
January 1, 2024

American Century Investments
Ticker: Exchange:
American Century® Sustainable Equity ETF
ESGA NYSE Arca, Inc.

This ETF is different from traditional ETFs.
Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day. This ETF will not. This may create additional risks for your investment. For example:
You may have to pay more money to trade the ETF’s shares. This ETF will provide less information to traders, who tend to charge more for trades when they have less information.
The price you pay to buy ETF shares on an exchange may not match the value of the ETF’s portfolio. The same is true when you sell shares. These price differences may be greater for this ETF compared to other ETFs because it provides less information to traders.
These additional risks may be even greater in bad or uncertain market conditions.
The ETF will publish on its website each day a “Proxy Portfolio” designed to help trading in shares of the ETF. While the Proxy Portfolio includes some of the ETF’s holdings, it is not the ETF’s actual portfolio.
The differences between this ETF and other ETFs may also have advantages. By keeping certain information about the ETF secret, this ETF may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its investment strategy. This may improve the ETF’s performance. If other traders are able to copy or predict the ETF’s investment strategy, however, this may hurt the ETF’s performance.
For additional information regarding the unique attributes and risks of the ETF, see Proxy Portfolio Risk, Premium/Discount Risk, Trading Issues Risk and AP Concentration Risk in the Principal Risks section and The Proxy Portfolio section of the prospectus and the Statement of Additional Information.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has
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passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus. Any
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Table of Contents
Fund Summary 2 
Objectives, Strategies and Risks 7 
Management 10 
Investing in the Fund 12 
Share Price and Distributions 14 
Taxes 16 
Additional Information 18 
Disclaimers 19 
Financial Highlights 20 

©2024 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

Fund Summary
Investment Objective
The fund seeks long-term capital growth.
Fees and Expenses
The following table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fee 0.39%
Other Expenses
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 0.39%
The example below is intended to help you compare the costs of investing in the fund with the costs of investing in other funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods, that you earn a 5% return each year, and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
$40 $126 $219 $493
Portfolio Turnover
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 17% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund will generally invest in large capitalization companies it believes show sustainable business improvement using a proprietary multi-factor model that combines fundamental measures of a stock’s value and growth potential with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. The model assigns each security a financial metrics score and an ESG score that are combined on an equal basis to create an overall score.
To measure value, the portfolio managers may use ratios of stock price-to-earnings and stock price-to-cash flow. To measure growth, the managers may use the rate of growth of a company’s earnings and cash flow and changes in its earnings estimates. The model also considers price momentum. The team arrives at an ESG score by evaluating multiple metrics of each ESG characteristic—environmental, social, and governance. The portfolio managers utilize internal data and research, as well as third party commercial data sources and scoring systems, to evaluate each security’s ESG characteristics. To the extent such information is available, portfolio managers will consider, among others, a company’s carbon emission profile, energy and water usage, or waste generation (environmental), a company’s employee turnover rates, digital privacy, or worker safety (social), and a company’s corporate leadership, including board chair independence and the independence of audit and compensation committees or shareholder rights such as say on pay (governance). If an ESG score is unavailable or incomplete, a security may still be selected for the portfolio if the portfolio managers believe they can evaluate the security qualitatively, or if the financial metrics and/or remaining ESG data merit investment. Qualitative review of portfolio securities may include examination of registration statements and other information provided by the company as well as engagement with company management.
Final scores for each security are evaluated on a sector-specific basis, and the fund seeks to hold securities with the strongest scores in their respective sectors. Using this process, the portfolio managers attempt to build a portfolio of stocks that has sustainable competitive advantages, provides better returns without taking on significant additional risk, and maintains a stronger ESG profile than the S&P 500® Index.
Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in sustainable equity securities. For this purpose, the advisor defines sustainable securities as those to which the advisor’s proprietary model assigns an ESG score that is in the top three quartiles of the ESG scores the model assigns to all of the securities in the fund’s benchmark, the S&P 500® Index. Any assets held in cash or cash equivalents do not receive an ESG score and are not considered sustainable for purposes of the fund’s 80% test. The fund

will invest principally in exchange-traded common stocks. The fund defines large capitalization companies as companies with capitalizations in the capitalization range of the S&P 500® Index.
When determining whether to sell a security, the portfolio managers consider among other things, a security’s price, whether a security’s risk parameters outweigh its return opportunities, general market conditions, and whether the security meets their ESG criteria.
The fund is an actively managed, nontransparent exchange-traded fund (ETF) that does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. In lieu of publishing its portfolio contents (Actual Portfolio) daily, the fund publishes a proxy portfolio (Proxy Portfolio) each day and on its website. There is no minimum overlap required between the Actual Portfolio and the Proxy Portfolio.
Principal Risks
Proxy Portfolio Risk — The goal of the Proxy Portfolio is, during all market conditions, to track closely the daily performance of the Actual Portfolio and minimize intra-day misalignment between the performance of the Proxy Portfolio and the performance of the Actual Portfolio. The Proxy Portfolio is designed to reflect the economic exposures and the risk characteristics of the Actual Portfolio on any given trading day.
The Proxy Portfolio methodology is novel and not yet proven as an effective arbitrage mechanism. The effectiveness of the Proxy Portfolio as an arbitrage mechanism is contingent upon, among other things, the fund’s factor model analysis creating a Proxy Portfolio that performs in a manner substantially identical to the performance of the fund’s Actual Portfolio. While the Proxy Portfolio may include some of the fund’s holdings, it is not the fund’s Actual Portfolio. ETFs trading on the basis of a published Proxy Portfolio may exhibit wider premiums and discounts, bid/ask spreads, and tracking error than other ETFs using the same investment strategies that publish their portfolios on a daily basis, especially during periods of market disruption or volatility. Therefore, shares of the fund may cost investors more to trade than shares of a traditional ETF.
Each day the fund calculates the overlap between the holdings of the prior Business Day’s Proxy Portfolio compared to the Actual Portfolio (Proxy Overlap) and the difference, in percentage terms, between the Proxy Portfolio per share NAV and that of the Actual Portfolio (Tracking Error). If the Tracking Error becomes large, there is a risk that the performance of the Proxy Portfolio may deviate from the performance of the Actual Portfolio.
The fund’s Board of Trustees monitors its Tracking Error and bid/spread. If deviations become too large, the Board will consider the continuing viability of the fund, whether shareholders are being harmed, and what, if any, corrective measures would be appropriate. See the Statement of Additional Information for further discussion of the Board’s monitoring responsibilities.
Although the fund seeks to benefit from keeping its portfolio information secret, market participants may attempt to use the Proxy Portfolio to identify a fund’s trading strategy, which if successful, could result in such market participants engaging in certain predatory trading practices that may have the potential to harm the fund and its shareholders.
Premium/Discount Risk — Publication of the Proxy Portfolio is not the same level of transparency as the publication of the full portfolio by a fully transparent active ETF. Although the Proxy Portfolio is intended to provide investors with enough information to allow for an effective arbitrage mechanism that will keep the market price of the fund at or close to the underlying net asset value (NAV) per share of the fund, there is a risk (which may increase during periods of market disruption or volatility) that market prices will vary significantly from the underlying NAV of the fund. This means the price paid to buy shares on an exchange may not match the value of the fund’s portfolio. The same is true when shares are sold.
Trading Issues Risk — If securities representing 10% or more of the fund’s Actual Portfolio do not have readily available market quotations, the fund will promptly request that the Exchange halt trading in the fund’s shares. Trading halts may have a greater impact on this fund compared to other ETFs due to the fund’s nontransparent structure. If the trading of a security held in the fund’s Actual Portfolio is halted, or otherwise does not have readily available market quotations, and the Advisor believes that the lack of any such readily available market quotations may affect the reliability of the Proxy Portfolio as an arbitrage vehicle, or otherwise determines it is in the best interest of the fund, the Advisor promptly will disclose on the fund’s website the identity and weighting of such security for so long as such security’s trading is halted or otherwise does not have readily available market quotations and remains in the Actual Portfolio. 
Authorized Participant Concentration Risk — Only an authorized participant may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund. The fund may have a limited number of institutions that act as authorized participants. To the extent that these institutions exit the business or are unable to proceed with creation and/or redemption orders with respect to the fund and no other authorized participant is able to step forward to process creation and/or redemption orders, fund shares may trade at a discount to net asset value (NAV) and possibly face trading halts and/or delisting. This risk may be more pronounced in volatile markets, potentially where there are significant redemptions in ETFs generally. The fact that the fund is offering a novel and unique structure may affect the number of entities willing to act as Authorized Participants. During times of market stress, Authorized Participants may be more likely to step away from this type of ETF than a traditional ETF.

