
December 1, 2024
American Century Investments
Statement of Additional Information
American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc.
One Choice® In Retirement Portfolio
One Choice® 2045 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2015 Portfolio
 Investor Class (ARTOX) Investor Class (AROIX)  Investor Class (AAAFX)
I Class (ATTIX) I Class (AOOIX) I Class (AAAHX)
A Class (ARTAX) A Class (AROAX) A Class (AAAJX)
C Class (ATTCX) C Class (AROCX) R Class (AAAKX)
R Class (ARSRX) R Class (ARORX) R6 Class (AAALX)
R6 Class (ARDTX) R6 Class (ARDOX)
One Choice® 2025 Portfolio
One Choice® 2050 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2020 Portfolio
 Investor Class (ARWIX) Investor Class (ARFVX) Investor Class (AAAMX)
I Class (ARWFX) I Class (ARFSX) I Class (AAAOX)
A Class (ARWAX) A Class (ARFMX) A Class (AABEX)
C Class (ARWCX) C Class (ARFDX) R Class (AABGX)
R Class (ARWRX) R Class (ARFWX) R6 Class (AABHX)
R6 Class (ARWDX) R6 Class (ARFEX)
One Choice® 2030 Portfolio
One Choice® 2055 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2025 Portfolio
Investor Class (ARCVX) Investor Class (AREVX) Investor Class (AABJX)
I Class (ARCSX) I Class (ARENX) I Class (AABKX)
A Class (ARCMX) A Class (AREMX) A Class (AABQX)
C Class (ARWOX) C Class (AREFX) R Class (AABRX)
R Class (ARCRX) R Class (AREOX) R6 Class (AABVX)
R6 Class (ARCUX) R6 Class (AREUX)
One Choice® 2035 Portfolio
One Choice® 2060 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2030 Portfolio
Investor Class (ARYIX) Investor Class (ARGVX) Investor Class (AABWX)
I Class (ARLIX) I Class (ARGNX) I Class (AAEWX)
A Class (ARYAX) A Class (ARGMX) A Class (AABZX)
C Class (ARLCX) C Class (ARGHX) R Class (AACHX)
R Class (ARYRX) R Class (ARGRX) R6 Class (AACJX)
R6 Class (ARLDX) R6 Class (ARGDX)
One Choice® 2040 Portfolio
One Choice® 2065 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2035 Portfolio
Investor Class (ARDVX) Investor Class (ARHVX) Investor Class (AACKX)
I Class (ARDSX) I Class (ARHUX) I Class (AACLX)
A Class (ARDMX) A Class (ARHMX) A Class (AACMX)
C Class (ARNOX) C Class (ARHEX) R Class (AACPX)
R Class (ARDRX) R Class (ARHFX) R6 Class (AACQX)
R6 Class (ARDUX) R6 Class (ARHSX)

One Choice® Blend+ 2040 Portfolio
One Choice® Blend+ 2065 Portfolio
Investor Class (AACSX) Investor Class (AAEKX)
I Class (AACUX) I Class (AAELX)
A Class (AACVX) A Class (AAEOX)
R Class (AACWX) R Class (AAEUX)
R6 Class (AACZX) R6 Class (AAEVX)
One Choice® Blend+ 2045 Portfolio
One Choice® Portfolio: Very Conservative
Investor Class (AADHX) Investor Class (AONIX)
I Class (AADJX) R Class (AORHX)
A Class (AADKX)
R Class (AADLX)
One Choice® Portfolio: Conservative
R6 Class (AADMX) Investor Class (AOCIX)
R Class (AORSX)
One Choice® Blend+ 2050 Portfolio
Investor Class (AADNX)
One Choice® Portfolio: Moderate
I Class (AADOX) Investor Class (AOMIX)
A Class (AADPX) R Class (AORMX)
R Class (AADQX)
R6 Class (AADUX)
One Choice® Portfolio: Aggressive
Investor Class (AOGIX)
One Choice® Blend+ 2055 Portfolio
R Class (AORYX)
Investor Class (AADVX)
I Class (AADWX)
One Choice® Portfolio: Very Aggressive
A Class (AADZX) Investor Class (AOVIX)
R Class (AAEDX) R Class (AORVX)
R6 Class (AAEEX)
One Choice® Blend+ 2060 Portfolio
Investor Class (AAEFX)
I Class (AAEGX)
A Class (AAEHX)
R Class (AAEIX)
R6 Class (AAEJX)

This statement of additional information adds to the discussion in the funds’ prospectuses dated December 1, 2024, but is not a prospectus. The statement of additional information should be read in conjunction with the funds’ current prospectuses. If you would like a copy of a prospectus, please contact us at one of the addresses or telephone numbers listed on the back cover or visit American Century Investments’ website at
This statement of additional information incorporates by reference certain information that appears in the funds’ financial statements, which are included in the funds’ Form N-CSR. You may obtain a free copy of the funds’ annual reports, as well as financial statements and other information, by calling 1-800-345-2021.

©2024 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
The Funds’ History 2 
Fund Investment Guidelines 6 
Fund Investments and Risks 8 
Management 27 
The Funds’ Principal Shareholders 36 
Service Providers 36 
Brokerage Allocation 44 
Information About Fund Shares 44 
Taxes 47 
Financial Statements 49 
Appendix A – Principal Shareholders A-1
Appendix B – Sales Charges and Payments to Dealers B-1
Appendix C – Buying and Selling Fund Shares C-1
Appendix D – Proxy Voting Policies D-1

The Funds’ History
American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc. is a registered open-end management investment company that was organized as a Maryland corporation on June 4, 2004. Throughout this statement of additional information, we refer to American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc. as the corporation.
Throughout this statement of additional information, One Choice In Retirement Portfolio, One Choice 2025 Portfolio, One Choice 2030 Portfolio, One Choice 2035 Portfolio, One Choice 2040 Portfolio, One Choice 2045 Portfolio, One Choice 2050 Portfolio, One Choice 2055 Portfolio, One Choice 2060 Portfolio, and One Choice 2065 Portfolio are collectively referred to as the “One Choice Target Date Portfolios.” The One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio, One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio, and One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio are collectively referred to as the “One Choice Blend+ Portfolios.” Additionally, One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative, One Choice Portfolio: Conservative, One Choice Portfolio: Moderate, One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive and One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive are collectively referred to as “One Choice Target Risk Portfolios.”
Each of the funds described in this statement of additional information is a separate series of the corporation and operates for many purposes as if it were an independent company. Each fund has its own investment objective, strategy, management team, assets, and tax identification and stock registration numbers. Prior to May 31, 2013, One Choice In Retirement Portfolio was known as LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio and the remaining target-dated One Choice Portfolios were known as the LIVESTRONG Portfolios, and prior to May 15, 2006, these funds were known as the My Retirement Portfolios. 
Fund/Class Ticker Symbol Inception Date
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio
Investor Class ARTOX 08/31/2004
I Class ATTIX 08/31/2004
A Class ARTAX 08/31/2004
C Class ATTCX 03/01/2010
R Class ARSRX 08/31/2004
R6 Class ARDTX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2025 Portfolio
Investor Class ARWIX 08/31/2004
I Class ARWFX 08/31/2004
A Class ARWAX 08/31/2004
C Class ARWCX 03/01/2010
R Class ARWRX 08/31/2004
R6 Class ARWDX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2030 Portfolio
Investor Class ARCVX 05/30/2008
I Class ARCSX 05/30/2008
A Class ARCMX 05/30/2008
C Class ARWOX 03/01/2010
R Class ARCRX 05/30/2008
R6 Class ARCUX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2035 Portfolio
Investor Class ARYIX 08/31/2004
I Class ARLIX 08/31/2004
A Class ARYAX 08/31/2004
C Class ARLCX 03/01/2010
R Class ARYRX 08/31/2004
R6 Class ARLDX 10/23/2017


Fund/Class Ticker Symbol Inception Date
One Choice 2040 Portfolio    
Investor Class ARDVX 05/30/2008
I Class ARDSX 05/30/2008
A Class ARDMX 05/30/2008
C Class ARNOX 03/01/2010
R Class ARDRX 05/30/2008
R6 Class ARDUX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2045 Portfolio    
Investor Class AROIX 08/31/2004
I Class AOOIX 08/31/2004
A Class AROAX 08/31/2004
C Class AROCX 03/01/2010
R Class ARORX 08/31/2004
R6 Class ARDOX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2050 Portfolio    
Investor Class ARFVX 05/30/2008
I Class ARFSX 05/30/2008
A Class ARFMX 05/30/2008
C Class ARFDX 03/01/2010
R Class ARFWX 05/30/2008
R6 Class ARFEX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2055 Portfolio    
Investor Class AREVX 03/31/2011
I Class ARENX 03/31/2011
A Class AREMX 03/31/2011
C Class AREFX 03/31/2011
R Class AREOX 03/31/2011
R6 Class AREUX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2060 Portfolio
Investor Class ARGVX 09/30/2015
I Class ARGNX 09/30/2015
A Class ARGMX 09/30/2015
C Class ARGHX 09/30/2015
R Class ARGRX 09/30/2015
R6 Class ARGDX 10/23/2017
One Choice 2065 Portfolio
Investor Class ARHVX 09/23/2020
I Class ARHUX 09/23/2020
A Class ARHMX 09/23/2020
C Class ARHEX 09/23/2020
R Class ARHFX 09/23/2020
R6 Class ARHSX 09/23/2020

Fund/Class Ticker Symbol Inception Date
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio
Investor Class AAAFX 03/10/2021
I Class AAAHX 03/10/2021
A Class AAAJX 03/10/2021
R Class AAAKX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AAALX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio
Investor Class AAAMX 03/10/2021
I Class AAAOX 03/10/2021
A Class AABEX 03/10/2021
R Class AABGX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AABHX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio
Investor Class AABJX 03/10/2021
I Class AABKX 03/10/2021
A Class AABQX 03/10/2021
R Class AABRX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AABVX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio
Investor Class AABWX 03/10/2021
I Class AAEWX 03/10/2021
A Class AABZX 03/10/2021
R Class AACHX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AACJX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio
Investor Class AACKX 03/10/2021
I Class AACLX 03/10/2021
A Class AACMX 03/10/2021
R Class AACPX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AACQX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio
Investor Class AACSX 03/10/2021
I Class AACUX 03/10/2021
A Class AACVX 03/10/2021
R Class AACWX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AACZX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio
Investor Class AADHX 03/10/2021
I Class AADJX 03/10/2021
A Class AADKX 03/10/2021
R Class AADLX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AADMX 03/10/2021

Fund/Class Ticker Symbol Inception Date
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio
Investor Class AADNX 03/10/2021
I Class AADOX 03/10/2021
A Class AADPX 03/10/2021
R Class AADQX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AADUX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio
Investor Class AADVX 03/10/2021
I Class AADWX 03/10/2021
A Class AADZX 03/10/2021
R Class AAEDX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AAEEX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio
Investor Class AAEFX 03/10/2021
I Class AAEGX 03/10/2021
A Class AAEHX 03/10/2021
R Class AAEIX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AAEJX 03/10/2021
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio
Investor Class AAEKX 03/10/2021
I Class AAELX 03/10/2021
A Class AAEOX 03/10/2021
R Class AAEUX 03/10/2021
R6 Class AAEVX 03/10/2021
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative    
Investor Class AONIX 09/30/2004
R Class AORHX 03/20/2015
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative    
Investor Class AOCIX 09/30/2004
R Class AORSX 03/20/2015
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate    
Investor Class AOMIX 09/30/2004
R Class AORMX 03/20/2015
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive    
Investor Class AOGIX 09/30/2004
R Class AORYX 03/20/2015
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive    
Investor Class AOVIX 09/30/2004
R Class AORVX 03/20/2015

Fund Investment Guidelines
The funds’ advisor, American Century Investment Management, Inc., intends to operate the funds as “funds of funds,” meaning that substantially all of the funds’ assets will be invested in other American Century Investments mutual funds (the underlying funds), as described in the funds’ prospectuses. More details about each of the underlying funds are available in its prospectus and statement of additional information, which are available on our website. This section explains the extent to which the underlying funds’ advisor can use various investment vehicles and strategies in managing the underlying funds’ assets. Descriptions of the investment techniques and risks associated with each appear in the section, Investment Strategies and Risks, which begins on page 8. In the case of the funds’ principal investment strategies, these descriptions elaborate upon the discussion contained in the prospectus.
Each fund is diversified as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the Investment Company Act). Diversified means that, with respect to 75% of its total assets, each fund will not invest more than 5% of its total assets in the securities of a single issuer or own more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of a single issuer (other than U.S. government securities and securities of other investment companies). Additionally, the underlying funds are generally diversified and so indirectly provide broad exposure to a large number of securities. 
To meet federal tax requirements for qualification as a regulated investment company, each fund must limit its investments so that at the close of each quarter of its taxable year
(1)no more than 25% of its total assets are invested in the securities of a single issuer (other than the U.S. government or a regulated investment company), and
(2)with respect to at least 50% of its total assets, no more than 5% of its total assets are invested in the securities of a single issuer (other than the U.S. government or a regulated investment company) and it does not own more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of a single issuer.
In general, within the restrictions outlined here and in the funds’ prospectuses, the portfolio managers have broad powers to decide how to invest fund assets. 
Investments are varied according to what is judged advantageous under changing economic conditions. It is the advisor’s policy to retain maximum flexibility in management without restrictive provisions as to the proportion of one or another class of securities that may be held, subject to the investment restrictions described in the funds’ prospectuses and below. Unless otherwise noted, all investment restrictions described below and in each fund’s prospectus are measured at the time of the transaction in the security.  If market action affecting fund securities (including, but not limited to, appreciation, depreciation or a credit rating event) causes a fund to exceed an investment restriction, the advisor is not required to take immediate action.  Under normal market conditions, however, the advisor’s policies and procedures indicate that the advisor will not make any purchases that will make the fund further outside the investment restriction.
As described in the funds’ prospectuses, each fund’s assets are allocated among underlying funds that represent major asset classes, including equity securities (stock funds), fixed-income securities (bond funds) and short-term investments (short-term funds). Through the underlying funds, each fund’s assets are further diversified among various investment categories and disciplines within the major asset classes. 
The equity portion of a fund’s portfolio may be indirectly invested in any type of domestic or foreign equity or equity-equivalent security, primarily common stocks, that meets certain fundamental and technical standards of selection. Equity equivalents include securities that permit the fund to receive an equity interest in an issuer, the opportunity to acquire an equity interest in an issuer, or the opportunity to receive a return on its investment that permits the fund to benefit from the growth over time in the equity of an issuer. Examples of equity securities and equity equivalents include preferred stock and convertible securities. Equity equivalents also may include securities whose value or return is derived from the value or return of a different security. Derivative instruments are discussed in greater detail on page 10 under the heading Derivative Instruments. 
The underlying funds’ portfolio managers use several investment disciplines in managing the equity portion of each fund’s portfolio, including growth, value and quantitative management disciplines. The growth discipline generally seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies whose earnings and revenue trends meet the advisor’s investment criteria. This includes companies whose earnings and revenues are not only growing, but growing at an accelerating pace. It also includes companies whose growth rates, although still negative, are less negative than prior periods. The value investment discipline seeks capital growth by investing in equity securities of companies that the managers believe to be temporarily undervalued.
The advisor believes both value investing and growth investing provide the potential for appreciation over time. Value investing tends to provide less volatile results. This lower volatility means that the price of value stocks tends not to fall as significantly as the price of growth stocks in down markets. However, value stocks do not usually appreciate as significantly as growth stocks do in up markets. In keeping with the diversification theme of these funds, and as a result of management’s belief that these styles are complementary, both disciplines will be represented to some degree in each portfolio at all times. 
As noted, the value investment discipline tends to be less volatile than the growth investment discipline. As a result, the more conservative funds (including portfolios with earlier target years) will generally have a higher proportion of their equity investments in

