December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF
NYSE Arca, Inc.: EMSG

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The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

Table of Contents

Your investment in a fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency, entity or person.

Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Ticker: EMSG
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be
imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies across emerging markets countries, as defined by the index provider. Emerging markets countries are countries that are generally considered to be less economically mature than developed nations. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
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The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least
80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 498 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $20.66 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $1.30 million, from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from emerging markets countries. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from China and Taiwan.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials, information technology and communication services sectors.
The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles,
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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition,
recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could
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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Emerging market securities risk. The securities of issuers located in emerging markets tend to be more volatile and less liquid than securities of issuers located in more mature economies, and emerging markets generally have less diverse and less mature economic structures and less stable political systems than those of developed countries. The securities of issuers located or doing substantial business in emerging markets are often subject to rapid and large changes in price.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US
dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Depositary receipts involve similar risks to those associated with investments in securities of non-US issuers. Depositary receipts also may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies, investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government
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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly
affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Communication services sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the communication services sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the communication services sector. Companies in the communication services sector can be adversely affected by, among other things, changes in government regulation, intense competition, dependency on patent protection, equipment incompatibility, changing consumer preferences, technological obsolescence, and large capital expenditures and debt burdens.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such
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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities, and in particular emerging markets securities, because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, out-dated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the
Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers, and in particular emerging markets issuers, than funds that do not track such indices.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when the exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is
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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

likely to widen. Further, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced high inflation, high unemployment, currency devaluations and restrictions, and over-extension of credit. Many Asian economies have experienced rapid growth and industrialization, and there is no assurance that this growth rate will be maintained. During the recent global recession, many of the export-driven Asian economies experienced the effects of the economic slowdown in the United States and Europe, and certain Asian governments implemented stimulus plans, low-rate monetary policies and currency devaluations. Economic events in any one Asian country may have a significant economic effect on the entire Asian region, as well as on major trading partners outside Asia. Any adverse event in the Asian markets may have a significant adverse effect on some or all of the economies of Asian countries in which the fund invests. Many Asian countries are subject to political risk, including corruption and regional conflict with neighboring countries. In addition, many Asian countries are subject to social and labor risks associated with demands for improved political, economic and social conditions.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
The bar chart and table below provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year and by showing how the fund’s average annual returns compare with those of the Underlying Index and a broad measure of market performance.The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund
will perform in the future. Updated performance information is available on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus).
Period ending
Best Quarter
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter
March 31, 2020
September 30, 2023
Average Annual Total Returns
(For periods ended 12/31/2022 expressed as a %)
All after-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of any state or local tax. Your own actual after-tax returns will depend on your tax situation and may differ from what is shown here. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold shares of the fund in tax-deferred accounts such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) or employee-sponsored retirement plans.
Inception Date
Returns before tax
After tax on distribu-
After tax on distribu-
tions and sale of fund
MSCI Emerging Markets
ESG Leaders Index
(reflects no deductions
for fees, expenses or
MSCI Emerging Markets
Index (reflects no deduc-
tions for fees, expenses
or taxes)
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Ticker: EASG
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 25% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies across developed markets countries, excluding Canada and the United States. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are
Prospectus December 21, 2023 10 Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 384 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $23.76 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $211 million, from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United
Kingdom. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from Europe, Australia and the Far East. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from Japan.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials and industrials sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times
result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open
on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Depositary receipts involve similar risks to those associated with investments in securities of non-US issuers. Depositary receipts also may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies, investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Industrials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the industrials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the industrials sector. Companies in the industrials sector may be adversely affected by changes in government regulation, world events and economic conditions. In addition, companies in the industrials sector may be adversely affected by environmental damages, product liability claims and exchange rates.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, outdated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers than funds that do not track such indices.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares
through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when the exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. Further, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
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Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
European investment risk. European financial markets have experienced volatility in recent years and have been adversely affected by concerns about economic downturns, credit rating downgrades, rising government debt level and possible default on or restructuring of government debt in several European countries. A default or debt restructuring by any European country would adversely impact holders of that country’s debt, and sellers of credit default swaps linked to that country’s creditworthiness. Most countries in Western Europe are members of the European Union (EU), which faces major issues involving its membership, structure, procedures and policies. As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU customs union and single market, nor is it subject to EU policies and international agreements. The long-term impact of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU is still unknown and could have adverse economic and political effects on the United Kingdom, the EU and its member countries, and the global economy, including financial markets and asset valuations.
European countries are also significantly affected by fiscal and monetary controls implemented by the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), and it is possible that the timing and substance of these controls may not address the needs of all EMU member countries. Investing in euro-denominated securities also risks exposure to a currency that may not fully reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the disparate economies that comprise Europe.
There is continued concern over member state-level support for the euro, which could lead to certain countries leaving the EMU, the implementation of currency controls, or potentially the dissolution of the euro. The dissolution of the euro could have significant negative effects on European financial markets.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced high inflation, high unemployment, currency devaluations and restrictions, and over-extension of credit. Many Asian economies have experienced rapid growth and industrialization, and there is no assurance that this growth rate will be maintained. During the recent global recession, many of the export-driven Asian economies experienced the effects of the economic slowdown in the United States and Europe, and certain Asian governments implemented stimulus plans, low-rate monetary policies and currency devaluations. Economic events in any one Asian country may have a significant economic effect on the entire Asian region, as well as on major trading partners outside Asia. Any adverse event in the Asian markets may have a significant adverse effect on some or all of the economies of Asian countries in which the fund invests. Many Asian countries are subject to political risk, including corruption and regional conflict with neighboring countries. In addition, many Asian countries are subject to social and labor risks associated with demands for improved political, economic and social conditions.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks
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Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
The bar chart and table below provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year and by showing how the fund’s average annual returns compare with those of the Underlying Index and a broad measure of market performance.The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. Updated performance information is available on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus).
Period ending
Best Quarter
December 31, 2022
Worst Quarter
March 31, 2020
September 30, 2023
Average Annual Total Returns
(For periods ended 12/31/2022 expressed as a %)
All after-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of any state or local tax. Your own actual after-tax returns will depend on your tax situation and may differ from what is shown here. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold shares of the fund in tax-deferred accounts such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) or employee-sponsored retirement plans.
Inception Date
Returns before tax
After tax on distribu-
After tax on distribu-
tions and sale of fund
Leaders Index (reflects
no deductions for fees,
expenses or taxes)
(reflects no deductions
for fees, expenses or
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
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Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF
Ticker: EMCR
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be
imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 16% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in emerging markets countries that meet certain environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria and/or have committed to greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The Underlying Index is then weighted in such a manner seeking to align its constituent companies’ greenhouse gas emissions with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement. Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive AG (“Solactive”) begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap USD Index PR, which is
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designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the emerging markets. From this universe of securities, Solactive first seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with established standards for responsible ESG conduct in the following manner:
Companies in the parent universe are initially excluded from the Underlying Index for:
Failure to observe established norms with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights (or if incorporated in countries identified with high social risk);
Involvement in controversial weapons (i.e., chemical biological or nuclear weapons, depleted uranium, cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines); or
Deriving a specified percentage of revenues from one of the following sectors (“Sector Criteria”): fossil fuel, oil sands, military, pornography, tobacco, gambling, alcohol or cannabis.
All companies that do not trigger an exclusion listed above are included in the Underlying Index. In addition, companies that were initially excluded based on the Sector Criteria or for being incorporated in countries identified with high social risk may still be included in the Underlying Index if they have committed to setting “science-based” greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets by signing on to the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”). Reduction targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as determined by the SBTi.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then weighted in a manner designed to reduce the “carbon intensity” (defined, for each company included in the Underlying Index, as its greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of the company’s enterprise value including cash) in the following ways:
Reduce the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index by at least 60% compared to the parent index, and
Seek a year-over-year carbon intensity reduction target of at least 7%.
Solactive weights each Underlying Index constituent based on its “Carbon Risk Rating,” as calculated by Solactive’s data provider, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), with those companies judged to be doing more to reduce emissions being weighted more heavily. A company’s Carbon Risk Rating is a composite score based on two components: (i) the company’s Carbon Risk Classification, and (ii) the company’s Carbon Performance Score, each as assessed by ISS.
The Carbon Risk Classification assesses a company’s exposure to carbon-related transition risks by estimating the emission intensity in the company’s business model, based on its industry and business activities.
The Carbon Performance Score evaluates the current carbon-related performance of a company as well as a company’s risk management and measures to reduce its carbon intensity in the future.
Under the Underlying Index’s methodology, a company may have considerable carbon intensity today, resulting in a poor Carbon Risk Classification, and at the same time be actively working to improve their climate impact and carbon footprint in the future, resulting in a high Carbon Performance Score. These companies are considered to be “climate improvers” and may be included in the Underlying Index.
In calculating the Carbon Risk Classification and the Carbon Performance Score, ISS collects data from a range of public and private sources including company annual reports and sustainability reports, United Nations Global Compact Participant Communications on Progress, Principles for Responsible Investment Signatory Reporting, subscription databases such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, and correspondence with individual companies during the rating process.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 1,495 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $11.94 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $184 million from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Brazil, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech
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Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.] The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from countries classified as emerging markets, as defined by the index provider. Emerging market countries are countries that are generally considered to be less economically mature than developed nations. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from China, Taiwan, and India.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials and information technology sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Solactive.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as
well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
In addition, companies that fail to meet the Sector Criteria may nevertheless be included in the Underlying Index if they have committed to certain targets regarding climate change. The Underlying Index therefore may include companies involved in sectors that often are excluded by indices attempting to utilize an ESG approach.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s
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Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The Carbon Risk Rating used to score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s greenhouse gas emissions may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company's commitment to science-based targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company, or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. In addition, the Underlying Index’s methodology allows for the inclusion of companies with high carbon intensity as long as such companies adopt plans to improve their climate impact and carbon footprint in the future. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by
adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS”
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Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Emerging market securities risk. The securities of issuers located in emerging markets tend to be more volatile and less liquid than securities of issuers located in more mature economies, and emerging markets generally have less diverse and less mature economic structures and less stable political systems than those of developed countries. The securities of issuers located or doing substantial business in emerging markets are often subject to rapid and large changes in price.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Depositary receipts involve similar risks to those associated with investments in securities of non-US issuers. Depositary receipts also may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies, investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable
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Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying
Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities, and in particular emerging markets securities, because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, out-dated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying
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Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers, and in particular emerging markets issuers, than funds that do not track such indices.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions,
including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when the exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. Further, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
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In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced high inflation, high unemployment, currency devaluations and restrictions, and over-extension of credit. Many Asian economies have experienced rapid growth and industrialization, and there is no assurance that this growth rate will be maintained. During the recent global recession, many of the export-driven Asian economies experienced the effects of the economic slowdown in the United States and Europe, and certain Asian governments implemented stimulus plans, low-rate monetary policies and currency devaluations. Economic events in any one Asian country may have a significant economic effect on the entire Asian region, as well as on major trading partners outside Asia. Any adverse event in the Asian markets may have a significant adverse effect on some or all of the economies of Asian countries in which the fund invests. Many Asian countries are subject to political risk, including corruption and regional conflict with neighboring countries. In addition, many Asian countries are subject to social and labor risks associated with demands for improved political, economic and social conditions.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
The bar chart and table below provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year and by showing
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how the fund’s average annual returns compare with those of the Underlying Index and a broad measure of market performance.The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. Updated performance information is available on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus).
Period ending
Best Quarter
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter
March 31, 2020
September 30, 2023
Average Annual Total Returns
(For periods ended 12/31/2022 expressed as a %)
All after-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of any state or local tax. Your own actual after-tax returns will depend on your tax situation and may differ from what is shown here. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold shares of the fund in tax-deferred accounts such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) or employee-sponsored retirement plans.
Prior to August 18, 2021, the fund operated with a different investment strategy. Performance would have been different if the fund’s current investment strategy had been in effect. Fund returns prior to August 18, 2021 reflect those of the fund when it was tracking the prior underlying index.
Inception Date
Returns before tax
After tax on distribu-
After tax on distribu-
tions and sale of fund
Solactive ISS Emerging
Markets Carbon Reduc-
tion & Climate
Improvers Index NTR
(reflects no deductions
for fees, expenses or
MSCI Emerging Markets
Index (reflects no deduc-
tions for fees, expenses
or taxes)
Effective August 18, 2021, the fund changed its underlying index to the Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR from the MSCI ACWI ex USA ESG Leaders Index. Returns shown above for the Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR prior to August 18, 2021 reflect the performance of the MSCI ACWI ex USA ESG Leaders Index.
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
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Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF

Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Ticker: USSG
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 6% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies in the US market. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are
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currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental, social, and/or governance impact. A case is typically a single event such as a spill, accident, regulatory action, or a set of closely linked events or allegations such as health and safety fines at the same facility, multiple allegations of anti-competitive behavior related to the same product line, multiple community protests at the same company location, or multiple individual lawsuits alleging the same type of discrimination. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 293 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $72.70 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $4.31 billion. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in listed equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the information technology sector. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in
the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance.
The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and
the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
The bar chart and table below provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year and by showing how the fund’s average annual returns compare with those of the Underlying Index and a broad measure of market performance.The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. Updated performance information is available on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus).
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Period ending
Best Quarter
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter
March 31, 2020
September 30, 2023
Average Annual Total Returns
(For periods ended 12/31/2022 expressed as a %)
All after-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of any state or local tax. Your own actual after-tax returns will depend on your tax situation and may differ from what is shown here. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold shares of the fund in tax-deferred accounts such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) or employee-sponsored retirement plans.
Inception Date
Returns before tax
After tax on distribu-
After tax on distribu-
tions and sale of fund
Index (reflects no deduc-
tions for fees, expenses
or taxes)
(reflects no deductions
for fees, expenses or
Effective June 30, 2022, the MSCI USA Index replaced the S&P 500 Index as the fund’s broad-based securities market benchmark index because the Advisor believes the MSCI USA Index more accurately reflects the fund’s current investment strategies.
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
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Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF

Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
Ticker: USNZ
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive ISS ESG United States Net Zero Pathway Enhanced Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be
imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 8% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States that meet certain environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria. The constituents of the Underlying Index are weighted in such a manner seeking to comply with the European Union Paris-aligned Benchmark standards, while incorporating recommendations of the Net Zero Investment Framework published, from time to time, by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change.
In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive AG (“Solactive”) begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index, which is designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the United States. From this universe of securities, Solactive first seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with the
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following established standards for responsible ESG conduct. Solactive uses data from Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) to evaluate a company with respect to each of the ESG factors enumerated below.
Companies in the parent universe are excluded from the Underlying Index for:
Failure to observe established norms with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights;
Involvement in controversial weapons (i.e., chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, depleted uranium, cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines);
An ISS ESG Corporate Rating of D-;
Deriving a specified percentage of revenues from one of the following sectors (“Sector Criteria”): fossil fuel, oil sands, hydraulic fracturing and shale oil/gas, artic or deepwater drilling, tobacco, military weapons, civilian firearms, alcohol, gambling, adult entertainment, and cannabis; or
Significant negative impact on environmental-focused United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The SDGs are responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water and life on land.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then weighted in a manner designed to align with the objectives of the Net Zero Investment Framework and such that the resulting portfolio’s greenhouse gas emissions are consistent with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement by first assigning a weight based on (i) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, (ii) climate disclosure standards, and (iii) green revenue, and then optimizing the portfolio such that:
The carbon intensity (defined, for each company included in the Underlying Index, as its greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of the company’s enterprise value including cash) of the Underlying Index is reduced by at least 50% compared to the parent index,
The year-over-year carbon intensity of the Underlying Index seeks a reduction target of at least 7%, and
The aggregate exposure to high climate impact sectors (those sectors that are key to low-carbon transition) in the Underlying Index relative to the parent index does not decrease.
The fund does not intend to report retrospectively if the portfolio, as selected at each prior rebalance, has met the carbon intensity reduction targets. The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing
strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 359 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $83.55 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $858 million. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States and as considered by the Advisor to be aligned with the Paris Agreement and consistent with the Net Zero Investment Framework.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the information technology and health care sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Solactive.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For
example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The carbon reduction criteria used to score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s greenhouse gas emissions may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company's commitment to targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. Because the Underlying Index's carbon intensity reduction goals are applied on an aggregate basis, there may be certain companies included in the Underlying Index which do not meet the Underlying Index's carbon intensity reduction goals individually. In addition, to the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index's scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the carbon intensity reduction goals. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of
any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Health care sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the health care sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the health care sector. The health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care companies are heavily dependent on patent protection, and the expiration of a company’s patent may adversely affect that company’s profitability. Health care companies are subject to competitive forces that may result in price discounting, and may be thinly capitalized and susceptible to product obsolescence.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying
Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be
corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for
the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
Since the fund commenced operations on June 28, 2022, performance information is not available for a full calendar year.
Once available, the fund’s performance information will be accessible on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus) and will provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance and by showing how the fund’s returns compare with those of a broad measure of market performance.
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs
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Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF

Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF
Ticker: USCA
Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI USA Climate Action Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy, hold and sell shares. You may also pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table and example below.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee
Other Expenses 1
Total annual fund operating expenses
1Because the fund is new, “Other Expenses” are based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be
imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance.
Portfolio turnover rate for the fund, for the period from April 4, 2023 (commencement of operations) through the most recent fiscal year, was 7%.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States that the Underlying Index’s methodology assesses as leading their sector peers in taking action relating to a climate transition. The Underlying Index targets a coverage of 50% of the companies from each Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) sector in the MSCI USA Index (the “Parent Index”).
The Underlying Index uses MSCI Impact Solutions, MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies, MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research and MSCI Climate Change Metrics (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index. In constructing the Underlying Index, MSCI Inc. (“Index Provider” or “MSCI”) begins with the securities comprising the Parent Index, which is designed to
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measure the performance of the large and mid-capitalization companies in the US market. From the securities included in the Parent Index, MSCI seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with the following criteria.
MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental, social, and/or governance impact. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. All securities having faced very severe controversies pertaining to ESG issues, defined as companies with an MSCI ESG Controversy Score of 0, are ineligible for inclusion. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on the MSCI Controversy Score are also excluded.
MSCI Environmental Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative environmental impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental impact. MSCI Environmental Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. All companies having faced ongoing very severe controversies pertaining to environmental issues, defined as companies with an MSCI Environment Controversy Score of 0, are ineligible for inclusion. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on the MSCI Environment Controversy Score are also excluded.
MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research and MSCI Climate Change Metrics aim to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as tobacco, thermal coal mining, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and oil sands, are ineligible for inclusion.
Securities which, as defined by the Index Provider, have (i) either a very high emission intensity or very high potential carbon emissions of the fossil fuel reserves; and (ii) do not yet have emission reduction targets which have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a partnership between the Carbon Disclosure Project, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, are ineligible for inclusion. Additionally, securities for which emission intensity cannot be calculated are also excluded.
All securities which are in the lowest quartile of their GICS sector based on their Climate Risk Management Score, calculated by the Index Provider based on MSCI ESG Ratings Scores on a set of key climate change and environmental related issues, are ineligible for inclusion.
Securities meeting the above criteria are then ranked by the Index Provider via a security-level assessment to create a ranked universe of eligible securities for each GICS sector. The security-level assessment is based on the following four factors: emission intensity, green business revenue, Climate Risk Management Score and emission track record. For each GICS sector in the ranked universe, 50% of the number of securities in the Parent Index with the highest rank are selected.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then reweighted to be 100% of the Parent Index weights, with the maximum issuer weight and maximum sector weight deviation capped at 5%.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy.
The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 315 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $92.68 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $3.47 billion.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced on a semi-annual basis. However, should certain index constituents not comply with the ESG Controversy Score eligibility or ESG Business Involvement eligibility criteria mentioned above, which is reviewed quarterly,
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Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF

those constituents would be removed from the index upon the quarter-end and the remaining constituents reweighted to 100%. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s rebalance schedule.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated.
As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the information technology and health care sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional
Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The carbon reduction criteria used to
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score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s emission intensity may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company’s commitment to targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the Index Provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. In addition, to the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the carbon intensity reduction goals. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products
or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
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Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF

