April 26, 2024
Series I shares and Series II shares

Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate Fund
Shares of the Fund are currently offered only to insurance company separate accounts funding variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies.
As with all other mutual fund securities, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
An investment in the Fund:
is not FDIC insured;
may lose value; and
is not guaranteed by a bank.

Table of Contents
Shares of the Fund are used as investment vehicles for variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies (variable products) issued by certain insurance companies, and funds of funds. You cannot purchase shares of the Fund directly. As an owner of a variable product (variable product owner) that offers the Fund as an investment option,
however, you may allocate your variable product values to a separate account of the insurance company that invests in shares of the Fund.
Your variable product is offered through its own prospectus, which contains information about your variable product, including how to purchase the variable product and how to allocate variable product values to the Fund.
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Fund Summary
Investment Objective(s)
The Fund’s investment objective is total return through growth of capital and current income.
Fees and Expenses of the Fund
This table describes the fees and expenses that are incurred, directly or indirectly, when a variable product owner buys, holds, or redeems interest in an insurance company separate account that invests in the Series I shares or Series II shares of the Fund but does not represent the effect of any fees or other expenses assessed in connection with your variable product, and if it did, expenses would be higher.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
Series I shares
Series II shares
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Purchases
(as a percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a
percentage of original purchase price or redemption
proceeds, whichever is less)
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the
value of your investment)
Series I shares
Series II shares
Management Fees
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) Fees
Other Expenses
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses
Example. This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.
This Example does not represent the effect of any fees or expenses assessed in connection with your variable product, and if it did, expenses would be higher.
The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund’s operating expenses remain the same.
Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs would be:
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Series I shares
Series II shares
Portfolio Turnover. The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 88% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies of the Fund
The Fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in securities of real estate and real estate-related issuers, and in derivatives and other instruments that have economic characteristics similar to such securities. The Fund invests primarily in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and equity securities (including common and preferred stock, and convertible securities) of domestic and foreign issuers. The Fund’s common stock investments may also include China A-shares (shares of companies based
in mainland China that trade on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange).
The Fund concentrates its investments in the securities of domestic and foreign real estate and real estate-related companies. The Fund considers an issuer to be a real estate or real estate-related company if at least 50% of its assets, gross income or net profits are attributable to ownership, construction, management or sale of residential, commercial or industrial real estate. These issuers include (i) REITs or other real estate operating companies that (a) own property, (b) make or invest in short-term construction and development mortgage loans, or (c) invest in long-term mortgages or mortgage pools, and (ii) issuers whose products and services are related to the real estate industry, such as manufacturers and distributors of building supplies and financial institutions that issue or service mortgages.
The Fund may also invest in debt securities of domestic and foreign issuers (including corporate debt obligations and commercial mortgage-backed securities). The Fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in non-investment grade debt securities (commonly known as “junk bonds”) of real estate and real estate-related issuers.
Under normal circumstances, the Fund will provide exposure to investments that are economically tied to at least three different countries, including the U.S and at least 40%, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable, in which case at least 30% of the Fund’s net assets will provide exposure to investments that are economically tied to countries other than the U.S. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging market countries, i.e., those that are generally in the early stages of their industrial cycles.
The Fund may invest in securities of issuers of all capitalization sizes. Real estate companies tend to have smaller asset bases compared with other market sectors, therefore, the Fund may hold a significant amount of securities of small- and mid-capitalization issuers.
The Fund may engage in short sales of securities. The Fund may engage in short sales with respect to securities it owns or securities it does not own. Generally, the Fund will sell a security short to (1) take advantage of an expected decline in the security price in anticipation of purchasing the same security at a later date at a lower price, or (2) to protect a profit in a security that it owns. The Fund will not sell a security short if, as a result of such short sale, the aggregate market value of all securities sold short exceeds 10% of the Fund’s net assets.
The Fund can invest in derivative instruments including forward foreign currency contracts.
The Fund can use forward foreign currency contracts to hedge against adverse movements in the foreign currencies in which portfolio securities are denominated; though the Fund has not historically used these instruments.
When constructing the portfolio, the portfolio managers use a fundamentals-driven investment process, including an evaluation of factors such as property market cycle analysis, property evaluation and management and structure review to identify securities with characteristics including (i) quality underlying properties, (ii) solid management teams with the ability to effectively manage capital structure decisions and execute their stated strategic plan, and (iii) attractive valuations relative to peer investment alternatives.
The portfolio managers focus on equity REITs and real estate operating issuers. Each qualified security in the investment universe is analyzed using fundamental real estate analysis and valuation review to identify securities that appear to have relatively favorable long-term prospects and attractive values. Some of the fundamental real estate factors that are considered include: forecasted occupancy and rental rates of the various property markets in which a firm may operate, property locations, physical attributes, management depth and skill, insider ownership, overall debt levels,
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percentage of variable rate financing and fixed charge coverage ratios. The issuers that are believed to have the most attractive fundamental real estate attributes are then evaluated on the basis of relative value. Some of the valuation factors that are considered include: cash flow consistency and growth, dividend yield, dividend coverage and growth, and cash flow and assets to price multiples.
The portfolio managers seek to construct a portfolio with risk characteristics similar to the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Index. The Fund uses this index as a guide in structuring the portfolio, but the Fund is not an index fund.
The portfolio managers seek to limit risk through various controls, such as diversifying the portfolio property types and geographic areas as well as by considering the relative liquidity of each security and limiting the size of any one holding.
The portfolio managers will consider selling a security if they conclude (1) its relative valuation has fallen below desired levels, (2) its risk/return profile has changed significantly, (3) its fundamentals have changed, or (4) a more attractive investment opportunity is identified.
As part of the Fund’s investment process to implement its investment strategy in pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund’s portfolio managers may also consider both qualitative and quantitative environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors they believe to be material to understand an issuer’s fundamentals, assess whether any ESG factors pose a material financial risk or opportunity to the issuer and determine whether such risks are appropriately reflected in the issuer’s valuation. This analysis may involve the use of third-party research as well as proprietary research. Consideration of ESG factors is just one component of the portfolio managers' assessment of issuers eligible for investment and not necessarily determinative to an investment decision. Therefore, the Fund’s portfolio managers may still invest in securities of issuers that may be viewed as having a high ESG risk profile. The ESG factors considered by the Fund’s portfolio managers may change over time, one or more factors may not be relevant with respect to all issuers eligible for investment and ESG considerations may not be applied to each issuer or Fund investment.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Fund
As with any mutual fund investment, loss of money is a risk of investing. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit in a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The risks associated with an investment in the Fund can increase during times of significant market volatility. The principal risks of investing in the Fund are:
Market Risk. The market values of the Fund’s investments, and therefore the value of the Fund’s shares, will go up and down, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. Market risk may affect a single issuer, industry or section of the economy, or it may affect the market as a whole. The value of the Fund’s investments may go up or down due to general market conditions that are not specifically related to the particular issuer, such as real or perceived adverse economic conditions, changes in the general outlook for revenues or corporate earnings, changes in interest or currency rates, regional or global instability, natural or environmental disasters, widespread disease or other public health issues, war, military conflict, acts of terrorism, economic crisis or adverse investor sentiment generally. During a general downturn in the financial markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value. When markets perform well, there can be no assurance that specific investments held by the Fund will rise in value.