value stocks than the more aggressive funds (including funds with more distant target years). Likewise, the more aggressive funds will generally have a greater proportion of growth stocks than the more conservative funds. 
In addition, the equity portion of each fund’s portfolio will be further diversified among underlying funds that invest in small, medium and large companies. This approach provides investors with an additional level of diversification and enables investors to achieve a broader exposure to the various capitalization ranges without having to invest directly in multiple funds.
Quantitative management disciplines also may be represented in a portion of each fund’s portfolio. These disciplines combine elements of both growth and value investing and are intended to reduce overall volatility relative to the market. American Century Investments’ quantitative management disciplines utilize a multi-step process that draws heavily on computer technology. In the first step, the portfolio managers rank stocks from most attractive to least attractive using a computer model that combines measures of a stock’s value, as well as measures of its growth potential, among others. To measure value, the managers may use ratios of stock price-to-book value and stock price-to-cash flow, among others. To measure growth, the managers may use the rate of growth of a company’s earnings and changes in its earnings estimates, as well as other factors.
In the second step, the managers use a technique called portfolio optimization. In portfolio optimization, the managers build a portfolio of stocks from the ranking described above that they believe will provide the optimal balance between risk and expected return. The goal is to create a fund that provides better returns than its benchmark without taking on significant additional risk.
Finally, the managers review the output of the quantitative model, considering factors such as risk management, transaction costs, and liquidity management.
A portion of each fund’s portfolio also may be invested in underlying funds that use short selling as a principal investment strategy. A short position arises when a fund sells a security it does not own but has borrowed in anticipation that the market price of the security will decline. The proceeds from the security sold short are used to buy additional securities (a long position). A fund’s use of short selling creates leverage in an attempt to increase returns.
The fixed-income portion of a fund’s portfolio indirectly may include U.S. Treasury securities, securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or a foreign government, or an agency or instrumentality of the U.S. or a foreign government, and nonconvertible debt obligations issued by U.S. or foreign corporations. Some of the underlying funds also may invest in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities, which are described in greater detail on page 19 under the heading Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities. As with the equity portion of a fund’s portfolio, the fixed-income portion of a fund’s portfolio will be diversified among the various fixed-income investment categories described above.    
The value of fixed-income securities fluctuates based on changes in interest rates and in the credit quality of the issuers. Debt securities that comprise part of a fund’s fixed-income portfolio may include investment-grade and high-yield securities. Investment-grade means that at the time of purchase, such obligations are rated within the four highest categories by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization for example, at least Baa by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) or BBB by Standard & Poor’s Corporation (S&P), or, if not rated, are of equivalent investment quality as determined by the managers. According to Moody’s, bonds rated Baa are medium-grade and possess some speculative characteristics. A BBB rating by S&P indicates S&P’s belief that a security exhibits a satisfactory degree of safety and capacity for repayment but is more vulnerable to adverse economic conditions and changing circumstances.
High-yield securities, sometimes referred to as junk bonds, are higher risk, nonconvertible debt obligations that are rated below investment-grade securities, or are unrated, but with similar credit quality. Each One Choice Target Date Portfolio and One Choice Blend+ Portfolio may invest a minority portion of its assets in the High Income Fund or other underlying funds that invest primarily in below investment-grade (high-yield) securities. One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative, One Choice Portfolio: Conservative and One Choice Portfolio: Moderate may invest up to 5% of their assets, and One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive and One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive may invest up to 10% of their assets in the High Income Fund or other similar underlying funds.
There are no credit or maturity restrictions on the fixed-income securities in which the high-yield portion of a fund’s portfolio may be indirectly invested. Debt securities rated below investment grade are considered by many to be predominantly speculative. Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to make principal and interest payments on such securities than is the case with higher-quality debt securities. Regardless of rating levels, all debt securities considered for purchase by an underlying fund are analyzed by the managers to determine, to the extent reasonably possible, that the planned investment is consistent with the investment objective of the fund.
Short-term investments include underlying funds that invest in fixed-income or debt instruments and have a shorter-term weighted average duration, typically three years or less. Duration is an indication of the relative sensitivity of a security’s market value to changes in interest rates.
The funds also may invest in underlying funds that invest primarily in foreign securities.
The funds are primarily “strategic” rather than “tactical” allocation funds, which means the managers generally do not try to time the market to identify when a major reallocation should be made. Instead, the managers use a longer-term approach in pursuing the funds’ investment objectives and thus select a blend of underlying funds in the various asset classes. However, in order to better balance risks

in changing market environments, the portfolio managers may make modest deviations from the neutral mix in light of prevailing market conditions.
Other than One Choice In Retirement Portfolio, each One Choice Target Date Portfolio’s neutral mix is adjusted according to a predetermined glide path until the fund reaches its target date. By the time a fund reaches its target date, its neutral mix will become fixed and will match that of One Choice In Retirement Portfolio. The One Choice Blend+ Portfolios' neutral mixes will be similarly adjusted according to a predetermined glide path (decreasing exposure to stocks and increasing exposure to bonds and short-term investments) until five years after the target date. The managers also will review each fund’s allocations quarterly to determine whether rebalancing is appropriate. For the One Choice Target Risk Portfolios, the managers regularly review each fund’s investments and allocations and may make changes in the underlying fund holdings within each asset class or to a fund’s asset mix (generally within the operating ranges stated in the prospectus) to emphasize investments that they believe will provide the most favorable outlook for achieving the fund’s objective. Recommended reallocations may be implemented promptly or may be implemented gradually. In order to minimize the impact of reallocations on a fund’s performance, the managers will generally attempt to reallocate assets gradually.
The funds attempt to diversify across asset classes and investment categories to a greater extent than funds that invest primarily in equity securities or primarily in fixed-income securities. However, the funds are managed to a specific target year or a general risk profile and may not provide an appropriately balanced investment plan for all investors.
Fund Investments and Risks
Investment Strategies and Risks 
The underlying funds’ portfolio managers also may use the investment vehicles and techniques described in this section in managing the underlying funds’ assets. This section also details the risks associated with each, because each investment vehicle and technique contributes to the One Choice Target Date Portfolios’, One Choice Blend+ Portfolios, and the One Choice Target Risk Portfolios’ overall risk profiles. In the Investment Strategies and Risks section, references to funds mean the underlying funds, unless otherwise noted. 
Bank Loans 
Some of the funds may invest in bank loans, which include senior secured and unsecured floating rate loans of corporations, partnerships, or other entities. Typically, these loans hold a senior position in the borrower’s capital structure, may be secured by the borrower’s assets and have interest rates that reset frequently. These loans are usually rated non-investment grade by the rating agencies. An economic downturn generally leads to higher non-payment and default rates by borrowers, and a bank loan can lose a substantial part of its value due to these and other adverse conditions and events. However, as compared to junk bonds, senior floating rate loans are typically senior in the capital structure and are often secured by collateral of the borrower. A fund’s investments in bank loans are subject to credit risk, and there is no assurance that the liquidation of collateral would satisfy the claims of the borrower’s obligations in the event of non-payment of scheduled interest or principal, or that the collateral could be readily liquidated. The interest rates on many bank loans reset frequently, and therefore investors are subject to the risk that the return will be less than anticipated when the investment was first made. Most bank loans, like most investment grade bonds, are not traded on any national securities exchange. Bank loans generally have less liquidity than investment grade bonds and there may be less publicly available information about them.    
A fund eligible to invest in bank loans may purchase bank loans from the primary market, from other lenders (sometimes referred to as loan assignments) or it may also acquire a participation interest in another lender’s portion of the bank loan. Large bank loans to corporations or governments may be shared or syndicated among several lenders, usually commercial or investment banks. A fund may participate in such syndicates, or can buy part of a loan, becoming a direct lender. Participation interests involve special types of risk, including liquidity risk and the risks of being a lender. Risks of being a lender include credit risk (the borrower’s ability to meet required principal and interest payments under the terms of the loan), industry risk (the borrower’s industry’s exposure to rapid change or regulation), financial risk (the effectiveness of the borrower’s financial policies and use of leverage), liquidity risk (the adequacy of the borrower’s back-up sources of cash), and collateral risk (the sufficiency of the collateral’s value to repay the loan in the event of non-payment or default by the borrower). If a fund purchases a participation interest, it may only be able to enforce its rights through the lender, and may assume the credit risk of the lender in addition to the credit risk of the borrower.
In addition, transactions in bank loans may take more than seven days to settle. As a result, the proceeds from the sale of bank loans may not be readily available to make additional investments or to meet the fund’s redemption obligations. To mitigate these risks, the fund monitors its short-term liquidity needs in light of the longer settlement period of bank loans. Some bank loan interests may not be considered securities or registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and therefore not afforded the protections of the federal securities laws.

Convertible Securities
A convertible security is a bond, debenture, note, preferred stock or other security that may be converted into or exchanged for a prescribed amount of common stock of the same or a different issuer within a particular time period at a specified price or formula. A convertible security entitles the holder to receive the interest paid or accrued on debt or the dividend paid on preferred stock until the convertible security matures or is redeemed, converted or exchanged. Before conversion or exchange, such securities ordinarily provide a stream of income with generally higher yields than common stocks of the same or similar issuers, but lower than the yield on non-convertible debt. Of course, there can be no assurance of current income because issuers of convertible securities may default on their obligations. In addition, there can be no assurance of capital appreciation because the value of the underlying common stock will fluctuate. Because of the conversion feature, the managers consider some convertible securities to be equity equivalents.
The price of a convertible security will normally fluctuate in some proportion to changes in the price of the underlying asset. A convertible security is subject to risks relating to the activities of the issuer and/or general market and economic conditions. The stream of income typically paid on a convertible security may tend to cushion the security against declines in the price of the underlying asset. However, the stream of income causes fluctuations based upon changes in interest rates and the credit quality of the issuer. In general, the value of a convertible security is a function of (1) its yield in comparison with yields of other securities of comparable maturity and quality that do not have a conversion privilege, and (2) its worth, at market value, if converted or exchanged into the underlying common stock. The price of a convertible security often reflects such variations in the price of the underlying common stock in a way that a non-convertible security does not. At any given time, investment value generally depends upon such factors as the general level of interest rates, the yield of similar nonconvertible securities, the financial strength of the issuer and the seniority of the security in the issuer’s capital structure.
A convertible security may be subject to redemption at the option of the issuer at a predetermined price. If a convertible security held by a fund is called for redemption, the fund would be required to permit the issuer to redeem the security and convert it to underlying common stock or to cash, or would sell the convertible security to a third party, which may have an adverse effect on the fund. A convertible security may feature a put option that permits the holder of the convertible security to sell that security back to the issuer at a predetermined price. A fund generally invests in convertible securities for their favorable price characteristics and total return potential and normally would not exercise an option to convert unless the security is called or conversion is forced.
Contingent convertible securities (sometimes referred to as CoCos or Additional Tier 1 instruments) generally either convert into equity or have their principal written down upon the occurrence of certain trigger events, which may be linked to the issuer’s stock price, regulatory capital thresholds, regulatory actions relating to the issuer’s continued viability, or other pre-specified events. Under certain circumstances, CoCos may be subject to an automatic write-down of the principal amount or value of the securities, sometimes to zero, thereby cancelling the securities. If such an event occurs, a fund may not have any rights to repayment of the principal amount of the securities that has not become due. Additionally, a fund may not be able to collect interest payments or dividends on such securities. In the event of liquidation or dissolution of the issuer, CoCos generally rank junior to the claims of holders of the issuer’s other debt obligations. CoCos also may provide for the mandatory conversion of the security into common stock of the issuer under certain circumstances. Because the common stock of an issuer may not pay a dividend, a fund may experience reduced yields (or no yield) as a result of the conversion. Conversion of the security from debt to equity would deepen the subordination of the investor and thereby worsen the fund’s standing in bankruptcy.
Counterparty Risk
A fund will be exposed to the credit risk of the counterparties with which, or the brokers, dealers and exchanges through which, it deals, whether it engaged in exchange traded or off-exchange transactions. 
A fund is subject to the risk that issuers of the instruments in which it invests and trades may default on their obligations under those instruments, and that certain events may occur that have an immediate and significant adverse effect on the value of those instruments.  There can be no assurance that an issuer of an instrument in which a fund invests will not default, or that an event that has an immediate and significant adverse effect on the value of an instrument will not occur, and that a fund will not sustain a loss on a transaction as a result.
Transactions entered into by a fund may be executed on various U.S. and non-U.S. exchanges, and may be cleared and settled through various clearinghouses, custodians, depositories and prime brokers throughout the world.  Although a fund attempts to execute, clear and settle the transactions through entities the advisor believes to be sound, there can be no assurance that a failure by any such entity will not lead to a loss to a fund.
Cyber Security Risk
As the funds increasingly rely on technology and information systems to operate, they become susceptible to operational risks linked to security breaches in those information systems. Both calculated attacks and unintentional events can cause failures in the funds’ information systems. Cyber attacks can include acquiring unauthorized access to information systems, usually through hacking or the use of malicious software, for purposes of stealing assets or confidential information, corrupting data, or disrupting fund operations. Cyber attacks can also occur without direct access to information systems, for example by making network services unavailable to

intended users. Cyber security failures by, or breaches of the information systems of, the advisor, distributors, broker-dealers, other service providers (including, but not limited to, index providers, fund accountants, custodians, transfer agents and administrators), or the issuers of securities the fund invests in may also cause disruptions and impact the funds’ business operations.  Breaches in information security may result in financial losses, interference with the funds’ ability to calculate NAV, impediments to trading, inability of fund shareholders to transact business, violations of applicable privacy and other laws, regulatory fines, penalties, reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs, or additional compliance costs. Additionally, the funds may incur substantial costs to prevent future cyber incidents. The funds have business continuity plans in the event of, and risk management systems to help prevent, such cyber attacks, but these plans and systems have limitations including the possibility that certain risks have not been identified. Moreover, the funds do not control the cyber security plans and systems of our service providers and other third party business partners. The funds and their shareholders could be negatively impacted as a result.
Derivative Instruments
To the extent permitted by their investment objectives and policies, the funds may invest in derivative instruments. Generally, a derivative instrument is a financial arrangement the value of which is based on, or derived from, a traditional security, asset, or market index. A fund may not invest in a derivative instrument if its credit, interest rate, liquidity, counterparty or other associated risks are outside acceptable limits set forth in its prospectus. The advisor has a derivatives risk management program that includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to manage each fund’s respective derivatives risk. The derivatives risk management program complies with Rule 18f-4 of the Investment Company Act. Unless a fund qualifies as a limited derivatives user, the fund will be required to participate in the derivatives risk management program, which includes compliance with value-at-risk based leverage limits, oversight by a derivatives risk manager, and additional reporting and disclosure regarding its derivatives positions. A fund designated as a limited derivatives user has policies and procedures to manage its aggregate derivatives risk. The advisor will report on the derivatives risk management program to the Board of Directors/Trustees on a quarterly basis.
Examples of common derivative instruments include futures contracts, warrants, structured notes, credit default swaps, options contracts, swap transactions and forward currency contracts. 
The risks associated with investments in derivatives differ from, and may be greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in traditional investments.
Leverage Risk – Relatively small market movements may cause large changes in an investment’s value. Leverage is associated with certain types of derivatives or trading strategies. Certain transactions in derivatives (such as futures transactions or sales of put options) involve substantial leverage and may expose a fund to potential losses that exceed the amount of initial investment.
Hedging Risk – When used to hedge against a position in a fund, losses on a derivative instrument are typically offset by gains on the hedged position, and vice versa. Thus, though hedging can minimize or cancel out losses, it can also have the same effect on gains. Occasionally, there may be imperfect matching between the derivative and the underlying security, such a match may prevent the fund from achieving the intended hedge or expose it to a risk of loss. There is no guarantee that a fund’s hedging strategy will be effective. Portfolio managers may decide not to hedge against any given risk either because they deem such risk improbable or they do not foresee the occurrence of the risk. Additionally, certain risks may be impossible to hedge against.
Correlation Risk – The value of the underlying security, interest rate, market index or other financial asset may not move in the direction the portfolio managers anticipate. Additionally, the value of the derivative may not move or react to changes in the underlying security, interest rate, market index or other financial asset as anticipated.
Illiquidity Risk – There may be no liquid secondary market, which may make it difficult or impossible to close out a position when desired. For exchange-traded derivatives contracts, daily limits on price fluctuations and speculative position limits set by the exchanges on which a fund transacts in derivative instruments may prevent profitable liquidation of positions, subjecting a fund to the potential of greater losses.
Settlement Risk – A fund may have an obligation to deliver securities or currency pursuant to a derivatives transaction that such fund does not own at the inception of the derivatives trade.
Counterparty Risk – A counterparty may fail to perform its obligations. Because bi-lateral derivative transactions are traded between counterparties based on contractual relationships, a fund is subject to the risk that a counterparty will not perform its obligations under the related contracts.  Although each fund intends to enter into transactions only with counterparties which the advisor believes to be creditworthy, there can be no assurance that a counterparty will not default and that the funds will not sustain a loss on a transaction as a result. In situations where a fund is required to post margin or other collateral with a counterparty, the counterparty may fail to segregate the collateral or may commingle the collateral with the counterparty’s own assets.  As a result, in the event of the counterparty’s bankruptcy or insolvency, a fund’s collateral may be subject to the conflicting claims of the counterparty’s creditors, and a fund may be exposed to the risk of a court treating a fund as a general unsecured creditor of the counterparty, rather than as the owner of the collateral.
Volatility Risk – A fund could face higher volatility because some derivative instruments create leverage.


