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American Funds Insurance Series®

Class 2 shares

May 1, 2024


Global Growth Fund Capital Income Builder®
Global Small Capitalization Fund Asset Allocation Fund
Growth Fund American Funds® Global Balanced Fund
International Fund American Funds Mortgage Fund®
New World Fund® American High-Income Trust®
Capital World Growth and Income Fund® Capital World Bond Fund®
Growth-Income Fund The Bond Fund of America®
International Growth and Income Fund U.S. Government Securities Fund®
Washington Mutual Investors Fund Ultra-Short Bond Fund



Table of contents



Global Growth Fund 1

Global Small Capitalization Fund 4

Growth Fund 8

International Fund 11

New World Fund 14

Capital World Growth and Income Fund 18

Growth-Income Fund 21

International Growth and Income Fund 24

Washington Mutual Investors Fund 27

Capital Income Builder 30

Asset Allocation Fund 33

American Funds Global Balanced Fund 37

American Funds Mortgage Fund 41

American High-Income Trust 45


Capital World Bond Fund 49

The Bond Fund of America 54

U.S. Government Securities Fund 58

Ultra-Short Bond Fund 62

Investment objectives, strategies and risks 66

Management and organization 123

Purchases and redemptions of shares 128

Plan of distribution 129

Other compensation to dealers 130

Fund expenses 131

Investment results 131

Distributions and taxes 131

Financial highlights 132

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved of these securities. Further, it has not determined that this prospectus is accurate or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.



Global Growth Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.48%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.77
Fee waiver* 0.11
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.66

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .11% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $67 $235 $417 $944

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 29% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies around the world that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth. As a fund that seeks to invest globally, the fund will allocate its assets among securities of companies in various countries, including the United States and countries with emerging markets (but in no fewer than three countries). Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest significantly outside the United States (i.e., at least 40% of its net assets, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets outside the United States).

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


1     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     2



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 4/30/97) 22.60% 13.65% 9.58% 9.77%
MSCI All Country World Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 22.20 11.72 7.93 6.74


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Patrice Collette Senior Vice President 9 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Matt Hochstetler 1 year Partner – Capital World Investors
Roz Hongsaranagon 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Piyada Phanaphat 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


3     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Global Small Capitalization Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.65%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.05
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.95
Fee waiver* 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.91

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .04% of the fund’s net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $93 $299 $522 $1,163

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 36% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies Normally, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in growth-oriented common stocks and other equity type securities of companies with small market capitalizations, measured at the time of purchase. However, the fund’s holdings of small capitalization stocks may fall below the 80% threshold due to subsequent market action. The investment adviser currently defines “small market capitalization” companies as companies with market capitalizations of $6.0 billion or less. The investment adviser has periodically re-evaluated and adjusted this definition and may continue to do so in the future. As a fund that seeks to invest globally, the fund will allocate its assets among securities of companies in various countries, including the United States and countries with emerging markets (but in no fewer than three countries). Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest significantly outside the United States (i.e., at least 40% of its net assets, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets outside the United States).

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     4



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.


5     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     6



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 4/30/98) 16.17% 8.31% 5.78% 8.43%
MSCI All Country World Small Cap Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 16.84 9.85 6.66 7.60


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Bradford F. Freer 6 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
M. Taylor Hinshaw 1 year Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Shlok Melwani 5 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Aidan O’Connell 10 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Renaud H. Samyn 5 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Gregory W. Wendt 12 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


7     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Growth Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide growth of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.31%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.03
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.59

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $60 $189 $329 $738

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks and seeks to invest in companies that appear to offer superior opportunities for growth of capital. The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in common stocks and other securities outside the United States.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     8



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


9     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 38.49% 18.68% 14.36% 12.96%
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 26.29 15.69 12.03 11.50

* Lifetime returns are from February 8, 1984, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Julian N. Abdey 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Paul Benjamin 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Mark L. Casey 7 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Irfan M. Furniturewala Senior Vice President 3 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Anne-Marie Peterson 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Andraz Razen 11 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Alan J. Wilson Senior Vice President 10 years Partner – Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     10



International Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.48%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.05
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.78

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $80 $249 $433 $966

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 28% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies outside the United States, including in emerging markets, that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


11     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     12



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 15.84% 4.83% 3.41% 7.06%
MSCI All Country World ex USA Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 15.62 7.08 3.83 5.58

* Lifetime returns are from May 1, 1990, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Nicholas J. Grace 5 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Sung Lee Senior Vice President 18 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Renaud H. Samyn 10 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Christopher Thomsen 18 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


13     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



New World Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.58%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.06
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.89
Fee waiver* 0.07
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.82

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .07% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $84 $277 $486 $1,090

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 36% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies with significant exposure to countries with developing economies and/or markets. The securities markets of these countries may be referred to as emerging markets. The fund may invest in equity securities of any company, regardless of where it is based (including developed countries), if the fund’s investment adviser determines that a significant portion of the company’s assets or revenues (generally 20% or more) is attributable to developing countries.

Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 35% of its assets in equity and debt securities of issuers primarily based in qualified countries that have developing economies and/or markets. The fund may also, to a limited extent, invest in securities of issuers based in nonqualified developing countries.

In determining whether a country is qualified, the fund’s investment adviser considers such factors as the country’s per capita gross domestic product, the percentage of the country’s economy that is industrialized, market capital as a percentage of gross domestic product, the overall regulatory environment, the presence of government regulation limiting or banning foreign ownership, and restrictions on repatriation of initial capital, dividends, interest and/or capital gains. The fund’s investment adviser maintains a list of qualified countries and securities in which the fund may invest.

The fund may also invest in debt securities of issuers, including issuers of lower rated bonds (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser), with exposure to these countries. Bonds rated Ba1 or BB+ or below are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

In addition, the fund may invest in nonconvertible debt securities of issuers, including issuers of lower rated bonds and government bonds, that are primarily based in qualified countries or that have a significant portion of their assets or revenues attributable to developing countries.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     14



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries.

Investing in developing countries — Investing in countries with developing economies and/or markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in developed countries. For instance, developing countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in developing countries may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in developed countries are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in developing countries, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, developing countries are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.


15     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     16



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 6/17/99) 15.99% 8.64% 4.69% 7.52%
MSCI All Country World Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 22.20 11.72 7.93 5.66


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Bradford F. Freer 7 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Matt Hochstetler 5 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Dawid Justus 4 years Partner - Capital World Investors
Carl M. Kawaja 24 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Winnie Kwan 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Robert W. Lovelace 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Piyada Phanaphat 7 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Akira Shiraishi 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Kirstie Spence 4 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Tomonori Tani 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Lisa Thompson 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Christopher Thomsen 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


17     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Capital World Growth and Income Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide you with long-term growth of capital while providing current income.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.47%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.76
Fee waiver* 0.10
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.66

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .10% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $67 $233 $413 $933

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 29% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks of well-established companies located around the world, many of which have the potential to pay dividends. The fund invests, on a global basis, in common stocks that are denominated in U.S. dollars or other currencies. Under normal market circumstances the fund will invest a significant portion of its assets in a number of countries outside the United States, including in developing countries.

The fund is designed for investors seeking both capital appreciation and income. In pursuing its objective, the fund tends to invest in stocks that the investment adviser believes to be relatively resilient to market declines.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     18



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

19     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 5/1/06) 20.88% 10.34% 7.62% 6.92%
MSCI All Country World Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 22.20 11.72 7.93 6.48


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Alfonso Barroso 3 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Jeremy Burge 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Michael Cohen 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Leo Hee 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Jin Lee 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Sung Lee Senior Vice President 3 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Reed Lowenstein 3 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Lara Pellini 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Renaud H. Samyn 3 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Diana Wagner 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     20



Growth-Income Fund

Investment objectives The fund’s investment objectives are to achieve long-term growth of capital and income.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.25%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.03
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.53

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $54 $170 $296 $665

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 26% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks or other securities that the investment adviser believes demonstrate the potential for appreciation and/or dividends. The fund may invest up to 15% of its assets outside the United States. The fund is designed for investors seeking both capital appreciation and income.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


21     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     22



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 26.14% 13.36% 10.91% 11.10%
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 26.29 15.69 12.03 11.50

* Lifetime returns are from February 8, 1984, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Charles E. Ellwein 9 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
J. Blair Frank 18 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Keiko McKibben Senior Vice President 10 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Donald D. O’Neal Co-President and Trustee 19 years Partner – Capital International Investors
William L. Robbins 12 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Carlos A. Schonfeld Senior Vice President 10 years Partner – Capital International Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


23     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



International Growth and Income Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide you with long-term growth of capital while providing current income.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.48%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.08
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.81

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $83 $259 $450 $1,002

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 38% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in stocks of larger, well-established companies domiciled outside the United States, including in emerging markets and developing countries, that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth and/or to pay dividends. The fund currently intends to invest at least 90% of its assets in issuers whose securities are listed primarily on exchanges outside the United States, cash, cash equivalents (including shares of money market or similar funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates) and securities held as collateral issued by U.S. issuers. The fund therefore expects to be invested in numerous countries outside the United States.

The fund is designed for investors seeking both capital appreciation and income. In pursuing its objective, the fund focuses on stocks of companies with strong earnings that pay dividends. The investment adviser believes that these stocks may be more resistant to market declines than stocks of companies that do not pay dividends.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     24



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

25     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 11/18/08) 15.76% 6.11% 3.31% 7.22%
MSCI All Country World ex USA Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 15.62 7.08 3.83 7.32


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Barbara Burtin 1 year Partner – Capital World Investors
Michael Cohen 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Patrice Collette Senior Vice President 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Leo Hee 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Andrew B. Suzman 2 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Lisa Thompson 2 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Steven T. Watson 2 years Partner – Capital International Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     26



Washington Mutual Investors Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to produce income and to provide an opportunity for growth of principal consistent with sound common stock investing.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.37%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.66
Fee waiver* 0.14
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.52

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .14% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $53 $197 $354 $809

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 29% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in common stocks of established companies that are listed on, or meet the financial listing requirements of, the New York Stock Exchange and have a strong record of earnings and dividends. The fund strives to accomplish its objective through fundamental research, careful selection and broad diversification. In the selection of common stocks and other securities for investment, current and potential income as well as the potential for long-term capital appreciation are considered. The fund seeks to provide an above-average yield in its quarterly income distribution in relation to the S&P 500 Index (a broad, unmanaged index). The fund strives to maintain a fully invested, diversified portfolio, consisting primarily of high-quality common stocks.

The fund has an “Eligible List” of securities considered appropriate for a prudent investor seeking opportunities for income and growth of principal consistent with common stock investing. The investment adviser generates and maintains the Eligible List and selects the fund’s investments exclusively from the securities on the Eligible List.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


27     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     28



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. The results for all of the years shown reflect the operation of the fund as the Blue Chip Income and Growth Fund prior to May 1, 2021. Accordingly, results for such periods may not be representative of the fund’s results had the fund been operated under its current strategy during the entire period. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 7/5/01) 17.29% 12.6% 9.91% 7.15%
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 26.29 15.69 12.03 8.33


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Aline Avzaradel 3 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Alan N. Berro Co-President 7 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Mark L. Casey 3 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Irfan M. Furniturewala Senior Vice President 3 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Emme Kozloff 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Jin Lee 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Eric H. Stern 3 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Diana Wagner 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Alan J. Wilson Senior Vice President 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


29     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Capital Income Builder

Investment objectives The fund has two primary investment objectives. It seeks (1) to provide a level of current income that exceeds the average yield on U.S. stocks generally and (2) to provide a growing stream of income over the years. The fund’s secondary objective is to provide growth of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.36%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.05
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.66
Fee waiver* 0.13
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.53

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .13% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $54 $198 $355 $810

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 149% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund normally invests at least 90% of its assets in income-producing securities (with at least 50% of its assets in common stocks and other equity securities). The fund invests primarily in a broad range of income-producing securities, including common stocks and bonds. In seeking to provide a level of current income that exceeds the average yield on U.S. stocks, the fund generally looks to the average yield on stocks of companies listed on the S&P 500 Index. The fund may also invest significantly in common stocks, bonds and other securities outside the United States.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     30



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations. These risks may be heightened in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


31     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The MSCI All Country World Index reflects the equity market sectors in which the fund invests. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 5/1/14) 9.01% 7.47% 4.63%
70%/30% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 17.06 8.71 6.22
MSCI All Country World Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 22.20 11.72 7.96
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.53 1.10 1.57


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Aline Avzaradel 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Alfonso Barroso 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Grant L. Cambridge 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Charles E. Ellwein 3 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
David A. Hoag 4 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Winnie Kwan 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
James B. Lovelace 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Fergus N. MacDonald 4 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Caroline Randall 4 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
William L. Robbins 4 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Steven T. Watson 6 years Partner – Capital International Investors
Philip Winston 10 years Partner – Capital International Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     32



Asset Allocation Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide high total return (including income and capital gains) consistent with preservation of capital over the long term.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.27%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.03
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.55

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $56 $176 $307 $689

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 159% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies In seeking to pursue its investment objective, the fund varies its mix of equity securities, debt securities and money market instruments. Under normal market conditions, the fund’s investment adviser expects (but is not required) to maintain an investment mix falling within the following ranges: 40%-80% in equity securities, 20%-50% in debt securities and 0%-40% in money market instruments and cash. As of December 31, 2023, the fund was approximately 64% invested in equity securities, 32% invested in debt securities and 4% invested in money market instruments and cash. The proportion of equities, debt and money market securities held by the fund varies with market conditions and the investment adviser’s assessment of their relative attractiveness as investment opportunities.

The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of common stocks and other equity securities, bonds and other intermediate and long-term debt securities including U.S. government securities, and money market instruments (debt securities maturing in one year or less). The fund may invest up to 15% of its assets in common stocks and other equity securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States and up to 5% of its assets in debt securities tied economically to countries outside the United States. In addition, the fund may invest up to 25% of its debt assets in lower quality debt securities (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


33     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     34



Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Asset allocation — The fund’s percentage allocation to equity securities, debt securities and money market instruments could cause the fund to underperform relative to relevant benchmarks and other funds with similar investment objectives.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


35     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The S&P 500 Index reflects the equity market sectors in which the fund invests. The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 14.27% 9.20% 7.25% 8.13%
60%/40% S&P 500 Index/Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index (reflects no deductions for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 17.67 9.98 8.09 8.43
S&P 500 Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 26.29 15.69 12.03 10.21
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.53 1.10 1.81 5.12

* Lifetime returns are from August 1, 1989, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Alan N. Berro Co-President 24 years Partner – Capital World Investors
David A. Daigle 15 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Emme Kozloff 3 years Partner – Capital World Investors
Jin Lee 6 years Partner – Capital World Investors
John R. Queen 8 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Justin Toner 8 years Partner – Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     36



American Funds Global Balanced Fund

Investment objectives This fund seeks the balanced accomplishment of three objectives: long-term growth of capital, conservation of principal and current income.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.45%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.08
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.78
Fee waiver* 0.01
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.77

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .01% of the fund’s net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $79 $248 $432 $965

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 103% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies As a balanced fund with global scope, the fund seeks to invest in equity and debt securities around the world that offer the opportunity for growth and/or provide dividend income, while also constructing the portfolio to protect principal and limit volatility.

Normally the fund will maintain at least 45% of the value of its assets in common stocks and other equity investments. Although the fund’s equity investments focus on medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size.

Normally the fund will invest at least 25% of the value of its assets in bonds and other debt securities (including money market instruments). These will consist of investment-grade securities (rated Baa3 or better or BBB– or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser).

The fund will allocate its assets among various countries, including the United States (but in no fewer than three countries). Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least 40% of its net assets outside the United States, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets outside the United States.

The fund’s ability to invest outside the United States includes investing in emerging markets.

The fund may invest in bonds and other debt securities, including securities issued and guaranteed by the U.S. government, securities issued by federal agencies and instrumentalities and securities backed by mortgages or other assets. The fund may also invest in securities of governments, agencies, corporations and other entities outside the United States. These investments will typically be denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

37     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     38



Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


39     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results, such as the 60%/40% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg Aggregate Index. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The 60%/40% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index blends the MSCI All Country World Index, which measures global equity markets, with the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index, which measures investment-grade bonds (rated BBB-/Baa3 and above), by weighting their total returns at 60% and 40% respectively. This assumes the blend is rebalanced monthly. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 5/2/11) 13.83% 7.44% 5.40% 5.64%
60%/40% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 15.43 7.01 5.05 5.05
MSCI All Country World Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 22.20 11.72 7.93 7.84
Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.72 0.32 0.38 0.51


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Alfonso Barroso 2 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Philip Chitty 1 year Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Andrew A. Cormack 3 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Bradford F. Freer 2 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors
Winnie Kwan 2 years Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     40



American Funds Mortgage Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide current income and preservation of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.30%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.10
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.65
Fee waiver* 0.08
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.57

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .08% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $58 $200 $354 $803

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 1,053% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies Normally at least 80% of the fund’s assets are invested in mortgage-related securities, including securities collateralized by mortgage loans and contracts for future delivery of such securities (such as to be announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls). The fund invests primarily in mortgage-related securities that are sponsored or guaranteed by the U.S. government, such as securities issued by government-sponsored entities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, and nongovernment mortgage-related securities that are rated in the Aaa or AAA rating category (by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser) or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser. The fund may also invest in debt issued by federal agencies. In the case of to be announced contracts, each contract for future delivery is normally of short duration.

The fund may also invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


41     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as consumer loans or receivables. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     42



Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

It is important to note that neither your investment in the fund nor the fund’s yield is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


43     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average includes mutual funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. The Lipper GNMA Funds Average includes funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime
Fund (inception date — 5/2/11) 3.68% 0.80% 1.48% 1.58%
Bloomberg U.S. Mortgage Backed Securities Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.05 0.25 1.38 1.54
Lipper Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 3.90 0.35 0.94 1.14
Lipper GNMA Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 4.68 0.07 0.84 1.03


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
David J. Betanzos 10 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Oliver V. Edmonds 4 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Fergus N. MacDonald 13 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     44



American High-Income Trust

Investment objectives The fund’s primary investment objective is to provide you with a high level of current income. Its secondary investment objective is capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.40%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.69
Fee waiver* 0.12
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.57

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .12% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $58 $209 $372 $847

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 40% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund invests primarily in higher yielding and generally lower quality debt securities (rated Ba1 / BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations or unrated but determined by the fund’s investment adviser to be of equivalent quality), including corporate loan obligations. Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.” The fund may also invest a portion of its assets in securities tied economically to countries outside the United States.

The fund may also invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund is designed for investors seeking a high level of current income and who are able to tolerate greater credit risk and price fluctuations than those that exist in funds investing in higher quality debt securities.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


45     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

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Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper High Yield Funds Average includes mutual funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 12.45% 6.09% 4.41% 8.00%
Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 13.44 5.35 4.59
Lipper High Yield Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 12.03 4.76 3.70 7.32

* Lifetime returns are from February 8, 1984, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


47     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus




Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Tom Chow 9 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
David A. Daigle 15 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Tara L. Torrens 6 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Shannon Ward 7 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     48



Capital World Bond Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide you, over the long term, with a high level of total return consistent with prudent investment management. Total return comprises the income generated by the fund and the changes in the market value of the fund’s investments.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.43%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.05
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.73

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $75 $233 $406 $906

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 286% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies Under normal market circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities, which may be represented by derivatives. The fund invests primarily in debt securities, including asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities and securities of governmental, supranational and corporate issuers denominated in various currencies, including U.S. dollars. The fund will invest substantially in securities tied economically to a number of countries outside the United States, and such investments may include securities tied economically to developing countries. Normally, the fund invests substantially in investment-grade bonds (rated Baa3 or better or BBB– or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). The fund may also invest up to 25% of its assets in lower quality, higher yielding debt securities (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.” The total return of the fund will be the result of interest income, changes in the market value of the fund’s investments and changes in the values of other currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

The fund may invest in forward currency contracts, futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


49     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Currency — The prices of, and the income generated by, many debt securities held by the fund may also be affected by changes in relative currency values. If the U.S. dollar appreciates against foreign currencies, the value in U.S. dollars of the fund’s securities denominated in such currencies would generally fall and vice versa.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     50



Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as consumer loans or receivables. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.