REIT Risk/Real Estate Risk. Investments in real estate related instruments may be adversely affected by economic, legal, cultural, environmental or technological factors that affect property values, rents or occupancies. Shares of real estate related companies, which tend to be small- and mid-cap companies, may be more volatile and less liquid than larger companies. If a real estate related company defaults on certain types of debt obligations held by the Fund, the Fund may acquire real estate
directly, which involves additional risks such as environmental liabilities; difficulty in valuing and selling the real estate; and economic or regulatory changes.
Investing in Stocks Risk. The value of the Fund’s portfolio may be affected by changes in the stock markets. Stock markets may experience significant short-term volatility and may fall or rise sharply at times. Adverse events in any part of the equity or fixed-income markets may have unexpected negative effects on other market segments. Different stock markets may behave differently from each other and U.S. stock markets may move in the opposite direction from one or more foreign stock markets.
The prices of individual stocks generally do not all move in the same direction at the same time. However, individual stock prices tend to go up and down more dramatically than those of certain other types of investments, such as bonds. A variety of factors can negatively affect the price of a particular company’s stock. These factors may include, but are not limited to: poor earnings reports, a loss of customers, litigation against the company, general unfavorable performance of the company’s sector or industry, or changes in government regulations affecting the company or its industry. To the extent that securities of a particular type are emphasized (for example foreign stocks, stocks of small- or mid-cap companies, growth or value stocks, or stocks of companies in a particular industry), fund share values may fluctuate more in response to events affecting the market for those types of securities.
Foreign Securities Risk. The Fund's foreign investments may be adversely affected by political and social instability, changes in economic or taxation policies, difficulty in enforcing obligations, decreased liquidity or increased volatility. Foreign investments also involve the risk of the possible seizure, nationalization or expropriation of the issuer or foreign deposits (in which the Fund could lose its entire investments in a certain market) and the possible adoption of foreign governmental restrictions such as exchange controls. Foreign companies generally may be subject to less stringent regulations than U.S. companies, including financial reporting requirements and auditing and accounting controls, and may therefore be more susceptible to fraud or corruption. There may be less public information available about foreign companies than U.S. companies, making it difficult to evaluate those foreign companies. Unless the Fund has hedged its foreign currency exposure, foreign securities risk also involves the risk of negative foreign currency rate fluctuations, which may cause the value of securities denominated in such foreign currency (or other instruments through which the Fund has exposure to foreign currencies) to decline in value. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. Currency hedging strategies, if used, are not always successful.
Emerging Market Securities Risk. Emerging markets (also referred to as developing markets) are generally subject to greater market volatility, political, social and economic instability, uncertain trading markets and more governmental limitations on foreign investment than more developed markets. In addition, companies operating in emerging markets may be subject to lower trading volume and greater price fluctuations than companies in more developed markets. Such countries’ economies may be more dependent on relatively few industries or investors that may be highly vulnerable to local and global changes. Companies in emerging market countries generally may be subject to less stringent regulatory, disclosure, financial reporting, accounting, auditing and recordkeeping standards than companies in more developed countries. As a result, information, including financial information, about such companies may be less available and reliable, which can impede the Fund’s ability to evaluate such companies. Securities law and the enforcement of systems of taxation in many emerging market countries may change quickly and unpredictably, and the ability to bring and enforce actions (including bankruptcy, confiscatory taxation, expropriation, nationalization of a company’s assets, restrictions on foreign ownership of local companies, restrictions on withdrawing assets from the country, protectionist measures and practices such as share blocking), or to obtain information needed to pursue or enforce such
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actions, may be limited. In addition, the ability of foreign entities to participate in privatization programs of certain developing or emerging market countries may be limited by local law. Investments in emerging market securities may be subject to additional transaction costs, delays in settlement procedures, unexpected market closures, and lack of timely information.
The Fund's investments in China A-shares are subject to trading restrictions, quota limitations and clearing and settlement risks.
Preferred Securities Risk. Preferred securities are subject to issuer-specific and market risks applicable generally to equity securities. Preferred securities also may be subordinated to bonds or other debt instruments, subjecting them to a greater risk of non-payment, may be less liquid than many other securities, such as common stocks, and generally offer no voting rights with respect to the issuer.
Convertible Securities Risk. The market values of convertible securities are affected by market interest rates, the risk of actual issuer default on interest or principal payments and the value of the underlying common stock into which the convertible security may be converted. Additionally, a convertible security is subject to the same types of market and issuer risks that apply to the underlying common stock. In addition, certain convertible securities are subject to involuntary conversions and may undergo principal write-downs upon the occurrence of certain triggering events, and, as a result, are subject to an increased risk of loss. Convertible securities may be rated below investment grade and therefore considered to have more speculative characteristics and greater susceptibility to default or decline in market value than investment grade securities.
Geographic Focus Risk. The Fund may from time to time have a substantial amount of its assets invested in securities of issuers located in a single country or a limited number of countries. Adverse economic, political or social conditions in those countries may therefore have a significant negative impact on the Fund’s investment performance.
Small- and Mid-Capitalization Companies Risk. Investing in securities of small- and mid-capitalization companies involves greater risk than customarily is associated with investing in larger, more established companies. Stocks of small- and mid-capitalization companies tend to be more vulnerable to changing market conditions, may have little or no operating history or track record of success, and may have more limited product lines and markets, less experienced management and fewer financial resources than larger companies. These companies’ securities may be more volatile and less liquid than those of more established companies. They may be more sensitive to changes in a company’s earnings expectations and may experience more abrupt and erratic price movements. Smaller companies’ securities often trade in lower volumes and in many instances, are traded over-the-counter or on a regional securities exchange, where the frequency and volume of trading is substantially less than is typical for securities of larger companies traded on national securities exchanges. Therefore, the securities of smaller companies may be subject to wider price fluctuations and it might be harder for the Fund to dispose of its holdings at an acceptable price when it wants to sell them. Since small- and mid-cap companies typically reinvest a high proportion of their earnings in their business, they may not pay dividends for some time, particularly if they are newer companies. It may take a substantial period of time to realize a gain on an investment in a small- or mid-cap company, if any gain is realized at all.
