
August 28, 2022

Oakhurst Strategic Defined Risk Fund

Institutional Class OASDX
Advisor Class (not available for purchase)

c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
P.O. Box 701
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0701
844-OAKHRST (844-625-4778)

This Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) is not a prospectus, but should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus of the Oakhurst Strategic Defined Risk Fund (the “Fund”), a series of Series Portfolios Trust (the “Trust”), dated August 28, 2022, as may be supplemented from time to time, which is incorporated by reference into this SAI. You may obtain a copy of the Prospectus without charge by contacting the Fund c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services at the address or telephone number listed above.

The Fund’s audited financial statements and notes thereto for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, and the unqualified opinion of Cohen & Company, Ltd., the Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm, on such financial statements are included in the Fund’s annual report to shareholders for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, and are incorporated by reference into this SAI. A copy of the annual report may be obtained, without charge, upon request by contacting the Fund c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services at the address or telephone number listed above.




The Trust is a Delaware statutory trust organized on July 27, 2015, and is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as an open-end management investment company. The Trust’s Declaration of Trust, as amended and/or restated to date (the “Declaration of Trust”) permits the Trust’s Board of Trustees (the “Board”) to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest, without par value, which may be issued in any number of series. The Board may from time to time issue other series, the assets and liabilities of which will be separate and distinct from any other series. This SAI relates only to the Fund.

The Declaration of Trust also provides for indemnification and reimbursement of expenses out of the Fund’s assets for any Trustee or Trust officer held personally liable for obligations of the Fund or the Trust. All such rights are limited to the assets of the Fund. The Declaration of Trust further provides that the Trust may maintain appropriate insurance (for example, fidelity bonding and errors and omissions insurance) for the protection of the Trust, its shareholders, trustees, officers, employees and agents to cover possible claims and other liabilities. However, the activities of the Trust as an investment company would not likely give rise to liabilities in excess of the Trust’s total assets. Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is limited to circumstances in which both inadequate insurance exists and the Fund itself is unable to meet its obligations.

Lido Advisers, LLC (the “Advisor”) serves as the investment adviser for the Fund. Prior to August 23, 2022, Oakhurst Advisors, LLC (the “Predecessor Adviser”), an affiliate of the Advisor, served as the Fund's investment adviser.


The following information supplements the information concerning the Fund’s investment objective, policies and limitations found in the Prospectus.

Investment Objective
The Fund seeks capital appreciation while seeking to limit short-term risk. The Fund’s investment objective is non-fundamental and may be changed without the approval of the Fund’s shareholders, upon approval by the Board and prior written notice to shareholders.

The Fund is diversified. Under applicable federal laws, to qualify as a diversified fund, the Fund, with respect to 75% of its total assets, may not invest more than 5% of its total assets in any one issuer and may not hold more than 10% of the securities of one issuer. The remaining 25% of the Fund’s total assets does not need to be “diversified” and may be invested in securities of a single issuer, subject to other applicable laws. The diversification of the Fund’s holdings is measured at the time the Fund purchases a security. However, if the Fund purchases a security and holds it for a period of time, the security may become a larger percentage of the Fund’s total assets due to movements in the financial markets. If the market affects several securities held by the Fund, the Fund may have a greater percentage of its assets invested in securities of fewer issuers. Because the Fund is diversified, the Fund is less subject to the risk that its performance may be hurt disproportionately by the poor performance of relatively few securities despite the Fund qualifying as a diversified Fund under applicable federal laws.


General Market Risks
U.S. and global markets have experienced significant volatility in recent years. The Fund is subject to investment and operational risks associated with financial, economic and other global market developments and disruptions, including those arising from war, terrorism, market manipulation, government interventions, defaults and shutdowns, political changes or diplomatic developments, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious diseases, pandemics and epidemics) and natural/environmental disasters, which can all negatively impact the securities markets and cause the Fund to lose value. These events can also impair the technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including the Fund’s investment adviser, rely, and could otherwise disrupt the Fund’s service providers’ ability to fulfill their obligations to the Fund.
The recent spread of an infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel strain of coronavirus (known as COVID-19) has caused volatility, severe market dislocations and liquidity constraints in many markets, including markets for the securities the Fund holds, and may adversely affect the Fund’s investments and operations. The transmission of COVID-19 and efforts to contain its spread have resulted in travel restrictions and disruptions, closed international borders, enhanced health screenings at ports of entry and elsewhere, disruption of and delays in healthcare service preparation and delivery, quarantines, event and service cancellations or interruptions, disruptions to business operations (including staff furloughs and reductions) and supply chains, and a reduction in consumer and business spending, as well as general concern and uncertainty that has negatively affected the economy. These disruptions have led to instability in the market place, including equity and debt market losses and overall volatility, and the jobs market. The impact of COVID-19, and other infectious illness outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics that may arise in the future, could adversely affect the economies of many nations or the entire global economy, the financial well-being and performance of individual issuers, borrowers and sectors and the health of the markets generally in potentially significant and unforeseen ways. In addition, the impact of infectious illnesses, such as COVID-19, in emerging market countries may be greater due to generally less established healthcare systems. This crisis or other public health crises may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social and economic risks in certain countries or globally.
The foregoing could lead to a significant economic downturn or recession, increased market volatility, a greater number of market closures, higher default rates and adverse effects on the values and liquidity of securities or other assets. Such impacts, which may vary across asset classes, may adversely affect the performance of the Fund. In certain cases, an exchange or market may close or issue trading halts on specific securities or even the entire market, which may result in the Fund being, among other things, unable to buy or sell certain securities or financial instruments or to accurately price its investments. These and other developments may adversely affect the liquidity of the Fund’s holdings.

Investment Strategies and Related Risks
The Fund’s principal investment strategies utilized by the Advisor and the principal risks associated with the same are set forth in the Fund’s Prospectus. The following discussion provides additional information about those principal investment strategies and related risks, as well as information about investment strategies (and related risks) that the Fund may utilize, even though they are not considered to be “principal” investment strategies. Accordingly, an investment strategy (and related risk) that is described below, but which is not described in the Prospectus, should not be considered to be a non‑principal strategy (or related risk) applicable to the Fund. The following strategies and risks apply to the Fund directly or indirectly through its investments in exchange-traded funds and derivatives.


Equity Securities
Equity securities in which the Fund invests may include common stocks, preferred stocks and securities convertible into common stocks, such as convertible bonds, warrants, rights and options. The value of equity securities varies in response to many factors, including the activities and financial condition of individual companies, the business market in which individual companies compete and general market and economic conditions. Equity securities fluctuate in value, often based on factors unrelated to the value of the issuer of the securities, and such fluctuations can be significant.

Common Stock
Common stock represents an equity (ownership) interest in a company, and usually possesses voting rights and earns dividends. Dividends on common stock are not fixed but are declared at the discretion of the issuer. Common stock generally represents the riskiest investment in a company. In addition, common stock generally has the greatest appreciation and depreciation potential because increases and decreases in earnings are usually reflected in a company’s stock price.

Other Investment Companies
The Fund may invest in exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), which are securities of other investment companies. The Fund limits its investments in securities issued by other investment companies in accordance with the 1940 Act. With certain exceptions, Section 12(d)(1) of the 1940 Act precludes the Fund from acquiring (i) more than 3% of the total outstanding shares of another investment company; (ii) shares of another investment company having an aggregate value in excess of 5% of the value of the total assets of the Fund; or (iii) shares of another registered investment company and all other investment companies having an aggregate value in excess of 10% of the value of the total assets of the Fund (such limits do not apply to investments in money market funds). The Fund will invest in ETFs in reliance on Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the 1940 Act. Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the 1940 Act provides that the provisions of paragraph 12(d)(1) shall not apply to securities purchased or otherwise acquired by the Fund if: (i) immediately after such purchase or acquisition not more than 3% of the total outstanding shares of such investment company is owned by the Fund and all affiliated persons of such Fund; and (ii) the Fund has not offered or sold, and is not proposing to offer or sell its shares through a principal underwriter or otherwise at a public offering price that includes a sales load of more than 1 ½%. Rule 12d1-3 under the 1940 Act provides, however, that the Fund may rely on the Section 12(d)(1)(F) exemption and charge a sales load in excess of 1 1/2% provided the sales load and any service fee charged does not exceed limits set forth in applicable rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”).

If the Fund invests in investment companies, including ETFs, pursuant to Section 12(d)(1)(F), it must comply with the following voting restrictions: when the Fund exercises voting rights, by proxy or otherwise, with respect to investment companies owned by such Fund, the Fund will either seek instruction from its shareholders with regard to the voting of all proxies and vote in accordance with such instructions, or vote the shares held by the Fund in the same proportion as the vote of all other holders of the securities of the investment company. In addition, an investment company purchased by the Fund pursuant to Section 12(d)(1)(F) shall not be required to redeem its shares in an amount exceeding 1% of such investment company’s total outstanding shares in any period of less than thirty days. To the extent the Fund is unable to redeem such shares within 7 days of a redemption request, the shares will be deemed illiquid and subject to the limitation that the Fund may not invest more than 15% of the value of its net assets, computed at the time of investment, in illiquid securities. In addition to the advisory and operational fees the Fund bears directly in connection with its own operation, the Fund will also bear its pro rata portion of the advisory and operational expenses incurred indirectly through its investments in other investment companies.


In October 2020, the SEC adopted certain regulatory changes and took other actions related to the ability of an investment company to invest in another investment company. These changes include, among other things, amendments to Rule 12d1-1, the rescission of Rule 12d1-2, the adoption of Rule 12d1-4, and the rescission of certain exemptive relief issued by the SEC permitting such investments in excess of statutory limits. Compliance with these new requirements was required by January 19, 2022 and, following the compliance date, these regulatory changes may adversely impact the Fund’s investment strategies and operations. The Fund has adopted a policy to comply with these new regulations.

Exchange Traded Funds. ETFs are funds that track their related index and have the flexibility of trading like a security. They are managed by professionals and provide the investor with diversification, cost and tax efficiency, liquidity, marginability, are useful for hedging, have the ability to go long and short, and some provide quarterly dividends. ETFs generally have two markets. The primary market is where institutions swap “creation units” in block-multiples of shares, typically 25,000 or 50,000 for in-kind securities and cash in the form of dividends. The secondary market is where individual investors can trade as little as a single share during trading hours on the exchange. This is different from open-ended mutual funds that are traded after hours once the net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated. ETFs share many similar risks with open-end and closed-end funds.

There is a risk that an ETF in which the Fund invests may terminate due to extraordinary events that may cause any of the service providers to the ETF, such as the trustee or sponsor, to close or otherwise fail to perform their obligations to the ETF. Also, because the ETFs in which the Fund intends to principally invest may be granted licenses by agreement to use the indices as a basis for determining their compositions and/or otherwise to use certain trade names, the ETFs may terminate if such license agreements are terminated. In addition, an ETF may terminate if its entire net asset value falls below a certain amount. Although the Advisor may believe that, in the event of the termination of an underlying ETF, it will be able to invest instead in shares of an alternate ETF tracking the same market index or another market index with the same general market, there is no guarantee that shares of an alternate ETF would be available for investment at that time. To the extent that the Fund invests in a sector product, the Fund is subject to the risks associated with that sector.

The Fund purchases and sells (writes) options, a type of derivative instruments, as part of its principal investment strategies. Generally, derivatives are financial contracts whose value depends upon, or is derived from, the value of an underlying asset, reference rate, or index, and may relate to bonds, interest rates, currencies, commodities, and related indexes. With respect to certain kinds of derivative transactions that involve obligations to make future payments to third parties, the Fund must “set aside” liquid assets, or engage in other measures to “cover” open positions with respect to such transactions.

In October 2020, the SEC adopted Rule 18f-4 under the 1940 Act, which became effective on August 19, 2022. The rule replaces the current standard for funds’ use of derivatives. Funds that are subject to the rule are required to limit their use of derivatives based on the fund’s value-at-risk (“VaR”). VaR is a measure of estimated potential losses on an instrument or portfolio, expressed as a percentage of the value of the portfolio’s assets (or net assets when computing a fund’s VaR), over a specified time horizon and at a given confidence level. A fund must limit its derivatives usage to 200% of the VaR of a designated reference portfolio, which may be an index that meets certain requirements or the fund’s own securities portfolio. Alternatively, if this test is impractical based on the fund’s portfolio, the fund may comply with the “absolute VaR test” which limits the fund’s VaR to 20% of its net assets. Rule 18f-4 also requires (i) the appointment of a derivatives risk manager by the fund’s board to oversee the program, (ii) monitoring and stress testing requirements, and (iii) reporting and escalation procedures if thresholds are breached.

Funds that limit derivatives exposure to 10% of net assets are exempt from many of the requirements of Rule 18f-4.

Option Transactions
Option transactions in which the Fund may engage involve the specific risks described above as well as the following risks:

the writer of an option may be assigned an exercise at any time during the option period;
disruptions in the markets for underlying instruments could result in losses for options investors;
there may be an imperfect or no correlation between the option and the securities being hedged; and
the insolvency of a broker could present risks for the broker’s customers.

In addition, a liquid secondary market for options, whether traded over-the-counter or on an exchange, may not exist due to the following:
there may be insufficient trading interest in a particular option;
restrictions may be imposed by an exchange on opening transactions or closing transactions or both;
trading halts, suspensions, or other restrictions may be imposed with respect to particular classes or series of options or underlying securities;
unusual or unforeseen circumstances may interrupt normal operations on an exchange;
the facilities of an exchange or the Options Clearing Corporation may not at all times be adequate to handle current trading value; or
one or more exchanges could, for economic or other reasons, decide or be compelled at some future date to discontinue the trading of options (or a particular class or series of options), in which event the secondary market on that exchange (or in that class or series of options) would cease to exist, although outstanding options that had been issued by the Options Clearing Corporation as a result of trades on that exchange would continue to be exercisable in accordance with their terms.

