Untitled Document

BNY Mellon ETF Trust

Prospectus | March 1, 2023
As Revised, October 12, 2023

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF Ticker: BKUS
BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF Ticker: BKIS
BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF Ticker: BKES

Principal U.S. Listing Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved
these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is

a criminal offense.



Fund Summary


BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF


BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF


BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF


Fund Details


Investment Risks




Distributor and Distribution and Service Plan


Additional Information


Additional Purchase and Sale Information


Portfolio Holdings Disclosure




Additional Tax Information


General Information


Financial Highlights


For More Information

See back cover.

Fund Summary

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF
Investment Objective

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and Expenses

This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the table and Example below.


Annual Fund Operating Expenses*
(Expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)

Management fees


Distribution and service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual fund operating expenses


Fee waiver **


Total annual fund operating expenses
(after fee wavier)  


* The fund's management agreement provides that BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC (Adviser), the fund's investment adviser, will pay substantially all expenses of the fund, except for the management fees, payments under the fund's 12b-1 plan (if any), interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, brokerage commissions, costs of holding shareholder meetings, fees and expenses associated with any securities lending program to be adopted by the fund, and litigation and potential litigation and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business.
** The Adviser, has contractually agreed, until at least March 1, 2024, to waive receipt of a portion of its management fee in the amount of 0.10% of the value of the fund's average daily net assets.  Prior to March 1, 2024, this waiver agreement may only be terminated by the fund's board. On or after March 1, 2024, the Adviser may terminate this waiver agreement at any time.


The Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then hold or redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The one-year example and the first year of the three-, five-, and ten-years examples are based on net operating expenses, which reflect the contractual undertaking by the Adviser. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:


1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

10 Years





Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the fund's performance. The fund's portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal period from December 15, 2021 (the fund's commencement of operations) through October 31, 2022 was 28.58% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategy

To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of U.S. companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers a U.S. company to be a company organized or with its principal place


of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, the United States. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters (e.g., the company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.). Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption).

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization, but focuses on companies with market capitalizations of $5 billion or more at the time of purchase. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion of the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies in the technology sector.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which may include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.

- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.


There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermined timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security held by the fund as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;

 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


The fund is non-diversified.

Principal Risks

An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit. It is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. It is not a complete investment program. The fund's share price fluctuates, sometimes dramatically, which means you could lose money.

 Risks of stock investing. Stocks generally fluctuate more in value than bonds and may decline significantly over short time periods. There is the chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices and falling prices. The market value of a stock may decline due to general market conditions or because of factors that affect the particular company or the company's industry.

 Sustainable investment approach risk. The fund's sustainable investment approach may cause it to make different investments than funds that invest principally in equity securities of U.S. companies that do not incorporate sustainable investment criteria when selecting investments. Under certain economic conditions, this could cause the fund to underperform funds that do not incorporate similar criteria. For example, the incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may result in the fund forgoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so or selling securities when it might otherwise be disadvantageous for the fund to do so. The incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may also affect the fund's exposure to certain sectors and/or types of investments, and may adversely impact the fund's performance depending on whether such sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. NIM's security selection process incorporates ESG data provided by third parties, which may be limited for certain companies and/or only take into account one or a few ESG related components. In addition, ESG data may include qualitative and/or quantitative measures, and consideration of this data may be subjective. Different methodologies may be used by the various data sources that provide ESG data. ESG data from third parties used by NIM as part of its sustainable investment process often lacks standardization, consistency and transparency, and for certain companies such data may not be available, complete or accurate. NIM's evaluation of ESG factors relevant to a particular company may be adversely affected in such instances. As a result, the fund's


investments may differ from, and potentially underperform, funds that incorporate ESG data from other sources or utilize other methodologies.

 Market capitalization risk (small-, mid- and large-cap stock risk). To the extent the fund emphasizes investments in small-, mid- or large-cap stocks, it will assume the associated risks. At any given time, any of these market capitalizations may be out of favor with investors. Compared to small- and mid-cap companies, large-cap companies may be less responsive to changes and opportunities affecting their business. To the extent the fund invests in small- and mid-cap companies, it will be subject to additional risks because the operating histories of these companies tend to be more limited, their earnings and revenues less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses), and their share prices more volatile than those of larger, more established companies. The shares of smaller companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can adversely affect the pricing of these securities and the fund's ability to sell these securities. Smaller companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group.

 Technology company risk. The technology sector has been among the most volatile sectors of the stock market. Technology companies, especially small-cap technology companies, involve greater risk because their revenue and/or earnings tend to be less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses) and their share prices tend to be more volatile. Certain technology companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. In addition, these companies are strongly affected by worldwide technological developments, and their products and services may not be economically successful or may quickly become outdated. Investor perception may play a greater role in determining the day-to-day value of tech stocks than it does in other sectors. Fund investments made in anticipation of future products and services may decline dramatically in value if the anticipated products or services are delayed or cancelled. The risks associated with technology companies are magnified in the case of small cap technology companies. The shares of smaller technology companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can have an adverse effect on the pricing of these securities and on the fund's ability to sell these securities.

 Market sector risk. The fund may significantly overweight or underweight certain companies, industries or market sectors, which may cause the fund's performance to be more or less sensitive to developments affecting those companies, industries or sectors.

 Issuer risk. A security's market value may decline for a number of reasons which directly relate to the issuer, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer's products or services, or factors that affect the issuer's industry, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry.

 Market risk. The value of the securities in which the fund invests may be affected by political, regulatory, economic and social developments, and developments that impact specific economic sectors, industries or segments of the market. In addition, turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity, credit and/or fixed income markets may negatively affect many issuers, which could adversely affect the fund. Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and conditions and events in one country, region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. These risks may be magnified if certain events or developments adversely interrupt the global supply chain; in these and other circumstances, such risks might affect companies world-wide. Recent examples include pandemic risks related to COVID-19 and aggressive measures taken world-wide in response by governments, including closing borders, restricting international and domestic travel, and the imposition of prolonged quarantines of large populations, and by businesses, including changes to operations and reducing staff.  The effects of COVID-19 have contributed to increased volatility in global markets and will likely affect certain countries, companies, industries and market sectors more dramatically than others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and any other outbreak of an infectious disease or other serious public health concern could have, a significant negative impact on economic and market conditions and could trigger a prolonged period of global economic slowdown. To the extent the fund may overweight its investments in certain companies, industries or market sectors, such positions will increase the fund's exposure to risk of loss from adverse developments affecting those companies, industries or sectors.

 Management risk. The investment process used by the fund's sub-adviser could fail to achieve the fund's investment goal and cause your fund investment to lose value.

 Authorized participants, market makers and liquidity providers risk. The fund has a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants, which are responsible for the creation and redemption activity for the fund. In addition, there may be a limited number of market makers and/or liquidity providers in the marketplace. To the extent either of the following events occur, fund shares may trade at a material discount to net asset value and possibly face delisting: (i) Authorized Participants exit the business or otherwise become unable to process creation and/or redemption orders and no other Authorized Participants step forward to perform these services, or (ii) market makers


and/or liquidity providers exit the business or significantly reduce their business activities and no other entities step forward to perform their functions.

 Fluctuation of net asset value, share premiums and discounts risk. As with all exchange-traded funds, fund shares may be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The trading prices of fund shares in the secondary market may differ from the fund's daily net asset value per share and there may be times when the market price of the shares is more than the net asset value per share (premium) or less than the net asset value per share (discount). This risk is heightened in times of market volatility or periods of steep market declines.

 Trading issues risk. Although fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and may be listed or traded on other U.S. and non-U.S. stock exchanges as well, there can be no assurance that an active trading market for such fund shares will develop or be maintained. Trading in fund shares may be halted due to market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the listing exchange, make trading in fund shares inadvisable. In addition, trading in fund shares on an exchange is subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to exchange "circuit breaker" rules. There can be no assurance that the requirements of the listing exchange necessary to maintain the listing of the fund will continue to be met or will remain unchanged or that fund shares will trade with any volume, or at all, on any stock exchange.

 Limited operating history risk. The fund is recently organized with limited operating history and there can be no assurance that the fund will grow to or maintain sufficient assets to achieve investment and trading efficiencies.

 Non-diversification risk. The fund is non-diversified, which means that the fund may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of issuers. Therefore, the fund's performance may be more vulnerable to changes in the market value of a single issuer or group of issuers and more susceptible to risks associated with a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence than a diversified fund.


The following bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The bar chart shows the performance of the fund for its first complete calendar year of operations. The table compares the average annual total returns of the fund to those of a broad measure of market performance. The fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future.  Recent performance information may be available at www.im.bnymellon.com.


Year-by-Year Total Returns as of 12/31 each year (%)

Best Quarter
Q4, 2022: 5.00%
Worst Quarter
Q2, 2022: -15.13%

(for the periods reflected in the bar chart)

After-tax returns in the table below are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor's tax situation and may differ from those shown, and the after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their shares through U.S. tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may be higher than returns before taxes or returns after taxes on distributions due to an assumed tax benefit from losses on a sale of the fund's shares at the end of a period.


Average Annual Total Returns as of 12/31/22


1 Year

Since Inception

Returns before taxes



Returns after taxes on distributions



Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares



S&P 500 Index® (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes)




Portfolio Management

The fund's investment adviser is BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC and the fund's sub-adviser is NIM, an affiliate of the Adviser. NIM has entered into a sub-sub-investment advisory agreement with its affiliate, Newton Investment Management North America, LLC (NIMNA), to enable NIMNA to provide certain advisory services to NIM for the benefit of the fund, including, but not limited to, portfolio management services.

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh are the fund's primary portfolio managers. Mr. Pope and Ms. McHugh have been primary portfolio managers of the fund since January 2022 and May 2023, respectively. Mr. Pope is a portfolio manager for the Sustainable Equity strategies at NIM, leading on the Global, International and US Sustainable strategies. Ms. McHugh is Head of Sustainable Equities and a senior portfolio manager at NIMNA. NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers of this strategy, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares

The fund will issue (or redeem) fund shares to certain institutional investors known as "Authorized Participants" (typically market makers or other broker-dealers) only in large blocks of fund shares known as "Creation Units." Creation Unit transactions are conducted in exchange for the deposit or delivery of a portfolio of in-kind securities designated by the fund and/or cash.

Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold on the NYSE Arca, Inc., other national securities exchanges, electronic crossing networks and other alternative trading systems through your broker-dealer at market prices. Because fund shares trade at market prices rather than at net asset value, fund shares may trade at a price greater than net asset value (premium) or less than net asset value (discount). When buying or selling shares in the secondary market, you may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) (the "bid-ask spread"). Recent information regarding the fund's net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts, and bid-ask spreads is available at www.im.bnymellon.com.

Tax Information

The fund's distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is through an individual retirement account (IRA), Retirement Plan or other U.S. tax-advantaged investment plan (in which case you may be taxed upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

If you purchase fund shares through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Adviser or its affiliates may pay the financial intermediary for certain activities related to the fund, including educational training programs, conferences, the development of technology platforms and reporting systems, or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.


Fund Summary

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF
Investment Objective

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and Expenses

This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the table and Example below.


Annual Fund Operating Expenses*
(Expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)

Management fees


Distribution and service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual fund operating expenses


* The fund's management agreement provides that BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC (Adviser), the fund's investment adviser, will pay substantially all expenses of the fund, except for the management fees, payments under the fund's 12b-1 plan (if any), interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, brokerage commissions, costs of holding shareholder meetings, fees and expenses associated with any securities lending program to be adopted by the fund, and litigation and potential litigation and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business.


The Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then hold or redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:


1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

10 Years





Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the fund's performance. The fund's portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal period from December 15, 2021 (the fund's commencement of operation) through October 31, 2022 was 27.08% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategy

To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of foreign companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers a foreign company to be a company organized or with its principal place of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, a country outside the United States. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters (e.g., the


company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.). Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption).

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund may overweight or underweight certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors relative to the MSCI EAFE® Index, the fund's benchmark index, which measures the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. and Canada. The fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in stocks of companies located in countries (other than the United States) not represented in the MSCI EAFE Index, including up to 20% of its net assets in the securities of companies primarily listed on exchanges in emerging market countries that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices and are considered to be in line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Emerging market countries are considered countries other than the U.S., Canada and the countries represented in the MSCI EAFE Index. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors or located in particular countries. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion of the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies located in the United Kingdom (U.K.), the broader European region and Japan. The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which may include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.

- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of


solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.

There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermined timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security held by the fund as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;

 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


The fund is non-diversified.

Principal Risks

An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit. It is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. It is not a complete investment program. The fund's share price fluctuates, sometimes dramatically, which means you could lose money.

 Risks of stock investing. Stocks generally fluctuate more in value than bonds and may decline significantly over short time periods. There is the chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices and falling prices. The market value of a stock may decline due to general market conditions or because of factors that affect the particular company or the company's industry.

 Sustainable investment approach risk. The fund's sustainable investment approach may cause it to make different investments than funds that invest principally in equity securities of foreign companies that do not incorporate sustainable investment criteria when selecting investments. Under certain economic conditions, this could cause the fund to underperform funds that do not incorporate similar criteria. For example, the incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may result in the fund forgoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so or selling securities when it might otherwise be disadvantageous for the fund to do so. The incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may also affect the fund's exposure to certain sectors and/or types of investments, and may adversely impact the fund's performance depending on whether such sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. NIM's security selection process incorporates ESG data provided by third parties, which may be limited for certain companies and/or only take into account one or a few ESG related components. In addition, ESG data may include qualitative and/or quantitative measures, and consideration of this data may be subjective. Different methodologies may be used by the various data sources that provide ESG data. ESG data from third parties used by NIM as part of its sustainable investment process often lacks standardization, consistency and


transparency, and for certain companies such data may not be available, complete or accurate. NIM's evaluation of ESG factors relevant to a particular company may be adversely affected in such instances. As a result, the fund's investments may differ from, and potentially underperform, funds that incorporate ESG data from other sources or utilize other methodologies.

 Foreign investment risk. Because the fund invests in foreign securities, the fund's performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting investments in foreign issuers. Special risks associated with investments in foreign issuers include exposure to currency fluctuations less liquidity, less developed or less efficient trading markets, lack of comprehensive company information, political and economic instability and differing auditing and legal standards. The imposition of sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments, or problems in share registration, settlement or custody, may result in losses for the fund. Investments denominated in foreign currencies are subject to the risk that such currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar and affect the value of these investments held by the fund. To the extent securities held by the fund trade in a market that is closed when the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade is open, there may be deviations between the current price of a security and the last quoted price for the security in the closed foreign market. These deviations could result in the fund experiencing premiums or discounts greater than those of ETFs that invest in domestic securities.

 Emerging market risk. The securities of issuers located or doing substantial business in emerging market countries tend to be more volatile and less liquid than the securities of issuers located in countries with more mature economies. There may be less information publicly available about an emerging market issuer than about a developed market issuer and/or the available information may be outdated or unreliable. In addition, emerging market issuers may not be subject to accounting, auditing, legal and financial reporting standards comparable to those in developed markets, potentially making it difficult to evaluate such issuers. Emerging markets generally have less diverse and less mature economic structures and less stable political systems than those of developed countries. Additionally, investments in these countries may have restrictions that make it difficult or impossible for the fund to exercise rights, pursue legal remedies, and obtain judgements in foreign courts. Investments in these countries may be subject to political, economic, legal, market and currency risks. The risks may include less protection of property rights and uncertain political and economic policies, greater vulnerability to market manipulation, the imposition of capital controls and/or foreign investment limitations by a country, nationalization of businesses and the imposition of sanctions by other countries, such as the United States.