Large-sized companies risk. Returns on investments in securities of large companies could trail the returns on investments in securities of smaller and mid-sized companies. Larger companies may be unable to respond as quickly as smaller and mid-sized companies to competitive challenges or to changes in business, product, financial or other market conditions. Larger companies may not be able to maintain growth at the high rates that may be achieved by well-managed smaller and mid-sized companies. During different market cycles, the performance of large-capitalization companies has trailed the overall performance of the broader securities markets.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the
overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Health care sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the health care sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the health care sector. The health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care companies are heavily dependent on patent protection, and the expiration of a company’s patent may adversely affect that company’s profitability. Health care companies are subject to competitive forces that may result in price discounting, and may be thinly capitalized and susceptible to product obsolescence.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal
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rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell
certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market
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events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Past Performance
Since the fund commenced operations on April 4, 2023, performance information is not available for a full calendar year.
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Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF

Once available, the fund’s performance information will be accessible on the fund’s website at Xtrackers.com (the website does not form a part of this prospectus) and will provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance and by showing how the fund’s returns compare with those of a broad measure of market performance.
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor. You may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares (the “bid-ask spread”). Information on the fund’s net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts and bid-ask spreads may be found at Xtrackers.com.
Tax Information
The fund's distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is in an IRA, 401(k), or other tax-advantaged investment plan. Any withdrawals you make from such tax- advantaged investment plans, however, may be taxable to you.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF

Fund Details
Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies across emerging markets countries, as defined by the index provider. Emerging markets countries are countries that are generally considered to be less economically mature than developed nations. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are
currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least
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80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 498 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $20.66 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $1.30 million, from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from emerging markets countries. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from China and Taiwan.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials, information technology and communication services sectors.
The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds (including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
The fund may also invest in depositary receipts in respect of equity securities that comprise its Underlying Index to seek performance that corresponds to the fund’s respective Underlying Index. Investments in such depositary
receipts will count towards the fund’s 80% investment policy discussed above with respect to instruments that comprise the fund’s Underlying Index.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with DBX Advisors LLC and any related funds.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index
Number of Components: approximately 498
Index Description. The MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large and medium capitalization companies across emerging markets countries. In determining a country's market classification (e.g., emerging versus developed), the index provider assesses the country's market on the basis of its level of economic development, the size and liquidity of its equity markets, and its accessibility for foreign investors. See the Appendix for additional information about calculating and maintaining the Underlying Index.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the
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main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in
the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions
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can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Emerging market securities risk. Investment in emerging markets subjects the fund to a greater risk of loss than investments in a developed market. This is due to, among other things, (i) greater market volatility, (ii) lower trading volume, (iii) political and economic instability, (iv) high levels of inflation, deflation or currency devaluation, (v) greater risk of market shut down, (vi) more governmental limitations on foreign investments and limitations on repatriation of invested capital than those typically found in a developed market, and (vii) the risk that companies may be held to lower disclosure, corporate governance, auditing and financial reporting standards than companies in more developed markets.
The financial stability of issuers (including governments) in emerging market countries may be more precarious than in other countries. As a result, there will tend to be an increased risk of price volatility in the fund’s investments in emerging market countries, which may be magnified by currency fluctuations relative to the US dollar.
Settlement practices for transactions in foreign markets, particularly in emerging markets, may differ from those in US markets. Such differences include delays beyond periods customary in the US and practices, such as delivery of securities prior to receipt of payment, which increase the likelihood of a “failed settlement.” Failed settlements can result in losses to the fund. Low trading volumes and volatile prices in less developed markets make trades harder to complete and settle, and governments or trade groups may compel local agents to hold securities in designated depositories that are not subject to independent evaluation. Local agents are held only to the standards of care of their local markets.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Foreign investments in American Depositary Receipts and other depositary receipts may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market. Certain of the depositary receipts in which the fund invests may be unsponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts may not provide as much information about the underlying issuer and may not carry the same voting privileges as sponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts are issued by one or more depositaries in response to market demand, but without a formal agreement with the company that issues the underlying securities.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund
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shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies, investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory
or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Certain events in the financials sector may cause an unusually high degree of volatility in the financial markets, and cause certain financials sector companies to incur large losses. Securities of financials sector companies may experience a decline in value when such companies experience substantial declines in the valuations of their assets, take action to raise capital (such as the issuance of debt or equity securities), or cease operations. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers and financial losses associated with investment activities can negatively impact the financials sector. Issuers that have exposure to the real estate, mortgage and credit markets can be particularly affected by market turmoil.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Communication services sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the communication services sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the communication services sector. Companies in the communication services
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sector can be adversely affected by, among other things, changes in government regulation, intense competition, dependency on patent protection, equipment incompatibility, changing consumer preferences, technological obsolescence, and large capital expenditures and debt burdens.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities, and in particular emerging markets securities, because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of
errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, out-dated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers, and in particular emerging markets issuers, than funds that do not track such indices.
For purposes of calculating the fund’s net asset value, the value of assets denominated in non-US currencies is converted into US dollars using prevailing market rates on the date of valuation as quoted by one or more data
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service providers. This conversion may result in a difference between the prices used to calculate the fund’s net asset value and the prices used by the Underlying Index, which, in turn, could result in a difference between the fund’s performance and the performance of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or
other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than an exchange. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when an exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. More generally, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market
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events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or the entire market, which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may
be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
European investment risk. European financial markets have experienced volatility in recent years and have been adversely affected by concerns about economic downturns, credit rating downgrades, rising government debt level and possible default on or restructuring of government debt in several European countries. A default or debt restructuring by any European country would adversely impact holders of that country’s debt, and sellers of credit default swaps linked to that country’s creditworthiness. Most countries in Western Europe are members of the European Union (EU), which faces major issues involving its membership, structure, procedures and policies. As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU customs union and single market, nor is it subject to EU policies and international agreements. The long-term impact of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU is still unknown and could have adverse economic
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and political effects on the United Kingdom, the EU and its member countries, and the global economy, including financial markets and asset valuations.
European countries are also significantly affected by fiscal and monetary controls implemented by the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), and it is possible that the timing and substance of these controls may not address the needs of all EMU member countries. Investing in euro-denominated securities also risks exposure to a currency that may not fully reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the disparate economies that comprise Europe. There is continued concern over member state-level support for the euro, which could lead to certain countries leaving the EMU, the implementation of currency controls, or potentially the dissolution of the euro. The dissolution of the euro could have significant negative effects on European financial markets.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced over-extension of credit, currency devaluations and restrictions, high unemployment, high inflation, decreased exports and economic recessions. Economic events in any one Asian country can have a significant effect on the entire Asian region as well as on major trading partners outside Asia, and any adverse effect on some or all of the Asian countries and regions in which the fund invests. The securities markets in some Asian economies are relatively underdeveloped and may subject the fund to higher action costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Such risks may adversely affect the value of the fund’s investments.
Governments of many Asian countries have implemented significant economic reforms in order to liberalize trade policy, promote foreign investment in their economies, reduce government control of the economy and develop market mechanisms. There can be no assurance these reforms will continue or that they will be effective. Despite recent reform and privatizations, significant regulation of investment and industry is still pervasive in many Asian countries and may restrict foreign ownership of domestic corporations and repatriation of assets, which may adversely affect fund investments. Governments in some Asian countries are authoritarian in nature, have been installed or removed as a result of military coups or have periodically used force to suppress civil dissent. Disparities of wealth, the pace and success of democratization, and ethnic, religious and racial disaffection have led to social turmoil, violence and labor unrest in some countries. Unanticipated or sudden political or social developments may result in sudden and significant investment losses. Investing in certain Asian countries involves risk of loss
due to expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation of assets and property or the imposition of restrictions on foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested.
Some countries and regions in which the fund invests have experienced acts of terrorism or strained international relations due to territorial disputes, historical animosities or other defense concerns. For example, North and South Korea each have substantial military capabilities, and historical local tensions between the two countries present the risk of war. Any outbreak of hostilities between the two countries could have a severe adverse effect on the South Korean economy and securities markets. These and other security situations may cause uncertainty in the markets of these geographic areas and may adversely affect the performance of local economies.
Risk of investing in China. Investments in China involve certain risks and special considerations, including the following:
Available disclosure about Chinese companies. Chinese companies are required to follow Chinese accounting standards and practices, which only follow international accounting standards to a certain extent. However, the accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and practices applicable to People’s Republic of China (“China” or the “PRC”) companies, including those listed on US exchanges, may be less rigorous, and there may be significant differences between financial statements prepared in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and practice and those prepared in accordance with international accounting standards. In particular, the assets and profits appearing on the financial statements of a Chinese issuer may not reflect its financial position or results of operations in the way they would be reflected had such financial statements been prepared in accordance with US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The quality of audits in China may be unreliable, which may require enhanced procedures. Consequently, the fund may not be provided the same degree of protection or information as would generally apply in developed countries and the fund may be exposed to significant losses. There is also substantially less publicly available information about Chinese issuers than there is about US issuers. Therefore, disclosure of certain material information may not be made, and less information may be available to the fund and other investors than would be the case if the fund’s investments were restricted to securities of US issuers. Under the HFCAA, Chinese companies with securities listed in the US may be delisted if they do not meet US accounting and auditor oversight requirements, which could cause the fund to seek other markets in which to transact in such securities or obtain exposure to such securities through alternative means (such as derivatives), either of which could increase the fund's costs and have a material adverse effect on the fund's ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
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Chinese corporate and securities law. Legal principles relating to corporate affairs and the validity of corporate procedures, directors’ fiduciary duties and liabilities and stockholders’ rights often differ from those that may apply in the US and other countries. Chinese laws providing protection to investors, such as laws regarding the fiduciary duties of officers and directors, are undeveloped and will not provide investors, such as the fund, with protection in all situations where protection would be provided by comparable laws in the US. China lacks a national set of laws that address all issues that may arise with regard to a foreign investor such as the fund. It may therefore be difficult for the fund to enforce its rights as an investor under Chinese corporate and securities laws, and it may be difficult or impossible for the fund to obtain a judgment in court. Moreover, as Chinese corporate and securities laws continue to develop, these developments may adversely affect foreign investors, such as the fund.
Due to restrictions on foreign ownership of Chinese companies imposed under Chinese law, Chinese companies that are listed in the US typically do not offer common stock in the company itself to US investors. Rather, Chinese companies typically offer shares of an offshore shell company (typically referred to as a “variable interest entity” or “VIE”) that has entered into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Accordingly, US investors in Chinese companies listed on a US stock exchange do not actually own shares of the Chinese company itself. The US-listed shell company does not control the Chinese company and must rely on the Chinese company to perform its contractual obligations (which, as noted above, are governed by Chinese corporate and securities laws that are less protective of shareholders than US laws). Moreover, the Chinese government may at any time invalidate or limit the contracts between a Chinese company and the offshore shell company which is offering shares in the US, which may result in the partial or total loss of the value of a US investor's shares in the offshore shell company even if a direct investment in the Chinese company would retain value.
Chinese securities markets. The securities markets in China have a limited operating history and are not as developed as those in the US. The markets tend to be smaller in size, have less liquidity and historically have had greater volatility than markets in the US and some other countries. In addition, under normal market conditions, there is less regulation and monitoring of Chinese securities markets and the activities of investors, brokers and other participants than in the US. Accordingly, issuers of securities in China are not subject to the same degree of regulation as are US issuers with respect to such matters as insider trading rules, tender offer regulation, stockholder proxy requirements and the requirements mandating timely disclosure of information. During periods of significant market volatility, the Chinese government has, from time to time, intervened in its domestic securities markets
to a greater degree than would be typical in more developed markets, including both direct and indirect market stabilization efforts, which may affect valuations of Chinese issuers. Stock markets in China are in the process of change and further development. This may lead to trading volatility, difficulty in the settlement and recording of transactions and difficulty in interpreting and applying the relevant regulations.
Hong Kong policy. As part of Hong Kong’s transition from British to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, China agreed to allow Hong Kong to maintain a high degree of autonomy with regard to its political, legal and economic systems for a period of at least 50 years. China controls matters that relate to defense and foreign affairs. Under the agreement, China does not tax Hong Kong, does not limit the exchange of the Hong Kong dollar for foreign currencies and does not place restrictions on free trade in Hong Kong. However, there is no guarantee that China will continue to honor the agreement, and China may change its policies regarding Hong Kong at any time. As of July 2020, the Chinese Standing Committee of the National People's Congress enacted the Law of the PRC on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, (the “Hong Kong Law”), which imposed substantial limits on Hong Kong’s political and legal autonomy in a manner widely considered within Hong Kong and by other countries as a violation of China’s agreement in 1997. Hong Kong has experienced wide protests and extensive turmoil before and after the enactment of this law. Also as of July 2020, Hong Kong is no longer afforded preferential economic treatment by the United States under US law, and there is uncertainty as to how the economy of Hong Kong will be affected. Any further changes in China's policies could adversely affect market conditions and the performance of the Chinese economy and, thus, the value of securities in the fund’s portfolio.
Inflation. Economic growth in China has historically been accompanied by periods of high inflation. Beginning in 2004, the Chinese government commenced the implementation of various measures to control inflation, which included the tightening of the money supply, the raising of interest rates and more stringent control over certain industries. If these measures are not successful, and if inflation were to steadily increase, the performance of the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments could be adversely affected.
Nationalization and expropriation. After the formation of the Chinese socialist state in 1949, the Chinese government renounced various debt obligations and nationalized private assets without providing any form of compensation. There can be no assurance that the Chinese government will not take similar actions in the future. Accordingly, an investment in the fund involves a risk of a total loss.
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Political and economic risk. The economy of China, which has been in a state of transition from a planned economy to a more market oriented economy, differs from the economies of most developed countries in many respects, including the level of government involvement, its state of development, its growth rate, control of foreign exchange, and allocation of resources. Although the majority of productive assets in China are still owned by the PRC government at various levels, in recent years, the PRC government has implemented economic reform measures emphasizing utilization of market forces in the development of the economy of China and a high level of management autonomy. The economy of China has experienced significant growth in recent decades, but growth has been uneven both geographically and among various sectors of the economy. Economic growth has also been accompanied by periods of high inflation. The PRC government has implemented various measures from time to time to control inflation and restrain the rate of economic growth. More recently, the Chinese economy has experienced a significant slowdown in growth, including declines in property values and increased defaults, weak consumer demand, increased youth unemployment and declines in exports and manufacturing. The Chinese government has implemented policies attempting to increase growth but it is unclear whether those efforts will be successful. In recent years, Chinese entities have incurred significant levels of debt and Chinese financial institutions currently hold relatively large amounts of non-performing debt. Thus, there exists a possibility that widespread defaults could occur, which could trigger a financial crisis, freeze Chinese debt and finance markets and make Chinese securities illiquid.
For several decades, the PRC government has carried out economic reforms to achieve decentralization and utilization of market forces to develop the economy of the PRC. These reforms have resulted in significant economic growth and social progress. However, there can be no assurance that the PRC government will continue to pursue such economic policies or that such policies, if pursued, will be successful. Any adjustment and modification of those economic policies may have an adverse impact on the securities markets in the PRC as well as the constituent securities of the Underlying Index. Further, the PRC government may from time to time adopt corrective measures to control the growth of the PRC economy which may also have an adverse impact on the capital growth and performance of the fund. Further, there is no assurance that the Chinese government will not revert to the economic policy of central planning that it implemented prior to 1978 or that such growth will be sustained in the future. An economic downturn in China would adversely impact the fund’s investments.
Political changes, social instability and adverse diplomatic developments in the PRC could result in the imposition of additional government restrictions including expropriation of assets, confiscatory taxes or nationalization of
some or all of the property held by the issuers of the A-Shares in the fund’s Underlying Index. The laws, regulations, including the investment regulations, government policies and political and economic climate in China may change with little or no advance notice. Any such change could adversely affect market conditions and the performance of the Chinese economy and, thus, the value of securities in the fund’s portfolio.
The Chinese government continues to be an active participant in many economic sectors through ownership positions and regulations. The allocation of resources in China is subject to a high level of government control. The Chinese government strictly regulates the payment of foreign currency denominated obligations and sets monetary policy. Through its policies, the government may provide preferential treatment to particular industries or companies. Recently, the Chinese government has become more aggressive about regulating the operations of particular companies or sectors, including large companies which are indirectly listed in the US. These regulations may substantially limit or prohibit the operations of such companies and cause investors to lose some or all of the value of their investment. The policies set by the government could have a substantial effect on the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments.
Trade risk. The Chinese economy is export-driven and highly reliant on trade. The performance of the Chinese economy may differ favorably or unfavorably from the US economy in such respects as growth of gross domestic product, rate of inflation, currency depreciation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. The domestic consumer class in China is still emergent, while the economy's dependence on exports may not be sustainable. Adverse changes to the economic conditions of its primary trading partners, such as the European Union, the US, Hong Kong, the Association of South East Asian Nations, and Japan, would adversely affect the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments.
In addition, as much of China’s growth over recent decades has been a result of significant investment in substantial export trade, international trade tensions may arise from time to time which can result in trade tariffs, embargoes, trade limitations, trade wars and other negative consequences. The current political climate has intensified concerns about trade tariffs and a potential trade war between China and the US. These consequences may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry with a potentially severe negative impact to the fund. In addition, it is possible that the continuation or worsening of the current political climate could result in regulatory restrictions being contemplated or imposed in the US or in China that could have a material adverse effect
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on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective. In recent years, the US government has proposed or adopted numerous measures aimed at restricting trade with China:
In July 2020, the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets (“PWG”) proposed a number of regulatory changes aimed at addressing potential risks to US investors from investments in issuers that provide limited access to their financial statements, including Chinese companies. The PWG’s proposals included having the SEC consider encouraging or requiring US registered funds to conduct additional due diligence on an index’s exposure to such issuers and how the index provider addresses concerns arising from limited availability of such issuers’ financial information. If the SEC adopts these proposals, they could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
In June 2021, the President of the United States issued an executive order (“CMIC Order”) prohibiting US persons, including the fund, from purchasing or selling publicly traded securities (including publicly traded securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide exposure to, such securities) of any Chinese company identified as a Chinese Military Industrial Complex Company (“CMIC”). This prohibition, effective August 2, 2021, expands on similar sanctions imposed by the prior administration on certain designated Chinese military companies (“CCMCs”) that took effect in January 2021. To the extent that any company in the Underlying Index is identified as a CMIC at any time (or was previously designated as a CCMC), it may have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to track its Underlying Index.
In December 2020, the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (“HFCAA”) was signed into law. Since the HFCAA was signed, the SEC has placed many Chinese companies listed on a US stock exchange on a watchlist, indicating that securities of foreign issuers (including China) will be de-listed from US stock exchanges if those companies do not permit US oversight of the auditing of their financial information. On December 15, 2022, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) announced that it had secured complete access to inspect and investigate accounting firms located in China. The ultimate impact of the HFCAA is unclear at this time, but to the extent that the fund currently transacts in securities of a foreign company in the Underlying Index on a US exchange but is unable to do so in the future, the fund will have to seek other markets in which to transact in such securities or obtain exposure to such securities through alternative means (such as derivatives), either of which could increase the fund’s costs and have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
The Chair of the SEC announced in July 2021 that the SEC would be requiring additional disclosures about the corporate structure of Chinese companies listing in the US (pursuant to which US investors own shares in an offshore shell company rather than the Chinese company itself) and the risks to US investors, including the risks of such companies being delisted from the US exchange under the HFCAA.
Finally, in August 2023, the President of the United States issued an executive order (the “Critical Technologies Order”) directing the US Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) to promulgate regulations requiring disclosure of or restricting investments in China in the following technologies: semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information, and certain artificial intelligence technologies. Concurrent with the Critical Technologies Order, Treasury issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which contemplates the possibility that the regulations adopted pursuant to the Critical Technologies Order would not apply to investments made by collectively offered funds such as the fund. The regulations have not yet been proposed or adopted by Treasury and their scope and impact therefore are unclear, but if adopted in a way that applies to the fund, the regulations could adversely affect the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index. Events such as these are difficult to predict and may or may not occur in the future.
Other sanctions and embargoes. From time to time, certain of the companies in which the fund expects to invest may operate in, or have dealings with, countries subject to sanctions or embargoes imposed by the US government and the United Nations and/or countries identified by the US government as state sponsors of terrorism. A company may suffer damage to its reputation if it is identified as a company which operates in, or has dealings with, countries subject to sanctions or embargoes imposed by the US government and the United Nations and/or countries identified by the US government as state sponsors of terrorism. As an investor in such companies, the fund will be indirectly subject to those risks.
Risks related to investing in Taiwan. Investments in Taiwanese issuers may subject the fund to legal, regulatory, political, currency and economic risks that are specific to Taiwan. Specifically, Taiwan’s geographic proximity and history of political contention with China have resulted in ongoing tensions between the two countries. These tensions may materially affect the Taiwanese economy and its securities market. Taiwan is a small island state with few raw material resources and limited land area and thus it relies heavily on imports for its commodity needs. Any fluctuations or shortages in the commodity markets could have a negative impact on the Taiwanese economy. Also, rising labor costs and increasing environmental consciousness have led some labor-intensive industries to relocate to countries with cheaper work forces, and continued labor outsourcing may adversely affect the Taiwanese economy.
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Taiwan’s economy also is intricately linked with economies of other Asian countries, which are often emerging market economies that often experience overextensions of credit, frequent and pronounced currency fluctuations, devaluations and restrictions, rising unemployment and fluctuations in inflation. Political and social unrest in other Asian countries could cause further economic and market uncertainty in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economy is export-oriented, so it depends on an open world trade regime and remains vulnerable to fluctuations in the world economy. In particular, the Taiwanese economy is dependent on the economies of Japan and China, and also the US, and a reduction in purchases by any of them of Taiwanese products and services or negative changes in their economies would likely have an adverse impact on the Taiwanese economy.
Risks of investing in Hong Kong. The fund’s investments which are listed and traded in Hong Kong may expose the fund to certain legal, regulatory, political, currency and economic risks. China is Hong Kong’s largest trading partner, both in terms of exports and imports. Any changes in the Chinese economy, trade regulations or currency exchange rates may have an adverse impact on Hong Kong’s economy. Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997 as a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China under the principle of “one country, two systems.” Although China is obligated to maintain the current capitalist economic and social system of Hong Kong through June 30, 2047, the continuation of economic and social freedoms enjoyed in Hong Kong is dependent on the government of China. With the enactment of the Hong Kong Law, China has been asserting greater control over Hong Kong’s political and legal systems, which has evoked substantial protests within Hong Kong and policy responses from other countries. China may continue increasing its control over Hong Kong and may further change its policies regarding Hong Kong at any time. Any further attempt by China to tighten its control over Hong Kong’s political, economic or social policies may result in an adverse effect on Hong Kong’s economy. Hong Kong is located in a part of the world that has historically been prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding and is economically sensitive to environmental events. Any such event could result in a significant adverse impact on the Hong Kong economy.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling
or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
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Fund Details

Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies across developed markets countries, excluding Canada and the United States. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental
impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 384 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $23.76 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $211 million, from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from Europe, Australia and the Far East. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from Japan.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials and industrials sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index
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that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds (including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
The fund may also invest in depositary receipts in respect of equity securities that comprise its Underlying Index to seek performance that corresponds to the fund’s respective Underlying Index. Investments in such depositary receipts will count towards the fund’s 80% investment policy discussed above with respect to instruments that comprise the fund’s Underlying Index.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with DBX Advisors LLC and any related funds.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index
Number of Components: approximately 384
Index Description. The MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies across developed markets countries, excluding Canada and the United States. See the Appendix for additional information about calculating and maintaining the Underlying Index.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition,
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recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could
cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a
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counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Foreign investments in American Depositary Receipts and other depositary receipts may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market. Certain of the depositary receipts in which the fund invests may be unsponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts may not provide as much information about the underlying issuer and may not carry the same voting privileges as sponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts are issued by one or more depositaries in response to market demand, but without a formal agreement with the company that issues the underlying securities.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies, investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s
currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly
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affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Certain events in the financials sector may cause an unusually high degree of volatility in the financial markets, and cause certain financials sector companies to incur large losses. Securities of financials sector companies may experience a decline in value when such companies experience substantial declines in the valuations of their assets, take action to raise capital (such as the issuance of debt or equity securities), or cease operations. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers and financial losses associated with investment activities can negatively impact the financials sector. Issuers that have exposure to the real estate, mortgage and credit markets can be particularly affected by market turmoil.
Industrials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the industrials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the industrials sector. Companies in the industrials sector may be adversely affected by changes in government regulation, world events and economic conditions. In addition, companies in the industrials sector may be adversely affected by environmental damages, product liability claims and exchange rates.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with
respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, outdated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value
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of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers than funds that do not track such indices.
For purposes of calculating the fund’s net asset value, the value of assets denominated in non-US currencies is converted into US dollars using prevailing market rates on the date of valuation as quoted by one or more data service providers. This conversion may result in a difference between the prices used to calculate the fund’s net asset value and the prices used by the Underlying Index, which, in turn, could result in a difference between the fund’s performance and the performance of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the
creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than an exchange. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when an exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. More generally, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by
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large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance
costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or the entire market, which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” and may invest a larger percentage of its assets in securities of a few issuers or a single issuer than that of a diversified fund. As a result, the fund may be more susceptible to the risks associated with these particular issuers, or to a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence affecting these issuers. This may increase the fund’s volatility and cause the performance of a relatively smaller number of issuers to have a greater impact on the fund’s performance.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
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European investment risk. European financial markets have experienced volatility in recent years and have been adversely affected by concerns about economic downturns, credit rating downgrades, rising government debt level and possible default on or restructuring of government debt in several European countries. A default or debt restructuring by any European country would adversely impact holders of that country’s debt, and sellers of credit default swaps linked to that country’s creditworthiness. Most countries in Western Europe are members of the European Union (EU), which faces major issues involving its membership, structure, procedures and policies. As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU customs union and single market, nor is it subject to EU policies and international agreements. The long-term impact of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU is still unknown and could have adverse economic and political effects on the United Kingdom, the EU and its member countries, and the global economy, including financial markets and asset valuations.
European countries are also significantly affected by fiscal and monetary controls implemented by the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), and it is possible that the timing and substance of these controls may not address the needs of all EMU member countries. Investing in euro-denominated securities also risks exposure to a currency that may not fully reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the disparate economies that comprise Europe. There is continued concern over member state-level support for the euro, which could lead to certain countries leaving the EMU, the implementation of currency controls, or potentially the dissolution of the euro. The dissolution of the euro could have significant negative effects on European financial markets.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced over-extension of credit, currency devaluations and restrictions, high unemployment, high inflation, decreased exports and economic recessions. Economic events in any one Asian country can have a significant effect on the entire Asian region as well as on major trading partners outside Asia, and any adverse effect on some or all of the Asian countries and regions in which the fund invests. The securities markets in some Asian economies are relatively underdeveloped and may subject the fund to higher action costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Such risks may adversely affect the value of the fund’s investments.
Governments of many Asian countries have implemented significant economic reforms in order to liberalize trade policy, promote foreign investment in their economies, reduce government control of the economy and develop market mechanisms. There can be no assurance these
reforms will continue or that they will be effective. Despite recent reform and privatizations, significant regulation of investment and industry is still pervasive in many Asian countries and may restrict foreign ownership of domestic corporations and repatriation of assets, which may adversely affect fund investments. Governments in some Asian countries are authoritarian in nature, have been installed or removed as a result of military coups or have periodically used force to suppress civil dissent. Disparities of wealth, the pace and success of democratization, and ethnic, religious and racial disaffection have led to social turmoil, violence and labor unrest in some countries. Unanticipated or sudden political or social developments may result in sudden and significant investment losses. Investing in certain Asian countries involves risk of loss due to expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation of assets and property or the imposition of restrictions on foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested.
Some countries and regions in which the fund invests have experienced acts of terrorism or strained international relations due to territorial disputes, historical animosities or other defense concerns. For example, North and South Korea each have substantial military capabilities, and historical local tensions between the two countries present the risk of war. Any outbreak of hostilities between the two countries could have a severe adverse effect on the South Korean economy and securities markets. These and other security situations may cause uncertainty in the markets of these geographic areas and may adversely affect the performance of local economies.
Risks related to investing in Japan. The growth of Japan’s economy has historically lagged behind that of its Asian neighbors and other major developed economies. The Japanese economy is heavily dependent on international trade and has been adversely affected by trade tariffs, other protectionist measures, competition from emerging economies and the economic conditions of its trading partners. Japan’s relations with its neighbors, particularly China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, have at times been strained due to territorial disputes, historical animosities and defense concerns. Most recently, the Japanese government has shown concern over the increased nuclear and military activity by North Korea. Strained relations may cause uncertainty in the Japanese markets and adversely affect the overall Japanese economy in times of crisis. China has become an important trading partner with Japan, yet the countries’ political relationship has become strained. Should political tension increase, it could adversely affect the economy, especially the export sector, and destabilize the region as a whole. Japan is located in a part of the world that has historically been prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis and is economically sensitive to environmental events. Any such event, such as the major earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan in March 2011, could result in a significant adverse impact on the Japanese economy. Japan also remains heavily
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dependent on oil imports, and higher commodity prices could therefore have a negative impact on the economy. Furthermore, Japanese corporations often engage in high levels of corporate leveraging, extensive cross-purchases of the securities of other corporations and are subject to a changing corporate governance structure. Japan may be subject to risks relating to political, economic and labor risks. Any of these risks, individually or in the aggregate, could adversely affect investments in the fund.
Historically, Japan has been subject to unpredictable national politics and may experience frequent political turnover. Future political developments may lead to changes in policy that might adversely affect the fund’s investments. In addition, the Japanese economy faces several concerns, including a financial system with large levels of nonperforming loans, over-leveraged corporate balance sheets, extensive cross- ownership by major corporations, a changing corporate governance structure, and large government deficits. The Japanese yen has fluctuated widely at times and any increase in its value may cause a decline in exports that could weaken the economy. Furthermore, Japan has an aging workforce. It is a labor market undergoing fundamental structural changes, as traditional lifetime employment clashes with the need for increased labor mobility, which may adversely affect Japan’s economic competitiveness.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether,
when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in emerging markets countries that meet certain environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria and/or have committed to greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The Underlying Index is then weighted in such a manner seeking to align its constituent companies’ greenhouse gas emissions with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement. Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance
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with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive AG (“Solactive”) begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap USD Index PR, which is designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the emerging markets. From this universe of securities, Solactive first seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with established standards for responsible ESG conduct in the following manner:
Companies in the parent universe are initially excluded from the Underlying Index for:
Failure to observe established norms with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights (or if incorporated in countries identified with high social risk);
Involvement in controversial weapons (i.e., chemical biological or nuclear weapons, depleted uranium, cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines); or
Deriving a specified percentage of revenues from one of the following sectors (“Sector Criteria”): fossil fuel, oil sands, military, pornography, tobacco, gambling, alcohol or cannabis.
All companies that do not trigger an exclusion listed above are included in the Underlying Index. In addition, companies that were initially excluded based on the Sector Criteria or for being incorporated in countries identified with high social risk may still be included in the Underlying Index if they have committed to setting “science-based” greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets by signing on to the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”). Reduction targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as determined by the SBTi.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then weighted in a manner designed to reduce the “carbon intensity” (defined, for each company included in the Underlying Index, as its greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of the company’s enterprise value including cash) in the following ways:
Reduce the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index by at least 60% compared to the parent index, and
Seek a year-over-year carbon intensity reduction target of at least 7%.
Solactive weights each Underlying Index constituent based on its “Carbon Risk Rating,” as calculated by Solactive’s data provider, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), with those companies judged to be doing more to
reduce emissions being weighted more heavily. A company’s Carbon Risk Rating is a composite score based on two components: (i) the company’s Carbon Risk Classification, and (ii) the company’s Carbon Performance Score, each as assessed by ISS.
The Carbon Risk Classification assesses a company’s exposure to carbon-related transition risks by estimating the emission intensity in the company’s business model, based on its industry and business activities.
The Carbon Performance Score evaluates the current carbon-related performance of a company as well as a company’s risk management and measures to reduce its carbon intensity in the future.
Under the Underlying Index’s methodology, a company may have considerable carbon intensity today, resulting in a poor Carbon Risk Classification, and at the same time be actively working to improve their climate impact and carbon footprint in the future, resulting in a high Carbon Performance Score. These companies are considered to be “climate improvers” and may be included in the Underlying Index.
In calculating the Carbon Risk Classification and the Carbon Performance Score, ISS collects data from a range of public and private sources including company annual reports and sustainability reports, United Nations Global Compact Participant Communications on Progress, Principles for Responsible Investment Signatory Reporting, subscription databases such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, and correspondence with individual companies during the rating process.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities (including depositary receipts in respect of such securities) of the Underlying Index.
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As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 1,495 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $11.94 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $184 million from issuers in the following countries (as indicated by country of domicile): Brazil, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.] The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers from countries classified as emerging markets, as defined by the index provider. Emerging market countries are countries that are generally considered to be less economically mature than developed nations. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of securities of issuers from China, Taiwan, and India.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the financials and information technology sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds (including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
The fund may also invest in depositary receipts in respect of equity securities that comprise its Underlying Index to seek performance that corresponds to the fund’s respective Underlying Index. Investments in such depositary receipts will count towards the fund’s 80% investment policy discussed above with respect to instruments that comprise the fund’s Underlying Index.
The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Solactive.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR
Index Description. Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR seeks to provide exposure to large and mid-capitalization emerging markets companies that operate in accordance with certain international standards for responsible ESG conduct. The Underlying Index is weighted in a manner designed to align the carbon intensity of the index with long-term global carbon reduction goals.
Defining the Equity Universe. In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap USD Index PR. The parent index is designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the emerging markets.
Companies in the parent universe are first evaluated based on the following ESG criteria utilized by Solactive. A company in the parent universe will initially be excluded from the Underlying Index based on the following:
◾ a verified ongoing failure to respect established international norms, as set forth in the Principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights.
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◾ incorporated in a country identified with high social risk and the respective country’s state ownership exceeds 50% or the company exhibits alleged failure to respect established international norms, consisting of the Principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.
Controversial Weapons
◾ verified ongoing involvement in the area of controversial weapons (including chemical, biological and nuclear weapons (both under and outside the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons), depleted uranium munitions, cluster munitions, and anti-personnel mines).
Sector Criteria
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services in the sector of fossil fuels, or greater than 5% from production, distribution or exploration of fossil fuels.
◾ generating revenues from the production or exploration of oil sands.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services, or greater than 5% from production or distribution in the sector of military equipment.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 5% in the sector of pornography.
◾ generating revenues from the production of pornography.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services, or greater than 5% from distribution in the sector of tobacco.
◾ generating revenues from the production of tobacco.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services, or greater than 5% from production or distribution in the sector of gambling.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services, or greater than 5% from production or distribution in the sector of alcohol.
◾ generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 50% from services, or greater than 5% from production or distribution in the sector of cannabis.
All companies in the parent universe that do not trigger one of the exclusions listed above are included in the Underlying Index. However, companies in the parent universe not meeting the Sector Criteria or that are incorporated in countries identified with high social risk may still be included in the Underlying Index if they have committed to science-based emissions reduction targets.
Science-based Emissions Reduction Targets
This factor identifies issuers who have signed a commitment letter with the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) to develop science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The SBTi is a partnership
between the Carbon Disclosure Project, The United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wild Fund for Nature which seeks to drive ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reductions targets. Targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as determined by the SBTi.
Weighting the Index for Carbon Reduction. Once the constituents of the Underlying Index have been identified, Solactive weights each constituent in such a manner seeking to achieve the carbon reductions described above and thus align the Underlying Index components’ greenhouse gas emissions with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement using the Carbon Risk Rating, as calculated by ISS. The Carbon Risk Rating is derived from two key components, the Carbon Risk Classification and the Carbon Performance Score.
The Carbon Risk Classification assesses a company’s exposure to carbon related transition risks by estimating the emission intensity in the company’s business model, based on its industry and business activities. It considers two elements: (i) the emissions based sector classification, which assesses the average sector emission intensity along the entire business model (including both direct and indirect emissions); and (ii) whether a company’s product and services activities contributes to climate change mitigation, thus creating positive impact, or rather obstructs climate change mitigation, thus constituting an adverse impact.
The Carbon Performance Score evaluates the current carbon related performance of a company as well as a company’s risk management and measures to reduce its carbon intensity in the future, thus addressing both material risk as well as adverse impact. The Carbon Performance Score is based on a combination of quantitative indicators (e.g., current intensity and trend of greenhouse gas emissions), and qualitative indicators (e.g., corporate policies, emission reduction targets and action plans). A company may have considerable carbon intensity today, resulting in a poor Carbon Risk Classification, and at the same time be actively working to improve their climate impact and carbon footprint in the future, resulting in a high Carbon Performance Score.
In calculating the Carbon Risk Classification and the Carbon Performance Score, ISS collects data from a range of public and private sources including company annual reports and sustainability reports, United Nations Global Compact Participant Communications on Progress, Principles for Responsible Investment Signatory Reporting, subscription databases such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, and correspondence with individual companies during the rating process.
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ISS combines the Carbon Risk Classification and Carbon Performance Score to calculate the Carbon Risk Rating, which assesses, on a scale from 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent), how well a company deals with industry-specific climate risks. The scale can be translated into four broader performance categories: Climate Laggard (0-24), Climate Underperformer (25-49), Climate Performer (50-74), and Climate Leader (75-100).
To establish initial weightings, Climate Laggards and Climate Underperformers are underweighted and Climate Performers and Climate Leaders are overweighted. After the initial weightings have been assigned, the Underlying Index is optimized to establish a 60% reduction in carbon intensity relative to the parent index at its origination. At each subsequent rebalance, the Underlying Index is optimized to achieve a year-over-year 7% reduction in carbon intensity relative to its initial calculation, and a carbon-intensity level that is 60% lower than the parent index. Solactive also applies sector weight constraints in weighting the Underlying Index components. After the initial weights (aggregated at a sector level) are established, Solactive’s optimization aims to cap sector deviations at 5% (for sectors whose initial weight is 10% or more of the Underlying Index) or half of the initial sector weight (for sectors whose initial weight is less than 10% of the Underlying Index). However, if this constraint cannot be reached due to the exclusions from the Underlying Index under the ESG criteria described above, the maximum sector weight is set as the maximum possible cumulative initial and active weight of all remaining securities (if any) in the respective sector.
Maintaining the Underlying Index. The Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually, effective at the close of business on the first Wednesday in February and August. The constituents of the Underlying Index are drawn from the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap USD Index PR.
The Underlying Index is reviewed on an ongoing basis to account for corporate events such as mergers, takeovers, delistings, suspensions, spin-offs/demergers or bankruptcies. Changes to index composition and related weight adjustments are made as soon as they are effective. Generally, no stocks are added to the Underlying Index between rebalancings. If a stock is dropped from the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap USD Index PR, it is also removed from the Underlying Index at the next rebalancing of the Underlying Index. Between rebalancings, a stock may be deleted from the Underlying Index due to corporate events such as mergers, takeovers, delistings, suspensions, spinoffs/ demergers or bankruptcies.
As of October 31, 2023, there were approximately 1,495 components in the Underlying Index. The Underlying Index consists of emerging markets companies. In determining a country's market classification (e.g., emerging
versus developed), the index provider assesses the country's market on the basis of its level of economic development, the size and liquidity of its equity markets, and its capital market structure.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s rebalance schedule.
During extraordinary market conditions, the Index Provider may delay any scheduled rebalancing of the Underlying Index. During any such delay it is possible that the Underlying Index will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements
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applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
In addition, companies that fail to meet the Sector Criteria may nevertheless be included in the Underlying Index if they have committed to certain targets regarding climate change. The Underlying Index therefore may include companies involved in sectors that often are excluded by indices attempting to utilize an ESG approach.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The Carbon Risk Rating used to score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s greenhouse gas emissions may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company's commitment to science-based targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company, or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. In addition, the Underlying Index’s methodology allows for the inclusion of companies with high carbon intensity as long as such companies adopt plans to improve their climate impact and carbon footprint in the future. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks
to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the
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value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Emerging market securities risk. Investment in emerging markets subjects the fund to a greater risk of loss than investments in a developed market. This is due to, among other things, (i) greater market volatility, (ii) lower trading volume, (iii) political and economic instability, (iv) high levels of inflation, deflation or currency devaluation, (v) greater risk of market shut down, (vi) more governmental limitations on foreign investments and limitations on repatriation of invested capital than those typically found in a developed market, and (vii) the risk that companies may be held to lower disclosure, corporate governance, auditing and financial reporting standards than companies in more developed markets.
The financial stability of issuers (including governments) in emerging market countries may be more precarious than in other countries. As a result, there will tend to be an increased risk of price volatility in the fund’s investments in emerging market countries, which may be magnified by currency fluctuations relative to the US dollar.
Settlement practices for transactions in foreign markets, particularly in emerging markets, may differ from those in US markets. Such differences include delays beyond periods customary in the US and practices, such as delivery of securities prior to receipt of payment, which increase the likelihood of a “failed settlement.” Failed settlements can result in losses to the fund. Low trading volumes and volatile prices in less developed markets make trades harder to complete and settle, and governments or trade groups may compel local agents to hold securities in designated depositories that are not subject to independent evaluation. Local agents are held only to the standards of care of their local markets.
Foreign investment risk. The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's
foreign investments, prevent the fund from realizing the full value of its foreign investments or prevent the fund from selling foreign securities it holds. Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.
Foreign governments may restrict investment by foreigners, limit withdrawal of trading profit or currency from the country, restrict currency exchange or seize foreign investments. In addition, the fund may be limited in its ability to exercise its legal rights or enforce a counterparty's legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the US. The foreign investments of the fund may also be subject to foreign withholding taxes. Foreign brokerage commissions and other fees are generally higher than those for US investments, and the transactions and custody of foreign assets may involve delays in payment, delivery or recovery of money or investments.
Foreign markets can have liquidity risks beyond those typical of US markets. Because foreign exchanges generally are smaller and less liquid than US exchanges, buying and selling foreign investments can be more difficult and costly. Relatively small transactions can sometimes materially affect the price and availability of securities. In certain situations, it may become virtually impossible to sell an investment at a price that approaches portfolio management’s estimate of its value. For the same reason, it may at times be difficult to value the fund’s foreign investments. In addition, because non-US markets may be open on days when the fund does not price its shares, the value of the foreign securities in the fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the fund’s shares.