51     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     52



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper Global Income Funds Average includes funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. The Consumer Price Index provides a comparison of the fund's results to inflation. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 6.14% 0.33% 0.36% 2.37%
Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 3.38 0.24 0.29 1.79
Lipper Global Income Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 6.60 0.64 1.06 2.72
Consumer Price Index 3.35 4.07 2.79 2.43

* Lifetime returns are from October 4, 2006, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Philip Chitty 3 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Andrew A. Cormack 5 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Thomas Reithinger 1 year Vice President – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


53     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



The Bond Fund of America

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide as high a level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.35%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.03
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.63
Fee waiver* 0.15
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.48

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .15% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $49 $187 $336 $772

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 545% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies The fund seeks to maximize your level of current income and preserve your capital by investing primarily in bonds. Normally the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities, which may be represented by derivatives. The fund invests at least 60% of its assets in debt securities (excluding derivatives) rated A3 or better or A- or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser, or in debt securities that are unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser, and in U.S. government securities, money market instruments, cash or cash equivalents.

The fund may invest in debt securities and mortgage-backed securities issued by government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

The fund may invest in inflation-linked bonds issued by U.S. and non-U.S. governments, their agencies or instrumentalities, and corporations. Inflation-linked bonds are structured to protect against inflation by linking the bond’s principal and interest payments to an inflation index, such as the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers, so that principal and interest adjust to reflect changes in the index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in debt securities rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser, or in debt securities that are unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser. Securities rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


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Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as consumer loans or receivables. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.


55     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     56



Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper Core Bond Funds Average includes mutual funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 5.02% 1.89% 2.08% 3.83%
Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.53 1.10 1.81 4.21
Lipper Core Bond Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.84 1.24 1.73 4.01

* Lifetime returns are from January 2, 1996, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Pramod Atluri 8 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
David J. Betanzos 3 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
David A. Hoag 17 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Fergus N. MacDonald 3 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Chitrang Purani 1 year Vice President – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


57     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



U.S. Government Securities Fund

Investment objective The fund’s investment objective is to provide a high level of current income consistent with prudent investment risk and preservation of capital.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.29%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.04
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.58
Fee waiver* 0.07
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.51

* The investment adviser is currently waiving a portion of its management fee equal to .07% of the fund's net assets. This waiver will be in effect through at least May 1, 2025. The waiver may only be modified or terminated with the approval of the fund’s board.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the fee waiver described above through the expiration date of such waiver and total annual operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $52 $179 $317 $719

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 744% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal investment strategies Normally at least 80% of the fund’s assets will be invested in securities that are guaranteed or sponsored by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities, including bonds and other debt securities denominated in U.S. dollars, which may be represented by derivatives. The fund may also invest in mortgage-backed securities issued by federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

The fund may invest in inflation-linked bonds issued by U.S. and non-U.S. governments, their agencies or instrumentalities, and corporations. Inflation-linked bonds are structured to protect against inflation by linking the bond’s principal and interest payments to an inflation index, such as the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers, so that principal and interest adjust to reflect changes in the index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund’s assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of the fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.


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Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as consumer loans or receivables. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks.


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Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

It is important to note that neither your investment in the fund nor the fund’s yield is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.


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Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper General U.S. Government Funds Average includes mutual funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. The Consumer Price Index provides a comparison of the fund’s results to inflation. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 2.89% 1.04% 1.52% 4.86%
Bloomberg U.S. Government/Mortgage Backed Securities Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 4.45 0.45 1.33 5.42
Lipper General U.S. Government Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 3.37 0.03 0.90 4.77
Consumer Price Index 3.35 4.07 2.79 2.75

* Lifetime returns are from December 2, 1985, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managers The individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
David J. Betanzos 9 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Fergus N. MacDonald 14 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors
Ritchie Tuazon 9 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


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Ultra-Short Bond Fund

Investment objective The investment objective of the fund is to provide current income, consistent with the maturity and quality standards applicable to the fund, and preservation of capital and liquidity.

Fees and expenses of the fund This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.26%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses 0.05
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.56

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

  1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Class 2 $57 $179 $313 $701

Portfolio turnover The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s investment results. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was either less than 1% of the average value of its portfolio or there was no turnover. However, calculation of the fund's portfolio turnover rate excludes securities whose maturities or expiration dates at the time of acquisition were one year or less.

Principal investment strategies Normally, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities. The fund invests substantially in short-term government securities and high-quality money market instruments, such as commercial paper, commercial bank obligations and ultra-short-term debt securities. The fund maintains a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of 60 days or less.

The fund may enter into repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by cash or government securities. When it enters into a repurchase agreement, the fund purchases a security from a bank or broker-dealer and obtains a simultaneous commitment from the seller to repurchase the security at a specified time and price. Because the security purchased by the fund constitutes collateral for the seller’s repurchase obligation, a repurchase agreement is effectively a loan by the fund that is collateralized by the security purchased. The fund will only enter into repurchase agreements involving securities of the type (excluding any maturity limitations) in which it could otherwise invest.

The fund may invest in securities issued by entities domiciled outside the United States and securities with credit and liquidity support features provided by entities domiciled outside the United States. The fund may also invest in securities of U.S. issuers with substantial operations outside the United States.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to provide current income while preserving capital and maintaining liquidity.


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Principal risks This section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in repurchase agreements — Upon entering into a repurchase agreement, the fund purchases a security from a bank or broker-dealer, which simultaneously commits to repurchase the security within a specified time at the fund’s cost with interest. The security purchased by the fund constitutes collateral for the seller’s repurchase obligation. If the party agreeing to repurchase should default, the fund may seek to sell the security it holds as collateral. The fund may incur a loss if the value of the collateral securing the repurchase obligation falls below the repurchase price. The fund may also incur disposition costs and encounter procedural delays in connection with liquidating the collateral.

Credit and liquidity support — Changes in the credit quality of banks and financial institutions providing credit and liquidity support features with respect to securities held by the fund could cause the values of these securities to decline.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

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Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

Investment results The following bar chart shows how the investment results of the Class 2 shares of the fund have varied from year to year, and the following table shows how the fund’s average annual total returns for various periods compare with a broad measure of securities market results and other applicable measures of market results. This information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund. The Lipper Ultra Short Obligation Funds Average and the Lipper Money Market Funds Average include mutual funds that disclose investment objectives and/or strategies reasonably comparable to those of the fund. Past investment results (before and after taxes) are not predictive of future investment results. Figures shown reflect fees and expenses associated with an investment in the fund, but do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were included, results would have been lower. The results for certain of the years shown reflect the operation of the fund as a cash management fund prior to its conversion to an ultra-short-term bond fund on May 1, 2016. Accordingly, results for such periods may not be representative of the fund's results had the fund been operated as an ultra-short-term bond fund during the entire period. Updated information on the fund’s investment results can be obtained by visiting


Average annual total returns For the periods ended December 31, 2023: 1 year 5 years 10 years Lifetime*
Fund 4.64% 1.37% 0.74% 2.95%
Bloomberg Short-Term Government/Corporate Index (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.19 1.98 1.41
Lipper Ultra-Short Obligation Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 5.83 2.08 1.54 4.04
Lipper Money Market Funds Average (reflects no deduction for sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes) 4.80 1.67 1.07 3.35

* Lifetime returns are from February 8, 1984, the date the fund began investment operations. Class 2 shares began investment operations on April 30, 1997; therefore, returns for the fund prior to that date assume a hypothetical investment in Class 1 shares, but reflect the .25% annual expense that applies to Class 2 shares and is described in the “Plan of distribution” section of this prospectus. Returns for Class 1 shares are comparable to those of Class 2 shares because both classes invest in the same portfolio of securities.


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Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company
Portfolio manager The individual primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund is:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
Portfolio manager
experience in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Steven D. Lotwin 6 years Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds — and not the holders of variable insurance contracts — are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries The fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.


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Investment objectives, strategies and risks

Global Growth Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies around the world that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth. The fund may also invest in securities of foreign issuers in the form of depositary receipts or other instruments by which the fund may obtain exposure to equity investments in local markets. As a fund that seeks to invest globally, the fund will allocate its assets among securities of companies in various countries, including the United States and countries with emerging markets (but in no fewer than three countries). Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest significantly outside the United States (i.e., at least 40% of its net assets, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets outside the United States). Although the fund focuses on investments in medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size.

The fund is designed for investors seeking capital appreciation through investments in stocks. Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating

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to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized

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release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Global Small Capitalization Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

Normally, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) of companies with small market capitalizations, measured at the time of purchase. However, the fund’s holdings of small capitalization stocks may fall below the 80% threshold due to subsequent market action. This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The investment adviser currently defines “small market capitalization” companies as companies with market capitalizations of $6.0 billion or less. The investment adviser has periodically re-evaluated and adjusted this definition and may continue to do so in the future. As a fund that seeks to invest globally, the fund will allocate its assets among securities of companies in various countries, including the United States and countries with emerging markets (but in no fewer than three countries). Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest significantly in issuers domiciled outside the United States (i.e., at least 40% of its net assets, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets in issuers outside the United States).

The fund is designed for investors seeking capital appreciation through investments in stocks. Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

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The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns

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in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World Small Cap Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results of smaller capitalization companies in both developed and emerging markets. Results reflect dividends net of withholding taxes. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Growth Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide growth of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

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The fund invests primarily in common stocks and seeks to invest in companies that appear to offer superior opportunities for growth of capital. The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in common stocks and other securities outside the United States, including, to a more limited extent, in emerging markets. Although the fund focuses on investments in medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size. The fund may also invest in other equity type securities, such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds.

The fund is designed for investors seeking capital appreciation through investments in stocks. Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or

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regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

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Fund comparative indexes — The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of approximately 500 widely held common stocks. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

International Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term growth of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies outside the United States, including in emerging markets, that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth. The fund may also invest in securities of foreign issuers in the form of depositary receipts or other instruments by which the fund may obtain exposure to equity investments in local markets. Although the fund focuses on investments in medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size.

The fund is designed for investors seeking capital appreciation through investments in stocks. Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating

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to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Investing in depositary receipts — Depositary receipts are securities that evidence ownership interests in, and represent the right to receive, a security or a pool of securities that have been deposited with a bank or trust depository. Such securities may be less liquid or may trade at a lower price than the underlying securities of the issuer. Additionally, receipt of corporate information about the underlying issuer and proxy disclosure may not be timely and there may not be a correlation between such information and the market value of the depositary receipts.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less

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liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World ex USA Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States. The index consists of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

New World Fund The fund’s investment objective is long-term capital appreciation. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies with significant exposure to countries with developing economies and/or markets. The securities markets of these countries may be referred to as emerging markets. The fund may invest in equity securities of any company, regardless of where it is based (including developed countries), if the fund’s investment adviser determines that a significant portion of the company’s assets or revenues (generally 20% or more) is attributable to developing countries.

Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 35% of its assets in equity and debt securities of issuers primarily based in qualified countries that have developing economies and/or markets. The fund may also, to a limited extent, invest in securities of issuers based in nonqualified developing countries.

In determining whether a country is qualified, the fund’s investment adviser considers such factors as the country’s per capita gross domestic product, the percentage of the country’s economy that is industrialized, market capital as a percentage of gross domestic product, the overall regulatory environment, the presence of government regulation limiting or banning foreign ownership, and restrictions on repatriation of initial capital, dividends, interest and/or capital gains. The fund’s investment adviser maintains a list of qualified countries and securities in which the fund may invest. Qualified developing countries in which the fund may invest currently include, but are not limited to, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia.

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The fund may also invest in debt securities of issuers, including issuers of lower rated bonds (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser), with exposure to these countries. Bonds rated Ba1 or BB+ or below are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

In addition, the fund may invest in nonconvertible debt securities of issuers, including issuers of lower rated bonds and government bonds, that are primarily based in qualified countries or that have a significant portion of their assets or revenues attributable to developing countries.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

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Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries.

Investing in developing countries — Investing in countries with developing economies and/or markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in developed countries. For instance, developing countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in developing countries may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in developed countries are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in developing countries, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, developing countries are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

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Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Investing in depositary receipts — Depositary receipts are securities that evidence ownership interests in, and represent the right to receive, a security or a pool of securities that have been deposited with a bank or trust depository. Such securities may be less liquid or may trade at a lower price than the underlying securities of the issuer. Additionally, receipt of corporate information about the underlying issuer and proxy disclosure may not be timely and there may not be a correlation between such information and the market value of the depositary receipts.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Capital World Growth and Income Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide you with long-term growth of capital while providing current income. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objectives without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in common stocks of well-established companies located around the world, many of which have the potential to pay dividends. The fund invests, on a global basis, in common stocks that are denominated in U.S. dollars or other currencies. Under

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normal market circumstances the fund will invest a significant portion of its assets in a number of countries outside the United States, including in developing countries.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities

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markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

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Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Growth-Income Fund The fund’s investment objectives are to achieve long-term growth of capital and income. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objectives without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in common stocks or other equity type securities, such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds, that the investment adviser believes demonstrate the potential for appreciation and/or dividends. Although the fund focuses on investments in medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size. The fund may invest up to 15% of its assets outside the United States, including, to a more limited extent, in emerging markets. The fund is designed for investors seeking both capital appreciation and income.

Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental,

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governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such

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levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of approximately 500 widely held common stocks. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

International Growth and Income Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide you with long-term growth of capital while providing current income. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund pursues this objective by investing primarily in stocks of larger, well-established companies domiciled outside the United States, including in developing countries, that the investment adviser believes have the potential for growth and/or to pay dividends.

The following describes certain strategies that the investment adviser uses in pursuit of the fund’s objective and the corresponding risks:

The fund is designed for investors seeking both capital appreciation and income. In pursuing its objective, the fund focuses on stocks of companies with strong earnings that pay dividends. The investment adviser believes that these stocks may be more resistant to market declines than stocks of companies that do not pay dividends.

The fund currently intends to invest at least 90% of its assets in issuers whose securities are listed primarily on exchanges outside the United States, cash, cash equivalents (including shares of money market or similar funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates) and securities held as collateral issued by U.S. issuers. The fund may also invest in securities outside the United States in the form of depositary receipts or other instruments by which the fund may obtain exposure to equity investments in local markets. The fund therefore expects to be invested in numerous countries outside the United States.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a

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substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of

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securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments. These risks may be even greater in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in small companies — Investing in smaller companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of small company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial

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intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The MSCI All Country World ex USA Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States. The index consists of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends net of withholding taxes. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Washington Mutual Investors Fund The fund’s investment objective is to produce income and to provide an opportunity for growth of principal consistent with sound common stock investing. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund strives to accomplish its objective through fundamental research, careful selection and broad diversification. In the selection of common stocks and other securities for investment, current and potential income as well as the potential for long-term capital appreciation are considered. The fund seeks to provide an above-average yield in its quarterly income distribution in relation to the S&P 500 Index (a broad, unmanaged index). The fund strives to maintain a fully invested, diversified portfolio, consisting primarily of high-quality common stocks.

The fund has an "Eligible List" of securities considered appropriate for a prudent investor seeking opportunities for income and growth of principal consistent with common stock investing. The investment adviser generates and maintains the Eligible List and selects the fund’s investments exclusively from the securities on the Eligible List.

The fund is designed to provide fiduciaries, organizations, institutions and individuals with a convenient and prudent medium of investment in common stocks and securities convertible into common stocks, such as convertible bonds and debentures and convertible preferred stocks, that meet the fund’s criteria for investing. It is especially designed to serve those individuals who are charged with the responsibility of investing retirement plan trusts, other fiduciary-type reserves or family funds but who are reluctant to undertake the selection and supervision of individual stocks.

Although the fund’s policy is to maintain at all times a fully invested and widely diversified portfolio of securities, the fund may hold, to a limited extent, short-term U.S. government securities, cash and cash equivalents.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

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The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

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Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of approximately 500 widely held common stocks. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Capital Income Builder The fund has two primary investment objectives. It seeks (1) to provide a level of current income that exceeds the average yield on U.S. stocks generally and (2) to provide a growing stream of income over the years. The fund’s secondary objective is to provide growth of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objectives without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund invests primarily in a broad range of income-producing securities, including common stocks and bonds. In seeking to provide a level of current income that exceeds the average yield on U.S. stocks, the fund generally looks to the average yield on stocks of companies listed on the S&P 500 Index. The fund may also invest significantly in common stocks, bonds and other securities outside the United States, including developing countries.

The fund normally invests at least 90% of its assets in income-producing securities (with at least 50% of its assets in common stocks and other equity securities, including preferred stocks and convertible preferred stocks). Generally, the fund may invest in common stocks of companies with a broad range of capitalizations. In addition, the fund may invest in bonds and other debt securities of any maturity or duration, including securities issued and guaranteed by the U.S. government, securities issued by federal agencies and instrumentalities and securities backed by mortgages or other assets. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates. The fund’s debt obligations will consist primarily of investment-grade bonds (rated Baa3 or better or BBB- or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, or NRSROs, designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser), and cash or cash equivalents (including shares of money market or similar funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates). The fund may invest to a limited extent in lower quality, higher yielding debt securities (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by NRSROs or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

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The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations. These risks may be heightened in the case of smaller capitalization stocks.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit

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ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of debt securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, certain of the fund’s debt securities may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

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Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The 70%/30% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index blends the MSCI All Country World Index with the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index by weighting their cumulative total returns at 70% and 30%, respectively. This assumes the blend is rebalanced monthly. The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Asset Allocation Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide high total return (including income and capital gains) consistent with preservation of capital over the long term. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of common stocks and other equity securities, bonds and other intermediate and long-term debt securities including U.S. government securities, and money market instruments (debt securities maturing in one year or less). In seeking to pursue its investment objective, the fund varies its mix of equity securities, debt securities and money market instruments. Although the fund focuses on investments in medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size. Under normal market conditions, the fund’s investment adviser expects (but is not required) to maintain an investment mix falling within the following ranges: 40%-80% in equity securities, 20%-50% in debt securities and 0%-40% in money market instruments and cash. As of December 31, 2023, the fund was approximately 64% invested in equity securities, 32% invested in debt securities and 4% invested in money market instruments and cash. The proportion of equities, debt and money market securities held by the fund varies with market conditions and the investment adviser’s assessment of their relative attractiveness as investment opportunities.

The fund may invest up to 15% of its assets in common stocks and other equity securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States and up to 5% of its assets in debt securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States. In addition, the fund may invest up to 25% of its debt assets in lower quality debt securities (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

Investors in the fund should have a long-term perspective and be able to tolerate potentially sharp declines in value.

The fund may also invest in certain derivative instruments. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

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The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, a prime rate or other benchmark.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

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Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Asset allocation — The fund’s percentage allocation to equity securities, debt securities and money market instruments could cause the fund to underperform relative to relevant benchmarks and other funds with similar investment objectives.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating

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rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such

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levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The 60%/40% S&P 500 Index/Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index blends the S&P 500 Index with the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index by weighting their cumulative total returns at 60% and 40%, respectively. This assumes the blend is rebalanced monthly. The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of approximately 500 widely held common stocks. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

American Funds Global Balanced Fund This fund seeks the balanced accomplishment of three objectives: long-term growth of capital, conservation of principal and current income. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objectives without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

Normally, the fund will maintain at least 45% of the value of its assets in common stocks and other equity investments under normal market conditions. Although the fund’s equity investments focus on medium to larger capitalization companies, the fund’s investments are not limited to a particular capitalization size.

