Hartford HLS Funds
May 1, 2023
Class IA
Class IB
Class IC
Hartford Balanced HLS Fund
Hartford Capital Appreciation HLS Fund
Hartford Disciplined Equity HLS Fund
Hartford Dividend and Growth HLS Fund
Hartford Healthcare HLS Fund
Hartford International Opportunities HLS Fund
Hartford MidCap HLS Fund
Hartford Small Cap Growth HLS Fund
Hartford Small Company HLS Fund
Hartford Stock HLS Fund
Hartford Total Return Bond HLS Fund
Hartford Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund
Each Fund is closed to certain investors as described in this Prospectus.
As with all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission have not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense. Mutual funds are not bank deposits and are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Because you could lose money by investing in the Funds, be sure to read all risk disclosures carefully before investing.


Hartford Balanced HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term total return.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 53% of the average value of its portfolio (excluding to be announced (TBA) roll transactions). If TBA roll transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate would have been 61% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund seeks its investment objective by allocating its assets among equity securities, debt securities, and money market instruments. Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), the Fund’s sub-adviser, targets an allocation between 50% and 70% of the Fund’s net assets in equity securities and 30% to 50% of Fund’s net assets in debt securities and cash instruments. The Fund will not normally hold more than 10% in cash or cash equivalents. The Fund may invest in stocks with a broad range of market capitalizations, but tends to focus on large capitalization companies with market capitalizations similar to those of companies in the S&P 500 Index. Wellington Management evaluates securities using fundamental analysis. Based on market or economic conditions, the equity portion of the Fund may, through its stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market. The debt securities (other than money market instruments) in which the Fund invests include securities issued or guaranteed by the United States government, its agencies, or its instrumentalities, and other debt securities rated investment grade, including corporate bonds, commercial and residential mortgage-backed securities (including securities acquired or sold in the TBA market), asset-backed securities, and municipal bonds, or if unrated, securities deemed by Wellington Management to be of comparable quality. The Fund is not restricted to any specific maturity or duration term. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities.

PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Asset Allocation Risk –  The risk that if the Fund’s strategy for allocating assets among different asset classes does not work as intended, the Fund may not achieve its objective or may underperform other funds with similar investment strategies.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Credit Risk –  Credit risk is the risk that the issuer of a security or other instrument will not be able to make principal and interest payments when due. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also affect the value of the Fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on both the financial condition of the issuer and the terms of the obligation. Periods of market volatility may increase credit risk.
Interest Rate Risk –  The risk that your investment may go down in value when interest rates rise, because when interest rates rise, the prices of bonds and fixed rate loans fall. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates to rise, including central bank monetary policies and inflation rates. Generally, the longer the maturity of a bond or fixed rate loan, the more sensitive it is to this risk. Falling interest rates also create the potential for a decline in the Fund’s income. These risks are greater during periods of rising inflation. Volatility in interest rates and in fixed income markets may increase the risk that the Fund’s investment in fixed income securities will go down in value. Risks associated with rising interest rates are currently heightened because the Federal Reserve has raised, and may continue to raise, interest rates and inflation is elevated. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve Board or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, such as decreases or increases in short-term interest rates, may adversely affect markets, which could, in turn, negatively impact Fund performance.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.

U.S. Government Securities Risk –  Treasury obligations may differ in their interest rates, maturities, times of issuance and other characteristics. Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Obligations of U.S. Government agencies and authorities are supported by varying degrees of credit but generally are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. No assurance can be given that the U.S. Government will provide financial support to its agencies and authorities if it is not obligated by law to do so. In addition, the value of U.S. Government securities may be affected by changes in the credit rating of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities are also subject to the risk that the U.S. Treasury will be unable to meet its payment obligations.
Mortgage-Related and Asset-Backed Securities Risk –  Mortgage-related and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables held in trust. These mortgage-related or asset-backed securities are subject to credit risk, interest rate risk, “prepayment risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more quickly in periods of falling interest rates) and “extension risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more slowly in periods of rising interest rates). If the Fund invests in mortgage-related or asset-backed securities that are subordinated to other interests in the same mortgage or asset pool, the Fund may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool may limit substantially the pool’s ability to make payments of principal or interest to the Fund, reducing the values of those securities or in some cases rendering them worthless. The risk of such defaults is generally higher in the case of mortgage pools that include so-called “subprime” mortgages. The Fund may purchase or sell mortgage-backed securities on a delayed delivery or forward commitment basis through the TBA market. TBA transactions may result in a higher portfolio turnover rate.
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included
Reflect fee waivers, if any. Absent any applicable waivers, performance would have been lower.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.

Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of the Fund’s blended benchmark and three broad-based market indices.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
60% S&P 500 Index/ 35% Bloomberg US Government/Credit Bond Index/ 5% ICE BofA US
3-Month Treasury Bill Index*
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
Bloomberg US Government/Credit Bond Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses
or taxes)
ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or
The blended benchmark is calculated by Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC.
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Adam H. Illfelder, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Loren L. Moran, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
Matthew C. Hand, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.

PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Capital Appreciation HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Total other expenses
Administrative services fee
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 64% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund normally invests at least 65% of its net assets in common stocks. The Fund may invest in securities of any market capitalization, but tends to focus on medium and large companies. The Fund may also invest up to 25% of its net assets in equity securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities, including companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets. The Fund seeks its investment objective by employing a multiple sleeve structure, which means the Fund has several components that are managed separately using different investment styles. Each component sleeve has a distinct investment philosophy and analytical process to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), the Fund’s sub-adviser, also may invest a portion of the Fund’s assets in securities that it believes may complement the risk factor biases of the other sleeves (“Risk Managed Sleeve”) and selects such securities using systematic screening methodologies. Wellington Management does not allocate a set percentage to any of these sleeves but instead seeks a flexible and diversified Fund profile. Together the investment strategies represent a wide range of investment philosophies, companies, industries and market capitalizations. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market. The Fund may trade securities actively.

PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Mid-Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of mid-capitalization companies generally trade in lower volumes and are generally subject to greater and less predictable price changes than the securities of larger capitalization companies.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Asset Allocation Risk –  The risk that if the Fund’s strategy for allocating assets among different portfolio management teams does not work as intended, the Fund may not achieve its objective or may underperform other funds with similar investment strategies. The investment styles employed by the portfolio managers may not be complementary, which could adversely affect the performance of the Fund.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Emerging Markets Risk –  The risks related to investing in foreign securities are generally greater with respect to investments in companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets. The risks of investing in emerging markets include risks of illiquidity, increased price volatility, smaller market capitalizations, less government regulation and oversight, less extensive and less frequent accounting, financial, auditing and other reporting requirements, significant delays in settlement of trades, risk of loss resulting from problems in share registration and custody and substantial economic and political disruptions. In addition, the imposition of exchange controls (including repatriation restrictions), sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments may also result in losses. Frontier markets are those emerging markets that are considered to be among the smallest, least mature and least liquid, and as a result, the risks of investing in emerging markets are magnified in frontier markets.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.

Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Active Trading Risk –  Active trading could increase the Fund’s transaction costs (thus adversely affecting performance).
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for the Fund’s other classes differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020

Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of two broad-based market indices. Class IC shares commenced operations on April 30, 2014. Class IC shares performance prior to that date reflects Class IA shares performance adjusted to reflect the 12b-1 fee of 0.25% and the administrative services fee of 0.25% applicable to Class IC shares.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Class IC
Russell 3000 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management. The Fund employs a multiple portfolio manager structure. The portfolio managers with the most significant responsibilities are set forth below.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Gregg R. Thomas, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Director, Investment Strategy
Thomas S. Simon, CFA, FRM
Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. Class IC shares of the Fund currently may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares, Class IB shares, and Class IC shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Disciplined Equity HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Total other expenses
Administrative services fee
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 13% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in common stocks. The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of common stocks of issuers located primarily in the United States. Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), the Fund’s sub-adviser, chooses the Fund’s investments using fundamental research designed to identify issuers with improving quality metrics, business momentum and attractive relative valuations. The fundamental research emphasizes the sustainability of a business’s competitive advantages, revenue and margin drivers, and cash generation capacity. This research is aided by a proprietary screening tool that helps to identify companies with these characteristics. The Fund’s portfolio seeks to be broadly diversified by industry and company. The Fund may invest in a broad range of market capitalizations, but tends to focus on large capitalization companies with market capitalizations similar to those of companies in the S&P 500 Index.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.

Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for the Fund’s other classes differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.

Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index. Class IC shares commenced operations on September 18, 2020. Class IC shares performance prior to that date reflects Class IA shares performance adjusted to reflect the 12b-1 fee of 0.25% and the administrative services fee of 0.25% applicable to Class IC shares.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Class IC
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Mammen Chally, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
David A. Siegle, CFA
Managing Director and Equity Research Analyst
Douglas W. McLane, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. Class IC shares of the Fund currently may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares, Class IB shares, and Class IC shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.

PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Dividend and Growth HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks a high level of current income consistent with growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund invests primarily in a portfolio of equity securities that typically have above average dividend yields and whose prospects for capital appreciation are considered favorable by the sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”). Under normal market and economic conditions, at least 80% of the Fund’s net assets are invested in dividend paying equity securities. The Fund tends to focus on securities of larger, well-established companies with market capitalizations similar to those of companies in the S&P 500 Index. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities. The Fund’s portfolio seeks to be broadly diversified by company and industry. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market.
Wellington Management uses fundamental analysis to evaluate a security for purchase or sale by the Fund. As part of this analysis, Wellington Management evaluates a company’s ability to sustain and potentially increase its dividend payments. Wellington Management also evaluates a company’s free cash flow, business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues, and other related measures or indicators of value. Wellington Management also favors securities that appear to be undervalued in the marketplace. Wellington Management also integrates the evaluation of financially material environmental, social, and/or governance (“ESG”) characteristics (where available for a company) into its fundamental analysis. ESG characteristics are one of several factors that contribute to Wellington Management’s overall evaluation of the risk and return potential of a company.

PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Dividend Risk –  Income provided by the Fund may be affected by changes in the dividend policies of the companies in which the Fund invests and the capital resources available for such payments at such companies. At times, the performance of dividend-paying companies may lag the performance of other companies or the broader market as a whole. In addition, the dividend payments of the companies in which the Fund invests may vary over time, and there is no guarantee that a company will pay a dividend at all.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Value Investing Style Risk –  Using a value investing style to select investments involves special risks. Overlooked or otherwise undervalued securities entail a significant risk of never attaining their potential value or may even be overpriced. Also, the value investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the value investing style is out of favor, the Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investing styles. “Value” securities can be undervalued by the market for long periods of time.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
ESG Integration Risk –  Integrating ESG analysis into the investment process carries the risk that the Fund may perform differently from, and may underperform, funds that do not integrate ESG into their analysis, or funds that evaluate different ESG characteristics. ESG characteristics are not the only factors considered and as a result, the Fund’s investments may not have favorable ESG characteristics or high ESG ratings.

Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of two broad-based market indices.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
Russell 1000 Value Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)

MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Matthew G. Baker
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Nataliya Kofman
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Brian J. Schmeer, CFA
Vice President and Equity Research Analyst
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Healthcare HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 34% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in the equity securities of health care-related companies worldwide as selected by the sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”). Wellington Management’s investment process focuses on stock selection through fundamental analysis. The Fund takes a broad approach to investing in the health care sector. The Fund may invest in health-related companies, including companies in the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical delivery, medical products, medical services, managed health care, health information services and emerging health-related subsectors. The Fund’s assets will be allocated across the major subsectors of the health care sector, with some representation typically maintained in each major subsector. The Fund will normally invest at least 25% of its total assets, in the aggregate, in the following industries: pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, medical products and health services. The Fund will invest in securities of issuers located in a number of different countries throughout the world, one of which may be the United States; however, the Fund has no limit on the amount of assets that may be invested in each country. The Fund may invest in securities of companies of any market capitalization.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.

Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Healthcare Concentration Risk –  Developments affecting the healthcare sector, including the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, medical products, and health services industries, may have a disproportionate impact on the Fund. The Fund’s focus on healthcare-related securities increases its exposure to the risks associated with the healthcare sector, including changes in laws or regulations, lawsuits and regulatory proceedings, changes in funding or subsidies, patent and intellectual property considerations, intense competition and rapid technological change, the long and costly process for obtaining product approval by government agencies, the potential for obsolescence, and the rising cost of medical products and services (especially for companies dependent upon a relatively limited number of products or services). The success of pharmaceutical companies is highly dependent on the development, procurement and marketing of drugs. Demand for biotechnology products and services may fluctuate due to unexpected events, including but not limited to global health crises like pandemics which could strain health care systems and alter health care needs. Health care providers may have difficulty obtaining staff to deliver services. As a result of the Fund’s focus on the healthcare sector, the Fund may be subject to increased price volatility and may be more susceptible to adverse developments than a fund that invests more widely.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Mid Cap and Small Cap Securities Risk –  Investments in mid- and small-capitalization companies involve greater risks than investments in larger, more established companies. Many of these companies are young and have limited operating or business history. These securities may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements and may lack sufficient market liquidity, and these issuers often face greater business risks, including the risk of bankruptcy.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Emerging Markets Risk –  The risks related to investing in foreign securities are generally greater with respect to investments in companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets. The risks of investing in emerging markets include risks of illiquidity, increased price volatility, smaller market capitalizations, less government regulation and oversight, less extensive and less frequent accounting, financial, auditing and other reporting requirements, significant delays in settlement of trades, risk of loss resulting from problems in share registration and custody and substantial economic and political disruptions. In addition, the imposition of exchange controls (including repatriation restrictions), sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments may also result in losses. Frontier markets are those emerging markets that are considered to be among the smallest, least mature and least liquid, and as a result, the risks of investing in emerging markets are magnified in frontier markets.

Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
December 31, 2018

Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based sector index and a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
S&P Composite 1500 Health Care Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management. The Fund is managed by a team of global industry analysts. Each member of the team manages a portion of the Fund based upon their specific areas of coverage within the health care sector. The allocations to each sub-sector are determined by the team with the S&P Composite 1500 Health Care Index sub-industry classifications providing a framework for such allocations.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Rebecca D. Sykes, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst
Wen Shi, PhD, CFA
Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst
David M. Khtikian, CFA
Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst
Fayyaz Mujtaba
Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford International Opportunities HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 91% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund normally invests at least 65% of its net assets in equity securities, including non-dollar securities, of foreign issuers. The Fund diversifies its investments among a number of different countries throughout the world, with no limit on the amount of assets that may be invested in each country. The securities in which the Fund invests are denominated in both U.S. dollars and foreign currencies and generally are traded in foreign markets. The Fund may invest in companies domiciled in emerging markets as a percentage of its net assets up to the greater of: (a) 25% or (b) the weight of emerging markets in the MSCI ACWI ex USA Index plus 10%. The Fund may invest in opportunities across the market capitalization spectrum, but under normal circumstances invests primarily in mid and large capitalization companies. The Fund may trade securities actively.
The sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), seeks to invest in companies with underappreciated assets, improving return on capital and/or stocks that it believes are mispriced by the market due to short-term issues. Wellington Management conducts fundamental research on individual companies to identify securities for purchase or sale. As part of its fundamental analysis, Wellington Management evaluates a company’s business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of value. Wellington Management also integrates the evaluation of financially material environmental, social, and/or governance (“ESG”) characteristics (where available for a company) into its fundamental analysis. ESG characteristics are one of several factors that contribute to Wellington Management’s

overall evaluation of the risk and return potential of a company. Portfolio construction is driven primarily by bottom-up stock selection, with region, country and sector weightings being secondary factors. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its normal bottom-up stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Emerging Markets Risk –  The risks related to investing in foreign securities are generally greater with respect to investments in companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets. The risks of investing in emerging markets include risks of illiquidity, increased price volatility, smaller market capitalizations, less government regulation and oversight, less extensive and less frequent accounting, financial, auditing and other reporting requirements, significant delays in settlement of trades, risk of loss resulting from problems in share registration and custody and substantial economic and political disruptions. In addition, the imposition of exchange controls (including repatriation restrictions), sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments may also result in losses. Frontier markets are those emerging markets that are considered to be among the smallest, least mature and least liquid, and as a result, the risks of investing in emerging markets are magnified in frontier markets.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Mid-Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of mid-capitalization companies generally trade in lower volumes and are generally subject to greater and less predictable price changes than the securities of larger capitalization companies.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.

Active Trading Risk –  Active trading could increase the Fund’s transaction costs (thus adversely affecting performance).
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
Regional/Country Focus Risk –  To the extent that the Fund focuses its investments in a particular geographic region or country, the Fund may be subject to increased currency, political, regulatory, economic and other risks associated with that region or country. A natural or other disaster could occur in a geographic region in which the Fund invests, which could affect the economy or particular business operations of companies in the specific geographic region. As a result, the Fund may be subject to greater price volatility and risk of loss than a fund holding more geographically diverse investments.
ESG Integration Risk –  Integrating ESG analysis into the investment process carries the risk that the Fund may perform differently from, and may underperform, funds that do not integrate ESG into their analysis, or funds that evaluate different ESG characteristics. ESG characteristics are not the only factors considered and as a result, the Fund’s investments may not have favorable ESG characteristics or high ESG ratings.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.

Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
MSCI ACWI ex USA Index (Net) (reflects reinvested dividends net of withholding taxes but
reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or other taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Nicolas M. Choumenkovitch*
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Tara C. Stilwell, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Nicolas M. Choumenkovitch announced his plan to retire and withdraw from the partnership of Wellington Management’s parent company, and effective June 30, 2024, he will no longer serve as a portfolio manager for the Fund. Mr. Choumenkovitch’s portfolio management responsibilities will transition to Tara C. Stilwell, CFA in the months leading up to his departure.
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.

PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford MidCap HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 44% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund seeks its investment objective by investing primarily in stocks selected by the sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in common stocks of mid-capitalization companies. Wellington Management favors companies that it believes are high-quality. The key characteristics of high-quality companies include a leadership position within an industry, a strong balance sheet, a high return on equity, and/or a strong management team. Wellington Management uses fundamental analysis to evaluate a security for purchase or sale by the Fund. Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of such factors as its business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures and indicators of value. Wellington Management also integrates the evaluation of financially material environmental, social, and/or governance (“ESG”) characteristics (where available for a company) into its fundamental analysis. ESG characteristics are one of several factors that contribute to Wellington Management’s overall evaluation of the risk and return potential of a company. The Fund’s portfolio seeks to be diversified across the sectors included in the S&P MidCap 400 Index. The amount the Fund invests in any one sector may vary and the Fund is not required to invest in all sectors. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its normal bottom-up stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market.
The Fund defines mid-capitalization companies as companies with market capitalizations within the collective range of the Russell Midcap and S&P MidCap 400 Indices. As of December 31, 2022, this range was approximately $306.42 million to $52.82 billion. The market capitalization range of these indices changes over time.

PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Mid-Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of mid-capitalization companies generally trade in lower volumes and are generally subject to greater and less predictable price changes than the securities of larger capitalization companies.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
ESG Integration Risk –  Integrating ESG analysis into the investment process carries the risk that the Fund may perform differently from, and may underperform, funds that do not integrate ESG into their analysis, or funds that evaluate different ESG characteristics. ESG characteristics are not the only factors considered and as a result, the Fund’s investments may not have favorable ESG characteristics or high ESG ratings.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.

Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
December 31, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
S&P MidCap 400 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Philip W. Ruedi, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Mark A. Whitaker, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Small Cap Growth HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 52% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund seeks its investment objective by investing primarily in common stocks of small capitalization companies that the Fund’s sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), believes have superior growth potential. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in common stocks of small capitalization companies. Wellington Management uses fundamental research designed to identify issuers with improving quality metrics, business momentum and attractive relative valuations. The investment process is aided by a proprietary screening tool that helps to identify companies with these characteristics. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its normal bottom-up stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market.
The Fund defines small capitalization companies as companies with market capitalizations within the collective range of the Russell 2000 and S&P SmallCap 600 Indices. As of December 31, 2022, this range was approximately $6.07 million to $8.05 billion. The market capitalization range of these indices changes over time.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.

Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Small Cap Securities Risk –  Investments in small capitalization companies involve greater risks than investments in larger, more established companies. Many of these companies are young and have limited operating or business history. These securities may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements and may lack sufficient market liquidity, and these issuers often face greater business risks, including the risk of bankruptcy.
Growth Investing Style Risk –  If the sub-adviser incorrectly assesses a company’s prospects for growth or how other investors will value the company’s growth, then the price of the company’s stock may decrease, or may not increase to the level anticipated by the sub-adviser. In addition, growth stocks may be more volatile than other stocks because they are more sensitive to investors’ perceptions of the issuing company’s growth potential. Also, the growth investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the investing style used by the Fund is out of favor, the Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investing styles.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Volatility Risk –  The Fund’s investments may fluctuate in value over a short period of time. This may cause the Fund’s net asset value per share to experience significant changes in value over short periods of time.
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.

The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
December 31, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Russell 2000 Growth Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Mammen Chally, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
David A. Siegle, CFA
Managing Director and Equity Research Analyst
Douglas W. McLane, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. The Fund is closed to new investors, subject to certain exceptions. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.

PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Small Company HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 87% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund seeks its investment objective by investing primarily in common stocks selected on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. Under normal circumstances, the Fund’s sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), invests at least 80% of its assets in common stocks of small capitalization companies. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities, and may trade securities actively. Based on market or economic conditions, the Fund may, through its normal bottom-up stock selection process, focus in one or more sectors of the market.
Wellington Management uses fundamental analysis to evaluate a security for purchase or sale by the Fund. As part of this analysis, Wellington Management evaluates a company across several dimensions, including an understanding of the sustainability and magnitude of growth, quality, valuation, and assessment of management quality. Wellington Management also integrates the evaluation of financially material environmental, social, and/or governance (“ESG”) characteristics (where available for a company) into its fundamental analysis. ESG characteristics are one of several factors that contribute to Wellington Management’s overall evaluation of the risk and return potential of a company.
The Fund defines small capitalization companies as companies with market capitalizations within the collective range of the Russell 2000 and S&P SmallCap 600 Indices. As of December 31, 2022, this range was approximately $6.07 million to $8.05 billion. The market capitalization range of these indices changes over time.

PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Small Cap Securities Risk –  Investments in small capitalization companies involve greater risks than investments in larger, more established companies. Many of these companies are young and have limited operating or business history. These securities may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements and may lack sufficient market liquidity, and these issuers often face greater business risks, including the risk of bankruptcy.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Growth Investing Style Risk –  If the sub-adviser incorrectly assesses a company’s prospects for growth or how other investors will value the company’s growth, then the price of the company’s stock may decrease, or may not increase to the level anticipated by the sub-adviser. In addition, growth stocks may be more volatile than other stocks because they are more sensitive to investors’ perceptions of the issuing company’s growth potential. Also, the growth investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the investing style used by the Fund is out of favor, the Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investing styles.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
Volatility Risk –  The Fund’s investments may fluctuate in value over a short period of time. This may cause the Fund’s net asset value per share to experience significant changes in value over short periods of time.
Sector Risk –  To the extent the Fund invests more heavily in a particular sector or sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, from the broader market.
ESG Integration Risk –  Integrating ESG analysis into the investment process carries the risk that the Fund may perform differently from, and may underperform, funds that do not integrate ESG into their analysis, or funds that evaluate different ESG characteristics. ESG characteristics are not the only factors considered and as a result, the Fund’s investments may not have favorable ESG characteristics or high ESG ratings.

Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Active Trading Risk –  Active trading could increase the Fund’s transaction costs (thus adversely affecting performance).
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Russell 2000 Growth Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)

MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Ranjit Ramachandran, CFA
Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. The Fund is closed to new investors, subject to certain exceptions. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Stock HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 10% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in equity securities. The Fund may invest in stocks within a broad range of market capitalizations, but tends to focus on large capitalization companies with market capitalizations similar to those of companies in the Russell 1000 Index as selected by the Fund’s sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”). The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in the securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities. Wellington Management employs a “bottom-up” approach, which is the use of fundamental analysis to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Wellington Management’s investment process focuses on companies that it believes are high quality and are expected to grow their dividends. The Fund typically employs a focused portfolio investing style (i.e., a portfolio consisting of a relatively small number of holdings).
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and

cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Equity Risk –  The risk that the price of equity or equity related securities may decline due to changes in a company’s financial condition and overall market and economic conditions.
Dividend Risk –  Income provided by the Fund may be affected by changes in the dividend policies of the companies in which the Fund invests and the capital resources available for such payments at such companies. At times, the performance of dividend-paying companies may lag the performance of other companies or the broader market as a whole. In addition, the dividend payments of the companies in which the Fund invests may vary over time, and there is no guarantee that a company will pay a dividend at all.
Large Cap Securities Risk –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
Focused Portfolio Risk –  Because the Fund may invest in a limited number of companies, the Fund is subject to greater risk of loss if any of those securities decline in price.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.

PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
March 31, 2019
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2020
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Russell 1000 Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Donald J. Kilbride
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
Peter C. Fisher
Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.

TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Total Return Bond HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks a competitive total return, with income as a secondary objective.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 58% of the average value of its portfolio (excluding to be announced (TBA) roll transactions). If TBA roll transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate would have been 431% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds that the sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), considers to be attractive from a total return perspective along with current income. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities rated below investment grade (also known as “junk bonds”).
Bonds in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, (1) securities issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities; (2) non-convertible debt securities issued or guaranteed by U.S. corporations or other issuers (including foreign governments or corporations); (3) asset-backed and mortgage-related securities, including collateralized loan obligations; and (4) securities issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by a sovereign government or one of its agencies or political subdivisions, supranational entities such as development banks, non-U.S. corporations, banks or bank holding companies, or other foreign issuers.
The Fund may use derivatives to manage portfolio risk or for other investment purposes. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, futures and options contracts, swap agreements and forward foreign currency contracts. Additionally, the Fund may invest up to 40% of its net assets in debt securities of foreign issuers, including from emerging markets, and up to 20% of its net assets in non-dollar securities. The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment basis, including securities acquired or sold in the TBA market. The Fund may invest in “Rule 144A” securities, which are privately placed, restricted securities that may

only be resold under certain circumstances to other qualified institutional buyers. The Fund may trade securities actively. Although the Fund may invest in securities and other instruments of any maturity or duration, the Fund normally invests in debt securities with a maturity of at least one year. There is no limit on the average maturity of the Fund’s portfolio.
The investment team is organized with generalist portfolio managers leading sector, rates and risk positioning decisions. The portfolio managers may allocate a portion of the Fund’s assets to specialists within Wellington Management who drive individual sector and security selection strategies.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Interest Rate Risk –  The risk that your investment may go down in value when interest rates rise, because when interest rates rise, the prices of bonds and fixed rate loans fall. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates to rise, including central bank monetary policies and inflation rates. Generally, the longer the maturity of a bond or fixed rate loan, the more sensitive it is to this risk. Falling interest rates also create the potential for a decline in the Fund’s income. These risks are greater during periods of rising inflation. Volatility in interest rates and in fixed income markets may increase the risk that the Fund’s investment in fixed income securities will go down in value. Risks associated with rising interest rates are currently heightened because the Federal Reserve has raised, and may continue to raise, interest rates and inflation is elevated. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve Board or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, such as decreases or increases in short-term interest rates, may adversely affect markets, which could, in turn, negatively impact Fund performance.
Credit Risk –  Credit risk is the risk that the issuer of a security or other instrument will not be able to make principal and interest payments when due. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also affect the value of the Fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on both the financial condition of the issuer and the terms of the obligation. Periods of market volatility may increase credit risk.
Mortgage-Related and Asset-Backed Securities Risk –  Mortgage-related and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables held in trust. These mortgage-related or asset-backed securities are subject to credit risk, interest rate risk, “prepayment risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more quickly in periods of falling interest rates) and “extension risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more slowly in periods of rising interest rates). If the Fund invests in mortgage-related or asset-backed securities that are subordinated to other interests in the same mortgage or asset pool, the Fund may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool may limit substantially the pool’s ability to make payments of principal or interest to the Fund, reducing the values of those securities or in some cases rendering them worthless. The risk of such defaults is generally higher in the case of mortgage pools that include so-called “subprime” mortgages. Uniform mortgage-backed securities, which generally align the characteristics of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac certificates, are a recent innovation and the effect they may have on the market for mortgage-related securities is uncertain.
Collateralized Loan Obligations Risk –  Collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”) bear many of the same risks as other forms of asset-backed securities. As they are backed by pools of loans, CLOs also bear similar risks to investing in loans directly. CLOs may experience substantial losses attributable to loan defaults. Losses caused by defaults on underlying assets are borne first by the holders of subordinate tranches. The Fund’s investment in CLOs may decrease in market value when the CLO experiences loan defaults or credit impairment, the disappearance of a subordinate tranche, or market anticipation of defaults and investor aversion to CLO securities as a class.

To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions Risk –  TBA transactions involve the risk that the security the Fund buys will lose value prior to its delivery. The Fund is subject to this risk whether or not the Fund takes delivery of the securities on the settlement date for a transaction. There also is the risk that the security will not be issued or that the other party to the transaction will not meet its obligation. If this occurs, the Fund loses both the investment opportunity for the assets it set aside to pay for the security and any gain in the security’s price. The Fund may also take a short position in a TBA investment when it owns or has the right to obtain, at no added cost, identical securities. If the Fund takes such a short position, it may reduce the risk of a loss if the price of the securities declines in the future, but will lose the opportunity to profit if the price rises. TBA transactions may also result in a higher portfolio turnover rate.
Derivatives Risk –  Derivatives are instruments whose value depends on, or is derived from, the value of an underlying asset, reference rate or index. Derivatives may be riskier than other types of investments because they may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market conditions than other types of investments and could result in losses that significantly exceed the Fund’s original investment. Successful use of derivative instruments by the Fund depends on the sub-adviser’s judgment with respect to a number of factors and the Fund’s performance could be worse and/or more volatile than if it had not used these instruments. In addition, the fluctuations in the value of derivatives may not correlate perfectly with the value of any portfolio assets being hedged, the performance of the asset class to which the sub-adviser seeks exposure, or the overall securities markets.
Leverage Risk –  Certain transactions, such as the use of derivatives, may give rise to leverage. Leverage can increase market exposure, increase volatility in the Fund, magnify investment risks, and cause losses to be realized more quickly. The use of leverage may cause the Fund to liquidate portfolio positions to satisfy its obligations when it may not be advantageous to do so.
Swaps Risk –  A swap is a contract that generally obligates the parties to exchange payments based on a specified reference security, basket of securities, security index or index component. Swaps can involve greater risks than direct investment in securities because swaps may be leveraged and are subject to counterparty risk (e.g., the risk of a counterparty defaulting on the obligation or bankruptcy), credit risk and pricing risk (i.e., swaps may be difficult to value). Certain swaps may also be considered illiquid. It may not be possible for the Fund to liquidate a swap position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses.
Futures and Options Risk –  Futures and options may be more volatile than direct investments in the securities underlying the futures and options, may not correlate perfectly to the underlying securities, may involve additional costs, and may be illiquid. Futures and options also may involve the use of leverage as the Fund may make a small initial investment relative to the risk assumed, which could result in losses greater than if futures or options had not been used. Futures and options are also subject to the risk that the other party to the transaction may default on its obligation.
Forward Currency Contracts Risk –  A forward currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. The market value of a forward currency contract fluctuates with changes in foreign currency exchange rates. While forward foreign currency exchange contracts do not eliminate fluctuations in the value of foreign securities, they do allow the Fund to establish a fixed rate of exchange for a future point in time. Use of such contracts, therefore, can have the effect of reducing returns and minimizing opportunities for gain. The Fund could also lose money when the contract is settled.
Foreign Investments Risk –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier, more volatile, and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities. Differences between the U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets, including the less stringent investor protection, less stringent accounting, corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure standards of some foreign markets, as well as political and economic developments in foreign countries and regions and the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions), may affect the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities. Changes in currency exchange rates may also adversely affect the Fund’s foreign investments.
Emerging Markets Risk –  The risks related to investing in foreign securities are generally greater with respect to investments in companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets. The risks of investing in emerging markets include risks of illiquidity, increased price volatility, smaller market capitalizations, less government regulation and oversight, less extensive and less frequent accounting, financial, auditing and other reporting requirements, significant delays in settlement of trades, risk of loss resulting from problems in share registration and custody and substantial economic and political disruptions. In addition, the imposition of exchange controls (including repatriation restrictions), sanctions,

confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments may also result in losses. Frontier markets are those emerging markets that are considered to be among the smallest, least mature and least liquid, and as a result, the risks of investing in emerging markets are magnified in frontier markets.
Currency Risk –  The risk that the value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When the Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency.
High Yield Investments Risk –  High yield investments rated below investment grade (also referred to as “junk bonds”) are considered to be speculative and are subject to heightened credit risk, which may make the Fund more sensitive to adverse developments in the U.S. and abroad. Lower rated debt securities generally involve greater risk of default or price changes due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than higher rated debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than those of higher rated securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. There may be little trading in the secondary market for particular debt securities, which may make them more difficult to value or sell.
U.S. Government Securities Risk –  Treasury obligations may differ in their interest rates, maturities, times of issuance and other characteristics. Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Obligations of U.S. Government agencies and authorities are supported by varying degrees of credit but generally are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. No assurance can be given that the U.S. Government will provide financial support to its agencies and authorities if it is not obligated by law to do so. In addition, the value of U.S. Government securities may be affected by changes in the credit rating of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities are also subject to the risk that the U.S. Treasury will be unable to meet its payment obligations.
Restricted Securities Risk –  Restricted securities are subject to the risk that they may be difficult to sell at the time and price the Fund prefers.
Call Risk –  Call risk is the risk that an issuer, especially during a period of falling interest rates, may redeem a security by repaying it early, which may reduce the Fund’s income if the proceeds are reinvested at lower interest rates.
Liquidity Risk –  The risk that the market for a particular investment or type of investment is or becomes relatively illiquid, making it difficult for the Fund to sell that investment at an advantageous time or price. Illiquidity may be due to events relating to the issuer of the securities, market events, rising interest rates, economic conditions or investor perceptions. Illiquid securities may be difficult to value and their value may be lower than the market price of comparable liquid securities, which would negatively affect the Fund’s performance.
Event Risk –  Event risk is the risk that corporate issuers may undergo restructurings, such as mergers, leveraged buyouts, takeovers, or similar events financed by increased debt. As a result of the added debt, the credit quality and market value of a company’s bonds and/or other debt securities may decline significantly.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy, including allocating assets to specialist portfolio managers, does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. The investment styles employed by the specialist portfolio managers may not be complementary, which could adversely affect the performance of the Fund. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
LIBOR Risk –  The Fund may invest in certain securities, derivatives, or other financial instruments that use a London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. The ICE Benchmark Administration Limited, the administrator of LIBOR, has ceased publishing certain LIBOR settings on December 31, 2021, and the remaining LIBOR settings are expected to be discontinued on June 30, 2023. Some regulated entities (such as banks) have ceased to enter into new LIBOR-based contracts beginning January 1, 2022. The transition process away from LIBOR may lead to increased volatility and illiquidity in markets that currently rely on LIBOR to determine interest rates,

and the use of an alternative reference rate (e.g., the Secured Overnight Financing Rate) may adversely affect the Fund’s performance. In addition, the usefulness of LIBOR may deteriorate in the period leading up to its discontinuation, which could adversely affect the liquidity or market value of securities that use LIBOR.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Active Trading Risk –  Active trading could increase the Fund’s transaction costs (thus adversely affecting performance).
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows how the Fund’s total return has varied from year to year
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.
Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2022

Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index (reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Joseph F. Marvan, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
Campe Goodman, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
Robert D. Burn, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Hartford Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund Summary Section
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The Fund seeks total return and income consistent with preserving capital and maintaining liquidity.
YOUR EXPENSES. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold, and sell shares of the Fund. Please note that fees and expenses in this table and the example below do not include fees and expenses that will be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan and would be higher if such fees and expenses were included. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information on those fees and expenses.
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment):
Share Classes
Management fees
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees
Other expenses
Total annual fund operating expenses
Example. The example below is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that:
You invest $10,000
Your investment has a 5% return each year
The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same
You reinvest all dividends and distributions
Your actual costs may be higher or lower. Based on these assumptions, you would pay the following expenses whether or not you were to redeem your investment at the end of each time period indicated:
Share Classes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 66% of the average value of its portfolio.
PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in securities that the sub-adviser, Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington Management”), considers to be attractive giving consideration to both yield and total return. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in fixed income securities. The Fund normally invests in “investment grade” securities.
Fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, (1) securities issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities; (2) non-convertible and convertible debt securities issued or guaranteed by U.S. corporations or other issuers (including foreign issuers); (3) asset-backed and mortgage-related securities, including collateralized mortgage obligations; (4) securities and loans issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by a foreign issuer, including supranational entities such as development banks, non-U.S. corporations, banks or bank holding companies, or other foreign issuers; (5) commercial mortgage-backed securities; (6) zero coupon securities; and (7) fixed-income related derivatives.
The Fund normally will maintain a dollar weighted average duration of less than 1.5 years. The Fund will generally invest in securities that have an effective duration of less than 5 years at the time of purchase. Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of a fixed income security’s price to changes in interest rates. The Fund’s average duration measure incorporates a bond’s yield, coupon, final maturity, and the effect of derivatives, including interest rate swaps and

futures contracts that may be used to manage the Fund’s interest rate risk. The Fund may also use repurchase agreements to achieve its investment objective. The Fund may invest in “Rule 144A” securities, which are privately placed, restricted securities that may only be resold under certain circumstances to other qualified institutional buyers.
PRINCIPAL RISKS. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.
Market Risk –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities of a company may decline in value due to its financial prospects and activities, including certain operational impacts, such as data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Securities may also decline in value due to general market and economic movements and trends, including adverse changes to credit markets, or as a result of other events such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, or widespread pandemics (such as COVID-19) or other adverse public health developments.
Interest Rate Risk –  The risk that your investment may go down in value when interest rates rise, because when interest rates rise, the prices of bonds and fixed rate loans fall. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates to rise, including central bank monetary policies and inflation rates. Generally, the longer the maturity of a bond or fixed rate loan, the more sensitive it is to this risk. Falling interest rates also create the potential for a decline in the Fund’s income. These risks are greater during periods of rising inflation. Volatility in interest rates and in fixed income markets may increase the risk that the Fund’s investment in fixed income securities will go down in value. Risks associated with rising interest rates are currently heightened because the Federal Reserve has raised, and may continue to raise, interest rates and inflation is elevated. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve Board or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, such as decreases or increases in short-term interest rates, may adversely affect markets, which could, in turn, negatively impact Fund performance.
Credit Risk –  Credit risk is the risk that the issuer of a security or other instrument will not be able to make principal and interest payments when due. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also affect the value of the Fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on both the financial condition of the issuer and the terms of the obligation. Periods of market volatility may increase credit risk.
Mortgage-Related and Asset-Backed Securities Risk –  Mortgage-related and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables held in trust. These mortgage-related or asset-backed securities are subject to credit risk, interest rate risk, “prepayment risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more quickly in periods of falling interest rates) and “extension risk” (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more slowly in periods of rising interest rates). If the Fund invests in mortgage-related or asset-backed securities that are subordinated to other interests in the same mortgage or asset pool, the Fund may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool may limit substantially the pool’s ability to make payments of principal or interest to the Fund, reducing the values of those securities or in some cases rendering them worthless. The risk of such defaults is generally higher in the case of mortgage pools that include so-called “subprime” mortgages.
Call Risk –  Call risk is the risk that an issuer, especially during a period of falling interest rates, may redeem a security by repaying it early, which may reduce the Fund’s income if the proceeds are reinvested at lower interest rates.
Active Investment Management Risk –  The risk that, if the sub-adviser’s investment strategy does not perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. Although the sub-adviser considers several factors when making investment decisions, the sub-adviser may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the sub-adviser may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
Liquidity Risk –  The risk that the market for a particular investment or type of investment is or becomes relatively illiquid, making it difficult for the Fund to sell that investment at an advantageous time or price. Illiquidity may be due to events relating to the issuer of the securities, market events, rising interest rates, economic conditions or investor perceptions. Illiquid securities may be difficult to value and their value may be lower than the market price of comparable liquid securities, which would negatively affect the Fund’s performance.

Restricted Securities Risk –  Restricted securities are subject to the risk that they may be difficult to sell at the time and price the Fund prefers.
Zero Coupon Securities Risk –  Zero-coupon securities pay no interest prior to their maturity date or another specified date in the future but are issued and traded at a discount to their face value. The discount varies as the securities approach their maturity date (or the date on which interest payments are scheduled to begin). While interest payments are not made on such securities, holders of such securities are deemed to have received income (“phantom income”) annually, notwithstanding that cash may not be received currently. As with other fixed income securities, zero coupon bonds are subject to interest rate and credit risk. Some of these securities may be subject to substantially greater price fluctuations during periods of changing market interest rates than comparable securities that pay interest currently. Longer term zero coupon bonds have greater interest rate risk than shorter term zero coupon bonds.
Repurchase Agreements Risk –  The Fund may enter into certain types of repurchase agreements or purchase and sale contracts. Under a repurchase agreement, the seller agrees to repurchase a security (typically a security issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government) at a mutually agreed upon time and price. This insulates the Fund from changes in the market value of the security during the period. A purchase and sale contract is similar to a repurchase agreement, but purchase and sale contracts provide that the purchaser receives any interest on the security paid during the period. If the seller fails to repurchase the security in either situation and the market value declines, the Fund may lose money.
U.S. Government Securities Risk –  Treasury obligations may differ in their interest rates, maturities, times of issuance and other characteristics. Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Obligations of U.S. Government agencies and authorities are supported by varying degrees of credit but generally are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. No assurance can be given that the U.S. Government will provide financial support to its agencies and authorities if it is not obligated by law to do so. In addition, the value of U.S. Government securities may be affected by changes in the credit rating of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities are also subject to the risk that the U.S. Treasury will be unable to meet its payment obligations.
Securities Lending Risk –  The Fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral.
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk –  The Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem or purchase large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such redemptions may cause the Fund to sell securities at times when it would not otherwise do so or borrow money (at a cost to the Fund), which may negatively impact the Fund’s performance and liquidity. Similarly, large purchases may adversely affect the Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs.
The Fund is subject to certain other risks. For more information regarding risks and investments, please see “Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks” and “More Information About Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
PAST PERFORMANCE. The performance information below indicates the risks of investing in the Fund. Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results. Updated performance information is available at hartfordfunds.com. Performance information for when the Fund operated as a money market fund prior to October 21, 2013 is not shown and is available upon request by calling 1-888-843-7824. The returns in the bar chart and table:
Assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions
Would be lower if the effect of sales charges or other fees that may be applied at the contract or plan level were included.
The bar chart:
Shows the Fund’s total return for the calendar years since it converted from a money market fund
Shows the returns of Class IA shares. Returns for Class IB shares differ only to the extent that the classes do not have the same expenses.

Total returns by calendar year
During the periods shown in the chart above:
Quarter Ended
Best Quarter Return
June 30, 2020
Worst Quarter Return
March 31, 2022
Average Annual Total Returns. The table below shows returns for the Fund over time compared to those of a broad-based market index.
Average annual total returns for periods ending December 31, 2022
Since Inception
Share Classes
1 Year
5 Years
Class IA
Class IB
Bloomberg Short Treasury 9-12 Month Index (reflects no deduction for fees,
expenses or taxes)
MANAGEMENT. The Fund’s investment manager is Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC. The Fund’s sub-adviser is Wellington Management.
Portfolio Manager
Involved with
Fund Since
Timothy E. Smith
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
Marc K. Piccuirro, CFA
Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund generally may only be purchased or redeemed through variable contracts and qualified pension plans or retirement plans. Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to certain qualified pension and retirement plans. For more information, please see the section entitled “Further Information on the Funds - Purchase and Redemption of Fund Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
Class IA shares and Class IB shares of the Fund do not have any initial or subsequent investment minimums. Any initial or subsequent investment requirements and redemption procedures are governed by the applicable variable contract or plan through which you invest.
TAX INFORMATION. Under current law, owners of variable contracts and qualified pension or retirement plan participants that have invested in the Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the variable contract or pension or retirement plan. You should review your variable contract prospectus (or other disclosure document) or plan documents for more information.
PAYMENTS TO BROKER-DEALERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES. The Fund and its related companies may make payments to insurance companies (or their affiliates), plan sponsors and other financial intermediaries for distribution and/or other services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the financial intermediary and its employees to include the Fund as an investment option or to recommend the Fund over another investment option. Ask your financial intermediary or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Additional Information Regarding Investment Strategies and Risks
Information about the investment objective and principal investment strategy for each of Hartford Balanced HLS Fund (the “Balanced HLS Fund”), Hartford Capital Appreciation HLS Fund (the “Capital Appreciation HLS Fund”), Hartford Disciplined Equity HLS Fund (the “Disciplined Equity HLS Fund”), Hartford Dividend and Growth HLS Fund (the “Dividend and Growth HLS Fund”), Hartford Healthcare HLS Fund (the “Healthcare HLS Fund”), Hartford International Opportunities HLS Fund (the “International Opportunities HLS Fund”), Hartford MidCap HLS Fund (the “MidCap HLS Fund”), Hartford Small Cap Growth HLS Fund (the “Small Cap Growth HLS Fund”), Hartford Small Company HLS Fund (the “Small Company HLS Fund”), Hartford Stock HLS Fund (the “Stock HLS Fund”), Hartford Total Return Bond HLS Fund (the “Total Return Bond HLS Fund”) and Hartford Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund (the “Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund”) (each a “Fund,” and collectively, the “Funds” or “Hartford HLS Funds”) is provided in that Fund’s summary section. Additional information regarding the principal investment strategy and other investment policies for each Fund is provided below.
Allocation decisions within asset categories are at the discretion of Wellington Management and are based on Wellington Management’s judgment of the projected investment environment for financial assets, relative fundamental values, the attractiveness of each asset category, and expected future returns of each asset category. Wellington Management does not attempt to engage in short-term market timing among asset categories. As a result, shifts in asset allocation are expected to be gradual.
The Fund’s diversified portfolio of equity securities is evaluated using what is sometimes referred to as a “bottom-up” approach, which is the use of fundamental analysis to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of such factors as its business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of value.
Wellington Management may also consider the research provided by its Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s (or issuer’s) risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies (or issuers) in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
In general, the Fund seeks to invest in companies that, in Wellington Management’s opinion, demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics: a leadership position within an industry, a strong balance sheet, an acceleration in growth rates, a high return on equity, a strong management team, and a globally competitive position. The Fund may also invest in companies that Wellington Management believes have been excessively devalued by the market, provided there is a catalyst that could lead to an improvement in stock price.
Investment grade securities are those rated at least “BBB” by Standard & Poor’s Corporation (“S&P”) or “Baa” by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or “BBB” by Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”), or if unrated, securities deemed by Wellington Management to be of comparable quality. These debt securities include mortgage-backed securities issued by U.S. Government agencies and private entities.
As of December 31, 2022, the market capitalization of companies included in the S&P 500 Index ranged from approximately $3.56 billion to $2.07 trillion. The market capitalization range of this index changes over time. In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may also enter into bond forwards and invest in fixed income-related derivatives including futures contracts and swap agreements. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes and restricted securities.
Wellington Management chooses certain equity securities in which the Fund invests using what is sometimes referred to as a “bottom up” approach. In analyzing a prospective investment, Wellington Management uses fundamental analysis and looks at a number of factors, such as business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues, dividends and other related measures of valuation and growth potential. Wellington Management may also employ systematic screening methodologies to select equity securities based on risk factor characteristics that include, but are not limited to, volatility, quality, value, growth, and momentum risk factor

characteristics. As of April 1, 2023, the Fund has five sleeves with allocations to value, growth, and quality strategies and the Risk Managed Sleeve. The portfolio managers may change the underlying “sleeve” portfolio managers and allocations to the various strategies at any time without notice to shareholders.
As part of its investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may: invest in private placements; invest in companies that conduct their principal business activities in emerging markets or whose securities are traded principally on exchanges in emerging markets; and use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions including, but not limited to, forward currency contracts, futures, options and similar derivatives instruments or combinations thereof. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), depositary receipts, and restricted securities.
As part of the fundamental research discussed in the summary section, Wellington Management also evaluates the following regarding a company: capital allocation discipline, off-financial statement factors, management track record, and analysis of products and competition. Wellington Management also considers secular (longer term) and cyclical growth prospects. As part of its investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
As of December 31, 2022, the market capitalization of companies included in the S&P 500 Index ranged from approximately $3.56 billion to $2.07 trillion. The market capitalization range of the index changes over time.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may invest in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities and may also use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions including, but not limited to, futures, options and similar derivative instruments or combinations thereof. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.
Dividend and Growth HLS Fund
As part of the investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools.
With respect to its ESG analysis discussed in the summary section, the investment team leverages the analysis and research of Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team, who provide industry specific research. The dedicated ESG team also engages with management of certain companies regarding corporate governance practices as well as what it deems to be materially important environmental and/or social issues facing a company. The dedicated ESG team assists the investment team in its identification of global best practices, collaboration on company engagement, and research related to voting proxies, as well as collaborates on new research paths. ESG characteristics may include environmental topics such as how a company is managing the impact of climate change on its business; social issues such as cybersecurity; and governance matters such as compensation and board diversity. The ESG characteristics evaluated will differ depending on the facts and circumstances of particular issuers. The investment team views financially material ESG characteristics as a component of the investment process as the team believes companies that

are thoughtful and deliberate around how they take material ESG considerations into account may be more likely to sustain or improve their future returns over time. The investment team believes that strong corporate governance is vital to ensuring that capital allocation decisions, including the payment of a dividend, are thoughtfully made and reflect alignment of management and shareholder interests. The investment team believes that financially material environmental and social issues have the potential to impact future cash flows.
As of December 31, 2022, the market capitalization of companies included in the S&P 500 Index ranged from approximately $3.56 billion to $2.07 trillion. The market capitalization range of the index changes over time.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may also use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.
Healthcare HLS Fund
Wellington Management’s approach to investing in the health care sector is based on an in-depth understanding of medical science, regulatory developments, and reimbursement policy trends, but will be predominantly focused on stock specific investment opportunities. Wellington Management will also seek to exploit favorable trends within the health care sector including demographics, as well as investment opportunities that are benefiting from the accelerating pace of biopharmaceutical innovation and the ongoing structural changes in health care delivery systems globally.
Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of such factors as its business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of valuation and growth potential. Wellington Management seeks companies with attractive entry valuations, defined as those stocks where the price is not already fully exploited by other investors. As part of its investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
Wellington Management may favor certain subsectors at times based upon the relative attractiveness of stocks within these subsectors, near term macroeconomic factors and the availability of such stocks at attractive prices.
Stocks considered for purchase by the Fund typically share one or more of the following attributes:
the company’s business franchise is temporarily mispriced,
the market under-values the new product pipelines,
the company has opportunities due to changes in reimbursement policies (for example, the privatization of health care services abroad), or
the company is a target of opportunity due to industry consolidation.
Stocks will be considered for sale from the Fund when:
target prices are achieved,
fundamental expectations are not met,
a company’s prospects become less appealing, or
equity securities of other comparable issuers in an industry are available at more attractive prices.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund also may use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, and restricted securities. The Fund will be close to fully invested; cash balances normally will not exceed 10% of net assets.