Depositary receipt risk. Foreign investments in American Depositary Receipts and other depositary receipts may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market. Certain of the depositary receipts in which the fund invests may be unsponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts may not provide as much information about the underlying issuer and may not carry the same voting privileges as sponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts are issued by one or more depositaries in response to market demand, but without a formal agreement with the company that issues the underlying securities.
Currency risk. Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of the fund’s investment and the value of your fund shares. Because the fund’s NAV is determined on the basis of the US dollar and the fund does not attempt to hedge against changes in the value of non-US currencies,
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investors may lose money if the foreign currency depreciates against the US dollar, even if the foreign currency value of the fund’s holdings in that market increases. Conversely, the dollar value of your investment in the fund may go up if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the US dollar. The value of the US dollar measured against other currencies is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include: interest rates, national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in balances of payments and trade, domestic and foreign interest and inflation rates, global or regional political, economic or financial events, monetary policies of governments, actual or potential government intervention, and global energy prices. Political instability, the possibility of government intervention and restrictive or opaque business and investment policies may also reduce the value of a country’s currency. Government monetary policies and the buying or selling of currency by a country’s government may also influence exchange rates. Currency exchange rates can be very volatile and can change quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, the value of an investment in the fund may also go up or down quickly and unpredictably and investors may lose money.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance.
The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Financials sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the financials sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the financials sector. The financials sector is subject to extensive government regulation, can be subject to relatively rapid change due to increasingly blurred distinctions between service segments, and can be significantly affected by the availability and cost of capital funds, changes in interest rates, the rate of corporate and consumer debt defaults, and price competition.
Certain events in the financials sector may cause an unusually high degree of volatility in the financial markets, and cause certain financials sector companies to incur large losses. Securities of financials sector companies may experience a decline in value when such companies experience substantial declines in the valuations of their assets, take action to raise capital (such as the issuance of debt or equity securities), or cease operations. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers and financial losses associated with investment activities can negatively impact the financials sector. Issuers that have exposure to the real estate, mortgage and credit markets can be particularly affected by market turmoil.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying
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Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Index-related risk may be higher for a fund that tracks an index comprised of, or an index that includes, foreign securities, and in particular emerging markets securities, because regulatory and reporting requirements may differ from those in the US, resulting in a heightened risk of errors in the index data, index computation and/or index construction due to unreliable, out-dated or unavailable information.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying
Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
Tracking error risk may be higher for funds that track indices with significant weight in foreign issuers, and in particular emerging markets issuers, than funds that do not track such indices.
For purposes of calculating the fund’s net asset value, the value of assets denominated in non-US currencies is converted into US dollars using prevailing market rates on the date of valuation as quoted by one or more data service providers. This conversion may result in a difference between the prices used to calculate the fund’s net asset value and the prices used by the Underlying Index, which, in turn, could result in a difference between the fund’s performance and the performance of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the
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case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than an exchange. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when an exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. More generally, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may
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emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or the entire market, which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” and may invest a larger percentage of its assets in securities of a few issuers or a single issuer than that of a diversified fund. As a result, the fund may be more susceptible to the risks associated with these particular issuers, or to a single economic,
political or regulatory occurrence affecting these issuers. This may increase the fund’s volatility and cause the performance of a relatively smaller number of issuers to have a greater impact on the fund’s performance.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Risks related to investing in Asia. Investment in securities of issuers in Asia involves risks and special considerations not typically associated with investment in the US securities markets. Certain Asian economies have experienced over-extension of credit, currency devaluations and restrictions, high unemployment, high inflation, decreased exports and economic recessions. Economic events in any one Asian country can have a significant effect on the entire Asian region as well as on major trading partners outside Asia, and any adverse effect on some or all of the Asian countries and regions in which the fund invests. The securities markets in some Asian economies are relatively underdeveloped and may subject the fund to higher action costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Such risks may adversely affect the value of the fund’s investments.
Governments of many Asian countries have implemented significant economic reforms in order to liberalize trade policy, promote foreign investment in their economies, reduce government control of the economy and develop market mechanisms. There can be no assurance these reforms will continue or that they will be effective. Despite recent reform and privatizations, significant regulation of investment and industry is still pervasive in many Asian countries and may restrict foreign ownership of domestic corporations and repatriation of assets, which may adversely affect fund investments. Governments in some Asian countries are authoritarian in nature, have been installed or removed as a result of military coups or have periodically used force to suppress civil dissent. Disparities
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of wealth, the pace and success of democratization, and ethnic, religious and racial disaffection have led to social turmoil, violence and labor unrest in some countries. Unanticipated or sudden political or social developments may result in sudden and significant investment losses. Investing in certain Asian countries involves risk of loss due to expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation of assets and property or the imposition of restrictions on foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested.
Some countries and regions in which the fund invests have experienced acts of terrorism or strained international relations due to territorial disputes, historical animosities or other defense concerns. For example, North and South Korea each have substantial military capabilities, and historical local tensions between the two countries present the risk of war. Any outbreak of hostilities between the two countries could have a severe adverse effect on the South Korean economy and securities markets. These and other security situations may cause uncertainty in the markets of these geographic areas and may adversely affect the performance of local economies.
Risk of investing in China. Investments in China involve certain risks and special considerations, including the following:
Available disclosure about Chinese companies. Chinese companies are required to follow Chinese accounting standards and practices, which only follow international accounting standards to a certain extent. However, the accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and practices applicable to People’s Republic of China (“China” or the “PRC”) companies, including those listed on US exchanges, may be less rigorous, and there may be significant differences between financial statements prepared in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and practice and those prepared in accordance with international accounting standards. In particular, the assets and profits appearing on the financial statements of a Chinese issuer may not reflect its financial position or results of operations in the way they would be reflected had such financial statements been prepared in accordance with US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The quality of audits in China may be unreliable, which may require enhanced procedures. Consequently, the fund may not be provided the same degree of protection or information as would generally apply in developed countries and the fund may be exposed to significant losses. There is also substantially less publicly available information about Chinese issuers than there is about US issuers. Therefore, disclosure of certain material information may not be made, and less information may be available to the fund and other investors than would be the case if the fund’s investments were restricted to securities of US issuers. Under the HFCAA, Chinese companies with securities listed in the US may be delisted if they do not meet US accounting and auditor oversight requirements, which could cause the fund to seek other markets in which to transact in such securities
or obtain exposure to such securities through alternative means (such as derivatives), either of which could increase the fund's costs and have a material adverse effect on the fund's ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
Chinese corporate and securities law. Legal principles relating to corporate affairs and the validity of corporate procedures, directors’ fiduciary duties and liabilities and stockholders’ rights often differ from those that may apply in the US and other countries. Chinese laws providing protection to investors, such as laws regarding the fiduciary duties of officers and directors, are undeveloped and will not provide investors, such as the fund, with protection in all situations where protection would be provided by comparable laws in the US. China lacks a national set of laws that address all issues that may arise with regard to a foreign investor such as the fund. It may therefore be difficult for the fund to enforce its rights as an investor under Chinese corporate and securities laws, and it may be difficult or impossible for the fund to obtain a judgment in court. Moreover, as Chinese corporate and securities laws continue to develop, these developments may adversely affect foreign investors, such as the fund.
Due to restrictions on foreign ownership of Chinese companies imposed under Chinese law, Chinese companies that are listed in the US typically do not offer common stock in the company itself to US investors. Rather, Chinese companies typically offer shares of an offshore shell company (typically referred to as a “variable interest entity” or “VIE”) that has entered into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Accordingly, US investors in Chinese companies listed on a US stock exchange do not actually own shares of the Chinese company itself. The US-listed shell company does not control the Chinese company and must rely on the Chinese company to perform its contractual obligations (which, as noted above, are governed by Chinese corporate and securities laws that are less protective of shareholders than US laws). Moreover, the Chinese government may at any time invalidate or limit the contracts between a Chinese company and the offshore shell company which is offering shares in the US, which may result in the partial or total loss of the value of a US investor's shares in the offshore shell company even if a direct investment in the Chinese company would retain value.
Chinese securities markets. The securities markets in China have a limited operating history and are not as developed as those in the US. The markets tend to be smaller in size, have less liquidity and historically have had greater volatility than markets in the US and some other countries. In addition, under normal market conditions, there is less regulation and monitoring of Chinese securities markets and the activities of investors, brokers and other participants than in the US. Accordingly, issuers of securities in China are not subject to the same degree of regulation as are US issuers with respect to such matters
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as insider trading rules, tender offer regulation, stockholder proxy requirements and the requirements mandating timely disclosure of information. During periods of significant market volatility, the Chinese government has, from time to time, intervened in its domestic securities markets to a greater degree than would be typical in more developed markets, including both direct and indirect market stabilization efforts, which may affect valuations of Chinese issuers. Stock markets in China are in the process of change and further development. This may lead to trading volatility, difficulty in the settlement and recording of transactions and difficulty in interpreting and applying the relevant regulations.
Hong Kong policy. As part of Hong Kong’s transition from British to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, China agreed to allow Hong Kong to maintain a high degree of autonomy with regard to its political, legal and economic systems for a period of at least 50 years. China controls matters that relate to defense and foreign affairs. Under the agreement, China does not tax Hong Kong, does not limit the exchange of the Hong Kong dollar for foreign currencies and does not place restrictions on free trade in Hong Kong. However, there is no guarantee that China will continue to honor the agreement, and China may change its policies regarding Hong Kong at any time. As of July 2020, the Chinese Standing Committee of the National People's Congress enacted the Law of the PRC on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, (the “Hong Kong Law”), which imposed substantial limits on Hong Kong’s political and legal autonomy in a manner widely considered within Hong Kong and by other countries as a violation of China’s agreement in 1997. Hong Kong has experienced wide protests and extensive turmoil before and after the enactment of this law. Also as of July 2020, Hong Kong is no longer afforded preferential economic treatment by the United States under US law, and there is uncertainty as to how the economy of Hong Kong will be affected. Any further changes in China's policies could adversely affect market conditions and the performance of the Chinese economy and, thus, the value of securities in the fund’s portfolio.
Inflation. Economic growth in China has historically been accompanied by periods of high inflation. Beginning in 2004, the Chinese government commenced the implementation of various measures to control inflation, which included the tightening of the money supply, the raising of interest rates and more stringent control over certain industries. If these measures are not successful, and if inflation were to steadily increase, the performance of the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments could be adversely affected.
Nationalization and expropriation. After the formation of the Chinese socialist state in 1949, the Chinese government renounced various debt obligations and nationalized private assets without providing any form of compensation. There can be no assurance that the Chinese
government will not take similar actions in the future. Accordingly, an investment in the fund involves a risk of a total loss.
Political and economic risk. The economy of China, which has been in a state of transition from a planned economy to a more market oriented economy, differs from the economies of most developed countries in many respects, including the level of government involvement, its state of development, its growth rate, control of foreign exchange, and allocation of resources. Although the majority of productive assets in China are still owned by the PRC government at various levels, in recent years, the PRC government has implemented economic reform measures emphasizing utilization of market forces in the development of the economy of China and a high level of management autonomy. The economy of China has experienced significant growth in recent decades, but growth has been uneven both geographically and among various sectors of the economy. Economic growth has also been accompanied by periods of high inflation. The PRC government has implemented various measures from time to time to control inflation and restrain the rate of economic growth. More recently, the Chinese economy has experienced a significant slowdown in growth, including declines in property values and increased defaults, weak consumer demand, increased youth unemployment and declines in exports and manufacturing. The Chinese government has implemented policies attempting to increase growth but it is unclear whether those efforts will be successful. In recent years, Chinese entities have incurred significant levels of debt and Chinese financial institutions currently hold relatively large amounts of non-performing debt. Thus, there exists a possibility that widespread defaults could occur, which could trigger a financial crisis, freeze Chinese debt and finance markets and make Chinese securities illiquid.
For several decades, the PRC government has carried out economic reforms to achieve decentralization and utilization of market forces to develop the economy of the PRC. These reforms have resulted in significant economic growth and social progress. However, there can be no assurance that the PRC government will continue to pursue such economic policies or that such policies, if pursued, will be successful. Any adjustment and modification of those economic policies may have an adverse impact on the securities markets in the PRC as well as the constituent securities of the Underlying Index. Further, the PRC government may from time to time adopt corrective measures to control the growth of the PRC economy which may also have an adverse impact on the capital growth and performance of the fund. Further, there is no assurance that the Chinese government will not revert to the economic policy of central planning that it implemented prior to 1978 or that such growth will be sustained in the future. An economic downturn in China would adversely impact the fund’s investments.
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Political changes, social instability and adverse diplomatic developments in the PRC could result in the imposition of additional government restrictions including expropriation of assets, confiscatory taxes or nationalization of some or all of the property held by the issuers of the A-Shares in the fund’s Underlying Index. The laws, regulations, including the investment regulations, government policies and political and economic climate in China may change with little or no advance notice. Any such change could adversely affect market conditions and the performance of the Chinese economy and, thus, the value of securities in the fund’s portfolio.
The Chinese government continues to be an active participant in many economic sectors through ownership positions and regulations. The allocation of resources in China is subject to a high level of government control. The Chinese government strictly regulates the payment of foreign currency denominated obligations and sets monetary policy. Through its policies, the government may provide preferential treatment to particular industries or companies. Recently, the Chinese government has become more aggressive about regulating the operations of particular companies or sectors, including large companies which are indirectly listed in the US. These regulations may substantially limit or prohibit the operations of such companies and cause investors to lose some or all of the value of their investment. The policies set by the government could have a substantial effect on the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments.
Trade risk. The Chinese economy is export-driven and highly reliant on trade. The performance of the Chinese economy may differ favorably or unfavorably from the US economy in such respects as growth of gross domestic product, rate of inflation, currency depreciation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. The domestic consumer class in China is still emergent, while the economy's dependence on exports may not be sustainable. Adverse changes to the economic conditions of its primary trading partners, such as the European Union, the US, Hong Kong, the Association of South East Asian Nations, and Japan, would adversely affect the Chinese economy and the fund’s investments.
In addition, as much of China’s growth over recent decades has been a result of significant investment in substantial export trade, international trade tensions may arise from time to time which can result in trade tariffs, embargoes, trade limitations, trade wars and other negative consequences. The current political climate has intensified concerns about trade tariffs and a potential trade war between China and the US. These consequences may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry with a potentially severe negative impact to the
fund. In addition, it is possible that the continuation or worsening of the current political climate could result in regulatory restrictions being contemplated or imposed in the US or in China that could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective. In recent years, the US government has proposed or adopted numerous measures aimed at restricting trade with China:
In July 2020, the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets (“PWG”) proposed a number of regulatory changes aimed at addressing potential risks to US investors from investments in issuers that provide limited access to their financial statements, including Chinese companies. The PWG’s proposals included having the SEC consider encouraging or requiring US registered funds to conduct additional due diligence on an index’s exposure to such issuers and how the index provider addresses concerns arising from limited availability of such issuers’ financial information. If the SEC adopts these proposals, they could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
In June 2021, the President of the United States issued an executive order (“CMIC Order”) prohibiting US persons, including the fund, from purchasing or selling publicly traded securities (including publicly traded securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide exposure to, such securities) of any Chinese company identified as a Chinese Military Industrial Complex Company (“CMIC”). This prohibition, effective August 2, 2021, expands on similar sanctions imposed by the prior administration on certain designated Chinese military companies (“CCMCs”) that took effect in January 2021. To the extent that any company in the Underlying Index is identified as a CMIC at any time (or was previously designated as a CCMC), it may have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to track its Underlying Index.
In December 2020, the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (“HFCAA”) was signed into law. Since the HFCAA was signed, the SEC has placed many Chinese companies listed on a US stock exchange on a watchlist, indicating that securities of foreign issuers (including China) will be de-listed from US stock exchanges if those companies do not permit US oversight of the auditing of their financial information. On December 15, 2022, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) announced that it had secured complete access to inspect and investigate accounting firms located in China. The ultimate impact of the HFCAA is unclear at this time, but to the extent that the fund currently transacts in securities of a foreign
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company in the Underlying Index on a US exchange but is unable to do so in the future, the fund will have to seek other markets in which to transact in such securities or obtain exposure to such securities through alternative means (such as derivatives), either of which could increase the fund’s costs and have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to continue tracking the Underlying Index.
The Chair of the SEC announced in July 2021 that the SEC would be requiring additional disclosures about the corporate structure of Chinese companies listing in the US (pursuant to which US investors own shares in an offshore shell company rather than the Chinese company itself) and the risks to US investors, including the risks of such companies being delisted from the US exchange under the HFCAA.
Finally, in August 2023, the President of the United States issued an executive order (the “Critical Technologies Order”) directing the US Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) to promulgate regulations requiring disclosure of or restricting investments in China in the following technologies: semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information, and certain artificial intelligence technologies. Concurrent with the Critical Technologies Order, Treasury issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which contemplates the possibility that the regulations adopted pursuant to the Critical Technologies Order would not apply to investments made by collectively offered funds such as the fund. The regulations have not yet been proposed or adopted by Treasury and their scope and impact therefore are unclear, but if adopted in a way that applies to the fund, the regulations could adversely affect the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index. Events such as these are difficult to predict and may or may not occur in the future.
Other sanctions and embargoes. From time to time, certain of the companies in which the fund expects to invest may operate in, or have dealings with, countries subject to sanctions or embargoes imposed by the US government and the United Nations and/or countries identified by the US government as state sponsors of terrorism. A company may suffer damage to its reputation if it is identified as a company which operates in, or has dealings with, countries subject to sanctions or embargoes imposed by the US government and the United Nations and/or countries identified by the US government as state sponsors of terrorism. As an investor in such companies, the fund will be indirectly subject to those risks.
Risks related to investing in Taiwan. Investments in Taiwanese issuers may subject the fund to legal, regulatory, political, currency and economic risks that are specific to Taiwan. Specifically, Taiwan’s geographic proximity and history of political contention with China have resulted in ongoing tensions between the two countries. These tensions may materially affect the Taiwanese economy and its securities market. Taiwan is a small island state with
few raw material resources and limited land area and thus it relies heavily on imports for its commodity needs. Any fluctuations or shortages in the commodity markets could have a negative impact on the Taiwanese economy. Also, rising labor costs and increasing environmental consciousness have led some labor-intensive industries to relocate to countries with cheaper work forces, and continued labor outsourcing may adversely affect the Taiwanese economy. Taiwan’s economy also is intricately linked with economies of other Asian countries, which are often emerging market economies that often experience overextensions of credit, frequent and pronounced currency fluctuations, devaluations and restrictions, rising unemployment and fluctuations in inflation. Political and social unrest in other Asian countries could cause further economic and market uncertainty in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economy is export-oriented, so it depends on an open world trade regime and remains vulnerable to fluctuations in the world economy. In particular, the Taiwanese economy is dependent on the economies of Japan and China, and also the US, and a reduction in purchases by any of them of Taiwanese products and services or negative changes in their economies would likely have an adverse impact on the Taiwanese economy.
Risks of investing in Hong Kong. The fund’s investments which are listed and traded in Hong Kong may expose the fund to certain legal, regulatory, political, currency and economic risks. China is Hong Kong’s largest trading partner, both in terms of exports and imports. Any changes in the Chinese economy, trade regulations or currency exchange rates may have an adverse impact on Hong Kong’s economy. Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997 as a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China under the principle of “one country, two systems.” Although China is obligated to maintain the current capitalist economic and social system of Hong Kong through June 30, 2047, the continuation of economic and social freedoms enjoyed in Hong Kong is dependent on the government of China. With the enactment of the Hong Kong Law, China has been asserting greater control over Hong Kong’s political and legal systems, which has evoked substantial protests within Hong Kong and policy responses from other countries. China may continue increasing its control over Hong Kong and may further change its policies regarding Hong Kong at any time. Any further attempt by China to tighten its control over Hong Kong’s political, economic or social policies may result in an adverse effect on Hong Kong’s economy. Hong Kong is located in a part of the world that has historically been prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding and is economically sensitive to environmental events. Any such event could result in a significant adverse impact on the Hong Kong economy.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may
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include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for
the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is a capitalization weighted index that provides exposure to companies with high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies in the US market. Under normal circumstances, the annual review of the Underlying Index takes place in May and it is rebalanced in August, November and February. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's review and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index.
◾ MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental, social, and/or governance impact. A case is typically a single event such as a spill, accident, regulatory action, or a set of closely linked events or allegations such as health and safety fines at the same facility, multiple allegations of anti-competitive behavior related to the same product line, multiple community protests at the same company location, or multiple individual lawsuits alleging the same type of discrimination.
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MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the Underlying Index are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
◾ MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 293 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $72.70 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $4.31 billion. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in listed equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of
issuers in the information technology sector. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors or countries may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may become “non-diversified,” as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds (including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with DBX Advisors LLC and any related funds.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index
Number of Components: approximately 293
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Fund Details

