Carillon Mutual Funds
Prospectus | May 1, 2023 (as supplemented August 7, 2023)
Equity Funds   Class Chartwell
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund   BERCX
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund   CWSGX
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund   CWSIX
Fixed Income Funds   Class Chartwell
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund   BERIX
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund   CWFIX
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund   CWSDX
These securities have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”), nor has the Commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the Funds’ Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
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Table of Contents
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund      1  
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund      8  
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund      13  
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund      18  
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund      23  
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund      28  
More Information About the Funds
Additional Information About the Funds      33  
Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies      33  
Additional Information About Principal Risk Factors      39  
Investment Adviser      49  
Sub‑Adviser      50  
Portfolio Managers      50  
Distributor      54  
Rule 12b‑1 Distribution Plan      54  
Payments to Financial Intermediaries      54  
How to Invest      56  

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Income Fund (“Income Fund” or the “fund”) primarily seeks current income and, secondarily, seeks to preserve capital.
Fees and expenses of the fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):     
      Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price)    None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower)    None
Redemption Fee    None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):     
      Class Chartwell
Management Fees    0.40%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees    None
Other Expenses (a)    0.29%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses    0.69%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b)    (0.05%)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement    0.64%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 0.64% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class      Year 1      Year 3
Class Chartwell      $65      $215
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 40% of the average value of its portfolio.    |    1

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | The fund may invest in corporate bonds, U.S. Treasury bills, bonds and notes, debt securities issued by U.S. Government agencies, preferred stocks, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, municipal bonds, master limited partnerships (“MLPs”), and dividend-paying common stocks, including securities issued by real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”). Certain of the fund’s investments in corporate bonds and preferred stocks may be convertible into common stocks. The fund invests in securities that the fund’s sub‑adviser believes are undervalued. The fund may invest any percentage of its net assets in the foregoing securities as the sub‑adviser deems appropriate, except that the fund’s sub‑adviser will not purchase a common stock if it would cause the aggregate value of the common stocks that the fund owns to exceed 30% of the fund’s net assets. The sub‑adviser is not required to sell any common stocks owned by the fund if the value of the common stocks exceeds 30% of net assets due to appreciation of the common stocks or depreciation of the fund’s other securities.
When selecting corporate bonds, the sub‑adviser will consider the rating the bond has received from Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch Ratings Ltd. (“Fitch”). The sub‑adviser may invest in fixed income securities of any maturity or credit rating including below investment grade securities. Investment grade securities are those rated in the Baa3 or higher categories by Moody’s, or in the BBB‑ or higher categories by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated by S&P, Moody’s or Fitch, determined by the sub‑adviser to be of comparable credit quality. Below-investment grade securities, commonly referred to as “junk bonds” or “high yield securities,” are securities rated below investment grade by at least one of Moody’s, S&P or Fitch (or, if unrated, determined by the sub‑adviser to be of comparable credit quality). The sub‑adviser may purchase bonds in private transactions that qualify under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”). Additionally, the sub‑adviser may purchase securities that are not registered under the 1933 Act and securities issued in non‑U.S. markets subject to similar regulations, including Section 4(a)(2) securities and Rule 144A securities, which are subject to restrictions on resale.
The sub‑adviser will select corporate bonds primarily on the basis of current yield and secondarily on the basis of anticipated long term return. The duration of bonds purchased by the fund will usually vary from three to seven years. The sub‑adviser has the discretion to vary the duration of the portfolio in order to seek to take advantage of prevailing trends in interest rates. The fund generally invests in the fixed-income securities of large-capitalization companies.
The fund may invest in common stocks, subject to the 30% limit described above, and in preferred stocks when the sub‑adviser deems it appropriate. The portfolio allocations to preferred and common stocks are determined by the sub‑adviser based upon its evaluation of the bond market. The outlook for the economy generally is also a consideration. During periods of economic strength, greater emphasis may be placed on preferred and common stocks than on other investments. Preferred stocks are generally selected based on one of two criteria: (1) preferred stocks that the sub‑adviser believes are offering an above average yield, in comparison to other preferred stocks of the same quality; and (2) preferred stocks that the sub‑adviser believes offer the potential for capital appreciation due to the business prospects of the issuers. The fund may also purchase preferred stocks in private transactions that qualify under Rule 144A of the 1933 Act. The fund may invest in equity securities of any market capitalization.
Common stocks are generally selected based on one of three value-based criteria: (1) stocks selling substantially below their book values; (2) stocks judged by the sub‑adviser to be selling at low valuations based on their present earnings levels; and (3) stocks judged by the sub‑adviser to have above average growth prospects and to be selling at small premiums to their book values or at modest valuations based on their present earnings levels. In addition, the fund will only purchase common stocks that pay cash dividends; however, the fund may purchase preferred stocks that do not have to be paying current dividends. If a common stock stops paying dividends after its purchase by the fund, the fund would not be required to sell the stock. The sub‑adviser may purchase ETFs designed to track equity and fixed income securities indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Market risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
  financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of investments, such as fixed-income securities, will move in the opposite direction to movements in interest rates. Generally the value of investments with interest rate risk will fall when interest rates rise. Factors including central bank monetary policy, rising inflation rates, and changes in general economic conditions may cause interest rates to rise, perhaps significantly and/or rapidly, potentially resulting in substantial losses to the fund. The effect of increasing interest rates is more pronounced for any intermediate- or longer-term fixed income obligations owned by the fund. For example, if a bond has a duration of seven years, a 1% increase in interest rates could be expected to result in a 7% decrease in the value of the bond. Very low or negative interest rates may magnify interest rate risk. During periods of very low or negative interest rates, the fund may be unable to maintain positive returns or pay dividends to fund shareholders;
Callable securities risk arises from the fact that the fund may invest in fixed-income securities with call features. A call feature allows the issuer of the security to redeem or call the security prior to its stated maturity date. In periods of falling interest rates, issuers may be more likely to call in securities that    |    3

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
  are paying higher coupon rates than prevailing interest rates. In the event of a call, the fund would lose the income that would have been earned to maturity on that security, and the proceeds received by the fund may be invested in securities paying lower coupon rates and may not benefit from any increase in value that might otherwise result from declining interest rates;
Credit risk arises if an issuer is unable or unwilling, or is perceived as unable or unwilling, to meet its financial obligations or goes bankrupt;
Equity securities are subject to market risk. The fund may invest in the following equity securities, which may expose the fund to the following additional risks:
Common stocks. The value of a company’s common stock may fall as a result of factors affecting the company, companies in the same industry or sector, or the financial markets overall. Common stock generally is subordinate to preferred stock upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of the issuing company;
Convertible securities. Convertible securities are subject to the risk that the credit standing of the issuer may have an effect on the convertible securities’ investment value. Convertible securities also are sensitive to movements in interest rates. Generally, a convertible security is subject to the market risks of stocks when the price of the underlying stock is high relative to the conversion price, and is subject to the market risks of debt securities when the underlying stock’s price is low relative to the conversion price;
Dividend-Paying Stocks. Securities of companies that have historically paid a high dividend yield may reduce or discontinue their dividends, reducing the yield of the fund. Low priced securities in the fund may be more susceptible to these risks. Past dividend payments are not a guarantee of future dividend payments. Also, the market return of high dividend yield securities, in certain market conditions, may perform worse than other investment strategies or the overall stock market;
Preferred stocks. Preferred stocks are subject to issuer-specific risks and are sensitive to movements in interest rates. Preferred stocks may be less liquid than common stocks and, unlike common stocks, participation in the growth of an issuer may be limited. Distributions on preferred stocks generally are payable at the discretion of an issuer and after required payments to bond holders. Preferred stocks may also be subject to credit risk, which is the risk that an issuer may be unable or unwilling to meet its financial obligations;
REITs. Investments in REITs are subject to the risks associated with investing in the real estate industry, such as adverse developments affecting the real estate industry and real property values, and are dependent upon the skills of their managers. REITs typically incur fees that are separate from those incurred by the fund, meaning the fund, as a shareholder, will indirectly bear a proportionate share of a REIT’s operating expenses;
High-yield security risk results from investments in below investment grade bonds, which have a greater risk of loss, are susceptible to rising interest rates and have greater volatility, especially when the economy is weak or expected to become weak. Investments in high-yield securities (commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) are inherently speculative and carry a greater risk that the issuer will default on the timely payment of principal and interest. High yield securities carry greater levels of call risk, credit risk and liquidity risk;
Large‑cap company risk arises because large‑cap companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities, and may be unable to attain high growth rates, relative to smaller companies;
Liquidity risk is the possibility that trading activity in certain securities may, at times, be significantly hampered. The fund could lose money if it cannot sell a security at the time and price that would be most beneficial to the fund. The fund may be required to dispose of investments at unfavorable times or prices to satisfy obligations, which may result in losses or may be costly to the fund. Market prices for such securities may be volatile;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments;
Master limited partnership risk involves certain risks related to investing in the underlying assets of the MLPs and risks associated with pooled investment vehicles. Investments held by MLPs may be relatively illiquid, limiting the MLPs’ ability to change their portfolios promptly in response to changes in economic or other conditions. MLPs may have limited financial resources, their securities may trade infrequently and in limited volume, they may be difficult to value, and they may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements than securities of larger or more broadly based companies. Holders of units in MLPs have more limited rights to vote on matters affecting the partnership and may be required to sell their common units at an undesirable time or price. The fund’s investments in MLPs will be limited to no more than 25% of its assets in order for the fund to meet the requirements necessary to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
Mid-cap company risk arises because mid-cap companies may have narrower commercial markets, limited managerial and financial resources, more volatile performance, and less liquid stock, compared to larger, more established companies;
Mortgage- and asset-backed security risk arises from the potential for mortgage failure, particularly during periods of market downturn, premature repayment of principal, or a delay in the repayment of principal, and can increase in an unstable or depressed housing market. Although the value of a mortgage-backed security may decline when interest rates rise, the converse is not necessarily true, since in periods of declining interest rates the mortgages underlying the security are more likely to be prepaid. When interest rates rise, the effective duration of a fund’s mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities may lengthen due to a drop in prepayments of the underlying mortgages. This delay in the repayment of principal could increase the potential for loss when prevailing interest rates rise, which could cause the values of the securities to fall sharply;
Municipal securities risk is the possibility that a municipal security’s value, interest payments or repayment of principal could be affected by economic, legislative or political changes. Municipal securities are also subject to potential volatility in the municipal market and the fund’s share price, yield and total return may fluctuate in response to municipal bond market movements. In addition, the fund’s investments in municipal securities are subject to the risks associated with a lack of liquidity in the municipal bond market;
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index;
Restricted securities risk is the risk that securities not registered in the U.S. under the 1933 Act, or in non‑U.S. markets pursuant to similar regulations, including “Section 4(a)(2)” securities and “Rule 144A” securities, are restricted as to their resale. Such securities may not be listed on an exchange and may have no active trading market. The prices of these securities may be more difficult to determine than publicly traded securities and these securities may involve heightened risk. They also may be more difficult to purchase or sell at an advantageous time or price. The fund may not be able to sell a restricted security when the sub‑adviser considers it desirable to do so and/or may have to sell the security at a lower price thank the fund believes is its fair market value. In addition, transaction costs may be higher and the fund may receive only limited information regarding the issuer;
Small-cap company risk arises because small-cap companies involve greater risks than investing in large-capitalization companies. Small-cap companies generally have lower volume of shares traded daily, less liquid stock, a more volatile share price, a limited product or service base, narrower commercial markets and more limited access to capital, compared to larger, more established companies. These factors increase risks and make these companies more likely to fail than companies with larger market capitalizations, and could increase the volatility of a fund’s portfolio and performance. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks;
U.S. government securities and government-sponsored enterprises risk arises because a security backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States is guaranteed by the applicable entity only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. The market prices for such securities are not guaranteed and will fluctuate. Securities held by an underlying fund that are issued by government-sponsored enterprises, such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (‘‘Fannie Mae’’), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (‘‘Freddie Mac’’), Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Farm Credit Banks, and the Tennessee Valley Authority are not guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury and are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities and securities of government sponsored enterprises are also subject to credit risk, interest rate risk and market risk;
U.S. Treasury obligations risk is the risk that the value of U.S. Treasury obligations may vary due to changes in interest rates. In addition, changes to the financial condition or credit rating of the U.S. Government may cause the value of the fund’s investments in obligations issued by the U.S. Treasury to decline. Certain political events in the U.S., such as a prolonged government shutdown or potential default on the national debt, may also cause investors to lose confidence in the U.S. Government and may cause the value of U.S. Treasury obligations to decline; and
Value stock risk arises from the possibility that a stock’s intrinsic value may not be fully realized by the market or that its price may decline. If a value investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, the fund could underperform funds that use a non‑value approach to investing or have a broader investment style.
Performance | The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Income Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund, as well as the other predecessor funds described below.
Prior to this reorganization, the Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Berwyn Income Fund (the “IMST Predecessor Fund”), a series of Investment Managers Series Trust, on July 17, 2017. The IMST Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Berwyn Income Fund (the “Berwyn Funds Predecessor Fund,” and together with the IMST Predecessor Fund and the Predecessor Fund, the “Predecessor Funds”), a series of The Berwyn Funds, on April 29, 2016. As a result of the reorganizations, the fund is the accounting successor of the Predecessor Funds. Performance results shown in the bar chart and the performance table below reflect the performance of the IMST Predecessor Fund for the period from April 29, 2016 through July 17, 2017, and the performance of the Berwyn Funds Predecessor Fund for the period prior to April 29, 2016. The Predecessor Funds’ past performance, before and after taxes, is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future.
The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index and ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield Index, each a broad-based measure of market performance that has characteristics relevant to the fund’s investment strategies, the Russell 3000 Value Index, an index of funds with similar investment objectives as the fund and 25% Russell 3000 Value/55% Bloomberg US Aggregate/20% ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield blend, a custom index with similar investment objectives as the fund. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at    |    5

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date)      Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
9.73% (June 30, 2020)      (13.80)% (March 31, 2020)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Funds, as applicable.
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
      One Year    Five Years    Ten Years
Return Before Taxes    (10.14)%    1.86%    3.67%
Return After Taxes on Distributions    (11.32)%    0.53%    2.27%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares    (5.93)%    0.95%    2.45%
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)    (13.01)%    0.02%    1.06%
ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)    (11.06)%    2.15%    3.95%
Russell 3000 Value Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes    (7.98)%    6.50%    10.16%
25% Russell 3000 Value/55% Bloomberg US Aggregate/20% ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield blend (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)    (11.15)%    2.36%    4.07%
No one index is representative of the fund’s portfolio.
After‑tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after‑tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After‑tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax‑deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | David C. Dalrymple, CFA®, T. Ryan Harkins, CFA®, Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA®, CMT, Jeffrey D. Bilsky, John M. Hopkins, CFA® and Christine F. Williams, have served as Portfolio Managers of the fund since its inception on July 1, 2022, and are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each of the portfolio managers other than Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Williams, served as a member of the Predecessor Fund’s portfolio management team from March 1, 2019 to June 2022. Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Williams each served as a member of the Predecessor Fund’s portfolio management team from March 1, 2021 through June 2022.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL INCOME FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillon Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.    |    7

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL MID CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund (“Mid Cap Value” or the “fund”) seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Fees and expenses of the fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):
Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price) None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower) None
Redemption Fee None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Class Chartwell
Management Fees 0.65%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees None
Other Expenses (a) 0.64%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 1.29%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b) (0.39)%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement 0.90%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 0.90% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class Year 1 Year 3
Class Chartwell $92 $364
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 27% of the average value of its portfolio.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL MID CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of mid‑capitalization U.S. companies. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers mid‑capitalization companies to be those companies that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization within the range of the Russell Midcap Value Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was approximately $91.1 million and $67.3 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell Midcap Value Index is reconstituted annually. Because mid‑capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the Mid Cap Value Fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range at the time of purchase but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range.
The fund generally invests in companies that its sub‑adviser believes to be undervalued. The sub‑adviser’s investment approach seeks to identify companies with favorable valuations, margin improvement, product innovations and visionary management teams. The fund’s sub‑adviser employs a blend of value disciplines that the sub‑adviser believes will result in consistent performance.
The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
The sub‑adviser may purchase exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) designed to track U.S. mid‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
The fund may also invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”). REITs are companies that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate or real estate-related assets.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub‑adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub‑adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Market risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in    |    9

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL MID CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
Equity securities are subject to market risk. The fund may invest in the following equity securities, which may expose the fund to the following additional risks:
Common stocks. The value of a company’s common stock may fall as a result of factors affecting the company, companies in the same industry or sector, or the financial markets overall. Common stock generally is subordinate to preferred stock upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of the issuing company;
REITs. Investments in REITs are subject to the risks associated with investing in the real estate industry, such as adverse developments affecting the real estate industry and real property values, and are dependent upon the skills of their managers. REITs typically incur fees that are separate from those incurred by the fund, meaning the fund, as a shareholder, will indirectly bear a proportionate share of a REIT’s operating expenses;
Mid‑cap company risk arises because mid‑cap companies may have narrower commercial markets, limited managerial and financial resources, more volatile performance, and less liquid stock, compared to larger, more established companies;
Foreign securities risks, which are potential risks not associated with U.S. investments, include, but are not limited to: (1) currency exchange rate fluctuations; (2) political and financial instability; (3) less liquidity; (4) lack of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; (5) increased volatility; (6) less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies; (7) significant limitations on investor rights and recourse; (8) use of unfamiliar corporate organizational structures; (9) unavailable or unreliable public information regarding issuers; and (10) delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change and inadequate government oversight;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments;
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index; and
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL MID CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Value stock risk arises from the possibility that a stock’s intrinsic value may not be fully realized by the market or that its price may decline. If a value investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, the fund could underperform funds that use a non‑value approach to investing or have a broader investment style.
Performance The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund, as well as the other predecessor funds described below.
Prior to this reorganization, the Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Berwyn Cornerstone Fund (the “IMST Predecessor Fund”), a series of Investment Managers Series Trust, on July 17, 2017. The IMST Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Berwyn Cornerstone Fund (the “Berwyn Funds Predecessor Fund,” and together with the IMST Predecessor Fund and the Predecessor Fund, the “Predecessor Funds”), a series of The Berwyn Funds, on April 29, 2016. As a result of the reorganizations, the fund is the accounting successor of the Predecessor Funds. Performance results shown in the bar chart and the performance table below reflect the performance of the IMST Predecessor Fund for the period from April 29, 2016 through July 17, 2017, and the performance of the Berwyn Funds Predecessor Fund for the period prior to April 29, 2016. The Predecessor Funds’ past performance, before and after taxes, is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. The fund’s principal investment strategies differ from those of the Predecessor Funds; therefore, the performance and average annual total returns shown for periods prior to the reorganization may have differed had the fund’s current investment strategy been in effect during those periods.
The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of the Russell Midcap Value Index, a broad-based measure of market performance that has characteristics relevant to the fund’s investment strategies. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date) Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
17.88% (December 31, 2020) (30.78)% (March 31, 2020)    |    11

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL MID CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Fund.
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
One Year Five Years Ten Years
Return Before Taxes (11.63)% 3.52% 7.61%
Return After Taxes on Distributions (12.02)% 2.73% 6.02%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares (6.87)% 2.47% 5.72%
Russell Midcap Value Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes) (12.03)% 5.72% 10.11%
After‑tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after‑tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After‑tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax‑deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | David C. Dalrymple, CFA® and T. Ryan Harkins, CFA® have served as Portfolio Managers of the fund since its inception on July 1, 2022, and are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Mr. Dalrymple has served as Chartwell’s Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager since 1997, and served as a member of the applicable Predecessor Funds’ portfolio management teams prior to July 1, 2022. Mr. Harkins served as a member of the Predecessor Fund’s portfolio management team from March 1, 2020 through June 2022.
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillion Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION BOND FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund (“Short Duration Bond” or the “fund”) seeks to maximize current income by investing in high quality short maturity fixed income securities while also preserving capital.
Fees and expenses of the Fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):
Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price) None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower) None
Redemption Fee None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Class Chartwell
Management Fees 0.20%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees None
Other Expenses (a) 2.92%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 3.12%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b) (2.73)%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement 0.39%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 0.39% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class Year 1 Year 3
Class Chartwell $40 $659
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 69% of the average value of its portfolio.    |    13