International opportunities HLS Fund
Wellington Management conducts fundamental research on individual companies to identify securities for purchase or sale. As part of its fundamental analysis, Wellington Management evaluates a company’s business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of value. Wellington Management’s proprietary research takes into account each company’s long-term history as well as Wellington Management’s analysts’ forward-looking estimates, which allows for a comparison of the intrinsic value of stocks on a global basis focusing on return on invested capital in conjunction with other valuation metrics. Portfolio construction is driven primarily by bottom-up stock selection, with region, country and sector weightings being secondary factors. As part of the investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools.
With respect to its ESG analysis discussed in the summary section, the investment team leverages the analysis and research of Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team, who provide industry specific research. The dedicated ESG team also engages with management of certain companies regarding corporate governance practices as well as what it deems to be materially important environmental and/or social issues facing a company. The dedicated ESG team also assists the investment team in its identification of global best practices, collaboration on company engagement, and research related to voting proxies, as well as collaborates on new research paths. ESG characteristics may include environmental topics such as how a company is managing the impact of climate change on its business; social conditions such as the strength of a company’s culture; and governance matters such as compensation and board diversity. The ESG characteristics evaluated will differ depending on the facts and circumstances of particular issuers. The investment team views financially material ESG characteristics as a component of its investment process as it believes companies that are thoughtful and deliberate around how they take material ESG considerations into account may be more likely to improve or sustain their future returns over time.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions including, but not limited to, forward currency contracts, futures, options and similar derivative instruments or combinations thereof. The Fund may also invest in depositary receipts, other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.
MidCap HLS Fund
Wellington Management uses a “bottom-up” investment strategy, which is the use of fundamental analysis to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Wellington Management’s investment process evaluates companies based on the factors that it deems most relevant to future stock performance, which include: a company’s fundamentals, a company’s valuation, future expectations regarding a company, and financially material ESG characteristics. As part of the investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools.
With respect to its ESG analysis discussed in the summary section, the investment team leverages the analysis and research of Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team, who provide industry specific research. The dedicated ESG team also engages with management of certain companies regarding corporate governance practices as well as what it deems to be materially important environmental and/or social issues facing a company. The dedicated ESG team assists the investment team in its identification of global best practices, collaboration on company engagement, and research related to voting proxies, as well as collaborates on new research paths. ESG characteristics may include environmental topics such as how a company is managing the impact of climate change on its business; social issues such as employee engagement, talent attraction/retention and customer satisfaction; and governance matters such as incentive structures and corporate strategy. The ESG characteristics evaluated will differ depending on the facts and circumstances of particular issuers.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may invest in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities and may also use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.

Small Cap Growth HLS Fund
Wellington Management employs what is often called a “bottom-up” approach to select specific securities from a variety of industries. However, in constructing the portfolio, Wellington Management also analyzes and monitors different sources of active risk including stock-specific risk, industry risk and style risk. Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of such factors as its business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of valuation and growth potential. As part of its investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may invest in securities of foreign issuers and non-dollar securities and may also use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.
Small Company HLS Fund
Wellington Management uses fundamental analysis to identify specific securities for purchase or sale. Wellington Management primarily invests in growth oriented stocks, but may invest in value oriented stocks as opportunities arise. As discussed in the summary section, Wellington Management looks at a number of factors as part of its fundamental analysis, such as the sustainability and magnitude of a company’s revenue and earnings growth rate, quality, valuation, market position, market trends, assessment of management quality, and other related measures of valuation and growth potential, including the evaluation of financially material ESG characteristics. As part of the investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools.
With respect to its ESG analysis discussed in the summary section, the investment team leverages the analysis and research of Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team, who provide industry specific research. The dedicated ESG team also engages with management of certain companies regarding corporate governance practices as well as what it deems to be materially important environmental and/or social issues facing a company. The dedicated ESG team assists the investment team in its identification of global best practices, collaboration on company engagement, and research related to voting proxies, as well as collaborates on new research paths. ESG characteristics may include environmental topics such as how a company is managing the impact of climate change on its business; social issues such as cybersecurity; and governance matters such as compensation and board diversity. When evaluating earlier stage emerging growth companies, the investment team believes that ESG characteristics can help form a better understanding around management quality and alignment in executing on the company’s vision for future growth. In the case of companies seeking to re-accelerate growth after a period of decline, the investment team believes ESG characteristics can help assess, for example, if the culture is impaired (impacting talent retention/attraction) or if the company is vulnerable to environmental or other risks that could potentially de-rail the growth trajectory, such as exposure to underappreciated credit risk or energy needs that could pressure growth. The ESG characteristics evaluated will differ depending on the facts and circumstances of particular issuers.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may also invest in restricted securities, including private placements, and may use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include exchange and over-the-counter traded transactions including, but not limited to, forward currency contracts and similar derivative instruments or combinations thereof. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and exchange traded notes.
Stock HLS Fund
Fundamental analysis of a company involves the assessment of such factors as its business environment, management quality, balance sheet, income statement, anticipated earnings, revenues and dividends, and other related measures or indicators of valuation and growth potential. In general, the Fund seeks to invest in companies that, in Wellington Management’s opinion, demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics: a leadership position within an

industry, a strong balance sheet, an acceleration in growth rates, a high return on equity, a strong management team, and a globally competitive position. The Fund may also invest in companies that Wellington Management believes have been excessively devalued by the market, provided there is a catalyst that could lead to an improvement in stock price. As part of its investment process, the investment team may consider the research provided by Wellington Management’s Global Industry Analysts (GIAs), who provide in-depth company analysis by sector coverage, in addition to other resources and tools. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
As of December 31, 2022, the market capitalization of companies included in the Russell 1000 Index ranged from approximately $306.42 million to $2.07 trillion. The market capitalization range of the index changes over time.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may use derivatives for hedging purposes, to gain exposure to certain issuers or market sectors, and/or to equitize cash. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)), exchange traded notes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and restricted securities.
The Fund may also invest up to 15% of its net assets in bank loans or loan participation interests in secured or unsecured variable, fixed or floating rate loans to U.S. and foreign corporations, partnerships and other entities. The Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in preferred stocks, convertible securities (including contingent capital securities (also known as contingent convertible securities or CoCos)), and securities accompanied by warrants to purchase equity securities. While the Fund will not make direct purchases of common stock, from time to time the Fund will hold positions in common stock as a result of certain events, such as among other things the exercise of conversion rights or warrants, as well as restructurings or bankruptcy plans of reorganization with respect to an issuer’s securities held by the Fund. In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund also may (1) engage in short-selling of TBA investments; (2) use dollar rolls; (3) enter into bond forwards; (4) invest in other investment companies, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs); (5) invest in exchange traded notes; (6) invest in credit risk transfer securities; (7) invest in municipal bonds; (8) invest in zero coupon securities; and (9) use other types of derivative instruments.
The sub-adviser, Wellington Management, emphasizes identification of structural and cyclical themes that may unfold over the intermediate to long term complemented by shorter-term opportunistic themes created by market dislocations. When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s (or issuer’s) risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies (or issuers) in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
Wellington Management uses proprietary research to conduct value-driven sector rotation and intensive credit and structure analyses and also utilizes interest rate management within the portfolio construction process. Wellington Management seeks to add value from top-down sector rotation decisions, bottom-up security selection within sectors, and interest rate management.
When evaluating investments for the Fund, the investment team also has access to, and may consider, proprietary environmental, social and/or governance (“ESG”) research prepared by Wellington Management’s dedicated ESG team to help evaluate a company’s (or issuer’s) risk and return potential. Wellington Management believes financially material ESG characteristics can impact the performance of the companies (or issuers) in which it invests. The investment team has discretion to determine the level at which financially material ESG characteristics are imbedded into its overall analysis.
In addition to the principal strategies described in the summary section, the Fund may enter into bond forwards and use reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies (including exchange traded funds (ETFs)) and exchange traded notes. In order to manage the Fund’s interest rate risk (including the Fund’s duration), the Fund may use derivatives, such as Treasury futures, options and/or interest rate swaps.

Use of Cash or Money Market Investments
Each Fund may participate in a cash sweep program whereby the Fund’s uninvested cash balance is used to purchase shares of affiliated or unaffiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles at the end of each day. To the extent a Fund invests its uninvested cash through a sweep program, it is subject to the risks of the account or fund into which it is investing, including liquidity issues that may delay the Fund from accessing its cash.
Each Fund may also invest some or all of its assets in cash, high quality money market instruments (including, but not limited to U.S. government securities, bank obligations, commercial paper and repurchase agreements involving the foregoing securities) and shares of money market funds for temporary defensive purposes in response to adverse market, economic or political conditions. In addition, each Fund may invest some of its assets in these instruments to maintain liquidity, for cash management purposes or in response to atypical circumstances such as unusually large cash inflows or redemptions. Under such conditions, a Fund may not invest in accordance with its investment objective or principal investment strategy. As a result, there is no assurance that a Fund will achieve its investment objective and it may lose the benefit of market upswings.
A Fund may have a relatively high portfolio turnover and may, at times, engage in short-term trading. Such activity could produce higher brokerage expenses and transaction costs for the Fund and, therefore, could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. Each Fund is not managed to achieve a particular tax result for shareholders. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisor for individual tax advice.
Operational Risks Associated with Cybersecurity
A Fund and its service providers’ use of internet, technology and information systems may expose the Fund to potential risks linked to cybersecurity breaches of those technological or information systems. Cybersecurity breaches, amongst other things, could allow an unauthorized party to gain access to proprietary information, customer data, or fund assets, or cause a Fund and/or its service providers to suffer data corruption or lose operational functionality. For instance, cybersecurity breaches may interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact a Fund’s ability to calculate its NAV, cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential business information, impede trading, subject the Fund to regulator fines or financial losses and/or cause reputational damage.
Each Fund may lend portfolio securities to certain borrowers in U.S. and non-U.S. markets in an amount not to exceed one third (33 1/3%) of the value of its total assets.
Foreign and Emerging Market Investments
Fund Assets Sub-Advised by Wellington Management
Unless stated otherwise in a Fund’s principal investment strategy, investments are deemed to be “foreign” (a) if an issuer’s domicile or location of headquarters is in a foreign country or (b) it is a foreign currency. Unless stated otherwise in a Fund’s principal investment strategy, emerging markets are those markets (1) included in emerging market or equivalent classifications by the United Nations (and its agencies); (2) having per capita income in the low to middle ranges, as determined by the World Bank; or (3) the Fund’s benchmark index provider designates as emerging. Unless stated otherwise in a Fund’s principal investment strategy, investments are deemed to be “emerging” (a) if an issuer’s domicile or location of headquarters is in an emerging market; or (b) it is an emerging market currency.
Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of a fixed income security’s price to changes in interest rates. For example, the price of a bond fund with an average duration of two years would be expected to fall approximately 2% if interest rates rose by one percentage point. Securities with longer durations tend to be more sensitive to interest rate (or yield) changes than securities with shorter durations. A Fund’s average duration measure incorporates a bond’s yield, coupon, final maturity, and the effect of derivatives.
Unless otherwise stated in a Fund’s principal investment strategy, “investment grade” quality means securities that are rated at the time of purchase within the four highest categories assigned by Moody’s (“Aaa”, “Aa”, “A” or “Baa”) or S&P (“AAA”, “AA”, “A” or “BBB”) or Fitch (“AAA”, “AA”, “A” or “BBB”) or are unrated securities that are judged by Wellington Management to be of comparable quality to securities rated within these four highest categories. Non-investment

grade securities are securities rated “Ba” or lower by Moody’s, “BB” or lower by S&P or “BB” or lower by Fitch, or securities which, if unrated, are determined by Wellington Management to be of comparable quality. Debt securities rated below investment grade are commonly referred to as “high yield-high risk securities” or “junk bonds.”
About EACH Fund’s Investment Objective
Each Fund’s investment objective may be changed by the Fund’s Board without approval of the shareholders of the Fund. Each Fund’s prospectus will be updated prior to any change in the Fund’s investment objective.
Each of Disciplined Equity HLS Fund, Healthcare HLS Fund, MidCap HLS Fund, Small Cap Growth HLS Fund, Small Company HLS Fund, Stock HLS Fund, Total Return Bond HLS Fund and Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund has a name that suggests a focus on a particular type of investment. In accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), each of these Funds has adopted a policy that it will, under normal circumstances, invest at least 80% of its assets, which means net assets plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investments of the type suggested by its name, as set forth in the Fund’s Principal Investment Strategy section (“80% Policy”). This requirement is applied at the time a Fund invests its assets. If, subsequent to an investment by a Fund, this requirement is no longer met, the Fund’s future investments will be made in a manner that will bring the Fund into compliance with this requirement. In addition, in appropriate circumstances, synthetic investments may count toward the 80% minimum if they have economic characteristics similar to the other investments included in the basket. In addition, a Fund may specify a market capitalization range for acquiring portfolio securities. If a security that is within the range at the time of purchase later falls outside the range, which may happen due to market fluctuation, the Fund may continue to hold the security. However, this change in market capitalization could affect the Fund’s flexibility in making additional investments in securities of the applicable issuer.
A Fund’s 80% Policy is not a “fundamental” one, which means that it may be changed without the vote of a majority of the Fund’s outstanding shares as defined in the 1940 Act. The name of a Fund may be changed at any time by a vote of the Fund’s Board of Directors. Shareholders will be given written notice at least 60 days prior to any change by a Fund of its 80% Policy covered by Rule 35d-1.
Each Fund may invest in various securities and engage in various investment techniques that are not the principal focus of the Fund and, therefore, are not described in this prospectus. These securities and techniques, together with their risks, are discussed in the Funds’ Combined Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”), which may be obtained free of charge by contacting the Funds (see back cover for address, phone number and website address).

More Information About Risks
The principal and certain additional risks of investing in each Fund are described below. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money as a result of your investment. Many factors affect each Fund’s performance. An investment in a Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. There is no assurance that a Fund will achieve its investment objective, and you should not consider any one fund alone to be a complete investment program. The different types of securities, investments, and investment techniques used by each Fund have varying degrees of risk. The SAI contains more detailed information about the Funds’ investment policies and risks.
√ Principal Risk
X Additional Risk
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
and Growth
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Active Investment Management Risk
Active Trading Risk
Asset Allocation Risk
Bond Forwards Risk
Call Risk
China Investments Risk
China A Shares Risk
Convertible Securities Risk
Counterparty Risk
Credit Risk
Credit Risk Transfer Securities Risk
Currency Risk
Depositary Receipts Risk
Derivatives Risk
Forward Currency Contracts Risk
Futures and Options Risk
Hedging Risk
Swaps Risk
Dividend Risk
Dollar Rolls Risk
Equity Risk
Large Cap Securities Risk
Mid Cap Securities Risk
Small Cap Securities Risk
ESG Integration and ESG Consideration Risk
Exchange Traded Notes Risk
Event Risk
Focused Portfolio Risk
Foreign Investments Risk
Sovereign Debt Risk
Emerging Markets Risk
Growth Investing Style Risk
Healthcare Concentration Risk
High Yield Investments Risk
Distressed Securities Risk
Illiquid Investments Risk
Inflation-Protected Securities Risk
Inflation Risk
Interest Rate Risk

√ Principal Risk
X Additional Risk
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
and Growth
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Japan Risk
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk
Leverage Risk
Liquidity Risk
Loans and Loan Participations Risk
Market Risk
Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities Risk
Collateralized Loan Obligations Risk
Municipal Securities Risk
Other Investment Companies Risk
Preferred Stock Risk
Private Placement Risk
Quantitative Investing Risk
Real Estate Related Securities Risk
Regional/Country Focus Risk
Repurchase Agreements Risk
Restricted Securities Risk
Reverse Repurchase Agreements Risk
Sector Risk
Securities Lending Risk
Short Sales of To Be Announced (TBA) Securities Risk
Stripped Securities Risk
To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions Risk
U.S. Government Securities Risk
Valuation Risk
Value Investing Style Risk
Volatility Risk
Warrants Risk
Zero Coupon Securities Risk
√ Principal Risk
X Additional Risk
HLS Fund
Small Cap
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Total Return
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Active Investment Management Risk
Active Trading Risk
Asset Allocation Risk
Bond Forwards Risk
Call Risk
China Investments Risk
China A Shares Risk
Convertible Securities Risk
Counterparty Risk
Credit Risk
Credit Risk Transfer Securities Risk
Currency Risk
Depositary Receipts Risk
Derivatives Risk
Forward Currency Contracts Risk
Futures and Options Risk

√ Principal Risk
X Additional Risk
HLS Fund
Small Cap
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Total Return
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Hedging Risk
Swaps Risk
Dividend Risk
Dollar Rolls Risk
Equity Risk
Large Cap Securities Risk
Mid Cap Securities Risk
Small Cap Securities Risk
ESG Integration and ESG Consideration Risk
Exchange Traded Notes Risk
Event Risk
Focused Portfolio Risk
Foreign Investments Risk
Sovereign Debt Risk
Emerging Markets Risk
Growth Investing Style Risk
Healthcare Concentration Risk
High Yield Investments Risk
Distressed Securities Risk
Illiquid Investments Risk
Inflation-Protected Securities Risk
Inflation Risk
Interest Rate Risk
Japan Risk
Large Shareholder Transaction Risk
Leverage Risk
Liquidity Risk
Loans and Loan Participations Risk
Market Risk
Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities Risk
Collateralized Loan Obligations Risk
Municipal Securities Risk
Other Investment Companies Risk
Preferred Stock Risk
Private Placement Risk
Quantitative Investing Risk
Real Estate Related Securities Risk
Regional/Country Focus Risk
Repurchase Agreements Risk
Restricted Securities Risk
Reverse Repurchase Agreements Risk
Sector Risk
Securities Lending Risk
Short Sales of To Be Announced (TBA) Securities Risk
Stripped Securities Risk
To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions Risk
U.S. Government Securities Risk

√ Principal Risk
X Additional Risk
HLS Fund
Small Cap
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Total Return
HLS Fund
HLS Fund
Valuation Risk
Value Investing Style Risk
Volatility Risk
Warrants Risk
Zero Coupon Securities Risk
ACTIVE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT RISK –  The risk that, if the investment decisions and strategy of the portfolio manager(s) do not perform as expected, a Fund could underperform its peers or lose money. A Fund’s performance depends on the judgment of the portfolio manager(s) about a variety of factors, such as markets, interest rates and/or the attractiveness, relative value, liquidity, or potential appreciation of particular investments made for the Fund’s portfolio. The portfolio manager(s)’ investment models may not adequately take into account certain factors, may perform differently than anticipated and may result in a Fund having a lower return than if the portfolio managers used another model or investment strategy. In addition, to the extent a Fund allocates a portion of its assets to specialist portfolio managers, the styles employed by the different portfolio managers may not be complementary, which could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. Although the portfolio manager(s) consider several factors when making investment decisions, the portfolio manager(s) may not evaluate every factor prior to investing in a company or issuer, and the portfolio manager(s) may determine that certain factors are more significant than others.
ACTIVE TRADING RISK –  Active trading could increase the Fund’s transaction costs (thus adversely affecting performance).
ASSET ALLOCATION RISK –  Asset allocation risk is the risk that, if a Fund’s strategy for allocating assets among different asset classes and/or portfolio management teams does not work as intended, the Fund may not achieve its investment objective or may underperform other funds with similar investment strategies. Certain Funds employ a multiple portfolio manager structure and combine different strategies into a single fund. The investment styles employed by the portfolio managers of these Funds may not be complementary, which could adversely affect the performance of such Funds.
BOND FORWARDS RISK –  A bond forward is a contractual agreement between a Fund and another party to buy or sell an underlying asset at an agreed-upon future price and date. When a Fund enters into a bond forward, it will also simultaneously enter into a reverse repurchase agreement. In a bond forward transaction, no cash premium is paid when the parties enter into the bond forward. If the transaction is collateralized, an exchange of margin collateral will take place according to an agreed-upon schedule. Otherwise, no asset of any kind changes hands until the bond forward matures (typically in 30 days) or is rolled over for another agreed-upon period. Generally, the value of the bond forward will change based on changes in the value of the underlying asset. Bond forwards are subject to market risk (the risk that the market value of the underlying bond may change), non-correlation risk (the risk that the market value of the bond forward might move independently of the market value of the underlying bond) and counterparty credit risk (the risk that a counterparty will be unable to meet its obligation under the contract). If there is no cash exchanged at the time a Fund enters into the bond forward, counterparty risk may be limited to the loss of any marked-to-market profit on the contract and any delays or limitations on the Fund’s ability to sell or otherwise use the investments used as collateral for the bond forward. Reverse repurchase agreements involve the sale of securities held by a Fund with an agreement to repurchase the securities at an agreed-upon price, date and interest payment. Reverse repurchase agreements carry the risk that the market value of the securities that a Fund is obligated to repurchase may decline below the repurchase price. A Fund could also lose money if it is unable to recover the securities and/or the value of any collateral held. The use of reverse repurchase agreements may increase the possibility of fluctuation in a Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”).
CALL RISK –  Call risk is the risk that an issuer, especially during periods of falling interest rates, may redeem a security by repaying it early. If an issuer calls a security in which a Fund has invested, the Fund may not recoup the full amount of its initial investment and may be forced to reinvest in lower-yielding securities, securities with greater credit risks or securities with other, less favorable features. This could potentially lower a Fund’s income, yield and its distributions to shareholders.
CHINA INVESTMENTS RISK –  Investment in Chinese securities subjects a Fund to risks specific to China. China may be subject to significant economic, political and social instability. China is an emerging market and has demonstrated significantly higher volatility from time to time in comparison to developed markets. Investments in securities of Chinese issuers, including issuers located outside of China that generate significant revenues from China as well as

offshore listed shares of Chinese issuers, involve certain risks and considerations not typically associated with investments in the U.S. securities markets. These risks include: (i) the risk of more frequent (and potentially widespread) trading suspensions and government interventions with respect to Chinese issuers, resulting in liquidity risk, price volatility, greater market execution risk, and valuation risk; (ii) the risk of currency fluctuations, currency non-convertibility, currency revaluations and other currency exchange rate fluctuations or blockage; (iii) the risk of intervention by the Chinese government in the Chinese securities markets, whether such intervention will continue and the impact of such intervention or its discontinuation; (iv) the risk of losses due to expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation of assets and property, the imposition of restrictions on foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested; (v) the risk that the Chinese government may decide not to continue to support economic reform programs; (vi) the risk of limitations on the use of brokers; (vii) the risk of interest rate fluctuations and higher rates of inflation; (viii) the risk that the U.S. government or other governments may sanction Chinese issuers or otherwise prohibit U.S. persons (such as a Fund) from investing in certain Chinese issuers; and (ix) the risk of market volatility caused by any potential regional or territorial conflicts, including military conflicts, or natural or other disasters. In addition, the economy of China differs, often unfavorably, from the U.S. economy in such respects as structure, general development, government involvement, wealth distribution, rate of inflation, growth rate, interest rates, allocation of resources and capital reinvestment, among others. China has privatized, or has begun a process of privatizing, certain entities and industries. Newly privatized companies may face strong competition from government-sponsored competitors that have not been privatized. In some instances, investors in newly privatized entities have suffered losses due to the inability of the newly privatized entities to adjust quickly to a competitive environment or changing regulatory and legal standards or, in some cases, due to renationalization of such privatized entities. There is no assurance that similar losses will not recur. In addition, previously the Chinese government has from time to time taken actions that influence the prices at which certain goods may be sold, encourage companies to invest or concentrate in particular industries, induce mergers between companies in certain industries and induce private companies to publicly offer their securities to increase or continue the rate of economic growth, control the rate of inflation or otherwise regulate economic expansion. The Chinese government may do so in the future as well, potentially having a significant adverse effect on economic conditions in China. Segments of China’s private debt markets (e.g., non-investment grade debt or “junk bonds”) may at times become relatively concentrated by a limited number of large issuers in one or more sectors (e.g., real estate). The default or threat of default by one or more such large issuers could have adverse consequences on other issuers in such sectors.
China has experienced security concerns, such as terrorism and strained international relations. Incidents involving China’s or the region’s security may cause uncertainty in the Chinese markets and may adversely affect the Chinese economy and the Fund’s investments. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers or a downturn in any of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse impact on the Chinese economy. These actions may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s performance. Recent developments in relations between the United States and China have heightened concerns of increased tariffs and restrictions on trade between the two countries. It is unclear whether further tariffs and sanctions may be imposed or other escalating actions may be taken in the future, which could negatively impact a Fund.
The U.S. government may occasionally place restrictions on investments in Chinese companies. For example, on June 3, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order prohibiting U.S. persons from purchasing or selling publicly traded securities (including publicly traded securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide exposure to, such securities) of any Chinese company identified as a Chinese Military Industrial Complex Company (“CMIC”). The substantive requirements of this executive order were subsequently implemented by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control through formal rulemaking (“OFAC Rules”). A number of Chinese issuers have been designated under this program and more could be added. Certain implementation matters related to the scope of, and compliance with, the OFAC Rules have not yet been fully resolved, and the ultimate application and enforcement of the OFAC Rules may change. As a result, the OFAC Rules and related guidance may lead to a fall in market price or significantly reduce the liquidity of such securities, force a Fund to sell certain positions at inopportune times or for unfavorable prices, and restrict future investments by the Fund. The Fund may consequently incur a loss as a result.
CHINA A SHARES RISK –  The China A shares market has a higher propensity for trading suspensions than many other global equity markets. In addition, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges may close for extended periods for holidays or otherwise, which impacts a Fund’s ability to trade in China A shares during those periods. Investing in China A shares is subject to trading, clearance, settlement and other procedures, which could pose risks to the Fund. Trading through Stock Connect is currently subject to a daily quota, which may restrict a Fund’s ability to invest in China A Shares through Stock Connect on a timely basis and could affect the Fund’s ability to effectively pursue its investment