Debt Securities Risk. The prices of debt securities held by the Fund will be affected by changes in interest rates, the creditworthiness of the issuer and other factors. An increase in prevailing interest rates typically causes the value of existing debt securities to fall and often has a greater impact on longer-duration debt securities and higher quality debt securities. Falling interest rates will cause the Fund to reinvest the proceeds of debt securities that have been repaid by the issuer at lower interest rates. Falling interest rates may also reduce the Fund’s distributable income because interest payments on floating rate debt instruments held by the Fund will decline. The Fund could lose money on investments in debt securities if the
issuer or borrower fails to meet its obligations to make interest payments and/or to repay principal in a timely manner. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, the market’s perception of such strength or in the credit rating of the issuer or the security may affect the value of debt securities. The credit analysis applied to the Fund’s debt securities may fail to anticipate such changes, which could result in buying a debt security at an inopportune time or failing to sell a debt security in advance of a price decline or other credit event.
High Yield Debt Securities (Junk Bond) Risk. Investments in high yield debt securities (junk bonds) and other lower-rated securities will subject the Fund to substantial risk of loss. These securities are considered to be speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and principal when due, are more susceptible to default or decline in market value and are less liquid than investment grade debt securities. Prices of high yield debt securities tend to be very volatile.
Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities Risk. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including collateralized debt obligations and collateralized mortgage obligations, are subject to prepayment or call risk, which is the risk that a borrower's payments may be received earlier or later than expected due to changes in prepayment rates on underlying loans. This could result in the Fund reinvesting these early payments at lower interest rates, thereby reducing the Fund's income. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities also are subject to extension risk, which is the risk that an unexpected rise in interest rates could reduce the rate of prepayments, causing the price of the mortgage- and asset-backed securities and the Fund’s share price to fall. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool may adversely affect the value of mortgage-backed securities and could result in losses to the Fund. Privately-issued mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities may be less liquid than other types of securities and the Fund may be unable to sell these securities at the time or price it desires. During periods of market stress or high redemptions, the Fund may be forced to sell these securities at significantly reduced prices, resulting in losses. Liquid privately-issued mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities can become illiquid during periods of market stress. Privately-issued mortgage-related securities are not subject to the same underwriting requirements as those with government or government-sponsored entity guarantees and, therefore, mortgage loans underlying privately-issued mortgage-related securities may have less favorable collateral, credit risk, liquidity risk or other underwriting characteristics, and wider variances in interest rate, term, size, purpose and borrower characteristics. The Fund may invest in mortgage pools that include subprime mortgages, which are loans made to borrowers with weakened credit histories or with lower capacity to make timely payments on their mortgages. Liquidity risk is even greater for mortgage pools that include subprime mortgages.
Derivatives Risk. The value of a derivative instrument depends largely on (and is derived from) the value of an underlying security, currency, commodity, interest rate, index or other asset (each referred to as an underlying asset). In addition to risks relating to the underlying assets, the use of derivatives may include other, possibly greater, risks, including counterparty, leverage and liquidity risks. Counterparty risk is the risk that the counterparty to the derivative contract will default on its obligation to pay the Fund the amount owed or otherwise perform under the derivative contract. Derivatives create leverage risk because they do not require payment up front equal to the economic exposure created by holding a position in the derivative. As a result, an adverse change in the value of the underlying asset could result in the Fund sustaining a loss that is substantially greater than the amount invested in the derivative or the anticipated value of the underlying asset, which may make the Fund’s returns more volatile and increase the risk of loss. Derivative instruments may also be less liquid than more traditional investments and the Fund may be unable to sell or close out its derivative positions at a desirable time or price. This risk may be more acute under adverse market conditions, during which the Fund may be most in need of liquidating its derivative positions.
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Derivatives may also be harder to value, less tax efficient and subject to changing government regulation that could impact the Fund’s ability to use certain derivatives or their cost. Derivatives strategies may not always be successful. For example, derivatives used for hedging or to gain or limit exposure to a particular market segment may not provide the expected benefits, particularly during adverse market conditions.
Short Position Risk. Because the Fund’s potential loss on a short position arises from increases in the value of the asset sold short, the Fund will incur a loss on a short position, which is theoretically unlimited, if the price of the asset sold short increases from the short sale price. The counterparty to a short position or other market factors may prevent the Fund from closing out a short position at a desirable time or price and may reduce or eliminate any gain or result in a loss. In a rising market, the Fund’s short positions will cause the Fund to underperform the overall market and its peers that do not engage in shorting. If the Fund holds both long and short positions, and both positions decline simultaneously, the short positions will not provide any buffer (hedge) from declines in value of the Fund’s long positions. Certain types of short positions involve leverage, which may exaggerate any losses, potentially more than the actual cost of the investment, and will increase the volatility of the Fund’s returns.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Considerations Risk. The ESG considerations that may be assessed as part of the investment process to implement the Fund’s investment strategy in pursuit of its investment objective may vary across types of eligible investments and issuers, and not every ESG factor may be identified or evaluated for every investment, and not every investment or issuer may be evaluated for ESG considerations. The Fund’s portfolio will not be solely based on ESG considerations, and therefore the issuers in which the Fund invests may not be considered ESG-focused issuers. The incorporation of ESG factors may affect the Fund’s exposure to certain issuers or industries and may not work as intended. The Fund may underperform other funds that do not assess an issuer’s ESG factors or that use a different methodology to identify and/or incorporate ESG factors. Information used by the Fund to evaluate such factors may not be readily available, complete or accurate, and may vary across providers and issuers as ESG is not a uniformly defined characteristic. There is no guarantee that the evaluation of ESG considerations will be additive to the Fund’s performance.
Management Risk. The Fund is actively managed and depends heavily on the Adviser’s or Sub-Adviser's judgment about markets, interest rates or the attractiveness, relative values, liquidity, or potential appreciation of particular investments made for the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund could experience losses if these judgments prove to be incorrect. There can be no guarantee that the Adviser’s or Sub-Adviser's investment techniques or investment decisions will produce the desired results. Additionally, legislative, regulatory, or tax developments may adversely affect management of the Fund and, therefore, the ability of the Fund to achieve its investment objective.
Performance Information
The bar chart and performance table provide an indication of the risks of investing in the Fund. The bar chart shows changes in the performance of the Series I shares of the Fund from year to year as of December 31. The performance table compares the Fund's performance to that of a style-specific benchmark and a broad-based securities market benchmark (in that order). The bar chart and performance table below do not reflect charges assessed in connection with your variable product; if they did, the performance shown would be lower. The Fund's past performance is not necessarily an indication of its future performance.
Fund performance reflects any applicable fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Performance returns would be lower without applicable fee waivers and expense reimbursements.
All Fund performance shown assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and the effect of the Fund's expenses.