Index Description. The MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index capitalization weighted indexes design to represent the performance of companies that have high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The Underlying Index consists of large- and medium-capitalization companies in the US market. See the Appendix for additional information about calculating and maintaining the Underlying Index.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition,
recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could
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Fund Details

cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or
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calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or
limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares
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through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market
events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or the entire market, which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may
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be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Non-diversification risk. At any given time, due to the composition of the Underlying Index, the fund may be classified as “non-diversified” and may invest a larger percentage of its assets in securities of a few issuers or a single issuer than that of a diversified fund. As a result, the fund may be more susceptible to the risks associated with these particular issuers, or to a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence affecting these issuers. This may increase the fund’s volatility and cause the performance of a relatively smaller number of issuers to have a greater impact on the fund’s performance.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive ISS ESG United States Net Zero Pathway Enhanced Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States that meet certain environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria. The constituents of the Underlying Index
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are weighted in such a manner seeking to comply with the European Union Paris-aligned Benchmark standards, while incorporating recommendations of the Net Zero Investment Framework published, from time to time, by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change.
In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive AG (“Solactive”) begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index, which is designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the United States. From this universe of securities, Solactive first seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with the following established standards for responsible ESG conduct. Solactive uses data from Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) to evaluate a company with respect to each of the ESG factors enumerated below.
Companies in the parent universe are excluded from the Underlying Index for:
Failure to observe established norms with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights;
Involvement in controversial weapons (i.e., chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, depleted uranium, cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines);
An ISS ESG Corporate Rating of D-;
Deriving a specified percentage of revenues from one of the following sectors (“Sector Criteria”): fossil fuel, oil sands, hydraulic fracturing and shale oil/gas, artic or deepwater drilling, tobacco, military weapons, civilian firearms, alcohol, gambling, adult entertainment, and cannabis; or
Significant negative impact on environmental-focused United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The SDGs are responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water and life on land.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then weighted in a manner designed to align with the objectives of the Net Zero Investment Framework and such that the resulting portfolio’s greenhouse gas emissions are consistent with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement by first assigning a weight based on (i) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, (ii) climate disclosure standards, and (iii) green revenue, and then optimizing the portfolio such that:
The carbon intensity (defined, for each company included in the Underlying Index, as its greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of the company’s enterprise value including cash) of the Underlying Index is reduced by at least 50% compared to the parent index,
The year-over-year carbon intensity of the Underlying Index seeks a reduction target of at least 7%, and
The aggregate exposure to high climate impact sectors (those sectors that are key to low-carbon transition) in the Underlying Index relative to the parent index does not decrease.
The fund does not intend to report retrospectively if the portfolio, as selected at each prior rebalance, has met the carbon intensity reduction targets. The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 359 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $83.55 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $858 million. The fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States and as considered by the Advisor to be aligned with the Paris Agreement and consistent with the Net Zero Investment Framework.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index's rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund's rebalance schedule.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the information technology and health care sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
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The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds (including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Solactive.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
Solactive ISS ESG United States Net Zero Pathway Enhanced Index
Index Description. The Solactive ISS ESG United States Net Zero Pathway Enhanced Index seeks to provide exposure to large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States while excluding companies that fail to observe established international norms, are involved in controversial weapons, exhibit poor overall ESG performance, or generate revenue (subject to certain revenue
thresholds) from fossil fuels, tobacco, weapons and firearms, alcohol, gambling, adult entertainment or recreational cannabis. The constituents of the Underlying Index are weighted in such a manner seeking to comply with the European Union Paris-aligned Benchmark standards, while incorporating recommendations of the Net Zero Investment Framework published, from time to time, by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change.
Paris-aligned Benchmark standards
Commission Delegation Regulation (EU) 2020/1818 (“EU BMR”) establishes the minimum standards for a “Paris-aligned Benchmark” (“PAB”). As set forth in the EU BMR, the methodology of a PAB is based on the commitments laid down in the Paris Climate Agreement, an international treaty agreement on climate change which aims to limit the increase in global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius (preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius) above pre-industrial levels. As more fully described below, the exclusionary criteria and carbon reduction targets used by the Underlying Index are consistent with those set forth in the EU BMR and thus the Underlying Index's qualification as a PAB.
Net Zero Investment Framework
The Net Zero Investment Framework provides a common set of recommended actions, metrics and methodologies through which asset managers can maximize their contribution to achieving global net zero global emissions by 2050 or sooner pursuant to two primary alignment objectives: decarbonizing investment portfolios in a way that is consistent with achieving global net zero greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions by 2050 and increasing investment in the range of climate solutions needed to meet that goal. As more fully described below, the Underlying Index seeks to meet these objectives through optimizing and weighting the portfolio to meet carbon reduction targets and through overweighting companies that commit to emissions reduction targets, establish high standards for climate disclosures, and/or generate green revenues.
Defining the Equity Universe. In constructing the Underlying Index, Solactive begins with the universe of securities comprising the parent index, the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index. The parent index is designed to track the performance of the large and mid-capitalization segment covering approximately the largest 85% of the free-float market capitalization in the United States.
Companies in the parent universe are first evaluated based on the following ESG criteria utilized by Solactive, and evaluated and supplied by Solactive’s data provider, Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”). A company in the parent universe will be excluded from the Underlying Index based on the following:
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a verified failure to respect established international norms with respect to environment, human rights, corruption and labor rights, as measured by ISS ESG Norm-Based Research. These standards are based on established norms such as the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and seek to provide insight into a company's overall ability to avoid, manage or mitigate environmental and social controversies. Credible allegations are researched, including through dialogue with companies and stakeholders in seeking to validate facts, confirm relevant standards and expectations, and identify measures taken to manage or mitigate impacts. The results are then presented on a scale from 1 (no allegation) to 10 (verified failure to respect established norms).
Controversial Weapons
Verified or alleged ongoing involvement in the area of controversial weapons (including chemical, biological and nuclear weapons (both under and outside the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons), depleted uranium munitions, cluster munitions, and anti-personnel mines.
Overall ESG Performance
An ISS ESG Corporate Rating of D-.
In calculating the ESG Rating, ISS assesses companies across a number of environmental, social and governance-related indicators, covering topics such as employee matters, supply chain management, business ethics, corporate governance, environmental management, eco-efficiency and others. Differentiated weighting scenarios are used based on those topics deemed most material (based on sustainability risk as well as adverse impacts on society and the environment) for a given business model. ISS applies a twelve-point grading system from A+/4.00 (excellent performance) to D-/1.00 (poor performance). All indicators are individually scored and then, based on weightings at the indicator level, are aggregated to arrive at an overall score (rating).
Sector Criteria
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 1% from coal mining and power generation.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 50% from electric power generation from fossil fuel sources, or greater than or equal to 10% from fossil fuel production, exploration, distribution and services.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than 0% from any of the following: oil sands production, hydraulic fracturing and shale oil/gas, arctic drilling, or deepwater drilling.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 5% from the sector of tobacco, or greater than 0% from the cultivation and production of tobacco.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 10% from military weapons (overall including services and primary use components).
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 5% from the distribution of civilian firearms, or greater than 0% from the production of civilian firearms.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 50% from alcohol services, or greater than or equal to 5% from the production or distribution of alcohol.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 50% from gambling services, or greater than or equal to 5% from gambling production or distribution.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 5% from the production and distribution of adult entertainment.
Generating revenues (in proportion to total revenues) of greater than or equal to 50% from recreational cannabis services, or greater than or equal to 5% from the production and distribution of recreational cannabis.
Environmental Objectives
A significant negative impact (as measured by an ISS ESG SDG Impact Rating of less than or equal to -5.1) on any of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a blueprint seeking to achieve a sustainable future by addressing global challenges including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The ISS ESG SDG Impact Rating measures the extent to which companies are managing externalities in their operations across the entire value chain to minimize adverse impacts, while at the same time making use of existing and emerging opportunities in their products and services to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Companies are rated on a scale from -10 (significant negative impact) to 10 (significant positive impact).
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production refers to the use of services and related products, which respond to the basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardize future generations. SDG 13: Climate Action refers to efforts to tackle climate change and its impacts including efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as the Paris Agreement. SDG 14: Life Below Water refers to efforts to conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas and marine resources. SDG
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15: Life on Land refers to efforts to sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
All companies in the parent universe that do not trigger one of the exclusions listed above are included in the Underlying Index.
Weighting the Index for Carbon Reduction. Once the constituents of the Underlying Index have been identified, Solactive weights each constituent in such a manner seeking to align with the objectives of the Net Zero Investment Framework and further to align the Underlying Index’s aggregate greenhouse gas emissions with the long-term global warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement. In calculating weightings, Solactive first assigns an initial weight based on free float market capitalization (“Initial Weight”), and then assigns a tilt for each of the following themes:
GHG Emissions Reduction Targets
Climate Disclosure Standards
Green Revenue
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets
This theme refers to an issuer’s commitment to setting GHG emissions reduction targets either in conjunction with the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) or as otherwise assessed by ISS. The SBTi is a partnership between the Carbon Disclosure Project, The United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wild Fund for Nature which seeks to drive ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reductions targets. Targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, as determined by the SBTi. Issuer's commit to setting a science-based target by filing a letter with the SBTi and, upon filing specific targets and having such targets evaluated by SBTi, can be validated as having an “approved” science-based target. Where an issuer has not filed a commitment with the SBTi, any emissions reduction targets are evaluated by ISS and ranked as “ambitious” or “not ambitious.” Tilts (weighting factors) are assigned on a scale from 0 (no target) to 1 (ambitious target or approved science-based target).
Climate Disclosure Standards
This theme refers a company’s quality of corporate disclosure on environmental and social issues, including sustainability governance, and identification of key disclosure omissions, as measured by the ISS Environmental & Social Disclosure QualityScore. In assessing an issuer’s disclosure, expectations regarding disclosure practices are defined by industry groups, based on the specific environmental and social risks identified in industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives and reflected in authoritative standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Tilts are assigned on a scale from 0 (standard unmet) to 1 (exemplifying standard).
Green Revenue
This theme refers to a company’s revenues from activities significantly positively contributing to SDG 13: Mitigating Climate Change, as measured by the related ISS SDG Solutions Assessment. This assessment measures the positive and negative sustainability impacts of an issuer’s product and service portfolios. Tilts are assigned on a scale from 0 to 1 proportional to the issuer’s relative green revenue.
The Initial Weight is multiplied by the resulting tilts (which are added to one, resulting in a maximum overall tilt of 4 and a minimum overall tilt of 1) to arrive at a tilted weight, which is subsequently normalized and then optimized to establish a minimum 50% reduction in carbon intensity relative to the parent index. At each subsequent rebalance, the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index is capped at the lower of a year-over-year 7% reduction in carbon intensity relative to its initial calculation, or a carbon-intensity level that is 50% lower than the parent index. At origination and each subsequent rebalance, aggregate exposure to high climate impact sectors (those sectors that are key to low-carbon transition: agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation services; construction; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; and real estate activities) in the Underlying Index must not decrease relative to the parent index. The Underlying Index’s carbon intensity reduction targets are applied at the aggregate level rather than at an individual security level. Solactive also applies sector weight constraints in weighting the Underlying Index components. After the initial weights (aggregated at a sector level) are established, Solactive’s optimization aims to cap sector deviations at 5% (for sectors whose initial weight is 10% or more of the Underlying Index) or half of the initial sector weight (for sectors whose initial weight is less than 10% of the Underlying Index). However, if this constraint cannot be reached due to the exclusions from the Underlying Index under the ESG criteria described above, the maximum sector weight is set as the maximum possible cumulative initial and active weight of all remaining securities (if any) in the respective sector.
Maintaining the Underlying Index. The Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually, effective at the close of business on the first Wednesday in February and August. The constituents of the Underlying Index are drawn from the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index.
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The Underlying Index is reviewed on an ongoing basis to account for corporate events such as mergers, takeovers, delistings, suspensions, spin-offs/demergers or bankruptcies. Changes to index composition and related weight adjustments are made as soon as they are effective. Generally, no stocks are added to the Underlying Index between rebalancings. If a stock is dropped from the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index, it is also removed from the Underlying Index at the next rebalancing of the Underlying Index. Between rebalancings, a stock may be deleted from the Underlying Index due to corporate events such as mergers, takeovers, delistings, suspensions, spinoffs/demergers or bankruptcies.
The Underlying Index consists of issuers incorporated in the United States. As of October 31, 2023, there were approximately 359 components in the Underlying Index.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced semi-annually in February and August. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s rebalance schedule.
During extraordinary market conditions, the Index Provider may delay any scheduled rebalancing of the Underlying Index. During any such delay it is possible that the Underlying Index will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may
include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The carbon reduction criteria used to score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s greenhouse gas emissions may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company's commitment to targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. Because the Underlying Index's carbon intensity reduction goals are applied on an aggregate basis, there may be certain companies included in the Underlying Index which do not meet the Underlying Index's carbon intensity reduction goals individually. In addition, to the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index's scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the carbon intensity reduction goals. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the
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stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that
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may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Health care sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the health care sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the health care sector. The health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care companies are heavily dependent on patent protection, and the expiration of a company’s patent may adversely affect that company’s profitability. Health care companies are subject to competitive forces that may result in price discounting, and may be thinly capitalized and susceptible to product obsolescence.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying
Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in
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the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the
creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s
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Fund Details

or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue
trading halts on specific securities or the entire market, which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill
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and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF
Investment Objective
The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI USA Climate Action Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is comprised of large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States that the Underlying Index’s methodology assesses as leading their sector peers in taking action relating to a climate transition. The Underlying Index targets a coverage of 50% of the companies from each Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) sector in the MSCI USA Index (the “Parent Index”).
The Underlying Index uses MSCI Impact Solutions, MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies, MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research and MSCI Climate Change Metrics (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for the Underlying Index. In constructing the Underlying Index, MSCI Inc. (“Index Provider” or “MSCI”) begins with the securities comprising the Parent Index, which is designed to measure the performance of the large and mid-capitalization companies in the US market. From the securities included in the Parent Index, MSCI seeks to identify only those companies operating in accordance with the following criteria.
MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental, social, and/or governance impact. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. All securities having faced very severe controversies pertaining to ESG issues, defined as companies with an MSCI ESG Controversy Score of 0, are ineligible for inclusion. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on the MSCI Controversy Score are also excluded.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Fund Details

MSCI Environmental Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative environmental impact of company operations, products and services. A controversy case is defined as an instance or ongoing situation in which company operations and/or products allegedly have a negative environmental impact. MSCI Environmental Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. All companies having faced ongoing very severe controversies pertaining to environmental issues, defined as companies with an MSCI Environment Controversy Score of 0, are ineligible for inclusion. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on the MSCI Environment Controversy Score are also excluded.
MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research and MSCI Climate Change Metrics aim to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as tobacco, thermal coal mining, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and oil sands, are ineligible for inclusion.
Securities which, as defined by the Index Provider, have (i) either a very high emission intensity or very high potential carbon emissions of the fossil fuel reserves; and (ii) do not yet have emission reduction targets which have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a partnership between the Carbon Disclosure Project, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, are ineligible for inclusion. Additionally, securities for which emission intensity cannot be calculated are also excluded.
All securities which are in the lowest quartile of their GICS sector based on their Climate Risk Management Score, calculated by the Index Provider based on MSCI ESG Ratings Scores on a set of key climate change and environmental related issues, are ineligible for inclusion.
Securities meeting the above criteria are then ranked by the Index Provider via a security-level assessment to create a ranked universe of eligible securities for each GICS sector. The security-level assessment is based on the following four factors: emission intensity, green business revenue, Climate Risk Management Score and emission track record. For each GICS sector in the ranked universe, 50% of the number of securities in the Parent Index with the highest rank are selected.
Once the constituents of the Underlying Index are selected pursuant to the above criteria, the constituents are then reweighted to be 100% of the Parent Index weights, with the maximum issuer weight and maximum sector weight deviation capped at 5%.
The fund uses a full replication indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index. As such, the fund invests directly in the component securities of the Underlying Index in substantially the same weightings in which they are represented in the Underlying Index. If it is not possible for the fund to acquire component securities due to limited availability or regulatory restrictions, the fund may use a representative sampling indexing strategy to seek to track the Underlying Index instead of a full replication indexing strategy. “Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Underlying Index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics (based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such as return variability and yield), and liquidity measures similar to those of the Underlying Index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the Underlying Index when using a representative sampling indexing strategy.
The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in component securities of the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers incorporated in the United States.
As of October 31, 2023, the Underlying Index consisted of 315 securities, with an average market capitalization of approximately $92.68 billion and a minimum market capitalization of approximately $3.47 billion.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced on a semi-annual basis. However, should certain index constituents not comply with the ESG Controversy Score eligibility or ESG Business Involvement eligibility criteria mentioned above, which is reviewed quarterly, those constituents would be removed from the index upon the quarter-end and the remaining constituents reweighted to 100%. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s rebalance schedule.
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated.
As of October 31, 2023, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of issuers in the information technology and health care sectors. The fund’s exposure to particular sectors may change over time to correspond to changes in the Underlying Index.
The fund may invest its remaining assets in other securities, including securities not in the Underlying Index, cash and cash equivalents, money market instruments, such as repurchase agreements or money market funds
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(including money market funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates (subject to applicable limitations under the 1940 Act), or exemptions therefrom), convertible securities, structured notes (notes on which the amount of principal repayment and interest payments are based on the movement of one or more specified factors, such as the movement of a particular stock or stock index) and in certain types of derivatives instruments (see “Derivatives” subsection).
While the fund is currently classified as “non-diversified” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, it may operate as or become classified as “diversified” over time. The fund could again become non-diversified solely as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track. Shareholder approval will not be sought when the fund crosses from diversified to non-diversified status under such circumstances.
The fund or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to the fund or securities or any index on which the fund or securities are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with DBX Advisors LLC and any related funds.
Derivatives. The fund may invest in derivatives, which are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part, from the performance of an underlying asset, security or index. In particular, portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, stock index futures, options on futures, swap contracts and other types of derivatives in seeking performance that corresponds to its Underlying Index and will not use such instruments for speculative purposes. The fund also may invest in these derivative instruments to the extent that the Advisor believes will help the fund to achieve its investment objective. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specific price at a specific future time.
Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent.
Underlying Index Information
MSCI USA Climate Action Index
Index Description. The MSCI USA Climate Action Index seeks to provide exposure to large and mid-capitalization companies in the United States that have been assessed to lead their sector peers in terms of their positioning and actions relative to a climate transition. Overall the Index targets a coverage of 50% of the companies per sector from the Parent Index.
Defining the Equity Universe. In constructing the Underlying Index, MSCI begins with the universe of securities comprising the Parent Index, the MSCI USA Index. The Parent index is designed to measure the performance of large- and mid-cap companies in the U.S., covering approximately 85% of the market capitalization in the U.S. Companies in the applicable universe of the Parent Index are first evaluated based on the following criteria by MSCI, which utilize company ratings and research provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC. A company in the applicable universe of the Parent Index will be excluded from the Underlying Index based on the following:
ESG Controversy Score Eligibility
ESG Controversies: All securities having faced very severe controversies pertaining to ESG issues — Defined as companies with an MSCI ESG Controversy Score of 0. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on ESG Controversies are also excluded.
Environmental Harm: All companies having faced ongoing very severe controversies pertaining to Environmental issues — Defined as companies with an MSCI Environment Controversy Score of 0. Companies not assessed by MSCI ESG Research on Environment Controversy Score are also excluded.
ESG Business Involvement Eligibility
The Underlying Index uses MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research and MSCI Climate Change Metrics to identify companies that are involved in the following business activities. Companies that meet the business involvement criteria are excluded from the Underlying Index:
Controversial Weapons. All companies with any tie to Controversial Weapons (cluster munitions, landmines, depleted uranium weapons, biological/chemical weapons, blinding lasers, non-detectable fragments, and incendiary weapons.
Tobacco. All classified as a “Producer” and/or all companies deriving 5% or more aggregate revenue from the production, distribution, retail, supply, and licensing of tobacco related products.
Thermal Coal Mining. All companies deriving 1% or more revenue from the mining of thermal coal and its sale to external parties.
Oil Sands. All companies deriving 5% or more revenue from oil sands extraction, which own oil sands reserves and disclose evidence of deriving revenue from oil sands extraction.
Nuclear Weapons. All companies that manufacture nuclear weapons, components for use in nuclear weapons, manufacture or assembly of delivery platforms for nuclear weapons and auxiliary services.
Emission Eligibility
Securities which either have higher Emission Intensity than the High Emission Threshold or higher total potential emission than the High Potential Emission Threshold and do not yet have approved science-based targets are excluded.
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Fund Details