Normally the fund will invest at least 25% of the value of its assets in bonds and other debt securities (including money market instruments). These will consist of investment-grade securities (rated Baa3 or better or BBB– or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser).

Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least 40% of its net assets outside the United States, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the fund’s investment adviser, in which case the fund would invest at least 30% of its net assets outside the United States.

The fund’s ability to invest outside the United States includes investing in emerging markets.

The fund may also invest to a limited extent in lower quality, higher yielding debt securities including those convertible into common stocks (rated Ba1 or below or BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

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The fund may invest in bonds and other debt securities, including securities issued and guaranteed by the U.S. government, securities issued by federal agencies and instrumentalities and securities backed by mortgages or other assets. The fund may also invest in securities of governments, agencies, corporations and other entities outside the United States. These investments will typically be denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars.

There are no restrictions on the maturity or duration of the bonds and other debt securities in the fund’s portfolio.

The fund may enter into currency transactions to provide for the purchase or sale of a currency needed to purchase a security denominated in such currency. In addition, the fund may enter into agreements, known as forward currency contracts, to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date at a fixed price. The fund may enter into forward currency contracts to protect against changes in currency exchange rates, to increase exposure to a particular foreign currency, to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one currency to another or to seek to increase returns.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund may also lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other institutions that provide cash or U.S. Treasury securities as collateral in an amount at least equal to the value of the securities loaned.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks, bonds and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating

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to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.

Investing in income-oriented stocks — The value of the fund’s securities and income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund

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having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of debt securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, certain of the fund’s debt securities may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Currency transactions — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, the use of forward currency contracts involves the risk that currency movements will not be accurately predicted by the investment adviser, which could result in losses to the fund. While entering into forward currency contracts could minimize the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currency, it could also limit any potential gain that may result from an increase in the value of the currency. Additionally, the adviser may use forward currency contracts to increase exposure to a certain currency or to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one country to another. Forward currency contracts may expose the fund to potential gains and losses in excess of the initial amount invested.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

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Lending of portfolio securities — Securities lending involves risks, including the risk that the loaned securities may not be returned in a timely manner or at all, which would interfere with the fund’s ability to vote proxies or settle transactions, and/or the risk of a counterparty default. Additionally, the fund may lose money from the reinvestment of collateral received on loaned securities in investments that decline in value, default or do not perform as expected.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The 60%/40% MSCI All Country World Index/Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index blends the MSCI All Country World Index with the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index by weighting their cumulative total returns at 60% and 40%, respectively. This assumes the blend is rebalanced monthly. The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index represents the global investment-grade fixed income markets. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

American Funds Mortgage Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide current income and preservation of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

Normally at least 80% of the fund’s assets are invested in mortgage-related securities. These include, but are not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, other securities collateralized by mortgage loans, as well as contracts for future delivery of such securities (such as to be announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls). This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in mortgage-related securities that are sponsored or guaranteed by the U.S. government, such as securities issued by government-sponsored entities and nongovernment mortgage-related securities that are rated in the Aaa or AAA rating category (by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser) or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser. The fund may invest in securities rated in the Aa/AA and A rating categories (by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser) or securities that are unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser. The fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in securities tied economically to countries outside the United States; however, all such securities will be U.S. dollar denominated. The fund may also invest in debt issued by federal agencies. In the case of to be announced contracts, each contract for future delivery is normally of short duration.

The fund may also invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an

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agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, prime rate or other benchmark.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in cash, cash equivalents and/or U.S. Treasury securities. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is by analyzing various factors, which may include the credit strength of the issuer, prices of similar securities issued by comparable issuers, anticipated changes in interest rates, general market conditions and other factors pertinent to the particular security being evaluated. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

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Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling

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to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such

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levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg U.S. Mortgage Backed Securities Index is a market-value-weighted index that covers the mortgage-backed pass-through securities of Ginnie Mae (GNMA), Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC). This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average is composed of funds that invest primarily in securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies, or its instrumentalities, with dollar-weighted average maturities of five to ten years. The results of the underlying funds in the average include reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper GNMA Funds Average is composed of funds that invest primarily in Government National Mortgage Association securities. The results of the underlying funds in the averages include reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

American High-Income Trust The fund’s primary investment objective is to provide you with a high level of current income. Its secondary investment objective is capital appreciation. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objectives without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund invests primarily in higher yielding and generally lower quality debt securities (rated Ba1 / BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations or unrated but determined by the fund’s investment adviser to be of equivalent quality), including corporate loan obligations. Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.” The fund may also invest a portion of its assets in securities tied economically to countries outside the United States. The fund may invest in debt securities of any maturity or duration. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates. The fund may also invest in equity securities (including common stock, preferred stock, warrants, rights and equity linked notes) received out of a restructuring or corporate action, or in equity securities of issuers of high yield debt (debt rated Ba1 / BB+ or below) within the same or related corporate structure.

The fund may also invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates, and in credit default swap indices, or CDSI, in order to assume exposure to a diversified portfolio of credits or to hedge against existing credit risks. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, prime rate or other benchmark. A CDSI is based on a portfolio of credit default swaps with similar characteristics, such as credit default swaps on high-yield bonds. In a typical CDSI transaction, one party – the protection buyer – is obligated to pay the other party – the protection seller – a stream of periodic payments

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over the term of the contract, provided generally that no credit event on an underlying reference obligation has occurred. If such a credit event has occurred, the protection seller must pay the protection buyer the loss on those credits.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

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Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss

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on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index covers the universe of fixed-rate, non-investment-grade debt. The index limits the maximum exposure of any one issuer to 2%. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. This index was not in existence on the date the fund began investment operations; therefore, lifetime results are not shown. The Lipper High Yield Funds Average is composed of funds that aim at high (relative) current yield from fixed income securities, have no quality or maturity restrictions and tend to invest in lower grade debt issues. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

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Capital World Bond Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide you, over the long term, with a high level of total return consistent with prudent investment management. Total return comprises the income generated by the fund and the changes in the market value of the fund’s investments. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

Under normal market circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities, which may be represented by derivatives. This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund invests primarily in debt securities, including asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities and securities of governmental, supranational and corporate issuers denominated in various currencies, including U.S. dollars. The fund will invest substantially in securities tied economically to a number of countries outside the United States, and such investments may include securities tied economically to developing countries. Normally, the fund invests substantially in investment-grade bonds (rated Baa3 or better or BBB– or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). The fund may also invest up to 25% of its assets in lower quality, higher yielding debt securities (rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser or unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser). Such securities are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.” The total return of the fund will be the result of interest income, changes in the market value of the fund’s investments and changes in the values of other currencies relative to the U.S. dollar. The fund may invest in debt securities of any maturity or duration. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates.

The fund may invest in forward currency contracts, futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates, and in credit default swap indices, or CDSI, in order to assume exposure to a diversified portfolio of credits or to hedge against existing credit risks. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, prime rate or other benchmark. A CDSI is based on a portfolio of credit default swaps with similar characteristics, such as credit default swaps on high-yield bonds. In a typical CDSI transaction, one party – the protection buyer – is obligated to pay the other party – the protection seller – a stream of periodic payments over the term of the contract, provided generally that no credit event on an underlying reference obligation has occurred. If such a credit event has occurred, the protection seller must pay the protection buyer the loss on those credits.

The fund may also enter into currency transactions to provide for the purchase or sale of a currency needed to purchase a security denominated in such currency. In addition, the fund may enter into forward currency contracts to protect against changes in currency exchange rates, to increase exposure to a particular foreign currency, to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one currency to another or to seek to increase returns. A forward currency contract is an agreement to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date at a fixed price.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental analysis, which may include meeting with government officials, central banks and company executives. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable

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investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing in lower rated debt instruments — Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Currency — The prices of, and the income generated by, many debt securities held by the fund may also be affected by changes in relative currency values. If the U.S. dollar appreciates against foreign currencies, the value in U.S. dollars of the fund’s securities denominated in such currencies would generally fall and vice versa.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose

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significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in emerging markets — Investing in emerging markets may involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in the securities markets of developed countries. For instance, emerging market countries tend to have less developed political, economic and legal systems than those in developed countries. Accordingly, the governments of these countries may be less stable and more likely to intervene in the market economy, for example, by imposing capital controls, nationalizing a company or industry, placing restrictions on foreign ownership and on withdrawing sale proceeds of securities from the country, and/or imposing punitive taxes that could adversely affect the prices of securities. Information regarding issuers in emerging markets may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate, and such issuers may not be subject to regulatory, accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and recordkeeping standards comparable to those to which issuers in more developed markets are subject. The fund’s rights with respect to its investments in emerging markets, if any, will generally be governed by local law, which may make it difficult or impossible for the fund to pursue legal remedies or to obtain and enforce judgments in local courts. In addition, the economies of these countries may be dependent on relatively few industries, may have limited access to capital and may be more susceptible to changes in local and global trade conditions and downturns in the world economy. Securities markets in these countries can also be relatively small and have substantially lower trading volumes. As a result, securities issued in these countries may be more volatile and less liquid, more vulnerable to market manipulation, and more difficult to value, than securities issued in countries with more developed economies and/or markets. Less certainty with respect to security valuations may lead to additional challenges and risks in calculating the fund’s net asset value. Additionally, emerging markets are more likely to experience problems with the clearing and settling of trades and the holding of securities by banks, agents and depositories that are less established than those in developed countries.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

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Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Currency transactions — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, the use of forward currency contracts involves the risk that currency movements will not be accurately predicted by the investment adviser, which could result in losses to the fund. While entering into forward currency contracts could minimize the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currency, it could also limit any potential gain that may result from an increase in the value of the currency. Additionally, the adviser may use forward currency contracts to increase exposure to a certain currency or to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one country to another. Forward currency contracts may expose the fund to potential gains and losses in excess of the initial amount invested.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

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Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index represents the global investment-grade fixed income markets. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper Global Income Funds Average is comprised of funds that invest primarily in U.S. dollar and non-U.S. dollar debt securities of issuers located in at least three countries, one of which may be the United States. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Widely used as a measure of inflation, the CPI is computed by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

The Bond Fund of America The fund’s investment objective is to provide as high a level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

The fund seeks to maximize your level of current income and preserve your capital by investing primarily in bonds. Normally the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities, which may be represented by derivatives. The fund invests at least 60% of its assets in debt securities (excluding derivatives) rated A3 or better or A- or better by Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser, or in debt securities that are unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser, and in U.S. government securities, money market instruments, cash or cash equivalents.

The fund may invest in debt securities and mortgage-backed securities issued by government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The fund may invest in debt securities of any maturity or duration. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates.

The fund may invest in inflation-linked bonds issued by U.S. and non-U.S. governments, their agencies or instrumentalities, and corporations. Inflation-linked bonds are structured to protect against inflation by linking the bond’s principal and interest payments to an inflation index, such as the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers, so that principal and interest adjust to reflect changes in the index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates, and in credit default swap indices, or CDSI, in order to assume exposure to a diversified portfolio of credits or to hedge against existing credit

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risks. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, prime rate or other benchmark. A CDSI is based on a portfolio of credit default swaps with similar characteristics, such as credit default swaps on high-yield bonds. In a typical CDSI transaction, one party – the protection buyer – is obligated to pay the other party – the protection seller – a stream of periodic payments over the term of the contract, provided generally that no credit event on an underlying reference obligation has occurred. If such a credit event has occurred, the protection seller must pay the protection buyer the loss on those credits.

The fund may also enter into currency transactions to provide for the purchase or sale of a currency needed to purchase a security denominated in such currency. In addition, the fund may enter into forward currency contracts to protect against changes in currency exchange rates, to increase exposure to a particular foreign currency, to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one currency to another or to seek to increase returns. A forward currency contract is an agreement to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date at a fixed price.

The fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in debt securities rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below by Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations designated by the fund’s investment adviser, or in debt securities that are unrated but determined to be of equivalent quality by the fund’s investment adviser. Securities rated Ba1 or below and BB+ or below are sometimes referred to as “junk bonds.”

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate the fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of the fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is through fundamental research, which may include analysis of credit quality, general economic conditions and various quantitative measures and, in the case of corporate obligations, meeting with company executives and employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

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Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by

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foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or

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other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Currency transactions — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, the use of forward currency contracts involves the risk that currency movements will not be accurately predicted by the investment adviser, which could result in losses to the fund. While entering into forward currency contracts could minimize the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currency, it could also limit any potential gain that may result from an increase in the value of the currency. Additionally, the adviser may use forward currency contracts to increase exposure to a certain currency or to shift exposure to currency fluctuations from one country to another. Forward currency contracts may expose the fund to potential gains and losses in excess of the initial amount invested.

Portfolio turnover — The fund may engage in frequent and active trading of its portfolio securities. Higher portfolio turnover may involve correspondingly greater transaction costs in the form of dealer spreads, brokerage commissions and other transaction costs on the sale of securities and on reinvestment in other securities. The sale of portfolio securities may also result in the realization of net capital gains, which are taxable when distributed to shareholders, unless the shareholder is exempt from taxation or his or her account is tax-favored. These costs and tax effects may adversely affect the fund’s returns to shareholders. The fund’s portfolio turnover rate may vary from year to year, as well as within a year.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper Core Bond Funds Average is composed of funds that invest at least 85% of their net assets in domestic investment-grade debt issues (rated in the top four grades) with any remaining investment in non-benchmark sectors such as high-yield, global and emerging market debt. These funds maintain dollar-weighted average maturities of five to ten years. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

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U.S. Government Securities Fund The fund’s investment objective is to provide a high level of current income consistent with prudent investment risk and preservation of capital. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund's board may change the fund's investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days' prior written notice to shareholders.

Normally at least 80% of the fund’s assets will be invested in securities that are guaranteed or sponsored by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities, including bonds and other debt securities denominated in U.S. dollars, which may be represented by derivatives. The fund may also invest in mortgage-backed securities issued by federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. Though investment decisions regarding the fund’s portfolio may be informed by investment themes on a range of macroeconomic factors, the fund may invest in debt securities of any maturity or duration. Duration is a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security's price to changes in interest rates. The longer a security's duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates.

The fund may invest in inflation-linked bonds issued by U.S. and non-U.S. governments, their agencies or instrumentalities, and corporations. Inflation-linked bonds are structured to protect against inflation by linking the bond’s principal and interest payments to an inflation index, such as the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers, so that principal and interest adjust to reflect changes in the index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and swaps, which are types of derivatives. A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is based on the value of an underlying financial asset (such as a stock, bond or currency), a reference rate or a market index.

The fund may invest in futures contracts and interest rate swaps in order to seek to manage the fund’s sensitivity to interest rates. A futures contract is a standardized exchange-traded agreement to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset, rate or index at an agreed-upon price at a stipulated future date. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange or swap payments based on changes in one or more interest rates, one of which is typically fixed and the other of which is typically a floating rate based on a designated short-term interest rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, prime rate or other benchmark.

The fund may also hold cash or cash equivalents, including commercial paper and short-term securities issued by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities. The percentage of the fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to invest a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in such instruments in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may invest without limitation in such instruments. A larger percentage of such holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Consistent with the fund’s preservation of capital objective, a larger percentage of such holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund may invest in certain other funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates (“Central Funds”) to more effectively invest in a diversified set of securities in a specific asset class such as money market instruments, bonds and other securities. Shares of Central Funds are only offered for purchase to the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates and other funds, investment vehicles and accounts managed by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Central Funds do not charge management fees. As a result, the fund does not bear additional management fees when investing in Central Funds, but the fund does bear its proportionate share of Central Fund expenses. The investment results of the portions of the fund’s assets invested in the Central Funds will be based upon the investment results of the Central Funds.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively priced securities that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is by analyzing various factors, which may include the credit strength of the issuer, prices of similar securities issued by comparable issuers, anticipated changes in interest rates, general market conditions and other factors pertinent to the particular security being evaluated. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

The investment adviser may manage other funds and accounts with similar names, investment objectives and strategies (collectively, “portfolios”). The investment results of such portfolios may vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses, portfolio size, transaction costs, cash flows, currencies, securities pricing time, taxes, and portfolio holdings and any applicable investment limitations. Trading in the portfolios will be consistent with the investment adviser’s aggregation and allocation policy, which is designed to allocate trades of the same security to clients in a fair and equitable manner over time.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious

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disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Lower quality debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than higher quality debt securities. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities — Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as residential mortgage loans, home equity loans, mortgages on commercial buildings, consumer loans and equipment leases. While such securities are subject to the risks associated with investments in debt instruments generally (for example, credit, extension and interest rate risks), they are also subject to other and different risks. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt, potentially increasing the volatility of the securities and the fund’s net asset value. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities. Mortgage-backed securities are also subject to the risk that underlying borrowers will be unable to meet their obligations and the value of property that secures the mortgages may decline in value and be insufficient, upon foreclosure, to repay the associated loans. Investments in asset-backed securities are subject to similar risks, as well as additional risks associated with the assets underlying those securities.

Investing in future delivery contracts — The fund may enter into contracts, such as to-be-announced contracts and mortgage dollar rolls, that involve the fund selling mortgage-related securities and simultaneously contracting to repurchase similar securities for delivery at a future date at a predetermined price. This can increase the fund’s market exposure, and the market price of the securities that the fund contracts to repurchase could drop below their purchase price. While the fund can preserve and generate capital through the use of such contracts by, for example, realizing the difference between the sale price and the future purchase price, the income generated by the fund may be reduced by engaging in such transactions. In addition, these transactions increase the turnover rate of the fund.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds — The values of inflation-linked bonds generally fluctuate in response to changes in real interest rates — i.e., rates of interest after factoring in inflation. A rise in real interest rates may cause the prices of inflation-linked securities to fall, while a decline in real interest rates may cause the prices to increase. Inflation-linked bonds may experience greater losses than other debt securities with similar durations when real interest rates rise faster than nominal interest rates. There can be no assurance that the value of

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an inflation-linked security will be directly correlated to changes in interest rates; for example, if interest rates rise for reasons other than inflation, the increase may not be reflected in the security’s inflation measure.

Investing in inflation-linked bonds may also reduce the fund’s distributable income during periods of deflation. If prices for goods and services decline throughout the economy, the principal and income on inflation-linked securities may decline and result in losses to the fund.

Investing in derivatives — The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and a derivative instrument may cause the fund to lose significantly more than its initial investment. Derivatives may be difficult to value, difficult for the fund to buy or sell at an opportune time or price and difficult, or even impossible, to terminate or otherwise offset. The fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the fund, and investing in derivatives may reduce the fund’s returns and increase the fund’s price volatility. The fund’s counterparty to a derivative transaction (including, if applicable, the fund’s clearing broker, the derivatives exchange or the clearinghouse) may be unable or unwilling to honor its financial obligations in respect of the transaction. In certain cases, the fund may be hindered or delayed in exercising remedies against or closing out derivative instruments with a counterparty, which may result in additional losses. Derivatives are also subject to operational risk (such as documentation issues, settlement issues and systems failures) and legal risk (such as insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of a counterparty, and issues with the legality or enforceability of a contract).

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

It is important to note that neither your investment in the fund nor the fund’s yield is guaranteed by the U.S. government.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in futures contracts — In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments, futures contracts are subject to the creditworthiness of the clearing organizations, exchanges and futures commission merchants with which the fund transacts. Additionally, although futures require only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a futures contract could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. While futures contracts are generally liquid instruments, under certain market conditions futures may be deemed to be illiquid. For example, the fund may be temporarily prohibited from closing out its position in a futures contract if intraday price change limits or limits on trading volume imposed by the applicable futures exchange are triggered. If the fund is unable to close out a position on a futures contract, the fund would remain subject to the risk of adverse price movements until the fund is able to close out the futures position. The ability of the fund to successfully utilize futures contracts may depend in part upon the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to accurately forecast interest rates and other economic factors and to assess and predict the impact of such economic factors on the futures in which the fund invests. If the investment adviser incorrectly forecasts economic developments or incorrectly predicts the impact of such developments on the futures in which it invests, the fund could suffer losses.