The Series I shares and Series II shares invest in the same portfolio of securities and will have substantially similar performance, except to the extent that the expenses borne by each share class differ. Series II shares have higher expenses (and therefore lower performance) resulting from its Rule 12b-1 plan, which provides for a maximum fee equal to an annual rate of 0.25% (expressed as a percentage of average daily net assets of the Fund).
Updated performance information is available on the Fund’s website at www.invesco.com/us.

Annual Total Returns
Series I
Period Ended
Best Quarter
March 31, 2019
Worst Quarter
March 31, 2020

Average Annual Total Returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2023)
Series I
Series II
Custom Invesco Global Real Estate Index (Net)
(reflects reinvested dividends net of withholding
taxes, but reflects no deduction for fees, expenses
or other taxes)1
MSCI World IndexSM (Net) (reflects reinvested
dividends net of withholding taxes, but reflects no
deduction for fees, expenses or other taxes)
The Custom Invesco Global Real Estate Index is composed of the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Index (gross) from fund inception through Feb. 17, 2005; the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Index (net) from Feb. 18, 2005, through June 30, 2014; the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Index (Net) from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2021, and the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Index (Net) from July 1, 2021 onward.
Management of the Fund
Investment Adviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc. (Invesco or the Adviser)
Investment Sub-Adviser: Invesco Asset Management Limited (Invesco Asset Management)
Portfolio Managers
Length of Service on the Fund
James Cowen
Portfolio Manager
Grant Jackson, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Darin Turner
Portfolio Manager
Ping-Ying Wang, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
You cannot purchase or sell (redeem) shares of the Fund directly. Please contact the insurance company that issued your variable product for more information on the purchase and sale of Fund shares. For more information, see “Other Information—Purchase and Redemption of Shares” in the prospectus.
Tax Information
The Fund expects, based on its investment objective and strategies, that its distributions, if any, will consist of ordinary income, capital gains, or some combination of both. Because shares of the Fund must be purchased through variable products, such distributions will be exempt from current
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taxation if left to accumulate within the variable product. Consult your variable insurance contract prospectus for additional tax information.
Payments to Insurance Companies
If you purchase the Fund through an insurance company or other financial intermediary, the Fund, the Fund’s distributor or its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the insurance company or other intermediary and your salesperson or financial adviser to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or financial adviser or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.

Investment Objective(s), Strategies, Risks and Portfolio Holdings
Objective(s) and Strategies
The Fund’s investment objective is total return through growth of capital and current income. The Fund’s investment objective may be changed by the Board of Trustees (the Board) without shareholder approval.
The Fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in securities of real estate and real estate-related issuers, and in derivatives and other instruments that have economic characteristics similar to such securities. The Fund invests primarily in REITs and equity securities (including common and preferred stock, and convertible securities) of domestic and foreign issuers.
REITs are entities that sell equity or debt securities to investors and use the proceeds to invest in real estate or interests therein. The Fund’s common stock investments may also include China A-shares (shares of companies based in mainland China that trade on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange).
The Fund concentrates its investments in the securities of domestic and foreign real estate and real estate-related companies. The Fund considers an issuer to be a real estate or real estate-related company if at least 50% of its assets, gross income or net profits are attributable to ownership, construction, management or sale of residential, commercial or industrial real estate. These issuers include (i) REITs or other real estate operating companies that (a) own property, (b) make or invest in short-term construction and development mortgage loans, or (c) invest in long-term mortgages or mortgage pools, and (ii) issuers whose products and services are related to the real estate industry, such as manufacturers and distributors of building supplies and financial institutions that issue or service mortgages.
The Fund may also invest in debt securities of domestic and foreign issuers (including corporate debt obligations and commercial mortgage-backed securities). The Fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in non-investment grade debt securities (commonly known as “junk bonds”) of real estate and real estate-related issuers. Investment grade securities are: (i) securities rated BBB- or higher by S&P Global Ratings (S&P) or Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) or an equivalent rating by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), (ii) securities with comparable short-term NRSRO ratings, or (iii) unrated securities determined by the Adviser to be of comparable quality, each at the time of purchase.
Under normal circumstances, the Fund will provide exposure to investments that are economically tied to at least three different countries, including the U.S. and at least 40%, unless market conditions are not deemed favorable, in which case at least 30% of the Fund’s net assets will provide exposure to investments that are economically tied to countries other than the U.S. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging market countries, i.e., those that are generally in the early stages of their industrial cycles.
The Fund may invest in securities of issuers of all capitalization sizes. Real estate companies tend to have smaller asset bases compared with other market sectors, therefore, the Fund may hold a significant amount of securities of small- and mid-capitalization issuers.
The Fund considers an issuer to be a small-capitalization issuer if it has a market capitalization, at the time of purchase, no larger than the largest capitalized issuer included in the Russell 2000® Index during the most recent 11-month period (based on month-end data) plus the most recent data during the current month.
The Fund considers an issuer to be a mid-capitalization issuer if it has a market capitalization, at the time of purchase, within the range of market capitalizations of the largest and smallest capitalized issuers included in the Russell Midcap® Index during the most recent 11-month period (based on month-end data) plus the most recent data during the current month. A company's “market capitalization” is the value of its outstanding shares.
The Fund may engage in short sales of securities. A short sale occurs when the Fund sells a security, but does not deliver a security it owns when the sale settles. Instead, it borrows that security for delivery when the sale settles. The Fund may engage in short sales with respect to securities it owns or securities it does not own. Generally, the Fund will sell a security short to (1) take advantage of an expected decline in the security price in anticipation of purchasing the same security at a later date at a lower price, or (2) to protect a profit in a security that it owns. The Fund will not sell a security short if, as a result of such short sale, the aggregate market value of all securities sold short exceeds 10% of the Fund’s net assets.
The Fund can invest in derivative instruments including forward foreign currency contracts.
A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between parties to exchange a specified amount of currency at a specified future time at a specified rate. The Fund can use forward foreign currency contracts to hedge against adverse movements in the foreign currencies in which portfolio securities are denominated; though the Fund has not historically used these instruments.
When constructing the portfolio, the portfolio managers use a fundamentals-driven investment process, including an evaluation of factors such as property market cycle analysis, property evaluation and management and structure review to identify securities with characteristics including (i) quality underlying properties, (ii) solid management teams with the ability to effectively manage capital structure decisions and execute their stated strategic plan, and (iii) attractive valuations relative to peer investment alternatives.
The portfolio managers focus on equity REITs and real estate operating issuers. Each qualified security in the investment universe is analyzed using fundamental real estate analysis and valuation review to identify securities that appear to have relatively favorable long-term prospects and attractive values. Some of the fundamental real estate factors that are considered include: forecasted occupancy and rental rates of the various property markets in which a firm may operate, property locations, physical attributes, management depth and skill, insider ownership, overall debt levels, percentage of variable rate financing and fixed charge coverage ratios. The issuers that are believed to have the most attractive fundamental real estate attributes are then evaluated on the basis of relative value. Some of the valuation factors that are considered include: cash flow consistency and growth, dividend yield, dividend coverage and growth, and cash flow and assets to price multiples.
