October 31, 2023
Disclosure contained herein relates to all classes of the Fund, as listed below, unless otherwise noted.
Share Class | Ticker
Institutional | FGCIX
Service | FGCSX

Federated Hermes Short-Intermediate Total Return Bond Fund

A Portfolio of Federated Hermes Institutional Trust
A mutual fund seeking to provide total return. The Fund’s total return consists of two components: (1) changes in the market value of its portfolio of securities (both realized and unrealized appreciation); and (2) income received from its portfolio of securities.
As with all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

Not FDIC Insured ▪ May Lose Value ▪ No Bank Guarantee

Fund Summary Information
Federated Hermes Short-Intermediate Total Return Bond Fund (the “Fund”)
The Fund’s investment objective is to provide total return. The Fund’s total return consists of two components: (1) changes in the market value of its portfolio of securities (both realized and unrealized appreciation); and (2) income received from its portfolio of securities.
This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell Class A Shares (A), Institutional Shares (IS), Service Shares (SS) and Class R6 Shares (R6) of the Fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future at least $100,000 in certain classes (e.g., A class) of Federated Hermes funds. More information about these and other discounts is available from your financial professional, in the “What Do Shares Cost?” section of the Prospectus on page 23 and in “Appendix B” to this Prospectus.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a percentage of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Reinvested Dividends (and other Distributions) (as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fee
Distribution (12b-1) Fee
Other Expenses
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses
Fee Waivers and/or Expense Reimbursements2
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waivers and/or Expense Reimbursements
The Fund has adopted a Distribution (12b-1) Plan for its Class A Shares pursuant to which the A class of the Fund may incur and pay a Distribution (12b-1) Fee of up to a maximum amount of 0.05%. No such fee is currently incurred and paid by the A class of the Fund. The A class of the Fund will not incur and pay such a Distribution (12b-1) Fee until such time as approved by the Fund’s Board of Trustees (the “Trustees”).
The Adviser and certain of its affiliates on their own initiative have agreed to waive certain amounts of their respective fees and/or reimburse expenses. Total annual fund operating expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, interest expense, extraordinary expenses and proxy-related expenses paid by the Fund, if any) paid by the Fund’s A, IS, SS and R6 classes (after the voluntary waivers and/or reimbursements) will not exceed 0.62%, 0.37%, 0.62% and 0.36% (the “Fee Limit”), respectively, up to but not including the later of (the “Termination Date”): (a) November 1, 2024; or (b) the date of the Fund’s next effective Prospectus. While the Adviser and its affiliates currently do not anticipate terminating or increasing these arrangements prior to the Termination Date, these arrangements may only be terminated or the Fee Limit increased prior to the Termination Date with the agreement of the Trustees.

This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your Shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not reflect sales charges (loads) on reinvested dividends. If these sales charges (loads) were included, your costs would be higher. Although your actual costs and returns may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Portfolio Turnover
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund Shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in Annual Fund Operating Expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 39% of the average value of its portfolio.
What are the Fund’s Main Investment Strategies?
The Fund expects that, under normal market conditions, income received from its portfolio of securities will comprise the largest component of its total return. The Fund seeks to provide the appreciation component of total return by selecting those securities whose prices will, in the opinion of the investment adviser (the “Adviser”), benefit from anticipated changes in economic and market conditions.
The Fund’s overall investment strategy is to invest in a portfolio consisting primarily of U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. government agency securities, (including mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities), mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities and investment-grade corporate securities. The Fund may invest its assets in securities of other investment companies, including the securities of affiliated exchange-traded funds and money market funds (“Underlying Funds”), as an efficient means of implementing its investment strategies and/or managing its uninvested cash. The Fund may also invest in derivative contracts or hybrid instruments (such as, for example, futures contracts, option contracts and swap contracts) to implement its investment strategies. For example, the Fund may use derivative contracts or hybrid instruments to increase or decrease the portfolio’s exposure to the investment(s) underlying the derivative or hybrid instrument in an attempt to benefit from changes in the value of the underlying investment(s). There can be no assurance that the Fund’s use of derivative contracts or hybrid instruments will work as intended. Derivative investments made by the Fund are included within the Fund’s 80% policy (as described below) and are calculated at market value.
The Adviser expects that, normally, no more than 35% of the Fund’s total assets will be invested in securities that are rated below investment grade (otherwise known as “junk bonds” or “leveraged loans”). The maximum amount that the Fund may invest in emerging market securities, including trade finance, is 10% of the Fund’s total assets.
Investment-grade, fixed-income securities are rated in one of the four highest categories (BBB- or higher) by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO). Noninvestment-grade, fixed-income securities are rated in one of the six lowest categories (BB or lower) by a NRSRO, or in either case if unrated, of comparable quality as determined by the Adviser. Investors in lower-rated, fixed income securities may receive higher yields as compensation for assuming higher credit risks. The Adviser seeks to enhance the Fund’s performance by allocating relatively more of its portfolio to the sector that the Adviser expects to offer the best balance between total return and risk and thus offer the greatest potential for return. The Fund buys and sells securities based primarily on its market outlook and analysis of how securities may perform under different market conditions. Within the context of its duration, yield curve and sector allocation strategies, the Fund will select individual securities that will, in the opinion of the Adviser, benefit from anticipated changes in economic and market conditions. The Adviser may lengthen or shorten duration from time to time based on its interest rate outlook, but, under normal market conditions, the Fund’s dollar-weighted average effective duration is expected to be within a range of 1.5 to 3.5 years. Duration measures the price sensitivity of a fixed-income security to changes in interest rates.

Certain of the government securities in which the Fund invests are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, such as those issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”) and the Federal Home Loan Bank System. These entities are, however, supported through federal subsidies, loans or other benefits. The Fund may also invest in government securities that are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, such as those issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”). Finally, to a lesser extent, the Fund may invest in certain government securities that have no explicit financial support, but which are regarded as having implied support because the federal government sponsors their activities.
Within the above limitations the Adviser utilizes a four-part decision-making process. First, the Adviser lengthens or shortens portfolio duration from time to time based on its interest rate outlook. Second, the Adviser strategically positions the portfolio based on its expectations for changes in the yield curve. Third, the Adviser pursues relative value opportunities within the sectors in which the Fund may invest. Finally, the Adviser selects individual securities within each sector that it believes may outperform a sector-specific benchmark. This four-part investment process is designed to capitalize on the depth of experience and focus of each of the Adviser’s fixed-income sector teams–government, corporate, mortgage-backed, asset-backed, high-yield and international (including emerging markets and trade finance).
The Fund will invest its assets so that at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) are invested in fixed-income securities. The Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days in advance of any changes in its investment policy that would enable it to invest, under normal circumstances, less than 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in fixed-income securities.
What are the Main Risks of Investing in the Fund?
All mutual funds take investment risks. Therefore, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. The primary factors that may reduce the Fund’s returns include:
◾ Investment Sector Allocation Risk. Because the Fund may allocate relatively more assets to certain fixed-income sectors than to others, the Fund’s performance may be susceptible to any developments which affect those fixed-income sectors emphasized by the Fund.
◾ Interest Rate Risk. Prices of fixed-income securities generally fall when interest rates rise. The longer the duration of a fixed-income security, the more susceptible it is to interest rate risk. Recent and potential future changes in monetary policy made by central banks and/or their governments are likely to affect the level of interest rates.
◾ Risk Associated with Noninvestment-Grade Securities. Securities rated below investment grade may be subject to greater interest rate, credit and liquidity risks than investment-grade securities. These securities are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and repay principal.
◾ Risk Related to the Economy. The value of the Fund’s portfolio may decline in tandem with a drop in the overall value of the markets in which the Fund invests and/or other markets. Economic, political and financial conditions, industry or economic trends and developments or public health risks, such as epidemics or pandemics, may, from time to time, and for varying periods of time, cause the Fund to experience volatility, illiquidity, shareholder redemptions, or other potentially adverse effects. Among other investments, lower-grade bonds and loans may be particularly sensitive to changes in the economy.
◾ Credit Risk. It is possible that interest or principal on securities will not be paid when due. Such non-payment or default may reduce the value of the Fund’s portfolio holdings, its share price and its performance.
◾ MBS Risk. A rise in interest rates may cause the value of MBS held by the Fund to decline. Certain MBS issued by GSEs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. A non-agency MBS is subject to the risk that the value of such security will decline, because the security is not issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the U.S. government or a GSE. The Fund’s investments in collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) may entail greater market, prepayment and liquidity risks than other MBS.
◾ Risk Associated with Complex CMOs. CMOs with complex or highly variable prepayment terms, such as companion classes, IOs, POs, Inverse Floaters and residuals, generally entail greater market, prepayment and liquidity risks than other mortgage-backed securities. For example, their prices are more volatile and their trading market may be more limited.
◾ Prepayment and Extension Risk. When homeowners prepay their mortgages in response to lower interest rates, the Fund may be required to reinvest the proceeds at the lower interest rates then available. Also, when interest rates fall, the price of mortgage-backed securities may not rise to as great an extent as other fixed-income securities. When interest rates rise, homeowners are less likely to prepay their mortgages. A decreased rate of prepayments lengthens the expected maturity of a mortgage-backed security, and the price of mortgage-backed securities may decrease more than the price of other fixed income securities when interest rates rise.

◾ Liquidity Risk. The fixed-income securities in which the Fund invests may be less readily marketable and may be subject to greater fluctuation in price than other securities. Also, market growth at rates greater than dealers’ capacity to make markets, as well as regulatory changes or certain other developments, can reduce dealer inventories of securities (such as corporate bonds), which can further constrain liquidity and increase price volatility. Liquidity risk also refers to the possibility that the Fund may not be able to sell a security or close out a derivative contract when it wants to. If this happens, the Fund could incur losses. High levels of shareholder redemptions in response to market conditions also may increase liquidity risk and may negatively impact Fund performance. Over-the-counter (OTC) derivative contracts generally carry greater liquidity risks than exchange-traded contracts.
◾ Risk of Investing in Loans. In addition to the risks generally associated with debt instruments, such as credit, market, interest rate, liquidity and derivatives risks, bank loans are also subject to the risk that the value of the collateral securing a loan may decline, be insufficient to meet the obligations of the borrower or be difficult to liquidate. The Fund’s access to the collateral may be limited by bankruptcy, other insolvency laws or by the type of loan the Fund has purchased. For example, if the Fund purchases a participation instead of an assignment, it would not have direct access to collateral of the borrower. As a result, a floating rate loan may not be fully collateralized and can decline significantly in value. Additionally, collateral on loan instruments may consist of assets that may not be readily liquidated, and there is no assurance that the liquidation of such assets will satisfy a borrower’s obligations under the instrument. Loans generally are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. Loans and other forms of indebtedness may be structured such that they are not securities under securities laws. As such, it is unclear whether loans and other forms of direct indebtedness offer securities law protections, such as those against fraud and misrepresentation. In the absence of definitive regulatory guidance, while there can be no assurance that fraud or misrepresentation will not occur with respect to the loans and other investments in which the Fund invests, the Fund relies on the Adviser’s research in an attempt to seek to avoid situations where fraud or misrepresentation could adversely affect the Fund.
◾ Loan Liquidity Risk. Loans generally are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. The liquidity of loans, including the volume and frequency of secondary market trading in such loans, varies significantly over time and among individual loans. For example, if the credit quality of a loan unexpectedly declines significantly, secondary market trading in that loan can also decline for a period of time. During periods of infrequent trading, valuing a loan can be more difficult and buying and selling a loan at an acceptable price can be more difficult and delayed. Difficulty in selling a loan can result in a loss. Loan instruments may not be readily marketable and may be subject to restrictions on resale. In some cases, negotiations involved in disposing of loans may require weeks to complete. Thus, transactions in loan instruments may take longer than seven days to settle. This could pose a liquidity risk to the Fund and, if the Fund’s exposure to such investments is substantial, could impair the Fund’s ability to meet shareholder redemptions in a timely manner. A majority of the Fund’s assets are likely to be invested in assets that are considerably less liquid than debt instruments traded on national exchanges. Market quotations for such assets may be volatile and/or subject to large spreads between bid and ask prices.
◾ Agent Insolvency Risk. In a syndicated loan, the agent bank is the bank that undertakes the bulk of the administrative duties involved in the day-to-day administration of the loan. In the event of the insolvency of an agent bank, a loan could be subject to settlement risk as well as the risk of interruptions in the administrative duties performed in the day to day administration of the loan (such as processing LIBOR calculations, processing draws, etc.).
◾ Loan Prepayment Risk. During periods of declining interest rates or for other purposes, borrowers may exercise their option to prepay principal earlier than scheduled which may force the Fund to reinvest in lower-yielding instruments.
◾ Risk of Foreign Investing. Because the Fund invests in dollar-denominated securities issued by foreign companies, the Fund’s share price may be more affected by foreign economic and political conditions, taxation policies and accounting and auditing standards than could otherwise be the case.
◾ European Union and Eurozone Related Risk. A number of countries in the European Union (EU), including certain countries within the EU that have adopted the euro (Eurozone), have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. Additional countries within the EU may also fall subject to such difficulties. These events could negatively affect the value and liquidity of the Fund’s investments in euro-denominated securities and derivatives contracts, securities of issuers located in the EU or with significant exposure to EU issuers or countries.
◾ Risk of Investing in Emerging Market Countries. Securities issued or traded in emerging markets generally entail greater risks than securities issued or traded in developed markets. Emerging market economies may also experience more severe downturns (with corresponding currency devaluations) than developed economies.

◾ Risk of Investing in Derivative Contracts and Hybrid Instruments. Derivative contracts and hybrid instruments involve risks different from, or possibly greater than, risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Specific risk issues related to the use of such contracts and instruments include valuation and tax issues, increased potential for losses and/or costs to the Fund, and a potential reduction in gains to the Fund. Each of these issues is described in greater detail in this Prospectus. Derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may also involve other risks described in this Prospectus, such as interest rate, credit, currency, liquidity and leverage risks.
◾ Exchange-Traded Funds Risk. An investment in an exchange-traded fund (ETF) generally presents the same primary risks as an investment in a conventional fund (i.e., one that is not exchange-traded) that has the same investment objectives, strategies and policies. The price of an ETF can fluctuate up or down, and the Fund could lose money investing in an ETF if the prices of the securities owned by the ETF go down.
◾ Risk of Loss after Redemption. The Fund may also invest in trade finance loan instruments primarily by investing in other investment companies (which are not available for general investment by the public) that own those instruments, are advised by an affiliate of the Adviser and are structured as an extended payment fund.
◾ Leverage Risk. Leverage risk is created when an investment exposes the Fund to a level of risk that exceeds the amount invested. Changes in the value of such an investment magnify the Fund’s risk of loss and potential for gain.
◾ Technology Risk. The Adviser uses various technologies in managing the Fund, consistent with its investment objective and strategy described in this Prospectus. For example, proprietary and third-party data and systems are utilized to support decision making for the Fund. Data imprecision, software or other technology malfunctions, programming inaccuracies and similar circumstances may impair the performance of these systems, which may negatively affect Fund performance.
◾ Underlying Fund Risk. The risk that the Fund’s performance is closely related to the risks associated with the securities and other investments held by the Underlying Fund and that the ability of the Fund to achieve its investment objective will depend upon the ability of the Underlying Fund to achieve its investment objectives. The Fund bears Underlying Fund fees and expenses indirectly. However, to avoid charging duplicative fees, the Adviser will waive and/or reimburse the Fund’s Management Fee with respect to the amount of its net assets invested in the affiliated fund as required by Rule 12d1-1.
The Shares offered by this Prospectus are not deposits or obligations of any bank, are not endorsed or guaranteed by any bank and are not insured or guaranteed by the U.S. government, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board or any other government agency.
Performance: Bar Chart and Table
Risk/Return Bar Chart
The bar chart and performance table below reflect historical performance data for the Fund and are intended to help you analyze the Fund’s investment risks in light of its historical returns. The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund’s IS class total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return Table shows returns averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance information for each class shown. The Fund’s performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of future results. Updated performance information for the Fund is available under the “Products” section at FederatedHermes.com/us or by calling 1-800-341-7400.
The Fund’s IS class total return for the nine-month period from January 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023, was 1.60%.
Within the periods shown in the bar chart, the Fund’s IS class highest quarterly return was 2.33% (quarter ended June 30, 2020). Its lowest quarterly return was (3.24)% (quarter ended March 31, 2022).

Average Annual Total Return Table
In addition to Return Before Taxes, Return After Taxes is shown for the Fund’s IS class to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns. After-tax returns are shown only for IS class, and after-tax returns for A, SS and R6 class will differ from those shown for the IS class. Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor’s personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown. After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions. The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains tax rates. These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through a 401(k) plan, an Individual Retirement Account or other tax-advantaged investment plans. Prior to September 1, 2016, R6 class shares were known as R class shares and included 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses. As of September 1, 2016, the R6 class does not include such 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses, and the performance shown below for the R6 class prior to September 1, 2016, reflects the higher R class expenses.
(For the Period Ended December 31, 2022)
Share Class
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years
Inception Date:
Return Before Taxes
Return Before Taxes
Return After Taxes on Distributions
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares
Return Before Taxes
Inception Date:
Return Before Taxes
Bloomberg 1-5 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index1
(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
Morningstar Short-Term Bond Funds Average2
(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
The Bloomberg 1-5 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index measures the performance of U.S. dollar-denominated U.S. Treasury bonds, government-related bonds (i.e., U.S. and non-U.S. agencies, sovereign, quasi-sovereign, supranational and local authority debt) and investment-grade U.S. corporate bonds that have a remaining maturity of greater than or equal to one year and less than five years. The index is unmanaged and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.
Morningstar figures represent the average of the total returns reported by all the mutual funds designated by Morningstar as falling into the respective category indicated.
The Fund’s Investment Adviser is Federated Investment Management Company.
John Gentry, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since November of 2013.
Chengjun (Chris) Wu, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since October of 2018.
Robert Matthews, CFA, Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since October of 2023.
purchase and sale of fund shares
You may purchase, redeem or exchange Shares of the Fund on any day the New York Stock Exchange is open. Shares may be purchased through a financial intermediary firm that has entered into a Fund selling and/or servicing agreement with the Distributor or an affiliate (“Financial Intermediary”) or directly from the Fund, by wire or by check. Please note that certain purchase restrictions may apply. Redeem or exchange Shares through a financial intermediary or directly from the Fund by telephone at 1-800-341-7400 or by mail.
A Class
The minimum investment amount for the Fund’s A class is generally $1,500 for initial investments and $100 for subsequent investments. There is no minimum initial or subsequent investment amount required for employer-sponsored retirement plans invested in A or IS Shares; however, such accounts remain subject to the Fund’s policy on “Accounts with Low Balances.” Certain types of accounts are eligible for lower minimum investments. The minimum investment amount for Systematic Investment Programs is $50.