 Country, companies, industry and market sector risk. The fund may be overweighted or underweighted relative to the MSCI EAFE Index in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, which may cause the fund's performance to be more or less sensitive to positive or negative developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 European risk . To the extent the fund invests significantly in the securities of issuers located in the European region, the fund is more exposed to the economic and political risks of Europe and of the European countries in which it invests. Any adverse economic or political events in Europe may cause the fund's investments to decline in value. The economies and markets of European countries are often closely connected and interdependent, and events in one country in Europe can have an adverse impact on other European countries. Countries in Europe will be significantly affected by the fiscal and monetary controls of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union (EU). Changes in regulations on trade, decreasing imports or exports, changes in the exchange rate of the Euro, the default or threat of default by an EU member country on its sovereign debt, and recessions among European countries may have a significant adverse effect on the economies of other European countries. In addition, one or more countries may abandon the Euro and/or withdraw from the EU, such as the U.K.'s formal exit on January 31, 2020, which could potentially have an adverse effect on the value of the fund's investments. There is still considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences associated with the U.K.'s exit and whether the exit will increase the likelihood of other countries also departing the EU.

 United Kingdom risk. To the extent the fund invests significantly in the securities of U.K issuers, its performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting the U.K. The U.K. has one of the largest economies in Europe, and other European countries and the United States are substantial trading partners of the U.K. As a result, the U.K. economy may be impacted by changes to the economic condition of other European countries and the United States. The U.K. economy relies heavily on the export of financial services to other European countries and the United States, therefore, a prolonged slowdown in the financial services sector may have a negative impact on the U.K. economy. Additionally, on January 31, 2020, the U.K. formally withdrew from the EU (commonly referred to as "Brexit") and entered an 11-month transition period, which concluded on December 31, 2020, with the U.K. leaving the EU single market and customs union under the terms of a new trade agreement. The agreement governs the new relationship between the U.K. and EU with respect to trading goods and services, but critical aspects of the relationship remain unresolved and subject to further negotiation and agreement. There is still considerable


uncertainty relating to the potential consequences associated with the exit and whether the U.K.'s exit will increase the likelihood of other countries also departing the EU. Any exits from the EU, or the possibility of such exits, may have a significant impact on the U.K., Europe, and global economies, which may result in increased volatility and illiquidity, new legal and regulatory uncertainties and potentially lower economic growth for these economies that could potentially have an adverse effect on the value of the fund's investments.

 Japan risk. To the extent the fund invests significantly in the securities of Japanese companies, its performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting Japan. From the late 1990's, Japan's economic growth rate has remained relatively low compared to that of its Asian neighbors and other major developed economies. The economy is characterized by an aging demographic, a declining population, a large government debt and a highly regulated labor market. The Japanese economy is more dependent on international trade than the United States, and can be adversely affected by trade tariffs, other protectionist measures, competition from emerging economies, and the economic conditions of its trading partners.

 Market capitalization risk (small-, mid- and large-cap stock risk). To the extent the fund emphasizes investments in small-, mid- or large-cap stocks, it will assume the associated risks. At any given time, any of these market capitalizations may be out of favor with investors. Compared to small- and mid-cap companies, large-cap companies may be less responsive to changes and opportunities affecting their business. To the extent the fund invests in small- and mid-cap companies, it will be subject to additional risks because the operating histories of these companies tend to be more limited, their earnings and revenues less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses), and their share prices more volatile than those of larger, more established companies. The shares of smaller companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can adversely affect the pricing of these securities and the fund's ability to sell these securities. Smaller companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group.

 Issuer risk. A security's market value may decline for a number of reasons which directly relate to the issuer, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer's products or services, or factors that affect the issuer's industry, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry.

 Market risk. The value of the securities in which the fund invests may be affected by political, regulatory, economic and social developments, and developments that impact specific economic sectors, industries or segments of the market. In addition, turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity, credit and/or fixed income markets may negatively affect many issuers, which could adversely affect the fund. Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and conditions and events in one country, region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. These risks may be magnified if certain events or developments adversely interrupt the global supply chain; in these and other circumstances, such risks might affect companies world-wide. Recent examples include pandemic risks related to COVID-19 and aggressive measures taken world-wide in response by governments, including closing borders, restricting international and domestic travel, and the imposition of prolonged quarantines of large populations, and by businesses, including changes to operations and reducing staff.  The effects of COVID-19 have contributed to increased volatility in global markets and will likely affect certain countries, companies, industries and market sectors more dramatically than others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and any other outbreak of an infectious disease or other serious public health concern could have, a significant negative impact on economic and market conditions and could trigger a prolonged period of global economic slowdown. To the extent the fund may overweight its investments in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, such positions will increase the fund's exposure to risk of loss from adverse developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 Management risk. The investment process used by the fund's sub-adviser could fail to achieve the fund's investment goal and cause your fund investment to lose value.

 Authorized participants, market makers and liquidity providers risk. The fund has a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants, which are responsible for the creation and redemption activity for the fund. In addition, there may be a limited number of market makers and/or liquidity providers in the marketplace. To the extent either of the following events occur, fund shares may trade at a material discount to net asset value and possibly face delisting: (i) Authorized Participants exit the business or otherwise become unable to process creation and/or redemption orders and no other Authorized Participants step forward to perform these services, or (ii) market makers and/or liquidity providers exit the business or significantly reduce their business activities and no other entities step forward to perform their functions.

 Fluctuation of net asset value, share premiums and discounts risk. As with all exchange-traded funds, fund shares may be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The trading prices of fund shares in the secondary market may differ from the fund's daily net asset value per share and there may be times when the market price of the shares


is more than the net asset value per share (premium) or less than the net asset value per share (discount). This risk is heightened in times of market volatility or periods of steep market declines.

 Trading issues risk. Although fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and may be listed or traded on other U.S. and non-U.S. stock exchanges as well, there can be no assurance that an active trading market for such fund shares will develop or be maintained. Trading in fund shares may be halted due to market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the listing exchange, make trading in fund shares inadvisable. In addition, trading in fund shares on an exchange is subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to exchange "circuit breaker" rules. There can be no assurance that the requirements of the listing exchange necessary to maintain the listing of the fund will continue to be met or will remain unchanged or that fund shares will trade with any volume, or at all, on any stock exchange.

 Limited operating history risk. The fund is recently organized with limited operating history and there can be no assurance that the fund will grow to or maintain sufficient assets to achieve investment and trading efficiencies.

 Non-diversification risk. The fund is non-diversified, which means that the fund may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of issuers. Therefore, the fund's performance may be more vulnerable to changes in the market value of a single issuer or group of issuers and more susceptible to risks associated with a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence than a diversified fund.


The following bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The bar chart shows the performance of the fund for its first complete calendar year of operations. The table compares the average annual total returns of the fund to those of a broad measure of market performance. The fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future.  Recent performance information may be available at www.im.bnymellon.com.


Year-by-Year Total Returns as of 12/31 each year (%)

Best Quarter
Q4, 2022: 16.58%
Worst Quarter
Q2, 2022: -14.73%

(for the periods reflected in the bar chart)

After-tax returns in the table below are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor's tax situation and may differ from those shown, and the after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their shares through U.S. tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may be higher than returns before taxes or returns after taxes on distributions due to an assumed tax benefit from losses on a sale of the fund's shares at the end of a period.


Average Annual Total Returns as of 12/31/22


1 Year

Since Inception

Returns before taxes



Returns after taxes on distributions



Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares



MSCI EAFE Index (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes)



Portfolio Management

The fund's investment adviser is BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC and the fund's sub-adviser is NIM, an affiliate of the Adviser. NIM has entered into a sub-sub-investment advisory agreement with its affiliate, NIMNA, to


enable NIMNA to provide certain advisory services to NIM for the benefit of the fund, including, but not limited to, portfolio management services.

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh are the fund's primary portfolio managers. Mr. Pope and Ms. McHugh have been primary portfolio managers of the fund since January 2022 and August 2023, respectively. Mr. Pope is a portfolio manager on the Sustainable Equity strategies at NIM, leading on the Global, International and US Sustainable strategies. Ms. McHugh is Head of Sustainable Equities and a senior portfolio manager at NIMNA. NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares

The fund will issue (or redeem) fund shares to certain institutional investors known as "Authorized Participants" (typically market makers or other broker-dealers) only in large blocks of fund shares known as "Creation Units." Creation Unit transactions are conducted in exchange for the deposit or delivery of a portfolio of in-kind securities designated by the fund and/or cash.

Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold on the NYSE Arca, Inc., other national securities exchanges, electronic crossing networks and other alternative trading systems through your broker-dealer at market prices. Because fund shares trade at market prices rather than at net asset value, fund shares may trade at a price greater than net asset value (premium) or less than net asset value (discount). When buying or selling shares in the secondary market, you may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) (the "bid-ask spread"). Recent information regarding the fund's net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts, and bid-ask spreads is available at www.im.bnymellon.com.

Tax Information

The fund's distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is through an individual retirement account (IRA), Retirement Plan or other U.S. tax-advantaged investment plan (in which case you may be taxed upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

If you purchase fund shares through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Adviser or its affiliates may pay the financial intermediary for certain activities related to the fund, including educational training programs, conferences, the development of technology platforms and reporting systems, or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.


Fund Summary

BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF
Investment Objective

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and Expenses

This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the table and Example below.


Annual Fund Operating Expenses*
(Expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)

Management fees


Distribution and service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual fund operating expenses


* The fund's management agreement provides that BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC (Adviser), the fund's investment adviser, will pay substantially all expenses of the fund, except for the management fees, payments under the fund's 12b-1 plan (if any), interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, brokerage commissions, costs of holding shareholder meetings, fees and expenses associated with any securities lending program to be adopted by the fund, and litigation and potential litigation and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business.


The Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then hold or redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:


1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

10 Years





Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the fund's performance. The fund's portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal period from December 15, 2021 (the fund's commencement of operations) through October 31, 2022 was 22.52% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategy

To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of emerging market companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers an emerging market company to be a company organized or with its principal place of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, an emerging market country. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company (i) engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters


(e.g., the company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.) and (ii) supports sustainable development through its business activities or operations at the time of investment (or is expected to do so over the long-term) by contributing to one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as described below. Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption).

The fund considers emerging market countries to be all countries represented in the Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Index (MSCI® EM Index), the fund's benchmark index. The fund may overweight or underweight certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors relative to the MSCI® EM Index. The fund also may invest in companies organized or with their principal place of business in, or that have a majority of their assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, developed markets and pre-emerging markets (also known as frontier markets).

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors or located in particular countries. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion of the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies in the information technology sector. In addition, as of June 30, 2023, the fund had significant exposure to securities of companies located in China (including through investments in China A-shares) and India.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which may include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.


- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.

- identify and invest in companies that support sustainable development through their business activities or operations at the time of investment (or are expected to do so over the long-term), by contributing to one or more of the SDGs. The SDGs are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. The SDGs recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. Examples of the SDGs include climate action, affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, good health and wellbeing, quality education and zero hunger.

There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM’s sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermined timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security held by the fund as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;

 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


The fund is non-diversified.

Principal Risks

An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit. It is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. It is not a complete investment program. The fund's share price fluctuates, sometimes dramatically, which means you could lose money.

 Risks of stock investing. Stocks generally fluctuate more in value than bonds and may decline significantly over short time periods. There is the chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices and falling prices. The market value of a stock may decline due to general market conditions or because of factors that affect the particular company or the company's industry.

 Sustainable investment approach risk. The fund's sustainable investment approach may cause it to make different investments than funds that invest principally in equity securities of companies in emerging market countries that do not incorporate sustainable investment criteria when selecting investments. Under certain economic conditions, this


could cause the fund to underperform funds that do not incorporate similar criteria. For example, the incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may result in the fund forgoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so or selling securities when it might otherwise be disadvantageous for the fund to do so. The incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may also affect the fund's exposure to certain sectors and/or types of investments, and may adversely impact the fund's performance depending on whether such sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. NIM's security selection process incorporates ESG data provided by third parties, which may be limited for certain companies and/or only take into account one or a few ESG related components. In addition, ESG data may include qualitative and/or quantitative measures, and consideration of this data may be subjective. Different methodologies may be used by the various data sources that provide ESG data. ESG data from third parties used by NIM as part of its sustainable investment process often lacks standardization, consistency and transparency, and for certain companies such data may not be available, complete or accurate. NIM's evaluation of ESG factors relevant to a particular company may be adversely affected in such instances. As a result, the fund's investments may differ from, and potentially underperform, funds that incorporate ESG data from other sources or utilize other methodologies.

 Foreign investment risk. Because the fund invests in foreign securities, the fund's performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting investments in foreign issuers. Special risks associated with investments in foreign issuers include exposure to currency fluctuations, less liquidity, less developed or less efficient trading markets, lack of comprehensive company information, political and economic instability and differing auditing and legal standards. The imposition of sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments, or problems in share registration, settlement or custody, may result in losses for the fund. Investments denominated in foreign currencies are subject to the risk that such currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar and affect the value of these investments held by the fund. To the extent securities held by the fund trade in a market that is closed when the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade is open, there may be deviations between the current price of a security and the last quoted price for the security in the closed foreign market. These deviations could result in the fund experiencing premiums or discounts greater than those of ETFs that invest in domestic securities.

 Emerging market risk. The securities of issuers located or doing substantial business in emerging market countries tend to be more volatile and less liquid than the securities of issuers located in countries with more mature economies. There may be less information publicly available about an emerging market issuer than about a developed market issuer and/or the available information may be outdated or unreliable. In addition, emerging market issuers may not be subject to accounting, auditing, legal and financial reporting standards comparable to those in developed markets, potentially making it difficult to evaluate such issuers. Emerging markets generally have less diverse and less mature economic structures and less stable political systems than those of developed countries. Additionally, investments in these countries may have restrictions that make it difficult or impossible for the fund to exercise rights, pursue legal remedies, and obtain judgements in foreign courts. Investments in these countries may be subject to political, economic, legal, market and currency risks. The risks may include less protection of property rights and uncertain political and economic policies, greater vulnerability to market manipulation, the imposition of capital controls and/or foreign investment limitations by a country, nationalization of businesses and the imposition of sanctions by other countries, such as the United States.

 China risk. To the extent the fund is significantly exposed to issuers located in China, the fund may be particularly exposed to the economy, industries, securities and currency markets of China. The fund may invest in shares of Chinese companies traded on stock markets in mainland China or Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong stock market may behave differently from the mainland China stock market and there may be little to no correlation between the performance of the Hong Kong stock market and the mainland China stock market. These stock markets have recently experienced high levels of volatility, which may continue in the future. The Chinese economy and markets may be adversely affected by protectionist trade policies, slow economic activity in other Asian countries or worldwide, political and social instability, environmental events and natural disasters, regional and global conflicts, terrorism and war, including actions that are contrary to the interests of the United States. China's economy may be dependent on the economies of other Asian countries, many of which are developing countries. Recent protests and unrest have increased tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China. In addition, the current political climate and the further escalation of a trade war between China and the United States may have an adverse effect on both the U.S. and Chinese economies, as each country has imposed tariffs on the other country's products. Additionally, in November 2020, a U.S. executive order was issued prohibiting U.S. persons, including the fund, from transacting in securities of any Chinese company identified as a "Communist Chinese military company" or in instruments that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to, prohibited securities of such companies. In June 2021, the executive order was amended to also include companies determined to be involved with China's "surveillance technology sector." It is unclear how long the executive order will continue in effect, but to the extent


that it does and further companies are designated, there may be a material adverse impact on the value of those securities and in turn the fund if holding such securities.