The portfolio managers seek to construct a portfolio with risk characteristics similar to the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Index. The Fund uses this index as a guide in structuring the portfolio, but the Fund is not an index fund.
The portfolio managers seek to limit risk through various controls, such as diversifying the portfolio property types and geographic areas as well as by considering the relative liquidity of each security and limiting the size of any one holding.
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The portfolio managers will consider selling a security if they conclude (1) its relative valuation has fallen below desired levels, (2) its risk/return profile has changed significantly, (3) its fundamentals have changed, or (4) a more attractive investment opportunity is identified.
As part of the Fund’s investment process to implement its investment strategy in pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund’s portfolio managers may also consider both qualitative and quantitative environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors they believe to be material to understand an issuer’s fundamentals, assess whether any ESG factors pose a material financial risk or opportunity to the issuer and determine whether such risks are appropriately reflected in the issuer’s valuation. This analysis may involve the use of third-party research as well as proprietary research. Consideration of ESG factors is just one component of the portfolio managers' assessment of issuers eligible for investment and not necessarily determinative to an investment decision. Therefore, the Fund’s portfolio managers may still invest in securities of issuers that may be viewed as having a high ESG risk profile. The ESG factors considered by the Fund’s portfolio managers may change over time, one or more factors may not be relevant with respect to all issuers eligible for investment and ESG considerations may not be applied to each issuer or Fund investment.
In anticipation of or in response to market, economic, political, or other conditions, the Fund’s portfolio managers may temporarily use a different investment strategy for defensive purposes. If the Fund’s portfolio managers do so, different factors could affect the Fund’s performance and the Fund may not achieve its investment objective.
The Fund’s investments in the types of securities and other investments described in this prospectus vary from time to time, and, at any time, the Fund may not be invested in all of the types of securities and other investments described in this prospectus. The Fund may also invest in securities and other investments not described in this prospectus.
For more information, see “Description of the Funds and Their Investments and Risks” in the Fund’s SAI.
The principal risks of investing in the Fund are:
Market Risk. The market values of the Fund’s investments, and therefore the value of the Fund’s shares, will go up and down, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. Market risk may affect a single issuer, industry or section of the economy, or it may affect the market as a whole. The value of the Fund’s investments may go up or down due to general market conditions that are not specifically related to the particular issuer, such as real or perceived adverse economic conditions, changes in the general outlook for revenues or corporate earnings, changes in interest or currency rates, regional or global instability, or adverse investor sentiment generally. The value of the Fund’s investments may also go up or down due to factors that affect an individual issuer or a particular industry or sector, such as changes in production costs and competitive conditions within an industry. In addition, natural or environmental disasters, widespread disease or other public health issues, war, military conflict, acts of terrorism, economic crisis or other events may have a significant impact on the value of the Fund’s investments, as well as the financial markets and global economy generally. Such circumstances may also impact the ability of the Adviser to effectively implement the Fund’s investment strategy. During a general downturn in the financial markets, multiple asset classes may decline in value. When markets perform well, there can be no assurance that specific investments held by the Fund will rise in value.
Market Disruption Risks Related to Armed Conflict. As a result of increasingly interconnected global economies and financial markets, armed conflict between countries or in a geographic region, for example the current conflicts between Russia and Ukraine in Europe and Hamas and Israel in the Middle East, has the potential to adversely impact the Fund’s investments. Such conflicts, and other corresponding events, have had, and could continue to have, severe negative effects on regional and global economic and financial
markets, including increased volatility, reduced liquidity, and overall uncertainty. The negative impacts may be particularly acute in certain sectors. The timing and duration of such conflicts, resulting sanctions, related events and other implications cannot be predicted. The foregoing may result in a negative impact on Fund performance and the value of an investment in the Fund, even beyond any direct investment exposure the Fund may have to issuers located in or with significant exposure to an impacted country or geographic regions.
REIT Risk/Real Estate Risk. Investments in real estate related instruments may be adversely affected by economic, legal, cultural, environmental or technological factors that affect property values, rents or occupancies. Real estate companies, including REITs or similar structures, tend to be small- and mid-cap companies and their shares may be more volatile and less liquid than larger companies. The value of investments in real estate related companies may be affected by the quality of management, the ability to repay loans, the utilization of leverage and financial covenants related thereto, whether the company carries adequate insurance and environmental factors. If a real estate related company defaults on certain types of debt obligations held by the Fund, the Fund may acquire real estate directly, which involves additional risks such as environmental liabilities; difficulty in valuing and selling the real estate; and economic or regulatory changes.
Investing in Stocks Risk. Common stock represents an ownership interest in a company. It ranks below preferred stock and debt securities in claims for dividends and in claims for assets of the issuer in a liquidation or bankruptcy. Common stocks may be exchange-traded or over-the-counter securities. Over-the-counter securities may be less liquid than exchange-traded securities.
The value of the Fund’s portfolio may be affected by changes in the stock markets. Stocks and other equity securities fluctuate in price in response to changes to equity markets in general. Stock markets may experience significant short-term volatility and may fall or rise sharply at times. Adverse events in any part of the equity or fixed-income markets may have unexpected negative effects on other market segments. Different stock markets may behave differently from each other and U.S. stock markets may move in the opposite direction from one or more foreign stock markets.
The prices of individual stocks generally do not all move in the same direction at the same time. However, individual stock prices tend to go up and down more dramatically than those of certain other types of investments, such as bonds. A variety of factors can negatively affect the price of a particular company’s stock. These factors may include, but are not limited to: poor earnings reports, a loss of customers, litigation against the company, general unfavorable performance of the company’s sector or industry, or changes in government regulations affecting the company or its industry. To the extent that securities of a particular type are emphasized (for example foreign stocks, stocks of small- or mid-cap companies, growth or value stocks, or stocks of companies in a particular industry), fund share values may fluctuate more in response to events affecting the market for those types of securities.