Foreign Currency Exchange Transactions
A fund may conduct foreign currency transactions on a spot basis (i.e., for prompt delivery and settlement) or forward basis (i.e., by entering into forward currency exchange contracts, currency options and futures transactions for hedging or any other lawful purpose). Although foreign exchange dealers generally do not charge a fee for such transactions, they do realize a profit based on the difference between the prices at which they are buying and selling various currencies. 
Forward contracts are customized transactions that require a specific amount of a currency to be delivered at a specific exchange rate on a specific date or range of dates in the future. Forward contracts are generally traded in an interbank market directly between currency traders (usually larger commercial banks) and their customers. The parties to a forward contract may agree to offset or terminate the contract before its maturity, or may hold the contract to maturity and complete the contemplated currency exchange. 
The following summarizes the principal currency management strategies involving forward contracts. A fund may also use swap agreements, indexed securities, and options and futures contracts relating to foreign currencies for the same purposes.
(1)Settlement Hedges or Transaction Hedges – When the portfolio managers wish to lock in the U.S. dollar price of or proceeds from a foreign currency denominated security when a fund is purchasing or selling the security, a fund may enter into a forward contract to do so. This type of currency transaction, often called a “settlement hedge” or “transaction hedge,” protects the fund against an adverse change in foreign currency values between the date a security is purchased or sold and the date on which payment is made or received (i.e., settled). Forward contracts to purchase or sell a foreign currency may also be used by a fund in anticipation of future purchases or sales of securities denominated in foreign currency, even if the specific investments have not yet been selected by the portfolio managers. This strategy is often referred to as “anticipatory hedging.”
(2)Position Hedges – When the portfolio managers believe that the currency of a particular foreign country may suffer substantial decline against the U.S. dollar, a fund may enter into a forward contract to sell foreign currency for a fixed U.S. dollar amount approximating the value of some or all of its portfolio securities either denominated in, or whose value is tied to, such foreign currency. This use of a forward contract is sometimes referred to as a “position hedge.” For example, if a fund owned securities denominated in Euro, it could enter into a forward contract to sell Euro in return for U.S. dollars to hedge against possible declines in the Euro’s value. This hedge would tend to offset both positive and negative currency fluctuations, but would not tend to offset changes in security values caused by other factors.
A fund could also hedge the position by entering into a forward contract to sell another currency expected to perform similarly to the currency in which the fund’s existing investments are denominated. This type of hedge, often called a “proxy hedge,” could offer advantages in terms of cost, yield or efficiency, but may not hedge currency exposure as effectively as a simple position hedge against U.S. dollars. This type of hedge may result in losses if the currency used to hedge does not perform similarly to the currency in which the hedged securities are denominated.
The precise matching of forward contracts in the amounts and values of securities involved generally would not be possible because the future values of such foreign currencies will change as a consequence of market movements in the values of those securities between the date the forward contract is entered into and the date it matures. Predicting short-term currency market movements is extremely difficult, and the successful execution of a short-term hedging strategy is highly uncertain. Normally, consideration of the prospect for currency parities will be incorporated into the long-term investment decisions made with respect to overall diversification strategies. However, the managers believe that it is important to have flexibility to enter into such forward contracts when they determine that a fund’s best interests may be served.
At the maturity of the forward contract, the fund may either sell the portfolio security and make delivery of the foreign currency, or it may retain the security and terminate the obligation to deliver the foreign currency by purchasing an “offsetting” forward contract with the same currency trader obligating the fund to purchase, on the same maturity date, the same amount of the foreign currency. 
It is impossible to forecast with absolute precision the market value of portfolio securities at the expiration of the forward contract. Accordingly, it may be necessary for a fund to purchase additional foreign currency on the spot market (and bear the expense of such purchase) if the market value of the security is less than the amount of foreign currency the fund is obligated to deliver and if a decision is made to sell the security and make delivery of the foreign currency the fund is obligated to deliver.
(3)Shifting Currency Exposure – A fund may also enter into forward contracts to shift its investment exposure from one currency into another for hedging purposes or to enhance returns. This may include shifting exposure from U.S. dollars to foreign currency, or from one foreign currency to another foreign currency and may result in the fund being obligated to deliver an amount in excess of the value of its securities or other assets denominated in that currency (a “net short” position). This strategy tends to limit exposure to the currency sold, and increase exposure to the currency that is purchased, much as if a fund had sold a security denominated in one currency and purchased an equivalent security denominated in another currency. For example, if the portfolio managers believed that the U.S. dollar may suffer a substantial decline against the Euro, they could enter into a forward contract to purchase Euros for a fixed amount of U.S. dollars. This transaction would protect against losses resulting from a decline in the value of the U.S. dollar, but would cause the fund to assume the risk of fluctuations in the value of the Euro.

Successful use of currency management strategies will depend on the fund management team’s skill in analyzing currency values. Currency management strategies may substantially subject a fund’s investment exposure to changes in currency rates and could result in losses to a fund if currencies do not perform as the portfolio managers anticipate. For example, if a currency’s value rose at a time when the portfolio manager hedged a fund by selling the currency in exchange for U.S. dollars, a fund would not participate in the currency’s appreciation. Similarly, if the portfolio managers increase a fund’s exposure to a currency and that currency’s value declines, a fund will sustain a loss. There is no assurance that the portfolio managers’ use of foreign currency management strategies will be advantageous to a fund or that they will hedge at appropriate times.
The fund will generally cover outstanding forward contracts by maintaining liquid portfolio securities denominated in, or whose value is tied to, the currency underlying the forward contract or the currency being hedged.
Certain funds may also invest in nondeliverable forward (NDF) currency transactions. An NDF is a transaction that represents an agreement between the fund and a counterparty to buy or sell a specified amount of a particular currency at an agreed upon foreign exchange rate on a future date. Unlike other currency transactions, there is no physical delivery of the currency on the settlement of an NDF transaction. Rather, the fund and the counterparty agree to net the settlement by making a payment in U.S. dollars or another fully convertible currency that represents any difference between the foreign exchange rate agreed upon at the inception of the NDF agreement and the actual exchange rate on the agreed upon future date. The fund may use an NDF contract to gain exposure to foreign currencies which are not internationally traded or if the markets for such currencies are heavily regulated or highly taxed. When currency exchange rates do not move as anticipated, a fund could sustain losses on the NDF transaction. This risk is heightened when the transactions involve currencies of emerging market countries. Additionally, certain NDF transactions which involve currencies of less developed countries or with respect to certain other currencies, may be relatively illiquid.
Futures and Options
Futures and options are commonly used for traditional hedging purposes to attempt to protect a fund from exposure to changing interest rates, securities prices or currency exchange rates. They also are used for cash management purposes as a low-cost method of gaining exposure to a particular securities market without investing directly in those securities.
A fund may enter into futures contracts, options or options on futures contracts. Futures contracts provide for the sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specific security at a specified future time and price. Generally, futures transactions will be used to
protect against a decline in market value of the fund’s securities (taking a short futures position),
protect against the risk of an increase in market value for securities in which the fund generally invests at a time when the fund is not fully invested (taking a long futures position), or
provide a temporary substitute for the purchase of an individual security that may not be purchased in an orderly fashion.
Some futures and options strategies, such as selling futures, buying puts and writing calls, hedge a fund’s investments against price fluctuations. Other strategies, such as buying futures, writing puts and buying calls, tend to increase market exposure. Although other techniques may be used to control a fund’s exposure to market fluctuations, the use of futures contracts may be a more effective means of hedging this exposure. While a fund pays brokerage commissions in connection with opening and closing out futures positions, these costs are lower than the transaction costs incurred in the purchase and sale of the underlying securities. 
The sale of a future by a fund means the fund becomes obligated to deliver the security (or securities, in the case of an index future) at a specified price on a specified date. The purchase of a future means the fund becomes obligated to buy the security (or securities) at a specified price on a specified date. The portfolio managers may engage in futures and options transactions based on securities indices that are consistent with the funds’ investment objectives, such as the S&P 500 Index. The managers also may engage in futures and options transactions based on specific securities. Futures contracts are traded on national futures exchanges. Futures exchanges and trading are regulated under the Commodity Exchange Act by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), a U.S. government agency.
Index futures contracts differ from traditional futures contracts in that when delivery takes place, no stocks or bonds change hands. Instead, these contracts settle in cash at the spot market value of the index. Although other types of futures contracts by their terms call for actual delivery or acceptance of the underlying securities, in most cases the contracts are closed out before the settlement date. A futures position may be closed by taking an opposite position in an identical contract (i.e., buying a contract that has previously been sold or selling a contract that has previously been bought).
Unlike when the fund purchases or sells a security, no price is paid or received by the fund upon the purchase or sale of the future. Initially, the fund will be required to deposit an amount of cash or securities equal to a varying specified percentage of the contract amount. This amount is known as initial margin. The margin deposit is intended to ensure completion of the contract (delivery or acceptance of the underlying security) if it is not terminated prior to the specified delivery date. A margin deposit does not constitute a margin transaction for purposes of the fund’s investment restrictions. Minimum initial margin requirements are established by the futures exchanges and may be revised. In addition, brokers may establish margin deposit requirements that are higher than the exchange minimums. Cash held in the margin accounts generally is not income-producing. However, coupon bearing securities, such

as Treasury bills and bonds, held in margin accounts generally will earn income. Subsequent payments to and from the broker, called variation margin, will be made on a daily basis as the price of the underlying securities or index fluctuates, making the future more or less valuable, a process known as marking the contract to market. Changes in variation margin are recorded by the fund as unrealized gains or losses. At any time prior to expiration of the future, the fund may elect to close the position by taking an opposite position. A final determination of variation margin is then made; additional cash is required to be paid by or released to the fund and the fund realizes a loss or gain.
By buying a put option, a fund obtains the right (but not the obligation) to sell the instrument underlying the option at a fixed strike price and in return a fund pays the current market price for the option (known as the option premium). A fund may terminate its position in a put option it has purchased by allowing it to expire, by exercising the option or by entering into an offsetting transaction, if a liquid market exists. If the option is allowed to expire, a fund will lose the entire premium it paid. If a fund exercises a put option on a security, it will sell the instrument underlying the option at the strike price. The buyer of a typical put option can expect to realize a gain if the value of the underlying instrument falls substantially. However, if the price of the instrument underlying the option does not fall enough to offset the cost of purchasing the option, a put buyer can expect to suffer a loss limited to the amount of the premium paid, plus related transaction costs.
The features of call options are essentially the same as those of put options, except that the buyer of a call option obtains the right to purchase, rather than sell, the instrument underlying the option at the option’s strike price. The buyer of a typical call option can expect to realize a gain if the value of the underlying instrument increases substantially and can expect to suffer a loss if security prices do not rise sufficiently to offset the cost of the option.
When a fund writes a put option, it takes the opposite side of the transaction from the option’s buyer. In return for the receipt of the premium, a fund assumes the obligation to pay the strike price for the instrument underlying the option if the other party to the option chooses to exercise it. A fund may seek to terminate its position in a put option it writes before exercise by purchasing an offsetting option in the market at its current price. Otherwise, a fund must continue to be prepared to pay the strike price while the option is outstanding, regardless of price changes, and must continue to post margin as discussed below. If the price of the underlying instrument rises, a put writer would generally realize as profit the premium it received. If the price of the underlying instrument remains the same over time, it is likely that the writer will also profit, because it should be able to close out the option at a lower price. If the price of the underlying instrument falls, the put writer would expect to suffer a loss.
A fund writing a call option is obligated to sell or deliver the option’s underlying instrument in return for the strike price upon exercise of the option. Writing calls generally is a profitable strategy if the price of the underlying instrument remains the same or falls. A call writer offsets part of the effect of a price decline by receipt of the option premium, but gives up some ability to participate in security price increases. The writer of an exchange traded put or call option on a security, an index of securities or a futures contract is required to deposit cash or securities or a letter of credit as margin and to make mark to market payments of variation margin as the position becomes unprofitable.
Options on Futures
By purchasing an option on a futures contract, a fund obtains the right, but not the obligation, to sell the futures contract (a put option) or to buy the contract (a call option) at a fixed strike price. A fund can terminate its position in a put option by allowing it to expire or by exercising the option. If the option is exercised, the fund completes the sale of the underlying security at the strike price. Purchasing an option on a futures contract does not require a fund to make margin payments unless the option is exercised.
Some of the funds may write (or sell) call options that obligate them to sell (or deliver) the option’s underlying instrument upon exercise of the option. While the receipt of option premiums would mitigate the effects of price declines, the funds would give up some ability to participate in a price increase on the underlying security. If a fund were to engage in options transactions, it would own the futures contract at the time a call was written and would keep the contract open until the obligation to deliver it pursuant to the call expired.
Risks Related to Futures and Options Transactions
Futures and options prices can be volatile, and trading in these markets involves certain risks. If the portfolio managers apply a hedge at an inappropriate time or judge interest rate or equity market trends incorrectly, futures and options strategies may lower a fund’s return.
A fund could suffer losses if it is unable to close out its position because of an illiquid secondary market. Futures contracts may be closed out only on an exchange that provides a secondary market for these contracts, and there is no assurance that a liquid secondary market will exist for any particular futures contract at any particular time. Consequently, it may not be possible to close a futures position when the portfolio managers consider it appropriate or desirable to do so. In the event of adverse price movements, a fund would be required to continue making daily cash payments to maintain its required margin. If the fund had insufficient cash, it might have to sell portfolio securities to meet daily margin requirements at a time when the portfolio managers would not otherwise elect to do so. In addition, a fund may be required to deliver or take delivery of instruments underlying futures contracts it holds. The portfolio

managers will seek to minimize these risks by limiting the futures contracts entered into on behalf of the funds to those traded on national futures exchanges and for which there appears to be a liquid secondary market. 
A fund could suffer losses if the prices of its futures and options positions were poorly correlated with its other investments or if securities underlying futures contracts purchased by a fund had different maturities than those of the portfolio securities being hedged. Such imperfect correlation may give rise to circumstances in which a fund loses money on a futures contract at the same time that it experiences a decline in the value of its hedged portfolio securities. A fund also could lose margin payments it has deposited with a margin broker if, for example, the broker became bankrupt.
Most futures exchanges limit the amount of fluctuation permitted in futures contract prices during a single trading day. The daily limit establishes the maximum amount that the price of a futures contract may vary either up or down from the previous day’s settlement price at the end of the trading session. Once the daily limit has been reached in a particular type of contract, no trades may be made on that day at a price beyond the limit. However, the daily limit governs only price movement during a particular trading day and, therefore, does not limit potential losses. In addition, the daily limit may prevent liquidation of unfavorable positions. Futures contract prices have occasionally moved to the daily limit for several consecutive trading days with little or no trading, thereby preventing prompt liquidation of futures positions and subjecting some futures traders to substantial losses.
If a fund’s futures commission merchant (FCM) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or otherwise defaults on its obligations to the fund, the fund may not receive all amounts owed to it in respect of its trading, despite the clearinghouse fully discharging all of its obligations.  The Commodity Exchange Act requires an FCM to segregate all funds received from its customers with respect to regulated futures transactions from such FCM’s proprietary funds.  If an FCM were not to do so to the full extent required by law, the assets of an account might not be fully protected in the event of the bankruptcy of an FCM.  Furthermore, in the event of an FCM’s bankruptcy, a fund would be limited to recovering only a pro rata share of all available funds segregated on behalf of an FCM’s combined customer accounts, even though certain property specifically traceable to the fund (for example, U.S. Treasury bills deposited by the fund) was held by an FCM.  FCM bankruptcies have occurred in which customers were unable to recover from the FCM’s estate the full amount of their funds on deposit with such FCM and owing to them.  Such situations could arise due to various factors, or a combination of factors, including inadequate FCM capitalization, inadequate controls on customer trading and inadequate customer capital.  In addition, in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of a clearinghouse, the fund might experience a loss of funds deposited through its FCM as margin with the clearinghouse, a loss of unrealized profits on its open positions, and the loss of funds owed to it as realized profits on closed positions.  Such a bankruptcy or insolvency might also cause a substantial delay before the fund could obtain the return of funds owed to it by an FCM who was a member of such clearinghouse.
When purchasing an option on a futures contract, the fund assumes the risk of the premium paid for the option plus related transaction costs. The purchase of an option on a futures contract also entails the risk that changes in the value of the underlying futures contract will not be fully reflected in the value of the option purchased.
Restrictions on the Use of Futures Contracts and Options
Some funds may enter into futures contracts, options, options on futures contracts, or swap agreements as permitted under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rules. The advisor to each fund has claimed exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodity Exchange Act and, therefore, are not subject to registration or regulation as a commodity pool operator under that Act with respect to its provision of services to each fund. 
Certain rules adopted by the CFTC may impose additional limits on the ability of a fund to invest in futures contracts, options on futures, swaps, and certain other commodity interests if its investment advisor does not register with the CFTC as a “commodity pool operator” with respect to such fund. It is expected that the funds will be able to execute their investment strategies within the limits adopted by the CFTC’s rules. As a result, the advisor does not intend to register with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator on behalf of any of the funds. In the event that one of the funds engages in transactions that necessitate future registration with the CFTC, the advisor will register as a commodity pool operator and comply with applicable regulations with respect to that fund. 
Swap Agreements 
A fund may invest in swap agreements, consistent with its investment objective and strategies. A fund may enter into a swap agreement in order to, for example, attempt to obtain or preserve a particular return or spread at a lower cost than obtaining a return or spread through purchases and/or sales of instruments in other markets; protect against currency fluctuations; attempt to manage duration to protect against any increase in the price of securities the fund anticipates purchasing at a later date; or gain exposure to certain markets in the most economical way possible. 
Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a few weeks to more than one year. In a standard “swap” transaction, two parties agree to exchange the returns (or differentials in rates of return) earned or realized on particular predetermined investments or instruments, which may be adjusted for an interest factor. The gross returns to be exchanged or “swapped” between the parties are generally calculated with respect to a “notional amount,” i.e., the return on or increase in value of a particular dollar amount invested at a particular interest rate, in a particular foreign currency, or in a “basket” of securities representing a particular index. Forms of swap agreements include, for example, interest rate swaps, under which fixed- or floating-rate interest payments on a specific principal amount are exchanged and total return swaps, under which one

