fund investors may impact the management of the Fund and its ability to achieve its investment objective(s).  In addition, the redemption by one or more large investors or groups of investors of their holdings in the Fund could have an adverse impact on the remaining investors in the Fund.  The Fund relies on various service providers, including the investment adviser, in its operations and is susceptible to operational, information security and related events (such as public health crises, cyber or hacking attacks) that may affect the service providers or the services that they provide to the Fund.  An investment in the Fund is not a deposit in a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares6Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 



The returns in the bar chart and table for the period from March 28, 2016 (commencement of operations) to December 31, 2018 are for the Fund and for periods before the date the Fund commenced operations are for a mutual fund that invests in the Portfolio (the “Portfolio Investor”). The bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the Fund by showing changes in the Fund’s performance from year to year and show how the Portfolio Investor/Fund’s average annual returns at NAV over time compare with those of two broad-based securities market indices.  The performance prior to March 28, 2016 does not represent the performance of the Fund.  The investment performance of the Portfolio Investor (rather than the Portfolio itself) is included because it reflects the expenses typically borne by a retail fund investing in the Portfolio.  The Portfolio Investor returns are not adjusted to reflect differences between the total net operating expenses of the Fund and the Portfolio Investor during the periods shown.  If such adjustment were made, the performance presented prior to March 28, 2016 would be higher, because the Fund’s total net operating expenses are lower than those of the Portfolio Investor.  Past performance (both before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the Fund will perform in the future. The Fund’s performance and that of the Portfolio Investor reflects the effects of expense reductions. Absent these reductions, performance would have been lower.  Current Fund performance information can be obtained by visiting

PictureCalendar year-by-year total return












Year Total Return











For the ten years ended December 31, 2021, the highest quarterly total return for the Fund or Portfolio Investor was 5.17% for the quarter ended March 31, 2014, and the lowest quarterly return was -4.96% for the quarter ended June 30, 2013. The year-to-date total return through the end of the most recent calendar quarter (December 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022) was -6.63%.

Average Annual Total Return as of December 31, 2021

One Year

Five Years

Ten Years

Return Before Taxes




Return After Taxes on Distributions




Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares




Bloomberg 10 Year Municipal Bond Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)




Bloomberg 15 Year Municipal Bond Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)




Prior to April 15, 2015, the Portfolio Investor had a different name and investment objective and employed a different investment strategy from the Portfolio Investor’s current investment strategy to invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal obligations with final maturities of between five and fifteen years, the interest on which is exempt from regular federal income tax.  The net asset values used in the performance calculation may be rounded to the nearest cent prior to calculation.  Investors cannot invest directly in an Index.  

After-tax returns are calculated using the highest historical individual federal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on a shareholder’s tax situation and the actual characterization of distributions, and may differ from those shown.   After-tax returns are not relevant to shareholders who hold shares in tax-deferred accounts or to shares held by non-taxable entities. Return After Taxes on Distributions for a period may be the same as Return Before Taxes for that period because no taxable distributions were made during that period. Also, Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares for a period may be greater than or equal to Return Before Taxes and/or Return After Taxes on Distributions for the same period because of losses realized on the sale of Fund shares.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares7Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 



Investment Adviser.  Eaton Vance Management (“Eaton Vance”) serves as investment adviser to the Fund.  Boston Management and Research (“BMR”) serves as investment adviser to the Portfolio(s).

Investment Sub-Adviser.  Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC (“Parametric”) serves as investment sub-adviser to the Fund and the Portfolio.

Portfolio Managers

The portfolio managers of the Fund and the Portfolio are part of Parametric’s Tax-Advantaged Bond Strategies (“TABS”) division.

Brian C. Barney, Managing Director, Institutional Portfolio Management of Parametric, has managed the Fund and the Portfolio since their inception in March 2016.

Devin J. Cooch, Director, Portfolio Management of Parametric, has managed the Fund and the Portfolio since November 2021.

Alison Wagner, Portfolio Management of Parametric, has managed the Fund and the Portfolio since June 1, 2022.

Purchases and Sales of Fund Shares

Buying and Selling Shares in the Secondary Market.  Shares of the Fund are listed and available for trading on The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (the “Listing Exchange”) during the Listing Exchange’s core trading session (generally 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Time).   Shares may also be bought and sold on other national securities exchanges and alternative trading systems that have obtained appropriate licenses, adopted applicable rules and developed systems to support trading in Fund shares.  Fund shares may be purchased and sold in the secondary market only through a Broker.  When buying or selling shares, you may incur trading commissions or other charges determined by your Broker. The Fund does not impose any minimum investment for shares of the Fund purchased in the secondary market.

Buying and selling Fund shares is similar in most respects to buying and selling ETFs and listed stocks. Throughout each trading day, market makers post on an exchange bids to buy shares and offers to sell shares.  Buyers and sellers submit trade orders through their Brokers.  The executing trading venue matches orders received from Brokers against market maker quotes and other orders to execute trades, and reports the results of completed trades to the parties to the trade, member firms and market data services.  Completed trades in Fund shares clear and settle just like ETF trades and listed stock trades, with settlement normally occurring on the second following business day (T+2).  Orders to buy and sell Fund shares that are not executed on the day the order is submitted are automatically cancelled as of the close of trading that day.     

Trading in Fund shares differs from buying and selling ETFs and listed stocks in four respects:

·how intraday prices of executed trades and bids and offers posted by market makers are expressed;  

·how to determine the number of shares to buy or sell if you seek to transact in an approximate dollar amount;  

·what limit orders mean and how limit prices are expressed; and 

·how and when the final price of executed trades is determined. 

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares8Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 


Intraday Prices and Quote Display Format.  The intraday price of executed trades and bids and offers quoted for Fund shares are all expressed relative to the Fund’s next determined NAV, rather than as an absolute dollar price.  As noted above, the Fund’s NAV is normally determined as of the close of regular market trading each business day. As an illustration, shares of the Fund may be quoted intraday at a best bid of “NAV -$0.01” and a best offer of “NAV +$0.02.”  A buy order executed at the quoted offer price would, in this example, be priced at two cents over the Fund’s NAV on the trade date.  If the last trade in Fund shares was priced at two cents over NAV (the current best offer), it would be displayed as “NAV +$0.02.”


Bid and offer quotes and prices of Fund shares in NAV-based format can be accessed intraday on certain Broker terminals using the Fund’s ticker symbol.  Market data services may display bid and offer quotes and trade prices in NAV-based format or in “proxy price” format, in which NAV is represented as 100.00 and premiums/discounts to NAV are represented by the same difference from 100.00 (to illustrate, NAV-$0.01 would be shown as 99.99 and NAV+$0.02 as 100.02).  Historical information about the Fund’s trading costs and trading spreads is provided on its webpage on

Sizing Buy and Sell Orders.  NextShares may be purchased and sold in specified share or dollar quantities, although not all Brokers may accept dollar-based orders.  In share-based orders, you specify the number of fund shares to buy or sell.  Like share-based ETF and listed stock orders, determining the number of Fund shares to buy or sell if you seek to transact in an approximate dollar amount requires dividing the intended purchase or sale amount by the estimated price per share.  To assist buyers and sellers in estimating transaction prices, the Fund makes available at intervals of not more than 15 minutes during the Listing Exchange’s regular trading session an indicative estimate of the Fund’s current portfolio value (“Intraday Indicative Value” or “IIV”).  IIVs can be accessed on the Fund’s webpage at and may also be available from Brokers and market data services.  

The price of a transaction in Fund shares can be estimated as the sum of the most recent IIV and the current bid (for sales) or offer (for purchases). If, for example, you seek to buy approximately $15,000 of Fund shares when the current IIV is $19.98 and the current offer is NAV +$0.02, you should place an order to buy 750 shares (= $15,000 ÷ $20.00).  And if you seek to sell approximately $15,000 of Fund shares when the current IIV is $19.98 and the current bid is NAV -$0.01, you should sell 751 shares (≈ $15,000 ÷ $19.97).  



Because IIVs are estimates and will generally differ from NAV, they cannot be used to calculate with precision the dollar value of a prescribed number of shares to be bought or sold.  Investors should understand that share transaction prices are based on the Fund’s next determined NAV, and that NAVs may vary significantly from IIVs during periods of intraday market volatility.  

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares9Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 


Limit Orders.  A “limit order” is an order placed with a Broker to buy or sell a prescribed number of shares at a specified price or better.  In entering limit orders to buy or sell Fund shares, limit prices are expressed relative to NAV (i.e., NAV +$0.02, NAV -$0.01), rather than as an absolute dollar price.  By using limit orders, buyers and sellers of NextShares can control their trading costs in a manner not available for ETFs.


Although limit orders can be used to control differences in trade price versus NAV, they cannot be used to control or limit absolute trade execution prices.

Final Prices of Executed Trades.  The premium or discount to NAV at which Fund shares trade is locked in at the time of trade execution, with the final price contingent upon the determination of NAV at the end of the trading day.  If, for example, an order to buy or sell shares executes at NAV +$0.02 and the Fund’s NAV on the day of the trade is $20.00, the final trade price is $20.02.


The premium or discount to NAV at which Fund shares trade depends on market factors, including the balance of supply and demand for shares among investors, transaction fees and other costs associated with creating and redeeming Creation Units, competition among market makers, the share inventory positions and inventory strategies of market makers, and the volume of share trading. NextShares do not offer investors the opportunity to buy and sell intraday at currently (versus end-of-day) determined prices. Buyers and sellers of shares will not know the final trade price of executed trades until the Fund’s NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.  Trading prices of shares may be above, at or below NAV, and may vary significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility.

Transactions Directly with the Fund.  The Fund issues and redeems shares only in Creation Unit blocks of 25,000 shares or multiples thereof. Creation Units may be purchased or redeemed only by or through “Authorized Participants,” which are broker-dealers or institutional investors that have entered into agreements with the Fund’s distributor for this purpose. The Fund issues and redeems Creation Units in return for the securities, other instruments and/or cash (the “Basket”) that the Fund specifies each business day. The Fund’s Basket is not intended to be representative of current holdings and may vary significantly from current portfolio positions.  The Fund imposes transaction fees on Creation Units issued and redeemed to offset the estimated cost to the Fund of processing the transaction and converting the Basket to or from the desired portfolio composition.  For more information, see “Buying and Selling Shares.”

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Tax Information

The Fund’s distributions are expected to primarily be exempt from regular federal income tax.  However, the Fund may also distribute taxable income to the extent that it invests in taxable municipal obligations or other obligations which generate taxable income.  Distributions of any net realized gains are expected to be taxable.

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

If you purchase the Fund’s shares through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank) (collectively, “financial intermediaries”), you should be aware that the Fund’s investment adviser (or one of its affiliates) may pay the financial intermediary for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

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Investment Objective & Principal Policies and Risks

The investment objective and principal investment policies and risks of the Fund are described in its Fund Summary.  Set forth below is additional information about such policies and risks, as well as information about other types of investments and practices in which the Fund may engage from time to time.  The Fund seeks its objective by investing in the Portfolio.  References to the Fund below are to the Fund and the Portfolio.  See also “Strategies and Risks” in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).