Additionally, Securities without Emission Intensity data (securities for which Emission Intensity cannot be calculated) are also excluded.
High Emission Threshold. emission intensity (defined as a company’s global greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of its enterprise value and cash) of the constituent(s) of the Parent Index at the 95th percentile based on emission intensity. This 95th percentile calculation excludes securities without emissions data.
High Potential Emission Threshold. Total Potential Carbon Emissions (calculated as the sum of the thermal coal, total oil and total gas reserves owned by the company) excluding metallurgical coal of the constituent(s) of the Parent Index at the 95th percentile based on Total Potential Carbon Emissions excluding metallurgical coal (which is suitable for steelmaking and other non-power generating uses of coal and does not currently have a practical substitute). This 95th percentile calculation only includes companies which are considered most likely to use their fossil fuel reserve for energy applications; Securities without Total Potential Carbon Emissions data are not included in this calculation of 95th percentile.
Total Potential Emission. The potential carbon emissions of the fossil fuel reserves, excluding metallurgical coal reserves, owned by a company. It is computed as the sum of the potential carbon emissions of the thermal coal, total oil and total gas reserves owned by the company.
Science-based targets. Company level emission reduction targets which have been approved by SBTi, a partnership between the Carbon Disclosure Project, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature.
Climate Risk Management Eligibility
All securities which are in the lowest quartile of their GICS sector based on their Climate Risk Management Score, as defined by MSCI, are excluded.
All companies in the parent universe that do not trigger one of the exclusions listed above are included in the eligible universe of securities for the Underlying Index.
Selection of Eligible Securities. — Each eligible security is assessed and assigned a score based on the following four factors: emission intensity, green business revenue, Climate Risk Management Score and emission track record.
Emission intensity is defined as a company’s global greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of the its enterprise value and cash.
Green business revenue is a company’s cumulative revenue from the following clean tech activities:
Alternative energy — products and services that support the transmission, distribution and generation of renewable energy and alternative fuels to reduce carbon and pollutant emissions in supporting affordable and clean energy to combat climate change.
Energy efficiency — products, and services that support the maximization of productivity in labor, transportation, power, and domestic applications with minimal energy consumption to ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services.
Sustainable water — products, services, infrastructure projects and technologies that resolve water scarcity and water quality issues, through minimizing and monitoring current water demand, improving the quality and availability of water supply to improve resource management in both domestic and industrial use.
Green building — design, construction, redevelopment, retrofitting, or acquisition of green-certified properties to promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Pollution prevention — products, services, infrastructure projects and technologies that reduces volume of waste materials through recycling, minimizes introduction of toxic substances, and offers remediation of existing contaminants such as heavy metals and organic pollutants in various environmental media to significantly address pollution in all levels and its negative effects.
Sustainable agriculture — revenues from forest and agricultural products that meet environmental and organic certification requirements to significantly address biodiversity loss, pollution, land disturbance, and water overuse.
A company’s Climate Risk Management Score is calculated based on MSCI ESG Ratings scores on the following set of key climate change and environmental-related management issues:
Carbon emissions
Product carbon footprint
Climate change vulnerability
Biodiversity and land use
Opportunities in clean tech
Opportunities in green building
Opportunities in renewable energy
A company’s emission track record is based on the average changes in its emissions over the past four years and is not calculated for companies with less than four years of emissions data. A company which published emissions data, has published an emissions reduction target and has an emission track record is considered to have a “Credible Track Record.”
The security-level assessment assigns each security to a quartile (with the fourth quartile being the highest-ranked and the first quartile being the lowest-ranked) first based on its emission intensity. Then the assessment is lowered by two quartiles for all securities that either have SBTI or are assessed to have a Credible Track Record. For the remaining securities, the assessment is lowered by one
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quartile for any securities in the fourth quartile based on sector-relative Climate Risk Management Score (weighted average) or green business revenue (if the company’s green business revenues are 5% or more of its total revenue).
The ranked securities are then sorted into GICS sector, in ascending order of the security-level assessment and descending order of float-adjusted market capitalization For each GICS sector 50% of the number of securities in the Parent Index are selected in the following order:
Securities are selected from the top until the number of selected stocks is less than or equal to 40% of the number of securities in the Parent Index.
Securities which are ranked between 40% and 60% of the number of securities in the Parent Index and are also current constituents of the Parent Index are selected.
Remaining securities which are ranked between 40% and 60% of the number of securities in the Parent Index are selected until the total number of selected securities is less than or equal to 50% of the number of securities in the Parent Index. Any security which takes the number of selected securities beyond 50% of the number of securities in the Parent Index are also selected.
Weighting of Selected Securities. Once the constituents of the Underlying Index have been identified, the Parent Index weights of the selected securities are reweighted to 100%. Additionally, the max issuer weights are capped at 5%.
Maintaining the Underlying Index. The Underlying Index is rebalanced on a semi-annual basis. The constituents of the Underlying Index are drawn from the MSCI USA Climate Action Index.
The Underlying Index is reviewed on an ongoing basis to account for corporate events such as new additions to the Parent Index, spin-offs, mergers, acquisitions, and changes in security characteristics. Deletions from to Underlying Index composition and related weight adjustments are made as soon as they are effective. Generally, no stocks are added to the Underlying Index between rebalancings. If a stock is dropped from the MSCI USA Index, it is also removed from the Underlying Index at the next rebalancing of the Underlying Index. Between rebalancings, a stock may be deleted from the Underlying Index due to corporate events such as mergers, takeovers, delistings, suspensions, spinoffs/demergers or bankruptcies.
The Underlying Index consists of issuers incorporated in the United States. As of October 31, 2023, there were approximately 315 components in the Underlying Index.
Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is rebalanced on a semi-annual basis. However, should certain index constituents not comply with the ESG Controversy Score eligibility or ESG Business Involvement eligibility criteria mentioned above, which is reviewed quarterly, those constituents would be removed from the index upon
the quarter-end and the remaining constituents reweighted to 100%. The fund rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and, therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s rebalance schedule.
During extraordinary market conditions, the Index Provider may delay any scheduled rebalancing of the Underlying Index. During any such delay it is possible that the Underlying Index will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective.
ESG investment strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology, and thus the fund’s investment strategy, limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Underlying Index’s ESG methodology may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. The ESG scores used in the Underlying Index’s ESG methodology are based on information that is publicly available and/or provided by the companies themselves or by third parties and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The Underlying Index seeks to include the companies in each sector that have the highest ESG performance relative to the other companies in the sector, and as a result may include companies that do not exhibit positive ESG performance when compared to a broader universe of companies. Additionally, investors may differ in their interpretations of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics of a company. For those reasons, the index provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that exhibit positive ESG characteristics. To the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the ESG criteria. The companies identified by the Index Provider as meeting the ESG criteria for the Underlying Index may not be the same companies selected by other index providers for other indices that use similar ESG criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds following an ESG strategy such as the fund. For example, the SEC has proposed disclosure requirements
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applicable to funds that consider ESG factors. In addition, recent US state actions could prohibit certain state sponsored pension plans or investment funds from investing in certain funds that consider ESG factors.
Carbon reduction strategy risk. The Underlying Index’s methodology for identifying companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint limits the types and number of investment opportunities available to the fund and, as a result, the fund may underperform other funds that do not follow a carbon reduction strategy. Carbon reduction may potentially have an adverse effect on a company’s profitability. Investing in a portfolio of securities of companies attempting to reduce their carbon footprint may impact the fund’s relative investment performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor in the market. The carbon reduction criteria used to score and weight companies in the Underlying Index is based on publicly available information, third-party data sources and/or provided by the companies themselves and such information may be unavailable or unreliable. The criteria used to calculate a company’s emission intensity may not properly measure a company’s carbon footprint. In addition, a company’s commitment to targets for reduced emissions are voluntary and may not be met by the company or may be abandoned altogether. For those reasons, the Index Provider may be unsuccessful in creating an index composed of companies that positively contribute to carbon reduction goals. In addition, to the extent that circumstances change between the Underlying Index’s scheduled rebalancing dates, the Underlying Index may include, and the fund may hold for a period of time, securities of companies that do not align with the carbon intensity reduction goals. While the Underlying Index’s methodology aims to reflect annual reductions in the carbon intensity of the Underlying Index, there is no assurance that such reduction targets will be achieved.
Stock market risk. When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock’s issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. The market as a whole may not favor the types of investments the fund makes, which could adversely affect a stock’s price, regardless of how well the company performs, or the fund’s ability to sell a stock at an attractive price. There is a chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. Events in the US and global financial markets, including actions taken by the US Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, may at times result in unusually high market volatility which could negatively affect performance. High market volatility may also result from significant shifts in momentum of one or more specific stocks due to unusual increases or decreases in trading activity. Momentum can change quickly, and securities subject to shifts in momentum may be more volatile
than the market as a whole and returns on such securities may drop precipitously. To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region, capitalization or sector, the fund’s performance may be affected by the general performance of that region, capitalization or sector.
Market disruption risk. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. The value of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by adverse changes in overall economic or market conditions, such as the level of economic activity and productivity, unemployment and labor force participation rates, inflation or deflation (and expectations for inflation or deflation), interest rates, demand and supply for particular products or resources including labor, and debt levels and credit ratings, among other factors. Such adverse conditions may contribute to an overall economic contraction across entire economies or markets, which may negatively impact the profitability of issuers operating in those economies or markets. In addition, geopolitical and other globally interconnected occurrences, including war, terrorism, economic or financial crises, uncertainty or contagion, trade disputes, government debt crises (including defaults or downgrades) or uncertainty about government debt payments, government shutdowns, public health crises, natural disasters, climate change and related events or conditions have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Adverse market conditions or disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by adverse market conditions or a particular market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Current military conflicts in various geographic regions, including those in Europe and the Middle East, can lead to, and have led to, economic and market disruptions, which may not be limited to the geographic region in which the conflict is occurring. Such conflicts can also result, and have resulted in some cases, in sanctions being levied by the United States, the European Union and/or other countries against countries or other actors involved in the conflict. In addition, such conflicts and related sanctions can adversely affect regional and global energy, commodities, financial and other markets and thus could affect the value of the fund's investments. The extent and duration of any military conflict, related sanctions and resulting economic and market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial.
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Other market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, which at times has caused significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity, increased government activity, including economic stimulus measures, and supply chain disruptions. While COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a public health emergency, the fund and its investments may be adversely affected by its lingering effects well into the future.
Adverse market conditions or particular market disruptions, such as those caused by current military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, may magnify the impact of each of the other risks described in this “MAIN RISKS” section and may increase volatility in one or more markets in which the fund invests leading to the potential for greater losses for the fund.
Large-sized companies risk. Returns on investments in securities of large companies could trail the returns on investments in securities of smaller and mid-sized companies. Larger companies may be unable to respond as quickly as smaller and mid-sized companies to competitive challenges or to changes in business, product, financial or other market conditions. Larger companies may not be able to maintain growth at the high rates that may be achieved by well-managed smaller and mid-sized companies. During different market cycles, the performance of large-capitalization companies has trailed the overall performance of the broader securities markets.
Medium-sized company risk. Medium-sized company stocks tend to be more volatile than large company stocks. Because stock analysts are less likely to follow medium-sized companies, less information about them is available to investors. Industry-wide reversals may have a greater impact on medium-sized companies, since they lack the financial resources of larger companies. Medium-sized company stocks are typically less liquid than large company stocks.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss or recognize a gain that may be distributed to shareholders as a taxable distribution. This may be magnified in circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance. The fund may become more focused in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy as a result of changes in the valuation of the fund’s investments or fluctuations in the fund’s assets, and the fund is not required to reduce such exposures under these circumstances.
Information technology sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the information technology sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the information technology sector. Information technology companies are particularly vulnerable to government regulation and competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Information technology companies also face competition for services of qualified personnel. Additionally, the products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological development and frequent new product introduction by competitors. Finally, information technology companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Health care sector risk. To the extent that the fund invests significantly in the health care sector, the fund will be sensitive to changes in, and the fund’s performance may depend to a greater extent on, the overall condition of the health care sector. The health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care companies are heavily dependent on patent protection, and the expiration of a company’s patent may adversely affect that company’s profitability. Health care companies are subject to competitive forces that may result in price discounting, and may be thinly capitalized and susceptible to product obsolescence.
Passive investing risk. Unlike a fund that is actively managed, in which portfolio management buys and sells securities based on research and analysis, the fund invests in securities included in, or representative of, the Underlying Index, regardless of their investment merits. Because the fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to the Underlying Index at all times, portfolio management generally will not buy or sell a security unless the security is added or removed, respectively, from the Underlying Index, and will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk of loss during market downturns.
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Index-related risk. The fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index as published by the Index Provider. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will compile the Underlying Index accurately, or that the Underlying Index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. The Index Provider may cease publication of the Underlying Index or may terminate the license agreement allowing the fund to use the Underlying Index, either of which could have a material adverse effect on the fund. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule. Generally, the Index Provider does not provide any warranty, or accept any liability, with respect to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Underlying Index or its related data, and does not guarantee that the Underlying Index will be in line with its stated methodology. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its stated methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the Index Provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. The Advisor may have limited ability to detect such errors and neither the Advisor nor its affiliates provide any warranty or guarantee against such errors. Therefore, the gains, losses or costs associated with the Index Provider’s errors will generally be borne by the fund and its shareholders.
Tracking error risk. The fund may be subject to tracking error, which is the divergence of the fund’s performance from that of the Underlying Index. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of the Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure in order to track the Underlying Index. Moreover, the use of a representative sampling investment approach (i.e., investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) may cause the fund’s return to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the
securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to government imposed legal restrictions or limitations, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its net asset value based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on market prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. Tracking error risk may be heightened during times of increased market volatility or other unusual market conditions. For tax purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to recognize a taxable gain or realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
The need to comply with the tax diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, relating to regulated investment companies, may also impact the fund’s ability to replicate the performance of the Underlying Index. In addition, if the fund holds other instruments that are not included in the Underlying Index, the fund’s return may not correlate as well with the returns of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all the securities in the Underlying Index directly. Actions taken in response to proposed corporate actions could result in increased tracking error.
Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from NAV during periods of market volatility. Differences between secondary market prices and the value of the fund’s holdings may be due largely to supply and demand forces in the secondary market, which may not be the same forces as those influencing prices for securities held by the fund at a particular time. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units, the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. In addition, there may be times when the market price and the value of the fund’s holdings vary significantly and you may pay more than the value of the fund’s holdings when buying shares on the secondary market, and you may receive less than the value of the fund’s holdings when you sell those shares. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions,
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including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund’s shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). The market price of shares, like the price of any exchange-traded security, includes a “bid-ask spread” charged by the exchange specialist, market makers or other participants that trade the particular security. In times of severe market disruption, the bid-ask spread often increases significantly. This means that shares may trade at a discount to the fund’s NAV, and the discount is likely to be greatest when the price of shares is falling fastest, which may be the time that you most want to sell your shares. There are various methods by which investors can purchase and sell shares of the funds and various orders that may be placed. Investors should consult their financial intermediary before purchasing or selling shares of the fund.
Secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The bid-ask spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has substantial trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity (which is often the case for funds that are newly launched or small in size). The fund’s bid-ask spread may also be impacted by the liquidity of the underlying securities held by the fund, particularly for newly launched or smaller funds or in instances of significant volatility of the underlying securities. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on an exchange and may, therefore, have a material effect on the market price of the fund’s shares.
Operational and technology risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be
corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Cyber-attacks may include unauthorized attempts by third parties to improperly access, modify, disrupt the operations of, or prevent access to the systems of the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants or data within them. In addition, power or communications outages, acts of god, information technology equipment malfunctions, operational errors, and inaccuracies within software or data processing systems may also disrupt business operations or impact critical data.
Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders or cause reputational damage and subject the fund to regulatory fines, litigation costs, penalties or financial losses, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures involving a fund counterparty could affect such counterparty’s ability to meet its obligations to the fund, which may result in losses to the fund and its shareholders. Similar types of operational and technology risks are also present for issuers of securities held by the fund, which could have material adverse consequences for such issuers, and may cause the fund’s investments to lose value. Furthermore, as a result of cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or the entire market,
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which may result in the fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or unable to accurately price its investments.
For example, the fund relies on various sources to calculate its NAV. Therefore, the fund is subject to certain operational risks associated with reliance on third party service providers and data sources. NAV calculation may be impacted by operational risks arising from factors such as failures in systems and technology. Such failures may result in delays in the calculation of the fund’s NAV and/or the inability to calculate NAV over extended time periods. The fund may be unable to recover any losses associated with such failures.
Non-diversification risk. The fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. This means that the fund may invest in securities of relatively few issuers. Thus, the performance of one or a small number of portfolio holdings can affect overall performance.
If the fund becomes classified as “diversified” over time and again becomes non-diversified as a result of a change in relative market capitalization or index weighting of one or more constituents of the index that the fund is designed to track, non-diversification risk would apply.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants (“APs”). Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Geographic focus risk. Focusing investments in a single country or few countries, or regions, involves increased political, regulatory and other risks. Market swings in such a targeted country, countries or regions are likely to have a greater effect on fund performance than they would in a more geographically diversified fund.
Counterparty risk. A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.
Derivatives risk. Derivatives involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other more traditional investments. Risks associated with derivatives may include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the underlying asset, security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation, which risk may be heightened in derivative transactions entered into “over-the-counter” (i.e., not on an exchange or contract market); and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund’s exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.
There is no guarantee that derivatives, to the extent employed, will have the intended effect, and their use could cause lower returns or even losses to the fund. The use of derivatives by the fund to hedge risk may reduce the opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements.
Futures risk. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of the underlying instrument. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts are settled through either physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash settlement amount on the settlement date. A decision as to whether, when and how to use futures involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived futures transaction may be unsuccessful because of market behavior or unexpected events. In addition to the derivatives risks discussed above, the prices of futures can be highly volatile, using futures can lower total return and the potential loss from futures can exceed the fund’s initial investment in such contracts.
Securities lending risk. Securities lending involves the risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A delay in the recovery of loaned securities could interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions. Delayed settlement may limit the ability of the fund to reinvest the proceeds of a sale of securities or prevent the fund from selling securities at times that may be appropriate to track the Underlying Index. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for the loaned securities, or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the securities.
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Other Policies and Risks
While the previous pages describe the main points of each fund’s strategy and risks, there are a few other matters to know about:
Each of the policies described herein, including the investment objective and 80% investment policies of each fund, constitutes a non-fundamental policy that may be changed by the Board without shareholder approval. Each fund’s 80% investment policies require 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders before it can be changed. Certain fundamental policies of each fund which can only be changed with shareholder approval are set forth in the SAI.
Because each fund seeks to track its Underlying Index, no fund invests defensively and each fund will not invest in money market instruments or other short-term investments as part of a temporary defensive strategy to protect against potential market declines.
Each fund may borrow money from a bank up to a limit of 10% of the value of its assets, but only for temporary or emergency purposes.
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF and Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF may borrow money under a credit facility to the extent necessary for temporary or emergency purposes, including the funding of shareholder redemption requests, trade settlements, and as necessary to distribute to shareholders any income necessary to maintain a fund’s status as a regulated investment company (“RIC”).
From time to time a third party, the Advisor and/or its affiliates may invest in a fund and hold its investment for a specific period of time in order for a fund to achieve size or scale. There can be no assurance that any such entity would not redeem its investment or that the size of a fund would be maintained at such levels. In order to comply with applicable law, it is possible that the Advisor or its affiliates, to the extent they are invested in a fund, may be required to redeem some or all of their ownership interests in a fund prematurely or at an inopportune time.
Secondary market trading in fund shares may be halted by a stock exchange because of market conditions or other reasons. In addition, trading in fund shares on a stock exchange or in any market may be subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to “circuit breaker” rules on the exchange or market. If a trading halt or unanticipated early closing of a stock exchange occurs, a shareholder may be unable to purchase or sell shares of each fund. There can be no
assurance that the requirements necessary to maintain the listing or trading of fund shares will continue to be met or will remain unchanged or that shares will trade with any volume, or at all, in any secondary market. As with all other exchange traded securities, shares may be sold short and may experience increased volatility and price decreases associated with such trading activity.
From time to time, a fund may have a concentration of shareholder accounts holding a significant percentage of shares outstanding. Investment activities of these shareholders could have a material impact on a fund. For example, a fund may be used as an underlying investment for other registered investment companies.
Portfolio Holdings Information
A description of DBX ETF Trust’s (“Trust”) policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of each fund’s portfolio securities is available in each fund’s SAI. The top holdings of each fund can be found at Xtrackers.com. Fund fact sheets provide information regarding each fund’s top holdings and may be requested by calling 1-844-851-4255.
Who Manages and Oversees the Funds
The Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC (“Advisor”), with headquarters at 875 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022, is the investment advisor for the fund. Under the oversight of the Board, the Advisor makes the investment decisions, buys and sells securities for the fund and conducts research that leads to these purchase and sale decisions.
The Advisor is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA (“DWS Group”), a separate, publicly-listed financial services firm that is an indirect, majority-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG. Founded in 2010, the Advisor managed approximately $19.8 billion in 44 operational exchange-traded funds, as of November 30, 2023.
DWS represents the asset management activities conducted by DWS Group or any of its subsidiaries, including the Advisor and other affiliated investment advisors.
DWS is a global organization that offers a wide range of investing expertise and resources, including hundreds of portfolio managers and analysts and an office network that reaches the world’s major investment centers. This well- resourced global investment platform brings together a wide variety of experience and investment insight across industries, regions, asset classes and investing styles.
The Advisor may utilize the resources of its global investment platform to provide investment management services through branch offices or affiliates located outside the US. In some cases, the Advisor may also utilize its branch offices or affiliates located in the US or outside the US to perform certain services, such as trade execution, trade matching and settlement, or various administrative,
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back-office or other services. To the extent services are performed outside the US, such activity may be subject to both US and foreign regulation. It is possible that the jurisdiction in which the Advisor or its affiliate performs such services may impose restrictions or limitations on portfolio transactions that are different from, and in addition to, those in the US.
Management Fee. Under the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Advisor is responsible for substantially all expenses of each fund, including the cost of transfer agency, custody, fund administration, compensation paid to the Independent Board Members, legal, audit and other services, except for the fee payments to the Advisor under the Investment Advisory Agreement (also known as a “unitary advisory fee”), interest expense, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, brokerage expenses, distribution fees or expenses (if any), litigation expenses and other extraordinary expenses.
For its services to each fund, during the most recent fiscal year, the Advisor received aggregate unitary advisory fees at the following annual rates as a percentage of each fund’s average daily net assets.
Fund Name
Fee Paid
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging
Markets ESG Leaders Equity
Leaders Equity ETF
Xtrackers Emerging Markets
Carbon Reduction and Climate
Improvers ETF
Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG
Leaders Equity ETF
Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway
Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate
Action Equity ETF
Reflecting the effect of expense limitations and/or fee waivers then in effect.
A discussion regarding the basis for the Board's approval of each fund’s Investment Advisory Agreement is contained in the most recent semi-annual report for the period ended February 28 for all funds except Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF, which for this fund, is contained in the most recent annual report for the period ended August 31, 2023. For information on how to obtain shareholder reports, see the back cover.
Multi-Manager Structure. The Advisor and the Trust may rely on an exemptive order (the “Order”) from the SEC that permits the Advisor to enter into investment sub-advisory agreements with unaffiliated and affiliated subadvisors without obtaining shareholder approval. The Advisor, subject to the review and approval of the Board, selects subadvisors for each fund and supervises, monitors and evaluates the performance of the subadvisor.
The Order also permits the Advisor, subject to the approval of the Board, to replace subadvisors and amend investment subadvisory agreements, including fees, without shareholder approval whenever the Advisor and the Board believe such action will benefit a fund and its shareholders. The Advisor thus has the ultimate responsibility (subject to the ultimate oversight of the Board) to recommend the hiring and replacement of subadvisors as well as the discretion to terminate any subadvisor and reallocate a fund’s assets for management among any other subadvisor(s) and itself. This means that the Advisor is able to reduce the subadvisory fees and retain a larger portion of the management fee, or increase the subadvisory fees and retain a smaller portion of the management fee. Pursuant to the Order, the Advisor is not required to disclose its contractual fee arrangements with any subadvisor. The Advisor compensates a subadvisor out of its management fee.
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF
The following Portfolio Managers are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each Portfolio Manager functions as a member of a portfolio management team.
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
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Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF
The following Portfolio Managers are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each Portfolio Manager functions as a member of a portfolio management team.
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Fund Details

Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF
The following Portfolio Managers are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each Portfolio Manager functions as a member of a portfolio management team.
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2018.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF
The following Portfolio Managers are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each Portfolio Manager functions as a member of a portfolio management team.
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Fund Details

Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2019.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
The following Portfolio Managers are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each Portfolio Manager functions as a member of a portfolio management team.
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2022.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Fund Details

Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF
Bryan Richards, CFA, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Head of Portfolio Engineering, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Joined DWS in 2011 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he worked in ETF management at XShares Advisors, an ETF issuer based in New York, and before that he served as an equity analyst for Fairhaven Capital LLC, a long/short equity fund.
Head of Passive Portfolio Management, Americas: New York.
BS in Finance, Boston College.
Patrick Dwyer, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer & Team Lead, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Joined DWS in 2016 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, he was the head of Northern Trust’s Equity Index, ETF, and Overlay portfolio management team in Chicago, managing portfolios for North American based clients. His time at Northern Trust included working in New York, Chicago, and in Hong Kong building a portfolio management desk. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2003, he participated in the Deutsche Asset Management graduate training program. He rotated through the domestic fixed income and US structured equity fund management groups.
Lead Equity Portfolio Manager, US Passive Equities: New York.
BS in Finance, Rutgers University.
Shlomo Bassous, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Senior Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Joined DWS in 2017 with 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Bassous served as Portfolio Manager at Northern Trust Asset Management where he managed equity portfolios across a variety of global benchmarks. While at Northern Trust, he spent several years in Chicago, London and Hong Kong where he managed portfolios on behalf of institutional clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Before joining Northern Trust in 2007, he worked at The Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley in a variety of roles supporting equity trading and portfolio management.
Portfolio Manager for Equities, Passive Asset Management: New York.
BS in Finance, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University.
Ashif Shaikh, Vice President of DBX Advisors LLC and Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions, of DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2023.
Joined DWS in 2008 with six years of industry experience. Prior to joining DWS, Mr. Shaikh served in operations and technology roles at UBS and Prudential Financial.
Portfolio Engineer, Systematic Investment Solutions: New York.
BS in Management Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology; MBA, Rutgers University.
Each fund’s Statement of Additional Information provides additional information about a portfolio manager’s investments in each fund, a description of the portfolio management compensation structure and information regarding other accounts managed.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Fund Details

Investing in the Funds
Additional shareholder information, including how to buy and sell shares of a fund, is available free of charge by calling toll-free: 1-844-851-4255 or visiting our website at Xtrackers.com.
Buying and Selling Shares
Shares of a fund are listed for trading on a national securities exchange during the trading day. Shares can be bought and sold throughout the trading day at market prices like shares of other publicly-traded companies. The Trust does not impose any minimum investment for shares of a fund purchased on an exchange. Buying or selling fund shares involves two types of costs that may apply to all securities transactions. When buying or selling shares of a fund through a broker, you will likely incur a brokerage commission or other charges determined by your broker. In addition, you may incur the cost of the “spread” – that is, any difference between the bid price and the ask price. The commission is frequently a fixed amount and may be a significant proportional cost for investors seeking to buy or sell small amounts of shares. The spread varies over time for shares of a fund based on its trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if a fund has a lot of trading volume and market liquidity and higher if a fund has little trading volume and market liquidity.
Shares of a fund may be acquired or redeemed directly from a fund only in Creation Units or multiples thereof, as discussed in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Creations and Redemptions.” Only an AP may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with a fund. Once created, shares of a fund generally trade in the secondary market in amounts less than a Creation Unit.
The Board has evaluated the risks of market timing activities by a fund’s shareholders. The Board noted that shares of a fund can only be purchased and redeemed directly from the fund in Creation Units by APs and that the vast majority of trading in a fund’s shares occurs on the secondary market. Because the secondary market trades do not involve a fund directly, it is unlikely those trades would cause many of the harmful effects of market timing, including dilution, disruption of portfolio management, increases in a fund’s trading costs and the realization of capital gains. With regard to the purchase or redemption of Creation Units directly with a fund, to the extent effected
in-kind (i.e., for securities), such trades do not cause any of the harmful effects (as previously noted) that may result from frequent cash trades. To the extent trades are effected in whole or in part in cash, the Board noted that such trades could result in dilution to a fund and increased transaction costs, which could negatively impact a fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective. However, the Board noted that direct trading by APs is critical to ensuring that a fund’s shares trade at or close to NAV. In addition, a fund imposes both fixed and variable transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of fund shares to cover the custodial and other costs incurred by a fund in effecting trades. These fees increase if an investor substitutes cash in part or in whole for securities, reflecting the fact that a fund’s trading costs increase in those circumstances. Given this structure, the Board determined that with respect to a fund it is not necessary to adopt policies and procedures to detect and deter market timing of a fund’s shares.
Investments in a fund by other registered investment companies are subject to certain limitations imposed by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). Such registered investment companies may invest in a fund beyond the applicable limitations imposed by the 1940 Act pursuant to the terms and conditions of a rule enacted by the SEC, which includes a requirement that such registered investment companies enter into an agreement with the Trust.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 121 Investing in the Funds

Shares of a fund trade on the exchange and under the ticker symbol as shown in the table below.
Fund name
Ticker Symbol
Stock Exchange
Xtrackers MSCI
Emerging Markets ESG
Leaders Equity ETF
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Xtrackers MSCI EAFE
ESG Leaders Equity
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Xtrackers Emerging
Markets Carbon Reduc-
tion and Climate
Improvers ETF
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Xtrackers MSCI USA
ESG Leaders Equity
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Xtrackers Net Zero
Pathway Paris Aligned
US Equity ETF
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Xtrackers MSCI USA
Climate Action Equity
NYSE Arca, Inc.
Book Entry
Shares of a fund are held in book-entry form, which means that no stock certificates are issued. The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) or its nominee is the record owner of all outstanding shares of a fund and is recognized as the owner of all shares for all purposes.
Investors owning shares of a fund are beneficial owners as shown on the records of DTC or its participants. DTC serves as the securities depository for shares of a fund. DTC participants include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other institutions that directly or indirectly maintain a custodial relationship with DTC. As a beneficial owner of shares, you are not entitled to receive physical delivery of stock certificates or to have shares registered in your name, and you are not considered a registered owner of shares. Therefore, to exercise any right as an owner of shares, you must rely upon the procedures of DTC and its participants. These procedures are the same as those that apply to any other securities that you hold in book-entry or “street name” form.
Share Prices
The trading prices of a fund’s shares in the secondary market generally differ from a fund’s daily NAV per share and are affected by market forces such as supply and demand, economic conditions and other factors. Information regarding the intraday value of shares of a fund, also known as the “indicative optimized portfolio value” (“IOPV”), is disseminated every 15 seconds throughout the trading day by the national securities exchange on which a fund’s shares are listed or by market data vendors or other information providers. The IOPV is based on the current market value of the securities and/or cash required to be deposited in exchange for a Creation Unit. The IOPV does not necessarily reflect the precise composition of the
current portfolio of securities held by a fund at a particular point in time nor the best possible valuation of the current portfolio. Therefore, the IOPV should not be viewed as a “real-time” update of the NAV, which is computed only once a day. The IOPV is generally determined by using both current market quotations and/or price quotations obtained from broker-dealers that may trade in the portfolio securities held by a fund. The quotations of certain fund holdings may not be updated during US trading hours if such holdings do not trade in the US. Each fund is not involved in, or responsible for, the calculation or dissemination of the IOPV and makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy.
Determination of Net Asset Value
The NAV of each fund is generally determined once daily Monday through Friday generally as of the regularly scheduled close of business of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) (normally 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) on each day that the NYSE is open for trading, provided that (a) any fund assets or liabilities denominated in currencies other than the US dollar are translated into US dollars at the prevailing market rates on the date of valuation as quoted by one or more data service providers (as detailed below) and (b) US fixed-income assets may be valued as of the announced closing time for trading in fixed-income instruments in a particular market or exchange. NAV is calculated by deducting all of the fund’s liabilities from the total value of its assets and dividing the result by the number of shares outstanding, rounding to the nearest cent. All valuations are subject to review by the Trust’s Board or its delegate.
The Trust’s Board has designated the Advisor as the valuation designee for the fund pursuant to Rule 2a-5 under the 1940 Act. The Advisor’s Pricing Committee typically values securities using readily available market quotations or prices supplied by independent pricing services (which are considered fair values under Rule 2a-5).
The Advisor has adopted fair valuation procedures that provide methodologies for fair valuing securities when pricing service prices or market quotations are not readily available, including when a security’s value or a meaningful portion of the value of the fund’s portfolio is believed to have been materially affected by a significant event such as a natural disaster, an economic event like a bankruptcy filing, or a substantial fluctuation in domestic or foreign markets that has occurred between the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded (for example, a foreign exchange or market) and the close of the New York Stock Exchange. In such a case, the fund’s value for a security is likely to be different from the last quoted market price or pricing service prices. Due to the subjective and variable nature of fair value pricing, it is possible that the value determined for a particular asset may be materially different from the value realized upon such asset’s sale. In addition, fair value pricing could result in a difference between the prices used to calculate a
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Investing in the Funds

fund’s NAV and the prices used by the fund’s Underlying Index. This may adversely affect the fund’s ability to track its Underlying Index. With respect to securities that are primarily listed on foreign exchanges, the value of the fund’s portfolio securities may change on days when you will not be able to purchase or sell your shares.
Foreign currency exchange rates with respect to each fund’s (Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF, Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF and Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF only) non-US securities are generally determined as of 4:00 p.m., London time. Generally, trading in non-US securities, US government securities, money market instruments and certain fixed-income securities is substantially completed each day at various times prior to the close of business on the NYSE. The values of such securities used in computing the NAV of each fund are determined as of such earlier times. The value of each Underlying Index will not be calculated and disseminated intra-day. The value and return of each fund’s (Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF, Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF and Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF only) respective Underlying Index is calculated once each trading day by the Index Provider based on prices received from the international local markets. In addition, with respect to these funds, the value of assets or liabilities denominated in non-US currencies will be converted into US dollars using prevailing market rates on the date of valuation as quoted by one or more data service providers. Use of a rate different from the rate used by the Index Provider may adversely affect the fund’s ability to track its respective Underlying Index. With respect to securities that are primarily listed on foreign exchanges, the value of the fund’s portfolio securities may change on days when you will not be able to purchase or sell your shares.
Creations and Redemptions
Prior to trading in the secondary market, shares of the funds are “created” at NAV by market makers, large investors and institutions only in block-size Creation Units of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”). The size of a Creation Unit will be subject to change. Each “creator” or AP (which must be a DTC participant) enters into an authorized participant agreement (“Authorized Participant Agreement”) with the fund’s distributor, ALPS Distributors, Inc. (the “Distributor”), subject to acceptance by the Transfer Agent. Only an AP may create or redeem Creation Units. Creation Units generally are issued and redeemed in exchange for a specific basket of securities approximating the holdings of a fund and a designated amount of cash. Each fund may pay out a portion of its redemption proceeds in cash rather than through the in-kind delivery of portfolio securities. Except when aggregated in Creation Units, shares are not redeemable by the fund. The prices at which creations and redemptions
occur are based on the next calculation of NAV after an order is received in a form described in the Authorized Participant Agreement.
Additional information about the procedures regarding creation and redemption of Creation Units (including the cut-off times for receipt of creation and redemption orders) is included in the SAI.
Each fund intends to comply with the US federal securities laws in accepting securities for deposits and satisfying redemptions with redemption securities, including that the securities accepted for deposits and the securities used to satisfy redemption requests will be sold in transactions that would be exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“1933 Act”). Further, an AP that is not a “qualified institutional buyer,” as such term is defined under Rule 144A under the 1933 Act, will not be able to receive fund securities that are restricted securities eligible for resale under Rule 144A.
Authorized Participants and the Continuous Offering of Shares
Because new shares may be created and issued on an ongoing basis, at any point during the life of a fund a “distribution,” as such term is used in the 1933 Act, may be occurring. Broker-dealers and other persons are cautioned that some activities on their part may, depending on the circumstances, result in their being deemed participants in a distribution in a manner that could render them statutory underwriters and subject to the prospectus delivery and liability provisions of the 1933 Act. Any determination of whether one is an underwriter must take into account all the relevant facts and circumstances of each particular case.
Broker-dealers should also note that dealers who are not “underwriters” but are participating in a distribution (as contrasted to ordinary secondary transactions), and thus dealing with shares that are part of an “unsold allotment” within the meaning of Section 4(a)(3)(C) of the 1933 Act, would be unable to take advantage of the prospectus delivery exemption provided by Section 4(a)(3) of the 1933 Act. For delivery of prospectuses to exchange members, the prospectus delivery mechanism of Rule 153 under the 1933 Act is available only with respect to transactions on a national securities exchange.
Certain affiliates of a fund and the Advisor may purchase and resell fund shares pursuant to this Prospectus.
Transaction Fees
APs are charged standard creation and redemption transaction fees to offset transfer and other transaction costs associated with the issuance and redemption of Creation Units. Purchasers and redeemers of Creation Units for cash are required to pay an additional variable charge (up to a maximum of 2% for redemptions, including the standard redemption fee) to compensate for brokerage and market impact expenses. The standard creation and
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Investing in the Funds