ESG Risk — Because the fund considers ESG metrics in addition to fundamental financial metrics when selecting securities, its portfolio may perform differently than funds that do not use ESG metrics. ESG considerations may prioritize long term rather than short term returns. Furthermore, when analyzing ESG criteria for securities, if the portfolio management team relies on the information and scoring models published by third party sources, there is a risk that this information might be incorrect or only take into account one of many ESG related components of portfolio companies. Moreover, scores and ratings across third party providers may be inconsistent or incomparable.
Style Risk — If at any time the market is not favoring the fund’s investment process, the fund’s gains may not be as big as, or its losses may be bigger than, those of other equity funds using different investment styles.
Market Trading Risk — The fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of an active market for fund shares, losses from trading in secondary markets, periods of high volatility and disruption in the creation and/or redemption process of the fund. Any of these factors, among others, may lead to the fund’s shares trading at a premium or discount to NAV. Thus, you may pay more (or less) than NAV when you buy shares of the fund in the secondary market, and you may receive less (or more) than NAV when you sell those shares in the secondary market. The portfolio managers cannot predict whether shares will trade above (premium), below (discount) or at NAV.
Market Risk — The value of the fund’s shares will go up and down based on the performance of the companies whose securities it owns and other factors generally affecting the securities market. Market risks, including political, regulatory, economic and social developments, can affect the value of the fund’s investments. Natural disasters, public health emergencies, war, terrorism and other unforeseeable events may lead to increased market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on world economies and markets generally.
Large Shareholder Risk — Certain shareholders, including other funds advised by the advisor, may from time to time own a substantial amount of the shares of the fund. In addition, a third party investor, the advisor or an affiliate of the advisor, an authorized participant, a market maker, or another entity may invest in the fund and hold its investment for a limited period of time solely to facilitate commencement of the fund or to facilitate the fund’s achieving a specified size or scale. There can be no assurance that any large shareholder would not redeem its investment, that the size of the fund would be maintained at such levels or that the fund would continue to meet applicable listing requirements. Redemptions by large shareholders could have a significant negative impact on the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on the NYSE Arca, Inc. and may, therefore, have a material upward or downward effect on the market price of the shares.
Principal Loss Risk — At any given time your shares may be worth less than the price you paid for them. In other words, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.
An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit, and it is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency.
Fund Performance
The following bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The bar chart shows changes in the fund’s performance from year to year. The table shows how the fund’s average annual returns for the periods shown compared with those of a broad measure of market performance. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. For current performance information, please visit
Sales charges and account fees, if applicable, are not reflected in the bar chart. If those charges were included, returns would be less than those shown.

Calendar Year Total Returns
Highest Performance Quarter (4Q 2021): 11.47% Lowest Performance Quarter (2Q 2022): -16.78%
As of September 30, 2023, the most recent calendar quarter end, the fund’s year-to-date return was 11.45%.
Average Annual Total Returns
For the calendar year ended December 31, 2022
1 year Since Inception Inception Date
American Century Sustainable Equity ETF Shares
Return Before Taxes -19.25% 9.31% 07/13/2020
Return After Taxes on Distributions -19.45% 9.06% 07/13/2020
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares -11.24% 7.20% 07/13/2020
S&P 500® Index
  (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
-18.11% 9.97%
After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements, such as 401(k) plans or IRAs.
Portfolio Management
Investment Advisor
American Century Investment Management, Inc.
Portfolio Managers
Justin M. Brown, CFA, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception.
Joseph Reiland, CFA, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception.
Robert J. Bove, Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception.
Rene P. Casis, Vice President and ETF Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is a nontransparent active ETF. Fund shares may only be bought and sold in a secondary market through a broker-dealer at a market price. ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). An investor may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) when buying or selling shares in the secondary market (bid-ask spread). Investors can find information on the fund’s NAV, market price, premiums and discounts, and bid-ask spread at