strategy. Stock Connect will only operate on days when both the Chinese and Hong Kong markets are open for trading and when banking services are available in both markets on the corresponding settlement days. Therefore, an investment in China A shares through Stock Connect may subject a Fund to the risk of price fluctuations on days when the Chinese markets are open, but Stock Connect is not trading. The QFII Programs are subject to the risk that once obtained the QFII Programs license may be revoked or restricted with respect to a Fund or the Fund may be impacted by the rules and restrictions connected to reliance on a QFII Programs license. In difficult market conditions, a Fund may not be able to sell its investments easily or at all, which could affect Fund performance and the Fund’s liquidity. The QFII Programs are subject to custody, settlement and other risks. Cash deposited in the cash account of a Fund with the QFII custodian will not be segregated, but will be commingled with cash belonging to other clients of the QFII custodian. In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of the QFII custodian, a Fund may face difficulty and/or encounter delays in recovering such cash, or may not be able to recover it in full or at all, in which case a Fund will suffer losses. As a result of QFII regulations, it is likely that a small number of PRC broker(s) will be appointed with respect to each exchange in the PRC (which may be the same broker(s)). This may impact a Fund’s ability to achieve best execution on its trades of China A shares, and may also make a Fund more susceptible to credit loss or trading disruption. A Fund may also incur losses due to the acts or omissions of the PRC brokers in the execution or settlement of any transaction or in the transfer of any funds or securities. China A shares purchased under the QFII regime can only be purchased on a pre-funded basis.
PRC Tax Laws –  Under current PRC tax laws, regulations and practice, a Fund, the Investment Manager and/or the sub-adviser(s) may be subject to PRC tax, directly or indirectly, with respect to the assets held through Stock Connect and/or the QFII Programs. A Fund will be responsible to reimburse Investment Manager and/or the sub-adviser(s) for all PRC taxes and duties of any kind incurred by Investment Manager and/or the sub-adviser(s) and attributable to the assets of a Fund held through Stock Connect and/or the QFII Programs. The tax law and regulations of the PRC are constantly changing, and they may be changed with retrospective effect. The interpretation and applicability of the tax law and regulations by tax authorities are not as consistent and transparent as those of more developed nations, and may vary from region to region. Moreover, the PRC taxes and duties payable by the Investment Manager and/or the sub-adviser(s) and which are to be reimbursed by a Fund to the extent attributable to the assets held through Stock Connect and/or the QFII Programs may change at any time.
The treatment of tax under the Investment Regulations (defined below) is not clear. Accordingly, where the relevant regulations applicable to the QFII Programs and Stock Connect (“Investment Regulations”) require a custodian, clearing house, any other agent stipulated by such rules to withhold any tax, or where such custodian, clearing house, any other agent has a reasonable basis for believing that such withholding may be required, the custodian, clearing house and any other agent may do so at the rate required by the regulation, or if in the custodian’s opinion the Investment Regulations are not clear on the rate, at such rate as the custodian, clearing house, and any other agent may, reasonably determine to be appropriate. Tax may be withheld on a retroactive basis. Given the uncertainty surrounding a Fund’s potential PRC tax liabilities or reimbursement obligations, the net asset value of the Fund on any business day may not accurately reflect such liabilities.
There are currently temporary tax exemptions and non-taxable treatments in respect of assets traded via Stock Connect and QFII Programs. There is no guarantee that such temporary tax exemptions or non-taxable treatment with respect to assets traded via Stock Connect and the QFII Programs will continue to apply, will not be repealed and re-imposed retrospective, or that no new tax regulations and practice in China specifically relating to such programs will not be promulgated in the future. Such uncertainties may operate to the advantage or disadvantage of shareholders in a Fund and may result in an increase or decrease in net asset value of the Fund.
The risks related to investments in China A shares through Stock Connect are heightened to the extent that a Fund invests in China A shares listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board on the Shanghai stock exchange (“STAR market”) and/or the ChiNext market of the Shenzhen stock exchange (“ChiNext market”). Listed companies on the STAR market and ChiNext market are usually of an emerging nature with smaller operating scale. They are subject to higher fluctuation in stock prices and liquidity. It may be more common and take less time for companies listed on the STAR market and ChiNext market to delist as compared to companies listed on other exchanges.
CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES RISK –  The market value of a convertible security typically performs like that of a regular debt security; that is, if market interest rates rise, the value of a convertible security usually falls. In addition, convertible securities are subject to the risk that the issuer will not be able to pay interest or dividends when due, and their market value may change based on changes in the issuer’s credit rating or the market’s perception of the issuer’s creditworthiness. Since it derives a portion of its value from the common stock into which it may be converted, a convertible security is also subject to the same types of market and issuer risk that apply to the underlying common

stock. A convertible security tends to perform more like a stock when the underlying stock price is high relative to the conversion price (because more of the security’s value resides in the option to convert) and more like a debt security when the underlying stock price is low relative to the conversion price (because the option to convert is less valuable).
A Fund may invest in contingent capital securities (also known as contingent convertible securities or CoCos). CoCos are a form of hybrid debt security that are intended to either convert into equity or have their principal written down upon the occurrence of certain “triggers.” In certain circumstances, the principal of CoCos may be written down to zero even when the underlying equity may retain value. The value of CoCos is unpredictable and will be influenced by many factors including, without limitation: (i) the creditworthiness of the issuer and/or fluctuations in such issuer’s applicable capital ratios; (ii) supply and demand for the CoCos; (iii) general market conditions and available liquidity; and (iv) economic, financial and political events that affect the issuer, its particular market or the financial markets in general. Investments in CoCos may be considered speculative.
COUNTERPARTY RISK –  With respect to certain transactions, such as over-the-counter derivatives contracts or repurchase agreements, a Fund will be exposed to the risk that the counterparty to the transaction may be unable or unwilling to make timely principal, interest or settlement payments, or otherwise to honor its obligations. In the event of a bankruptcy or insolvency of a counterparty, a Fund could experience delays in liquidating its positions and significant losses, including declines in the value of its investment during the period in which the Fund seeks to enforce its rights, the inability to realize any gains on its investment during such period and any fees and expenses incurred in enforcing its rights. A Fund also bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a derivative transaction in the event of the default or bankruptcy of a counterparty. Over-the-counter derivatives may not offer a Fund the same level of protection as exchange traded derivatives.
CREDIT RISK –  Credit risk is the risk that the issuer of a security or other instrument will not be able to make principal and interest payments when due. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also affect the value of a Fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on both the financial condition of the issuer and the terms of the obligation. Periods of market volatility may increase credit risk.
CREDIT RISK TRANSFER SECURITIES RISK –  Credit risk transfer (“CRT”) securities are fixed income securities that transfer the credit risk related to certain types of mortgage backed securities (“MBS”) to the owner of the CRT securities. If the underlying mortgages default, the principal of the owners of CRT securities is used to pay back holders of the MBS. As a result, all or part of the mortgage default or credit risk associated with the underlying mortgage pools is transferred to a Fund. Therefore, a Fund could lose all or part of its investments in CRT securities in the event of default by the underlying mortgages.
CURRENCY RISK –  The risk that the value of a Fund’s investments in foreign securities or currencies will be affected by the value of the applicable currency relative to the U.S. dollar. When a Fund sells a foreign currency or foreign currency denominated security, its value may be worth less in U.S. dollars even if the investment increases in value in its local market. U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign issuers may also be affected by currency risk, as the revenue earned by issuers of these securities may also be affected by changes in the issuer’s local currency. Currency markets generally are not as regulated as securities markets. The dollar value of foreign investments may be affected by exchange controls. A Fund may be positively or negatively affected by governmental strategies intended to make the U.S. dollar, or other currencies in which the Fund invests, stronger or weaker. Currency risk may be particularly high to the extent that a Fund invests in foreign securities or currencies that are economically tied to emerging market countries.
With respect to a Fund that has investments denominated in renminbi (“RMB”), the Chinese government heavily regulates the domestic exchange of foreign currencies and RMB exchange rates in China and may direct the timing, amount and intervals for effecting conversions. This may adversely affect the operations and financial results of the Fund’s investments in China. Given that trading of eligible China A shares through Stock Connect must be settled in RMB, investors must have timely access to a reliable supply of offshore RMB, which cannot be guaranteed. Also, although offshore RMB (CNH) and onshore RMB (CNY) are the same currency, they trade at different rates. Any divergence between CNH and CNY may adversely impact a Fund.
DEPOSITARY RECEIPTS RISK –  A Fund may invest in securities of foreign issuers in the form of depositary receipts or other securities that are convertible into securities of foreign issuers. American Depositary Receipts are receipts typically issued by an American bank or trust company that evidence underlying securities issued by a foreign corporation. European Depositary Receipts (issued in Europe) and Global Depositary Receipts (issued throughout the world) each evidence a similar ownership arrangement. A Fund may invest in Depositary Receipts that are not sponsored by a financial institution (“Unsponsored Depositary Receipts”). Depositary Receipts are generally subject to

the same risks as the foreign securities that they evidence or into which they may be converted. The issuers of unsponsored Depositary Receipts are not obligated to disclose information that is, in the United States, considered material. Therefore, there may be less information available regarding their issuers and there may not be a correlation between such information and the market value of the Depositary Receipts. A Fund may also invest in Global Depositary Notes (“GDNs”), a form of depositary receipt. GDNs emulate the terms (interest rate, maturity date, credit quality, etc.) of particular local bonds; however, they trade, settle, and pay interest and principal in U.S. Dollars. Any distributions paid to the holders of GDNs are usually subject to a fee charged by the depositary and holders of GDNs may have limited rights. Certain investment restrictions in certain countries may adversely impact the value of GDNs because such restrictions may limit the ability to convert bonds into GDNs and vice versa. A Fund may invest in, Chinese Depositary Receipts (“CDRs”) or other similar securities representing ownership of foreign listed securities. Generally, CDRs, in registered from, are designed for use in the Chinese securities markets. CDRs may involve certain risks not applicable to investing in U.S. issuers, including changes in currency rates, application of local tax laws, changes in governmental administration or economic or monetary policy or changed circumstances in dealings between nations.
DERIVATIVES RISK –  A Fund may use derivatives for investment purposes and/or for hedging purposes, including anticipatory hedges. Derivatives are instruments whose value depends on, or is derived from, the value of an underlying asset, reference rate or index. Successful use of derivative instruments by a Fund depends on the sub-adviser’s judgment with respect to a number of factors and a Fund’s performance may be worse and/or more volatile than if it had not used these instruments. Derivatives may involve significant risks, including:
Counterparty/Credit Risk - the risk that the party on the other side of the transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to a Fund.
Currency Risk - the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.
Leverage Risk - the risk associated with certain types of investments or trading strategies that relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. Certain investments or trading strategies that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.
Market Risk - the risk from potential adverse market movements in relation to a Fund’s derivatives positions, or the risk that markets could experience a change volatility that adversely impacts Fund returns and the Fund’s obligations and exposures.
Liquidity Risk - the risk that certain investments may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth, which could expose a Fund to losses and could make derivatives more difficult for a Fund to value accurately, and the risk that a Fund may not be able to meet margin and payment requirements and maintain a derivatives position.
Index Risk - if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, a Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what a Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index. For this reason, a Fund’s investment in these instruments may decline significantly in value if index levels move in a way that is not anticipated.
Operational and Legal Risk - the risk that certain investments may involve risk of operational issues such as documentation issues, settlement issues, system failures, inadequate controls and human error, and the risk of insufficient capacity or authority of a derivatives counterparty and risk related to the legality or enforceability of a derivatives trading contract.
Regulatory Risk - Government legislation or regulation may make derivatives more costly, may limit the availability of derivatives, or may otherwise adversely affect the use, value or performance of derivatives.
Short Position Risk - A Fund may also take a short position in a derivative instrument, such as a future, forward or swap. A short position in a derivative instrument involves the risk of a theoretically unlimited increase in the value of the underlying instrument which could cause a Fund to suffer a (potentially unlimited) loss.
If a Fund’s derivative investments represent a significant portion of its portfolio, the Fund’s exposure could far exceed the value of its portfolio securities and its investment performance could be primarily dependent upon securities it does not own.
FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS RISK –  A forward currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. A Fund may enter into forward currency contracts in connection with settling purchases or sales of securities, to hedge the currency exposure associated with some or all of the Fund’s

investments or as part of its investment strategy. The market value of a forward currency contract fluctuates with changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts do not eliminate fluctuations in the value of foreign securities but allow a Fund to establish a fixed rate of exchange for a future point in time. Forward currency contracts involve the risk that anticipated currency movements will not be accurately predicted, which could result in losses on those contracts and additional transaction costs. Use of such contracts, therefore, can have the effect of reducing returns and minimizing opportunities for gain. A Fund could also lose money when the contract is settled.
FUTURES AND OPTIONS RISK –  An option is an agreement that, for a premium payment or fee, gives the purchaser the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset at a specified price during a period of time or on a specified date, or receive a cash settlement payment. A future is a contract that obligates the purchaser to take delivery, and the seller to make delivery, of a specific amount of an asset at a specified future date at a specified price, or make a cash settlement payment. Futures and options are subject to the risk that the sub-adviser may incorrectly predict the direction of securities prices, interest rates, currency exchange rates and other economic factors that may affect the value of the underlying asset. Futures and options may be more volatile than direct investments in the securities underlying the futures and options and may not correlate perfectly to the underlying securities. Futures and options also involve additional expenses as compared to investing directly in the underlying securities, which could reduce any benefit or increase any loss to a Fund from using the strategy. Futures and options may also involve the use of leverage as a Fund may make a small initial investment relative to the risk assumed, which could result in losses greater than if futures or options had not been used. Futures and options transactions may be effected on securities exchanges or, in the case of certain options, in the over-the-counter market. When options are purchased over-the-counter, a Fund bears the risk that the counter-party that wrote the option will be unable or unwilling to perform its obligations under the contract. Futures and options may also be illiquid, and in such cases, a Fund may have difficulty closing out its position or valuing the contract. Options on foreign currencies are affected by the factors that influence foreign exchange rates and investments generally. A Fund’s ability to establish and close out positions on foreign currency options is subject to the maintenance of a liquid secondary market, and there can be no assurance that a liquid secondary market will exist for a particular option at any specific time.
HEDGING RISK –  Hedging is a strategy in which a Fund uses a derivative to offset the risks associated with other Fund holdings. While hedging can reduce losses, it can also reduce or eliminate gains or cause losses if the market moves in a manner different from that anticipated by a Fund or if the cost of the derivative outweighs the benefit of the hedge. Hedging also involves the risk that changes in the value of the derivative will not match those of the holdings being hedged as expected by a Fund, in which case any losses on the holdings being hedged may not be reduced and may be increased. There can be no assurance that a Fund’s hedging strategy will reduce risk or that hedging transactions will be either available or cost effective. A Fund is not required to use hedging and may choose not to do so.
SWAPS RISK –  Swap agreements are contracts entered into for a set period of time in which the parties agree to exchange payments based on some underlying reference asset (such as interest rates). The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity that involves investment techniques, risk analyses and tax planning different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. These transactions can result in sizeable realized and unrealized capital gains and losses relative to the gains and losses from a Fund’s direct investments in the reference assets.
Transactions in swaps can involve greater risks than if a Fund had invested directly in the reference asset since, in addition to general market risks, swaps may be leveraged and are also subject to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, credit risk, operational and legal risk and valuation risk. Because certain swaps are two-party contracts and because they may have terms of greater than seven days, certain swap transactions may be considered to be illiquid. Moreover, a Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a swap in the event of the default or bankruptcy of a swap counterparty. Some swaps may be complex and difficult to value. Swaps may also be subject to pricing or “basis” risk, which exists when a particular swap becomes extraordinarily expensive relative to historical prices or the price of corresponding cash market instruments. Under certain market conditions it may not be economically feasible to initiate a transaction or liquidate a position in time to avoid a loss or take advantage of an opportunity. If a swap transaction is particularly large or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible to initiate a transaction or liquidate a position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses.
The prices of swaps can be very volatile, and a variance in the degree of volatility or in the direction of the price of the reference asset from the sub-adviser’s expectations may produce significant losses in a Fund’s investments in swaps. In addition, a perfect correlation between a swap and an investment position may be impossible to achieve. As a result, a Fund’s use of swaps may not be effective in fulfilling a Fund’s investment strategies and may contribute to losses that would not have been incurred otherwise.

Certain swaps are centrally-cleared and are exchange-traded. Central clearing tends to decrease credit risk, and exchange-trading is expected to improve liquidity. However, central clearing does not make the contracts risk-free and there is no guarantee that a Fund would consider all exchange-traded swaps to be liquid.
Credit Default Swaps Risk –  A credit default swap enables an investor to buy or sell protection against a credit event with respect to an issuer. Credit default swaps may have as reference obligations one or more securities that are not currently held by a Fund. The protection “buyer” may be obligated to pay the protection “seller” an up-front payment or a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract, provided generally that no credit event on a reference obligation has occurred. Credit default swaps involve special risks in addition to those mentioned above because they are difficult to value, are highly susceptible to liquidity and credit risk, and generally pay a return to the party that has paid the premium only in the event of an actual default by the issuer of the underlying obligation (as opposed to a credit downgrade or other indication of financial difficulty).
Interest Rate Swaps Risk –  In an interest rate swap, a Fund and another party exchange their rights to receive interest payments based on a reference interest rate. Interest rate swaps are subject to interest rate risk and credit risk. An interest rate swap transaction could result in losses if the underlying asset or reference does not perform as anticipated. Interest rate swaps are also subject to counterparty risk. If the counterparty fails to meet its obligations, a Fund may lose money.
Total Return Swaps Risk –  In a total return swap transaction, one party agrees to pay the other party an amount equal to the total return on a defined underlying asset or a non-asset reference during a specified period of time. In return, the other party would make periodic payments based on a fixed or variable interest rate or on the total return from a different underlying asset or non-asset reference. Total return swaps could result in losses if the underlying asset or reference does not perform as anticipated. Total return swaps can have the potential for unlimited losses. They are also subject to counterparty risk. If the counterparty fails to meet its obligations, a Fund may lose money.
Volatility Swaps Risk –  A Fund may enter into types of volatility swaps to hedge the volatility of a particular security, currency, index or other financial instrument, or to seek to increase its investment return. In volatility swaps, counterparties agree to buy or sell volatility at a specific level over a fixed period. Volatility swaps are subject to credit risks (if the counterparty fails to meet its obligations), and the risk that the sub-adviser is incorrect in its forecast of volatility for the underlying security, currency, index or other financial instrument that is the subject of the swap. If the sub-adviser is incorrect in its forecast, a Fund would likely be required to make a payment to the counterparty under the swap. Volatility swaps can have the potential for unlimited losses.
DIVIDEND RISK –  Income provided by a Fund may be affected by changes in the dividend policies of the companies in which the Fund invests and the capital resources available for such payments at such companies. Issuers that have paid regular dividends or distributions to shareholders may not continue to do so at the same level or at all in the future. In addition, securities that pay dividends as a group can fall out of favor with the market, causing a Fund during such periods to underperform funds that do not focus on dividend-paying companies. A Fund’s focus on dividend paying investments may cause the Fund’s share price and total return to fluctuate more than the share price and total return of funds that do not focus their investments on dividend paying securities.
DOLLAR ROLLS RISK –  A Fund may enter into dollar rolls in which the Fund will sell securities for delivery in the current month and simultaneously contract to repurchase substantially similar (the same type and coupon) securities on a specified future date from the same party. Dollar rolls involve the risk that the market value of the securities that a Fund is committed to buy may decline below the price of the securities the Fund has sold or that the counterparty may be unable to fulfill its obligations. These transactions may involve leverage.
EQUITY RISK –  Equity securities represent an ownership interest, or the right to acquire an ownership interest, in a company. Equity securities include but are not limited to common stock, preferred stock, securities convertible into common or preferred stock and warrants or rights to acquire common stock, including options. The value of an equity security may be based on the real or perceived success or failure of the particular company’s business, any income paid to stockholders in the form of a dividend, the value of the company’s assets, general market conditions, or investor sentiment generally. Equity securities may have greater price volatility than other types of investments. These risks are generally magnified in the case of equity investments in distressed companies.
Initial Public Offering Risk –  IPOs are initial public offerings of equity securities. Securities issued in IPOs have no trading history, and information about the companies may only be available for very limited periods. Some of the companies involved in new industries may be regarded as developmental stage companies, without revenues or operating income, or the near-term prospects of them. Many IPOs are by small- or micro-cap companies that are undercapitalized. In addition, the prices of securities sold in IPOs may be highly volatile or may decline shortly after the IPO is complete. Although investments in IPOs have the potential to produce substantial gains in a

short period of time, there is no assurance that a Fund will have access to profitable IPOs, that any particular IPO will be successful, or that any gains will be sustainable. Investors should not rely on past gains attributable to IPOs as an indication of future performance.
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies Risk –  A Fund may invest in special purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”) or similar special purpose entities. SPACs are collective investment structures that pool funds in order to seek potential acquisition opportunities. SPACs and similar entities may be blank check companies with no operating history or ongoing business other than to seek a potential acquisition. Because SPACs and similar entities have no operating history or ongoing business other than seeking acquisitions, the value of their securities is particularly dependent on the ability of the entity’s management to identify and complete a profitable acquisition. Some SPACs may pursue acquisitions only within certain industries or regions, which may increase the volatility of their securities’ prices. In addition, these securities, which are typically traded in the OTC market, may be considered illiquid and/or be subject to restrictions on resale.
LARGE CAP SECURITIES RISK –  The securities of large market capitalization companies may underperform other segments of the market because such companies may be less responsive to competitive challenges and opportunities and may be unable to attain high growth rates during periods of economic expansion.
MID CAP SECURITIES RISK –  Mid capitalization stocks involve greater risks than stocks of larger, more established companies and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements. Securities of such issuers may lack sufficient market liquidity to enable a Fund to effect sales at an advantageous time or without a substantial drop in price. These companies often have narrower markets, more limited operating or business history, and more limited managerial or financial resources than larger, more established companies. As a result, their performance can be more volatile and they face greater risk of business failure, which could increase the volatility of a Fund’s portfolio. Generally, the smaller the company size, the greater these risks.
SMALL CAP SECURITIES RISK –  Small capitalization stocks may be more risky than stocks of larger capitalization companies. Historically, small capitalization stocks and stocks of recently organized companies are subject to increased price volatility due to: less certain growth prospects; lower degree of liquidity in the markets for such stocks; thin trading that could result in the stocks being sold at a discount or in small lots over an extended period of time; limited product lines, markets or financial resources; dependence on a few key management personnel; increased sensitivity to changes in interest rates, borrowing costs and earnings; difficulty in obtaining information on smaller capitalization companies as compared with larger capitalization companies; greater sensitivity to changing economic conditions and increased risk of bankruptcy due to adverse developments or management changes affecting the company; and greater difficulty borrowing money to continue or expand operations.
When a Fund invests in smaller company stocks that might trade infrequently, investors might seek to trade Fund shares based on their knowledge or understanding of the value of those securities (this is sometimes referred to as “price arbitrage”). If such price arbitrage were successful, it might interfere with the efficient management of a Fund’s portfolio and the Fund may be required to sell securities at disadvantageous times or prices to satisfy the liquidity requirements created by that activity. Successful price arbitrage might also dilute the value of Fund shares held by other shareholders.
ESG INTEGRATION AND ESG CONSIDERATION RISK –  The ESG characteristics that may be evaluated as part of a Fund’s investment process are anticipated to evolve over time and one or more characteristics may not be relevant with respect to all issuers that are eligible for investment. The relevance and weightings of specific ESG characteristics to the investment process varies across asset classes, sectors and strategies. ESG characteristics are not the only factors that may be considered by the portfolio manager(s) and as a result, the companies (or issuers) in which a Fund invests may not be companies (or issuers) with favorable ESG characteristics or high ESG ratings. ESG characteristics may be evaluated differently by different portfolio manager(s) and may not carry the same meaning to all investors and portfolio manager(s). While the portfolio manager(s) believe that the integration or consideration of material ESG characteristics into a Fund’s investment process has the potential to identify financial risks and contribute to a Fund’s long-term performance, there is no guarantee that the integration or consideration of ESG characteristics will result in better performance. The analysis of ESG characteristics is subjective and investors can differ in their views of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics. ESG information and data, including that provided by third parties, may be incomplete, inaccurate, or unavailable, which could adversely affect the analysis relevant to a particular investment. Further, the regulatory landscape with respect to ESG investing in the United States is still developing and future rules and regulations may require a Fund to modify or alter its investment process with respect to ESG integration or consideration.

EXCHANGE TRADED NOTES RISK –  Exchange traded notes (“ETNs”) are a type of unsecured, unsubordinated debt security that have characteristics and risks, including credit risk, similar to those of fixed-income securities and trade on a major exchange similar to shares of exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”). Unlike other types of fixed income securities, however, the performance of ETNs is based upon that of a market index or other reference asset minus fees and expenses, no coupon payments are made and no principal protection exists. The value of an ETN may be affected by time to maturity, level of supply and demand for the ETN, volatility and lack of liquidity in underlying commodities or securities markets, changes in the applicable interest rates, changes in the issuer’s credit rating and economic, legal, political or geographic events that affect the referenced commodity or security. A Fund’s ability to sell its ETN holdings also may be limited by the availability of a secondary market and the Fund may have to sell such holdings at a discount. ETNs also are subject to counterparty credit risk, fixed-income risk and tracking error risk (where the ETN’s performance may not match or correlate to that of its market index). ETNs also incur certain expenses not incurred by their applicable index.
EVENT RISK –  Event risk is the risk that corporate issuers may undergo restructurings, such as mergers, leveraged buyouts, takeovers, or similar events financed by increased debt. As a result of the added debt, the credit quality and market value of a company’s bonds and/or other debt securities may decline significantly.
FOCUSED PORTFOLIO RISK –  A Fund, because it may invest in a limited number of companies, may have more volatility in its NAV and may be considered to have more risk than a fund that invests in a greater number of companies because changes in the value of a single security may have a more significant effect, either negative or positive, on the Fund’s NAV. To the extent a Fund invests its assets in fewer securities, the Fund is subject to greater risk of loss if any of those securities decline in price.
FOREIGN INVESTMENTS RISK –  Investments in foreign securities may be riskier than investments in U.S. securities and may also be less liquid, more volatile and more difficult to value than securities of U.S. issuers. Foreign investments may be affected by the following:
changes in currency exchange rates
changes in foreign or U.S. law or restrictions applicable to such investments and in exchange control regulations
increased volatility
substantially less volume on foreign stock markets and other securities markets
higher commissions and dealer mark-ups
inefficiencies in certain foreign clearance and settlement procedures that could result in an inability to execute transactions or delays in settlement
less uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards
less publicly available information about a foreign issuer or borrower
less government regulation and oversight
unfavorable foreign tax laws
political, social, economic or diplomatic developments in a foreign country or region or the U.S. (including the imposition of sanctions, tariffs, or other governmental restrictions)
differences in individual foreign economies
geopolitical events (including wars, military conflicts, pandemics and epidemics) that may disrupt securities markets and adversely affect global economies and markets
The type and severity of sanctions and other similar measures, including counter sanctions and other retaliatory actions, that may be imposed on one or more countries in which a Fund may invest could vary broadly in scope, and their impact is impossible to predict. These types of measures may include, but are not limited to, banning a sanctioned country from global payment systems that facilitate cross-border payments, restricting the settlement of securities transactions by certain investors, and freezing the assets of particular countries, entities, or persons. The imposition of sanctions and other similar measures could, among other things, cause a decline in the value and/or liquidity of securities issued by the sanctioned country or companies located in or economically tied to the sanctioned country, downgrades in the credit ratings of the sanctioned country or companies located in or economically tied to the sanctioned country, devaluation of the sanctioned country’s currency, and increased market volatility and disruption in the sanctioned country and throughout the world. Sanctions and other similar measures could limit or prevent a Fund from buying and selling securities (in the sanctioned country and other markets), significantly delay or prevent the settlement of securities transactions, and significantly impact the Fund’s liquidity and performance.