IS & SS Classes
The minimum initial investment amount for the Fund’s IS and SS classes is generally $1,000,000 and there is no minimum subsequent investment amount. Certain types of accounts are eligible for lower minimum investments. The minimum investment amount for Systematic Investment Programs is $50.
R6 Class
There are no minimum initial or subsequent investment amounts required. The minimum investment amount for Systematic Investment Programs is $50.
Tax Information
A, IS & SS Classes
The Fund’s distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains except when your investment is through a 401(k) plan, an Individual Retirement Account or other tax-advantaged investment plan.
R6 Class
The Fund’s distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains except when your investment is through a tax-advantaged investment plan.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
A, IS & SS Classes
If you purchase the Fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Fund and/or its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund Shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
R6 Class
Class R6 Shares do not make any payments to financial intermediaries, either from Fund assets or from the investment adviser and its affiliates.
What are the Fund’s Investment Strategies?
The Fund’s investment objective is to provide total return. The Fund’s total return consists of two components: (1) changes in the market value of its portfolio of securities (both realized and unrealized appreciation); and (2) income received from its portfolio of securities. While there is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective, it endeavors to do so by following the strategies and policies described in this Prospectus.
The Fund expects that, under normal market conditions, income received from its portfolio of securities will comprise the largest component of its total return. The Fund seeks to provide the appreciation component of total return by selecting those securities whose prices will, in the opinion of the Adviser, benefit from anticipated changes in economic and market conditions.
A description of the principal types of securities and derivative contracts in which the Fund invests, other investment techniques principally used by the Fund and their risks immediately follows this strategy section. The Fund’s overall strategy is to invest in a portfolio consisting primarily of U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. government agency securities (including mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities), mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities and investment-grade corporate securities. The Fund may invest its assets in securities of other investment companies, including the securities of affiliated exchange-traded funds and money market funds (“Underlying Funds”), as an efficient means of implementing its investment strategies and/or managing its uninvested cash.
The Fund may also invest in derivative contracts or hybrid instruments (such as, for example, futures contracts, option contracts and swap contracts) to implement its investment strategies as more fully described herein. The Adviser expects that, normally, no more than 35% of the Fund’s total assets will be invested in securities that are rated below investment grade (otherwise known as “junk bonds” or “leveraged loans”). The maximum amount that the Fund may invest in emerging market securities, including trade finance, is 10% of the Fund’s total assets. Investment-grade, fixed-income securities are rated in one of the four highest categories (BBB- or higher) by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO). Noninvestment-grade, fixed-income securities are rated in one of the six lowest categories (BB or lower) by a NRSRO, or in either case if unrated, of comparable quality as determined by the Adviser. Investors in lower-rated, fixed-income securities may receive higher yields as compensation for assuming higher credit risks. The Adviser seeks to enhance the Fund’s performance by allocating relatively more of its portfolio to the sector that the Adviser expects to offer the best balance between total return and risk and thus offer the greatest potential for return.

Certain of the government securities in which the Fund invests are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, such as those issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”) and the Federal Home Loan Bank System. These entities are, however supported through federal subsidies, loans or other benefits. The Fund may also invest in government securities that are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, such as those issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”). Finally, to a lesser extent, the Fund may invest in certain government securities that have no explicit financial support, but which are regarded as having implied support because the federal government sponsors their activities.
The Fund buys and sells portfolio securities based primarily on the Adviser’s market outlook and analysis of how securities may perform under different market conditions. The Adviser’s market outlook reflects multiple factors, including:
◾ current and expected U.S. economic growth;
◾ current and expected changes in the rate of inflation;
◾ the level of interest rates in other countries as compared to U.S. interest rates;
◾ the Federal Reserve Board’s monetary policy; and
◾ technical factors affecting the supply or demand for specific securities or types of securities.
Within the context of its duration, yield curve and sector allocation strategies, the Fund will select individual securities which will, in the opinion of the Adviser, benefit from anticipated changes in market conditions.
Duration measures the price sensitivity of a fixed-income security to changes in the interest rates. The Adviser selects securities with longer or shorter durations based on its interest rate outlook. Although the value of the Fund’s Shares will fluctuate, the Adviser will seek, under normal market conditions, to manage the magnitude of the fluctuation by limiting the Fund’s dollar-weighted average effective duration to be within a range of 1.5 to 3.5 years.
While not based on the Fund’s actual duration or market interest rate movements at any particular date or during any particular period, the following hypothetical example is intended to demonstrate the effect that “duration” may have on a mutual fund portfolio. Assume that a mutual fund’s dollar-weighted average duration is 4.0 years at a particular point in time, and that a relevant interest rate on that same date was 4.0%. Understanding that duration generally represents the potential change in value given a 100-basis-point (1.00%) change in a relevant interest rate, and assuming that the mutual fund’s dollar-weighted average duration, portfolio, portfolio structure and other relevant factors that could affect the value of the mutual fund remain unchanged, then: (a) if interest rates rise to 5.0% over a 12-month period, the mutual fund’s net asset value (NAV) theoretically would decline by 4.0%; and (b) if interest rates decline to 3.0% over a 12-month period, the mutual fund’s NAV theoretically would increase by 4.0%.
Derivative Contracts
The Fund may use derivative contracts and/or hybrid instruments to implement elements of its investment strategy. For example, the Fund may use derivative contracts or hybrid instruments to increase or decrease the portfolio’s exposure to the investment(s) underlying the derivative or hybrid instrument in an attempt to benefit from changes in the value of the underlying investment(s). Additionally, by way of example, the Fund may use derivative contracts in an attempt to:
◾ increase or decrease the effective duration of the Fund portfolio;
◾ seek to benefit from anticipated changes in the volatility of designated assets or instruments, such as indices, currencies and interest rates (volatility is a measure of the frequency and level of changes in the value of an asset or instrument without regard to the direction of such changes);
◾ obtain premiums from the sale of derivative contracts;
◾ realize gains from trading a derivative contract; or
◾ hedge against potential losses.
There can be no assurance that the Fund’s use of derivative contracts or hybrid instruments will work as intended. Derivative investments made by the Fund are included within the Fund’s 80% policy (as described below) and are calculated at market value.
Investment Methodology
Within the above limitations the Adviser utilizes a four-part decision-making process.
First, the Adviser lengthens or shortens portfolio duration from time to time based on its interest rate outlook. “Duration” measures the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. The greater a portfolio’s average duration, the greater the change in the portfolio’s value in response to a change in market interest rates.

Second, the Adviser strategically positions the portfolio based on its expectations for changes in the yield curve. The Adviser tries to combine individual portfolio securities with different durations to take advantage of relative changes in interest rates. Relative changes in interest rates may occur whenever longer-term interest rates move more, less or in a different direction than shorter-term interest rates.
Third, the Adviser pursues relative value opportunities within the sectors in which the Fund may invest.
Finally, the Adviser selects individual securities within each sector that it believes may outperform a sector-specific benchmark. For example, the Adviser employs a fundamental analysis of factors such as cash flow, leverage business conditions, product line, quality of management and credit ratings to determine the best corporate debt securities within specific credit quality constraints. Similarly, with respect to mortgage-backed debt securities, the Adviser utilizes sophisticated models to analyze specific characteristics of the underlying pool (such as past prepayment experience, pool age, weighted coupon yield and geographic distribution) and find the best available securities in the sector.
This four-part investment process is designed to capitalize on the depth of experience and focus of each of the Adviser’s fixed-income sector teams–government, corporate, mortgage-backed, asset-backed, high-yield and international (including emerging markets and trade finance).
The Fund will invest its assets so that at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) are invested in fixed-income securities. The Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days in advance of any changes in its investment policy that would enable it to invest, under normal circumstances, less than 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in fixed-income securities.
The Fund may temporarily depart from its principal investment strategies by investing its assets in shorter-term debt securities and similar obligations or holding cash. It may do this in response to unusual circumstances, such as: adverse market, economic, or other conditions (for example, to help avoid potential losses, or during periods when there is a shortage of appropriate securities); to maintain liquidity to meet shareholder redemptions; or to accommodate cash inflows. It is possible that such investments could affect the Fund’s investment returns and/or the ability to achieve the Fund’s investment objectives.
What are the Fund’s Principal Investments?
The following provides general information on the Fund’s principal investments. The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information (SAI) provides information about the Fund’s non-principal investments and may provide additional information about the Fund’s principal investments.
Fixed-Income Securities
Fixed-income securities pay interest, dividends or distributions at a specified rate. The rate may be a fixed percentage of the principal or may be adjusted periodically. In addition, the issuer of a fixed-income security must repay the principal amount of the security, normally within a specified time. Fixed-income securities provide more regular income than equity securities. However, the returns on fixed-income securities are limited and normally do not increase with the issuer’s earnings. This limits the potential appreciation of fixed-income securities as compared to equity securities.
A security’s yield measures the annual income earned on a security as a percentage of its price. A security’s yield will increase or decrease depending upon whether it costs less (a “discount”) or more (a “premium”) than the principal amount. If the issuer may redeem the security before its scheduled maturity, the price and yield on a discount or premium security may change based upon the probability of an early redemption. Securities with higher risks generally have higher yields.
The following describes the fixed-income securities in which the Fund principally invests:
Treasury Securities (A Type of Fixed-Income Security)
Treasury securities are direct obligations of the federal government of the United States. Treasury securities are generally regarded as having minimal credit risks.
Government Securities (A Type of Fixed-Income Security)
Government securities are issued or guaranteed by a federal agency or instrumentality acting under federal authority. Some government securities, including those issued by Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), are supported by the full faith and credit of the United States and are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal.

Other government securities receive support through federal subsidies, loans or other benefits, but are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. For example, the U.S. Treasury is authorized to purchase specified amounts of securities issued by (or otherwise make funds available to) the Federal Home Loan Bank System, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”) and Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”) in support of such obligations.
Some government agency securities have no explicit financial support and are supported only by the credit of the applicable agency, instrumentality or corporation. The U.S. government has provided financial support to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, but there is no assurance that it will support these or other agencies in the future.
The Fund treats mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by a federal agency or instrumentality as government securities. Although such a guarantee protects against credit risk, it does not eliminate it entirely or reduce other risks.
Asset-Backed Securities (A Type of Fixed-Income Security)
Asset-backed securities are payable from pools of obligations other than mortgages. Most asset-backed securities involve consumer or commercial debts with maturities of less than 10 years. However, almost any type of fixed-income assets (including other fixed-income securities, such as corporate debt securities) may be used to create an asset-backed security. Asset-backed securities may take the form of notes or pass-through certificates. Asset-backed securities have prepayment risks. Like CMOs, asset-backed securities may be structured like Floaters, Inverse Floaters, IOs and POs.
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) (A Type of Fixed-Income Security)
An MBS is a type of pass-through security, which is a pooled debt obligation repackaged as interests that pass principal and interest through an intermediary to investors. In the case of MBS, the ownership interest is issued by a trust and represents participation interests in pools of adjustable and fixed-rate mortgage loans. MBS are most commonly issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or one of its agencies or instrumentalities (“agency MBS”), but also may be issued or guaranteed by private entities (“non-agency MBS”). Unlike conventional debt obligations, MBS provide monthly payments derived from the monthly interest and principal payments (including any prepayments) made by the individual borrowers on the pooled mortgage loans. Most MBS make these payments monthly; however, certain MBS are backed by mortgage loans which do not generate monthly payments but rather generate payments less frequently.
The mortgage loan collateral for non-agency MBS consists of residential mortgage loans that do not conform to GSEs underwriting guidelines. Non-agency MBS generally offer a higher yield than agency MBS because there are no direct or indirect government guarantees of payment.
The non-agency and agency MBS acquired by the Fund could be secured by fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable rate mortgages or hybrid adjustable rate mortgages. Adjustable rate mortgages are mortgages whose interest rates are periodically reset when market rates change. A hybrid adjustable rate mortgage (“hybrid ARM”) is a type of mortgage in which the interest rate is fixed for a specified period and then resets periodically, or floats, for the remaining mortgage term. Hybrid ARMs are usually referred to by their fixed and floating periods. For example, a “5/1 ARM” refers to a mortgage with a five-year fixed interest rate period, followed by 25 annual interest rate adjustment periods.
The Fund also may invest in collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). The two types of CMOs are: (1) MBS that are collateralized by mortgage loans or mortgage pass-through securities; and (2) multi-class, pass-through securities, which are interests in a trust composed of mortgage loans or other MBS. CMOs may be issued by U.S. governmental or government-related enterprises, or by private entities, such as banks and others. CMOs are issued in multiple classes, often referred to as “tranches,” with each tranche having a specific fixed or floating coupon rate, and stated maturity or final distribution date. CMOs are subject to the uncertainty of the timing of cash flows that results from the rate of prepayments on the underlying mortgages serving as collateral and from the structure of the particular CMO transaction (that is, the priority of the individual tranches). An increase or decrease in prepayment rates (resulting from a decrease or increase in mortgage interest rates) may cause the CMOs to be retired substantially earlier or later than their stated maturities or final distribution dates, and will affect the yields and prices of CMOs.
Mortgage dollar rolls are transactions in which the Fund sells MBS for delivery in the current month with a simultaneous contract entered to repurchase substantially similar (same type, coupon and maturity) securities on a specified future date and price (a “mortgage roll”). During the roll period, the Fund foregoes principal and interest paid on the MBS. Mortgage dollar-roll transactions may be used to seek to increase the Fund’s income. The Fund uses repurchase agreements and short-term, fixed-income securities to secure its obligations in these transactions.
Investments in MBS expose the Fund to MBS, interest rate, prepayment and credit risks.

Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (A Type of Mortgage-Backed Security)
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) represent interests in mortgage loans on commercial real estate, such as loans for hotels, shopping centers, office buildings and apartment buildings. Generally, the interest and principal payments on these loans are passed on to investors in CMBS according to a schedule of payments. The Fund may invest in individual CMBS issues or, alternately, may gain exposure to the overall CMBS market by investing in a derivative contract, the performance of which is related to changes in the value of a domestic CMBS index. The risks associated with CMBS reflect the risks of investing in the commercial real estate securing the underlying mortgage loans and are therefore different from the risks of other types of MBS. Additionally, CMBS may expose the Fund to interest rate, liquidity and credit risks.
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (A Type of Mortgage-Backed Security)
CMOs, including interests in real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs), allocate payments and prepayments from an underlying pass-through certificate among holders of different classes of mortgage-backed securities. This creates different prepayment and interest rate risks for each CMO class. The degree of increased or decreased prepayment risks depends upon the structure of the CMOs. However, the actual returns on any type of mortgage-backed security depend upon the performance of the underlying pool of mortgages, which no one can predict with certainty and will vary among pools.
Non-Governmental Mortgage-Backed Securities (A Type of Mortgage-Backed Security)
Non-governmental mortgage-backed securities (including non-governmental CMOs) are issued by private entities, rather than by U.S. government agencies. The non-governmental mortgage-backed securities in which the Fund invests will be treated as mortgage-related, asset-backed securities. These securities involve credit risk and liquidity risk. The degree of risks will depend significantly on the ability of borrowers to make payments on the underlying mortgages and the seniority of the security held by the Fund with respect to such payments.
Sequential CMOs (A Type of CMO)
In a sequential pay CMO, one class of CMOs receives all principal payments and prepayments. The next class of CMOs receives all principal payments after the first class is paid off. This process repeats for each sequential class of CMO. As a result, each class of sequential pay CMOs reduces the prepayment risks of subsequent classes.
PACs, TACs and Companion Classes (Types of CMOs)
More sophisticated CMOs include planned amortization classes (PACs) and targeted amortization classes (TACs). PACs and TACs are issued with companion classes. PACs and TACs receive principal payments and prepayments at a specified rate. The companion classes receive principal payments and prepayments in excess of the specified rate. In addition, PACs will receive the companion classes’ share of principal payments, if necessary, to cover a shortfall in the prepayment rate. This helps PACs and TACs to control prepayment risks by increasing the risks to their companion classes.
Corporate Debt Securities (A Type of Fixed-Income Security)
Corporate debt securities are fixed-income securities issued by businesses. Notes, bonds, debentures and commercial paper are the most prevalent types of corporate debt securities. The Fund may also purchase interests in bank loans to companies. The credit risks of corporate debt securities vary widely among issuers.
In addition, the credit risk of an issuer’s debt security may vary based on its priority for repayment. For example, higher ranking (“senior”) debt securities have a higher priority than lower ranking (“subordinated”) securities. This means that the issuer might not make payments on subordinated securities while continuing to make payments on senior securities. In addition, in the event of bankruptcy, holders of senior securities may receive amounts otherwise payable to the holders of subordinated securities. Some subordinated securities, such as trust-preferred and capital-securities notes, also permit the issuer to defer payments under certain circumstances. For example, insurance companies issue securities known as surplus notes that permit the insurance company to defer any payment that would reduce its capital below regulatory requirements.
Lower-Rated, Fixed-Income Securities
Lower-rated, fixed-income securities are securities rated below investment grade (i.e., BB or lower) by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO). There is no minimal acceptable rating for a security to be purchased or held by the Fund and the Fund may purchase or hold unrated securities and securities whose issuers are in default.
Loan Instruments (A Fixed-Income Investment)
The Fund may invest in loan (and loan-related) instruments, which are interests in amounts owed by a corporate, governmental or other borrower to lenders or groups of lenders known as lending syndicates (loans and loan participations). Such instruments may include loans made in connection with trade financing transactions.

