First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII


        First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (MMLG)

       Annual Report
     For the Year Ended
      August 31, 2022

                                               Wellington Management Company LLP
                                                   Sands Capital Management, LLC


                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                                AUGUST 31, 2022

Shareholder Letter...........................................................  1
Fund Performance Overview....................................................  2
Portfolio Commentary.........................................................  4
Understanding Your Fund Expenses.............................................  6
Portfolio of Investments.....................................................  7
Statement of Assets and Liabilities..........................................  9
Statement of Operations...................................................... 10
Statements of Changes in Net Assets.......................................... 11
Financial Highlights......................................................... 12
Notes to Financial Statements................................................ 13
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm...................... 18
Additional Information....................................................... 19
Board of Trustees and Officers............................................... 25
Privacy Policy............................................................... 27


This report contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the goals,
beliefs, plans or current expectations of First Trust Advisors L.P. ("First
Trust" or the "Advisor") and/or Wellington Management Company LLP ("Wellington")
and/or Sands Capital Management, LLC ("Sands Capital") (each, a "Sub-Advisor"
and together, "Sub-Advisors") and their respective representatives, taking into
account the information currently available to them. Forward-looking statements
include all statements that do not relate solely to current or historical fact.
For example, forward-looking statements include the use of words such as
"anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "expect," "believe," "plan," "may,"
"should," "would" or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of
the series of First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (the "Trust") described in
this report (First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF; hereinafter referred to
as the "Fund") to be materially different from any future results, performance
or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. When
evaluating the information included in this report, you are cautioned not to
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which reflect the
judgment of the Advisor and/or Sub-Advisors and their respective representatives
only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to publicly revise or
update these forward-looking statements to reflect events and circumstances that
arise after the date hereof.


There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The
Fund is subject to market risk, which is the possibility that the market values
of securities owned by the Fund will decline and that the value of the Fund's
shares may therefore be less than what you paid for them. Accordingly, you can
lose money investing in the Fund. See "Risk Considerations" in the Additional
Information section of this report for a discussion of certain other risks of
investing in the Fund.

Performance data quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of
future results, and current performance may be lower or higher than the figures
shown. For the most recent month-end performance figures, please visit or speak with your financial advisor. Investment returns,
net asset value and share price will fluctuate and Fund shares, when sold, may
be worth more or less than their original cost.

The Advisor may also periodically provide additional information on Fund
performance on the Fund's webpage at

                            HOW TO READ THIS REPORT

This report contains information that may help you evaluate your investment in
the Fund. It includes details about the Fund and presents data and analysis that
provide insight into the Fund's performance and investment approach.

By reading the portfolio commentary from the portfolio management team of the
Fund, you may obtain an understanding of how the market environment affected the
Fund's performance. The statistical information that follows may help you
understand the Fund's performance compared to that of relevant market

It is important to keep in mind that the opinions expressed by personnel of the
Advisor and/or Sub-Advisors are just that: informed opinions. They should not be
considered to be promises or advice. The opinions, like the statistics, cover
the period through the date on the cover of this report. The material risks of
investing in the Fund are spelled out in the prospectus, the statement of
additional information, and other Fund regulatory filings.


                                AUGUST 31, 2022

Dear Shareholders:

First Trust is pleased to provide you with the annual report for the First Trust
Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund"), which contains detailed information
about the Fund for the twelve months ended August 31, 2022.

At their most recent meeting (September 20-21, 2022), the Federal Open Market
Committee announced a 75 basis point interest rate hike, the third rate hike in
as many meetings. Overall, the Federal Reserve (the "Fed") has raised its
benchmark Federal Funds target rate (upper bound) from 0.25% this past March to
3.25% as of September 30, 2022, the fastest pace for rate hikes since 1994. The
Fed is hiking interest rates aggressively to combat the surge in inflation that
commenced in the second quarter of 2021. Perhaps the most common measure of
inflation is the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"). The CPI has averaged 3.0% per
year since 1926 but stood at an eye-popping 8.3% on a trailing 12-month basis in
August 2022. Its recent high point was 9.1% in June 2022. For borrowers, these
rate hikes will raise the cost of capital, making it tougher to secure loans for
consumers and businesses. The goal is to raise interest rates high enough to
cool some of the demand for goods and services so that inflation can begin to
moderate. The Fed would eventually like to see the CPI back near the 2.0% level.
It will take some time to play out. Guidance from Fed Chairman Jerome Powell
indicates that more rate hikes are coming, perhaps as much as another 100 basis
points by year-end. We'll see.

One of the areas that has yet to cool off is the housing market, in my opinion.
We have seen a substantial selloff this year in the stock and bond markets, but
not housing. Prices appreciated markedly across the U.S. during the coronavirus
("COVID-19") pandemic. Demand was high and inventories were uncharacteristically
low. Simply put, housing affordability has become a huge challenge for many
prospective buyers. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price
Index, which tracks the value of single-family homes, soared 45.2% from the end
of 2019 through June 2022. Keep in mind, historically, home prices tend to rise
with inflation over time. They are not supposed to increase 45% over 30 months.
The rapid increase in short-term lending rates has caused the rate on a 30-year
fixed-rate mortgage to nearly double from 3.27% at the end of 2021 to 6.43% as
of September 21, 2022, according to Bankrate. The sharp rise in mortgage rates
is just beginning to have a slight effect on demand. Redfin reported that close
to 63,000 deals on existing homes fell through in July 2022, or around 16% of
homes under contract that month, according to CNBC.

Fed Chairman Powell is trying to engineer a soft landing for the economy via
monetary policy. In other words, the Fed is trying to avoid a deep and lengthy
recession. That is why the relative resilience of the real estate markets, both
residential and commercial, is so critical at this juncture. One other plus
going for the U.S. economy today is the strong labor market. As of this report,
companies are still hiring. If these sources of strength eventually succumb to
the economic headwinds and turn weaker, the odds of achieving a soft landing
drop dramatically, in my opinion. For those investors who like to follow the
news closely, in addition to monitoring the state of the economy, keep an eye on
the war between Russia and Ukraine as well as the COVID-19-induced lockdowns of
cities in China. Any good news on those two fronts could be a net positive for
the markets moving forward. As I previously noted, it is going to take some time
to remedy this situation. As always, we encourage investors to be diversified
and stay the course.

Thank you for giving First Trust the opportunity to play a role in your
financial future. We value our relationship with you and will report on the Fund
again in six months.


/s/ James A. Bowen

James A. Bowen
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Chief Executive Officer of First Trust Advisors L.P.

                                                                          Page 1



The First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund") seeks to provide
long-term capital appreciation. Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests
at least 80% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in equity
securities issued by large capitalization companies. The Fund considers large
capitalization companies to be those companies with market capitalizations
within the market capitalization range of the companies comprising the Russell
1000(R) Growth Index (as of the index's most recent reconstitution). The Fund's
portfolio is principally composed of common stocks issued by companies domiciled
in the United States, common stocks issued by non-U.S. companies that are
principally traded in the United States and American Depositary Receipts. The
Fund utilizes a multi-manager approach to provide exposure to the large
capitalization growth segment of the equity market through the blending of
multiple portfolio management teams. The Fund lists and principally trades its
shares on NYSE Arca, Inc. under the ticker symbol "MMLG."

                                                                            AVERAGE ANNUAL            CUMULATIVE
                                                                             TOTAL RETURNS           TOTAL RETURNS
                                                         1 Year Ended     Inception (7/21/20)     Inception (7/21/20)
                                                           8/31/22            to 8/31/22              to 8/31/22
NAV                                                        -35.83%              -4.04%                  -8.34%
Market Price                                               -35.85%              -4.06%                  -8.39%

Russell 1000(R) Growth Index                               -19.06%               7.50%                  16.49%
Russell 1000(R) Index                                      -12.96%              10.78%                  24.15%

Total returns for the period since inception are calculated from the inception
date of the Fund. "Average Annual Total Returns" represent the average annual
change in value of an investment over the period indicated. "Cumulative Total
Returns" represent the total change in value of an investment over the period

The Fund's per share net asset value ("NAV") is the value of one share of the
Fund and is computed by dividing the value of all assets of the Fund (including
accrued interest and dividends), less all liabilities (including accrued
expenses and dividends declared but unpaid), by the total number of outstanding
shares. The price used to calculate market return ("Market Price") is determined
by using the midpoint of the national best bid and offer price ("NBBO") as of
the time that the Fund's NAV is calculated. Under SEC rules, the NBBO consists
of the highest displayed buy and lowest sell prices among the various exchanges
trading the Fund at the time the Fund's NAV is calculated. Since shares of the
Fund did not trade in the secondary market until after its inception, for the
period from inception to the first day of secondary market trading in shares of
the Fund, the NAV of the Fund is used as a proxy for the secondary market
trading price to calculate market returns. NAV and market returns assume that
all distributions have been reinvested in the Fund at NAV and Market Price,

An index is a statistical composite that tracks a specified financial market or
sector. Unlike the Fund, the indices do not actually hold a portfolio of
securities and therefore do not incur the expenses incurred by the Fund. These
expenses negatively impact the performance of the Fund. Also, market returns do
not include brokerage commissions that may be payable on secondary market
transactions. If brokerage commissions were included, market returns would be
lower. The total returns presented reflect the reinvestment of dividends on
securities in the index. The returns presented do not reflect the deduction of
taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption or
sale of Fund shares. The investment return and principal value of shares of the
Fund will vary with changes in market conditions. Shares of the Fund may be
worth more or less than their original cost when they are redeemed or sold in
the market. The Fund's past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Page 2



                                               % OF TOTAL
Information Technology                            44.8%
Consumer Discretionary                            16.4
Health Care                                       13.7
Communication Services                            12.6
Industrials                                        7.6
Consumer Staples                                   2.1
Financials                                         1.3
Real Estate                                        0.9
Materials                                          0.6
     Total                                       100.0%

                                               % OF TOTAL
TOP TEN HOLDINGS                               INVESTMENTS
----------------------------------------------------------, Inc.                                   7.6%
Visa, Inc., Class A                                4.7
ServiceNow, Inc.                                   4.7
Microsoft Corp.                                    4.4
Apple, Inc.                                        3.9
Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A                       3.0
Dexcom, Inc.                                       3.0
Alphabet, Inc., Class A                            2.8
Block, Inc.                                        2.5
CoStar Group, Inc.                                 2.3
     Total                                        38.9%

                        PERFORMANCE OF A $10,000 INITIAL INVESTMENT
                              JULY 21, 2020 - AUGUST 31, 2022

            First Trust Multi-Manager      Russell 1000(R)      Russell 1000(R)
                Large Growth ETF            Growth Index             Index
1/3/19               $10,000                   $10,000              $10,000
8/31/20               11,018                    11,198               10,785
2/28/21               12,233                    11,796               12,056
8/31/21               14,285                    14,392               14,264
2/28/22               11,485                    13,277               13,711
8/31/22                9,166                    11,649               12,415

Performance figures assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect
the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the
redemption or sale of Fund shares. An index is a statistical composite that
tracks a specified financial market or sector. Unlike the Fund, the indices do
not actually hold a portfolio of securities and therefore do not incur the
expenses incurred by the Fund. These expenses negatively impact the performance
of the Fund. The Fund's past performance does not predict future performance.