Governments in many emerging market countries participate to a significant degree in their economies and securities markets, which may impair investment and economic growth. In addition, global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the possibility that conditions in one country or region might adversely impact issuers in a different country or region.
The impact of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (“EU”), commonly known as “Brexit,” and the potential departure of one or more other countries from the EU has and may have significant political and financial consequences for global markets. These consequences include greater market volatility and illiquidity, currency fluctuations, deterioration in economic activity, a decrease in business confidence and an increased likelihood of a recession in such markets. Uncertainty relating to the United Kingdom’s post-departure framework and relationships may have adverse effects on asset valuations and the renegotiation of trade agreements, as well as an increase in financial regulation in such markets. This may adversely impact Fund performance.
SOVEREIGN DEBT RISK –  In addition to the risks associated with investment in debt securities and foreign securities generally, sovereign debt instruments are subject to the risk that a governmental entity may delay or refuse to pay interest or repay principal on its sovereign debt or otherwise meet its obligations. This may be due to cash flow problems, insufficient foreign currency reserves, political considerations, the relative size of the governmental entity’s debt position in relation to the economy or the failure to put in place economic reforms required by the International Monetary Fund or other multilateral agencies. Furthermore, there is the possibility of contagion that could occur if one country defaults on its debt, and that a default in one country could trigger declines and possible additional defaults in other countries in the region. If a governmental entity defaults, it may ask for more time in which to pay or for further loans. There is no legal process for collecting sovereign debt that a government does not pay nor are there bankruptcy proceedings through which all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid may be collected. In addition, if a sovereign debtor defaults (or threatens to default) on its sovereign debt obligations, the indebtedness may be restructured. Unlike most corporate debt restructurings, the fees and expenses of financial and legal advisers to the creditors in connection with a restructuring may be borne by the holders of the sovereign debt securities instead of the sovereign entity itself. Some sovereign debtors have in the past been able to restructure their debt payments without the approval of some or all debt holders or to declare moratoria on payments, and similar occurrences may happen in the future.
Sub-sovereign bonds represent the debt of state, provincial, territorial, municipal, local or other political sub-divisions, including other governmental entities or agencies. Quasi-sovereign bonds represent the debt of corporations that have significant government ownership. Sub-sovereign and quasi-sovereign bonds are subject to the risks of investing in sovereign debt generally. In addition, sub-sovereign and quasi-sovereign debt may or may not be issued by or guaranteed as to principal and interest by a governmental authority. Certain foreign government securities may be backed by the issuer’s right to borrow from a central bank or other regional banking entity while others may be backed only by the assets and credit of the issuing foreign entity. If an issuer of sub-sovereign or quasi-sovereign bonds defaults on payments of principal and/or interest, a Fund may have limited recourse against the issuer.
A Fund may invest in obligations issued or guaranteed by supranational entities, which may include, for example, entities such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank). If one or more shareholders of a supranational entity fails to make necessary additional capital contributions, the entity may be unable to pay interest or repay principal on its debt securities, and the Fund may lose money on such investments.
EMERGING MARKETS RISK –  The risks of foreign investments are usually greater for emerging markets. Investments in emerging markets may be considered speculative. Emerging markets are riskier than more developed markets because they tend to develop unevenly and may never fully develop. They are more likely to experience hyperinflation and currency devaluations, which adversely affect returns to U.S. investors. In addition, many emerging markets have far lower trading volumes and less liquidity than developed markets. Since these markets are often small, they may be more likely to suffer sharp and frequent price changes or long-term price depression because of adverse publicity, investor perceptions or the actions of a few large investors. In addition, traditional measures of investment value used in the United States, such as price to earnings ratios, may not apply to certain small markets. Also, there may be less publicly available information about issuers in emerging markets than would be available about issuers in more developed capital markets, and such issuers may not be subject to accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and requirements comparable to those to which U.S. companies are subject. Many emerging markets have histories of political instability and abrupt changes in policies. As a result, their governments are more likely to take actions that are hostile or detrimental to private enterprise or foreign investment than those of more developed countries, including expropriation of assets, confiscatory taxation, high rates of inflation or unfavorable diplomatic developments. In such an event, it is possible that a Fund could lose the entire value of its investments in the affected market. Some countries have pervasive corruption and crime that may hinder investments. Certain emerging markets

may also face other significant internal or external risks, including the risk of war (such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine), and ethnic, religious and racial conflicts. In addition, governments in many emerging market countries participate to a significant degree in their economies and securities markets, which may impair investment and economic growth. Emerging markets may also have differing legal systems and the existence or possible imposition of exchange controls, custodial restrictions or other foreign or U.S. governmental laws or restrictions applicable to such investments. Settlements of trades in emerging markets may be subject to significant delays. The inability to make intended purchases of securities due to settlement problems could cause missed investment opportunities. Losses could also be caused by an inability to dispose of portfolio securities due to settlement problems. Sometimes, emerging markets may lack or be in the relatively early development of legal structures governing private and foreign investments and private property, and the ability of U.S. authorities (e.g., SEC and the U.S. Department of Justice) and investors (e.g., the Funds) to bring actions against bad actors may be limited. As a result of these legal structures and limitations, a Fund faces the risk of being unable to enforce its rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, which may cause losses to the Fund. In addition to withholding taxes on investment income, some countries with emerging markets may impose differential capital gains taxes on foreign investors.
In addition, as much of China’s growth over recent decades has been a result of significant investment in substantial export trade, international trade tensions may arise from time to time, which can result in trade tariffs, embargoes, trade limitations, trade wars and other negative consequences. These consequences may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry with a potentially severe negative impact to a Fund. In addition, it is possible that the continuation or worsening of the current political climate could result in regulatory restrictions being contemplated or imposed in the U.S. or in China that could have a material adverse effect on a Fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective.
The risks outlined above are often more pronounced in “frontier markets” in which a Fund may invest. Frontier markets are those emerging markets that are considered to be among the smallest, least mature and least liquid. These factors make investing in frontier market countries significantly riskier than investing in other countries.
GROWTH INVESTING STYLE RISK –  Growth companies are companies whose earnings and stock prices are expected to grow at a faster rate than the overall market. If the portfolio manager incorrectly assesses a company’s prospects for growth or how other investors will value the company’s growth, then the price of the company’s stock may decrease, or may not increase to the level anticipated by the portfolio manager. Growth companies are often newer or smaller companies, or established companies that may be entering a growth cycle in their business. Growth stocks may be more volatile than other stocks because they are more sensitive to investors’ perceptions of the issuing company’s growth potential. Also, the growth investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the growth investing style is out of favor, a Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investing styles.
HEALTHCARE CONCENTRATION RISK –  The performance of a fund that focuses on a single industry or sector of the economy depends in large part on the performance of that industry or sector. As a result, such fund may be subject to increased price volatility and may be more susceptible to adverse developments than a fund that invests more widely. Many healthcare-related companies are smaller and less seasoned than companies in other sectors. Healthcare-related companies may also be strongly affected by scientific or technological developments, and their products may quickly become obsolete. The profitability of healthcare-related companies may be affected by extensive government regulation, restrictions on government reimbursement for medical expenses, rising or falling costs of medical products and services, pricing pressure, an increased emphasis on outpatient services, a limited number of products, industry innovation, changes in technologies and other market developments. Many healthcare companies are heavily dependent on patent protection and the actual or perceived safety and efficiency of their products. The expiration of patents may adversely affect the profitability of these companies. Patents have a limited duration, and, upon expiration, other companies may market substantially similar “generic” products that are typically sold at a lower price than the patented product, which can cause the original developer of the product to lose market share and/or reduce the price charged for the product, resulting in lower profits for the original developer. As a result, the expiration of patents may adversely affect the profitability of these companies.
Many healthcare companies are subject to extensive litigation based on product liability and similar claims. Further, many healthcare-related companies offer products and services that are subject to governmental regulation and may be adversely affected by changes in governmental policies or laws. Changes in governmental policies or laws may span a wide range of topics, including cost control, national health insurance, incentives for compensation in the provision of healthcare services, tax incentives and penalties related to healthcare insurance premiums, and promotion of prepaid healthcare plans. In addition, a number of legislative proposals concerning healthcare have been considered by the

U.S. Congress in recent years. It is unclear what proposals will ultimately be enacted, if any, and what effect they may have on companies in the healthcare sector. Many new products in the healthcare sector may be subject to regulatory approvals. The process of obtaining such approvals may be long and costly, which can result in increased development costs, delayed cost recovery and loss of competitive advantage to the extent that rival companies have developed competing products or procedures, adversely affecting the company’s revenues and profitability. In other words, delays in the regulatory approval process may diminish the opportunity for a company to profit from a new product or to bring a new product to market, which could have a material adverse effect on a company’s business.
Healthcare companies are subject to competitive forces that may make it difficult to raise prices and, in fact, may result in price discounting. Additionally, the expansion of facilities by healthcare-related providers may be subject to “determinations of need” by certain government authorities. This process not only generally increases the time and costs involved in these expansions, but also makes expansion plans uncertain, limiting the revenue and profitability growth potential of healthcare-related facilities operators and negatively affecting the prices of their securities.
HIGH YIELD INVESTMENTS RISK –  Although high yield investments (also known as “junk bonds”) generally pay higher rates of interest than investment grade bonds, junk bonds are high risk, speculative investments that may cause income and principal losses for a Fund. The major risks of junk bond investments include:
Junk bonds may be issued by less creditworthy issuers. Issuers of junk bonds may have a larger amount of outstanding debt relative to their assets than issuers of investment grade bonds. In the event of an issuer’s bankruptcy, claims of other creditors may have priority over the claims of junk bond holders, leaving few or no assets available to repay junk bond holders.
Prices of junk bonds are subject to extreme price fluctuations. Adverse changes in an issuer’s industry and general economic conditions may have a greater impact on the prices of junk bonds than on other higher rated fixed-income securities.
Issuers of junk bonds may be unable to meet their interest or principal payment obligations because of an economic downturn, specific issuer developments, or the unavailability of additional financing.
Junk bonds frequently have redemption features that permit an issuer to repurchase the security from a Fund before it matures. If the issuer redeems junk bonds, a Fund may have to invest the proceeds in bonds with lower yields and may lose income.
Junk bonds may be less liquid than higher rated fixed-income securities, even under normal economic conditions. There are fewer dealers in the junk bond market, and there may be significant differences in the prices quoted for junk bonds by the dealers. Because they are less liquid, judgment may play a greater role in valuing certain of a Fund’s securities than is the case with securities trading in a more liquid market.
A Fund may incur expenses to the extent necessary to seek recovery upon default or to negotiate new terms with a defaulting issuer.
The credit rating of a high yield security does not necessarily address its market value risk. Ratings and market value may change from time to time, positively or negatively, to reflect new developments regarding the issuer.
DISTRESSED SECURITIES RISK –  A Fund may invest in debt securities issued by companies that are involved in reorganizations, financial restructurings or bankruptcy. Investments in such distressed securities are speculative and involve substantial risks in addition to the risks of investing in junk bonds. A Fund will generally not receive interest payments on the distressed securities and may incur costs to protect its investment. In addition, distressed securities involve the substantial risk that principal will not be repaid. These securities may present a substantial risk of default or may be in default at the time of investment. A Fund may incur additional expenses to the extent it is required to seek recovery upon a default in the payment of principal of or interest on its portfolio holdings. In any reorganization or liquidation proceeding relating to a portfolio company, a Fund may lose its entire investment or may be required to accept cash or securities, including equity securities, with a value less than its original investment. Distressed securities and any securities received in an exchange for such securities may be subject to restrictions on resale and sales may be possible only at substantial discounts. Distressed securities and any securities received in an exchange for such securities may also be difficult to value and illiquid.
ILLIQUID INVESTMENTS RISK –  An illiquid investment means an investment that a Fund reasonably expects cannot be sold or disposed of in current market conditions within seven calendar days without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment, as determined under the Fund’s liquidity risk management program. In addition, securities and other investments purchased by a Fund that are liquid at the time of purchase may subsequently become illiquid due to events relating to the issuer of the securities, market events, rising interest rates, economic conditions or investor perceptions. If a Fund holds illiquid investments, it may be unable to quickly sell them

or may be able to sell them only at a price below current value. If one or more of a Fund’s investments becomes illiquid, the Fund may exceed its limit on such investments. In this case, the Fund will consider appropriate steps to bring the Fund’s holdings back under the limit.
INFLATION-PROTECTED SECURITIES RISK –  The value of inflation-protected securities generally fluctuates in response to changes in real interest rates (stated interest rates adjusted to factor in inflation). In general, the price of an inflation-indexed security decreases when real interest rates increase, and increases when real interest rates decrease. Interest payments on inflation-protected debt securities will fluctuate as the principal and/or interest is adjusted for inflation and can be unpredictable. The market for Treasury inflation-protected securities (“TIPS”) and corporate inflation-protected securities (“CIPS”) may be less developed or liquid, and more volatile, than certain other securities markets. There can be no assurance that the inflation index used in these securities (i.e., the CPI) will accurately measure the real rate of inflation. Any increase in the principal amount of an inflation-indexed bond will be considered taxable ordinary income for the amount of the increase in the calendar year, even though a Fund will not receive its principal until maturity.
INFLATION RISK –  A Fund’s investments may be subject to inflation risk, which is the risk that the real value (i.e., nominal price of the asset adjusted for inflation) of assets or income from investments will be less in the future as inflation decreases the purchasing power and value of money (i.e., as inflation increases, the real value of a Fund’s assets can decline). Inflation rates may change frequently and significantly as a result of various factors, including unexpected shifts in the domestic or global economy and changes in monetary or economic policies (or expectations that these policies may change), and a Fund’s investments may not keep pace with inflation, which would generally adversely affect the real value of Fund shareholders’ investment in the Fund. This risk is greater for fixed-income instruments with longer maturities. In addition, this risk may be significantly elevated compared to normal conditions because of recent monetary policy measures and the current interest rate environment.
INTEREST RATE RISK –  The risk that your investment may go down in value when interest rates rise, because when interest rates rise, the prices of bonds and fixed rate loans fall. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates to rise, including central bank monetary policies and inflation rates. Generally, the longer the maturity of a bond or fixed rate loan, the more sensitive it is to this risk. For this reason, the longer a Fund’s average weighted portfolio maturity, the greater the impact a change in interest rates will have on its share price. Falling interest rates may also lead to a decline in a Fund’s income. These risks are greater during periods of rising inflation. Volatility in interest rates and in fixed income markets may increase the risk that a Fund’s investment in fixed income securities will go down in value. A rise in interest rates could also cause investors to rapidly move out of fixed-income securities, which may increase redemptions in a Fund and subject the Fund to increased liquidity risk. A substantial increase in interest rates may also have an adverse impact on the liquidity of one or more portfolio securities, especially those with longer maturities.
Risks associated with rising interest rates are currently heightened because the U.S. Federal Reserve has raised, and may continue to raise, interest rates and inflation is elevated. The U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks may raise the federal funds rate and equivalent rates. Any such increases will likely cause market interest rates to rise, which will cause the value of a Fund’s fixed income holdings, particularly those with longer maturities, to fall. Any such rate increases may also increase volatility and reduce liquidity in the fixed income markets, which would make it more difficult to sell a Fund’s fixed income investments. Changes in central bank interest rate policies could also result in higher than normal shareholder redemptions, which could potentially increase portfolio turnover and a Fund’s transaction costs.
JAPAN RISK –  The Japanese economy is heavily dependent upon international trade and may be subject to considerable degrees of economic, political and social instability, which could negatively impact a Fund. The Japanese yen has fluctuated widely during recent periods and may be affected by currency volatility elsewhere in Asia, especially Southeast Asia. In addition, the yen has had a history of unpredictable and volatile movements against the U.S. dollar. The performance of the global economy could have a major impact upon equity returns in Japan. Since the mid-2000s, Japan’s economic growth has remained relatively low. A recent economic recession was likely compounded by an unstable financial sector, low domestic consumption, and certain corporate structural weaknesses, which remain some of the major issues facing the Japanese economy. Japan’s geography also subjects it to an increased risk of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and tsunamis.
LARGE SHAREHOLDER TRANSACTION RISK –  A Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders purchase or redeem large amounts of shares of the Fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause a Fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the Fund’s NAV and liquidity. Similarly, large Fund share purchases may adversely affect a Fund’s performance to the extent that the Fund is

delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in a Fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the Fund’s expense ratio.
LEVERAGE RISK –  Certain transactions, including derivatives, to-be-announced investments and other when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment transactions, involve a form of leverage. Transactions involving leverage provide investment exposure in an amount exceeding the initial investment. Leverage can increase market exposure, magnify investment risks, and cause losses to be realized more quickly. Certain derivatives have the potential to cause unlimited losses for a Fund, regardless of the size of the initial investment. Leverage may also cause a Fund’s NAV to be more volatile than if the Fund had not been leveraged, as relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of a leveraged investment. The use of leverage may cause a Fund to liquidate portfolio positions to satisfy its obligations when it may not be advantageous to do so.
LIBOR RISK –  The use of certain London Interbank Offered Rates (collectively, “LIBOR”) was generally phased out by the end of 2021, and some regulated entities (such as banks) have ceased to enter into new LIBOR-based contracts beginning January 1, 2022. However, it is expected that the most widely used tenors of U.S. LIBOR may continue to be provided on a representative basis until mid-2023. In some instances, regulators may restrict new use of LIBOR prior to the actual cessation date. There remains uncertainty regarding the future use of LIBOR and the nature of any replacement rate. As such, the potential effect of a transition away from LIBOR on a Fund or the LIBOR-based instruments in which the Fund invests cannot yet be determined. The transition process away from LIBOR may involve, among other things, increased volatility or illiquidity in markets for instruments that currently rely on LIBOR. The transition process may also result in a reduction in the value of certain instruments held by a Fund or reduce the effectiveness of related Fund transactions, such as hedges. Volatility, the potential reduction in value, and/or the hedge effectiveness of financial instruments may be heightened for financial instruments that do not include fallback provisions that address the cessation of LIBOR. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on a Fund or on financial instruments in which the Fund invests, as well as other unforeseen effects, could result in losses to the Fund, and the use of an alternative reference rate (e.g., SOFR, which is a measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight, collateralized by the U.S. Treasury securities and is intended to replace the U.S. dollar LIBOR) may adversely affect a Fund’s performance. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark or reference rate could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to and/or subsequent to mid-2023.
LIQUIDITY RISK –  Liquidity risk exists when the markets for particular investments or types of investments are or become relatively illiquid so that it is difficult or impossible for a Fund to sell the investment at the price at which the Fund has valued it. Illiquidity may result from political, economic or issuer specific events; changes in a specific market’s size or structure, including the number of participants; or overall market disruptions. Securities with reduced liquidity or that become illiquid involve greater risk than securities with more liquid markets. If a Fund and its affiliates hold a significant portion of a single issuer’s outstanding securities, the Fund may be subject to greater liquidity risk than if the issuer’s securities were more widely held.
Market quotations for illiquid or less liquid securities may be volatile and/or subject to large spreads between bid and ask prices. Reduced liquidity may have a negative impact on market price and a Fund’s ability to sell particular securities when necessary to meet the Fund’s liquidity needs or in response to a specific economic event. In addition, during periods of reduced market liquidity or in the absence of readily available market quotations for particular investments in a Fund’s portfolio, it may be difficult for a Fund to value these investments and it may be necessary to fair value the investments. There can be no assurance that a security’s fair value accurately reflects the price at which a Fund could sell that security at that time, which could affect the proceeds of any redemption or the number of Fund shares you receive upon purchase.
Bond markets have consistently grown over the past three decades while the capacity for traditional dealer counterparties to engage in fixed income trading has not kept pace and in some cases has decreased. As a result, dealer inventories of corporate bonds are at or near historic lows in relation to market size. The significant reduction in dealer inventories could potentially lead to decreased liquidity and increased volatility in the fixed income markets. Such issues may be worse during periods of economic uncertainty.
LOANS AND LOAN PARTICIPATIONS RISK –  A Fund may invest in loans and loan participations originated or issued by both banks and corporations. Loans and loan participations, including floating rate loans, are subject to credit risk, including the risk of nonpayment of principal or interest. Also, substantial increases in interest rates may cause an increase in loan defaults. Although the loans a Fund holds may be fully collateralized at the time of acquisition, the collateral may decline in value, be relatively illiquid, or lose all or substantially all of its value subsequent to investment. The claims of holders of unsecured loans are subordinated to, and thus lower in priority of payment to, claims of

creditors holding secured indebtedness and possibly other classes of creditors holding unsecured debt. Unsecured loans have a greater risk of default than secured loans, particularly during periods of deteriorating economic conditions. Since they do not afford the lender recourse to collateral, unsecured loans are also subject to greater risk of nonpayment in the event of default than secured loans. Such loans generally have greater price volatility than more senior loans and may be less liquid. In addition, in the event an issuer becomes insolvent, a loan could be subject to settlement risks or administrative disruptions that could adversely affect a Fund’s investment. It may also be difficult to obtain reliable information about a loan or loan participation.
Many loans are subject to extended settlement periods and it may take greater than seven days for a loan purchase or sale transaction to settle. Loans may also be subject to restrictions on resale and may be difficult to value. Long settlement periods, any restrictions on a Fund’s ability to resell a loan investment and any difficulties in valuing a loan investment will have an adverse impact on a Fund’s ability to sell particular loans or loan participations when necessary to meet redemption requests or liquidity needs, or to respond to a specific economic event, such as deterioration in the creditworthiness of the borrower. These effects may make it more difficult for the Fund to pay investors when they redeem their Fund shares. Loans may also be subject to extension risk (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more slowly in periods of rising interest rates) and prepayment risk (the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more quickly in periods of falling interest rates).
Commercial banks and other financial institutions or institutional investors make floating rate loans to companies that need capital to grow or restructure. Borrowers generally pay interest on these loans at rates that change in response to changes in market interest rates such as the LIBOR, SOFR or the prime rates of U.S. banks. As a result, the value of loan investments is generally less exposed to the adverse effects of shifts in market interest rates than investments that pay a fixed rate of interest. However, because the trading market for certain loans may be less developed than the secondary market for bonds and notes, a Fund may experience difficulties in selling its loans. Leading financial institutions often act as agent for a broader group of lenders, generally referred to as a syndicate. The syndicate’s agent arranges the loans, holds collateral and accepts payments of principal and interest. If the agent develops financial problems, a Fund may not recover its investment or recovery may be delayed. By investing in such a loan, a Fund may become a member of the syndicate.
The loans in which a Fund invests are subject to the risk of loss of principal and income. Although borrowers frequently provide collateral to secure repayment of these obligations, they do not always do so. If they do provide collateral, the value of the collateral may not completely cover the borrower’s obligations at the time of a default. If a borrower files for protection from its creditors under the U.S. bankruptcy laws, these laws may limit a Fund’s rights to its collateral. In addition, the value of collateral may erode during a bankruptcy case. In the event of a bankruptcy, the holder of a loan may not recover its principal, may experience a long delay in recovering its investment and may not receive interest during the delay. Additionally, with respect to loan participations, a Fund, as a participant in a loan, will not have any direct claim on the loan or against the borrower, and the Fund may be subject to greater delays, expenses and risks than would have been involved if the Fund had purchased a direct obligation of the borrower.
In the event of the insolvency of an agent bank (in a syndicated loan, the agent bank is the bank in the syndicate whom undertakes the bulk of the administrative duties involved in the day-to-day administration of the loan), a loan could be subject to settlement risk, as well as the risk of interruptions in the administrative duties performed in the day to day administration of the loan (such as processing LIBOR calculations, processing draws, etc.).
Because the sub-adviser may rely primarily on its own evaluation of a borrower’s credit quality, a Fund may be dependent on the analytical abilities of the sub-adviser with respect to its investments in loans.
Compared to securities and to certain other types of financial assets, purchases and sales of Senior Loans take relatively longer to settle, partly due to the fact that Senior Loans require a written assignment agreement and various ancillary documents for each transfer, and frequently require discretionary consents from both the borrower and the administrative agent. In addition, recent regulatory changes have increasingly caused dealers to insist on matching their purchases and sales, which can lead to delays in a Fund’s settlement of a purchase or sale of a Senior Loan in circumstances where the dealer’s corresponding transaction with another party is delayed. Dealers will also sometimes sell Senior Loans short, and hold their trades open for an indefinite period while waiting for a price movement or looking for inventory to purchase.
This extended settlement process can (i) increase the counterparty credit risk borne by a Fund; (ii) leave a Fund unable to timely vote, or otherwise act with respect to, Senior Loans it has agreed to purchase; (iii) delay a Fund from realizing the proceeds of a sale of a Senior Loan; (iv) inhibit a Fund’s ability to re-sell a Senior Loan that it has agreed to purchase if conditions change (leaving a Fund more exposed to price fluctuations); (v) prevent a Fund from timely collecting principal and interest payments; and (vi) expose a Fund to adverse tax or regulatory consequences.