 Investments in China A-shares through the Stock Connect Program risk. Investments in China A-shares of certain Chinese companies through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and/or the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program (the "Connect Program") are subject to a number of restrictions that may affect the fund's investments and returns. For example, the Connect Program is subject to quota limitations and an investor cannot purchase and sell the same security on the same trading day, which may restrict the fund’s ability to invest in China A-shares through the Connect Program and to enter into or exit trades on a timely basis. Further, different fees, costs and taxes are imposed on foreign investors acquiring China A-shares acquired through the Connect Program, and these fees, costs and taxes may be higher than comparable fees, costs and taxes imposed on owners of other securities providing similar investment exposure. In addition, there may be circumstances in which trading in China A-shares is not operationally feasible and the fund’s performance could be adversely affected.

 India risk. Investments in Indian issuers involve risks that are specific to India, including exposure to currency fluctuations, less liquidity, expropriation, confiscatory taxation, and exchange control regulations (including currency blockage). The securities markets in India are relatively underdeveloped and may subject the fund to higher transaction costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Further, the fund's investments are subject to fluctuations in the value of the Indian rupee. Inflation and rapid fluctuations in inflation and interest rates have had, and may continue to have, negative effects on the economy and securities markets of India. A high proportion of the securities of many Indian issuers are held by a limited number of persons or entities, which may limit the number of shares available for investment by the fund. Also, a limited number of issuers represent a disproportionately large percentage of market capitalization and trading value. In addition, religious and border disputes persist in India. India has historically experienced hostilities with neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, and the Indian government has confronted separatist movements in several Indian states. Instability as a result of these social and political tensions could adversely impact the value of the fund's investments.

 Frontier market risk. The risks associated with investments in frontier market countries include all the risks described above for investments in foreign securities and emerging markets, although the risks are magnified for frontier market countries. Because frontier markets are among the smallest, least mature and least liquid of the emerging markets, investments in frontier markets generally are subject to a greater risk of loss than investments in developed markets or traditional emerging markets. Frontier market countries have smaller economies, less developed capital markets, greater market volatility, lower trading volume, more political and economic instability, greater risk of a market shutdown and more governmental limitations on foreign investments than typically found in more developed markets.

 Country, companies, industry and market sector risk. The fund may be overweighted or underweighted relative to the MSCI® EM Index in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, which may cause the fund's performance to be more or less sensitive to positive or negative developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 Market capitalization risk (small-, mid- and large-cap stock risk). To the extent the fund emphasizes investments in small-, mid- or large-cap stocks, it will assume the associated risks. At any given time, any of these market capitalizations may be out of favor with investors. Compared to small- and mid-cap companies, large-cap companies may be less responsive to changes and opportunities affecting their business. To the extent the fund invests in small- and mid-cap companies, it will be subject to additional risks because the operating histories of these companies tend to be more limited, their earnings and revenues less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses), and their share prices more volatile than those of larger, more established companies. The shares of smaller companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can adversely affect the pricing of these securities and the fund's ability to sell these securities. Smaller companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group.

 Information technology companies risk. The information technology sector has been among the most volatile sectors of the stock market. Information technology companies involve greater risk because their revenue and/or earnings tend to be less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses) and their share prices tend to be more volatile. Certain information technology companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. In addition, these companies are strongly affected by worldwide technological developments, and their products and services may not be economically successful or may quickly become outdated. Investor perception may play a greater role in determining the day-to-day value of information technology stocks than it does in other sectors. Fund investments may decline dramatically in value if anticipated products or services are delayed or cancelled. The risks associated with information technology companies are magnified in the case of small-cap technology companies.


 Liquidity risk. When there is little or no active trading market for specific securities, it can become more difficult to sell the securities in a timely manner at or near their perceived value. In such a market, the value of such securities and the fund's share price may fall dramatically. Investments that are illiquid or that trade in lower volumes may be more difficult to value. Investments in foreign securities, particularly those of issuers located in emerging markets, tend to have greater exposure to liquidity risk than domestic securities. In addition, in stressed market conditions the market for the fund's shares may become less liquid in response to deteriorating liquidity with respect to the fund's portfolio securities, which could lead to differences between the market price of the fund's shares and the net asset value of the fund's shares.

 Issuer risk. A security's market value may decline for a number of reasons which directly relate to the issuer, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer's products or services, or factors that affect the issuer's industry, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry.

 Market risk. The value of the securities in which the fund invests may be affected by political, regulatory, economic and social developments, and developments that impact specific economic sectors, industries or segments of the market. In addition, turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity, credit and/or fixed income markets may negatively affect many issuers, which could adversely affect the fund. Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and conditions and events in one country, region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. These risks may be magnified if certain events or developments adversely interrupt the global supply chain; in these and other circumstances, such risks might affect companies world-wide. Recent examples include pandemic risks related to COVID-19 and aggressive measures taken world-wide in response by governments, including closing borders, restricting international and domestic travel, and the imposition of prolonged quarantines of large populations, and by businesses, including changes to operations and reducing staff.  The effects of COVID-19 have contributed to increased volatility in global markets and will likely affect certain countries, companies, industries and market sectors more dramatically than others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and any other outbreak of an infectious disease or other serious public health concern could have, a significant negative impact on economic and market conditions and could trigger a prolonged period of global economic slowdown. To the extent the fund may overweight its investments in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, such positions will increase the fund's exposure to risk of loss from adverse developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 Management risk. The investment process used by the fund's sub-adviser could fail to achieve the fund's investment goal and cause your fund investment to lose value.

 Authorized participants, market makers and liquidity providers risk. The fund has a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants, which are responsible for the creation and redemption activity for the fund. In addition, there may be a limited number of market makers and/or liquidity providers in the marketplace. To the extent either of the following events occur, fund shares may trade at a material discount to net asset value and possibly face delisting: (i) Authorized Participants exit the business or otherwise become unable to process creation and/or redemption orders and no other Authorized Participants step forward to perform these services, or (ii) market makers and/or liquidity providers exit the business or significantly reduce their business activities and no other entities step forward to perform their functions.

 Fluctuation of net asset value, share premiums and discounts risk. As with all exchange-traded funds, fund shares may be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The trading prices of fund shares in the secondary market may differ from the fund's daily net asset value per share and there may be times when the market price of the shares is more than the net asset value per share (premium) or less than the net asset value per share (discount). This risk is heightened in times of market volatility or periods of steep market declines.

 Trading issues risk. Although fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and may be listed or traded on other U.S. and non-U.S. stock exchanges as well, there can be no assurance that an active trading market for such fund shares will develop or be maintained. Trading in fund shares may be halted due to market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the listing exchange, make trading in fund shares inadvisable. In addition, trading in fund shares on an exchange is subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to exchange "circuit breaker" rules. There can be no assurance that the requirements of the listing exchange necessary to maintain the listing of the fund will continue to be met or will remain unchanged or that fund shares will trade with any volume, or at all, on any stock exchange.

 Limited operating history risk. The fund is recently organized with limited operating history and there can be no assurance that the fund will grow to or maintain sufficient assets to achieve investment and trading efficiencies.

 Non-diversification risk. The fund is non-diversified, which means that the fund may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of issuers. Therefore, the fund's performance may be more vulnerable to changes in


the market value of a single issuer or group of issuers and more susceptible to risks associated with a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence than a diversified fund.


The following bar chart and table provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The bar chart shows the performance of the fund for its first complete calendar year of operations. The table compares the average annual total returns of the fund to those of a broad measure of market performance. The fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future.  Recent performance information may be available at www.im.bnymellon.com.


Year-by-Year Total Returns as of 12/31 each year (%)

Best Quarter
Q4, 2022: 7.43%
Worst Quarter
Q1, 2022: -13.38%

(for the periods reflected in the bar chart)

After-tax returns in the table below are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor's tax situation and may differ from those shown, and the after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their shares through U.S. tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares may be higher than returns before taxes or returns after taxes on distributions due to an assumed tax benefit from losses on a sale of the fund's shares at the end of a period.


Average Annual Total Returns as of 12/31/22


1 Year

Since Inception

Returns before taxes



Returns after taxes on distributions



Returns after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares



MSCI Emerging Markets Index (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes)



Portfolio Management

The fund's investment adviser is BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC and the fund's sub-adviser is NIM, an affiliate of the Adviser.

Alex Khosla is the fund's primary portfolio manager, a position he has held since September 2022. Mr. Khosla is an investment manager on the emerging markets equity team at NIM. NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers of this strategy, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares

The fund will issue (or redeem) fund shares to certain institutional investors known as "Authorized Participants" (typically market makers or other broker-dealers) only in large blocks of fund shares known as "Creation Units." Creation Unit transactions are conducted in exchange for the deposit or delivery of a portfolio of in-kind securities designated by the fund and/or cash.


Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold on the NYSE Arca, Inc., other national securities exchanges, electronic crossing networks and other alternative trading systems through your broker-dealer at market prices. Because fund shares trade at market prices rather than at net asset value, fund shares may trade at a price greater than net asset value (premium) or less than net asset value (discount). When buying or selling shares in the secondary market, you may incur costs attributable to the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase shares of the fund (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for shares of the fund (ask) (the "bid-ask spread"). Recent information regarding the fund's net asset value, market price, premiums and discounts, and bid-ask spreads is available at www.im.bnymellon.com.

Tax Information

The fund's distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains, except when your investment is through an individual retirement account (IRA), Retirement Plan or other U.S. tax-advantaged investment plan (in which case you may be taxed upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

If you purchase fund shares through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Adviser or its affiliates may pay the financial intermediary for certain activities related to the fund, including educational training programs, conferences, the development of technology platforms and reporting systems, or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.


Fund Details

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation. The fund's investment objective may be changed by the fund's board. To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of U.S. companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers a U.S. company to be a company organized or with its principal place of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, the United States. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters (e.g., the company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.). Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption). The fund's investment policy with respect to the investment of at least 80% of its net assets may be changed by the fund's board, upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization, but focuses on companies with market capitalizations of $5 billion or more at the time of purchase. The fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in equity securities of foreign companies, including up to 10% of its net assets in the securities of companies in emerging market countries that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices and are considered to be in line with NIM's sustainable investment process. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion of the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies in the technology sector.

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund's equity investments also may include depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), such as those that are designed to track the performance of an index, and real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are pooled investment vehicles that invest primarily in income-producing real estate or loans related to real estate. With respect to depositary receipts, NIM performs an ESG review (discussed below) on the issuer of the underlying security, but not the bank issuing the depositary receipt. NIM does not perform an ESG review with respect to issuers of ETFs.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the


portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

NIM's ESG review includes one or more of the following:

 Environmental analysis, which may include an assessment of material environmental issues, such as carbon emissions, water management, energy sources and uses, hazardous materials, environmental benefits, natural resources, biodiversity, land rehabilitation and the risks presented by physical threats such as extreme weather events.

 Social analysis, which may include an assessment of material social issues, such as human rights, human capital management, diversity, equality and inclusion, supply chain management, labor standards, health and safety, business ethics, including consumer protection, and avoidance of corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.

 Governance analysis, which may include an assessment of corporate governance structures and processes and seeks to take into account the particular company circumstances and regulatory restrictions, guidelines and established best practices with respect to board structure, such as the balance between executive and independent board representation, succession planning, capital structure, remuneration, risk management, internal controls, shareholder rights, ownership structure and transparency.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental, or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.

- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.

There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken


in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

Sell Discipline. If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermine timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;

 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


Under adverse market conditions, the fund may take temporary defensive positions that are inconsistent with its principal investment strategies by holding cash or investing, without limit, in cash equivalents or other fixed income securities. When this allocation happens, the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

The fund is non-diversified.

More information about the fund's portfolio securities and investment techniques, and associated risks, is provided in the fund's Statement of Additional Information.

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation. The fund's investment objective may be changed by the fund's board. To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of foreign companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers a foreign company to be a company organized or with its principal place of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, a country outside the United States. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters (e.g., the company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.). Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption). The fund's investment policy with respect to the investment of at least 80% of its net assets may be changed by the fund's board, upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

The fund may overweight or underweight certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors relative to the MSCI EAFE Index, the fund's benchmark index. The MSCI EAFE Index is a free-float adjusted, market-capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. and Canada. The fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in stocks of companies located in countries (other than the United States) not represented in the MSCI EAFE Index, including up to 20% of its net assets in the securities of companies primarily listed on exchanges in emerging market countries that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices are considered to be in line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Emerging market countries are considered countries other than the U.S., Canada and the countries represented in the MSCI EAFE Index. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors or located in particular countries. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion of the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies located in the United Kingdom (U.K.), the broader European region and Japan.

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund's equity investments also may include depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), such as those that are designed to track the performance of an index, and real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are pooled investment vehicles that invest primarily in income-producing real estate or loans related to real estate. With respect to depositary receipts, NIM performs an ESG review (discussed below) on the


issuer of the underlying security, but not the bank issuing the depositary receipt. NIM does not perform an ESG review with respect to issuers of ETFs. The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

NIM's ESG review includes one or more of the following:

 Environmental analysis, which may include an assessment of material environmental issues, such as carbon emissions, water management, energy sources and uses, hazardous materials, environmental benefits, natural resources, biodiversity, land rehabilitation and the risks presented by physical threats such as extreme weather events.

 Social analysis, which may include an assessment of material social issues, such as human rights, human capital management, diversity, equality and inclusion, supply chain management, labor standards, health and safety, business ethics, including consumer protection, and avoidance of corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.

 Governance analysis, which may include an assessment of corporate governance structures and processes and seeks to take into account the particular company circumstances and regulatory restrictions, guidelines and established best practices with respect to board structure, such as the balance between executive and independent board representation, succession planning, capital structure, remuneration, risk management, internal controls, shareholder rights, ownership structure and transparency.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental, or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.

- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.


There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

Sell Discipline. If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermine timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;

 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


Under adverse market conditions, the fund may take temporary defensive positions that are inconsistent with its principal investment strategies by holding cash or investing, without limit, in cash equivalents or other fixed income securities. When this allocation happens, the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

The fund is non-diversified.

More information about the fund's portfolio securities and investment techniques, and associated risks, is provided in the fund's Statement of Additional Information.

BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation. The fund's investment objective may be changed by the fund's board. To pursue its goal, the fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of emerging market companies that demonstrate attractive investment attributes and sustainable business practices. The fund considers an emerging market company to be a company organized or with its principal place of business in, or that has a majority of its assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, an emerging market country. The fund's sub-adviser, Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM), an affiliate of the Adviser, considers a company to be engaged in "sustainable business practices" if the company (i) engages in business practices that are, in NIM's view, sustainable in an economic sense (i.e., the company's strategy, operations and finances are stable and durable), and takes appropriate measures to manage any material consequences or impact of its policies and operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters (e.g., the company's environmental footprint, labor standards, board structure, etc.) and (ii) supports sustainable development through its business activities or operations at the time of investment (or is expected to do so over the long-term) by contributing to one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as described below. Companies engaged in sustainable business practices also may include companies that have committed explicitly to improving their environmental and/or social impacts that will lead to a transformation of their business models. No investment will be made in a company that is considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process. Examples of such companies may include: tobacco companies due to the health implications of smoking; a company with a large carbon footprint that has no emission reduction plan; or a company that is in direct conflict with the goals


of the UN Global Compact (a voluntary corporate initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption).

The fund's investment policy with respect to the investment of at least 80% of its net assets may be changed by the fund's board, upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

The fund considers emerging market countries to be all countries represented in the Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Index (MSCI® EM Index), the fund's benchmark index. The MSCI® EM Index is a free float-adjusted, market-capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the equity performance of emerging market countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The fund also may invest in companies organized or with their principal place of business in, or that have a majority of their assets or business in, or whose securities are primarily listed or traded on exchanges in, developed markets and pre-emerging markets (also known as frontier markets). The fund may overweight or underweight certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors relative to the MSCI® EM Index.

The fund invests principally in common stocks. The fund's equity investments also may include depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), such as those that are designed to track the performance of an index, and real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are pooled investment vehicles that invest primarily in income-producing real estate or loans related to real estate. With respect to depositary receipts, NIM performs an ESG review (discussed below) on the issuer of the underlying security, but not the bank issuing the depositary receipt. NIM does not perform an ESG review with respect to issuers of ETFs. The fund may invest in equity securities of companies with any market capitalization. In addition, the fund may, from time to time, invest a significant portion (more than 20%) of its total assets in securities of companies in certain sectors or located in particular countries. As of June 30, 2023, a significant portion the fund's portfolio was invested in securities of companies in the information technology sector. In addition, as of June 30, 2023, the fund had significant exposure to securities of companies located in China (including through investments in China A-shares) and India.

NIM seeks attractively-priced companies (determined using both qualitative and quantitative fundamental analysis as described under "Fundamental Research and Analysis" below) that NIM believes are well-managed, have good products or services, have strategic direction, and have adopted, or are making progress towards, a sustainable business approach. These are companies that NIM believes should benefit from favorable long-term trends. When selecting stocks for the fund's portfolio, NIM uses an investment process that combines investment themes with fundamental research and analysis, with the consideration of ESG matters.

Investment Themes. Part of NIM's investment philosophy is the belief that no company, market or economy can be considered in isolation; each must be understood within a broader context. Therefore, NIM's global industry analysts and responsible investment team consider the context provided by a series of global investment themes, which are designed to define the broader social, financial and political environment as a framework for understanding events, trends and competitive pressures worldwide.

Fundamental Research and Analysis. NIM next conducts fundamental analysis of investment opportunities and uses cross comparisons of companies to identify securities that NIM believes will outperform. NIM investment professionals are responsible for idea generation and selection through investment analysis in a collaborative team environment. Investment professionals are expected to deliver clear and accountable investment recommendations supporting the portfolio construction efforts. NIM's multi-dimensional research platform plays an integral part in the fundamental investment process delivering insights that NIM believes are key to navigating the fast-changing market environment. In reviewing potential investments, NIM may assess, among other factors, a company's price-to-earnings ratio, positive earnings momentum, earnings per share growth expectations, and earnings stability. NIM also utilizes a variety of valuation techniques, which include earnings, asset value, cash flow and cost of capital measurements, in conducting its fundamental analysis. In addition, NIM integrates the consideration of material ESG issues through, among other aspects of its investment process, NIM's ESG review of each individual company, prior to an investment being made in an equity security of a company for the first time. NIM's ESG review is designed to identify potential ESG-related risks and opportunities, and incorporates qualitative and quantitative information and data from internal and external (e.g., index providers and consultants) sources, including research, reports, screenings, ratings and/or analysis.

NIM's ESG review includes one or more of the following:

 Environmental analysis, which may include an assessment of material environmental issues, such as carbon emissions, water management, energy sources and uses, hazardous materials, environmental benefits, natural resources, biodiversity, land rehabilitation and the risks presented by physical threats such as extreme weather events.

 Social analysis, which may include an assessment of material social issues, such as human rights, human capital management, diversity, equality and inclusion, supply chain management, labor standards, health and safety,


business ethics, including consumer protection, and avoidance of corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.

 Governance analysis, which may include an assessment of corporate governance structures and processes and seeks to take into account the particular company circumstances and regulatory restrictions, guidelines and established best practices with respect to board structure, such as the balance between executive and independent board representation, succession planning, capital structure, remuneration, risk management, internal controls, shareholder rights, ownership structure and transparency.

Sustainable Investment Process. Following the fundamental research and analysis, NIM then employs a sustainable investment process that incorporates elements of negative screening alongside other general and security level (i.e., in terms of a company's activities) ESG-related analysis, using similar data sources as those in the ESG review. Ultimately, in keeping with the investment strategy of the fund, the sustainable investment process seeks to:

- identify and avoid companies that participate in specific areas of activity that NIM deems to be materially harmful from an environmental, or social perspective, or do not follow good governance practices. For example, NIM could deem companies that have large carbon footprints without an emissions reduction plan, companies with poor labor standards, or companies that are in direct conflict with the goals of the UN Global Compact ineligible for investment.

- identify and invest in companies that are proactively seeking to manage environmental and/or social factors to generate sustainable returns. This may also include those companies that are contributing to the development of solutions that seek to address environmental and/or social issues, examples of which could include more efficient or reduced use of natural resources or accessibility to healthcare.

- identify and invest in companies that support sustainable development through their business activities or operations at the time of investment (or are expected to do so over the long-term), by contributing to one or more of the SDGs. The SDGs are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. The SDGs recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. Examples of the SDGs include climate action, affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, good health and wellbeing, quality education and zero hunger.

There may be situations where the fund will invest in a security of a company that has been identified by NIM as having involvement in potentially harmful activities from an environmental or social perspective. This may arise for certain companies whose activities or operations, typically due to a legacy business mix, have created poor environmental or social outcomes, but are now investing and positively adapting to future needs (for example, this may include energy companies that are preparing for a transition to a lower carbon world). Similarly, in some instances, the fund may invest in a security of a company where NIM determines prevailing ESG information and data provided by external ESG rating providers have not fully captured positive environmental or social-related initiatives of the company.

Ongoing Monitoring. NIM monitors companies held in the fund's portfolio for emerging negative environmental, social or governance issues. This is done through a combination of ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. This research may be supported by engagement with a company's management, including discussion of material ESG issues where relevant. NIM may engage with selected companies to understand better a company's approach to managing emerging ESG issues. NIM may also specifically engage with companies identified as transitioning away from environmentally or socially harmful activities, to help determine the progress being made in achieving their objectives, supporting the changes being made or encouraging further enhancements. Engagement may also be undertaken in an effort to influence and to support change in the business practices or activities of a company and to obtain information that helps NIM achieve a better understanding of the company's circumstances. NIM also makes use of a variety of third-party data and research providers that allow it to monitor changes in the ESG characteristics of a company. NIM typically exercises voting rights at each shareholder meeting of companies held in the fund's portfolio. This activity is undertaken in-house to ensure that the opinions expressed through NIM's voting record are in line with NIM's investment and engagement priorities.

Sell Discipline. If the fund invests in a company that is subsequently considered to be out of line with NIM's sustainable investment process, NIM will sell the security in a prudent manner, within a predetermine timeframe. In addition, NIM typically will consider selling a security as a result of one or more of the following:

 price movement and market activity have created an excessive valuation;

 the valuation of the company has become expensive relative to its peers;

 there has been a significant change in the prospects of the company;


 there has been a change in NIM's view of global investment themes (as described above); or


Under adverse market conditions, the fund may take temporary defensive positions that are inconsistent with its principal investment strategies by holding cash or investing, without limit, in cash equivalents or other fixed income securities. When this allocation happens, the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

The fund is non-diversified.

More information about the fund's portfolio securities and investment techniques, and associated risks, is provided in the fund's Statement of Additional Information.


Investment Risks

An investment in a fund is not a bank deposit. It is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency. It is not a complete investment program. The value of your investment in the fund will fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, which means you could lose money.

The table below identifies the principal risks of investing in each fund, as well as the additional risks that are not anticipated to be principal risks of investing in a fund. A "P" designation means that the risk is a "principal risk," and a "NP" designation means that the risk is a "non-principal risk."


Fund Name

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF

BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF

Authorized participants, market makers and liquidity providers risk




Cash transaction risk




China risk



Convertible securities risk




Costs of buying and selling shares risk




Country, companies, industry and market sector risk




Depositary receipt risk





Emerging market risk





ETF and other investment company risk




European risk




Fluctuation of net asset value, share premiums and discounts risk





Foreign investment risk




Frontier market risk



India risk



Information technology companies risk



Investments in China A-shares through the Stock Connect Program risk



IPO risk




Issuer risk




Japan risk




Limited Operating History risk





Liquidity risk




Management risk




Market risk




Market capitalization risk (small-, mid- and large-cap stock risk)




Market sector risk





Fund Name

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF

BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF


Non-diversification risk




Preferred stock risk




REIT risk




Risks of stock investing





Sustainable investment approach risk





Technology company risk



Temporary investment risk




Trading issues risk




United Kingdom risk




Value stock risk



 Authorized participants, market makers and liquidity providers risk. The fund has a limited number of financial institutions that may act as Authorized Participants, which are responsible for the creation and redemption activity for the fund. In addition, there may be a limited number of market makers and/or liquidity providers in the marketplace. To the extent either of the following events occur, fund shares may trade at a material discount to net asset value and possibly face delisting: (i) Authorized Participants exit the business or otherwise become unable to process creation and/or redemption orders and no other Authorized Participants step forward to perform these services, or (ii) market makers and/or liquidity providers exit the business or significantly reduce their business activities and no other entities step forward to perform their functions.

 Cash transaction risk. To the extent the fund sells portfolio securities to meet some or all of a redemption request with cash, the fund may incur taxable gains or losses that it might not have incurred had it made redemptions entirely in kind. As a result, the fund may pay out higher annual capital gain distributions than if the in-kind redemption process was used. Additionally, the fund may incur additional brokerage costs related to buying and selling securities if it utilizes cash as part of a creation or redemption transaction than it would if the fund had transacted entirely in-kind. The fund imposes transaction fees to offset all or a part of the costs associated with utilizing cash as part of a creation or redemption transaction. To the extent that the transaction fees do not offset the costs associated with a cash transaction, the fund’s performance may be negatively impacted.

 China risk. To the extent the fund is significantly exposed to issuers located in China, the fund may be particularly exposed to the economy, industries, securities and currency markets of China. The fund may invest in shares of Chinese companies traded on stock markets in mainland China or Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong stock market may behave differently from the mainland China stock market and there may be little to no correlation between the performance of the Hong Kong stock market and the mainland China stock market. These stock markets have recently experienced high levels of volatility, which may continue in the future. The Chinese economy and markets may be adversely affected by protectionist trade policies, slow economic activity in other Asian countries or worldwide, political and social instability, environmental events and natural disasters, regional and global conflicts, terrorism and war, including actions that are contrary to the interests of the United States. China remains a totalitarian country with continuing risk of nationalization, expropriation or confiscation of property. The legal system is still developing, making it more difficult to obtain and/or enforce judgments. Further, the government could at any time alter or discontinue economic reforms. China's economy may be dependent on the economies of other Asian countries, many of which are developing countries. Recent protests and unrest have increased tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China. In addition, the current political climate and the further escalation of a trade war between China and the United States may have an adverse effect on both the U.S. and Chinese economies, as each country has


imposed tariffs on the other country's products, which could result in inflationary pressure. These actions may also trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China's export industry, which could have a negative impact on the fund's performance. Events such as these and their consequences are difficult to predict and it is unclear whether further tariffs may be imposed or other escalating actions may be taken in the future. Additionally, in November 2020, a U.S. executive order was issued prohibiting U.S. persons, including the fund, from transacting in securities of any Chinese company identified as a "Communist Chinese military company" or in instruments that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to, prohibited securities of such companies. In June 2021, the executive order was amended to also include companies determined to be involved with China's "surveillance technology sector." It is unclear how long the executive order will continue in effect, but to the extent that it does and further companies are designated, there may be a material adverse impact on the value of those securities and in turn the fund if holding such securities. Also, in December 2020, the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act ("HFCAA") was signed into law. The HFCAA could cause securities of foreign issuers (including China) to be de-listed from U.S. stock exchanges if these companies do not permit U.S. oversight of the auditing of their financial information for three consecutive years. The full scope and nature of the consequences of the HFCAA are unclear at this time, but to the extent that a fund currently transacts, or has exposure to, securities of an affected foreign company, there could be a material adverse impact on a fund's ability to achieve its investment objective. All of the foregoing risks could increase the fund's volatility. Additionally, from time to time, and as recently as January 2020, China has experienced outbreaks of infectious illnesses, and the country may be subject to other public health threats, infectious illnesses, diseases or similar issues in the future. Any spread of an infectious illness, public health threat or similar issue could reduce consumer demand or economic output, result in market closures, travel restrictions or quarantines, and generally have a significant impact on the Chinese economy, which in turn could adversely affect the fund's investments.

 Convertible securities risk. Convertible securities may be converted at either a stated price or stated rate into underlying shares of common stock. Convertible securities generally are subordinated to other similar but non-convertible securities of the same issuer. Although to a lesser extent than with fixed-income securities, the market value of convertible securities tends to decline as interest rates increase. In addition, because of the conversion feature, the market value of convertible securities tends to vary with fluctuations in the market value of the underlying common stock. Although convertible securities provide for a stable stream of income, they are subject to the risk that their issuers may default on their obligations. Convertible securities also offer the potential for capital appreciation through the conversion feature, although there can be no assurance of capital appreciation because securities prices fluctuate. Convertible securities generally offer lower interest or dividend yields than non-convertible securities of similar quality because of the potential for capital appreciation. Synthetic convertible securities are subject to additional risks, including risks associated with derivatives.

 Costs of buying and selling shares risk. Investors buying or selling fund shares in the secondary market will pay brokerage commissions or other charges imposed by brokers, as determined by that broker. Brokerage commissions are often a fixed amount and may be a significant proportional cost for investors seeking to buy or sell relatively small amounts of fund shares. In addition, secondary market investors will also incur the cost of the difference between the price that an investor is willing to pay for fund shares (the "bid" price) and the price at which an investor is willing to sell fund shares (the "ask" price). This difference in bid and ask prices is often referred to as the "spread" or "bid/ask spread." The bid/ask spread varies over time for fund shares based on trading volume and market liquidity, and is generally lower if fund shares have more trading volume and market liquidity and higher if fund shares have little trading volume and market liquidity. Further, increased market volatility may cause increased bid/ask spreads. Due to the costs of buying or selling fund shares, including bid/ask spreads, frequent trading of fund shares may significantly reduce investment results and an investment in fund shares may not be advisable for investors who anticipate regularly making small investments.