The option activities of the Fund may affect its portfolio turnover rate and the amount of brokerage commissions paid by the Fund due to the Advisor closing out options trades approximately one year after the date in which the trades are entered and entering into new options trades. The success of the Fund in using the option strategies described above depends, among other things, on the Advisor’s ability to predict the direction and volatility of price movements in the options and securities markets and the Advisor’s ability to select the proper time, type and duration of the options.

By writing call options, the Fund forgoes the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market price of the underlying security above the exercise price except insofar as the premium represents such a profit. The Fund may also seek to earn additional income through receipt of premiums by writing covered put options. The risk involved in writing such options is that there could be a decrease in the market value of the underlying security. If this occurred, the option could be exercised and the underlying security would then be sold to the Fund at a higher price than its then current market value.

The Fund may purchase put and call options to attempt to provide protection against adverse price effects from anticipated changes in prevailing prices of securities. The purchase of a put option generally protects the value of portfolio holdings in a falling market, while the purchase of a call option generally protects cash reserves from a failure to participate in a rising market. In purchasing a call option, the Fund would be in a position to realize a gain if, during the option period, the price of the security increased by an

amount greater than the premium paid. The Fund would realize a loss if the price of the security decreased or remained the same or did not increase during the period by more than the amount of the premium. If a put or call option purchased by the Fund were permitted to expire without being sold or exercised, its premium would represent a realized loss to the Fund.

The imperfect correlation in price movement between an option and the underlying financial instrument and/or the costs of implementing such an option may limit the effectiveness of the strategy. The Fund’s ability to establish and close out options positions will be subject to the existence of a liquid secondary market. Although the Fund generally will purchase or sell only those options for which there appears to be an active secondary market, there is no assurance that a liquid secondary market on an exchange will exist for any particular option or at any particular time. If an option purchased by the Fund expires unexercised, the Fund will lose the premium it paid. In addition, the Fund could suffer a loss if the premium paid by the Fund in a closing transaction exceeds the premium income it received. When the Fund writes a call option, its ability to participate in the capital appreciation of the underlying obligation is limited. The Fund can cover a call option by owning:

The underlying security (or securities convertible into the underlying security without additional consideration), index, interest rate, foreign currency or futures contract;
A call option on the same security or index with the same or lesser exercise price;
A call option on the same security or index with a greater exercise price and segregating cash or liquid securities in an amount equal to the difference between the exercise prices;
Cash or liquid securities equal to at least the market value of the optioned securities, interest rate, foreign currency or futures contract; or
In the case of an index, the basket of securities that corresponds to the index.

The Fund can cover a put option by:

Entering into a short position in the underlying security;
Purchasing a put option on the same security, index, interest rate, foreign currency or futures contract with the same or greater exercise price;
Purchasing a put option on the same security, index, interest rate, foreign currency or futures contract with a lesser exercise price and segregating cash or liquid securities in an amount equal to the difference between the exercise prices; or
Maintaining the entire exercise price in liquid securities.

When the Fund purchases a call option, it obtains the right to purchase the underlying instrument at the option’s strike price. In return for this right, the Fund pays the current market price for the option (known as the “option premium”). A Fund may purchase call options to offset or hedge against an increase in the market value of its short positions or to benefit from an increase in the price of securities that it does not own. A Fund would ordinarily realize a gain if, during the option period, the value of the underlying instrument increased above the exercise price sufficiently to cover the premium paid and related transaction costs. However, if the price of the underlying instrument does not rise enough to offset the cost of purchasing the option, a call buyer would lose the premium and related transaction costs.

Put options are similar to call options, except that the Fund obtains the right to sell, rather than purchase, the underlying instrument at the option’s strike price. In return for this right, the Fund pays the option premium. A Fund may purchase put options to offset or hedge against a decline in the market value of its securities or to benefit from a decline in the price of securities that it does not own. A Fund would ordinarily realize a gain if, during the option period, the value of the underlying instrument decreased

below the exercise price sufficiently to cover the premium paid and related transaction costs. However, if the price of the underlying instrument does not fall enough to offset the cost of purchasing the option, a put buyer would lose the premium and related transaction costs.

The purchaser of an option may terminate its position by:

allowing it to expire and losing its entire premium;
exercising the option and either buying (in the case of a call option) or selling (in the case of a put option) the underlying instrument at the strike price; or
closing it out in the secondary market at its current price.

Options on securities indices are similar to options on securities, except that the exercise of securities index options requires cash settlement payments and does not involve the actual purchase or sale of securities. In addition, securities index options are designed to reflect price fluctuations in a group of securities or segment of the securities market, rather than price fluctuations in a single security.

Corporate Debt Securities
The may invest in ETFs that hold corporate debt securities. Corporate debt securities are fixed-income securities issued by businesses to finance their operations, although corporate debt instruments may also include bank loans to companies. Notes, bonds, debentures and commercial paper are the most common types of corporate debt securities, with the primary difference being their maturities and secured or unsecured status. Commercial paper has the shortest term and is usually unsecured. Corporate debt may be rated investment grade or below investment grade and may carry variable or floating rates of interest.

Because of the wide range of types, and maturities, of corporate debt securities, as well as the range of creditworthiness of its issuers, corporate debt securities have widely varying potentials for return and risk profiles. For example, commercial paper issued by a large established domestic corporation that is rated investment grade may have a modest return on principal, but carries relatively limited risk. On the other hand, a long-term corporate note issued by a small foreign corporation from an emerging market country that has not been rated may have the potential for relatively large returns on principal, but carries a relatively high degree of risk.

Corporate debt securities carry both credit risk and interest rate risk. Credit risk is the risk that the Fund could lose money if the issuer of a corporate debt security is unable to pay interest or repay principal when it is due. Some corporate debt securities that are rated below investment grade are generally considered speculative because they present a greater risk of loss, including default, than higher quality debt securities. The credit risk of a particular issuer’s debt security may vary based on its priority for repayment. For example, higher ranking (senior) debt securities have a higher priority than lower ranking (subordinated) securities. This means that the issuer might not make payments on subordinated securities while continuing to make payments on senior securities. In addition, in the event of bankruptcy, holders of higher-ranking senior securities may receive amounts otherwise payable to the holders of more junior securities. Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of certain corporate debt securities will tend to fall when interest rates rise. In general, corporate debt securities with longer terms tend to fall more in value when interest rates rise than corporate debt securities with shorter terms.

United States Government Obligations
These consist of various types of marketable securities issued by the United States Treasury, i.e., bills, notes and bonds. Such securities are direct obligations of the United States government and differ mainly in the length of their maturity. Treasury bills, the most frequently issued marketable government security,

have a maturity of up to one year and are issued on a discount basis. The Fund may also invest in Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (“TIPS”). TIPS are special types of treasury bonds that were created in order to offer bond investors protection from inflation. The values of the TIPS are automatically adjusted to the inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”). If the CPI goes up by half a percent, the value of the bond (the TIPS) would also go up by half a percent. If the CPI falls, the value of the bond does not fall because the government guarantees that the original investment will stay the same. TIPS decline in value when real interest rates rise. However, in certain interest rate environments, such as when real interest rates are rising faster than nominal interest rates, TIPS may experience greater losses than other fixed income securities with similar duration.

Other Investment Policies

Temporary Defensive Positions
The Fund, as well as the underlying investment companies in which the Fund invests, may, from time to time, take temporary defensive positions that are inconsistent with the Fund’s investment objective and principal investment strategies in an attempt to respond to adverse or unstable market, economic, political, or other conditions when the Advisor deems it appropriate to do so. During such an unusual set of circumstances, the Fund (or its underlying investment companies) may hold up to 100% of its portfolios in cash or cash equivalent positions (e.g., money market securities, U.S. Government securities, and/or similar securities). When the Fund (or its underlying investment companies) takes a temporary or defensive position, the Fund may not be able to pursue or achieve its investment objective.

Illiquid Investments and Restricted Securities.
Pursuant to Rule 22e-4 under the 1940 Act, the Fund may not acquire any “illiquid investment” if, immediately after the acquisition, the Fund would have invested more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid investments that are assets. An “illiquid investment” is any investment that the Fund reasonably expects cannot be sold or disposed of in current market conditions in seven calendar days or less without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment. The Fund has implemented a liquidity risk management program and related procedures to identify illiquid investments pursuant to Rule 22e-4. The 15% limit is applied as of the date the Fund purchases an illiquid investment. It is possible that the Fund’s holding of illiquid investments could exceed the 15% limit, for example as a result of market developments or redemptions.

The Fund may purchase certain restricted securities that can be resold to institutional investors and which may be determined not to be illiquid investments pursuant to the Fund’s liquidity risk management program. In many cases, those securities are traded in the institutional market pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and are called Rule 144A securities.

Investments in illiquid investments involve more risks than investments in similar securities that are readily marketable. Illiquid investments may trade at a discount from comparable, more liquid investments. Investment of the Fund’s assets in illiquid investments may restrict the ability of the Fund to dispose of its investments in a timely fashion and for a fair price as well as its ability to take advantage of market opportunities. The risks associated with illiquidity will be particularly acute where the Fund’s operations require cash, such as when the Fund has net redemptions, and could result in the Fund borrowing to meet short-term cash requirements or incurring losses on the sale of illiquid investments.

Illiquid investments are often restricted securities sold in private placement transactions between issuers and their purchasers and may be neither listed on an exchange nor traded in other established markets. In many cases, the privately placed securities may not be freely transferable under the laws of the applicable

jurisdiction or due to contractual restrictions on resale. To the extent privately placed securities may be resold in privately negotiated transactions, the prices realized from the sales could be less than those originally paid by a Fund or less than the fair value of the securities. In addition, issuers whose securities are not publicly traded may not be subject to the disclosure and other investor protection requirements that may be applicable if their securities were publicly traded. If any privately placed securities held by a Fund are required to be registered under the securities laws of one or more jurisdictions before being resold, the Fund may be required to bear the expenses of registration. Private placement investments may involve investments in smaller, less seasoned issuers, which may involve greater risks than investments in more established companies. These issuers may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or they may be dependent on a limited management group. In making investments in private placement securities, a Fund may obtain access to material non-public information, which may restrict the Fund’s ability to conduct transactions in those securities.

Lending of Portfolio Securities. In order to generate additional income, the Fund may lend portfolio securities in an amount up to 33% of total Fund assets to broker-dealers, major banks, or other recognized domestic institutional borrowers of securities which the Advisor has determined are creditworthy under guidelines established by the Board. In determining whether the Fund will lend securities, the Advisor will consider all relevant facts and circumstances. The Fund may not lend securities to any company affiliated with the Advisor. Each loan of securities will be collateralized by cash, securities, or equivalent collateral. The Fund might experience a loss if the borrower defaults on the loan.

The borrower at all times during the loan must maintain with the Fund cash or cash equivalent collateral. While the loan is outstanding, the borrower will pay the Fund any interest paid on the loaned securities, and the Fund may invest the cash collateral to earn additional income. Alternatively, the Fund may receive an agreed-upon amount of interest income from the borrower who has delivered equivalent collateral. It is anticipated that the Fund may share with the borrower some of the income received on the collateral for the loan or the Fund will be paid a premium for the loan. Voting rights for loaned securities will typically pass to the borrower, but the Fund will retain the right to call any security in anticipation of a vote that the Advisor deems material to the security on loan. Loans are subject to termination at the option of the Fund or the borrower at any time. The Fund may pay reasonable administrative and custodial fees in connection with a loan, and may pay a negotiated portion of the income earned on the cash to the borrower or placing broker. As with other extensions of credit, there are risks of delay in recovery or even loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower fail financially.

Securities lending involves counterparty risk, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned or returned in a timely manner and/or a loss of rights in the collateral if the borrower or the lending agent defaults or fails financially. This risk will be increased if a continuation of the current downturn in the economic conditions in the United States and around the world, particularly the recent failures of several major financial services firms, causes further declines in the securities markets and/or causes further financial instability in the borrowers or lending agents. This risk is increased when the Fund’s loans are concentrated with a single or limited number of borrowers. There are no limits on the number of borrowers the Fund may use, and the Fund may lend securities to only one or a small group of borrowers. Mutual funds participating in securities lending bear the risk of loss in connection with investments of the cash collateral received from the borrowers, which do not trigger additional collateral requirements from the borrower.

Borrowing. The Fund may borrow money for investment purposes, which is a form of leveraging. Leveraging investments, by purchasing securities with borrowed money, is a speculative technique that increases investment risk while increasing investment opportunity. Such borrowing may make the Fund’s

NAV more volatile than funds that do not borrow for investment purposes because leverage magnifies changes in the Fund’s NAV and on the Fund’s investments. Although the principal of borrowings will be fixed, the Fund’s assets may change in value during the time the borrowing is outstanding. Leverage also creates interest expenses for the Fund. To the extent the income derived from securities purchased with borrowed funds exceeds the interest the Fund will have to pay, the Fund’s net income will be greater than it would be if leverage were not used. Conversely, if the income from the assets obtained with borrowed funds is not sufficient to cover the cost of leveraging, the net income of the Fund will be less than it would be if leverage were not used, and therefore the amount available for distribution to shareholders as dividends will be reduced. The use of derivatives in connection with leverage creates the potential for significant loss. The Fund does not intend to use leverage in excess of 5% of total assets and will not make additional investments when outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund’s total assets. Any leveraging will comply with the applicable requirements of the 1940 Act and the applicable guidance of no-action letters issued by the SEC, including Investment Company Act Release No. 10666 (Apr. 18, 1979), intended to minimize the use of leverage and the possibility that the Fund’s liabilities will exceed the value of its assets.