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION BOND FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in bonds (bonds include any debt instrument). Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 75% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in investment grade short duration debt securities and up to 25% in short duration high yield debt securities. Investment grade securities are those rated in the Baa3 or higher categories by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”), or in the BBB- or higher categories by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”), or Fitch Ratings Ltd. (“Fitch”) or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub-adviser. High yield debt securities, commonly referred to as “junk bonds” or “below investment grade securities,” are securities rated below investment grade by at least one of Moody’s, S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub‑adviser. Under normal market conditions, the fund sub‑adviser expects to primarily invest in investment grade short duration fixed income securities. The types of debt securities in which the fund primarily invests include, but will not be limited to, U.S. dollar denominated short duration investment grade bonds and high yield corporate bonds. The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S., including issuers in emerging markets. Under normal circumstances, the fund will normally target an average portfolio effective duration, as estimated by the fund’s sub‑adviser, of less than three years. Duration is a measure of the underlying portfolio’s prices sensitivity to changes in prevailing interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive its price will be to changes in interest rates. For example, the approximate percentage decrease in the price of a security with a three-year duration would be 3% in response to a 1% increase in interest rates. The fund’s sub‑adviser normally expects to focus the fund’s investments to maintain investment grade status and the high yield allocation to maintain a higher credit quality tier of the overall high yield bond market. In pursuing the fund’s investment objective, the fund’s sub‑adviser seeks to identify securities of companies with stable or improving cash flows and proven and established business models in an effort to manage the amount of credit, interest rate, liquidity and other risks, presented by these securities.
The sub‑adviser utilizes a disciplined value, bottom‑up approach to the fixed income market, with emphasis on building the portfolio through individual security selection. The philosophy is implemented by assessing the credit profiles of specific issuers through extensive credit research. The team searches out companies that it believes will experience stable or improving credit profiles. Securities are identified for inclusion through an analysis of historical and relative yield spread relationships. Security characteristics such as credit quality, structure, maturity, and liquidity are also examined. Sector diversification and duration parameters are defined to limit market, sector and credit risk.
The fund will primarily own corporate bonds of U.S. domiciled companies, but can also own securities of the U.S. Government and government-sponsored enterprises, mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, loans, and high yield bonds and corporate bonds of non‑U.S. domiciled companies.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to obligations of the U.S. Government, exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) shares, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Credit risk arises if an issuer is unable or unwilling, or is perceived as unable or unwilling, to meet its financial obligations or goes bankrupt;
Market risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION BOND FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
U.S. government securities and government-sponsored enterprises risk arises because a security backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States is guaranteed by the applicable entity only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. The market prices for such securities are not guaranteed and will fluctuate. Securities held by an underlying fund that are issued by government-sponsored enterprises, such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (‘‘Fannie Mae’’), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (‘‘Freddie Mac’’), Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Farm Credit Banks, and the Tennessee Valley Authority are not guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury and are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities and securities of government sponsored enterprises are also subject to credit risk, interest rate risk and market risk;
Emerging markets are generally smaller, less developed, less liquid and more volatile than the securities markets of the U.S. and other foreign developed markets. There are also risks of: greater political uncertainties; an economy’s dependence on revenues from particular commodities or on international aid or development assistance; currency transfer restrictions; a limited number of potential buyers for such securities; delays and disruptions in securities settlement procedures; less stringent, or a lack of, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements or standards; and significant limitations on investor rights and recourse. The governments of emerging market countries may also be more unstable. There may be less publicly available information about issuers in emerging markets. When investing in emerging markets, the risks of investing in foreign securities are heightened;
Foreign securities risks, which are potential risks not associated with U.S. investments, include, but are not limited to: (1) currency exchange rate fluctuations; (2) political and financial instability; (3) less liquidity; (4) lack of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; (5) increased volatility; (6) less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies; (7) significant limitations on investor rights and recourse; (8) use of unfamiliar corporate organizational structures; (9) unavailable or unreliable public information regarding issuers; and (10) delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change and inadequate government oversight;    |    15

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION BOND FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
High-yield security risk results from investments in below investment grade bonds, which have a greater risk of loss, are susceptible to rising interest rates and have greater volatility, especially when the economy is weak or expected to become weak. Investments in high-yield securities (commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) are inherently speculative and carry a greater risk that the issuer will default on the timely payment of principal and interest High yield securities carry greater levels of call risk, credit risk and liquidity risk;
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of investments, such as fixed-income securities, will move in the opposite direction to movements in interest rates. Generally the value of investments with interest rate risk will fall when interest rates rise. Factors including central bank monetary policy, rising inflation rates, and changes in general economic conditions may cause interest rates to rise, perhaps significantly and/or rapidly, potentially resulting in substantial losses to the fund. The effect of increasing interest rates is more pronounced for any intermediate- or longer-term fixed income obligations owned by the fund. For example, if a bond has a duration of three years, a 1% increase in interest rates could be expected to result in a 3% decrease in the value of the bond. Very low or negative interest rates may magnify interest rate risk. During periods of very low or negative interest rates, the fund may be unable to maintain positive returns or pay dividends to fund shareholders;
Liquidity risk is the possibility that trading activity in certain securities may, at times, be significantly hampered. The fund could lose money if it cannot sell a security at the time and price that would be most beneficial to the fund. The fund may be required to dispose of investments at unfavorable times or prices to satisfy obligations, which may result in losses or may be costly to the fund. Market prices for such securities may be volatile;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments;
Mortgage- and asset-backed security risk arises from the potential for mortgage failure, particularly during periods of market downturn, premature repayment of principal, or a delay in the repayment of principal, and can increase in an unstable or depressed housing market. Although the value of a mortgage-backed security may decline when interest rates rise, the converse is not necessarily true, since in periods of declining interest rates the mortgages underlying the security are more likely to be prepaid. When interest rates rise, the effective duration of a fund’s mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities may lengthen due to a drop in prepayments of the underlying mortgages. This delay in the repayment of principal could increase the potential for loss when prevailing interest rates rise, which could cause the values of the securities to fall sharply; and
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs and money market funds, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index.
Performance | The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the Fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund.
The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of a broad-based market index. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date) Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
1.43% (December 31, 2022) (2.22)% (March 31, 2022)
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION BOND FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Fund.
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
One Year Since Inception
September 22, 2021
Return Before Taxes (3.15)% (2.77)%
Return After Taxes on Distributions (3.71)% (3.25)%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares (1.87)% (2.31)%
Bloomberg 1‑3 Year U.S. Gov.’t/Credit Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes) (3.69)% (3.36)%
After-tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®; Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA®, CMT; James Fox; John M. Hopkins, CFA®; and Christine F. Williams have served as Portfolio Managers of the fund since its inception on July 1, 2022, and are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Each of the portfolio managers served as a member of the Predecessor Fund’s portfolio management team from its inception on September 22, 2021, through June 2022.
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillon Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.    |    17

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund (“Short Duration High Yield” or the “fund”) seeks income and long-term capital appreciation.
Fees and expenses of the fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):
      Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price)    None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower)    None
Redemption Fee    None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
      Class Chartwell
Management Fees    0.30%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees    None
Other Expenses (a)    0.29%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses    0.59%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b)    (0.10)%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement    0.49%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 0.49% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class      Year 1      Year 3
Class Chartwell      $50      $177
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 35% of the average value of its portfolio.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in high yield debt securities. High yield debt securities, also referred to as “junk” bonds, are securities rated below the Baa3 category by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s), or below BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”) or Fitch Ratings Ltd. (“Fitch”) at the time of purchase or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub‑adviser. Under normal market conditions, the fund’s sub‑adviser expects to primarily invest in BB rated debt securities, the higher quality tier of the overall high yield market, which the fund’s sub-adviser believes may offer an opportunity for more attractive yield premiums, with a lower probability of credit erosion relative to the high yield bond market as a whole. The sub‑adviser considers a security to be BB‑rated if, at the time of purchase, it was assigned a rating of Ba1, Ba2, Ba3 by Moody’s, or BB+, BB, BB‑ by S&P or Fitch, or, if unrated, it was determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub‑adviser.
The types of debt securities in which the fund primarily invests include, but will not be limited to, U.S. dollar denominated high yield corporate bonds and notes. The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
While the fund may invest in securities of any maturity, the fund will normally target an average portfolio effective duration, as estimated by the fund’s sub‑adviser, of less than three years. Duration is a measure of the underlying portfolio’s price sensitivity to changes in prevailing interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive its price will be to changes in interest rates. For example, the approximate percentage decrease in the price of a security with a three-year duration would be 3% in response to a 1% increase in interest rates.
In pursuing the fund’s investment objective, the fund’s sub‑adviser seeks to identify securities of companies with stable cash flows and proven and established business models in an effort to manage the amount of credit, interest rate, liquidity and other risks, presented by these securities.
The sub‑adviser may purchase exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) designed to track fixed income securities indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange. The ETFs in which the fund invests may invest substantially all of their assets in high yield debt securities. Such ETFs are taken into account when determining how much of the fund’s net assets have been invested in high yield securities.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Market Risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or    |    19

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of investments, such as fixed-income securities, will move in the opposite direction to movements in interest rates. Generally the value of investments with interest rate risk will fall when interest rates rise. Factors including central bank monetary policy, rising inflation rates, and changes in general economic conditions may cause interest rates to rise, perhaps significantly and/or rapidly, potentially resulting in substantial losses to the fund. The effect of increasing interest rates is more pronounced for any intermediate- or longer-term fixed income obligations owned by the fund. For example, if a bond has a duration of three years, a 1% increase in interest rates could be expected to result in a 3% decrease in the value of the bond. Very low or negative interest rates may magnify interest rate risk. During periods of very low or negative interest rates, the fund may be unable to maintain positive returns or pay dividends to fund shareholders;
Credit risk arises if an issuer is unable or unwilling, or is perceived as unable or unwilling, to meet its financial obligations or goes bankrupt;
Foreign securities risks, which are potential risks not associated with U.S. investments, include, but are not limited to: (1) currency exchange rate fluctuations; (2) political and financial instability; (3) less liquidity; (4) lack of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; (5) increased volatility; (6) less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies; (7) significant limitations on investor rights and recourse; (8) use of unfamiliar corporate organizational structures; (9) unavailable or unreliable public information regarding issuers; and (10) delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change and inadequate government oversight;
High-yield security risk results from investments in below investment grade bonds, which have a greater risk of loss, are susceptible to rising interest rates and have greater volatility, especially when the economy is weak or expected to become weak. Investments in high-yield securities (commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) are inherently speculative and carry a greater risk that the issuer will default on the timely payment of principal and interest. High yield securities carry greater levels of call risk, credit risk and liquidity risk;
Liquidity risk is the possibility that trading activity in certain securities may, at times, be significantly hampered. The fund could lose money if it cannot sell a security at the time and price that would be most beneficial to the fund. The fund may be required to dispose of investments at unfavorable times or prices to satisfy obligations, which may result in losses or may be costly to the fund. Market prices for such securities may be volatile;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments; and
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index.
Performance | The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund, as well as the other predecessor funds described below.
Prior to this reorganization, the Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund (the “IMST Predecessor Fund,” and together with the Predecessor Fund, the “Predecessor Funds”), a series of Investment Managers Series Trust, on July 17, 2017. As a result of the reorganization, the fund is the accounting successor of the Predecessor Funds. Performance results shown in the bar chart and the performance table below reflect the performance of the IMST Predecessor Fund for the period prior to July 17, 2017.
The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of a broad-based market index. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date)      Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
6.05% (June 30, 2020)      (6.43)% (March 31, 2020)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Funds.    |    21

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
        One Year      Five Years      Since Inception
(July 15, 2014)
Return Before Taxes      (3.17)%      2.20%      2.21%
Return After Taxes on Distributions      (4.39)%      0.97%      0.91%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares      (1.88)%      1.22%      1.15%
ICE BofA 1‑3 Year BB US Cash Pay High Yield Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)      (3.07)%      3.05%      3.35%
Bloomberg Intermediate US Government/Credit Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)      (8.23)%      0.73%      1.17%
No one index is representative of the fund’s portfolio.
After‑tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after‑tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After‑tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax‑deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, John M. Hopkins, CFA®, and Christine F. Williams have served as Portfolio Managers of the fund since its inception on July 1, 2022, and are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Mr. Toburen, Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Williams served as the portfolio managers for the Predecessor Funds from their inception on July 15, 2014 through June 2022.
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillon Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
22    |   

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund (“Small Cap Growth” or the “fund”) seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Fees and expenses of the fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):
      Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price)    None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower)    None
Redemption Fee    None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
      Class Chartwell
Management Fees    0.75%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees    None
Other Expenses (a)    1.07%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses    1.82%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b)    (0.77)%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement    1.05%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 1.05% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class      Year 1      Year 3
Class Chartwell      $107      $484
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 80% of the average value of its portfolio.    |    23

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of small capitalization U.S. companies. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers small capitalization companies to be those with market capitalizations that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization generally within the range of the Russell 2000 Growth Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was approximately $6.1 million and $14.5 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell 2000 Growth Index is reconstituted annually. Because small capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range at the time of purchase but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range. The fund may have significant exposure to the Health Care and Information Technology sectors. However, as the sector composition of the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to these sectors may be lower at a future date and the fund’s exposure to other market sectors may be higher.
The fund’s sub‑adviser uses a “growth” style of management and seeks to identify companies with above average potential for earnings growth. The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
The sub‑adviser may purchase exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) designed to track U.S. small‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub-adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub-adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Market risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
Equity securities are subject to market risk. The fund may invest in the following equity securities, which may expose the fund to the following additional risks:
Common stocks. The value of a company’s common stock may fall as a result of factors affecting the company, companies in the same industry or sector, or the financial markets overall. Common stock generally is subordinate to preferred stock upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of the issuing company;
Growth stock risk is the risk of a growth company not providing an expected earnings increase or dividend yield. When these expectations are not met, the prices of these stocks may decline, even if earnings showed an absolute increase. If a growth investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, the fund could underperform funds that use a value or other non‑growth approach to investing or have a broader investment style;
Foreign securities risks, which are potential risks not associated with U.S. investments, include, but are not limited to: (1) currency exchange rate fluctuations; (2) political and financial instability; (3) less liquidity; (4) lack of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; (5) increased volatility; (6) less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies; (7) significant limitations on investor rights and recourse; (8) use of unfamiliar corporate organizational structures; (9) unavailable or unreliable public information regarding issuers; and (10) delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change and inadequate government oversight;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments;
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index;
Sector risk is the risk associated with the fund holding a core portfolio of stocks invested in similar businesses, all of which could be affected by similar economic or market conditions. As the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to a particular sector may become higher or lower.    |    25

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Health care sector risk is the risk that the health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, restrictions on government reimbursement for medical expenses, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care products and services may be subject to regulatory approvals. The process of obtaining such approvals may be long and costly, and delays in or failure to receive such approvals may negatively impact the business of such companies. Additional or more stringent laws and regulations enacted in the future could have a material adverse effect on such companies in the health care sector;
Information technology sector risk is the risk that products of information technology companies may face rapid product obsolescence due to technological developments and frequent new product introduction, unpredictable changes in growth rates and competition for the services of qualified personnel. These companies may be smaller or newer and may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel. Failure to introduce new products, develop and maintain a loyal customer base or achieve general market acceptance for their products could have a material adverse effect on a company’s business. Companies in the information technology sector are heavily dependent on intellectual property and the loss of patent, copyright and trademark protections may adversely affect the profitability of these companies. The market prices of information technology-related securities tend to exhibit a greater degree of interest rate risk and market risk and may experience sharper price fluctuations than other types of securities. These securities may fall in and out of favor with investors rapidly, which may cause sudden selling and dramatically lower market prices; and
Small‑cap company risk arises because small-cap companies involve greater risks than investing in large-capitalization companies. Small-cap companies generally have lower volume of shares traded daily, less liquid stock, a more volatile share price, a limited product or service base, narrower commercial markets and more limited access to capital, compared to larger, more established companies. These factors increase risks and make these companies more likely to fail than companies with larger market capitalizations, and could increase the volatility of a fund’s portfolio and performance. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks.
Performance | The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund.
The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of a broad-based market index. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date)      Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
27.67% (June 30, 2020)      (22.31)% (December 31, 2018)
26    |   

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Fund.
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
        One Year      Five Years      Since Inception
(June 16, 2017)
Return Before Taxes      (30.83)%      6.02%      7.51%
Return After Taxes on Distributions      (31.58)%      4.22%      5.86%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares      (17.72)%      4.74%      5.97%
Russell 2000 Growth Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)      (26.36)%      3.51%      5.37%
After‑tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after‑tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After‑tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax‑deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | Frank L. Sustersic, CFA® and Theresa H. Tran, CFA® are the Portfolio Managers of the fund and are jointly and primarily responsible for all aspects of the fund’s management. Mr. Sustersic and Ms. Tran have managed the fund since July 2022. Mr. Sustersic served as the Portfolio Manager of the Predecessor Fund from its inception in 2017 through June 2022.
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillon Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.    |    27

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment objective | The Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund (“Small Cap Value” or the “fund”) seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Fees and expenses of the fund | The tables that follow describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment):     
      Class Chartwell
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a % of offering price)    None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a % of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, whichever is lower)    None
Redemption Fee    None
Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):     
      Class Chartwell
Management Fees    0.80%
Distribution and Service (12b‑1) Fees    None
Other Expenses (a)    0.37%
Carillon Tower Administration Fee
Remaining Other Expenses (a)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses    1.17%
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement (b)    (0.12)%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement    1.05%
(a) Other Expenses are estimated for the current fiscal year.
(b) Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon”) has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of the fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of Class Chartwell exceed 1.05% of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024. This expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses. The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fee reimbursement.
Expense example | This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same, except that the example reflects the fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangement for the Class Chartwell shares through July 1, 2024. Your costs would be the same whether you sold your shares or continued to hold them at the end of the period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class      Year 1      Year 3
Class Chartwell      $107      $358
Portfolio turnover | The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (which includes the portfolio turnover rate of the fund’s predecessor from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022), the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 24% of the average value of its portfolio.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Principal investment strategies | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of small capitalization U.S. companies. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers small capitalization companies to be those companies that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization within the range of the Russell 2000 Value Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was $4.7 million and $14.5 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell 2000 Value Index is reconstituted annually. Because small capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range, at the time of initial purchase, but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range.
The fund generally invests in companies that its sub‑adviser believes to be undervalued. The sub‑adviser’s investment approach seeks to identify companies with favorable valuations, margin improvement, product innovations and visionary management teams. The fund’s sub‑adviser employs a blend of value disciplines that the sub‑adviser believes will result in consistent performance.
The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S. The fund may have significant exposure to the Financials sector. However, as the sector composition of the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to this sector may be lower at a future date and the fund’s exposure to other market sectors may be higher. The fund may also invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”). REITs are companies that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate or real estate-related assets.
The sub‑adviser may purchase exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) designed to track U.S. small‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub-adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub-adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
Principal risks | The greatest risk of investing in the fund is that you could lose money. The fund invests primarily in securities whose values may increase and decrease in response to the activities of the companies that issued such securities, general market conditions and/or economic conditions. As a result, the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) may also increase and decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Investments in the fund are subject to the following primary risks. The most significant risks of investing in the fund as of the date of this Prospectus are listed first below, followed by the remaining risks in alphabetical order. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in the fund, regardless of the order in which it appears. Different risks may be more significant at different times depending on market conditions or other factors.
Market Risk is the risk that markets may at times be volatile, and the values of the fund’s holdings may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, changes in federal, state or foreign government policies, regional or global economic instability (including war, terrorism, territorial disputes and geopolitical risks), changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress, the U.S. government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause the fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent market events risk includes risks arising from current and recent circumstances impacting markets. Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in the fund may be increased.
Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which interest rates may continue to increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases. Additionally, various economic and political factors could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign central banks to change their approach in the future and such actions may result in an economic slowdown in the US and abroad. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or    |    29

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
insolvency of particular issuers, negatively impact market value, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce bank balance sheets. Any of these could cause an increase in market volatility, reduce liquidity across various sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Additionally, high public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with a trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on the performance and liquidity of global markets and could negatively affect the value of the fund’s investment. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. Those events present material uncertainty and risk with respect to markets globally and the performance of the fund and its investments or operations could be negatively impacted. The recent strength of the U.S. dollar could decrease foreign demand for U.S. assets, which may negatively impact certain issuers and/or industries.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected and could continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen as of the date of this Prospectus. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay-at-home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change;
Equity securities are subject to market risk. The fund may invest in the following equity securities, which may expose the fund to the following additional risks:
Common stocks. The value of a company’s common stock may fall as a result of factors affecting the company, companies in the same industry or sector, or the financial markets overall. Common stock generally is subordinate to preferred stock upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of the issuing company;
REITs. Investments in REITs are subject to the risks associated with investing in the real estate industry, such as adverse developments affecting the real estate industry and real property values, and are dependent upon the skills of their managers. REITs typically incur fees that are separate from those incurred by the fund, meaning the fund, as a shareholder, will indirectly bear a proportionate share of a REIT’s operating expenses;
Value stock risk arises from the possibility that a stock’s intrinsic value may not be fully realized by the market or that its price may decline. If a value investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, the fund could underperform funds that use a non‑value approach to investing or have a broader investment style;
Foreign securities risks, which are potential risks not associated with U.S. investments, include, but are not limited to: (1) currency exchange rate fluctuations; (2) political and financial instability; (3) less liquidity; (4) lack of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; (5) increased volatility; (6) less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies; (7) significant limitations on investor rights and recourse; (8) use of unfamiliar corporate organizational structures; (9) unavailable or unreliable public information regarding issuers; and (10) delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change and inadequate government oversight;
Management and strategy risk is the risk that the value of your investment depends on the judgment of the fund’s sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the fund’s sub‑adviser in selecting investments for the fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments;
Investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, carries with it the risk that, by investing in another investment company, the fund will be exposed to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment company invests. The fund and its shareholders will indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by shareholders of the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders directly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index;
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Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Sector risk is the risk associated with the fund holding a core portfolio of stocks invested in similar businesses, all of which could be affected by similar economic or market conditions. As the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to a particular sector may become higher or lower.
Financials sector risk is that risk that financial services companies are subject to extensive governmental regulation, which may limit both the amounts and types of loans and other financial commitments they can make, the interest rates and fees they can charge, the scope of their activities, the prices they can charge and the amount of capital they must maintain. Profitability is largely dependent on the availability and cost of capital funds and can fluctuate significantly when interest rates change or due to increased competition. In addition, deterioration of the credit markets generally may cause an adverse impact in a broad range of markets, including U.S. and international credit and interbank money markets generally, thereby affecting a wide range of financial institutions and markets. Securities of financial services companies may experience a dramatic decline in value when such companies experience substantial declines in the valuations of their assets, take action to raise capital (such as the issuance of debt or equity securities), or cease operations; and
Small‑cap company risk arises because small-cap companies involve greater risks than investing in large-capitalization companies. Small-cap companies generally have lower volume of shares traded daily, less liquid stock, a more volatile share price, a limited product or service base, narrower commercial markets and more limited access to capital, compared to larger, more established companies. These factors increase risks and make these companies more likely to fail than companies with larger market capitalizations, and could increase the volatility of a fund’s portfolio and performance. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks.
Performance | The fund is the successor to the Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund (“Predecessor Fund”) pursuant to a reorganization involving the fund and the Predecessor Fund that occurred on July 1, 2022. The Class Chartwell shares of the fund have adopted the performance history and financial statements of the Predecessor Fund. Prior to the date of the reorganization, the fund had no investment operations. Accordingly, the performance information, including information on fees and expenses and financial information provided in this prospectus for periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations) is historical information for the Predecessor Fund. Given the above, unless specifically stated otherwise, subsequent references in this section to the fund should be read to include the Predecessor Fund, as well as the other predecessor funds described below.
Prior to this reorganization, the Predecessor Fund acquired the assets and liabilities of the Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund (the “IMST Predecessor Fund,” and together with the Chartwell Predecessor Fund, the “Predecessor Funds”), a series of Investment Managers Series Trust, on July 17, 2017. As a result of the reorganization, the fund is the accounting successor of the Predecessor Funds. Performance results shown in the bar chart and the performance table below reflect the performance of the IMST Predecessor Fund for the period prior to July 17, 2017. The bar chart that follows illustrates annual fund returns for the periods ended December 31. The table that follows compares the fund’s returns for various periods with the returns of a broad-based market index. This information is intended to give you some indication of the risk of investing in the fund by demonstrating how its returns have varied over time. The bar chart shows the fund’s Class Chartwell share performance from one year to another. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. To obtain more current performance data as of the most recent month‑end, please visit our website at
For each calendar year at NAV
Best Quarter (% and quarter end date)      Worst Quarter (% and quarter end date)
25.75% (December 31, 2020)      (35.01)% (March 31, 2020)    |    31