Investing in swaps — Swaps, including interest rate swaps and credit default swap indices, or CDSI, are subject to many of the risks generally associated with investing in derivative instruments. Additionally, although swaps require no initial investment or only a small initial investment in the form of a deposit of initial margin, the amount of a potential loss on a swap could greatly exceed the initial amount invested. The use of swaps involves the risk that the investment adviser will not accurately predict anticipated changes in interest rates or other economic factors, which may result in losses to the fund. If the fund enters into a bilaterally negotiated swap, the counterparty may fail to perform in accordance with the terms of the swap. If a counterparty defaults on its obligations under a swap, the fund may lose any amount it expected to receive from the counterparty, potentially including amounts in excess of the fund’s initial investment. Certain swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing or may be eligible for voluntary central clearing. Although clearing interposes a central clearinghouse as the ultimate counterparty to each participant’s swap, central clearing will not eliminate (but may decrease) counterparty risk relative to uncleared bilateral swaps. Some swaps, such as CDSI, may be dependent on both the individual credit of the fund’s counterparty and on the credit of one or more issuers of any underlying assets. If the fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of its counterparty and, where applicable, of issuers of any underlying reference assets, the fund’s investment in a swap may result in losses to the fund.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such

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levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Liquidity risk — Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Portfolio turnover — The fund may engage in frequent and active trading of its portfolio securities. Higher portfolio turnover may involve correspondingly greater transaction costs in the form of dealer spreads, brokerage commissions and other transaction costs on the sale of securities and on reinvestment in other securities. The sale of portfolio securities may also result in the realization of net capital gains, which are taxable when distributed to shareholders, unless the shareholder is exempt from taxation or his or her account is tax-favored. These costs and tax effects may adversely affect the fund’s returns to shareholders. The fund’s portfolio turnover rate may vary from year to year, as well as within a year.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg U.S. Government/Mortgage-Backed Securities Index is a market-value-weighted index that covers fixed-rate, publicly placed, dollar-denominated obligations issued by the U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. government, and the mortgage-backed pass-through securities of the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the Government National Mortgage Association. This index is unmanaged and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper General U.S. Government Funds Average is composed of funds that invest primarily in U.S. government and agency issues. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the fund for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Widely used as a measure of inflation, the CPI is computed by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.

Ultra-Short Bond Fund The investment objective of the fund is to provide current income, consistent with the maturity and quality standards applicable to the fund, and preservation of capital and liquidity. While it has no present intention to do so, the fund’s board may change the fund’s investment objective without shareholder approval upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders.

Normally, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities. This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior written notice to shareholders. The fund invests substantially in short-term government securities and high-quality money market instruments, such as commercial paper, commercial bank obligations and ultra-short-term debt securities. The money market instruments in which the fund invests will generally be rated A-2 or better or P-2 or better by at least one Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization designated by the fund’s investment adviser. Some of the securities held by the fund may have credit and liquidity support features, including guarantees and letters of credit.

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The fund maintains a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of 60 days or less. The average portfolio maturity of the fund is dollar-weighted based upon the market value of the fund’s securities at the time of calculation.

The fund may enter into repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by cash or government securities. When it enters into a repurchase agreement, the fund purchases a security from a bank or broker-dealer and obtains a simultaneous commitment from the seller to repurchase the security at a specified time and price. Because the security purchased by the fund constitutes collateral for the seller’s repurchase obligation, a repurchase agreement is effectively a loan by the fund that is collateralized by the security purchased. The fund will only enter into repurchase agreements involving securities of the type (excluding any maturity limitations) in which it could otherwise invest. In practice, the fund currently expects to enter only into repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by cash or U.S. government securities.

The fund may invest in securities issued by entities domiciled outside the United States and securities with credit and liquidity support features provided by entities domiciled outside the United States. The fund may also invest in securities of U.S. issuers with substantial operations outside the United States.

The fund may also hold cash. The percentage of the fund’s holdings in cash varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of fund shares. For temporary defensive purposes, the fund may hold cash without limitation. The investment adviser may determine that it is appropriate to hold a substantial portion of the fund’s assets in cash in response to certain circumstances, such as periods of market turmoil. A larger percentage of cash holdings could moderate a fund’s investment results in a period of rising market prices. Alternatively, a larger percentage of cash holdings could reduce the magnitude of a fund’s loss in a period of falling market prices and provide liquidity to make additional investments or to meet redemptions.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund’s portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to provide current income while preserving capital and maintaining liquidity. The investment adviser believes that an important way to accomplish this is by analyzing various factors, including the credit strength of the issuer, prices of similar securities issued by comparable issuers, current and anticipated changes in interest rates, general market conditions and other factors pertinent to the particular security being evaluated.

The investment adviser may consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors that, depending on the facts and circumstances, are material to the value of an issuer or instrument. ESG factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental issues (e.g., water use, emission levels, waste, environmental remediation), social issues (e.g., human capital, health and safety, changing customer behavior) or governance issues (e.g., board composition, executive compensation, shareholder dilution).

The following are principal risks associated with investing in the fund.

Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks — The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer’s financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Interest rate risk — The values and liquidity of the securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates. For example, the values of these securities may decline when interest rates rise and increase when interest rates fall. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. The fund may invest in variable and floating rate securities. When the fund holds variable or floating rate securities, a decrease in market interest rates will adversely affect the income received from such securities and the net asset value of the fund’s shares. Although the values of such securities are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than those of other debt securities, the value of variable and floating rate securities may decline if their interest rates do not rise as quickly, or as much, as market interest rates. Conversely, floating rate securities will not generally increase in value if interest rates decline. During periods of extremely low short-term interest rates, the fund may not be able to maintain a positive yield or total return and, in relatively low interest rate environments, there are heightened risks associated with rising interest rates.

Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government — Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates and the credit rating of the U.S. government. Notwithstanding that

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these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, circumstances could arise that would prevent or delay the payment of interest or principal on these securities, which could adversely affect their value and cause the fund to suffer losses. Such an event could lead to significant disruptions in U.S. and global markets. Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. U.S. government securities are subject to market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Investing in repurchase agreements — Upon entering into a repurchase agreement, the fund purchases a security from a bank or broker-dealer, which simultaneously commits to repurchase the security within a specified time at the fund’s cost with interest. The security purchased by the fund constitutes collateral for the seller’s repurchase obligation. If the party agreeing to repurchase should default, the fund may seek to sell the security it holds as collateral. The fund may incur a loss if the value of the collateral securing the repurchase obligation falls below the repurchase price. The fund may also incur disposition costs and encounter procedural delays in connection with liquidating the collateral.

Credit and liquidity support — Changes in the credit quality of banks and financial institutions providing credit and liquidity support features with respect to securities held by the fund could cause the values of these securities to decline.

Investing outside the United States — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, and securities tied economically to countries outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled, operate or generate revenue or to which the securities are tied economically. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as nationalization, currency blockage or the imposition of price controls, sanctions, or punitive taxes, each of which could adversely impact the value of these securities. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different regulatory, legal, accounting, auditing, financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund, which could impact the liquidity of the fund’s portfolio. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.

Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

The following are additional risks associated with investing in the fund.

Investing in debt instruments — The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by factors such as the interest rates, maturities and credit quality of these securities.

Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Also, when interest rates rise, issuers of debt securities that may be prepaid at any time, such as mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, are less likely to refinance existing debt securities, causing the average life of such securities to extend. A general change in interest rates may cause investors to sell debt securities on a large scale, which could also adversely affect the price and liquidity of debt securities and could also result in increased redemptions from the fund. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer or guarantor will weaken or be perceived to be weaker, and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Changes in actual or perceived creditworthiness may occur quickly. A downgrade or default affecting any of the fund’s securities could cause the value of the fund’s shares to decrease. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in assessing credit and default risks.

Exposure to country, region, industry or sector — Subject to the fund’s investment limitations, the fund may have significant exposure to a particular country, region, industry or sector. Such exposure may cause the fund to be more impacted by risks relating to and developments affecting the country, region, industry or sector, and thus its net asset value may be more volatile, than a fund without such levels of exposure. For example, if the fund has significant exposure in a particular country, then social, economic, regulatory or other issues that negatively affect that country may have a greater impact on the fund than on a fund that is more geographically diversified.

Cybersecurity breaches — The fund may be subject to operational and information security risks through breaches in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches can result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events, including “ransomware” attacks, the injection of computer viruses or malicious software code, the use of vulnerabilities in code to gain unauthorized access to digital information systems, networks or devices, or external attacks such as denial-of-service attacks on the investment adviser’s or an affiliate’s website that could render the fund’s network services unavailable to intended end-users. These breaches may, among other things, lead to the unauthorized release of confidential information, misuse of the fund’s assets or sensitive information, the disruption of the fund’s operational capacity, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, or the destruction of the fund’s physical infrastructure, equipment or operating

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systems. These events could cause the fund to violate applicable privacy and other laws and could subject the fund to reputational damage, additional costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. The fund may also be subject to additional risks if its third-party service providers, such as the fund’s investment adviser, transfer agent, custodian, administrators and other financial intermediaries, experience similar cybersecurity breaches and potential outcomes. Cybersecurity risks may also impact issuers of securities in which the fund invests, which may cause the fund’s investments in such issuers to lose value.

Large shareholder transactions risk — The fund may experience adverse effects when shareholders purchase or redeem, individually or in the aggregate, large amounts of shares of the fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact the fund’s net asset value and liquidity. Similarly, large fund share purchases may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in the fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the fund’s expense ratio. These risks are heightened when the fund is small.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described above, the fund has other investment practices that are described in the statement of additional information, which includes a description of other risks related to the fund’s principal investment strategies and other investment practices. The fund’s investment results will depend on the ability of the fund’s investment adviser to navigate the risks discussed above as well as those described in the statement of additional information.

Fund comparative indexes — The Bloomberg Short-Term Government/Corporate Index consists of investment-grade, fixed-rate, publicly placed, dollar-denominated and non-convertible securities with remaining maturities from one up to (but not including) 12 months within either the government or corporate sector. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper Ultra Short Obligation Funds Average is composed of funds that invest primarily in investment-grade debt issues or better and maintain a portfolio dollar-weighted average maturity between 91 days and 365 days. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes. The Lipper Money Market Funds Average is composed of funds that invest in high-quality financial instruments rated in the top two grades with dollar-weighted average maturities of less than 90 days. These funds intend to keep constant net asset value. The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the funds for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes.

Portfolio holdings A description of the fund’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of information about its portfolio holdings is available in the statement of additional information.


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Management and organization

Investment adviser Capital Research and Management Company, an experienced investment management organization founded in 1931, serves as the investment adviser to the Series and other funds, including the American Funds. Capital Research and Management Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Capital Group Companies, Inc. and is located at 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California 90071. Capital Research and Management Company manages the investment portfolios and business affairs of the Series. The total management fee paid by each fund to its investment adviser for the most recent fiscal year, including any amounts waived, in each case expressed as a percentage of average net assets of that fund, appears in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses table for each fund. Please see the statement of additional information for further details. A discussion regarding the basis for the approval of the Series’ Investment Advisory and Service Agreement by the Series’ board of trustees is contained in the Series’ semi-annual report to shareholders for the fiscal period ended June 30, 2023.

Capital Research and Management Company manages equity assets through three equity investment divisions and fixed income assets through its fixed income investment division, Capital Fixed Income Investors. The three equity investment divisions — Capital International Investors, Capital Research Global Investors and Capital World Investors — make investment decisions independently of one another.

The equity investment divisions may, in the future, be incorporated as wholly owned subsidiaries of Capital Research and Management Company. In that event, Capital Research and Management Company would continue to be the investment adviser, and day-to-day investment management of equity assets would continue to be carried out through one or more of these subsidiaries. Although not currently contemplated, Capital Research and Management Company could incorporate its fixed income investment division in the future and engage it to provide day-to-day investment management of fixed income assets. Capital Research and Management Company and each of the funds it advises have received an exemptive order from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that allows Capital Research and Management Company to use, upon approval of the funds’ boards, its management subsidiaries and affiliates to provide day-to-day investment management services to the funds, including making changes to the management subsidiaries and affiliates providing such services. The Series’ shareholders approved this arrangement; however, there is no assurance that Capital Research and Management Company will incorporate its investment divisions or exercise any authority granted to it under the exemptive order.

In addition, shareholders of the Series have approved a proposal to reorganize the Series into a Delaware statutory trust. However, the Series reserved the right to delay implementing the reorganization and has elected to do so.

The Capital SystemTM Capital Research and Management Company uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing fund assets. Under this approach, the portfolio of a fund is divided into segments managed by individual managers. In addition, Capital Research and Management Company’s investment analysts may make investment decisions with respect to a portion of each underlying fund’s portfolio. Investment decisions are subject to a fund’s objective(s), policies and restrictions and the oversight of the appropriate investment-related committees of Capital Research and Management Company and its investment divisions.

Certain senior members of Capital Fixed Income Investors, the investment adviser’s fixed income investment division, serve on the Portfolio Strategy Group. The group utilizes a research-driven process with input from the investment adviser’s analysts, portfolio managers and economists to define investment themes on a range of macroeconomic factors, including duration, yield curve and sector allocation. Where applicable, the investment decisions made by a fund’s fixed income portfolio managers are informed by the investment themes discussed by the group.


123     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



The primary individual portfolio managers for each of the funds are:

Portfolio manager for the
Series/Title (if applicable)
Primary title with investment adviser (or affiliate)
and investment experience
Portfolio manager’s role in management of,
and experience in, the fund(s)
Julian N. Abdey

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 29 years in total; 22 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 4 years (plus 13 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Pramod Atluri

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 20 years in total; 8 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
The Bond Fund of America — 8 years
Aline Avzaradel

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 23 years in total; 20 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
Alfonso Barroso

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 30 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
American Funds Global Balanced Fund – 2 years
Paul Benjamin

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 19 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 6 years (plus 12 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Alan N. Berro Co-President

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 38 years in total; 33 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 7 years
Asset Allocation Fund — 24 years
David J. Betanzos

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 26 years in total; 22 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American Funds Mortgage Fund — 10 years
The Bond Fund of America — 3 years
U.S. Government Securities Fund — 9 years
Jeremy Burge

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 42 years in total; 22 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years (plus 1 year of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Barbara Burtin

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 16 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Growth and Income

Fund — 1 year

Grant L. Cambridge

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 27 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
Mark L. Casey

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 24 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 7 years (plus 11 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Philip Chitty

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 30 years in total; 20 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American Funds Global Balanced Fund – 1 year
Capital World Bond Fund — 3 years
Tom Chow

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 35 years in total; 9 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American High-Income Trust— 9 years
Michael Cohen

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 33 years in total; 24 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 6 years
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
Patrice Collette Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 30 years in total; 24 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Growth Fund — 9 years (plus 14 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
Andrew A. Cormack

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 20 years in total; 6 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American Funds Global Balanced Fund —3 years
Capital World Bond Fund — 5 years
David A. Daigle

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 30 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Asset Allocation Fund — 15 years
American High-Income Trust— 15 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Oliver V. Edmonds

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 21 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American Funds Mortgage Fund - 4 years
Charles E. Ellwein

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 33 years in total; 18 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 9 years (plus 8 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Capital Income Builder — 3 years

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     124



Portfolio manager for the
Series/Title (if applicable)
Primary title with investment adviser (or affiliate)
and investment experience
Portfolio manager’s role in management of,
and experience in, the fund(s)
J. Blair Frank

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 31 years in total; 30 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 18 years
Bradford F. Freer

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 33 years in total; 30 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 6 years
New World Fund — 7 years (plus 13 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
American Funds Global Balanced Fund – 2 years
Irfan M. Furniturewala Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 24 years in total; 23 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund —3 years (plus 1 year of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Nicholas J. Grace

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 30 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Fund — 5 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Leo Hee

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 31 years in total; 19 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years (plus 10 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
M. Taylor Hinshaw

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 22 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 1 year (plus 18 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
David A. Hoag

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 36 years in total; 33 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
The Bond Fund of America — 17 years
Matt Hochstetler

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 19 years in total; 10 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Growth Fund — 1 year

New World Fund — 5 years

Roz Hongsaranagon

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 22 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Growth Fund — 6 years
Dawid Justus

Partner - Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 25 years in total; 19 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years (plus 14 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Carl M. Kawaja

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 37 years in total; 33 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 24 years
Emme Kozloff

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 25 years in total; 18 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years

Asset Allocation Fund — 3 years

Winnie Kwan

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 30 years in total; 24 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years (plus 2 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
American Funds Global Balanced Fund – 2 years
Jin Lee

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 28 years in total; 27 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund— 3 years
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Asset Allocation Fund — 6 years
Sung Lee Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 30 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Fund — 18 years
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years
Steven D. Lotwin

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 23 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Ultra-Short Bond Fund — 6 years
James B. Lovelace

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 42 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
Robert W. Lovelace

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 39 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years

125     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Portfolio manager for the
Series/Title (if applicable)
Primary title with investment adviser (or affiliate)
and investment experience
Portfolio manager’s role in management of,
and experience in, the fund(s)
Reed Lowenstein

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 26 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income

Fund — 3 years

Fergus N. MacDonald

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 32 years in total; 21 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
American Funds Mortgage Fund — 13 years
The Bond Fund of America — 3 years
U.S. Government Securities Fund — 14 years
Keiko McKibben Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 31 years in total; 26 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 10 years (plus 10 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Shlok Melwani

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 20 years in total; 10 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 5 years (plus 4 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Aidan O’Connell

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 29 years in total; 20 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 10 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Donald D. O’Neal Co-President and Trustee

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 39 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 19 years
Lara Pellini

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 23 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years (plus 10 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Piyada Phanaphat

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 22 years in total; 17 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Growth Fund — 2 years
New World Fund — 7 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Anne-Marie Peterson

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 30 years in total; 19 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 6 years (plus 11 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Chitrang Purani

Vice President – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 20 years in total;
2 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Bond Fund of America — 1 year
John R. Queen

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 34 years in total; 22 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Asset Allocation Fund — 8 years
Caroline Randall

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 27 years in total; 19 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 4 years
Andraz Razen

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 26 years in total; 20 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 11 years (plus 3 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Thomas Reithinger

Vice President – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 13 years in total; 11 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
Capital World Bond Fund — 1 year (plus 3 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
William L. Robbins

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 32 years in total; 29 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 12 years (plus 12 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)

Capital Income Builder — 4 years

Renaud H. Samyn

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 27 years in total; 23 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 5 years (plus 15 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
International Fund — 10 years (plus 5 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 3 years
Carlos A. Schonfeld Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 26 years in total; 25 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth-Income Fund — 10 years
Akira Shiraishi

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 27 years in total; 21 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     126



Portfolio manager for the
Series/Title (if applicable)
Primary title with investment adviser (or affiliate)
and investment experience
Portfolio manager’s role in management of,
and experience in, the fund(s)
Kirstie Spence

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 29 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Eric H. Stern

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 35 years in total; 33 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Andrew B. Suzman

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 35 years in total; 31 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
Tomonori Tani

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 26 years in total; 20 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 6 years
Lisa Thompson

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 36 years in total; 30 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
New World Fund — 4 years
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
Christopher Thomsen

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 30 years in total; 27 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Fund — 18 years
New World Fund — 4 years
Justin Toner

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 31 years in total; 23 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Asset Allocation Fund — 8 years
Tara L. Torrens

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 21 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American High-Income Trust —6 years
Ritchie Tuazon

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 24 years in total; 13 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
U.S. Government Securities Fund — 9 years
Diana Wagner

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 29 years in total; 24 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital World Growth and Income Fund — 2 years (plus 9 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)

Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years

Shannon Ward

Partner – Capital Fixed Income Investors

Investment professional for 32 years in total; 7 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as a fixed income portfolio manager for:
American High-Income Trust — 7 years
Steven T. Watson

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 37 years in total; 34 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
International Growth and Income Fund — 2 years
Capital Income Builder — 6 years
Gregory W. Wendt

Partner – Capital Research Global Investors

Investment professional for 37 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Global Small Capitalization Fund — 12 years (plus 14 years of prior experience as an investment analyst for the fund)
Alan J. Wilson Senior Vice President

Partner – Capital World Investors

Investment professional for 33 years, all with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Growth Fund — 10 years
Washington Mutual Investors Fund — 3 years
Philip Winston

Partner – Capital International Investors

Investment professional for 42 years in total; 27 years with Capital Research and Management Company or affiliate

Serves as an equity portfolio manager for:
Capital Income Builder — 10 years

Information regarding the portfolio managers’ compensation, their ownership of securities in the Series and other accounts they manage is in the statement of additional information.