The Fund may also borrow money to meet redemptions or for other emergency purposes. Such borrowings may be on a secured or unsecured basis at fixed or variable rates of interest. The 1940 Act requires the Fund to maintain continuous asset coverage of not less than 300% with respect to all borrowings. If such asset coverage should decline to less than 300% due to market fluctuations or other reasons, the Fund will be required to reduce the amount of its borrowings within three days (not including Sundays and holidays), and may be required to dispose of some portfolio holdings in order to reduce the Fund’s debt and restore the 300% asset coverage, even though it may be disadvantageous from an investment standpoint to dispose of assets at that time. The Fund also may be required to maintain minimum average balances in connection with such borrowing or to pay a commitment or other fee to maintain a line of credit. Either of these requirements would increase the cost of borrowing over the stated interest rate.

Cybersecurity and Operational Risk
With the increased use of technologies such as the Internet to conduct business, the Fund and its service providers are susceptible to operational, information security and related risks. In general, cyber incidents can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events. Cyber-attacks include, but are not limited to, gaining unauthorized access to digital systems (e.g., through “hacking” or malicious software coding) for purposes of misappropriating assets or sensitive information, corrupting data, or causing operational disruption. Cyber-attacks may also be carried out in a manner that does not require gaining unauthorized access, such as causing denial-of-service attacks on websites (i.e., efforts to make network services unavailable to intended users). Cyber incidents affecting the Fund or its service providers may cause disruptions and impact business operations, potentially resulting in financial losses, interference with the Fund’s ability to calculate its NAV, impediments to trading, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, violations of applicable privacy and other laws, regulatory fines, penalties, reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs, or additional compliance costs. Similar adverse consequences could result from cyber incidents affecting issuers of securities in which a fund invests, counterparties with which the Fund engages in transactions, governmental and other regulatory authorities, exchange and other financial market operators, banks, brokers, dealers, insurance companies and other financial institutions (including financial intermediaries and service providers for fund shareholders) and other parties. In addition, substantial costs may be incurred in order to prevent any cyber incidents in the future. While the Fund’s service providers have established business continuity plans in the event of, and risk management systems to prevent, such cyber incidents, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems including the possibility that certain risks have not been identified.

Furthermore, the Funds cannot control the cyber security plans and systems put in place by its service providers or any other third parties whose operations may affect the Fund or its shareholders. The Fund and its shareholders could be negatively impacted as a result.

Large Shareholder Risk. Certain account holders may from time to time own or control a significant percentage of the Fund’s shares. The Fund is subject to the risk that a redemption by large shareholders of all or a portion of their Fund shares or a purchase of Fund shares in large amounts and/or on a frequent basis will adversely affect the Fund’s performance if it is forced to sell portfolio securities or invest cash when the Advisor would not otherwise choose to do so. This risk will be particularly pronounced if one shareholder owns a substantial portion of the Fund. Redemptions of a large number of shares may affect the liquidity of the Fund’s portfolio, increase the Fund’s transaction costs and/or lead to the liquidation of the Fund. Such transactions also potentially limit the use of any capital loss carryforwards and certain other losses to offset future realized capital gains (if any).

Liquidation of the Fund. The Board may determine to close and liquidate the Fund at any time, which may have adverse tax consequences to shareholders. In the event of the liquidation of the Fund, shareholders will receive a liquidating distribution in cash or in-kind equal to their proportionate interest in the Fund. A liquidating distribution would generally be a taxable event to shareholders, resulting in a gain or loss for tax purposes, depending upon a shareholder’s basis in his or her shares of the Fund. A shareholder of the liquidating Fund will not be entitled to any refund or reimbursement of expenses borne, directly or indirectly, by the shareholder (such as sales loads, account fees, or fund expenses), and a shareholder may receive an amount in liquidation less than the shareholder’s original investment.

Regulatory Risk. Financial entities, such as investment companies and investment advisers, are generally subject to extensive government regulation and intervention. Government regulation and/or intervention may change the way the Fund is regulated, affect the expenses incurred directly by the Fund and the value of its investments, and limit and/or preclude the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective. Government regulation may change frequently and may have significant adverse consequences. Moreover, government regulation may have unpredictable and unintended effects. While there continues to be uncertainty about the full impact of recent regulatory changes, it is the case that the Fund likely will be subject to a more complex regulatory framework, and may incur additional costs to comply with new requirements as well as to monitor for compliance in the future.


The investment restrictions applicable to the Fund are set forth below and are either fundamental or non-fundamental. Fundamental restrictions may not be changed without a majority vote of shareholders as required by the 1940 Act. Non-fundamental policies or restrictions may be changed by the Board without shareholder approval.

Fundamental Investment Restrictions

The Trust (on behalf of the Fund) has adopted the following restrictions as fundamental policies, which may not be changed without the affirmative vote of the holders of a “majority” of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund. Under the 1940 Act, the “vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities” means the vote of the holders of the lesser of (i) 67% or more of the shares of the Fund present at a meeting at which the holders of more than 50% of the Fund’s outstanding shares are present or represented by proxy or (ii) more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.


As a matter of fundamental policy:

1.The Fund may not lend money or other assets except to the extent permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority.

2.The Fund may not borrow money, except as permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority.

3.The Fund may not issue senior securities except as permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority.

4.The Fund may not concentrate its investments in a particular industry, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time, except that the Fund may invest without limitation in: (i) securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities; (ii) tax-exempt obligations of state or municipal governments and their political subdivisions; (iii) securities of other investment companies; and (iv) repurchase agreements.

5.The Fund may not purchase or sell real estate, except as permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority.

6.The Fund may not buy or sell commodities or commodity (futures) contracts, except as permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority.

7.The Fund may not engage in the business of underwriting the securities of other issuers except as permitted by (i) the 1940 Act, or interpretations or modifications by the SEC, SEC staff or other authority with appropriate jurisdiction, or (ii) exemptive or other relief or permission from the SEC, SEC staff or other authority, and except to the extent that the Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with the purchase and sale of portfolio securities.

Except with respect to borrowing and liquidity, all percentage or rating restrictions on an investment or use of assets set forth herein or in the Prospectus are adhered to at the time of investment. Later changes in the percentage or rating resulting from any cause other than actions by the Fund will not be considered a violation of the Fund’s investment restrictions. If the value of the Fund’s holdings of illiquid securities at any time exceeds the percentage limitation applicable due to subsequent fluctuations in value or other reasons, the Board will consider what actions are appropriate to maintain adequate liquidity.


Additional Information Regarding Fundamental Investment Restrictions

The following descriptions of the 1940 Act may assist investors in understanding the above policies and restrictions.

Lending. The 1940 Act does not prohibit a fund from making loans (including lending its securities); however, SEC staff interpretations currently prohibit funds from lending more than one-third of their total assets (including lending its securities), except through the purchase of debt obligations or the use of repurchase agreements. In addition, collateral arrangements with respect to options, forward currency and futures transactions and other derivative instruments (as applicable), as well as delays in the settlement of securities transactions, will not be considered loans.

For purposes of the Fund’s fundamental investment restriction with respect to lending, the entry into repurchase agreements, lending securities and acquiring of debt securities shall not constitute loans by the Fund.

Senior Securities and Borrowing. The 1940 Act prohibits the Fund from issuing any class of senior securities or selling any senior securities of which it is the issuer, except that the Fund is permitted to borrow from a bank so long as, immediately after such borrowings, there is an asset coverage of at least 300% for all borrowings of the Fund (not including borrowings for temporary purposes in an amount not exceeding 5% of the value of the Fund’s total assets). In the event that such asset coverage falls below this percentage, the Fund is required to reduce the amount of its borrowings within three days (not including Sundays and holidays) so that the asset coverage is restored to at least 300%. Asset coverage means the ratio that the value of a fund’s total assets (including amounts borrowed), minus liabilities other than borrowings, bears to the aggregate amount of all borrowings. Borrowing money to increase portfolio holdings is known as “leveraging.” Certain trading practices and investments, such as reverse repurchase agreements, may be considered to be borrowings or involve leverage and thus are subject to the 1940 Act restrictions. In accordance with SEC staff guidance and interpretations, when a fund engages in such transactions, the fund instead of maintaining asset coverage of at least 300%, may segregate or earmark liquid assets, or enter into an offsetting position, in an amount at least equal to the fund’s exposure, on a mark-to-market basis, to the transaction (as calculated pursuant to requirements of the SEC). The fundamental restriction in (2) above will be interpreted to permit the Fund to engage in trading practices and investments that may be considered to be borrowing or to involve leverage to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act and to permit the Fund to segregate or earmark liquid assets or enter into offsetting positions in accordance with the 1940 Act. Short-term credits necessary for the settlement of securities transactions and arrangements with respect to securities lending will not be considered to be borrowings under the policy. Practices and investments that may involve leverage but are not considered to be borrowings are not subject to the policy.

Derivative instruments are not considered to be borrowings for purposes of the Fund’s Fundamental Investment Restrictions because they will be “covered,” as described above under “Investment Policies, Strategies and Associated Risks.”

Concentration. The SEC staff has defined concentration as investing 25% or more of a fund’s total assets in any particular industry or group of industries, with certain exceptions such as with respect to investments in obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies and instrumentalities, or tax-exempt obligations of state or municipal governments and their political subdivisions. The SEC staff has further maintained that a fund should consider the underlying investments, where easily determined, of investment companies in which the fund is invested when

determining concentration of the fund. For purposes of the Fund’s concentration policy, the Fund may classify and re-classify companies in a particular industry and define and re-define industries in any reasonable manner, consistent with SEC and SEC staff guidance. In this regard, the Advisor may analyze the characteristics of a particular issuer and instrument and may assign an industry classification consistent with those characteristics. The Advisor may, but need not, consider industry classifications provided by third parties.

Diversification. Under the 1940 Act and the rules, regulations and interpretations thereunder, an investment company is a “diversified company” if, as to 75% of its total assets, it does not purchase securities of any issuer (other than obligations of, or guaranteed by, the U.S. government or its agencies, or instrumentalities or securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of such issuer, or more than 10% of the issuer’s voting securities would be held by the investment company. For purposes of the Fund’s diversification policy, the identification of the issuer of a security may be determined in any reasonable manner, consistent with SEC guidance.

However, since the Fund intends to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (the “Code”), the Fund will limit its investment, excluding cash, cash items (including receivables), U.S. government securities and securities of other regulated investment companies, so that at the close of each quarter of the taxable year, (1) not more than 25% of the Fund’s total assets will be invested in the securities of a single issuer, and (2) with respect to 50% of its total assets, not more than 5% of the Fund’s total assets will be invested in the securities of a single issuer nor represent more than 10% of the issuer’s outstanding voting securities.

Underwriting. The 1940 Act does not prohibit a fund from engaging in the underwriting business or from underwriting the securities of other issuers; in fact, in the case of diversified funds, the 1940 Act permits a fund to have underwriting commitments of up to 25% of its assets under certain circumstances. Those circumstances currently are that the amount of the fund’s underwriting commitments, when added to the value of the fund’s investments in issuers where the fund owns more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of those issuers, cannot exceed the 25% cap.


The frequency of the Fund’s portfolio transactions (the portfolio turnover rate) will vary from year to year depending on many factors. Higher portfolio turnover rates may result in increased brokerage costs to the Fund and a possible increase in short-term capital gains or losses. The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate for the most recent fiscal years ended April 30 was as follows:

2022 2021
98% 71%


The Trust, on behalf of the Fund, has adopted a portfolio holdings disclosure policy that governs the timing and circumstances of disclosure of portfolio holdings of the Fund. The Advisor has also adopted a policy with respect to disclosure of Fund’s portfolio holdings (the “Advisor’s Policy”). Information about the Fund’s portfolio holdings will not be distributed to any third party except in accordance with the

portfolio holdings policies and the Advisor’s Policy (the “Disclosure Policies”). The Advisor and the Board considered the circumstances under which the Fund’s portfolio holdings may be disclosed under the Disclosure Policies and the actual and potential material conflicts that could arise in such circumstances between the interests of the Fund’s shareholders and the interests of the Advisor, the Fund’s distributor, Quasar Distributors, LLC (the “Distributor”) or any other affiliated person of the Fund. After due consideration, the Advisor and the Board determined that the Fund has a legitimate business purpose for disclosing portfolio holdings to persons described in the Disclosure Policies, including mutual fund rating or statistical agencies, or persons performing similar functions, and internal parties involved in the investment process, administration or custody of the Fund. Pursuant to the Disclosure Policies, the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) is authorized to consider and authorize dissemination of portfolio holdings information to additional third parties, after considering the best interests of the Fund shareholders and potential conflicts of interest in making such disclosures.

The Board exercises continuing oversight of the disclosure of the Fund’s portfolio holdings by (1) overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the Disclosure Policies, Codes of Ethics and other relevant policies of the Fund and its service providers by the Trust’s CCO, (2) by considering reports and recommendations by the Trust’s CCO concerning any material compliance matters (as defined in Rule 38a-1 under the 1940 Act), and (3) by considering the approval of any amendment to the Disclosure Policies. The Board reserves the right to amend the Disclosure Policies at any time without prior notice to shareholders in its sole discretion.

Disclosure of the Fund’s complete holdings is required to be made quarterly within 60 days of the end of each period covered by the Annual Report and Semi-Annual Report to Fund shareholders and in the holdings report on Part F of Form N-PORT. These reports are available, free of charge, on the EDGAR database on the SEC’s website at Portfolio holdings information posted on the Fund’s website may be separately provided to any person, commencing on the day after it is first published on the Fund’s website. In addition, the Fund may provide its complete portfolio holdings at the same time that it is filed with the SEC.