Information showing the number of days the market price of the Fund's shares was
greater (at a premium) and less (at a discount) than the Fund's net asset value
for the most recently completed year, and the most recently completed calendar
quarters since that year (or life of the Fund, if shorter) is available at

                                                                          Page 3


                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)


First Trust Advisors L.P. ("First Trust" or the "Advisor") is the investment
advisor to the First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF ("MMLG" or the
"Fund"). The following serve as investment sub-advisors (each, a "Sub-Advisor")
to the Fund: Wellington Management Company LLP ("Wellington") and Sands Capital
Management, LLC ("Sands Capital"). First Trust is responsible for the ongoing
monitoring of the Fund's investment portfolio, selecting and overseeing the
investment sub-advisors, managing the Fund's business affairs and providing
certain administrative services necessary for the management of the Fund.

                           PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT TEAM

CONSISTS OF: o Daniel J. Lindquist, Managing Director of First Trust o Jon C.
Erickson, Senior Vice President of First Trust o David G. McGarel, Chief
Investment Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director of First Trust
o Roger F. Testin, Senior Vice President of First Trust o Stan Ueland, Senior
Vice President of First Trust o Chris A. Peterson, CFA, Senior Vice President of
First Trust o Erik Russo, Vice President of First Trust

                         SUB-ADVISOR PORTFOLIO MANAGERS

o     Douglas W. McLane, CFA, Senior Managing Director, Partner and Equity
      Portfolio Manager

o     Frank M. Sands, CFA, Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer
o     Michael A. Sramek, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, Research Analyst and
      Managing Director
o     Wesley A. Johnston, CFA, Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst
o     Thomas H. Trentman, CFA, Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst



U.S. growth equities, as measured by the Russell 1000(R) Growth Index (the
"Benchmark") declined 19.06% for the 12-month period ended August 31, 2022. The
S&P 500(R) Index fell 11.23% over the same period. In September 2021, U.S.
equities declined, as risk sentiment waned amid anxiety about the impact of
persistent supply-chain disruptions on inflation and the economy, imminent
policy normalization, elevated energy prices, and uncertainty about government
fiscal stimulus and the federal debt ceiling. In the fourth quarter of 2021,
U.S. equities surged as risk sentiment was bolstered by robust equity inflows,
strong corporate earnings, favorable economic data, and extremely accommodative
financial conditions. In the fourth quarter of 2021, U.S. corporate earnings
were stronger than expected, with companies in the S&P 500(R) Index registering
year-over-year earnings growth of approximately 30%. During the first quarter of
2022, U.S. equities registered their first quarterly loss since March 2020.
Fears about the economic implications of Russia's large-scale military attack on
Ukraine, that began in late February 2022, and the prospect of aggressive
monetary policy tightening by the Federal Reserve (the "Fed") drove the S&P
500(R) Index into correction territory in February 2022. In the second quarter
of 2022, U.S. equities fell sharply during a volatile quarter. Rampant inflation
and tighter financial conditions hurt risk sentiment and increased the
probability of a recession. In August 2022, U.S. equities ended lower after a
strong rally earlier in the month reversed course amid concerns about aggressive
interest rate hikes, the looming ramp-up in the Fed's balance-sheet reduction,
and anxiety about future corporate earnings.


For the 12-month period ended August 31, 2022, the Fund returned -35.85% on a
market price basis and -35.83% on a net asset value basis. During the same
period, the Benchmark experienced a peak-to-trough decline of 31.9%, with the
selloff felt most acutely in high growth, high valuation equities. The markets
recovered in the latter half of the same period due to better-than-feared second
quarter earnings results to help stem losses. The Information Technology,
Communication Services and the Consumer Discretionary sectors accounted for the
bulk of the Benchmark's drawdown during the same period. The Energy and Consumer
Staples sectors were the only sectors in the Benchmark to finish the same period
with positive returns. Relative to the Benchmark, selection within the

Page 4


                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

Information Technology sector was the largest detractor from the Fund's
performance on a sector basis. Overweight positions in Block, Inc., Twilio,
Inc., and an off-Benchmark position in Shopify, Inc., were some of the largest
single name detractors, with each down more than 70%. An underweight position in
Apple, Inc., which had a positive return during the period, also hurt Fund
performance. An overweight allocation to the Communication Services sector,
which had the worst returns in the Benchmark for the period, detracted from the
Fund's performance. Selection within the sector subtracted from performance and
the Fund's return outpaced the Benchmark to the downside. This was largely due
to Sea Ltd. which was down 81.7% in the period. Lastly, stock picks within the
Consumer Discretionary sector also detracted from performance with the Fund
returning worse than the Benchmark. This was partly driven by an underweight
position in Tesla, Inc. which had positive returns in the period.


The U.S. Consumer Price Index registered its highest reading in June 2022, at
levels we have not seen since the early 1980s. Supply chain issues,
coronavirus-related ("COVID-19") closures in China, and the conflict in Ukraine
have contributed to making things worse for the consumer. In a sign that the Fed
is behind on battling inflation, they hiked interest rates by 75 basis points in
June 2022 to take the upper bound for the short-term rate to 1.75%. The median
expectation from the Federal Open Market Committee members' Dot Projections is a
rate target of 3.75% in 2023, which has a range of 2.75% - 4.38%, denoting the
disparate range of views among experts and the possibility that the Fed may only
be halfway through their rate hikes. In our opinion, the equity markets are
focused on the economy slowing, and recent commentary from companies highlights
the pressure on consumption in the U.S. We believe the rest of the world is not
that different, and it seems we are all on a global tightening cycle.

On the positive side, employment in the U.S. remains robust, and there remains
room for the participation rate to increase to pre-COVID-19 levels, which could
temper some of the wage pressure. In our view, the range of outcomes remains
wide and recessionary conditions are possible in many economies. We expect
inflation to abate in 2023. However, the biggest risk to that view remains the
energy markets as restrictions to Russian supplies of both natural gas and oil
from Europe and the reopening of China in the next several months have the
potential to put upward pressure on commodity prices.

                                                                          Page 5


As a shareholder of First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund"), you
incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs; and (2) ongoing costs,
including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, if any, and
other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your
ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the
ongoing costs of investing in other funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the
period and held through the six-month period ended August 31, 2022.


The first line in the following table provides information about actual account
values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together
with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the
period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600
account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number
in the first line under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During the Six-Month
Period" to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this six-month


The second line in the following table provides information about hypothetical
account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual expense
ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not
the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not
be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for
the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of
investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical
example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports
of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your
ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs such as brokerage
commissions. Therefore, the second line in the table is useful in comparing
ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of
owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included,
your costs would have been higher.

                                                                                         EXPENSE RATIO     EXPENSES PAID
                                                     BEGINNING           ENDING          BASED ON THE       DURING THE
                                                   ACCOUNT VALUE      ACCOUNT VALUE        SIX-MONTH         SIX-MONTH
                                                   MARCH 1, 2022     AUGUST 31, 2022        PERIOD          PERIOD (a)
Actual                                               $1,000.00          $  798.10            0.85%             $3.85
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)             $1,000.00          $1,020.92            0.85%             $4.33

(a)   Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio as indicated in the
      table multiplied by the average account value over the period (March 1,
      2022 through August 31, 2022), multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the
      six-month period).

Page 6


AUGUST 31, 2022

SHARES         DESCRIPTION                                  VALUE
               COMMON STOCKS -- 98.5%
               AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 0.6%
        4,207  Raytheon Technologies Corp.              $     377,578
               AUTOMOBILES -- 1.1%
        2,473  Tesla, Inc. (a)                                681,584
               BEVERAGES -- 1.3%
        1,590  Constellation Brands, Inc.,
                  Class A                                     391,219
        5,096  Monster Beverage Corp. (a)                     452,678
               BIOTECHNOLOGY -- 1.6%
        7,073  Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. (a)                 773,645
        1,673  Seagen, Inc. (a)                               258,127
               BUILDING PRODUCTS -- 0.8%
        3,274  Fortune Brands Home & Security,
                  Inc.                                        201,122
        5,300  Johnson Controls International
                  PLC                                         286,942
               CHEMICALS -- 0.6%
        1,624  Sherwin-Williams (The) Co.                     376,930
                  -- 0.5%
        2,226  Republic Services, Inc.                        317,695
                  -- 0.7%
        1,927  Motorola Solutions, Inc.                       469,051
                  -- 0.5%
        7,562  WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings
                  Corp. (a)                                   303,539
               CONSUMER FINANCE -- 0.7%
        3,002  American Express Co.                           456,304
                  & COMPONENTS -- 1.0%
        2,275  CDW Corp.                                      388,342
        6,577  Corning, Inc.                                  225,723
               ENTERTAINMENT -- 4.8%
        3,407  Netflix, Inc. (a)                              761,669
       20,333  Sea Ltd., ADR (a)                            1,260,646
        2,196  Walt Disney (The) Co. (a)                      246,128
       28,543  Warner Music Group Corp.,
                  Class A                                     764,096
                  TRUSTS -- 0.8%
        1,392  Alexandria Real Estate Equities,
                  Inc.                                        213,533
        4,709  Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.              330,101

SHARES         DESCRIPTION                                  VALUE
                  & SUPPLIES -- 6.8%
        2,926  Align Technology, Inc. (a)               $     713,066
        4,613  Baxter International, Inc.                     265,063
       22,926  Dexcom, Inc. (a)                             1,884,747
       10,395  Edwards Lifesciences Corp. (a)                 936,590
        4,324  Hologic, Inc. (a)                              292,129
          882  Teleflex, Inc.                                 199,561
                  -- 2.3%
          883  Laboratory Corp. of America
                  Holdings                                    198,913
       13,832  R1 RCM, Inc. (a)                               302,229
        1,841  UnitedHealth Group, Inc.                       956,087
                  -- 2.9%
        8,756  Airbnb, Inc., Class A (a)                      990,479
          192  Booking Holdings, Inc. (a)                     360,156
          328  Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (a)               523,750
               INSURANCE -- 0.6%
        2,002  Chubb Ltd.                                     378,478
                  -- 6.7%
       15,933  Alphabet, Inc., Class A (a)                  1,724,269
        4,384  Alphabet, Inc., Class C (a)                    478,514
       17,000  Match Group, Inc. (a)                          961,010
        6,676  Meta Platforms, Inc., Class A (a)            1,087,721
                  RETAIL -- 8.5%
       37,306, Inc. (a)                         4,729,282
        8,086  DoorDash, Inc., Class A (a)                    484,351
        1,873  Etsy, Inc. (a)                                 197,808
               IT SERVICES -- 15.2%
       22,344  Block, Inc. (a)                              1,539,725
       14,629  Cloudflare, Inc., Class A (a)                  915,337
        2,905  Concentrix Corp.                               365,391
        2,543  Fidelity National Information
                  Services, Inc.                              232,354
        1,368  FleetCor Technologies, Inc. (a)                290,741
        2,154  Global Payments, Inc.                          267,591
        2,494  Mastercard, Inc., Class A                      808,979
       24,031  Shopify, Inc., Class A (a)                     760,581
        6,405  Snowflake, Inc., Class A (a)                 1,158,985
        5,540  Twilio, Inc., Class A (a)                      385,473
       14,896  Visa, Inc., Class A                          2,959,984