Tax Information
Fund distributions are generally taxable as ordinary income or capital gains, unless you are investing through a tax-deferred account such as a 401(k) or individual retirement account (in which case you may be taxed upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).
Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the advisor and its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Objectives, Strategies and Risks
What are the fund’s investment objectives?
The fund seeks long-term capital growth.
The fund’s investment objective is a nonfundamental investment policy and may be changed by the Board of Trustees without approval by shareholders upon 30 days’ notice.
What are the fund’s principal investment strategies?
The fund generally invests in large capitalization companies, but may invest in companies of any capitalization. The fund’s investment strategy utilizes a proprietary multi-factor model in a three-step process. In the first step, the portfolio managers rank stocks from most attractive to least attractive. This is determined by using a quantitative model that combines fundamental measures of a stock’s value and growth potential and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. To measure value, the managers may use ratios of stock price-to-earnings and stock price-to-cash flow, among others. To measure growth, the managers may use the rate of growth of a company’s earnings and cash flow and changes in its earnings estimates, as well as other factors. The model also considers price momentum. The team arrives at an ESG score by evaluating multiple metrics of each ESG characteristic—environmental, social, and governance. The portfolio managers utilize internal data and research, as well as third party commercial data sources and scoring systems, to evaluate each security’s ESG characteristics. To the extent such information is available, portfolio managers will consider, among others, a company’s carbon emission profile, energy and water usage, or waste generation (environmental), a company’s employee turnover rates, digital privacy, or worker safety (social), and a company’s corporate leadership, including board chair independence and the independence of audit and compensation committees or shareholder rights such as say on pay (governance). If an ESG score is unavailable or incomplete, a security may still be selected for the portfolio if the portfolio managers believe they can evaluate the security qualitatively, or if the financial metrics and/or remaining ESG data merit investment. The financial metrics score and ESG score are combined on an equal basis to create an overall score. Qualitative review of portfolio securities may include examination of registration statements and other information provided by the company as well as engagement with company management.
In the second step, final scores for each security are evaluated on a sector-specific basis, and the fund seeks to hold securities with the strongest scores in their respective sectors. The portfolio managers build a portfolio of stocks from the ranking described above that they believe will provide the optimal balance between risk and expected return. Using this process, the portfolio managers attempt to build a portfolio of stocks that has sustainable competitive advantages, provides better returns without taking on significant additional risk, and maintains a stronger ESG profile than the S&P 500® Index.
Finally, the portfolio managers validate the output of the multi-factor model using additional fundamental analysis.
The portfolio managers do not attempt to time the market. Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in sustainable equity securities. The fund may change this 80% policy only upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund will invest principally in exchange-traded common stocks. For this purpose, the advisor defines sustainable securities as those to which the advisor’s proprietary model assigns an ESG score that is in the top three quartiles of the ESG scores the model assigns to all of the securities in the fund’s benchmark, the S&P 500® Index. Any assets held in cash or cash equivalents do not receive an ESG score and are not considered sustainable for purposes of the fund’s 80% test. The fund generally defines large capitalization companies as those that are in the capitalization range of the S&P 500® Index.
When determining whether to sell a security, the portfolio managers consider among other things, a security’s price, whether a security’s risk parameters outweigh its return opportunities, general market conditions, and whether the security meets their ESG criteria.
Although unlikely, the fund may take temporary defensive positions that are inconsistent with the fund’s principal investment strategies in the event of adverse market, economic, political, or other conditions. To the extent the fund assumes a defensive position, it may not achieve its investment objective.
The fund is an actively managed, nontransparent exchange-traded fund (ETF) that does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. In lieu of publishing its full portfolio contents (Actual Portfolio) daily, the fund publishes a proxy portfolio (Proxy Portfolio). There is no minimum overlap required between the Actual Portfolio and the Proxy Portfolio. For more information see The Proxy Portfolio section, below. A description of the policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of the fund’s portfolio securities is available in the statement of additional information.


What are the principal risks of investing in the fund?
Proxy Portfolio Risk — The goal of the Proxy Portfolio is, during all market conditions, to track closely the daily performance of the Actual Portfolio and minimize intra-day misalignment between the performance of the Proxy Portfolio and the performance of the Actual Portfolio. The Proxy Portfolio is designed to reflect the economic exposures and the risk characteristics of the Actual Portfolio on any given trading day.
The Proxy Portfolio methodology is novel and not yet proven as an effective arbitrage mechanism. The effectiveness of the Proxy Portfolio as an arbitrage mechanism is contingent upon, among other things, the fund’s factor model analysis creating a proxy portfolio that performs in a manner substantially identical to the performance of the fund’s actual portfolio. While the Proxy Portfolio may include some of the fund’s holdings, it is not the fund’s Actual Portfolio. ETFs trading on the basis of a published Proxy Portfolio may exhibit wider premiums and discounts, bid/ask spreads, and tracking error than other ETFs using the same investment strategies that publish their portfolios on a daily basis, especially during periods of market disruption or volatility. Therefore, shares of the fund may cost investors more to trade than shares of a traditional ETF.
Each day the fund calculates the overlap between the holdings of the prior Business Day’s Proxy Portfolio compared to the Actual Portfolio (Proxy Overlap) and the difference, in percentage terms, between the Proxy Portfolio per share NAV and that of the Actual Portfolio (Tracking Error). If the Tracking Error becomes large, there is a risk that the performance of the Proxy Portfolio may deviate from the performance of the Actual Portfolio.
The fund’s Board of Trustees monitors its Tracking Error and bid/spread. If deviations become too large, the Board will consider the continuing viability of the fund, whether shareholders are being harmed, and what, if any, corrective measures would be appropriate. See the Statement of Additional Information for further discussion of the Board’s monitoring responsibilities.
Although the fund seeks to benefit from keeping its portfolio information secret, market participants may attempt to use the Proxy Portfolio to identify a fund’s trading strategy, which if successful, could result in such market participants engaging in certain predatory trading practices that may have the potential to harm the fund and its shareholders.
Premium/Discount Risk — Publication of the Proxy Portfolio is not the same level of transparency as the publication of the full portfolio by a fully transparent active ETF. Although the Proxy Portfolio is intended to provide investors with enough information to allow for an effective arbitrage mechanism that will keep the market price of the fund at or close to the underlying net asset value (NAV) per share of the fund, there is a risk (which may increase during periods of market disruption or volatility) that market prices will vary significantly from the underlying NAV of the fund. This means the price paid to buy shares on an exchange may not match the value of the fund’s portfolio. The same is true when shares are sold.
Trading Issues Risk — If securities representing 10% or more of the fund’s Actual Portfolio do not have readily available market quotations, the fund will promptly request that the Exchange halt trading in the fund’s shares. Trading halts may have a greater impact on this fund compared to other ETFs due to the fund’s nontransparent structure. If the trading of a security held in the fund’s Actual Portfolio is halted, or otherwise does not have readily available market quotations, and the Advisor believes that the lack of any such readily available market quotations may affect the reliability of the Proxy Portfolio as an arbitrage vehicle, or otherwise determines it is in the best interest of the fund, the Advisor promptly will disclose on the fund’s website the identity and weighting of such security for so long as such security’s trading is halted or otherwise does not have readily available market quotations and remains in the Actual Portfolio. 
Authorized Participant Concentration Risk — Only an authorized participant may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund. The fund may have a limited number of institutions that act as authorized participants, none of which are obligated to engage in creation or redemption transactions. To the extent that these institutions exit the business or are unable to proceed with creation and/or redemption orders with respect to the fund and no other authorized participant is able to step forward to process creation and/or redemption orders, fund shares may trade at a discount to net asset value (NAV) and possibly face trading halts and/or delisting. This risk may be more pronounced in volatile markets, potentially where there are significant redemptions in ETFs generally. Authorized participant concentration risks may be heightened in scenarios where authorized participants have limited or diminished access to the capital required to post collateral. The fact that the fund is offering a novel and unique structure may affect the number of entities willing to act as Authorized Participants. During times of market stress, Authorized Participants may be more likely to step away from this type of ETF than a traditional ETF.
ESG Risk — Because the fund considers ESG metrics in addition to fundamental financial metrics when selecting securities, its portfolio may perform differently than funds that do not use ESG metrics. ESG considerations may prioritize long term rather than short term returns. Furthermore, when analyzing ESG criteria for securities, if the portfolio management team relies on the information and scoring models published by third party sources, there is a risk that this information might be incorrect or only take into account one of many ESG related components of portfolio companies. Moreover, scores and ratings across third party providers may be inconsistent or incomparable.
Style Risk — Market performance tends to be cyclical, and, in the various cycles, certain investment styles may fall in and out of favor. If the market is not favoring the fund’s investment process, the fund’s gains may not be as big as, or its losses may be bigger than, those of other equity funds using different investment styles.