Definitions.  As used herein, the following terms have the indicated meaning: “1940 Act” means the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; “1933 Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; “ERISA” means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended; and “investment adviser” means the Fund’s investment adviser but if the Fund is sub-advised, it refers to the sub-adviser(s) providing day-to-day management with respect to the investments or strategies discussed.

Municipal Obligations.  Municipal obligations include bonds, notes, floating-rate notes and commercial paper issued by a municipality, a group of municipalities or participants in qualified issues of municipal debt for a wide variety of both public and private purposes.  Revenue bonds are payable only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special excise tax or other specific revenue source such as payments from the user of the facility being financed.  Municipal obligations also include municipal lease obligations and certificates of participations in municipal leases.  A municipal lease obligation is a bond that is secured by lease payments made by the party, typically a state or municipality, leasing the facilities (e.g., schools or office buildings) that were financed by the bond.  Such lease payments may be subject to annual appropriation or may be made only from revenues associated with the facility financed.  In other cases, the leasing state or municipality is obligated to appropriate funds from its general tax revenues to make lease payments as long as it utilizes the leased property.  A certificate of participation (also referred to as a “participation”) in a municipal lease is an instrument evidencing a pro rata share in a specific pledged revenue stream, usually lease payments by the issuer that are typically subject to annual appropriation.  The certificate generally entitles the holder to receive a share, or participation, in the payments from a particular project.

Certain municipal obligations may be purchased on a “when-issued” basis, which means that payment and delivery occur on a future settlement date. The price and yield of such securities are generally fixed on the date of commitment to purchase.

The Fund may invest in zero coupon bonds, which do not make cash interest payments during a portion or all of the life of the bond. Instead, such bonds are sold at a deep discount to face value, and the interest consists of the gradual appreciation in price as the bond approaches maturity.  Zero coupon bonds can be an attractive financing method for issuers with near-term cash-flow problems or seeking to preserve liquidity.  Principal only investments entitle the Fund to receive the stated value of such investment when held to maturity.

Certain municipal obligations are issued with interest rates that adjust periodically.  Such municipal floating-rate debt obligations are generally indexed to LIBOR, the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association index, the Consumer Price Index or other indices. Municipal floating-rate debt obligations include, but are not limited to, municipal floating-rate notes, floating-rate notes issued by tender option bond trusts, auction rate preferred securities, synthetic floating-rate securities (e.g., a fixed-rate instrument that is subject to a swap agreement converting a fixed rate to a floating rate) and other municipal instruments with floating interest rates (such as variable rate demand preferred shares and variable rate term preferred shares).  

The interest on tax-exempt municipal obligations is (in the opinion of the issuer’s counsel) exempt from regular federal income and state or local taxes, as applicable. Income from certain types of municipal obligations generally may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (the “AMT”) for individuals.  Investors subject to AMT should consult their tax advisors.

Issuers of general obligation bonds include states, counties, cities, towns and regional districts.  The proceeds of these obligations are used to fund a wide range of public projects, including the construction or improvement of schools, highways and roads, water and sewer systems and a variety of other public purposes.  The basic security of general obligation bonds is the issuer’s pledge of its faith, credit, and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest.  The taxes that can be levied for the payment of debt service may be limited or unlimited as to rate and amount.  General obligation bonds issued by municipalities can be adversely affected by economic downturns and the resulting decline in tax revenues, pension funding risk, other post-employment benefit risk, budget imbalances, taxing ability risk, lack of political willpower and federal funding risk, among others.  Revenue bonds can be adversely affected by the negative economic viability of the facility or revenue source. Industrial development bonds are normally secured by the revenues from the project and not by state or local government tax payments. They are subject to a wide variety of risks, many of which relate to the nature of the specific project. Generally, industrial development bonds are sensitive to the risk of a

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slowdown in the economy. Many municipal obligations provide the issuer the option to “call,” or redeem, its securities. As such, the effective maturity of a municipal obligation may be reduced as the result of such call provisions and, if an investment is called in a declining interest rate environment, the proceeds from the called bond may have to be reinvested at a lower interest rate.

The values of zero coupon bonds and principal only investments are subject to greater fluctuation in response to changes in market interest rates than municipal obligations that pay interest currently.  The Fund is required to distribute to shareholders income imputed to any zero coupon bonds or principal only investments even though such income may not be received by the Fund as distributable cash. Such distributions could reduce the Fund’s reserve position and require it to sell securities and incur a gain or loss at a time it may not otherwise want to in order to provide the cash necessary for these distributions.

Interest Rate Risk.  In general, the value of income securities will fluctuate based on changes in interest rates. The value of these securities is likely to increase when interest rates fall and decline when interest rates rise.  Generally, securities with longer durations or maturities are more sensitive to changes in interest rates than securities with shorter durations or maturities, causing them to be more volatile.  Conversely, fixed-income securities with shorter durations or maturities will be less volatile but may provide lower returns than fixed-income securities with longer durations or maturities.  In a rising interest rate environment, the duration of income securities that have the ability to be prepaid or called by the issuer may be extended.  In a declining interest rate environment, the proceeds from prepaid or maturing instruments may have to be reinvested at a lower interest rate.  Certain factors, such as the presence of call features, may cause a particular fixed-income security, or the Fund as a whole, to exhibit less sensitivity to changes in interest rates.  Certain of the Fund's investments may also be valued, in part, by reference to the relative relationship between interest rates on tax-exempt securities and taxable securities, respectively.  When the market for tax-exempt securities underperforms (or outperforms) the market for taxable securities, the value of these investments may be negatively affected (or positively affected). Certain countries and regulatory bodies may use negative interest rates as a monetary policy tool to encourage economic growth during periods of deflation. In a negative interest rate environment, debt instruments may trade at negative yields, which means the purchaser of the instrument may receive at maturity less than the total amount invested.

LIBOR.  The London Interbank Offered Rate or LIBOR is the average offered rate for various maturities of short-term loans between major international banks who are members of the British Bankers Association.  It is used throughout global banking and financial industries to determine interest rates for a variety of financial instruments (such as debt instruments and derivatives) and borrowing arrangements.  In July 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), the United Kingdom financial regulatory body, announced a desire to phase out the use of LIBOR. The ICE Benchmark Administration Limited, the administrator of LIBOR, ceased publishing certain LIBOR settings on December 31, 2021, and is expected to cease publishing the remaining LIBOR settings on June 30, 2023. Many market participants are in the process of transitioning to the use of alternative reference or benchmark rates.

Although the transition process away from LIBOR has become increasingly well-defined, the impact on certain debt securities, derivatives and other financial instruments that utilize LIBOR remains uncertain.  The transition process may involve, among other things, increased volatility or illiquidity in markets for instruments that currently rely on LIBOR. The transition may also result in a change in (i) the value of certain instruments held by the Fund, (ii) the cost of temporary borrowing for the Fund, or (iii) the effectiveness of related Fund transactions such as hedges, as applicable.

Various financial industry groups are planning for the transition away from LIBOR, but there are obstacles to converting certain longer term securities and transactions to a new benchmark. In June 2017, the Alternative Reference Rates Committee, a group of large U.S. banks working with the Federal Reserve, announced its selection of a new Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”), which is intended to be a broad measure of secured overnight U.S. Treasury repo rates, as an appropriate replacement for LIBOR. Bank working groups and regulators in other countries have suggested other alternatives for their markets, including the Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate (“SONIA”) in England. Both SOFR and SONIA, as well as certain other proposed replacement rates, are materially different from LIBOR, and changes in the applicable spread for financial instruments transitioning away from LIBOR need to be made to accommodate the differences. Liquid markets for newly-issued instruments that use an alternative reference rate are still developing. Consequently, there may be challenges for a Fund to enter into hedging transactions against instruments tied to alternative reference rates until a market for such hedging transactions develops.

Additionally, while some existing LIBOR-based instruments may contemplate a scenario where LIBOR is no longer available by providing for an alternative or “fallback” rate-setting methodology, there may be significant uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of any such alternative methodologies to replicate LIBOR. Not all existing LIBOR-based instruments have such fallback provisions, and many that do, do not contemplate the permanent cessation of LIBOR. While it is expected that market participants will amend legacy financial instruments referencing LIBOR to include fallback provisions to alternative reference rates, there remains uncertainty regarding the willingness and ability of parties to add or amend such fallback provisions in legacy instruments maturing after the end of 2021, particularly with respect to legacy

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cash products.  Although there are ongoing efforts among certain government entities and other organizations to address these uncertainties, the ultimate effectiveness of such efforts is not yet known.

Any effects of the transition away from LIBOR and the adoption of alternative reference rates, as well as other unforeseen effects, could result in losses to the Fund, and such effects may occur prior to the discontinuation of the remaining LIBOR settings in 2023. Furthermore, the risks associated with the discontinuation of LIBOR and transition to replacement rates may be exacerbated if an orderly transition to an alternative reference rate is not completed in a timely manner.

U.S. Treasury and Government Securities.  U.S. Treasury securities (“Treasury Securities”) include U.S. Treasury obligations that differ in their interest rates, maturities and times of issuance.  U.S. Government agency securities (“Agency Securities”) include obligations issued or guaranteed by U.S. Government agencies or instrumentalities and government-sponsored enterprises.  Agency Securities may be guaranteed by the U.S. Government or they may be backed by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Treasury, the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the obligations, or the credit of the agency, instrumentality or enterprise.  

Government-sponsored enterprises, such as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Banks (“FHLBs”), the Private Export Funding Corporation (“PEFCO”), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Farm Credit Banks (“FFCB”) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (“TVA”), although chartered or sponsored by Congress, are not funded by congressional appropriations and the debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by them are neither guaranteed nor issued by the U.S. Government.  Treasury Securities and Agency Securities also include any security or agreement collateralized or otherwise secured by Treasury Securities or Agency Securities, respectively.

Because of their high credit quality and market liquidity, U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities generally provide a lower current return than obligations of other issuers.  While the U.S. Government has provided financial support to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the past, there can be no assurance that it will support these or other government-sponsored enterprises in the future.

Credit Risk.  Investments in debt instruments are subject to the risk of non-payment of scheduled principal and interest. Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances may reduce the capacity of the party obligated to make principal and interest payments on such instruments and may lead to defaults. Such non-payments and defaults may reduce the value of Fund shares and income distributions. The value of debt instruments also may decline because of concerns about the issuer’s ability to make principal and interest payments. In addition, the credit ratings of debt instruments may be lowered if the financial condition of the party obligated to make payments with respect to such instruments deteriorates. In the event of bankruptcy of the issuer of a debt instrument, the Fund could experience delays or limitations with respect to its ability to realize the benefits of any collateral securing the instrument. In order to enforce its rights in the event of a default, bankruptcy or similar situation, the Fund may be required to retain legal or similar counsel, which may increase the Fund’s operating expenses and adversely affect net asset value.  Municipal obligations may be insured as to principal and interest payments.  If the claims-paying ability or other rating of the insurer is downgraded by a rating agency, the value of such obligations may be negatively affected.