                        See Notes to Financial Statements                 Page 7


AUGUST 31, 2022

SHARES         DESCRIPTION                                  VALUE
                  -- 1.7%
        8,737  10X Genomics, Inc., Class A (a)          $     288,234
        1,157  Danaher Corp.                                  312,286
          855  Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.                 466,248
               MACHINERY -- 0.8%
        1,372  Deere & Co.                                    501,123
               MEDIA -- 1.0%
        1,493  Charter Communications, Inc.,
                  Class A (a)                                 616,057
               PERSONAL PRODUCTS -- 0.7%
        1,761  Estee Lauder (The) Cos., Inc.,
                  Class A                                     447,963
               PHARMACEUTICALS -- 1.1%
        2,415  Eli Lilly & Co.                                727,470
               PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 2.3%
       20,682  CoStar Group, Inc. (a)                       1,440,294
               ROAD & RAIL -- 2.1%
       45,565  Uber Technologies, Inc. (a)                  1,310,449
                  EQUIPMENT -- 5.2%
        4,585  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (a)               389,129
        3,074  Entegris, Inc.                                 291,661
        1,349  Lam Research Corp.                             590,741
        6,429  Marvell Technology, Inc.                       301,006
        7,708  NVIDIA Corp.                                 1,163,445
        3,354  Texas Instruments, Inc.                        554,114
               SOFTWARE -- 17.7%
        1,321  Adobe, Inc. (a)                                493,314
        7,639  Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A (a)             1,891,875
        4,855  Datadog, Inc., Class A (a)                     509,532
        3,186  Intuit, Inc.                                 1,375,651
       10,410  Microsoft Corp.                              2,721,903
          714  Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (a)                   397,562
          604  Paycom Software, Inc. (a)                      212,125
        2,837  Salesforce, Inc. (a)                           442,912

SHARES         DESCRIPTION                                  VALUE
               SOFTWARE (CONTINUED)
        6,755  ServiceNow, Inc. (a)                     $   2,935,858
        1,612  Workday, Inc., Class A (a)                     265,271
               SPECIALTY RETAIL -- 2.3%
       10,193  Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc.,
                  Class A (a)                                 829,303
        9,683  TJX (The) Cos., Inc.                           603,735
                  & PERIPHERALS -- 4.3%
       15,416  Apple, Inc.                                  2,423,703
        4,198  NetApp, Inc.                                   302,802
                  -- 1.3%
        1,215  Lululemon Athletica, Inc. (a)                  364,451
        4,431  NIKE, Inc., Class B                            471,680
               TOTAL COMMON STOCKS
                  -- 98.5%                                 62,527,893
               (Cost $87,865,918)                       -------------

               MONEY MARKET FUNDS -- 1.5%
      968,136  Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity
                  Funds - Treasury Portfolio -
                  Institutional Class - 2.06% (b)             968,136
               (Cost $968,136)                          -------------

               TOTAL INVESTMENTS -- 100.0%                 63,496,029
               (Cost $88,834,054)
               NET OTHER ASSETS AND
                  LIABILITIES -- (0.0)%                       (17,721)
               NET ASSETS -- 100.0%                     $  63,478,308

(a)   Non-income producing security.

(b)   Rate shown reflects yield as of August 31, 2022.

ADR - American Depositary Receipt



A summary of the inputs used to value the Fund's investments as of August 31,
2022 is as follows (see Note 2A - Portfolio Valuation in the Notes to Financial

                                                                                                LEVEL 2           LEVEL 3
                                                             TOTAL            LEVEL 1         SIGNIFICANT       SIGNIFICANT
                                                            VALUE AT           QUOTED          OBSERVABLE       UNOBSERVABLE
                                                           8/31/2022           PRICES            INPUTS            INPUTS
                                                         --------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
Common Stocks*..................................         $   62,527,893    $   62,527,893    $           --    $           --
Money Market Funds..............................                968,136           968,136                --                --
                                                         --------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
Total Investments...............................         $   63,496,029    $   63,496,029    $           --    $           --
                                                         ==============    ==============    ==============    ==============

* See Portfolio of Investments for industry breakout.

Page 8                 See Notes to Financial Statements

AUGUST 31, 2022

Investments, at value..................................................      $    63,496,029
Dividends receivable...................................................               34,490
   Total Assets........................................................           63,530,519
Investment advisory fees payable.......................................               52,211
   Total Liabilities...................................................               52,211
NET ASSETS.............................................................      $    63,478,308
Paid-in capital........................................................      $    97,032,120
Par value..............................................................               35,000
Accumulated distributable earnings (loss)..............................          (33,588,812)
NET ASSETS.............................................................      $    63,478,308
NET ASSET VALUE, per share.............................................      $         18.14
Number of shares outstanding (unlimited number of shares
   authorized, par value $0.01 per share)..............................            3,500,002
Investments, at cost...................................................      $    88,834,054

                        See Notes to Financial Statements                 Page 9


Dividends..............................................................      $       400,008
   Total investment income.............................................              400,008
Investment advisory fees...............................................              945,807
   Total expenses......................................................              945,807
NET INVESTMENT INCOME (LOSS)...........................................             (545,799)
Net realized gain (loss) on:
   Investments.........................................................           (9,025,526)
   In-kind redemptions.................................................            1,674,945
Net realized gain (loss)...............................................           (7,350,581)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments....          (40,729,422)
NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS)................................          (48,080,003)
   FROM OPERATIONS.....................................................      $   (48,625,802)

Page 10                 See Notes to Financial Statements


                                                                                                YEAR              YEAR
                                                                                                ENDED             ENDED
                                                                                              8/31/2022         8/31/2021
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Net investment income (loss).........................................................      $      (545,799)  $      (192,447)
Net realized gain (loss).............................................................           (7,350,581)        1,419,102
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation).................................          (40,729,422)       15,190,009
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations......................          (48,625,802)       16,416,664
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Investment operations................................................................                   --            (6,060)
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Proceeds from shares sold............................................................           11,734,001       164,222,162
Cost of shares redeemed..............................................................          (70,634,728)      (11,813,486)
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from shareholder transactions........          (58,900,727)      152,408,676
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Total increase (decrease) in net assets..............................................         (107,526,529)      168,819,280

Beginning of period..................................................................          171,004,837         2,185,557
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
End of period........................................................................      $    63,478,308   $   171,004,837
                                                                                           ===============   ===============
Shares outstanding, beginning of period..............................................            6,050,002           100,002
Shares sold..........................................................................              550,000         6,400,000
Shares redeemed......................................................................           (3,100,000)         (450,000)
                                                                                           ---------------   ---------------
Shares outstanding, end of period....................................................            3,500,002         6,050,002
                                                                                           ===============   ===============

                        See Notes to Financial Statements                Page 11


                                                                     YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,           PERIOD
                                                                 -----------------------------       ENDED
                                                                      2022           2021        8/31/2020 (a)
                                                                 --------------  --------------  --------------
Net asset value, beginning of period...........................     $  28.27        $  21.86        $  19.84
                                                                    --------        --------        --------
Net investment income (loss)...................................        (0.18)           0.01           (0.00) (b)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)........................        (9.95)           6.46            2.02
                                                                    --------        --------        --------
Total from investment operations...............................       (10.13)           6.47            2.02
                                                                    --------        --------        --------
Net investment income..........................................           --           (0.04)             --
Net realized gain..............................................           --           (0.02)             --
                                                                    --------        --------        --------
Total distributions............................................           --           (0.06)             --
                                                                    --------        --------        --------
Net asset value, end of period.................................     $  18.14        $  28.27        $  21.86
                                                                    ========        ========        ========
TOTAL RETURN (c)...............................................       (35.83)%         29.65%          10.18%

Net assets, end of period (in 000's)...........................     $ 63,478        $171,005        $  2,186
Ratio of total expenses to average net assets..................         0.85%           0.85%           0.85% (d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets....        (0.49)%         (0.49)%         (0.21)% (d)
Portfolio turnover rate (e)....................................           31%             21%              2%

(a)   Inception date is July 21, 2020, which is consistent with the commencement
      of investment operations and is the date the initial creation units were

(b)   Amount is less than $0.01.

(c)   Total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the net
      asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all
      distributions at net asset value during the period, and redemption at net
      asset value on the last day of the period. The returns presented do not
      reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund
      distributions or the redemption or sale of Fund shares. Total return is
      calculated for the time period presented and is not annualized for periods
      of less than a year.

(d)   Annualized.

(e)   Portfolio turnover is calculated for the time period presented and is not
      annualized for periods of less than a year and does not include securities
      received or delivered from processing creations or redemptions and in-kind

Page 12                 See Notes to Financial Statements


                                AUGUST 31, 2022

                                1. ORGANIZATION

First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (the "Trust") is an open-end management
investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust on February 22,
2016, and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC")
under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").

The Trust currently consists of fifty-six funds that are offering shares. This
report covers the First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund"), which
trades under the ticker "MMLG" on the NYSE Arca, Inc. ("NYSE Arca"). The Fund
represents a separate series of shares of beneficial interest in the Trust.
Unlike conventional mutual funds, the Fund issues and redeems shares on a
continuous basis, at net asset value ("NAV"), only in large blocks of shares
known as "Creation Units."

The Fund is an actively managed exchange-traded fund. The Fund seeks to provide
long-term capital appreciation. Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests
at least 80% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in equity
securities issued by large capitalization companies. The Fund considers large
capitalization companies to be those companies with market capitalizations
within the market capitalization range of the companies comprising the Russell
1000(R) Growth Index (as of the index's most recent reconstitution). The Fund's
portfolio is principally composed of common stocks issued by companies domiciled
in the United States, common stocks issued by non-U.S. companies that are
principally traded in the United States and American Depositary Receipts. The
Fund utilizes a multi-manager approach to provide exposure to the large
capitalization growth segment of the equity market through the blending of
multiple portfolio management teams. There can be no assurance that the Fund
will achieve its investment objective. The Fund may not be appropriate for all


The Fund is considered an investment company and follows accounting and
reporting guidance under Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting
Standards Codification Topic 946, "Financial Services-Investment Companies." The
following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed
by the Fund in the preparation of the financial statements. The preparation of
the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America ("U.S. GAAP") requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


The Fund's NAV is determined daily as of the close of regular trading on the New
York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, on each day the
NYSE is open for trading. If the NYSE closes early on a valuation day, the NAV
is determined as of that time. The Fund's NAV is calculated by dividing the
value of all assets of the Fund (including accrued interest and dividends), less
all liabilities (including accrued expenses and dividends declared but unpaid),
by the total number of shares outstanding.