127     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Purchases and redemptions of shares Shares of the Series are currently offered only to insurance company separate accounts as well as so-called “feeder funds” under master-feeder arrangements sponsored by insurance companies as underlying investments for such insurance companies’ variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies. All such shares may be purchased or redeemed by the insurance company separate accounts (or feeder funds) at net asset value without any sales or redemption charges. These purchases and redemptions are made at the price next determined after such purchases and redemptions of units of the separate accounts (or feeder funds). The Series typically expects to remit redemption proceeds one business day following receipt and acceptance of a redemption order, regardless of the method the Series uses to make such payment (e.g., check, wire or automated clearing house transfer). However, payment may take longer than one business day and may take up to seven days as generally permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). Under the 1940 Act, the Series may be permitted to pay redemption proceeds beyond seven days under certain limited circumstances.

Under normal conditions, the Series typically expects to meet shareholder redemptions by monitoring the Series’ portfolio and redemption activities and by regularly holding a reserve of highly liquid assets, such as cash or cash equivalents. The Series may use additional methods to meet shareholder redemptions, if they become necessary. These methods may include, but are not limited to, the sale of portfolio assets, the use of overdraft protection afforded by the Series’ custodian bank, borrowing from a line of credit and making payment with fund securities or other fund assets rather than in cash (as further discussed in the following paragraph).

Although payment of redemptions normally will be in cash, the Series may pay the redemption price wholly or partly with portfolio securities or other fund assets under conditions and circumstances determined by the Series’ board of trustees. On the same redemption date, some shareholders may be paid in whole or in part in securities (which may differ among those shareholders), while other shareholders may be paid entirely in cash. In general, in-kind redemptions to affiliated shareholders will as closely as practicable represent the affiliated shareholder’s pro rata share of the Series’ securities, subject to certain exceptions. Securities distributed in-kind to unaffiliated shareholders will be selected by the investment adviser in a manner the investment adviser deems to be fair and reasonable to the Series’ shareholders. The disposal of the securities received in-kind may be subject to brokerage costs and, until sold, such securities remain subject to market risk and liquidity risk, including the risk that such securities are or become difficult to sell. If the Series pays your redemption with illiquid or less liquid securities, you will bear the risk of not being able to sell such securities.

Frequent trading of fund shares The Series and American Funds Distributors, Inc., the Series’ distributor, reserve the right to reject any purchase order for any reason. The funds are not designed to serve as vehicles for frequent trading. Frequent trading of fund shares may lead to increased costs to the funds and less efficient management of the funds’ portfolios, potentially resulting in dilution of the value of the shares held by long-term shareholders. Accordingly, purchases, including those that are part of exchange activity, that the Series or American Funds Distributors has determined could involve actual or potential harm to a fund may be rejected.

The Series, through its transfer agent, American Funds Service Company, has agreements with the Series’ insurance relationships to maintain its surveillance procedures that are designed to detect frequent trading in fund shares. The agreements generally require the insurance companies to (i) provide, upon request from a fund, the Series or their agent, certain identifying and account information regarding contract owners who invest in fund shares through an insurance company account and (ii) execute instructions from a fund, the Series or their agent to restrict further purchases or exchanges of fund shares by a contract owner who the Series has identified as having engaged in potentially harmful market timing or frequent trading. Under these procedures, various analytics are used to evaluate factors that may be indicative of frequent trading. For example, transactions in fund shares that exceed certain monetary thresholds may be scrutinized. American Funds Service Company may work with the insurance company separate accounts or feeder funds to apply their procedures that American Funds Service Company believes are reasonably designed to enforce the frequent trading policies of the Series. You should refer to disclosures provided by the insurance company with which you have a contract to determine the specific trading restrictions that apply to you.

Under the Series’ frequent trading policy, certain trading activity will not be treated as frequent trading, such as:

· retirement plan contributions, loans and distributions (including hardship withdrawals) identified as such on the retirement plan recordkeeper’s system;

· purchase transactions involving in-kind transfers of fund shares, if the entity maintaining the contract owner’s account is able to identify the transaction as one of these types of transactions; and

· systematic redemptions and purchases if the entity maintaining the contract owner’s account is able to identify the transaction as a systematic redemption or purchase.

Generally, purchases and redemptions will not be considered “systematic” unless the transaction is prescheduled for a specific date.

American Funds Service Company will monitor for other types of activity that could potentially be harmful to the Series – for example short-term trading activity in multiple funds. If American Funds Service Company identifies any activity that may constitute frequent trading, it reserves the right to contact the insurance company separate account or feeder fund and request that the separate account or feeder fund either provide information regarding an account owner’s transactions or restrict the account owner’s trading. If American Funds Service Company is not satisfied that insurance company separate account or feeder fund has taken appropriate action, American Funds Service Company may terminate the separate account’s or feeder fund’s ability to transact in fund shares.

There is no guarantee that all instances of frequent trading in fund shares will be prevented.

Notwithstanding the Series’ surveillance procedures described above, all transactions in fund shares remain subject to the right of the Series, American Funds Distributors and American Funds Service Company to restrict potentially abusive trading generally, including the types of transactions described above that will not be prevented.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     128



Valuing shares The net asset value of each share class of a fund is the value of a single share of that class. The net asset value per share is calculated once daily as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4 p.m. New York time, each day the New York Stock Exchange is open. If the New York Stock Exchange makes a scheduled (e.g., the day after Thanksgiving) or an unscheduled close prior to 4 p.m. New York time, the net asset value of each fund will be determined at approximately the time the New York Stock Exchange closes on that day. If on such a day market quotations and prices from third-party pricing services are not based as of the time of the early close of the New York Stock Exchange but are as of a later time (up to approximately 4 p.m. New York time), for example because the market remains open after the close of the New York Stock Exchange, those later market quotations and prices will be used in determining the funds’ net asset value.

Equity securities are valued primarily on the basis of market quotations, and debt securities are valued primarily on the basis of prices from third-party pricing services due to the lack of market quotations. Futures contracts are valued primarily on the basis of settlement prices. The funds’ portfolio investments are valued in accordance with procedures for making fair value determinations if market quotations are not readily available, including procedures to determine the representativeness of third-party vendor prices, or in the event market quotations or third-party vendor prices are not considered reliable. For example, if events occur between the close of markets outside the United States and the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange that, in the opinion of the investment adviser, materially affect the value of any of the funds’ equity securities that trade principally in those international markets, those securities will be valued in accordance with fair value procedures. Similarly, fair value procedures will be employed if an issuer defaults on its debt securities and there is no market for its securities. Use of these procedures is intended to result in more appropriate net asset values and, where applicable, to reduce potential arbitrage opportunities otherwise available to short-term investors.

Because certain of the funds may hold securities that are listed primarily on foreign exchanges that trade on weekends or days when the funds do not price their shares, the values of securities held in the funds may change on days when you will not be able to purchase or redeem fund shares.

Shares of the funds will be purchased or sold at the net asset value next determined after receipt of requests from the appropriate insurance company. Requests received by the appropriate insurance company prior to 4 p.m. New York time and communicated by the insurance company to the Series or its agent will be purchased or sold at that day’s net asset value. Orders in good order received after the New York Stock Exchange closes (scheduled or unscheduled) will be processed at the net asset value (plus any applicable sales charge) calculated on the following business day.

Plan of distribution The Series has adopted a plan of distribution or “12b-1 plan” for Class 2 shares. Under the plan, the Series may finance activities primarily intended to sell shares, provided the categories of expenses are approved in advance by the Series’ board of trustees. The plan provides for annual expenses of .25% for Class 2 shares. Amounts paid under the 12b-1 plan are used by insurance company contract issuers to cover distribution expenses and/or the expenses of certain contract owner services. The 12b-1 fees paid by the Series, as a percentage of average net assets, for the most recent fiscal year, are indicated in the prospectus in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses table for each fund. Since these fees are paid out of the Series’ assets on an ongoing basis, over time they may cost you more than paying other types of sales charges or service fees and reduce the return of an investment in Class 2 shares.


129     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Other compensation to dealers American Funds Distributors, at its expense, provides additional compensation to insurance companies. These payments may be made, at the discretion of American Funds Distributors, to insurance companies (or their affiliates) that have sold shares of the funds of the American Funds Insurance Series and American Funds as the exclusive underlying investments to their variable contracts. A number of factors will be considered in determining payments, including the sales, assets, and the quality of the company’s relationship with American Funds Distributors. The payment will be determined using a formula applied consistently to insurance companies based on the relevant facts and circumstances. The level of payments made to a qualifying firm in any given year will vary and (excluding payments for meetings as described below) will represent the sum of (a) up to .14% of the current year’s American Funds Insurance Series new deposits in the contracts, (b) up to .07% of the current and previous year’s American Funds Insurance Series new deposits in the contracts, and (c) up to .0084% of American Funds Insurance Series assets attributable to the contracts, with an adjustment made for the quality of the company’s relationship with American Funds Distributors. Aggregate payments made by American Funds Distributors to insurance companies may also change from year to year. Only assets and deposits in variable annuity contracts that offer exclusively shares of the American Funds Insurance Series and American Funds are included in the formula. Further, assets for which the insurance company, or an affiliated broker-dealer, acts as an ERISA investment fiduciary are generally excluded from the formula. American Funds Distributors makes these payments to help defray the costs incurred by qualifying insurance companies in connection with efforts to educate its sales force about the American Funds Insurance Series so that they help financial advisers make recommendations and provide services that are suitable and meet contractholders’ needs. These payments may also be made to help defray the costs associated with the insurance company’s provision of account related services and activities and support the insurance company’s distribution activities. American Funds Distributors will, on an annual basis, determine the advisability of continuing these payments.

Firms receiving additional compensation payments must sign a letter acknowledging the purpose of the payment and American Funds Distributors’ goal that the payment will help facilitate education of the firm’s sales force about the American Funds Insurance Series and American Funds to help financial professionals make suitable recommendations and better serve their clients who invest in the funds as underlying investments to variable contracts. The letters generally require the firms to (1) have significant assets invested in the American Funds, (2) provide American Funds Distributors broad access to their sales force and product platforms and develop a business plan to achieve such access, and (3) agree to maintain American Funds within their existing products.

American Funds Distributors may also pay expenses associated with meetings and other training and educational opportunities conducted by insurance companies, selling dealers, advisory platform providers and other intermediaries to facilitate educating financial professionals and shareholders about the American Funds. For example, some of these expenses may include, but not be limited to, meeting sponsor fees, meeting location fees, and fees to obtain lists of financial professionals to better tailor training and education opportunities.

If investment advisers, distributors or other affiliates of mutual funds pay additional compensation or other incentives to insurance companies in differing amounts, insurance companies and the financial professionals with which they interact may have financial incentives for recommending a particular mutual fund over other mutual funds or investments, creating a potential conflict of interest. You should consult with your financial professional and review carefully any disclosure by your financial professional’s firm as to compensation received.


American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     130



Fund expenses In periods of market volatility, assets of the funds may decline significantly, causing total annual fund operating expenses (as a percentage of the value of your investment) to become higher than the numbers shown in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses tables in this prospectus.

The “Other expenses” items in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses tables in this prospectus are based on expenses as of each fund’s most recently completed fiscal year. These items include third-party expenses, such as custodial, legal, audit, accounting, regulatory reporting and pricing vendor services, and an administrative services fee payable to the Series’ investment adviser for administrative services provided by the Series’ investment adviser and its affiliates.

For all share classes, “Other expenses” items in the Annual Fund Operating Expenses table in this prospectus include fees for administrative services provided by the fund’s investment adviser and its affiliates. Administrative services are provided by the investment adviser and its affiliates to help assist third parties providing non-distribution services to fund shareholders. These services include providing in-depth information on the fund and market developments that impact fund investments. Administrative services also include, but are not limited to, coordinating, monitoring and overseeing third parties that provide services to fund shareholders.

The Administrative Services Agreement between the fund and the investment adviser provides the fund the ability to charge an administrative services fee of .05% for all share classes. The fund's investment adviser receives an administrative services fee at the annual rate of .03% of the average daily net assets of the fund attributable to all share classes (which could be increased as noted above) for its provision of administrative services.

Investment results All fund results in the “Investment results” section of this prospectus reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions, if any. Unless otherwise noted, fund results reflect any fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements in effect during the period presented.

Distributions and taxes Each fund of the Series intends to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under the Internal Revenue Code. In any fiscal year in which a fund so qualifies and distributes to shareholders its investment company taxable income and net realized capital gain, the fund itself is relieved of federal income tax.

It is the Series’ policy to distribute to the shareholders (the insurance company separate accounts) all of its investment company taxable income and capital gain for each fiscal year.

See the applicable contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of the contracts and distributions to the separate accounts.


131     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



Financial highlights The Financial Highlights table is intended to help you understand a fund’s results for the past five fiscal years (or, if shorter, the period of operations). Certain information reflects financial results for a single share of a particular class. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned or lost on an investment in a fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain distributions). Where indicated, figures in the table reflect the impact, if any, of certain waivers from Capital Research and Management Company. For more information about these waivers, see the fund's statement of additional information and annual report. The information in the Financial Highlights table has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, whose current report, along with the funds’ financial statements, is included in the statement of additional information, which is available upon request. Figures shown do not reflect insurance contract fees and expenses. If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, results would be lower.

    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Global Growth Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $30.18   $.36   $6.30   $6.66   $(.37 ) $(2.55 ) $(2.92 ) $33.92   22.91 % $3,418   .52 % .41 % 1.13 %
12/31/2022 45.46   .34   (11.34 ) (11.00 ) (.31 ) (3.97 ) (4.28 ) 30.18   (24.54 ) 3,104   .53   .46   1.01  
12/31/2021 41.16   .25   6.48   6.73   (.26 ) (2.17 ) (2.43 ) 45.46   16.72   4,270   .55   .54   .56  
12/31/2020 32.57   .20   9.56   9.76   (.21 ) (.96 ) (1.17 ) 41.16   30.79   3,309   .56   .56   .59  
12/31/2019 25.74   .32   8.60   8.92   (.41 ) (1.68 ) (2.09 ) 32.57   35.61   2,515   .56   .56   1.07  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 30.04   .28   6.26   6.54   (.29 ) (2.55 ) (2.84 ) 33.74   22.60   18   .77   .66   .88  
12/31/2022 45.28   .26   (11.31 ) (11.05 ) (.22 ) (3.97 ) (4.19 ) 30.04   (24.73 ) 14   .78   .71   .78  
12/31/2021 41.02   .14   6.46   6.60   (.17 ) (2.17 ) (2.34 ) 45.28   16.45   18   .80   .79   .33  
12/31/2020 32.47   .12   9.52   9.64   (.13 ) (.96 ) (1.09 ) 41.02   30.49   12   .81   .81   .34  
12/31/2019 25.69   .25   8.55   8.80   (.34 ) (1.68 ) (2.02 ) 32.47   35.22   8   .81   .81   .83  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 29.79   .28   6.21   6.49   (.29 ) (2.55 ) (2.84 ) 33.44   22.60   3,522   .77   .66   .88  
12/31/2022 44.94   .25   (11.21 ) (10.96 ) (.22 ) (3.97 ) (4.19 ) 29.79   (24.74 ) 3,234   .78   .71   .76  
12/31/2021 40.72   .13   6.41   6.54   (.15 ) (2.17 ) (2.32 ) 44.94   16.42   4,559   .80   .80   .30  
12/31/2020 32.24   .12   9.44   9.56   (.12 ) (.96 ) (1.08 ) 40.72   30.47   4,387   .81   .81   .34  
12/31/2019 25.50   .24   8.51   8.75   (.33 ) (1.68 ) (2.01 ) 32.24   35.28   3,895   .81   .81   .83  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 29.51   .20   6.14   6.34   (.22 ) (2.55 ) (2.77 ) 33.08   22.29   732   1.02   .91   .63  
12/31/2022 44.57   .17   (11.12 ) (10.95 ) (.14 ) (3.97 ) (4.11 ) 29.51   (24.92 ) 584   1.03   .96   .52  
12/31/2021 40.45   .03   6.35   6.38   (.09 ) (2.17 ) (2.26 ) 44.57   16.14   744   1.05   1.04   .07  
12/31/2020 32.05   .03   9.38   9.41   (.05 ) (.96 ) (1.01 ) 40.45   30.17   533   1.06   1.06   .09  
12/31/2019 25.39   .17   8.45   8.62   (.28 ) (1.68 ) (1.96 ) 32.05   34.87   382   1.06   1.06   .57  