 Country, companies, industry and market sector risk. The fund may be overweighted or underweighted relative to its benchmark index, in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, which may cause the fund's performance to be more or less sensitive to positive or negative developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 Depositary receipt risk. Depositary receipts, such as American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs), may be subject to certain of the risks associated with direct investments in the securities of foreign companies, such as currency risk, political and economic risk and market risk, because their values depend on the performance of the non-dollar denominated underlying foreign securities. Certain countries may limit the ability to convert depositary receipts into the underlying foreign securities and vice versa, which may cause the securities of the foreign company to trade at a discount or premium to the market price of the related depositary receipt. The fund may invest in depositary receipts through an unsponsored facility where the depositary issues the depositary receipts without an agreement with the company that issues the underlying securities. Holders of unsponsored depositary


receipts generally bear all the costs of such facilities, and the depositary of an unsponsored facility frequently is under no obligation to distribute shareholder communications received from the issuer of the deposited security or to pass through voting rights to the holders of the depositary receipts with respect to the deposited securities. As a result, available information concerning the issuer may not be as current as for sponsored depositary receipts, and the prices of unsponsored depositary receipts may be more volatile than if such instruments were sponsored by the issuer.

 Emerging market risk. The securities of issuers located or doing substantial business in emerging market countries tend to be more volatile and less liquid than the securities of issuers located in countries with more mature economies, potentially making prompt liquidation at an attractive price difficult. In addition, such securities may be below investment grade quality and predominantly speculative. The economies of countries with emerging markets may be based predominantly on only a few industries, may be highly vulnerable to changes in local or global trade conditions, and may suffer from extreme debt burdens or volatile inflation rates. There may be less information publicly available about an emerging market issuer than about a developed market issuer and/or the available information may be outdated or unreliable. In addition, emerging market issuers may not be subject to accounting, auditing, legal and financial reporting standards comparable to those in developed markets, potentially making it difficult to evaluate such issuers. Transaction settlement and dividend collection procedures also may be less reliable in emerging markets than in developed markets. Emerging markets generally have less diverse and less mature economic structures and less stable political systems than those of developed countries. Additionally, investments in these countries may have restrictions that make it difficult or impossible for the fund to exercise rights, pursue legal remedies, and obtain judgements in foreign courts. Investments in these countries may be subject to political, economic, legal, market and currency risks. The risks may include less protection of property rights and uncertain political and economic policies, greater vulnerability to market manipulation, the imposition of capital controls and/or foreign investment limitations by a country, nationalization of businesses and the imposition of sanctions by other countries, such as the United States.

 ETF and other investment company risk. To the extent the fund invests in pooled investment vehicles, such as ETFs and other investment companies, the fund will be affected by the investment policies, practices and performance of such entities in direct proportion to the amount of assets the fund has invested therein. The risks of investing in other investment companies, including ETFs, typically reflect the risks associated with the types of instruments in which the investment companies invest. When the fund invests in an ETF or other investment company, shareholders of the fund will bear indirectly their proportionate share of the expenses of the ETF or other investment company (including management fees) in addition to the expenses of the fund. ETFs are exchange-traded investment companies that are, in many but not all cases, designed to provide investment results corresponding to an index. The value of the underlying securities can fluctuate in response to activities of individual companies or in response to general market and/or economic conditions. Additional risks of investments in ETFs include: (i) the market price of an ETF's shares may trade at a discount to its net asset value; (ii) an active trading market for an ETF's shares may not develop or be maintained; or (iii) trading may be halted if the listing exchanges' officials deem such action appropriate, the shares are delisted from the exchange, or the activation of market-wide "circuit breakers" (which are tied to large decreases in stock prices) halts trading generally. The fund will incur brokerage costs when purchasing and selling shares of ETFs.

 European risk. To the extent the fund invests significantly in the securities of issuers located in the European region, the fund is more exposed to the economic and political risks of Europe and of the European countries in which it invests. Any adverse economic or political events in Europe may cause the fund's investments to decline in value. The economies and markets of European countries are often closely connected and interdependent, and events in one country in Europe can have an adverse impact on other European countries. Countries in Europe will be significantly affected by the fiscal and monetary controls of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union (EU). Changes in regulations on trade, decreasing imports or exports, changes in the exchange rate of the Euro, the default or threat of default by an EU member country on its sovereign debt, and recessions among European countries may have a significant adverse effect on the economies of other European countries. Responses to financial problems by European governments, central banks and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not produce the desired results, may result in social unrest and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. In addition, one or more countries may abandon the Euro and/or withdraw from the EU, such as the U.K.'s formal exit on January 31, 2020, which could potentially have an adverse effect on the value of the fund's investments. There is still considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences associated with the U.K.'s exit and whether the exit will increase the likelihood of other countries also departing the EU.

 Fluctuation of net asset value, share premiums and discounts risk. The net asset value of fund shares will generally fluctuate with changes in the market value of the fund's securities holdings. The market prices of fund shares will generally fluctuate in accordance with changes in the fund's net asset value and supply and demand of fund shares on the exchange. It cannot be predicted whether fund shares will trade below, at or above their net asset value. Price differences may be due, in large part, to the fact that supply and demand forces at work in the secondary trading market for fund shares will be closely related to, but not identical to, the same forces influencing the prices of the


securities of the underlying portfolio trading individually or in the aggregate at any point in time. The market prices of fund shares may deviate significantly from the net asset value of fund shares during periods of market volatility. However, given that fund shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (unlike shares of many closed-end funds, which frequently trade at appreciable discounts from, and sometimes at premiums to, their net asset value), the Adviser believes that large discounts or premiums to the net asset value of fund shares should not be sustained over long periods. While the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that fund shares normally will trade close to the fund's net asset value, disruptions to creations and redemptions or market volatility may result in trading prices that differ significantly from the fund's net asset value. If an investor purchases fund shares at a time when the market price is at a premium to the net asset value of fund shares or sells at a time when the market price is at a discount to the net asset value of fund shares, then the investor may sustain losses.

 Foreign investment risk. To the extent the fund invests in foreign securities, the fund's performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting investments in foreign issuers. Special risks associated with investments in foreign issuers include exposure to currency fluctuations, less liquidity, less developed or less efficient trading markets, lack of comprehensive company information, political and economic instability and differing auditing and legal standards. The imposition of sanctions, confiscations, trade restrictions (including tariffs) and other government restrictions by the United States and other governments, or problems in share registration, settlement or custody, may result in losses for the fund. Investments denominated in foreign currencies are subject to the risk that such currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar and affect the value of these investments held by the fund. To the extent securities held by the fund trade in a market that is closed when the exchange on which the fund's shares trade is open, there may be deviations between the current price of a security and the last quoted price for the security in the closed foreign market. These deviations could result in the fund experiencing premiums or discounts greater than those of ETFs that invest in domestic securities.

 Frontier market risk. The risks associated with investments in frontier market countries include all the risks described above for investments in foreign securities and emerging markets, although the risks are magnified for frontier market countries. Because frontier markets are among the smallest, least mature and least liquid of the emerging markets, investments in frontier markets generally are subject to a greater risk of loss than investments in developed markets or traditional emerging markets. Frontier market countries have smaller economies, less developed capital markets, greater market volatility, lower trading volume, more political and economic instability, greater risk of a market shutdown and more governmental limitations on foreign investments than typically found in more developed markets. Frontier markets are more prone to economic shocks associated with political and economic risks than are emerging markets generally. Many frontier market countries may be dependent on commodities, foreign trade or foreign aid. As a result, those risks traditionally associated with investments in emerging markets are more pronounced with respect to investments in frontier market economies.

 India risk. Investments in Indian issuers involve risks that are specific to India, including exposure to currency fluctuations, less liquidity, expropriation, confiscatory taxation, and exchange control regulations (including currency blockage). The securities markets in India are relatively underdeveloped and may subject the fund to higher transaction costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Further, the fund's investments are subject to fluctuations in the value of the Indian rupee. Inflation and rapid fluctuations in inflation and interest rates have had, and may continue to have, negative effects on the economy and securities markets of India. A high proportion of the securities of many Indian issuers are held by a limited number of persons or entities, which may limit the number of shares available for investment by the fund. Also, a limited number of issuers represent a disproportionately large percentage of market capitalization and trading value. In addition, religious and border disputes persist in India. India has historically experienced hostilities with neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, and the Indian government has confronted separatist movements in several Indian states. The longstanding dispute with Pakistan over the bordering Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir remains unresolved. Instability as a result of these social and political tensions, as well potential natural or man-made disasters, could adversely impact the value of the fund's investments.

 Information technology companies risk. The information technology sector has been among the most volatile sectors of the stock market. Information technology companies involve greater risk because their revenue and/or earnings tend to be less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses) and their share prices tend to be more volatile. Certain information technology companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. In addition, these companies are strongly affected by worldwide technological developments, and their products and services may not be economically successful or may quickly become outdated. Investor perception may play a greater role in determining the day-to-day value of information technology stocks than it does in other sectors. Fund investments may decline dramatically in value if anticipated products or services are delayed or cancelled. The risks associated with information technology companies are magnified in the case of small-cap technology companies.


 Investments in China A-shares through the Stock Connect Program risk. Investments in China A-shares of certain Chinese companies through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and/or the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program (the "Connect Program") are subject to a number of restrictions that may affect the fund's investments and returns. For example, the Connect Program is subject to quota limitations and an investor cannot purchase and sell the same security on the same trading day, which may restrict the fund's ability to invest in China A-shares through the Connect Program and to enter into or exit trades on a timely basis. Further, different fees, costs and taxes are imposed on foreign investors acquiring China A-shares acquired through the Connect Program, and these fees, costs and taxes may be higher than comparable fees, costs and taxes imposed on owners of other securities providing similar investment exposure. A primary feature of the Connect Program is the application of the home market's laws and rules applicable to investors in China A-shares. Therefore, the fund's investments in China A-shares purchased through the Connect Program are generally subject to Chinese securities regulations and listing rules, among other restrictions. The Connect Program will only operate on days when both the mainland China and Hong Kong markets are open for trading and when banks in both markets are open on the corresponding settlement days. There may be occasions when the fund may be subject to the risk of price fluctuations of China A-shares during the time when the Connect Program is not trading. Investments made through the Connect Program are subject to trading, clearance and settlement procedures that could increase the risk of loss to the fund and/or affect the fund's ability to effectively pursue its investment strategy. In addition, there may be circumstances in which trading in China A-shares is not operationally feasible and the fund's performance could be adversely affected. The Connect Program is a relatively new program. Further developments are likely and there can be no assurance as to the Connect Program's continued existence or whether future developments regarding the Connect Program may restrict or adversely affect the fund's investments or returns.

 IPO risk. The prices of securities purchased in IPOs can be very volatile. The effect of IPOs on the fund's performance depends on a variety of factors, including the number of IPOs the fund invests in relative to the size of the fund and whether and to what extent a security purchased in an IPO appreciates or depreciates in value. As a fund's asset base increases, IPOs often have a diminished effect on such fund's performance.

 Issuer risk. A security's market value may decline for a number of reasons which directly relate to the issuer, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer's products or services, or factors that affect the issuer's industry, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry.

 Japan risk. To the extent the fund invests a significant portion of its assets in securities of Japanese issuers, its performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting Japan. From the late 1990's, Japan's economic growth rate has remained relatively low compared to that of its Asian neighbors and other major developed economies. The economy is characterized by an aging demographic, a declining population, a large government debt and a highly regulated labor market. Economic growth is dependent on domestic consumption, deregulation and consistent government policy. The Japanese economy is more dependent on international trade than the United States, and can be adversely affected by trade tariffs, other protectionist measures, competition from emerging economies, and the economic conditions of its trading partners. Japan has a growing economic relationship with China and other Southeast Asian countries, and economic, political or social instability in those countries, whether resulting from country, regional or global events, could have an adverse affect on Japan's economy. The Japanese yen has fluctuated widely at times, and any material increase in its value may cause a decline in exports that could weaken the Japanese economy. Investments denominated in yen also are subject to the risk that the yen will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar and affect the value of these investments held by the fund. Some of these factors, as well as other adverse political developments, increases in government debt, changes to fiscal, monetary or trade policies, and natural disasters, may affect Japanese markets and the fund's performance.

 Limited operating history risk. The fund is recently organized with limited operating history. The fund has limited performance history for investors to evaluate and may not attract sufficient assets to achieve investment and trading efficiencies. There can be no assurance that the fund will grow to or maintain an economically viable size, in which case the board of trustees may determine to liquidate the fund, which can be initiated without shareholder approval if the board determines it is in the best interest of shareholders. As a result, the timing of the fund’s liquidation may not be favorable to certain individual shareholders.

 Liquidity risk. When there is little or no active trading market for specific types of securities, it can become more difficult to sell the securities in a timely manner at or near their perceived value. In such a market, the value of such securities and the fund's share price may fall dramatically. Investments that are illiquid or that trade in lower volumes may be more difficult to value. Investments in foreign securities, particularly those of issuers located in emerging markets, tend to have greater exposure to liquidity risk than domestic securities. Liquidity can also decline unpredictably in response to overall economic conditions or credit tightening. In addition, n stressed market conditions the market for the fund's shares may become less liquid in response to deteriorating liquidity with respect


to the fund's portfolio securities, which could lead to differences between the market price of the fund's shares and the net asset value of the fund's shares.

 Management risk. The investment process and techniques used by the fund's sub-adviser could fail to achieve the fund's investment goal, may cause your fund investment to lose value or may cause the fund to underperform other funds with similar investment goals.

 Market risk. The value of the securities in which the fund invests may be affected by political, regulatory, economic and social developments, and developments that impact specific economic sectors, industries or segments of the market. In addition, turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity, credit and/or fixed income markets may negatively affect many issuers, which could adversely affect the fund. Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and conditions and events in one country, region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. These risks may be magnified if certain events or developments adversely interrupt the global supply chain; in these and other circumstances, such risks might affect companies world-wide. Recent examples include pandemic risks related to COVID-19 and aggressive measures taken world-wide in response by governments, including closing borders, restricting international and domestic travel, and the imposition of prolonged quarantines of large populations, and by businesses, including changes to operations and reducing staff.  The effects of COVID-19 have contributed to increased volatility in global markets and will likely affect certain countries, companies, industries and market sectors more dramatically than others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and any other outbreak of an infectious disease or other serious public health concern could have, a significant negative impact on economic and market conditions and could trigger a prolonged period of global economic slowdown. To the extent the fund may overweight its investments in certain countries, companies, industries or market sectors, such positions will increase the fund's exposure to risk of loss from adverse developments affecting those countries, companies, industries or sectors.

 Market capitalization risk (small-, mid- and large-cap stock risk). To the extent the fund emphasizes investments in small-, mid- or large-cap stocks, it will assume the associated risks. At any given time, any of these market capitalizations may be out of favor with investors. Compared to small- and mid-cap companies, large-cap companies may be less responsive to changes and opportunities affecting their business. To the extent the fund invests in small- and mid-cap companies, it will be subject to additional risks because the operating histories of these companies tend to be more limited, their earnings and revenues less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses), and their share prices more volatile than those of larger, more established companies. The shares of smaller companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can adversely affect the pricing of these securities and the fund's ability to sell these securities. Smaller companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. Some of the fund's investments will rise and fall based on investor perception rather than economic factors. Investments may be made in anticipation of future products, services or events whose delay or cancellation could cause the stock price to drop.

 Market sector risk. The fund may significantly overweight or underweight certain companies, industries or market sectors, which may cause the fund's performance to be more or less sensitive to developments affecting those companies, industries or sectors.