Carillon Mutual Funds
SUMMARY OF CARILLON CHARTWELL SMALL CAP VALUE FUND    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2022):
Fund return (after deduction of sales charges and expenses)
For the periods prior to the reorganization (the fund’s commencement of operations), the performance is the historical performance of the Predecessor Funds.
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – Average Annual Total Returns (As of December 31, 2022)
        One Year      Five Years      Ten Years
Return Before Taxes      (9.71)%      2.76%      8.03%
Return After Taxes on Distributions      (9.97)%      1.63%      7.14%
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares      (5.57)%      2.07%      6.45%
Russell 2000 Value Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)      (14.48)%      4.13%      8.48%
After‑tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after‑tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After‑tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax‑deferred arrangements, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (“IRA”). The return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of fund shares at the end of the measurement period.
Investment Adviser | Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. is the fund’s investment adviser.
Sub‑adviser | Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) serves as the sub‑adviser to the fund.
Portfolio Managers | David C. Dalrymple, CFA® and T. Ryan Harkins, CFA® have served as Portfolio Managers of the fund since its inception on July 1, 2022, and are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund. Mr. Dalrymple has served as Chartwell’s Managing Partner and served as the applicable Predecessor Fund’s Senior Portfolio Manager since its inception on March 16, 2012. Mr. Harkins served as a member of the Predecessor Fund’s portfolio management team from March 1, 2020 through June 2022.
Purchase and sale of fund shares | You may purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of the fund on any business day through your financial intermediary, by mail at Carillon Family of Funds, c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701 (for regular mail) or 615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for overnight service), or by telephone (800.421.4184). The minimum purchase amount is $1,000 for regular accounts, $500 for retirement accounts and $50 through a periodic investment program, with a minimum subsequent investment plan of $50 per month.
Tax information | The dividends you receive from the fund will be taxed as ordinary income or net capital gain (i.e., the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) unless you are investing through a tax‑deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA, in which case you may be subject to federal income tax on withdrawals from the arrangement.
Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries | If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the fund and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Additional Information About the Funds
Each fund’s investment objective is non‑fundamental and may be changed by its Board of Trustees without shareholder approval.
Each fund, other than the Income Fund, has adopted a non‑fundamental policy to invest, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in the type of investments described in its name, as discussed in the “Principal investment strategies” section of each fund’s Summary. If a fund changes its 80% investment policy, a written notice will be sent to shareholders at least 60 days in advance of the change and this Prospectus will be supplemented.
As a temporary defensive measure because of market, economic or other conditions, each fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in high-quality, short term debt instruments or may take positions that are inconsistent with its principal investment strategies. Each fund may also invest its assets in cash, cash equivalent securities, repurchase agreements or money market instruments as a temporary defensive measure. To the extent that a fund takes such a temporary defensive position, its ability to achieve its investment objective may be affected adversely.
Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund | The fund may invest in corporate bonds, U.S. Treasury bills, bonds and notes, debt securities issued by U.S. Government agencies, preferred stocks, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, municipal bonds, master limited partnerships, and dividend-paying common stocks, including securities issued by real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”). Certain of the fund’s investments in corporate bonds and preferred stocks may be convertible into common stocks. The fund invests in securities that the sub‑adviser believes are undervalued. The fund may invest any percentage of its net assets in the foregoing securities as the sub‑adviser deems appropriate, except that the sub‑adviser will not purchase a common stock if it would cause the aggregate value of the common stocks that the fund owns to exceed 30% of the fund’s net assets. The sub‑adviser is not required to sell any common stocks owned by the fund if the value of the common stocks exceeds 30% of net assets due to appreciation of the common stocks or depreciation of the fund’s other securities.
When selecting corporate bonds, the sub‑adviser will consider the rating the bond has received from S&P, Moody’s or Fitch. The sub‑adviser has the discretion to invest in bonds with any rating as long as the issuer is not in default in the payment of interest or principal. The sub‑adviser may invest in fixed income securities of any maturity or credit rating including below investment grade securities. Investment grade securities are those rated in the Baa3 or higher categories by Moody’s, or in the BBB‑ or higher categories by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated by S&P, Moody’s or Fitch, determined by the sub‑adviser to be of comparable credit quality. Below-investment grade securities, commonly referred to as “junk bonds” or “high yield securities,” are securities rated below investment grade by at least one of Moody’s, S&P or Fitch (or, if unrated, determined by the sub‑adviser to be of comparable credit quality). The sub‑adviser may purchase bonds in private transactions that qualify under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”). Additionally, the sub‑adviser may purchase securities that are not registered under the 1933 Act and securities issued in non‑U.S. markets subject to similar regulations, including Section 4(a)(2) securities and Rule 144A securities, which are subject to restrictions on resale.
The fund invests only in the corporate bonds of those issuers that, in the opinion of the sub‑adviser, have sufficient net worth and operating cash flow to repay principal and make timely interest payments. A corporate bond is an interest-bearing debt security issued by a corporation. For fixed rate bonds, the issuer has a contractual obligation to pay interest at a stated rate on specific dates and to repay principal (the bond’s face value) on a specified date. An issuer may have the right to redeem (call) a bond before maturity. While a bond’s annual interest income established by the coupon rate may be fixed for the life of the bond, its yield (income as a percent of current price) will reflect current interest rate levels. The bond’s price rises and falls so that its yield remains reflective of current market conditions. The sub‑adviser will select corporate bonds primarily on the basis of current yield and secondarily on the basis of anticipated long term return. The duration of bonds purchased by the fund will usually vary from three to seven years. The sub‑adviser has the discretion to vary the duration of the portfolio in order to seek to take advantage of prevailing trends in interest rates. The fund generally invests in the fixed-income securities of large-capitalization companies.
The fund may invest in common stocks, subject to the 30% limit described above, and in preferred stocks when the sub‑adviser deems it appropriate. The portfolio allocations to preferred and common stocks are determined by the sub‑adviser based upon its evaluation of the bond market. The outlook for the economy generally is also a consideration. During periods of economic strength, greater emphasis may be placed on preferred and common stocks than on other investments. Preferred stocks are generally selected based on one of two criteria: (1) preferred stocks that the sub‑adviser believes are offering an above average yield, in comparison to other preferred stocks of the same quality; and (2) preferred stocks that the sub‑adviser believes offer the potential for capital appreciation due to the business prospects of the issuers. The fund may also purchase preferred stocks in private transactions that qualify under Rule 144A of the 1933 Act. The fund may invest in equity securities of any market capitalization.
Common stocks are generally selected based on one of three value-based criteria: (1) stocks selling substantially below their book values; (2) stocks judged by the sub‑adviser to be selling at low valuations based on their present earnings levels; and (3) stocks judged by the sub‑adviser to have above average    |    33

Carillon Mutual Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
growth prospects and to be selling at small premiums to their book values or at modest valuations based on their present earnings levels. In addition, the fund will only purchase common stocks that pay cash dividends; however, the fund may purchase preferred stocks that do not have to be paying current dividends. If a common stock stops paying dividends after its purchase by the fund, the fund would not be required to sell the stock.
The fund may invest in the securities of lesser-known companies. In addition, the fund invests only in common stocks listed on national securities exchanges or quoted on the over‑the‑counter market.
The sub‑adviser may invest in ETFs designed to track equity and fixed income securities indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange. The fund may also invest in REITs. REITs are companies that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate or real estate-related assets. REITs are generally classified as equity REITs, mortgage REITs, or a combination of equity and mortgage REITs. Equity REITs invest the majority of their assets directly in real property and derive income primarily from the collection of rents. Equity REITs can also realize capital gains by selling properties that have appreciated in value. Mortgage REITs invest the majority of their assets in real estate mortgages and derive income from the collection of interest payments.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. Government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of mid‑capitalization U.S. companies. The fund will not change this investment policy unless it gives shareholders at least 60 days’ advance written notice. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers mid‑capitalization companies to be those companies that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization within the range of the Russell Midcap Value Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was approximately $91.1 million and $67.3 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell Midcap Value Index is reconstituted annually. Because mid‑capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the Mid Cap Value Fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range at the time of purchase but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range.
The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
The sub‑adviser may purchase ETFs designed to track U.S. mid‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
The fund may also invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”). REITs are companies that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate or real estate-related assets. REITs are generally classified as equity REITs, mortgage REITs, or a combination of equity and mortgage REITs. Equity REITs invest the majority of their assets directly in real property and derive income primarily from the collection of rents. Equity REITs can also realize capital gains by selling properties that have appreciated in value. Mortgage REITs invest the majority of their assets in real estate mortgages and derive income from the collection of interest payments.
The fund generally invests in companies that its sub-adviser believes to be undervalued. The sub-adviser’s investment approach seeks to identify companies with favorable valuations, margin improvement, product innovations and visionary management teams. The fund’s sub-adviser employs a blend of value disciplines that the sub-adviser believes will result in consistent performance. The sub‑adviser’s investment process integrates the efforts of quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis and portfolio management.
Quantitative analysis: This process includes screening for inexpensive stocks using multiple valuation measures, and identifying companies with valuations at the lower end of their historical valuation ranges and that offer attractive risk/reward characteristics.
Fundamental analysis: The sub‑adviser conducts comprehensive business reviews to develop a sound understanding of a company’s business. The research process also focuses on understanding the cause of a company’s undervaluation and the company’s ability to realize its valuation potential.
Portfolio management: The sub‑adviser constructs the fund’s final portfolio using a bottom‑up approach to stock selection. The sub‑adviser weighs a number of factors including fundamentals, timing of catalysts, and growth prospects when determining portfolio holdings.
The sub‑adviser may sell all or a portion of a fund portfolio holding when, in its opinion, one or more of the following occurs: (1) a stock price is at the high end of the company’s historical range; (2) erosion of a company’s fundamentals; (3) a more compelling alternative investment is identified; or (4) the fund requires cash to meet redemption requests.
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PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. Government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub‑adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub‑adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in bonds (bonds include any debt instrument). The fund will not change this investment policy unless it gives shareholders at least 60 days’ advance written notice. Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 75% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in investment grade short duration debt securities and up to 25% in short duration high yield debt securities. Investment grade securities are those rated in the Baa3 or higher categories by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”), or in the BBB- or higher categories by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”), or Fitch Ratings Ltd. (“Fitch”) or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub-adviser. High yield debt securities, commonly referred to as “junk bonds” or “below investment grade securities,” are securities rated below investment grade by at least one of Moody’s, S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub-adviser. Under normal market conditions, the fund sub‑adviser expects to primarily invest in investment grade short duration fixed income securities. The types of debt securities in which the fund primarily invests include, but will not be limited to, U.S. dollar denominated short duration investment grade bonds and high yield corporate bonds. The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S., including issuers in emerging markets. Under normal circumstances, the fund will normally target an average portfolio effective duration, as estimated by the fund’s sub‑adviser, of less than three years.
Duration is a measure of the underlying portfolio’s prices sensitivity to changes in prevailing interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive its price will be to changes in interest rates. For example, the approximate percentage decrease in the price of a security with a three-year duration would be 3% in response to a 1% increase in interest rates. The fund’s sub‑adviser normally expects to focus the fund’s investments to maintain investment grade status and the high yield allocation to maintain a higher credit quality tier of the overall high yield bond market. In pursuing the fund’s investment objective, the fund’s sub‑adviser seeks to identify securities of companies with stable or improving cash flows and proven and established business models in an effort to manage the amount of credit, interest rate, liquidity and other risks, presented by these securities.
Chartwell utilizes a disciplined value, bottom‑up approach to the fixed income market, with emphasis on building the portfolio through individual security selection. The philosophy is implemented by assessing the credit profiles of specific issuers through extensive credit research. The team searches out companies that it believes will experience stable or improving credit profiles. Securities are identified for inclusion through an analysis of historical and relative yield spread relationships. Security characteristics such as credit quality, structure, maturity, and liquidity are also examined. Sector diversification and duration parameters are defined to limit market, sector and credit risk. The fund will primarily own corporate bonds of U.S. domiciled companies, but can also own securities of the U.S. Government and government-sponsored enterprises, mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, loans, and high yield bonds and corporate bonds of non‑U.S. domiciled companies.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to obligations of the U.S. Government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund | Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in high yield debt securities. The fund will not change this investment policy unless it gives shareholders at least 60 days’ advance written notice.
High yield debt securities, also referred to as “junk” bonds, are securities rated below the Baa3 category by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”), or below BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”) or Fitch Ratings Ltd. (“Fitch”) at the time of purchase or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub-adviser. Under normal market conditions, the fund’s sub-adviser expects to primarily invest in BB rated debt securities, the higher quality tier of the overall high yield market, which the fund’s sub-adviser believes may offer an opportunity for more attractive yield premiums, with a lower probability of credit erosion relative to the high yield bond market as a whole. The sub-adviser considers a security to be BB-rated if, at the time of purchase, it was assigned a rating of Ba1, Ba2, Ba3 by Moody’s Investor Services, Inc., or BB+, BB, BB- by Standard & Poor’s or Fitch, Inc., or, if unrated, it was determined to be of comparable credit quality by the fund’s sub-adviser.    |    35

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The types of debt securities in which the fund primarily invests include, but will not be limited to, U.S. dollar denominated high yield corporate bonds and notes. The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
While the fund may invest in securities of any maturity, the fund will normally target an average portfolio effective duration, as estimated by the fund’s sub-adviser, of less than three years. Duration is a measure of the underlying portfolio’s price sensitivity to changes in prevailing interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive its price will be to changes in interest rates. For example, the approximate percentage decrease in the price of a security with a three-year duration would be 3% in response to a 1% increase in interest rates. In pursuing the fund’s investment objective, the fund’s sub-adviser seeks to identify securities of companies with stable cash flows and proven and established business models in an effort to manage the amount of credit, interest rate, liquidity and other risks, presented by these securities.
The sub‑adviser’s investment process seeks to integrate quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis and portfolio management.
Quantitative analysis: This process includes screening of issuers by quality, maturity and financial criteria. Financial criteria include: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (“EBITDA”), coverage of interest expense and capital expenditures (“CAPEX”), total leverage, projected liquidity, and asset coverage of total debt, among other measures.
Fundamental analysis: This research process focuses on evaluating three types of fundamental risks with respect to each issuer: Business Risk (e.g., relative market share, cost structure, management strength and reputation, operating history), Financial Risk (e.g., cash flow stability, capital intensity, or the magnitude of maintenance capital expenditures relative to cash flow, credit ratios such as EBITDA/Interest, Debt/EBITDA, and Free Cash Flow/Debt, among others) and Covenant Risk (e.g., form and sufficiency of security if secured, limits on debt, limits on restricted payments such as distributions to shareholders or affiliates, and change of control protection via a contractual put in the event of a change of ownership, among others).
Portfolio management: The sub‑adviser constructs the fund’s final portfolio using a bottom‑up approach to determine whether the bonds analyzed offer relative value in the context of its industry peers and the overall high yield bond market. The sub‑adviser weighs a number of economic considerations (e.g., GDP growth, unemployment rate, housing starts, vehicle sales, among others) to estimate a position within the economic business cycle, as well as interest rate analysis when determining portfolio holdings.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest some or all of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. Government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. The sub-adviser may purchase exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) designed to track fixed income securities indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange. The ETFs in which the fund invests may invest substantially all of their assets in high yield debt securities. Such ETFs are taken into account when determining how much of the fund’s net assets have been invested in high yield securities. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
The sub‑adviser may sell all or a portion of a position of the fund’s portfolio holding when, in its opinion, one or more of the following occurs, among other reasons: (1) deteriorating credit quality; (2) erosion of a company’s fundamentals; (3) 10% relative underperformance from purchase date; (4) a more attractive alternative investment opportunity is identified; or (5) the fund requires cash to meet redemption requests.
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of small capitalization U.S. companies. The fund will not change this investment policy unless it gives shareholders at least 60 days’ advance written notice. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers small capitalization companies to be those with market capitalizations that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization generally within the range of the Russell 2000 Growth Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was approximately $6.1 million and $14.5 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell 2000 Growth Index is reconstituted annually. Because small capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range at the time of purchase but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range.
The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
The sub‑adviser may purchase ETFs designed to track U.S. small‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities, often designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
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The fund’s sub-adviser uses a “growth” style of management and seeks to identify companies with above average potential for earnings growth. The portfolio managers initiate investment ideas opportunistically, when securities are attractively valued, yet concentrate holdings in companies best positioned for rapid growth. The sub‑adviser’s investment process integrates the efforts of quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis and portfolio management.
Quantitative analysis: This process includes screening for inexpensive stocks using multiple parameters, and identifying companies priced with secular, sustainable growth, a sound economic foundation and proven management expertise and that offer attractive risk/reward characteristics.
Fundamental analysis: The sub‑adviser conducts comprehensive business reviews to develop a sound understanding of a company’s business. The research process focuses on understanding the company’s business model, and the inherent strengths and potential weaknesses of a company’s business model. The research involves understanding the visibility and durability of a company’s growth opportunity, while identifying catalysts that could lead to an acceleration of a company’s growth profile.
Portfolio management: The sub‑adviser constructs the fund’s final portfolio using a bottom‑up approach to stock selection. The sub‑adviser then considers the individual sector weightings within the portfolio, as well as the comparable sector weighting within the benchmark. The final portfolio will be diversified, investing in companies across each industrial sector. A number of factors including fundamentals, timing of catalysts, and growth prospects are considered when determining portfolio weightings.
The fund may have significant exposure to the Health Care and Information Technology sectors. However, as the sector composition of the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to these sectors may be lower at a future date and the fund’s exposure to other market sectors may be higher.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest some or all of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub-adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub-adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund | Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets (including amounts borrowed for investment purposes) in common stocks of small capitalization U.S. companies. The fund will not change this investment policy unless it gives shareholders at least 60 days’ advance written notice. The fund’s sub‑adviser considers small capitalization companies to be those companies that, at the time of initial purchase, have a market capitalization within the range of the Russell 2000 Value Index during the most recent 12‑month period (which was $4.7 million and $14.5 billion as of December 31, 2022). The Russell 2000 Value Index is reconstituted annually. Because small capitalization companies are defined by reference to an index, the range of market capitalization of companies of which the fund invests may vary with market conditions. The fund may continue to hold securities of companies whose market capitalization was within such range, at the time of initial purchase, but whose current market capitalization may be outside of that range.
The fund may invest up to 20% of its assets in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of issuers based outside of the U.S.
The fund may have significant exposure to the Financials sector. However, as the sector composition of the fund’s portfolio changes over time, the fund’s exposure to this sector may be lower at a future date and the fund’s exposure to other market sectors may be higher. The fund may also invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”). REITs are companies that own, and typically operate, income-producing real estate or real estate-related assets.
The sub‑adviser may purchase ETFs designed to track U.S. small‑cap indices to manage the fund’s cash holdings and gain exposure to the types of securities in which the fund primarily invests. ETFs are investment companies that invest in portfolios of securities designed to track particular market segments or indices, the shares of which are bought and sold on a securities exchange.
The fund generally invests in companies that its sub-adviser believes to be undervalued. The sub-adviser’s investment approach seeks to identify companies with favorable valuations, margin improvement, product innovations and visionary management teams. The fund’s sub-adviser employs a blend of value disciplines that the sub-adviser believes will result in consistent performance. The sub‑adviser’s investment process integrates the efforts of quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis and portfolio management.
Quantitative analysis: This process includes screening for inexpensive stocks using multiple valuation measures, and identifying companies with valuations at the lower end of their historical valuation ranges and that offer attractive risk/reward characteristics.    |    37