Foreign Securities Risk. The value of the Fund's foreign investments may be adversely affected by political and social instability in the home countries of the issuers of the investments, by changes in economic or taxation policies in those countries, or by the difficulty in enforcing obligations in those countries. Foreign investments also involve the risk of the possible seizure, nationalization or expropriation of the issuer or foreign deposits (in which the Fund could lose its entire investments in a certain market) and the possible adoption of foreign governmental restrictions such as exchange controls. Foreign companies generally may be subject to less stringent regulations than U.S. companies, including financial reporting requirements and auditing and accounting controls, and may therefore be more susceptible to fraud or corruption. Also, there may be less publicly available information about companies in certain foreign countries than about U.S. companies making it more difficult for the Adviser to evaluate those companies. The laws of certain countries may put limits on the Fund’s
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ability to recover its assets held at a foreign bank if the foreign bank, depository or issuer of a security, or any of their agents, goes bankrupt. Trading in many foreign securities may be less liquid and more volatile than U.S. securities due to the size of the market or other factors. Changes in political and economic factors in one country or region could adversely affect conditions in another country or region. Investments in foreign securities may also expose the Fund to time-zone arbitrage risk. At times, the Fund may emphasize investments in a particular country or region and may be subject to greater risks from adverse events that occur in that country or region. Unless the Fund has hedged its foreign currency exposure, foreign securities risk also involves the risk of negative foreign currency rate fluctuations, which may cause the value of securities denominated in such foreign currency (or other instruments through which the Fund has exposure to foreign currencies) to decline in value. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. Currency hedging strategies, if used, are not always successful. For instance, currency forward contracts, if used by the Fund, could reduce performance if there are unanticipated changes in currency exchange rates.
Emerging Market Securities Risk. Emerging markets (also referred to as developing markets) are generally subject to greater market volatility, political, social and economic instability, uncertainty regarding the existence of trading markets and more governmental limitations on foreign investment than more developed markets. In addition, companies operating in emerging markets may have greater concentration in a few industries resulting in greater vulnerability to regional and global trade conditions and also may be subject to lower trading volume and greater price fluctuations than companies in more developed markets. Unexpected market closures may also affect investments in emerging markets. Settlement procedures may differ from those of more established securities markets, and settlement delays may result in the inability to invest assets or dispose of portfolio securities in a timely manner. As a result there could be subsequent declines in value of the portfolio security, a decrease in the level of liquidity of the portfolio, or, if there is a contract to sell the security, a possible liability to the purchaser.
Such countries’ economies may be more dependent on relatively few industries or investors that may be highly vulnerable to local and global changes. Emerging market countries may also have higher rates of inflation or deflation and more rapid and extreme fluctuations in inflation rates and greater sensitivity to interest rate changes. Further, companies in emerging market countries generally may be subject to less stringent regulatory, disclosure, financial reporting, accounting, auditing and recordkeeping standards than companies in more developed countries and, as a result, the nature and quality of such information may vary. Information about such companies may be less available and reliable and, therefore, the ability to conduct adequate due diligence in emerging markets may be limited which can impede the Fund’s ability to evaluate such companies. In addition, certain emerging market countries may impose material limitations on Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) inspection, investigation and enforcement capabilities, which can hinder the PCAOB’s ability to engage in independent oversight or inspection of accounting firms located in or operating in certain emerging markets. There is no guarantee that the quality of financial reporting or the audits conducted by audit firms of emerging market issuers meet PCAOB standards.
Securities law in many emerging market countries is relatively new and unsettled. Therefore, laws regarding foreign investment in emerging market securities, securities regulation, title to securities, and shareholder rights may change quickly and unpredictably. Emerging market countries also may have less developed legal systems allowing for enforcement of private property rights and/or redress for injuries to private property (including bankruptcy, confiscatory taxation, expropriation, nationalization of a company’s assets, restrictions on foreign ownership of local companies, restrictions on withdrawing assets from the country, protectionist measures and practices such as share blocking). Certain governments may require approval for the repatriation of investment income, capital or the proceeds
of sales of securities by foreign investors. The ability to bring and enforce actions in emerging market countries, or to obtain information needed to pursue or enforce such actions, may be limited and shareholder claims may be difficult or impossible to pursue. In addition, the taxation systems at the federal, regional and local levels in emerging market countries may be less transparent and inconsistently enforced, and subject to sudden change.
Emerging market countries may have a higher degree of corruption and fraud than developed market countries, as well as counterparties and financial institutions with less financial sophistication, creditworthiness and/or resources. The governments in some emerging market countries have been engaged in programs to sell all or part of their interests in government-owned or controlled enterprises. However, in certain emerging market countries, the ability of foreign entities to participate in privatization programs may be limited by local law. There can be no assurance that privatization programs will be successful.
Other risks of investing in emerging market securities may include additional transaction costs, delays in settlement procedures, unexpected market closures, and lack of timely information.
The Fund's investments in China A-shares are subject to trading restrictions, quota limitations and clearing and settlement risks.
Preferred Securities Risk. Preferred securities are subject to issuer-specific and market risks applicable generally to equity securities. Preferred stock has a set dividend rate and ranks ahead of common stocks and behind debt securities in claims for dividends and for assets of the issuer in a liquidation or bankruptcy. Preferred securities also may be subordinated to bonds or other debt instruments in an issuer’s capital structure, subjecting them to a greater risk of non-payment than these more senior securities. For this reason, the value of preferred securities will usually react more strongly than bonds and other debt securities to actual or perceived changes in the company’s financial condition or prospects. Preferred securities may be less liquid than many other securities, such as common stocks, and generally offer no voting rights with respect to the issuer.
Convertible Securities Risk. The market value of a convertible security performs like that of a regular debt security; that is, if market interest rates rise, the value of a convertible security usually falls. In addition, convertible securities are subject to the risk that the issuer will not be able to pay interest or dividends when due, and their market value may change based on changes in the issuer’s credit rating or the market’s perception of the issuer’s creditworthiness. Convertible securities can be converted into or exchanged for a set amount of common stock of an issuer within a particular period of time at a specified price or according to a price formula. Convertible debt securities pay interest and convertible preferred stocks pay dividends until they mature or are converted, exchanged or redeemed. Some convertible debt securities may be considered “equity equivalents” because of the feature that makes them convertible into common stock. Since a convertible security derives a portion of its value from the common stock into which it may be converted, a convertible security is also subject to the same types of market and issuer risks that apply to the underlying common stock. In addition, certain convertible securities are subject to involuntary conversions and may undergo principal write-downs upon the occurrence of certain triggering events. These convertible securities are subject to an increased risk of loss and are generally subordinate in rank to other debt obligations of the issuer. Convertible securities may be rated below investment grade and therefore considered to have more speculative characteristics and greater susceptibility to default or decline in market value than investment grade securities.
Geographic Focus Risk. The Fund may from time to time have a substantial amount of its assets invested in securities of issuers located in a single country or a limited number of countries. If the Fund focuses its investments in this manner, adverse economic, political or social conditions in those countries may have a significant negative impact on the Fund’s investment performance. This risk is heightened if the Fund focuses its
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investments in emerging market countries or developed countries prone to periods of instability. The Schedule of Investments included in the Fund's annual and semi-annual reports identifies the countries in which the Fund had invested and the level of investment, as of the date of the reports.