party agrees to pay the other the total return of a defined underlying asset (usually an index, including inflation indexes, stock, bond or defined portfolio of loans and mortgages) in exchange for fee payments, often a variable stream of cashflows based on a reference rate. The funds may enter into credit default swap agreements to hedge an existing position by purchasing or selling credit protection. Credit default swaps enable an investor to buy/sell protection against a credit event of a specific issuer. The seller of credit protection against a security or basket of securities receives an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential default event(s). The fund may enhance returns by selling protection or attempt to mitigate credit risk by buying protection. Market supply and demand factors may cause distortions between the cash securities market and the credit default swap market. 
Whether a fund’s use of swap agreements will be successful depends on the advisor’s ability to predict correctly whether certain types of investments are likely to produce greater returns than other investments. Interest rate swaps could result in losses if interest rate changes are not correctly anticipated by the fund. Total return swaps could result in losses if the reference index, security, or investments do not perform as anticipated by the fund. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the issuer on which the credit default swap is based. Because they are two-party contracts and because they may have terms of greater than seven days, swap agreements may be considered to be illiquid. Moreover, a fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a swap agreement in the event of the default or bankruptcy of a swap agreement counterparty. The funds will enter into swap agreements only with counterparties that meet certain standards of creditworthiness or that are cleared through a Derivatives Clearing Organization (“DCO”). Certain restrictions imposed on the funds by the Internal Revenue Code may limit the funds’ ability to use swap agreements.   
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) and related regulatory developments require the clearing and exchange-trading of certain standardized derivative instruments that the CFTC and SEC have defined as “swaps.” The CFTC has implemented mandatory exchange-trading and clearing requirements under the Dodd-Frank Act and the CFTC continues to approve contracts for central clearing. Although exchange trading is designed to decrease counterparty risk, it does not do so entirely because the fund will still be subject to the credit risk of the central clearinghouse. Cleared swaps are subject to margin requirements imposed by both the central clearinghouse and the clearing member FCM. Uncleared swaps are now subject to posting and collecting collateral on a daily basis to secure mark-to-market obligations (variation margin). Swaps data reporting may subject a fund to administrative costs, and the safeguards established to protect trader anonymity may not function as expected. Exchange trading, central clearing, margin requirements, and data reporting regulations may increase a fund’s cost of hedging risk and, as a result, may affect shareholder returns. 
Equity Equivalents
In addition to investing in common stocks, the funds may invest in other equity securities and equity equivalents, including securities that permit a fund to receive an equity interest in an issuer, the opportunity to acquire an equity interest in an issuer, or the opportunity to receive a return on its investment that permits the fund to benefit from the growth over time in the equity of an issuer. Examples of equity securities and equity equivalents include preferred stock, convertible preferred stock and convertible securities.
Equity equivalents also may include securities whose value or return is derived from the value or return of a different security.
Foreign Securities
The funds may invest in the securities (including debt securities) of foreign issuers, including foreign governments, when these securities meet their standards of selection. Securities of foreign issuers may trade in the U.S. or foreign securities markets.
The funds may make such investments either directly in foreign securities or indirectly by purchasing depositary receipts or depositary shares of similar instruments (depositary receipts) for foreign securities. Depositary receipts are securities that are listed on exchanges or quoted in the domestic over-the-counter markets in one country, but represent shares of issuers domiciled in another country. Direct investments in foreign securities may be made either on foreign securities exchanges or in the over-the-counter markets.
Subject to their investment objective and policies, the funds may invest in common stocks, convertible securities, preferred stocks, bonds, notes and other debt securities of foreign issuers and debt securities of foreign governments and their agencies. The credit quality standards applicable to domestic debt securities purchased by each fund are also applicable to its foreign securities investments.
Investments in foreign securities may present certain risks, including:
Currency Risk – The value of the foreign investments held by the funds may be significantly affected by changes in currency exchange rates. The dollar value of a foreign security generally decreases when the value of the dollar rises against the foreign currency in which the security is denominated and tends to increase when the value of the dollar falls against such currency. In addition, the value of fund assets may be affected by losses and other expenses incurred in converting between various currencies in order to purchase and sell foreign securities, and by currency restrictions, exchange control regulation, currency devaluations and political developments.
Social, Political and Economic Risk – The economies of many of the countries in which the funds invest are not as developed as the economy of the United States and may be subject to significantly different forces. Political or social instability, expropriation, nationalization, confiscatory taxation and limitations on the removal of funds or other assets also could adversely affect the value of

investments. Further, the funds may find it difficult or be unable to enforce ownership rights, pursue legal remedies or obtain judgments in foreign courts.
Regulatory Risk – Foreign companies generally are not subject to the regulatory controls imposed on U.S. issuers and, in general, there is less publicly available information about foreign securities than is available about domestic securities. Many foreign companies are not subject to uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements comparable to those applicable to domestic companies and there may be less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards in some foreign markets. Certain jurisdictions do not currently provide the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) with sufficient access to inspect audit work papers and practices, or otherwise do not cooperate with U.S. regulators, potentially exposing investors in U.S. capital markets to significant risks. Income from foreign securities owned by the funds may be reduced by a withholding tax at the source, which would reduce dividend income payable to shareholders. 
Market and Trading Risk – Brokerage commission rates in foreign countries, which generally are fixed rather than subject to negotiation as in the United States, are likely to be higher. The securities markets in many of the countries in which the funds may invest have substantially less trading volume than the principal U.S. markets. As a result, the securities of some companies in these countries may be less liquid, more volatile and harder to value than comparable U.S. securities. Furthermore, one securities broker may represent all or a significant part of the trading volume in a particular country, resulting in higher trading costs and decreased liquidity due to a lack of alternative trading partners. There generally is less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and issuers, which may make it difficult to enforce contractual obligations. 
Clearance and Settlement Risk – Foreign securities markets also have different clearance and settlement procedures, and in certain markets there have been times when settlements have been unable to keep pace with the volume of securities transactions, making it difficult to conduct such transactions. Delays in clearance and settlement could result in temporary periods when assets of the funds are uninvested and no return is earned. The inability of the funds to make intended security purchases due to clearance and settlement problems could cause the funds to miss attractive investment opportunities. Inability to dispose of portfolio securities due to clearance and settlement problems could result either in losses to the funds due to subsequent declines in the value of the portfolio security or, if the fund has entered into a contract to sell the security, liability to the purchaser.
Ownership Risk – Evidence of securities ownership may be uncertain in many foreign countries. In many of these countries, the most notable of which is the Russian Federation, the ultimate evidence of securities ownership is the share register held by the issuing company or its registrar. While some companies may issue share certificates or provide extracts of the company’s share register, these are not negotiable instruments and are not effective evidence of securities ownership. In an ownership dispute, the company’s share register is controlling. As a result, there is a risk that a fund’s trade details could be incorrectly or fraudulently entered on the issuer’s share register at the time of the transaction, or that a fund’s ownership position could thereafter be altered or deleted entirely, resulting in a loss to the fund. While the funds intend to invest directly in Russian companies that utilize an independent registrar, there can be no assurance that such investments will not result in a loss to the funds.
Sanctions – The U.S. may impose economic sanctions against companies in various sectors of certain countries. This could limit a fund's investment opportunities in such countries, impairing the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment strategy and/or to meet its investment objective. For example, a fund may be prohibited from investing in securities issued by companies subject to such sanctions. In addition, the sanctions may require a fund to freeze its existing investments in sanctioned companies, prohibiting the fund from selling or otherwise transacting in these investments. Current sanctions or the threat of potential sanctions may also impair the value or liquidity of affected securities and negatively impact a fund.
In early 2022, the United States and countries throughout the world imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its military invasion of Ukraine. The sanctions are broad and include restrictions on the Russian government as well as Russian companies, individuals, and banking entities. The sanctions and other measures, such as boycotts or changes in consumer preferences, will likely cause declines in the value and liquidity of Russian securities, downgrades in the credit ratings of Russian securities, devaluation of Russia’s currency, and increased market volatility and disruption in Russia and throughout the world. Sanctions and similar measures, such as banning Russia from financial transaction systems that facilitate international transfers of funds, could limit or prevent the funds from selling and buying impacted securities both in Russia and in other markets. Such measures will likely cause significant delay in the settlement of impacted securities transactions or prevent settlement all together. The lack of available market prices for such securities may cause the funds to use fair value procedures to value certain securities. The consequences of the war and sanctions may negatively impact other regional and global economic markets. Additionally, Russia may take counter measures or engage in retaliatory actions—including cyberattacks and espionage—which could further disrupt global markets and supply chains. Companies in other countries that do business with Russia and the global commodities market for oil and natural gas, especially, will likely feel the impact of the sanctions. The sanctions, together with the potential for a wider armed or cyber conflict, could increase financial market volatility globally and negatively impact the funds’ performance beyond any direct exposure to Russian issuers or securities.


United Kingdom Investment Risk - Commonly known as “Brexit,” the United Kingdom's exit from the EU occurred in January of 2021. The UK and the EU continue to work to establish regulatory frameworks for cooperation on financial services. Continuing uncertainty in the UK, EU, and other financial markets may result in volatility, fluctuations in asset values and exchange rates, decreased liquidity and unwillingness or inability of financial and other counterparties to enter into transactions.
Risk of Investing in China - Investing in Chinese securities is riskier than investing in U.S. securities. Although the Chinese government is currently implementing reforms to promote foreign investment and reduce government economic control, there is no guarantee that the reforms will be ongoing or effective. Investing in China involves risk of loss due to nationalization, expropriation, and confiscation of assets and property. Losses may also occur due to new or expanded restrictions on foreign investments or repatriation of capital. Participants in the Chinese market are subject to less regulation and oversight than participants in the U.S. market. This may lead to trading volatility, difficulty in the settlement and recording of transactions, and uncertainty in interpreting and applying laws and regulations. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers, or a downturn in the economies of any of China's key trading partners may adversely affect the securities of Chinese issuers. Regional conflict could also have an adverse effect on the Chinese economy.
The SEC and the PCAOB continue to have concerns about their ability to inspect international auditing standards of U.S. companies operating in China and PCAOB-registered auditing firms in China. Because the SEC and PCAOB have limited access to information about these auditing firms and are restricted from inspecting the audit work and practices of registered accountants in China, there is the risk that material information about Chinese issuers may be unavailable. As a result, there is substantially greater risk that disclosures will be incomplete or misleading and, in the event of investor harm, substantially less access to recourse, in comparison to U.S. domestic companies.
The U.S. government may occasionally place restrictions on investments in Chinese companies. For example, in November 2020, an Executive Order was issued that prohibits U.S. persons from purchasing or investing in certain publicly-traded securities of companies identified as “Communist Chinese military companies” or in instruments that are designed to provide investment exposure to those companies. The companies identified may change from time to time. A fund may incur losses if more investors attempt to sell such securities or if the fund is unable to participate in an otherwise attractive investment. Securities that are or become prohibited may become less liquid and their market prices may decline. In addition, the market for securities of other Chinese-based issuers may also be negatively impacted, resulting in reduced liquidity and price declines.
Due to Chinese governmental restrictions on foreign ownership of companies in certain industries, Chinese operating companies often rely on variable interest entity (VIE) structures to raise capital from non-Chinese investors. In a VIE structure, a China-based operating company establishes an entity—typically offshore—that enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company designed to provide economic exposure to the company. The offshore entity then issues shares that are sold to non-Chinese investors. A U.S.-listed company and its China-based VIE might appear to be the same company—because they are presented in a consolidated manner—but they are not. The U.S.-listed company’s control over the China-based company is predicated on contracts with the China-based company, not equity ownership. The Chinese government has never explicitly approved these structures and thus could determine at any time, and without notice, that the VIE’s underlying contractual arrangements violate Chinese law. If either the China-based company (or its officers, directors, or Chinese equity owners) breach those contracts with the U.S.-listed shell company, or Chinese law changes in a way that affects the enforceability of these arrangements, or those contracts are otherwise not enforceable under Chinese law, U.S. investors may suffer losses with limited recourse available. Additionally, investments in the U.S.-listed company may be affected by conflicts of interest and duties between the legal owners of the China-based VIE and the stockholders of the U.S.-listed company. Finally, if Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges, including ADRs and companies that rely on VIE structures, do not meet U.S. accounting standards and auditor oversight requirements they may be delisted, which would likely decrease the liquidity and value of these securities.
Inflation-Indexed Securities 
The funds may purchase inflation-indexed securities issued by the U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agencies and instrumentalities other than the U.S. Treasury, and entities other than the U.S. Treasury or U.S. government agencies and instrumentalities.
Inflation-indexed securities are designed to offer a return linked to inflation, thereby protecting future purchasing power of the money invested in them. However, inflation-indexed securities provide this protected return only if held to maturity. In addition, inflation-indexed securities may not trade at par value. Real interest rates (the market rate of interest less the anticipated rate of inflation) change over time as a result of many factors, such as what investors are demanding as a true value for money. When real rates do change, inflation-indexed securities prices will be more sensitive to these changes than conventional bonds, because these securities were sold originally based upon a real interest rate that is no longer prevailing. Should market expectations for real interest rates rise, the price of inflation-indexed securities and the share price of a fund holding these securities will fall. Investors in the funds should be prepared to accept not only this share price volatility but also the possible adverse tax consequences it may cause.
An investment in securities featuring inflation-adjusted principal and/or interest involves factors not associated with more traditional fixed-principal securities. Such factors include the possibility that the inflation index may be subject to significant changes, that changes in the index may or may not correlate to changes in interest rates generally or changes in other indices, or that the resulting

interest may be greater or less than that payable on other securities of similar maturities. In the event of sustained deflation, it is possible that the amount of semiannual interest payments, the inflation-adjusted principal of the security or the value of the stripped components will decrease. If any of these possibilities are realized, a fund’s net asset value could be negatively affected.
Initial Public Offerings
The funds may invest in initial public offerings (IPOs) of common stock or other equity securities issued by a company. The purchase of securities in an IPO may involve higher transaction costs than those associated with the purchase of securities already traded on exchanges or other established markets. In addition to the risks associated with equity securities generally, IPO securities may be subject to additional risk due to factors such as the absence of a prior public market, unseasoned trading and speculation, a potentially small number of securities available for trading, limited information about the issuer and other factors. These factors may cause IPO shares to be volatile in price. While a fund may hold IPO securities for a period of time, it may sell them in the aftermarket soon after the purchase, which could increase portfolio turnover and lead to increased expenses such as commissions and transaction costs. Investments in IPOs could have a magnified impact (either positive or negative) on performance if a fund’s assets are relatively small. The impact of IPOs on a fund’s performance may tend to diminish as assets grow.
Inverse Floaters
An inverse floater is a type of derivative instrument that bears an interest rate that moves inversely to market interest rates. As market interest rates rise, the interest rate on inverse floaters goes down, and vice versa. Generally, this is accomplished by expressing the interest rate on the inverse floater as an above-market fixed rate of interest, reduced by an amount determined by reference to a market-based or bond-specific floating interest rate (as well as by any fees associated with administering the inverse floater program).
Inverse floaters may be issued in conjunction with an equal amount of Dutch Auction floating-rate bonds (floaters), or a market-based index may be used to set the interest rate on these securities. A Dutch Auction is an auction system in which the price of the security is gradually lowered until it meets a responsive bid and is sold. Floaters and inverse floaters may be brought to market (1) by a broker-dealer who purchases fixed-rate bonds and places them in a trust; or (2) by an issuer seeking to reduce interest expenses by using a floater/inverse floater structure in lieu of fixed-rate bonds.
In the case of a broker-dealer structured offering (where underlying fixed-rate bonds have been placed in a trust), distributions from the underlying bonds are allocated to floater and inverse floater holders in the following manner:
(i)Floater holders receive interest based on rates set at a six-month interval or at a Dutch Auction, which is typically held every 28 to 35 days. Current and prospective floater holders bid the minimum interest rate that they are willing to accept on the floaters, and the interest rate is set just high enough to ensure that all of the floaters are sold.
(ii)Inverse floater holders receive all of the interest that remains, if any, on the underlying bonds after floater interest and auction fees are paid. The interest rates on inverse floaters may be significantly reduced, even to zero, if interest rates rise.
Procedures for determining the interest payment on floaters and inverse floaters brought to market directly by the issuer are comparable, although the interest paid on the inverse floaters is based on a presumed coupon rate that would have been required to bring fixed-rate bonds to market at the time the floaters and inverse floaters were issued.
Where inverse floaters are issued in conjunction with floaters, inverse floater holders may be given the right to acquire the underlying security (or to create a fixed-rate bond) by calling an equal amount of corresponding floaters. The underlying security may then be held or sold. However, typically, there are time constraints and other limitations associated with any right to combine interests and claim the underlying security.
Floater holders subject to a Dutch Auction procedure generally do not have the right to put back their interests to the issuer or to a third party. If a Dutch Auction fails, the floater holder may be required to hold its position until the underlying bond matures, during which time interest on the floater is capped at a predetermined rate. 
The secondary market for floaters and inverse floaters may be limited. The market value of inverse floaters tends to be significantly more volatile than the market value of fixed-rate bonds.
Investing in Emerging Market Countries 
The funds may invest in securities of issuers in emerging market (developing) countries. The funds generally consider a security to be an emerging markets security if its issuer is located outside the following developed countries list, which is subject to change: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Certain funds may consider additional countries to be emerging markets, as described in those funds’ prospectuses or statements of additional information. In determining where a company is located, the portfolio managers will consider various factors, including where the company is headquartered, where the company’s principal operations are located, where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived, where the principal trading market is located and the country in which the company was legally organized. The weight given to each of these factors will vary depending on the circumstances in a given case.   