In evaluating the quality of a particular instrument, the investment adviser (or sub-adviser, if applicable) may take into consideration, among other things, a credit rating assigned by a credit rating agency, the issuer’s financial resources and operating history, its sensitivity to economic conditions and trends, the ability of its management, its debt maturity schedules and borrowing requirements, and relative values based on anticipated cash flow, interest and asset coverage, and earnings prospects. Credit rating agencies are private services that provide ratings of the credit quality of certain investments. Credit ratings issued by rating agencies are based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the issuer’s financial condition and the rating agency’s credit analysis, if applicable, at the time of rating. As such, the rating assigned to any particular security is not necessarily a reflection of the issuer’s current financial condition. The ratings assigned are not absolute standards of credit quality and do not evaluate market risks or necessarily reflect the issuer’s current financial condition or the volatility or liquidity of the security.

For purposes of determining compliance with the Fund’s credit quality restrictions, if any, the Fund’s investment adviser (or sub-adviser, if applicable) relies primarily on the ratings assigned by credit rating agencies but may, in the case of unrated instruments, perform its own credit and investment analysis to determine an instrument’s credit quality.  A credit rating may have a modifier (such as plus, minus or a numerical modifier) to denote its relative status within the rating. The presence of a modifier does not change the security credit rating (for example, BBB- and Baa3 are within the investment grade rating) for purposes of the Fund’s investment limitations.

Duration.   Duration measures the time-weighted expected cash flows of a fixed-income security, while maturity refers to the amount of time until a fixed-income security matures.  Duration differs from maturity in that it considers a security’s coupon payments in addition to the amount of time until the security matures.  As the value of a security changes over time, so will its duration.  Various techniques may be used to shorten or lengthen Fund duration.

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Lower Rated Investments.  Investments in obligations rated below investment grade and comparable unrated securities (sometimes referred to as “junk”) generally entail greater economic, credit and liquidity risks than investment grade securities.  Lower rated investments have speculative characteristics because of the credit risk associated with their issuers.  Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances typically have a greater effect on the ability of issuers of lower rated investments to make principal and interest payments than they do on issuers of higher rated investments.  An economic downturn generally leads to a higher non-payment rate, and a lower rated investment may lose significant value before a default occurs.  Lower rated investments generally are subject to greater price volatility and illiquidity than higher rated investments.

Because of the greater number of investment considerations involved in investing in investments that receive lower ratings, investing in lower rated investments depends more on the investment adviser’s judgment and analytical abilities than may be the case for investing in investments with higher ratings.  While the investment adviser will attempt to reduce the risks of investing in lower rated or unrated securities through, among other things, active portfolio management, credit analysis and attention to current developments and trends in the economy and the financial markets, there can be no assurance that the investment adviser will be successful in doing so.

Liquidity Risk.  The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker, or legal restrictions impair the Fund’s ability to sell particular investments or close derivative positions at an advantageous market price. Trading opportunities are also more limited for securities and other instruments that are not widely held or are traded in less developed markets.  These factors may make it more difficult to sell or buy a security at a favorable price or time. Consequently, the Fund may have to accept a lower price to sell an investment or continue to hold it or keep the position open, sell other investments to raise cash or abandon an investment opportunity, any of which could have a negative effect on the Fund’s performance. It also may be more difficult to value less liquid investments.  These effects may be exacerbated during times of financial or political stress. Increased Fund redemption activity also may increase liquidity risk due to the need of the Fund to sell portfolio investments and may negatively impact Fund performance.

The Fund will not acquire any illiquid investment if, immediately after the acquisition, the Fund will have invested more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid investments.  Illiquid investments mean any investments that the Fund’s investment adviser and/or sub-adviser, as applicable, reasonably expect cannot be sold or disposed of in seven calendar days or less under then-current market conditions without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment.

Restricted Securities.  Securities held by the Fund may be legally restricted as to resale (such as those issued in private placements), including commercial paper issued pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the 1933 Act, securities eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144A thereunder, and securities of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers initially offered and sold outside the United States pursuant to Regulation S thereunder.  Restricted securities may not be listed on an exchange and may have no active trading market.  The Fund may incur additional expense when disposing of restricted securities, including all or a portion of the cost to register the securities.  The Fund also may acquire securities through private placements under which it may agree to contractual restrictions on the resale of such securities that are in addition to applicable legal restrictions.  In addition, if the investment adviser and/or sub-adviser, if applicable, receives non-public information about the issuer, the Fund may as a result be unable to sell the securities.

Restricted securities may be difficult to value properly and may involve greater risks than securities that are not subject to restrictions on resale. It may be difficult to sell restricted securities at a price representing fair value until such time as the securities may be sold publicly.  Under adverse market or economic conditions or in the event of adverse changes in the financial condition of the issuer, the Fund could find it more difficult to sell such securities when the investment adviser and/or sub-adviser, if applicable, believes it advisable to do so or may be able to sell such securities only at prices lower than if such securities were more widely held.  Holdings of restricted securities may increase the level of Fund illiquidity if eligible buyers become uninterested in purchasing them. Restricted securities may involve a high degree of business and financial risk, which may result in substantial losses.

Securities Lending.  The Fund may lend its portfolio securities to broker-dealers and other institutional borrowers.  During the existence of a loan, the Fund will continue to receive the equivalent of the interest paid by the issuer on the securities loaned, or all or a portion of the interest on investment of the collateral, if any. The Fund may pay lending fees to such borrowers. Loans will only be made to firms that have been approved by the investment adviser, and the investment adviser or the securities lending agent will periodically monitor the financial condition of such firms while such loans are outstanding. Securities loans will only be made when the investment adviser believes that the expected returns, net of expenses, justify the attendant risks.  Securities loans currently are required to be secured continuously by collateral in cash, cash equivalents (such as money market instruments) or other liquid securities held by the custodian and maintained in an amount at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned.  The Fund may engage in securities lending to generate income.  Distributions of any income received from securities lending will be taxable as ordinary income.  Upon return of the loaned securities, the Fund would be required to return the related collateral to the

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borrower and may be required to liquidate portfolio securities in order to do so.  The Fund may lend up to one-third of the value of its total assets or such other amount as may be permitted by law.

As with other extensions of credit, there are risks of delay in recovery or even loss of rights in the securities loaned if the borrower of the securities fails financially.  To the extent that the portfolio securities acquired with such collateral have decreased in value, it may result in the Fund realizing a loss at a time when it would not otherwise do so. As such, securities lending may introduce leverage into the Fund. The Fund also may incur losses if the returns on securities that it acquires with cash collateral are less than the applicable rebate rates paid to borrowers and related administrative costs.

Borrowing.   The Fund is permitted to borrow for temporary purposes (such as to satisfy redemption requests, to remain fully invested in anticipation of expected cash inflows and to settle transactions).  Any borrowings by the Fund are subject to the requirements of the 1940 Act.  Borrowings are also subject to the terms of any credit agreement between the Fund and lender(s).  Fund borrowings may be equal to as much as 331/3% of the value of the Fund’s total assets (including such borrowings) less the Fund’s liabilities (other than borrowings).  The Fund will not purchase additional investments while outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the value of its total assets.

In addition, the Fund will be required to maintain a specified level of asset coverage with respect to all borrowings and may be required to sell some of its holdings to reduce debt and restore coverage at times when it may not be advantageous to do so.  The rights of the lender to receive payments of interest and repayments of principal of any borrowings made by the Fund under a credit facility are senior to the rights of holders of shares with respect to the payment of dividends or upon liquidation. In the event of a default under a credit arrangement, the lenders may have the right to cause a liquidation of the collateral (i.e., sell Fund assets) and, if any such default is not cured, the lenders may be able to control the liquidation as well.

Cash and Money Market Instruments; Temporary Defensive Positions.  The Fund may invest in cash or money market instruments, including high quality short-term instruments or an affiliated investment company that invests in such instruments.  During unusual market conditions, including for temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or money market instruments, which may be inconsistent with its investment objective(s) and other policies, and as such, the Fund may not achieve its investment objective(s) during this period.

Money market instruments may be adversely affected by market and economic events, such as a sharp rise in prevailing short-term interest rates; adverse developments in the banking industry, which issues or guarantees many money market instruments; adverse economic, political or other developments affecting issuers of money market instruments; changes in the credit quality of issuers; and default by a counterparty.

Market Trading.  Individual Fund shares may be purchased and sold only on a national securities exchange or alternative trading system through a broker-dealer, and may not be directly purchased or redeemed from the Fund.  There can be no guarantee that an active trading market for Fund shares will develop or be maintained, or that the listing of Fund shares will continue unchanged. Buying and selling Fund shares may require the payment of brokerage commissions and expose the buyer or seller to other trading costs. Due to brokerage commissions and other trading costs, frequent trading may detract from realized investment returns. Trading prices of Fund shares may be above, at or below NAV, will fluctuate in relation to NAV based on supply and demand in the market for Fund shares and other factors, and may vary significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility. An investor’s realized investment returns will be reduced if the investor sells Fund shares at a greater discount or narrower premium than the one at which he or she acquired the Fund shares. Fund shares may be purchased or redeemed in transactions directly with the Fund only in Creation Unit quantities by or through Authorized Participants.  The Fund may have a limited number of active Authorized Participants.  To the extent that Authorized Participants withdraw and are not replaced, Fund shares may trade at wider premiums/discounts to NAV and may possibly face delisting.

Contingent Pricing Risk.  Trading prices of Fund shares are directly linked to the Fund’s next determined NAV, which is normally calculated as of the close of regular market trading each business day.  Buyers and sellers of shares will not know the value of their purchases and sales until the Fund’s NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.  Like mutual funds, the Fund does not offer opportunities to transact intraday at currently (versus end-of-day) determined prices.  Trade prices are contingent upon the determination of NAV and may vary significantly from anticipated levels (including estimates based on intraday indicative values as described below under “Buying and Selling Shares”) during periods of market volatility. Although limit orders can be used to control differences in trade price versus NAV, they cannot be used to control or limit trade execution prices.

Use of Hub and Spoke Structure.  The Fund invests substantially all of its assets in the Portfolio, which has substantially the same investment objective and policies as the Fund. Use of this investment structure, called “hub and spoke,” enables the Fund to pool its assets with other investors with substantially the same investment objective and policies that also invest in the same Portfolio, resulting in efficiencies in management and administration that can lower Fund costs and enhance investor returns.

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The Portfolio seeks to transact with its investors on a basis that protects the Portfolio (and, indirectly, other investors in the Portfolio) against the costs of accommodating investor inflows and outflows.  The Portfolio does this by imposing a fee (“Portfolio Transaction Fee”) on inflows and outflows by Portfolio investors, sized to cover the estimated cost to the Portfolio of, in connection with issuing interests, converting the cash and/or other instruments it receives to the desired composition and, in connection with redeeming its interests, converting Portfolio holdings to cash and or/other instruments to be distributed. Portfolio Transaction Fees apply to all investors in the Portfolio in the same manner to avoid discrimination among Portfolio investors.

The amount of Portfolio Transaction Fees may vary over time, depending on estimated trading costs, processing costs and other considerations. The Portfolio generally imposes higher Portfolio Transaction Fees on cash transactions than on in-kind contributions and distributions. In all cases, the Portfolio Transaction Fee is limited to amounts that have been authorized by the Board of Trustees and determined by Eaton Vance to be appropriate. The maximum Portfolio Transaction Fee imposed is 2% of the amount of the contribution or withdrawal.