In the event of a conflict between the interests of the Fund and the interests of the Advisor or an affiliated person of the Advisor, the CCO of the Advisor, in consultation with the Trust’s CCO, shall make a determination in the best interests of the Fund, and shall report such determination to the Board at the end of the quarter in which such determination was made. Any employee of the Advisor who suspects a breach of this obligation must report the matter immediately to the Advisor’s CCO or to his or her supervisor.

In addition, material non-public holdings information may be provided without lag as part of the normal investment activities of the Fund to each of the following entities, which, by explicit agreement or by virtue of their respective duties to the Fund, are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed, including a duty not to trade on non-public information: the fund administrator, fund accountant, custodian, transfer agent, auditors, counsel to the Fund or the Board, broker-dealers (in connection with the purchase or sale of securities or requests for price quotations or bids on one or more securities) and regulatory authorities. Portfolio holdings information not publicly available with the SEC or through the Fund’s website may only be provided to additional third parties, including mutual fund ratings or statistical agencies, in accordance with the Disclosure Policies, when the Fund has a legitimate business purpose and the third party recipient is subject to a confidentiality agreement that includes a duty not to trade on non-public information. As of the date of this SAI these parties include Lipper, Morningstar, S&P, Bloomberg, Thomson Financial, Vickers Stock and CapitalBridge, Inc., all of which

may receive such information between the 5th and 10th business day of the month following the end of a calendar quarter.

In no event shall the Advisor, its affiliates or employees, the Fund, or any other party receive any direct or indirect compensation in connection with the disclosure of information about the Fund’s portfolio holdings.

There can be no assurance that the Disclosure Policies will protect the Fund from potential misuse of portfolio holdings information by individuals or entities to which it is disclosed.


The Board oversees the management and operations of the Trust. The Board, in turn, elects the officers of the Trust, who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Trust and its separate series. The current Trustees and officers of the Trust, their year of birth, positions with the Trust, terms of office with the Trust and length of time served, principal occupations during the past five years and other directorships are set forth in the table below. Unless noted otherwise, the principal business address of each Trustee is c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, 615 East Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.
Name and Year of Birth Positions with the Trust Term of Office and Length of Time Served Principal Occupations During Past Five Years
Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex(2) Overseen by Trustees
Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years
Independent Trustees of the Trust(1)
Koji Felton
(born 1961)
Trustee Indefinite Term;
Since September 2015.
1 Independent Trustee, Listed Funds Trust (15 portfolios) (Since 2019).
Debra McGinty-Poteet
(born 1956)
Trustee Indefinite Term;
Since September 2015.
1 Independent Trustee, F/m Funds Trust (3 portfolios) (Since May 2015).
Daniel B. Willey
(born 1955)
Trustee Indefinite Term;
Since September 2015.
Retired. Chief Compliance Officer, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (2009 - 2017).
1 None
Interested Trustee
Elaine E. Richards(3)
(born 1968)
Chair, Trustee Indefinite Term;
Since July 2021.
Senior Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2007).
1 None
Officers of the Trust

Name and Year of Birth Positions with the Trust Term of Office and Length of Time Served Principal Occupations During Past Five Years
Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex(2) Overseen by Trustees
Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years
Ryan L. Roell
(born 1973)
President and Principal Executive Officer Indefinite Term; Since July 2019.
Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2005).
Cullen O. Small
 (born 1987)
Vice President, Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer Indefinite Term;
Since January 2019.
Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2010).
Donna Barrette
 (born 1966)
Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer and Anti-Money Laundering Officer Indefinite Term; Since November 2019.
Senior Vice President and Compliance Officer, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2004).
Adam W. Smith
(born 1981)
Secretary Indefinite Term; Since June 2019.
Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2012).
Hailey S. Glaser
(born 1989)
Assistant Treasurer Indefinite Term; Since July 2019. Assistant Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2015). Not
Kristen M. Pierson
(born 1979)
Assistant Treasurer Indefinite Term; Since July 2019. Assistant Vice President, U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (since 2017). Not
(1)    The Trustees of the Trust who are not “interested persons” of the Trust as defined by the 1940 Act (“Independent Trustees”).
(2)    As of the date of this SAI, the Trust was comprised of 11 portfolios (including the Fund) managed by unaffiliated investment advisors. The term “Fund Complex” applies only to the Fund. The Fund does not hold itself out as related to any other series within the Trust for investment purposes, nor does it share the same investment adviser with any other series within the Trust.
(3)    Ms. Richards, as a result of her employment with U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, which acts as transfer agent, administrator, and fund accountant to the Trust, is considered to be an “interested person” of the Trust, as defined by the 1940 Act.

Additional Information Concerning the Board of Trustees

The Role of the Board

The Board oversees the management and operations of the Trust. Like all mutual funds, the day-to-day management and operation of the Trust is the responsibility of the various service providers to the Trust,

such as the Advisor, the Distributor, the Administrator, the Custodian, and the Transfer Agent, each of which are discussed in greater detail in this SAI. The Board has appointed various senior employees of the Administrator as officers of the Trust, with responsibility to monitor and report to the Board on the Trust’s operations. In conducting this oversight, the Board receives regular reports from these officers and the service providers. For example, the Treasurer provides reports as to financial reporting matters and the President provides reports as to matters relating to the Trust’s operations. In addition, the Advisor provides regular reports on the investment strategy and performance of the Fund. The Board has appointed a CCO who administers the Trust’s compliance program and regularly reports to the Board as to compliance matters. These reports are provided as part of formal “Board Meetings” which are typically held quarterly, in person, and involve the Board’s review of recent operations. In addition, various members of the Board also meet with management in less formal settings, between formal “Board Meetings,” to discuss various topics. In all cases, however, the role of the Board and of any individual Trustee is one of oversight and not of management of the day-to-day affairs of the Trust and its oversight role does not make the Board a guarantor of the Trust’s investments, operations or activities.

Board Structure, Leadership

The Board has structured itself in a manner that it believes allows it to perform its oversight function effectively. It has established three standing committees, a Governance and Nominating Committee, an Audit Committee, which also serves as the Qualified Legal Compliance Committee, and a Valuation Committee, which are discussed in greater detail below under “Trust Committees”. The Board is comprised of one Interested Trustee and three Independent Trustees, which are Trustees that are not affiliated with the Advisor, the principal underwriter, or their affiliates. The Governance and Nominating Committee, Audit Committee and Qualified Legal Compliance Committee are comprised entirely of Independent Trustees. The Chair of the Board is an Interested Trustee. The Board has determined not to appoint a lead Independent Trustee; however, the Independent Trustees are advised by independent counsel. The President and Principal Executive Officer of the Trust is not a Trustee, but rather is a senior employee of the Administrator who routinely interacts with the unaffiliated investment advisers of the Trust and comprehensively manages the operational aspects of the funds in the Trust. The Trust has determined that it is appropriate to separate the Principal Executive Officer and Chair of the Board positions because the day-to day responsibilities of the Principal Executive Officer are not consistent with the oversight role of the Trustees and because of the potential conflict of interest that may arise from the Administrator’s duties with the Trust. The Board reviews its structure and the structure of its committees annually. Given the specific characteristics of the Trust, as described above, the Board has determined that the structure of the Interested Chair, the composition of the Board, and the function and composition of its various committees are appropriate means to address any potential conflicts of interest that may arise.

Board Oversight of Risk Management

As part of its oversight function, the Board receives and reviews various risk management reports and discusses these matters with appropriate management and other personnel. Because risk management is a broad concept comprised of many elements (e.g., investment risk, issuer and counterparty risk, compliance risk, operational risks, business continuity risks, etc.), the oversight of different types of risks is handled in different ways. For example, the Audit Committee meets with the Treasurer and the Trust’s independent registered public accounting firm to discuss, among other things, the internal control structure of the Trust’s financial reporting function. The Board meets regularly with the CCO to discuss compliance and operational risks and how they are managed. The Board also receives reports from the

Advisor as to investment risks of the Fund. In addition to these reports, from time to time the Board receives reports from the Administrator and the Advisor as to enterprise risk management.

Information about Each Trustee’s Qualification, Experience, Attributes or Skills

The Board believes that each of the Trustees has the qualifications, experience, attributes and skills (“Trustee Attributes”) appropriate to their continued service as Trustees of the Trust in light of the Trust’s business and structure. The Board annually conducts a “self-assessment” wherein the effectiveness of the Board and individual Trustees is reviewed.

In addition to the information provided in the chart above, below is certain additional information concerning each particular Trustee and his/her Trustee Attributes. The information is not all-inclusive. Many Trustee Attributes involve intangible elements, such as intelligence, integrity, work ethic, the ability to work together, the ability to communicate effectively, the ability to exercise judgment, to ask incisive questions, and commitment to shareholder interests.

Koji Felton. Mr. Felton has served as a Trustee since 2015 and has substantial experience with the mutual fund industry and familiarity with federal securities laws and regulations. Mr. Felton’s prior experience includes serving as Director and Counsel for KKR Credit Advisors LLC, the asset manager arm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (2013 – 2015). Prior to that Mr. Felton served as counsel in the Financial Services Group at Dechert LLP from (2011 – 2013), as well as in various capacities, and ultimately as Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for mutual funds, at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (1998 – 2011). Mr. Felton also worked as a staff attorney and served as an Enforcement Branch Chief for the San Francisco District Office of the SEC (1992 – 1998). Mr. Felton began his career as a litigation associate specializing in securities and banking litigation at Shearman & Sterling (1986 – 1992).

Debra McGinty-Poteet. Ms. McGinty-Poteet has served as a Trustee since 2015 and has significant mutual fund industry experience, including her current and prior experience on mutual fund boards. Ms. McGinty-Poteet currently also serves an Independent Trustee and Chair of the Audit Committee for First Western Funds Trust. Prior to becoming a Trustee of the Trust, Ms. McGinty-Poteet served as the President, Chair of the Board, and Interested Trustee for Brandes Investment Trust where she also oversaw the proprietary and sub-advisory mutual fund business for Brandes Investment Advisors (1999 – 2012). Ms. McGinty-Poteet previously served as Chief Operating Officer of North American Trust Company (1997 – 1998); Global Managing Director of Mutual Funds at Bank of America (1992 – 1996); and in various capacities, and ultimately as Global Head of Mutual Funds, at Security Pacific Bank (1982 – 1992).

Daniel Willey. Mr. Willey has served as a Trustee since 2015 and has significant work history and experience in the investment management industry. As a chief compliance officer, Mr. Willey has valuable experience in an oversight role and in working with regulatory compliance matters. Mr. Willey served as the Chief Compliance Officer of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (2009 – 2017). Prior to this role, Mr. Willey served as the Chief Operating and Chief Compliance Officer of Barrett Associates, Inc. (investment adviser and affiliate of Legg Mason) (2007 – 2009); President and Chief Executive Officer of TIMCO, Citigroup Asset Management (2004 – 2006); Head Equity Trader of TIMCO (1994 – 2004); Vice President, Shawmut National Bank (1992 – 1994); Investment Officer, State of Connecticut (1990 – 1992); Vice President, Bank of New England (Connecticut Bank & Trust) (1981 – 1990); Registered Representative, Tucker Anthony and R.L. Day, Inc. (1979 – 1981); and Assistant Analyst, The Travelers Insurance Company (1977 – 1979).


Elaine Richards. Ms. Richards has served as a Trustee since 2021 and has over 25 years of experience, knowledge, and understanding of the mutual fund industry. Ms. Richards currently serves as a Senior Vice President of U.S. Bank Global Fund Services and has extensive experience in the 1940 Act, securities law in general and SEC compliance and regulatory matters. In addition, Ms. Richards has extensive experience in the oversight of regulatory examinations and providing support and assistance to mutual fund clients implementing new regulatory requirements. Prior to joining U.S. Bank Global Fund Services, Ms. Richards was Vice President and senior counsel at Wells Fargo Funds Management.

Trust Committees

The Trust has three standing committees: the Governance and Nominating Committee, the Audit Committee, which also serves as the Qualified Legal Compliance Committee (“QLCC”), and the Valuation Committee.

The Governance and Nominating Committee, comprised of all the Independent Trustees, is responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding various governance-related aspects of the Board’s responsibilities and seeking and reviewing candidates for consideration as nominees for Trustees and meets only as necessary. The Governance and Nominating Committee will consider nominees nominated by shareholders. Recommendations by shareholders for consideration by the Governance and Nominating Committee should be sent to the President of the Trust in writing together with the appropriate biographical information concerning each such proposed nominee, and such recommendation must comply with the notice provisions set forth in the Trust Bylaws. In general, to comply with such procedures, such nominations, together with all required biographical information, must be delivered to and received by the President of the Trust at the principal executive offices of the Trust no less than 120 days and no more than 150 days prior to the shareholder meeting at which any such nominee would be voted on. The Governance and Nominating Committee did not meet during the Fund’s most recent fiscal year ended April 30, 2022.

The Audit Committee is comprised of all of the Independent Trustees. The Audit Committee generally meets on a quarterly basis with respect to the various series of the Trust, and may meet more frequently. The function of the Audit Committee, with respect to each series of the Trust, is to review the scope and results of the audit of such series’ financial statements and any matters bearing on the audit or the financial statements, and to ensure the integrity of the series’ pricing and financial reporting. The Audit Committee met four times during the Fund’s most recent fiscal year ended April 30, 2022.

The function of the QLCC is to receive reports from an attorney retained by the Trust of evidence of a material violation by the Trust or by any officer, director, employee or agent of the Trust.

The Board has delegated day-to-day valuation issues to a Valuation Committee that is comprised of certain officers of the Trust and the Interested Trustee of the Trust, and is overseen by the Board. The function of the Valuation Committee is to oversee and approve the fair value of securities held by any series of the Trust for which current and reliable market quotations are not readily available. Such securities are valued at their respective fair values as determined in good faith by the Valuation Committee. The actions of the Valuation Committee are subsequently reviewed and ratified by the Board. The Valuation Committee meets as needed. The Valuation Committee held eleven meetings during the Fund’s most recent fiscal year ended April 30, 2022.