The Fund's investments are valued daily at market value or, in the absence of
market value with respect to any portfolio securities, at fair value. Market
value prices represent last sale or official closing prices from a national or
foreign exchange (i.e., a regulated market) and are primarily obtained from
third-party pricing services. Fair value prices represent any prices not
considered market value prices and are either obtained from a third-party
pricing service or are determined by the Advisor's Pricing Committee in
accordance with valuation procedures adopted by the Trust's Board of Trustees,
and in accordance with provisions of the 1940 Act. Investments valued by the
Advisor's Pricing Committee, if any, are footnoted as such in the footnotes to
the Portfolio of Investments. The Fund's investments are valued as follows:

      Common stocks and other equity securities listed on any national or
      foreign exchange (excluding The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") and the
      London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market ("AIM")) are valued at
      the last sale price on the exchange on which they are principally traded
      or, for Nasdaq and AIM securities, the official closing price. Securities
      traded on more than one securities exchange are valued at the last sale
      price or official closing price, as applicable, at the close of the
      securities exchange representing the principal market for such securities.

      Securities traded in an over-the-counter market are fair valued at the
      mean of their most recent bid and asked price, if available, and otherwise
      at their closing bid price.

      Shares of open-end funds are valued at fair value which is based on NAV
      per share.

Certain securities may not be able to be priced by pre-established pricing
methods. Such securities may be valued by the Trust's Board of Trustees or its
delegate, the Advisor's Pricing Committee, at fair value. These securities
generally include, but are not limited to, restricted securities (securities
which may not be publicly sold without registration under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended) for which a third-party pricing service is unable to provide a
market price; securities whose trading has been formally suspended; a security

                                                                         Page 13


                                AUGUST 31, 2022

whose market or fair value price is not available from a pre-established pricing
source; a security with respect to which an event has occurred that is likely to
materially affect the value of the security after the market has closed but
before the calculation of the Fund's NAV or make it difficult or impossible to
obtain a reliable market quotation; and a security whose price, as provided by
the third-party pricing service, does not reflect the security's fair value. As
a general principle, the current fair value of a security would appear to be the
amount which the owner might reasonably expect to receive for the security upon
its current sale. When fair value prices are used, generally they will differ
from market quotations or official closing prices on the applicable exchanges. A
variety of factors may be considered in determining the fair value of such
securities, including, but not limited to, the following:

      1)    the type of security;

      2)    the size of the holding;

      3)    the initial cost of the security;

      4)    transactions in comparable securities;

      5)    price quotes from dealers and/or third-party pricing services;

      6)    relationships among various securities;

      7)    information obtained by contacting the issuer, analysts, or the
            appropriate stock exchange;

      8)    an analysis of the issuer's financial statements; and

      9)    the existence of merger proposals or tender offers that might affect
            the value of the security.

The Fund is subject to fair value accounting standards that define fair value,
establish the framework for measuring fair value and provide a three-level
hierarchy for fair valuation based upon the inputs to the valuation as of the
measurement date. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

      o     Level 1 - Level 1 inputs are quoted prices in active markets for
            identical investments. An active market is a market in which
            transactions for the investment occur with sufficient frequency and
            volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.

      o     Level 2 - Level 2 inputs are observable inputs, either directly or
            indirectly, and include the following:

            o     Quoted prices for similar investments in active markets.

            o     Quoted prices for identical or similar investments in markets
                  that are non-active. A non-active market is a market where
                  there are few transactions for the investment, the prices are
                  not current, or price quotations vary substantially either
                  over time or among market makers, or in which little
                  information is released publicly.

            o     Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the
                  investment (for example, interest rates and yield curves
                  observable at commonly quoted intervals, volatilities,
                  prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, and default

            o     Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by
                  observable market data by correlation or other means.

      o     Level 3 - Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs. Unobservable
            inputs may reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions about the
            assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the

The inputs or methodologies used for valuing investments are not necessarily an
indication of the risk associated with investing in those investments. A summary
of the inputs used to value the Fund's investments as of August 31, 2022, is
included with the Fund's Portfolio of Investments.

In December 2020, the SEC adopted Rule 2a-5 under the 1940 Act, establishing
requirements to determine fair value in good faith for purposes of the 1940 Act.
The rule permits fund boards to designate a fund's investment adviser to perform
fair value determinations, subject to board oversight and certain other
conditions. The rule also defines when market quotations are "readily available"
for purposes of the 1940 Act and requires a fund to fair value a portfolio
investment when a market quotation is not readily available. The SEC also
adopted new Rule 31a-4 under the 1940 Act, which sets forth recordkeeping
requirements associated with fair value determinations. The compliance date for
Rule 2a-5 and Rule 31a-4 is September 8, 2022.

Effective September 8, 2022 and pursuant to the requirements of Rule 2a-5, the
Trust's Board of Trustees designated the Advisor as its valuation designee to
perform fair value determinations and approved new Advisor Valuation Procedures
for the Trust.


Securities transactions are recorded as of the trade date. Realized gains and
losses from securities transactions are recorded on the identified cost basis.
Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income, if any, is
recorded on the accrual basis.


Dividends from net investment income, if any, are declared and paid quarterly by
the Fund, or as the Board of Trustees may determine from time to time.
Distributions of net realized gains earned by the Fund, if any, are distributed
at least annually.

Distributions from net investment income and realized capital gains are
determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ
from U.S. GAAP. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are
periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax
character. These permanent differences are primarily due to the varying

Page 14


                                AUGUST 31, 2022

treatment of income and gain/loss on portfolio securities held by the Fund and
have no impact on net assets or NAV per share. Temporary differences, which
arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense and gain/loss in
different periods for financial statement and tax purposes, will reverse at some
time in the future.

The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal year ended August 31,
2022 and 2021 was as follows:

Distributions paid from:                             2022             2021
Ordinary income...............................  $         --      $        6,060
Capital gains.................................            --                  --
Return of capital.............................            --                  --

As of August 31, 2022, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis
for the Fund were as follows:

Undistributed ordinary income.................  $   (251,746)
Accumulated capital and other gain (loss).....    (6,999,162)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)....   (26,337,904)


The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by
complying with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended, which includes distributing substantially all of its net
investment income and net realized gains to shareholders. Accordingly, no
provision has been made for federal and state income taxes. However, due to the
timing and amount of distributions, the Fund may be subject to an excise tax of
4% of the amount by which approximately 98% of the Fund's taxable income exceeds
the distributions from such taxable income for the calendar year.

The Fund is subject to accounting standards that establish a minimum threshold
for recognizing, and a system for measuring, the benefits of a tax position
taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The taxable years ended 2020,
2021, and 2022 remain open to federal and state audit. As of August 31, 2022,
management has evaluated the application of these standards to the Fund and has
determined that no provision for income tax is required in the Fund's financial
statements for uncertain tax positions.

The Fund intends to utilize provisions of the federal income tax laws, which
allow it to carry a realized capital loss forward indefinitely following the
year of the loss and offset such loss against any future realized capital gains.
The Fund is subject to certain limitations under U.S. tax rules on the use of
capital loss carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses. These limitations
apply when there has been a 50% change in ownership. At August 31, 2022, for
federal income tax purposes, the Fund had $6,999,162 capital loss carryforward
available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future capital
gains. To the extent that these loss carryforwards are used to offset future
capital gains, it is probable that the capital gains so offset will not be
distributed to the Fund's shareholders.

Certain losses realized during the current fiscal year may be deferred and
treated as occurring on the first day of the following fiscal year for federal
income tax purposes. For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2022, the Fund
incurred and elected to defer net late year ordinary or capital losses as

                      Qualified Late Year Losses
               Ordinary Losses            Capital Losses
               ----------------           --------------
               $        251,746           $          --

In order to present paid-in capital and accumulated distributable earnings
(loss) (which consists of accumulated net investment income (loss), accumulated
net realized gain (loss) on investments and net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) on investments) on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities that
more closely represent their tax character, certain adjustments have been made
to paid-in capital, accumulated net investment income (loss) and accumulated net
realized gain (loss) on investments. These adjustments are primarily due to the
difference between book and tax treatments of income and gains on various
investment securities held by the Fund and in-kind transactions. The results of
operations and net assets were not affected by these adjustments. For the fiscal
year ended August 31, 2022, the adjustments for the Fund were as follows:

                 Accumulated     Net Realized
                Net Investment   Gain (Loss)       Paid-in
                Income (Loss)   on Investments     Capital
                --------------  --------------  --------------
                $      483,782  $     (212,588) $     (271,194)

                                                                         Page 15


                                AUGUST 31, 2022

As of August 31, 2022, the aggregate cost, gross unrealized appreciation, gross
unrealized depreciation, and net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on
investments (including short positions and derivatives, if any) for federal
income tax purposes were as follows:

                             Gross           Gross       Net Unrealized
                           Unrealized      Unrealized     Appreciation
            Tax Cost      Appreciation   (Depreciation)  (Depreciation)
         --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
         $   89,833,933  $    1,579,366  $  (27,917,270)    (26,337,904)


Expenses, other than the investment advisory fee and other excluded expenses,
are paid by the Advisor (see Note 3).


First Trust, the investment advisor to the Fund, is a limited partnership with
one limited partner, Grace Partners of DuPage L.P., and one general partner, The
Charger Corporation. The Charger Corporation is an Illinois corporation
controlled by James A. Bowen, Chief Executive Officer of First Trust. First
Trust is responsible for ongoing monitoring of the securities in the Fund's
portfolio, managing the Fund's business affairs and providing certain
administrative services necessary for the management of the Fund.

Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement between the Trust and the
Advisor, First Trust manages the Fund's portfolio based on recommendations
provided by the Sub-Advisors (defined below) and is responsible for the expenses
of the Fund including the cost of transfer agency, sub-advisory, custody, fund
administration, legal, audit and other services and license fees (if any), but
excluding fee payments under the Investment Management Agreement, interest,
taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, if any, brokerage commissions and other
expenses connected with the execution of portfolio transactions, distribution
and service fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, if any, and
extraordinary expenses, which are paid by the Fund. The Fund has agreed to pay
First Trust an annual management fee equal to 0.85% of its average daily net

The Fund utilizes a multi-manager structure. The Trust, on behalf of the Fund,
and First Trust have retained Wellington Management Company LLP ("Wellington")
and Sands Capital Management, LLC ("Sands Capital") (each, a "Sub-Advisor" and
together, "Sub-Advisors"), to serve as non-discretionary investment sub-advisors
to the Fund pursuant to sub-advisory agreements (the "Sub-Advisory Agreements").
In this capacity, Wellington and Sands Capital are each responsible for
providing recommendations to First Trust regarding the selection and allocation
of the securities in the portion of the Fund's portfolio they have been
allocated by First Trust. Pursuant to the Sub-Advisory Agreements, First Trust
has agreed to pay for the services and facilities provided by the Sub-Advisors
through sub-advisory fees equal in the aggregate to an annual rate of 0.30% of
the average daily net assets of the Fund (i.e., for each sub-advisor, 0.30% of
the average daily net assets of the portion of the Fund's assets allocated to
that sub-advisor). Each Sub-Advisor's fees are paid by First Trust out of First
Trust's management fee.

The Trust has multiple service agreements with The Bank of New York Mellon
("BNYM"). Under the service agreements, BNYM performs custodial, fund
accounting, certain administrative services, and transfer agency services for
the Fund. As custodian, BNYM is responsible for custody of the Fund's assets. As
fund accountant and administrator, BNYM is responsible for maintaining the books
and records of the Fund's securities and cash. As transfer agent, BNYM is
responsible for maintaining shareholder records for the Fund. BNYM is a
subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, a financial holding

Each Trustee who is not an officer or employee of First Trust, any sub-advisor
or any of their affiliates ("Independent Trustees") is paid a fixed annual
retainer that is allocated equally among each fund in the First Trust Fund
Complex. Each independent Trustee is also paid an annual per fund fee that
varies based on whether the fund is a closed-end or other actively managed fund,
a defined-outcome fund or an index fund.

Additionally, the Lead Independent Trustee and the Chairs of the Audit
Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee and Valuation Committee are paid
annual fees to serve in such capacities, with such compensation allocated pro
rata among each fund in the First Trust Fund Complex based on net assets.
Independent Trustees are reimbursed for travel and out-of-pocket expenses in
connection with all meetings. The Lead Independent Trustee and Committee Chairs
rotate every three years. The officers and "Interested" Trustee receive no
compensation from the Trust for acting in such capacities.

                      4. PURCHASES AND SALES OF SECURITIES

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2022, the cost of purchases and proceeds
from sales of investments, excluding short-term investments and in-kind
transactions, were $35,124,188 and $34,200,898, respectively.

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2022, the cost of in-kind purchases and
proceeds from in-kind sales were $11,532,653 and $69,518,004, respectively.

Page 16


                                AUGUST 31, 2022


The Fund generally issues and redeems its shares in primary market transactions
through a creation and redemption mechanism and does not sell or redeem
individual shares. Instead, financial entities known as "Authorized
Participants" have contractual arrangements with the Fund or one of the Fund's
service providers to purchase and redeem Fund shares directly with the Fund in
large blocks of shares known as "Creation Units." Prior to the start of trading
on every business day, the Fund publishes through the National Securities
Clearing Corporation ("NSCC") the "basket" of securities, cash or other assets
that it will accept in exchange for a Creation Unit of the Fund's shares. An
Authorized Participant that wishes to effectuate a creation of the Fund's shares
deposits with the Fund the "basket" of securities, cash or other assets
identified by the Fund that day, and then receives the Creation Unit of the
Fund's shares in return for those assets. After purchasing a Creation Unit, the
Authorized Participant may continue to hold the Fund's shares or sell them in
the secondary market. The redemption process is the reverse of the purchase
process: the Authorized Participant redeems a Creation Unit of the Fund's shares
for a basket of securities, cash or other assets. The combination of the
creation and redemption process with secondary market trading in the Fund's
shares and underlying securities provides arbitrage opportunities that are
designed to help keep the market price of the Fund's shares at or close to the
NAV per share of the Fund.

The Fund imposes fees in connection with the purchase of Creation Units. These
fees may vary based upon various fact-based circumstances, including, but not
limited to, the composition of the securities included in the Creation Unit or
the countries in which the transactions are settled. The price for each Creation
Unit will equal the daily NAV per share of the Fund times the number of shares
in a Creation Unit, plus the fees described above and, if applicable, any
operational processing and brokerage costs, transfer fees, stamp taxes and part
or all of the spread between the expected bid and offer side of the market
related to the securities comprising the creation basket.

The Fund also imposes fees in connection with the redemption of Creation Units.
These fees may vary based upon various fact-based circumstances, including, but
not limited to, the composition of the securities included in the Creation Unit
or the countries in which the transactions are settled. The price received for
each Creation Unit will equal the daily NAV per share of the Fund times the
number of shares in a Creation Unit, minus the fees described above and, if
applicable, any operational processing and brokerage costs, transfer fees, stamp
taxes and part or all of the spread between the expected bid and offer side of
the market related to the securities comprising the redemption basket. Investors
who use the services of a broker or other such intermediary in addition to an
Authorized Participant to effect a redemption of a Creation Unit may also be
assessed an amount to cover the cost of such services. The redemption fee
charged by the Fund will comply with Rule 22c-2 of the 1940 Act which limits
redemption fees to no more than 2% of the value of the shares redeemed.

                              6. DISTRIBUTION PLAN

The Board of Trustees adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule
12b-1 under the 1940 Act. In accordance with the Rule 12b-1 plan, the Fund is
authorized to pay an amount up to 0.25% of its average daily net assets each
year to reimburse First Trust Portfolios L.P. ("FTP"), the distributor of the
Fund, for amounts expended to finance activities primarily intended to result in
the sale of Creation Units or the provision of investor services. FTP may also
use this amount to compensate securities dealers or other persons that are
Authorized Participants for providing distribution assistance, including
broker-dealer and shareholder support and educational and promotional services.

No 12b-1 fees are currently paid by the Fund, and pursuant to a contractual
arrangement, no 12b-1 fees will be paid any time before December 31, 2023.

                               7. INDEMNIFICATION

The Trust, on behalf of the Fund, has a variety of indemnification obligations
under contracts with its service providers. The Trust's maximum exposure under
these arrangements is unknown. However, the Trust has not had prior claims or
losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

                              8. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS

Management has evaluated the impact of all subsequent events on the Fund through
the date the financial statements were issued and has determined that there were
no subsequent events requiring recognition or disclosure in the financial
statements that have not already been disclosed.

                                                                         Page 17




We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of First
Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund"), a series of the First Trust
Exchange-Traded Fund VIII, including the portfolio of investments, as of August
31, 2022, the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the
statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then
ended, the financial highlights for the years ended August 31, 2022 and 2021 and
the period from July 21, 2020 (commencement of operations) through August 31,
2020, and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and
financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of the Fund as of August 31, 2022, and the results of its operations
for the year then ended, and the changes in its net assets for each of the two
years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for the years ended
August 31, 2022 and 2021 and for the period from July 21, 2020 (commencement of
operations) through August 31, 2020, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.


These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of
the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund's
financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a
public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to
the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable
rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are
free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Fund is not
required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal
control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to
obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for
the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund's internal
control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due
to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such
procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits
also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of August 31, 2022, by correspondence with
the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we
performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP

Chicago, Illinois
October 25, 2022

We have served as the auditor of one or more First Trust investment companies
since 2001.

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)


A description of the policies and procedures that the Trust uses to determine
how to vote proxies and information on how the Fund voted proxies relating to
its portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is
available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 988-5891; (2) on
the Fund's website at; and (3) on the Securities and
Exchange Commission's ("SEC") website at

                               PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS

The Fund files portfolio holdings information for each month in a fiscal quarter
within 60 days after the end of the relevant fiscal quarter on Form N-PORT.
Portfolio holdings information for the third month of each fiscal quarter will
be publicly available on the SEC's website at The Fund's complete
schedule of portfolio holdings for the second and fourth quarters of each fiscal
year is included in the semi-annual and annual reports to shareholders,
respectively, and is filed with the SEC on Form N-CSR. The semi-annual and
annual report for the Fund is available to investors within 60 days after the
period to which it relates. The Fund's Forms N-PORT and Forms N-CSR are
available on the SEC's website listed above.

                            FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION

There were no distributions made by MMLG during the Fund's fiscal year ended
August 31, 2022; therefore, no analysis for the corporate dividends received
deduction and qualified dividend income was completed.

                              RISK CONSIDERATIONS


CONCENTRATION RISK. To the extent that a fund is able to invest a significant
percentage of its assets in a single asset class or the securities of issuers
within the same country, state, region, industry or sector, an adverse economic,
business or political development may affect the value of the fund's investments
more than if the fund were more broadly diversified. A fund that tracks an index
will be concentrated to the extent the fund's corresponding index is
concentrated. A concentration makes a fund more susceptible to any single
occurrence and may subject the fund to greater market risk than a fund that is
more broadly diversified.

CREDIT RISK. Credit risk is the risk that an issuer of a security will be unable
or unwilling to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments when due and
the related risk that the value of a security may decline because of concerns
about the issuer's ability to make such payments.

CYBER SECURITY RISK. The funds are susceptible to potential operational risks
through breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both
intentional and unintentional events that may cause a fund to lose proprietary
information, suffer data corruption or lose operational capacity. Such events
could cause a fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage,
additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial
loss. In addition, cyber security breaches of a fund's third-party service
providers, such as its administrator, transfer agent, custodian, or sub-advisor,
as applicable, or issuers in which the fund invests, can also subject a fund to
many of the same risks associated with direct cyber security breaches.

DEFINED OUTCOME FUNDS RISK. To the extent a fund's investment strategy is
designed to deliver returns tied to the price performance of an underlying ETF,
an investor may not realize the returns the fund seeks to achieve if that
investor does not hold shares for the entire target outcome period. In the event
an investor purchases shares after the first day of the target outcome period or
sells shares prior to the end of the target outcome period, the buffer that the
fund seeks to provide against a decline in the value of the underlying ETF may
not be available, the enhanced returns that the fund seeks to provide (if any)
may not be available and the investor may not participate in a gain in the value
of the underlying ETF up to the cap for the investor's investment period.
Additionally, the fund will not participate in gains of the underlying ETF above
the cap and a shareholder may lose their entire investment. If the fund seeks
enhanced returns, there are certain time periods when the value of the fund may
fall faster than the value of the underlying ETF, and it is very unlikely that,
on any given day during which the underlying ETF share price increases in value,
the fund's share price will increase at the same rate as the enhanced returns
sought by the fund, which is designed for an entire target outcome period.
Trading flexible exchange options involves risks different from, or possibly
greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities, such
as less liquidity and correlation and valuation risks. A fund may experience
substantial downside from specific flexible exchange option positions and
certain positions may expire worthless.