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     132



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Global Small Capitalization Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $16.22   $.11   $2.53   $2.64   $(.08 ) $(.21 ) $(.29 ) $18.57   16.45 % $1,001   .70 % .65 % .63 %
12/31/2022 34.17   .05   (9.50 ) (9.45 )   (8.50 ) (8.50 ) 16.22   (29.37 ) 916   .72   .69   .24  
12/31/2021 32.64   (.02 ) 2.32   2.30     (.77 ) (.77 ) 34.17   6.98   1,707   .74   .74   (.07 )
12/31/2020 26.80   (.01 ) 7.49   7.48   (.05 ) (1.59 ) (1.64 ) 32.64   30.04   2,391   .75   .75   (.06 )
12/31/2019 21.75   .12   6.61   6.73   (.10 ) (1.58 ) (1.68 ) 26.80   31.84   2,050   .75   .75   .48  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 16.00   .06   2.50   2.56   (.04 ) (.21 ) (.25 ) 18.31   16.15   5   .95   .90   .38  
12/31/2022 33.93   4 (9.43 ) (9.43 )   (8.50 ) (8.50 ) 16.00   (29.54 ) 4   .97   .94   5
12/31/2021 32.49   (.07 ) 2.28   2.21     (.77 ) (.77 ) 33.93   6.73   5   .99   .99   (.21 )
12/31/2020 26.74   (.09 ) 7.48   7.39   (.05 ) (1.59 ) (1.64 ) 32.49   29.72   1   .99   .99   (.33 )
12/31/2019 21.71   .05   6.61   6.66   (.05 ) (1.58 ) (1.63 ) 26.74   31.56   1   .99   .99   .22  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 15.30   .06   2.39   2.45   (.04 ) (.21 ) (.25 ) 17.50   16.17   1,879   .95   .90   .38  
12/31/2022 32.94   4 (9.14 ) (9.14 )   (8.50 ) (8.50 ) 15.30   (29.55 ) 1,762   .97   .94   5
12/31/2021 31.56   (.10 ) 2.25   2.15     (.77 ) (.77 ) 32.94   6.74   2,521   .99   .99   (.30 )
12/31/2020 26.02   (.08 ) 7.25   7.17   (.04 ) (1.59 ) (1.63 ) 31.56   29.72   2,653   1.00   1.00   (.31 )
12/31/2019 21.16   .05   6.43   6.48   (.04 ) (1.58 ) (1.62 ) 26.02   31.52   2,363   1.00   1.00   .22  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 15.28   .02   2.37   2.39   4 (.21 ) (.21 ) 17.46   15.79   300   1.20   1.15   .13  
12/31/2022 32.96   (.05 ) (9.13 ) (9.18 )   (8.50 ) (8.50 ) 15.28   (29.69 ) 261   1.22   1.19   (.25 )
12/31/2021 31.67   (.18 ) 2.24   2.06     (.77 ) (.77 ) 32.96   6.43   344   1.24   1.24   (.53 )
12/31/2020 26.16   (.14 ) 7.27   7.13   (.03 ) (1.59 ) (1.62 ) 31.67   29.39   268   1.25   1.25   (.56 )
12/31/2019 21.28   (.01 ) 6.47   6.46   4 (1.58 ) (1.58 ) 26.16   31.24   206   1.25   1.25   (.04 )
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions          
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
to average
net assets3
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Growth Fund
Class 1:                                                 
12/31/2023 $76.29   $.57   $28.16   $28.73   $(.54 ) $(5.04 ) $(5.58 ) $99.44   38.81 % $17,382   .35 % .65 %
12/31/2022 127.58   .58   (37.03 ) (36.45 ) (.53 ) (14.31 ) (14.84 ) 76.29   (29.75 ) 13,660   .35   .64  
12/31/2021 120.22   .46   24.29   24.75   (.58 ) (16.81 ) (17.39 ) 127.58   22.30   19,783   .34   .37  
12/31/2020 81.22   .43   41.28   41.71   (.53 ) (2.18 ) (2.71 ) 120.22   52.45   15,644   .35   .46  
12/31/2019 69.96   .83   19.63   20.46   (.76 ) (8.44 ) (9.20 ) 81.22   31.11   10,841   .35   1.09  
Class 1A:                                                 
12/31/2023 75.61   .35   27.88   28.23   (.34 ) (5.04 ) (5.38 ) 98.46   38.47   280   .60   .40  
12/31/2022 126.70   .39   (36.79 ) (36.40 ) (.38 ) (14.31 ) (14.69 ) 75.61   (29.93 ) 187   .60   .45  
12/31/2021 119.59   .16   24.11   24.27   (.35 ) (16.81 ) (17.16 ) 126.70   21.97   121   .59   .13  
12/31/2020 80.92   .20   41.05   41.25   (.40 ) (2.18 ) (2.58 ) 119.59   52.07   60   .60   .21  
12/31/2019 69.77   .65   19.55   20.20   (.61 ) (8.44 ) (9.05 ) 80.92   30.79   18   .60   .85  
Class 2:                                                 
12/31/2023 75.41   .35   27.80   28.15   (.32 ) (5.04 ) (5.36 ) 98.20   38.49   17,879   .60   .40  
12/31/2022 126.28   .35   (36.62 ) (36.27 ) (.29 ) (14.31 ) (14.60 ) 75.41   (29.94 ) 14,452   .60   .38  
12/31/2021 119.18   .15   24.03   24.18   (.27 ) (16.81 ) (17.08 ) 126.28   21.97   21,986   .59   .12  
12/31/2020 80.57   .19   40.89   41.08   (.29 ) (2.18 ) (2.47 ) 119.18   52.10   20,594   .60   .21  
12/31/2019 69.48   .63   19.47   20.10   (.57 ) (8.44 ) (9.01 ) 80.57   30.77   15,885   .60   .83  
Class 3:                                                 
12/31/2023 77.09   .42   28.45   28.87   (.38 ) (5.04 ) (5.42 ) 100.54   38.56   236   .53   .47  
12/31/2022 128.68   .42   (37.35 ) (36.93 ) (.35 ) (14.31 ) (14.66 ) 77.09   (29.89 ) 188   .53   .45  
12/31/2021 121.13   .24   24.47   24.71   (.35 ) (16.81 ) (17.16 ) 128.68   22.07   302   .52   .19  
12/31/2020 81.84   .26   41.56   41.82   (.35 ) (2.18 ) (2.53 ) 121.13   52.20   279   .53   .28  
12/31/2019 70.44   .69   19.77   20.46   (.62 ) (8.44 ) (9.06 ) 81.84   30.86   213   .53   .90  
Class 4:                                                 
12/31/2023 73.64   .13   27.12   27.25   (.15 ) (5.04 ) (5.19 ) 95.70   38.13   3,522   .85   .15  
12/31/2022 123.79   .12   (35.87 ) (35.75 ) (.09 ) (14.31 ) (14.40 ) 73.64   (30.11 ) 2,409   .85   .14  
12/31/2021 117.24   (.15 ) 23.59   23.44   (.08 ) (16.81 ) (16.89 ) 123.79   21.69   3,214   .84   (.13 )
12/31/2020 79.41   (.04 ) 40.24   40.20   (.19 ) (2.18 ) (2.37 ) 117.24   51.71   2,347   .85   (.04 )
12/31/2019 68.64   .44   19.19   19.63   (.42 ) (8.44 ) (8.86 ) 79.41   30.44   1,513   .85   .59  

133     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions          
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
to average
net assets3
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
International Fund
Class 1:                                                 
12/31/2023 $15.31   $.25   $2.20   $2.45   $(.26 ) $—   $(.26 ) $17.50   16.12 % $3,353   .53 % 1.50 %
12/31/2022 22.70   .34   (4.79 ) (4.45 ) (.34 ) (2.60 ) (2.94 ) 15.31   (20.57 ) 3,157   .54   1.95  
12/31/2021 23.64   .38   (.67 ) (.29 ) (.65 )   (.65 ) 22.70   (1.23 ) 4,747   .55   1.57  
12/31/2020 20.86   .14   2.82   2.96   (.18 )   (.18 ) 23.64   14.28   5,652   .55   .71  
12/31/2019 17.66   .30   3.74   4.04   (.34 ) (.50 ) (.84 ) 20.86   23.21   5,353   .54   1.54  
Class 1A:                                                 
12/31/2023 15.23   .21   2.19   2.40   (.22 )   (.22 ) 17.41   15.85   12   .78   1.24  
12/31/2022 22.61   .30   (4.78 ) (4.48 ) (.30 ) (2.60 ) (2.90 ) 15.23   (20.80 ) 10   .79   1.73  
12/31/2021 23.55   .33   (.67 ) (.34 ) (.60 )   (.60 ) 22.61   (1.47 ) 12   .80   1.39  
12/31/2020 20.80   .08   2.81   2.89   (.14 )   (.14 ) 23.55   13.96   10   .80   .43  
12/31/2019 17.62   .25   3.72   3.97   (.29 ) (.50 ) (.79 ) 20.80   22.90   7   .79   1.27  
Class 2:                                                 
12/31/2023 15.23   .21   2.19   2.40   (.22 )   (.22 ) 17.41   15.84   3,382   .78   1.24  
12/31/2022 22.60   .29   (4.76 ) (4.47 ) (.30 ) (2.60 ) (2.90 ) 15.23   (20.79 ) 3,164   .79   1.71  
12/31/2021 23.54   .33   (.68 ) (.35 ) (.59 )   (.59 ) 22.60   (1.49 ) 4,190   .80   1.35  
12/31/2020 20.78   .09   2.80   2.89   (.13 )   (.13 ) 23.54   13.97   4,481   .80   .46  
12/31/2019 17.60   .25   3.72   3.97   (.29 ) (.50 ) (.79 ) 20.78   22.88   4,311   .79   1.29  
Class 3:                                                 
12/31/2023 15.35   .22   2.22   2.44   (.23 )   (.23 ) 17.56   15.99   17   .71   1.32  
12/31/2022 22.76   .31   (4.81 ) (4.50 ) (.31 ) (2.60 ) (2.91 ) 15.35   (20.76 ) 16   .72   1.78  
12/31/2021 23.69   .34   (.67 ) (.33 ) (.60 )   (.60 ) 22.76   (1.39 ) 21   .73   1.41  
12/31/2020 20.92   .10   2.81   2.91   (.14 )   (.14 ) 23.69   14.00   25   .73   .53  
12/31/2019 17.70   .27   3.75   4.02   (.30 ) (.50 ) (.80 ) 20.92   23.05   25   .72   1.37  
Class 4:                                                 
12/31/2023 14.99   .16   2.16   2.32   (.18 )   (.18 ) 17.13   15.56   415   1.03   .99  
12/31/2022 22.31   .25   (4.71 ) (4.46 ) (.26 ) (2.60 ) (2.86 ) 14.99   (21.02 ) 373   1.04   1.47  
12/31/2021 23.25   .27   (.67 ) (.40 ) (.54 )   (.54 ) 22.31   (1.71 ) 459   1.05   1.13  
12/31/2020 20.54   .04   2.76   2.80   (.09 )   (.09 ) 23.25   13.66   423   1.05   .21  
12/31/2019 17.40   .20   3.69   3.89   (.25 ) (.50 ) (.75 ) 20.54   22.67   379   1.04   1.03  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
New World Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $22.30   $.40   $3.19   $3.59   $(.41 ) $—   $(.41 ) $25.48   16.22 % $1,778   .64 % .57 % 1.64 %
12/31/2022 31.83   .37   (7.17 ) (6.80 ) (.39 ) (2.34 ) (2.73 ) 22.30   (21.86 ) 1,610   .68   .57   1.48  
12/31/2021 31.59   .29   1.38   1.67   (.36 ) (1.07 ) (1.43 ) 31.83   5.16   2,443   .74   .56   .88  
12/31/2020 25.84   .15   5.93   6.08   (.06 ) (.27 ) (.33 ) 31.59   23.89   2,309   .76   .64   .58  
12/31/2019 20.98   .28   5.79   6.07   (.29 ) (.92 ) (1.21 ) 25.84   29.47   2,129   .76   .76   1.18  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 22.19   .33   3.20   3.53   (.36 )   (.36 ) 25.36   15.98   10   .89   .82   1.38  
12/31/2022 31.70   .30   (7.15 ) (6.85 ) (.32 ) (2.34 ) (2.66 ) 22.19   (22.09 ) 9   .93   .82   1.24  
12/31/2021 31.43   .17   1.41   1.58   (.24 ) (1.07 ) (1.31 ) 31.70   4.90   12   .99   .81   .54  
12/31/2020 25.74   .07   5.92   5.99   (.03 ) (.27 ) (.30 ) 31.43   23.63   18   1.01   .87   .26  
12/31/2019 20.92   .22   5.76   5.98   (.24 ) (.92 ) (1.16 ) 25.74   29.11   4   1.01   1.01   .92  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 22.02   .33   3.17   3.50   (.35 )   (.35 ) 25.17   15.99   803   .89   .82   1.39  
12/31/2022 31.48   .30   (7.10 ) (6.80 ) (.32 ) (2.34 ) (2.66 ) 22.02   (22.10 ) 764   .93   .82   1.24  
12/31/2021 31.25   .20   1.38   1.58   (.28 ) (1.07 ) (1.35 ) 31.48   4.92   1,086   .99   .81   .63  
12/31/2020 25.59   .08   5.87   5.95   (.02 ) (.27 ) (.29 ) 31.25   23.58   1,109   1.01   .89   .34  
12/31/2019 20.79   .22   5.73   5.95   (.23 ) (.92 ) (1.15 ) 25.59   29.15   981   1.01   1.01   .93  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 21.84   .27   3.14   3.41   (.30 )   (.30 ) 24.95   15.67   787   1.14   1.07   1.14  
12/31/2022 31.24   .24   (7.03 ) (6.79 ) (.27 ) (2.34 ) (2.61 ) 21.84   (22.25 ) 701   1.18   1.07   .99  
12/31/2021 31.04   .12   1.36   1.48   (.21 ) (1.07 ) (1.28 ) 31.24   4.63   906   1.24   1.06   .38  
12/31/2020 25.47   .02   5.83   5.85   (.01 ) (.27 ) (.28 ) 31.04   23.29   807   1.26   1.14   .08  
12/31/2019 20.71   .16   5.70   5.86   (.18 ) (.92 ) (1.10 ) 25.47   28.82   646   1.26   1.26   .67  

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     134



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Capital World Growth and Income Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $11.67   $.27   $2.19   $2.46   $(.28 ) $—   $(.28 ) $13.85   21.22 % $579   .52 % .41 % 2.08 %
12/31/2022 18.42   .32   (3.28 ) (2.96 ) (.34 ) (3.45 ) (3.79 ) 11.67   (17.13 ) 548   .57   .41   2.36  
12/31/2021 16.67   .38   2.10   2.48   (.33 ) (.40 ) (.73 ) 18.42   15.03   812   .63   .47   2.14  
12/31/2020 15.92   .22   1.14   1.36   (.23 ) (.38 ) (.61 ) 16.67   9.03   657   .66   .66   1.49  
12/31/2019 13.02   .31   3.67   3.98   (.32 ) (.76 ) (1.08 ) 15.92   31.39   625   .65   .65   2.08  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 11.61   .23   2.18   2.41   (.25 )   (.25 ) 13.77   20.87   7   .77   .66   1.83  
12/31/2022 18.34   .28   (3.25 ) (2.97 ) (.31 ) (3.45 ) (3.76 ) 11.61   (17.29 ) 6   .82   .66   2.13  
12/31/2021 16.62   .37   2.06   2.43   (.31 ) (.40 ) (.71 ) 18.34   14.71   7   .88   .70   2.08  
12/31/2020 15.88   .18   1.13   1.31   (.19 ) (.38 ) (.57 ) 16.62   8.78   2   .90   .90   1.23  
12/31/2019 13.00   .26   3.68   3.94   (.30 ) (.76 ) (1.06 ) 15.88   31.04   2   .90   .90   1.77  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 11.64   .23   2.18   2.41   (.24 )   (.24 ) 13.81   20.88   1,040   .77   .66   1.83  
12/31/2022 18.38   .28   (3.26 ) (2.98 ) (.31 ) (3.45 ) (3.76 ) 11.64   (17.33 ) 983   .82   .66   2.11  
12/31/2021 16.63   .33   2.11   2.44   (.29 ) (.40 ) (.69 ) 18.38   14.78   1,340   .88   .73   1.85  
12/31/2020 15.89   .18   1.13   1.31   (.19 ) (.38 ) (.57 ) 16.63   8.73   1,349   .91   .91   1.23  
12/31/2019 12.99   .27   3.68   3.95   (.29 ) (.76 ) (1.05 ) 15.89   31.14   1,366   .90   .90   1.84  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 11.35   .19   2.14   2.33   (.22 )   (.22 ) 13.46   20.65   235   1.02   .91   1.57  
12/31/2022 18.04   .24   (3.20 ) (2.96 ) (.28 ) (3.45 ) (3.73 ) 11.35   (17.57 ) 188   1.07   .91   1.86  
12/31/2021 16.35   .29   2.06   2.35   (.26 ) (.40 ) (.66 ) 18.04   14.46   225   1.13   .97   1.65  
12/31/2020 15.63   .14   1.12   1.26   (.16 ) (.38 ) (.54 ) 16.35   8.55   166   1.16   1.16   .97  
12/31/2019 12.81   .23   3.61   3.84   (.26 ) (.76 ) (1.02 ) 15.63   30.73   145   1.15   1.15   1.56  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions          
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
to average
net assets3
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Growth-Income Fund
Class 1:                                                 
12/31/2023 $50.21   $.86   $11.96   $12.82   $(.88 ) $(2.89 ) $(3.77 ) $59.26   26.47 % $22,319   .29 % 1.60 %
12/31/2022 67.35   .85   (11.50 ) (10.65 ) (.83 ) (5.66 ) (6.49 ) 50.21   (16.28 ) 19,692   .29   1.54  
12/31/2021 55.38   .79   12.64   13.43   (.86 ) (.60 ) (1.46 ) 67.35   24.42   25,507   .29   1.28  
12/31/2020 50.71   .75   6.02   6.77   (.80 ) (1.30 ) (2.10 ) 55.38   13.81   22,903   .29   1.52  
12/31/2019 45.39   1.00   10.40   11.40   (.92 ) (5.16 ) (6.08 ) 50.71   26.46   21,057   .29   2.05  
Class 1A:                                                 
12/31/2023 49.93   .72   11.87   12.59   (.75 ) (2.89 ) (3.64 ) 58.88   26.12   35   .54   1.35  
12/31/2022 67.02   .71   (11.44 ) (10.73 ) (.70 ) (5.66 ) (6.36 ) 49.93   (16.48 ) 28   .54   1.30  
12/31/2021 55.16   .65   12.55   13.20   (.74 ) (.60 ) (1.34 ) 67.02   24.08   32   .53   1.04  
12/31/2020 50.54   .63   5.99   6.62   (.70 ) (1.30 ) (2.00 ) 55.16   13.55   16   .54   1.28  
12/31/2019 45.28   .89   10.36   11.25   (.83 ) (5.16 ) (5.99 ) 50.54   26.14   11   .54   1.82  
Class 2:                                                 
12/31/2023 49.46   .72   11.75   12.47   (.74 ) (2.89 ) (3.63 ) 58.30   26.14   12,894   .54   1.35  
12/31/2022 66.44   .70   (11.33 ) (10.63 ) (.69 ) (5.66 ) (6.35 ) 49.46   (16.50 ) 11,508   .54   1.29  
12/31/2021 54.66   .63   12.45   13.08   (.70 ) (.60 ) (1.30 ) 66.44   24.10   15,319   .54   1.03  
12/31/2020 50.08   .62   5.93   6.55   (.67 ) (1.30 ) (1.97 ) 54.66   13.54   14,012   .54   1.27  
12/31/2019 44.90   .87   10.27   11.14   (.80 ) (5.16 ) (5.96 ) 50.08   26.14   13,586   .53   1.80  
Class 3:                                                 
12/31/2023 50.33   .77   11.97   12.74   (.78 ) (2.89 ) (3.67 ) 59.40   26.22   142   .47   1.42  
12/31/2022 67.48   .75   (11.51 ) (10.76 ) (.73 ) (5.66 ) (6.39 ) 50.33   (16.43 ) 125   .47   1.36  
12/31/2021 55.49   .68   12.65   13.33   (.74 ) (.60 ) (1.34 ) 67.48   24.18   166   .47   1.10  
12/31/2020 50.81   .66   6.02   6.68   (.70 ) (1.30 ) (2.00 ) 55.49   13.60   154   .47   1.34  
12/31/2019 45.47   .91   10.43   11.34   (.84 ) (5.16 ) (6.00 ) 50.81   26.24   156   .46   1.87  
Class 4:                                                 
12/31/2023 48.72   .57   11.57   12.14   (.63 ) (2.89 ) (3.52 ) 57.34   25.82   2,062   .79   1.10  
12/31/2022 65.57   .56   (11.18 ) (10.62 ) (.57 ) (5.66 ) (6.23 ) 48.72   (16.70 ) 1,630   .79   1.05  
12/31/2021 53.99   .48   12.28   12.76   (.58 ) (.60 ) (1.18 ) 65.57   23.80   1,928   .79   .79  
12/31/2020 49.52   .49   5.85   6.34   (.57 ) (1.30 ) (1.87 ) 53.99   13.25   1,407   .79   1.02  
12/31/2019 44.47   .74   10.18   10.92   (.71 ) (5.16 ) (5.87 ) 49.52   25.86   1,216   .79   1.56  