Investments in certain loans have additional risks that result from the use of agents and other interposed financial institutions. Such loans are structured and administered by a financial institution (e.g., a commercial bank) that acts as the agent of the lending syndicate. The agent bank, which may or may not also be a lender, typically administers and enforces the loan on behalf of the lenders in the lending syndicate. In addition, an institution, typically but not always the agent bank, holds the collateral, if any, on behalf of the lenders. A financial institution’s employment as an agent bank might be terminated for a number of reasons, for example, in the event that it fails to observe a requisite standard of care or becomes insolvent. A successor agent bank would generally be appointed to replace the terminated agent bank, and assets held by the agent bank under the loan agreement likely would remain available to holders of such indebtedness. However, if assets held by the agent bank for the benefit of the Fund were determined to be subject to the claims of the agent bank’s general creditors, the Fund might incur certain costs and delays in realizing payment on a loan or loan participation and could suffer a loss of principal and/or interest. In situations involving other interposed financial institutions (e.g., an insurance company or government agency) similar risks may arise.
Loan instruments may be secured or unsecured. If secured, then the lenders have been granted rights to specific property (such as receivables, tangible goods, real property or commodities), which is commonly referred to as collateral. The purpose of securing a loan is to allow the lenders to exercise their rights over the collateral if the loan is not repaid as required by the terms of lending agreement. Unsecured loans expose the lenders to increased credit risk.
Trade finance is a long established form of commercial financing that involves providing producers, traders, distributors and end users with short- and medium-term loans or other forms of debt obligation. Trade finance is a major loan asset class for many of the world’s commercial banks and trade finance is an important source of funding in emerging markets. For emerging economies that are exporters of commodities, payments made in advance and prior to export sale (“pre-export finance”) provide a way for banks and other lenders to lend to local producers against future earnings. Trade finance also seeks to finance the industrialization of these economies in the form of project-finance and project-related finance lending. This lending activity is supported by commercial banks, export credit agencies as well as multilateral agencies. Imports that are financed will include productions inputs, inventory and plant and equipment. Many transactions of this type facilitate import substitution or provide future enhancement of export generation.
The loan instruments in which the Fund may invest may involve borrowers, agent banks, co-lenders and collateral located both in the United States and outside of the United States (in both developed and emerging markets).
The Fund treats loan instruments as a type of fixed-income security. Investments in loan instruments may expose the Fund to risks of investing in loans, loan liquidity risks, agent insolvency risks, loan prepayment risks, interest rate risk, risks of investing in foreign securities, credit risk, liquidity risk, risks of noninvestment-grade securities, risks of emerging markets and leverage risks. (For purposes of the descriptions in this Prospectus of these various risks, references to “issuer” include borrowers in loan instruments.) Many loan instruments incorporate risk mitigation and insurance products into their structures, in order to manage these risks. There is no guarantee that these risk management techniques will work as intended.
Foreign securities are securities of issuers based outside the United States. To the extent a Fund invests in securities included in its applicable broad-based securities market index, the Fund may consider an issuer to be based outside the United States if the applicable index classifies the issuer as based outside the United States. Accordingly, the Fund may consider an issuer to be based outside the United States if the issuer satisfies at least one, but not necessarily all, of the following:
◾ it is organized under the laws of, or has its principal office located in, another country;
◾ the principal trading market for its securities is in another country;
◾ it (directly or through its consolidated subsidiaries) derived in its most current fiscal year at least 50% of its total assets, capitalization, gross revenue or profit from goods produced, services performed or sales made in another country; or
◾ it is classified by an applicable index as based outside the United States.
Foreign securities are primarily denominated in foreign currencies. Along with the risks normally associated with domestic securities of the same type, foreign securities are subject to currency risks and risks of foreign investing. Trading in certain foreign markets is also subject to liquidity risks.
Foreign Government Securities (A Type of Foreign Fixed-Income Security)
Foreign government securities generally consist of fixed-income securities supported by national, state or provincial governments or similar political subdivisions. Foreign government securities also include debt obligations of supranational entities, such as international organizations designed or supported by governmental entities to promote economic reconstruction or development, international banking institutions and related government agencies. Examples of these include, but are not limited to, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “World Bank”), the Asian Development Bank, the European Investment Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Foreign government securities also include fixed-income securities of quasi-governmental agencies that are either issued by entities owned by a national, state or equivalent government or are obligations of a political unit that are not backed by the national government’s full faith and credit. Further, foreign government securities include mortgage-related securities issued or guaranteed by national, state or provincial governmental instrumentalities, including quasi-governmental agencies.
Foreign Corporate Debt Securities
The Fund will also invest in high-yield debt securities of foreign corporations. Notes, bonds, debentures, loans and commercial paper are the most prevalent types of corporate debt securities. The credit risks of corporate debt securities vary widely among issuers.
Derivative Contracts
Derivative contracts are financial instruments that derive their value from underlying securities, commodities, currencies, indices, or other assets or instruments, including other derivative contracts (each a “Reference Instrument” and collectively, “Reference Instruments”). The most common types of derivative contracts are swaps, futures and options, and major asset classes include interest rates, equities, commodities and foreign exchange. Each party to a derivative contract may sometimes be referred to as a “counterparty.” Some derivative contracts require payments relating to an actual, future trade involving the Reference Instrument. These types of derivatives are frequently referred to as “physically settled” derivatives. Other derivative contracts require payments relating to the income or returns from, or changes in the market value of, a Reference Instrument. These types of derivatives are known as “cash-settled” derivatives since they require cash payments in lieu of delivery of the Reference Instrument.
Many derivative contracts are traded on exchanges. In these circumstances, the relevant exchange sets all the terms of the contract except for the price. Parties to an exchange-traded derivative contract make payments through the exchange. Most exchanges require traders to maintain margin accounts through their brokers to cover their potential obligations to the exchange. Parties to the contract make (or collect) daily payments to the margin accounts to reflect losses (or gains) in the value of their contracts. This protects traders against a potential default by their counterparty. Trading contracts on an exchange also allows traders to hedge or mitigate certain risks or carry out more complex trading strategies by entering into offsetting contracts.
The Fund may also trade derivative contracts over-the-counter (OTC), meaning off-exchange, in transactions negotiated directly between the Fund and an eligible counterparty, which may be a financial institution. OTC contracts do not necessarily have standard terms, so they may be less liquid and more difficult to close out than exchange-traded derivative contracts. In addition, OTC contracts with more specialized terms may be more difficult to value than exchange-traded contracts, especially in times of financial stress.
The market for swaps and other OTC derivatives was largely unregulated prior to the enactment of federal legislation known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”). Regulations enacted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”) under the Dodd-Frank Act require the Fund to clear certain types of swap contracts (including certain interest rate and credit default swaps) through a central clearinghouse known as a derivatives clearing organization (DCO).
To clear a swap through a DCO, the Fund will submit the contract to, and post margin with, a futures commission merchant (FCM) that is a clearinghouse member. The Fund may enter into the swap with a counterparty other than the FCM and arrange for the contract to be transferred to the FCM for clearing or enter into the contract with the FCM itself. If the Fund must centrally clear a transaction, the CFTC’s regulations also generally require that the swap be executed on a registered exchange (either a designated contract market (DCM) or swap execution facility (SEF)). Central clearing is presently required only for certain swaps; the CFTC is expected to impose a mandatory central clearing requirement for additional derivative instruments over time.
DCOs, DCMs, SEFs and FCMs are all subject to regulatory oversight by the CFTC. In addition, certain derivative market participants that act as market makers and engage in a significant amount of “dealing” activity are also required to register as swap dealers with the CFTC. Among other things, swap dealers are subject to minimum capital requirements and business conduct standards and must also post and collect initial and variation margin on uncleared swaps with certain of their counterparties. Because of this, if the Fund enters into uncleared swaps with any swap dealers, it may be subject to initial and variation margin requirements that could impact the Fund’s ability to enter into swaps in the OTC market, including making transacting in uncleared swaps significantly more expensive.

At this point in time, most of the Dodd-Frank Act has been fully implemented, though a small number of remaining rulemakings are unfinished or are subject to phase-in periods. Any future regulatory or legislative activity would not necessarily have a direct, immediate effect upon the Fund, though it is within the realm of possibility that, upon implementation of these measures or any future measures, they could potentially limit or completely restrict the ability of the Fund to use these instruments as a part of its investment strategy, increase the costs of using these instruments or make them less effective.
Depending on how the Fund uses derivative contracts and the relationships between the market value of a derivative contract and the Reference Instrument, derivative contracts may increase or decrease the Fund’s exposure to the risks of the Reference Instrument and may also expose the Fund to liquidity and leverage risks. OTC contracts also expose the Fund to credit risks in the event that a counterparty defaults on the contract, although this risk may be mitigated by submitting the contract for clearing through a DCO, or certain other factors, such as collecting margin from the counterparty.
As discussed above, a counterparty’s exposure under a derivative contract may in some cases be required to be secured with initial and/or variation margin (a form of “collateral”).
The Fund may invest in a derivative contract if it is permitted to own, invest in, or otherwise have economic exposure to the Reference Instrument. The Fund is not required to own a Reference Instrument in order to buy or sell a derivative contract relating to that Reference Instrument. The Fund may trade in the following specific types and/or combinations of derivative contracts:
Futures Contracts (A Type of Derivative)
Futures contracts provide for the future sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specified amount of a Reference Instrument at a specified price, date and time. Entering into a contract to buy a Reference Instrument is commonly referred to as buying a contract or holding a long position in the asset. Entering into a contract to sell a Reference Instrument is commonly referred to as selling a contract or holding a short position in the Reference Instrument. Futures contracts are considered to be commodity contracts. The Adviser has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodity Exchange Act with respect to the Fund, and therefore is not subject to registration or regulation as a commodity pool operator under the Act with respect to the Fund. Futures contracts traded OTC are frequently referred to as forward contracts. The Fund can buy or sell financial futures (such as interest rate futures, index futures and security futures), as well as currency futures and currency forward contracts.
Option Contracts (A Type of Derivative)
Option contracts (also called “options”) are rights to buy or sell a Reference Instrument for a specified price (the “exercise price”) during, or at the end of, a specified period. The seller (or “writer”) of the option receives a payment, or premium, from the buyer, which the writer keeps regardless of whether the buyer uses (or exercises) the option. A call option gives the holder (buyer) the right to buy the Reference Instrument from the seller (writer) of the option. A put option gives the holder the right to sell the Reference Instrument to the writer of the option. Options may be bought or sold on a wide variety of Reference Instruments. Options that are written on futures contracts will be subject to margin requirements similar to those applied to futures contracts.
Swap Contracts (A Type of Derivative)
A swap contract (also known as a “swap”) is a type of derivative contract in which two parties agree to pay each other (swap) the returns derived from Reference Instruments. Swaps do not always involve the delivery of the Reference Instruments by either party, and the parties might not own the Reference Instruments underlying the swap. The payments are usually made on a net basis so that, on any given day, the Fund would receive (or pay) only the amount by which its payment under the contract is less than (or exceeds) the amount of the other party’s payment. Swap agreements are sophisticated instruments that can take many different forms and are known by a variety of names. Common types of swaps in which the Fund may invest include interest rate swaps, caps and floors, total return swaps, credit default swaps and currency swaps and or volatility swaps.
Investing in Securities of Other Investment Companies
The Fund may invest its assets in securities of other investment companies, including the securities of affiliated exchange-traded funds and money market funds, as an efficient means of implementing its investment strategies, managing its uninvested cash and/or other investment reasons consistent with the Fund’s investment objective and investment strategies. The Fund may also invest in loan instruments, including trade finance loan instruments, bank loans, mortgage-backed, high-yield and emerging market debt securities primarily by investing in another investment company (which is not available for general investment by the public) that owns those securities and that is advised by an affiliate of the Adviser. The Fund’s investment in the trade finance loan instruments through another investment company may expose the Fund to risks of loss after redemption. The Fund’s may also invest in such securities directly. These other

investment companies are managed independently of the Fund and incur additional fees and/or expenses which would, therefore, be borne indirectly by the Fund in connection with any such investment. These investments also can create conflicts of interests for the Adviser to the Fund and the investment adviser to the acquired fund. For example, a conflict of interest can arise due to the possibility that the Adviser to the Fund could make a decision to redeem the Fund’s investment in the acquired fund. In the case of an investment in an affiliated fund, a conflict of interest can arise if, because of the Fund’s investment in the acquired fund, the acquired fund is able to garner more assets, thereby growing the acquired fund and increasing the management fees received by the investment adviser to the acquired fund, which would either be the Adviser or an affiliate of the Adviser. However, the Adviser believes that the benefits and efficiencies of making investments in other investment companies should outweigh the potential additional fees and/or expenses and resulting conflicts of interest. In light of the Fund’s investments in other investment companies, other registered investment companies may be limited in their ability to invest in the Fund.
Investing in Exchange-Traded Funds
The Fund may invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as an efficient means of carrying out its investment strategies. As with traditional mutual funds, ETFs charge asset-based fees, although these fees tend to be relatively low. ETFs are traded on stock exchanges or on the over-the-counter market. ETFs do not charge initial sales charges or redemption fees and investors pay only customary brokerage fees to buy and sell ETF shares.
Additional Information Regarding the Security Selection Process
As part of analysis in its security selection process, among other factors, the Adviser also evaluates whether environmental, social and governance factors could have a positive or negative impact on the risk profiles of many issuers or guarantors in the universe of securities in which the Fund may invest. The Adviser may also consider information derived from active engagements conducted by its in-house stewardship team with certain issuers or guarantors on environmental, social and governance topics. This qualitative analysis does not automatically result in including or excluding specific securities but may be used by Federated Hermes as an additional input in its primary analysis.
Repurchase Agreements
Repurchase agreements are transactions in which the Fund buys a security from a dealer or bank and agrees to sell the security back at a mutually agreed-upon time and price. The repurchase price exceeds the sale price, reflecting the Fund’s return on the transaction. This return is unrelated to the interest rate on the underlying security. The Fund will enter into repurchase agreements only with banks and other recognized financial institutions, such as securities dealers, deemed creditworthy by the Adviser.
The Fund’s custodian or sub-custodian will take possession of the securities subject to repurchase agreements. The Adviser or sub-custodian will monitor the value of the underlying security each day to ensure that the value of the security always equals or exceeds the repurchase price.
Repurchase agreements are subject to credit risks.
Delayed Delivery Transactions
Delayed delivery transactions, including when-issued transactions, are arrangements in which the Fund buys securities for a set price, with payment and delivery of the securities scheduled for a future time. During the period between purchase and settlement, no payment is made by the Fund to the issuer and no interest accrues to the Fund. The Fund records the transaction when it agrees to buy the securities and reflects their value in determining the price of its Shares. Settlement dates may be a month or more after entering into these transactions so that the market values of the securities bought may vary from the purchase prices. Therefore, delayed delivery transactions create interest rate risks for the Fund. Delayed delivery transactions also involve credit risks in the event of a counterparty default. These transactions create leverage risks.
To Be Announced Securities (TBAs) (A Type of Delayed Delivery Transaction)
As with other delayed delivery transactions, a seller agrees to deliver a TBA security at a future date. However, the seller does not specify the particular securities to be delivered. Instead, the Fund agrees to accept any security that meets specified terms. For example, in a TBA mortgage-backed transaction, the Fund and the seller would agree upon the issuer, interest rate and terms of the underlying mortgages. The seller would not identify the specific underlying mortgages until it delivers the security. TBA mortgage-backed securities increase interest rate risks because the underlying mortgages may be less favorable than anticipated by the Fund.

Dollar Rolls (A Type of Delayed Delivery Transaction)
Dollar rolls are transactions where the Fund sells mortgage-backed securities with a commitment to buy similar, but not identical, mortgage-backed securities on a future date at a lower price. Normally, one or both securities involved are TBA mortgage-backed securities. Dollar rolls are subject to interest rate risks and credit risks.
Hybrid Instruments
Hybrid instruments combine elements of two different kinds of securities or financial instruments (such as a derivative contract). Frequently, the value of a hybrid instrument is determined by reference to changes in the value of a Reference Instrument (that is a designated security, commodity, currency, index or other asset or instrument including a derivative contract). The Fund may use hybrid instruments only in connection with permissible investment activities. Hybrid instruments can take on many forms including, but not limited to, the following forms. First, a common form of a hybrid instrument combines elements of a derivative contract with those of another security (typically a fixed-income security). In this case all or a portion of the interest or principal payable on a hybrid security is determined by reference to changes in the price of a Reference Instrument. Second, hybrid instruments may include convertible securities with conversion terms related to a Reference Instrument.
Depending on the type and terms of the hybrid instrument, its risks may reflect a combination of the risks of investing in the Reference Instrument with the risks of investing in other securities, currencies and derivative contracts. Thus, an investment in a hybrid instrument may entail significant risks in addition to those associated with traditional investments or the Reference Instrument. Hybrid instruments are also potentially more volatile than traditional securities or the Reference Instrument. Moreover, depending on the structure of the particular hybrid, it may expose the Fund to leverage risks or carry liquidity risks.
Derivatives Regulation and Asset Coverage
The regulation of the U.S. and non-U.S. derivatives markets has undergone substantial change in recent years and such change may continue. In addition, effective August 19, 2022, Rule 18f-4 (the “Derivatives Rule”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), replaced the asset segregation framework previously used by funds to comply with limitations on leverage imposed by the 1940 Act. The Derivatives Rule generally mandates that a fund either limit derivatives exposure to 10% or less of its net assets, or in the alternative implement: (i) limits on leverage calculated based value-at-risk (VAR); (ii) a written derivatives risk management program (DRMP) administered by a derivatives risk manager appointed by the Fund’s Board, including a majority of the independent Board members, that is periodically reviewed by the Board; and (iii) new reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Securities Lending
The Fund may lend portfolio securities to borrowers that the Adviser deems creditworthy. In return, the Fund receives cash or liquid securities from the borrower as collateral. The borrower must furnish additional collateral if the market value of the loaned securities increases. Also, the borrower must pay the Fund the equivalent of any dividends or interest received on the loaned securities.
The Fund will reinvest cash collateral in securities that qualify as an acceptable investment for the Fund. However, the Fund must pay interest to the borrower for the use of cash collateral. An acceptable investment into which the Fund may reinvest cash collateral includes, among other acceptable investments, securities of affiliated money market funds (including affiliated institutional prime money market funds with a “floating” net asset value that can impose redemption fees and liquidity gates, impose certain operational impediments to investing cash collateral, and, if net asset value decreases, result in the Fund having to cover the decrease in the value of the cash collateral).
Loans are subject to termination at the option of the Fund or the borrower. The Fund will not have the right to vote on securities while they are on loan. However, the Fund will attempt to terminate a loan in an effort to reacquire the securities in time to vote on matters that are deemed to be material by the Adviser. There can be no assurance that the Fund will have sufficient notice of such matters to be able to terminate the loan in time to vote thereon. The Fund may pay administrative and custodial fees in connection with a loan and may pay a negotiated portion of the interest earned on the cash collateral to a securities lending agent or broker. Securities lending activities are subject to interest rate risks and credit risks. These transactions create leverage risks.
Investment Ratings for Investment-Grade Securities
The Adviser will determine whether a security is investment grade based upon the credit ratings given by one or more NRSROs. For example, Standard & Poor’s, an NRSRO, assigns ratings to investment-grade securities (AAA, AA, A and BBB including modifiers, sub-categories and gradations) based on their assessment of the likelihood of the issuer’s inability to pay interest or principal (default) when due on each security. Lower credit ratings correspond to higher credit risk. If a security has not received a rating, the Fund must rely entirely upon the Adviser’s credit assessment that the

security is comparable to investment grade. The presence of a ratings modifier, sub-category or gradation (for example, a (+) or (-)) is intended to show relative standing within the major rating categories and does not affect the security credit rating for purposes of the Fund’s investment parameters. If a security is downgraded below the minimum quality grade discussed above, the Adviser will reevaluate the security, but will not be required to sell it.
Investment Ratings for Noninvestment-Grade Securities
Noninvestment-grade securities are rated below BBB- by an NRSRO. These bonds have greater economic, credit and liquidity risks than investment-grade securities.
What are the Specific Risks of Investing in the Fund?
The following provides general information on the risks associated with the Fund’s principal investments. Any additional risks associated with the Fund’s non-principal investments are described in the Fund’s SAI. The Fund’s SAI also may provide additional information about the risks associated with the Fund’s principal investments.
Because the Fund may allocate relatively more assets to certain fixed-income sectors than to others, the Fund’s performance may be susceptible to any developments which affect those fixed-income sectors emphasized by the Fund.
Interest Rate Risk
Prices of fixed-income securities rise and fall in response to changes in interest rates. Generally, when interest rates rise, prices of fixed-income securities fall. However, market factors, such as the demand for particular fixed-income securities, may cause the price of certain fixed-income securities to fall while the prices of other securities rise or remain unchanged.
The longer the duration of a fixed-income security, the more susceptible it is to interest rate risk. The duration of a fixed-income security may be equal to or shorter than the stated maturity of a fixed-income security. Recent and potential futures changes in monetary policy made by central banks and/or their governments are likely to affect the level of interest rates.
Duration measures the price sensitivity of a fixed-income security given a change in interest rates. For example, if a fixed-income security has an effective duration of three years, a 1% increase in general interest rates would be expected to cause the security’s value to decline about 3% while a 1% decrease in general interest rates would be expected to cause the security’s value to increase about 3%.
Risk Associated with Noninvestment-Grade Securities
Securities rated below investment grade, also known as junk bonds, generally entail greater economic, credit and liquidity risks than investment-grade securities. For example, their prices are more volatile, economic downturns and financial setbacks may affect their prices more negatively, and their trading market may be more limited. These securities are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and repay principal.
The value of the Fund’s portfolio may decline in tandem with a drop in the overall value of the markets in which the Fund invests and/or other markets based on negative developments in the U.S. and global economies. Economic, political and financial conditions, or industry or economic trends and developments, may, from time to time, and for varying periods of time, cause volatility, illiquidity or other potentially adverse effects in the financial markets, including the fixed-income market. The commencement, continuation or ending of government policies and economic stimulus programs, changes in monetary policy, increases or decreases in interest rates, or other factors or events that affect the financial markets, including the fixed-income markets, may contribute to the development of or increase in volatility, illiquidity, shareholder redemptions and other adverse effects which could negatively impact the Fund’s performance. For example, the value of certain portfolio securities may rise or fall in response to changes in interest rates, which could result from a change in government policies, and has the potential to cause investors to move out of certain portfolio securities, including fixed-income securities, on a large scale. This may increase redemptions from funds that hold large amounts of certain securities and may result in decreased liquidity and increased volatility in the financial markets. Market factors, such as the demand for particular portfolio securities, may cause the price of certain portfolio securities to fall while the prices of other securities rise or remain unchanged. Among other investments, lower-grade bonds and loans may be particularly sensitive to changes in the economy.