Trustee Ownership of Fund Shares and Other Interests

No Trustee beneficially owned shares of the Fund as of December 31, 2021. Furthermore, neither the Independent Trustees nor members of their immediate family, own securities beneficially or of record in the Advisor, the Fund’s principal underwriter, or any of their affiliates as of the same date.


Independent Trustees each receive an annual retainer of $40,000. Prior to January 1, 2022, Independent Trustees received an annual retainer of $35,000 and $500 per any special meeting attended telephonically. Independent Trustees receive additional fees from applicable portfolios for any special meetings at rates assessed by the Trustees depending on the length of the meeting and whether in-person attendance is required. Independent Trustees are also reimbursed for expenses in connection with each Board meeting attended. These reimbursements are allocated among applicable portfolios of the Trust. The Trust has no pension or retirement plan. No other entity affiliated with the Trust pays any compensation to the Trustees. The Trust does not pay any fees to, or reimburse expenses of, the Interested Trustee. For the Fund’s fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, the Independent Trustees received the following compensation:
Name of Person/ Position
Aggregate Compensation From the Fund(1)
Pension or Retirement Benefits Accrued as Part of Fund Expenses Estimated Annual Benefits Upon Retirement
Total Compensation from Fund and Fund Complex(2) Paid to Trustees
Koji Felton, Independent Trustee
$3,445 None None $3,445
Debra McGinty Poteet, Independent Trustee $3,445 None None $3,445
Daniel Willey, Independent Trustee
$3,445 None None $3,445
(1)Trustees’ fees and expenses are allocated among the Fund and all other series comprising the Trust.
(2)As of the date of this SAI, the Trust was comprised of 11 portfolios (including the Fund) managed by unaffiliated investment advisers. The term “Fund Complex” applies only to the Fund, and not to other series of the Trust. For the Fund’s fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, aggregate Independent Trustees’ fees and expenses amounted to $112,500.


The Trust, the Advisor and the Distributor have each adopted separate codes of ethics pursuant to Rule 17j‑1 of the 1940 Act. These codes of ethics permit, subject to certain conditions, personnel of the Advisor and the Distributor to invest in securities that may be purchased or held by the Fund.


The Board has adopted Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Trust Proxy Policies”) on behalf of the Trust which delegate the responsibility for voting proxies to the Advisor, subject to the Board’s continuing oversight. The Trust’s Proxy Policies require that the Advisor vote proxies received in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders. The Trust Proxy Policies also require the Advisor to present to the Board, at least annually, the Advisor’s proxy policies and a record of each proxy voted by the Advisor on behalf of the Fund, including a report on the resolution of all proxies identified by the Advisor as involving a conflict of interest.

The Advisor has adopted proxy policies, which may be amended from time to time. In voting proxies, the Advisor is guided by fiduciary principles. All proxies are to be voted solely in the best interests of the beneficial owners of the securities. The Advisor’s proxy policies are attached as Appendix A.

The Trust is required to file a Form N-PX, with the Fund’s complete proxy voting record for the 12 months ended June 30, no later than August 31 of each year. Form N-PX for the Fund will be available without charge, upon request, by calling toll-free 844-OAKHRST (844-625-4778) and on the SEC’s website at


A principal shareholder is any person who owns of record or beneficially owns 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the Fund. A control person is any person who owns beneficially or through controlled companies more than 25% of the voting securities of the Fund or acknowledges the existence of control.

As of July 31, 2022, the following shareholders were considered to be either a control person or principal shareholder of the Fund:

Institutional Class
Name and Address % Ownership Parent
State of Jurisdiction Type of Ownership
National Financial Services, LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of
Our Customers
Attn: Mutual Funds Dept., 4th FL
499 Washington Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995
87.52% Fidelity Brokerage Company DE Record
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
Special Custody Account
1 N Jefferson Ave.
St. Louis MO 63103-2287
9.29% N/A N/A Record

Since the Advisor Class had not commenced operations prior to the date of this SAI, there are no principal shareholders or control persons of the Advisor Class as of July 31, 2022. As of July 31, 2022, the Trustees and officers of the Trust as a group did not own more than 1% of the outstanding shares of any class of the Fund.



As stated in the Prospectus, investment advisory services are provided to the Fund by Lido Advisers, LLC, pursuant to an Investment Advisory Agreement (the “Advisory Agreement”). Prior to August 23, 2022, the Predecessor Adviser served as the investment adviser to the Fund.

As compensation, the Fund pays the Advisor a monthly performance fee (accrued daily) based upon the average daily net assets of the Fund at the annual rate of 1.00%.

The Advisory Agreement continues in effect for an initial two year period, and from year to year thereafter only if such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the Board or by vote of a majority of the Fund’s outstanding voting securities and by a majority of the Independent Trustees, who are not parties to the Advisory Agreement or interested persons of any such party, in each case cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on the Advisory Agreement. The Advisory Agreement is terminable without penalty by the Trust on behalf of the Fund on not more than 60 days’, nor less than 30 days’, written notice to the Advisor when authorized either by a majority vote of the Fund’s shareholders or by a vote of a majority of the Trustees, or by the Advisor on not more than 60 days’, nor less than 30 days’, written notice to the Trust, and will automatically terminate in the event of its “assignment” (as defined in the 1940 Act). The Advisory Agreement provides that the Advisor shall not be liable under such agreement for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss arising out of any investment or for any act or omission in the execution of portfolio transactions for the Fund, except for willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties, or by reason of reckless disregard of its obligations and duties thereunder.

In addition, the Advisor has contractually agreed to waive a portion or all of its management fee and reimburse Fund expenses until at least August 23, 2024, to ensure that Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement (excluding front-end or contingent deferred sales loads, Rule 12b-1 fees, shareholder servicing plan fees, taxes, leverage/borrowing interest, interest expense, dividends paid on short sales, brokerage and other transactional expenses, acquired fund fees and expenses, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, or extraordinary expenses) will not exceed 1.50% of the average daily net assets of the Fund (the “Expense Cap”). The Expense Cap will remain in effect through at least August 23, 2024, and may be terminated at any time upon 60 days’ written notice by the Board or the Advisor. The Advisor may request recoupment of previously waived fees or reimbursed expenses from the Fund for three years from the date they were waived or reimbursed, provided that after payment of the recoupment, the Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses do not exceed the lesser of the Expense Cap: (i) in effect at the time of the waiver or reimbursement, or (ii) in effect at the time of recoupment.

For the fiscal years ended April 30, the Fund paid the following management fees to the Predecessor Adviser:
Fiscal Year End Investment Advisory Fees Earned Net Advisory Fees (Waived) or Fund Expenses Reimbursed by Advisor Advisory Fees Recouped by Advisor Net Advisory Fees Paid to Advisor
2022 $1,129,470 $0 $238,518 $1,367,988
2021 $581,368 $(36,278) $57,299 $602,389
2020 $247,784 $(112,979) $0 $134,805

Portfolio Managers

Jason Ozur serves as portfolio manager for the Fund and is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund. Mr. Jeffrey Garden and Mr. Michael Reis each serve as Co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund. The following tables provide information regarding other accounts managed by the Portfolio Managers as of April 30, 2022.
Category of Account Total Number of Accounts Managed Total Assets in Accounts Managed
(in millions)
Number of Accounts for which Advisory Fee is Based on Performance Assets in Accounts for which Advisory Fee is Based on Performance
Accounts Managed by Jason Ozur
Other Registered Investment Companies 0 $0 0 $0
Other Pooled Investment Vehicles 9 $239.9 0 $0
Other Accounts 14,943 $9,549.0 0 $0
Accounts Managed by Jeffrey Garden
Other Registered Investment Companies 0 $0 0 $0
Other Pooled Investment Vehicles 9 $239.9 0 $0
Other Accounts 14,943 $9,549.0 0 $0
Accounts Managed by Michael Reis*
Other Registered Investment Companies 0 $0 0 $0
Other Pooled Investment Vehicles 0 $0 0 $0
Other Accounts 0 $0 0 $0
*As of July 31, 2022.


Each portfolio manager’s compensation varies with the general success of the Advisor as a firm. The portfolio manager’s compensation is based on net revenue after all firm expenses and profit sharing. The portfolio manager’s compensation is not directly linked to the Fund’s performance, although positive performance and growth in managed assets are factors that may contribute to the Advisor’s distributable profits and assets under management.

Conflicts of Interest

The Advisor seeks to treat all clients (including the Fund and separately managed accounts) fairly and equitably and has adopted policies and procedures designed to ensure that no client is disadvantaged over another where both clients have the ability to invest in similar securities. Special attention is paid to situations where the activities of the Fund may conflict with the activities of other advisory clients so that the Fund is not disadvantaged. There is no guarantee, however, that the policies and procedures adopted will be able to detect and/or prevent every situation in which an actual or potential conflict may appear.


Although clients of the Advisor have accounts managed with the same overall investment philosophy, different clients of the Advisor have different objectives, strategies, or restrictions on their permitted activities, whether by statute, contract, or instruction of the client. Taking into account total asset size and investment restrictions, the Fund and the Advisor’s separately managed accounts may own different securities and performance may materially differ.

Specifically, the separately managed accounts are typically permitted to invest without regard to liquidity, have provisions restricting liquidity on behalf of investors, and may pursue strategies not available to or otherwise limited by the Fund or other clients.

Furthermore, separately managed accounts may be more concentrated in specific securities (and therefore generate higher or lower returns) than the account of the Fund, where concentrations are limited by the 1940 Act or other statutes.

Other potential conflicts include:

Allocation of Limited Time and Attention. A portfolio manager who is responsible for managing multiple funds and/or accounts may devote unequal time and attention to the management of those funds and/or accounts. As a result, the portfolio manager may not be able to formulate as complete a strategy or identify equally attractive investment opportunities for each of those accounts as might be the case if he or she were to devote substantially more attention to the management of a single fund. The effects of this potential conflict may be more pronounced where funds and/or accounts overseen by a particular portfolio manager have different investment strategies.

Allocation of Limited Investment Opportunities. If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for multiple funds and/or accounts, the opportunity may be allocated among these several funds or accounts, which may limit a fund’s ability to take full advantage of the investment opportunity.

Selection of Brokers/Dealers. Portfolio managers may be able to select or influence the selection of the brokers and dealers that are used to execute securities transactions for the funds and/or account that they supervise. In addition to executing trades, some brokers and dealers provide portfolio managers with brokerage and research services (as those terms are defined in Section 28(e) of the 1934 Act), which may result in the payment of higher brokerage fees than might have otherwise been available. These services may be more beneficial to certain funds or accounts than to others. Although the payment of brokerage commissions is subject to the requirement that the portfolio manager determine in good faith that the commissions are reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided to the fund, a portfolio manager’s decision as to the selection of brokers and dealers could yield disproportionate costs and benefits among the funds and/or accounts that he or she manages.

Variation in Compensation. A conflict of interest may arise where the financial or other benefits available to the portfolio manager differ among the funds and/or accounts that he or she manages. If the structure of the investment adviser’s management fee and/or the portfolio manager’s compensation differs among funds and/or accounts (such as where certain funds or accounts pay higher management fees or performance-based management fees), the portfolio manager might be motivated to help certain funds and/or accounts over others. The portfolio manager might be motivated to favor funds and/or accounts in which he or she has an interest or in which the investment advisor and/or its affiliates have interests. Similarly, the desire to maintain or raise assets under management or to enhance the portfolio manager’s performance record or to derive other rewards, financial or otherwise, could influence the portfolio

manager to lend preferential treatment to those funds and/or accounts that could most significantly benefit the portfolio manager. Currently, none of the funds managed by the portfolio managers charge a performance fee and management fee levels vary minimally among the funds.

Ownership of Shares of the Fund

The following table sets forth the dollar range of equity securities of the Fund beneficially owned by the portfolio managers as of April 30, 2022.
Portfolio Manager Dollar Range of Equity Securities in the Fund Beneficially Owned
Jason Ozur $100,001 - $500,000
Jeffrey Garden $0 - $100,000
Michael Reis* $0
*As of July 31, 2022.


Administrator, Transfer Agent and Fund Accountant

Pursuant to an administration agreement (the “Administration Agreement”), U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC, doing business as U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (“Fund Services”), 615 East Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, acts as the Administrator to the Fund. Fund Services provides certain services to the Fund including, among other responsibilities, coordinating the negotiation of contracts and fees with, and the monitoring of performance and billing of, the Fund’s independent contractors and agents; preparation for signature by an officer of the Trust of all documents required to be filed for compliance by the Trust and the Fund with applicable laws and regulations, excluding those of the securities laws of various states; arranging for the computation of performance data, including NAV and yield; responding to shareholder inquiries; and arranging for the maintenance of books and records of the Fund, and providing, at its own expense, office facilities, equipment and personnel necessary to carry out its duties. In this capacity, Fund Services does not have any responsibility or authority for the management of the Fund, the determination of investment policy, or for any matter pertaining to the distribution of the Fund’s shares.

Pursuant to the Administration Agreement, as compensation for its services, Fund Services receives from the Fund, a fee based on the Fund’s current average daily net assets, subject to a minimum annual fee. Fund Services also is entitled to certain out-of-pocket expenses. Fund Services also acts as fund accountant, transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent under separate agreements.