Market Trading Risk — Although shares of the fund are listed for trading on one or more stock exchanges, there can be no assurance that an active trading market for such shares will develop or be maintained. There are no obligations of market makers to make a market in the fund’s shares or of an authorized participant to submit purchase or redemption orders for Creation Units. Decisions by market makers or authorized participants to reduce their role or step away from these activities in times of market stress could inhibit the effectiveness of the arbitrage process in maintaining the relationship between the underlying value of the fund’s portfolio securities and the fund’s market price. This reduced effectiveness could result in fund shares trading at a premium or discount to its NAV and also greater than normal intraday bid/ask spreads.
Shares of the fund may trade in the secondary market at times when the fund does not accept orders to purchase or redeem shares. At such times, shares may trade in the secondary market with more significant premiums or discounts than might be experienced at times when the fund accepts purchase and redemption orders. In addition to the trading halts discussed above in the Trading Issues Risk, secondary market trading in fund shares may be halted by a stock exchange because of market conditions or other reasons, and may be subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to “circuit breaker” rules on the stock exchange or market. There can be no assurance that the requirements necessary to maintain the listing or trading of fund shares will continue to be met or will remain unchanged. In addition, during a “flash crash,” the market prices of the fund’s shares may decline suddenly and significantly. Such a decline may not reflect the performance of the portfolio securities held by the fund. Flash crashes may cause authorized participants and other market makers to limit or cease trading in the fund’s shares for temporary or longer periods. Shareholders could suffer significant losses to the extent that they sell fund shares at these temporarily low market prices.
Shares of the fund may trade at prices other than NAV. Thus, you may pay more (or less) than NAV when you buy shares of the fund in the secondary market, and you may receive less (or more) than NAV when you sell those shares in the secondary market. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that the fund’s shares normally will trade on stock exchanges at prices close to the fund’s next calculated NAV, market prices are not expected to correlate exactly with the fund’s NAV due to timing reasons as well as market supply and demand factors. In addition, disruptions to creations and redemptions or extreme market volatility may result in trading prices for shares of the fund that differ significantly from its NAV. The portfolio managers cannot predict whether shares will trade above (premium), below (discount) or at NAV.
When buying or selling shares of the fund through a broker, you will likely incur a brokerage commission or other charges determined by your broker. In addition, you may incur the cost of the “spread,” that is, any difference between the bid price and the ask price. The spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has a lot of trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity. During times of market stress, spreads may widen causing investors to pay more.
Market Risk — The value of the fund’s shares depends on the value of the stocks and other securities it owns. The value of the individual securities the fund owns will go up and down depending on the performance of the companies that issued them, general market and economic conditions, and investor confidence. Market risks, including political, regulatory, economic and social developments, can affect the value of the fund’s investments. Natural disasters, public health emergencies, war, terrorism and other unforeseeable events may lead to increased market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on world economies and markets generally.
Large Shareholder Risk — Certain shareholders, including other funds advised by the advisor, may from time to time own a substantial amount of the shares of the fund. In addition, a third party investor, the advisor or an affiliate of the advisor, an authorized participant, a market maker, or another entity may invest in the fund and hold its investment for a limited period of time solely to facilitate commencement of the fund or to facilitate the fund’s achieving a specified size or scale. There can be no assurance that any large shareholder would not redeem its investment, that the size of the fund would be maintained at such levels or that the fund would continue to meet applicable listing requirements. Redemptions by large shareholders could have a significant negative impact on the fund. In addition, transactions by large shareholders may account for a large percentage of the trading volume on the NYSE Arca, Inc. and may, therefore, have a material upward or downward effect on the market price of the shares.
Principal Loss Risk — At any given time your shares may be worth less than the price you paid for them. In other words, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.


Who manages the fund?
The Board of Trustees, investment advisor and fund management team play key roles in the management of the fund.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the advisor’s management and operations of the fund pursuant to the management agreement. In performing their duties, Board members receive detailed information about the fund and its advisor regularly throughout the year, and meet at least quarterly with management of the advisor to review reports about fund operations. The trustees’ role is to provide oversight and not to provide day-to-day management. The majority of the trustees are independent of the fund’s advisor. They are not employees, directors or officers of, and have no financial interest in, the advisor or any of its affiliated companies (other than as shareholders of American Century Investments funds), and they do not have any other affiliations, positions or relationships that would cause them to be considered “interested persons” under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (Investment Company Act).
The Investment Advisor
The fund’s investment advisor is American Century Investment Management, Inc. (the advisor). The advisor has been managing investment companies since 1958 and is headquartered at 4500 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.
The advisor is responsible for managing the investment portfolio of the fund and directing the purchase and sale of its investment securities. The advisor also arranges for transfer agency, custody and all other services necessary for the fund to operate.
For the services it provides to the fund, the advisor receives a unified management fee based on a percentage of the daily net assets of the fund. The amount of the fee is calculated daily and paid monthly in arrears. The advisor pays all expenses of managing and operating the fund, other than the management fee payable to the advisor, brokerage and other transaction fees and expenses relating to the acquisition and disposition of portfolio securities, acquired fund fees and expenses, interest, taxes, litigation expenses, extraordinary expenses, and expenses incurred in connection with the provision of shareholder and distribution services under a plan adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act (if any). The advisor may pay unaffiliated third parties who provide recordkeeping and administrative services that would otherwise be performed by an affiliate of the advisor.
Management Fees Paid by the Fund to the Advisor As a Percentage of Average
Net Assets for the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2023
American Century Sustainable Equity ETF 0.39%
A discussion regarding the basis for the Board of Trustees’ approval of the fund’s investment advisory agreement with the advisor is available in the fund’s annual report to shareholders for the period ended August 31, 2023.
The Fund Management Team
The advisor uses teams of portfolio managers and analysts to manage funds. The teams meet regularly to review portfolio holdings and discuss purchase and sale activity. Team members buy and sell securities for a fund as they see fit, guided by the fund’s investment objective and strategy. Within the universe of securities selected by the Portfolio Managers, and keeping with the fund’s investment objective and strategy and portfolio risk, the ETF Portfolio Manager adjusts the portfolio for tax efficiency and other ETF-specific considerations.
The individuals on the investment team who are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund are identified below.
Justin M. Brown
Mr. Brown, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception. He joined American Century Investments in 2000 as an investment analyst and became a portfolio manager in 2006. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and finance from Texas Christian University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Joseph Reiland
Mr. Reiland, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception. He joined American Century Investments in 2000 as an investment analyst and became a portfolio manager in 2005. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Washington University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Robert J. Bove
Mr. Bove, Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception. He joined American Century Investments in 2005 as an investment analyst and became a portfolio manager in 2016. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Villanova University and an MBA in finance from New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business.