Investing in securities of issuers in emerging market countries involves exposure to significantly higher risk than investing in countries with developed markets. Risks of investing in emerging markets countries may relate to lack of liquidity, market manipulation, limited reliable access to capital, and differing foreign investment structures. Emerging market countries may have economic structures that generally are less diverse and mature, and political systems that can be expected to be less stable than those of developed countries. Securities prices in emerging market countries can be significantly more volatile than in developed countries, reflecting the greater uncertainties of investing in lesser developed markets and economies. In particular, emerging market countries may have relatively unstable governments, and may present the risk of nationalization of businesses, expropriation, confiscatory taxation or in certain instances, reversion to closed-market, centrally planned economies. Such countries may also have less protection of property rights than developed countries. 
The economies of emerging market countries may be based predominantly on only a few industries or may be dependent on revenues from particular commodities or on international aid or developmental assistance, may be highly vulnerable to changes in local or global trade conditions, and may suffer from extreme and volatile debt burdens or inflation rates. In addition, securities markets in emerging market countries may trade a relatively small number of securities and may be unable to respond effectively to increases in trading volume, potentially resulting in a lack of liquidity and in volatility in the price of securities traded on those markets. Also, securities markets in emerging market countries typically offer less regulatory protection for investors. 
Investment in Issuers with Limited Operating Histories 
Some funds may invest a portion of their assets in the equity securities of issuers with limited operating histories. The managers consider an issuer to have a limited operating history if that issuer has a record of less than three years of continuous operation. The managers will consider periods of capital formation, incubation, consolidations, and research and development in determining whether a particular issuer has a record of three years of continuous operation. 
Investments in securities of issuers with limited operating histories may involve greater risks than investments in securities of more mature issuers. By their nature, such issuers present limited operating histories and financial information upon which the managers may base their investment decision on behalf of the funds. In addition, financial and other information regarding such issuers, when available, may be incomplete or inaccurate. 
For purposes of this limitation, “issuers” refers to operating companies that issue securities for the purposes of issuing debt or raising capital as a means of financing their ongoing operations. It does not, however, refer to registered investment companies, or other entities, corporate or otherwise, that are created for the express purpose of securitizing obligations or income streams. For example, a fund’s investments in a trust created for the purpose of pooling mortgage obligations or other financial assets would not be subject to the limitation.
LIBOR Transition Risk
The London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) is a benchmark interest rate intended to be representative of the rate at which major international banks who are members of the British Bankers Association lend to one another over short-terms. Following manipulation allegations, financial institutions have started the process of phasing out the use of LIBOR. The transition process to a replacement rate or rates may lead to increased volatility or illiquidity in markets for instruments that currently rely on LIBOR. The transition may also result in a change in the value of certain instruments the funds hold or a change in the cost of temporary borrowing for the funds. As LIBOR is discontinued, the LIBOR replacement rate may be lower than market expectations, which could have an adverse impact on the value of preferred and debt-securities with floating or fixed-to-floating rate coupons. The transition away from LIBOR could result in losses to the funds.
Loan Participation Notes
In terms of their functioning and investment risk, loan participation notes ("LPNs") are comparable to an investment in "normal" bonds.  In return for the investor's commitment of capital, the issuer makes regular interest payments and, at maturity or in accordance with an agreed upon amortization schedule, the note is repaid at par.
However, in contrast to "normal" bonds, there are three parties involved in the issuance of an LPN.  The legal issuer, typically a bankruptcy-remote, limited purpose entity, issues notes to investors and uses the proceeds received from investors to make loans to the borrower-with each loan generally having substantially identical payment terms to the related note issued by the issuer. The borrower is typically an operating company, and the issuer’s obligations under a note are typically limited to the extent of any capital repayments and interest payments made by the borrower under the related loan.  Accordingly, the investor generally assumes the credit risk of the underlying borrower.  The loan participation note structure is generally used to provide the borrower more efficient financing in the capital markets than the borrower would be able to obtain if it issued notes directly.  
In the event of a default by the borrower of an LPN, the fund may experience delays in receiving payments of interest and principal while the note issuer enforces and liquidates the underlying collateral, and there is no guarantee that the underlying collateral will cover the principal and interest owed to the fund under the LPN.

LPNs are generally subject to liquidity risk.  Even though an LPN may be traded on an exchange there can be no assurance that a liquid market will develop for the LPNs, that holders of the LPNs will be able to sell their LPNs, or that such holders will be able to sell their LPNs for a price that reflects their value.
Depending on the creditworthiness of the underlying borrower, LPNs may be subject to the risk of investing in high-yield securities.  Additionally, LPNs are generally utilized by foreign borrowers and therefore may be subject to the risk of investing in foreign securities and emerging market risk.  Such foreign risk could include interest payments being subject to withholding tax. 
Loans of Portfolio Securities 
In order to realize additional income, a fund may lend its portfolio securities. Such loans may not exceed one-third of the fund’s total assets valued at market, however, this limitation does not apply to purchases of debt securities in accordance with the fund’s investment objectives, policies and limitations, or to repurchase agreements with respect to portfolio securities. 
Cash received from the borrower as collateral through loan transactions may be invested in other eligible securities. Investing this cash subjects that investment to market appreciation or depreciation. If a borrower defaults on a securities loan because of insolvency or other reasons, the lending fund could experience delays or costs in recovering the securities it loaned; if the value of the loaned securities increased over the value of the collateral, the fund could suffer a loss. To minimize the risk of default on securities loans, the advisor adheres to guidelines prescribed by the Board of Directors governing lending of securities. These guidelines strictly govern: 
the type and amount of collateral that must be received by the fund;
the circumstances under which additions to that collateral must be made by borrowers;
the return to be received by the fund on the loaned securities;
the limitations on the percentage of fund assets on loan; and
the credit standards applied in evaluating potential borrowers of portfolio securities.
In addition, the guidelines require that the fund have the option to terminate any loan of a portfolio security at any time and set requirements for recovery of securities from borrowers. 
Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities 
The funds may purchase mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities. Mortgage pass-through securities are securities representing interests in “pools” of mortgages in which payments of both interest and principal on the securities are generally made monthly, in effect “passing through” monthly payments made by the individual borrowers on the residential mortgage loans that underlie the securities (net of fees paid to the issuer or guarantor of the securities).
Early repayment of principal on mortgage pass-through securities (arising from prepayments of principal due to sale of the underlying property, refinancing or foreclosure, net of fees and costs that may be incurred) may expose the funds to a lower rate of return upon reinvestment of principal. Also, if a security subject to prepayment were purchased at a premium, in the event of prepayment, the value of the premium would be lost. As with other fixed-income securities, when interest rates rise, the value of a mortgage-related security generally will decline; however, when interest rates decline, the value of mortgage-related securities with prepayment features may not increase as much as other fixed-income securities. 
Payment of principal and interest on some mortgage pass-through securities (but not the market value of the securities themselves) may be guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, as in the case of securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), or guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government, as in the case of securities guaranteed by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), which are supported only by the discretionary authority of the U.S. government to purchase the agency’s obligations. Since September 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have operated under a conservatorship administered by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). In addition, the U.S. Treasury has entered into senior preferred stock purchase agreements (SPSPAs) to provide additional financing to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Although the SPSPAs are intended to provide Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with the necessary cash resources to meet their obligations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac continue to operate as going concerns while in conservatorship, and each remains liable for all of its obligations, including its guaranty obligations, associated with its mortgage-backed securities.
The future status and role of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac could be impacted by, among other things, the actions taken and restrictions placed on Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac by the FHFA in its role as conservator, the restrictions placed on Fannie Mae’s or Freddie Mac’s operations and activities under the senior preferred stock purchase agreements, market responses to developments at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, and future legislative and regulatory action that alters the operations, ownership, structure and/or mission of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, each of which may, in turn, impact the value of, and cash flows on, any securities guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Mortgage pass-through securities created by nongovernmental issuers (such as commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance companies, mortgage bankers and other secondary market issuers) may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, including individual loan, title, pool and hazard insurance and letters of credit, which may be issued by governmental entities, private insurers or the mortgage poolers. 
The funds also may invest in collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). CMOs are mortgage-backed securities issued by government agencies; single-purpose, stand-alone financial subsidiaries; trusts established by financial institutions; or similar institutions. The funds may buy CMOs that: 
are collateralized by pools of mortgages in which payment of principal and interest of each mortgage is guaranteed by an agency or instrumentality of the U.S. government;
are collateralized by pools of mortgages in which payment of principal and interest are guaranteed by the issuer, and the guarantee is collateralized by U.S. government securities; and
are securities in which the proceeds of the issue are invested in mortgage securities and payments of principal and interest are supported by the credit of an agency or instrumentality of the U.S. government.
To-Be-Announced Mortgage-Backed Securities
To-be-announced (TBA) commitments are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of securities, which are described in greater detail under the heading When-Issued and Forward Commitment Agreements. A fund may gain exposure to mortgage-backed securities through TBA transactions. TBA mortgage-backed securities typically are debt securities structured by agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In a typical TBA mortgage transaction, certain terms (such as price) are fixed, with delayed payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific mortgage-backed securities to be delivered are not typically identified at the trade date but the delivered security must meet specified terms (such as issuer, interest rate, and underlying mortgage terms). Consequently, TBA mortgage-backed transactions involve increased interest rate risk because the underlying mortgages may be less favorable at delivery than anticipated. TBA mortgage contracts also involve a risk of loss if the value of the underlying security to be purchased declines prior to delivery date. The yield obtained for such securities may be higher or lower than yields available in the market on delivery date. The funds may also take short positions in TBA investments. To enter a short sale of a TBA security, a fund effectively agrees to sell a security it does not own at a future date and price. The funds generally anticipate closing short TBA positions before delivery of the respective security is required, however if the fund is unable to close a position, the fund would have to purchase the securities needed to settle the short sale. Such purchases could be at a different price than anticipated, and the fund would lose or gain money based on the acquisition price.
Credit Risk Transfer Securities
Credit risk transfer securities (CRTs) transfer the credit risk related to certain types of mortgage-backed securities to the owner of the credit risk transfer. Government entities, such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, primarily issue CRTs. CRTs trade in an active over the counter market facilitated by well-known investment banks. Though an active OTC market for trading exists, CRTs may be less liquid than exchange traded securities. CRTs are unguaranteed and unsecured fixed or floating rate general obligations. Holders of CRTs receive compensation for providing credit protection to the issuer. The issuer of the CRT selects the pool of mortgage loans based on that entity’s eligibility criteria, and the performance of the CRTs will be directly affected by the selection of such underlying mortgage loans. The risks associated with an investment in a CRT differ from the risks of investing in mortgage-backed securities issued by government entities or issued by private issuers because some or all of the mortgage default or credit risk associated with the underlying mortgage loans is transferred to investors. Accordingly, investors in CRTs could lose some or all of their investment if the underlying mortgage loans default.
Obligations with Term Puts Attached 
The funds may invest in fixed-rate bonds subject to third-party puts and participation interests in such bonds that are held by a bank in trust or otherwise, which have tender options or demand features attached. These tender options or demand features permit the funds to tender (or put) their bonds to an institution at periodic intervals and to receive the principal amount thereof. The managers expect the funds will pay more for securities with puts attached than for securities without these liquidity features. 
Because it is difficult to evaluate the likelihood of exercise or the potential benefit of a put, puts normally will be determined to have a value of zero, regardless of whether any direct or indirect consideration is paid. Accordingly, puts as separate securities are not expected to affect the funds’ weighted average maturities. When a fund has paid for a put, the cost will be reflected as unrealized depreciation on the underlying security for the period the put is held. Any gain on the sale of the underlying security will be reduced by the cost of the put. 
There is a risk that the seller of an obligation with a put attached will not be able to repurchase the underlying obligation when (or if) a fund attempts to exercise the put. To minimize such risks, the funds will purchase obligations with puts attached only from sellers deemed creditworthy by the portfolio managers under the direction of the Board of Directors.

Other Investment Companies
Each of the One Choice Target Date Portfolios, One Choice Blend+ Portfolios, and One Choice Target Risk Portfolios may invest up to 100% of its total assets in other American Century Investments funds in reliance on Section 12(d)(1)(G) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Each of the underlying funds may invest in other investment companies, such as closed-end investment companies, unit investment trusts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and other open-end investment companies, provided that the investment is consistent with the fund’s investment policies and restrictions. Under the Investment Company Act, each underlying fund’s investment in such securities, subject to certain exceptions, currently is limited to:
(a)3% of the total voting stock of any one investment company,
(b)5% of the fund’s total assets with respect to any one investment company; and
(c)10% of the fund’s total assets in the aggregate.
A fund’s investments in other investment companies may include money market funds managed by the advisor. Investments in money market funds are not subject to the percentage limitations set forth above.
As a shareholder of another investment company, a fund would bear, along with other shareholders, its pro rata portion of the other investment company’s expenses, including advisory fees. These expenses would be in addition to the management fee that each fund bears directly in connection with its own operations. 
ETFs are a type of fund bought and sold on a securities exchange. An ETF trades like common stock and may be actively managed or index-based. A fund may purchase an ETF to temporarily gain exposure to a portion of the U.S. or a foreign market while awaiting purchase of underlying securities, to gain exposure to specific asset classes or sectors, or as a substitute for investing directly in securities. The risks of owning an ETF generally reflect the risks of owning the underlying securities. Additionally, because the price of ETF shares is based on market price rather than net asset value (NAV), shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). A fund may also incur brokerage commissions, as well as the cost of the bid/ask spread, when purchase or selling ETF shares.
Repurchase Agreements
Each fund may invest in repurchase agreements when they present an attractive short-term return on cash that is not otherwise committed to the purchase of securities pursuant to the investment policies of that fund. A repurchase agreement occurs when, at the time a fund purchases an interest-bearing obligation, the seller (a bank or a broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) agrees to purchase it on a specified date in the future at an agreed-upon price. The repurchase price reflects an agreed-upon interest rate during the time the fund’s money is invested in the security.
Because the security purchased constitutes collateral for the repurchase obligation, a repurchase agreement can be considered a loan collateralized by the security purchased. The fund’s risk is the seller’s ability to pay the agreed-upon repurchase price on the repurchase date. If the seller defaults, the fund may incur costs in disposing of the collateral, which would reduce the amount realized thereon. If the seller seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws, the disposition of the collateral may be delayed or limited. To the extent the value of the security decreases, the fund could experience a loss.
The funds will limit repurchase agreement transactions to securities issued by the U.S. government and its agencies and instrumentalities, and will enter into such transactions with those banks and securities dealers who are deemed creditworthy by the funds’ advisor. 
Repurchase agreements maturing in more than seven days would count toward a fund’s 15% limit on illiquid securities.
Restricted and Illiquid Securities 
The funds may, from time to time, purchase restricted or illiquid securities, including Rule 144A securities, when they present attractive investment opportunities that otherwise meet the funds’ criteria for selection. Restricted securities include securities that cannot be sold to the public without registration under the Securities Act of 1933 or the availability of an exemption from registration, or that are “not readily marketable” because they are subject to other legal or contractual delays in or restrictions on resale. Rule 144A securities are securities that are privately placed with and traded among qualified institutional investors rather than the general public. Although Rule 144A securities are considered restricted securities, they are not necessarily illiquid.
With respect to securities eligible for resale under Rule 144A, the advisor will determine the liquidity of such securities pursuant to the fund’s Liquidity Risk Management Program, approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with Rule 22e-4.
Because the secondary market for such securities is limited to certain qualified institutional investors, the liquidity of such securities may be limited accordingly and a fund may, from time to time, hold a Rule 144A or other security that is illiquid. In such an event, the portfolio managers will consider appropriate remedies to minimize the effect on such fund’s liquidity. Each fund may invest no more that 15% (5% for money market funds) of the value of its assets in illiquid securities.

Short Sales
A fund engages in short selling when it sells a security it does not own. To sell a security short, a fund must borrow the security from someone else to deliver it to the buyer. That fund then replaces the borrowed security by purchasing it at the market price at or before the time of replacement. Until it replaces the security, the fund repays the person that lent it the security for any interest or dividends that may have been paid or accrued during the period of the loan. Each fund may engage in short sales for cash management purposes only if, at the time of the short sale, the fund owns or has the right to acquire securities equivalent in kind and amount to the securities being sold short.
In short sale transactions, a fund’s gain is limited to the price at which it sold the security short; its loss is limited only by the maximum price it must pay to acquire the security less the price at which the security was sold. In theory, losses from short sales may be unlimited. In order to borrow the security, a fund may be required to pay compensation to the lender for securities that are difficult to borrow due to demand or other factors. Short sales also cause a fund to incur brokerage fees and other transaction costs. Therefore, the amount of any gain a fund may receive from a short sale transaction is decreased and the amount of any loss increased by the amount of compensation to the lender, accrued interest or dividends and transaction costs a fund may be required to pay. 
There is no guarantee that a fund will be able to close out a short position at any particular time or at a particular price. During the time that a fund is short a security, it is subject to the risk that the lender of the security will terminate the loan at a time when the fund is unable to borrow the same security from another lender. If that occurs, the fund may be “bought in” at the price required to purchase the security needed to close out the short position, which may be a disadvantageous price.
Short-Term Securities
The funds may invest a portion of their assets in money market and other short-term securities. 
Examples of those securities include: 
Securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government and its agencies and instrumentalities
Commercial Paper
Certificates of Deposit and Euro Dollar Certificates of Deposit
Bankers’ Acceptances
Short-term notes, bonds, debentures or other debt instruments
Repurchase agreements
Money market funds
Structured Investments
A structured investment is a security whose value or performance is linked to an underlying index or other security or asset class. Structured investments include asset-backed securities (ABS), commercial and residential mortgage-backed securities (MBS and CMBS), and collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO), which are described more fully below. Structured investments also include securities backed by other types of collateral. Structured investments involve the transfer of specified financial assets to a special purpose entity, generally a corporation or trust, or the deposit of financial assets with a custodian; and the issuance of securities or depositary receipts backed by, or representing interests in, those assets. Structured investments may be organized and operated to restructure the investment characteristics of the underlying security. The cash flow on the underlying instruments may be apportioned among the newly issued structured investments to create securities with different investment characteristics, such as varying maturities, payment priorities and interest rate provisions, and the extent of such payments made with respect to structured investments is dependent on the extent of the cash flow on the underlying instruments.
Structured investments are generally individually negotiated agreements or traded over the counter and, as such, there is no active trading market for such investments. Thus, structured investments may be less liquid than other securities. Because structured investments typically involve no credit enhancement, their credit risk generally will be equivalent to that of the underlying instruments. Structured investments are subject to such risks as the inability or unwillingness of the issuers of the underlying securities to repay principal and interest (credit risk), and requests by the issuers of the underlying securities to reschedule or restructure outstanding debt and to extend additional loan amounts (prepayment or extension risk).
U.S. Government Securities 
U.S. Treasury bills, notes, zero-coupon bonds and other bonds are direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury, which has never failed to pay interest and repay principal when due. Treasury bills have initial maturities of one year or less, Treasury notes from two to 10 years, and Treasury bonds more than 10 years. Although U.S. Treasury securities carry little principal risk if held to maturity, the prices of these securities (like all debt securities) change between issuance and maturity in response to fluctuating market interest rates. 