Epidemic and Pandemic Risk
An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus was first detected in China in late 2019 and subsequently spread globally. This coronavirus has resulted in, and may continue to result in, closed borders, enhanced health screenings, disruptions to healthcare service preparation and delivery, quarantines, cancellations and disruptions to supply chains, workflow operations and consumer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this coronavirus has resulted in substantial economic volatility. Health crises caused by outbreaks, such as the coronavirus outbreak, may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social and economic risks. The impact of this outbreak, and other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future, could continue to negatively affect the worldwide economy, as well as the economies of individual countries, individual companies, including certain Fund service providers and issuers of the Fund’s investments, and the markets in general in significant and unforeseen ways. In addition, governments, their regulatory agencies, or self-regulatory organizations may take actions in response to the pandemic, including significant fiscal and monetary policy changes, that may affect the instruments in which the Fund invests or the issuers of such instruments. Any such impact could adversely affect the Fund’s performance.
Credit Risk
It is possible that interest or principal on securities will not be paid when due. Noninvestment-grade securities generally have a higher default risk than investment-grade securities. Such nonpayment or default may reduce the value of the Fund’s portfolio holdings, its share price and its performance.
Many fixed-income securities receive credit ratings from NRSROs such as Fitch Rating Service, Moody’s Investor Services, Inc. and Standard & Poor’s that assign ratings to securities by assessing the likelihood of an issuer and/or guarantor default. Higher credit ratings correspond to lower perceived credit risk and lower credit ratings correspond to higher perceived credit risk. Credit ratings may be upgraded or downgraded from time to time as an NRSRO’s assessment of the financial condition of a party obligated to make payments with respect to such securities and credit risk changes. The impact of any credit rating downgrade can be uncertain. Credit rating downgrades may lead to increased interest rates and volatility in financial markets, which in turn could negatively affect the value of the Fund’s portfolio holdings, its share price and its investment performance. Credit ratings are not a guarantee of quality. Credit ratings may lag behind the current financial conditions of the issuer and/or guarantor and do not provide assurance against default or other loss of money. Credit ratings do not protect against a decline in the value of a security. If a security has not received a rating, the Fund must rely entirely upon the Adviser’s credit assessment.
Fixed-income securities generally compensate for greater credit risk by paying interest at a higher rate. The difference between the yield of a security and the yield of a U.S. Treasury security or other appropriate benchmark with a comparable maturity (the “spread”) measures the additional interest paid for risk. Spreads may increase generally in response to adverse economic or market conditions. A security’s spread may also increase if the security’s rating is lowered, or the security is perceived to have an increased credit risk. An increase in the spread will cause the price of the security to decline.
Credit risk includes the possibility that a party to a transaction involving the Fund will fail to meet its obligations. This could cause the Fund to lose the benefit of the transaction or prevent the Fund from selling or buying other securities to implement its investment strategy.
MBS Risk
MBS have unique risks. A rise in interest rates may cause the value of MBS held by the Fund to decline. The mortgage loans underlying MBS generally are subject to a greater rate of principal prepayments in a declining interest rate environment and to a lesser rate of principal prepayments in an increasing interest rate environment. If the underlying mortgages are paid off sooner than expected, the Fund may have to reinvest this money in mortgage-backed or other securities that have lower yields. Hybrid ARMs also involve special risks. Like ARMs, hybrid ARMs have periodic and lifetime limitations on the increases that can be made to the interest rates that mortgagors pay. Therefore, if during a floating rate period, interest rates rise above the interest rate limits of the hybrid ARM, the Fund will not benefit from further increases in interest rates. See “Prepayment and Extension Risk” and “Interest Rate Risk.” CMOs with complex or highly variable prepayment terms generally entail greater market, prepayment and liquidity risks than other MBS. For example, their prices are more volatile and their trading market may be more limited.
MBS are subject to the risk that payments made on a security will not be made when due. Payments on MBS are primarily derived from the interest and principal payments of the underlying mortgages. Some MBS also have guarantees or other structural features that provide additional support for interest and principal payments on the MBS if payments on the underlying mortgages are not made. MBS are subject to the risk that the underlying mortgage borrowers fail to make timely payments of interest and principal and that any guarantee or other structural feature, if present, is insufficient to enable the timely payment of interest and principal on the MBS. The structure of certain CMO interests held by the Fund

may cause the Fund to be paid interest and/or principal on its investment only after holders of other interests in that particular CMO have received the full repayment of principal or interest on their investments. MBS are most commonly issued or guaranteed by GSEs, but also may be issued or guaranteed by private entities, which generally entail greater risk. Certain MBS issued by GSEs are not backed by or entitled to the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, but are, however, supported through federal subsidies, loans or other benefits. The Fund also may invest in certain MBS issued by GSEs that have no explicit financial support, and are supported only by the credit of the applicable GSEs (in addition to the underlying mortgages and related debt service payments). The U.S. government has provided financial support to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, but there is no assurance that it will support these or other GSEs in the future. Although certain MBS are guaranteed as to timely payment of interest and principal by a GSE, the market prices for such securities are not guaranteed and will fluctuate.
CMOs with complex or highly variable prepayment terms, such as companion classes, IOs, POs, Inverse Floaters and residuals, generally entail greater market, prepayment and liquidity risks than other mortgage-backed securities. For example, their prices are more volatile and their trading market may be more limited.
Prepayment AND EXTENSION Risk
Unlike traditional fixed-income securities, which pay a fixed rate of interest until maturity (when the entire principal amount is due), payments on mortgage-backed securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Partial payment of principal may be comprised of scheduled principal payments as well as unscheduled payments from the voluntary prepayment, refinancing or foreclosure of the underlying loans. These unscheduled prepayments of principal create risks that can adversely affect a fund holding mortgage-backed securities.
For example, when interest rates decline, the values of mortgage-backed securities generally rise. However, when interest rates decline, unscheduled prepayments can be expected to accelerate, and the Fund would be required to reinvest the proceeds of the prepayments at the lower interest rates then available. Unscheduled prepayments would also limit the potential for capital appreciation on mortgage-backed securities.
Conversely, when interest rates rise, the values of mortgage-backed securities generally fall. Since rising interest rates typically result in decreased prepayments, this could lengthen the average lives of mortgage-backed securities, and cause their value to decline more than traditional fixed-income securities.
Generally, mortgage-backed securities compensate for the increased risk associated with prepayments by paying a higher yield. The additional interest paid for risk is measured by the difference between the yield of a mortgage-backed security and the yield of a U.S. Treasury security or other appropriate benchmark with a comparable maturity (the “spread”). An increase in the spread will cause the price of the mortgage-backed security to decline. Spreads generally increase in response to adverse economic or market conditions. Spreads may also increase if the security is perceived to have an increased prepayment risk or is perceived to have less market demand.
Liquidity Risk
Trading opportunities are more limited for fixed-income securities that have not received any credit ratings, have received any credit ratings below investment grade or are not widely held.
Trading opportunities are more limited for CMOs that have complex terms or that are not widely held.
Also, if dealer capacity has not kept, or does not keep, pace with market growth, or if regulatory changes or other certain developments warrant, dealer inventories of securities (such as corporate bonds) may reach low levels and impact a dealer’s ability to “make markets” (or buy or sell a security at a quoted bid and ask price). These factors may make it more difficult to sell or buy a security at a favorable price or time. Consequently, the Fund may have to accept a lower price to sell a security or not sell a security, sell other securities to raise cash or give up an investment opportunity, any of which could have a negative effect on the Fund’s performance. A significant reduction in dealer inventories or “market makers,” or other factors resulting in infrequent trading of securities, can lead to decreased liquidity and may also lead to an increase in their price volatility. These affects may be exacerbated during times of economic or political stress.
Liquidity risk also refers to the possibility that the Fund may not be able to sell a security or close out a derivative contract when it wants to. If this happens, the Fund will be required to continue to hold the security or keep the position open, and the Fund could incur losses.
OTC derivative contracts generally carry greater liquidity risk than exchange-traded contracts. This risk may be increased in times of financial stress, if the trading market for OTC derivative contracts becomes restricted.
Increased Fund redemption activity, which may occur in a rising interest rate environment or for other reasons, also may increase liquidity risk due to the need of the Fund to sell portfolio securities and may negatively impact Fund performance.

RISK of investing in loans
In addition to the risks generally associated with debt instruments, such as credit, market, interest rate, liquidity and derivatives risks, bank loans are also subject to the risk that the value of the collateral securing a loan may decline, be insufficient to meet the obligations of the borrower or be difficult to liquidate. The Fund’s access to the collateral may be limited by bankruptcy, other insolvency laws or by the type of loan the Fund has purchased. For example, if the Fund purchases a participation instead of an assignment, it would not have direct access to collateral of the borrower. As a result, a floating rate loan may not be fully collateralized and can decline significantly in value. Additionally, collateral on loan instruments may consist of assets that may not be readily liquidated, and there is no assurance that the liquidation of such assets will satisfy a borrower’s obligations under the instrument. Loans generally are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale.
Loans and other forms of indebtedness may be structured such that they are not securities under securities laws. As such, it is unclear whether loans and other forms of direct indebtedness offer securities law protections, such as those against fraud and misrepresentation. In the absence of definitive regulatory guidance, while there can be no assurance that fraud or misrepresentation will not occur with respect to the loans and other investments in which the Fund invests, the Fund relies on the Adviser’s research in an attempt to seek to avoid situations where fraud or misrepresentation could adversely affect the Fund.
Loans generally are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. The liquidity of loans, including the volume and frequency of secondary market trading in such loans, varies significantly over time and among individual loans. For example, if the credit quality of a loan unexpectedly declines significantly, secondary market trading in that loan can also decline for a period of time. During periods of infrequent trading, valuing a loan can be more difficult and buying and selling a loan at an acceptable price can be more difficult and delayed. Difficulty in selling a loan can result in a loss.
Loan instruments may not be readily marketable and may be subject to restrictions on resale. In some cases, negotiations involved in disposing of loans may require weeks to complete. Thus, transactions in loan instruments may take longer than seven days to settle. This could pose a liquidity risk to the Fund and, if the Fund’s exposure to such investments is substantial, could impair the Fund’s ability to meet shareholder redemptions in a timely manner.
A majority of the Fund’s assets are likely to be invested in assets that are considerably less liquid than debt instruments traded on national exchanges. Market quotations for such assets may be volatile and/or subject to large spreads between bid and ask prices.
In a syndicated loan, the agent bank is the bank that undertakes the bulk of the administrative duties involved in the day-to-day administration of the loan. In the event of the insolvency of an agent bank, a loan could be subject to settlement risk as well as the risk of interruptions in the administrative duties performed in the day-to-day administration of the loan (such as processing LIBOR calculations, processing draws, etc.).
During periods of declining interest rates or for other purposes, borrowers may exercise their option to prepay principal earlier than scheduled which may force the Fund to reinvest in lower-yielding debt securities.
Foreign securities pose additional risks because foreign economic or political conditions may be less favorable than those of the United States. Securities in foreign markets may also be subject to taxation policies that reduce returns for U.S. investors.
Foreign companies may not provide information (including financial statements) as frequently or to as great an extent as companies in the United States. Foreign companies may also receive less coverage than U.S. companies by market analysts and the financial press. In addition, foreign countries may lack uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, or regulatory requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. companies. These factors may prevent the Fund and its Adviser from obtaining information concerning foreign companies that is as frequent, extensive and reliable as the information available concerning companies in the United States.
Foreign countries may have restrictions on foreign ownership of securities or may impose exchange controls, capital flow restrictions or repatriation restrictions which could adversely affect the liquidity of the Fund’s investments.

European Union and eurozone Related risk
A number of countries in the European Union (EU), including certain countries within the EU that have adopted the euro (Eurozone), have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. Additional countries within the EU may also fall subject to such difficulties. These events could negatively affect the value and liquidity of the Fund’s investments in euro-denominated securities and derivatives contracts, securities of issuers located in the EU or with significant exposure to EU issuers or countries. If the euro is dissolved entirely, the legal and contractual consequences for holders of euro-denominated obligations and derivative contracts would be determined by laws in effect at such time. Such investments may continue to be held, or purchased, to the extent consistent with the Fund’s investment objective(s) and permitted under applicable law. These potential developments, or market perceptions concerning these and related issues, could adversely affect the value of the Shares.
Certain countries in the EU have had to accept assistance from supra-governmental agencies such as the International Monetary Fund, the European Stability Mechanism (the “ESM”) or other supra-governmental agencies. The European Central Bank has also been intervening to purchase Eurozone debt in an attempt to stabilize markets and reduce borrowing costs. There can be no assurance that these agencies will continue to intervene or provide further assistance and markets may react adversely to any expected reduction in the financial support provided by these agencies. Responses to the financial problems by European governments, central banks and others including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences.
In addition, one or more countries may withdraw from the EU, and one or more countries within the Eurozone may abandon the euro. The impact of these actions, especially if they occur in a disorderly fashion, could be significant and far-reaching. On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) left the EU, commonly referred to as “Brexit,” and there commenced a transition period during which the EU and UK negotiated and agreed on the nature of their future relationship, with such agreements becoming effective on December 31, 2020. There is significant market uncertainty regarding Brexit’s ramifications, and the range and potential implications of possible political, regulatory, economic and market outcomes are difficult to predict. This long-term uncertainty may affect other countries in the EU and elsewhere and may cause volatility within the EU, triggering prolonged economic downturns in certain countries within the EU. In addition, Brexit may create additional and substantial economic stresses for the UK, including a contraction of the UK economy and price volatility in UK stocks, decreased trade, capital outflows, devaluation of the British pound, wider corporate bond spreads due to uncertainty and declines in business and consumer spending as well as foreign direct investment. Brexit may also adversely affect UK-based financial firms, including certain sub-advisers to the Federated Hermes Funds, that have counterparties in the EU or participate in market infrastructure (trading venues, clearinghouses, settlement facilities) based in the EU. These events and the resulting market volatility may have an adverse effect on the performance of the Fund.
Securities issued or traded in emerging markets generally entail greater risks than securities issued or traded in developed markets. For example, the prices of such securities may be significantly more volatile than prices of securities in developed countries. Emerging market economies may also experience more severe down-turns (with corresponding currency devaluations) than developed economies.
Emerging market countries may have relatively unstable governments and may present the risks of nationalization of businesses, expropriation, confiscatory taxation or, in certain instances, reversion to closed market, centrally planned economies.
Risk of Investing in Derivative Contracts and Hybrid Instruments
The Fund’s exposure to derivative contracts and hybrid instruments (either directly or through its investment in another investment company) involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. First, changes in the value of the derivative contracts and hybrid instruments in which the Fund invests may not be correlated with changes in the value of the underlying Reference Instruments or, if they are correlated, may move in the opposite direction than originally anticipated. Second, while some strategies involving derivatives may reduce the risk of loss, they may also reduce potential gains or, in some cases, result in losses by offsetting favorable price movements in portfolio holdings. Third, there is a risk that derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may be erroneously priced or improperly valued and, as a result, the Fund may need to make increased cash payments to the counterparty. Fourth, exposure to derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may have tax consequences to the Fund and its shareholders. For example, derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may cause the Fund to realize increased ordinary income or short-term capital gains (which are treated as ordinary income for Federal income tax purposes) and, as a result, may increase taxable distributions to shareholders. In addition, under certain circumstances certain derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may cause the Fund to: (a) incur an excise tax on a portion of the

income related to those contracts and instruments; and/or (b) reclassify, as a return of capital, some or all of the distributions previously made to shareholders during the fiscal year as dividend income. Fifth, a common provision in OTC derivative contracts permits the counterparty to terminate any such contract between it and the Fund, if the value of the Fund’s total net assets declines below a specified level over a given time period. Factors that may contribute to such a decline (which usually must be substantial) include significant shareholder redemptions and/or a marked decrease in the market value of the Fund’s investments. Any such termination of the Fund’s OTC derivative contracts may adversely affect the Fund (for example, by increasing losses and/or costs, and/or preventing the Fund from fully implementing its investment strategies). Sixth, the Fund may use a derivative contract to benefit from a decline in the value of a Reference Instrument. If the value of the Reference Instrument declines during the term of the contract, the Fund makes a profit on the difference (less any payments the Fund is required to pay under the terms of the contract). Any such strategy involves risk. There is no assurance that the Reference Instrument will decline in value during the term of the contract and make a profit for the Fund. The Reference Instrument may instead appreciate in value creating a loss for the Fund. Seventh, a default or failure by a CCP or an FCM (also sometimes called a “futures broker”), or the failure of a contract to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting derivative positions, accessing margin, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The central clearing of a derivative and trading of a contract over a SEF could reduce the liquidity in, or increase costs of entering into or holding, any contracts. Finally, derivative contracts and hybrid instruments may also involve other risks described in this Prospectus, such as interest rate, credit, currency, liquidity and leverage risks.
Exchange-Traded Funds Risk
An investment in an ETF generally presents the same primary risks as an investment in a conventional fund (i.e., one that is not exchange-traded) that has the same investment objectives, strategies and policies. The price of an ETF can fluctuate up or down, and the Fund could lose money investing in an ETF if the prices of the securities owned by the ETF go down. In addition, ETFs may be subject to the following risks that do not apply to conventional funds: (i) the market price of an ETF’s shares may trade above or below their net asset value; (ii) an active trading market for an ETF’s shares may not develop or be maintained; or (iii) trading of an ETF’s shares may be halted if the listing exchange’s officials deem such action appropriate, the shares are delisted from the exchange or the activation of market-wide “circuit breakers” (which are tied to large decreases in stock prices) halts stock trading generally.
The Fund is an extended payment fund. A shareholder will bear the risk of investment loss during the period between when Shares are presented to the transfer agent for redemption and when the net asset value of the Fund is determined for payment of the redeemed Shares (the “Redemption Pricing Date”). The time between when Shares are presented for redemption and the Redemption Pricing Date will be no more than twenty-four (24) days or if such date falls on a weekend or a holiday, on the preceding business day. Shares tendered for redemption will participate proportionately in the Fund’s gains and losses during between when Shares are presented for redemption and the Redemption Pricing Date. During this time the value of the Fund’s Shares will likely fluctuate and Shares presented for redemption could be worth less on the Redemption Pricing Date than on the day the Shares were presented to the transfer agent for redemption. The Fund has adopted a fundamental policy that may only be changed by shareholder vote, that the Redemption Pricing Date will be no more than twenty-four (24) days after the date a shareholder presents Shares for redemption in good order. If such date is a weekend or holiday the Redemption Pricing Date will be on the preceding business day.
Leverage Risk
Leverage risk is created when an investment, which includes, for example, an investment in a derivative contract, exposes the Fund to a level of risk that exceeds the amount invested. Changes in the value of such an investment magnify the Fund’s risk of loss and potential for gain. Investments can have these same results if their returns are based on a multiple of a specified index, security or other benchmark.
technology Risk
The Adviser uses various technologies in managing the Fund, consistent with its investment objective(s) and strategy described in this Prospectus. For example, proprietary and third-party data and systems are utilized to support decision-making for the Fund. Data imprecision, software or other technology malfunctions, programming inaccuracies and similar circumstances may impair the performance of these systems, which may negatively affect Fund performance.