Rene P. Casis
Mr. Casis, Vice President and Head of ETF Portfolio Management, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since its inception. He joined American Century in 2018. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
The statement of additional information provides additional information about the accounts managed by the portfolio managers, the structure of their compensation, and their ownership of fund securities.
Fund Performance
American Century Sustainable Equity ETF has the same management team and similar investment policies as another fund in the American Century Investments family of funds, the Sustainable Equity Fund, and they are managed with substantially the same investment objective and strategies. Notwithstanding these general similarities, American Century Sustainable Equity ETF and Sustainable Equity Fund are separate funds that have different investment performance. Differences in fees and expenses of the funds, cash flows into the two funds, the size of their portfolios, and specific investments held by the two funds cause performance to differ.
Fundamental Investment Policies
Shareholders must approve any change to the fundamental investment policies contained in the statement of additional information. The Board of Trustees and/or the advisor may change any other policies, including the fund’s investment objective, or investment strategies described in this prospectus or otherwise used in the operation of the fund at any time, subject to applicable notice provisions.


Investing in the Fund
Buying and Selling Shares
Shares of the fund may be acquired or redeemed directly from the fund only in Creation Units or multiples thereof, as discussed below. Only an authorized participant may engage in creation and redemption transactions directly with the fund. Once created, shares of the fund generally trade in the secondary market in amounts less than a Creation Unit.
Shares of the fund are listed on a national securities exchange for trading during the trading day. Shares can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like shares of other publicly traded companies. American Century ETF Trust (the trust) does not impose any minimum investment for shares of the fund purchased on an exchange. Shares of the fund trade under the following ticker symbol: ESGA.
Buying or selling fund shares on an exchange involves two types of costs that may apply to all securities transactions. When buying or selling shares of the fund through a broker, you will likely incur a brokerage commission or other charges determined by your broker. The commission is frequently a fixed amount and may be a significant proportional cost for investors seeking to buy or sell small amounts of shares. In addition, you may incur the cost of the “spread,” that is, any difference between the bid price and the ask price. The spread varies over time for shares of the fund based on the fund’s trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if the fund has a lot of trading volume and market liquidity, and higher if the fund has little trading volume and market liquidity. This fund may trade at a wider bid/ask spread than ETFs that publish their portfolios on a daily basis, especially during periods of market volatility.
The fund’s primary listing exchange is NYSE Arca, Inc. (the Listing Exchange), which is open for trading Monday through Friday and is closed on weekends and the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Book Entry
Shares of the fund are held in book-entry form, which means that no share certificates are issued. The Depository Trust Company (DTC) or its nominee is the record owner of all outstanding shares of the fund and is recognized as the owner of all shares for all purposes.
Investors owning shares of the fund are beneficial owners as shown on the records of DTC or its participants. DTC serves as the securities depository for shares of the fund. DTC participants include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other institutions that directly or indirectly maintain a custodial relationship with DTC. As a beneficial owner of shares, you are not entitled to receive physical delivery of stock certificates or to have shares registered in your name, and you are not considered a registered owner of shares. Therefore, to exercise any right as an owner of shares, you must rely upon the procedures of DTC and its participants. These procedures are the same as those that apply to any other securities that you hold in book-entry or “street name” form.
Frequent Trading Practices
The Board of Trustees has not adopted a policy of monitoring for frequent purchases and redemptions of fund shares (frequent trading). The Board of Trustees believes that a frequent trading policy is unnecessary because fund shares are listed for trading on a national securities exchange. Therefore, it is unlikely that a shareholder could take advantage of a potential arbitrage opportunity presented by a lag between a change in the value of the fund’s portfolio securities after the close of the primary markets for the fund’s portfolio securities and the reflection of that change in the fund’s NAV (market timing), because the fund generally sells and redeems its shares directly through transactions that are in-kind and/or for cash, subject to the conditions described below under Creations and Redemptions.
Investments by Other Investment Companies
Section 12(d)(1) of the Investment Company Act restricts investments by investment companies in the securities of other investment companies. Registered investment companies are permitted to invest in the fund beyond the limits set forth in Section 12(d)(1), subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in SEC rules. In order for an unaffiliated registered investment company to invest in shares of the fund beyond the limitations of Section 12(d)(1) pursuant to Rule 12d1-4, the registered investment company must enter into an agreement with the trust.


Creations and Redemptions
Prior to trading in the secondary market, shares of the fund are “created” at NAV by market makers, large investors and institutions only in block-size units called “Creation Units.” All orders to purchase Creation Units must be placed by or through an authorized participant that has entered into an authorized participant agreement (AP Agreement) with Foreside Fund Services, LLC (the distributor). Only an authorized participant may create or redeem Creation Units directly with the fund.
A creation transaction, which is subject to acceptance by the trust, generally takes place when an authorized participant deposits into the fund a designated portfolio of securities and/or cash (which may include cash in lieu of certain securities) in exchange for a specified number of Creation Units. Similarly, shares can be redeemed only in Creation Units, generally for a designated portfolio of securities and/or cash (which may include cash in lieu of certain securities). Except when aggregated in Creation Units, shares are not redeemable by the fund.
The prices at which creations and redemptions occur are based on the next calculation of NAV after a creation or redemption order is received in a proper form under the AP Agreement. The portfolio of securities required for purchase of a Creation Unit is generally the same as the portfolio of securities the fund will deliver upon redemption of fund shares, except under certain circumstances. As a result of any system failure or other interruption, creation or redemption orders either may not be executed according to the fund’s instructions or may not be executed at all, or the fund may not be able to place or change such orders.
Creations and redemptions must be made through a firm that is either a broker-dealer or other participant in the Continuous Net Settlement System of the National Securities Clearing Corporation or a DTC participant and, in either case, has executed an AP Agreement with the distributor. Information about the procedures regarding creations and redemptions of Creation Units (including the cut-off times for receipt of creation and redemption orders) is included in the fund’s statement of additional information (SAI).
Because new shares may be created and issued on an ongoing basis, at any point during the life of the fund a “distribution,” as such term is used in the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), may be occurring. Broker-dealers and other persons are cautioned that some activities on their part may, depending on the circumstances, result in their being deemed participants in a distribution in a manner that could render them statutory underwriters and subject to the prospectus delivery and liability provisions of the Securities Act. Any determination of whether one is an underwriter must take into account all the relevant facts and circumstances of each particular case.
Broker-dealers should also note that dealers who are not “underwriters” but are participating in a distribution (as contrasted to ordinary secondary transactions), and thus dealing with shares that are part of an “unsold allotment” within the meaning of Section 4(a)(3)(C) of the Securities Act, would be unable to take advantage of the prospectus delivery exemption provided by Section 4(a)(3) of the Securities Act. For delivery of prospectuses to exchange members, the prospectus delivery mechanism of Rule 153 under the Securities Act is available only with respect to transactions on a national securities exchange.
In addition, certain affiliates of the fund and the advisor may purchase and resell fund shares pursuant to this prospectus.