For services rendered to the Fund, Fund Services received the following fees during the fiscal years indicated below:

Fiscal Year Ended April 30,
2022 2021 2020
$118,657 $104,761 $87,986


U.S. Bank National Association is the custodian of the assets of the Fund (the “Custodian”) pursuant to a custody agreement between the Custodian and the Trust. For its services, the Custodian receives a monthly fee based on a percentage of the Fund’s assets, in addition to certain transaction based fees, and is reimbursed for out of pocket expenses. The Custodian’s address is 1555 N. Rivercenter Drive, Suite 302, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212. The Custodian does not participate in decisions relating to the purchase and sale of securities by the Fund. Fund Services, the Custodian, and the Fund’s principal underwriter are affiliated entities under the common control of U.S. Bancorp. The Custodian and its affiliates may participate in revenue sharing arrangements with the service providers of mutual funds in which the Fund may invest.

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm and Legal Counsel

Cohen & Company, Ltd., 342 N. Water Street, Suite 830, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the independent registered public accounting firm for the Fund and performs an annual audit of the Fund’s financial statements.

Goodwin Procter LLP, 1900 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, serves as legal counsel to the Trust and to the Independent Trustees.


The Advisor is authorized to determine the broker or dealer to be used for each securities transaction for the Fund. The Fund will not use an affiliated broker-dealer to execute trades on its behalf. In selecting brokers or dealers to execute transactions, the Advisor need not solicit competitive bids and does not have an obligation to seek the lowest available commission cost.

The Advisor may not give consideration to sales of shares of the Fund as a factor in selecting broker-dealers to execute portfolio securities transactions. The Advisor may, however, place portfolio transactions with broker-dealers that promote or sell the Fund’s shares so long as such transactions are done in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Trustees that are designed to ensure that the selection is based on the quality of the broker’s execution and not on its sales efforts. In selecting brokers to be used in portfolio transactions, the general guiding principle is to obtain the best overall execution for each trade, which is a combination of price and execution. With respect to execution, the Advisor considers a number of discretionary factors, including, without limitation, the actual handling of the order, the ability of the broker to settle the trade promptly and accurately, the financial standing of the broker, the ability of the broker to position stock to facilitate execution, past experience with similar trades, and other factors that may be unique to a particular order. Recognizing the value of these discretionary factors, the Advisor may select brokers who charge a brokerage commission that is higher than the lowest commission that might otherwise be available for any given trade. When investing in underlying investment companies, the Advisor will seek to invest the Fund’s assets in Institutional Class shares, when available. With respect to the underlying investment companies, the advisers for such investment companies generally have similar policies and procedures to the Advisor’s

with respect to the selection of broker-dealers for execution transactions for such underlying investment companies.

Under Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as well as both the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Advisor are authorized to pay a brokerage commission in excess of that which another broker might have charged for effecting the same transaction, in recognition of the value of brokerage and/or research services provided by the broker. The research received by the Advisor may include, without limitation: information on the United States and other world economies; information on specific industries, groups of securities, individual companies, and political and other relevant news developments affecting markets and specific securities; technical and quantitative information about markets; analysis of proxy proposals affecting specific companies; accounting and performance systems that allow the Advisor to determine and track investment results; and trading systems that allow the Advisor to interface electronically with brokerage firms, custodians, and other providers. Research is received in the form of written reports, telephone contacts, personal meetings, research seminars, software programs, and access to computer databases. In some instances, research products or services received by the Advisor may also be used for functions that are not research related (i.e. not related to the making of investment decisions). Where a research product or service has a mixed use, the Advisor will make a reasonable allocation according to the use and will pay for the non-research function in cash using its own funds.

The research and investment information services described above make the views and information of individuals and research staffs of other securities firms available to the Advisor for their analysis and consideration. These services may be useful to the Advisor in connection with advisory clients other than the Fund and not all such services may be useful to the Advisor in connection with the Fund. Although such information may be a useful supplement to the Advisor’s own investment information in rendering services to the Fund, the value of such research and services is not expected to reduce materially the expenses of the Advisor in the performance of its services under the Investment Advisory Agreement and will not reduce the management fees payable to the Advisor by the Fund.

The Fund may invest in securities traded in the over-the-counter market. In these cases, the Fund may initiate trades through brokers on an agency basis and pay a commission in connection with the transaction. The Fund may also effect these transactions by dealing directly with the dealers who make a market in the securities involved, in which case the costs of such transactions would involve dealer spreads rather than brokerage commissions. With respect to securities traded only in the over-the-counter market, orders will be executed on a principal basis with primary market makers in such securities except where better prices or executions may be obtained on an agency basis or by dealing with those other than a primary market maker.

Normally, any fixed income portfolio transactions will be principal transactions executed in over the counter markets and will be executed on a “net” basis, which may include a dealer mark up. With respect to securities traded only in the over the counter market, orders will be executed on a principal basis with primary market makers in such securities except where better prices or executions may be obtained on an agency basis or by dealing with other than a primary market maker.

The Fund may participate, if and when practicable, in bidding for the purchase of Fund securities directly from an issuer in order to take advantage of the lower purchase price available to members of a bidding group. The Fund will engage in this practice, however, only when the Advisor, in its sole discretion, believe such practice to be otherwise in the Fund’s interest.


Aggregated Trades. While investment decisions for the Fund are made independently of the Advisor’s other client accounts, the other client accounts may invest in the same securities as the Fund. To the extent permitted by law, the Advisor may aggregate the securities to be sold or purchased for the Fund with those to be sold or purchased for other investment companies or accounts in executing transactions. When a purchase or sale of the same security is made at substantially the same time on behalf of the Fund and another investment company or account, the transaction will be averaged as to price and available investments allocated as to amount in a manner which the Advisor believes to be equitable to the Fund and such other investment company or account. In some instances, this investment procedure may adversely affect the price paid or received by the Fund or the size of the position obtained or sold by the Fund.

For the fiscal years ended April 30, the Fund paid the following aggregate brokerage commissions:
Fiscal Year Ended April 30,
2022 2021 2020
$29,991 $21,701 $16,055

As of April 30, 2022, the Fund did not own any securities issued by any of its regular broker-dealers.


Shares issued by the Fund have no preemptive, conversion, or subscription rights. Shares issued and sold by the Fund are deemed to be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable by the Trust. Shareholders have equal and exclusive rights as to dividends and distributions as declared by the Fund and to the net assets of the Fund upon liquidation or dissolution. The Fund, as a separate series of the Trust, votes separately on matters affecting only the Fund (e.g., approval of the Advisory Agreement); all series of the Trust vote as a single class on matters affecting all series jointly or the Trust as a whole (e.g., election or removal of Trustees). Voting rights are not cumulative, so that the holders of more than 50% of the shares voting in any election of Trustees can, if they so choose, elect all of the Trustees. While the Trust is not required and does not intend to hold annual meetings of shareholders, such meetings may be called by the Board in its discretion, or upon demand by the holders of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of the Trust, for the purpose of electing or removing Trustees.

The Delaware Statutory Trust Act provides that a shareholder of a Delaware statutory trust shall be entitled to the same limitation of personal liability extended to shareholders of Delaware corporations. The Declaration of Trust further provides that Trustees shall have no power to bind any shareholder personally for the payment of any sum of money other than such as the shareholder may personally agree to pay.


The NAV of shares of the Fund will be determined once daily ordinarily as of the scheduled close of public trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) (normally, 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) on each day that the NYSE is open for trading. It is expected that the NYSE will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays and on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. The Fund does not expect to determine the NAV of shares on any day when the NYSE is not open for trading even if there is sufficient trading in its portfolio securities on such days to materially affect the NAV per share.

In valuing the Fund’s assets for calculating NAV, readily marketable portfolio securities listed on a national securities exchange are valued at the last sale price on the business day as of which such value is being determined. If there has been no sale on such exchange on such day, the security is valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices on such day. Securities primarily traded in the Nasdaq National Market System (“Nasdaq”) for which market quotations are readily available shall be valued using the Nasdaq Official Closing Price (“NOCP”). If the NOCP is not available, such securities shall be valued at the last sale price on the day of valuation, or if there has been no sale on such day, at the mean between the bid and asked prices. Readily marketable securities traded only in the over-the market and not on Nasdaq are valued at the most recent trade price. All other assets of the Fund are valued in such manner as the Board in good faith deems appropriate to reflect their fair value.

Trading in foreign securities markets is normally completed well before the close of the NYSE. In addition, foreign securities trading may not take place on all days on which the NYSE is open for trading, and may occur in certain foreign markets on days on which the Fund’s NAV is not calculated. Events affecting the values of portfolio securities that occur between the time their prices are determined and the close of the NYSE will not be reflected in the calculation of NAV unless the Board deems that the particular event would affect NAV, in which case an adjustment will be made in such manner as the Board in good faith deems appropriate to determine fair market value. Assets or liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are translated, in determining NAV, into U.S. dollars based on the spot exchange rates, or at such other rates as the Advisor, pursuant to fair value procedures adopted by the Board, may determine to be appropriate.

Fair value represents a good faith approximation of the value of a security. Fair value determinations involve the consideration of a number of subjective factors, an analysis of applicable facts and circumstances and the exercise of judgment. As a result, it is possible that the fair value for a security determined in good faith in accordance with the Fund’s fair value procedures may differ from valuations for the same security determined by other funds using their own valuation procedures. Although the Fund’s fair value procedures are designed to value a security at the price the Fund may reasonably expect to receive upon its sale in an orderly transaction, there can be no assurance that any fair value determination thereunder would, in fact, approximate the amount that the Fund would actually realize upon the sale of the security or the price at which the security would trade if a reliable market price were readily available.


The information provided below supplements the information contained in the Prospectus regarding the purchase and redemption of the Fund’s shares.

How to Buy Shares

In addition to purchasing shares directly from the Fund, you may purchase shares through certain financial intermediaries and their agents that have made arrangements with the Fund and are authorized to buy and sell shares of the Fund (collectively, “Financial Intermediaries”). Investors should contact their Financial Intermediaries directly for appropriate instructions, as well as information pertaining to accounts and any service or transaction fees that may be charged. If you transmit your order to these Financial Intermediaries before the close of regular trading (generally, 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time) on a day that the NYSE is open for business, your order will be priced at the Fund’s NAV, plus any applicable sales charge, next computed after it is received by the Financial Intermediaries. Investors should check with their Financial Intermediaries to determine if it participates in these arrangements.

The public offering price of the Fund’s shares is the NAV, plus any applicable sales charge. Shares are purchased at the public offering price next determined after the Fund Services transfer agent (the “Transfer Agent”) receives your transaction request in good order, as discussed in the Fund’s Prospectus. In order to receive that day’s public offering price, the transfer agent must receive your transaction request in good order before the close of regular trading on the NYSE, generally, 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

The Trust reserves the right in its sole discretion (i) to suspend the continued offering of the Fund’s shares, (ii) to reject purchase orders in whole or in part when in the judgment of the Advisor or the Distributor such rejection is in the best interest of the Fund, and (iii) to reduce or waive the minimum for initial and subsequent investments for certain fiduciary accounts or under circumstances where certain economies can be achieved in sales of the Fund’s shares.

In addition to cash purchases, the Fund’s shares may be purchased by tendering payment in-kind in the form of shares of stock, bonds or other securities. Any securities used to buy the Fund’s shares must be readily marketable; their acquisition consistent with the Fund’s objective and otherwise acceptable to the Advisor and the Board.

Automatic Investment Plan

The Fund provides an Automatic Investment Plan (“AIP”) for the convenience of investors who wish to purchase shares of the Fund on a regular basis. All record keeping and custodial costs of the AIP are paid by the Fund. The market value of the Fund’s shares is subject to fluctuation. Prior to participating in the AIP the investor should keep in mind that this plan does not assure a profit nor protect against depreciation in declining markets.

How to Sell Shares and Delivery of Redemption Proceeds

You can sell your Fund shares any day the NYSE is open for regular trading, either directly to the Fund or through your Financial Intermediary.

Payments to shareholders for shares of the Fund redeemed directly from the Fund will be made as promptly as possible, but no later than seven days after receipt by the Transfer Agent of the written request in good order, with the appropriate documentation as stated in the Prospectus, except that the Fund may suspend the right of redemption or postpone the date of payment during any period when (a) trading on the NYSE is restricted as determined by the SEC or the NYSE is closed for other than weekends and holidays; (b) an emergency exists as determined by the SEC making disposal of portfolio securities or valuation of net assets of the Fund not reasonably practicable; or (c) for such other period as the SEC may permit for the protection of the Fund’s shareholders. Under unusual circumstances, the Fund may suspend redemptions, or postpone payment for more than seven days, but only as authorized by SEC rules.

A redemption is generally treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a taxable sale of the redeemed shares, the consequences of which are described below in “Tax Information”.

The value of shares on redemption or repurchase may be more or less than the investor’s cost, depending upon the market value of the Fund’s portfolio securities at the time of redemption or repurchase.


Telephone Redemptions

Shareholders with telephone transaction privileges established on their account may redeem Fund shares by telephone. Upon receipt of any instructions or inquiries by telephone from the shareholder, the Fund or its authorized agents may carry out the instructions and/or to respond to the inquiry consistent with the shareholder’s previously established account service options. For joint accounts, instructions or inquiries from either party will be carried out without prior notice to the other account owners. In acting upon telephone instructions, the Fund and its agents use procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that such instructions are genuine. These include recording all telephone calls, requiring pertinent information about the account and sending written confirmation of each transaction to the registered owner.

The transfer agent will employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone are genuine. If the transfer agent fails to employ reasonable procedures, the Fund and the transfer agent may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. If these procedures are followed, however, that to the extent permitted by applicable law, neither the Fund nor its agents will be liable for any loss, liability, cost or expense arising out of any redemption request, including any fraudulent or unauthorized request. For additional information, contact the transfer agent.