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Fundamental analysis: The sub‑adviser conducts comprehensive business reviews to develop a sound understanding of a company’s business. The research process also focuses on understanding the cause of a company’s undervaluation and the company’s ability to realize its valuation potential.
Portfolio management: The sub‑adviser constructs the fund’s final portfolio using a bottom‑up approach to stock selection. The sub‑adviser weighs a number of factors including fundamentals, timing of catalysts, and growth prospects when determining portfolio holdings.
The sub‑adviser may sell all or a portion of a fund portfolio holding when, in its opinion, one or more of the following occurs: (1) a stock price is at the high end of the company’s historical range; (2) erosion of a company’s fundamentals; (3) a more compelling alternative investment is identified; or (4) the fund requires cash to meet redemption requests.
When the sub‑adviser believes that current market, economic, political or other conditions are unsuitable and would impair the pursuit of the fund’s investment objective, the fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. Government, money market fund shares, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and/or bankers acceptances, as well as other interest bearing or discount obligations. When the fund takes a temporary defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
When managing the fund’s portfolio, the sub-adviser uses two basic guidelines: (1) the investment in any single issuer (at the time of purchase) will comprise less than 5% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio; and (2) the investment in any one sector (at the time of purchase) will not exceed the greater of: (i) 150% of the benchmark sector weight, or (ii) 25% of the total value of the assets in the portfolio. Under normal market conditions, the sub-adviser intends to follow these investment guidelines.
More information about the funds’ portfolio securities and investment techniques, and the associated risks, is provided in the funds’ Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
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Additional Information About Principal Risk Factors
The greatest risk of investing in a mutual fund is that its returns will fluctuate and you could lose money. Turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity, credit and fixed income markets may negatively affect many issuers worldwide, which could have an adverse effect on the funds. Additionally, while the portfolio managers seek to take advantage of investment opportunities that will maximize a fund’s investment returns, there is no guarantee that such opportunities will ultimately benefit the fund. There is no assurance that the portfolio managers’ investment strategy will enable a fund to achieve its investment objective. An investment in a fund is not a deposit with a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The following table identifies the risk factors of each fund in light of its principal investment strategies. These risk factors are explained following the table.
The principal risks of investing in each fund listed below are presented in alphabetical order and not in order of importance or potential exposure. Among other matters, this presentation is intended to facilitate your ability to find particular risks and compare them with the risks of other funds. Each risk summarized below is considered a “principal risk” of investing in a fund, regardless of the order in which it appears.    |    39

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Risk   Carillon
Mid Cap
Value Fund
Bond Fund
High Yield
Small Cap
Small Cap
Value Fund
Callable Securities   X          
Credit   X     X   X    
Emerging markets       X      
Equity securities   X   X       X   X
Foreign securities     X   X   X   X   X
Growth stocks           X  
High-yield securities   X     X   X    
Interest rate   X     X   X    
Large‑cap companies   X          
Liquidity   X     X   X    
Management and strategy   X   X   X   X   X   X
Market   X   X   X   X   X   X
Master Limited Partnerships   X          
Mid‑Cap companies   X   X        
Mortgage- and asset-backed securities   X     X      
Municipal securities   X          
Other investment companies, including ETFs and money market funds   X   X   X   X   X   X
Restricted securities   X          
Sector           X   X
Small‑cap companies   X         X   X
U.S. government securities and government sponsored enterprises   X     X      
U.S. Treasury obligations   X          
Value stocks   X   X         X
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Callable Securities | A fund may invest in fixed-income securities with call features. A call feature allows the issuer of the security to redeem or call the security prior to its stated maturity date. In periods of falling interest rates, issuers may be more likely to call in securities that are paying higher coupon rates than prevailing interest rates. In the event of a call, a fund would lose the income that would have been earned to maturity on that security, the proceeds received by a fund may be invested in securities paying lower coupon rates or other less favorable characteristics, and a fund may not benefit from any increase in value that might otherwise result from declining interest rates. Thus, a fund‘s income could be reduced as a result of a call and this may reduce the amount of a fund’s distributions. In addition, the market value of a callable security may decrease if it is perceived by the market as likely to be called, which could have a negative impact on a fund‘s total return.
Credit | A fund could lose money if the issuer, is unable or unwilling, or is perceived as unable or unwilling (whether by market participants, ratings agencies, pricing services or otherwise) to meet its financial obligations or goes bankrupt. Securities are subject to varying degrees of credit risk, which are often reflected in their credit ratings. Generally, the longer the maturity and the lower the credit quality of a security, the more sensitive it is to credit risk. The downgrade of the credit rating of a security held by a fund may decrease its value and may make it more difficult for the fund to sell it. Credit risk may change over the life of an instrument. Credit risk usually applies to most fixed income securities. U.S. Government securities, especially those that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury, such as securities supported only by the credit of the issuing governmental agency or government-sponsored enterprise, carry at least some risk of nonpayment, and the maximum potential liability of the issuers of such securities may greatly exceed their current resources. There is no assurance that the U.S. Government would provide financial support to the issuing entity if not obligated to do so by law. Further, any government guarantees on U.S. Government securities that a fund owns extend only to the timely payment of interest and the repayment of principal on the securities themselves and do not extend to the market value of the securities themselves or to shares of the fund.
Emerging markets | When investing in emerging markets, the risks of investing in foreign securities discussed below are heightened. Emerging markets have unique risks that are greater than or in addition to those associated with investing in developed markets because emerging markets are generally smaller, less developed, less liquid and more volatile than the securities markets of the U.S. and other foreign developed markets. There are also risks of: greater political uncertainties; an economy’s dependence on revenues from particular commodities or on international aid or development assistance; currency transfer restrictions; a limited number of potential buyers for such securities; delays and disruptions in securities settlement procedures; less stringent, or a lack of, uniform accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements or standards; less reliable clearance and settlement, registration and custodial procedures; less reliable access to capital; unfamiliar foreign investment structures; trading suspensions and other restrictions on investment; and significant limitations on investor rights and recourse, both individually and in combination with other shareholders. The economies and governments of emerging market countries tend to be more unstable than those of developed countries, resulting in more volatile rates of return than the developed markets and significantly greater risk to investors. The governments of emerging market countries may also be more unstable and more likely to impose capital controls, nationalize a company or industry, place restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, intervene in the financial markets, and/or impose burdensome taxes that could adversely affect security prices. There may be less publicly available or less reliable information regarding issuers in emerging markets, which can impede a fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. In certain emerging market countries, fraud and corruption may be more prevalent than in developed market countries, and investor protections may be more limited than those in other countries. It may be difficult to obtain or enforce legal judgments against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions, through either the foreign judicial system or through a private arbitration process. Additionally, a fund may experience more volatile rates of return. These matters have the potential to impact a fund’s investment objective and performance.
Equity securities | A fund’s equity securities investments are subject to market risk. A fund may invest in the following equity securities, which may expose a fund to the following additional risks:
Common Stocks. The value of a company’s common stock may fall as a result of factors directly relating to that company, such as decisions made by its management or decreased demand for the company’s products or services. A stock’s value may also decline because of factors affecting not just the company, but also companies in the same industry or sector. The price of a company’s stock may also be affected by changes in financial markets that are unrelated to the company, such as changes in interest rates, exchange rates or industry regulation. Companies that pay dividends on their common stock generally only do so after they invest in their own business and make required payments to bondholders and on other debt and preferred stock. Therefore, the value of a company’s common stock will usually be more volatile than its bonds, other debt and preferred stock. Common stock generally is subordinate to preferred stock upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of the issuing company. In the event of an issuer’s bankruptcy, there is substantial risk that there will be nothing left to pay common stockholders after payments, if any, to bondholders and preferred stockholders have been made.
Preferred Stocks. Preferred securities, including convertible preferred securities, are subject to issuer-specific and market risks; however, preferred securities may be less liquid than common stocks and offer more limited participation in the growth of an issuer. If interest rates rise, the dividend on preferred stocks may be less attractive, causing the price of preferred stocks to decline. Distributions on preferred stocks generally are payable at the discretion of an issuer and after required payments to bondholders. Preferred shareholders may have only certain limited rights if distributions are not paid for a stated period, but generally have no legal recourse against the issuer and may suffer a loss of value if distributions    |    41

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  are not paid. Preferred stocks may have mandatory sinking fund provisions, as well as provisions for their call or redemption prior to maturity which can have a negative effect on their prices when interest rates decline. Because the rights of preferred stock on distribution of a corporation’s assets in the event of its liquidation are generally subordinated to the rights associated with a corporation’s debt securities, in the event of an issuer’s bankruptcy, there is substantial risk that there will be nothing left to pay preferred stockholders after payments, if any, to bondholders have been made. For this reason, the value of preferred securities will usually react more strongly than bonds and other debt securities to actual or perceived changes in the company’s financial condition or prospects. Preferred stocks may also be subject to credit risk, which is the risk that an issuer may be unable or unwilling to meet its financial obligations.
Convertible Securities. The investment value of a convertible security (“convertible”) is based on its yield and tends to decline as interest rates increase. The conversion value of a convertible is the market value that would be received if the convertible were converted to its underlying common stock. Since it derives a portion of its value from the common stock into which it may be converted, a convertible is also subject to the same types of market and issuer-specific risks that apply to the underlying common stock. Convertible securities are subject to the risk that the credit standing of the issuer may have an effect on the convertible securities’ investment value. Convertible securities also are sensitive to movements in interest rates. Generally, a convertible security is subject to the market risks of stocks when the underlying stock’s price is high relative to the conversion price, and is subject to the market risks of debt securities when the underlying stock’s price is low relative to the conversion price. A convertible may be subject to redemption at the option of the issuer at a price established in the convertible’s governing instrument, which may be less than the current market price of the security. Convertibles typically are “junior” securities, which means an issuer may pay interest on its non‑convertible debt before it can make payments on its convertibles. In the event of a liquidation, holders of convertibles may be paid before a company’s common stockholders but after holders of a company’s senior debt obligations.
Dividend-Paying Stocks. Securities of companies that have historically paid a high dividend yield may reduce or discontinue their dividends, reducing the yield of the fund. Low priced securities in the fund may be more susceptible to these risks. Past dividend payments are not a guarantee of future dividend payments. Securities that pay dividends may be sensitive to changes in interest rates, and a sharp increase in interest rates, or other market downturn, could result in a decision to decrease or eliminate a dividend. Also, the market return of high dividend yield securities, in certain market conditions, may perform worse than other investment strategies or the overall stock market. Changes to the dividend policies of companies in which a fund invests and the capital resources available for dividend payment at such companies may harm fund performance. A fund may also be harmed by changes to the favorable federal income tax treatment generally afforded to dividends.
REITs. REITs or other real estate-related securities are subject to the risks associated with direct ownership of real estate, including, among other risks, declines in the value of real estate, risks related to general and local economic conditions or changes in demographic trends or tastes, increases in operating expenses, defaults by mortgagors or other borrowers and tenants, lack of availability of mortgage funds or financing, extended vacancies of properties, especially during economic downturns, losses due to environmental liabilities, and adverse governmental, legal or regulatory action (such as changes to zoning laws, changes in interest rates, condemnation, tax increases, regulatory limitations on rents, or enforcement of or changes to environmental regulations). Additionally, REITs are dependent on the skills of their managers. Shares of REITs may trade less frequently and, therefore, are subject to more erratic price movements than securities of larger issuers. REITs typically incur fees that are separate from those incurred by a fund, meaning a fund’s investment in REITs will result in the layering of expenses such that as a shareholder, a fund will indirectly bear a proportionate share of a REIT’s operating expenses. A domestic REIT could fail to qualify for tax‑free “pass-through” of distributed net income and net realized gains under the Internal Revenue Code, or to maintain its exemption from registration under the 1940 Act.
Foreign securities | Investments in foreign securities involve greater risks than investing in domestic securities. As a result, a fund’s return and NAV may be affected by fluctuations in currency exchange rates or political or economic conditions and regulatory requirements in a particular country. Foreign markets, as well as foreign economies and political systems, may be less stable than U.S. markets, and changes in the exchange rates of foreign currencies can affect the value of a fund’s foreign assets. Foreign laws and accounting standards typically are not as strict as they are in the U.S., and there may be less government regulation and supervision of foreign stock exchanges, brokers and listed companies. In addition, there may be less public information available about foreign companies. The unavailability and/or unreliability of public information available may impede the fund’s ability to accurately evaluate foreign securities. Custodial and/or settlement systems in foreign markets may not be fully developed and the laws of certain countries may limit the ability to recover assets if a foreign bank or depository or their agents goes bankrupt. Foreign issuers may utilize unfamiliar corporate organizational structures, which can limit investor rights and recourse. Moreover, it may be difficult to enforce contractual obligations or invoke judicial or arbitration processes against non‑U.S. companies and non‑U.S. persons in foreign jurisdictions. Foreign securities may be less liquid than domestic securities and there may be delays in transaction settlement in some foreign markets. Securities of issuers traded on foreign exchanges may be suspended, either by the issuers themselves, by an exchange, or by government authorities. Over a given period of time, foreign securities may underperform U.S. securities—sometimes for years. A fund could also underperform if it invests in countries or regions whose economic performance falls short. The risks associated with investments in governmental or quasi-governmental entities of a foreign country are heightened by the potential for unexpected governmental change, which may lead to default or expropriation, and inadequate government oversight and accounting. Obligations of supranational entities are subject to the risk that the governments on whose support the entity depends for its financial backing or repayment may be unable or unwilling to provide that support. The effect of recent, worldwide
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economic instability on specific foreign markets or issuers may be difficult to predict or evaluate. Some national economies continue to show profound instability, which may in turn affect their international trading and financial partners or other members of their currency bloc.
Growth stocks | Growth companies are expected to increase their earnings at a certain rate. When these expectations are not met, the prices of these stocks may decline, even if earnings showed an absolute increase. Growth company stocks also typically lack the dividend yield that can cushion stock prices in market downturns. The price of a growth company’s stock may fail or not approach the value that has been placed on it. If a growth investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, a fund could underperform funds that use a value or other non‑growth approach to investing or have a broader investment style.
High‑yield securities | Investments in securities rated below investment grade, or “junk bonds,” generally involve significantly greater risks of loss of your money than an investment in investment grade bonds. Compared with issuers of investment grade bonds, issuers of junk bonds are more likely to encounter financial difficulties and to be materially affected by these difficulties, leading to a greater risk that the issuer will default on the timely payment of principal and interest. Rising interest rates may compound these difficulties and reduce an issuer’s ability to repay principal and interest obligations. Issuers of lower rated securities also have a greater risk of default or bankruptcy, especially when the economy is weak or expected to become weak. If an issuer defaults, a fund may incur additional expenses to seek recovery. Issuers of securities that are in default or have defaulted may fail to resume principal or interest payments, in which case a fund may lose its entire investment. Additionally, due to the greater number of considerations involved in the selection of a fund’s securities, the achievement of a fund’s objective depends more on the skills of the portfolio manager than investing only in higher-rated securities. Therefore, your investment may experience greater volatility in price and yield. High-yield securities may be less liquid than higher quality investments. A security whose credit rating has been lowered may be particularly difficult to sell. The higher yields of high-yielding securities may not reflect the value of the income stream that holders of such securities may expect, but rather the risk that such securities may lose a substantial portion of their value as a result of their issuer’s financial restructuring or default. Investments in high-yield securities are inherently speculative. High yield securities carry greater levels of call risk, credit risk and liquidity risk.
Interest rate | Generally, the value of investments with interest rate risk, such as fixed-income securities, will move in the opposite direction to movements in interest rates. Investments in investment grade and non‑investment grade fixed income securities are subject to interest rate risk. The value of a fund’s fixed income investments typically will fall when interest rates rise. Factors, including central bank monetary policy, rising inflation rates, and changes in general economic conditions, may cause interest rates to rise, perhaps significantly and/or rapidly, potentially resulting in substantial losses to a fund. A fund may be particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates if it invests in debt securities with intermediate and long terms to maturity. Debt securities with longer durations tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates, usually making them more volatile than debt securities with shorter durations. For example, if a bond has a duration of eight years, a 1% increase in interest rates could be expected to result in an 8% decrease in the value of the bond. Very low or negative interest rates may magnify interest rate risk. During periods of very low or negative interest rates, the fund may be unable to maintain positive returns or pay dividends to fund shareholders. Certain European countries and Japan have experienced negative interest rates on deposits and debt securities have traded at negative yields. Changing interest rates, including rates that fall below zero, may have unpredictable effects on markets, may result in heightened market volatility and may detract from fund performance to the extent the fund is exposed to such interest rates.
Large‑cap companies | Investments in large‑cap companies may underperform other segments of the market, in some cases for extended periods of time, because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities, such as changes in technology and consumer tastes. Large‑cap companies generally are expected to be less volatile than companies with smaller market capitalizations. However, large‑cap companies may be unable to attain the high growth rates of successful smaller companies, especially during periods of economic expansion, and may instead focus their competitive efforts on maintaining or expanding their market share.
Liquidity | Liquidity risk is the possibility that trading activity in certain securities may, at times, be significantly hampered. At times, a fund’s securities may have limited marketability, be subject to restrictions on resale, be difficult or impossible to purchase or sell at favorable times or prices, or become less liquid in response to market developments or adverse credit events that may affect issuers or guarantors of a debt security, any of which could have the effect of decreasing the overall level of the fund’s liquidity. The market prices for such securities may be volatile. An inability to sell a portfolio position can adversely affect a fund’s NAV or prevent a fund from being able to take advantage of other investment opportunities. A fund could lose money if it cannot sell a security at the time and price that would be most beneficial to a fund. A fund may be required to dispose of investments at unfavorable times or prices to satisfy obligations, which may result in losses or may be costly to a fund. Market developments may cause a fund’s investments to become less liquid and subject to erratic price movements. In addition, the market-making capacity of dealers in certain types of securities has been reduced in recent years, in part as a result of structural and regulatory changes, such as fewer proprietary trading desks and increased capital requirements for broker-dealers. Further, many broker-dealers have reduced their inventory of certain debt securities. This could negatively affect a fund’s ability to buy or sell debt securities and increase the related volatility and trading costs. For example, liquidity risk may be magnified in rising interest rate environments due to higher than normal redemption rates.    |    43