Share Price and Distributions
The Proxy Portfolio
Unlike traditional ETFs, this fund does not disclose its portfolio holdings (Actual Portfolio) daily. The fund instead posts a Proxy Portfolio on its website each day, including the following information for each portfolio holding in the Proxy Portfolio: (1) ticker symbol; (2) CUSIP or other identifier; (3) description of holding; (4) quantity of each security or other asset held; and (5) percentage weight of the holding in the Proxy Portfolio. The Proxy Portfolio is designed to reflect the economic exposures and risk characteristics of the fund’s actual holdings on each trading day, but it is not the same as the fund’s Actual Portfolio. The fund will disclose its Actual Portfolio quarterly with a 60-day lag via periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Proxy Portfolio disclosures will enable arbitrageurs and market participants to use the component securities and their weightings in the Proxy Portfolio to calculate intraday values that approximate the value of the securities in the Actual Portfolio and, based thereon, assess whether the market price of the shares is higher or lower than the approximate contemporaneous value of the Actual Portfolio and engage in arbitrage and hedging activities. These activities should ensure that fund market prices remain close to the fund’s NAV per share. At the end of each trading day, the fund will calculate the percentage weight overlap between the Proxy Portfolio and the Actual Portfolio (Proxy Overlap) and the standard deviation over the past three months of the daily proxy spread (i.e., the difference, in percentage terms, between the Proxy Portfolio per share NAV and that of the Actual Portfolio at the end of the trading day) (Tracking Error) and publish such information before the opening of trading each Business Day. The Proxy Overlap and Tracking Error will provide additional information to the market making community. In particular, they will help market participants evaluate the risk that the performance of the Proxy Portfolio may deviate from the performance of the portfolio holdings of the fund. The fund’s Board of Trustees monitors its Tracking Error and bid/spread. If deviations become too large, the Board will consider the continuing viability of the fund, whether shareholders are being harmed, and what, if any, corrective measures would be appropriate. See the Statement of Additional Information (SAI) for further discussion of the Board’s monitoring responsibilities.
The Proxy Portfolio is designed to recreate the daily performance of the Actual Portfolio. This is achieved by performing a “Factor Model” analysis of the Actual Portfolio. The Factor Model is comprised of three sets of factors or analytical metrics: market-based factors, fundamental factors, and industry/sector factors. The fund uses a “Model Universe” to generate its Proxy Portfolio. The Model Universe is comprised of securities that the fund can purchase and will be a financial index or stated portfolio of securities from which fund investments will be selected. The results of the Factor Model analysis are then applied to the Model Universe. The daily rebalanced Proxy Portfolio is then generated as a result of this Model Universe analysis with the Proxy Portfolio being a small sub-set of the Model Universe. The Factor Model is applied to both the Actual Portfolio and the Model Universe to construct the fund’s Proxy Portfolio that performs in a manner substantially identical to the performance of its Actual Portfolio. The Proxy Portfolio will only include investments the fund is permitted to hold. The fund’s SAI contains more information on the Proxy Portfolio and its construction.
Share Price
The price of fund shares is based on market price. The trading prices of the fund’s shares in the secondary market generally differ from the fund’s daily NAV and are affected by market forces such as supply and demand, economic conditions and other factors. Although the Proxy Portfolio is intended to provide investors with enough information to allow for an effective arbitrage mechanism that will keep the market price of the fund at or close to the underlying NAV per share of the fund, there is a risk (which may increase during periods of market disruption or volatility) that market prices will vary significantly from the underlying NAV of the fund. ETFs trading on the basis of a published Proxy Portfolio may trade at a wider bid/ask spread than ETFs that publish their portfolios on a daily basis, especially during periods of market disruption or volatility, and therefore, may cost investors more to trade. Although the fund seeks to benefit from keeping its portfolio information secret, market participants may attempt to use the Proxy Portfolio to identify a fund’s trading strategy, which if successful, could result in such market participants engaging in certain predatory trading practices that may have the potential to harm the fund and its shareholders.
Because the shares are traded in the secondary market, a broker may charge a commission to execute a transaction in shares, and an investor also may incur the cost of the spread between the price at which a dealer will buy shares and the somewhat higher price at which a dealer will sell shares.
Calculation of NAV
American Century Investments will price the fund shares purchased or redeemed by authorized participants based on the net asset value (NAV) next determined after an order is received in good order by the fund’s transfer agent. We determine the NAV of the fund as of the close of regular trading (usually 4 p.m. Eastern time) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on each day the NYSE is open. On days when the NYSE is closed (including certain U.S. national holidays), we do not calculate the NAV.
The net asset value, or NAV, of the fund is the current value of the fund’s assets, minus any liabilities, divided by the number of shares of the fund outstanding.

The value of the securities and other assets and liabilities held by the fund are determined by the advisor, as the valuation designee, pursuant to its valuation policies and procedures. The fund’s Board of Trustees oversees the valuation designee and at least annually reviews its valuation policies and procedures. Valuations are determined in accordance with applicable federal securities laws and accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.
Portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available are valued at their market price. Equity securities and other equity instruments for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the last reported official closing price or sale price as of the time the NAV is determined.
If the valuation designee determines that the market price for a portfolio security is not readily available or is believed by the valuation designee to be unreliable, such security is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the valuation designee, in accordance with its policies and procedures. Circumstances that may cause the fund to determine that market quotations are not available or reliable include, but are not limited to:
when there is a significant event subsequent to the market quotation;
trading in a security has been halted during the trading day; or
trading in a security is insufficient or did not take place due to a closure or holiday.
If such circumstances occur, the valuation designee will fair value the security if the fair valuation would materially impact the fund’s NAV. While fair value determinations involve judgments that are inherently subjective, these determinations are made in good faith in accordance with the valuation designee’s valuation policies and procedures.
The effect of using fair value determinations is that the fund’s NAV will be based, to some degree, on security valuations that the valuation designee reasonably believes are fair rather than being solely determined by the market.
Equity securities with no current day last sale or official close price may be priced at the mean of the bid and ask market quotations obtained from a listing exchange or an independent broker who is an established market maker in the security. The valuation designee may use third party pricing services to assist in the determination of fair value.
With respect to any portion of the fund’s assets that are invested in mutual funds, the fund’s NAV will be calculated based upon the NAVs of such mutual funds. These mutual funds are required to explain the circumstances under which they will use fair value pricing and the effects of using fair value pricing in their prospectuses.
The fund’s website, which is publicly accessible at no charge, contains, on a per share basis, the prior business day’s NAV and market closing price or bid/ask price of the shares, a calculation of the premium or discount of the market closing price or bid/ask price against such NAV, and any other relevant information about premiums and discounts. The website will also disclose the fund’s median bid/ask spread information for the most recent thirty-day period on a rolling basis, as required by Rule 6c-11(c)(1)(v)(A-C).
Federal tax laws require the fund to make distributions to its shareholders in order to qualify as a regulated investment company. Qualification as a regulated investment company means the fund should not be subject to state or federal income tax on amounts distributed. The distributions generally consist of dividends and interest received by the fund, as well as capital gains realized by the fund on the sale of its investment securities.
Capital gains are increases in the values of capital assets, such as stocks or bonds, from the time the assets are purchased.
The fund generally expects to pay distributions of substantially all of its income, if any, quarterly. Distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are paid annually. It may make more frequent distributions if necessary to comply with Internal Revenue Code provisions.
Although dividends generally will be treated as distributed when paid, any dividend declared by a fund in October, November, or December and payable to shareholders of record in such a month that is paid during the following January will be treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as received by shareholders on December 31 of the calendar year in which it was declared.
Dividend payments are made through DTC participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners then of record with proceeds received from the fund. Distributions may be automatically reinvested in whole fund shares only if you purchased the shares through a broker that makes such option available.