 Non-diversification risk. The fund is non-diversified, which means that the fund may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of issuers. Therefore, the fund's performance may be more vulnerable to changes in the market value of a single issuer or group of issuers and more susceptible to risks associated with a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence than a diversified fund.

 Preferred stock risk. Preferred stock is a class of a capital stock that typically pays dividends at a specified rate. Preferred stock is generally senior to common stock, but subordinate to debt securities, with respect to the payment of dividends and on liquidation of the issuer. The market value of preferred stock generally decreases when interest rates rise and is also affected by the issuer's ability to make payments on the preferred stock.

 REIT risk. Investments in REITs expose the fund to risks similar to investing directly in real estate. REITs are characterized as equity REITs, mortgage REITs and hybrid REITs, which combine the characteristics of both equity and mortgage REITs. Equity REITs, which may include operating or finance companies, own real estate directly and the value of, and income earned by, the REITs depends upon the income of the underlying properties and the rental income they earn. Equity REITs also can realize capital gains (or losses) by selling properties that have appreciated (or depreciated) in value. Mortgage REITs can make construction, development or long-term mortgage loans and are sensitive to the credit quality of the borrower. Mortgage REITs derive their income from interest payments on such loans. Hybrid REITs generally hold both ownership interests and mortgage interests in real estate. The value of securities issued by REITs is affected by tax and regulatory requirements and by perceptions of management skill. They also may be affected by general economic conditions and are subject to heavy cash flow dependency, defaults by borrowers or tenants, self-liquidation at an economically disadvantageous time, and the possibility of failing to qualify


for favorable tax treatment under applicable U.S. or foreign law and/or to maintain exempt status under the 1940 Act. To the extent a REIT owns properties of, or makes loans to, companies concentrated in a particular industry or geographic region, the REIT will also be subject to risks affecting such industries and regions. When the fund invests in a REIT, shareholders of the fund will bear indirectly their proportionate share of the expenses of the REIT in addition to expenses of the fund.

 Risks of stock investing. Stocks generally fluctuate more in value than bonds and may decline significantly over short time periods. There is the chance that stock prices overall will decline because stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices and falling prices. The market value of a stock may decline due to general market conditions that are not related to the particular company, such as real or perceived adverse economic conditions, changes in the general outlook for corporate earnings, changes in interest or currency rates or adverse investor sentiment generally. A security's market value also may decline because of factors that affect the particular company, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the company's products or services, or factors that affect the company's industry, such as labor shortages or increased production costs and competitive conditions within an industry.

 Small and midsize company risk. Small and midsize companies carry additional risks because the operating histories of these companies tend to be more limited, their earnings and revenues less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses), and their share prices more volatile than those of larger, more established companies. These companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. Other investments are made in anticipation of future products, services or events whose delay or cancellation could cause the stock price to drop. The shares of smaller companies tend to trade less frequently than those of larger, more established companies, which can adversely affect the pricing of these securities and the fund's ability to sell these securities. Some of the fund's investments will rise and fall based on investor perception rather than economic factors.

 Sustainable investment approach risk. The fund's sustainable investment approach may cause it to make different investments than funds that do not incorporate sustainable investment criteria when selecting investments. Under certain economic conditions, this could cause the fund to underperform funds that do not incorporate similar criteria. For example, the incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may result in the fund forgoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so or selling securities when it might otherwise be disadvantageous for the fund to do so. The incorporation of sustainable investment criteria may also affect the fund's exposure to certain sectors and/or types of investments, and may adversely impact the fund's performance depending on whether such sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. NIM's security selection process incorporates ESG data provided by third parties, which may be limited for certain companies and/or only take into account one or a few ESG related components. In addition, ESG data may include qualitative and/or quantitative measures, and consideration of this data may be subjective. Different methodologies may be used by the various data sources that provide ESG data. ESG data from third parties used by NIM as part of its sustainable investment process often lacks standardization, consistency and transparency, and for certain companies such data may not be available, complete or accurate. NIM's evaluation of ESG factors relevant to a particular company may be adversely affected in such instances. As a result, the fund's investments may differ from, and potentially underperform, funds that incorporate ESG data from other sources or utilize other methodologies. The fund will vote proxies in a manner that is consistent with its investment approach, which may not always be consistent with maximizing the performance of the company in the short-term.

 Technology company risk. The technology sector has been among the most volatile sectors of the stock market. Technology companies involve greater risk because their revenue and/or earnings tend to be less predictable (and some companies may be experiencing significant losses) and their share prices tend to be more volatile. Certain technology companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or may depend on a limited management group. In addition, these companies are strongly affected by worldwide technological developments, and their products and services may not be economically successful or may quickly become outdated. Investor perception may play a greater role in determining the day-to-day value of tech stocks than it does in other sectors. Fund investments made in anticipation of future products and services may decline dramatically in value if the anticipated products or services are delayed or cancelled.

 Temporary investment risk. Under adverse market conditions, the fund could invest some or all of its assets in U.S. Treasury securities and money market securities, or hold cash. Although the fund would do this for temporary defensive purposes, it could reduce the benefit from any upswing in the market. During such periods, the fund's investments may not be consistent with its principal investment strategy, and the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

 Trading issues risk. Although fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and may be listed or traded on other U.S. and non-U.S. stock exchanges as well, there can be no assurance that an active trading market for such fund


shares will develop or be maintained. Trading in fund shares may be halted due to market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the listing exchange, make trading in fund shares inadvisable. In addition, trading in fund shares on an exchange is subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to exchange "circuit breaker" rules. Similar to the shares of operating companies listed on a stock exchange, fund shares may be sold short and are therefore subject to the risk of increased volatility in the trading price of the fund's shares. While the fund expects that the ability of Authorized Participants to create and redeem fund shares at net asset value should be effective in reducing any such volatility, there is no guarantee that it will eliminate the volatility associated with such short sales. There can be no assurance that the requirements of the listing exchange necessary to maintain the listing of the fund will continue to be met or will remain unchanged or that fund shares will trade with any volume, or at all, on any stock exchange.

 United Kingdom risk. To the extent the fund invests a significant portion of its assets in securities of U.K issuers, its performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting the U.K. The U.K. has one of the largest economies in Europe, and other European countries and the United States are substantial trading partners of the U.K. As a result, the U.K. economy may be impacted by changes to the economic condition of other European countries and the United States. The U.K. economy, along with certain EU economies, experienced a significant economic slowdown during the recent financial crisis, and certain U.K financial institutions suffered significant losses, were severely under-capitalized and required government intervention to survive. The UK economy relies heavily on the export of financial services to other European countries and the United States and, therefore, a prolonged slowdown in the financial services sector may have a negative impact on the U.K. economy. Continued governmental involvement or control in certain sectors may stifle competition in certain sectors or cause adverse effects on economic growth. Additionally, on January 31, 2020, the U.K. formally withdrew from the EU (commonly referred to as "Brexit") and entered an 11-month transition period, which concluded on December 31, 2020, with the U.K. leaving the EU single market and customs union under the terms of a new trade agreement. The agreement governs the new relationship between the U.K. and EU with respect to trading goods and services, but critical aspects of the relationship remain unresolved and subject to further negotiation and agreement. There is still considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences associated with the exit and whether the U.K.'s exit will increase the likelihood of other countries also departing the EU. Any exits from the EU, or the possibility of such exits, may have a significant impact on the U.K., Europe, and global economies, which may result in increased volatility and illiquidity, new legal and regulatory uncertainties and potentially lower economic growth for these economies that could potentially have an adverse effect on the value of the fund's investments. In addition, the U.K has been a target of terrorism in the past. Acts of terrorism in the U.K. or against U.K. interests abroad may cause uncertainty in the U.K. financial markets and adversely affect the performance of the issuers to which the fund has exposure.

 Value stock risk. A "value" style of investing is subject to the risk that the returns on "value" equity securities are less than returns on other styles of investing or the overall stock market. Value stocks present the risk that they may decline in price or never reach their expected full market value because the market fails to recognize a stock's intrinsic worth.



Investment Adviser

The investment adviser for the funds is BNY Mellon ETF Investment Adviser, LLC, 201 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. As of June 30, 2023, the Adviser managed approximately $3.742 billion in 17 fund portfolios. For the past fiscal period, each of the funds paid the Adviser a management fee at an annual rate of such fund's average daily net assets as shown in the table below:



Management Fee

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF


BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF


BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF


Each fund's management agreement provides that the Adviser will pay substantially all expenses of such fund, except for the management fees, payments under the fund's 12b-1 plan (if any), interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, brokerage commissions, costs of holding shareholder meetings, fees and expenses associated with any securities lending program to be adopted by the fund, and litigation and potential litigation and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business.

The Adviser may from time to time voluntarily waive and/or reimburse fees or expenses in order to limit total annual fund operating expenses. Any such voluntary waiver or reimbursement may be eliminated by the Adviser at any time. With respect to the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF, the Adviser has contractually agreed, until at least March 1, 2024, to waive receipt of a portion of its management fee in the amount of 0.10% of the value of the fund's average daily net assets. Prior to March 1, 2024, this waiver agreement may only be terminated by the fund's board. On or after March 1, 2024, the Adviser may terminate this waiver agreement at any time.

The Adviser is an investment adviser registered with the SEC as such pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Adviser is the primary ETF business, and a wholly-owned subsidiary, of BNY Mellon, a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment management and investment services in 35 countries. BNY Mellon is a leading investment management and investment services company, uniquely focused to help clients manage and move their financial assets in the rapidly changing global marketplace. As of June 30, 2023, BNY Mellon has $46.9 trillion in assets under custody and administration and $1.9 trillion in assets under management. "BNY Mellon" is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. BNY Mellon Investment Management is one of the world's leading investment management organizations, and one of the top U.S. wealth managers, encompassing BNY Mellon's affiliated investment management firms, wealth management services and global distribution companies. Additional information is available at www.im.bnymellon.com.

The asset management philosophy of the Adviser is based on the belief that discipline and consistency are important to investment success. For each fund, the Adviser seeks to establish clear guidelines for portfolio management and to be systematic in making decisions. This approach is designed to provide each fund with a distinct, stable identity.


The Adviser has engaged its affiliate, Newton Investment Management Limited, to serve as the sub-adviser for each fund. NIM, subject to the Adviser's supervision and approval, provides day-to-day management of each such fund's assets. NIM is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon founded in 1978 and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom and registered in the United States with the SEC as an investment adviser. NIM's principal office is located at 160 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V, 4LA, United Kingdom. As of June 30, 2023, NIM managed approximately $48.4 billion in discretionary separate accounts and other investment accounts.

A discussion regarding the basis for the board's approval of the funds' advisory agreements with the Adviser, and the sub-investment advisory agreements between the Adviser and NIM on behalf of the funds, is available in the funds' semi-annual report for the period ended April 30, 2022. NIM has entered into a sub-sub-investment advisory agreement with its affiliate, Newton Investment Management North America LLC (NIMNA), to enable NIMNA to provide certain advisory services to NIM for the benefit of the fund, including, but not limited to, portfolio management services. NIMNA is subject to the supervision of NIM and BNYM Investment Adviser. NIMNA is also an affiliate of BNYM


Investment Adviser. NIMNA is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon registered in the United States with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser. NIMNA's principal office is located at BNY Mellon Center, 201 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. As of June 30, 2023, NIMNA had approximately $60.8 billion in assets under management. A discussion regarding the basis for the board's approving the sub-sub-investment advisory agreement between NIM and NIMNA will be available in the fund's next shareholder report.

The Adviser has obtained from the SEC an exemptive order, upon which the funds may rely, to use a manager of managers approach that permits the Adviser , subject to certain conditions and approval by the funds' board, to enter into and materially amend sub-investment advisory agreements with one or more sub-advisers who are either unaffiliated or affiliated with the Adviser without obtaining shareholder approval. The exemptive order also relieves the funds from disclosing the sub-investment advisory fee paid by the Adviser to a sub-adviser in documents filed with the SEC and provided to shareholders. A fund is required to disclose (as a dollar amount and a percentage of the fund's assets) (1) the aggregate fees paid to the Adviser and any wholly-owned sub-adviser and (2) the aggregate fees paid to affiliated (i.e., less than wholly-owned) and unaffiliated sub-advisers. The Adviser has ultimate responsibility (subject to oversight by the fund's board) to supervise any sub-adviser and recommend the hiring, termination, and replacement of any sub-adviser to the fund's board. The funds' board, including a majority of the "non-interested" board members, must approve each new sub-adviser. In addition, the funds are required to provide shareholders with information about each new sub-adviser within 90 days of the hiring of any new sub-adviser.

Portfolio Managers

The Primary portfolio managers for each fund are listed below.


Name of Fund

Primary Portfolio Managers


BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh


BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF

Alex Khosla

Biographical Information

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh are the primary portfolio managers of BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF, positions they have held since January 2022 and May 2023, respectively. Mr. Pope is a portfolio manager on the Sustainable Equity strategies at NIM, leading on the Global, International and US Sustainable strategies. He joined NIM in 2011. Ms. McHugh is Head of Sustainable Equities and a senior portfolio manager at NIMNA. She has been employed by NIMNA or a predecessor company of NIMNA since 2004. NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting. Mr. Pope and Ms. McHugh are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund’s assets.

Nick Pope and Julianne McHugh are the primary portfolio managers of BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF, positions they have held since January 2022 and August 2023, respectively. Mr. Pope is a portfolio manager on the Sustainable Equity strategies at NIM, leading on the Global, International and US Sustainable strategies. He joined NIM in 2011. Ms. McHugh is Head of Sustainable Equities and a senior portfolio manager at NIMNA. She has been employed by NIMNA or a predecessor company of NIMNA since 2004. NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.  Mr. Pope and Ms. McHugh are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund’s assets.

Alex Khosla is the primary portfolio manager of the BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF, a position he has held since September 2022.  Mr. Khosla is an investment manager on the emerging markets equities team at NIM, where he has been employed since April 2022. Prior to joining NIM, Mr. Khosla was a research analyst covering global emerging markets at Aikya Investment Management, where he had worked since March 2020. Prior to Aikya Investment Management, Mr. Khosla was a research analyst covering global emerging markets at Stewart Investors (part of FirstState Investments) since July 2017.


NIM's Responsible Investment team provides input to the portfolio managers of this strategy, including supporting fundamental research and company-level ESG analysis, which helps to identify sustainable investment themes, as well as controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.

Each fund's Statement of Additional Information (SAI) provides additional portfolio manager information, including compensation, other accounts managed and ownership of fund shares.

Code of Ethics

Each fund, the Adviser, NIM, NIMNA and BNY Mellon Securities Corporation (BNYMSC) have each adopted a code of ethics that permits its personnel, subject to such code, to invest in securities, including securities that may be purchased or held by a fund. Each code of ethics restricts the personal securities transactions of employees, and requires portfolio managers and other investment personnel to comply with the code's preclearance and disclosure procedures. The primary purpose of the respective codes is to ensure that personal trading by employees is done in a manner that does not disadvantage a fund or other client accounts.

Newton Comparable Account Performance Information

NIM, the sub-adviser of BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF, manages or sub-advises two funds that are registered as investment companies under the 1940 Act and a discretionary pooled investment vehicle that is not registered under the 1940 Act, using substantially similar investment objectives, policies and strategies as it does managing the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF's assets (Comparable Accounts). The tables below show the returns for the Account Composite, which includes all Comparable Accounts that are substantially similar to the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF. Additionally, the returns for the S&P 500 Index, the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF's benchmark index, are provided below to represent the investment environment existing at the time periods shown. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. The performance data does not represent the performance of the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF and should not be considered a substitute for the fund's performance. Investors should not consider this performance data as an indication of the future performance of the BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF.