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Management and Strategy | The value of your investment depends on the judgment of the sub‑adviser about the quality, relative yield, value or market trends affecting a particular security, industry, sector or region, which may prove to be incorrect. Investment strategies employed by the sub‑adviser in selecting investments for a fund may not result in an increase in the value of your investment or in overall performance equal to other investments.
Market | Markets may at times be volatile and the values of a fund’s stock and fixed income holdings, as well as the income generated by a fund’s fixed income holdings, may decline, sometimes significantly and/or rapidly, because of adverse issuer-specific conditions or general market conditions, including a broad stock market decline, which are not specifically related to a particular issuer. These conditions may include real or perceived adverse political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments, such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, regional or global economic instability and interest, inflation and currency rate fluctuations. These and other conditions may cause broad changes in market value, the general outlook for corporate earnings, public perceptions concerning these developments or adverse investment sentiment generally. These events may lead to periods of volatility, which may be exacerbated by changes in market size and structure. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer, industry or market segment also can impact the market as a whole. In addition, adverse market events may lead to increased redemptions, which could cause a fund to experience a loss when selling securities to meet redemption requests by shareholders. The risk of loss increases if the redemption requests are unusually large or frequent. Adverse market conditions may be prolonged and may not have the same impact on all types of securities. Conversely, it is also possible that, during a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. Changes in value may be temporary or may last for extended periods. During times of market turmoil, investors tend to look to the safety of securities issued or backed by the U.S. Treasury, causing the prices of these securities to rise and the yields to decline. Reduced liquidity in fixed income and credit markets may negatively affect many issuers worldwide. Prices in many financial markets have increased significantly over the last decade, but there have also been periods of adverse market and financial developments and cyclical change during that timeframe, which have resulted in unusually high levels of volatility in domestic and foreign financial markets that has caused losses for investors and may occur again in the future, particularly if markets enter a period of uncertainty or economic weakness. Periods of unusually high volatility in the financial markets and restrictive credit conditions, sometimes limited to a particular sector or geographic region, continue to recur. Even when securities markets perform well, there is no assurance that the investments held by a fund will increase in value along with the broader market.
The increasing interconnectedness of markets around the world may result in many markets being affected by events in a single country or events affecting a single or small number of issuers. Events such as natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, governments’ reactions to and public perceptions concerning these developments, and adverse investor sentiment could cause uncertainty in the markets and may adversely affect the performance of the global economy. Terrorism and related geopolitical risks, including tensions or open conflict between nations, or political or economic dysfunction within some nations that are major players on the world stage or major producers of oil have led, and may in the future lead, to increased short-term market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on world economies and markets generally. Likewise, systemic market dislocations of the kind that occurred during the financial crisis in 2008, if repeated, could be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely affecting individual companies and industries, securities markets, interest rates, credit ratings, inflation, investor sentiment and other factors affecting the value of a fund’s investments.
Political and diplomatic events within the United States and abroad, such as changes in the U.S. presidential administration and Congress and domestic political unrest, the U.S. Government’s inability at times to agree on a long-term budget and deficit reduction plan, the threat of a federal government shutdown and threats not to increase the federal government’s debt limit, may affect investor and consumer confidence and may adversely impact financial markets and the broader economy, perhaps suddenly and to a significant degree. The severity or duration of adverse economic conditions may also be affected by policy changes made by government or quasi-governmental organizations.
In addition, markets and market participants are increasingly reliant upon both publicly available and proprietary information data systems. Data imprecision, software or other technology malfunctions, programming inaccuracies, unauthorized use or access, the execution of ransomeware and other cyberattacks, and similar circumstances may impair the performance of these systems and may have an adverse impact upon a single issuer, a group of issuers, or the market at large. In certain cases, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on either specific securities or even the entire market, which may result in a fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or accurately price its investments. These fluctuations in stock prices could be a sustained trend or a drastic movement. The financial markets generally move in cycles, with periods of rising prices followed by periods of declining prices. The value of your investment may reflect these fluctuations.
Recent Market Events | Both U.S. and international markets have experienced significant volatility in recent months and years. As a result of such volatility, investment returns may fluctuate significantly. Moreover, the risks discussed herein associated with an investment in a fund may be increased. Although interest rates were unusually low in recent years in the U.S. and abroad, in 2022, the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks began to raise interest rates as part of their efforts to address rising inflation. In addition, ongoing inflation pressures from tight labor markets and supply chain disruptions could continue to cause an increase in interest rates and/or negatively impact companies. It is difficult to accurately predict the pace at which increase interest rates may increase, or the timing, frequency or magnitude of any such increases in interest rates. Additionally, various economic and political factors, such as rising inflation rates, could cause the Federal Reserve or other foreign banks to change their approach in the future as such actions may result in an economic slowdown in both the U.S. and abroad. Unexpected increases in interest rates could lead to market volatility, reduce liquidity in certain sectors or markets or decrease confidence in the markets. Deteriorating economic fundamentals and these unexpected increases in interest rates may, in turn, increase the risk of default or insolvency of particular
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issuers, negatively impact market value, increase market volatility, cause credit spreads to widen, and reduce liquidity. Also, regulators have expressed concern that rate increases may cause investors to sell fixed income securities faster than the market can absorb them, contributing to price volatility. Over the longer term, rising interest rates may present a greater risk than has historically been the case due to the prior period of relatively low rates and the effect of government fiscal and monetary policy initiatives and potential market reaction to those initiatives, or their alteration or cessation. However, because there is little precedent for this situation, it is difficult to predict the impact on various markets of significant rate increases or other significant policy changes.
In March 2023, the shutdown of certain financial institutions in the U.S. and questions regarding the viability of other financial institutions raised economic concerns over disruption in the U.S. and global banking systems. There can be no certainty that the actions taken by the U.S. or foreign governments to strengthen public confidence in the U.S. banking system will be effective in mitigating the effects of financial institution failures on the economy and restoring public confidence in the U.S. and global banking systems.
Some countries, including the U.S., have in recent years adopted more protectionist trade policies. Slowing global economic growth; risks associated with the aftermath of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union and the trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union; the risks associated with ongoing trade negotiations with China; the possibility of changes to some international trade agreements; tensions, war, or open conflict between nations, such as between Russia and Ukraine or in eastern Asia; political or economic dysfunction within some nations, including major producers of oil; and dramatic changes in commodity and currency prices could affect the economies of many nations, including the United States, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time.
Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022, the responses and sanctions by the United States and other countries, and the potential for wider conflict have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on regional and global economies and could further increase volatility and uncertainty in the financial markets and the prices of various commodities. The United States and other countries have imposed, and continue to impose, broad-ranging economic sanctions on Russia and certain Russian individuals, banking entities and corporations as a response to its invasion of Ukraine. The United States and other countries have also imposed economic sanctions on Belarus and may impose sanctions on other countries that provide military or economic support to Russia. These sanctions, as well as any other economic consequences related to the invasion, such as additional sanctions, boycotts or changes in consumer or purchaser preferences, or cyberattacks on governments, companies or individuals, have substantially decreased the value and liquidity of most Russian securities and could impact securities of issuers in other countries that are subject to economic sanctions related to the invasion. To the extent that a fund has exposure to Russian investments or investments in other countries affected by the invasion, a fund’s ability to price, buy, sell, receive or deliver such investments may be impaired. In addition, any exposure that a fund may have to counterparties in Russia or in countries affected by the invasion could negatively impact a fund’s investments. The extent and duration of military actions and the repercussions of such actions (including any retaliatory actions or countermeasures that may be taken by those subject to sanctions) are impossible to predict. These events have resulted, and could continue to result, in significant market disruptions, including in certain industries or sectors such as the oil and natural gas markets, and may further strain global supply chains and negatively affect inflation and global growth. These and any related events could significantly impact a fund’s performance and the value of an investment in a fund beyond any direct exposure a fund may have to Russian issuers or issuers in other countries affected by the invasion.
Certain illnesses spread rapidly and have the potential to significantly and adversely affect the global economy. Outbreaks such as the novel coronavirus, COVID‑19, or other similarly infectious diseases may have material adverse impacts on a fund. Epidemics and/or pandemics, such as the coronavirus, have and may further result in, among other things, closing borders, extended quarantines and stay‑at‑home orders, order cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, widespread business closures and layoffs, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this virus, and other epidemics and/or pandemics that may arise in the future, has negatively affected and may continue to affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the global securities and commodities markets, including their liquidity, in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time. The impact of any outbreak may last for an extended period of time.
High public debt in the U.S. and other countries creates ongoing systemic and market risks and policymaking uncertainty. There is no assurance that the U.S. Congress will act to raise the nation’s debt ceiling; a failure to do so could cause market turmoil and substantial investment risks that cannot now be fully predicted. Unexpected political, regulatory and diplomatic events within the U.S. and abroad may affect investor and consumer confidence and may adversely impact financial markets and the broader economy. China’s economy, which has been sustained in recent years largely through a debt-financed housing boom, may be approaching the limits of that strategy and may experience a significant slowdown as a result of debt that cannot be repaid. Due to the size of China’s economy, such a slowdown could impact a number of other countries.
Economists and others have expressed increasing concern about the potential effects of global climate change on property and security values. Impacts from climate change may include significant risks to global financial assets and economic growth. A rise in sea levels, an increase in powerful windstorms and/or a climate-driven increase in sea levels or flooding could cause coastal properties to lose value or become unmarketable altogether. Certain issuers, industries and regions may be adversely affected by the impacts of climate change, including on the demand for and the development of goods and services and related production costs, and the impacts of legislation, regulation and international accords related to climate change, as well as any indirect consequences of regulation or business trends driven by climate change. Regulatory changes and divestment movements tied to concerns about climate change could adversely affect the value of certain land and the viability of industries whose activities or products are seen as accelerating climate change. These losses could adversely affect, among others, corporate    |    45

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issuers and mortgage lenders, the value of mortgage-backed securities, the bonds of municipalities that depend on tax or other revenues and tourist dollars generated by affected properties, and insurers of the property and/or of corporate, municipal or mortgage-backed securities.
Master Limited Partnerships | Investing in MLPs involves certain risks related to investing in the underlying assets of the MLPs and risks associated with pooled investment vehicles. Investments held by MLPs may be relatively illiquid, limiting the MLPs ‘ ability to change their portfolios promptly in response to changes in economic or other conditions. MLPs may have limited financial resources, their securities may trade infrequently and in limited volume, they may be difficult to value, and they may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements than securities of larger or more broadly based companies. Holders of units in MLPs have more limited rights to vote on matters affecting the partnership and may be required to sell their common units at an undesirable time or price. A fund invests as a limited partner, and normally would not be liable for the debts of an MLP beyond the amounts a fund has contributed but it would not be shielded to the same extent that a shareholder of a corporation would be. In certain instances, creditors of an MLP would have the right to seek a return of capital that had been distributed to a limited partner. The right of an MLP’s creditors would continue even after a fund had sold its investment in the partnership. MLPs typically invest in real estate, oil and gas equipment leasing assets, but they also finance entertainment, research and development, and other projects. A fund’s investments in MLPs will be limited to no more than 25% of its assets in order for a fund to meet the requirements necessary to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Distributions from an MLP may consist in part of a return of the amount originally invested, which would not be taxable to the extent the distributions do not exceed the investor’s adjusted basis on its MLP interest. These reductions in a fund’s adjusted tax basis in the MLP securities will increase the amount of gain (or decrease the amount of loss) recognized by a fund on a subsequent sale of the securities. MLPs holding credit-related investments are subject to interest rate risk and the risk of default on payment obligations by debt issuers. MLPs that concentrate in a particular industry or a particular geographic region are subject to risks associated with such industry or region.
Mid‑cap companies | Investments in mid‑cap companies generally involve greater risks than investing in large-capitalization companies. Mid‑cap companies may have narrower commercial markets and limited managerial and financial resources compared to larger, more established companies. The performance of mid‑cap companies can be more volatile, and their stocks less liquid, compared to larger more established companies, which could increase the volatility of a fund’s portfolio and performance. Shareholders of a fund that invests in mid‑cap companies should expect that the value of the fund’s shares will be more volatile than a fund that invests exclusively in large‑cap companies. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks.
Mortgage- and asset-backed securities | Mortgage- and asset-backed security risk arises in part from the potential for mortgage failure, particularly during periods of market downturn, premature repayment of principal, or a delay in the repayment of principal, and can increase in an unstable or depressed housing market. Although the value of a mortgage-backed security may decline when interest rates rise, the converse is not necessarily true, since in periods of declining interest rates the mortgages underlying the security are more likely to be prepaid. The reduced value of the fund’s securities and the potential loss of principal as a result of a mortgagor’s failure to repay would have a negative impact on the fund. If a borrower repays the principal early, a fund may have to reinvest the proceeds at a lower rate, thereby reducing a fund’s income. When interest rates rise, the effective duration of a fund’s mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities may lengthen due to a drop in prepayments of the underlying mortgages. This delay in the repayment of principal could increase the potential for loss when prevailing interest rates rise, which could cause the values of the securities to fall sharply.
Municipal Securities | A municipal security’s value, interest payments or repayment of principal could be affected by economic, legislative or political changes. In addition, a fund’s investments in municipal securities are subject to the risks associated with a lack of liquidity in the municipal bond market. Municipal securities are also subject to potential volatility in the municipal market and the fund’s share price, yield and total return may fluctuate in response to municipal bond market movements. Municipal securities with principal and interest payments that are made from the revenues of a specific project or facility, as opposed to general tax revenues, may have increased risks. Changes in a municipality’s financial health may affect its ability to make interest and principal payments when due. Any failure of municipal securities invested in by a fund to meet certain applicable legal requirements, or any proposed or actual changes in federal or state tax law, could cause fund distributions attributable to interest on such securities to be taxable.
Other investment companies, including ETFs and money market funds | Investments in the securities of other investment companies, including money market funds and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) (which may, in turn invest in equities, bonds, and other financial vehicles), may involve duplication of advisory fees and certain other expenses. By investing in another investment company, a fund becomes a shareholder of that investment company. As a result, fund shareholders indirectly bear the fund’s proportionate share of the fees and expenses paid by the other investment company, in addition to the fees and expenses fund shareholders indirectly bear in connection with the fund’s own operations. Investments in other investment companies will subject a fund to the risks of the types of investments in which the investment companies invest.
As a shareholder, a fund must rely on the other investment company to achieve its investment objective. If the other investment company fails to achieve its investment objective, the value of the fund’s investment will typically decline, adversely affecting the fund’s performance. In addition, because ETFs are listed on national stock exchanges and are traded like stocks listed on an exchange, ETF shares may potentially trade at a discount or a premium. Investments in ETFs are also subject to brokerage and other trading costs, which could result in greater expenses to a fund. Finally, because the value of ETF shares depends on the demand in the market, the portfolio manager may not be able to liquidate a fund’s holdings of ETF shares at the most optimal time, adversely affecting the fund’s performance. An ETF that tracks an index may not precisely replicate the returns of its benchmark index. A passively managed ETF may not be permitted to sell poorly performing stocks that are included in its index.
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Restricted Securities | Securities not registered in the U.S. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or in non‑U.S. markets pursuant to similar regulations, including “Section 4(a)(2)” securities and “Rule 144A” securities, are restricted as to their resale. Such securities may not be listed on an exchange and may have no active trading market. The prices of these securities may be more difficult to determine than publicly traded securities and these securities may involve heightened risk as compared to investments in securities of publicly traded companies. They may be more difficult to purchase or sell at an advantageous time or price because such securities may not be readily marketable in broad public markets, or may have to be held for a certain time period before they can be resold. The fund may not be able to sell a restricted security when the sub‑adviser considers it desirable to do so and/or may have to sell the security at a lower price than the fund believes is its fair market value. A restricted security that was liquid at the time of purchase may subsequently become illiquid. In addition, transaction costs may be higher for restricted securities and the fund may receive only limited information regarding the issuer of a restricted security. The fund may have to bear the expense of registering restricted securities for resale and the risk of substantial delays in effecting the registration. If, during such a delay, adverse market conditions were to develop, the fund might obtain a less favorable price than prevailed at the time it decided to seek registration of the security.
Sector | A fund may hold a significant amount of investments in companies that are in similar businesses, which may be similarly affected by particular economic or market events that may, in certain circumstances, cause the value of securities of all companies in a particular sector of the market to change. To the extent a fund has substantial holdings within a particular sector, the risks associated with that sector increase. In addition, when a fund focuses its investments in certain sectors of the economy, its performance could fluctuate more widely than if a fund invested more evenly across sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, than the broader market. As a fund’s portfolio changes over time, a fund’s exposure to a particular sector may become higher or lower.
Financials sector | Financial services companies are subject to extensive governmental regulation, which may limit both the amounts and types of loans and other financial commitments they can make, the interest rates and fees they can charge, the scope of their activities, the prices they can charge and the amount of capital they must maintain. Profitability is largely dependent on the availability and cost of capital funds and can fluctuate significantly when interest rates change or due to increased competition. In addition, deterioration of the credit markets generally may cause an adverse impact in a broad range of markets, including U.S. and international credit and interbank money markets generally, thereby affecting a wide range of financial institutions and markets. Certain events in the financial sector may cause an unusually high degree of volatility in the financial markets, both domestic and foreign, and cause certain financial services companies to incur large losses. Securities of financial services companies may experience a dramatic decline in value when such companies experience substantial declines in the valuations of their assets, take action to raise capital (such as the issuance of debt or equity securities), or cease operations. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers and financial losses associated with investment activities can negatively impact the sector. Insurance companies may be subject to severe price competition. Adverse economic, business or political developments could adversely affect financial institutions engaged in mortgage finance or other lending or investing activities directly or indirectly connected to the value of real estate.
Health care sector | The health care sector may be affected by government regulations and government health care programs, restrictions on government reimbursement for medical expenses, increases or decreases in the cost of medical products and services and product liability claims, among other factors. Many health care companies are (1) heavily dependent on patent protection and intellectual property rights and the expiration of a patent may adversely affect their profitability, (2) subject to extensive litigation based on product liability and similar claims, and (3) subject to competitive forces that may make it difficult to raise prices and, may result in price discounting. Health care companies may also be thinly capitalized and susceptible to product obsolescence. Many health care products and services may be subject to regulatory approvals. The process of obtaining such approvals may be long and costly, and delays in or failure to receive such approvals may negatively impact the business of such companies. Additional or more stringent laws and regulations enacted in the future could have a material adverse effect on such companies in the health care sector. Issuers in the health care sector include issuers having their principal activities in the biotechnology industry or in medical laboratories and research, which pose additional risks. A biotechnology company’s valuation can often be based largely on the potential or actual performance of a limited number of products and, accordingly, can be significantly affected if one of its products proves unsafe, ineffective or unprofitable. Many biotechnology companies invest heavily in research and development, and their products or services may not prove commercially successful or may become obsolete quickly due to technological change. Biotechnology companies can also be significantly affected by technological change and obsolescence, product liability lawsuits and consequential high insurance costs. The values of biotechnology companies are also dependent on the development, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights and other proprietary information. Any impairment of such rights may have adverse financial consequences. Biotechnology companies are subject to regulation by, and the restrictions of, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, state and local governments, and foreign regulatory authorities. A biotechnology company may be unable to raise prices on its products or services to cover its development and regulatory costs because of managed care pressure or price controls. Biotechnology stocks, especially those issued by smaller, less-seasoned companies, can be more volatile than the overall market.
Information technology sector | The information technology sector includes companies engaged in internet software and services, technology hardware and storage peripherals, electronic equipment, instruments and components, and semiconductors and semiconductor equipment. Information technology companies face intense competition, both domestically and internationally, which may have an adverse effect on profit    |    47

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margins. Information technology companies may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel. These companies may be smaller or newer and may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel. The market prices of information technology related securities tend to exhibit a greater degree of interest rate risk and market risk and may experience sharper price fluctuations than other types of securities. These securities may fall in and out of favor with investors rapidly, which may cause sudden selling and dramatically lower market prices. The products of information technology companies may face rapid product obsolescence due to technological developments and frequent new product introduction, unpredictable changes in growth rates and competition for the services of qualified personnel. Failure to introduce new products, develop and maintain a loyal customer base or achieve general market acceptance for their products could have a material adverse effect on a company’s business. Companies in the information technology sector are heavily dependent on intellectual property and the loss of patent, copyright and trademark protections may adversely affect the profitability of these companies.
Small‑cap companies | Investments in small‑cap companies generally involve greater risks than investing in large-capitalization companies. Companies with smaller market capitalizations generally have lower volume of shares traded daily, less liquid stock and more volatile stock prices. Companies with smaller market capitalizations also tend to have a limited product or service base and limited access to capital. Newer companies with unproven business strategies also tend to be smaller companies. The above factors increase risks and make these companies more likely to fail than companies with larger market capitalizations, and could increase the volatility of a fund’s portfolio and performance. Shareholders of a fund that invests in small‑cap companies should expect that the value of the fund’s shares will be more volatile than a fund that invests exclusively in mid‑cap or large‑cap companies. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks.
U.S. Government securities and Government sponsored enterprises | A security backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States is guaranteed by the applicable entity only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. The market prices for such securities are not guaranteed and will fluctuate. Investments in securities issued by Government sponsored enterprises are debt obligations issued by agencies and instrumentalities of the U.S. Government. These obligations vary in the level of support they receive from the U.S. Government. They may be: (1) supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury, such as those of the Government National Mortgage Association; (2) supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Treasury, such as those of the Federal Home Loan Bank and the Federal Farm Credit Banks; (3) supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency obligations, such as those of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; or (4) supported only by the credit of the issuer, such as those of the Federal Farm Credit Bureau. The U.S. Government may choose not to provide financial support to U.S. Government sponsored agencies or instrumentalities if it is not legally obligated to do so. In such circumstances, if the issuer defaulted, a fund may not be able to recover its investment from the U.S. Government. Like all bonds, U.S. Government securities and Government-sponsored enterprise bonds are also subject to interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk. The rising U.S. national debt may lead to adverse impacts on the value of U.S. Government securities due to potentially higher costs for the U.S. Government to obtain new financing.
U.S. Treasury obligations | Securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury are backed by the “full faith and credit” of the United States; however, the U.S. Government guarantees the securities only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity, and the market prices of such securities may fluctuate. The value of U.S. Treasury obligations may vary due to changes in interest rates. In addition, changes to the financial condition or credit rating of the U.S. Government may cause the value of a fund’s investments in obligations issued by the U.S. Treasury to decline. Certain political events in the U.S., such as a prolonged government shutdown or potential default on the national debt, may also cause investors to lose confidence in the U.S. Government and may cause the value of U.S. Treasury obligations to decline. Because U.S. Treasury securities trade actively outside the United States, their prices may also rise and fall as changes in global economic conditions affect the demand for these securities. The total public debt of the U.S. as a percent of GDP has grown rapidly since the beginning of the recent financial and market volatility as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Although high debt levels do not necessarily indicate or cause economic problems, they have the potential to create systemic risks if sound debt management practices are not implemented.
Value stocks | Investments in value stocks are subject to the risk that their true worth may not be fully realized by the market or that their prices may decline. This may result in the value stocks’ prices remaining undervalued for extended periods of time. A fund’s performance also may be affected adversely if value stocks remain unpopular with or lose favor among investors. If a value investment style shifts out of favor based on market conditions and investor sentiment, a fund could underperform funds that use a non‑value approach to investing or have a broader investment style.
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Management of Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Investment Adviser
Carillon Series Trust (the “Trust” or the “Carillon Family of Funds”) is a Delaware statutory trust, and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end diversified management investment company. The Trust offers shares in separate series (each a “fund” and collectively the “funds”), each of which is advised by Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc. (“Carillon” or “Manager”). On September 30, 2022, Carillon began also doing business as Raymond James Investment Management. This did not involve any change in Carillon’s structure, ownership, or control.
Carillon, located at 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716, serves as investment adviser and administrator for the funds. Carillon manages, supervises and conducts the business and administrative affairs of the funds. Carillon is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raymond James Financial, Inc. (“RJF”) which, together with its subsidiaries, provides a wide range of financial services to retail and institutional clients. As of December 31, 2022, Carillon and its investment management affiliates collectively had approximately $75.36 billion in assets under management.
The basis for the Board’s approval of each Investment Advisory contract with Carillon is contained in the annual report for the 12 month period ended December 31, 2022. The table below contains the effective investment advisory fee rate for each fund for the period from the fund’s commencement of operations, July 1, 2022, through the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, as a percentage of each fund’s average daily net assets, which takes into account breakpoints, as applicable. For funds that have breakpoints in their fee rate, the advisory fee rate may decline as assets increase.
Fund    Average daily net assets    Rate charged
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund    $0 to $1.75 billion    0.40%
   $1.75 billion to $3.5 billion    0.38%
   Over $3.5 billion    0.36%
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund    All Assets    0.65%
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund    All Assets    0.20%
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund    All Assets    0.30%
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund    All Assets    0.75%
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund    All Assets    0.80%
Each fund has entered into an Administration Agreement with Carillon under which each fund pays Carillon for various administrative services at a rate of 0.10% of the average daily net assets.
Carillon is registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Carillon is exempt from registration as a commodity trading adviser under CFTC Regulation 4.14(a)(8) with respect to accounts other than the funds.
As a fund’s asset levels change, its fees and expenses may differ from those reflected in the fund’s fee tables. For example, as asset levels decline, expense ratios may increase. Carillon has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee and/or reimburse certain expenses of a fund to the extent that annual operating expenses of each class exceed a percentage of that class’ average daily net assets through July 1, 2024, as follows:
Contractual Expense Limitations
     Class Chartwell
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund    0.64%
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund    0.90%
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund    0.39%
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund    0.49%
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund    1.05%
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund    1.05%    |    49