The risk that the Fund’s performance is closely related to, the risks associated with the securities and other investments held by the Underlying Funds and that the ability of a Fund to achieve its investment objective will depend upon the ability of the Underlying Funds to achieve their investment objectives. The Fund bears Underlying Fund fees and expenses indirectly.
What Do Shares Cost?
When the Fund receives your transaction request in proper form (as described in this Prospectus under the sections entitled “How to Purchase Shares” and “How to Redeem and Exchange Shares”), it is processed at the next calculated net asset value of a Share (NAV) plus any applicable front-end sales charge (“public offering price”). A Share’s NAV is determined as of the end of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time), each day the NYSE is open. The Fund calculates the NAV of each class by valuing the assets allocated to the Share’s class, subtracting the liabilities allocated to each class and dividing the balance by the number of Shares of the class outstanding. The NAV for each class of Shares may differ due to the level of expenses allocated to each class as well as a result of the variance between the amount of accrued investment income and capital gains or losses allocated to each class and the amount actually distributed to shareholders of each class. The Fund’s current NAV and/or public offering price may be found at FederatedHermes.com/us, via online news sources and in certain newspapers.
You can purchase, redeem or exchange Shares any day the NYSE is open.
When the Fund holds securities that trade principally in foreign markets on days the NYSE is closed, the value of the Fund’s assets may change on days you cannot purchase or redeem Shares. This may also occur when the U.S. markets for fixed-income securities are open on a day the NYSE is closed.
In calculating its NAV, the Fund generally values investments as follows:
◾ Equity securities listed on an exchange or traded through a regulated market system are valued at their last reported sale price or official closing price in their principal exchange or market.
◾ Fixed-income securities are fair valued using price evaluations provided by a pricing service approved by the Adviser.
◾ Derivative contracts listed on exchanges are valued at their reported settlement or closing price, except that options are valued at the mean of closing bid and ask quotations.
◾ Over-the-counter (OTC) derivative contracts are fair valued using price evaluations provided by a pricing service approved by the Adviser.
If any price, quotation, price evaluation or other pricing source is not readily available when the NAV is calculated, if the Fund cannot obtain price evaluations from a pricing service or from more than one dealer for an investment within a reasonable period of time as set forth in the Adviser’s valuation policies and procedures, or if information furnished by a pricing service, in the opinion of the Valuation Committee, is deemed not representative of the fair value of such security, the Fund uses the fair value of the investment determined in accordance with the procedures generally described below. There can be no assurance that the Fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it sold the investment at approximately the time at which the Fund determines its NAV per share.
Shares of other mutual funds are valued based upon their reported NAVs. The prospectuses for these mutual funds explain the circumstances under which they will use fair value pricing and the effects of using fair value pricing.
Fair Valuation and Significant Events Procedures
Pursuant to Rule 2a-5 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the Board has designated the Adviser as the Fund’s valuation designee to perform the fair valuation determination for securities and other assets held by the Fund. The Adviser, acting through its “Valuation Committee,” is responsible for determining the fair value of investments for which market quotations are not readily available. The Valuation Committee is comprised of officers of the Adviser and certain of the Adviser’s affiliated companies and determines fair value and oversees the calculation of the NAV. The Valuation Committee is subject to Board oversight and certain reporting and other requirements intended to provide the Board the information it needs to oversee the Adviser’s fair value determinations.
The Valuation Committee is also authorized to use pricing services to provide fair price evaluations of the current fair value of certain investments for purposes of calculating the NAV. In the event that market quotations and price evaluations are not available for an investment, the Valuation Committee determines the fair value of the investment in accordance with procedures adopted by the Adviser as the valuation designee. The Board periodically reviews the fair valuations made by the Valuation Committee. The Board has also approved the Adviser’s fair valuation and significant events procedures as part of the Fund’s compliance program and will review any changes made to the procedures. The Fund’s SAI discusses the methods used by pricing services and the Valuation Committee in valuing investments.

Using fair value to price investments may result in a value that is different from an investment’s most recent closing price and from the prices used by other registered funds to calculate their NAVs. The application of the fair value procedures to an investment represents a good faith determination of such investment’s fair value. There can be no assurance that the Fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it sold the investment at approximately the time at which the Fund determines its NAV per share, and the actual value could be materially different.
The Adviser also has adopted procedures requiring an investment to be priced at its fair value whenever the Valuation Committee determines that a significant event affecting the value of the investment has occurred between the time as of which the price of the investment would otherwise be determined and the time as of which the NAV is computed. An event is considered significant if there is both an affirmative expectation that the investment’s value will change in response to the event and a reasonable basis for quantifying the resulting change in value.
Examples of significant events that may occur after the close of the principal market on which a security is traded, or after the time of a price evaluation provided by a pricing service or a dealer, include:
◾ With respect to securities traded principally in foreign markets, significant trends in U.S. equity markets or in the trading of foreign securities index futures contracts;
◾ Political or other developments affecting the economy or markets in which an issuer conducts its operations or its securities are traded; and
◾ Announcements concerning matters such as acquisitions, recapitalizations or litigation developments or a natural disaster affecting the issuer’s operations or regulatory changes or market developments affecting the issuer’s industry.
The Adviser has adopted procedures whereby the Valuation Committee uses a pricing service to provide factors to update the fair value of equity securities traded principally in foreign markets from the time of the close of their respective foreign stock exchanges to the pricing time of the Fund. For other significant events, the Fund may seek to obtain more current quotations or price evaluations from alternative pricing sources. If a reliable alternative pricing source is not available, the Valuation Committee will determine the fair value of the investment. The Board periodically reviews fair valuations made in response to significant events.
The fair valuation of securities following a significant event can serve to reduce arbitrage opportunities for short-term traders to profit at the expense of long-term investors in the Fund. For example, such arbitrage opportunities may exist when the market on which portfolio securities are traded closes before the Fund calculates its NAV, which is typically the case with Asian and European markets. However, there is no assurance that these significant event procedures will prevent dilution of the NAV by short-term traders. See “Account and Share Information–Frequent Trading Policies” for other procedures the Fund employs to deter such short-term trading.
A Class
The following sections relate to sales charge information in connection with the purchase of the share class listed above.
The following table summarizes the minimum investment amount and the maximum sales charge, if any, that you will pay on an investment in the Fund. Keep in mind that financial intermediaries may charge you fees for their services in connection with your Share transactions.
Maximum Sales Charges
Shares Offered
Sales Charge2
Sales Charge
The minimum initial and subsequent investment amounts for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are generally $250 and $100, respectively. There is no minimum initial or subsequent investment amount required for employer-sponsored retirement plans; however, such accounts remain subject to the Fund’s policy on “Accounts with Low Balances” as discussed later in this Prospectus. Please see “By Systematic Investment Program” for applicable minimum investment. Financial intermediaries may impose higher or lower minimum investment requirements on their customers than those imposed by the Fund.
Front-End Sales Charge is expressed as a percentage of public offering price. See “Sales Charge When You Purchase.”
The following table lists the sales charges which will be applied to your Share purchase, subject to the breakpoint discounts indicated in the table and described below.

A Class:
Purchase Amount
Sales Charge
as a Percentage
of Public
Offering Price
Sales Charge
as a Percentage
of NAV
Less than $100,000
$100,000 or greater
Your investment may qualify for a reduction or elimination of the sales charge, also known as a breakpoint discount. The breakpoint discounts offered by the Fund are indicated in the table above.
You or your financial intermediary must notify the Fund’s Transfer Agent of eligibility for any applicable breakpoint discount at the time of purchase.
In order to receive the applicable breakpoint discount, it may be necessary at the time of purchase for you to inform your financial intermediary or the Transfer Agent of the existence of other accounts in which there are holdings eligible to be aggregated to meet a sales charge breakpoint (“Qualifying Accounts”). Qualifying Accounts mean those share accounts in the Federated Hermes funds held directly or through a financial intermediary or through a single-participant retirement account by you, your spouse, your parents (if you are under age 21) and/or your children under age 21, which can be linked using tax identification numbers (TINs), social security numbers (SSNs) or broker identification numbers (BINs). Accounts held through 401(k) plans and similar multi-participant retirement plans, or through “Section 529” college savings plans or those accounts which cannot be linked using TINs, SSNs or BINs, are not Qualifying Accounts.
In order to verify your eligibility for a breakpoint discount, you will be required to provide to your financial intermediary or the Transfer Agent certain information on your New Account Form and may be required to provide account statements regarding Qualifying Accounts. If you purchase through a financial intermediary, you may be asked to provide additional information and records as required by the financial intermediary. Failure to provide proper notification or verification of eligibility for a breakpoint discount may result in your not receiving a breakpoint discount to which you are otherwise entitled. Breakpoint discounts apply only to your current purchase and do not apply retroactively to previous purchases. The sales charges applicable to the Shares offered in this Prospectus, and the breakpoint discounts offered with respect to such Shares, are described in full in this Prospectus. Because the Prospectus is available on FederatedHermes.com/us free of charge, Federated Hermes does not disclose this information separately on the website.
Contingent upon notification to the Transfer Agent, the sales charge at purchase of the A class only, may be reduced or eliminated by:
Larger Purchases
◾ Purchasing the A class in greater quantities to reduce the applicable sales charge;
Concurrent and Accumulated Purchases
◾ Excluding any Federated Hermes fund A class without a sales charge (“no-load A class”), combining concurrent purchases of and/or current investments in the A class, B class, C class, F class and R class shares of any Federated Hermes fund made or held by Qualifying Accounts; the purchase amount used in determining the sales charge on your additional Share purchase will be calculated by multiplying the respective maximum public offering price times the number of the A class, B class, C class, F class and R class shares of any Federated Hermes fund currently held in Qualifying Accounts and adding the dollar amount of your current purchase; or
Letter of Intent
◾ Signing a letter of intent to purchase a qualifying amount of the A class within 13 months. (Call your financial intermediary or the Fund for more information.) The Fund’s custodian will hold Shares in escrow equal to the maximum applicable sales charge. If you complete the Letter of Intent, the Custodian will release the Shares in escrow to your account. If you do not fulfill the Letter of Intent, the Custodian will redeem the appropriate amount from the Shares held in escrow to pay the sales charges that were not applied to your purchases.

Your investment may qualify for a sales charge waiver. Sales charge waivers offered by the Fund are listed below. In order to receive a sales charge waiver, you must inform your financial intermediary or the Transfer Agent at the time of each purchase that your investment is eligible for a waiver. It is possible that your financial intermediary may not, in accordance with its policies, procedures and system limitations, be able to ensure your receipt of one or more of these waiver categories. In this situation, you would need to invest directly through the Fund’s Transfer Agent. If you do not let your financial intermediary or the Transfer Agent know that your investment is eligible for a sales charge waiver at the time of purchase, you may not receive the waiver to which you may otherwise be entitled.
Contingent upon notification to the Transfer Agent, the sales charge will be eliminated when you purchase or acquire Shares:
◾ within 120 days of redeeming Shares of an equal or greater amount (see “120 Day Reinstatement Program” below);
◾ through an eligible program offered by a Financial Intermediary that provides for the purchase of Shares without imposition of a sales charge (for example, a wrap account, self-directed brokerage account, retirement, or other fee-based program offered by the Financial Intermediary);
◾ with reinvested dividends or capital gains;
◾ issued in connection with the merger, consolidation, or acquisition of the assets of another fund. Further, the sales charge will be eliminated on purchases of Shares made by a shareholder that originally became a shareholder of a Federated Hermes Fund pursuant to the terms of an agreement and plan of reorganization which permits shareholders to acquire Shares at NAV, provided that such purchased Shares are held directly with the Fund’s transfer agent. If the Shares are held through a financial intermediary the sales charge waiver will not apply (A class only);
◾ as a Federated Hermes Life Member (Federated Hermes shareholders who originally were issued shares through the “Liberty Account,” which was an account for the Liberty Family of Funds on February 28, 1987, or who invested through an affinity group prior to August 1, 1987, into the Liberty Account) (A class only);
◾ as a Trustee, employee or former employee of the Fund, the Adviser, the Distributor and their affiliates, an employee of any financial intermediary that sells Shares according to a sales agreement with the Distributor, an immediate family member of these individuals or a trust, pension or profit-sharing plan for these individuals; or
◾ pursuant to the exchange privilege.
The sales charge will not be eliminated if you purchase Shares of the Fund through an exchange of shares of any no-load A class unless your no-load A class shares were acquired through an exchange of shares on which the sales charge had previously been paid.
120 Day reinstatement program
Within 120 days of redeeming Class A Shares of the Fund, upon proper notification to the Fund’s Transfer Agent, you may reinvest all or a portion of the redemption proceeds in Class A Shares of the Fund at net asset value, without the imposition of a sales charge or CDSC. Please note:
◾ The ownership of the account receiving the purchase is not required to be identical to that of the account in which the redemption was placed; however, the registration of the account receiving the purchase must include at least one registered shareholder of the account from which the redemption occurred.
◾ You will not be reimbursed for any fees originally incurred on the redemption (e.g., CDSC or redemption fees) by subsequently participating in the 120 Day Reinstatement Program.
◾ The 120 Day Reinstatement Program does not supersede or override any restrictions placed on an account due to frequent trading and/or client contractual issues.
Additional operational restrictions may apply, please contact a Client Service Representative at 1-800-341-7400 for more information.
The availability of certain sales charge waivers and discounts will depend on whether you purchase your shares directly from the Fund or through a financial intermediary. Certain financial intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of front-end sales load waivers or CDSC waivers which are discussed in Appendix B to this Prospectus. The information contained in Appendix B is provided by these financial intermediaries. Please contact your financial intermediary to ensure that you have the information regarding the sales charge waivers and discounts available to you and that you understand the steps you must take to qualify for available waivers and discounts. In all instances, it is the shareholder’s responsibility to notify the Fund or the

shareholder’s Financial Intermediary at the time of purchase of any relationship or other facts qualifying the investor for sales charge waivers or discounts. For waivers and discounts not available through a particular financial intermediary, shareholders will have to purchase Fund shares directly from the Fund or through another financial intermediary to receive these waivers or discounts.
The Fund does not charge any front-end load, deferred sales charge or other asset-based fee for sales or distribution of IS, SS or R6 Shares. However, if you purchase IS, SS or R6 Shares through a broker acting solely as an agent on behalf of its customers, you may be required to pay a commission to the broker in an amount determined and separately disclosed to you by the broker.
Because the Fund is not a party to any such commission arrangement between you and your broker, any purchases and redemptions of IS, SS or R6 Shares will be made at the applicable net asset value (before imposition of the sales commission). Any such commissions charged by a broker are not reflected in the fees and expenses listed in the “Risk/Return Summary: Fees and Expenses” section of the Fund’s Prospectus and described above nor are they reflected in the “Performance: Bar Chart and Table,” because they are not charged by the Fund.
Shares of the Fund are available in other share classes that have different fees and expenses.
How is the Fund Sold?
The Fund offers the following Share classes: Class A Shares (A), Institutional Shares (IS), Service Shares (SS) and Class R6 Shares (R6), each representing interests in a single portfolio of securities. All Share classes have different sales charges and/or expenses which affect their performance. Please note that certain purchase restrictions may apply.
Under the Distributor’s Contract with the Fund, the Distributor, Federated Securities Corp., offers Shares on a continuous, best-efforts basis. The Distributor is a subsidiary of Federated Hermes, Inc. (“Federated Hermes,” formerly, Federated Investors, Inc.).
A Class
The Fund’s Distributor markets the A class to individuals, directly or through financial intermediaries.
IS & SS Class
The Fund’s Distributor markets the IS and SS classes to Eligible Investors, as described below. In connection with a request to purchase the IS and SS classes, you should provide documentation sufficient to verify your status as an Eligible Investor. As a general matter, the IS and SS classes is not available for direct investment by natural persons.
The following categories of Eligible Investors are not subject to any minimum initial investment amount for the purchase of the IS and SS classes (however, such accounts remain subject to the Fund’s policy on “Accounts with Low Balances” as discussed later in this Prospectus):
◾ An investor participating in a no-load platform, network or other fee-based program offered by a financial intermediary, for example, a wrap-account or retirement platform where Federated Hermes has entered into an agreement with the intermediary;
◾ A trustee/director, employee or former employee of the Fund, the Adviser, the Distributor and their affiliates; an immediate family member of these individuals or a trust, pension or profit-sharing plan for these individuals;
◾ An employer-sponsored retirement plan;
◾ A trust institution investing on behalf of its trust customers;
◾ Additional sales to an investor (including a natural person) who owned the IS and SS classes of the Fund as of December 31, 2008;
◾ A Federated Hermes Fund;
◾ An investor (including a natural person) who acquired the IS and SS classes of a Federated Hermes fund pursuant to the terms of an agreement and plan of reorganization which permits the investor to acquire such shares; and
◾ In connection with an acquisition of an investment management or advisory business, or related investment services, products or assets, by Federated Hermes or its investment advisory subsidiaries, an investor (including a natural person) who: (1) becomes a client of an investment advisory subsidiary of Federated Hermes; or (2) is a shareholder or interest holder of a pooled investment vehicle or product that becomes advised or sub-advised by a Federated Hermes investment advisory subsidiary as a result of such an acquisition other than as a result of a fund reorganization transaction pursuant to an agreement and plan of reorganization.
The following categories of Eligible Investors are subject to applicable minimum initial investment amounts for the purchase of the IS and SS classes (see “How to Purchase Shares” below):
◾ An investor, other than a natural person, purchasing the IS and SS classes directly from the Fund; and

◾ In connection with an initial purchase of the IS and SS classes through an exchange, an investor (including a natural person) who owned the IS and SS classes of another Federated Hermes fund as of December 31, 2008.
R6 Class
The Fund’s Distributor markets the R6 class to Eligible Investors, as described below. The Class R6 Shares are sold at net asset value and are not subject to any minimum initial or subsequent investment amounts. In connection with a request to purchase the R6 class, you should provide documentation sufficient to verify your status as an Eligible Investor.
Class R6 Shares do not carry sales commissions or pay Rule 12b-1 fees, or make similar payments to financial intermediaries. As a general matter, the R6 class is not available for direct investment by natural persons. Individual shareholders who purchase Class R6 Shares through retirement platforms or other intermediaries will not be eligible to hold Class R6 Shares outside of their respective plan or intermediary platform.
Following are categories of Eligible Investors:
◾ An investor participating in a no-load platform, network or other fee-based program offered by a financial intermediary, for example, a wrap-account or retirement platform where Federated Hermes has entered into an agreement with the intermediary;
◾ A trustee/director, employee or former employee of the Fund, the Adviser, the Distributor and their affiliates; an immediate family member of these individuals or a trust, pension or profit-sharing plan for these individuals;
◾ An employer-sponsored retirement plan;
◾ A trust institution investing on behalf of its trust customers;
◾ An investor, other than a natural person, purchasing Shares directly from the Fund;
◾ A Federated Hermes Fund;
◾ An investor (including a natural person) who acquired the R6 class of a Federated Hermes fund pursuant to the terms of an agreement and plan of reorganization which permits the investor to acquire such shares; and
◾ In connection with an acquisition of an investment management or advisory business, or related investment services, products or assets, by Federated Hermes or its investment advisory subsidiaries, an investor (including a natural person) who: (1) becomes a client of an investment advisory subsidiary of Federated Hermes; or (2) is a shareholder or interest holder of a pooled investment vehicle or product that becomes advised or sub-advised by a Federated Hermes investment advisory subsidiary as a result of such an acquisition other than as a result of a fund reorganization transaction pursuant to an agreement and plan of reorganization.
Intra-Fund Share Conversion Program
A shareholder in the Fund’s Shares may convert their Shares at net asset value to any other share class of the Fund if the shareholder meets the investment minimum and eligibility requirements for the share class into which the conversion is sought, as applicable. The share conversion program is not applicable to the Fund’s Class A Shares subject to a contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable. Such conversion of classes should not result in a realization event for tax purposes. Contact your financial intermediary or call 1-800-341-7400 to convert your Shares.
Payments to Financial Intermediaries
The Fund and its affiliated service providers may pay fees as described below to financial intermediaries (such as broker-dealers, banks, investment advisers or third-party administrators) whose customers are shareholders of the Fund.
The Fund’s Class R6 Shares do not make any payments to financial intermediaries, either from Fund assets or from the investment adviser and its affiliates.
The Distributor receives a front-end sales charge on certain Share sales. The Distributor pays a portion of this charge to financial intermediaries that are eligible to receive it (the “Dealer Reallowance”) and retains any remaining portion of the front-end sales charge.
When a financial intermediary’s customer purchases Shares, the financial intermediary may receive a Dealer Reallowance as follows:
A Class:
Purchase Amount
Dealer Reallowance
as a Percentage of
Public Offering Price
Less than $100,000
$100,000 or greater