The net total return performance figures for the Account Composite reflect the deduction of the highest current management fee received by NIM with respect to its management of any of the Comparable Accounts, withholding taxes, local taxes, exchange fees, and brokerage commissions during the periods shown. Information on the fees charged to investors in the Comparable Accounts is available upon request from the Adviser. Because one of the Comparable Accounts is not registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act, the performance of the Account Composite could have been adversely affected by the imposition of certain regulatory requirements, restrictions and limitations if such Comparable Account had been regulated as an investment company under the U.S. federal securities and tax laws. Additionally, although it is anticipated that the fund and the Comparable Accounts will hold similar securities, their investment results are expected to differ. In particular, differences in asset size and in any cash flow as compared to the Comparable Accounts may result in different security selections, differences in the relative weightings of securities or differences in the price paid for particular fund holdings. In addition, differences in operating expenses among the fund and the Comparable Accounts would result in different investment results than the performance shown. Please remember that past performance is not indicative of future returns, and that the investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Historical performance information for the Account Composite and the S&P 500 Index is shown below. Performance figures for the Account Composite are time-weighted rates of return, which include the deduction of transaction costs. This calculation method differs from guidelines of the SEC for calculating performance of mutual funds and ETFs. If the performance was calculated in accordance with SEC standardized performance methodology, the performance results shown below would have been lower. All returns are calculated in U.S. dollars and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. Additional information regarding NIM's policies and procedures for calculating and reporting performance returns, and a listing and description of all of its composites, are available upon request by calling 1-833-ETF-BNYM.

Newton Sustainable US Equity (US$) Composite
Annual Total Returns



Year Ended December 31

Account Composite Net Total Return

S&P 500 Index Total Return

Number of Accounts

Account Composite Total Assets





$567 million





$473 million





$616 million





$996 million





$1,849 million





$1,097 million


1 Composite creation date was April 30, 2017 and performance calculation started from May 1, 2017.


Newton Sustainable US Equity (US$) Composite
Average Annual Net Total Returns as of 12/31/22


1 Year

3 Years

Since Inception2

Account Composite1 




S&P 500 Index




1  The performance figures for the Account Composite reflect the deduction of the highest current management fee received by NIM with respect to its management of any of the Comparable Accounts, withholding taxes, local taxes, exchange fees and brokerage commissions during the periods shown.

2  Composite creation date was April 30, 2017 and performance calculation started from May 1, 2017.

Distributor and Distribution and Service Plan

BNYMSC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the BNY Mellon, serves as distributor of the funds. BNYMSC does not distribute fund shares in less than creation units, nor does it maintain a secondary market in fund shares. BNYMSC may enter into selected agreements with other broker-dealers or other qualified financial institutions for the sale of creation units of fund shares. BNYMSC also serves as distributor for other affiliated mutual funds.

The board of trustees of the trust has adopted a distribution and service plan (Plan) pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act for each fund.

Under the Plan, the funds are authorized to pay fees in connection with the sale and distribution of each fund’s respective shares in an amount up to 0.25% of each fund’s average daily net assets each year. No payments pursuant to the Plan will be made through at least the next twelve (12) months of operation. Additionally, the implementation of any such payments would have to be approved by the board prior to implementation. Because these fees would be paid out of a fund's assets on an ongoing basis, if payments are made in the future, these fees will increase the cost of your investment and will cost you more over time.


Additional Information

Additional Purchase and Sale Information

Fund shares are listed for secondary trading on the NYSE Arca, Inc. and individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold in the secondary market through a broker-dealer. The secondary markets are closed on weekends and also are generally closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day (observed), Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. An exchange may close early on the business day before certain holidays and on the day after Thanksgiving Day. Exchange holiday schedules are subject to change without notice. If you buy or sell fund shares in the secondary market, you will pay the secondary market price for fund shares. In addition, you may incur customary brokerage commissions and charges and may pay some or all of the spread between the bid and the offered price in the secondary market on each leg of a round trip (purchase and sale) transaction.

The trading prices of fund shares will fluctuate continuously throughout trading hours based on market supply and demand rather than the relevant fund's net asset value, which is calculated at the end of each business day (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). Fund shares will trade on an exchange at market prices that may be above (i.e., at a premium) or below (i.e., at a discount), to varying degrees, the daily net asset value of fund shares. The trading prices of fund shares may deviate significantly from the relevant fund's net asset value during periods of market volatility. Given, however, that fund shares can be issued and redeemed daily in Creation Units, the Adviser believes that large discounts and premiums to net asset value should not be sustained over long periods. Each business day, the following information is available at www.im.bnymellon.com with respect to each fund: (i) information for each portfolio holding that will form the basis of the next calculation of the fund's net asset value per fund share; (ii) the fund's net asset value per fund share, market price, and premium or discount, each as of the end of the prior business day; (iii) a table showing the number of days the fund's shares traded at a premium or discount during the most recently completed calendar year and the most recently completed calendar quarter since that year; (iv) a line graph showing fund share premiums or discounts for the most recently completed calendar year and the most recently completed quarter since that year; (v) the fund's median bid-ask spread over the last thirty calendar days; and (vi) if during the past year the fund's premium or discount was greater than 2% for more than seven consecutive trading days, a statement that the fund's premium or discount, as applicable, was greater than 2% and a discussion of the factors that are reasonably believed to have materially contributed to the premium or discount.

NYSE Arca, Inc. will disseminate, every fifteen seconds during the regular trading day, an indicative optimized portfolio value (IOPV) relating to each fund. The IOPV calculations are estimates of the value of each fund's net asset value per fund share. Premiums and discounts between the IOPV and the market price may occur. This should not be viewed as a "real-time" update of the net asset value per fund share. The IOPV is based on the current market value of the published basket of portfolio securities and/or cash required to be deposited in exchange for a Creation Unit and does not necessarily reflect the precise composition of a fund's actual portfolio at a particular point in time. Moreover, the IOPV is generally determined by using current market quotations and/or price quotations obtained from broker-dealers and other market intermediaries and valuations based on current market rates. The IOPV may not be calculated in the same manner as the net asset value, which (i) is computed only once a day, (ii) unlike the calculation of the IOPV, takes into account fund expenses, and (iii) may be subject, in accordance with the requirements of the 1940 Act, to fair valuation at different prices than those used in the calculations of the IOPV. The IOPV price is based on quotes and closing prices from the securities' local market converted into U.S. dollars at the current currency rates and may not reflect events that occur subsequent to the local market's close. Therefore, the IOPV may not reflect the best possible valuation of a fund's current portfolio. Neither the funds nor the Adviser or any of their affiliates are involved in, or responsible for, the calculation or dissemination of such IOPVs and make no warranty as to their accuracy. The funds do not impose any restrictions on the frequency of purchases and redemptions; however, the funds reserve the right to reject or limit purchases at any time as described in the SAI. When considering that no restriction or policy was necessary, the board evaluated the risks posed by market timing activities, such as whether frequent purchases and redemptions would interfere with the efficient implementation of a fund's investment strategy, or whether they would cause a fund to experience increased transaction costs. The board considered that, unlike traditional mutual funds, fund shares are issued and redeemed only in large quantities of shares known as Creation Units, available only from a fund directly, and that most trading in a fund occurs on exchanges at prevailing market prices and does not involve the fund directly. Given this structure, the board determined that it is unlikely that (a) market timing would be attempted by a fund's shareholders or (b) any attempts to market time a fund by shareholders would result in negative impact to the fund or its shareholders.


Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

The funds' portfolio holdings disclosure policy is described in the SAI. In addition, the identities and quantities of the securities held by each fund are disclosed on the funds' website, www.im.bnymellon.com.


Each fund shareholder is entitled to the shareholder's pro rata share of the applicable fund's income and net realized gains on the fund's investments. Each fund pays out substantially all of its net earnings to its shareholders as "distributions."

Each fund may earn income dividends from stocks, interest from debt securities and, if participating, securities lending income. These amounts, net of expenses and taxes (if applicable), are passed along to fund shareholders as "income dividend distributions." Each fund will generally realize short-term capital gains or losses whenever it sells or exchanges assets held for one year or less. Net short-term capital gains will generally be treated as ordinary income when distributed to shareholders. Each fund will generally realize long-term capital gains or losses whenever it sells or exchanges assets held for more than one year. Net capital gains (the excess of a fund's net long-term capital gains over its net short-term capital losses) are distributed to shareholders as "capital gain distributions."

Income dividend distributions, if any, for the funds are generally distributed to shareholders annually, but may vary significantly from period to period. Net capital gains for each fund are distributed at least annually. Dividends may be declared and paid more frequently or at any other time to improve to comply with the distribution requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (Code).

If you buy shares of a fund when the fund has realized but not yet distributed income or capital gains, you will be "buying a dividend" by paying the full price for the shares and then receiving a portion back in the form of a taxable distribution.

Distributions in cash may be reinvested automatically in additional whole fund shares only if the broker through whom you purchased fund shares makes such option available. Distributions which are reinvested will nevertheless be taxable to the same extent as if such distributions had not been reinvested (unless you are investing through an IRA, retirement plan or other U.S. tax-advantaged investment plan).

Additional Tax Information

The following discussion is a summary of some important U.S. federal income tax considerations generally applicable to an investment in a fund. The summary is based on current tax laws, which may be changed by legislative, judicial or administrative action. You should not consider this summary to be a comprehensive explanation of the tax treatment of the funds, or the tax consequences of an investment in a fund. An investment in a fund may have other tax implications. Please consult a tax advisor about the applicable federal, state, local, foreign or other tax laws. Investors, including non-U.S. investors, may wish to consult the SAI tax section for additional disclosure.

Tax Status of the Funds. Each fund has elected and intends to qualify for the special tax treatment a afforded a regulated investment company (RIC) under the Code. If a fund meets certain minimum distribution requirements, as a RIC it is not subject to tax at the fund level on income and gains from investments that are timely distributed to shareholders. However, if a fund fails to qualify as a RIC or to meet minimum distribution requirements, it would result in fund-level taxation if certain relief provisions were not available, and consequently a reduction in income available for distribution to shareholders. Unless you are a tax-exempt entity or your investment in a fund's shares is made through a tax-deferred retirement account, such as an IRA, you need to be aware of the possible tax consequences when the fund makes distributions, you sell fund shares and you purchase or redeem Creation Units (institutional investors only).

Taxes on Distributions. In general, distributions are subject to federal income tax when they are paid, whether the distributions are taken in cash or reinvested in a fund. The income dividends and short-term capital gains distributions received from a fund will be taxed as either ordinary income or qualified dividend income. Distributions from a fund's short-term capital gains are generally taxable as ordinary income. Subject to certain limitations, dividends that are reported by a fund as qualified dividend income are taxable to non-corporate shareholders at rates of up to 20%. Any distributions of a fund's net capital gains are taxable as long-term capital gain regardless of how long fund shares have been owned by an investor. Long-term capital gains are generally taxed to non-corporate shareholders at rates of up to 20%. Distributions in excess of a fund's current and accumulated earnings and profits are treated as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of the investor' basis in the applicable fund's shares, and, in general, as capital gain thereafter.

In general, dividends may be reported by a fund as qualified dividend income if they are attributable to qualified dividend income received by the fund, which, in general, includes dividend income from taxable U.S. corporations and certain foreign corporations (i.e., certain foreign corporations incorporated in a possession of the United States or in certain countries with a comprehensive tax treaty with the United States, and certain other foreign corporations if the stock with respect to which the dividend is paid is readily tradable on an established securities market in the United


States), provided that the fund satisfies certain holding period requirements in respect of the stock of such corporations and has not hedged its position in the stock in certain ways. A dividend generally will not be treated as qualified dividend income if the dividend is received with respect to any share of stock held by a fund for fewer than 61 days during the 121-day period beginning at the date which is 60 days before the date on which such share becomes ex-dividend with respect to such dividend or, in the case of certain preferred stock, for fewer than 91 days during the 181-day period beginning 90 days before such date. These holding period requirements will also apply to investor ownership of fund shares. Holding periods may be suspended for these purposes for stock that is hedged. The investment strategies of BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF and BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF may limit the ability of such funds to distribute dividends eligible to be treated as qualified dividend income. It is expected that dividends received by a fund from a REIT and distributed from that fund to a shareholder generally will not be treated as qualified dividend income. Additionally, income derived in connection with a fund's securities lending activities will not be treated as qualified dividend income.

U.S. individuals with income exceeding specified thresholds are subject to a 3.8% tax on all or a portion of their "net investment income," which includes taxable interest, dividends and certain capital gains (generally including capital gain distributions and capital gains realized upon the sale of fund shares). This 3.8% tax also applies to all or a portion of the undistributed net investment income of certain shareholders that are estates and trusts.

Corporate shareholders may be entitled to a dividends received deduction for the portion of dividends they receive from a fund that are attributable to dividends received by the fund from U.S. corporations, subject to certain limitations. BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF and BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF anticipate that they will not be able to distribute dividends eligible for the dividends-received deduction for corporations.

If an investor lends fund shares pursuant to securities lending arrangements, the investor may lose the ability to treat fund dividends (paid while the fund shares are held by the borrower) as qualified dividend income. Please consult a financial intermediary or tax advisor to discuss the particular circumstances.

In general, distributions are subject to federal income tax for the year in which they are paid. However, distributions paid in January, but declared by a fund in October, November or December of the previous year, payable to shareholders of record in such a month, may be taxable to an investor in the calendar year in which they were declared. The funds will inform shareholders of the amount of any ordinary income dividends, qualified dividend income and capital gain distributions shortly after the close of each calendar year.

A distribution will reduce a fund's net asset value per fund share and may be taxable to a shareholder as ordinary income or capital gain even though, from an investment standpoint, the distribution may constitute a return of capital.

Each fund (or your broker) will inform you of the amount of your ordinary income dividends, qualified dividend income, and net capital gain distributions shortly after the close of each calendar year.

Derivatives and Other Complex Securities. A fund may invest in complex securities. These investments may be subject to numerous special and complex rules. These rules could affect a fund's ability to qualify as a RIC, affect whether gains and losses recognized by a fund are treated as ordinary income or capital gain, accelerate the recognition of income to a fund and/or defer a fund's ability to recognize losses. In turn, these rules may affect the amount, timing or character of the income distributed to a shareholder by a fund. Additional information pertaining to the potential tax consequences to the funds, and to the shareholders, from the funds' potential investment in complex securities can be found in the SAI. Please consult a personal tax advisor regarding the application of these rules.

Foreign Currency Transactions. A fund's transactions in foreign currencies, foreign currency denominated debt obligations and certain foreign currency options, futures contracts and forward contracts (and similar instruments) may give rise to ordinary income or loss to the extent such income or loss results from fluctuations in the value of the foreign currency concerned.