Management of Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
For each fund, the expense limitation excludes interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, costs relating to investments in other investment companies (acquired fund fees and expenses), dividend and interest expenses on short sales, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, and extraordinary expenses.
The contractual fee waiver can be changed only with the approval of a majority of the Board. Any reimbursement of fund expenses or reduction in Carillon’s investment advisory fees is subject to reimbursement by the fund within the following two fiscal years, if overall expenses fall below the lesser of its then-current expense cap or the expense cap in effect at the time of the fund reimbursement. The amount of the subadvisory fee paid by Carillon to the sub-adviser is reduced by the amount of the fees waived and/or expenses reimbursed by Carillon and Carillon provides to the sub‑adviser any recoupment that Carillon receives from the funds.
Carillon has selected the following sub‑adviser to provide investment advice and portfolio management services to the funds’ portfolios:
Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”), 1205 Westlakes Drive, Suite 100, Berwyn, PA 19312 serves as the sub‑adviser to the Carillon Chartwell Income Fund, Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund, Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund, Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund and Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund. As of December 31, 2022, Chartwell had approximately $10.5 billion of assets under management.
The Subadvisory Agreement between Carillon and Chartwell provides for Carillon to pay Chartwell a subadvisory fee pursuant to the fee rate schedule set forth in the table above. The basis for the Board’s approval of each Subadvisory Agreement is contained in the annual report for the 12 month period ended December 31, 2022.
The funds currently operate in a multi-manager structure pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The order permits Carillon, subject to certain conditions, to enter into new or modified sub‑advisory agreements with existing or new sub‑advisers without the approval of fund shareholders, but subject to approval by the Board. Carillon has the ultimate responsibility for overseeing the funds’ sub‑advisers and recommending their hiring, termination and replacement, subject to oversight by the Board. The order also grants Carillon and the funds relief with respect to the disclosure of the advisory fees paid to individual sub‑advisers in various documents filed with the SEC and provided to shareholders. Pursuant to this relief, the funds may disclose the aggregate fees payable to Carillon and wholly-owned sub‑advisers and the aggregate fees payable to unaffiliated sub‑advisers and sub‑advisers affiliated with Carillon or RJF, other than wholly-owned sub‑advisers.
If a fund relies on the order to hire a new sub‑adviser, the fund will provide shareholders with certain information regarding the sub‑adviser within 90 days of hiring the new sub‑adviser, as required by the In the future, Carillon may propose the addition of one or more additional sub‑advisers, subject to approval by the Board and, if required by the 1940 Act, or any applicable exemptive relief, fund shareholders. The Prospectus will be supplemented if additional investment sub‑advisers are retained or the contract with any existing sub‑adviser is terminated.
Portfolio Managers
The following portfolio managers are responsible for the day‑to‑day management of the investment portfolio:
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund – David C. Dalrymple, CFA®, T. Ryan Harkins, CFA®, Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA®, CMT, Jeffrey D. Bilsky, John M. Hopkins, CFA® and Christine F. Williams, are jointly and primarily responsible for the day‑to‑day management of the Carillon Chartwell Income Fund.
David C. Dalrymple, CFA®, has 37 years of investment experience. Mr. Dalrymple has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. He has served as Chartwell’s Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager since 1997. During the past twenty years, Mr. Dalrymple has been the lead portfolio manager of the firm’s Small Cap Value strategy serving institutional, high net worth, and mutual fund subadvisory clients. Mr. Dalrymple is part of a dedicated investment team of four investment professionals. From 1991 to 1997, Mr. Dalrymple served as Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investment Advisers, managing a small cap value mutual fund, the Value Fund, and assisting in managing mutual funds and institutional assets in small and mid‑cap styles. Prior to joining Delaware Investment Advisers, Mr. Dalrymple was an assistant portfolio manager at Lord Abbett & Co. managing mid‑cap value and small‑cap growth products. Mr. Dalrymple holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Clarkson University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
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Management of Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
T. Ryan Harkins, CFA®, has 25 years of investment experience. Mr. Harkins is a Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 2007. Prior to joining Chartwell, Mr. Harkins was a Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst at Credit Suisse Asset Management where he co‑managed the firm’s small cap value strategy. From 1997 to 2000, he was an Investment Banker at Morgan Keegan & Company where he specialized in private placements for small public and private companies. Mr. Harkins holds a Bachelor’s degree from Duke University, an MBA from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, has 29 years of investment experience. Mr. Toburen is a Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 1999. He is responsible for overseeing all of the high yield fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Toburen was part of a team managing over $3 billion in high yield corporate bond assets at Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, Inc. Mr. Toburen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Mr. Toburen is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA®, CMT, has 18 years of investment experience. Mr. Coughlin is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2008. Prior to joining Chartwell, Tom was employed at Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC. He held multiple analyst positions at Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC. Mr. Coughlin holds a Bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College and is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Chartered Market Technician.
Jeffrey D. Bilsky, has 18 years of investment experience. Mr. Bilsky is a Co‑Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 2015. Prior to joining Chartwell, Mr. Bilsky was employed at Cruiser Capital, a long-short hedge fund, where he served as a Portfolio Analyst. From 2008 to 2011, he was a Vice President in Institutional Sales and Trading at Hudson Securities. Prior to Hudson Securities, he spent two years at Banc of America Securities as an Analyst in Institutional Sales and Trading. Mr. Bilsky holds a Bachelor’s degree from University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
John M. Hopkins, CFA®, has 32 years of investment experience. Mr. Hopkins is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2007. From May of 2004 to 2007, Mr. Hopkins worked for Collateral Processing Group, LLC where he was a Founder and Managing Principal. From 1999 to 2003 he worked for Sunrock Capital Corporation where he was Chief Financial Officer. From 1997 to 1999, he worked for Chase Securities, Inc. where he was a Senior High Yield Analyst. Mr. Hopkins holds a Bachelor’s degree in both Finance and Economics, and a Minor in Spanish, from Pennsylvania State University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Christine F. Williams, has 35 years of investment experience. Ms. Williams is a Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. She is responsible for overseeing all of the high grade fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1990 to 1997, Ms. Williams was an Assistant Vice President in Fixed Income at Meridian Investment Company where she was part of the fixed income team managing close to $2 billion in assets. In addition to her tax exempt responsibilities, she managed the Pennsylvania Municipal Mutual Fund and the General Market Personal Trust Municipal Fund. She began her career at Merrill Lynch. Ms. Williams holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Delaware and a Master’s Degree in Finance from St. Joseph’s University. Ms. Williams is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund – Andrew S. Toburen, CFA, Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA, CMT, James Fox, John M. Hopkins, CFA, and Christine F. Williams are jointly and primarily responsible for the day‑to‑day management of the Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund.
Andrew S. Toburen, CFA, has 29 years of investment experience. Mr. Toburen is a Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 1999. He is responsible for overseeing all of the high yield fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Toburen was part of a team managing over $3 billion in high yield corporate bond assets at Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, Inc. Mr. Toburen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Mr. Toburen is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Thomas R. Coughlin, CFA, CMT, has 18 years of investment experience. Mr. Coughlin is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2008. Prior to joining Chartwell, Tom was employed at Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC. He held multiple analyst positions at Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC. Mr. Coughlin holds a Bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a Chartered Market Technician.
James Fox, has 16 years of investment experience. Mr. Fox is an Assistant Portfolio Manager/Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2010. From 2007 to 2010, Mr. Fox was a financial consultant for RBC Wealth Management. At Chartwell Mr. Fox focuses on trading the front end and intermediate parts of the credit curve for the Investment Grade Fixed Income portfolios. Mr. Fox holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Finance from Loyola College of Maryland and an MBA in Business Administration and Finance from Saint Joseph’s University.    |    51

Management of Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
John M. Hopkins, CFA, has 32 years of investment experience. Mr. Hopkins is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2007. From May of 2004 to 2007, Mr. Hopkins worked for Collateral Processing Group, LLC where he was a Founder and Managing Principal. From 1999 to 2003 he worked for Sunrock Capital Corporation where he was Chief Financial Officer. From 1997 to 1999, he worked for Chase Securities, Inc. where he was a Senior High Yield Analyst. Mr. Hopkins holds Bachelor’s degrees in both Finance and Economics, and a Minor in Spanish, from Pennsylvania State University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Christine F. Williams, has 35 years of investment experience. Ms. Williams is a Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. She is responsible for overseeing all of the high grade fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1990 to 1997, Ms. Williams was an Assistant Vice President in Fixed Income at Meridian Investment Company where she was part of the fixed income team managing close to $2 billion in assets. In addition to her tax exempt responsibilities, she managed the Pennsylvania Municipal Mutual Fund and the General Market Personal Trust Municipal Fund. She began her career at Merrill Lynch. Ms. Williams holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Delaware and a Master’s Degree in Finance from St. Joseph’s University. Ms. Williams is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, John M. Hopkins, CFA®, and Christine F. Williams are jointly and primarily responsible for the day‑to‑day management of the Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund.
Andrew S. Toburen, CFA®, has 29 years of investment experience. Mr. Toburen is a Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 1999. He is responsible for overseeing all of the high yield fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Toburen was part of a team managing over $3 billion in high yield corporate bond assets at Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, Inc. Mr. Toburen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Mr. Toburen is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
John M. Hopkins, CFA®, has 32 years of investment experience. Mr. Hopkins is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst and has been with Chartwell since 2007. From May of 2004 to 2007, Mr. Hopkins worked for Collateral Processing Group, LLC where he was a Founder and Managing Principal. From 1999 to 2003 he worked for Sunrock Capital Corporation where he was Chief Financial Officer. From 1997 to 1999, he worked for Chase Securities, Inc. where he was a Senior High Yield Analyst. Mr. Hopkins holds a Bachelor’s degree in both Finance and Economics, and a Minor in Spanish, from Pennsylvania State University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Christine F. Williams, has 35 years of investment experience. Ms. Williams is a Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. She is responsible for overseeing all of the high grade fixed income assets at Chartwell. From 1990 to 1997, Ms. Williams was an Assistant Vice President in Fixed Income at Meridian Investment Company where she was part of the fixed income team managing close to $2 billion in assets. In addition to her tax exempt responsibilities, she managed the Pennsylvania Municipal Mutual Fund and the General Market Personal Trust Municipal Fund. She began her career at Merrill Lynch. Ms. Williams holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Delaware and a Master’s Degree in Finance from St. Joseph’s University. Ms. Williams is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund and Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – David C. Dalrymple, CFA®, and T. Ryan Harkins, CFA®, are jointly and primarily responsible for the day‑to‑day management of the Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund and Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund.
David C. Dalrymple, CFA®, has 37 years of investment experience. Mr. Dalrymple has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. He has served as Chartwell’s Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager since 1997. During the past twenty years, Mr. Dalrymple has been the lead portfolio manager of the firm’s Small Cap Value strategy serving institutional, high net worth, and mutual fund subadvisory clients. Mr. Dalrymple is part of a dedicated investment team of four investment professionals. From 1991 to 1997, Mr. Dalrymple served as Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investment Advisers, managing a small cap value mutual fund, the Value Fund, and assisting in managing mutual funds and institutional assets in small and mid‑cap styles. Prior to joining Delaware Investment Advisers, Mr. Dalrymple was an assistant portfolio manager at Lord Abbett & Co. managing mid‑cap value and small‑cap growth products. Mr. Dalrymple holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Clarkson University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
T. Ryan Harkins, CFA®, has 25 years of investment experience. Mr. Harkins is a Senior Portfolio Manager and has been with Chartwell since 2007. Prior to joining Chartwell, Mr. Harkins was a Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst at Credit Suisse Asset Management where he co‑managed the firm’s small cap value strategy. From 1997 to 2000, he was an Investment Banker at Morgan Keegan & Company where he specialized in private placements for small public and private companies. Mr. Harkins holds a Bachelor’s degree from Duke University, an MBA from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
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Management of Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Frank L. Sustersic, CFA® and Theresa H. Tran, CFA® are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund.
Frank L. Sustersic, CFA®, has 34 years of investment experience. Mr. Sustersic earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from The University of Pennsylvania and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst designation. From 2014 to February 2016, Mr. Sustersic worked as a Portfolio Manager at Lazard Asset Management. Prior to that, he worked as a Portfolio Manager at Turner Investments from 1994 to March 2014. In addition, Mr. Sustersic worked as a Portfolio Manager at First Fidelity Bank Corporation from 1989 to April 1994. Mr. Sustersic is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Theresa H. Tran, CFA®, has 19 years of investment experience. Ms. Tran earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Temple University, Fox School of Business and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst designation. From 2020 to June 2022, Ms. Tran worked as an Equity Research Analyst at Voya Investment Management. Prior to that, she worked as an Investment Analyst from 2017 to March 2020 at Chartwell. In addition, Ms. Tran was previously employed at Merck & Co., Inc. from 2016 – August 2017 where she served as Associate Director of Strategy and Planning; American Century Investments from 2015 – May 2016 where she served as an Investment Analyst; Turner Investments from 2007 – May 2014 where she served as an Analyst; and Towers Watson from 2004 to June 2007 where she served as a Health and Welfare Associate. Ms. Tran is a member of the CFA® Institute and the CFA® Society of Philadelphia.
Additional information about portfolio manager compensation, other accounts managed by the portfolio managers, and portfolio manager ownership of fund shares is found in the SAI.    |    53

Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Carillon Fund Distributors, Inc. (“Distributor”), a subsidiary of Eagle Asset Management, Inc., serves as the distributor of the funds. The Distributor may compensate other broker-dealers to promote sales of fund shares. The Distributor’s role is that of an underwriter and it serves only as an agent for accepting shareholder instructions and does not maintain brokerage accounts for any shareholders.
Rule 12b‑1 Distribution Plan
Each fund has adopted a Distribution and Servicing Plan for the Class Chartwell shares pursuant to Rule 12b‑1 under the 1940 Act. The distribution plan allows a fund to pay distribution and service fees for the sale of shares and for services provided to shareholders. Because these fees are paid out of a fund’s assets on an ongoing basis, over time these fees will increase the cost of your investment and may cost you more than paying other types of sales charges. The funds currently do not incur any direct distribution expenses related to Class Chartwell shares. However, Carillon or any third party may make payments for the sale and distribution of Class Chartwell shares from its own resources.
Payments to Financial Intermediaries
Carillon, the Distributor or one or more of their corporate affiliates (“Affiliate” or “Affiliates”) make cash payments or waive or reimburse costs to financial intermediaries in connection with the promotion and sale of shares of the funds. Carillon or the Distributor also make cash payments or waive or reimburse costs to one or more of its Affiliates. Cash payments, waivers or reimbursements include cash revenue sharing payments and other payments for certain administrative services, transaction processing services and certain other marketing support services. Carillon or its Affiliates make these payments from their own resources, not out of fund assets (i.e., without additional cost to the funds or their shareholders), and the Distributor generally makes such payments from the retention of underwriting concessions or 12b‑1 fees. The Board, Carillon or its Affiliates may terminate or suspend payments or waivers or reimbursements of costs at any time. In this context, the term “financial intermediaries” includes any broker, dealer, bank (including bank trust departments), trust company, registered investment adviser, financial planner, retirement plan administrator and any other financial intermediary having a selling, administration, trust processing or similar agreement with Carillon, the Distributor and/or an Affiliate.
Carillon or its Affiliates make revenue sharing payments as incentives to certain financial intermediaries to promote and sell shares of the funds. Revenue sharing arrangements are not financed by the funds, and thus, do not result in increased fund expenses. Carillon and its Affiliates make these payments out of their own resources, including from the profits derived from management or other fees received from the funds. The benefits that Carillon and its Affiliates receive when these payments are made include, among other things, placing the funds on the financial adviser’s fund sales system, possibly placing the funds on the financial intermediary’s preferred or recommended fund list, and access (in some cases on a preferential basis over other competitors) to individual members of the financial intermediary’s sales force or to the financial intermediary’s management. Revenue sharing payments are sometimes referred to as “shelf space” payments because the payments compensate the financial intermediary for including the funds in its fund sales system (on its “sales shelf”). Carillon and its Affiliates compensate financial intermediaries differently depending on the level and/or type of considerations provided by the financial intermediary. The revenue sharing payments Carillon or its Affiliates make may be calculated on the average daily net assets of the applicable funds attributable to that particular financial intermediary (“Asset-Based Payments”). Asset-Based Payments primarily create incentives to retain previously sold shares of the funds in investor accounts. The revenue sharing payments Carillon or its Affiliates make may be also calculated on sales of new shares in the funds attributable to a particular financial intermediary (“Sales-Based Payments”). Sales-Based Payments may create incentives for the financial intermediary to, among other things, sell more shares of a particular fund or to switch investments between funds frequently.
Carillon or its Affiliates also make other payments to certain financial intermediaries for processing certain transactions or account maintenance activities (such as processing purchases, redemptions or exchanges, cash sweep payments, or producing customer account statements) or for providing certain other marketing support services (such as financial assistance for conferences, seminars or sales or training programs at which Carillon’s or its Affiliates’ personnel may make presentations on the funds to the financial intermediary’s sales force and clients). Financial intermediaries may earn profits on these payments for these services, since the amount of the payment may exceed the cost of providing the service. Certain of these payments are subject to limitations under applicable law. An Affiliate also makes payments to financial intermediaries for these services, to the extent that these services replace services that would otherwise be provided by the funds’ transfer agent or otherwise would be a direct obligation of the funds. The funds, subject to limits authorized by the Board, reimburse the Affiliate for these payments as transfer agent out‑of‑pocket expenses.
Payments from Carillon or its Affiliates to financial intermediaries may also include the payment or reimbursement of all or a portion of “ticket charges.” Ticket charges are fees charged to salespersons purchasing through a financial intermediary firm in connection with mutual fund purchases, redemptions, or exchanges. The payment or reimbursement of ticket charges creates an incentive for salespersons of an intermediary to sell shares of the funds over shares of funds for which there is lesser or no payment or reimbursement of any applicable ticket charge. Payments made with respect to certain classes of shares may create an incentive for an intermediary to promote or favor certain share classes of the funds.
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Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Carillon and its Affiliates are motivated to make the payments described above since they promote the sale of fund shares and the retention of those investments by clients of financial intermediaries. To the extent financial intermediaries sell more shares of the funds or retain shares of the funds in their clients’ accounts, Carillon and its Affiliates benefit from the incremental management and other fees paid to Carillon and its Affiliates by the funds with respect to those assets. The funds may reimburse Carillon for making payments to financial intermediaries for certain sub‑transfer agency and shareholder services, subject to limits established by the Board of Trustees.
In certain cases, these payments could be significant to the financial intermediary. Your financial intermediary may charge you additional fees and/or commissions other than those disclosed in this Prospectus. You can ask your financial intermediary about any payments it receives from Carillon or its Affiliates or the funds, as well as about fees and/or commissions it charges.    |    55

Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Your Investment
Purchasing Fund Shares
The funds offer one share class. To purchase shares of a fund, you must invest at least the minimum amount for such fund indicated in the following table.
Minimum Investments    To Open
Your Account
   To Add to
Your Account
Direct Regular Accounts    $1,000    No Minimum
Direct Retirement Accounts    $500    No Minimum
Automatic Investment Plan    $50    $50
Class Chartwell shares have no initial sales charge, deferred sales charge or 12b‑1 fees. There are no restrictions on the type of investor that may invest in Class Chartwell shares. If you purchase Class Chartwell shares through a financial intermediary, they may charge additional fees and may require higher minimum investments or impose other restrictions on buying and selling Class Chartwell shares. From time to time, a financial intermediary may modify or waive the initial and subsequent investment minimums. You may make an initial investment in an amount greater than the minimum amounts shown in the preceding table and a fund may, from time to time, reduce or waive the minimum initial investment amounts. The minimum initial investment amount is automatically waived for Class Chartwell shares purchased by Trustees of the Trust and current or retired directors and employees of Chartwell and its affiliates.
To the extent allowed by applicable law, the funds reserve the right to discontinue offering Class Chartwell shares at any time or to cease operating entirely.
Additional subscriptions in Class Chartwell shares generally may be made by investing at least the minimum amount shown in the table above. Exceptions may be made at a fund’s discretion. The minimum additional investment amount is automatically waived for shares purchased by Trustees of the Trust and current or retired directors and employees of Chartwell and its affiliates.
How To Invest
There are several ways to invest, although the availability of these services may be limited by your financial adviser or institution.
For shares managed by a Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper, please contact the Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper to place a purchase request.
Through your financial adviser | You may invest in a fund by contacting your financial adviser. Your financial adviser can help you open a new account, review your financial needs and formulate long-term investment goals and objectives. Your financial adviser or broker will transmit your request to a fund and may charge you a fee for this service. Your broker may also designate other intermediaries to receive orders on a fund’s behalf. Availability of these options may be limited by your financial adviser or institution.
By mail | You may invest in a fund by completing and signing an account application from your financial adviser, through our website,, or by telephone (800.421.4184). Indicate the fund and the amount you wish to invest. Checks must be in U.S. dollars drawn on an account at a U.S. bank and made payable to the specific fund being purchased. The funds will not accept payment in cash or money orders. The funds also do not accept third party checks, Treasury checks, credit card checks, traveler’s checks or starter checks for the purchase of shares. The funds are unable to accept post-dated checks or any conditional order or payment. Mail the application and your payment to:
Regular mail
Carillon Family of Funds
c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
P.O. Box 701
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701
Overnight delivery
Carillon Family of Funds
c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53202-5207
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Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Note: The funds do not consider the U.S. Postal Service or other independent delivery services to be their agents. Therefore, deposit in the mail or with such services, or receipt at U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC’s post office box, of purchase orders or redemption requests does not constitute receipt by the transfer agent of the funds. Receipt of purchase orders or redemption requests is based on when the order is received at the Transfer Agent’s offices.
The transfer agent will charge a $25 fee against a shareholder’s account, in addition to any loss sustained by the funds, for any payment that is returned. It is the policy of the funds not to accept applications under certain circumstances or in amounts considered disadvantageous to shareholders. The funds reserve the right to reject any application.
By telephone | You can make additional purchases by telephone by calling (800.421.4184). You must have banking information established on your account prior to making a purchase. Your bank account must be in the same name as your Carillon account. This method cannot be used to open a new account. Your first telephone purchase can occur no earlier than 7 business days after the account was opened. During periods of high market activity, shareholders may encounter higher than usual call wait times. Please allow sufficient time to place your telephone transaction. Once a telephone transaction has been placed, it cannot be canceled or modified after the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) (generally, 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Through our website | You can make additional purchases through our website, You must have banking information established on your account prior to making a purchase. Your bank account must be in the same name as your Carillon account. This method cannot be used to open a new account. Once an online transaction has been placed, it cannot be canceled or modified. Online trades must be received by or prior to the close of regular trading on the NYSE, which is typically 4:00 p.m. ET.
By periodic investment program | We offer several plans to allow you to make regular, automatic investments into a fund. You determine the amount and frequency of your investments. You can terminate your plan at any time. Any request to change or terminate your periodic investment program should be submitted to the transfer agent at least 5 days prior to the effective date. Availability of these plans may be limited by your financial adviser or institution.
From Your Bank Account — You may instruct us to transfer funds from a specific bank checking or savings account to your account. This service is only available in instances in which the transfer can be effected by automated clearinghouse transfer (“ACH”). Complete the appropriate sections of the account application or the Account Options form to activate this service. If your bank rejects your payment, the funds’ transfer agent will charge a $25 fee to your account. The funds reserve the right to cancel an automatic investment program if payment from your bank is rejected for two consecutive periods or if you make regular withdrawals from your account without maintaining the minimum balance.
Automatic Exchange — You may make automatic regular exchanges between two or more mutual funds managed or offered by Carillon. These exchanges are subject to the exchange requirements discussed below.
The intent of these plans is to encourage you to increase your account balance to a fund’s minimum investment. If you discontinue any of these plans, or make regular withdrawals from your account without maintaining the minimum balance, we may require you to buy more shares to keep your account open or we may close your accounts.
By direct deposit | For Class Chartwell shares, you may instruct your employer, insurance company, the federal government or other organization to direct all or part of the payments you receive to your account. All payments from the federal government, including payroll, pension, Social Security, and income tax refunds are eligible for this service. The following information must be provided to the payor in the enrollment process:
U.S. Bank NA
Milwaukee, WI
ABA# 075000022
Depositor #88- _ _ _ _ ‑0‑ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                Fund Number        Account Number
The account must be designated as a checking account. Please note that these instructions are different than the Federal Reserve wire instructions.
By wire | If you are making your first investment, before you wire funds, the transfer agent must have a completed account application. You may mail or overnight deliver your account application to the transfer agent. Upon receipt of your completed account application, the transfer agent will establish an account for you. The account number assigned will be required as part of the instruction that should be provided to your bank to send the wire. Your bank must include the name and class of the fund you are purchasing, the account number, and your name so that monies can be correctly applied. Your bank should transmit funds by wire to:
U.S. Bank N.A.
777 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
ABA #075000022    |    57

Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC
Account #112‑952‑137
Further Credit:
(name and share class of fund to
be purchased)
(shareholder registration)
(shareholder account number)
Before sending your wire, please contact the transfer agent at 800.421.4184 to advise of your intent to wire funds. This will ensure prompt and accurate credit upon receipt of your wire. Wired funds must be received prior to 4:00 p.m. ET to be eligible for same day pricing. The funds and the transfer agent are not responsible for the consequences of delays resulting from the banking or Federal Reserve wire system, or from incomplete wiring instructions.
How To Sell Your Investment
For shares managed by a Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper, please contact the Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper to place a redemption request.
You can sell (redeem) Class Chartwell shares of your fund for cash at any time, subject to certain restrictions. When you sell shares, payment of the proceeds generally will be made the next business day after your request is received in good order and, in any event, no later than seven days after your request is received in good order regardless of payment type. If you sell shares that were recently purchased by check or ACH deposits, payment will be delayed until we verify that those funds have cleared, which may take up to 12 calendar days. Shareholders can avoid this delay by utilizing the wire purchase option. The funds reserve the right to suspend redemptions or postpone the date of payment for more than seven days (i) when the NYSE is closed (other than for customary weekend and holiday closings); (ii) when trading on the NYSE is restricted; (iii) when the SEC determines that an emergency exists so that disposal of a fund’s investments or determination of its NAV is not reasonably practicable; or (iv) by order of the SEC for protection of a fund’s shareholders. Shares are not subject to a redemption fee.
Shareholders who hold shares through an IRA or other retirement plan must indicate on their written redemption requests whether to withhold federal income tax. Redemption requests failing to indicate an election not to have that tax withheld will generally be subject to 10% withholding thereof. Shares held in an IRA or other retirement plan accounts may be redeemed by telephone at 800.421.4184. Investors will be asked whether or not to withhold taxes from any distribution.
You may contact your financial adviser or the funds’ transfer agent with instructions to sell your investment in the following ways. Availability of these options may be limited by your financial adviser or institution.
Through your financial adviser | You may sell your shares through your financial adviser who can prepare the necessary documentation. Your financial adviser will transmit your request to sell shares of your fund and may charge you a fee for this service. Availability of these options may be limited by your financial adviser or institution.
By telephone | You may sell shares by telephone by calling 800.421.4184 prior to the close of regular trading on the NYSE, which is typically 4:00 p.m. ET. If you do not wish to have telephone redemption privileges, you must complete the appropriate section of the account application.
When redeeming shares by telephone, payment of less than $100,000 can be made in one of the following ways:
Directly to a bank account for which you have previously provided information to us in writing on your account application or subsequent form. Redemption proceeds can be wired or funds may be sent via electronic funds transfer through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. Wires are subject to a $15 fee. There is no charge to have proceeds sent via the ACH system and funds are generally available in your bank account two to three business days after we receive your request; or
By check to your address of record, provided there has not been an address change in the last 30 calendar days.
Once a telephone transaction has been placed, it cannot be canceled or modified after the close of regular trading on the NYSE (generally, 4:00 p.m., Eastern time). During periods of high market activity, shareholders may encounter higher than usual call wait times. Please allow sufficient time to place your telephone transaction. If you are unable to reach the funds by telephone, you may sell shares of the funds by sending a written redemption request to the transfer agent (see the “In writing” section below).
In writing | You may sell shares of a fund by sending a written redemption request to the transfer agent at the address below. Your request should be in good order and should specify the fund name, your account number, the name(s) in which the account is registered and the dollar value or number of shares you wish to sell. Additional documentation may be required for sales of shares held in corporate, partnership or fiduciary accounts. Contact the transfer agent at 800.421.4184 with questions on required documentation.
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Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Regular Mail
Carillon Family of Funds
c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
P.O. Box 701
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701
Overnight Delivery
Carillon Family of Funds
c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
615 East Michigan Street, Third Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53202-5207
Note: The funds do not consider the U.S. Postal Service or other independent delivery services to be their agents. Therefore, deposit in the mail or with such services, or receipt at U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC’s post office box, of purchase orders or redemption requests does not constitute receipt by the transfer agent of the funds. Receipt of purchase orders or redemption requests is based on when the order is received at the Transfer Agent’s offices.
The transfer agent may require a signature guarantee for certain redemption requests. A signature guarantee assures that your signature is genuine and protects you from unauthorized account redemptions. A signature guarantee, from either a Medallion program member or a non‑Medallion program member, of each owner is required in the following situations:
When ownership is being changed on your account;
When redemption proceeds are payable to or sent to any person, address or bank account not on record;
When a redemption request is received by the transfer agent and the account address has changed within the last 30 calendar days; and/or
For redemptions in excess of $100,000, with the exception of directly traded business or omnibus accounts, to existing instructions on file.
In addition to the situations described above, the funds and/or transfer agent reserve the right to require a signature guarantee in other instances based on the circumstances relative to the particular situation.
Signature guarantees will generally be accepted from domestic banks, brokers, dealers, credit unions, national securities exchanges, registered securities associations, clearing agencies and savings associations, as well as from participants in the NYSE Medallion Signature Program and the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program (“STAMP”). A notary public is not an acceptable signature guarantor.
Non‑financial transactions, including establishing or modifying certain services on an account, may require a signature guarantee or signature verification from a Signature Validation Program member or other acceptable form of authentication from a financial institution source.
The funds reserve the right to waive any signature requirement at their discretion.
Through our website | For certain accounts, you may sell shares through our website,, prior to the close of regular trading on the NYSE, which is typically 4:00 p.m. ET.
When redeeming shares through our website, payment of less than $100,000 can be made in one of the following ways:
Directly to a bank account for which you have previously provided information to us in writing on your account application or subsequent form. Funds are generally available in your bank account two to three business days after we receive your request; or
By check to your address of record, provided there has not been an address change in the last 30 calendar days.
Once an online transaction has been placed, it cannot be canceled or modified.
Systematic withdrawal plan | You may establish a plan for periodic withdrawals from your account. Withdrawals can be made on the 1st, 5th, 10th, or 20th day of the month at monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual intervals. If such a day falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal will take place on the next business day. To establish a plan, complete the appropriate section of the account application or the Carillon Systematic Withdrawal Plan Request form (available from your financial adviser, the funds or through our website, and send that form to the transfer agent. The funds reserve the right to cancel systematic withdrawals if insufficient shares are available for two or more consecutive months.
If you elect this method of redemption, a check will be sent to your address of record, or payment will be made via electronic funds transfer through the ACH network directly to your bank account. For payment through the ACH network, your bank must be an ACH member and your bank account information must be maintained on your fund account. The systematic withdrawal plan may be terminated at any time by the funds. You may also elect to terminate your participation in the systematic withdrawal plan at any time by contacting the transfer agent at least five days prior to the next withdrawal.    |    59

Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
A withdrawal under the systematic withdrawal plan involves a redemption of shares and may result in a gain or loss for federal income tax purposes. In addition, if the amount withdrawn exceeds any increase in the value of your account (due to asset appreciation or dividends credited to your account, for example) the account ultimately may be depleted. If insufficient shares are available to provide the full and final systematic withdrawal payment amount requested, the account will be redeemed in its entirety.
How To Exchange Your Shares
For shares managed by a Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper, please contact the Plan Administrator or Recordkeeper to place an exchange request.
You can exchange shares of one Carillon fund for shares of the same class of any other Carillon fund, subject to the investment requirements of that fund. Obtain a prospectus of that fund from your financial adviser, the funds or through our website, You may exchange your shares by calling your financial adviser or the funds if you exchange to like-titled Carillon accounts. Written instructions with a signature guarantee are required if the accounts are not identically registered. An exchange of shares is treated for federal income tax purposes as a redemption (sale) of the shares of the fund from which you are exchanging, on which you might realize a capital gain or loss (unless you hold your shares through a tax‑deferred arrangement), and a purchase of shares of the fund into which you are exchanging.
Please consult a tax professional before requesting an exchange. Not all share classes are available through all intermediaries. Each Carillon fund reserves the right to reject any exchange request and to modify or terminate the exchange privilege at any time.
Valuing Your Shares
The price at which an order to purchase or sell a fund’s shares is effected is based on the NAV per share of each class of a fund next calculated after the order is placed, plus any applicable sales charge. Each fund normally determines the NAV of its shares each business day as of the scheduled close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq, (typically 4:00 p.m. ET). The NYSE and NASDAQ normally are open for business Monday through Friday except the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. The fund will not treat an intraday unscheduled disruption in trading on either the NYSE or Nasdaq as a closure of that particular market, and will price its shares as of the normally scheduled close of the NYSE and Nasdaq if the disruption directly affects only one of those markets. If the NYSE or other securities exchange modifies the published closing price of securities traded on that exchange after the NAV is calculated, the funds are not required to recalculate their NAV. The funds do not price their shares on days that the NYSE is closed.
Generally, portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available are valued at market value; however, the market quotation price may be adjusted to reflect events that occur between the close of those markets and the time of the funds’ determination of the NAV. A market quotation may be considered unreliable or unavailable for various reasons, such as (1) the quotation may be stale, (2) the quotation may be unreliable because the security is not actively traded, (3) trading on the security halted before the close of the trading market, (4) the security is newly issued, (5) issuer specific or vendor-specific events occurred after the security halted trading, or (6) due to the passage of time between the close of the market on which the security trades and the close of the NYSE and the Nasdaq. Issuer specific events that may cause the last market quotation to be unreliable include (1) a merger or insolvency, (2) events which affect a geographical area or an industry segment, such as political events or natural disasters, or (3) market events, such as a significant movement in the U.S. markets.
For most securities, both the latest transaction prices and adjustments are furnished by independent pricing services. All other securities and assets for which market quotations are unavailable or unreliable are valued at their fair value in good faith using the investment adviser’s Pricing and Valuation Procedures (“Procedures”), which have been approved by the Board. For example, small-cap securities that are thinly traded or illiquid may be fair valued. Fair value is the amount that the owner might reasonably expect to receive for the security upon its current sale. Fair value requires consideration of all appropriate factors, including indications of fair value available from independent pricing services. A fair value price is an estimated price and may vary from the prices used by other mutual funds to calculate their NAV.
Rule 2a-5 under the Investment Company Act (the “Valuation Rule”) establishes requirements for determining fair value in good faith for purposes of the Investment Company Act, including related oversight and reporting requirements. The rule also defines when market quotations are “readily available” for purposes of the Investment Company Act, the threshold for determining whether a fund must fair value a security.
The Valuation Rule permits a fund’s board to designate the fund’s primary investment adviser as “valuation designee” to perform the fund’s fair value determinations subject to board oversight and certain reporting and other requirements intended to ensure that the registered investment company’s board receives the information it needs to oversee the investment adviser’s fair value determinations.
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Your Investment
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
The Board has designated Carillon as valuation designee under the Valuation Rule to perform fair value functions in accordance with the requirements of the Valuation Rule. Carillon performs these duties through a Valuation Committee, comprised of employees of Carillon and/or its wholly-owned affiliates. Carillon’s Valuation Committee monitors for circumstances that may necessitate the use of fair value. In the event that (1) market quotations are not readily available, (2) readily available market quotations are not reflective of market value (prices deemed unreliable), or (3) a significant event has been recognized in relation to a security or class of securities, the Valuation Committee will determine such securities’ fair value in accordance with the Procedures. Significant events include, but are not limited to, single-issuer events such as corporate announcements or earnings, multiple-issuer events such as natural disasters and significant market fluctuations.
There can be no assurance, however, that a fair value price used on any given day will more accurately reflect the market value of a security than the market price of such security on that day, as fair valuation determinations may involve subjective judgments made by the Valuation Committee. Fair value pricing may deter shareholders from trading a fund’s shares on a frequent basis in an attempt to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities resulting from potentially stale prices of portfolio holdings. However, it cannot eliminate the possibility of frequent trading. Specific types of securities are valued as follows:
Domestic Exchange Traded Equity Securities — Market quotations are generally available and reliable for domestic exchange-traded equity securities. If the prices provided by the independent pricing service and independent quoted prices are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.
Foreign Equity Securities — If market quotations are available and reliable for foreign exchange-traded equity securities, the securities will be valued at the market quotations. Because trading hours for certain foreign securities end before the close of the NYSE and the Nasdaq, closing market quotations may become unreliable. Consequently, fair valuation of portfolio securities may occur on a daily basis. The Valuation Committee, using the Procedures, may fair value a security if certain events occur between the time the trading of a particular security ends in a foreign market and a fund’s NAV calculation. The Valuation Committee, using the Procedures, may also fair value a particular security if the events are significant and make the closing price unavailable or unreliable. If an issuer-specific event has occurred that the Valuation Committee determines, in its judgment, is likely to have affected the closing price of a foreign security, it will price the security at fair value. The Valuation Committee also utilizes a screening process from a pricing vendor to indicate the degree of certainty, based on historical data, that the closing price in the principal market where a foreign security trades is not the current market value as of the close of the NYSE. Securities and other assets quoted in foreign currencies are valued in U.S. dollars based on exchange rates provided by an independent pricing service. The pricing vendor, pricing methodology or degree of certainty may change from time to time. Fund securities primarily traded on foreign markets may trade on days that are not business days of the funds. Because the NAV of a fund’s shares is determined only on business days of the fund, the value of the portfolio securities of a fund that invests in foreign securities may change on days when shareholders would not be able to purchase or redeem shares of the fund.
Fixed Income Securities — Government bonds, corporate bonds, asset-backed bonds, municipal bonds, short-term securities (investments that have a maturity date of 60 days or less) and convertible securities, including high yield or junk bonds, normally are valued on the basis of evaluated prices provided by independent pricing services. Evaluated prices provided by the independent pricing services may be determined without exclusive reliance on quoted prices, and may reflect appropriate factors and appropriate methodologies that have been considered, such as institution‑size trading in similar groups of securities, developments related to special securities, dividend rate, maturity and other market data. If the evaluated prices provided by the independent pricing service and independent quoted prices are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.
Futures and Options — Futures and options are valued on the basis of market quotations, if available and reliable. If prices provided by independent pricing services and independent quoted prices are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.
Credit Default Swaps — Credit default swaps are valued with prices provided by independent pricing services. If prices provided by independent pricing services are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.
Forward Contracts — Forward contracts are valued daily at current forward rates provided by an independent pricing services. If prices provided by independent pricing services and independent quoted prices are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.
Investment Companies and ETFs — Investments in other open‑end investment companies are valued at their reported NAV. The prospectuses for these companies explain the circumstances under which these companies will use fair value pricing and the effect of the fair value pricing. In addition, investments in closed‑end funds and ETFs are valued on the basis of market quotations, if available and reliable. If the prices provided by independent pricing services and independent quoted prices are unavailable or unreliable, the Valuation Committee will fair value the security using the Procedures.    |    61

Account and Transaction Policies
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Account and Transaction Policies
Doing Business with the Funds
Timing of orders | All orders to purchase or sell shares are executed at the next NAV, plus any applicable sales charge, calculated after the order has been received in “good order” by an authorized agent of the funds. Orders are accepted until the close of regular trading on the NYSE every business day, normally 4:00 p.m. ET, and are executed the same day at that day’s price. To ensure this occurs, the Distributor and/or dealers are responsible for transmitting all orders to the funds in compliance with their contractual deadline.
Good order requirements | For the funds to process a request, it must be in “good order.” Good order means that Carillon has been provided sufficient information necessary to process the request as outlined in this Prospectus, including:
The shareholder’s name;
The name of the fund;
The account number;
The share or dollar amount to be transacted; and
The signatures of all registered shareholders with signature guarantees, if applicable.
Further, there must not be any restrictions applied to the account. Certain requests are subject to the transfer agent’s verification procedures before they are considered in good order. A request is not considered to be in “good order” by the funds until it meets these requirements.
Account registration options | Carillon offers several options for registering your account. To establish a Transfer on Death (“TOD”) arrangement, an additional TOD agreement is required. Additionally, Carillon offers a range of IRA plans including traditional, Roth, SEP and SIMPLE IRA plans. IRA plans require a separate adoption agreement as well as separate forms to sell your shares. The TOD and IRA agreements are available from your financial adviser, the funds or through our website,
Customer identification and verification procedures | The funds are required under the USA PATRIOT Act to obtain certain information about you in order to open an account. You must provide the funds with the name, physical address (mailing addresses containing only a P.O. Box are not accepted), Social Security or other taxpayer identification number and date of birth of all owners of the account. If you do not provide us with this information, your account will not be opened and your investment will be returned. If you are opening the account in the name of a legal entity (e.g., partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, etc.), you must also supply the identity of the beneficial owners. For these entities, the person opening the account on the entity’s behalf must provide this information. The funds will use this information to verify your identity using various methods. In the event that your identity cannot be sufficiently verified, the funds may employ additional verification methods or refuse to open your account. Under certain circumstances, it may be appropriate for the funds to close or suspend further activity in an account.
Shares of the funds have not been registered for sale outside of the United States and U.S. territories. The funds generally do not permit the establishment of new accounts for foreign individuals or entities. The Carillon funds generally do not sell shares directly to individual investors residing outside the United States, even if they are United States citizens or lawful permanent residents, except to investors at United States embassies with DPO addresses and investors with United States military APO or FPO addresses. Non‑individual entities registered outside the United States, except Plan Administrators that have entered into an agreement with the Distributor, are not permitted to invest directly with the funds.
Restrictions on orders | The funds and the Distributor reserve the right to reject any purchase or exchange order for any reason and to suspend the offering of fund shares for a period of time. There are certain times when you may not be able to sell shares of a fund or when we may delay paying you the redemption proceeds. This may happen during unusual market conditions or emergencies as a result of which a fund cannot determine the value of its assets or sell its holdings.
Website | Subject to availability by your financial institution, you may access your account information, including balances, statements, tax forms and transaction history, through our website, You may also update your account and process purchases, redemptions, and exchanges through our website. Additional information, including current fund performance and various account forms and agreements, is also available on our website.
Telephone | For your protection, telephone requests may be recorded in order to verify their accuracy and monitor call quality. In addition, we will take measures to verify the identity of the caller, such as asking for name, account number, Social Security or other taxpayer identification number and other relevant information. If appropriate measures are taken, we are not responsible for any losses that may occur to any account due to an unauthorized telephone request. If an account has more than one owner or authorized person, the funds will accept telephone instructions from any one owner or authorized person.
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Account and Transaction Policies
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Payment of redemption proceeds | The funds generally intend to meet redemption requests, under both normal and stressed market conditions, by paying out available cash or by selling portfolio holdings (including cash equivalent portfolio holdings). The funds also reserve the right to satisfy redemption requests in whole or in part by making payment in securities or other property (this is known as a redemption‑in‑kind) in stressed market conditions and other appropriate circumstances. To the extent the funds redeem their shares in marketable securities the shareholder assumes any risk of the market price of such securities fluctuating. In addition, the shareholder will bear any brokerage and related costs incurred in disposing of or selling the securities it receives from the funds and the risk that there may not be a liquid market for those securities.
Accounts with below-minimum balances | If your account balance falls below $1,000 as a result of selling shares (and not because of performance or sales charges), each fund reserves the right to request that you buy more shares or close your account. If your account balance is still below the minimum 30 calendar days after notification, each fund reserves the right to close your account and send the proceeds to your address of record.
Abandoned accounts | Your mutual fund account may be transferred to your state of residence if no activity occurs within your account during the “inactivity period” specified in your state’s abandoned property laws. If the funds are unable to locate a shareholder, they will determine whether the shareholder’s account can legally be considered abandoned. The funds are legally obligated to escheat (or transfer) abandoned property to the appropriate state’s unclaimed property administrator in accordance with statutory requirements. The shareholder’s last known address of record determines which state has jurisdiction. Interest or income is not earned on redemption or distribution checks sent to you during the time the check remained uncashed. Investors who are residents of the state of Texas may designate a representative to receive legislatively required unclaimed property due diligence notifications. Please contact the funds to complete a Texas Designation of Representative form.
Market timing | Market timing typically refers to the practice of frequent trading in the shares of mutual funds in order to exploit inefficiencies in fund pricing. Such transactions include trades that occur when a fund’s NAV does not fully reflect the value of the fund’s holdings — for example, when a fund owns holdings, such as foreign or thinly traded securities, that are valued in a manner that may not reflect the most updated information possible. Foreign securities generally are priced using fair valuation procedures approved by the Board as part each fund’s calculation of its NAV. These prices may be affected by events that occur after the close of a foreign market but before each fund prices its shares. Excessive trading or market timing can be disruptive to a fund’s efficient management and have a dilutive effect on the value of the investments of long-term fund shareholders, increase the transaction and other costs of a fund and increase the fund’s recognized net capital gains (and, therefore, unless the fund has a net capital loss for, or capital loss carryover to, the taxable year in which the gains are realized, taxable distributions to its shareholders), all of which could reduce the return to fund shareholders.
The Board has adopted policies reasonably designed to deter short-term trading of fund shares. The funds will not enter into agreements to accommodate frequent purchases or exchanges. Further, the funds have adopted the following guidelines:
The funds review transaction activity, using established criteria, to identify transactions that may signal excessive trading.
The funds may reject any purchase or exchange orders, in whole or in part, that in their opinion, appear excessive in frequency and/or amount or otherwise potentially disruptive to a fund. The funds may consider the trading history of accounts under common ownership or control in this determination.
All shareholders are subject to these restrictions regardless of whether you purchased your shares directly from the funds or through a financial intermediary. The funds reserve the right to reject combined or omnibus orders in whole or in part.
The funds seek the cooperation of broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries by various methods such as entering into agreements whereby the funds will request information regarding the identity of specific investors, transaction information and restricting the ability of particular investors to purchase fund shares.
While the funds apply these policies, there is no guarantee that all market timing will be detected.
Disclosure of portfolio holdings | Periodically, customers of the funds express interest in having current portfolio holdings disclosed to them more often than required by law or regulation. To satisfy this request, the funds have adopted a policy on disclosing portfolio holdings to properly manage this process to ensure confidentiality and proper use of this information. A description of the funds’ policy is included in the SAI. Portfolio information can be found on our website,    |    63