redemption transaction fee for each fund is set forth in the table below. The maximum redemption fee, as a percentage of the amount redeemed, is 2%.
Fund Name
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging
Markets ESG Leaders Equity
Leaders Equity ETF
Xtrackers Emerging Markets
Carbon Reduction and Climate
Improvers ETF
Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG
Leaders Equity ETF
Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway
Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate
Action Equity ETF
(1) Effective March 22, 2022, the standard and maximum transaction fees for the creation or redemption of a Creation Unit of the fund are paid by the Advisor. As such, the standard and maximum transaction fees for the creation or redemption of a Creation Unit of Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF are reduced from $10,000 to $0. The Advisor reserves the right to amend or discontinue this subsidy upon further supplement to the fund’s prospectus.
(2) Effective August 30, 2019, the standard and maximum transaction fees for the creation or redemption of a Creation Unit of the fund are paid by the Advisor. As such, the standard and maximum transaction fees for the creation or redemption of a Creation Unit of Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF are reduced from $850 to $0. The Advisor reserves the right to amend or discontinue this subsidy upon further supplement to the fund’s prospectus.
(3) Effective March 15, 2023, the standard and maximum transaction fees for the creation or redemption of a Creation Unit of the fund are paid by the Advisor. The Advisor reserves the right to amend or discontinue this subsidy upon further supplement to the fund’s prospectus.
Dividends and Distributions
General Policies. Dividends from net investment income, if any, are generally declared and paid semi-annually (quarterly for Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF, Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF and Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF) by each fund. Distributions of net realized capital gains, if any, generally are declared and paid once a year, but the Trust may make distributions on a more frequent basis for a fund. The Trust reserves the right to declare special distributions if, in its reasonable discretion, such action is necessary or advisable to preserve a fund’s status as a regulated investment company (“RIC”) or to avoid imposition of income or excise taxes on undistributed income or realized gains.
Dividends and other distributions on shares of a fund are distributed on a pro rata basis to beneficial owners of such shares. Dividend payments are made through DTC participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners as of the record date with proceeds received from a fund.
Dividend Reinvestment Service. No dividend reinvestment service is provided by the Trust. Broker-dealers may make available the DTC book-entry Dividend Reinvestment
Service for use by beneficial owners of a fund for reinvestment of their dividend distributions. Beneficial owners should contact their broker to determine the availability and costs of the service and the details of participation therein. Brokers may require beneficial owners to adhere to specific procedures and timetables. If this service is available and used, dividend distributions of both income and realized gains will be automatically reinvested in additional whole shares of a fund purchased in the secondary market. Taxable dividend distributions will be subject to US federal income tax whether received in cash or reinvested in additional shares.
As with any investment, you should consider how your investment in shares of a fund will be taxed. The US federal income tax information in this Prospectus is provided as general information. You should consult your own tax professional about the tax consequences of an investment in shares of a fund.
Unless your investment in fund shares is made through a tax-exempt entity or tax-advantaged retirement account, such as an IRA, you need to be aware of the possible tax consequences when a fund makes distributions or you sell fund shares.
US Federal Income Tax on Distributions
Distributions from a fund’s net investment income (other than qualified dividend income), including distributions of income from securities lending and distributions out of the fund’s net short-term capital gains, if any, are taxable to you as ordinary income for US federal income tax purposes. Distributions by a fund of net long-term capital gains in excess of net short-term capital losses (capital gain dividends) are taxable for US federal income tax purposes to non-corporate shareholders as long- term capital gains, regardless of how long the shareholders have held such fund’s shares. Distributions by a fund that qualify as qualified dividend income are taxable to non-corporate shareholders at long-term capital gain rates. The maximum individual US federal income tax rate applicable to “qualified dividend income” and long-term capital gains is 20%. As discussed below, an additional 3.8% Medicare tax may also apply to certain non-corporate shareholders’ distributions from a fund.
A non-corporate shareholder may be eligible to treat qualified dividend income received by a fund as qualified dividend income when distributed to the non-corporate shareholder if the shareholder satisfies certain holding period and other requirements. Generally, qualified dividend income includes dividend income from taxable US corporations and qualified non-US corporations, provided that a fund satisfies certain holding period and other requirements in respect of the stock of such corporations and has not hedged its position in the stock in certain ways.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Investing in the Funds

For a dividend to be treated as qualified dividend income, the dividend must be received with respect to a share of stock held without being hedged by a fund, and to a share of the fund held without being hedged by the shareholder receiving the dividend, for 61 days during the 121-day period beginning on the date which is 60 days before the date on which such share becomes ex-dividend with respect to such dividend or in the case of certain preferred stock 91 days during the 181-day period beginning 90 days before such date.
A fund’s use of derivatives, if any, may affect the amount, timing and character of distributions to shareholders and, therefore, may increase the amount of taxes payable by shareholders.
In general, your distributions are treated for US federal income tax purposes as received in the year during which they are paid. Certain distributions paid in January, however, may be treated as paid on December 31 of the prior year.
Distributions in excess of a fund’s current and accumulated earnings and profits will, as to each shareholder, be treated for US federal income tax purposes as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of the shareholder’s basis in his, her or its shares of the fund, and generally as a capital gain thereafter. Because a return of capital distribution will reduce the shareholder’s cost basis in his, her or its shares, a return of capital distribution may result in a higher capital gain or lower capital loss when those shares on which the distribution was received are sold.
If you are neither a resident nor a citizen of the United States or if you are a non-US entity, a fund’s ordinary income dividends (which include distributions of net short-term capital gains) will generally be subject to a 30% US withholding tax, unless a lower treaty rate applies or unless such income is effectively connected with a US trade or business, provided that withholding tax will generally not apply to any gain or income realized by a non-US shareholder in respect of any distributions of long-term capital gains or upon the sale or other disposition of shares of a fund unless the non-US shareholder is an individual who is present in the United States for 183 days or more during the taxable year or is otherwise treated like a US taxpayer.
Dividends and interest received by a fund with respect to non-US securities may give rise to withholding and other taxes imposed by non-US countries. Tax conventions between certain countries and the United States may reduce or eliminate such taxes. If more than 50% of the total value of a fund at the close of a year consist of stocks or securities in non-US corporations, the fund may for US federal income tax purposes “pass through” to you certain non-US income taxes (including withholding taxes) paid by the fund. This means that you would be considered to have received as additional gross income your share of such non-US taxes, but you may, in such case, be entitled
to either a corresponding tax deduction or credit in calculating your US federal income tax, subject in both cases to certain limitations.
If you are a resident or a citizen of the United States, by law, back-up withholding (currently at a rate of 24%) will apply to your distributions and proceeds if you have not provided a taxpayer identification number or social security number and made other required certifications or if you are otherwise subject to back-up withholding.
US Federal Income Tax when Shares are Sold
Currently, any capital gain or loss realized upon a sale of fund shares is generally treated as a long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year. Any capital gain or loss realized upon a sale of fund shares held for one year or less is generally treated as short-term gain or loss, except that any capital loss on the sale of shares held for six months or less is treated as long-term capital loss to the extent that capital gain dividends were paid with respect to such shares. Your ability to deduct capital losses may be limited.
Medicare Tax
An additional 3.8% Medicare tax is imposed on certain net investment income (including ordinary dividends and capital gain distributions received from a fund and net gains from redemptions or other taxable dispositions of fund shares) of US individuals, estates and trusts to the extent that such person’s “modified adjusted gross income” (in the case of an individual) or “adjusted gross income” (in the case of an estate or trust) exceeds certain threshold amounts.
The foregoing discussion summarizes some of the consequences under current US federal income tax law of an investment in a fund. It is not a substitute for personal tax advice. You may also be subject to state, local and foreign, as applicable taxation on fund distributions and sales of shares. Consult your personal tax advisor about the potential tax consequences of an investment in shares of a fund under all applicable tax laws.
The Distributor distributes Creation Units for each fund on an agency basis. The Distributor does not maintain a secondary market in shares of a fund. The Distributor has no role in determining the policies of a fund or the securities that are purchased or sold by a fund. The Distributor’s principal address is 1290 Broadway, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203.
The Advisor and/or its affiliates may pay additional compensation, out of their own assets and not as an additional charge to a fund, to selected affiliated and unaffiliated brokers, dealers, participating insurance companies or other financial intermediaries (“financial representatives”) in connection with the sale and/or distribution of fund shares or the retention and/or servicing of fund investors and fund shares (“revenue sharing”). For example, the
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Investing in the Funds

Advisor and/or its affiliates may compensate financial representatives for providing a fund with “shelf space” or access to a third party platform or fund offering list or other marketing programs, including, without limitation, inclusion of a fund on preferred or recommended sales lists, fund “supermarket” platforms and other formal sales programs; granting the Advisor and/ or its affiliates access to the financial representative’s sales force; granting the Advisor and/or its affiliates access to the financial representative’s conferences and meetings; assistance in training and educating the financial representative’s personnel; and obtaining other forms of marketing support.
The level of revenue sharing payments made to financial representatives may be a fixed fee or based upon one or more of the following factors: gross sales, current assets and/or number of accounts of a fund attributable to the financial representative, the particular fund or fund type or other measures as agreed to by the Advisor and/or its affiliates and the financial representatives or any combination thereof. The amount of these revenue sharing payments is determined at the discretion of the Advisor and/or its affiliates from time to time, may be substantial, and may be different for different financial representatives based on, for example, the nature of the services provided by the financial representative.
Receipt of, or the prospect of receiving, additional compensation may influence your financial representative’s recommendation of a fund. You should review your financial representative’s compensation disclosure and/or talk to your financial representative to obtain more information on how this compensation may have influenced your financial representative’s recommendation of the fund. Additional information regarding these revenue sharing payments is included in a fund’s Statement of Additional Information, which is available to you on request at no charge (see the back cover of this Prospectus for more information on how to request a copy of the Statement of Additional Information).
It is possible that broker-dealers that execute portfolio transactions for a fund will also sell shares of a fund to their customers. However, the Advisor will not consider the sale of fund shares as a factor in the selection of broker-dealers to execute portfolio transactions for a fund. Accordingly, the Advisor has implemented policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent its traders from considering sales of fund shares as a factor in the selection of broker-dealers to execute portfolio transactions for a fund. In addition, the Advisor and/or its affiliates will not use fund brokerage to pay for their obligation to provide additional compensation to financial representatives as described above.
Premium/Discount Information
Information regarding how often shares of each fund traded on NYSE Arca at a price above (i.e., at a premium) or below (i.e., at a discount) the NAV of each fund during the past calendar year can be found at Xtrackers.com.
Prospectus December 21, 2023
Investing in the Funds

Financial Highlights
The financial highlights are designed to help you understand recent financial performance. The figures in the first part of each table are for a single share. The total return figures represent the percentage that an investor in a fund would have earned (or lost), assuming all dividends and distributions were reinvested. This information has been derived from the financial statements audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with each fund’s financial statements, is included in each fund’s Annual Report (see “For More Information” on the back cover).
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Years Ended August 31,
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Net realized gains
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(d)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(e)
For the period December 6, 2018 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2019.
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Amount represents less than $0.005.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 127 Financial Highlights

Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Years Ended August 31,
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(a)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Net realized gains
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(b)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(c)
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
For the period September 6, 2018 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2019.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 128 Financial Highlights

Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF
Years Ended August 31,
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(c)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(d)
For the period December 6, 2018 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2019.
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 129 Financial Highlights

Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF
Years Ended August 31,
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(c)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(d)
For the period March 7, 2019 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2019.
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 130 Financial Highlights

Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF
Year Ended
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Net realized gains
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(c)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(d)
For the period June 28, 2022 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2022.
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
Amount represents less than $0.005.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 131 Financial Highlights

Xtrackers MSCI USA Climate Action Equity ETF
Period Ended
Selected Per Share Data
Net Asset Value, beginning of period
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)(b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total from investment operations
Less distributions from:
Net investment income
Total distributions
Net Asset Value, end of period
Total Return (%)(c)
Ratios to Average Net Assets and Supplemental Data
Net Assets, end of period ($ millions)
Ratio of expenses before fee waiver (%)
Ratio of expenses after fee waiver (%)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) (%)
Portfolio turnover rate (%)(d)
For the period April 4, 2023 (commencement of operations) through August 31, 2023.
Based on average shares outstanding during the period.
Total Return would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reimbursed by the Advisor.
Portfolio turnover rate does not include securities received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions.
Not Annualized.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 132 Financial Highlights

Index Providers and Licenses
MSCI, Inc. (“MSCI”) is a leading provider of global indexes and benchmark related products and services to investors worldwide. MSCI is not affiliated with the Trust, the Advisor, The Bank of New York Mellon, the Distributor or any of their respective affiliates.
Solactive, which is not an affiliate of the Advisor, is responsible for the rules-based methodology of the Solactive Indexes. Solactive is not affiliated with the Trust, the Advisor, The Bank of New York Mellon, the Distributor or any of their respective affiliates.
Solactive is responsible for administration and calculation of the Solactive Indexes. Solactive is responsible for implementing the methodology for the composition of each Underlying Index.
The Advisor has entered into a license agreement with MSCI and Solactive to use each Underlying Index. All license fees are paid by the Advisor out of its own resources and not the assets of the funds.
During extraordinary market conditions, an index provider may delay any scheduled reconstitution or rebalancing of an Underlying Index. During any such delay it is possible that the Underlying Index will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology.
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index, MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index, and MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index (collectively, the “MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes”) are calculated and maintained by MSCI Inc. (“Index Provider” or “MSCI”). The MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are free float adjusted market capitalization weighted indexes designed to represent the performance of companies that have high environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance relative to their sector peers. The MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes use MSCI ESG Ratings, MSCI ESG Controversies and MSCI Business Involvement Screening Research (collectively, “MSCI ESG Research”) to determine index components for each MSCI ESG Leaders Index.
MSCI ESG Ratings provides research, analysis and ratings of how well companies manage their ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings provides a company with an overall ESG rating on a seven point scale, ranging from ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC.’ Existing constituents of the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to remain in the index, and companies that are currently not constituents of the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are also required to have an MSCI ESG rating of BB or above to be considered eligible for addition.
MSCI ESG Controversies provides assessments of controversies concerning the negative ESG of company operations, products and services. MSCI ESG Controversies score companies on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the most severe controversy. Existing constituents of the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 1 or above to remain in the index, while companies that are currently not constituents of the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are required to have an MSCI ESG Controversies Score of 3 or above to be considered eligible for addition.
MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research aims to enable institutional investors to manage ESG standards and restrictions reliably and efficiently. Companies that are involved in specific business activities which have high potential for negative social and/or environmental impact, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction, thermal coal power, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons and civilian firearms, are ineligible for inclusion.
Defining the Equity Universe. The selection universe for the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes is defined by the constituents of the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes (“GIMI”). The MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes use company ratings and research provided by MSCI ESG Research to determine eligibility for inclusion in the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes. Constituents in the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are selected from the selection universe in the following order until 50%
Prospectus December 21, 2023 133 Appendix

coverage by cumulative free-float adjusted market capitalization target is reached: (i) securities in the top 35% cumulative free float-adjusted market capitalization coverage of the ranked universe, including the first security that increases the cumulative coverage above 35%; (ii) 'AAA' and 'AA' rated securities in the top 50% cumulative free float-adjusted market capitalization coverage of the ranked universe, including the first security that increases the cumulative coverage above 50%; (iii) current index constituents in the top 65% cumulative free float-adjusted market capitalization coverage of the ranked universe, including the first security that increases the cumulative coverage above 65% if that security is a current index constituent; and (iv) remaining eligible securities in the ranked universe.
The following guidelines are used in achieving the target sector coverage of 50%:
For each sector, the eligible constituents are first ranked based on the company level ESG rating;
If two companies have the same ESG Rating, the company with the better ESG Trend is given priority;
In the case of two companies with the same ESG Rating and ESG Trend, an existing index constituent is given priority to maintain index stability. Between two existing constituents with the same ESG Rating and ESG Trend, the company with the higher industry adjusted ESG score is given priority. For two existing index constituents with the same industry adjusted ESG score, the larger company by free-float adjusted market capitalization is given priority;
The cumulative sector coverage at each rank is calculated;
In each sector, companies are selected until the cumulative sector coverage of the selected securities crosses 50% or there are no eligible securities left to be selected;
If a company that increases the cumulative sector coverage above 50% (the “marginal company”) is a current ESG Leaders Index constituent, then it is retained in the ESG Leaders Index even though it may result in a cumulative sector coverage significantly higher compared to the 50% target. This is aimed at ensuring better index stability and lower turnover;
If the marginal company is a non-index constituent, then the marginal company will be included in the ESG Leaders Index only if the cumulative sector coverage with the marginal company is closer to 50% compared to the cumulative sector coverage without the marginal company;
The minimum sector coverage is set to 45%;
The marginal company will be added to the ESG Leaders Index if required to achieve cumulative sector coverage of less than 45%; and
Securities which are ineligible will not be added even if the cumulative sector coverage after addition of all eligible securities is below 50%.
Maintaining the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes. The MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are reconstituted on an annual basis in May. At each annual reconstitution, the composition of each MSCI ESG Leaders Index is reassessed in order to target 50% free float-adjusted cumulative market capitalization of each sector of the parent index. The MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes are rebalanced in August, November and February.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 134 Appendix

Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction and Climate Improvers ETF and Xtrackers Net Zero Pathway Paris Aligned US Equity ETF are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Solactive. Neither Solactive nor any other party makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the funds or any member of the public regarding advisability of investing in funds generally or in this funds particularly or the ability of the Solactive ISS Emerging Markets Carbon Reduction & Climate Improvers Index NTR and Solactive ISS ESG United States Net Zero Pathway Enhanced Index ( the “Underlying Indexes”) to track general stock market performance. Solactive is the licensor of certain trademarks, service marks and trade names of Solactive and of the Underlying Indexes that are determined, composed and calculated by Solactive without regard to the Trust, the Advisor or the funds. Solactive has no obligation to take the needs of the Advisor or the owners of the funds into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Underlying Indexes. Solactive is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the funds to be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which the funds are redeemable for cash. Neither Solactive nor any other party has any obligation or liability to owners of the funds in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the funds.
Although Solactive shall obtain information for inclusion in or for use in the calculation of an index from sources that Solactive considers reliable, neither Solactive nor any other party guarantees the accuracy and/or the completeness of the indexes or any data included therein. Solactive is not responsible for informing third parties, including but not limited to, investors and/or financial intermediaries of the funds, of errors in the indexes. Neither Solactive nor any other party makes any warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by licensee, licensee’s customers and counterparties, owners of the funds, or any other person or entity from the use of the indexes or any data included hereunder or for any other use. Neither Solactive nor any other party makes any express or implied warranties, and Solactive hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the indexes or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Solactive or any other party have any liability for direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
Shares of the funds are not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by NYSE Arca. NYSE Arca makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the shares of the funds or any member of the public regarding the ability of the funds to track the total return performance of the Underlying Indexes or the ability of the Underlying Indexes to track stock market performance. NYSE Arca is not responsible for, nor has it participated in, the determination of the compilation or the calculation of the Underlying Indexes, nor in the determination of the timing of, prices of, or quantities of shares of the funds to be issued, nor in the determination or calculation of the equation by which the shares are redeemable. NYSE Arca has no obligation or liability to owners of the shares of the funds in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the shares of the funds.
NYSE Arca does not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Underlying Indexes or any data included therein. NYSE Arca makes no warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by the Trust on behalf of the funds as licensee, licensee’s customers and counterparties, owners of the shares of the funds, or any other person or entity from the use of the Underlying Indexes or any data included therein in connection with the rights licensed as described
Prospectus December 21, 2023 135 Appendix

herein or for any other use. NYSE Arca makes no express or implied warranties and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Underlying Indexes or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall NYSE Arca have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
The Advisor does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the Underlying Index or any data included therein and the Advisor shall have no liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions therein.
The Advisor makes no warranty, express or implied, to the owners of shares of the fund or to any other person or entity, as to results to be obtained by the fund from the use of the Underlying Index or any data included therein. The Advisor makes no express or implied warranties and expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Underlying Index or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall the Advisor have any liability for any special, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential damages (including lost profits), even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
Prospectus December 21, 2023 136 Appendix

Copies of the prospectus, SAI and recent shareholder reports, when available, can be found on our website at Xtrackers.com. For more information about a fund, you may request a copy of the SAI. The SAI provides detailed information about a fund and is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. This means that the SAI, for legal purposes, is a part of this prospectus.
If you have any questions about the Trust or shares of a fund or you wish to obtain the SAI or shareholder report free of charge, please:
1-844-851-4255 (toll free)
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Eastern time)
c/o ALPS Distributors, Inc.
1290 Broadway, Suite 1000
Denver, Colorado 80203
Information about a fund (including the SAI), reports and other information about a fund are available on the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and copies of
this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Householding is an option available to certain fund investors. Householding is a method of delivery, based on the preference of the individual investor, in which a single copy of certain shareholder documents can be delivered to investors who share the same address, even if their accounts are registered under different names. Please contact your broker-dealer if you are interested in enrolling in householding and receiving a single copy of prospectuses and other shareholder documents, or if you are currently enrolled in householding and wish to change your householding status.
No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representations about a fund and their shares not contained in this prospectus and you should not rely on any other information. Read and keep the prospectus for future reference.
Investment Company Act File No.: 811-22487
(12/21/23) ESG-1