Loan interests may not be considered “securities,” and purchasers, such as a Fund, therefore may not be entitled to rely on the anti-fraud protections of the federal securities laws. A Fund may be in possession of material non-public information about a borrower or issuer as a result of its ownership of a loan or security of such borrower or issuer. Because of prohibitions on trading in securities of issuers while in possession of such information, a Fund may be unable to enter into a transaction in a loan or security of such a borrower or issuer when it would otherwise be advantageous to do so.
MARKET RISK –  Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which a Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. Securities or other investments may decline in value due to factors affecting securities markets generally or individual issuers. The value of a security or other investment may change in value due to general market conditions that are not related to a particular issuer, such as real or perceived adverse economic conditions, changes in the general outlook for revenues or corporate earnings, changes in interest or currency rates, or adverse investor sentiment generally as well as global trade policies and political unrest or uncertainties. The value of a security or other investment may also change in value due to factors that affect an individual issuer, including data breaches and cybersecurity attacks, or a particular sector or industry. During a general downturn in the securities or other markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value simultaneously. When markets perform well, there can be no assurance that securities or other investments held by a Fund will participate in or otherwise benefit from the advance. Any market disruptions, including those arising out of geopolitical events (including wars, military conflicts, pandemics and epidemics) or natural/environmental disasters, could also prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner. The adverse impact of any one or more of these events on the market value of Fund investments could be significant and cause losses. A widespread health crisis, such as a global pandemic, could cause substantial market volatility, exchange trading suspensions or restrictions and closures of securities exchanges and businesses, impact the ability to complete redemptions, and adversely impact Fund performance. The outbreak of COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus, has negatively affected the worldwide economy, created supply chain disruptions and labor shortages, and impacted the financial health of individual companies and the market in significant and unforeseen ways. The future impact of COVID-19 is currently unknown. The effects to public health, business and market conditions resulting from COVID-19 pandemic have had, and may continue to have, a significant negative impact on the performance of certain investments, including exacerbating other pre-existing political, social and economic risks.
MORTGAGE-RELATED AND OTHER ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES RISK –  Mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities are subject to certain risks, including credit risk and interest rate risk. These investments expose a Fund to “extension risk,” which is the risk that borrowers will repay a loan more slowly in periods of rising interest rates which could increase the interest rate sensitivity of certain investments — such as mortgage- and asset-backed securities — and cause the value of these investments to fall. As a result, in a period of rising interest rates, if a Fund holds mortgage-related securities and other asset-backed securities, it may exhibit additional volatility. In addition, adjustable and fixed rate mortgage-backed securities are subject to “prepayment risk.” When interest rates decline, borrowers may pay off their mortgages sooner than expected. This can reduce the returns of a Fund because the Fund may have to reinvest that money at lower prevailing interest rates. A Fund’s investments in other asset-backed securities are subject to risks similar to those associated with mortgage-backed securities, as well as additional risks associated with the nature of the assets and the servicing of those assets. These securities are also subject to risk of default on the underlying mortgage or asset, particularly during periods of economic downturn. Issuers of asset-backed securities may have limited ability to enforce the security interest in the underlying assets, and credit enhancements provided to support the securities, if any, may be inadequate to protect investors in the event of default. In addition, as a result of its investment in asset-backed securities, a Fund would be subject to the risk that in certain states it may be difficult to perfect the liens securing the collateral backing certain asset-backed securities. Certain asset-backed securities are based on loans that are unsecured, which means that there is no collateral to seize if the underlying borrower defaults.
Collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”), which are a type of asset-backed security, are subject to heightened risks, including the possibility that distributions from collateral securities will not be adequate to make interest or other payments; the quality of the collateral may decline in value or default; a Fund may invest in collateralized debt obligations that are subordinate to other classes and, therefore, will not have primary rights to any payments in bankruptcy; values may be volatile; and disputes with the issuer may produce unexpected investment results. A Fund’s investments in CDOs will not receive the same investor protection as an investment in registered securities. In addition, prices of CDO investments can decline considerably. These types of instruments are frequently referred to as “mortgage derivatives” and are sensitive to changing interest rates and deteriorating credit environments. CDOs may lack of a readily available secondary market and be difficult to sell at the price at which a Fund values them.

A Fund may invest in uniform mortgage-backed securities, which are securities that generally align the characteristics of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac certificates. Uniform mortgage-backed securities are a recent innovation and the effect they may have on the market for mortgage-related securities is uncertain.
A Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued by the U.S. Government or by non-governmental issuers. To the extent that a Fund invests in mortgage-backed securities offered by non-governmental issuers, such as commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance companies, mortgage bankers and other secondary market issuers, the Fund may be subject to additional risks. Mortgage-related securities issued by private issuers are subject to the credit risks of the issuers, as well as to interest rate risks. Timely payment of interest and principal of non-governmental issuers is supported by various forms of private insurance or guarantees, including individual loan, title, pool and hazard insurance purchased by the issuer. There can be no assurance that the private insurers can meet their obligations under the policies. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool may adversely affect the value of a mortgage-backed security and could result in losses to a Fund. The risk of such defaults is generally higher in the case of mortgage pools that include subprime mortgages. Subprime mortgages refer to loans made to borrowers with weakened credit histories or with a lower capacity to make timely payments on their mortgages. These risks typically become elevated during periods of distressed economic, market, health and labor conditions. In particular, increased levels of unemployment, delays and delinquencies in payments of mortgage and rent obligations, and uncertainty regarding the effects and extent of government intervention with respect to mortgage payments and other economic matters may adversely affect a Fund’s investments in mortgage-backed securities.
COLLATERALIZED LOAN OBLIGATIONS RISK –  Collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”) bear many of the same risks as other forms of asset-backed securities, including interest rate risk, credit risk and default risk. As they are backed by pools of loans, CLOs also bear similar risks to investing in loans directly. CLOs issue classes or “tranches” that vary in risk and yield. CLOs may experience substantial losses attributable to loan defaults. Losses caused by defaults on underlying assets are borne first by the holders of subordinate tranches. A Fund’s investment in CLOs may decrease in market value when the CLO experiences loan defaults or credit impairment, the disappearance of a subordinate tranche, or market anticipation of defaults and investor aversion to CLO securities as a class.
MUNICIPAL SECURITIES RISK –  Municipal securities risks include the possibility that the issuer may not be able to pay interest or repay principal when due; the relative lack of information about certain issuers of municipal securities; and the possibility that future legislative changes could affect the market for and value of municipal securities. Municipal securities are subject to interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk. Negative events, such as severe fiscal difficulties, bankruptcy of one or more issuers, an economic downturn, unfavorable legislation, court rulings or political developments, or reduced monetary support from the federal government could hurt Fund performance. Because municipal securities are issued to finance similar projects, conditions in those sectors may affect the overall municipal securities market. Municipal securities may be susceptible to periods of economic stress, which could affect the market values and marketability of many or all municipal obligations of issuers in a state, locality or US territory or possession. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly stressed the financial resources of many municipal issuers, which may impair a municipal issuer’s ability to meet its financial obligations when due and could adversely impact the value of its bonds, which could negatively impact the performance of a Fund. In addition, changes in the financial condition of an individual municipal issuer can affect the overall municipal market. Investment in municipal securities is also subject to:
General Obligation Bonds Risks –  The full faith, credit and taxing power of the municipality that issues a general obligation bond secures payment of interest and repayment of principal. Timely payments depend on the issuer’s credit quality, ability to raise tax revenues and ability to maintain an adequate tax base.
Revenue Bonds Risks –  Payments of interest and principal on revenue bonds are made only from the revenues generated by a particular facility, class of facilities or the proceeds of a special tax or other revenue source. These payments depend on the money earned by the particular facility or class of facilities, or the amount of revenues derived from another source.
Private Activity Bonds Risks –  Municipalities and other public authorities issue private activity bonds to finance development of industrial facilities for use by a private enterprise. The private enterprise pays the principal and interest on the bond, and the issuer does not pledge its full faith, credit and taxing power for repayment. If the private enterprise defaults on its payments, a Fund may not receive any income or get its money back from the investment.
Moral Obligation Bonds Risks –  Moral obligation bonds are generally issued by special purpose public authorities of a state or municipality. If the issuer is unable to meet its obligations, repayment of these bonds becomes a moral commitment, but not a legal obligation, of the state or municipality.

Municipal Notes Risks –  Municipal notes are shorter term municipal debt obligations. They may provide interim financing in anticipation of, and are secured by, tax collection, bond sales or revenue receipts. If there is a shortfall in the anticipated proceeds, the notes may not be fully repaid and a Fund may lose money.
Municipal Lease Obligations Risks –  In a municipal lease obligation, the issuer agrees to make payments when due on the lease obligation. The issuer will generally appropriate municipal funds for that purpose, but is not obligated to do so. Although the issuer does not pledge its unlimited taxing power for payment of the lease obligation, the lease obligation is secured by the leased property. However, if the issuer does not fulfill its payment obligation (i.e., annually appropriate money to make the lease payments), it may be difficult to sell the property and the proceeds of a sale may not cover a Fund’s loss.
Tax-Exempt Status Risk –  Municipal securities are subject to the risk that the Internal Revenue Service may determine that an issuer has not complied with applicable tax requirements and that interest from the municipal security is taxable, which may result in a significant decline in the value of the security.
OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES RISK –  Investments in securities of other investment companies, including ETFs, are generally subject to limitations prescribed by the 1940 Act and its rules, and applicable SEC staff interpretations or applicable exemptive relief granted by the SEC. Such investments subject a Fund to the risks that apply to the other investment company, including market and selection risk, and may increase a Fund’s expenses to the extent the Fund pays fees, including investment advisory and administrative fees, charged by the other investment company. The success of a Fund’s investment in these securities is directly related, in part, to the ability of the other investment companies to meet their investment objective.
Investments in ETFs and listed closed-end funds are subject to the additional risk that shares of the ETF or closed-end fund may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value per share. There may also not be an active trading market available for shares of some ETFs or closed-end funds. Additionally, trading of ETF and closed-end fund shares may be halted and ETF and closed-end fund shares may be delisted by the listing exchange. In addition, a Fund pays brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase and sale of shares of ETF and closed-end funds. ETFs and closed-end funds are also subject to specific risks depending on the nature of the ETF or closed-end fund, such as liquidity risk, sector risk, and foreign and emerging markets risk, as well as risks associated with fixed income securities, real estate investments and commodities. Closed-end funds may utilize more leverage than other types of investment companies. They can utilize leverage by issuing preferred stocks or debt securities to raise additional capital which can, in turn, be used to buy more securities and leverage its portfolio.
A business development company (“BDC”), which is a type of closed-end fund, typically invests in small and medium-sized companies. A BDC’s portfolio is subject to the risks inherent in investing in smaller companies, including that portfolio companies may be dependent on a small number of products or services and may be more adversely affected by poor economic or market conditions. Some BDCs invest substantially, or even exclusively, in one sector or industry group and therefore the BDC may be susceptible to adverse conditions and economic or regulatory occurrences affecting the sector or industry group, which tends to increase volatility and result in higher risk. The Small Business Credit Availability Act permits BDCs to adopt a lower asset coverage ratio, thereby enhancing their ability to use leverage. Investments in BDCs that use greater leverage may be subject to heightened risks.
A Fund will indirectly bear a pro rata share of fees and expenses incurred by any investment companies in which the Fund is invested. A Fund’s pro rata portion of the cumulative expenses charged by the investment companies is calculated as a percentage of the Fund’s average net assets. The pro rata portion of the cumulative expenses may be higher or lower depending on the allocation of a Fund’s assets among the investment companies and the actual expenses of the investment companies. Business development company expenses are similar to the expenses paid by any operating company held by a Fund. They are not direct costs paid by Fund shareholders and are not used to calculate a Fund’s net asset value. They have no impact on the costs associated with Fund operations.
PREFERRED STOCK RISK – The prices and yields of nonconvertible preferred stocks generally move with changes in interest rates and the issuer’s credit quality, similar to debt securities. The value of convertible preferred stocks varies in response to many factors, including, for example, the value of the underlying equity securities, general market and economic conditions and convertible market valuations, as well as changes in interest rates, credit spreads and the credit quality of the issuer.
PRIVATE PLACEMENT RISK –  Investments in private placements are generally considered to be illiquid. Privately placed securities may be difficult to sell promptly or at reasonable prices and might thereby cause a Fund difficulty in satisfying redemption requests. In addition, less information may be available about companies that make private placements than about publicly offered companies and such companies may not be subject to the disclosure and other investor protection requirements that would be applicable if their securities were publicly traded. Privately placed securities are

typically fair valued and generally have no secondary trading market; therefore, such investments may be more difficult to value than publicly traded securities. Difficulty in valuing a private placement may make it difficult to accurately determine a Fund’s exposure to private placement investments, which could cause the Fund to invest to a greater extent than permitted in illiquid investments and subject the Fund to increased risks. Private placement investments may subject the Fund to contingent liabilities in the event a private issuer is acquired by another company during the period it is held by the Fund. Private placement investments may involve a high degree of business and financial risk and may result in substantial losses. These factors may have a negative effect on a Fund’s performance.
QUANTITATIVE INVESTING RISK –  The value of securities or other investments selected using quantitative analysis may perform differently from the market as a whole or from their expected performance for many reasons, including, but not limited to, factors used in building the quantitative analytical framework, the weights placed on each factor, the accuracy of historical data supplied by third parties, and changing sources of market returns. The models used may be predictive in nature and such models may result in an incorrect assessment of future events. There may also be technical issues with the construction and implementation of quantitative models (for example, software or other technology malfunctions, or programming inaccuracies). The use of quantitative analysis to support investment decisions may cause a Fund to underperform other funds that have similar investment strategies or that select securities or other investments using other types of analysis. In addition, considerations that affect a security’s or other investment’s value can change over time and these changes may not be reflected in the quantitative model. There can be no assurance that quantitative investing will help a Fund to achieve its investment objective.
REAL ESTATE RELATED SECURITIES RISK –  The main risk of real estate related securities, including real estate investment trusts (“REITs”), is that the value of the underlying real estate may go down. Many factors may affect real estate values. These factors include both the general and local economies, vacancy rates, tenant bankruptcies, the ability to re-lease space under expiring leases on attractive terms, the amount of new construction in a particular area, the laws and regulations (including zoning and tax laws) affecting real estate and the costs of owning, maintaining and improving real estate. The availability of mortgages and changes in interest rates, a decline in rents resulting from unanticipated economic, legal or technological developments or a decline in the price of securities of real estate companies due to a failure of borrowers to pay their loans or poor management may also affect real estate values. The real estate sector is particularly sensitive to economic downturns. When economic growth is slow, demand for property decreases and prices may decline. If a Fund’s real estate related investments are concentrated in one geographic area or in one property type, the Fund will be particularly subject to the risks associated with that area or property type.
Investments in REITs, which pool investor money to invest in real estate and real estate related holdings, involve unique risks. REITs may have limited financial resources, may trade less frequently and in limited volume and may be more volatile than other securities. REITs depend generally on their ability to generate cash flow to make distributions to shareholders or unitholders, and may be subject to defaults by borrowers and to self-liquidations. Many issuers of real estate related securities are highly leveraged, which increases the risk to holders of such securities. REITs are also subject to additional risks, such as poor performance by the manager of the REIT, adverse changes to the tax laws, failure by the REIT to qualify for tax-free pass-through of income under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or failure to maintain exemption from registration under the 1940 Act. In addition, some REITs have limited diversification because they invest in a limited number of properties, a narrow geographic area, or a single type of property, which may make REITs more susceptible to adverse developments affecting a single project or market segment than more broadly diversified investments. Also, the organizational documents of a REIT may contain provisions that make changes in control of the REIT difficult and time-consuming. Because REITs are pooled investment vehicles that have expenses of their own, a Fund will indirectly bear its proportionate share of those expenses. REITs and other real estate related securities tend to be small- to mid-cap stocks that are subject to risks of investing in small- to mid-cap stocks.
REGIONAL/COUNTRY FOCUS RISK –  To the extent that a Fund focuses its investments in a particular geographic region or country, the Fund may be subject to increased currency, political, social, environmental, regulatory and other risks not typically associated with investing in a larger number of regions or countries. In addition, certain foreign economies may themselves be focused in particular industries or more vulnerable to political changes than the U.S. economy, which may have a pronounced impact on the Fund’s investments. As a result, such Fund may be subject to greater price volatility and risk of loss than a fund holding more geographically diverse investments. Regional and country focus risk is heightened in emerging markets.
The following sets forth additional information regarding risks associated with investing in certain regions/countries:
Investments in Asian Securities –  Certain Asian economies have experienced high inflation, high unemployment, currency devaluations and restrictions, and over-extension of credit. Many Asian economies have experienced rapid growth and industrialization, and there is no assurance that this growth rate will be maintained. During the global

recession that began in 2009, many of the export-driven Asian economies experienced the effects of the economic slowdown in the United States and Europe, and certain Asian governments implemented stimulus plans, low-rate monetary policies and currency devaluations. Economic events in any one Asian country may have a significant economic effect on the entire Asian region, as well as on major trading partners outside Asia. Any adverse event in the Asian markets may have a significant adverse effect on some or all of the economies of the countries in which a Fund invests. Many Asian countries are subject to political risk, including corruption and regional conflict with neighboring countries. In addition, many Asian countries are subject to social and labor risks associated with demands for improved political, economic and social conditions.
Investments in Central and South America –  The economies of certain Central and South American countries are generally considered emerging markets and are generally characterized by high interest rates, economic volatility, inflation, currency devaluations, government defaults and high unemployment rates. Currency devaluations in any one Latin American country can have a significant effect on the entire Latin American region. In addition, commodities (such as oil, gas and minerals) represent a significant percentage of exports for these regions and many economies in these regions are particularly sensitive to fluctuations in commodity prices. A relatively small number of Latin American companies represents a large portion of Latin America’s total market and thus may be more sensitive to adverse political or economic circumstances and market movements. Adverse economic events in one country may have a significant adverse effect on other countries in these regions.
Investments in Europe –  The Economic and Monetary Union of the EU requires compliance with restrictions on inflation rates, deficits, interest rates, debt levels and fiscal and monetary controls, each of which may significantly affect every country in Europe. Decreasing imports or exports, changes in governmental or EU regulations on trade, changes in the exchange rate of the euro (the common currency of certain EU countries), the default or threat of default by an EU member country on its sovereign debt, and/or an economic recession in an EU member country may have a significant adverse effect on the economies of EU member countries and their trading partners. The European financial markets have experienced volatility and adverse trends due to concerns about economic downturns or rising government debt levels in several European countries. These events have adversely affected the exchange rate of the euro and may continue to significantly affect every country in Europe, including countries that do not use the euro. Responses to the financial problems by European governments, central banks and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not produce the desired results, may result in social unrest and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. Further defaults or restructurings by governments and other entities of their debt could have additional adverse effects on economies, financial markets and asset valuations around the world. Uncertainty relating to the United Kingdom’s post-departure framework and relationships from the EU may have adverse effects on asset valuations and the renegotiation of trade agreements, as well as an increase in financial regulation in such markets. This may adversely impact Fund performance.
REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS RISK –  A Fund may enter into certain types of repurchase agreements or purchase and sale contracts. Under a repurchase agreement, the seller agrees to repurchase a security (typically a security issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government) at a mutually agreed upon time and price. This insulates a Fund from changes in the market value of the security during the period. A purchase and sale contract is similar to a repurchase agreement, but purchase and sale contracts provide that the purchaser receives any interest on the security paid during the period. If the seller fails to repurchase the security in either situation and the market value declines, a Fund may lose money.
RESTRICTED SECURITIES RISK –  Restricted securities are securities that cannot be offered for public resale unless registered under the applicable securities laws or that have a contractual restriction that prohibits or limits their resale. Restricted securities include private placement securities that have not been registered under the applicable securities laws, such as Rule 144A securities, and securities of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers that are issued pursuant to Regulation S. Restricted securities may not be listed on an exchange and may have no active trading market. Restricted securities may be illiquid. A Fund may be unable to sell them on short notice or may be able to sell them only at a price below current value. Also, a Fund may get only limited information about the issuer of a restricted security, so it may be less able to predict a loss. In addition, if Fund management receives material non-public information about the issuer, a Fund may as a result be unable to sell the securities. Certain restricted securities may involve a high degree of business and financial risk and may result in substantial losses. Please see “Rule 144A Securities and Regulation S Securities Risk” below.
Rule 144A Securities and Regulation S Securities Risk –  “Rule 144A” securities are privately placed, restricted securities that may only be resold under certain circumstances to other qualified institutional buyers. Rule 144A investments are subject to certain additional risks compared to publicly traded securities. If there are not enough qualified buyers interested in purchasing Rule 144A securities when a Fund wishes to sell such securities, the Fund may be unable to dispose of such securities promptly or at reasonable prices. For this reason, although

Rule 144A securities are generally considered to be liquid, a Fund’s holdings in Rule 144A securities may adversely affect the Fund’s overall liquidity if qualified buyers become uninterested in buying them at a particular time. Issuers of Rule 144A securities are required to furnish information to potential investors upon request. However, the required disclosure is much less extensive than that required of public companies and is not publicly available. Further, issuers of Rule 144A securities can require recipients of the information (such as the Fund) to agree contractually to keep the information confidential, which could also adversely affect a Fund’s ability to dispose of a security. Offerings of Regulation S securities may be conducted outside of the United States. Regulation S securities are generally less liquid than registered securities, as a result, a Fund may take longer to liquidate these positions than would be the case for publicly traded securities. Although Regulation S securities may be resold in privately negotiated transactions, the price realized from these sales could be less than those originally paid by a Fund. Further, companies whose securities are not publicly traded may not be subject to the disclosure and other investor protection requirements that would be applicable if their securities were publicly traded. Accordingly, Regulation S securities may involve a high degree of business and financial risk and may result in substantial losses.
REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS RISK –  Reverse repurchase agreements involve the sale of securities held by a Fund with an agreement to repurchase the securities at an agreed-upon price, date and interest payment. Reverse repurchase agreements carry the risk that the market value of the securities that a Fund is obligated to repurchase may decline below the repurchase price. A Fund could also lose money if it is unable to recover the securities and the value of any collateral held is less than the value of securities. The use of reverse repurchase agreements may increase the possibility of fluctuation in a Fund’s net asset value.
SECTOR RISK –  To the extent a Fund invests more heavily in particular sectors, its performance will be especially sensitive to developments that significantly affect those sectors. Individual sectors may be more volatile, and may perform differently, than the broader market. The following summarizes the risks associated with investing in certain sectors:
Consumer Discretionary Sector Risk –  Companies in the consumer discretionary sector are subject to the risks associated with adverse changes in consumer sentiment and buying patterns, the effects of inflation, and disruptions in the supply chain that negatively impact the availability of products. Companies in this sector may also be adversely affected by supply and demand for certain products and services, price fluctuations, product obsolescence and product liability claims, governmental regulation, exchange rates, world events, general economic conditions and other factors. In addition, certain companies in the consumer discretionary sector may be cyclical and have occasional sharp price movements resulting from changes in the economy, fuel prices, labor agreements and insurance costs.
Communication Services Sector Risk–  Companies in the communication services sector may be greatly affected by technological advancements and market competition, including research and development costs, substantial capital requirements, pricing competition and government regulations. Certain communication services companies may also be susceptible to network security breaches and may be targets of hacking and potential theft of proprietary or consumer information or disruptions in service. This sector may be impacted by fluctuating market demands, as well as shifting demographics and unpredictable changes in consumer preferences.
Health Care Sector Risk –  Companies in the health care sector are subject to extensive government regulation and their profitability can be significantly affected by restrictions on government reimbursement for medical expenses, rising costs of medical products and services, pricing pressure (including price discounting), limited product lines and an increased emphasis on the delivery of healthcare through outpatient services. These companies may also be subject to extensive litigation based on product liability and similar claims.
Financial Sector Risk –  Companies in the financial services sector are subject to extensive governmental regulation and their profitability is largely dependent on the availability and cost of capital and can fluctuate significantly when interest rates change or due to increased competition. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers and financial losses associated with investment activities can negatively impact the sector. Insurance companies may be subject to severe price competition. Adverse economic, business or political developments could adversely affect financial institutions engaged in mortgage finance or other lending or investing activities directly or indirectly connected to the value of real estate.