Account and Transaction Policies
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Account statements | If you purchase shares directly from a fund, you will receive monthly or quarterly statements detailing fund balances and all transactions completed during the prior period and a confirmation of each transaction. Automatic reinvestments of distributions and systematic investments/withdrawals may be confirmed only by monthly or quarterly statements. You should verify the accuracy of all transactions in your account as soon as you receive your confirmations and statements and immediately notify the funds or your financial adviser of any discrepancies. To enroll in eDelivery of account statements, visit our website,
Householding | In an effort to decrease costs, the funds intend to reduce the number of duplicate prospectuses and other similar documents you receive by sending only one copy of each to those addresses shared by two or more accounts and to shareholders we reasonably believe are from the same family or household. Once implemented, if you would like to discontinue householding for your accounts, please call toll-free at 800.421.4184 to request individual copies of these documents. Once the funds receive notice to stop householding, we will begin sending individual copies thirty days after receiving your request. This policy does not apply to account statements.
Dividends, Other Distributions and Taxes
General | Each fund distributes all or substantially all of its net investment income and net capital and foreign currency gains, if any, to its shareholders every year. Net investment income generally consists of dividends and interest income received on investments, less expenses. The Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund and Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund will make distributions of net investment income and net capital gains, if any, at least annually, typically in December. The Carillon Chartwell Income Fund, Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund and Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund will make distributions of net investment income on a monthly basis and net capital gains, if any, on an annual basis, typically in December. The funds may make additional payments of dividends or distributions if they deem it desirable at any other time during the year.
The dividends you receive from a fund generally will be taxed as ordinary income. A portion of those dividends may be eligible for the maximum federal income tax rates applicable to “qualified dividend income” distributed to individual and certain other non‑corporate shareholders (each, a “non‑corporate shareholder”) who satisfy certain holding period and other restrictions with respect to their fund shares. Those maximum rates are 15% for a single shareholder with taxable income not exceeding $492,300, ($553,850 for married shareholders filing jointly) and 20% for non‑corporate shareholders with taxable income exceeding those respective amounts, which apply for 2023 and will be adjusted for inflation annually.
Each fund also distributes net capital gains (and, in the case of certain funds, net gains from foreign currency transactions), if any, to its shareholders, normally once a year. A fund generates capital gains when it sells assets in its portfolio for profit. Capital gain distributions are taxed differently depending on how long the fund held the asset(s) that generated the gain (not on how long you hold your shares in the fund). Distributions to you of net capital gains recognized on the sale of assets held for one year or less are taxed as ordinary income; distributions to you of net capital gains recognized on the sale of assets held longer than one year are taxed at the maximum federal income tax rates mentioned above.
Generally, fund distributions are taxable to you in the year you receive them. However, any distributions that are declared in October, November or December but paid in January generally are taxable as if received on December 31. Tax laws and rates often change over time. Please consult a tax professional for more information.
A fund’s distributions of dividends and net realized gains are automatically reinvested in additional shares of the distributing class of the fund at NAV (without sales charge) unless you opt to take your distributions in cash, in the form of a check, or direct them for purchase of shares in the same class of another fund. You are taxed in the same manner whether you receive your dividends and other distributions in cash or reinvest them in additional fund shares. If you elect to receive dividends and/or other distributions in cash, and the U.S. Postal Service cannot deliver the check, or if a check remains outstanding for six months, each fund reserves the right to reinvest the amount of the distribution check in your account, at the fund’s then-current NAV per share, and to reinvest all subsequent distributions. If you wish to change your distribution option, write or call the funds at 800.421.4184. Changes should be submitted five days prior to the record date of the next distribution.
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Account and Transaction Policies
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
In general, redeeming or exchanging shares and receiving distributions (whether reinvested or taken in cash) are all taxable events. Fund transactions typically are treated for federal income tax purposes as follows:
Type of transactions    Federal income tax status
Income dividends    Ordinary income; all or part may be
eligible for 15%/20% maximum rates
for non‑corporate shareholders
Net short-term capital gain* and foreign currency gain distributions    Ordinary income
Net capital gain** distributions    Long-term capital gains; eligible for
15%/20% maximum rates for
non‑corporate shareholders
Redemptions or exchanges of fund shares owned for more than one year    Long-term capital gains or losses
(rates noted above)
Redemptions or exchanges of fund shares owned for one year or less    Gains are taxed at the same rate
as ordinary income; losses are
subject to special rules
*The excess of net short-term capital gain over net long-term capital loss.
**The excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss.
An individual must pay a 3.8% tax on the lesser of (1) the individual’s “net investment income,” which generally includes dividends and other distributions a fund pays and net gains realized on a redemption or exchange of a fund’s shares, or (2) the excess of the individual’s “modified adjusted gross income” over a threshold amount ($250,000 for married persons filing jointly and $200,000 for single taxpayers). This tax is in addition to any other taxes due on that income. A similar tax applies to estates and trusts. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the effect, if any, this provision may have on their investment in a fund (or funds).
Withholding taxes | If you are a non‑corporate shareholder and a fund does not have your correct Social Security or other taxpayer identification number, federal law requires us to withhold and pay to the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) 24% of the distributions and redemption proceeds (regardless of the extent to which you realize a gain or loss) otherwise payable to you. If you are subject to backup withholding for any other reason, we also must withhold and pay to the IRS 24% of the distributions otherwise payable to you. Any tax withheld may be applied against the federal income tax liability on your tax return. State law may also require us to withhold and pay to your state of residence a portion of your distributions and redemption proceeds.
Tax reporting | If your account receives distributions or has withholding or other activity required to be reported to the IRS, we will send you the appropriate tax form that reflects the amount and tax status of that activity. Such tax forms will be mailed early in each year for the prior calendar year in accordance with IRS guidelines. To enroll in eDelivery of tax forms, visit our website, Certain investors, depending on their financial intermediary, may be ineligible to receive tax forms via eDelivery.
Each fund is required to report annually to both shareholders and the IRS basis information of fund shares acquired after December 31, 2011 (“Covered Shares”). Each fund will compute the basis of your redeemed or exchanged Covered Shares using the average basis method, which is each fund’s “default method,” unless you contact the fund to select a different IRS‑accepted method (such as a specific identification method) at the time of each redemption or exchange, which you may not change after the settlement date thereof. If your account is held by your financial adviser or other broker-dealer, that firm may select a different default method; in such a case, please contact that firm to obtain information with respect to the available methods and elections for your account with it. You should carefully review the basis information provided by each fund or your financial adviser or other broker-dealer and make any basis, holding period or other adjustments that are required when reporting these amounts on your income tax returns.
Because everyone’s tax situation is unique, always consult your tax professional about federal, state and local tax consequences.
Additional Information
The Board oversees generally the operations of the funds. The Trust enters into contractual arrangements with various parties, including among others, the funds’ manager, sub‑advisers, custodian, transfer agent, and accountants, who provide services to the funds. Shareholders are not parties to any such contractual arrangements or intended beneficiaries of those contractual arrangements, and those contractual arrangements are not intended to create in any shareholder any right to enforce them directly against the service providers or to seek any remedy under them directly against the service providers.    |    65

Account and Transaction Policies
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
This Prospectus provides information concerning the funds that you should consider in determining whether to purchase fund shares. Neither this Prospectus nor the Statement of Additional Information is intended, or should be read, to be or give rise to an agreement or contract between the Trust or the funds and any investor, or to give rise to any rights in any shareholder or other person other than any rights under federal or state law that may not be waived. Nothing in this Prospectus, the Statement of Additional Information or the funds’ reports to shareholders is intended to provide investment advice and should not be construed as investment advice.
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Carillon Mutual Funds
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
Description of Indices
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed rate taxable bond market. The returns of the index do not include the effect of any sales charges. That means that actual returns would be lower if they included the effect of sales charges.
ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield Index is an index of all sectors of the non‑investment grade bond market.
Russell 3000 Value Index measures the performance of the broad value segment of the US equity value universe. It includes those Russell 3000 companies with relatively lower price‑to‑book ratios, lower I/B/E/S forecast medium term (2 year) growth and lower sales per share historical growth (5 years).
25% Russell 3000 Value/55% Bloomberg US Aggregate/20% ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield blend is a custom benchmark comprised of 25% Russell 3000 Value, 55% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond, and 20% ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield indices.
Russell Midcap Value Index measures the performance of the mid-cap value segment of the US equity universe. It includes those Russell Midcap Index companies with relatively lower price-to-book ratios, lower I/B/E/S forecasted medium term (2 year) growth and lower sales per share historical growth (5 years).
Bloomberg 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index measures the performance of US Treasury securities that have a maturity ranging from 1-3 years.
ICE BofA 1‑3 Year BB US Cash Pay High Yield Index is a subset of the ICE BofA U.S. Cash Pay High Yield Index including all securities with a remaining term to final maturity less than 3 years and rated BB1 through BB3, inclusive.
Bloomberg Intermediate US Government/Credit Index tracks the performance of intermediate term U.S. government and corporate bonds.
Russell 2000 Growth Index measures the performance of the small-cap growth segment of the US equity universe. It includes those Russell 2000 Index companies with relatively higher price-to-book ratios, higher I/B/E/S forecasted medium term (2 year) growth and higher sales per share historical growth (5 years).
Russell 2000 Value Index measures the performance of the small-cap value segment of the US equity universe. It includes those Russell 2000 companies with relatively lower price-to-book ratios, lower I/B/E/S forecasted medium term (2 year) growth and lower sales per share historical growth (5 years).
Fund Symbols, CUSIPs and Codes
Fund   Class    Symbol    CUSIP    Fund
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund   Chartwell    BERIX    16140T202    5759
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund   Chartwell    BERCX    16140T301    5758
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund   Chartwell    CWSDX    16140T707    5760
Fund   Class    Symbol    CUSIP    Fund
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund   Chartwell    CWFIX    16140T400    5761
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund   Chartwell    CWSGX    16140T608    5762
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund   Chartwell    CWSIX    16140T509    5763    |    67

Financial Highlights
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
The financial highlights are intended to help you understand the performance of each class of shares of a fund for the periods indicated. Certain information reflects financial results for a single Class Chartwell share. Based upon the commencement of operations for some of the funds, there may be less than five years’ worth of financial information available. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the funds (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and other distributions). The financial information for a fund for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2018, October 31, 2019 and October 31, 2020, for the fiscal period ended December 31, 2020, December 31, 2021 and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, has been audited by BBD LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with each fund’s financial statements, is included in the fund’s annual report, which is available upon request.
Pursuant to reorganizations that occurred on June 30, 2022, each fund is the legal entity successor to the corresponding series of The Chartwell Trust (each a “Chartwell Predecessor Fund”). Each Chartwell Predecessor Fund is the accounting and tax survivor as a result of the reorganizations. Accordingly, the financial highlights of each fund through June 30, 2022 represents the financial history of the corresponding Chartwell Predecessor Fund. Prior to the reorganizations, no fund had any investment operations.
Per Share Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Year/Period
Fiscal period
          From investment
          Dividends & distributions                      
Ratios to average net assets (%)
Beginning   Ending     Beginning
net asset
    Realized &
gains (losses)
    Total            From
    Total            Proceeds
recovered (a)
recovered (a)
(loss) (a)
rate (%) (b)
(%) (b)(c)
    Net assets
at end of
Carillon Chartwell Income Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       $14.15       $0.38       $(1.80)       $(1.42)         $(0.39)       $(0.05)       $(0.44)               $12.29       0.64       0.69       2.87       40       (10.14)       $366,987  
01/01/21     12/31/21       13.53       0.34       0.65       0.99         (0.37)             (0.37)         0.00     14.15       0.64       0.68       2.41       56       7.35       520,177  
11/01/20     12/31/20     12.72       0.07       0.81       0.88         (0.07)             (0.07)         0.00     13.53       0.64       0.73       2.93       7       6.93       556,850  
11/01/19     10/31/20       13.26       0.40       (0.52)       (0.12)         (0.42)             (0.42)         0.00     12.72       0.64       0.67       3.08       63       (0.83)       568,025  
11/01/18     10/31/19       13.18       0.41       0.50       0.91         (0.44)       (0.39)       (0.83)         0.00     13.26       0.64       0.66       2.95       137       7.22       1,030,248  
11/01/17     10/31/18       13.80       0.31       (0.19)       0.12         (0.30)       (0.44)       (0.74)         0.00     13.18       0.64       0.68       2.29       75       0.88       1,490,295  
Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       18.88       0.19       (2.38)       (2.19)         (0.18)       (0.01)       (0.19)               16.50       0.90       1.29       1.15       27       (11.63)       40,877  
01/01/21     12/31/21       14.92       0.11       3.96       4.07         (0.11)             (0.11)               18.88       0.90       1.29       0.68       15       27.30       38,467  
11/01/20     12/31/20     13.12       0.03       1.94       1.97         (0.17)             (0.17)               14.92       0.90       1.56       1.25       3       15.00       28,540  
11/01/19     10/31/20       15.54       0.19       (2.28)       (2.09)         (0.18)       (0.15)       (0.33)               13.12       0.90       1.47       1.40       35       (13.81)       24,752  
11/01/18     10/31/19       15.07       0.17       1.34       1.51         (0.11)       (0.93)       (1.04)               15.54       1.02     1.44       1.09     36       11.47       25,704  
11/01/17     10/31/18       18.55       0.11       0.03       0.14         (0.14)       (3.48)       (3.62)               15.07       1.05     1.57       0.77     65       (0.12)       25,322  
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       19.90       0.10       (2.04)       (1.94)               (0.21)       (0.21)               17.75       1.05       1.17       0.54       24       (9.71)       149,898  
01/01/21     12/31/21       17.75       0.10       4.16       4.26         (0.10)       (2.01)       (2.11)         0.00     19.90       1.05       1.15       0.45       20       24.42       182,868  
11/01/20     12/31/20     14.75       0.04       3.09       3.13         (0.13)             (0.13)               17.75       1.05       1.21       1.32       2       21.23       177,334  
11/01/19     10/31/20       18.67       0.13       (3.37)       (3.24)         (0.14)       (0.54)       (0.68)         0.00     14.75       1.05       1.18       0.81       30       (18.16)       148,069  
11/01/18     10/31/19       18.79       0.13       1.04       1.17         (0.07)       (1.22)       (1.29)         0.00     18.67       1.05       1.07       0.69       30       7.54       172,753  
11/01/17     10/31/18       20.07       0.06       (0.45)       (0.39)         (0.05)       (0.84)       (0.89)         0.00     18.79       1.05       1.08       0.28       19       (2.18)       228,779  
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       9.75       0.29       (0.60)       (0.31)         (0.29)             (0.29)               9.15       0.49       0.59       3.09       35       (3.17)       209,672  
01/01/21     12/31/21       9.79       0.27       (0.04)       0.23         (0.27)             (0.27)               9.75       0.49       0.58       2.78       54       2.40       216,879  
11/01/20     12/31/20     9.59       0.05       0.20       0.25         (0.05)             (0.05)               9.79       0.49       0.66       3.13       9       2.63       163,703  
11/01/19     10/31/20       9.68       0.33       (0.08)       0.25         (0.34)             (0.34)         0.00     9.59       0.49       0.61       3.55       63       2.62       161,474  
11/01/18     10/31/19       9.48       0.35       0.20       0.55         (0.35)             (0.35)         0.00     9.68       0.49       0.67       3.62       41       5.89       91,914  
11/01/17     10/31/18       9.72       0.29       (0.24)       0.05         (0.29)             (0.29)               9.48       0.49       0.80       3.15       26       0.55       75,536  
Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       16.36       (0.08)       (4.96)       (5.04)               (0.52)       (0.52)               10.80       1.05       1.82       (0.54)       80       (30.83)       16,303  
01/01/21     12/31/21       17.29       (0.15)       2.78       2.63         (0.01)       (3.55)       (3.56)               16.36       1.05       1.47       (0.88)       61       16.47       28,330  
11/01/20     12/31/20     15.22       (0.01)       3.24       3.23               (1.16)       (1.16)               17.29       1.05       1.76       (0.58)       24       21.20       27,436  
11/01/19     10/31/20       11.78       (0.09)       3.53       3.44               (0.00)     (0.00)       0.00     15.22       1.05       1.73       (0.56)       104       29.25       22,808  
11/01/18     10/31/19       11.55       (0.04)       0.32       0.28               (0.05)       (0.05)         0.00     11.78       1.05       1.64       (0.39)       104       2.46       20,637  
11/01/17     10/31/18       10.69       (0.04)       0.90       0.86         0.00           0.00             11.55       1.05       2.15       (0.45)       97       8.07       17,821  
Carillon Chartwell Short Duration Bond Fund
01/01/22     12/31/22       9.95       0.13       (0.45)       (0.32)         (0.13)       (0.00)     (0.13)               9.50       0.39       3.12       1.54       69       (3.15)       9,570  
09/22/21#     12/31/21       10.00       0.01       (0.05)       (0.04)         (0.01)       (0.00)     (0.01)               9.95       0.39       3.51       0.46       6       (0.37)       5,948  
68    |   

Financial Highlights
PROSPECTUS    |    5.1.2023 (as supplemented 8.7.2023)
(a) Annualized for periods less than one year.
(b) Not annualized for periods less than one year.
(c) Total return is a measure of the change in value of an investment in the Fund over the period covered, which assumes any dividends or capital gains distributions are reinvested in shares of the Fund. The returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The total returns would have been lower had the Advisor not reduced its fees or reimbursed expenses.
^ Fund changed fiscal year to December 31.
* Amount rounds to less than $0.01 per share.
+ Effective September 1, 2019, the Advisor contractually agreed to reduce its fees and/or reimburse other operating expenses of the Fund to ensure that total annual operating expenses do not exceed 0.90% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. Prior to September 1, 2019, the annual operating expense limitation was 1.05%
~ Effective November 6, 2017, the Advisor contractually agreed to reduce its fees and/or reimburse other operating expenses of the Fund to ensure that total annual operating expenses do not exceed 1.05% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. Prior to November 6, 2017, the annual operating expense limitation was 1.15%.
# Commencement of operations.    |    69

For More Information
More information on these funds is available free upon request, including the following:
Financial reports | Additional information about each fund’s investments is available in each fund’s annual and semiannual reports to shareholders and in Form N-CSR. In those reports, you will find a discussion of the market conditions and investment strategies that affected each fund’s performance during the fiscal period. In Form N-CSR, you will find each fund’s annual and semiannual financial statements.
Statement of additional information (“SAI”) | Additional information about each fund and its policies may be found in the SAI. A current SAI is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) and is incorporated herein by reference (meaning it is legally considered part of this Prospectus).
To obtain the SAI, Prospectus, annual report, semiannual report, privacy notice, performance information, an account application, a schedule of portfolio holdings found on Form N‑PORT, each fund’s financial statements, other information or to make an inquiry, without charge, contact the Carillon Family of Funds:
By mail:    P.O. Box 23572
   St. Petersburg, FL 33742
By telephone:    1.800.421.4184
By internet:
These documents and other information about the funds can be viewed on‑screen or downloaded from the EDGAR Database on the Commission’s website at; or after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: [email protected].
The Carillon Family of Funds is pleased to offer the convenience of viewing shareholder communications, including fund prospectuses, annual and semiannual reports, including fund financial statements, and proxy statements, online at
The Investment Company and Securities Act registration numbers are:
Investment Company Act     811‑07470  
Securities Act     033‑57986  
No dealer, salesperson or other person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation other than that contained in this Prospectus in connection with the offer contained in this Prospectus, and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon unless having been authorized by the funds or their distributor. This Prospectus does not constitute an offering in any state in which such offering may not lawfully be made.
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