The ability of the Fund to meet its investment objective is directly related to the ability of the associated Portfolio to meet its objective.  Other investors in the Portfolio may have different expense structures, pay different total amounts of Portfolio Transaction Fees and may be offered and sold on different terms than the Fund.  As a result, the Fund’s performance may differ from that of other investors in the same Portfolio, including other Eaton Vance-sponsored funds.  Contribution and withdrawal activities by other Portfolio investors may impact the management of the Portfolio and its ability to achieve its investment objective.  A large withdrawal by one Portfolio investor could have an adverse effect on other Portfolio investors. Eaton Vance or its affiliate serves as investment adviser to the Fund and the Portfolio. Therefore, conflicts may arise as Eaton Vance fulfills its fiduciary responsibilities to the Fund and the Portfolio.

As a Portfolio investor, the Fund may be asked to vote on certain Portfolio matters (such as changes in certain Portfolio investment restrictions). When required by law to do so, the Fund will hold a meeting of Fund shareholders and will vote its interest in the Portfolio for or against such matters in accordance with the requirements of the 1940 Act. The Fund can withdraw its Portfolio investment at any time without shareholder approval.

The Board may discontinue the Fund’s investment in a Portfolio if it determines that it is in the best interest of the Fund and its investors to do so.  In such an event, the Board would consider what action might be taken, including investing Fund assets in another pooled investment entity, instructing the investment adviser to invest Fund assets directly or investing directly in accordance with its investment objective(s). The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets directly. The Fund’s investment performance and expense ratio may be affected if its investment structure is changed or if another Portfolio investor withdraws all or a portion of its investment in the Portfolio.

Cybersecurity Risk.  With the increased use of technologies by Fund service providers to conduct business, such as the Internet, the Fund is susceptible to operational, information security and related risks. The Fund relies on communications technology, systems, and networks to engage with clients, employees, accounts, shareholders, and service providers, and a cyber incident may inhibit the Fund’s ability to use these technologies. In general, cyber incidents can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events. Cyber attacks include, but are not limited to, gaining unauthorized access to digital systems (e.g., through “hacking” or malicious software coding) for purposes of misappropriating assets or sensitive information, corrupting data, or causing operational disruption. Cyber attacks may also be carried out in a manner that does not require gaining unauthorized access, such as causing denial-of-service attacks on websites. A denial-of-service attack is an effort to make network services unavailable to intended users, which could cause shareholders to lose access to their electronic accounts, potentially indefinitely. Employees and service providers also may not be able to access electronic systems to perform critical duties for the Fund, such as trading and NAV calculation, during a denial-of-service attack. There is also the possibility for systems failures due to malfunctions, user error and misconduct by employees and agents, natural disasters, or other foreseeable and unforeseeable events.

Because technology is consistently changing, new ways to carry out cyber attacks are always developing. Therefore, there is a chance that some risks have not been identified or prepared for, or that an attack may not be detected, which puts limitations on the Fund's ability to plan for or respond to a cyber attack. Like other funds and business enterprises, the Fund and its service providers have experienced, and will continue to experience, cyber incidents consistently. In addition to deliberate cyber attacks, unintentional cyber incidents can occur, such as the inadvertent release of confidential information by the Fund or its service providers.

The Fund uses third party service providers who are also heavily dependent on computers and technology for their operations. Cybersecurity failures by or breaches of the Fund’s investment adviser or administrator and other service providers (including, but not limited to, the custodian or transfer agent), and the issuers of securities in which the Fund invests, may disrupt and otherwise adversely affect their business operations. This may result in financial losses to the Fund, impede Fund trading, interfere with the Fund’s ability to calculate its NAV, limit a investor’s ability to purchase or redeem shares of the Fund or cause violations of applicable privacy and other laws, regulatory fines, penalties,

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares17Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs, litigation costs, or additional compliance costs. While many of the Fund’s service providers have established business continuity plans and risk management systems intended to identify and mitigate cyber attacks, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including the possibility that certain risks have not been identified. The Fund cannot control the cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by service providers to the Fund and issuers in which the Fund invests.  The Fund and its investors could be negatively impacted as a result.

Research Process.  The Fund’s portfolio management utilizes information provided by, and the expertise of, the research staff of the investment adviser and/or certain of its affiliates in making investment decisions.  As part of the research process, portfolio management may consider financially material environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors.  Such factors, alongside other relevant factors, may be taken into account in the Fund’s securities selection process.

Geopolitical Risk.  The increasing interconnectivity between global economies and financial markets increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. Securities in a Fund’s portfolio may underperform due to inflation (or expectations for inflation), interest rates, global demand for particular products or resources, natural disasters, health emergencies (such as epidemics and pandemics), terrorism, regulatory events and governmental or quasi-governmental actions. The occurrence of global events similar to those in recent years, such as terrorist attacks around the world, natural disasters, health emergencies, social and political discord, war or debt crises and downgrades, among others, may result in market volatility and may have long term effects on both the U.S. and global financial markets. Other financial, economic and other global market and social developments or disruptions may result in similar adverse circumstances, and it is difficult to predict when similar events affecting the U.S. or global financial markets may occur, the effects that such events may have and the duration of those effects (which may last for extended periods).

Such global events may negatively impact broad segments of businesses and populations, cause a significant negative impact on the performance of the Fund’s investments, adversely affect and increase the volatility of the Fund’s share price, and/or exacerbate pre-existing political, social and economic risks to the Fund. The Fund’s operations may be interrupted and any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value and risk profile of the Fund’s portfolio. There is a risk that you may lose money by investing in the Fund.

Recent Market Conditions.  An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus was first detected in China in late 2019 and subsequently spread internationally. This coronavirus has resulted in closing borders, enhanced health screenings, changes to healthcare service preparation and delivery, quarantines, cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this coronavirus has resulted in a substantial economic downturn, which may continue for an extended period of time. Health crises caused by outbreaks of disease, such as the coronavirus outbreak, may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social and economic risks and disrupt normal market conditions and operations. The impact of this outbreak has negatively affected the worldwide economy, as well as the economies of individual countries and industries, and could continue to affect the market in significant and unforeseen ways. Other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future may have similar effects. For example, a global pandemic or other widespread health crisis could cause substantial market volatility and exchange trading suspensions and closures.  In addition, the increasing interconnectedness of markets around the world may result in many markets being affected by events or conditions in a single country or region or events affecting a single or small number of issuers. The coronavirus outbreak and public and private sector responses thereto have led to large portions of the populations of many countries working from home for indefinite periods of time, temporary or permanent layoffs, disruptions in supply chains, and lack of availability of certain goods. The impact of such responses could adversely affect the information technology and operational systems upon which the Fund and the Fund’s service providers rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of the employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform critical tasks relating to the Fund. Any such impact could adversely affect the Fund’s performance, or the performance of the securities in which the Fund invests and may lead to losses on your investment in the Fund.

General.  The Fund's 80% Policy only may be changed with shareholder approval.  The Fund's investment objective and certain other policies may be changed without investor approval. The Fund might not use all of the strategies and techniques or invest in all of the types of securities described in this Prospectus or the SAI.  While at times the Fund may use alternative investment strategies in an effort to limit its losses, it may choose not to do so.

The Fund’s annual operating expenses are expressed as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets and may change as Fund assets increase and decrease over time.  Purchase and redemption activities by Fund investors may impact the management of the Fund and its ability to achieve its investment objective.   In addition, the redemption by one or more large investors or groups of investors of their holdings in the Fund could have an adverse impact on the remaining investors in the Fund.  Mutual funds, investment advisers, other market participants and many securities markets are subject to rules and regulations and the jurisdiction of one or more regulators.  Changes to applicable rules and regulations or to widely accepted market conventions or standards could have an adverse effect on securities

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares18Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

markets and market participants, as well as on the Fund’s ability to execute its investment strategy.  With the increased use of technologies by Fund service providers, such as the Internet, to conduct business, the Fund is susceptible to operational, information security and related risks.  See “Additional Information about Investment Strategies and Risks” in the Fund’s SAI.

Additional Information about NextShares

Description of NextShares. The Fund operates pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the SEC granting Eaton Vance NextShares Trust II (the “NextShares Trust”) and Eaton Vance Management (“Eaton Vance”) an exemption from certain provisions of the 1940 Act.  NextShares operate as follows:

·NextShares are pooled investment funds that generally follow an active management style, seeking to outperform their designated benchmark and other funds with similar investment profiles; 

·NextShares funds value their shares at the end of each business day by dividing the current value of fund assets, less liabilities by the number of shares outstanding (referred to as “net asset value per share” or “NAV”);  

·Investors may purchase and sell shares of a NextShares fund on a national securities exchange or alternative trading system through a Broker.  Individual shares may not be directly purchased or redeemed from the issuing fund; 

·Trading prices of NextShares are directly linked to the fund’s next end-of-day NAV utilizing a patented trading approach called “NAV-based trading.” In NAV-based trading, all trades are executed at the fund’s next computed NAV plus or minus a trading cost (i.e., a premium or discount to NAV) determined at the time of trade execution. For each NextShares trade, the final transaction price is determined once NAV is computed.  Buyers and sellers will not know the value of their purchases and sales until the end of the trading day.  See “Buying and Selling Shares” below;   

·The premium or discount to NAV at which NextShares transactions are executed will depend on market factors, including the balance of supply and demand for shares among investors, transaction fees and other costs associated with creating and redeeming Creation Units of shares, competition among market makers, the share inventory positions and inventory strategies of market makers, and the volume of share trading. Reflecting these and other market factors, prices of shares in the secondary market may be above, at or below NAV.  NextShares do not offer the opportunity to transact intraday at prices determined at time of trade execution;  

·NextShares issue and redeem shares only in transactions by or through Authorized Participants in designated Creation Unit blocks of shares in exchange for the Basket of securities, other instruments and/or cash currently specified by the fund.  Transactions may be effected partially or entirely in cash when in-kind delivery is not practicable or deemed not in the best interests of investors.  NextShares issue and redeem Creation Units of shares at NAV, plus or minus a transaction fee that is intended to cover the fund’s cost of processing the transaction and converting the Basket to or from the desired composition. See “Buying and Selling Shares” below; and  

·Prior to the beginning of market trading each business day, each NextShares fund will disclose the Basket that it will accept from and deliver to Authorized Participants to settle purchases and redemptions of Creation Units on that day.   See “Buying and Selling Shares” below. The Basket is not intended to represent current holdings and may vary significantly from the fund’s current portfolio positioning.   

NextShares funds seek to enhance their performance by utilizing a cost- and tax-efficient structure and by maintaining the confidentiality of current portfolio trading information. NextShares are designed to be long-term investment vehicles and are not suited for short-term trading. As described below, there are important differences between NextShares and ETFs and mutual funds.

Investors should be aware that the investments made, and performance results achieved by NextShares funds may differ from those of other funds for which Eaton Vance (or an affiliate) acts as investment adviser, including funds with similar names, investment objectives and policies.