Industrials Sector Risk –  The prices of securities in the industrials sector can be volatile and can be impacted significantly by supply and demand for certain products and services, product obsolescence and product liability claims, government regulation, exchange rates, world events, general economic conditions and other factors. In addition, certain companies in the industrials sector may be cyclical and have occasional sharp price movements resulting from changes in the economy, fuel prices, labor agreements and insurance costs.
Information Technology Sector Risk –  Companies in the information technology sector face intense competition, both domestically and internationally, which may have an adverse effect on their profit margins. Companies in this sector may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel. The products of information technology companies may face obsolescence due to rapid technological developments, frequent new product introduction, unpredictable changes in growth rates and competition for the services of qualified personnel. Companies in the information technology sector are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights. The loss or impairment of these rights may adversely affect the profitability of these companies.
Utilities Sector Risk –  The prices of securities in the utilities sector can be volatile and can be impacted significantly by supply and demand for services or fuel, financing costs, government regulation, conservation programs, commodity price fluctuations and other factors. Government regulation of utility companies may limit such companies’ profits or the dividends they can pay to investors. In addition, utility companies may face regulatory restrictions with respect to expansion to new markets, limiting their potential.
SECURITIES LENDING RISK –  Securities lending involves the risk that a Fund may lose money because the borrower of the securities the Fund has loaned out fails to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. A Fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in the value of the collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments made with cash collateral. Securities lending also involves exposure to certain additional risks, including operational risk (i.e., the risk of losses resulting from problems in the settlement and accounting process –  especially so in certain international markets), “gap” risk (i.e., the risk of a mismatch between the return on cash collateral reinvestments and the fees a Fund has agreed to pay a borrower), risk of loss of collateral, credit, legal, counterparty and market risk. Although a Fund’s securities lending agent has agreed to provide the Fund with indemnification in the event of a borrower default, the Fund is still exposed to the risk of losses in the event a borrower does not return the Fund’s securities as agreed and the agent fails to indemnify the Fund.
SHORT SALES OF TO BE ANNOUNCED (TBA) SECURITIES RISK – When a Fund enters into a short sale of a TBA security it effectively agrees to sell at a future date and price a security it does not own. Although most TBA short sale transactions are closed before a Fund would be required to deliver the security, if the Fund does not close the position, the Fund may have to purchase the securities needed to settle the short sale at a higher price than anticipated. This would cause the Fund to lose money. A Fund may not always be able to purchase the securities required to settle a short at a particular time or at an attractive price. A Fund may incur increased transaction costs associated with selling TBA securities short. In addition, taking short positions in TBA securities results in a form of leverage, which could increase the volatility of a Fund’s returns.
STRIPPED SECURITIES RISK – Stripped securities are created when the issuer separates the interest and principal components of an instrument and sells them as separate securities. In general, one security is entitled to receive the interest payments on the underlying assets (the interest only or “IO” security) and the other to receive the principal payments (the principal only or “PO” security). Some stripped securities may receive a combination of interest and principal payments. The yields to maturity on IOs and POs are sensitive to the expected or anticipated rate of principal payments (including prepayments) on the related underlying assets, and principal payments may have a material effect on yield to maturity. If the underlying assets experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, a Fund may not fully recoup its initial investment in IOs. Conversely, if the underlying assets experience less than anticipated prepayments of principal, the yield on POs could be adversely affected. Stripped securities may be highly sensitive to changes in interest rates and rates of prepayment. The market for stripped securities may be limited, making it difficult for a Fund to sell its holdings at an acceptable price.
TO BE ANNOUNCED (TBA) TRANSACTIONS RISK – TBA investments include when-issued and delayed delivery securities and forward commitments. TBA transactions involve the risk that the security a Fund buys will lose value prior to its delivery. A Fund is subject to this risk whether or not the Fund takes delivery of the securities on the settlement date for a transaction. There also is the risk that the security will not be issued or that the other party to the transaction will not meet its obligation. If this occurs, the Fund loses both the investment opportunity for the assets it set aside to pay for the security and any gain in the security’s price. A Fund may also take a short position in a TBA investment when it owns or has the right to obtain, at no added cost, identical securities. If a Fund takes such a short position, it may reduce the risk of a loss if the price of the securities declines in the future, but will lose the opportunity to profit if the price rises. TBA transactions may also result in higher portfolio turnover rate for a Fund.

U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES RISK – Treasury obligations may differ in their interest rates, maturities, times of issuance and other characteristics. Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the United States are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Obligations of U.S. Government agencies and authorities are supported by varying degrees of credit but generally are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. No assurance can be given that the U.S. Government will provide financial support to its agencies and authorities if it is not obligated by law to do so. In addition, the value of U.S. Government securities may be affected by changes in the credit rating of the U.S. Government. U.S. Government securities are also subject to default risk, which is the risk that the U.S. Treasury will be unable to meet its payment obligations. The maximum potential liability of the issuers of some U.S. Government securities held by a Fund may greatly exceed their current resources, including their legal right to support from the U.S. Treasury. It is possible that these issuers will not have the funds to meet their payment obligations in the future.
VALUATION RISK –  This is the risk that a Fund has valued a security at a price different from the price at which it can be sold. This risk may be especially pronounced for investments that may be illiquid or may become illiquid and for securities that trade in relatively thin markets and/or markets that experience extreme volatility. A Fund’s ability to value its investments in an accurate and timely manner may be impacted by technological issues and/or errors by third party service providers, such as pricing services or accounting agents. If market conditions make it difficult to value certain investments, a Fund may value these investments using more subjective methods, such as fair-value methodologies. Investors who purchase or redeem Fund shares on days when the Fund is holding fair-valued securities may receive fewer or more shares, or lower or higher redemption proceeds, than they would have received if the Fund had not fair-valued the securities or had used a different valuation methodology. The value of foreign securities, certain fixed income securities and currencies, as applicable, may be materially affected by events after the close of the markets on which they are traded, but before a Fund determines its NAV.
VALUE INVESTING STYLE RISK –  Using a value investing style to select investments involves special risks, particularly if it is used as part of a “contrarian” approach to evaluating issuers. Value investing seeks to identify companies that are priced below their intrinsic or prospective worth. Overlooked or otherwise undervalued securities are subject to a significant risk that they may never attain their potential value or may even be overpriced. A value stock may decrease in price or may not increase in price as anticipated by the sub-adviser if it continues to be undervalued by the market or the factors that the sub-adviser believes will cause the stock price to increase do not occur. Also, the value investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the value investing style is out of favor, a Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investing styles. “Value” securities can be undervalued by the market for long periods of time.
VOLATILITY RISK –  The value of a Fund’s investments may fluctuate over a relatively short period of time. These fluctuations may cause a Fund’s net asset value per share to experience significant changes over similarly short periods of time.
WARRANTS RISK – Warrants give a Fund the right to purchase equity securities (“underlying stock”) at specific prices valid for a specific period of time. If the price of the underlying stock does not rise above the exercise price before the warrant expires, the warrant generally expires without any value and a Fund loses any amount it paid for the warrant. Thus, investments in warrants may involve substantially more risk than investments in common stock. Warrants may trade in the same markets as their underlying stock; however, the price of the warrant does not necessarily move with the price of the underlying stock and can be more volatile than the prices of the underlying stocks. The market for warrants may be limited and it may be difficult for a Fund to sell a warrant promptly at an advantageous price.
ZERO COUPON SECURITIES RISK – Zero-coupon securities pay no interest prior to their maturity date or another specified date in the future but are issued and traded at a discount to their face value. The discount varies as the securities approach their maturity date (or the date on which interest payments are scheduled to begin). While interest payments are not made on such securities, holders of such securities are deemed to have received income (“phantom income”) annually, notwithstanding that cash may not be received currently. As with other fixed income securities, zero coupon bonds are subject to interest rate and credit risk. Some of these securities may be subject to substantially greater price fluctuations during periods of changing market interest rates than comparable securities that pay interest currently. Longer term zero coupon bonds have greater interest rate risk than shorter term zero coupon bonds.

Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings
Each Fund will publicly disclose its complete month-end portfolio holdings, which may exclude certain de minimis or short-term investments, on its website at hartfordfunds.com no earlier than 25 calendar days after the end of each month.
Each Fund also will publicly disclose on its website, no earlier than 15 calendar days after the end of each month, its largest ten holdings by issuer (in the case of equity funds); largest ten issuers (in the case of fixed income funds); or largest ten fixed income issuers and largest ten equity holdings (in the case of “balanced” funds or “multi-asset” funds (i.e., funds that invest in both equity and fixed income securities)), and the percentage invested in each.
A description of the Funds’ policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of the Funds’ portfolio securities is available in the Funds’ SAI.

The Investment Manager and Sub-Adviser
Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC (the “Investment Manager” or “HFMC”) is the investment manager to each Fund. The Investment Manager is an indirect subsidiary of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (“The Hartford”), a Connecticut-based financial services company. As of December 31, 2022, the Investment Manager and its wholly owned subsidiary, Lattice Strategies LLC, had approximately $122.7 billion in discretionary assets under management. The Investment Manager is responsible for the management of the Funds and supervises the activities of the investment sub-adviser described below. The Investment Manager is principally located at 690 Lee Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.
“Manager of Managers” Structure
The Investment Manager and the Funds rely on an exemptive order (the “Order”) from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under which the Funds operate pursuant to a “Manager of Managers” structure. The Investment Manager has responsibility, subject to oversight by the respective Board of Directors, to oversee the sub-adviser and recommend its hiring, termination and replacement. The Order permits the Investment Manager, on behalf of a Fund and subject to the approval of its Board of Directors, to hire, and to materially amend any existing or future sub-advisory agreement with, sub-advisers that are not affiliated with the Investment Manager (the “Original Relief”), as well as sub-advisers that are indirect or direct, wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Investment Manager or of another company that, indirectly or directly wholly owns the Investment Manager (the “Expanded Relief”), in each case without obtaining approval from the respective Fund’s shareholders. Except for Small Company HLS Fund, each Fund’s shareholders have approved the operation of the Fund under (i) both the Original Relief and Expanded Relief set forth in the Order and/or (ii) any future law, regulation, guidance or exemptive relief provided by the SEC. Shareholders of the Small Company HLS Fund have approved the operation of the Fund under the “Manager of Managers” structure under the Original Relief set forth in the Order. Within 90 days after hiring any new sub-adviser, the respective Fund’s shareholders will receive information about any new sub-advisory relationship.
Wellington Management serves as each Fund’s sub-adviser and performs the daily investment of the assets for each Fund. Wellington Management is a Delaware limited liability partnership with principal offices at 280 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. Wellington Management is a professional investment counseling firm that provides investment services to investment companies, employee benefit plans, endowments, foundations, and other institutions. Wellington Management and its predecessor organizations have provided investment advisory services for over 80 years. Wellington Management is owned by the partners of Wellington Management Group LLP, a Massachusetts limited liability partnership. As of December 31, 2022, Wellington Management and its investment advisory affiliates had investment management authority with respect to approximately $1.149 trillion in assets.
The portfolio managers for each Fund are set forth below. The individual responsibilities of each portfolio manager to a Fund may differ and may include, among other things, security selection for all or a portion of the Fund, involvement in portfolio construction, asset allocation, and/or general oversight of the portfolio management of the Fund. The Funds’ SAI provides additional information about the portfolio managers’ compensation, other accounts managed by the portfolio managers and the portfolio managers’ ownership of securities in the Funds they manage.
Balanced HLS Fund
Adam H. Illfelder, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the equity portion of the Fund since 2017 and has been involved in securities analysis for the equity portion of the Fund since 2012. Mr. Illfelder joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2005.
Loren L. Moran, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the fixed income portion of the Fund since 2017 and securities analysis for the fixed income portion of the Fund since 2014. Ms. Moran joined Wellington as an investment professional in 2014.
Matthew C. Hand, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the equity portion of the Fund since 2020 and has been involved in securities analysis for the equity portion of the Fund since 2012. Mr. Hand joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.

Capital Appreciation HLS Fund
The Fund employs a multiple portfolio manager structure. Gregg R. Thomas, CFA, selects and oversees the Fund’s portfolio management teams and determines how Fund assets are allocated among the Fund’s portfolio management teams. Thomas S. Simon, CFA, FRM, supports Mr. Thomas and is involved in overseeing the allocation of assets among the Fund’s portfolio management teams. Each of Mr. Simon and Mr. Thomas may directly manage a sleeve. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Simon may change the underlying “sleeve” portfolio managers at any time without notice to shareholders. Each portfolio management team has full discretion to manage its sleeve. The portfolio managers with the most significant responsibilities are set forth below.
Gregg R. Thomas, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Director, Investment Strategy of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2013. Mr. Thomas rejoined Wellington Management in 2002 and has been an investment professional since 1993.
Thomas S. Simon, CFA, FRM, Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2019 and has been involved in research and portfolio construction for the Fund since 2016. Mr. Simon joined Wellington Management in 2009 and has been an investment professional since 2001.
Disciplined Equity HLS Fund
Mammen Chally, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2010 and has been involved in portfolio management and securities analysis for the Fund since its inception in 1998. Mr. Chally joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 1994.
David A. Siegle, CFA, Managing Director and Equity Research Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2017 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2008. Mr. Siegle joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2001.
Douglas W. McLane, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2017 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2011. Mr. McLane joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2011.
Dividend and Growth HLS Fund
Matthew G. Baker, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2010 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2004. Mr. Baker joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.
Nataliya Kofman, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2019 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2006. Ms. Kofman joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2006.
Brian J. Schmeer, CFA, Vice President and Equity Research Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2023 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2016. Mr. Schmeer joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2016.
Healthcare HLS Fund
The Fund is managed by a team of global industry analysts. Each member of the team manages a portion of the Fund based upon their specific areas of coverage within the health care sector. The allocations to each sub-sector are determined by the team with the S&P Composite 1500 Health Care Index sub-industry classifications providing a framework for such allocations.
Rebecca D. Sykes, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2020 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2007. Ms. Sykes joined Wellington Management in 2007 and has been an investment professional since 2005.
Wen Shi, PhD, CFA, Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2021 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2015. Dr. Shi joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2015.
David M. Khtikian, CFA, Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2022 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2013. Mr. Khtikian joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2013.

Fayyaz Mujtaba, Managing Director and Global Industry Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2022 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2013. Mr. Mujtaba joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2011.
International Opportunities HLS Fund
Nicolas M. Choumenkovitch, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2006 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2000. Mr. Choumenkovitch joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 1995. Effective June 30, 2024, Mr. Choumenkovitch will no longer serve as a portfolio manager for the Fund.
Tara C. Stilwell, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2010 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2008. Ms. Stilwell joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2008.
MidCap HLS Fund
Philip W. Ruedi, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2010. Mr. Ruedi has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2004. Mr. Ruedi joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.
Mark A. Whitaker, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2010 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2004. Mr. Whitaker joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.
Small Cap Growth HLS Fund
Mammen Chally, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2009. Mr. Chally joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 1994.
David A. Siegle, CFA, Managing Director and Equity Research Analyst of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2017 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2009. Mr. Siegle joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2001.
Douglas W. McLane, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2017 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2011. Mr. McLane joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2011.
Small Company HLS Fund
Ranjit Ramachandran, CFA, Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2020 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2014. Mr. Ramachandran joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2014.
Stock HLS Fund
Donald J. Kilbride, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2012. Mr. Kilbride joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2002.
Peter C. Fisher, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2020 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2012. Prior to joining Wellington Management in 2005, Mr. Fisher was an equity research analyst at MFS Investment Management (2000-2005).
Total Return Bond HLS Fund
Joseph F. Marvan, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager of the Fund since 2012. Mr. Marvan joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2003.
Campe Goodman, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2012. Mr. Goodman joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2000.

Robert D. Burn, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2016 and has been involved in securities analysis for the Fund since 2012. Mr. Burn joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2007.
Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund
Timothy E. Smith, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has served as a portfolio manager of the Fund since 2013. Mr. Smith joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 1992.
Marc K. Piccuirro, CFA, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management, has been a portfolio manager for the Fund since 2022 and has been involved with portfolio and risk analysis for the Fund since 2013. Mr. Piccuirro joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2007.

MANAGEMENT FEE. Each Fund pays a monthly management fee to the Investment Manager as set forth in its investment management agreement at an annual rate, based on the Fund’s average daily net asset value. The Investment Manager pays a sub-advisory fee to Wellington Management out of its management fee. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, each Fund paid the Investment Manager the following effective management fee as a percentage of average daily net assets:
Effective Management Fee
Balanced HLS Fund(1)
Capital Appreciation HLS Fund
Disciplined Equity HLS Fund
Dividend and Growth HLS Fund
Healthcare HLS Fund
International Opportunities HLS Fund
MidCap HLS Fund
Small Cap Growth HLS Fund
Small Company HLS Fund
Stock HLS Fund
Total Return Bond HLS Fund
Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund
The Investment Manager waived a portion of its contractual management fee equal to 0.03% as an annual percentage rate of the Balanced HLS Fund’s average daily net assets from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. The Investment Manager voluntarily extended this waiver through December 31, 2023 and it may be terminated at any time.
A discussion regarding the basis for the Boards of Directors’ approval of the investment management agreement for the Funds with the Investment Manager, as well as the investment sub-advisory agreement between the Investment Manager and the Funds’ sub-adviser, is available in the Funds’ annual report to shareholders for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
OTHER FUND EXPENSES. In addition to costs discussed under “Portfolio Turnover” in the Summary Section, a Fund may pay or receive certain fees in connection with buying or selling a loan. These fees are in addition to interest payments received and may include fees, such as, up-front fees, commitment fees, transfer and assignment fees, facility fees, amendment fees, and prepayment penalties. These costs are not reflected in a Fund’s annual operating expenses or in the examples.

Further Information on the Funds
Class IA shares, Class IB shares, and Class IC shares may be purchased and redeemed by separate accounts (“Accounts”) that fund variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies, including individual and group annuity and group funding agreement contracts and corporate-owned life insurance and other group life insurance policies (collectively, “variable contracts”) issued by insurance companies, including insurance companies that may be affiliated with the Investment Manager (collectively, the “Insurance Companies”). Class IA shares and Class IB shares may also be purchased and redeemed by certain qualified pension or retirement plans (collectively, the “Qualified Plans”) and other investors as permitted by the diversification and other requirements of section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and the underlying U.S. Treasury Regulations.
Each Fund has authorized the following classes of shares:
Class IA
Class IB
Class IC
Balanced HLS Fund(1)
Capital Appreciation HLS Fund(1)
Disciplined Equity HLS Fund(1)
Dividend and Growth HLS Fund(1)
Healthcare HLS Fund(1)
International Opportunities HLS Fund(1)
MidCap HLS Fund(1)
Small Cap Growth HLS Fund(2)
Small Company HLS Fund(3)
Stock HLS Fund(1)
Total Return Bond HLS Fund(1)
Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund(1)
Class IA and Class IB shares of the Fund are closed to new Qualified Plans, except in connection with a closing of a reorganization and as indicated below. No purchases are allowed by Qualified Plans, other than as follows: (i) purchases by qualified pension or retirement plans that held shares of the Fund as of December 31, 2017; (ii) purchases through reinvestment of dividends; (iii) purchases by certain qualified pension or retirement plans that have been pre-approved by Hartford Funds Distributors, LLC (the “Distributor”) to purchase shares of the Fund; and (iv) purchases, including through reinvestment of dividends, by qualified pension or retirement plans that received shares of the Fund as part of a reorganization.
The Fund is closed to new investors, except in connection with a closing of a reorganization and as indicated below. No purchases of the Fund’s shares are allowed, other than as follows: (i) purchases by insurance company separate accounts that have made the Fund available to participants on or before March 6, 2015; (ii) purchases by qualified pension or retirement plans that have made the Fund available to participants on or before March 6, 2015; (iii) purchases through reinvestment of dividends; (iv) purchases by certain insurance company separate accounts and qualified pension or retirement plans that have been pre-approved by the Distributor to purchase shares of the Fund; and (v) purchases, including through reinvestment of dividends, by qualified pension or retirement plans that received shares of the Fund as part of a reorganization.
The Fund is closed to new investors, except in connection with a closing of a reorganization and as indicated below. No purchases of the Fund’s shares are allowed, other than as follows: (i) purchases by insurance company separate accounts that have made the Fund available to participants on or before June 26, 2015; (ii) purchases by qualified pension or retirement plans that have made the Fund available to participants on or before June 26, 2015; (iii) purchases through reinvestment of dividends; (iv) purchases by certain insurance company separate accounts and qualified pension or retirement plans that have been pre-approved by the Distributor to purchase shares of the Fund; and (v) purchases, including through reinvestment of dividends, by qualified pension or retirement plans that received shares of the Fund as part of a reorganization.
Investors should contact their financial professional to determine whether they are eligible to purchase shares of a Fund. If you believe you are eligible to purchase shares, you may be required to provide appropriate proof of eligibility. Each Fund reserves the right to: (i) reject any purchase order if it believes that acceptance of such order would interfere with its ability to be effectively managed; (ii) reopen to new investors at a future date; and (iii) make additional exceptions, limit the above exceptions, or otherwise modify the foregoing closure policy for any reason. You may obtain additional information by calling 1-888-843-7824.
Each class of shares of a Fund represents an investment in that Fund but is subject to different expenses and has different prices and performance.

Many of the Accounts are registered with the SEC as investment companies. When shares of a Fund are offered as investment options for variable contracts issued through such an Account, a separate prospectus describing the particular Account and contract will accompany this prospectus. When shares of a Fund are offered as investment options for variable contracts issued through an Account that is not so registered, a separate disclosure document (rather than a prospectus) describing that Account and contract will accompany this prospectus.
Shares of each Fund are sold by Hartford Funds Distributors, LLC (the “Distributor”) in a continuous offering to the Accounts and the Qualified Plans. Net purchase payments under the variable contracts are placed in one or more subaccounts of the Accounts and the assets of each subaccount are invested in the shares of a Fund corresponding to that subaccount. The Accounts and the Qualified Plans purchase and redeem shares of a Fund at net asset value without sales or redemption charges.
For each day on which a Fund’s net asset value is calculated, the Accounts transmit to the Fund any orders to purchase or redeem shares of the Fund based on the net purchase payments, redemption (surrender or withdrawal) requests, and transfer requests from variable contract owners, annuitants and beneficiaries that have been processed by an Insurance Company as of that day. Similarly, the Qualified Plans transmit to a Fund any orders to purchase or redeem shares of the Fund based on the instructions of Qualified Plan trustees or participants received by the Qualified Plans as of that day. The Accounts and Qualified Plans purchase and redeem shares of a Fund at the next net asset value per share to be calculated after the related orders are received, although such purchases and redemptions may be executed the next morning. For shareholders that hold accounts with financial intermediaries, each Fund typically expects to pay sale proceeds to a redeeming shareholder’s account within 1-3 business days following receipt of the shareholder redemption order. For sale proceeds that are paid directly to a shareholder with respect to accounts held directly with the transfer agent, each Fund typically expects to pay sales proceeds, by electronic funds transfer, wire or by mailing a check, to redeeming shareholders within 1 business day, following receipt of the shareholder redemption order.
Payment of redemption proceeds may take longer than the time each Fund typically expects and may take up to seven days as permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The Fund may suspend the right of redemption for longer than seven days only as allowed by federal securities laws.
Under normal conditions, each Fund expects to meet redemption orders by using a combination of cash and cash equivalents holdings (including cash flows into the Fund) and/or by the sale of portfolio investments, although each Fund reserves the right to use temporary borrowings from its custodian bank (in the form of overdrafts) to meet redemptions, if necessary. As the Investment Manager determines to be appropriate in response to unusual circumstances or stressed market conditions, each Fund may use a line of credit, reverse repurchase agreements, interfund lending, or in-kind redemptions to meet redemption requests. As of April 1, 2023, each Fund does not engage in interfund lending.
Although it would not normally do so, each Fund has the right to pay the redemption price of shares of the Fund in whole or in part in portfolio securities constituting the contract owner’s proportionate share of the current assets of the Fund. When portfolio securities received in this fashion are sold, a brokerage charge would be incurred. Any such securities would be valued for the purposes of making such payment at the same value as used in determining net asset value. Each Fund, however, always redeems shares solely in cash up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the net asset value of the Fund during any 90 day period for any one account.
A potential for certain conflicts exists between the interests of variable annuity contract owners and variable life insurance contract owners invested in a Fund due to differences in tax treatment and other considerations. Likewise, a potential for certain conflicts exists between the interests of owners of variable contracts and those of participants in a Qualified Plan that invests in a Fund. To the extent that such classes of investors are invested in a Fund when a conflict of interest arises that might involve the Fund, one or more of such classes of investors could be disadvantaged.

This section includes additional information about different types of compensation paid to Servicing Intermediaries with respect to the Funds.
Compensation to Servicing Intermediaries
HFMC and/or its affiliates may pay Servicing Intermediaries compensation for sub-accounting, administration and/or shareholder processing services (“Servicing Payments”). These Servicing Payments may create an incentive for the Servicing Intermediary to favor the Hartford HLS Funds rather than other fund companies or investment products for which it may receive a lower payment. You may contact your Servicing Intermediary if you want additional information regarding any Servicing Payments it receives.
The amount of the Servicing Payments is generally based on the average net assets of the Hartford HLS Funds that are serviced by a Servicing Intermediary. With certain limited exceptions, the annual amount of Servicing Payments made to any specific Servicing Intermediary is not expected to exceed 0.25% of the average net assets of the Hartford HLS Funds that are serviced by that Servicing Intermediary. For the year ended December 31, 2022, HFMC and its affiliates incurred approximately $45.0 million in total Servicing Payments and these Servicing Payments did not exceed $30.7 million for any one Servicing Intermediary.
As of January 1, 2023, HFMC and/or its affiliates have entered into arrangements to pay Servicing Payments to the following entities: ADP Broker-Dealer, Inc.; Alight Solutions, LLC; Ascensus, Inc.; Charles Schwab; Conduent HR Services; Fidelity; Forethought Life Insurance Company; GWFS Equities, Inc.; Lincoln Retirement Services Company, LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; Mid Atlantic Capital Corp; MSCS Financial Services, LLC; National Financial Services, Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.; Northeast Retirement Solutions, Inc.; Principal Life Insurance Company; Prudential Insurance Company of America; Talcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company; Talcott Resolution Life Insurance Company; Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC, The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Voya Financial; and Wells Fargo. HFMC and/or its affiliates may in the future enter into similar arrangements with other Servicing Intermediaries.
The applicable Board of Directors has approved the adoption of a separate distribution plan (each, a “Plan”) pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act and the requirements of the applicable market conduct rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority regarding asset-based sales charges for Class IB and Class IC shares. Distribution fees paid to the Distributor may be spent on any activities or expenses primarily intended to result in the sale of a Fund’s shares. Under a Plan, a Fund pays the Distributor the entire fee, regardless of the Distributor’s expenditures. Even if the Distributor’s actual expenditures exceed the fee payable to the Distributor at any given time, no Fund will be obligated to pay more than that fee. If the Distributor’s actual expenditures are less than the fee payable to the Distributor at any given time, the Distributor may realize a profit from the arrangement.
Class IB Distribution Plan
Pursuant to the Class IB Plan, a Fund may pay the Distributor a fee of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund attributable to its Class IB shares for distribution financing activities and shareholder account servicing activities. The entire amount of the fee may be used for shareholder servicing expenses and/or distribution expenses.
Class IC Distribution Plan
Pursuant to the Class IC Plan, a Fund may pay the Distributor a fee of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund attributable to its Class IC shares for distribution financing activities.
Class IC Administrative Services Fee
In addition to distribution fees paid under the Class IC Plan, a Fund may pay an administrative services fee (the “Class IC Service Fee”) to the Insurance Companies annually up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund attributable to its Class IC shares for recordkeeping and/or other administrative services provided to such Class IC shares.
Rule 12b-1 fees and services fees have the effect of increasing operating expenses of a Fund. Because the Class IC Service Fees and the fees paid by a Fund under the Plans are paid out of the Fund’s assets on an on-going basis, over time these fees will increase the cost of a variable contract owner’s or plan participant’s investment and may cost more than alternative types of charges for the same distribution, recordkeeping and/or other administrative services.