Foreign Income Taxes. Investment income received by a fund from sources within foreign countries may be subject to foreign income taxes withheld at the source. The United States has entered into tax treaties with many foreign countries which may entitle a fund to a reduced rate of such taxes or exemption from taxes on such income. It is impossible to determine the effective rate of foreign tax for a fund in advance since the amount of the assets to be invested within various countries is not known. If more than 50% of the total assets of a fund at the close of its taxable year consist of certain foreign stocks or securities, the fund may elect to "pass through" to shareholders certain foreign income taxes (including withholding taxes) paid by the fund. If a fund in which a shareholder holds fund shares makes such an election, the shareholder will be considered to have received as an additional dividend the shareholder's share of such foreign taxes, but the shareholder may be entitled to either a corresponding tax deduction in calculating the shareholder's taxable income, or, subject to certain limitations, a credit in calculating the shareholder's federal income tax. No deduction for such taxes will be permitted to individuals in computing their alternative minimum tax liability. If a fund does not so elect, the fund will be entitled to claim a deduction for certain foreign taxes incurred by the fund. Under


certain circumstances, if a fund receives a refund of foreign taxes paid in respect of a prior year, the value of fund shares could be reduced or any foreign tax credits or deductions passed through to shareholders in respect of the fund's foreign taxes for the current year could be reduced.

Real Estate Investment Trusts. Each fund may invest in U.S. REITs. REITs in which a fund invests often do not provide complete and final tax information to the fund until after the time that the fund issues a tax reporting statement. As a result, a fund may at times find it necessary to reclassify the amount and character of its distributions to you after it issues your tax reporting statement. When such reclassification is necessary, a fund (or your broker) will send you a corrected, final Form 1099-DIV to reflect the reclassified information. If you receive a corrected Form 1099-DIV, use the information on this corrected form, and not the information on the previously issued tax reporting statement, in completing your tax returns.

"Qualified REIT dividends" (i.e., ordinary REIT dividends other than capital gain dividends and portions of REIT dividends designated as qualified dividend income eligible for capital gain tax rates) are eligible for a 20% deduction by non-corporate taxpayers. This deduction, if allowed in full, equates to a maximum effective tax rate of 29.6% (37% top rate applied to income after 20% deduction). Distributions by a fund to its shareholders that are attributable to qualified REIT dividends received by the fund and which the fund properly reports as "section 199A dividends," are treated as "qualified REIT dividends" in the hands of non-corporate shareholders. A section 199A dividend is treated as a qualified REIT dividend only if the shareholder receiving such dividend holds the dividend-paying RIC shares for at least 46 days of the 91-day period beginning 45 days before the shares become ex-dividend, and is not under an obligation to make related payments with respect to a position in substantially similar or related property. A fund is permitted to report such part of its dividends as section 199A dividends as are eligible, but is not required to do so.

Taxes on Exchange-Listed Share Sales. Each sale of shares of the fund will generally be taxable event. Assuming a shareholder holds fund shares as capital assets, any gain or loss realized upon a sale of fund shares is generally treated as long-term capital gain or loss if fund shares have been held for more than one year and as short-term capital gain or loss if fund shares have been held for one year or less, except that any capital loss on the sale of fund shares held for six months or less is treated as long-term capital loss to the extent that capital gain dividends were paid with respect to such fund shares. Any loss realized on a sale will be disallowed to the extent shares of the fund are acquired, including through reinvestment of dividends, within a 61-day period beginning 30 days before and ending 30 days after the sale of such shares. The ability to deduct capital losses may be limited.

Taxes on Creations and Redemptions of Creation Units. A person who exchanges securities for Creation Units generally will recognize a gain or loss. The gain or loss will be equal to the difference between the market value of the Creation Units at the time and the exchanger's aggregate basis in the securities surrendered plus any cash paid for the Creation Units. A person who exchanges Creation Units for securities will generally recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference between the exchanger's basis in the Creation Units and the aggregate market value of the securities and the amount of cash received. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), however, may assert that a loss realized upon an exchange of securities for Creation Units cannot be deducted currently under the rules governing "wash sales" (for an Authorized Participant who does not mark-to-market its holdings), or on the basis that there has been no significant change in economic position. Persons exchanging securities should consult their own tax advisor with respect to whether wash sale rules apply and when a loss might be deductible.

Under current federal tax laws, any capital gain or loss realized upon a redemption (or creation) of Creation Units is generally treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the applicable fund shares (or securities surrendered) have been held for more than one year and as a short-term capital gain or loss if the applicable fund shares (or securities surrendered) have been held for one year or less.

When creating or redeeming Creation Units, a confirmation statement showing the number of fund shares purchased or sold and at what price will be sent.

The trust, on behalf of each fund, has the right to reject an order for Creation Units if the purchaser (or a group of purchasers) would, upon obtaining the fund shares so ordered, own 80% or more of the outstanding shares of the applicable fund and if, pursuant to Section 351 of the Code, the applicable fund would have a basis in the securities different from the market value of the securities on the date of deposit. The trust also has the right to require information necessary to determine beneficial share ownership for purposes of the 80% determination. If the trust does issue Creation Units to a purchaser (or a group of purchasers) that would, upon obtaining the fund shares so ordered, own 80% or more of the outstanding shares of the applicable fund, the purchaser (or group of purchasers) will not recognize gain or loss upon the exchange of securities for Creation Units.

If a fund redeems Creation Units in cash in addition to, or in place of, the delivery of a basket of securities, it may bear additional costs and recognize more capital gains than it would if it redeems Creation Units in-kind.


Certain Tax-Exempt Investors. A fund, if investing in certain limited real estate investments, may be required to pass through certain "excess inclusion income" and other income as "unrelated business taxable income" (UBTI). Prior to investing in a fund, tax-exempt investors sensitive to UBTI should consult their tax advisors regarding this issue and IRS pronouncements addressing the treatment of such income in the hands of such investors.

Certain tax-exempt educational institutions will be subject to a 1.4% tax on net investment income. For these purposes, certain dividends and capital gain distributions, and certain gains from the disposition of fund shares (among other categories of income), are generally taken into account in computing a shareholder's net investment income.

Investments in Certain Foreign Corporations. A fund may invest in foreign entities classified as passive foreign investment companies or "PFICs" or controlled foreign corporations or "CFCs" under the Code. PFIC and CFC investments are subject to complex rules that may under certain circumstances adversely affect a fund. Accordingly, investors should consult their own tax advisors and carefully consider the tax consequences of PFIC and CFC investments by a fund before making an investment in such fund. Fund dividends attributable to dividends received from PFICs generally will not be treated as qualified dividend income. Additional information pertaining to the potential tax consequences to the funds, and to the shareholders, from the funds' potential investment in PFICs and CFCs can be found in the SAI.

Non-U.S. Investors. Ordinary income dividends paid by a fund to shareholders who are non-resident aliens or foreign entities will generally be subject to a 30% U.S. withholding tax (other than distributions reported by the fund as interest-related dividends and short-term capital gain dividends), unless a lower treaty rate applies or unless such income is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. In general, a fund may report interest-related dividends to the extent of its net income derived from U.S.-source interest, and a fund may report short-term capital gain dividends to the extent its net short-term capital gain for the taxable year exceeds its net long-term capital loss. Gains on the sale of fund shares and dividends that are, in each case, effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the U.S. will generally be subject to U.S. federal net income taxation at regular income tax rates.

Unless certain non-U.S. entities that hold fund shares comply with IRS requirements that will generally require them to report information regarding U.S. persons investing in, or holding accounts with, such entities, a 30% withholding tax may apply to distributions payable to such entities. A non-U.S. shareholder may be exempt from the withholding described in this paragraph under an applicable intergovernmental agreement between the U.S. and a foreign government, provided that the shareholder and the applicable foreign government comply with the terms of such agreement.

Backup Withholding. A fund will be required in certain cases to withhold (as "backup withholding") on amounts payable to any shareholder who (1) has provided the fund either an incorrect tax identification number or no number at all, (2) is subject to backup withholding by the IRS for failure to properly report payments of interest or dividends, (3) has failed to certify to the fund that such shareholder is not subject to backup withholding, or (4) has not certified that such shareholder is a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). The backup withholding rate is currently 24%. Backup withholding will not be applied to payments that have been subject to the 30% withholding tax on shareholders who are neither citizens nor permanent residents of the United States.

Certain Potential Tax Reporting Requirements. Under U.S. Treasury regulations, if a shareholder recognizes a loss of $2 million or more for an individual shareholder or $10 million or more for a corporate shareholder (or certain greater amounts over a combination of years), the shareholder must file with the IRS a disclosure statement on Form 8886. Direct shareholders of portfolio securities are in many cases excepted from this reporting requirement, but under current guidance shareholders of a RIC are not excepted. Significant penalties may be imposed for the failure to comply with the reporting requirements. The fact that a loss is reportable under these regulations does not affect the legal determination of whether the taxpayer's treatment of the loss is proper. Shareholders should consult their tax advisors to determine the applicability of these regulations in light of their individual circumstances.

Other Tax Issues. A fund may be subject to tax in certain states where the fund does business (or is treated as doing business as a result of its investments). Furthermore, in those states which have income tax laws, the tax treatment of the funds and of fund shareholders with respect to distributions by the funds may differ from federal tax treatment.

The foregoing discussion summarizes some of the consequences under current federal income tax law of an investment in the funds. It is not a substitute for personal tax advice. Consult a personal tax advisor about the potential tax consequences of an investment in the funds under all applicable tax laws.

General Information

Section 12(d)(1) of the 1940 Act restricts investments by investment companies in the securities of other investment companies, including shares of each fund. However, Rule 12d1-4 permits registered investment companies to invest in the funds beyond the limits in Section 12(d)(1), subject to certain terms and conditions, including that such investment companies enter into an agreement with the trust.


Financial Highlights

The financial highlights tables are intended to help you understand each fund's financial performance for the fiscal periods indicated.  Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned on an investment in the fund, assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. This information has been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with the fund's financial statements, are included in the annual report, which is available upon request.


BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF

For the Period
December 15, 2021a to
October 31, 2022

Per Share Data ($):


Net asset value, beginning of period


Investment Operations:


Net investment incomeb


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments


Total from Investment Operations




Dividends from net investment income


Net asset value, end of period


Market Price, end of periodd


Net Asset Value Total Return (%)e


Market Price Total Return (%)e


Ratios/Supplemental Data (%):


Ratio of total expenses to average net assets


Ratio of net investment income to average net assets


Portfolio Turnover Rateh


Net Assets, end of period ($ x 1,000)


a Commencement of operations.
b Based on average shares outstanding.
c Amount represents less than $(0.01) per share.
d The mean between the last bid and ask prices.
e Net asset value total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at net asset value during the period, and redemption at net asset value on the last day of the period. Net asset value total return includes adjustments in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and as such, the net asset value for financial reporting purposes and the returns based upon those net asset values may differ from the net asset value and returns for shareholder transactions. Market price total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the market price at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at market price during the period, and sale at the market price on the last day of the period. Total investment returns calculated for a period of less than one year are not annualized.
f The net asset value total return and the market price total return is calculated from fund inception.
g Annualized.
h Portfolio turnover rate is not annualized for periods less than one year, if applicable, and does not include securities received and delivered from processing creations or redemptions.


Financial Highlights (cont'd)

BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF

For the Period
December 15, 2021a to
October 31, 2022

Per Share Data ($):


Net asset value, beginning of period


Investment Operations:


Net investment incomeb


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments


Total from Investment Operations




Dividends from net investment income


Transaction feesb


Net asset value, end of period


Market Price, end of periodc


Net Asset Value Total Return (%)d


Market Price Total Return (%)d


Ratios/Supplemental Data (%):


Ratio of total expenses to average net assets


Ratio of net investment income to average net assets


Portfolio Turnover Rateg


Net Assets, end of period ($ x 1,000)


a Commencement of operations.
b Based on average shares outstanding.
c The mean between the last bid and ask prices.
d Net asset value total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at net asset value during the period, and redemption at net asset value on the last day of the period. Net asset value total return includes adjustments in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and as such, the net asset value for financial reporting purposes and the returns based upon those net asset values may differ from the net asset value and returns for shareholder transactions. Market price total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the market price at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at market price during the period, and sale at the market price on the last day of the period. Total investment returns calculated for a period of less than one year are not annualized.
e The net asset value total return and the market price total return is calculated from fund inception.
f Annualized.
g Portfolio turnover rate is not annualized for periods less than one year, if applicable, and does not include securities received and delivered from processing creations or redemptions.


Financial Highlights (cont'd)

BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF

For the Period
December 15, 2021a to
October 31, 2022

Per Share Data ($):


Net asset value, beginning of period


Investment Operations:


Net investment incomeb


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments


Total from Investment Operations



Transaction feesb


Net asset value, end of period


Market Price, end of periodc


Net Asset Value Total Return (%)d


Market Price Total Return (%)d


Ratios/Supplemental Data (%):


Ratio of total expenses to average net assets


Ratio of net investment income to average net assets


Portfolio Turnover Rateg


Net Assets, end of period ($ x 1,000)


a Commencement of operations.
b Based on average shares outstanding.
c The mean between the last bid and ask prices.
d Net asset value total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at net asset value during the period, and redemption at net asset value on the last day of the period. Net asset value total return includes adjustments in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and as such, the net asset value for financial reporting purposes and the returns based upon those net asset values may differ from the net asset value and returns for shareholder transactions. Market price total return is calculated assuming an initial investment made at the market price at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at market price during the period, and sale at the market price on the last day of the period. Total investment returns calculated for a period of less than one year are not annualized.
e The net asset value total return and the market price total return is calculated from fund inception.
f Annualized.
g Portfolio turnover rate is not annualized for periods less than one year, if applicable, and does not include securities received and delivered from processing creations or redemptions.






For More Information

BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF
BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF
BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF

More information on each fund is available free upon request, including the following:

Annual/Semi-annual Report

Each fund's annual and semi-annual reports describe the fund’s performance, list portfolio holdings and contain a letter from the fund's manager discussing recent market conditions, economic trends and fund strategies that significantly affected the fund's performance during the period covered by the report. The fund’s most recent annual and semi-annual reports are available at www.im.bnymellon.com.

Statement of Additional Information (SAI)

The SAI provides more details about each fund and its respective policies. A current SAI is available at www.im.bnymellon.com and

is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SAI is incorporated by reference (and is legally considered part of this prospectus).

Portfolio Holdings

BNY Mellon ETF Trust discloses, at www.im.bnymellon.com, the identities and quantities of the securities held by each fund. A complete description of each fund’s policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of the fund’s portfolio securities is available in the fund’s SAI.

How to Request the SAI, the Fund's Annual and Semi-Annual Reports, and Other Information about the Fund, and to Make Shareholder Inquiries.

By telephone (toll-free). Call 1-833-ETF-BNYM (383-2696) (inside the U.S. only)

By mail.

BNY Mellon ETF Trust

240 Greenwich Street

New York, New York 10286

On the Internet. Certain fund documents can be viewed online or downloaded from:

SEC: The EDGAR Database at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following E-mail address: [email protected]ov.

BNY Mellon ETF Trust: www.im.bnymellon.com

This prospectus does not constitute an offer or solicitation in any state or jurisdiction in which, or to any person to whom, such offering or solicitation may not lawfully be made.

No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations other than those contained in this prospectus in connection with the offer of shares of any fund, and, if given or made, the information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the trust or the funds. Neither the delivery of this prospectus nor any sale of shares of any fund shall under any circumstance imply that the information contained herein is correct as of any date after the date of this prospectus.

Dealers effecting transactions in shares of any fund, whether or not participating in this distribution, are generally required to deliver a prospectus. This is in addition to any obligation of dealers to deliver a prospectus when acting as underwriters.

Investment Company Act file number: 811-23477


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