How NextShares Compare to Mutual Funds. Mutual fund shares may be purchased and redeemed directly from the issuing fund for cash at the next determined NAV. NextShares, by contrast, cannot be directly purchased or redeemed except by or through Authorized Participants in Creation Unit quantities in exchange for the specified Basket.  Unlike NextShares, mutual fund shares do not trade on an exchange.  Because trading prices of NextShares may vary from NAV and commissions may apply, NextShares may be more expensive to buy and sell than mutual funds.  Like mutual funds, NextShares may be bought or sold in specified share or dollar quantities, although not all Brokers may accept dollar-based orders.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares19Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

Relative to investing in mutual funds, the NextShares structure offers certain potential advantages that may translate into improved performance and higher tax efficiency.  More specifically:

·NextShares have a single class of shares with no sales loads or distribution and service (12b-1) fees; 

·Because they are set up to take advantage of the highly efficient share processing system of the Depositary Trust Company (“DTC”) used for publicly traded stocks and ETFs, NextShares are expected to operate with lower transfer agency expenses than incurred by most mutual funds;   

·Unlike most mutual funds, NextShares are designed to protect fund performance from dilution in connection with investor inflows and outflows.  For mutual funds, the costs of accommodating investor flows include the incremental trading costs incurred by the fund to resize its portfolio positions in response to inflows and outflows, and the foregone returns on portfolio cash held for flow-related reasons.  In the NextShares structure, flow-related fund costs can be minimized by issuing and redeeming shares in-kind, and substantially offset by imposing transaction fees on direct purchases and redemption of shares; and  

·The Internal Revenue Code provides that a fund’s distributions of appreciated property to meet redemptions do not result in recognition by the fund of capital gains on the distributed property. NextShares funds generally meet redemptions by distributing securities and other instruments, while mutual funds typically meet redemptions with cash.  To raise cash for redemptions, a mutual fund may be required to sell appreciated fund assets and thereby realize capital gains.  By avoiding this adverse tax effect, NextShares that utilize in-kind redemptions may achieve higher tax efficiency than a mutual fund that meets redemptions with cash.  Not all NextShares funds may meet redemptions in kind.  NextShares funds that meet redemptions entirely in cash should not be expected to be more tax efficient than similar mutual funds.   

How NextShares Compare to ETFs. Similar to ETFs, NextShares are issued and redeemed in Creation Unit quantities and trade throughout the day on an exchange.  Unlike ETFs, trading prices of NextShares are directly linked to the fund’s next end-of-day NAV using NAV-based trading.  As described above, in NAV-based trading, all trades are executed at NAV plus or minus a trading cost (i.e., a premium or discount to NAV) determined at the time of trade execution.  Different from ETFs, NextShares do not offer opportunities to transact intraday based on currently (versus end-of-day) determined prices.  Buyers and Sellers of NextShares will not know the value of their purchases and sales until NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.

·Different from ETFs, NextShares offer market makers a profit opportunity that does not require the management of intraday market risk. To realize profits from NextShares market making, a market maker holding positions in NextShares accumulated intraday need only transact with the fund to purchase (or redeem) a corresponding number of Creation Units, buy (sell) the equivalent quantities of Basket instruments at market-closing or better prices, and dispose of any remaining sub-Creation Unit share inventory through secondary market transactions prior to the close;  

·Unlike actively managed ETFs, NextShares are not required to disclose their full holdings on a daily basis, thereby protecting fund investors against the potentially dilutive effects of other market participants front-running the fund’s trades. Because the mechanism that underlies efficient trading of NextShares does not involve non-Basket instruments, the need for portfolio holdings disclosure to achieve tight markets in NextShares is eliminated;   

·Like ETFs, only an Authorized Participant may transact directly with a NextShares fund. A fund may have a limited number of institutions that act as Authorized Participants. To the extent that these institutions exit the business or are unable to proceed with creation and/or redemption orders with respect to the fund and no other Authorized Participant is able to step forward to create or redeem, shares may trade at a discount to NAV and possibly face delisting; and     

·Different from conventional ETF trading, the NAV-based trading employed for NextShares provides built-in trade execution cost transparency and the ability to control transaction costs using limit orders.  This feature of NextShares distinguishes them from ETFs, for which the variance between market prices and underlying portfolio values is not always known to individual investors and cannot be controlled by them. 

Management and Organization

Management.  The Fund’s investment adviser is Eaton Vance Management (“Eaton Vance”) and the Portfolio’s investment adviser is Boston Management and Research (“BMR”).  Each of Eaton Vance and BMR have offices at Two International Place, Boston, MA 02110.  EV LLC (“EV”) serves as trustee of Eaton Vance.  Eaton Vance and BMR and their predecessor organizations have been managing assets since 1924 and managing mutual funds since 1931.  Prior to March 1, 2021, Eaton Vance was a wholly owned subsidiary and BMR was an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Eaton Vance Corp. (“EVC”).  

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares20Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

On March 1, 2021, Morgan Stanley acquired EVC (the “Transaction”) and BMR, Eaton Vance and EV each became an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley.  In connection with the Transaction, the Fund and the Portfolio each entered into a new investment advisory agreement with its investment adviser and the Fund's and Portfolio's investment adviser entered into a new investment sub-advisory agreement with its sub-adviser.  Each such agreement was approved by Fund or Portfolio interest holders, as applicable, prior to the consummation of the Transaction and was effective upon its closing.  Effective March 1, 2021, any fee reduction agreement previously applicable to the Fund or Portfolio was incorporated into its new investment advisory agreement with its investment adviser and new sub-advisory agreement with its sub-adviser, as applicable.

Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), whose principal offices are at 1585 Broadway, New York, New York 10036, is a preeminent global financial services firm engaged in securities trading and brokerage activities, as well as providing investment banking, research and analysis, financing and financial advisory services.  As of March 31, 2022, Morgan Stanley’s asset management operations had aggregate assets under management of approximately $1.4 trillion.

The Fund is allocated its pro rata share of the advisory fee paid by the Portfolio in which it invests.  Pursuant to investment sub-advisory agreements, the Fund’s and Portfolio’s adviser has delegated the investment management of the Fund and Portfolio to Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC (“Parametric”).  Parametric’s principal offices are at 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2800, Seattle, WA 98104.  Eaton Vance and BMR pay Parametric a portion of the advisory fee for sub-advisory services provided to the Fund and Portfolio, respectively.  On March 1, 2021, upon the closing of the Transaction, Parametric became an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley.  Prior to March 1, 2021, Parametric was an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of EVC.

The Fund’s semiannual shareholder report covering the fiscal period ending July 31 will provide information regarding the basis for the Trustees’ approval of the Fund’s investment advisory and administrative agreement, the Portfolio’s investment advisory agreement and the Fund’s and the Portfolio’s investment sub-advisory agreements.

Fund.  Under its investment advisory and administrative agreement with the Fund, Eaton Vance is entitled to receive an advisory fee on average daily net assets per annum that are not invested in other investment companies for which Eaton Vance or its affiliates (i) serves as adviser and (ii) receives an advisory fee, as described below.  The fee is payable monthly.  For the fiscal year ended January 31, 2022, the Fund incurred no such advisory fee.  

Average Daily Net Assets

Annual Fee Rate

Up to $1 billion


$1 billion but less than $2.5 billion


$2.5 billion but less than $5 billion


$5 billion and over


Portfolio.  Under its investment advisory agreement with the Portfolio, BMR receives an advisory fee based on average daily net assets, as described below.  The fee is payable monthly.  

Average Daily Net Assets

Annual Fee Rate

Up to $1 billion


$1 billion but less than $2.5 billion


$2.5 billion but less than $5 billion


$5 billion and over


For the fiscal year ended January 31, 2022, the effective annual rate of the advisory fee paid to BMR, based on average daily net assets of the Portfolio, was 0.32%.

The Fund is managed by members of Parametric’s Tax-Advantaged Bond Strategies division (“TABS”) led by Brian C. Barney who has served as portfolio manager of the Fund and Portfolio since each commenced operations in March 2016.  Mr. Barney is a Managing Director, Institutional Portfolio Management of Parametric.  Devin J. Cooch and Alison Wagner are also portfolio managers of the Fund and Portfolio.  Mr. Cooch has managed the Fund and Portfolio since November 2021.  He is a Director, Portfolio Management of Parametric.  Ms. Wagner has managed the Fund and Portfolio since June 1, 2022.  She is a member of Portfolio Management of Parametric.  Messrs. Barney and Cooch and Ms. Wagner have been employed by the Eaton Vance organization for more than five years.

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The Statement of Additional Information provides additional information about each portfolio manager’s compensation, other accounts managed by each portfolio manager, and each portfolio manager’s ownership of Fund shares.

Eaton Vance also serves as administrator of the Fund, but receives no compensation.

NextShares Operations Agreement. The Fund has entered into an agreement with Eaton Vance pursuant to which Eaton Vance will provide the Fund with services required to operate NextShares in accordance with the exemptive order obtained by Eaton Vance and the NextShares Trust. Pursuant to the agreement, Eaton Vance will receive a monthly fee at a rate of 0.05% annually of the aggregate average net assets of the NextShares funds sponsored by Eaton Vance (“Covered Assets”), which is reduced for Covered Assets of $10 billion and above.  For the fiscal year ended January 31, 2022, the Fund paid Eaton Vance a fee of 0.05% of average daily net assets pursuant to the operations agreement.

Distributor. Foreside Fund Services, LLC, (the “Distributor”) is the Fund’s distributor.  The Distributor distributes Creation Units of the Fund, but does not maintain a secondary market in shares of the Fund.  The Distributor’s principal address is Three Canal Plaza, Suite 100, Portland, ME 04101.

Organization. The Fund is a series of Eaton Vance NextShares Trust II, a Massachusetts business trust (the “Trust”).  The Fund does not hold annual investor meetings but may hold special meetings for matters that require investor approval (such as electing or removing Trustees, approving management or advisory contracts or changing investment policies that may only be changed with investor approval).

How Net Asset Value is Determined

The Fund values its shares once each day that the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for trading (typically Monday through Friday), as of the close of regular trading on the Exchange (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time).  If trading on the Exchange is halted for the day before the scheduled close of regular trading, the Fund’s net asset value per share generally will still be calculated as of the scheduled close of regular trading on the Exchange. The net asset value is determined by dividing the current value of the Fund’s assets less liabilities by the number of Fund shares outstanding.  The Fund’s calculated NAV may be rounded to the nearest cent prior to publishing.  As described under “Buying and Selling Shares” below, Fund shares trade in the secondary market at the Fund’s next-computed NAV plus or minus a trading cost (i.e., a premium or discount to NAV) determined at the time of trade execution.  Investors transacting in Fund shares will be informed of their final trade price after the Fund’s NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.

The Board has adopted procedures for valuing investments (the “Procedures”) and has delegated to the investment adviser(s) the daily valuation of such investments. Pursuant to the Procedures, securities and other investments held by the Fund are generally valued at market value. Exchange-listed investments (including certain derivatives) are normally valued at last sale or closing prices.  Exchange-traded options are valued at the mean of the bid and asked prices at valuation time as reported by the Options Price Reporting Authority for U.S. listed options, or by the relevant exchange or board of trade for non-U.S. listed options.  Non-exchange traded derivatives are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or independent pricing services.  Most loans and other debt obligations are valued using prices supplied by one or more pricing services.