In addition, the Investment Manager and its affiliates may pay, out of their own assets, compensation to brokers, financial institutions and other persons for the sale and distribution of the Funds’ shares. These payments may give your financial intermediary a reason to sell and recommend a Fund over other products for which he or she may receive less compensation. You may contact your financial intermediary if you want information regarding the payments it receives.
The net asset value per share (“NAV”) is determined for each class of each Fund’s shares as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) (the “NYSE Close”) on each day that the Exchange is open (“Valuation Date”). If the Exchange is closed due to weather or other extraordinary circumstances on a day it would typically be open for business, each Fund may treat such day as a typical business day and accept purchase and redemption orders and calculate each Fund’s NAV in accordance with applicable law. The NAV for each class of shares of each Fund is determined by dividing the value of the Fund’s net assets attributable to a class of shares by the number of shares outstanding for that class. Information that becomes known to a Fund after the NAV has been calculated on a particular day will not generally be used to retroactively adjust the NAV determined earlier that day.
For purposes of calculating the NAV of each class of each Fund, portfolio securities and other assets held in the Fund’s portfolio for which market prices are readily available are valued at market value. Market value is generally determined on the basis of official close price or last reported trade price. If no trades were reported, market value is based on prices obtained from a quotation reporting system, established market makers (including evaluated prices), or independent pricing services. Pricing vendors may use matrix pricing or valuation models that utilize certain inputs and assumptions to derive values, including transaction data, credit quality information, general market conditions, news, and other factors and assumptions.
With respect to a Fund’s investments that do not have readily available market prices, the Boards of Directors (“Board”) of Hartford Series Fund, Inc. and Hartford HLS Series Fund II, Inc. (each a “Company”) has designated the Investment Manager as its valuation designee to perform fair valuations pursuant to Rule 2a-5 under the 1940 Act (the “Valuation Designee”). If market prices are not readily available or are deemed unreliable, the Valuation Designee determines the fair value of the security or other instrument in good faith under policies and procedures approved by and under the supervision of the Board (“Valuation Procedures”). The Valuation Designee has delegated the day-to-day responsibility for implementing the Valuation Procedures to the Valuation Committee. The Valuation Committee will consider all available relevant factors in determining an investment’s fair value. The Valuation Designee reports fair value matters to the Audit Committee of the Board. Market prices are considered not readily available where there is an absence of current or reliable market-based data (e.g., trade information or broker quotes), including where events occur after the close of the relevant market, but prior to the NYSE Close that materially affect the values of a Fund’s portfolio holdings or assets. In addition, market prices are considered not readily available when, due to extraordinary circumstances, the exchanges or markets on which the securities or other instruments trade do not open for trading for the entire day and no other market prices are available. Fair value pricing is subjective in nature and the use of fair value pricing by the Valuation Designee may cause the NAV of a Fund’s shares to differ significantly from the NAV that would have been calculated using market prices at the close of the exchange on which a portfolio holding is primarily traded. There can be no assurance that a Fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if the Fund were to sell the investment at approximately the time at which the Fund determines its NAV.
Prices of foreign equities that are principally traded on certain foreign markets will generally be adjusted daily pursuant to a fair value pricing service in order to reflect an adjustment for the factors occurring after the close of certain foreign markets but before the NYSE Close. Securities and other instruments that are primarily traded on foreign markets may trade on days that are not business days of the Funds. The value of the foreign securities or other instruments in which a Fund invests may change on days when a shareholder will not be able to purchase or redeem shares of the Fund.
Fixed income investments (other than short-term obligations) and non-exchange traded derivatives held by a Fund are normally valued at prices supplied by independent pricing services in accordance with the Valuation Procedures. Short-term investments maturing in 60 days or less are generally valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair value.
Exchange traded derivatives, such as options, futures and options on futures, are valued at the last sale price determined by the exchange where such instruments principally trade as of the close of such exchange (“Exchange Close”). If a last sale price is not available, the value will be the mean of the most recently quoted bid and ask prices as of the Exchange Close. If a mean of the bid and ask prices cannot be calculated for the day, the value will be the most recently quoted bid price as of the Exchange Close. Over-the-counter derivatives are normally valued based on prices supplied by independent pricing services in accordance with the Valuation Procedures.

Investments valued in currencies other than U.S. dollars are converted to U.S. dollars using the prevailing spot currency exchange rates obtained from independent pricing services for calculation of the NAV. As a result, the NAV of a Fund’s shares may be affected by changes in the value of currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar. The value of securities or other instruments traded in markets outside the United States or denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar may be affected significantly on a day that the Exchange is closed and the market value may change on days when an investor is not able to purchase or redeem shares of a Fund.
Foreign currency contracts represent agreements to exchange currencies on specific future dates at predetermined rates. Foreign currency contracts are valued using foreign currency exchange rates and forward rates as provided by an independent pricing service on the Valuation Date.
Shares of investment companies listed and traded on an exchange are valued in the same manner as any exchange-listed equity security. Investments in investment companies that are not listed or traded on an exchange (“Non-Traded Funds”), if any, are valued at the respective NAV of each Non-Traded Fund on the Valuation Date. Such Non-Traded Funds and listed investment companies may use fair value pricing as disclosed in their prospectuses.
Financial instruments for which prices are not available from an independent pricing service may be valued using quotations obtained from one or more dealers that make markets in the respective financial instrument in accordance with the Valuation Procedures.
Dividends and Distributions
The Board of Directors of each Company has delegated authority to the Funds’ Treasurer to declare and make payment of dividends, to reduce the frequency with which dividends are declared and paid, and to declare and make payments of long-term capital gains as permitted or required by law or in order to avoid adverse tax consequences.
The current policy for each Fund is to pay dividends from net investment income and to make distributions of realized capital gains, if any, at least once per year.
Dividends and distributions are automatically invested in full or fractional shares at the net asset value on the reinvestment date. Each Fund reserves the right to change its dividend distribution policy at the discretion of the applicable Board of Directors.
Frequent Purchases and Redemptions of Fund Shares
The Funds are intended to be long-term investment vehicles and are not designed to provide investors with a means of speculating on short-term market movements (market timing). Frequent purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by a Fund’s shareholders can disrupt the management of the Fund, negatively affect the Fund’s performance, and increase expenses for all of the Fund’s shareholders. In particular, frequent trading (i) can force the Fund’s portfolio manager to hold larger cash positions than desired instead of fully investing all of the Fund’s assets, which can result in lost investment opportunities; (ii) can cause unplanned and inopportune portfolio turnover in order to meet redemption requests; and (iii) can increase broker-dealer commissions and other transaction costs as well as administrative costs for the Fund. Also, some frequent traders engage in arbitrage strategies, by which these traders seek to exploit pricing anomalies that can occur when a Fund invests in securities that are thinly traded (for example some high yield bonds and small capitalization stocks) or are traded primarily in markets outside of the United States. Frequent traders, and in particular those using arbitrage strategies, can dilute a Fund’s NAV for long-term shareholders.
If you intend to trade frequently or use market-timing investment strategies, you should not invest in the Funds.
The separate accounts maintained by the Insurance Companies often establish omnibus accounts in the Funds for their contract or policy holders through which transactions are placed. In most cases, exchange activity among the Funds occurs on an omnibus basis, which can limit the ability of the Funds, themselves, to monitor or restrict the trading practices of individual investors.
In addition to these limitations on the ability of the Funds themselves to monitor and restrict individual trading practices, the varied mechanisms for participation in the Funds challenge the Funds from establishing policies for excessive trading that are enforceable on the same terms with respect to all direct and indirect investors in the Funds. The right of an owner of an insurance product to transfer among subaccounts is governed by a contract between the insurance company and such owner. Older versions of individual variable annuity contracts and certain group annuity contracts, for example, do not include terms that would expressly permit the insurance company to impose strict numeric limitations on the number of exchanges that a contract holder can make during a specified time period or redemption fees on short-term trading activity. As a result, certain accounts may be more susceptible to frequent trading abuses by shareholders while other accounts may be less susceptible.

The Boards of Directors of the Companies have adopted policies and procedures with respect to frequent purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by Fund shareholders. It is the Funds’ policy to discourage investors from trading in a Fund’s shares in an excessive manner that would be harmful to long-term investors. In addition, it is the Funds’ policy to require the sub-advisers to establish internal procedures pursuant to which portfolio managers are required to report to HFMC any cash flow activities in the Funds that, in the reasonable judgment of the portfolio manager, are reasonably likely to affect adversely the management or performance of a Fund. Each Fund reserves the right to reject any purchase order at any time and for any reason, without prior written notice. Each Fund also reserves the right to revoke the exchange privileges of any person at any time and for any reason. In making such determinations, a Fund may consider an investor’s trading history in any of the Funds, including the person’s trading history in any accounts under a person’s common ownership or control. No system for prevention and detection of market timing and other abusive trading activities can be expected to identify, address or eliminate all such activities in Fund shares. Shareholders seeking to engage in excessive trading practices sometimes deploy a variety of strategies to avoid detection and, despite the efforts of the Funds to prevent excessive trading, there is no guarantee that the Funds or the transfer agent will be able to identify such shareholders or curtail their trading practices. The ability of the Funds and the transfer agent to detect and curtail excessive trading practices may also be limited by operational systems and technological limitations. Because the Funds will not always be able to detect frequent trading activity, investors should not assume that the Funds will be able to detect or prevent all frequent trading or other practices that disadvantage the Funds.
Certain Qualified Plans participate directly in the Funds through omnibus accounts (“Qualified Plan Omnibus Accounts”) and, as described above, separate accounts maintained by the Insurance Companies often establish omnibus accounts in the Funds for their contract or policy holders through which transactions are placed (“Insurance Company Omnibus Accounts” and, together with Qualified Plan Omnibus Accounts, “Omnibus Accounts”). The Boards of Directors of the Funds have adopted policies and procedures relating to excessive trading in shares of the Funds through Omnibus Accounts (the “Policy”).
Except as otherwise noted, with respect to investors investing through Omnibus Accounts, it is the Policy of the Funds to permit only two “substantive round trips” by an investor within any single Fund within a 90-day period. A substantive round trip is a purchase of or an exchange into a Fund and a redemption of or an exchange out of the same Fund in a dollar amount set by the Funds’ transfer agent, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion. When an additional purchase or exchange order request for a Fund is received within the 90-day period, the requested transaction shall be rejected (unless such exchange or purchase already occurred). In addition, the person requesting such transaction shall be deemed an “Excessive Trader.” All exchange and purchase privileges of an Excessive Trader shall be suspended within such Fund for the first violation of the policy for a period of 90 days. For a second violation of the policy, the exchange and purchase privileges of the Excessive Trader shall be suspended indefinitely.
In the case of actual or suspected excessive trading through Omnibus Accounts maintained by financial intermediaries, the Funds’ transfer agent shall attempt to obtain the cooperation of the intermediaries to identify excessive traders and to prevent or limit, to the fullest extent practicable, such excessive trading activity. Accordingly, the Funds’ procedures with respect to Omnibus Accounts are as follows: (1) Where the Funds’ transfer agent is provided individual shareholder level transaction detail on a daily basis, the Funds’ transfer agent shall monitor the daily trade activity of individual shareholders and apply the policy; (2) Where the Funds’ transfer agent is not provided individual shareholder level transaction detail on a daily basis, the Funds’ transfer agent shall monitor the accounts at an omnibus level and apply detection tools designed to determine whether shareholder transactions violating the policy may be occurring. In such cases, the Funds’ transfer agent shall request and evaluate individual shareholder level transaction detail and seek to impose restrictions in accordance with the policy. The Funds’ ability to identify and deter frequent purchases and redemptions of a Fund’s shares through Omnibus Accounts is limited, and the Funds’ success in accomplishing the objectives of the policies concerning frequent purchases and redemptions of Fund shares in this context depends significantly upon the cooperation of the financial intermediaries. In addition to the foregoing, the Funds’ transfer agent also employs a process for reviewing certain large transactions in the Funds and may restrict trading as a result of its review.
The Insurance Companies may monitor transaction activities in their separate accounts pursuant to their own policies designed to restrict excessive trading. For instance, an Insurance Company may restrict the number of transfers permitted during each valuation day and/or the number of transfers permitted during a year. The Funds and the Funds’ transfer agent do not control any Insurance Company’s enforcement of its policies and procedures and cannot guarantee the Insurance Company’s success at identifying and deterring disruptive trading.

Because the number of transfers or type of restrictions or procedures may vary, individual contract/policy holders and plan participants may be subject to different procedures and any individual should not expect that other individuals are subject to the same procedures or restrictions. For a description of the Insurance Companies’ procedures applicable to you, please review the prospectus or disclosure document and other documentation associated with your product, policy or plan.
The frequent trading limitations do not apply to the following: (1) any transaction not initiated by a shareholder or their registered representative; (2) transactions that are part of a systematic program; (3) transactions of $1,000 or less; and (4) transactions that a Fund, in its discretion, determines are not abusive or harmful.
The use of fair value pricing can serve both to make the Funds less attractive to market timers and to reduce the potential adverse consequences to other investors of market timing or abusive trading. Certain market timers may seek to take advantage of pricing anomalies that can occur in Fund shares resulting from the manner in which the NAV of the Funds’ shares is determined each day. Frequent trading in Fund shares can dilute the value of long-term shareholders’ interests in a Fund if the Fund calculates its NAV using closing prices that are no longer accurate. Funds that invest in overseas markets or that invest in securities of smaller issuers or thinly traded securities are more susceptible to this activity. The Funds’ pricing procedures, particularly those procedures governing the determination of the “fair value” of securities for which market prices are not readily available (or are unreliable) for foreign securities may serve as a deterrent against harmful excessive trading in Fund shares. For additional information concerning the Funds’ fair-value procedures, please refer to “Valuation of Shares” found earlier in the prospectus.
The Funds reserve the right to modify this policy, including any surveillance procedures established from time to time to effectuate this policy, at any time without notice. The Funds, HFMC, and/or the Funds’ transfer agent shall not be liable for any loss resulting from rejected purchase orders or exchanges.
Account Closings
There may be instances in which it is appropriate for your account to be closed. Your account could be closed if: (i) your identity cannot be verified or you fail to provide a valid SSN or TIN; (ii) the registered address of your account is outside of the United States or in a U.S. jurisdiction in which the Fund shares are not registered; (iii) transactions in your account raise suspicions of money laundering, fraud or other illegal conduct; (iv) shares purchased are not paid for when due; (v) your account does not meet the qualifications for ownership for the particular class of shares held in your account; (vi) maintenance of your account jeopardizes the tax status or qualifications of the Funds; (vii) your account balance falls to $1,000 or less and you fail to bring the account above $1,000 within thirty (30) days of notification; (viii) there is a change in your broker of record, for example your broker is no longer able to sell Fund shares; or (ix) closing the account is determined to be in the best interests of the Fund. If you invest in a Fund through a variable contract, the terms of the contract may specify additional circumstances under which your shares may be redeemed.
Neither the Funds, the Investment Manager, the Distributor, Hartford Administrative Services Company nor any of their affiliates will be responsible for any loss in an investor’s account or tax liability resulting from an involuntary redemption.
Federal Income Taxes
For federal income tax purposes, each Fund is treated as a separate taxpayer. Each Fund intends to qualify each year as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. By so qualifying, a Fund is not subject to federal income tax to the extent that its net investment income and net realized capital gains are distributed to the Accounts or Qualified Plans. Further, each Fund intends to meet certain diversification requirements applicable to mutual funds underlying variable contracts.
Under current law, Qualified Plan participants and owners of variable contracts that have invested in a Fund are not subject to federal income tax on Fund earnings and distributions or on gains realized upon the sale or redemption of Fund shares until such amounts are withdrawn from the plan or contracts. For information concerning the federal tax consequences to the purchasers of the variable contracts, see the prospectus or other disclosure document for such contract.
For more information about the tax status of each Fund, see “Taxes” in the SAI.
Variable Contract Owner Voting Rights
With regard to Fund matters for which the 1940 Act requires a shareholder vote, shares held by the Accounts are generally voted in accordance with instructions received from the owners of variable contracts (or annuitants or beneficiaries thereunder) having a voting interest in that Account. Each share has one vote. Votes are counted on an aggregate basis for Hartford Series Fund, Inc. or Hartford HLS Series Fund II, Inc., as applicable, except as to matters

where the interests of the separate series differ (such as approval of an investment management agreement or a change in a Fund’s fundamental investment policies). In such cases, the voting is on a fund-by-fund basis. Matters that affect only one class of shares of a Fund (such as approval of a plan of distribution) are voted on separately for that class by the holders of shares of that class of the Fund. Fractional shares are counted. Shares held by an Account for which no instructions are received are generally voted for or against, or in abstention, with respect to any proposals in the same proportion as the shares for which instructions are received. As a result of proportional voting, the vote of a small number of shareholders may determine the outcome of a proposal subject to shareholder vote.
Qualified Plan Participant Voting Rights
With regard to Fund matters for which the 1940 Act requires a shareholder vote, Qualified Plan trustees generally vote Fund shares held by their Qualified Plans either in their own discretion or in accordance with instructions from Qualified Plan participants.

Performance Notes
The indices are unmanaged, and their results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, expenses or taxes.
The S&P 500 Index is a float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted price index composed of 500 widely held common stocks.
The S&P Composite 1500 Health Care Index is a float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index comprised of those companies included in the S&P Composite 1500 that are classified as members of the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) health care sector.
The S&P MidCap 400 Index is a float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the mid-cap segment of the market. The index is composed of 400 constituent companies.
The Bloomberg Short Treasury 9-12 Month Index includes aged US Treasury bills, notes and bonds with a remaining maturity from 1 up to (but not including) 12 months. It excludes zero coupon strips.
The Bloomberg US Government/Credit Bond Index measures the non-securitized component of the US Aggregate Index. It includes investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities.
The Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index is composed of securities that cover the US investment grade fixed rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities.
The ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index is comprised of a single issue purchased at the beginning of the month and held for a full month. At the end of the month that issue is sold and rolled into a newly selected issue. The issue selected at each month-end rebalancing is the outstanding Treasury Bill that matures closest to, but not beyond, three months from the rebalancing date. To qualify for selection, an issue must have settled on or before the month-end rebalancing date.
The MSCI ACWI (All Country World) ex USA Index is designed to capture large and mid cap securities across developed markets (excluding the US) and emerging market countries.
The Russell 1000 Index is designed to measure the performance of the 1,000 largest companies in the Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 3000 Index is designed to measure the performance of the 3,000 largest US companies based on total market capitalizations.
The Russell 1000 Value Index is designed to measure the performance of those Russell 1000 Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The Russell 1000 Index is designed to measure the performance of the 1,000 largest companies in the Russell 3000 Index based on their market capitalization and current index membership.
The Russell 2000 Growth Index is designed to measure the performance of those Russell 2000 Index companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The Russell 2000 Index is an index comprised of 2,000 of the smallest US-domiciled company common stocks based on a combination of their market capitalization and current index membership.
The Russell 3000 Index is designed to measure the performance of the 3,000 largest US companies based on total market capitalization.
Additional Information Regarding Bloomberg Index(es). “Bloomberg®” and the above referenced Bloomberg index(es) are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates, including Bloomberg Index Services Limited (“BISL”), the administrator of the index (collectively, “Bloomberg”), and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Hartford Funds Management Company, LLC.
The Funds are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Bloomberg. Bloomberg does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of or counterparties to the Funds or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Funds particularly. The only relationship of Bloomberg to HFMC is the licensing of certain trademarks, trade names and service marks and of the above referenced Bloomberg index(es), which is determined, composed and calculated by BISL without regard to HFMC or the Funds. Bloomberg has no obligation to take the needs of HFMC or the owners of the Funds into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the above referenced

Bloomberg index(es). Bloomberg is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Funds to be issued. Bloomberg shall not have any obligation or liability, including, without limitation, to the Funds’ customers, in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the Funds.
Additional Information Regarding MSCI Indices. Neither MSCI nor any other party involved in or related to compiling, computing or creating the MSCI data makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such data (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such data. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, any of its affiliates or any third-party involved in or related to compiling, computing or creating the data have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages. No further distribution or dissemination of the MSCI data is permitted without MSCI’s express written consent.

Financial Highlights
The financial highlights table for each Fund is intended to help you understand each Fund’s financial performance for the past five years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single Fund share. The total returns in the table for each Fund represent the rate that an investor would have earned, or lost, on an investment in the Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions). “Total return” information presented below may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. As a result, the total returns for a class of a Fund for the periods below may differ from the average annual total returns shown in such Fund’s summary section of the prospectus for the same periods. The information for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 has been derived from the financial statements audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with each Fund’s financial statements and financial highlights, is included in the annual report to shareholders, which is available upon request. These figures do not include the effect of sales charges or other fees which may be applied at the variable life insurance or variable annuity product level or qualified employee benefit plan level. If additional charges or other fees applied at the variable product or plan level, if any, were included, returns would be lower. The information for the fiscal years prior to December 31, 2020 was audited by another independent registered public accounting firm. Footnotes are located on the last page of these financial highlights.
— Selected Per-Share Data(1)
— Ratios and Supplemental Data —
Value at
of Period
Gain (Loss)
Total from
from Net
Value at
End of
at End
of Period
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
(Loss) to
Net Assets
Hartford Balanced HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Capital Appreciation HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Financial Highlights
— Selected Per-Share Data(1)
— Ratios and Supplemental Data —
Value at
of Period
Gain (Loss)
Total from
from Net
Value at
End of
at End
of Period
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
(Loss) to
Net Assets
Hartford Disciplined Equity HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Dividend and Growth HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Healthcare HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Financial Highlights
— Selected Per-Share Data(1)
— Ratios and Supplemental Data —
Value at
of Period
Gain (Loss)
Total from
from Net
Value at
End of
at End
of Period
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
(Loss) to
Net Assets
Hartford International Opportunities HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford MidCap HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Small Cap Growth HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Small Company HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022

Financial Highlights
— Selected Per-Share Data(1)
— Ratios and Supplemental Data —
Value at
of Period
Gain (Loss)
Total from
from Net
Value at
End of
at End
of Period
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
(Loss) to
Net Assets
Hartford Small Company HLS Fund – (continued)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Stock HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Total Return Bond HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Hartford Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021

Financial Highlights
— Selected Per-Share Data(1)
— Ratios and Supplemental Data —
Value at
of Period
Gain (Loss)
Total from
from Net
Value at
End of
at End
of Period
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
(Loss) to
Net Assets
Hartford Ultrashort Bond HLS Fund – (continued)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Information presented relates to a share outstanding throughout the indicated period. Net investment income (loss) per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstand-
ing unless otherwise noted.
The figures do not include sales charges or other fees which may be applied at the variable contract level or by a qualified pension or retirement plan. Any such additional sales charges
or other fees would lower the Fund’s performance.
Adjustments include waivers and reimbursements, if applicable. Ratios do not include fees paid indirectly.
Portfolio turnover excludes TBA roll transactions. Had TBA roll transactions been included, the portfolio turnover rate would have been 61%, 49% and 48% for the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively.
FASB issued ASU 2017-08 to amend the amortization period to the earliest call date for purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. Effective January 1, 2019, the Fund
amended its amortization policy and the effect of this change for the year ended December 31, 2019 was an increase to net investment income per share for less than $0.005, decrease
to net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments for less than $(0.005) and a decrease to ratio of net investment income to average net assets for less than 0.005% for each
class of shares. Per share data and ratios for periods prior to December 31, 2019 have not been restated to reflect this change in presentation.
Commenced operations on September 18, 2020.
Not annualized.
Portfolio turnover excludes TBA roll transactions. Had TBA roll transactions been included, the portfolio turnover rate would have been 431%, 494% and 564% for the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively.
FASB issued ASU 2017-08 to amend the amortization period to the earliest call date for purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. Effective January 1, 2019, the Fund
amended its amortization policy and the effect of this change for the year ended December 31, 2019 was a decrease to net investment income per share for less than $(0.005), increase
to net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments for less than $0.005 and a decrease to ratio of net investment income to average net assets of (0.01)% for each class of shares.
Per share data and ratios for periods prior to December 31, 2019 have not been restated to reflect this change in presentation.

For More Information
Two documents are available that offer further information on the Funds:
Annual/Semi-Annual Report To Shareholders
Additional information about each Fund’s investments is available in that Fund’s annual and semi-annual reports. In each Fund’s annual report you will also find a discussion of the market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund’s performance during the last fiscal year (or period as the case may be), as well as the independent registered public accounting firm’s report.
Statement of Additional Information (SAI)
The SAI contains more detailed information on the Funds. A current SAI and annual report have been filed with the SEC and the SAI is incorporated by reference into (which means it is legally a part of) this prospectus.
The Funds make available this prospectus, the SAI and annual/semi-annual reports free of charge, on the Funds’ website at hartfordfunds.com.
To request a free copy of the current annual/semi-annual report for the Funds and/or the SAI or for shareholder inquiries or other information about the Funds, please contact the Funds at:
By Mail:
Hartford Funds
P.O. Box 219060
Kansas City, MO 64121-9060
By Phone:
On The Internet:
Or you may view or obtain these documents from the SEC on the Internet or by E-Mail:
Internet: (on the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s internet website) www.sec.gov
Requests which are made by e-mail require the payment of a duplicating fee to the SEC in order to obtain a document.
SEC File Numbers
Hartford Series Fund, Inc. 811-08629
Hartford HLS Series Fund II, Inc. 811-04615
May 1, 2023