A number of U.S. government agencies and instrumentalities issue debt securities. These agencies generally are created by Congress to fulfill a specific need, such as providing credit to home buyers or farmers. Among these agencies are the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal Farm Credit Banks, and the Resolution Funding Corporation. 
Some U.S. government securities are supported by the direct full faith and credit pledge of the U.S. government; others are supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Treasury; others, such as securities issued by the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. government to purchase the agencies’ obligations; and others are supported only by the credit of the issuing or guaranteeing instrumentality. There is no assurance that the U.S. government will provide financial support to an instrumentality it sponsors when it is not obligated by law to do so. Occasionally, Congressional negotiations regarding increasing the U.S. statutory debt ceiling cause uncertainty in the market. Uncertainty, or a default on U.S. government debt, could cause the credit rating of the U.S. government to be downgraded, increase volatility in debt and equity markets, result in higher interest rates, reduce prices of U.S. Treasury securities, or increase the costs of certain kinds of debt.
Variable- and Floating-Rate Securities
Interest rates on securities may be fixed for the term of the investment (fixed-rate securities) or tied to prevailing interest rates. Floating-rate instruments have interest rates that change whenever there is a change in a designated base rate; variable-rate instruments provide for specified periodic interest rate adjustments; auction-rate instruments have interest rates that are redetermined pursuant to an auction on specified dates. 
Floating-rate securities frequently have caps limiting the extent to which coupon rates can be raised. The price of a floating-rate security may decline if its capped coupon rate is lower than prevailing market interest rates. Fixed- and floating-rate securities may be issued with a call date (which permits redemption before the maturity date). The exercise of a call may reduce an obligation’s yield to maturity.
Interest rate resets on floating-rate U.S. government agency securities generally occur at intervals of one year or less in response to changes in a predetermined interest rate index. There are two main categories of indices: those based on U.S. Treasury securities and those derived from a calculated measure, such as a cost-of-funds index. Commonly used indices include the three-month, six-month and one-year Treasury bill rates; the two-year Treasury note yield; and the Eleventh District Federal Home Loan Bank Cost of Funds Index (EDCOFI). Fluctuations in the prices of floating-rate U.S. government agency securities are typically attributed to differences between the coupon rates on these securities and prevailing market interest rates between interest rate reset dates.
Variable - and floating - rate securities may be combined with a put or demand feature that permits the fund to demand payment of principal plus accrued interest from the issuer or a financial institution. Examples of VRDOs include variable-rate demand notes (VRDN) and variable-rate demand preferreds (VRDP). VRDNs combine a demand feature with an interest rate reset mechanism designed to result in a market value for the security that approximates par. VRDNs are generally designed to meet the requirements of money market fund Rule 2a-7. VRDPs are issued by a closed-end fund that in turn invests primarily in portfolios of bonds. They feature a floating rate dividend set via a weekly remarketing and have a fixed term, mandatory redemption, and an unconditional par put option.
When-Issued and Forward Commitment Agreements
The funds may sometimes purchase new issues of securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis in which the transaction price and yield are each fixed at the time the commitment is made, but payment and delivery occur at a future date.
For example, a fund may sell a security and at the same time make a commitment to purchase the same or a comparable security at a future date and specified price. Conversely, a fund may purchase a security and at the same time make a commitment to sell the same or a comparable security at a future date and specified price. These types of transactions are executed simultaneously in what are known as dollar-rolls, buy/sell back transactions, cash and carry, or financing transactions. For example, a broker-dealer may seek to purchase a particular security that a fund owns. The fund will sell that security to the broker-dealer and simultaneously enter into a forward commitment agreement to buy it back at a future date. This type of transaction generates income for the fund if the dealer is willing to execute the transaction at a favorable price in order to acquire a specific security.
When purchasing securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis, a fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership, including the risks of price and yield fluctuations. Market rates of interest on debt securities at the time of delivery may be higher or lower than those contracted for on the when-issued security. Accordingly, the value of that security may decline prior to delivery, which could result in a loss to the fund. While the fund will make commitments to purchase or sell securities with the intention of actually receiving or delivering them, it may sell the securities before the settlement date if doing so is deemed advisable as a matter of investment strategy. 
To the extent a fund remains fully invested or almost fully invested at the same time it has purchased securities on a when-issued basis, there will be greater fluctuations in its net asset value than if it solely set aside cash to pay for when-issued securities. When the time comes to pay for the when-issued securities, the fund will meet its obligations with available cash, through the sale of securities, or, although it would not normally expect to do so, by selling the when-issued securities themselves (which may have a market value

greater or less than the fund’s payment obligation). Selling securities to meet when-issued or forward commitment obligations may generate taxable capital gains or losses.
Generally, the funds intend to physically settle when-issued and forward commitments within 35 days of their trade dates. If such a transaction cannot be physically settled in this time, it will be treated as a derivatives transaction for purposes of the fund’s derivative risk management program. The derivative risk management program is described in greater detail in the Derivative Instruments section.
Zero-Coupon, Step-Coupon and Pay-In-Kind Securities
Zero-coupon, step-coupon and pay-in-kind securities are debt securities that do not make regular cash interest payments. Zero-coupon and step-coupon securities are sold at a deep discount to their face value. Pay-in-kind securities pay interest through the issuance of additional securities. Because such securities do not pay current cash income, the price of these securities can be volatile when interest rates fluctuate. While these securities do not pay current cash income, federal income tax law requires the holders of zero-coupon, step-coupon and pay-in-kind securities to include in income each year the portion of the original issue discount and other noncash income on such securities accrued during that year. In order to continue to qualify for treatment as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code and avoid certain excise tax, the funds are required to make distributions of income accrued for each year. Accordingly, the funds may be required to dispose of other portfolio securities, which may occur in periods of adverse market prices, in order to generate cash to meet these distribution requirements.
Investment Policies 
Unless otherwise indicated, with the exception of the percentage limitations on borrowing, the policies described below apply at the time a fund enters into a transaction. Accordingly, any later increase or decrease beyond the specified limitation resulting from a change in a fund’s assets will not be considered in determining whether it has complied with its investment policies. 
Fundamental Investment Policies
The funds’ fundamental investment policies are set forth below. These investment policies, a fund’s status as diversified, and, except for One Choice 2060 Portfolio, One Choice 2065 Portfolio, and the One Choice Blend+ Portfolios, a fund’s investment objective set forth in its prospectus may not be changed without approval of a majority of the outstanding votes of shareholders of a fund. Under the Investment Company Act, the vote of a majority of the outstanding votes of shareholders means, the vote of (A) 67 percent or more of the voting securities present at a shareholder meeting, if the holders of more than 50 percent of the outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy; or (B) more than 50 percent of the outstanding voting securities, whichever is less.
Subject Policy
Senior Securities A fund may not issue senior securities, except as permitted under the Investment Company Act.
Borrowing A fund may not borrow money, except that a fund may borrow for temporary or emergency purposes (not for leveraging or investment) in an amount not exceeding 33⅓% of the fund’s total assets (including the amount borrowed) less liabilities (other than borrowings).
Lending A fund may not lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result, more than 33⅓% of the fund’s total assets would be lent to other parties, except (i) through the purchase of debt securities in accordance with its investment objective, policies and limitations or (ii) by engaging in repurchase agreements with respect to portfolio securities.
Real Estate A fund may not purchase or sell real estate unless acquired as a result of ownership of securities or other instruments. This policy shall not prevent a fund from investing in securities or other instruments backed by real estate or securities of companies that deal in real estate or are engaged in the real estate business.
Concentration A fund may not concentrate its investments in securities of issuers in a particular industry (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, except that the funds will invest substantially all of their assets in investment companies that are members of the American Century Investments family of funds).
Underwriting A fund may not act as an underwriter of securities issued by others, except to the extent that the fund may be considered an underwriter within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 in the disposition of restricted securities.
Commodities A fund may not purchase or sell physical commodities unless acquired as a result of ownership of securities or other instruments, provided that this limitation shall not prohibit the fund from purchasing or selling options and futures contracts or from investing in securities or other instruments backed by physical commodities.
Control A fund may not invest for purposes of exercising control over management.
For purposes of the investment policy relating to senior securities, a fund may borrow from any bank provided that immediately after any such borrowing there is asset coverage of at least 300% for all borrowings of such fund. In the event that such asset coverage falls below 300%, the fund shall, within three days thereafter (not including Sundays and holidays) or such longer period as the SEC may

prescribe by rules and regulations, reduce the amount of its borrowings to an extent that the asset coverage of such borrowings is at least 300%.
For purposes of the investment policy relating to concentration, a fund shall not purchase any securities that would cause 25% or more of the value of the fund’s net assets at the time of purchase to be invested in the securities of one or more issuers conducting their principal business activities in the same industry, provided that:
(a)there is no limitation with respect to investments in mutual funds,
(b)there is no limitation with respect to obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, any state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia or any of their authorities, agencies, instrumentalities or political subdivisions and repurchase agreements secured by such obligations (except that an Industrial Development Bond backed only by the assets and revenues of a non-governmental user will be deemed to be an investment in the industry represented by such user), 
(c)wholly owned finance companies will be considered to be in the industries of their parents if their activities are primarily related to financing the activities of their parents,
(d)utilities will be divided according to their services, for example, gas, gas transmission, electric and gas, electric, and telephone will each be considered a separate industry, and
(e)personal credit and business credit businesses will be considered separate industries.
The funds consider the industries of the holdings of the other American Century funds (affiliated funds) in which they invest to assess industry concentration.
Nonfundamental Investment Policies
In addition, the funds are subject to the following investment policies that are not fundamental. These policies, along with the investment objective of the One Choice 2060 Portfolio, One Choice 2065 Portfolio, and the One Choice Blend+ Portfolios, as set forth in their prospectus, may be changed by the Board of Directors.
Subject Policy
Leveraging A fund may not purchase additional investment securities at any time during which outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the total assets of the fund.
Liquidity A fund may not purchase any security or enter into a repurchase agreement if, as a result, more than 15% of its net assets would be invested in illiquid securities. Illiquid securities include repurchase agreements not entitling the holder to payment of principal and interest within seven days, and securities that are illiquid by virtue of legal or contractual restrictions on resale or the absence of a readily available market.
Margin A fund may not purchase securities on margin, except to obtain such short-term credits as are necessary for the clearance of transactions, and provided that margin payments and other deposits in connection with transactions involving futures, options (puts, calls, etc.), swaps, short sales, forward contracts, commitment agreements, and other similar investment techniques shall not be deemed to constitute purchasing securities on margin.
Futures &
A fund may enter into futures contracts, and write and buy put and call options relating to futures contracts. A fund may not, however, enter into leveraged futures transactions if it would be possible for the fund to lose more than the notional value of the investment.
Issuers with
A fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in the equity securities of issuers with limited operating histories. An issuer is considered to have a limited operating history if that issuer has a record of less than three years of continuous operation. Periods of capital formation, incubation, consolidations, and research and development may be considered in determining whether a particular issuer has a record of three years of continuous operation. For purposes of this limitation, “issuers” refers to operating companies that issue securities for the purpose of issuing debt or raising capital as a means of financing their ongoing operations.
The Investment Company Act imposes certain additional restrictions upon the funds’ ability to acquire securities issued by insurance companies, broker-dealers, underwriters or investment advisors, and upon transactions with affiliated persons as defined by the Act. It also defines and forbids the creation of cross and circular ownership.  
Portfolio Turnover
The portfolio turnover rate of each fund for its most recent fiscal year is included in the Fund Summary section of that fund’s prospectus. The portfolio turnover rate for each fund’s last five fiscal years (or a shorter period if the fund is less than five years old) is shown in the Financial Highlights tables in the prospectus.
Variations in a fund’s portfolio turnover rate from year to year may be due to a fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption activity, varying market conditions and/or changes in the managers’ investment outlook. 
The funds will, under most circumstances, be essentially fully invested in other American Century Investments mutual funds within the allocation framework set forth in the prospectuses. The portfolio managers may sell shares of the underlying funds without regard

to the length of time they have been held. A high level of turnover is not anticipated beyond that necessary to accommodate purchases and sales of each fund’s shares and to implement periodic asset rebalancings and reallocations. Details about the underlying funds’ portfolio turnover rates appear in those funds’ prospectuses and statements of additional information.
Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings
The advisor (ACIM) has adopted policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings and characteristics, which are described below. 
Distribution to the Public
The funds invest substantially all of their assets in other American Century Investments mutual funds. These holdings, as described in the funds’ prospectuses, are available at any time with no lag period. In addition, full portfolio holdings for each fund are disclosed in the annual and semiannual shareholder reports and the quarter-end portfolio disclosures on Form N-PORT. Such disclosures are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 60 days of each fiscal quarter end and also posted on at approximately the same time the filings are made.
The advisor makes no distinction among different categories of recipients, such as individual investors, institutional investors, intermediaries that distribute the funds’ shares, third-party service providers, rating and ranking organizations, and fund affiliates. Because this information is publicly available and widely disseminated, the advisor places no conditions or restrictions on, and does not monitor, its use. Nor does the advisor require special authorization for its disclosure. 
Neither the advisor nor the funds receive any compensation from any party for the distribution of portfolio holdings information. 
The advisor reserves the right to change its policies and procedures with respect to the distribution of portfolio holdings information at any time. There is no guarantee that these policies and procedures will protect the funds from the potential misuse of holdings information by individuals or firms in possession of such information. 
The Board of Directors
The individuals listed below serve as directors of the funds. Each director will continue to serve in this capacity until death, retirement, resignation or removal from office. The board has adopted a mandatory retirement age for directors who are not “interested persons,” as that term is defined in the Investment Company Act (independent directors). Independent directors shall retire on December 31 of the year in which they reach their 75th birthday.
Jonathan S. Thomas is an “interested person” because he currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of American Century Companies, Inc. (ACC), the parent company of American Century Investment Management, Inc. (ACIM or the advisor). The other directors (more than three-fourths of the total number) are independent. They are not employees, directors or officers of, and have no financial interest in, ACC or any of its wholly owned, direct or indirect, subsidiaries, including ACIM, American Century Investment Services, Inc. (ACIS) and American Century Services, LLC (ACS), and they do not have any other affiliations, positions or relationships that would cause them to be considered “interested persons” under the Investment Company Act. The directors serve in this capacity for seven (in the case of Jonathan S. Thomas, 16; and Thomas W. Bunn, 8) registered investment companies in the American Century Investments family of funds.
The following table presents additional information about the directors. The mailing address for each director is 4500 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.

Name (Year of Birth)  
Held with
Length of
Time Served  
Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years  
Number of
by Director  
Other Directorships
Held During Past
5 Years  
Independent Directors  
Brian Bulatao
Director  Since 2022
Chief Administrative Officer, Activision Blizzard, Inc. (2021 to 2024); Under Secretary of State for Management, U.S. Department of State (2018 to 2021)
56 None
Thomas W. Bunn (1953) Director Since 2017 Retired 112 None
Chris H. Cheesman
Since 2019
Alleghany Corporation
(2021 to 2022)
Barry Fink
Director Since 2012 (independent since 2016) Retired 56 None
Rajesh K. Gupta (1960)
Since 2019
Partner Emeritus, SeaCrest Investment Management and SeaCrest Wealth Management (2019 to present)
Lynn M. Jenkins (1963)
Since 2019
Senior Policy Advisor, Capital Hill Policy Group (2020 to present); Consultant, LJ Strategies (2019 to 2023)
MGP Ingredients, Inc. (2019 to 2021)
Jan M. Lewis
Director and Board Chair Since 2011 (Board Chair since 2022) Retired 56 None
Gary C. Meltzer
Director Since 2022
Advisor, Pontoro (2021 to present); Executive Advisor, Consultant and Investor, Harris Ariel Advisory LLC (2020 to present); Managing Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (1985 to 2020)
SoFi Technologies, Inc.; Apollo Realty Income Solutions, Inc.; ExcelFin Acquisition Corp. (2021 to 2024)
Interested Director  
Jonathan S. Thomas
Since 2007
President and Chief Executive Officer, ACC (2007 to present). Also serves as Director, ACC and other ACC subsidiaries
142 None

Qualifications of Directors
Generally, no one factor was decisive in the selection of the directors to the board. Qualifications considered by the board to be important to the selection and retention of directors include the following: (i) the individual’s business and professional experience and accomplishments; (ii) the individual’s educational background and accomplishments; (iii) the individual’s experience and expertise performing senior policy-making functions in business, government, education, accounting, law and/or administration; (iv) how the individual’s expertise and experience would contribute to the mix of relevant skills and experience on the board; (v) the individual’s ability to work effectively with the other members of the board; and (vi) the individual’s ability and willingness to make the time commitment necessary to serve as an effective director. In addition, the individuals’ ability to review and critically evaluate information, their ability to evaluate fund service providers, their ability to exercise good business judgment on behalf of fund shareholders, their prior service on the board, and their familiarity with the funds are considered important assets.