An instrument’s “fair value” is the amount that the owner might reasonably expect to receive for the instrument upon its current sale in the ordinary course of business. Under certain limited circumstances, the Fund may use fair value pricing if, for example, market prices or a pricing service's prices (as applicable) are unavailable or deemed unreliable, or if events occur after the close of a securities market (usually a foreign market) and before portfolio assets are valued that cause or are likely to cause a market quotation to be unavailable or unreliable, such as corporate actions, regulatory news, or natural disasters or governmental actions that may affect investments in a particular sector, country or region.  An investment that is fair valued may be valued at a price higher or lower than (i) actual market quotations, (ii) the value determined by other funds using their own fair valuation procedures, or (iii) the price at which the investment could have been sold during the period in which fair valuation was used with respect to such investment to calculate the Fund’s NAV.  Eaton Vance has established a Valuation Committee that oversees the valuation of investments.

Buying and Selling Shares

Trading in the Secondary Market. Shares of the Fund are listed and available for trading on the Listing Exchange during its core trading session (generally 9:30 am until 4:00 pm Eastern Time). Shares may also be bought and sold on other national securities exchanges and alternative trading systems that have obtained appropriate licenses, adopted applicable rules and developed systems to support trading in Fund shares.  There can be no guarantee that an active trading market will develop or be maintained, or that the Fund’s listing will continue or remain unchanged. The Fund does not impose any minimum investment for shares of the Fund purchased in the secondary market.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares22Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 


Fund shares may be purchased and sold in the secondary market only through a Broker.  When buying or selling shares, you may incur trading commissions or other charges determined by your Broker. Due to applicable brokerage charges and other trading costs, frequent trading may detract from realized investment returns. Trading commissions are frequently a fixed dollar amount, and therefore may be proportionately more costly when buying or selling small amounts of shares.

When you buy or sell Fund shares in the secondary market, you will pay or receive the Fund’s next-computed NAV plus or minus a trading cost (i.e., premium or discount to NAV) determined at the time of trade execution.  The final price of each purchase and sale of Fund shares is determined and confirmed after calculation of that day’s NAV.  

The premium or discount to NAV at which the Fund’s share transactions are executed will depend on market factors, including the balance of supply and demand for shares among investors, transaction fees and other costs associated with creating and redeeming Creation Units of shares, competition among market makers, the share inventory positions and inventory strategies of market makers, and the volume of share trading.  The cost to buy shares (i.e., premium to NAV) will generally increase when there is an imbalance of buyers over sellers and as the costs of creating Creation Units increase.  The cost to sell shares (i.e., discount below NAV) will generally increase when there is an imbalance of sellers over buyers and as the costs of redeeming Creation Units increase.  Reflecting these and other market factors, prices for Fund shares in the secondary market may be above, at or below NAV.  Trading premiums and discounts to the Fund’s NAV may be significant.  Different from how Fund shares trade, purchases and sales of mutual fund shares are made at the next determined NAV and transactions in shares of ETFs are priced intraday and not directly related to the ETF’s NAV.

Information regarding the trading history of Fund shares is available on the Fund’s website at  Each business day, the website displays the prior business day’s NAV and the following trading information for such day:

·intraday high, low, average and closing prices of shares in exchange trading, expressed as premiums/discounts to NAV; 

·the midpoint of the highest bid and lowest offer prices as of the close of exchange trading, expressed as a premium/discount to NAV;  

·the spread between highest bid and lowest offer prices as of the close of exchange trading; and  

·volume of shares traded.  

The website also includes charts showing the frequency distribution and range of values of NAV-based trading prices, closing bid/ask midpoints and closing bid/ask spreads over time.  This trading information is intended to provide useful information to current buyers and sellers of Fund shares.  

Trading prices of shares are directly linked to the Fund’s next-computed NAV, which is normally determined as of the close of regular market trading each business day.  Buyers and sellers of shares will not know the value of their purchases and sales until the Fund’s NAV is determined at the end of the trading day.  Trade prices are contingent upon the determination of NAV and may vary significantly from anticipated levels (including estimates based on intraday indicative values as described below) during periods of market volatility. Although limit orders can be used to control differences in trade price versus NAV, they cannot be used to control or limit trade execution prices.

The Listing Exchange is generally open for trading Monday through Friday of each week, except that it is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  A “Business Day” with respect to the Fund’s secondary market trading and transaction in Creation Units is each day the Listing Exchange is open. Orders from Authorized Participants to create or redeem Creation Units will only be accepted on a Business Day. On days when the Listing Exchange closes earlier than normal, the Fund may require orders to create or redeem Creation Units to be placed earlier in the day. See the SAI for more information.

In accordance with state “unclaimed property” (also known as “escheatment”) laws, your Fund shares may legally be considered abandoned and required to be transferred to the relevant state if no account activity or contact with your financial intermediary occurs within a specified period of time.  Please initiate contact a least once per calendar year and maintain a current and valid mailing address on record for your account.

Shares of the Fund may be acquired from the Fund through the Distributor or redeemed from the Fund only in Creation Units or multiples thereof, as discussed in “Creations and Redemptions” below.

Intraday Indicative Values.  At periodic intervals of not more than 15 minutes during the Listing Exchange’s regular trading session, an indicative estimate of the Fund’s current portfolio value will be disseminated. The IIV calculations are estimates of the real-time value of the Fund’s underlying holdings based on current market prices and should not be viewed as a projection of NAV, which is calculated only once a day.  The purpose of IIVs is to help investors determine

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares23Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

the number of shares to buy or sell if they want to transact in an approximate dollar amount.  Because IIVs will generally differ from the end-of-day NAV of the Fund, they cannot be used to calculate with precision the dollar value of a prescribed number of shares to be bought or sold.  IIVs may deviate from NAVs for various reasons, including use by the IIV agent of different pricing sources than used to calculate NAVs and/or difficulty pricing portfolio instruments on an intraday basis.  Investors should understand that share transaction prices are based on closing NAVs, and that NAVs may vary significantly from IIVs during periods of market volatility.  Neither the Fund, the Trust nor any of their affiliates are involved in, or responsible for, the calculation or dissemination of IIVs nor make any warranty as to their accuracy.  

Creations and Redemptions.  The Fund issues and redeems shares only in Creation Unit blocks of 25,000 shares or multiples thereof. Creation Units may be purchased or redeemed only by or through Authorized Participants. Each Authorized Participant must enter into an Authorized Participant agreement with the Distributor.  A creation transaction, which is subject to acceptance by the Fund’s Distributor, generally takes place when an Authorized Participant submits an order in proper form and deposits into the Fund the Basket of securities, other instruments and/or cash that the Fund specifies for that day.  

To preserve the confidentiality of the Fund’s trading activities, the investment adviser anticipates that the Basket will normally not be a pro rata slice of the Fund’s portfolio positions and may vary significantly from the Fund’s current portfolio.  Securities being acquired will generally be excluded from the Basket until their purchase is completed and securities being sold may not be removed from the Basket until the sale program is substantially completed. Further, when deemed by the investment adviser to be in the best interest of the Fund and its investors, other portfolio positions may be excluded from the Basket.  The Fund’s Basket will be available on the Fund’s website each day.  Whenever portfolio positions are excluded from the Basket, the Basket may (but is not required to) include proportionately more cash than is in the portfolio, with such additional cash substituting for the excluded portfolio positions.  See “Buying and Selling Shares - Purchase and Redemption of Creation Units” in the SAI.   By not disclosing its full holdings currently, the Fund can maintain the confidentiality of portfolio trading information and mitigate the potentially dilutive effects of other market participants front-running the Fund’s trades.   

Shares may be redeemed only in Creation Units in exchange for the current Basket as described above, provided that the Fund may permit an Authorized Participant to deliver or receive cash in lieu of some or all of the Basket instruments in limited circumstances as described under “Buying and Selling Shares – Payment” in the SAI. Except when aggregated in Creation Units, shares are not redeemable by the Fund. The prices at which creations and redemptions occur are based on the next calculation of NAV after an order is received in proper form, plus or minus the applicable transaction fee (see “Transaction Fees” below).  Transactions in Creation Units are not subject to a sales charge.  

A creation or redemption order is considered to be in proper form if all procedures set forth in this Prospectus, the Authorized Participant agreement, order form and SAI are properly followed. For an order to be in proper form, the order must be submitted by an authorized person of an Authorized Participant and include all required information prior to the designated cut-off time (e.g., identifying information of the Authorized Participant and authorized person, Fund the order relates to, type of order, number of Creation Units being issued or redeemed, and personal identification number, signature and/or other means of identification of the authorized person).  See “Additional Tax Information” for information regarding taxation of transactions in Creation Units.

The Fund will comply with the U.S. federal securities laws in accepting securities for deposit and satisfying redemptions with securities, including that the securities accepted for deposit and the securities used to satisfy redemption requests will be sold in transactions that would be exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”). Further, an investor that is not a “qualified institutional buyer,” as such term is defined under Rule 144A of the 1933 Act, will not be able to receive Fund securities that are restricted securities eligible for resale under Rule 144A.

An Authorized Participant must be either a member of the Continuous Net Settlement System of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or a DTC participant, and must have executed an Authorized Participant agreement with the Distributor with respect to creations and redemptions of Creation Units. Information about the procedures regarding creation and redemption of Creation Units (including the cut-off times for receipt of creation and redemption orders) is included in the SAI.

Because new shares may be issued on an ongoing basis, at any point during the life of the Fund a “distribution,” as such term is used in the 1933 Act, may occur. Brokers and other persons are cautioned that some activities on their part may, depending on the circumstances, result in their being deemed participants in a distribution in a manner that could render them statutory underwriters and subject to the prospectus delivery and liability provisions of the 1933 Act. Any determination of whether a party is an underwriter must take into account all the relevant facts and circumstances of each particular case. Brokers should also note that dealers who are not “underwriters” but are participating in a distribution (as contrasted to ordinary secondary transactions), and thus dealing with shares that are part of an “unsold allotment” within the meaning of Section 4(3)(C) of the 1933 Act, would be unable to take advantage of the prospectus delivery exemption

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares24Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

provided by Section 4(3) of the 1933 Act. For delivery of prospectuses to exchange members, the prospectus delivery mechanism of Rule 153 under the 1933 Act is available only with respect to transactions on a national securities exchange.

The Fund does not impose any restrictions on the frequency of purchases and redemptions of Creation Units; however, the Fund reserves the right to reject or limit purchases at any time. When considering that no restriction on frequent purchases and redemptions is necessary, the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”) evaluated the risks posed by market timing activities, such as whether frequent purchases and redemptions would interfere with the efficient implementation of the Fund’s investment strategy, or whether they would cause the Fund to experience increased transaction costs. The Board considered that, unlike most mutual funds, the Fund charges transaction fees on purchases and redemptions that are designed to protect the Fund from the associated dilution (see “Transaction Fees” below). Given the Fund’s structure and use of transaction fees, the Board has determined that it is unlikely that attempts to market time the Fund by investors will materially harm the Fund or its investors.

