Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 Fund2024-08-31
Security Name % Net Assets Number Of Shares Market Value (USD)
Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Instl Pls 41.68958 167,596,812 42,606,461,669
Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Inv 27.51774 1,380,605,944 28,122,943,076
Vanguard Total Bond Market II Idx Inv 21.07478 2,231,945,846 21,538,277,413
Vanguard Total Intl Bd II Idx Insl 9.09070 347,443,364 9,290,635,553
Mktliq 12/31/2049 0.61403 6,275,962 627,533,484
Us Dollar 0.01318 13,467,365 13,467,365
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