When assessing potential new directors, the board has a policy of considering individuals from various and diverse backgrounds. Such diverse backgrounds may include differences in professional experience, education, individual skill sets and other individual attributes. Additional information about each director’s individual educational and professional experience (supplementing the information provided in the table above) follows and was considered as part of his or her nomination to, or retention on, the board.
Brian Bulatao: BS in Engineering Management, United States Military Academy at West Point; MBA from Harvard Business School; formerly, Chief Operating Officer, Central Intelligence Agency, former military service followed by experience at McKinsey & Co. (global management consulting) and in the private equity industry; experience in senior management positions in government and the private sector
Thomas W. Bunn: BS in Business Administration, Wake Forest University; MBA in Finance, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; formerly Vice Chairman and President, KeyCorp (banking services); 31 years of experience in investment, commercial and corporate banking; managing directorship roles with Bank of America
Chris H. Cheesman: BS in Business Administration (Accounting), Hofstra University; 32 years of experience in global financial services at AllianceBernstein; formerly, auditor with Price Waterhouse; Certified Public Accountant
Barry Fink: BA in English and History, Binghamton University; Juris Doctorate, University of Michigan; formerly held leadership roles including chief operating officer with American Century Investments; formerly held leadership roles during a 20-year career with Morgan Stanley Investment Management; formerly asset management and securities law attorney at Seward & Kissel; serves on the Board of Directors of ICI Mutual Insurance Company
Rajesh K. Gupta: BS in Quantitative Analysis, New York University, Stern School of Business; MBA in Finance, New York University, Stern School of Business; formerly, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, SeaCrest Investment Management; formerly, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, SeaCrest Wealth Management; formerly held leadership roles during 19-year career with Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Lynn M. Jenkins: BS in Accounting, Weber State University; AA in Business, Kansas State University; formerly, United States Representative; formerly, Kansas State Treasurer, Kansas State Senator and Kansas State Representative; 20 years of experience in finance and accounting, including as a certified public accountant
Jan M. Lewis: BS in Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska and MBA, Rockhurst College; Graduate Certificate in Financial Markets and Institutions, Boston University; formerly, President and Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas (human services organization); formerly, President, BUCON, Inc. (full-service design-build construction company); 20 years of experience with Butler Manufacturing Company (metal buildings producer) and its subsidiaries
Gary C. Meltzer: BS in Accounting, Binghamton University; Certified Public Accountant; formerly held a variety of roles during 35 years of experience as business advisor and independent auditor providing high quality audits and value-added services with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Jonathan S. Thomas: BA in Economics, University of Massachusetts; MBA, Boston College; formerly held senior leadership roles with Fidelity Investments, Boston Financial Services, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley; serves on the Board of Governors of the Investment Company Institute
Responsibilities of the Board 
The board is responsible for overseeing the advisor’s management and operations of the funds pursuant to the management agreements. Directors also have significant responsibilities under the federal securities laws. Among other things, they:
oversee the performance of the funds;
oversee the quality of the advisory and shareholder services provided by the advisor and other service providers to the funds;
review annually the fees paid to the advisor for its services;
monitor potential conflicts of interest between the funds and their affiliates, including the advisor;
oversee custody of assets and the valuation of securities; and
oversee the funds’ compliance program.
In performing their duties, board members receive detailed information about the funds, the advisor and other service providers to the funds regularly throughout the year, and meet at least quarterly with management of the advisor to review reports about fund operations. The directors’ role is to provide oversight and not to provide day-to-day management.
The board has all powers necessary or convenient to carry out its responsibilities. Consequently, the board may adopt bylaws providing for the regulation and management of the affairs of the funds and may amend and repeal them to the extent that such bylaws do not reserve that right to the funds’ shareholders. They may increase or reduce the number of board members and may, subject to the Investment Company Act, fill board vacancies. Board members also may elect and remove such officers and appoint and terminate such agents as they consider appropriate. They may establish and terminate committees consisting of two or more directors who may exercise the powers and authority of the board as determined by the directors. They may, in general, delegate such authority as they

consider desirable to any officer of the funds, to any board committee and to any agent or employee of the funds or to any custodian, transfer agent, investor servicing agent, principal underwriter or other service provider for a fund. 
To communicate with the board, or a member of the board, a shareholder should send a written communication addressed to the attention of the corporate secretary (the “Corporate Secretary”) at American Century funds, P.O. Box 418210, Kansas City, Missouri 64141-9210. Shareholders who prefer to communicate by email may send their comments to [email protected]. The Corporate Secretary will forward all such communications to each member of the Compliance and Shareholder Services Committee, or if applicable, the individual director(s) and/or committee chair named in the correspondence. However, if a shareholder communication is addressed exclusively to the funds’ independent directors, the Corporate Secretary will forward the communication to the Compliance and Shareholder Services Committee chair, who will determine the appropriate action.
Board Leadership Structure and Standing Board Committees
Jan M. Lewis currently serves as the independent board chair and has served in such capacity since 2022. All of the board’s members except for Jonathan S. Thomas are independent directors. The independent directors meet separately, as needed and at least in conjunction with each quarterly meeting of the board, to consider a variety of matters that are scheduled to come before the board and meet periodically with the funds’ Chief Compliance Officer and fund auditors. They are advised by independent legal counsel. No independent director may serve as an officer or employee of a fund. The board has also established several committees, as described below. The board believes that the current leadership structure, with independent directors filling all but one position on the board, with an independent director serving as board chair, and with the board committees comprised only of independent directors is appropriate and allows for independent oversight of the funds. 
The board has an Audit Committee that approves the funds’ (or corporation’s) engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm and recommends approval of such engagement to the independent directors. The committee also oversees the activities of the accounting firm, receives regular reports regarding fund accounting, oversees securities valuation (approving the funds’ valuation policy and receiving reports regarding instances of fair valuation thereunder) and receives regular reports from the advisor’s internal audit department. The committee currently consists of Chris H. Cheesman (chair), Barry Fink, Lynn Jenkins and Gary C. Meltzer. The committee met four times during the funds’ previous fiscal year ended July 31, 2024.
The board has a Governance Committee that is responsible for reviewing board procedures and committee structures. The committee also considers and recommends individuals for nomination as directors, and may recommend the creation of new committees. The names of potential director candidates may be drawn from a number of sources, including members of the board, management and shareholders. Shareholders may submit director nominations at any time to the Corporate Secretary, American Century funds, P.O. Box 418210, Kansas City, MO 64141-9210. When submitting nominations, shareholders should include the name, age and address of the candidate, as well as a detailed resume of the candidate’s qualifications and a signed statement from the candidate of his/her willingness to serve on the board. Shareholders submitting nominations should also include information concerning the number of fund shares and length of time held by the shareholder, and if applicable, similar information for the potential candidate. All nominations submitted by shareholders will be forwarded to the chair of the Governance Committee for consideration. The Corporate Secretary will maintain copies of such materials for future reference by the committee when filling board positions. 
If this process yields more than one desirable candidate, the committee will rank them by order of preference depending on their qualifications and the funds’ needs. The candidate(s) may then be contacted to evaluate their interest and be interviewed by the full committee. Based upon its evaluation and any appropriate background checks, the committee will decide whether to recommend a candidate’s nomination to the board.
The Governance Committee also may recommend the creation of new committees, evaluate the membership structure of new and existing committees, consider the frequency and duration of board and committee meetings and otherwise evaluate the responsibilities, processes, resources, performance and compensation of the board. The committee currently consists of Barry Fink (chair), Brian Bulatao, Lynn Jenkins, Jan M. Lewis and Gary C. Meltzer. The committee met three times during the funds’ previous fiscal year ended July 31, 2024.
The board also has a Compliance and Shareholder Services Committee, which reviews the results of the funds’ compliance testing program, meets regularly with the funds’ Chief Compliance Officer, reviews shareholder communications, reviews quarterly reports regarding the quality of shareholder service provided by the advisor, and monitors implementation of the funds’ Code of Ethics. The committee currently consists of Thomas W. Bunn (chair), Brian Bulatao, Rajesh K. Gupta and Jan M. Lewis. The committee met four times during the funds’ previous fiscal year ended July 31, 2024.
The board has a Fund Performance Review Committee that meets quarterly to review the investment activities and strategies used to manage fund assets and monitor investment performance. The committee regularly receives reports from the advisor’s chief investment officer, portfolio managers and other investment personnel concerning the funds’ efforts to achieve their investment objectives. The committee also receives information regarding fund trading activities and monitors derivative usage. The committee does not review individual security selections. The committee currently consists of Rajesh K. Gupta (chair), Brian Bulatao, Thomas

W. Bunn, Chris H. Cheesman, Barry Fink, Lynn Jenkins, Jan M. Lewis and Gary C. Meltzer. The committee met four times during the funds’ previous fiscal year ended July 31, 2024.
Risk Oversight by the Board 
As previously disclosed, the board oversees the advisor’s management of the funds and meets at least quarterly with management of the advisor to review reports and receive information regarding fund operations. Risk oversight relating to the funds is one component of the board’s oversight and is undertaken in connection with the duties of the board. As described above, the board’s committees assist the board in overseeing various types of risks relating to the funds, including, but not limited to, investment risk, operational risk and enterprise risk. The board receives regular reports from each committee regarding the committee’s areas of oversight responsibility and, through those reports and its regular interactions with management of the advisor during and between meetings, provides oversight of the advisor’s risk management processes. In addition, the board receives information regarding, and has discussions with senior management of the advisor about, the advisor’s enterprise risk management systems and strategies, including an annual review of the advisor’s risk management practices. There can be no assurance that all elements of risk, or even all elements of material risk, will be disclosed to or identified by the board, or that the advisor’s risk management systems and strategies, and the board’s oversight thereof, will mitigate all elements of risk, or even all elements of material risk to the funds.
Board Compensation
Each independent director receives compensation for service as a member of the board. Under the terms of each management agreement with the advisor, the funds are responsible for paying such fees and expenses. None of the interested directors or officers of the funds receive compensation from the funds. For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024, each independent director received the following compensation for his or her service to the funds and the American Century Investments family of funds.
Name of Director 
Total Compensation for Service as Director of the Funds1
Total Compensation for Service as Directors for the American
Century Investments Family of Funds2
Independent Directors
Brian Bulatao $48,661 $331,500
Thomas W. Bunn $51,352 $479,738
Chris H. Cheesman $51,352 $349,500
Barry Fink $51,352 $349,500
Rajesh K. Gupta $51,352 $349,500
Lynn Jenkins $48,661 $331,500
Jan M. Lewis $59,874 $406,500
Gary C. Meltzer $48,661 $331,500
Stephen E. Yates3
$20,553 $204,125
1    Includes compensation paid to the directors for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024, and also includes amounts deferred at the election of the directors under the American Century Mutual Funds’ Independent Directors’ Deferred Compensation Plan.
2    Includes compensation paid to each director for his or her service as director/trustee for seven (in the case of Mr. Bunn, eight) investment companies in the American Century Investments family of funds. The total amount of deferred compensation included in the table is as follows: Mr. Bunn, $115,106; and Ms. Jenkins, $132,600.
3 Mr. Yates retired from the board on December 31, 2023.
None of the funds currently provides any pension or retirement benefits to the directors except pursuant to the American Century Mutual Funds’ Independent Directors’ Deferred Compensation Plan adopted by the corporation. Under the plan, the independent directors may defer receipt of all or any part of the fees to be paid to them for serving as directors of the funds. All deferred fees are credited to accounts established in the names of the directors. The amounts credited to each account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more American Century funds selected by the directors. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts credited to the account. Directors are allowed to change their designation of funds from time to time. 
Generally, deferred fees are not payable to a director until the distribution date elected by the director in accordance with the terms of the plan. Such distribution date may be a date on or after the director’s retirement date, but may be an earlier date if the director agrees not to make any additional deferrals after such distribution date. Distributions may commence prior to the elected payment date for certain reasons specified in the plan, such as unforeseeable emergencies, death or disability. Directors may receive deferred fee account balances either in a lump sum payment or in substantially equal installment payments to be made over a period not to exceed 10 years. Upon the death of a director, all remaining deferred fee account balances are paid to the director’s beneficiary or, if none, to the director’s estate. 

The plan is an unfunded plan and, accordingly, the funds have no obligation to segregate assets to secure or fund the deferred fees. To date, the funds have met all payment obligations under the plan. The rights of directors to receive their deferred fee account balances are the same as the rights of a general unsecured creditor of the funds. The plan may be terminated at any time by the administrative committee of the plan. If terminated, all deferred fee account balances will be paid in a lump sum.
Ownership of Fund Shares
The directors owned shares in the funds as of December 31, 2023, as shown in the table below.
                                  Name of Director
  Jonathan S.
Dollar Range of Equity Securities in the Funds:      
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio E A A E A
One Choice 2025 Portfolio E A D A A
One Choice 2030 Portfolio E A A A A
One Choice 2035 Portfolio D A A A A
One Choice 2040 Portfolio E A A A A
One Choice 2045 Portfolio D A A A A
One Choice 2050 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2055 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2060 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2065 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative A A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative A A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate A A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive A A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive A A A A A
Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity Securities in all Registered Investment Companies Overseen by Director in Family of Investment Companies E A E E E
Ranges: A—none, B—$1-$10,000, C—$10,001-$50,000, D—$50,001-$100,000, E—More than $100,000
  Name of Director
Jan M.
Gary C. Meltzer
Dollar Range of Equity Securities in the Funds:
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio A A E A
One Choice 2025 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2030 Portfolio E A A A
One Choice 2035 Portfolio A A A A

  Name of Director
Jan M.
Gary C. Meltzer
One Choice 2040 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2045 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2050 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2055 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2060 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice 2065 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive A A A A
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive A A A A
Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity Securities in all Registered Investment Companies Overseen by Director in Family of Investment Companies E E E A
Ranges: A—none, B—$1-$10,000, C—$10,001-$50,000, D—$50,001-$100,000, E—More than $100,000
Beneficial Ownership of Affiliates by Independent Directors
No independent director or his or her immediate family members beneficially owned shares of the advisor, the funds’ principal underwriter or any other person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the advisor or the funds’ principal underwriter as of December 31, 2023.

The following table presents certain information about the executive officers of the funds. Each officer serves as an officer for 16 investment companies in the American Century family of funds. No officer is compensated for his or her service as an officer of the funds. The listed officers are interested persons of the funds and are appointed or re-appointed on an annual basis. The mailing address for each officer listed below is 4500 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.
Name (Year
of Birth)  
Offices with
the Funds  
Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years  
Patrick Bannigan
President since 2019
Executive Vice President and Director, ACC (2012 to present); Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer, ACC (2015 to present). Also serves as President, ACS; Vice President, ACIM; Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and/or Director, ACIM, ACS and other ACC subsidiaries
R. Wes Campbell (1974)
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since 2018; Vice President since 2023
Vice President, ACS, (2020 to present); Investment Operations and Investment Accounting, ACS (2000 to present)
Amy D. Shelton
Chief Compliance
Officer and Vice President since 2014
Chief Compliance Officer, American Century funds, (2014 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, ACIM (2014 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, ACIS (2009 to present). Also serves as Vice President, ACIS 
John Pak
General Counsel and
Senior Vice President since 2021
General Counsel and Senior Vice President, ACC (2021 to present); Also serves as General Counsel and Senior Vice President, ACIM, ACS and ACIS. Chief Legal Officer of Investment and Wealth Management, The Bank of New York Mellon (2014 to 2021)
Cihan Kasikara
Vice President since 2023
Senior Vice President, ACS (2022 to present); Treasurer, ACS (2023 to present); Vice President, ACS (2020 to 2022); Vice President, Franklin Templeton ( 2015 to 2020)
Kathleen Gunja Nelson (1976) Vice President since 2023
Vice President, ACS (2017 to present)
Ward D.
since 2005
Attorney, ACC (2003 to present)
Code of Ethics
The funds, their investment advisor and principal underwriter have adopted codes of ethics under Rule 17j-1 of the Investment Company Act. They permit personnel subject to the codes to invest in securities, including securities that may be purchased or held by the underlying funds, provided that they first obtain approval from the compliance department before making such investments.
Proxy Voting Policies   
The advisor is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and/or held by the funds. The funds’ Board of Directors has approved the advisor’s proxy voting policies to govern the advisor’s proxy voting activities.   
A copy of the advisor’s proxy voting policies is attached hereto as Appendix D. Information regarding how the advisor voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, is available at or may be requested free of charge by calling toll-free at 1-800-345-2021. The advisor’s proxy voting record also is available on the SEC’s website at   


The Funds’ Principal Shareholders
A list of the funds’ principal shareholders appears in Appendix A.
Service Providers 
The funds have no employees. To conduct the funds’ day-to-day activities, the corporation has hired a number of service providers. Each service provider has a specific function to fill on behalf of the funds that is described below.
ACIM, ACS and ACIS are wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by ACC. The Stowers Institute for Medical Research (SIMR) controls ACC by virtue of its beneficial ownership of more than 25% of the voting securities of ACC. SIMR is part of a not-for-profit biomedical research organization dedicated to finding the keys to the causes, treatments and prevention of disease.
Investment Advisor
American Century Investment Management, Inc. (ACIM) serves as the investment advisor for each of the funds. A description of the responsibilities of the advisor appears in each prospectus under the heading Management.
The advisor does not receive a unified management fee for services provided to the following funds: One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative, One Choice Portfolio: Conservative, One Choice Portfolio: Moderate, One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive and One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive.
Each class of each fund and underlying fund is subject to a contractual unified management fee based on a percentage of the daily net assets of such class. For more information about the unified management fee, see The Investment Advisor under the heading Management in each fund’s prospectus. The amount of the fee is calculated daily and paid monthly in arrears. 
The management fee rates for the funds as of the date of this statement of additional information appear below.
Fund Class
Management Fee1
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.78%
  I 0.60%
R6 0.49%
One Choice 2025 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.78%
  I 0.60%
R6 0.49%
One Choice 2030 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.80%
  I 0.62%
R6 0.50%
One Choice 2035 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.83%
  I 0.64%
R6 0.52%
One Choice 2040 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.86%
  I 0.66%
R6 0.55%
One Choice 2045 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.88%
  I 0.69%
R6 0.56%
One Choice 2050 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.90%
  I 0.71%
R6 0.58%

Fund Class
Management Fee1
One Choice 2055 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.92%
  I 0.72%
R6 0.59%
One Choice 2060 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.93%
  I 0.73%
R6 0.60%
One Choice 2065 Portfolio Investor, A, C and R 0.94%
I 0.74%
R6 0.60%
1    Each year, the Board of Directors will approve a new management fee rate. The fee rate will be based on the most conservative (i.e., least expensive) neutral mix of the underlying funds estimated by the portfolio managers for the upcoming year, and adjusted for each class to reflect such class’s separate arrangements for shareholder services. Because the fee rates are based on the neutral mix, it is possible for them to increase from one year to the next.