135     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
International Growth and Income Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $8.94   $.27   $1.15   $1.42   $(.26 ) $—   $(.26 ) $10.10   16.08 % $15   .56 % .55 % 2.82 %
12/31/2022 19.62   .39   (3.09 ) (2.70 ) (.28 ) (7.70 ) (7.98 ) 8.94   (15.00 ) 13   .64   .54   3.29  
12/31/2021 19.01   .54   .53   1.07   (.46 )   (.46 ) 19.62   5.64   30   .67   .67   2.70  
12/31/2020 18.18   .27   .85   1.12   (.29 )   (.29 ) 19.01   6.24   1,120   .68   .68   1.70  
12/31/2019 15.35   .46   3.03   3.49   (.47 ) (.19 ) (.66 ) 18.18   23.06   1,140   .66   .66   2.73  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.70   .24   1.13   1.37   (.24 )   (.24 ) 9.83   15.92   6   .81   .80   2.54  
12/31/2022 19.39   .35   (3.05 ) (2.70 ) (.29 ) (7.70 ) (7.99 ) 8.70   (15.31 ) 5   .88   .79   3.15  
12/31/2021 18.97   .50   .52   1.02   (.60 )   (.60 ) 19.39   5.39   6   .94   .92   2.50  
12/31/2020 18.15   .22   .85   1.07   (.25 )   (.25 ) 18.97   5.98   3   .93   .93   1.38  
12/31/2019 15.33   .41   3.04   3.45   (.44 ) (.19 ) (.63 ) 18.15   22.76   2   .91   .91   2.41  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.70   .24   1.12   1.36   (.24 )   (.24 ) 9.82   15.76   165   .81   .80   2.54  
12/31/2022 19.38   .36   (3.05 ) (2.69 ) (.29 ) (7.70 ) (7.99 ) 8.70   (15.25 ) 162   .88   .78   3.24  
12/31/2021 18.95   .48   .53   1.01   (.58 )   (.58 ) 19.38   5.37   211   .93   .92   2.44  
12/31/2020 18.12   .23   .85   1.08   (.25 )   (.25 ) 18.95   6.01   221   .93   .93   1.43  
12/31/2019 15.30   .42   3.02   3.44   (.43 ) (.19 ) (.62 ) 18.12   22.76   257   .91   .91   2.49  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.56   .21   1.12   1.33   (.22 )   (.22 ) 9.67   15.66   143   1.06   1.05   2.29  
12/31/2022 19.23   .33   (3.04 ) (2.71 ) (.26 ) (7.70 ) (7.96 ) 8.56   (15.52 ) 121   1.13   1.04   3.01  
12/31/2021 18.82   .44   .51   .95   (.54 )   (.54 ) 19.23   5.09   132   1.18   1.17   2.21  
12/31/2020 18.01   .19   .83   1.02   (.21 )   (.21 ) 18.82   5.73   112   1.18   1.18   1.19  
12/31/2019 15.22   .37   3.01   3.38   (.40 ) (.19 ) (.59 ) 18.01   22.47   101   1.16   1.16   2.18  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Washington Mutual Investors Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $12.69   $.28   $1.92   $2.20   $(.28 ) $(.12 ) $(.40 ) $14.49   17.66 % $6,020   .41 % .27 % 2.07 %
12/31/2022 18.09   .31   (1.69 ) (1.38 ) (.30 ) (3.72 ) (4.02 ) 12.69   (8.28 ) 5,507   .41   .26   2.13  
12/31/2021 14.35   .29   3.73   4.02   (.28 )   (.28 ) 18.09   28.12   6,766   .42   .31   1.79  
12/31/2020 13.56   .25   .95   1.20   (.26 ) (.15 ) (.41 ) 14.35   9.04   5,684   .43   .43   2.00  
12/31/2019 12.38   .30   2.25   2.55   (.30 ) (1.07 ) (1.37 ) 13.56   21.66   5,559   .42   .42   2.28  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.61   .23   1.92   2.15   (.21 ) (.12 ) (.33 ) 14.43   17.29   23   .66   .52   1.77  
12/31/2022 17.96   .27   (1.67 ) (1.40 ) (.23 ) (3.72 ) (3.95 ) 12.61   (8.45 ) 64   .66   .51   1.76  
12/31/2021 14.28   .27   3.67   3.94   (.26 )   (.26 ) 17.96   27.70   169   .67   .53   1.62  
12/31/2020 13.51   .23   .93   1.16   (.24 ) (.15 ) (.39 ) 14.28   8.79   25   .67   .67   1.78  
12/31/2019 12.35   .26   2.24   2.50   (.27 ) (1.07 ) (1.34 ) 13.51   21.35   9   .67   .67   2.03  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.46   .24   1.88   2.12   (.25 ) (.12 ) (.37 ) 14.21   17.29   2,899   .66   .52   1.82  
12/31/2022 17.83   .26   (1.65 ) (1.39 ) (.26 ) (3.72 ) (3.98 ) 12.46   (8.45 ) 2,775   .66   .51   1.88  
12/31/2021 14.15   .25   3.67   3.92   (.24 )   (.24 ) 17.83   27.78   3,426   .67   .56   1.54  
12/31/2020 13.39   .22   .91   1.13   (.22 ) (.15 ) (.37 ) 14.15   8.68   3,082   .68   .68   1.75  
12/31/2019 12.24   .26   2.22   2.48   (.26 ) (1.07 ) (1.33 ) 13.39   21.38   3,093   .67   .67   2.03  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.34   .20   1.86   2.06   (.22 ) (.12 ) (.34 ) 14.06   16.97   1,344   .91   .77   1.58  
12/31/2022 17.71   .23   (1.64 ) (1.41 ) (.24 ) (3.72 ) (3.96 ) 12.34   (8.69 ) 1,098   .91   .77   1.64  
12/31/2021 14.06   .21   3.65   3.86   (.21 )   (.21 ) 17.71   27.51   1,104   .92   .81   1.30  
12/31/2020 13.31   .19   .91   1.10   (.20 ) (.15 ) (.35 ) 14.06   8.47   788   .93   .93   1.51  
12/31/2019 12.19   .23   2.20   2.43   (.24 ) (1.07 ) (1.31 ) 13.31   21.03   621   .92   .92   1.78  

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     136



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Capital Income Builder
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $10.99   $.41   $.59   $1.00   $(.36 ) $—   $(.36 ) $11.63   9.28 % $660   .40 % .26 % 3.68 %
12/31/2022 12.17   .37   (1.21 ) (.84 ) (.34 )   (.34 ) 10.99   (6.90 ) 586   .44   .26   3.31  
12/31/2021 10.87   .37   1.28   1.65   (.35 )   (.35 ) 12.17   15.31   563   .53   .27   3.19  
12/31/2020 10.73   .31   .15   .46   (.32 )   (.32 ) 10.87   4.64   621   .53   .35   3.07  
12/31/2019 9.37   .32   1.36   1.68   (.32 )   (.32 ) 10.73   18.16   533   .53   .53   3.17  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 10.98   .38   .59   .97   (.33 )   (.33 ) 11.62   9.01   10   .65   .51   3.42  
12/31/2022 12.15   .34   (1.19 ) (.85 ) (.32 )   (.32 ) 10.98   (7.06 ) 10   .69   .52   3.06  
12/31/2021 10.86   .34   1.27   1.61   (.32 )   (.32 ) 12.15   14.95   10   .78   .52   2.94  
12/31/2020 10.72   .28   .16   .44   (.30 )   (.30 ) 10.86   4.38   6   .78   .60   2.81  
12/31/2019 9.36   .29   1.37   1.66   (.30 )   (.30 ) 10.72   17.90   6   .78   .78   2.84  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 10.98   .38   .59   .97   (.33 )   (.33 ) 11.62   9.01   15   .65   .51   3.43  
12/31/2022 12.16   .34   (1.20 ) (.86 ) (.32 )   (.32 ) 10.98   (7.13 ) 13   .69   .51   3.06  
12/31/2021 10.87   .34   1.27   1.61   (.32 )   (.32 ) 12.16   14.94   13   .78   .52   2.93  
12/31/2020 10.72   .29   .16   .45   (.30 )   (.30 ) 10.87   4.48   8   .78   .60   2.83  
12/31/2019 9.36   .30   1.35   1.65   (.29 )   (.29 ) 10.72   17.89   6   .78   .78   2.91  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 10.96   .35   .59   .94   (.30 )   (.30 ) 11.60   8.75   566   .90   .76   3.18  
12/31/2022 12.14   .31   (1.20 ) (.89 ) (.29 )   (.29 ) 10.96   (7.37 ) 530   .94   .76   2.81  
12/31/2021 10.85   .31   1.27   1.58   (.29 )   (.29 ) 12.14   14.68   559   1.03   .77   2.69  
12/31/2020 10.71   .26   .15   .41   (.27 )   (.27 ) 10.85   4.11   462   1.03   .85   2.55  
12/31/2019 9.35   .27   1.36   1.63   (.27 )   (.27 ) 10.71   17.62   454   1.03   1.03   2.68  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions          
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
to average
net assets3
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Asset Allocation Fund
Class 1:                                                 
12/31/2023 $22.20   $.57   $2.54   $3.11   $(.56 ) $(.89 ) $(1.45 ) $23.86   14.55 % $15,555   .30 % 2.49 %
12/31/2022 29.08   .52   (4.24 ) (3.72 ) (.51 ) (2.65 ) (3.16 ) 22.20   (13.19 ) 15,138   .30   2.15  
12/31/2021 26.50   .48   3.54   4.02   (.50 ) (.94 ) (1.44 ) 29.08   15.40   18,836   .30   1.71  
12/31/2020 24.05   .43   2.59   3.02   (.46 ) (.11 ) (.57 ) 26.50   12.71   19,238   .30   1.80  
12/31/2019 21.29   .51   3.94   4.45   (.50 ) (1.19 ) (1.69 ) 24.05   21.54   17,730   .29   2.21  
Class 1A:                                                 
12/31/2023 22.10   .51   2.53   3.04   (.51 ) (.89 ) (1.40 ) 23.74   14.32   32   .55   2.25  
12/31/2022 28.97   .46   (4.22 ) (3.76 ) (.46 ) (2.65 ) (3.11 ) 22.10   (13.43 ) 27   .55   1.95  
12/31/2021 26.42   .42   3.52   3.94   (.45 ) (.94 ) (1.39 ) 28.97   15.13   24   .55   1.49  
12/31/2020 23.99   .37   2.58   2.95   (.41 ) (.11 ) (.52 ) 26.42   12.43   14   .55   1.56  
12/31/2019 21.26   .45   3.92   4.37   (.45 ) (1.19 ) (1.64 ) 23.99   21.19   11   .54   1.95  
Class 2:                                                 
12/31/2023 21.91   .50   2.52   3.02   (.51 ) (.89 ) (1.40 ) 23.53   14.27   4,261   .55   2.24  
12/31/2022 28.74   .46   (4.19 ) (3.73 ) (.45 ) (2.65 ) (3.10 ) 21.91   (13.41 ) 4,228   .55   1.90  
12/31/2021 26.21   .41   3.49   3.90   (.43 ) (.94 ) (1.37 ) 28.74   15.10   5,473   .55   1.46  
12/31/2020 23.79   .37   2.56   2.93   (.40 ) (.11 ) (.51 ) 26.21   12.46   5,242   .55   1.55  
12/31/2019 21.08   .45   3.89   4.34   (.44 ) (1.19 ) (1.63 ) 23.79   21.23   5,154   .54   1.96  
Class 3:                                                 
12/31/2023 22.23   .53   2.55   3.08   (.52 ) (.89 ) (1.41 ) 23.90   14.37   30   .48   2.31  
12/31/2022 29.12   .48   (4.25 ) (3.77 ) (.47 ) (2.65 ) (3.12 ) 22.23   (13.37 ) 28   .48   1.97  
12/31/2021 26.53   .43   3.55   3.98   (.45 ) (.94 ) (1.39 ) 29.12   15.22   36   .48   1.53  
12/31/2020 24.08   .39   2.59   2.98   (.42 ) (.11 ) (.53 ) 26.53   12.50   33   .48   1.62  
12/31/2019 21.32   .47   3.93   4.40   (.45 ) (1.19 ) (1.64 ) 24.08   21.30   32   .47   2.02  
Class 4:                                                 
12/31/2023 21.75   .44   2.49   2.93   (.45 ) (.89 ) (1.34 ) 23.34   14.02   5,807   .80   1.99  
12/31/2022 28.56   .39   (4.16 ) (3.77 ) (.39 ) (2.65 ) (3.04 ) 21.75   (13.66 ) 5,380   .80   1.66  
12/31/2021 26.06   .34   3.47   3.81   (.37 ) (.94 ) (1.31 ) 28.56   14.84   6,337   .80   1.22  
12/31/2020 23.67   .31   2.54   2.85   (.35 ) (.11 ) (.46 ) 26.06   12.16   5,131   .80   1.30  
12/31/2019 20.99   .39   3.87   4.26   (.39 ) (1.19 ) (1.58 ) 23.67   20.92   4,493   .79   1.71  

137     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
American Funds Global Balanced Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $12.55   $.33   $1.29   $1.62   $(.23 ) $(1.57 ) $(1.80 ) $12.37   14.05 % $98   .53 % .52 % 2.67 %
12/31/2022 14.73   .26   (2.37 ) (2.11 )   (.07 ) (.07 ) 12.55   (14.33 ) 96   .59   .58   1.99  
12/31/2021 14.19   .18   1.37   1.55   (.19 ) (.82 ) (1.01 ) 14.73   11.05   120   .73   .73   1.24  
12/31/2020 13.51   .17   1.24   1.41   (.19 ) (.54 ) (.73 ) 14.19   10.53   139   .72   .72   1.29  
12/31/2019 11.67   .24   2.17   2.41   (.20 ) (.37 ) (.57 ) 13.51   20.79   134   .72   .72   1.88  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.49   .29   1.30   1.59   (.21 ) (1.57 ) (1.78 ) 12.30   13.77   3   .78   .77   2.42  
12/31/2022 14.70   .22   (2.36 ) (2.14 )   (.07 ) (.07 ) 12.49   (14.56 ) 3   .84   .84   1.71  
12/31/2021 14.16   .15   1.36   1.51   (.15 ) (.82 ) (.97 ) 14.70   10.83   4   .98   .98   1.02  
12/31/2020 13.49   .14   1.23   1.37   (.16 ) (.54 ) (.70 ) 14.16   10.25   3   .97   .97   1.03  
12/31/2019 11.65   .21   2.17   2.38   (.17 ) (.37 ) (.54 ) 13.49   20.54   2   .97   .97   1.63  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.49   .30   1.29   1.59   (.20 ) (1.57 ) (1.77 ) 12.31   13.83   160   .78   .77   2.42  
12/31/2022 14.70   .22   (2.36 ) (2.14 )   (.07 ) (.07 ) 12.49   (14.56 ) 158   .84   .83   1.73  
12/31/2021 14.16   .15   1.36   1.51   (.15 ) (.82 ) (.97 ) 14.70   10.79   208   .98   .98   1.01  
12/31/2020 13.48   .14   1.23   1.37   (.15 ) (.54 ) (.69 ) 14.16   10.30   208   .97   .97   1.03  
12/31/2019 11.65   .21   2.16   2.37   (.17 ) (.37 ) (.54 ) 13.48   20.44   207   .97   .97   1.64  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 12.32   .26   1.27   1.53   (.18 ) (1.57 ) (1.75 ) 12.10   13.45   128   1.03   1.02   2.17  
12/31/2022 14.53   .19   (2.33 ) (2.14 )   (.07 ) (.07 ) 12.32   (14.73 ) 111   1.09   1.08   1.49  
12/31/2021 14.02   .11   1.34   1.45   (.12 ) (.82 ) (.94 ) 14.53   10.46   135   1.23   1.23   .77  
12/31/2020 13.36   .10   1.22   1.32   (.12 ) (.54 ) (.66 ) 14.02   10.00   105   1.22   1.22   .78  
12/31/2019 11.55   .18   2.14   2.32   (.14 ) (.37 ) (.51 ) 13.36   20.21   94   1.22   1.22   1.37  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
American Funds Mortgage Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $9.45   $.45   $(.08 ) $.37   $(.38 ) $—   $(.38 ) $9.44   4.03 % $17   .41 % .29 % 4.76 %
12/31/2022 10.63   .07   (1.10 ) (1.03 ) (.15 )   (.15 ) 9.45   (9.76 ) 1   .45   .25   .70  
12/31/2021 11.11   .06   (.09 ) (.03 ) (.08 ) (.37 ) (.45 ) 10.63   (.32 ) 231   .49   .29   .58  
12/31/2020 10.56   .10   .64   .74   (.17 ) (.02 ) (.19 ) 11.11   6.98   224   .48   .36   .93  
12/31/2019 10.30   .24   .30   .54   (.28 )   (.28 ) 10.56   5.30   210   .47   .47   2.26  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.34   .41   (.07 ) .34   (.36 )   (.36 ) 9.32   3.72   2   .65   .53   4.38  
12/31/2022 10.59   .19   (1.24 ) (1.05 ) (.20 )   (.20 ) 9.34   (10.03 ) 2   .69   .54   1.91  
12/31/2021 11.08   .04   (.10 ) (.06 ) (.06 ) (.37 ) (.43 ) 10.59   (.47 ) 2   .74   .54   .33  
12/31/2020 10.55   .07   .63   .70   (.15 ) (.02 ) (.17 ) 11.08   6.63   1   .73   .59   .61  
12/31/2019 10.28   .22   .30   .52   (.25 )   (.25 ) 10.55   5.09   1   .71   .71   2.04  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.36   .41   (.07 ) .34   (.36 )   (.36 ) 9.34   3.68   44   .64   .52   4.35  
12/31/2022 10.61   .18   (1.23 ) (1.05 ) (.20 )   (.20 ) 9.36   (9.94 ) 46   .69   .54   1.87  
12/31/2021 11.09   .04   (.10 ) (.06 ) (.05 ) (.37 ) (.42 ) 10.61   (.57 ) 58   .74   .54   .33  
12/31/2020 10.54   .08   .63   .71   (.14 ) (.02 ) (.16 ) 11.09   6.72   58   .73   .60   .68  
12/31/2019 10.28   .21   .31   .52   (.26 )   (.26 ) 10.54   5.04   56   .72   .72   2.01  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.25   .38   (.06 ) .32   (.34 )   (.34 ) 9.23   3.51   45   .90   .78   4.12  
12/31/2022 10.49   .16   (1.22 ) (1.06 ) (.18 )   (.18 ) 9.25   (10.16 ) 40   .94   .79   1.66  
12/31/2021 10.97   .01   (.09 ) (.08 ) (.03 ) (.37 ) (.40 ) 10.49   (.78 ) 43   .99   .79   .08  
12/31/2020 10.44   .04   .63   .67   (.12 ) (.02 ) (.14 ) 10.97   6.38   37   .98   .85   .41  
12/31/2019 10.19   .18   .31   .49   (.24 )   (.24 ) 10.44   4.80   28   .97   .97   1.71  