Redemptions In-Kind

The Trust has filed an election under Rule 18f-1 under the 1940 Act committing to pay in cash all redemptions by a shareholder of record up to amounts specified by the rule (in excess of the lesser of (1) $250,000 or (2) 1% of the Fund’s assets). The Fund has reserved the right to pay the redemption price of its shares in excess of the amounts specified by the rule, either totally or partially, by a distribution in-kind of portfolio securities (instead of cash). The securities so distributed would be valued at the same amount as that assigned to them in calculating the NAV for the shares being sold. If a shareholder receives a distribution in-kind, the shareholder could incur brokerage or other charges in converting the securities to cash and will bear any market risks associated with such securities until they are converted into cash. An in-kind redemption is generally treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a taxable sale of the redeemed shares, the consequences of which are described below in “Tax Information.”

The Fund may hold up to 15% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in illiquid securities. In the unlikely event the Fund were to elect to make an in-kind redemption, the Fund expects that it would follow the normal protocol of making such distribution by way of a pro rata distribution based on its entire portfolio. Because the Fund may hold illiquid securities, such distribution may contain a pro rata portion of such illiquid securities or the Fund may determine, based on a materiality assessment, not to include illiquid securities in the in-kind redemption. The Fund does not anticipate that it would ever selectively distribute a greater than pro rata portion of any illiquid securities to satisfy a redemption request. If such securities are included in the distribution, shareholders may not be able to liquidate such securities and may be required to hold such securities indefinitely. Shareholders’ ability to liquidate such securities distributed in-kind may be restricted by resale limitations or substantial restrictions on transfer imposed by the issuers of the securities or by law. Shareholders may only be able to liquidate such securities distributed in-kind at a substantial discount from their value, and there may be higher brokerage costs associated with any subsequent disposition of these securities by the recipient.




Dividends of net investment income and distributions of net capital gains from the sale of securities are generally made annually, as described in the Prospectus. The Fund typically distributes any undistributed net investment income on or about December 31 of each year. Any net capital gains realized through the period ended October 31 of each year will also typically be distributed by December 31 of each year.

All distributions generally reduce the NAV of the Fund’s shares by the amount of the distribution. If you purchase shares prior to a distribution, the distribution will be taxable to you even though economically it may represent a return on your investment.

Each distribution by the Fund is accompanied by a brief explanation of the form and character of the distribution. In January of each year, the Fund will issue to each shareholder a statement addressing the U.S. federal income tax status of all distributions that relate to the previous year. You are responsible for the payment of taxes with respect to your investment in the Fund.

Tax Information

The following summary describes the material U.S. federal income tax consequences to United States Holders (as defined below) of shares in the Fund. This summary is based upon the Code, Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, administrative pronouncements and judicial decisions, all as in effect as of the date of this SAI and all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect. This summary addresses only shares that are held as capital assets within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code and does not address all of the tax consequences that may be relevant to shareholders in light of their particular circumstances or to certain types of Shareholders subject to special treatment under the Code, including, without limitation, certain financial institutions, dealers in securities or commodities, traders in securities who elect to apply a mark-to-market method of accounting, insurance companies, tax-exempt organizations, partnerships or S-corporations (and persons who own their interest in shares through a partnership or S-corporation), expatriates of the United States, persons who are subject to alternative minimum tax, persons that have a “functional currency” other than the United States dollar, persons who hold shares as a position in a “straddle” or as a part of a “hedging,” “conversion” or “constructive sale” transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes or persons who received their shares as compensation. This summary also does not address the state, local or foreign tax consequences of an investment in the Fund.

For purposes of this discussion, a “United States Holder” means a holder of shares that for U.S. federal income tax purposes is:

a citizen or resident of the United States;
a corporation (or other entity treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes) created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, any State or the District of Columbia;
an estate, the income of which is includable in gross income for U.S. federal income tax purposes regardless of its source; or
a trust whose administration is subject to the primary supervision of a United States court and which has one or more United States persons who have the authority to control all of its

substantial decisions, or which has a valid election in effect under applicable Treasury regulations to be treated as a United States person.

If a partnership (or other entity treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes) holds shares, the tax treatment of a partner will generally depend upon the status of such person and the activities of the limited liability company or partnership. A shareholder that is a partnership should consult its own tax advisors regarding the treatment of its partners.

Prospective shareholders are urged to consult with their own tax advisors and financial planners regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of an investment in the Fund, the application of state, local, or foreign laws, and the effect of any possible changes in applicable tax laws on their investment in the Fund.

Tax Treatment of the Fund

Each series of the Trust is treated as a separate entity for U.S. federal income tax purposes. The Fund has elected to qualify and intends to continue to qualify annually as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Code, requiring it to comply with all applicable requirements regarding its income, assets and distributions. Provided that the Fund qualifies as a regulated investment company, it is eligible for a dividends paid deduction, allowing it to offset dividends it pays to shareholders against its taxable income; if the Fund fails to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M, it will be taxed as a regular corporation.

The Fund’s policy is to distribute to its shareholders all of its taxable income, including any net realized capital gains (taking into account any capital loss carry-forward of the Fund), each year in a manner that complies with the distribution requirements applicable to regulated investment companies under the Code, and results in the Fund not being subject to any U.S. federal income or excise taxes. In particular, in order to avoid the non-deductible 4% excise tax, the Fund must also distribute (or be deemed to have distributed) by December 31 of each calendar year (1) at least 98% of its ordinary income for such year, (2) at least 98.2% of the excess of its realized capital gains over its realized capital losses for the 12-month period ending on October 31 during such year and (3) any amounts from the prior calendar year that were not distributed and on which the Fund paid no federal income tax. However, the Fund can give no assurances that its distributions will be sufficient to eliminate all U.S. federal income taxes. The Fund is not required to consider tax consequences in making or disposing of investments.

In order to qualify as a regulated investment company, the Fund must, among other things, derive at least 90% of its gross income each year from dividends, interest, payments with respect to securities loans, gains from the sale or other disposition of stock or securities or foreign currencies, or other income (including, but not limited to, gains from options, futures or forward contracts) derived with respect to the business of investing in stock, securities or currencies, and net income derived from an interest in a qualified publicly traded partnership. The Fund must also satisfy the following two asset diversification tests. At the end of each quarter of each taxable year, (i) at least 50% of the value of the Fund’s total assets must be represented by cash and cash items (including receivables), U.S. Government securities, the securities of other regulated investment companies, and other securities, with such other securities being limited in respect of any one issuer to an amount not greater than 5% of the value of the Fund’s total assets and not more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer, and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of the Fund’s total assets may be invested in the securities of any one issuer (other than U.S. Government securities or the securities of other regulated investment companies), the securities of any two or more issuers (other than the securities of other regulated investment companies) that the

Fund controls (by owning 20% or more of their outstanding voting stock) and which are determined under Treasury regulations to be engaged in the same or similar trades or businesses or related trades or businesses, or the securities of one or more qualified publicly traded partnerships. The Fund must also distribute each taxable year sufficient dividends to its shareholders to claim a dividends paid deduction equal to at least the sum of 90% of the Fund’s investment company taxable income (as adjusted under Section 852(b)(2) of the Code, but not taking into account the Fund’s dividends paid deduction; in the case of the Fund generally consisting of interest and dividend income, less expenses) and 90% of the Fund’s net tax-exempt interest, if any.

The Fund’s ordinary income generally consists of interest and dividend income, less expenses. Net realized capital gains for a fiscal period are computed by taking into account any capital loss carry-forward of the Fund.

Distributions of net investment income and net short-term capital gains are taxable to shareholders as ordinary income. For individual shareholders, a portion of the distributions paid by the Fund may be qualified dividends currently eligible for federal income taxation at long-term capital gain rates to the extent the Fund reports the amount distributed as a qualifying dividend and certain holding period requirements are met. In the case of corporate shareholders, a portion of the distributions may qualify for the inter-corporate dividends-received deduction to the extent the Fund reports the amount distributed as a qualifying dividend and certain holding period requirements are met. The aggregate amount so reported to either individual or corporate shareholders cannot, however, exceed the aggregate amount of qualifying dividends received by the Fund for its taxable year. In view of the Fund’s investment policy, it is expected that dividends from domestic corporations will be part of the Fund’s gross income and that, accordingly, part of the distributions by the Fund may be eligible for treatment as qualified dividend income by individual shareholders, or for the dividends-received deduction for corporate shareholders under federal tax law. However, the portion of the Fund’s gross income attributable to qualifying dividends is largely dependent on the Fund’s investment activities for a particular year and therefore cannot be predicted with any certainty. The Qualified dividend treatment may be eliminated if the Fund shares held by an individual investor are held for less than 61 days, and the corporate-dividends received deduction may be eliminated if the Fund shares held by a corporate investor are treated as debt-financed or are held for less than 46 days. Distributions will be taxable to you even if the share price of the Fund has declined.

The sale or exchange of Fund shares is a taxable transaction for federal income tax purposes. You will generally recognize a gain or loss on such transactions equal to the difference, if any, between the amount of your net sales proceeds and your adjusted tax basis in the Fund shares. Such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss if you held your Fund shares as capital assets. Any capital gain or loss will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if you held the Fund shares for more than one year at the time of the sale or exchange. Any capital loss arising from the sale or exchange of shares held for six months or less, however, will be treated as long-term capital loss to the extent of the amount of net long-term capital gain distributions with regard to these shares.

A regulated investment company may elect for any taxable year to treat any portion of any qualified late year loss as arising on the first day of the next taxable year. Qualified late year losses are certain capital, and ordinary losses which occur during the portion of the Fund’s taxable period subsequent to October 31 and December 31, respectively.


Tax Treatment of United States Holders – Taxation of Distributions

Distributions paid out of the Fund’s current and accumulated earnings and profits are generally dividends taxable at ordinary income rates to each shareholder. Dividends will be taxable to you even if the share price of the Fund has declined. Distributions in excess of the Fund’s current and accumulated earnings and profits will first be treated as a nontaxable return of capital up to the amount of a shareholder’s tax basis in its shares, and then as capital gain.

For individual shareholders, a portion of the dividends paid by the Fund may be qualified dividends currently eligible for U.S. federal income taxation at long-term capital gain rates to the extent the Fund reports the amount distributed as a qualifying dividend and certain shareholder level holding period requirements (discussed further below) are met. In the case of corporate shareholders, subject to certain limitations (not all of which are discussed herein), a portion of the distributions may qualify for the inter-corporate dividends-received deduction to the extent the Fund reports the amount distributed as a qualifying dividend and certain shareholder level holding period requirements (discussed further below) are met. The aggregate amount so reported to either individual or corporate shareholders cannot exceed the aggregate amount of qualifying dividends received by the Fund for its taxable year. Although no assurances can be provided, the Fund generally expects that dividends from domestic corporations will be part of the Fund’s gross income and that, accordingly, part of the distributions by the Fund may be eligible for treatment as qualified dividend income by individual shareholders, or for the dividends-received deduction for corporate shareholders. Qualified dividend treatment may be eliminated if the Fund shares held by an individual investor are held for less than 61 days, and the corporate dividends-received deduction may be eliminated if Fund shares held by a corporate investor are treated as debt-financed or are held for less than 46 days.

Distributions properly reported by the Fund as capital gain dividends (Capital Gain Dividends) will be taxable to shareholders as long-term capital gain (to the extent such distributions do not exceed the Fund’s actual net long-term capital gain for the taxable year), regardless of how long a shareholder has held Fund shares, and do not qualify as dividends for purposes of the dividends received deduction or as qualified dividend income. The Fund will report Capital Gain Dividends, if any, in written statements furnished to its shareholders.

Tax Treatment of United States Holders - Sales and Dispositions of Shares

The sale or exchange of Fund shares, including a redemption of Fund shares treated as a sale or exchange, is a taxable transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes. A shareholder will generally recognize a capital gain or loss on any such transaction equal to the difference, if any, between the amount of its net sales proceeds and its adjusted tax basis in its Fund shares. Any capital gain or loss will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if you held the Fund shares for more than one year at the time of the sale or exchange. Any capital loss arising from the sale or exchange of shares held for six months or less, however, will be treated as long-term capital loss to the extent of the amount of net long-term capital gain distributions with regard to these shares.

Holders of “publicly offered” shares in a regulated investment company are generally entitled to treat proceeds from a redemption upon demand of their shares as distributions in part or full payment in exchange for such their shares. The definition of publicly offered for this purpose, however, requires the shares to be (a) continuously offered pursuant to a public offering (within the meaning of section 4 of the Securities Act of 1933),(b) regularly traded on an established securities market, or (c) held by or for no fewer than 500 persons at all times during the taxable year. Holders of any class of interests in the Fund

that do not satisfy these requirements should consult their tax advisors in connection with a redemption of their shares.

Tax Treatment of United States Holders - Medicare Tax

A 3.8% Medicare tax is currently imposed on net investment income earned by certain individuals, estates and trusts. “Net investment income,” for these purposes, means investment income, including ordinary and Capital Gain dividends and net gains from taxable dispositions of Fund shares, reduced by the deductions properly allocable to such income. In the case of an individual, the tax will be imposed on the lesser of (1) the shareholder’s net investment income or (2) the amount by which the shareholder’s modified adjusted gross income exceeds $250,000 (if the shareholder is married and filing jointly or a surviving spouse), $125,000 (if the shareholder is married and filing separately) or $200,000 (in any other case). This Medicare tax, if applicable, is reported by you on, and paid with, your U.S. federal income tax return.

Tax Treatment of Non-U.S. Shareholders

The foregoing discussion of U.S. federal income tax law relates solely to the application of that law to U.S. citizens or residents and U.S. domestic corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates. Each shareholder who is not a U.S. person should consider the U.S. and foreign tax consequences of ownership of shares of the Fund, including the possibility that such a shareholder may be subject to a U.S. withholding tax at a rate of 30% (or at a lower rate under an applicable income tax treaty) on amounts constituting ordinary income.