Fund Class Management Fee
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
I 0.38%
  R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%

Fund Class Management Fee
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
  I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio Investor, A, and R 0.58%
I 0.38%
R6 0.23%
On each calendar day, each class of each fund accrues a management fee that is equal to the class’s management fee rate times the net assets of the class divided by 365 (366 in leap years). On the first business day of each month, the funds pay a management fee to the advisor for the previous month. The fee for the previous month is the sum of the calculated daily fees for each class of a fund during the previous month. 
The management agreement between the corporation and the advisor shall continue in effect for a period of two years from its effective date (unless sooner terminated in accordance with its terms) and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter for each fund so long as such continuance is approved at least annually by:
(1)either the funds’ Board of Directors, or a majority of the outstanding voting securities of such fund (as defined in the Investment Company Act) and
(2)the vote of a majority of the directors of the funds who are not parties to the agreement or interested persons of the advisor, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.
The management agreement states that the funds’ Board of Directors or a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each class of such fund may terminate the management agreement at any time without payment of any penalty on 60 days’ written notice to the advisor. The management agreement shall be automatically terminated if it is assigned.
The management agreement states that the advisor shall not be liable to the funds or their shareholders for anything other than willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of its obligations and duties.
The management agreement also provides that the advisor and its officers, directors and employees may engage in other business, render services to others, and devote time and attention to any other business whether of a similar or dissimilar nature.
Certain investments may be appropriate for the funds and also for other clients advised by the advisor. Investment decisions for the funds and other clients are made with a view to achieving their respective investment objectives after consideration of such factors as their current holdings, availability of cash for investment and the size of their investment generally. A particular security may be bought or sold for only one client or fund, or in different amounts and at different times for more than one but less than all clients or funds. A particular security may be bought for one client or fund on the same day it is sold for another client or fund, and a client or fund may hold a short position in a particular security at the same time another client or fund holds a long position. In addition, purchases or sales of the same security may be made for two or more clients or funds on the same date. The advisor has adopted procedures designed to ensure such transactions will be allocated among clients and funds in a manner believed by the advisor to be equitable to each. In some cases this procedure could have an adverse effect on the price or amount of the securities purchased or sold by a fund.
Unified management fees incurred by each fund for the fiscal periods ended July 31, 2024, 2023 and 2022 are indicated in the following table.
Unified Management Fees  
2024 2023 2022
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio
One Choice 2025 Portfolio
One Choice 2030 Portfolio
One Choice 2035 Portfolio
One Choice 2040 Portfolio
One Choice 2045 Portfolio
One Choice 2050 Portfolio
One Choice 2055 Portfolio
One Choice 2060 Portfolio
One Choice 2065 Portfolio

Unified Management Fees  
2024 2023 2022
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio $105,363 $64,664 $25,379
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio $119,282 $70,466 $26,577
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio $93,555 $51,507 $20,203
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio $58,732 $30,199 $13,038
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio $40,772 $19,901 $6,293
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio $25,593 $11,778 $6,387
1Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,055,703 in management fees.
2Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of 766,838 in management fees.
3Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $818,311 in management fees.
4Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $828,123 in management fees.
5Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $734,227 in management fees.
6Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $604,640 in management fees.
7Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $461,156 in management fees.
8Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $449,264 in management fees.
9Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $276,492 in management fees.
10Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $49,451 in management fees.
11Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $647 in management fees.
12Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $2,173 in management fees.
13Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $3,790 in management fees.
14Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $3,743 in management fees.
15Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,647 in management fees.
16Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,017,202 in management fees.
17Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $834,093 in management fees.
18Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $848,327 in management fees.
19Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $882,181 in management fees.
20Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $694,216 in management fees.
21Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $612,846 in management fees.
22Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $404,230 in management fees.
23Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $363,926 in management fees.
24Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $196,721 in management fees.
25Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $24,476 in management fees.
26Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $557 in management fees.
27Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,334 in management fees.
28Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $2,462 in management fees.
29Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,972 in management fees.
30Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $780 in management fees.
31Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,105,395 in management fees.
32Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $941,064 in management fees.
33Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,030,653 in management fees.
34Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,114,192 in management fees.
35Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $861,293 in management fees.
36Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $772,700 in management fees.

37Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $494,586 in management fees.
38Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $406,970 in management fees.
39Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $192,585 in management fees.
40Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $11,220 in management fees.
41Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $252 in management fees.
42Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $567 in management fees.
43Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $1,000 in management fees.
44Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $771 in management fees.
45Amount shown reflects waiver by advisor of $273 in management fees.
Portfolio Managers
Accounts Managed
The portfolio managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of various accounts, as indicated by the following table. None of these accounts has an advisory fee based on the performance of the account.
Accounts Managed (As of July 31, 2024)  
Registered Investment
Companies (e.g.,
American Century
Investments funds and
American Century
Investments -
subadvised funds)
Other Pooled
Vehicles (e.g.,
commingled trusts
and 529 education
savings plans)
Other Accounts
(e.g., separate
accounts and
corporate accounts
including incubation
strategies and
corporate money)
Radu Gabudean Number of Accounts 30 96 14
$19.5 billion1
$27.2 billion $7.4 million
Brian L. Garbe Number of Accounts 29 30 14
$19.3 billion1
$15.5 billion $7.4 million
Vidya Rajappa Number of Accounts 30 96 14
$19.5 billion1
$27.2 billion $7.4 million
Richard Weiss Number of Accounts 30 97 14
$19.5 billion1
$27.4 billion $7.4 million
Scott Wilson Number of Accounts 29 96 14
$19.3 billion1
$27.2 billion $7.4 million
1    Includes $1.7 billion in One Choice In Retirement Portfolio; $1.6 billion in One Choice 2025 Portfolio; $1.7 billion in One Choice 2030 Portfolio; $1.9 billion in One Choice 2035 Portfolio; $1.5 billion in One Choice 2040 Portfolio; $1.6 billion in One Choice 2045 Portfolio; $1.2 billion in One Choice 2050 Portfolio; $880.5 million in One Choice 2055 Portfolio; $484.1 million in One Choice 2060 Portfolio; $95.4 million in One Choice 2065 Portfolio; $3.6 million in One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio; $16.0 million in One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio; $31.7 million in One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio; $51.6 million in One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio; $46.8 million in One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio; $42.5 million in One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio; $49.3 million in One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio; $41.9 million in One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio; $26.8 million in One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio; $17.8 million in One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio; $8.6 million in One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio; $390.0 million in One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative; $1.1 billion in One Choice Portfolio: Conservative; $1.8 billion in One Choice Portfolio: Moderate; $902.4 million in One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive; and $353.3 million in One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
Certain conflicts of interest may arise in connection with the management of multiple portfolios. Potential conflicts include, for example, conflicts among investment strategies, such as one portfolio buying or selling a security while another portfolio has a differing, potentially opposite position in such security. This may include one portfolio taking a short position in the security of an issuer that is held long in another portfolio (or vice versa). Other potential conflicts may arise with respect to the allocation of investment opportunities, which are discussed in more detail below. American Century Investments has adopted policies and procedures that are designed to minimize the effects of these conflicts.
Responsibility for managing American Century Investments client portfolios is organized according to investment discipline. Investment disciplines include, for example, disciplined equity, global growth equity, global value equity, global fixed income, and multi-asset strategies, exchange traded funds, and Avantis Investors funds. Within each discipline are one or more portfolio teams responsible for managing specific client portfolios. Generally, client portfolios with similar strategies are managed by the same team

using the same objective, approach, and philosophy. Accordingly, portfolio holdings, position sizes, and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across similar portfolios, which minimizes the potential for conflicts of interest. In addition, American Century Investments maintains an ethical wall that restricts real time access to information regarding any portfolio’s transaction activities and positions to team members that have responsibility for a given portfolio or are within the same equity investment discipline. The ethical wall is intended to aid in preventing the misuse of portfolio holdings information and trading activity in the other disciplines.
For each investment strategy, one portfolio is generally designated as the “policy portfolio.” Other portfolios with similar investment objectives, guidelines and restrictions, if any, are referred to as “tracking portfolios.” When managing policy and tracking portfolios, a portfolio team typically purchases and sells securities across all portfolios that the team manages. American Century Investments’ trading systems include various order entry programs that assist in the management of multiple portfolios, such as the ability to purchase or sell the same relative amount of one security across several funds. In some cases a tracking portfolio may have additional restrictions or limitations that cause it to be managed separately from the policy portfolio. Portfolio managers make purchase and sale decisions for such portfolios alongside the policy portfolio to the extent the overlap is appropriate, and separately, if the overlap is not.
American Century Investments may aggregate orders to purchase or sell the same security for multiple portfolios when it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duty to seek best execution on behalf of its clients. Orders of certain client portfolios may, by investment restriction or otherwise, be determined not available for aggregation. American Century Investments has adopted policies and procedures to minimize the risk that a client portfolio could be systematically advantaged or disadvantaged in connection with the aggregation of orders. To the extent equity trades are aggregated, shares purchased or sold are generally allocated to the participating portfolios pro rata based on order size. Because initial public offerings (IPOs) are usually available in limited supply and in amounts too small to permit across-the-board pro rata allocations, American Century Investments has adopted special procedures designed to promote a fair and equitable allocation of IPO securities among clients over time. A centralized trading desk executes all fixed income securities transactions for Avantis ETFs and mutual funds. For all other funds in the American Century complex, portfolio teams are responsible for executing fixed income trades with broker/dealers in a predominantly dealer marketplace. Trade allocation decisions are made by the portfolio manager at the time of trade execution and orders entered on the fixed-income order management system. There is an ethical wall between the Avantis trading desk and all other American Century traders. The Advisor’s Global Head of Trading monitors all trading activity for best execution and to make sure no set of clients is being systematically disadvantaged.
Finally, investment of American Century Investments’ corporate assets in proprietary accounts may raise additional conflicts of interest. To mitigate these potential conflicts of interest, American Century Investments has adopted policies and procedures intended to provide that trading in proprietary accounts is performed in a manner that does not give improper advantage to American Century Investments to the detriment of client portfolios.
American Century Investments portfolio manager compensation is structured to align the interests of portfolio managers with those of the shareholders whose assets they manage. As of July 31, 2024, it includes the components described below, each of which is determined with reference to a number of factors such as overall performance, market competition, and internal equity.  
Base Salary
Portfolio managers receive base pay in the form of a fixed annual salary.
A significant portion of portfolio manager compensation takes the form of an annual incentive bonus which is determined by a combination of factors. One factor is investment performance. The mutual funds’ investment performance is generally measured by a combination of one-, three- and five-year pre-tax performance relative to various benchmarks and/or internally-customized peer groups, as indicated below. Each fund constructs its custom peer group using all the funds in the category indicated below as a starting point. Funds are then eliminated from the peer group based on a standardized methodology designed to result in a final peer group that is both more stable (i.e., has less peer turnover) over the long term and that more closely represents the fund’s true peers based on internal investment mandates.
The performance comparison periods may be adjusted based on a fund’s inception date or a portfolio manager’s tenure on the fund.

Funds Benchmark
Peer Group
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio S&P Target Date Retirement Income Index Morningstar Target-Date Retirement, Target-Date 2020
One Choice 2025 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2025 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2025
One Choice 2030 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2030 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2030
One Choice 2035 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2035 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2035
One Choice 2040 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2040 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2040
One Choice 2045 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2045 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2045
One Choice 2050 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2050 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2050
One Choice 2055 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2055 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2055
One Choice 2060 Portfolio
S&P Target Date To 2060 Index1
Morningstar Target-Date 2060
One Choice 2065 Portfolio
S&P Target Date To 2065+ Index2
Morningstar Target-Date 2065+
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio S&P Target Date 2015 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2015
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2020 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2020
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2025 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2025
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2030 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2030
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2035 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2035
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2040 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2040
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2045 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2045
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2050 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2050
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2055 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2055
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio S&P Target Date To 2060 Index Morningstar Target-Date 2060
One Choice Blend+ 2065 Portfolio
S&P Target Date To 2065+ Index2
Morningstar Target-Date 2065+
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative
Morningstar Allocation - 15% to 30% Equity
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative
Morningstar Allocation - 30% to 50% Equity
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate
Morningstar Allocation - 50% to 70% Equity
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive
Morningstar Allocation - 70% to 85% Equity
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive
Morningstar Allocation - 85%+ Equity
1    Effective January 1, 2018, the fund’s benchmark was changed from S&P Target Date To 2055+.
2 Effective October 1, 2021, the fund’s benchmark was changed from S&P Target Date To 2060+.
3    The fund’s benchmark is a custom benchmark comprised of the various benchmarks of the underlying funds (weighted according to such fund’s asset mix).
Portfolio managers may have responsibility for multiple American Century Investments mutual funds. In such cases, the performance of each is assigned a percentage weight appropriate for the portfolio manager’s relative levels of responsibility. Portfolio managers also may have responsibility for other types of managed portfolios or ETFs. If the performance of a managed account or ETF is considered for purposes of compensation, it is generally measured via the same criteria as an American Century Investments mutual fund (i.e., relative to the performance of a benchmark and/or peer group).
A second factor in the bonus calculation relates to the performance of a number of American Century Investments mutual funds managed according to one of the following investment disciplines: global growth equity, global value equity, disciplined equity, global fixed-income, and multi-asset strategies. The performance of American Century ETFs may also be included for certain investment disciplines. Performance is measured for each product individually as described above and then combined to create an overall composite for the product group. These composites may measure one-year performance (equal weighted) or a combination of one-, three- and five-year performance (equal or asset weighted) depending on the portfolio manager’s responsibilities and products managed and the composite for certain portfolio managers may include multiple disciplines. This feature is designed to encourage effective teamwork among portfolio management teams in achieving long-term investment success for similarly styled portfolios.
A portion of portfolio managers’ bonuses may be discretionary and may be tied to factors such as profitability or individual performance goals, such as research projects and/or the development of new products.

Restricted Stock Plans
Portfolio managers are eligible for grants of restricted stock of ACC. These grants are discretionary, and eligibility and availability can vary from year to year. The size of an individual’s grant is determined by individual and product performance as well as other product-specific considerations such as profitability. Grants can appreciate/depreciate in value based on the performance of the ACC stock during the restriction period (generally three to four years).
Deferred Compensation Plans
Portfolio managers are eligible for grants of deferred compensation. These grants are used in very limited situations, primarily for retention purposes. Grants are fixed and can appreciate/depreciate in value based on the performance of the American Century Investments mutual funds in which the portfolio manager chooses to invest them.
Ownership of Securities
The following table indicates the dollar range of securities of each fund beneficially owned by the fund’s portfolio managers as of July 31, 2024, the fund’s most recent fiscal year end. Certain portfolio managers serve on teams that oversee a number of funds in the same broad investment strategy and are not expected to invest in each fund.
Ownership of Securities
Brian L. Garbe
Vidya Rajappa
One Choice In Retirement Portfolio A A A G A
One Choice 2025 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2030 Portfolio
One Choice 2035 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2040 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2045 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2050 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2055 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice 2060 Portfolio
One Choice 2065 Portfolio
One Choice Blend+ 2015 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2020 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2025 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2030 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2035 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2040 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2045 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2050 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2055 Portfolio A A A A A
One Choice Blend+ 2060 Portfolio