Some of the tax consequences of owning shares of the fund will vary depending on whether you own them through a taxable or tax-deferred account. Distributions by the fund of dividend and interest income, capital gains and other income it has generated through its investment activities will generally be taxable to shareholders who hold shares in a taxable account. Tax consequences also may result when investors sell fund shares.
Tax-Deferred Accounts
If you purchase fund shares through a tax-deferred account, such as an IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan, income and capital gains distributions usually will not be subject to current taxation but will accumulate in your account under the plan on a tax-deferred basis. Likewise, moving from one fund to another fund within a plan or tax-deferred account generally will not cause you to be taxed. For information about the tax consequences of making purchases or withdrawals through a tax-deferred account, please consult your plan administrator, your summary plan description or a tax advisor.
Taxable Accounts
If you own fund shares through a taxable account, you may be taxed on your investments if the fund makes distributions or if you sell your fund shares.
Taxability of Distributions
Fund distributions may consist of income, such as dividends and interest earned by the fund from its investments, or capital gains generated by the fund from the sale of investment securities. Distributions of income are taxed as ordinary income, unless they are designated as qualified dividend income and you meet a minimum required holding period with respect to your shares of the fund, in which case distributions of income are taxed at the same rates as long-term capital gains.
Qualified dividend income is a dividend received by a fund from the stock of a domestic or qualifying foreign corporation, provided that the fund has held the stock for a required holding period and the stock was not on loan at the time of the dividend.
The tax character of any distributions from capital gains is determined by how long the fund held the underlying security that was sold, not by how long you have been invested in the fund or whether you reinvest your distributions or take them in cash. Short-term (one year or less) capital gains are taxable as ordinary income. Gains on securities held for more than one year are taxed at the lower rates applicable to long-term capital gains.
If a fund’s distributions exceed current and accumulated earnings and profits, such excess will generally be considered a return of capital. A return of capital distribution is generally not subject to tax, but will reduce your cost basis in the fund and result in higher realized capital gains (or lower realized capital losses) upon the sale of fund shares.
You will receive information regarding the tax character of fund distributions for each calendar year in an annual tax mailing.
If you meet specified income levels, you will also be subject to a 3.8% Medicare contribution tax which is imposed on net investment income, including interest, dividends and capital gains. Distributions also may be subject to state and local taxes. Because everyone’s tax situation is unique, you may want to consult your tax professional about federal, state and local tax consequences.
Taxes on Transactions
Your sales of fund shares are subject to capital gains tax. Short-term capital gains are gains on fund shares you held for 12 months or less. Long-term capital gains are gains on fund shares you held for more than 12 months. If your shares decrease in value, their sale will result in a long-term or short-term capital loss. However, you should note that loss realized upon the sale of shares held for six months or less will be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any distribution of long-term capital gain to you with respect to those shares. If a loss is realized on the sale of fund shares, the reinvestment in additional fund shares within 30 days before or after the sale may be subject to the wash sale rules of the Internal Revenue Code. This may result in a postponement of the recognition of such loss for federal income tax purposes.
If you have not certified that your Social Security number or tax identification number is correct and that you are not subject to withholding, you may be subject to backup withholding at the applicable federal withholding tax rate on taxable dividends, capital gains distributions and proceeds from the sale of fund shares.


Taxes on Creations and Redemptions of Creation Units
An Authorized Participant who exchanges securities for Creation Units generally will recognize a gain or a loss equal to the difference between the market value of the Creation Units at the time and the sum of the exchanger’s aggregate basis in the securities surrendered plus the amount of cash paid for such Creation Units. A person who redeems Creation Units will generally recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference between the exchanger’s basis in the Creation Units and the sum of the aggregate market value of any securities received plus the amount of any cash received for such Creation Units. The IRS, however, may assert that a loss realized upon an exchange of securities for Creation Units cannot be deducted currently under the rules governing “wash sales,” or on the basis that there has been no significant change in economic position.
Any capital gain or loss realized upon the creation of Creation Units will generally be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the securities exchanged for such Creation Units have been held for more than one year. Any capital gain or loss realized upon the redemption of Creation Units will generally be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the shares comprising the Creation Units have been held for more than one year. Otherwise, such capital gains or losses will generally be treated as short-term capital gain or loss. Any loss upon a redemption of Creation Units held for six months or less will be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amounts treated as distributions to the applicable Authorized Participant of long-term capital gain with respect to the Creation Units (including any amounts credited to the Authorized Participant as undistributed capital gains).
If a fund redeems Creation Units in cash, it may recognize more capital gains than it will if it redeems Creation Units in-kind.
Buying a Dividend
Purchasing fund shares in a taxable account shortly before a distribution is sometimes known as buying a dividend. In taxable accounts, you must pay income taxes on the distribution whether you reinvest the distribution or take it in cash. In addition, you will have to pay taxes on the distribution whether the value of your investment decreased, increased or remained the same after you bought the fund shares.
The risk in buying a dividend is that a fund’s portfolio may build up taxable income and gains throughout the period covered by a distribution, as income is earned and securities are sold at a profit. The fund distributes the income and gains to you, after subtracting any losses, even if you did not own the shares when the income was earned or the gains occurred.
If you buy a dividend, you incur the full tax liability of the distribution period, but you may not enjoy the full benefit of the income earned or the gains realized in the fund’s portfolio.