Transaction Fees.   Purchasers and redeemers of Creation Units are charged a transaction fee to cover the estimated cost to the Fund of processing the purchase or redemption, including costs charged to it by NSCC or DTC, and the estimated transaction costs (i.e., brokerage commissions, bid-ask spread and market impact trading costs) incurred in converting the Basket to or from the desired portfolio composition.  The transaction fee is determined daily and will be limited to amounts approved by the Board and determined by the investment adviser to be appropriate to defray the expenses that the Fund incurs in connection with the purchase or redemption.  The Fund’s transaction fee will be available on the Fund’s website each day.  The purpose of transaction fees is to protect the Fund’s existing investors from the dilutive costs associated with the purchase and redemption of Creation Units.  The amount of transaction fees will differ among NextShares funds and may vary over time for the Fund depending on the estimated trading costs for its portfolio positions and Basket, processing costs and other considerations.  Transaction fees may include fixed amounts per creation or redemption event, amounts varying with the number of Creation Units purchased or redeemed, and amounts varying based on the time an order is placed.  Funds that substitute cash for Basket instruments may impose higher transaction fees on the substituted cash amount.  Higher transaction fees may apply to purchases and redemptions through DTC than through the NSCC.  

Book Entry.  Fund shares are held in book-entry form, which means that no stock certificates are issued. DTC serves as the securities depository for shares of the Fund. DTC, or its nominee, is the record owner of all outstanding shares of the Fund and is recognized as the owner of all shares for all purposes. Investors owning shares of the Fund are beneficial owners as shown on the records of DTC or DTC participants. DTC participants include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other institutions that directly or indirectly maintain a custodial relationship with DTC. As a beneficial owner of shares, you are not entitled to receive physical delivery of stock certificates or to have shares registered in your name, and you are not considered a registered owner of shares. To exercise any right as an owner of shares, you must rely upon the procedures of DTC and its participants. These procedures are the same as those that apply to any other exchange-traded securities that you hold in book-entry or “street name” form.

Investments by Registered Investment Companies.  The Fund is a registered investment company under the 1940 Act.  Accordingly, purchases of Fund shares by other registered investment companies and companies relying on Section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the 1940 Act are subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 12(d)(1) of the 1940 Act, except as permitted by an exemptive order of the SEC.  The NextShares Trust has received exemptive relief to permit registered investment companies to invest in Fund shares beyond the limits of Section 12(d)(1)(A), of the 1940 Act, subject to certain terms and conditions, including that the registered investment company first enters into a written agreement with the Trust regarding the terms of the investment in Fund shares.


The Distributor is a broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and is the “principal underwriter” for the Trust in connection with the issuance of Creation Units of each Fund.

All orders to purchase Creation Units of the Fund must be placed with State Street Bank and Trust Company, the Transfer and Dividend Disbursing Agent (the “Transfer Agent”) by or through an Authorized Participant, and it is the responsibility of the Transfer Agent to transmit such orders to the Fund. The Transfer Agent furnishes to those placing such orders confirmation that the orders have been accepted, but the Transfer Agent may reject any order that is not submitted in proper form.

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The Distributor is responsible for delivering a copy of the Fund's Prospectus to Authorized Participants purchasing Creation Units and the Transfer Agent and the Distributor are responsible for maintaining records of the orders placed and any confirmations of acceptance furnished. In addition, the Custodian will maintain a record of the instructions given to the Fund to implement the delivery of Creation Units.

The investment adviser (or one of its affiliates) may make payments to financial intermediaries (which may include affiliates of the investment adviser) related to marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, conferences, the development of technology platforms and reporting systems, or for making shares of the Fund available to their customers. Such payments, which may be significant to the financial intermediary, are not made by the Fund. Rather, such payments are made by the investment adviser (or one of its affiliates) from its own resources. A financial intermediary may make decisions about which investment options it recommends or makes available, or the level of services provided, to its customers based on the payments it is eligible to receive. Therefore, such payments to a financial intermediary create conflicts of interest between such intermediary and its customers and may cause the intermediary to recommend the Fund over another investment.

To the extent permitted by applicable law or relevant exchange rules, the Fund may in the future, but is not required to, participate in certain market maker incentive programs of a national securities exchange pursuant to which Eaton Vance or one of its affiliates would pay a fee to the exchange to be used for the purpose of incentivizing one or more market makers to enhance the liquidity and quality of the secondary market for Fund shares. The fee would be credited by the exchange to one or more market makers that meet or exceed liquidity and market quality standards with respect to Fund shares. Each market maker incentive program is subject to approval by the SEC. Any such fee payments made to an exchange will be made by Eaton Vance or one of its affiliates from its own resources and will not be paid by the Fund.

Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

The Eaton Vance funds have established policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of portfolio holdings and other information concerning fund characteristics. A description of these policies and procedures is provided below and in the Statement of Additional Information. Such policies and procedures regarding disclosure of portfolio holdings are designed to prevent the misuse of material, non-public information about the funds.  

A list of the Fund’s portfolio holdings as of each month end is posted to the Eaton Vance website ( approximately one month after such month end. The Fund also posts information about certain portfolio characteristics (such as top ten holdings and asset allocation) at least quarterly on the Eaton Vance website approximately ten Business Days after the period end.  The Fund may also post performance attribution as of a month end or more frequently if deemed appropriate.  In addition, the Fund files with the SEC annual and semiannual reports on Form N-CSR, information regarding its portfolio holdings on the Fund’s Form N-PORT, as well as a complete list of the portfolio holdings on Part F to the Fund’s Form N-PORT as of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters.  The Fund’s reports on Form N-CSR or certain information filed on Form N-PORT may be viewed on the SEC’s website ( and the Eaton Vance website approximately 60 days after quarter end.

The Fund’s actual holdings on a particular day may vary significantly from the most recent publicly disclosed portfolio composition.  As described above under “Additional Information about NextShares – How NextShares Compare to ETFs,” the Fund does not disclose portfolio holdings daily.  The Basket used in creations and redemptions of Fund shares is not intended to be representative of current portfolio holdings and may vary significantly from the Fund’s current holdings.

Fund Distributions

The Fund expects to declare distributions monthly, and to distribute any net realized capital gains (if any) annually.  Dividend payments may not be paid if Fund expenses exceed Fund income for the period.  It may also be necessary, in order to qualify for favorable tax treatment and to avoid any Fund-level tax, for the Fund to make a special income and/or capital gains distribution at the end of the calendar year.  Dividend payments are made through DTC participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners then of record with proceeds received from the Fund.

No dividend reinvestment service is provided by the Trust. Financial intermediaries may make available the DTC book-entry Dividend Reinvestment Service for use by beneficial owners of Fund shares for reinvestment of their dividend distributions. Beneficial owners should contact their financial intermediary to determine the availability and costs of the service and the details of participation therein. Financial intermediaries may require beneficial owners to adhere to specific procedures and timetables. If this service is available and used, dividend distributions will generally be automatically reinvested in additional shares of the Fund purchased in the secondary market.

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Potential Conflicts of Interest

As a diversified global financial services firm, Morgan Stanley, the parent company of the investment adviser and sub-adviser, engages in a broad spectrum of activities, including financial advisory services, investment management activities, lending, commercial banking, sponsoring and managing private investment funds, engaging in broker-dealer transactions and principal securities, commodities and foreign exchange transactions, research publication and other activities. In the ordinary course of its business, Morgan Stanley is a full-service investment banking and financial services firm and therefore engages in activities where Morgan Stanley’s interests or the interests of its clients may conflict with the interests of a Fund or Portfolio, as applicable (collectively, for purposes of this section, “Fund” or “Funds”). Morgan Stanley advises clients and sponsors, manages or advises other investment funds and investment programs, accounts and businesses (collectively, together with any new or successor Morgan Stanley funds, programs, accounts or businesses, (other than funds, programs, accounts or businesses sponsored, managed, or advised by former direct or indirect subsidiaries of Eaton Vance Corp. (“Eaton Vance Investment Accounts”)), and the “MS Investment Accounts,” and, together with the Eaton Vance Investment Accounts, the ‘‘Affiliated Investment Accounts’’) with a wide variety of investment objectives that in some instances may overlap or conflict with a Fund’s investment objectives and present conflicts of interest. In addition, Morgan Stanley or the investment adviser may also from time to time create new or successor Affiliated Investment Accounts that may compete with a Fund and present similar conflicts of interest. The discussion below enumerates certain actual, apparent and potential conflicts of interest. There is no assurance that conflicts of interest will be resolved in favor of Fund shareholders and, in fact, they may not be. Conflicts of interest not described below may also exist.

The discussions below with respect to actual, apparent and potential conflicts of interest also may be applicable to or arise from the MS Investment Accounts whether or not specifically identified.  For more information about conflicts of interest, see the section entitled “Potential Conflicts of Interest” in the SAI.

Material Non-public Information. It is expected that confidential or material non-public information regarding an investment or potential investment opportunity may become available to the investment adviser. If such information becomes available, the investment adviser may be precluded (including by applicable law or internal policies or procedures) from pursuing an investment or disposition opportunity with respect to such investment or investment opportunity. Morgan Stanley has established certain information barriers and other policies to address the sharing of information between different businesses within Morgan Stanley. In limited circumstances, however, including for purposes of managing business and reputational risk, and subject to policies and procedures and any applicable regulations, Morgan Stanley personnel, including personnel of the investment adviser, on one side of an information barrier may have access to information and personnel on the other side of the information barrier through “wall crossings.” The investment adviser faces conflicts of interest in determining whether to engage in such wall crossings. Information obtained in connection with such wall crossings may limit or restrict the ability of the investment adviser to engage in or otherwise effect transactions on behalf of the Fund(s) (including purchasing or selling securities that the investment adviser may otherwise have purchased or sold for a Fund in the absence of a wall crossing).

Investments by Morgan Stanley and its Affiliated Investment Accounts. In serving in multiple capacities to Affiliated Investment Accounts, Morgan Stanley, including the investment adviser, sub-adviser  and its investment teams, may have obligations to other clients or investors in Affiliated Investment Accounts, the fulfillment of which may not be in the best interests of a Fund or its shareholders. A Fund’s investment objectives may overlap with the investment objectives of certain Affiliated Investment Accounts. As a result, the members of an investment team may face conflicts in the allocation of investment opportunities among a Fund and other investment funds, programs, accounts and businesses advised by or affiliated with the investment adviser or sub-adviser. Certain Affiliated Investment Accounts may provide for higher management or incentive fees or greater expense reimbursements or overhead allocations, all of which may contribute to this conflict of interest and create an incentive for the investment adviser to favor such other accounts. To seek to reduce potential conflicts of interest and to attempt to allocate such investment opportunities in a fair and equitable manner, the investment adviser has implemented allocation policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are intended to give all clients of the investment adviser, including the Fund(s), fair access to investment opportunities consistent with the requirements of organizational documents, investment strategies, applicable laws and regulations, and the fiduciary duties of the investment adviser.