A Class
The Board has adopted a Rule 12b-1 Plan, which allows payment of marketing fees of up to 0.05% for A class of average net assets to the Distributor for the sale, distribution, administration and customer servicing of the Fund’s A class. When the Distributor receives Rule 12b-1 Fees, it may pay some or all of them to financial intermediaries whose customers purchase Shares. The A class of the Fund has no present intention of paying, accruing or incurring any Rule 12b-1 Fees until such time as approved by the Fund’s Board of Trustees. Federated Hermes and its subsidiaries may benefit or sustain losses from such arrangements. Because these Shares pay marketing fees on an ongoing basis, your investment cost may be higher over time than other shares with different sales charges and marketing fees.
service fees
A & SS Classes
The A class and SS class may pay Service Fees of up to 0.25% of average net assets to financial intermediaries or to Federated Shareholder Services Company (FSSC), a subsidiary of Federated Hermes, for providing services to shareholders and maintaining shareholder accounts. Intermediaries that receive Service Fees may include a company affiliated with management of Federated Hermes. If a financial intermediary receives Service Fees on an account, it is not eligible to also receive Account Administration Fees on that same account.
A & SS Classes
The A class and SS class may pay Account Administration Fees of up to 0.25% of average net assets to banks that are not registered as broker-dealers or investment advisers for providing administrative services to the Fund and its shareholders. If a financial intermediary receives Account Administration Fees on an account, it is not eligible to also receive Service Fees or Recordkeeping Fees on that same account.
A, IS & SS
The Fund may pay Recordkeeping Fees on an average-net-assets basis or on a per-account-per-year basis to financial intermediaries for providing recordkeeping services to the Fund and its shareholders. If a financial intermediary receives Recordkeeping Fees on an account, it is not eligible to also receive Networking Fees on that same account.
networking fees
A, IS & SS
The Fund may reimburse Networking Fees on a per-account-per-year basis to financial intermediaries for providing administrative services to the Fund and its shareholders on certain non-omnibus accounts. If a financial intermediary receives Networking Fees on an account, it is not eligible to also receive Recordkeeping Fees on that same account.
A, IS & SS
The Distributor may pay out of its own resources amounts to certain financial intermediaries, including broker-dealers, banks, registered investment advisers, independent financial planners and retirement plan administrators, that support the sale of Shares or provide services to Fund shareholders. The amounts of these payments could be significant, and may create an incentive for the financial intermediary or its employees or associated persons to recommend or sell Shares of the Fund to you. Not all financial intermediaries receive such payments, and the amount of compensation may vary by intermediary. In some cases, such payments may be made by or funded from the resources of companies affiliated with the Distributor (including the Adviser). These payments are not reflected in the fees and expenses listed in the fee table section of the Fund’s Prospectus and described above because they are not paid by the Fund.
These payments are negotiated and may be based on such factors as: the number or value of Shares that the financial intermediary sells or may sell; the value of client assets invested; the level and types of services or support furnished by the financial intermediary; or the Fund’s and/or other Federated Hermes funds’ relationship with the financial intermediary. These payments may be in addition to payments, as described above, made by the Fund to the financial intermediary. In connection with these payments, the financial intermediary may elevate the prominence or profile of the Fund and/or other Federated Hermes funds, within the financial intermediary’s organization by, for example, placement on a list of preferred or recommended funds and/or granting the Distributor preferential or enhanced opportunities to promote the funds in various ways within the financial intermediary’s organization. In addition, as discussed above in

“Commissions on Certain Shares,” if you purchase IS, SS or R6 Shares through a broker acting solely as an agent on behalf of its customers, you may be required to pay a commission to the broker in an amount determined and separately disclosed to you by the broker. You can ask your financial intermediary for information about any payments it receives from the Distributor or the Fund and any services provided, as well as about fees and/or commissions it charges.
How to Purchase Shares
You may purchase Shares of the Fund any day the NYSE is open. Shares will be purchased at the NAV next calculated after your investment is received by the Fund, or its agent, in proper form. The Fund reserves the right to reject any request to purchase or exchange Shares. New investors must submit a completed New Account Form. All accounts, including those for which there is no minimum initial investment amount required, are subject to the Fund’s policy on “Accounts with Low Balances” as discussed later in this Prospectus.
Where the Fund offers more than one Share class and you do not specify the class choice on your New Account Form or form of payment (e.g., Federal Reserve wire or check), you automatically will receive the A class.
For important account information, see the section “Security and Privacy Protection.”
A Class
You may purchase Shares through a financial intermediary, directly from the Fund or through an exchange from another Federated Hermes fund.
IS & SS Classes
Eligible investors may purchase Shares through a financial intermediary, directly from the Fund or through an exchange from another Federated Hermes fund in the manner described above under “How is the Fund Sold?”
Where applicable, the required minimum initial investment for the IS and SS classes is generally $1,000,000. There is no minimum subsequent investment amount.
R6 Class
Eligible Investors may purchase Shares through a financial intermediary, directly from the Fund or through an exchange from another Federated Hermes fund in the manner described above under “How is the Fund Sold?”
There is no minimum initial or subsequent investment amount required.
◾ Establish an account with the financial intermediary; and
◾ Submit your purchase order to the financial intermediary before the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time).
The Fund has authorized certain intermediaries to accept Share purchase orders on its behalf. When authorized intermediaries receive an order in proper form, the order is considered as being placed with the Fund and Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after such an order is received by the authorized intermediary. If your financial intermediary is not an authorized intermediary, the Fund or its agent must receive the purchase order in proper form from your financial intermediary by the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) in order for your transaction to be priced at that day’s NAV. In addition, your financial intermediary must forward your payment by the prescribed trade settlement date (typically within one to three business days) to the Fund’s transfer agent, State Street Bank and Trust Company (“Transfer Agent”). You will become the owner of Shares and receive dividends when your payment is received in accordance with these time frames (provided that, if payment is received in the form of a check, the check clears). If your payment is not received in accordance with these time frames, or a check does not clear, your purchase will be canceled and you could be liable for any losses, fees or expenses incurred by the Fund or the Fund’s Transfer Agent.
Financial intermediaries should send payments according to the instructions in the sections “By Wire” or “By Check.”
Financial intermediaries may impose higher or lower minimum investment requirements on their customers than those imposed by the Fund. Keep in mind that financial intermediaries may charge you fees for their services in connection with your Share transactions.
Shareholders are encouraged to ask their financial intermediary if they are an authorized agent for the Fund and about any fees that may be charged by the financial intermediary.
◾ Establish your account with the Fund by submitting a completed New Account Form; and
◾ Send your payment to the Fund by Federal Reserve wire or check.

You will become the owner of Shares and your Shares will be priced at the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives your wire or your check. If your check does not clear, your purchase will be canceled and you could be liable for any losses or fees incurred by the Fund or the Fund’s Transfer Agent.
By Wire
To facilitate processing your order, please call the Fund before sending the wire. Send your wire to:
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Boston, MA
Dollar Amount of Wire
ABA Number 011000028
BNF: 23026552
Attention: Federated Hermes EDGEWIRE
Wire Order Number, Dealer Number or Group Number
Nominee/Institution Name
Fund Name and Number and Account Number
You cannot purchase Shares by wire on holidays when wire transfers are restricted.
By Check
Make your check payable to The Federated Hermes Funds, note your account number on the check, and send it to:
The Federated Hermes Funds
P.O. Box 219318
Kansas City, MO 64121-9318
If you send your check by a private courier or overnight delivery service that requires a street address, send it to:
The Federated Hermes Funds
430 W 7th Street
Suite 219318
Kansas City, MO 64105-1407
Payment should be made in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. The Fund reserves the right to reject any purchase request. For example, to protect against check fraud the Fund may reject any purchase request involving a check that is not made payable to The Federated Hermes Funds (including, but not limited to, requests to purchase Shares using third-party checks) or involving temporary checks or credit card checks.
By Direct Deposit
You may establish Payroll Deduction/Direct Deposit arrangements for investments into the Fund by either calling a Client Service Representative at 1-800-341-7400; or by completing the Payroll Deduction/Direct Deposit Form, which is available on FederatedHermes.com/us under “Resources” and then “Literature and Forms,” then “Forms.” You will receive a confirmation when this service is available.
You may purchase Fund Shares through an exchange from another Federated Hermes fund. To do this you must:
◾ meet any applicable shareholder eligibility requirements;
◾ ensure that the account registrations are identical;
◾ meet any applicable minimum initial investment requirements; and
◾ receive a prospectus for the fund into which you wish to exchange.
An exchange is treated as a redemption and a subsequent purchase, and is a taxable transaction. The Fund reserves the right to reject any request to purchase or exchange Shares. The Fund may modify or terminate the exchange privilege at any time.
A Class
You may purchase Shares through an exchange from the same share class of another Federated Hermes fund.
IS, SS & R6 Classes
You may purchase Shares through an exchange from any Federated Hermes fund or share class that does not have a stated sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, except Shares of Federated Hermes Institutional Money Market Management, Federated Hermes Institutional Tax-Free Cash Trust, Federated Hermes Institutional Prime Obligations Fund, Federated Hermes Institutional Prime Value Obligations Fund, no-load Class A Shares and Class R Shares of any Fund.

By Online Account Services
You may access your accounts online to purchase Shares through FederatedHermes.com/us’s Shareholder Account Access system once you have registered for access. Online transactions may be subject to certain limitations including limitations as to the amount of the transaction. For more information about the services available through Shareholder Account Access, please visit FederatedHermes.com/us and select “Sign In” and “Access and Manage Investments,” or call 1-800-341-7400, Option #4 to speak with a Client Service Representative.
Once you have opened an account, you may automatically purchase additional Shares on a regular basis by completing the SIP section of the New Account Form or by contacting the Fund or your financial intermediary. The minimum investment amount for SIPs is $50.
Once you have opened an account, you may purchase additional Shares through a depository institution that is an ACH member. This purchase option can be established by completing the appropriate sections of the New Account Form.
A Class
You may purchase Shares as retirement investments (such as qualified plans and IRAs or transfer or rollover of assets). Call your financial intermediary or the Fund for information on retirement investments. We suggest that you discuss retirement investments with your tax adviser. You may be subject to an account fee charged by your financial intermediary.
R6 Class
You may purchase Shares as retirement investments (such as qualified plans or transfer of assets). Call your financial intermediary or the Fund for information on retirement investments. We suggest that you discuss retirement investments with your tax adviser. You may be subject to an account fee charged by your financial intermediary.
How to Redeem and Exchange Shares
You should redeem or exchange Shares:
◾ through a financial intermediary if you purchased Shares through a financial intermediary; or
◾ directly from the Fund if you purchased Shares directly from the Fund.
Shares of the Fund may be redeemed for cash, or exchanged for shares of other Federated Hermes funds as described herein, on days on which the Fund computes its NAV. Redemption requests may be made by telephone or in writing.
Redemption proceeds normally are wired or mailed within one business day for each method of payment after receiving a timely request in proper form. Depending upon the method of payment, when shareholders receive redemption proceeds can differ. Payment may be delayed for up to seven days under certain circumstances (see “Limitations on Redemption Proceeds”).
For important account information, see the section “Security and Privacy Protection.”
Submit your redemption or exchange request to your financial intermediary by the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). The redemption amount you will receive is based upon the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives the order from your financial intermediary.
By Telephone
You may redeem or exchange Shares by simply calling the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.
If you call before the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time), you will receive a redemption amount based on that day’s NAV.
By Mail
You may redeem or exchange Shares by sending a written request to the Fund.
You will receive a redemption amount based on the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives your written request in proper form.

Send requests by mail to:
The Federated Hermes Funds
P.O. Box 219318
Kansas City, MO 64121-9318
Send requests by private courier or overnight delivery service to:
The Federated Hermes Funds
430 W 7th Street
Suite 219318
Kansas City, MO 64105-1407
All requests must include:
◾ Fund name and Share class, account number and account registration;
◾ amount to be redeemed or exchanged;
◾ signatures of all shareholders exactly as registered; and
◾ if exchanging, the Fund name and Share class, account number and account registration into which you are exchanging.
Call your financial intermediary or the Fund if you need special instructions.
Signature Guarantees
Signatures must be guaranteed by a financial institution which is a participant in a Medallion signature guarantee program if:
◾ your redemption will be sent to an address other than the address of record;
◾ your redemption will be sent to an address of record that was changed within the last 30 days;
◾ a redemption is payable to someone other than the shareholder(s) of record; or
◾ transferring into another fund with a different shareholder registration.
A Medallion signature guarantee is designed to protect your account from fraud. Obtain a Medallion signature guarantee from a bank or trust company, savings association, credit union or broker, dealer or securities exchange member. A notary public cannot provide a signature guarantee.
By Online Account Services
You may access your accounts online to redeem or exchange Shares through FederatedHermes.com/us’s Shareholder Account Access system once you have registered for access. Online transactions may be subject to certain limitations including limitations as to the amount of the transaction. For more information about the services available through Shareholder Account Access, please visit FederatedHermes.com/us and select “Sign In” and “Access and Manage Investments,” or call 1-800-341-7400, Option #4 to speak with a Client Service Representative.
Your redemption proceeds will be mailed by check to your address of record. The following payment options are available if you complete the appropriate section of the New Account Form or an Account Service Options Form. These payment options require a signature guarantee if they were not established when the account was opened:
◾ An electronic transfer to your account at a financial institution that is an ACH member; or
◾ Wire payment to your account at a domestic commercial bank that is a Federal Reserve System member.
Methods the Fund May Use to Meet Redemption Requests
The Fund intends to pay Share redemptions in cash. To ensure that the Fund has cash to meet Share redemptions on any day, the Fund typically expects to hold a cash or cash equivalent reserve or sell portfolio securities.
In unusual or stressed circumstances, the Fund may generate cash in the following ways:
◾ Inter-fund Borrowing and Lending. The SEC has granted an exemption that permits the Fund and all other funds advised by subsidiaries of Federated Hermes (“Federated Hermes funds”) to lend and borrow money for certain temporary purposes directly to and from other Federated Hermes funds. Inter-fund borrowing and lending is permitted only: (a) to meet shareholder redemption requests; (b) to meet commitments arising from “failed” trades; and (c) for other temporary purposes. All inter-fund loans must be repaid in seven days or less.
◾ Committed Line of Credit. The Fund participates with certain other Federated Hermes funds, on a several basis, in an up to $500,000,000 unsecured, 364-day, committed, revolving line of credit (LOC) agreement. The LOC was made available to temporarily finance the repurchase or redemption of shares of the funds, failed trades, payment of dividends, settlement of trades and for other short-term, temporary or emergency general business purposes. The Fund cannot borrow under the LOC if an inter-fund loan is outstanding.

◾ Redemption in Kind. Although the Fund intends to pay Share redemptions in cash, it reserves the right to pay the redemption price in whole or in part by an “in-kind” distribution of the Fund’s portfolio securities. Because the Fund has elected to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund is obligated to pay Share redemptions to any one shareholder in cash only up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the net assets represented by such Share class during any 90-day period. Redemptions in kind are made consistent with the procedures adopted by the Fund’s Board, which generally include distributions of a pro rata share of the Fund’s portfolio assets. Redemption in kind is not as liquid as a cash redemption. If redemption is made in kind, securities received may be subject to market risk and the shareholder could incur taxable gains and brokerage or other charges in converting the securities to cash.
Redemption proceeds normally are wired or mailed within one business day after receiving a request in proper form. Payment may be delayed for up to seven days:
◾ to allow your purchase to clear (as discussed below);
◾ during periods of market volatility;
◾ when a shareholder’s trade activity or amount adversely impacts the Fund’s ability to manage its assets; or
◾ during any period when the Federal Reserve wire or applicable Federal Reserve banks are closed, other than customary weekend and holiday closings.
If you request a redemption of Shares recently purchased by check (including a cashier’s check or certified check), money order, bank draft or ACH, your redemption proceeds may not be made available for up to seven calendar days to allow the Fund to collect payment on the instrument used to purchase such Shares. If the purchase instrument does not clear, your purchase order will be canceled and you will be responsible for any losses incurred by the Fund as a result of your canceled order.
In addition, the right of redemption may be suspended, or the payment of proceeds may be delayed (including beyond seven days), during any period:
◾ when the NYSE is closed, other than customary weekend and holiday closings;
◾ when trading on the NYSE is restricted, as determined by the SEC;
◾ in which an emergency exists, as determined by the SEC, so that disposal of the Fund’s investments or determination of its NAV is not reasonably practicable; or
◾ as the SEC may by order permit for the protection of Fund shareholders.
You will not accrue interest or dividends on uncashed redemption checks from the Fund when checks are undeliverable and returned to the Fund.
redemptions from retirement accounts
A & R6 Classes
In the absence of your specific instructions, 10% of the value of your redemption from a retirement account in the Fund may be withheld for taxes. This withholding only applies to certain types of retirement accounts.
You may exchange Shares of the Fund. To do this, you must:
◾ meet any applicable shareholder eligibility requirements;
◾ ensure that the account registrations are identical;
◾ meet any applicable minimum initial investment requirements; and
◾ receive a prospectus for the fund into which you wish to exchange.
An exchange is treated as a redemption and a subsequent purchase, and is a taxable transaction. The Fund reserves the right to reject any request to purchase or exchange Shares. The Fund may modify or terminate the exchange privilege at any time.
In addition, the Fund may terminate your exchange privilege if your exchange activity is found to be excessive under the Fund’s frequent trading policies. See “Account and Share Information–Frequent Trading Policies.”
Financial intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of intra-fund exchanges (“automatic exchanges”). These exchanges which are directed by the financial intermediary and not the Fund are discussed in Appendix B to this Prospectus.
A Class
You may exchange Shares into shares of the same class of another Federated Hermes fund.

IS, SS & R6 Classes
You may exchange Shares of the Fund for shares of any Federated Hermes fund or share class that does not have a stated sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, except Shares of Federated Hermes Institutional Money Market Management, Federated Hermes Institutional Tax-Free Cash Trust, Federated Hermes Institutional Prime Obligations Fund, Federated Hermes Institutional Prime Value Obligations Fund, no-load Class A Shares and Class R Shares of any Fund.
Systematic Withdrawal/Exchange Program
You may automatically redeem or exchange Shares. The minimum amount for all new or revised systematic redemptions or exchanges of Shares is $50 per transaction per fund. Complete the appropriate section of the New Account Form or an Account Service Options Form or contact your financial intermediary or the Fund. Your account value must meet the minimum initial investment amount at the time the program is established. This program may reduce, and eventually deplete, your account. Payments should not be considered yield or income.
Generally, it is not advisable to continue to purchase Shares subject to a sales charge while redeeming Shares using this program.
Telephone Transactions
The Fund will record your telephone instructions. If the Fund does not follow reasonable procedures, it may be liable for losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent telephone instructions.
Share Certificates
The Fund does not issue share certificates.
Security and Privacy Protection
Federated Hermes will not be responsible for losses that result from unauthorized transactions, unless Federated Hermes does not follow procedures designed to verify your identity. When initiating a transaction by telephone or online, shareholders should be aware that any person with access to your account and other personal information including PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) may be able to submit instructions by telephone or online. Shareholders are responsible for protecting their identity by using strong usernames and complex passwords which utilize combinations of mixed case letters, numbers and symbols, and change passwords and PINs frequently.
Using FederatedHermes.com/us’s Account Access website means you are consenting to sending and receiving personal financial information over the Internet, so you should be sure you are comfortable with the risks. You will be required to accept the terms of an online agreement and to establish and utilize a password in order to access online account services. The Transfer Agent has adopted security procedures to confirm that Internet instructions are genuine. The Transfer Agent will also send you written confirmation of share transactions. The Transfer Agent, the Fund and any of its affiliates will not be liable for losses or expenses that occur from fraudulent Internet instructions reasonably believed to be genuine.
The Transfer Agent or the Fund will employ reasonable procedures to confirm that telephone transaction requests are genuine, which may include recording calls, asking the caller to provide certain personal identification information, sending you written confirmation, or requiring other confirmation security procedures. The Transfer Agent, the Fund and any of its affiliates will not be liable for relying on instructions submitted by telephone that the Fund reasonably believes to be genuine.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each new customer who opens a Fund account and to determine whether such person’s name appears on governmental lists of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations. Pursuant to the requirements under the USA PATRIOT Act, the information obtained will be used for compliance with the USA PATRIOT Act or other applicable laws, regulations and rules in connection with money laundering, terrorism or other illicit activities.