Backup Withholding

The Fund may be required to withhold 24% of certain payments to a shareholder unless the shareholder has completed and submitted to the Fund a Form W-9 providing the shareholder’s taxpayer identification number and certifying under penalties of perjury: (i) that such number is correct, (ii)  that (A) the shareholder is exempt from backup withholding, (B) the shareholder has not been notified by the IRS that the shareholder is subject to backup withholding as a result of an under-reporting of interest or dividends, or (C) the IRS has notified the shareholder that the shareholder is no longer subject to backup withholding, and (iii) the shareholder is a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (as defined in IRS Form W-9); or (b) an exception applies under applicable law and Treasury regulations. Backup withholding is not an additional tax, and any amounts withheld may be credited against a shareholder’s ultimate U.S. federal income tax liability if proper documentation is provided. The Fund reserves the right to refuse to open an account for any person failing to provide a certified taxpayer identification number.

FATCA and Similar Foreign Rules

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) provisions of the Code impose a withholding tax of 30% on certain types of U.S. sourced income (e.g., dividends, interest, and other types of passive income) paid, and will be required to impose a 30% withholding tax on proceeds from the sale or other disposition of property producing U.S. sourced income paid effective January 1, 2019 to (i) foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”), including non-U.S. investment funds, unless they agree to collect and disclose to the IRS information regarding their direct and indirect U.S. account holders and (ii) certain nonfinancial foreign entities (“NFFEs”), unless they certify certain information regarding their direct and indirect U.S. owners. FATCA withholding will apply to any shareholder that does not properly certify its status as a U.S. person, or, in the case of a non-U.S. shareholder, the basis for its exemption from FATCA

withholding. If the Fund is required to withhold amounts from payments pursuant to FATCA, investors will receive distributions that are reduced by such withholding amounts.

To implement FATCA, the U.S. government has entered into agreements with non-U.S. governments (and is otherwise bound via automatic exchange of information agreements in treaties) to provide reciprocal exchanges of taxpayer information to non-U.S. governments. The Fund will be required to perform due diligence reviews to classify non-U.S. entity investors for FATCA purposes. Shareholders agree to provide information necessary to allow the Fund to comply with the FATCA and similar foreign rules.


Quasar Distributors, LLC, 111 East Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 2200, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, serves as the Fund’s principal underwriter and distributor in a continuous public offering of the Fund’s shares. Pursuant to a distribution agreement between the Trust, on behalf of the Fund, and the Distributor (the “Distribution Agreement”), the Distributor acts as the Fund’s principal underwriter and distributor and provides certain administrative services and arranges for the sale of the Fund’s shares. The Distributor is a registered broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is a member of FINRA.

The Distribution Agreement will continue in effect only if such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the Board or by vote of a majority of the Fund’s outstanding voting securities and, in either case, by a majority of the Independent Trustees. The Distribution Agreement is terminable without penalty by the Trust on behalf of the Fund on a 60-day written notice when authorized either by a majority vote of the Fund’s shareholders or by vote of a majority of the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by the Distributor upon a 60-day written notice, and will automatically terminate in the event of its “assignment” (as defined in the 1940 Act).

Distribution Plan

The Trust, on behalf of the Advisor Class shares of the Fund, has adopted a Distribution Plan (the “Rule 12b-1 Plan”) pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act under which the Fund pays the Distributor an amount which is accrued daily and paid quarterly, at an annual rate of 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Advisor Class shares of the Fund. Amounts paid under the Rule 12b-1 Plan are paid to the Distributor to compensate it for costs of the services it provides and the expenses it bears in the distribution of the Fund’s shares, including overhead and telephone expenses; printing and distribution of prospectuses and reports used in connection with the offering of the Fund’s shares to prospective investors; and preparation, printing and distribution of sales literature and advertising materials.

Under the Rule 12b-1 Plan, the Trustees will be furnished quarterly with information detailing the amount of expenses paid under the Rule 12b-1 Plan and the purposes for which payments were made. The Rule 12b-1 Plan may be terminated at any time by vote of a majority of the Trustees of the Trust who are not interested persons. Continuation of the Rule 12b-1 Plan is considered by such Trustees no less frequently than annually. With the exception of the Distributor and the Advisor, in their capacities as the Fund’s principal underwriter and distribution coordinator, respectively, no interested person has or had a direct or indirect financial interest in the Rule 12b-1 Plan or any related agreement.


While there is no assurance that the expenditures of the Fund’s assets to finance distribution of shares will have the anticipated results, the Board believes there is a reasonable likelihood that one or more of such benefits will result, and because the Board is in a position to monitor the distribution expenses, it is able to determine the benefit of such expenditures in deciding whether to continue the Rule 12b-1 Plan.

As of the date of this SAI, the Plan has not yet been implemented.

Shareholder Servicing Plan

In addition, pursuant to a Shareholder Service Plan (the “Shareholder Servicing Plan”) adopted by the Trust on behalf of the Fund, the Advisor is authorized to engage financial institutions, securities dealers and other industry professionals (each a “Shareholder Servicing Agent”) to provide personal shareholder services relating to the servicing and maintenance of shareholder accounts not otherwise provided to the Fund. Payments made pursuant to the Shareholder Servicing Plan shall not exceed 0.10% of the average daily NAV of the Fund’s Institutional Class shares and Advisor Class shares.
Payments made under the Shareholder Servicing Plan shall be used to compensate Shareholder Servicing Agents for providing general shareholder liaison services, including, but not limited to: (i) answering inquiries from shareholders regarding account status and history, the manner in which purchases and redemptions of the Fund shares may be effected, and other matters pertaining to the Fund; (ii) assisting shareholders in designating and changing dividend options, account designations and addresses; (iii) arranging for wiring of funds and transmitting and receiving funds in connection with orders to purchase or redeem Fund shares; (iv) verifying and guaranteeing shareholder signatures in connection with orders to purchase or redeem Fund shares; (v) providing such other similar services related to the maintenance of shareholder accounts; and (vi) providing necessary personnel and facilities to conduct the activities described above.

For the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, the Fund made payments of $112,947 under the Shareholder Servicing Plan.


The Advisor, out of its own resources and without additional cost to the Fund or its shareholders, may provide additional cash payments or other compensation to certain financial intermediaries who sell shares of the Fund. The Advisor does not currently intend to make such payments, but reserves the right to initiate payments in the future without notice to shareholders. These payments may be divided into categories as follows:

Support Payments

Payments may be made by the Advisor to certain financial intermediaries in connection with the eligibility of the Fund to be offered in certain programs and/or in connection with meetings between the Fund’s representatives and Financial Intermediaries and their sales representatives. Such meetings may be held for various purposes, including providing education and training about the Fund and other general financial topics to assist financial intermediaries’ sales representatives in making informed recommendations to, and decisions on behalf of, their clients.


Entertainment, Conferences and Events

The Advisor also may pay cash or non-cash compensation to sales representatives of Financial Intermediaries in the form of (1) occasional gifts; (2) occasional meals, tickets or other entertainments; and/or (3) sponsorship support for the Financial Intermediaries’ client seminars and cooperative advertising. In addition, the Advisor pays for exhibit space or sponsorships at regional or national events of Financial Intermediaries.

The prospect of receiving, or the receipt of additional payments or other compensation as described above by Financial Intermediaries may provide such Financial Intermediaries and/or their salespersons with an incentive to favor sales of shares of the Fund, and other mutual funds whose affiliates make similar compensation available, over sale of shares of mutual funds (or non-mutual fund investments) not making such payments. You may wish to take such payment arrangements into account when considering and evaluating any recommendations relating to Fund shares.

As of the date of this SAI, the Advisor does not have agreements with any firms to pay such support payments. Future support payments may be structured in three ways: (1) as a percentage of net sales; (2) as a percentage of net assets; and/or (3) a flat fee.


The audited financial statements and financial highlights of the Fund for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, as set forth in the Fund’s annual report to shareholders, including the notes thereto and the report of the registered independent public accounting firm, are incorporated by reference into this SAI. You can obtain a copy of the financial statements contained in the Fund’s Annual or Semi-Annual Report without charge by calling the Fund at 844-OAKHRST (844-625-4778).


JANUARY 1, 2022

The policy of Lido Advisors, LLC (“LAL”) is to not vote proxies or assist with corporate actions for clients, with the exception of its registered investment company clients (the “Oakhurst Fund”). LAL has been delegated proxy voting and corporate action responsibility by the Oakhurst Fund for proxies and corporate actions solicited on the securities held in the Oakhurst Fund’ portfolios, which are managed by LAL. Examples of corporate actions include, but are not limited to tender offers, exchanges, and class actions.

These policies and procedures, which may be amended from time to time, apply to the voting of such proxies and handling of such corporate actions by LAL.


LAL’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) has the responsibility of overseeing the voting of the Oakhurst Fund’ proxies received by LAL. The Oakhurst Fund’s portfolio managers are responsible for voting each proxy received (the “Responsible Voting Party”). LAL may delegate to a non-affiliated third-party vendor, the responsibility to vote proxies on behalf of LAL.


It is anticipated that most, if not all of the investments made by the Oakhurst Fund will be in securities that do not issue proxies. However, should Oakhurst Fund invest in securities that issue proxies, the fundamental guidelines followed by LAL in voting such proxies on behalf of the Oakhurst Fund will be to make every effort to ensure that the manner in which shares are voted is in the best interest of the respective Oakhurst Fund and the value of the specific investment.

LAL may choose not to vote proxies in certain situations, such as: 1) where LAL deems the cost of voting would exceed any anticipated benefit to the Oakhurst Fund, or 2) where a proxy is received for a security no longer held in any of the Oakhurst Fund’ portfolios (i.e., LAL had previously sold the entire position).

If at any time LAL and/or the Responsible Voting Party become aware of any type of potential or actual material conflict of interest relating to a particular proxy proposal, they will promptly report such conflict to the CCO. For the purpose of this policy, a “conflict of interest” shall be deemed to occur when LAL, an Oakhurst Fund’s principal underwriter, or an affiliated person of LAL or a principal underwriter has a financial interest in a matter presented by a proxy to be voted on behalf of an Oakhurst Fund, other than the obligation LAL incurs as investment adviser to the Oakhurst Fund, which may compromise LAL’s or the Responsible Voting Party’s independence of judgment and action in voting the proxy.

Conflicts of interest will be handled by notifying and obtaining consent from the respective Trust’s Board prior to voting on such proposal. To enable the Board to make an informed decision regarding the vote in question, such disclosure to the Board shall include sufficient detail regarding the matter to be voted on

and the nature of the conflict. When the Board does not respond to such a conflict disclosure request, or denies the request, LAL shall abstain from voting the securities held by that Oakhurst Fund.

To the extent there is a conflict of interest between LAL, a Fund’s principal underwriter, or an affiliated person of LAL or a principal underwriter and an Oakhurst Fund, and LAL notifies the appropriate Board of such conflict, the Board may vote the proxy in accordance with the recommendation of an independent third party.


LAL will provide any guidance and administrative support deemed necessary by each Trust’s CCO and/or Board to assist with the completion and filings of corporate actions received that pertain to any Oakhurst Fund portfolio holding.


LAL will maintain the following records under these policies and procedures:

i.A copy of all policies and procedures.
ii.A copy of each proxy statement and corporate action received regarding the Oakhurst Fund’s securities.
iii.A record of each proxy vote cast and corporate action filing made by LAL on behalf of the Oakhurst Fund.
iv.A copy of any document created by LAL that was material to making a decision on how to vote proxies on behalf of the Oakhurst Fund or that memorialize the basis for that decision.
v.A copy of each written request by the Oakhurst Fund for information on how LAL voted proxies on behalf of the Funds, and a copy of any written response by LAL to any (written or verbal) request for information on how LAL voted proxies on behalf of the Oakhurst Fund.

The foregoing records will be retained for at least six (6) years from the end of the year the document was created. LAL may rely on one or more third parties to create and retain the records referred to in items II and III above.


A copy of these policies and procedures will be provided to the Oakhurst Fund’s CCOs and their Board of Trustees anytime upon request and at least annually for review and approval. In addition, information on each proxy voted will be provided to the Oakhurst Fund, in accordance with its written policies and procedures as follows:

i.The Responsible Voting Party or designee shall complete and provide a written report to the CCO and each Oakhurst Fund’s CCO, on a quarterly basis that includes the following:
The name of the issuer of the portfolio security;
The exchange ticker symbol of the portfolio security;
The CUSIP number for the portfolio security;
The shareholder meeting date;
A brief identification of the matter voted on;
Whether the matter was proposed by the issuer or by a security holder;
Whether the registrant cast its vote on the matter;

How the registrant cast its vote (e.g., for or against proposal, or abstain; for or withhold regarding election of directors); and
Whether the registrant cast its vote for or against management.

ii.The CCO shall provide the Oakhurst Fund’ Boards of Trustees, at least annually, a copy of LAL’s Proxy Voting Policy, along with a record of each proxy voted on behalf of each respective Oakhurst Fund, including a report on the resolution of all proxies identified by LAL as involving a conflict of interest.

iii.At least annually, the CCO shall provide to the Oakhurst Fund’ Boards of Trustees a record of each proxy voted with respect to portfolio securities held by each respective Oakhurst Fund during the year. With respect to any proxies that LAL has identified as involving a conflict of interest, the CCO shall submit a separate report indicating the nature of the conflict of interest and how that conflict was resolved with respect to the voting of the proxy.

The CCO and the Oakhurst Fund’ CCOs are responsible for ensuring that LAL’s proxy voting policy is properly disclosed in the Oakhurst Fund’s Statement of Additional Information.


The Oakhurst Fund’ Trusts shall file an annual report of each proxy voted with respect to portfolio securities held by the Oakhurst Fund during the twelve-month period ended June 30 on Form N-PX not later than August 31 of each year. The CCO will review each draft Form N-PX prior to filing to help ensure accuracy.