Investments by Separate Investment Departments. The entities and individuals that provide investment-related services for the Fund and certain other Eaton Vance Investment Accounts (the “Eaton Vance Investment Department”) may be different from the entities and individuals that provide investment-related services to MS Investment Accounts (the “MS Investment Department” and, together with the Eaton Vance Investment Department, the “Investment Departments”). Although Morgan Stanley has implemented information barriers between the Investment Departments in accordance with internal policies and procedures, each Investment Department may engage in discussions and share information and resources with the other Investment Department on certain investment-related matters. A MS Investment Account could

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares27Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

trade in advance of a Fund (and vice versa), might complete trades more quickly and efficiently than a Fund, and/or achieve different execution than a Fund on the same or similar investments made contemporaneously, even when the Investment Departments shared research and viewpoints that led to that investment decision. Any sharing of information or resources between the Investment Department servicing the Fund and the MS Investment Department may result, from time to time, in a Fund simultaneously or contemporaneously seeking to engage in the same or similar transactions as an account serviced by the other Investment Department and for which there are limited buyers or sellers on specific securities, which could result in less favorable execution for the Fund than such account.

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries. The investment adviser and/or EVD may pay compensation, out of their own funds and not as an expense of a Fund, to certain financial intermediaries (which may include affiliates of the investment adviser and EVD), including recordkeepers and administrators of various deferred compensation plans, in connection with the sale, distribution, marketing and retention of shares of the Fund and/or shareholder servicing. The prospect of receiving, or the receipt of, additional compensation, as described above, by financial intermediaries may provide such financial intermediaries and their financial advisors and other salespersons with an incentive to favor sales of shares of a Fund over other investment options with respect to which these financial intermediaries do not receive additional compensation (or receive lower levels of additional compensation). These payment arrangements, however, will not change the price that an investor pays for shares of a Fund or the amount that the Fund receives to invest on behalf of an investor. Investors may wish to take such payment arrangements into account when considering and evaluating any recommendations relating to Fund shares and should review carefully any disclosures provided by financial intermediaries as to their compensation. In addition, in certain circumstances, the investment adviser may restrict, limit or reduce the amount of a Fund’s investment, or restrict the type of governance or voting rights it acquires or exercises, where the Fund (potentially together with Morgan Stanley) exceeds a certain ownership interest, or possesses certain degrees of voting or control or has other interests.

Morgan Stanley Trading and Principal Investing Activities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Morgan Stanley will generally conduct its sales and trading businesses, publish research and analysis, and render investment advice without regard for a Fund’s holdings, although these activities could have an adverse impact on the value of one or more of the Fund’s investments, or could cause Morgan Stanley to have an interest in one or more portfolio investments that is different from, and potentially adverse to, that of a Fund.

Morgan Stanley’s Investment Banking and Other Commercial Activities. Morgan Stanley advises clients on a variety of mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, bankruptcy and financing transactions. Morgan Stanley may act as an advisor to clients, including other investment funds that may compete with a Fund and with respect to investments that a Fund may hold. Morgan Stanley may give advice and take action with respect to any of its clients or proprietary accounts that may differ from the advice given, or may involve an action of a different timing or nature than the action taken, by a Fund. Morgan Stanley may give advice and provide recommendations to persons competing with a Fund and/or any of a Fund’s investments that are contrary to the Fund’s best interests and/or the best interests of any of its investments. Morgan Stanley’s activities on behalf of its clients (such as engagements as an underwriter or placement agent) may restrict or otherwise limit investment opportunities that may otherwise be available to a Fund.

Morgan Stanley may be engaged to act as a financial advisor to a company in connection with the sale of such company, or subsidiaries or divisions thereof, may represent potential buyers of businesses through its mergers and acquisition activities and may provide lending and other related financing services in connection with such transactions. Morgan Stanley’s compensation for such activities is usually based upon realized consideration and is usually contingent, in substantial part, upon the closing of the transaction. Under these circumstances, a Fund may be precluded from participating in a transaction with or relating to the company being sold or participating in any financing activity related to merger or acquisition.

General Process for Potential Conflicts. All of the transactions described above involve the potential for conflicts of interest between the investment adviser, related persons of the investment adviser and/or their clients. The Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”) the 1940 Act and ERISA impose certain requirements designed to decrease the possibility of conflicts of interest between an investment adviser and its clients. In some cases, transactions may be permitted subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Certain other transactions may be prohibited. In addition, the investment adviser has instituted policies and procedures designed to prevent conflicts of interest from arising and, when they do arise, to ensure that it effects transactions for clients in a manner that is consistent with its fiduciary duty to its clients and in accordance with applicable law. The investment adviser seeks to ensure that potential or actual conflicts of interest are appropriately resolved taking into consideration the overriding best interests of the client.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares28Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 


Additional Tax Information

Any recognized gain or income attributable to market discount on long-term tax-exempt municipal obligations (i.e., obligations with a term of more than one year) (except to the extent of a portion of the discount attributable to original issue discount), is taxable as ordinary income.  A long-term debt obligation is generally treated as acquired at a market discount if purchased after its original issue at a price less than (i) the stated principal amount payable at maturity, in the case of an obligation that does not have original issue discount or (ii) in the case of an obligation that does have original issue discount, the sum of the issue price and any original issue discount that accrued before the obligation was purchased, subject to a de minimis exclusion.  The exemption of “exempt-interest dividend” income from regular U.S. federal income taxation does not necessarily result in similar exemptions from such income under the state or local tax laws.  

The Fund may invest a portion of its assets in securities that generate income that is not exempt from federal income tax.  The rate of tax on distributions of capital gains are determined by how long the Fund owned (or is treated as having owned) the investments that generated them, rather than how long a shareholder has owned his or her shares in the Fund.  Distributions of any taxable investment income and net short-term capital gains will generally be taxable as ordinary income.  Distributions of any net gains from investments held for more than one year are taxable as long-term capital gains.  A redemption of Fund shares is a taxable transaction.

Purchasers of Creation Units of shares on an in-kind basis will generally recognize a gain or loss on the purchase transaction equal to the difference between the market value of the Creation Units and the purchaser’s aggregate basis in the securities or other instruments exchanged plus (or minus) the cash amount paid (or received).  Persons redeeming Creation Units will generally recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference between the redeeming shareholder’s basis in the Creation Units redeemed and the aggregate market value of the securities or other instruments received plus (or minus) the cash amount received (or paid).

The Internal Revenue Service may assert that a loss realized upon an exchange of securities or other instruments for Creation Units cannot be deducted currently under the rules governing “wash sales,” or on the basis that there has been no significant change in economic position. Persons exchanging securities or other instruments should consult their own tax advisors with respect to whether wash sale rules apply and whether a loss is deductible. Any capital gain or loss realized by a shareholder upon a redemption of Creation Units is generally treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the Creation Units have been held for more than one year and as short-term capital gain or loss if they have been held for one year or less. If you purchase or redeem Creation Units, you will be sent a confirmation statement showing how many shares you purchased or sold and at what price.

The Portfolio is treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Each investor in the Portfolio, including the Fund, is allocated its proportionate share of Portfolio income, gains, losses, expenses and other tax items.

The unearned income of certain U.S. individuals, estates and trusts is subject to a 3.8% Medicare contribution tax.  For individuals, the tax is on the lesser of the “net investment income” and the excess of modified adjusted gross income over $200,000 (or $250,000 if married filing jointly).  Net investment income includes, among other things, interest, dividends, and gross income and capital gains derived from passive activities and trading in securities or commodities.  Net investment income is reduced by deductions “properly allocable” to this income.

Certain foreign entities may be subject to a 30% withholding tax on dividend income paid under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). To avoid withholding, foreign financial institutions subject to FATCA must agree to disclose to the relevant revenue authorities certain information regarding their direct and indirect U.S. owners and other foreign entities must certify certain information regarding their direct and indirect U.S. owners to the Fund. In addition, the IRS and the Department of Treasury have issued proposed regulations providing that these withholding rules will not be applicable to the gross proceeds of share redemptions or capital gain dividends the Fund pays.  For more detailed information regarding FATCA withholding and compliance, please refer to the SAI.

The Fund may be required to withhold, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, a portion of the dividends, distributions and redemption proceeds payable to shareholders who fail to provide the Fund with their correct taxpayer identification number or make required certifications, or who have been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that they are subject to backup withholding. Certain shareholders are exempt from backup withholding. Backup withholding is not an additional tax and any amount withheld may be credited against a shareholder’s U.S. federal income tax liability.

Shareholders, particularly corporations, recipients of social security or railroad retirement benefits and those subject to AMT, should consult with their tax advisors concerning the applicability of federal, state, local and other taxes to an investment.

Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15 Year Laddered Municipal Bond NextShares29Prospectus dated June 1, 2022 

Financial Highlights

The financial highlights are intended to help you understand the Fund’s financial performance for the period(s) indicated.  Certain information in the table reflects the financial results for a single Fund share.  The total returns in the table represent the rate an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the Fund (assuming reinvestment of all distributions at net asset value).  This information has been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm.  The report of Deloitte & Touche LLP and the Fund’s financial statements are incorporated herein by reference and included in the Fund’s annual report, which is available upon request.


Year Ended January 31,







Net asset value - Beginning of year






Income (Loss) From Operations






Net investment income(2)






Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)






Total income (loss) from operations






Less Distributions






From net investment income






Total distributions






Portfolio transaction fee, net(2)






Net asset value - End of year






Total Return on Net Asset Value(4)(5)






Ratios/Supplemental Data






Net assets, end of year (000’s omitted)






Ratios (as a percentage of average daily net assets):(6)












Net investment income






Portfolio Turnover of the Portfolio






(1)Per share data reflect a 2-for-1 share split effective March 9, 2018. 

(2)Computed using average shares outstanding. 

(3)Amount is less than $0.0005. 

(4)Returns are historical and are calculated by determining the percentage change in net asset value with all distributions reinvested and do not reflect the effect of a market-determined premium or discount. Investment returns assume that all distributions have been reinvested at net asset value. 

(5)The investment adviser and administrator and the sub-adviser of the Fund and the investment adviser and sub-adviser of the Portfolio reimbursed certain operating expenses (equal to 1.56%, 1.63%, 1.40%, 1.53% and 0.74% of average daily net assets for the years ended January 31, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively). Absent this reimbursement, total return would be lower. 

(6)Includes the Fund’s share of the Portfolio’s allocated expenses. 

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More Information

About the Fund:  More information is available in the Statement of Additional Information.  The Statement of Additional Information is incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.  Additional information about the Fund’s and Portfolio’s investments is available in the annual and semiannual reports (collectively, the “reports”).  In the annual report, you will find a discussion of the market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund’s performance during the past fiscal year.  You may obtain free copies of the Statement of Additional Information and the reports on Eaton Vance’s website at or by contacting the Fund:

Eaton Vance NextShares Trust II
Two International Place
Boston, MA  02110

As permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s annual and semi-annual shareholder reports are no longer being sent by mail unless you have specifically requested to receive paper copies of the reports. Instead, the reports are made available on the Fund’s website (, and you will be notified each time a report is posted and provided with a website address to access the report. You may elect to receive all future Fund shareholder reports in paper free of charge at any time by contacting your financial intermediary.

You may elect to receive all future shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your financial intermediary (such as a financial advisor, broker-dealer or bank).

Information about the Fund (including the Statement of Additional Information and reports) is available on the EDGAR database on the SEC’s website at, and copies of this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: [email protected].



The Fund's Investment Company Act No. is 811-22983.

NextShares® is a registered trademark of NextShares Solutions LLC.  All rights reserved.

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