Additional Information
Premium/Discount Information
The fund’s website will include on a daily basis, per share, the prior Business Day’s NAV and the closing price or bid/ask price, and a calculation of the premium/discount of the closing price or bid/ask price against such NAV. In addition, the fund will provide any other information on its website regarding premiums/discounts that ETFs registered under the Investment Company Act may be required to provide. The website also will include the Proxy Portfolio, the Proxy Overlap and Tracking Error and bid/ask spread information. In addition, the fund will post a table showing the number of days the fund’s shares traded at a premium or a discount and a line graph showing the fund share premiums or discounts during the most recently completed calendar year and most recently completed calendar quarters since that year (or the life of the fund, if shorter). If the fund’s premium or discount is greater than 2% for more than seven consecutive trading days, the website will contain disclosure to that effect along with a discussion of the factors that are reasonably believed to have materially contributed to the premium or discount.
Service, Distribution and Administrative Fees
Investment Company Act Rule 12b-1 permits investment companies that adopt a written plan to pay certain expenses associated with the distribution of their shares out of fund assets. The Board of Trustees has adopted a 12b-1 plan that allows the fund to pay annual fees not to exceed 0.25% to the distributor for distribution and individual shareholder services. However, the Board of Trustees has determined not to authorize payment of a 12b-1 plan fee at this time.
Because these fees may be used to pay for services that are not related to prospective sales of the fund, to the extent that a fee is authorized, the fund will continue to make payments under its plan even if it is closed to new investors. Because these fees are paid out of the fund’s assets on an ongoing basis, to the extent that a fee is authorized, over time these fees will increase the cost of your investment and may cost you more than paying other types of sales charges.
The advisor or its affiliates may make payments to intermediaries for various additional services, other expenses and/or the intermediaries’ distribution of the fund out of their profits or other available sources. Such payments may be made for one or more of the following: (1) distribution, which may include expenses incurred by intermediaries for their sales activities with respect to the fund, such as preparing, printing and distributing sales literature and advertising materials and compensating registered representatives or other employees of such financial intermediaries for their sales activities, as well as the opportunity for the fund to be made available by such intermediaries; (2) shareholder services, such as providing individual and custom investment advisory services to clients of the financial intermediaries; and (3) marketing and promotional services, including business planning assistance, educating personnel about the fund, and sponsorship of sales meetings, which may include covering costs of providing speakers, meals and other entertainment. The advisor may pay partnership and/or sponsorship fees to support seminars, conferences, and other programs designed to educate intermediaries about the fund and may cover the expenses associated with attendance at such meetings, including travel costs. The advisor and its affiliates may also pay fees related to obtaining data regarding intermediary or financial advisor activities to assist American Century with sales reporting, business intelligence and training and education opportunities. These payments and activities are intended to provide an incentive to intermediaries to sell the fund by educating them about the fund and helping defray the costs associated with offering the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the intermediary to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information. The amount of any payments described in this paragraph is determined by the advisor or its affiliates, and all such amounts are paid out of their available assets, and not paid by you or the fund. As a result, the total expense ratio of the fund will not be affected by any such payments.


Actively Managed Solution (AMS) is a service mark of NYSE Group, Inc. or its affiliates (NYSE) and has been licensed for use by American Century Investment Management, Inc. (Licensee) in connection with American Century Sustainable Equity ETF (the Fund).  Neither Licensee nor the Fund is sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by NYSE.  NYSE makes no representations or warranties regarding Licensee or the Fund or the ability of the AMSSM to track the intra-day performance of any fund. NYSE MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO AMSSM OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN.  IN NO EVENT SHALL NYSE HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.


Financial Highlights
Understanding the Financial Highlights 
The table on the next page itemizes what contributed to the changes in share price during the most recently ended fiscal year. It also shows the changes in share price for this period in comparison to changes over the last five fiscal years (or a shorter period if the fund is not five years old).
On a per-share basis, the table includes as appropriate 
share price at the beginning of the period
investment income and capital gains or losses
distributions of income and capital gains paid to investors
share price at the end of the period
The table also includes some key statistics for the period as appropriate 
Total Return — the overall percentage of return of the fund, assuming the reinvestment of all distributions
Expense Ratio — the operating expenses of the fund as a percentage of average net assets
Net Income Ratio — the net investment income of the fund as a percentage of average net assets
Portfolio Turnover — the percentage of the fund’s investment portfolio that is replaced during the period
The Financial Highlights have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent registered public accounting firm. The Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm and the financial statements are included in the fund’s annual report, which is available upon request.

American Century Sustainable Equity ETF
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)
Per-Share Data Ratios and Supplemental Data
Income From Investment Operations*: Ratio to Average Net Assets of:
Asset Value, Beginning
of Period
Income (Loss)(1)
Realized and
Gain (Loss)
Total From
Distributions From Net Investment Income Net Asset Value, End of Period
Net Assets,
End of
(in thousands)
2023 $48.74 0.67 7.27 7.94 (0.57) $56.11 16.44% 0.39% 1.31% 17% $146,454 
2022 $57.20 0.50 (8.49) (7.99) (0.47) $48.74 (14.03)% 0.39% 0.93% 21% $104,800 
2021 $44.16 0.45 13.01 13.46 (0.42) $57.20 30.65% 0.39% 0.91% 22% $150,436 
$39.59 0.06 4.51 4.57 $44.16 11.56%
10% $84,794 

Notes to Financial Highlights
(1)Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.
(2)Total returns are calculated based on the net asset value of the last business day. Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.
(3)Excludes securities received or delivered in kind.
(4)July 13, 2020 (fund inception) through August 31, 2020. 
*The amount shown for a share outstanding throughout the period may not correlate with the Statement(s) of Operations due to the timing of transactions in shares of a fund in relation to income earned and/or fluctuations in the fair value of a fund's investments.


Where to Find More Information
Annual and Semiannual Reports
Additional information about the fund’s investments is available in the fund’s annual and semiannual reports to shareholders. In the fund’s annual report, you will find a discussion of the market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the fund’s performance during its last fiscal year. This prospectus incorporates by reference the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm and the financial statements included in the fund’s annual report to shareholders dated August 31, 2023.
Statement of Additional Information (SAI)
The SAI contains a more detailed legal description of the fund’s operations, investment restrictions, policies and practices. The SAI is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. This means that it is legally part of this prospectus, even if you don’t request a copy.
You may obtain a free copy of the SAI, annual reports and semiannual reports, and you may ask questions about the fund or your accounts, online at, by contacting American Century Investments at the addresses or telephone numbers listed below or by contacting your financial intermediary.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Reports and other information about the fund are available on the EDGAR database on the SEC’s website at, and copies of this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: [email protected].
This prospectus shall not constitute an offer to sell securities of the fund in any state, territory, or other jurisdiction where the fund’s shares have not been registered or qualified for sale, unless such registration or qualification is not required, or under any circumstances in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful.

American Century Investments
Financial Professionals
P.O. Box 419385
Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6385

Investment Company Act File No. 811-23305
CL-PRS-96284 2401