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

DERIVATIVES RISK. To the extent a fund uses derivative instruments such as
futures contracts, options contracts and swaps, the fund may experience losses
because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying asset,
index or rate, which may be magnified by certain features of the derivative.
These risks are heightened when a fund's portfolio managers use derivatives to
enhance the fund's return or as a substitute for a position or security, rather
than solely to hedge (or offset) the risk of a position or security held by the

EQUITY SECURITIES RISK. To the extent a fund invests in equity securities, the
value of the fund's shares will fluctuate with changes in the value of the
equity securities. Equity securities prices fluctuate for several reasons,
including changes in investors' perceptions of the financial condition of an
issuer or the general condition of the relevant stock market, such as market
volatility, or when political or economic events affecting the issuers occur. In
addition, common stock prices may be particularly sensitive to rising interest
rates, as the cost of capital rises and borrowing costs increase. Equity
securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of
time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may
occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.

ETF RISK. The shares of an ETF trade like common stock and represent an interest
in a portfolio of securities. The risks of owning an ETF generally reflect the
risks of owning the underlying securities, although lack of liquidity in an ETF
could result in it being more volatile and ETFs have management fees that
increase their costs. Shares of an ETF trade on an exchange at market prices
rather than net asset value, which may cause the shares to trade at a price
greater than net asset value (premium) or less than net asset value (discount).
In times of market stress, decisions by market makers to reduce or step away
from their role of providing a market for an ETF's shares, or decisions by an
ETF's authorized participants that they are unable or unwilling to proceed with
creation and/or redemption orders of an ETF's shares, could result in shares of
the ETF trading at a discount to net asset value and in greater than normal
intraday bid-ask spreads.

FIXED INCOME SECURITIES RISK. To the extent a fund invests in fixed income
securities, the fund will be subject to credit risk, income risk, interest rate
risk, liquidity risk and prepayment risk. Income risk is the risk that income
from a fund's fixed income investments could decline during periods of falling
interest rates. Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a fund's fixed
income securities will decline because of rising interest rates. Liquidity risk
is the risk that a security cannot be purchased or sold at the time desired, or
cannot be purchased or sold without adversely affecting the price. Prepayment
risk is the risk that the securities will be redeemed or prepaid by the issuer,
resulting in lower interest payments received by the fund. In addition to these
risks, high yield securities, or "junk" bonds, are subject to greater market
fluctuations and risk of loss than securities with higher ratings, and the
market for high yield securities is generally smaller and less liquid than that
for investment grade securities.

INDEX OR MODEL CONSTITUENT RISK. Certain funds may be a constituent of one or
more indices or ETF models. As a result, such a fund may be included in one or
more index-tracking exchange-traded funds or mutual funds. Being a component
security of such a vehicle could greatly affect the trading activity involving a
fund, the size of the fund and the market volatility of the fund. Inclusion in
an index could increase demand for the fund and removal from an index could
result in outsized selling activity in a relatively short period of time. As a
result, a fund's net asset value could be negatively impacted and the fund's
market price may be significantly below its net asset value during certain
periods. In addition, index rebalances may potentially result in increased
trading activity in a fund's shares.

INDEX PROVIDER RISK. To the extent a fund seeks to track an index, it is subject
to Index Provider Risk. There is no assurance that the Index Provider will
compile the Index accurately, or that the Index will be determined, maintained,
constructed, reconstituted, rebalanced, composed, calculated or disseminated
accurately. To correct any such error, the Index Provider may carry out an
unscheduled rebalance or other modification of the Index constituents or
weightings, which may increase the fund's costs. The Index Provider does not
provide any representation or warranty in relation to the quality, accuracy or
completeness of data in the Index, and it does not guarantee that the Index will
be calculated in accordance with its stated methodology. Losses or costs
associated with any Index Provider errors generally will be borne by the fund
and its shareholders.

INVESTMENT COMPANIES RISK. To the extent a fund invests in the securities of
other investment vehicles, the fund will incur additional fees and expenses that
would not be present in a direct investment in those investment vehicles.
Furthermore, the fund's investment performance and risks are directly related to
the investment performance and risks of the investment vehicles in which the
fund invests.

LIBOR RISK. To the extent a fund invests in floating or variable rate
obligations that use the London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") as a reference
interest rate, it is subject to LIBOR Risk. The United Kingdom's Financial
Conduct Authority, which regulates LIBOR, has ceased making LIBOR available as a
reference rate over a phase-out period that began December 31, 2021. There is no
assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight
Financing Rate ("SOFR") will be similar to or produce the same value or economic
equivalence as LIBOR or that instruments using an alternative rate will have the
same volume or liquidity. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may affect
the value, liquidity or return on certain fund investments and may result in
costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new
trades. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on the fund or
on certain instruments in which the fund invests can be difficult to ascertain,
and they may vary depending on a variety of factors, and they could result in
losses to the fund.

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

MANAGEMENT RISK. To the extent that a fund is actively managed, it is subject to
management risk. In managing an actively-managed fund's investment portfolio,
the fund's portfolio managers will apply investment techniques and risk analyses
that may not have the desired result. There can be no guarantee that a fund will
meet its investment objective.

MARKET RISK. Market risk is the risk that a particular security, or shares of a
fund in general, may fall in value. Securities held by a fund, as well as shares
of a fund itself, are subject to market fluctuations caused by factors such as
general economic conditions, political events, regulatory or market
developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities
prices. Shares of a fund could decline in value or underperform other
investments as a result of the risk of loss associated with these market
fluctuations. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of
terrorism, spread of infectious diseases or other public health issues,
recessions, or other events could have a significant negative impact on a fund
and its investments. Such events may affect certain geographic regions,
countries, sectors and industries more significantly than others. In February
2022, Russia invaded Ukraine which has caused and could continue to cause
significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia,
Europe, and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from
those hostilities could have a significant impact on certain fund investments as
well as fund performance. The COVID-19 global pandemic and the ensuing policies
enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause
significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets. While the
U.S. has resumed "reasonably" normal business activity, many countries continue
to impose lockdown measures. Additionally, there is no guarantee that vaccines
will be effective against emerging variants of the disease. These events also
adversely affect the prices and liquidity of a fund's portfolio securities or
other instruments and could result in disruptions in the trading markets. Any of
such circumstances could have a materially negative impact on the value of a
fund's shares and result in increased market volatility. During any such events,
a fund's shares may trade at increased premiums or discounts to their net asset
value and the bid/ask spread on a fund's shares may widen.

NON-U.S. SECURITIES RISK. To the extent a fund invests in non-U.S. securities,
it is subject to additional risks not associated with securities of domestic
issuers. Non-U.S. securities are subject to higher volatility than securities of
domestic issuers due to: possible adverse political, social or economic
developments; restrictions on foreign investment or exchange of securities;
capital controls; lack of liquidity; currency exchange rates; excessive
taxation; government seizure of assets; the imposition of sanctions by foreign
governments; different legal or accounting standards; and less government
supervision and regulation of exchanges in foreign countries. Investments in
non-U.S. securities may involve higher costs than investments in U.S.
securities, including higher transaction and custody costs, as well as
additional taxes imposed by non-U.S. governments. These risks may be heightened
for securities of companies located, or with significant operations, in emerging
market countries.

OPERATIONAL RISK. Each fund is subject to risks arising from various operational
factors, including, but not limited to, human error, processing and
communication errors, errors of a fund's service providers, counterparties or
other third-parties, failed or inadequate processes and technology or systems
failures. Each fund relies on third-parties for a range of services, including
custody. Any delay or failure relating to engaging or maintaining such service
providers may affect a fund's ability to meet its investment objective. Although
the funds and the funds' investment advisor seek to reduce these operational
risks through controls and procedures, there is no way to completely protect
against such risks.

PASSIVE INVESTMENT RISK. To the extent a fund seeks to track an index, the fund
will invest in the securities included in, or representative of, the index
regardless of their investment merit. A fund generally will not attempt to take
defensive positions in declining markets.

VALUATION RISK. The valuation of certain securities may carry more risk than
that of common stock. Uncertainties in the conditions of the financial markets,
unreliable reference data, lack of transparency and inconsistency of valuation
models and processes may lead to inaccurate asset pricing. A fund may hold
investments in sizes smaller than institutionally sized round lot positions
(sometimes referred to as odd lots). However, third-party pricing services
generally provide evaluations on the basis of institutionally-sized round lots.
If a fund sells certain of its investments in an odd lot transaction, the sale
price may be less than the value at which such securities have been held by the
fund. Odd lots often trade at lower prices than institutional round lots. There
is no assurance that the fund will be able to sell a portfolio security at the
price established by the pricing service, which could result in a loss to the



                          AND SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENTS

The Board of Trustees of First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII (the "Trust"),
including the Independent Trustees, unanimously approved the continuation of the
Investment Management Agreement (the "Advisory Agreement") between the Trust, on
behalf of First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF (the "Fund"), and First
Trust Advisors L.P. (the "Advisor"); the Investment Sub-Advisory Agreement (the
"Sands Sub-Advisory Agreement") among the Trust, on behalf of the Fund, the
Advisor and Sands Capital Management, LLC ("Sands"); and the Investment
Sub-Advisory Agreement (the "Wellington Sub-Advisory Agreement") among the
Trust, on behalf of the Fund, the Advisor and Wellington Management Company LLP
("Wellington"). The Sands Sub-Advisory Agreement and the Wellington Sub-Advisory
Agreement are collectively referred to as the "Sub-Advisory Agreements." Sands

                                                                         Page 21


                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

and Wellington are each referred to as a "Sub-Advisor" and collectively as the
"Sub-Advisors." The Sub-Advisory Agreements together with the Advisory Agreement
are referred to as the "Agreements." The Board approved the continuation of the
Agreements for a one-year period ending June 30, 2023 at a meeting held on June
12-13, 2022. The Board determined that the continuation of the Agreements is in
the best interests of the Fund in light of the nature, extent and quality of the
services provided and such other matters as the Board considered to be relevant
in the exercise of its business judgment.