Information required includes your name, residential or business address, date of birth (for an individual), and other information that identifies you, including your social security number, tax identification number or other identifying number. The Fund cannot waive these requirements. The Fund is required by law to reject your Account Application if the required information is not provided. If, after reasonable effort, the Fund is unable to verify your identity or that of any other person(s) authorized to act on your behalf, or believes it has identified potentially suspicious, fraudulent or criminal activity, the Fund reserves the right to close your account and redeem your shares at the next calculated NAV without your permission. Any applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) will be assessed upon redemption of your shares.
The Fund has a strict policy designed to protect the privacy of your personal information. A copy of Federated Hermes’ privacy policy notice was given to you at the time you opened your account. The Fund sends a copy of the privacy notice to you annually. You may also obtain the privacy notice by calling the Fund, or through FederatedHermes.com/us.
Account and Share Information
You will receive confirmation of purchases, redemptions and exchanges (except for systematic transactions). In addition, you will receive periodic statements reporting all account activity, including systematic transactions, dividends and capital gains paid.
The Fund declares any dividends daily and pays them monthly to shareholders. If you purchase Shares by wire, you begin earning dividends on the day your wire is received. If you purchase Shares by check, you begin earning dividends on the business day after the Fund receives your check. In either case, you earn dividends through the day your redemption request is received.
In addition, the Fund pays any capital gains at least annually, and may make such special distributions of dividends and capital gains as may be necessary to meet applicable regulatory requirements. Your dividends and capital gains distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional Shares without a sales charge, unless you elect cash payments. Dividends may also be reinvested without sales charges in shares of any class of any other Federated Hermes fund of which you are already a shareholder.
If you purchase Shares just before the record date for a capital gain distribution, you will pay the full price for the Shares and then receive a portion of the price back in the form of a taxable distribution, whether or not you reinvest the distribution in Shares. Therefore, you should consider the tax implications of purchasing Shares shortly before the record date for a capital gain. Contact your financial intermediary or the Fund for information concerning when dividends and capital gains will be paid.
Under the federal securities laws, the Fund is required to provide a notice to shareholders regarding the source of distributions made by the Fund if such distributions are from sources other than ordinary investment income. In addition, important information regarding the Fund’s distributions, if applicable, is available via the link to the Fund and share class name at FederatedHermes.com/us/FundInformation.
Small Distributions and Uncashed Checks
Generally, dividend and/or capital gain distributions payable by check in an amount of less than $25 will be automatically reinvested in additional shares. This policy does not apply if you have elected to receive cash distributions that are directly deposited into your bank account via wire or ACH.
Additionally, if one or more dividend or capital gain distribution checks are returned as “undeliverable,” or remain uncashed for 180 days, all subsequent dividend and capital gain distributions will be reinvested in additional shares. No interest will accrue on amounts represented by uncashed distribution checks. For questions on whether reinvestment applies to your distributions, please contact a Client Service Representative at 1-800-341-7400.
Certain states, including the State of Texas, have laws that allow shareholders to designate a representative to receive abandoned or unclaimed property (“escheatment”) notifications by completing and submitting a designation form that generally can be found on the official state website. If a shareholder resides in an applicable state and elects to designate a representative to receive escheatment notifications, escheatment notices generally will be delivered as required by such state laws, including, as applicable, to both the shareholder and the designated representative. A completed designation form may be mailed to the Fund (if Shares are held directly with the Fund) or to the shareholder’s financial intermediary (if Shares are not held directly with the Fund). Shareholders should refer to relevant state law for the shareholder’s specific rights and responsibilities under his or her state’s escheatment law(s), which can generally be found on a state’s official website.

Federated Hermes reserves the right to close accounts if redemptions or exchanges cause the account balance to fall below:
◾ $1,500 for the A class (or in the case of IRAs, $250);
◾ $25,000 for the IS and SS classes.
Before an account is closed, you will be notified and allowed at least 30 days to purchase additional Shares to meet the minimum.
The Fund and/or your financial intermediary provides year-end tax information and an annual statement of your account activity to assist you in completing your federal, state and local tax returns. Fund distributions of dividends and capital gains are taxable to you whether paid in cash or reinvested in the Fund. Dividends are taxable at different rates depending on the source of dividend income. Distributions of net short-term capital gains are taxable to you as ordinary income. Distributions of net long-term capital gains are taxable to you as long-term capital gains regardless of how long you have owned your Shares.
Fund distributions are expected to be primarily dividends. Redemptions and exchanges are taxable sales. Please consult your tax adviser regarding your federal, state and local tax liability.
Frequent or short-term trading into and out of the Fund can have adverse consequences for the Fund and shareholders who use the Fund as a long-term investment vehicle. Such trading in significant amounts can disrupt the Fund’s investment strategies (e.g., by requiring it to sell investments at inopportune times or maintain excessive short-term or cash positions to support redemptions), increase brokerage and administrative costs and affect the timing and amount of taxable gains distributed by the Fund. Investors engaged in such trading may also seek to profit by anticipating changes in the Fund’s NAV in advance of the time as of which NAV is calculated or through an overall strategy to buy and sell Shares in response to incremental changes in the Fund’s NAV.
The Fund’s Board has approved policies and procedures intended to discourage excessive frequent or short-term trading of the Fund’s Shares. The Fund’s fair valuation procedures are intended in part to discourage short-term trading strategies by reducing the potential for these strategies to succeed. See “What Do Shares Cost?” The Fund also monitors trading in Fund Shares in an effort to identify disruptive trading activity. The Fund monitors trades into and out of the Fund within a period of 30 days or less. The Fund may also monitor trades into and out of the Fund for potentially disruptive trading activity over periods longer than 30 days. The size of Share transactions subject to monitoring varies. Where it is determined that a shareholder has exceeded the detection amounts twice within a period of 12 months, the Fund will temporarily prohibit the shareholder from making further purchases or exchanges of Fund Shares. If the shareholder continues to exceed the detection amounts for specified periods the Fund will impose lengthier trading restrictions on the shareholder, up to and including permanently prohibiting the shareholder from making any further purchases or exchanges of Fund Shares. Whether or not the specific monitoring limits are exceeded, the Fund’s management or the Adviser may determine from the amount, frequency or pattern of purchases and redemptions or exchanges that a shareholder is engaged in excessive trading that is or could be detrimental to the Fund and other shareholders and may prohibit the shareholder from making further purchases or exchanges of Fund Shares. No matter how the Fund defines its limits on frequent trading of Fund Shares, other purchases and sales of Fund Shares may have adverse effects on the management of the Fund’s portfolio and its performance.
The Fund’s frequent trading restrictions do not apply to purchases and sales of Fund Shares by other Federated Hermes funds. These funds impose the same frequent trading restrictions as the Fund at their shareholder level. In addition, allocation changes of the investing Federated Hermes fund are monitored, and the managers of the recipient fund must determine that there is no disruption to their management activity. The intent of this exception is to allow investing fund managers to accommodate cash flows and other activity that result from non-abusive trading in the investing fund, without being stopped from such trading because the aggregate of such trades exceeds the monitoring limits. Nonetheless, as with any trading in Fund Shares, purchases and redemptions of Fund Shares by other Federated Hermes funds could adversely affect the management of the Fund’s portfolio and its performance.
The Fund will not restrict transactions made on a non-discretionary basis by certain asset allocation programs, wrap programs, fund of funds, collective funds or other similar accounts that have been pre-approved by Federated Hermes (“Approved Accounts”). The Fund will continue to monitor transactions by the Approved Accounts and will seek to limit or restrict even non-discretionary transactions by Approved Accounts that are determined to be disruptive or harmful to the Fund.

The Fund’s objective is that its restrictions on short-term trading should apply to all shareholders that are subject to the restrictions, regardless of the number or type of accounts in which Shares are held. However, the Fund anticipates that limitations on its ability to identify trading activity to specific shareholders, including where shares are held through intermediaries in multiple or omnibus accounts, will mean that these restrictions may not be able to be applied uniformly in all cases.
Other funds in the Federated Hermes family of funds may impose different monitoring policies or in some cases, may not monitor for frequent or short-term trading. Under normal market conditions such monitoring policies are designed to protect the funds being monitored and their shareholders and the operation of such policies and shareholder investments under such monitoring are not expected to have materially adverse impact on the Federated Hermes funds or their shareholders. If you plan to exchange your fund shares for shares of another Federated Hermes fund, please read the prospectus of that other Federated Hermes fund for more information.
The Fund may invest in affiliated investment companies whose boards have determined not to adopt frequent trading policies. The Fund therefore may be exposed to any adverse consequences of any frequent or short-term trading in such funds, to the extent of the Fund’s investment therein.
Information concerning the Fund’s portfolio holdings is available via the link to the Fund and share class name at FederatedHermes.com/us/FundInformation. A complete listing of the Fund’s portfolio holdings as of the end of each calendar quarter is posted on the website 30 days (or the next business day) after the end of the quarter and remains posted for six months thereafter. Summary portfolio composition information as of the close of each month is posted on the website 15 days (or the next business day) after month-end and remains posted until replaced by the information for the succeeding month. The summary portfolio composition information may include identification of the Fund’s top 10 holdings and a percentage breakdown of the portfolio by sector and credit quality.
You may also access portfolio information as of the end of the Fund’s fiscal quarters via the link to the Fund and share class name at FederatedHermes.com/us. The Fund’s Annual and Semi-Annual Shareholder Reports contain complete listings of the Fund’s portfolio holdings as of the end of the Fund’s second and fourth fiscal quarters. Fiscal quarter information is made available on the website within 70 days after the end of the fiscal quarter. This information is also available in reports filed with the SEC at the SEC’s website at sec.gov.
Each fiscal quarter, the Fund will file with the SEC a complete schedule of its monthly portfolio holdings on “Form N-PORT.” The Fund’s holdings as of the end of the third month of every fiscal quarter, as reported on Form N-PORT, will be publicly available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov within 60 days of the end of the fiscal quarter upon filing. You may also access this information via the link to the Fund and share class name at FederatedHermes.com/us.
In addition, from time to time (for example, during periods of unusual market conditions), additional information regarding the Fund’s portfolio holdings and/or composition may be posted to FederatedHermes.com/us. If and when such information is posted, its availability will be noted on, and the information will be accessible from, the home page of the website.
Who Manages the Fund?
The Board governs the Fund. The Board selects and oversees the Adviser, Federated Investment Management Company. The Adviser manages the Fund’s assets, including buying and selling portfolio securities. Federated Advisory Services Company (FASC), an affiliate of the Adviser, provides certain support services to the Adviser. The fee for these services is paid by the Adviser and not by the Fund.
The address of the Adviser and FASC is 1001 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779.
The Adviser and other advisory subsidiaries of Federated Hermes combined, advise approximately 102 registered investment companies spanning equity, fixed-income and money market mutual funds and also manage a variety of other pooled investment vehicles, private investment companies and customized separately managed accounts (including non-U.S./offshore funds). Federated Hermes’ assets under management totaled approximately $668.9 billion as of December 31, 2022. Federated Hermes was established in 1955 as Federated Investors, Inc. and is one of the largest investment managers in the United States with nearly 2,000 employees. Federated Hermes provides investment products to more than 11,000 investment professionals and institutions.
The Adviser advises approximately 73 registered investment companies and also manages sub-advised funds. The Adviser’s assets under management totaled approximately $399.6 billion as of December 31, 2022.

John Gentry
John Gentry, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since November of 2013.
Mr. Gentry is Head of the Corporate Fixed Income Group. He is responsible for day to day management of the Fund focusing on asset allocation, interest rate strategy and security selection. He has been with the Adviser or an affiliate since 1995; has worked in investment management since 1990; has managed investment portfolios since 1997. Education: B.A., University of Virginia; and M.B.A., Cornell University.
Chengjun (Chris) Wu
Chengjun (Chris) Wu, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since October of 2018.
Mr. Wu is is responsible for providing research and advice on sector allocation and security selection. He has been with Adviser or an affiliate since 2006; has worked in investment management since 2006; and has managed investment portfolios since 2011. Education: B.S., Beijing Normal University; M.S. University of Illinois at Chicago; and M.B.A., University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business.
Robert Matthews
Robert Matthews, CFA, Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund’s portfolio manager since October of 2023.
Mr. Matthews is responsible for day to day management of the Fund focusing on asset allocation and security selection. He has been with the Adviser or an affiliate since 2007; has worked in investment management since 2010; has managed investment portfolios since 2018. Education: B.S., Washington & Jefferson College; M.B.A., Robert Morris University.
Todd A. Abraham
Todd A. Abraham, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Mortgage-Backed Affiliated Fund’s portfolio manager since its inception in February of 1999.
Mr. Abraham is Head of the Government/Mortgage-backed Fixed Income Group. He is responsible for day to day management of the Mortgage-Backed Affiliated Fund focusing on asset allocation, interest rate strategy and security selection. He has been with Adviser or an affiliate since 1993; has worked in investment management since 1993; has managed investment portfolios since 1995. Education: B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; and M.B.A., Loyola College.
Mark E. Durbiano
Mark E. Durbiano, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the High-Yield Affiliated Fund’s portfolio manager since its inception in December of 1997.
Mr. Durbiano is Head of the Domestic High Yield Group and Head of the Bond Sector Pod/Committee. He is responsible for day to day management of the High-Yield Affiliated Fund focusing on asset allocation and security selection. He has been with Adviser or an affiliate since 1982; has worked in investment management since 1982; has managed investment portfolios since 1984. Education: B.A., Dickinson College; and M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh.
Ihab Salib
Ihab L. Salib, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Emerging Markets Affiliated Fund’s portfolio manager since May of 2013.
Mr. Salib is Head of the International Fixed Income Group and Chairman of the Currency Management Committee. He is responsible for day to day management of the Emerging Markets Affiliated Fund focusing on asset allocation, interest rate strategy and security selection. He has been with Adviser or an affiliate since 1999; has worked in investment management since 1992; has managed investment portfolios since 2002. Education: B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Bank Loan Affiliated Fund
Anthony Venturino
Anthony Venturino, CFA, Portfolio Manager, has been the Bank Loan Affiliated Fund’s portfolio manager since March of 2019.
Mr. Venturino is responsible for day-to-day management of the Bank Loan Affiliated Fund focusing on asset allocation and security selection. He has been with the Adviser or an affiliate since 2005, has worked in investment management since 1998, and has managed investment portfolios since 2019. Education: B.S., University of Dayton; M.B.A., Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University.
Project and Trade Finance Affiliated Fund
Christopher McGinley
Christopher P. McGinley, Senior Portfolio Manager, has been the Project and Trade Finance Affiliated Fund’s portfolio manager since December of 2009.
Mr. McGinley is Head of the Trade Finance Team and is responsible for day to day management of the Project and Trade Finance Affiliated Fund focusing on asset allocation, interest rate strategy and security selection. He has been with Adviser or an affiliate since 2004; has worked in investment management since 2005; has managed investment portfolios since 2009. Education: B.S., University of Pittsburgh; and M.P.I.A., University of Pittsburgh.
The Fund’s SAI provides additional information about the Fund’s and affiliated funds’ Portfolio Managers’ compensation, management of other accounts and ownership of securities in the Fund.
The Fund’s investment advisory contract provides for payment to the Adviser of an annual investment advisory fee of 0.30% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. The Adviser may voluntarily waive a portion of its fee or reimburse the Fund for certain operating expenses. The Adviser and its affiliates have also agreed to certain “Fee Limits” as described in the footnote to the “Risk/Return Summary: Fees and Expenses” table found in the “Fund Summary” section of the Prospectus.
A discussion of the Board’s review of the Fund’s investment advisory contract is available in the Fund’s Annual and Semi-Annual Shareholder Reports for the periods ended August 31 and February 29, respectively.
Financial Information
The Financial Highlights will help you understand the Fund’s financial performance for its past five fiscal years. Some of the information is presented on a per Share basis. Total returns represent the rate an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains.
This Information has been audited by KPMG LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with the Fund’s audited financial statements, is included in the Annual Report.

Financial Highlights–Class A Shares
(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)
Year Ended August 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
Income From Investment Operations:
Net investment income (loss)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total From Investment Operations
Less Distributions:
Distributions from net investment income
Net Asset Value, End of Period
Total Return1
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Net expenses2
Net investment income
Expense waiver/reimbursement3
Supplemental Data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
Portfolio turnover4
Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge, redemption fee or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
Amount does not reflect net expenses incurred by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
This expense decrease is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown above. Amount does not reflect expense waiver/
reimbursement recorded by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
Securities that mature are considered sales for purposes of this calculation.
Further information about the Fund’s performance is contained in the Fund’s Annual Report, dated August 31, 2023, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights–Institutional Shares
(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)
Year Ended August 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
Income From Investment Operations:
Net investment income (loss)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total From Investment Operations
Less Distributions:
Distributions from net investment income
Net Asset Value, End of Period
Total Return1
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Net expenses2
Net investment income
Expense waiver/reimbursement3
Supplemental Data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
Portfolio turnover4
Based on net asset value.
Amount does not reflect net expenses incurred by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
This expense decrease is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown above. Amount does not reflect expense waiver/
reimbursement recorded by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
Securities that mature are considered sales for purposes of this calculation.
Further information about the Fund’s performance is contained in the Fund’s Annual Report, dated August 31, 2023, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights–Service Shares
(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)
Year Ended August 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
Income From Investment Operations:
Net investment income (loss)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total From Investment Operations
Less Distributions:
Distributions from net investment income
Net Asset Value, End of Period
Total Return1
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Net expenses2
Net investment income
Expense waiver/reimbursement3
Supplemental Data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
Portfolio turnover4
Based on net asset value.
Amount does not reflect net expenses incurred by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
This expense decrease is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown above. Amount does not reflect expense waiver/
reimbursement recorded by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
Securities that mature are considered sales for purposes of this calculation.
Further information about the Fund’s performance is contained in the Fund’s Annual Report, dated August 31, 2023, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights–Class R6 Shares
(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)
Year Ended August 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
Income From Investment Operations:
Net investment income (loss)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
Total From Investment Operations
Less Distributions:
Distributions from net investment income
Net Asset Value, End of Period
Total Return1
Ratios to Average Net Assets:
Net expenses2
Net investment income
Expense waiver/reimbursement3
Supplemental Data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
Portfolio turnover4
Based on net asset value.
Amount does not reflect net expenses incurred by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
This expense decrease is reflected in both the net expense and the net investment income ratios shown above. Amount does not reflect expense waiver/
reimbursement recorded by investment companies in which the Fund may invest.
Securities that mature are considered sales for purposes of this calculation.
Further information about the Fund’s performance is contained in the Fund’s Annual Report, dated August 31, 2023, which can be obtained free of charge.

Appendix A: Hypothetical Investment and Expense Information
The following charts provide additional hypothetical information about the effect of the Fund’s expenses, including investment advisory fees and other Fund costs, on the Fund’s assumed returns over a 10-year period. The charts show the estimated expenses that would be incurred in respect of a hypothetical investment of $10,000, assuming a 5% return each year, and no redemption of Shares. Each chart also assumes that the Fund’s annual expense ratio stays the same throughout the 10-year period and that all dividends and distributions are reinvested. The annual expense ratio used in each chart is the same as stated in the “Fees and Expenses” table of this Prospectus (and thus does not reflect any fee waiver or expense reimbursement currently in effect). The maximum amount of any sales charge that might be imposed on the purchase of Shares (and deducted from the hypothetical initial investment of $10,000; the “Front-End Sales Charge”) is reflected in the “Hypothetical Expenses” column. The hypothetical investment information does not reflect the effect of charges (if any) normally applicable to redemptions of Shares (e.g., deferred sales charges, redemption fees). Mutual fund returns, as well as fees and expenses, may fluctuate over time, and your actual investment returns and total expenses may be higher or lower than those shown below.