Small- and Mid-Capitalization Companies Risk. Investing in securities of small- and mid-capitalization companies involves greater risk than customarily is associated with investing in larger, more established companies. Stocks of small- and mid-capitalization companies tend to be more vulnerable to changing market conditions, may have little or no operating history or track record of success, and may have more limited product lines and markets, less experienced management and fewer financial resources than larger companies. These companies’ securities may be more volatile and less liquid than those of more established companies. They may be more sensitive to changes in a company’s earnings expectations and may experience more abrupt and erratic price movements. Smaller companies’ securities often trade in lower volumes and in many instances, are traded over-the-counter or on a regional securities exchange, where the frequency and volume of trading is substantially less than is typical for securities of larger companies traded on national securities exchanges. Therefore, the securities of smaller companies may be subject to wider price fluctuations and it might be harder for the Fund to dispose of its holdings at an acceptable price when it wants to sell them. In addition, investors might seek to trade Fund shares based on their knowledge or understanding of the value of smaller company securities (this is sometimes referred to as “price arbitrage”), which could interfere with the efficient management of the Fund. Since small and mid-cap companies typically reinvest a high proportion of their earnings in their business, they may not pay dividends for some time, particularly if they are newer companies. It may take a substantial period of time to realize a gain on an investment in a small- or mid-cap company, if any gain is realized at all. The relative sizes of companies may change over time as the securities market changes, and the Fund is not required to sell the securities of companies whose market capitalizations have grown or decreased due to market fluctuations.
Debt Securities Risk. The prices of debt securities held by the Fund will be affected by changes in interest rates, the creditworthiness of the issuer and other factors. An increase in prevailing interest rates typically causes the value of existing debt securities to fall and often has a greater impact on longer-duration debt securities and higher quality debt securities. Falling interest rates will cause the Fund to reinvest the proceeds of debt securities that have been repaid by the issuer at lower interest rates. Falling interest rates may also reduce the Fund’s distributable income because interest payments on floating rate debt instruments held by the Fund will decline. The Fund could lose money on investments in debt securities if the issuer or borrower fails to meet its obligations to make interest payments and/or to repay principal in a timely manner. If an issuer seeks to restructure the terms of its borrowings or the Fund is required to seek recovery upon a default in the payment of interest or the repayment of principal, the Fund may incur additional expenses. Changes in an issuer’s financial strength, the market’s perception of such strength or in the credit rating of the issuer or the security may affect the value of debt securities. The credit analysis applied to the Fund’s debt securities may fail to anticipate such changes, which could result in buying a debt security at an inopportune time or failing to sell a debt security in advance of a price decline or other credit event.
High Yield Debt Securities (Junk Bond) Risk. The Fund’s investments in high yield debt securities (commonly referred to as junk bonds) and other lower-rated securities will subject the Fund to substantial risk of loss. These securities are considered to be speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and principal when due and are more susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic, regulatory, political or company developments than higher rated or investment grade securities. Prices of high yield debt securities tend to be very volatile. These securities are less liquid than investment grade debt securities and may be difficult to sell at a desirable time or price, particularly in times of negative sentiment toward high yield securities.
Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities Risk. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including collateralized debt obligations and collateralized mortgage obligations, differ from conventional debt securities because principal is paid back over the life of the security rather than at maturity. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to prepayment or call risk, which is the risk that a borrower's payments may be received earlier or later than expected due to changes in prepayment rates on underlying loans. Faster prepayments often happen when interest rates are falling. As a result, the Fund may reinvest these early payments at lower interest rates, thereby reducing the Fund's income. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities also are subject to extension risk. An unexpected rise in interest rates could reduce the rate of prepayments and extend the life of the mortgage- and asset-backed securities, causing the price of the mortgage- and asset-backed securities and the Fund’s share price to fall and would make the mortgage- and asset-backed securities more sensitive to interest rate changes. An unexpectedly high rate of defaults on the mortgages held by a mortgage pool will adversely affect the value of mortgage-backed securities and will result in losses to the Fund. Privately-issued mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities may be less liquid than other types of securities and the Fund may be unable to sell these securities at the time or price it desires. During periods of market stress or high redemptions, the Fund may be forced to sell these securities at significantly reduced prices, resulting in losses. Liquid privately-issued mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities can become illiquid during periods of market stress. Privately-issued mortgage-related securities are not subject to the same underwriting requirements for the underlying mortgages that are applicable to those mortgage-related securities that have government or government-sponsored entity guarantees. As a result, the mortgage loans underlying privately-issued mortgage-related securities may, and frequently do, have less favorable collateral, credit risk, liquidity risk or other underwriting characteristics than government or government-sponsored mortgage-related securities and have wider variances in a number of terms including interest rate, term, size, purpose and borrower characteristics. The Fund may invest in mortgage pools that include subprime mortgages, which are loans made to borrowers with weakened credit histories or with lower capacity to make timely payments on their mortgages. Liquidity risk is even greater for mortgage pools that include subprime mortgages.
Derivatives Risk. A derivative is an instrument whose value depends largely on (and is derived from) the value of an underlying security, currency, commodity, interest rate, index or other asset (each referred to as an underlying asset). In addition to risks relating to the underlying assets, the use of derivatives may include other, possibly greater, risks, which are described below.
Counterparty Risk. Certain derivatives do not trade on an established exchange (referred to as over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives) and are simply financial contracts between the Fund and a counterparty. When the Fund is owed money on an OTC derivative, the Fund is dependent on the counterparty to pay or, in some cases, deliver the underlying asset, unless the Fund can otherwise sell its derivative contract to a third party prior to its expiration. Many counterparties are financial institutions such as banks and broker-dealers and their creditworthiness (and ability to pay or perform) may be negatively impacted by factors affecting financial institutions generally. In addition, in the event that a counterparty becomes bankrupt or insolvent, the Fund’s ability to recover the collateral that the Fund has on deposit with the counterparty could be delayed or impaired. For derivatives traded on a centralized exchange, the Fund generally is dependent upon the solvency of the relevant exchange clearing house (which acts as a guarantor for each contractual obligation under such derivatives) for payment on derivative instruments for which the Fund is owed money.
Leverage Risk. Many derivatives do not require a payment up front equal to the economic exposure created by holding a position in the
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derivative, which creates a form of leverage. As a result, an adverse change in the value of the underlying asset could result in the Fund sustaining a loss that is substantially greater than the amount invested in the derivative or the anticipated value of the underlying asset. In addition, some derivatives have the potential for unlimited loss, regardless of the size of the Fund’s initial investment. Leverage may therefore make the Fund’s returns more volatile and increase the risk of loss. In certain market conditions, losses on derivative instruments can grow larger while the value of the Fund’s other assets fall, resulting in the Fund’s derivative positions becoming a larger percentage of the Fund’s investments.