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     138



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
American High-Income Trust
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $8.53   $.63   $.43   $1.06   $(.65 ) $—   $(.65 ) $8.94   12.69 % $223   .45 % .31 % 7.10 %
12/31/2022 10.19   .56   (1.47 ) (.91 ) (.75 )   (.75 ) 8.53   (9.01 ) 224   .47   .32   5.95  
12/31/2021 9.80   .51   .34   .85   (.46 )   (.46 ) 10.19   8.74   278   .53   .37   4.95  
12/31/2020 9.87   .61   .17   .78   (.85 )   (.85 ) 9.80   8.21   123   .52   .52   6.46  
12/31/2019 9.34   .67   .52   1.19   (.66 )   (.66 ) 9.87   12.85   525   .51   .51   6.71  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.51   .61   .41   1.02   (.63 )   (.63 ) 8.90   12.40   3   .70   .56   6.90  
12/31/2022 10.16   .53   (1.46 ) (.93 ) (.72 )   (.72 ) 8.51   (9.29 ) 1   .72   .57   5.70  
12/31/2021 9.78   .49   .33   .82   (.44 )   (.44 ) 10.16   8.42   1   .78   .64   4.75  
12/31/2020 9.86   .56   .20   .76   (.84 )   (.84 ) 9.78   7.94   1   .78   .78   5.85  
12/31/2019 9.33   .65   .51   1.16   (.63 )   (.63 ) 9.86   12.61   1   .75   .75   6.47  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.35   .59   .41   1.00   (.62 )   (.62 ) 8.73   12.45   533   .70   .56   6.85  
12/31/2022 9.98   .52   (1.43 ) (.91 ) (.72 )   (.72 ) 8.35   (9.26 ) 521   .72   .57   5.68  
12/31/2021 9.61   .48   .33   .81   (.44 )   (.44 ) 9.98   8.42   673   .78   .65   4.80  
12/31/2020 9.70   .55   .19   .74   (.83 )   (.83 ) 9.61   7.94   665   .78   .78   5.88  
12/31/2019 9.19   .64   .50   1.14   (.63 )   (.63 ) 9.70   12.55   667   .76   .76   6.45  
Class 3:                                                     
12/31/2023 8.58   .61   .43   1.04   (.63 )   (.63 ) 8.99   12.54   8   .63   .49   6.91  
12/31/2022 10.24   .54   (1.47 ) (.93 ) (.73 )   (.73 ) 8.58   (9.25 ) 9   .65   .50   5.76  
12/31/2021 9.84   .50   .34   .84   (.44 )   (.44 ) 10.24   8.60   10   .71   .58   4.86  
12/31/2020 9.92   .57   .19   .76   (.84 )   (.84 ) 9.84   7.93   10   .71   .71   5.94  
12/31/2019 9.38   .66   .52   1.18   (.64 )   (.64 ) 9.92   12.70   10   .69   .69   6.52  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.26   .63   .46   1.09   (.60 )   (.60 ) 9.75   12.18   107   .95   .81   6.62  
12/31/2022 10.99   .55   (1.58 ) (1.03 ) (.70 )   (.70 ) 9.26   (9.53 ) 77   .97   .82   5.44  
12/31/2021 10.54   .50   .36   .86   (.41 )   (.41 ) 10.99   8.18   90   1.03   .89   4.52  
12/31/2020 10.56   .57   .22   .79   (.81 )   (.81 ) 10.54   7.74   69   1.03   1.03   5.58  
12/31/2019 9.96   .67   .54   1.21   (.61 )   (.61 ) 10.56   12.27   63   1.01   1.01   6.21  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
Capital World Bond Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $9.55   $.32   $.29   $.61   $—   $—   $—   $10.16   6.39 % $665   .48 % .48 % 3.33 %
12/31/2022 11.79   .25   (2.30 ) (2.05 ) (.03 ) (.16 ) (.19 ) 9.55   (17.43 ) 663   .51   .48   2.43  
12/31/2021 12.94   .25   (.85 ) (.60 ) (.24 ) (.31 ) (.55 ) 11.79   (4.73 ) 988   .60   .50   2.06  
12/31/2020 12.12   .26   .95   1.21   (.18 ) (.21 ) (.39 ) 12.94   10.17   1,219   .59   .52   2.08  
12/31/2019 11.42   .31   .61   .92   (.22 )   (.22 ) 12.12   8.08   1,077   .58   .58   2.60  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.50   .30   .28   .58         10.08   6.11   1   .73   .73   3.08  
12/31/2022 11.76   .22   (2.30 ) (2.08 ) (.02 ) (.16 ) (.18 ) 9.50   (17.69 ) 1   .76   .73   2.19  
12/31/2021 12.91   .23   (.85 ) (.62 ) (.22 ) (.31 ) (.53 ) 11.76   (4.88 ) 1   .85   .75   1.85  
12/31/2020 12.10   .23   .95   1.18   (.16 ) (.21 ) (.37 ) 12.91   9.89   1   .83   .76   1.83  
12/31/2019 11.41   .28   .60   .88   (.19 )   (.19 ) 12.10   7.75   1   .83   .83   2.35  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.45   .29   .29   .58         10.03   6.14   817   .73   .73   3.08  
12/31/2022 11.70   .22   (2.29 ) (2.07 ) (.02 ) (.16 ) (.18 ) 9.45   (17.70 ) 765   .76   .73   2.18  
12/31/2021 12.84   .22   (.84 ) (.62 ) (.21 ) (.31 ) (.52 ) 11.70   (4.92 ) 1,030   .85   .75   1.82  
12/31/2020 12.03   .22   .95   1.17   (.15 ) (.21 ) (.36 ) 12.84   9.90   1,058   .84   .77   1.83  
12/31/2019 11.34   .28   .60   .88   (.19 )   (.19 ) 12.03   7.77   1,002   .83   .83   2.35  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.33   .27   .28   .55         9.88   5.89   57   .98   .98   2.84  
12/31/2022 11.57   .19   (2.25 ) (2.06 ) (.02 ) (.16 ) (.18 ) 9.33   (17.84 ) 53   1.01   .98   1.94  
12/31/2021 12.71   .19   (.84 ) (.65 ) (.18 ) (.31 ) (.49 ) 11.57   (5.18 ) 66   1.10   1.00   1.57  
12/31/2020 11.92   .19   .94   1.13   (.13 ) (.21 ) (.34 ) 12.71   9.62   61   1.09   1.02   1.58  
12/31/2019 11.24   .24   .60   .84   (.16 )   (.16 ) 11.92   7.54   49   1.08   1.08   2.09  

139     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
The Bond Fund of America
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $9.41   $.39   $.09   $.48   $(.35 ) $—   $(.35 ) $9.54   5.21 % $6,908   .39 % .20 % 4.15 %
12/31/2022 11.21   .31   (1.67 ) (1.36 ) (.32 ) (.12 ) (.44 ) 9.41   (12.26 ) 6,370   .39   .20   3.09  
12/31/2021 11.89   .21   (.23 ) (.02 ) (.19 ) (.47 ) (.66 ) 11.21   (.14 ) 8,555   .39   .26   1.84  
12/31/2020 11.17   .23   .87   1.10   (.27 ) (.11 ) (.38 ) 11.89   9.96   6,844   .40   .40   2.00  
12/31/2019 10.47   .30   .71   1.01   (.31 )   (.31 ) 11.17   9.70   6,481   .39   .39   2.76  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.35   .37   .08   .45   (.33 )   (.33 ) 9.47   4.89   258   .64   .45   3.90  
12/31/2022 11.16   .31   (1.69 ) (1.38 ) (.31 ) (.12 ) (.43 ) 9.35   (12.49 ) 220   .64   .45   3.15  
12/31/2021 11.84   .18   (.23 ) (.05 ) (.16 ) (.47 ) (.63 ) 11.16   (.36 ) 12   .64   .51   1.59  
12/31/2020 11.13   .20   .87   1.07   (.25 ) (.11 ) (.36 ) 11.84   9.68   9   .65   .65   1.74  
12/31/2019 10.45   .27   .71   .98   (.30 )   (.30 ) 11.13   9.36   7   .64   .64   2.48  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.27   .36   .10   .46   (.33 )   (.33 ) 9.40   5.02   2,879   .64   .45   3.89  
12/31/2022 11.06   .28   (1.66 ) (1.38 ) (.29 ) (.12 ) (.41 ) 9.27   (12.58 ) 2,844   .64   .45   2.84  
12/31/2021 11.73   .18   (.22 ) (.04 ) (.16 ) (.47 ) (.63 ) 11.06   (.31 ) 3,729   .64   .52   1.57  
12/31/2020 11.02   .20   .86   1.06   (.24 ) (.11 ) (.35 ) 11.73   9.73   3,840   .65   .65   1.75  
12/31/2019 10.34   .27   .70   .97   (.29 )   (.29 ) 11.02   9.36   3,561   .64   .64   2.51  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.23   .34   .09   .43   (.31 )   (.31 ) 9.35   4.72   963   .89   .70   3.66  
12/31/2022 11.01   .26   (1.65 ) (1.39 ) (.27 ) (.12 ) (.39 ) 9.23   (12.75 ) 787   .89   .70   2.61  
12/31/2021 11.69   .15   (.22 ) (.07 ) (.14 ) (.47 ) (.61 ) 11.01   (.59 ) 891   .89   .76   1.34  
12/31/2020 11.00   .17   .85   1.02   (.22 ) (.11 ) (.33 ) 11.69   9.38   714   .90   .90   1.48  
12/31/2019 10.33   .24   .70   .94   (.27 )   (.27 ) 11.00   9.08   502   .89   .89   2.25  
    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions            
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net (losses)
gains on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return2 Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets before
Ratio of
expenses to
average net
assets after
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets2
U.S. Government Securities Fund
Class 1:                                                     
12/31/2023 $9.99   $.40   $(.09 ) $.31   $(.39 ) $—   $(.39 ) $9.91   3.21 % $257   .33 % .21 % 4.05 %
12/31/2022 11.67   .32   (1.56 ) (1.24 ) (.44 )   (.44 ) 9.99   (10.75 ) 242   .36   .22   2.90  
12/31/2021 13.04   .18   (.26 ) (.08 ) (.18 ) (1.11 ) (1.29 ) 11.67   (.44 ) 522   .39   .29   1.50  
12/31/2020 12.34   .16   1.07   1.23   (.26 ) (.27 ) (.53 ) 13.04   10.09   429   .38   .38   1.21  
12/31/2019 11.94   .25   .43   .68   (.28 )   (.28 ) 12.34   5.69   1,418   .37   .37   2.07  
Class 1A:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.96   .38   (.10 ) .28   (.37 )   (.37 ) 9.87   2.88   5   .58   .46   3.83  
12/31/2022 11.63   .29   (1.55 ) (1.26 ) (.41 )   (.41 ) 9.96   (10.93 ) 4   .60   .47   2.70  
12/31/2021 13.00   .16   (.26 ) (.10 ) (.16 ) (1.11 ) (1.27 ) 11.63   (.65 ) 5   .64   .53   1.28  
12/31/2020 12.32   .09   1.10   1.19   (.24 ) (.27 ) (.51 ) 13.00   9.75   4   .64   .64   .69  
12/31/2019 11.93   .22   .43   .65   (.26 )   (.26 ) 12.32   5.42   2   .62   .62   1.82  
Class 2:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.87   .37   (.09 ) .28   (.37 )   (.37 ) 9.78   2.89   1,073   .58   .46   3.80  
12/31/2022 11.53   .29   (1.54 ) (1.25 ) (.41 )   (.41 ) 9.87   (10.95 ) 1,059   .61   .47   2.69  
12/31/2021 12.89   .15   (.25 ) (.10 ) (.15 ) (1.11 ) (1.26 ) 11.53   (.62 ) 1,391   .64   .54   1.24  
12/31/2020 12.21   .09   1.10   1.19   (.24 ) (.27 ) (.51 ) 12.89   9.80   1,439   .64   .64   .73  
12/31/2019 11.82   .22   .42   .64   (.25 )   (.25 ) 12.21   5.31   1,343   .62   .62   1.82  
Class 3:                                                     
12/31/2023 10.02   .39   (.10 ) .29   (.37 )   (.37 ) 9.94   3.00   6   .51   .39   3.85  
12/31/2022 11.70   .30   (1.57 ) (1.27 ) (.41 )   (.41 ) 10.02   (10.90 ) 6   .54   .40   2.76  
12/31/2021 13.07   .16   (.26 ) (.10 ) (.16 ) (1.11 ) (1.27 ) 11.70   (.62 ) 9   .57   .47   1.31  
12/31/2020 12.37   .10   1.12   1.22   (.25 ) (.27 ) (.52 ) 13.07   9.91   10   .57   .57   .78  
12/31/2019 11.97   .23   .43   .66   (.26 )   (.26 ) 12.37   5.49   9   .55   .55   1.88  
Class 4:                                                     
12/31/2023 9.86   .35   (.10 ) .25   (.34 )   (.34 ) 9.77   2.62   183   .83   .71   3.54  
12/31/2022 11.52   .26   (1.54 ) (1.28 ) (.38 )   (.38 ) 9.86   (11.19 ) 190   .85   .72   2.45  
12/31/2021 12.88   .12   (.25 ) (.13 ) (.12 ) (1.11 ) (1.23 ) 11.52   (.88 ) 238   .89   .79   .98  
12/31/2020 12.22   .05   1.10   1.15   (.22 ) (.27 ) (.49 ) 12.88   9.48   272   .89   .89   .42  
12/31/2019 11.84   .19   .42   .61   (.23 )   (.23 ) 12.22   5.14   124   .87   .87   1.56  

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     140



    Income (loss) from
investment operations1
Dividends and distributions          
Year ended  Net asset
of year
Net gains
(losses) on
realized and
Total from
(from net
(from capital
Net asset
of year
Total return Net assets,
end of year
(in millions)
Ratio of
to average
net assets
Ratio of
net income
to average
net assets
Ultra-Short Bond Fund
Class 1:                                                 
12/31/2023 $11.35   $.55   $.01   $.56   $(.56 ) $—   $(.56 ) $11.35   4.94 % $40   .30 % 4.81 %
12/31/2022 11.27   .17   (.01 ) .16   (.08 )   (.08 ) 11.35   1.42   51   .32   1.48  
12/31/2021 11.31   (.03 ) (.01 ) (.04 )       11.27   (.35 ) 37   .37   (.28 )
12/31/2020 11.30   .02   .02   .04   (.03 )   (.03 ) 11.31   .34   44   .37   .16  
12/31/2019 11.31   .22   4 .22   (.23 )   (.23 ) 11.30   1.92   30   .36   1.92  
Class 1A:                                                 
12/31/2023 11.35   .54     .54   (.54 )   (.54 ) 11.35   4.79   6 .53   4.69  
12/31/2022 11.28   .16   (.01 ) .15   (.08 )   (.08 ) 11.35   1.32   6 .31   1.40  
12/31/2021 11.31   (.03 ) 4 (.03 )       11.28   (.27 ) 6 .36   (.28 )
12/31/2020 11.30   .03   .01   .04   (.03 )   (.03 ) 11.31   .32   6 .35   .26  
12/31/2019 11.31   .22   4 .22   (.23 )   (.23 ) 11.30   1.92   6 .37   1.90  
Class 2:                                                 
12/31/2023 11.00   .51   4 .51   (.53 )   (.53 ) 10.98   4.64   273   .55   4.56  
12/31/2022 10.93   .13   4 .13   (.06 )   (.06 ) 11.00   1.17   297   .57   1.23  
12/31/2021 10.99   (.06 ) 4 (.06 )       10.93   (.55 ) 245   .62   (.53 )
12/31/2020 11.01   5 4 4 (.02 )   (.02 ) 10.99   .03   288   .62   (.05 )
12/31/2019 11.03   .18   4 .18   (.20 )   (.20 ) 11.01   1.62   230   .61   1.66  
Class 3:                                                 
12/31/2023 11.14   .52   .01   .53   (.54 )   (.54 ) 11.13   4.75   4   .48   4.64  
12/31/2022 11.07   .13   4 .13   (.06 )   (.06 ) 11.14   1.19   4   .50   1.19  
12/31/2021 11.12   (.05 ) 4 (.05 )       11.07   (.45 ) 5   .55   (.46 )
12/31/2020 11.13   4 .02   .02   (.03 )   (.03 ) 11.12   .13   4   .55   .03  
12/31/2019 11.14   .20   4 .20   (.21 )   (.21 ) 11.13   1.76   3   .54   1.74  
Class 4:                                                 
12/31/2023 11.05   .48   .01   .49   (.49 )   (.49 ) 11.05   4.44   56   .80   4.28  
12/31/2022 11.00   .12   (.03 ) .09   (.04 )   (.04 ) 11.05   .83   80   .82   1.05  
12/31/2021 11.08   (.09 ) .01   (.08 )       11.00   (.72 ) 46   .87   (.79 )
12/31/2020 11.13   (.04 ) .01   (.03 ) (.02 )   (.02 ) 11.08   (.25 ) 40   .87   (.35 )
12/31/2019 11.15   .16   4 .16   (.18 )   (.18 ) 11.13   1.40   22   .86   1.40  

141     American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus



  Year ended December 31,

Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes

excluding mortgage dollar roll transactions7

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Capital Income Builder 59% 48% 60% 110% 44%
Asset Allocation Fund 54 42 45 49 47
American Funds Global Balanced Fund 43 111 36 68 60
American Funds Mortgage Fund 85 56 38 123 84
Capital World Bond Fund 110 114 64 88 110
The Bond Fund of America 129 77 87 72 146
U.S. Government Securities Fund 113 77 126 112 103
  Year ended December 31,

Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes

including mortgage dollar roll transactions, if applicable7

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Global Growth Fund 29% 29% 18% 17% 14%
Global Small Capitalization Fund 36 40 29 38 50
Growth Fund 23 29 25 32 21
International Fund 28 42 44 40 32
New World Fund 36 40 43 70 38
Capital World Growth and Income Fund 29 42 85 36 29
Growth-Income Fund 26 25 24 33 27
International Growth and Income Fund 38 48 41 56 28
Washington Mutual Investors Fund 29 30 90 40 37
Capital Income Builder 149 126 93 184 72
Asset Allocation Fund 159 118 124 145 79
American Funds Global Balanced Fund 103 126 39 86 74
American Funds Mortgage Fund 1,053 1,141 975 1,143 350
American High-Income Trust 40 34 56 78 58
Capital World Bond Fund 286 188 91 145 159
The Bond Fund of America 545 415 456 461 373
U.S. Government Securities Fund 744 695 433 867 277
Ultra-Short Bond Fund 8 8 8 8 8

1 Based on average shares outstanding.

2 This column reflects the impact of certain waivers/reimbursements from Capital Research and Management Company. During some of the years shown, Capital Research and Management Company waived a portion of investment advisory services fees on some funds.

3 Ratios do not include expenses of any Central Funds. The fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of the expenses of any Central Funds, if applicable.

4 Amount less than $.01.

5 Amount less than .01%.

6 Amount less than $1 million.

7 Rates do not include the fund’s portfolio activity with respect to any Central Funds, if applicable.

8 Amount is either less than 1% or there is no turnover.

American Funds Insurance Series / Prospectus     142



Other fund information Shares of the Series are currently offered to insurance company separate accounts funding both variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies. Interests of various contract owners participating in the Series may be in conflict. The board of trustees of the Series will monitor for the existence of any material conflicts and determine what action, if any, should be taken. Shares may be purchased or redeemed by the separate accounts without any sales or redemption charges at net asset value.

Annual/Semi-annual report to shareholders The shareholder reports contain additional information about the Series, including financial statements, investment results, portfolio holdings, a discussion of market conditions and the Series’ investment strategies, and the independent registered public accounting firm’s report (in the annual report).

Statement of additional information (SAI) and codes of ethics The current SAI, as amended from time to time, contains more detailed information about the Series, including the funds’ financial statements, and is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. This means that the current SAI, for legal purposes, is part of this prospectus. The codes of ethics describe the personal investing policies adopted by the Series, the Series’ investment adviser and its affiliated companies.

The codes of ethics and current SAI are on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These and other related materials about the Series are available for review on the EDGAR database on the SEC’s website at or, after payment of a duplicating fee, via email request to [email protected].

The current SAI and annual/semi-annual reports to shareholders can be found online at and may be available on the website of the company that issued your insurance contract. You also may request a free copy of these documents or the codes of ethics by calling Capital Group at (800) 421-9900, ext. 65413 or writing to the Secretary at 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California 90071.

INA2PRX-998-0524P Printed in USA CGD/AFD/8024 Investment Company File No. 811-03857