Appendix B: Sales Charge Waivers and Exchange Features for Shareholders Purchasing Through Certain Financial Intermediaries
The term “fund family,” used herein, shall refer to the Federated Hermes mutual funds.
The following Appendix applies to certain share classes offered by the Fund.
Ameriprise Financial
The following information applies to Class A shares purchases if you have an account with or otherwise purchase Fund shares through Ameriprise Financial:
Effective January 15, 2021, shareholders purchasing Fund shares through an Ameriprise Financial retail brokerage account are eligible for the following front-end sales charge waivers, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or SAI:
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs or SAR-SEPs.
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same Fund (but not any other fund within the same fund family).
◾ Shares exchanged from Class C shares of the same fund in the month of or following the 7-year anniversary of the purchase date. To the extent that this prospectus elsewhere provides for a waiver with respect to exchanges of Class C shares or conversion of Class C shares following a shorter holding period, that waiver will apply.
◾ Employees and registered representatives of Ameriprise Financial or its affiliates and their immediate family members.
◾ Shares purchased by or through qualified accounts (including IRAs, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, 401(k)s, 403(b) TSCAs subject to ERISA and defined benefit plans) that are held by a covered family member, defined as an Ameriprise financial advisor and/or the advisor’s spouse, advisor’s lineal ascendant (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, great grandmother, great grandfather), advisor’s lineal descendant (son, step-son, daughter, step-daughter, grandson, granddaughter, great grandson, great granddaughter) or any spouse of a covered family member who is a lineal descendant.
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (i.e., Rights of Reinstatement).
Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc.
Effective June 15, 2020, shareholders purchasing Fund shares through a Baird platform or account will only be eligible for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this prospectus or the SAI.
Front-End Sales Charge Waivers on Investors A-shares Available at Baird
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing share of the same fund;
◾ Share purchase by employees and registered representatives of Baird or its affiliate and their family members as designated by Baird;
◾ Shares purchase from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided: (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption; (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same accounts; and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales charge (known as rights of reinstatement);
◾ Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a CDSC and are exchanged to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the same fund pursuant to Baird’s intra-fund share class policies and procedures;
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement plans or charitable accounts in a transactional brokerage account at Baird, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans. For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs or SAR-SEPs.

CDSC Waivers on Investor A and C Shares Available at Baird
◾ Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder;
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the Fund’s Prospectus;
◾ Shares bought due to returns of excess contributions from an IRA Account;
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code;
◾ Shares sold to pay Baird fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Baird;
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
Front-End Sales Charge Discounts Available at Baird: Breakpoints and/or Rights of Accumulations
◾ Breakpoints as described in this prospectus;
◾ Rights of accumulations which entitles shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Baird. Eligible fund family assets not held at Baird may be included in the rights of accumulations calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets;
◾ Letters of Intent (LOI) allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family through Baird, over a 13-month period of time.
Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P. (EDWARD JONES)
Policies Regarding Transactions Through Edward Jones
Effective on or after March 1, 2021, the following information supersedes prior information with respect to transactions and positions held in fund shares through an Edward Jones system. Shareholders purchasing Fund shares on the Edward Jones commission and fee-based platforms are eligible only for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), or back-end sales charge, waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or statement of additional information (SAI). In all instances, it is the shareholder’s responsibility to inform Edward Jones at the time of purchase of any relationship, holdings of fund family, or other facts qualifying the purchaser for waivers or discounts. Edward Jones can ask for documentation of such circumstance. Shareholders should contact Edward Jones if they have questions regarding their eligibility for these discounts and waivers.
Front-End Sales Load Waivers on Class A and F Shares Available at Edward Jones
Sales charges are waived for the following shareholders and in the following situations:
◾ Associates of Edward Jones and its affiliates and their family members who are in the same pricing group (as determined by Edward Jones under its policies and procedures) as the associate. This waiver will continue for the remainder of the associate’s life if the associate retires from Edward Jones in good-standing and remains in good standing pursuant to Edward Jones’ policies and procedures.
◾ Shares purchased in an Edward Jones fee-based program.
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment.
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redeemed shares of the same fund family so long as the following conditions are met: 1) the proceeds are from the sale of shares within 60 days of the purchase, and 2) the sale and purchase are made in the same share class and the same account or the purchase is made in an individual retirement account with proceeds from liquidations in a non-retirement account.
◾ Shares exchanged into Class A shares from another share Class so long as the exchange is into the same fund and was initiated at the discretion of Edward Jones. Edward Jones is responsible for any remaining CDSC due to the fund company, if applicable. Any future purchases are subject to the applicable sales charge as disclosed in the prospectus.
◾ Exchanges from Class C shares to Class A shares of the same fund, generally, in the 84th month following the anniversary of the purchase date or earlier at the discretion of Edward Jones. Edward Jones will be responsible for any remaining CDSC due to the fund company, if applicable.
CDSC Waivers on A, B, C and F Shares Available at Edward Jones
If the shareholder purchases shares that are subject to a CDSC and those shares are redeemed before the CDSC is expired, the shareholder will be responsible to pay the CDSC except in the following conditions:
◾ Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder.
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan (limited to up to 10% per year of the account value).
◾ Return of excess contributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts if the redemption is taken in or after the year the shareholder reaches qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations.
◾ Shares sold to pay Edward Jones fees or costs in such cases where the transaction is initiated by Edward Jones.
◾ Shares exchanged in an Edward Jones fee-based program. Edward Jones is responsible for any remaining CDSC due to the fund company, if applicable.
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
◾ Shares redeemed at the discretion of Edward Jones for Minimum Balances, as described below.
Front-End Load Discounts Available at Edward Jones:
Rights of Accumulation (ROA)
◾ The applicable sales charge on a purchase of Class A shares is determined by taking into account all share classes (except certain money market funds and any assets held in group retirement plans) of the fund family held by the shareholder or in an account grouped by Edward Jones with other accounts for the purpose of providing certain pricing considerations (“pricing groups”). If grouping assets as a shareholder, this includes all share classes held on the Edward Jones platform and/or held on another platform. The inclusion of eligible fund family assets in the ROA calculation is dependent on the shareholder notifying Edward Jones of such assets at the time of calculation. Money market funds are included only if such shares were sold with a sales charge at the time of purchase or acquired in exchange for shares purchased with a sales charge.
◾ The employer maintaining a SEP IRA plan and/or SIMPLE IRA plan may elect to establish or change ROA for the IRA accounts associated with the plan to a plan-level grouping as opposed to including all share classes at a shareholder or pricing group level.
◾ ROA is determined by calculating the higher of cost minus redemptions or market value (current shares x NAV).
Letter of Intent (LOI)
◾ Through a LOI, shareholders can receive the sales charge and breakpoint discounts for purchases shareholders intend to make over a 13-month period from the date Edward Jones receives the LOI. The LOI is determined by calculating the higher of cost or market value of qualifying holdings at LOI initiation in combination with the value that the shareholder intends to buy over a 13-month period to calculate the front-end sales charge and any breakpoint discounts. Each purchase the shareholder makes during that 13-month period will receive the sales charge and breakpoint discount that applies to the total amount. The inclusion of eligible fund family assets in the LOI calculation is dependent on the shareholder notifying Edward Jones of such assets at the time of calculation. Purchases made before the LOI is received by Edward Jones are not adjusted under the LOI and will not reduce the sales charge previously paid. Sales charges will be adjusted if LOI is not met.
◾ If the employer maintaining a SEP IRA plan and/or SIMPLE IRA plan has elected to establish or change ROA for the IRA accounts associated with the plan to a plan-level grouping, LOIs will also be at the plan-level and may only be established by the employer.
Minimum Purchase Amounts
◾ Initial purchase minimum: $250
◾ Subsequent purchase minimum: none
Minimum Balances
◾ Edward Jones has the right to redeem at its discretion fund holdings with a balance of $250 or less. The following are examples of accounts that are not included in this policy:
◾ A fee-based account held on an Edward Jones platform
◾ A 529 account held on an Edward Jones platform
◾ An account with an active systematic investment plan or LOI
Exchanging Share Classes
◾ At any time it deems necessary, Edward Jones has the authority to exchange at NAV a shareholder’s holdings in a fund to Class A shares of the same fund.

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Effective May 1, 2020, if you purchase or redeem Fund shares through a Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (“Janney”) brokerage account, you will be eligible for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), or back-end sales charge, waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s Prospectus or SAI.
Front-end sales charge waivers on Class A Shares available at Janney
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family).
◾ Shares purchased by employees and registered representatives of Janney or its affiliates and their family members as designated by Janney.
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided: (1) the repurchase occurs within ninety (90) days following the redemption; (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account; and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (i.e., right of reinstatement).
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans.
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
◾ Class C shares that are no longer subject to a contingent deferred sales charge and are exchanged to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the same fund pursuant to Janney’s intra-fund share class policies and procedures.
CDSC Waivers on Class A and C Shares available at Janney
◾ Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder.
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s Prospectus.
◾ Shares purchased in connection with a return of excess contributions from an IRA account.
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts if the redemption is taken in or after the year the shareholder reaches qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations.
◾ Shares sold to pay Janney fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Janney.
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
◾ Shares exchanged into the same share class of a different Federated Hermes fund, if the shares were held for the applicable CDSC holding period (the holding period on the shares purchased in the exchange will include the holding period of the shares sold in the exchange).
Front-end sales charge discounts available at Janney: Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation, and/or Letters of Intent
◾ Breakpoints as described in the fund’s Prospectus.
◾ Rights of accumulation (ROA), which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts, will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Janney. Eligible fund family assets not held at Janney may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.
◾ Letters of intent which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, over a 13-month time period. Eligible fund family assets not held at Janney may be included in the calculation of letters of intent only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
Effective September 29, 2023, if you purchase or hold Fund shares through an applicable J.P. Morgan Securities LLC brokerage account, you will be eligible for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), or back-end sales charge, waivers), share class conversion policy and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or SAI.
Front-end sales charge waivers on Class A shares available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
◾ Shares exchanged from Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a CDSC and are exchanged into Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC’s share class exchange policy.
◾ Qualified employer-sponsored defined contribution and defined benefit retirement plans, nonqualified deferred compensation plans, other employee benefit plans and trusts used to fund those plans. For purposes of this provision, such plans do not include SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SAR-SEPs or 501(c)(3) accounts.
◾ Shares of funds purchased through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Self-Directed Investing accounts.

◾ Shares purchased through rights of reinstatement.
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family).
◾ Shares purchased by employees and registered representatives of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC or its affiliates and their spouse or financial dependent as defined by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC.
Class C to Class A share conversion
◾  A shareholder in the Fund’s Class C shares will have their shares converted by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the same fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is consistent with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC’s policies and procedures.
CDSC waivers on Class A and C shares available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
◾ Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder.
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the Fund’s prospectus.
◾ Shares purchased in connection with a return of excess contributions from an IRA account.
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
Front-end load discounts available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC: breakpoints, rights of accumulation & letters of intent
◾ Breakpoints as described in the prospectus.
◾ Rights of Accumulation (ROA) which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts as described in the Fund’s prospectus will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC. Eligible fund family assets not held at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (including 529 program holdings, where applicable) may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies their financial advisor about such assets.
◾ Letters of Intent (LOI) which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, over a 13-month period of time (if applicable).
Merrill Lynch
Shareholders purchasing Fund shares through a Merrill Lynch platform or account will be eligible only for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred, or back-end, sales charge waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or SAI.
Front-end Sales Load Waivers on Class A Shares available at Merrill Lynch
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement, deferred compensation and employee benefit plans (including health savings accounts) and trusts used to fund those plans, provided that the shares are not held in a commission-based brokerage account and shares are held for the benefit of the plan;
◾ Shares purchased by a 529 Plan (does not include 529 Plan units or 529-specific share classes or equivalents);
◾ Shares purchased through a Merrill Lynch affiliated investment advisory program or exchanged due to the holdings moving from the program;
◾ Shares exchanged due to the holdings moving from a Merrill Lynch affiliated investment advisory program to a Merrill Lynch brokerage (non-advisory) account pursuant to Merrill Lynch’s policies relating to sales load discounts and waivers;
◾ Shares purchased by third party investment advisors on behalf of their advisory clients through Merrill Lynch’s platform;
◾ Shares of funds purchased through the Merrill Edge Self-Directed platform (if applicable);
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family);
◾ Shares exchanged from Class C (i.e., level-load) shares of the same fund pursuant to Merrill Lynch’s policies relating to sales load discounts and waivers;
◾ Employees and registered representatives of Merrill Lynch or its affiliates and their family members;
◾ Directors or Trustees of the Fund, and employees of the Fund’s investment adviser or any of its affiliates, as described in the prospectus;

◾ Eligible shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided: (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption; (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account; and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (known as Rights of Reinstatement). Automated transactions (i.e., systematic purchases and withdrawals) and purchases made after shares are automatically sold to pay Merrill Lynch’s account maintenance fees are not eligible for reinstatement.
CDSC Waivers on A, B and C Shares available at Merrill Lynch
◾ Death or disability of the shareholder;
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the Fund’s prospectus;
◾ Return of excess contributions from an IRA Account;
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code;
◾ Shares sold to pay Merrill Lynch fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Merrill Lynch;
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement;
◾ Shares held in retirement brokerage accounts, that are exchanged for a lower cost share class due to transfer to certain fee based accounts or platforms (applicable to A and C shares only);
◾ Class A Shares received through an exchange due to the holdings moving from a Merrill Lynch affiliated investment advisory program to a Merrill Lynch brokerage (non-advisory) account pursuant to Merrill Lynch’s policies relating to sales load discounts and waivers.
Front-end load Discounts Available at Merrill Lynch:
Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation & Letters of Intent
◾ Breakpoints as described in this prospectus;
◾ Rights of Accumulation (ROA) which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts as described in the Fund’s prospectus will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts (including 529 program holdings, where applicable) within the purchaser’s household at Merrill Lynch. Eligible fund family assets not held at Merrill Lynch may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets;
◾ Letters of Intent (LOI) which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, through Merrill Lynch, over a 13-month period of time (if applicable).
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Shareholders purchasing Fund shares through a Morgan Stanley Wealth Management transactional brokerage account will be eligible only for the following front-end sales charge waivers with respect to Class A shares, which may differ from and may be more limited than those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s Prospectus or SAI.
Front-End Sales Charge Waivers on Class A Shares Available at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans;
◾ Morgan Stanley employee and employee-related accounts according to Morgan Stanley’s account linking rules;
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions when purchasing shares of the same fund;
◾ Shares purchased through a Morgan Stanley self-directed brokerage account;
◾ Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a contingent deferred sales charge and are exchanged to Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s intra-fund share class exchange program;
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (i) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (ii) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (iii) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales charge.
Effective May 1, 2020, shareholders purchasing Fund shares through an Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. (OPCO) platform or account are eligible only for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred, or back-end, sales charge waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or SAI.

Front-end Sales Load Waivers on Class A Shares available at OPCO
◾ Employer-sponsored retirement, deferred compensation and employee benefit plans (including health savings accounts) and trusts used to fund those plans, provided that the shares are not held in a commission-based brokerage account and shares are held for the benefit of the plan
◾ Shares purchased by or through a 529 Plan
◾ Shares purchased through an OPCO affiliated investment advisory program
◾ Shares purchased through reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family)
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided: (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption; (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account; and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (known as Rights of Reinstatement).
◾  A shareholder in the Fund’s Class C shares will have their shares automatically exchanged at net asset value to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the Fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the automatic exchange is in line with the policies and procedures of OPCO
◾ Employees and registered representatives of OPCO or its affiliates and their family members
◾ Directors or Trustees of the Fund, and employees of the Fund’s investment adviser or any of its affiliates, as described in this prospectus
CDSC Waivers on A, B and C Shares available at OPCO
◾ Death or disability of the shareholder
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the Fund’s prospectus
◾ Return of excess contributions from an IRA Account
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code
◾ Shares sold to pay OPCO fees but only if the transaction is initiated by OPCO
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement
Front-end load Discounts Available at OPCO: Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation & Letters of Intent
◾ Breakpoints as described in this prospectus.
◾ Rights of Accumulation (ROA), which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts, will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at OPCO. Eligible fund family assets not held at OPCO may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets
Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. and each entity’s affiliates (“Raymond James”)
Effective March 1, 2019, shareholders purchasing and redeeming Fund shares through a Raymond James platform or account, or through an introducing broker-dealer or independent registered investment adviser for which Raymond James provides trade execution, clearance, and/or custody services, will be eligible only for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred, or back-end, sales charge waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this Fund’s prospectus or SAI.
Front-End Sales Load Waivers on Class A Shares Available at Raymond James
◾ Shares purchased in an investment advisory program.
◾ Shares purchased within the same fund family through a systematic reinvestment of capital gains and dividend distributions.
◾ Employees and registered representatives of Raymond James or its affiliates and their family members as designated by Raymond James.
◾ Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided: (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption; (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account; and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (known as Rights of Reinstatement).
◾  A shareholder in the Fund’s Class C shares will have their shares automatically exchanged at net asset value to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the Fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the automatic exchange is in line with the policies and procedures of Raymond James.

CDSC Waivers on A, B and C Shares Available at Raymond James
◾ Death or disability of the shareholder.
◾ Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s prospectus.
◾ Return of excess contributions from an IRA Account.
◾ Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts due to the shareholder reaching the qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations as described in the fund’s prospectus.
◾ Shares sold to pay Raymond James fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Raymond James.
◾ Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.
Front-End Load Discounts Available at Raymond James: Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation, and/or Letters of Intent
◾ Breakpoints as described in this prospectus;
◾ Rights of accumulation which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Raymond James. Eligible fund family assets not held at Raymond James may be included in the calculation of rights of accumulation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.
◾ Letters of Intent which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, over a 13-month time period. Eligible fund family assets not held at Raymond James may be included in the calculation of letters of intent only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated
Effective July 1, 2020, shareholders purchasing Fund shares through a Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated (“Stifel”) platform or account or who own shares for which Stifel or an affiliate is the broker-dealer of record are eligible for the following additional sales charge waiver.
Front-End Sales Load Waiver on Class A Shares
◾ Class C shares that have been held for more than seven (7) years will be converted to Class A shares of the same Fund pursuant to Stifel’s policies and procedures
All other sales charge waivers and reductions described elsewhere in the Fund’s Prospectus or SAI still apply.
U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc.
Effective November 1, 2021, shareholders purchasing Fund shares through a U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. (USBI) platform or who own shares for which USBI is the broker-dealer, where the shares are held in an omnibus account, will be eligible for the following front-end sales charge waivers and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in the Funds’ Prospectus or SAI. All other sales charge waivers and reductions described elsewhere in the Fund’s Prospectus or SAI still apply.
USBI Conversion of Class C Shares
Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a contingent deferred sales charge are systematically converted to the Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to USBI’s intra-fund share class policy. No front-end sales charge will apply to such conversions.


An SAI dated October 31, 2023, is incorporated by reference into this Prospectus. Additional information about the Fund and its investments is contained in the Fund’s SAI and Annual and Semi-Annual Reports to shareholders as they become available. The Annual Report’s Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance discusses market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund’s performance during its last fiscal year. The SAI contains a description of the Fund’s policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of its portfolio securities. To obtain the SAI, Annual Report, Semi-Annual Report and other information without charge, and to make inquiries, call your financial intermediary or the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.
The Fund’s shareholder reports will be made available on FederatedHermes.com/us/FundInformation, and you will be notified and provided with a link each time a report is posted to the website. You may request to receive paper reports from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, free of charge, at any time. You may also request to receive documents through e-delivery.
These documents, as well as additional information about the Fund (including portfolio holdings, performance and distributions), are also available on FederatedHermes.com/us.
You can obtain information about the Fund (including the SAI) by accessing Fund information from the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. You can purchase copies of this information by contacting the SEC by email at [email protected].
Federated Hermes Short-Intermediate Total Return Bond Fund
Federated Hermes Funds
4000 Ericsson Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086-7561
Contact us at FederatedHermes.com/us
or call 1-800-341-7400.
Federated Securities Corp., Distributor
Investment Company Act File No. 811-7193
CUSIP 31420B870
CUSIP 31420B607
CUSIP 31420B508
CUSIP 31420B862
33330 (10/23)
© 2023 Federated Hermes, Inc.