To reach this determination, the Board considered its duties under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as well as under
the general principles of state law, in reviewing and approving advisory
contracts; the requirements of the 1940 Act in such matters; the fiduciary duty
of investment advisors with respect to advisory agreements and compensation; the
standards used by courts in determining whether investment company boards have
fulfilled their duties; and the factors to be considered by the Board in voting
on such agreements. At meetings held on April 18, 2022 and June 12-13, 2022, the
Board, including the Independent Trustees, reviewed materials provided by the
Advisor and each Sub-Advisor responding to requests for information from counsel
to the Independent Trustees, submitted on behalf of the Independent Trustees,
that, among other things, outlined: the services provided by the Advisor and
each Sub-Advisor to the Fund (including the relevant personnel responsible for
these services and their experience); the unitary fee rate payable by the Fund
as compared to fees charged to a peer group of funds (the "Expense Group") and a
broad peer universe of funds (the "Expense Universe"), each assembled by
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. ("Broadridge"), an independent source, and
as compared to fees charged to other clients of the Advisor, including other
exchange-traded funds ("ETFs") managed by the Advisor; the sub-advisory fee
rates for the Fund as compared to fees charged to other clients of the
Sub-Advisors; the expense ratio of the Fund as compared to expense ratios of the
funds in the Fund's Expense Group and Expense Universe; performance information
for the Fund, including comparisons of the Fund's performance to that of one or
more relevant benchmark indexes and to that of a performance group of funds and
a broad performance universe of funds (the "Performance Universe"), each
assembled by Broadridge; the nature of expenses incurred in providing services
to the Fund and the potential for the Advisor and each Sub-Advisor to realize
economies of scale, if any; profitability and other financial data for the
Advisor; financial data for each Sub-Advisor; any indirect benefits to the
Advisor and its affiliate, First Trust Portfolios L.P. ("FTP"), and the
Sub-Advisors; and information on the Advisor's and each Sub-Advisor's compliance
programs. The Board reviewed initial materials with the Advisor at the meeting
held on April 18, 2022, prior to which the Independent Trustees and their
counsel met separately to discuss the information provided by the Advisor and
the Sub-Advisors. Following the April meeting, counsel to the Independent
Trustees, on behalf of the Independent Trustees, requested certain
clarifications and supplements to the materials provided, and the information
provided in response to those requests was considered at an executive session of
the Independent Trustees and their counsel held prior to the June 12-13, 2022
meeting, as well as at the June meeting. The Board applied its business judgment
to determine whether the arrangements between the Trust and the Advisor and
among the Trust, the Advisor and each Sub-Advisor continue to be reasonable
business arrangements from the Fund's perspective. The Board determined that,
given the totality of the information provided with respect to the Agreements,
the Board had received sufficient information to renew the Agreements. The Board
considered that shareholders chose to invest or remain invested in the Fund
knowing that the Advisor and the Sub-Advisors manage the Fund and knowing the
Fund's unitary fee.

In reviewing the Agreements, the Board considered the nature, extent and quality
of the services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisors under the
Agreements. The Board considered that the Fund is an actively-managed ETF and
employs a multi-manager structure. With respect to the Advisory Agreement, the
Board considered that the Advisor is responsible for the overall management and
administration of the Trust and the Fund and reviewed all of the services
provided by the Advisor to the Fund, including the oversight of the Sub-Advisors
and the allocation of assets between the Sub-Advisors performed by members of
the Advisor's Investment Committee, as well as the background and experience of
the persons responsible for such services. The Board considered that each
Sub-Advisor acts as a non-discretionary manager providing model portfolio
recommendations to the Advisor, and that the Advisor executes the Fund's
portfolio trades. The Board noted that the Advisor oversees management of the
Fund's investments, including portfolio risk monitoring and performance review.
In reviewing the services provided, the Board noted the compliance program that
had been developed by the Advisor and considered that it includes a robust
program for monitoring the Advisor's, each Sub-Advisor's and the Fund's
compliance with the 1940 Act, as well as the Fund's compliance with its
investment objective, policies and restrictions. The Board also considered a
report from the Advisor with respect to its risk management functions related to
the operation of the Fund. Finally, as part of the Board's consideration of the
Advisor's services, the Advisor, in its written materials and at the April 18,
2022 meeting, described to the Board the scope of its ongoing investment in
additional personnel and infrastructure to maintain and improve the quality of
services provided to the Fund and the other funds in the First Trust Fund
Complex. With respect to the Sub-Advisory Agreements, the Board noted that the
Fund is an actively-managed ETF and the Sub-Advisors actively manage the Fund's
investments. The Board reviewed the materials provided by each Sub-Advisor and
considered the services that each Sub-Advisor provides to the Fund, including
each Sub-Advisor's non-discretionary management of the portion of the Fund's
assets allocated to it. In considering Sands' services to the Fund, the Board
noted the background and experience of Sands' portfolio management team and the
Board's prior meetings with members of Sands' portfolio management team. In
addition to the written materials provided by Wellington, at the April 18, 2022
meeting, the Board also received a presentation from representatives of
Wellington, who discussed the services that Wellington provides to the Fund. In
considering Wellington's services to the Fund, the Board noted the background

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

and experience of Wellington's portfolio management team. In light of the
information presented and the considerations made, the Board concluded that the
nature, extent and quality of the services provided to the Trust and the Fund by
the Advisor and each Sub-Advisor under the Agreements have been and are expected
to remain satisfactory and that the Advisor and the Sub-Advisors have managed
the Fund consistent with the Fund's investment objective, policies and

The Board considered the unitary fee rate payable by the Fund under the Advisory
Agreement for the services provided. The Board noted that the Advisor pays each
Sub-Advisor a separate sub-advisory fee from the unitary fee. The Board
considered that as part of the unitary fee the Advisor is responsible for the
Fund's expenses, including the cost of sub-advisory, transfer agency, custody,
fund administration, legal, audit and other services and license fees, if any,
but excluding the fee payment under the Advisory Agreement and interest, taxes,
acquired fund fees and expenses, brokerage commissions and other expenses
connected with the execution of portfolio transactions, distribution and service
fees pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, if any, and extraordinary expenses, if any.
The Board received and reviewed information showing the fee rates and expense
ratios of the peer funds in the Expense Group, as well as advisory and unitary
fee rates charged by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisors to other fund (including
ETFs) and non-fund clients, as applicable. Because the Fund pays a unitary fee,
the Board determined that expense ratios were the most relevant comparative data
point. Based on the information provided, the Board noted that the unitary fee
rate for the Fund was above the median total (net) expense ratio of the peer
funds in the Expense Group. With respect to the Expense Group, the Board, at the
April 18, 2022 meeting, discussed with Broadridge its methodology for assembling
peer groups and discussed with the Advisor limitations in creating peer groups
for actively-managed ETFs and that different business models may affect the
pricing of services among ETF sponsors. The Board noted that not all peer funds
employ an advisor/sub-advisor management structure. The Board took these
limitations and differences into account in considering the peer data. With
respect to fees charged to other non-ETF clients, the Board considered
differences between the Fund and other non-ETF clients that limited their
comparability. In considering the unitary fee rate overall, the Board also
considered the Advisor's statement that it seeks to meet investor needs through
innovative and value-added investment solutions and the Advisor's demonstrated
long-term commitment to the Fund and the other funds in the First Trust Fund

The Board considered performance information for the Fund. The Board noted the
process it has established for monitoring the Fund's performance and portfolio
risk on an ongoing basis, which includes quarterly performance reporting from
the Advisor for the Fund. The Board determined that this process continues to be
effective for reviewing the Fund's performance. The Board received and reviewed
information comparing the Fund's performance for the one-year period ended
December 31, 2021 to the performance of the funds in the Performance Universe
and to that of a benchmark index. Based on the information provided, the Board
noted that the Fund underperformed the Performance Universe median and the
benchmark index for the one-year period ended December 31, 2021.

On the basis of all the information provided on the unitary fee and performance
of the Fund and the ongoing oversight by the Board, the Board concluded that the
unitary fee for the Fund (out of which the Sub-Advisors are compensated)
continues to be reasonable and appropriate in light of the nature, extent and
quality of the services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisors to the Fund
under the Agreements.

The Board considered information and discussed with the Advisor whether there
were any economies of scale in connection with providing advisory services to
the Fund and noted the Advisor's statement that it believes that its expenses
relating to providing advisory services to the Fund will likely increase during
the next twelve months as the Advisor continues to build infrastructure and add
new staff. The Board noted that any reduction in fixed costs associated with the
management of the Fund would benefit the Advisor, but that the unitary fee
structure provides a level of certainty in expenses for the Fund. The Board
considered the revenues and allocated costs (including the allocation
methodology) of the Advisor in serving as investment advisor to the Fund for the
twelve months ended December 31, 2021 and the estimated profitability level for
the Fund calculated by the Advisor based on such data, as well as complex-wide
and product-line profitability data, for the same period. The Board noted the
inherent limitations in the profitability analysis and concluded that, based on
the information provided, the Advisor's profitability level for the Fund was not
unreasonable. In addition, the Board considered indirect benefits described by
the Advisor that may be realized from its relationship with the Fund. The Board
considered that the Advisor had identified as an indirect benefit to the Advisor
and FTP their exposure to investors and brokers who, absent their exposure to
the Fund, may have had no dealings with the Advisor or FTP, and noted that the
Advisor does not utilize soft-dollars in connection with the Fund. The Board
concluded that the character and amount of potential indirect benefits to the
Advisor were not unreasonable.

With respect to the Sands Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board considered Sands'
statements that it did not believe there are any specific economies of scale in
connection with providing sub-advisory services to the Fund that will benefit
the Fund's shareholders and that Sands believes that the sub-advisory fee is
appropriate given the services provided to the Fund. The Board did not review
the profitability of Sands with respect to the Fund. The Board noted that the
Advisor pays Sands from the unitary fee, and its understanding that the Fund's
sub-advisory fee rate was the product of an arm's length negotiation. The Board
concluded that the profitability analysis for the Advisor was more relevant. The
Board considered indirect benefits that may be realized by Sands from its
relationship with the Fund, and noted Sands' statement that there are no
additional benefits expected to be derived as part of its relationship with the

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

Fund given that the Advisor is responsible for trade execution. The Board noted
that Sands acts as a non-discretionary manager providing model portfolio
recommendations to the Advisor and does not provide trade execution services to
the Fund. The Board concluded that the character and amount of potential
indirect benefits to Sands were not unreasonable.

With respect to the Wellington Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board considered
Wellington's statement that it believes the sub-advisory fee schedule reflects
the economies of scale inherent in providing investment advice to funds similar
in size to the Fund, and that Wellington believes the fee schedule is
competitive given the nature and quality of service provided by Wellington. The
Board did not review the profitability of Wellington with respect to the Fund.
The Board noted that the Advisor pays Wellington from the unitary fee, and its
understanding that the Fund's sub-advisory fee rate was the product of an arm's
length negotiation. The Board concluded that the profitability analysis for the
Advisor was more relevant. The Board considered indirect benefits that may be
realized by Wellington from its relationship with the Fund, and noted
Wellington's statements that it derives no ancillary economic benefits of the
type that may accrue to an adviser that also provides distribution and other
services, and that although not quantifiable Wellington recognizes the
reputational benefit that accrues from its relationship with the Fund and the
Advisor. The Board noted that Wellington acts as a non-discretionary manager
providing model portfolio recommendations to the Advisor and does not provide
trade execution services to the Fund. The Board concluded that the character and
amount of potential indirect benefits to Wellington were not unreasonable.

Based on all of the information considered and the conclusions reached, the
Board, including the Independent Trustees, unanimously determined that the terms
of the Agreements continue to be fair and reasonable and that the continuation
of the Agreements is in the best interests of the Fund. No single factor was
determinative in the Board's analysis.


In accordance with Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"), the Fund and each other fund in the First Trust Fund
Complex, other than the closed-end funds, have adopted and implemented a
liquidity risk management program (the "Program") reasonably designed to assess
and manage the funds' liquidity risk, i.e., the risk that a fund could not meet
requests to redeem shares issued by the fund without significant dilution of
remaining investors' interests in the fund. The Board of Trustees of the First
Trust Funds has appointed First Trust Advisors, L.P. (the "Advisor") as the
person designated to administer the Program, and in this capacity the Advisor
performs its duties primarily through the activities and efforts of the First
Trust Liquidity Committee (the "Liquidity Committee").

Pursuant to the Program, the Liquidity Committee classifies the liquidity of
each fund's portfolio investments into one of the four liquidity categories
specified by Rule 22e-4: highly liquid investments, moderately liquid
investments, less liquid investments and illiquid investments. The Liquidity
Committee determines certain of the inputs for this classification process,
including reasonably anticipated trade sizes and significant investor dilution
thresholds. The Liquidity Committee also determines and periodically reviews a
highly liquid investment minimum for certain funds, monitors the funds' holdings
of assets classified as illiquid investments to seek to ensure they do not
exceed 15% of a fund's net assets and establishes policies and procedures
regarding redemptions in kind.

At the April 18, 2022 meeting of the Board of Trustees, as required by Rule
22e-4 and the Program, the Advisor provided the Board with a written report
prepared by the Advisor that addressed the operation of the Program during the
period from March 16, 2021 through the Liquidity Committee's annual meeting held
on March 17, 2022 and assessed the Program's adequacy and effectiveness of
implementation during this period, including the operation of the highly liquid
investment minimum for each fund that is required under the Program to have one,
and any material changes to the Program. Note that because the Fund primarily
holds assets that are highly liquid investments, the Fund has not adopted any
highly liquid investment minimum.

As stated in the written report, during the review period, no fund breached the
15% limitation on illiquid investments, no fund with a highly liquid investment
minimum breached that minimum and no fund filed a Form N-LIQUID. The Advisor
concluded that each fund's investment strategy is appropriate for an open-end
fund; that the Program operated effectively in all material respects during the
review period; and that the Program is reasonably designed to assess and manage
the liquidity risk of each fund and to maintain compliance with Rule 22e-4.

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

The following tables identify the Trustees and Officers of the Trust. Unless
otherwise indicated, the address of all persons is 120 East Liberty Drive, Suite
400, Wheaton, IL 60187.

The Trust's statement of additional information includes additional information
about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling
(800) 988-5891.

                                                                                           NUMBER OF                OTHER
                                                                                         PORTFOLIOS IN         TRUSTEESHIPS OR
                                TERM OF OFFICE                                          THE FIRST TRUST         DIRECTORSHIPS
           NAME,                AND YEAR FIRST                                           FUND COMPLEX          HELD BY TRUSTEE
  POSITION WITH THE TRUST          APPOINTED               DURING PAST 5 YEARS              TRUSTEE                5 YEARS
                                                        INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES
Richard E. Erickson, Trustee   o Indefinite Term   Physician, Edward-Elmhurst Medical         220         None
(1951)                                             Group; Physician and Officer,
                               o Since Inception   Wheaton Orthopedics (1990 to 2021)

Thomas R. Kadlec, Trustee      o Indefinite Term   Retired; President, ADM Investors          220         Director, National Futures
(1957)                                             Services, Inc. (Futures Commission                     Association and ADMIS
                               o Since Inception   Merchant) (2010 to July 2022)                          Singapore Ltd.; Formerly,
                                                                                                          Director of ADM Investor
                                                                                                          Services, Inc., ADM
                                                                                                          Investor Services
                                                                                                          International, ADMISHong
                                                                                                          Kong Ltd., and
                                                                                                          Futures Industry

Denise M. Keefe, Trustee       o Indefinite Term   Executive Vice President, Advocate         220         Director and Board Chair
(1964)                                             Aurora Health and President,                           of Advocate Home Health
                               o Since 2021        Advocate Aurora Continuing Health                      Services, Advocate Home
                                                   Division (Integrated Healthcare                        Care Products and
                                                   System)                                                Advocate Hospice;
                                                                                                          Director and Board Chair
                                                                                                          of Aurora At Home (since
                                                                                                          2018); Director of
                                                                                                          Advocate Physician
                                                                                                          Partners Accountable Care
                                                                                                          Organization; Director and
                                                                                                          Board Chair of RML Long
                                                                                                          Term Acute Care
                                                                                                          Hospitals; and Director of
                                                                                                          Senior Helpers (since

Robert F. Keith, Trustee       o Indefinite Term   President, Hibs Enterprises                220         Formerly, Director of
(1956)                                             (Financial and Management                              Trust Company of Illinois
                               o Since Inception   Consulting)

Niel B. Nielson, Trustee       o Indefinite Term   Senior Advisor (2018 to Present),          220         None
(1954)                                             Managing Director and Chief
                               o Since Inception   Operating Officer (2015 to 2018),
                                                   Pelita Harapan Educational
                                                   Foundation (Educational
                                                   Products and Services)

                                                         INTERESTED TRUSTEE
James A. Bowen(1), Trustee,    o Indefinite Term   Chief Executive Officer, First             220         None
Chairman of the Board                              Trust Advisors L.P. and First Trust
(1955)                         o Since Inception   Portfolios L.P., Chairman of the
                                                   Board of Directors, BondWave LLC
                                                   (Software Development Company) and
                                                   Stonebridge Advisors LLC
                                                   (Investment Advisor)


(1)   Mr. Bowen is deemed an "interested person" of the Trust due to his
      position as Chief Executive Officer of First Trust Advisors L.P.,
      investment advisor of the Trust.

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

                             POSITION AND           TERM OF OFFICE
     NAME AND                  OFFICES               AND LENGTH OF                         PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS
   YEAR OF BIRTH              WITH TRUST                SERVICE                             DURING PAST 5 YEARS
James M. Dykas        President and Chief          o Indefinite Term   Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer, First
(1966)                Executive Officer                                Trust Advisors L.P. and First  Trust Portfolios L.P.;
                                                   o Since Inception   Chief Financial Officer, BondWave LLC (Software
                                                                       Development Company) and Stonebridge Advisors
                                                                       LLC (Investment Advisor)

Donald P. Swade       Treasurer, Chief Financial   o Indefinite Term   Senior Vice President, First Trust Advisors L.P. and
(1972)                Officer and Chief                                First Trust Portfolios L.P.
                      Accounting Officer           o Since Inception

W. Scott Jardine      Secretary and Chief Legal    o Indefinite Term   General Counsel, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First 
(1960)                Officer                                          Trust Portfolios L.P.; Secretary and General Counsel,
                                                   o Since Inception   BondWave LLC; Secretary, Stonebridge Advisors LLC

Daniel J. Lindquist   Vice President               o Indefinite Term   Managing Director, First Trust Advisors L.P. and First
(1970)                                                                 Trust Portfolios L.P.
                                                   o Since Inception

Kristi A. Maher       Chief Compliance Officer     o Indefinite Term   Deputy General Counsel, First Trust Advisors L.P. and
(1966)                and Assistant Secretary                          First Trust Portfolios L.P.
                                                   o Since Inception

Roger F. Testin       Vice President               o Indefinite Term   Senior Vice President, First Trust Advisors L.P. and
(1966)                                                                 First Trust Portfolios L.P.
                                                   o Since Inception

Stan Ueland           Vice President               o Indefinite Term   Senior Vice President, First Trust Advisors L.P. and
(1970)                                                                 First Trust Portfolios L.P.
                                                   o Since Inception


(2)   The term "officer" means the president, vice president, secretary,
      treasurer, controller or any other officer who performs a policy making

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                          AUGUST 31, 2022 (UNAUDITED)

                                 PRIVACY POLICY

First Trust values our relationship with you and considers your privacy an
important priority in maintaining that relationship. We are committed to
protecting the security and confidentiality of your personal information.


We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

      o     Information we receive from you and your broker-dealer, investment
            professional or financial representative through interviews,
            applications, agreements or other forms;

      o     Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates or

      o     Information we receive from your inquiries by mail, e-mail or
            telephone; and

      o     Information we collect on our website through the use of "cookies."
            For example, we may identify the pages on our website that your
            browser requests or visits.


The type of data we collect may include your name, address, social security
number, age, financial status, assets, income, tax information, retirement and
estate plan information, transaction history, account balance, payment history,
investment objectives, marital status, family relationships and other personal


We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or
former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law. In addition to using
this information to verify your identity (as required under law), the permitted
uses may also include the disclosure of such information to unaffiliated
companies for the following reasons:

      o     In order to provide you with products and services and to effect
            transactions that you request or authorize, we may disclose your
            personal information as described above to unaffiliated financial
            service providers and other companies that perform administrative or
            other services on our behalf, such as transfer agents, custodians
            and trustees, or that assist us in the distribution of investor
            materials such as trustees, banks, financial representatives, proxy
            services, solicitors and printers.

      o     We may release information we have about you if you direct us to do
            so, if we are compelled by law to do so, or in other legally limited
            circumstances (for example to protect your account from fraud).

In addition, in order to alert you to our other financial products and services,
we may share your personal information within First Trust.


We currently use third party analytics tools, Google Analytics and AddThis, to
gather information for purposes of improving First Trust's website and marketing
our products and services to you. These tools employ cookies, which are small
pieces of text stored in a file by your web browser and sent to websites that
you visit, to collect information, track website usage and viewing trends such
as the number of hits, pages visited, videos and PDFs viewed and the length of
user sessions in order to evaluate website performance and enhance navigation of
the website. We may also collect other anonymous information, which is generally
limited to technical and web navigation information such as the IP address of
your device, internet browser type and operating system for purposes of
analyzing the data to make First Trust's website better and more useful to our
users. The information collected does not include any personal identifiable
information such as your name, address, phone number or email address unless you
provide that information through the website for us to contact you in order to
answer your questions or respond to your requests. To find out how to opt-out of
these services click on: Google Analytics and AddThis.


With regard to our internal security procedures, First Trust restricts access to
your nonpublic personal information to those First Trust employees who need to
know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain
physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your nonpublic
personal information.


As required by federal law, we will notify you of our privacy policy annually.
We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, however, if we do change
it, we will tell you promptly. For questions about our policy, or for additional
copies of this notice, please go to, or contact us at
1-800-621-1675 (First Trust Portfolios) or 1-800-222-6822 (First Trust

March 2022

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First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII

First Trust Advisors L.P.
120 East Liberty Drive, Suite 400
Wheaton, IL 60187

Wellington Management Company LLP
280 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02210

Sands Capital Management, LLC
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 3000
Arlington, Virginia 22209

The Bank of New York Mellon
240 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10286

Deloitte & Touche LLP
111 S. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606

Chapman and Cutler LLP
320 South Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60606