Liquidity Risk. There is a smaller pool of buyers and sellers for certain derivatives, particularly OTC derivatives, than more traditional investments such as stocks. These buyers and sellers are often financial institutions that may be unable or unwilling to buy or sell derivatives during times of financial or market stress. Derivative instruments may therefore be less liquid than more traditional investments and the Fund may be unable to sell or exit its derivative positions at a desirable time or price. This risk may be more acute under adverse market conditions, during which the Fund may be most in need of liquidating its derivative positions. To the extent that the Fund is unable to exit a derivative position because of market illiquidity, the Fund may not be able to prevent further losses of value in its derivatives holdings and the liquidity of the Fund and its ability to meet redemption requests may be impaired to the extent that a substantial portion of the Fund’s otherwise liquid assets must be used as margin. Another consequence of illiquidity is that the Fund may be required to hold a derivative instrument to maturity and take or make delivery of the underlying asset that the Adviser would otherwise avoid.
Other Risks. Compared to other types of investments, derivatives may be harder to value and may also be less tax efficient. In addition, changes in government regulation of derivative instruments could affect the character, timing and amount of the Fund’s taxable income or gains, and may limit or prevent the Fund from using certain types of derivative instruments as a part of its investment strategy, which could make the investment strategy more costly to implement or require the Fund to change its investment strategy.  Derivatives strategies may not always be successful. For example, to the extent that the Fund uses derivatives for hedging or to gain or limit exposure to a particular market or market segment, there may be imperfect correlation between the value of the derivative instrument and the value of the instrument being hedged or the relevant market or market segment, in which case the Fund may not realize the intended benefits. There is also the risk that during adverse market conditions, an instrument which would usually operate as a hedge provides no hedging benefits at all. The Fund’s use of derivatives may be limited by the requirements for taxation of the Fund as a regulated investment company.
Short Position Risk. The Fund will incur a loss on a short position if the price of the asset sold short increases from the short sale price. Because the Fund’s potential loss on a short position arises from increases in the value of the asset sold short, the extent of such loss, like the price of the asset sold short, is theoretically unlimited. Short sales are speculative transactions and involve greater reliance on the Adviser’s ability to accurately anticipate the future value of an asset or markets in general. Any gain on a short position is decreased, and any loss is increased, by the amount of any payment, dividend, interest or other transaction costs that the Fund may be required to pay with respect to the asset sold short. The counterparty to a short position or market factors, such as a sharp increase in prices, may prevent the Fund from closing out a short position at a desirable time or price and may reduce or eliminate any gain or result in a loss. In a rising market, the Fund’s short positions will cause the Fund to underperform the overall market and its peers that do not engage in
shorting. If the Fund holds both long and short positions, both positions may decline simultaneously, in which case the short positions will not provide any buffer (hedge) from declines in value of the Fund’s long positions. Certain types of short positions involve leverage, which may exaggerate any losses, potentially more than the actual cost of the investment, and will increase the volatility of the Fund’s returns.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Considerations Risk. The ESG considerations that may be assessed as part of the investment process to implement the Fund’s investment strategy in pursuit of its investment objective may vary across types of investments and issuers eligible for investment, and not every ESG factor may be identified or evaluated for every investment, and not every investment or issuer may be evaluated for ESG considerations. The Fund’s portfolio will not be solely based on ESG considerations, and therefore the issuers in which the Fund invests may not be considered ESG-focused issuers. The incorporation of ESG factors may affect the Fund’s exposure to certain issuers or industries and may not work as intended. The Fund may underperform other funds that do not assess an issuer’s ESG factors as part of the investment process or that use a different methodology to identify and/or incorporate ESG factors. As investors can differ in their views regarding ESG factors, the Fund may invest in issuers that do not reflect the views with respect to ESG of any particular investor. Information used by the Fund to evaluate such factors may not be readily available, complete or accurate, and may vary across providers and issuers as ESG is not a uniformly defined characteristic, which could negatively impact the Fund’s ability to accurately assess a company, which could negatively impact the Fund’s performance. There is no guarantee that the evaluation of ESG considerations will be additive to the Fund’s performance.
Management Risk. The Fund is actively managed and depends heavily on the Adviser’s or Sub-Adviser's judgment about markets, interest rates or the attractiveness, relative values, liquidity, or potential appreciation of particular investments made for the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund could experience losses if these judgments prove to be incorrect. There can be no guarantee that the Adviser’s or Sub-Adviser's investment techniques or investment decisions will produce the desired results. Additionally, legislative, regulatory, or tax developments may affect the investments or investment strategies available to the Adviser in connection with managing the Fund, which may also adversely affect the ability of the Fund to achieve its investment objective.
Portfolio Holdings
A description of Fund policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of Fund portfolio holdings is available in the SAI, which is available at www.invesco.com/us.

Fund Management
The Adviser(s)
Invesco serves as the Fund’s investment adviser. The Adviser manages the investment operations of the Fund as well as other investment portfolios that encompass a broad range of investment objectives, and has agreed to perform or arrange for the performance of the Fund’s day-to-day management. The Adviser is located at 1331 Spring Street, N.W., Suite 2500, Atlanta, Georgia 30309. The Adviser, as successor in interest to multiple investment advisers, has been an investment adviser since 1976.
Sub-Advisers. Invesco Asset Management Limited (Invesco Asset Management) serves as the Fund’s investment sub-adviser. Invesco Asset Management, an affiliate of the Adviser, is located at Perpetual Park, Perpetual Park Drive, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1HH, United Kingdom. Invesco Asset Management has been managing assets on behalf of consumers, institutional clients and institutional professionals through a broad product range, including investment companies with variable capital, investment trusts, individual savings accounts, pension funds, offshore funds and other specialist mandates since 1969, the year Invesco Asset
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Management was incorporated. Invesco Asset Management provides portfolio management services to the Fund.
In addition, Invesco has entered into one or more Sub-Advisory Agreements with certain affiliates to serve as sub-advisers to the Fund (the Sub-Advisers). Invesco may appoint the Sub-Advisers from time to time to provide discretionary investment management services, investment advice, and/or order execution services to the Fund. The Sub-Advisers and the Sub-Advisory Agreements are described in the SAI.
Exclusion of Adviser from Commodity Pool Operator Definition
With respect to the Fund, the Adviser has claimed an exclusion from the definition of “commodity pool operator” (CPO) under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and the rules of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and, therefore, is not subject to CFTC registration or regulation as a CPO. In addition, the Adviser is relying upon a related exclusion from the definition of “commodity trading advisor” (CTA) under the CEA and the rules of the CFTC with respect to the Fund.
The terms of the CPO exclusion require the Fund, among other things, to adhere to certain limits on its investments in “commodity interests.” Commodity interests include commodity futures, commodity options and swaps, which in turn include non-deliverable forwards. The Fund is permitted to invest in these instruments as further described in the Fund’s SAI. However, the Fund is not intended as a vehicle for trading in the commodity futures, commodity options or swaps markets. The CFTC has neither reviewed nor approved the Adviser’s reliance on these exclusions, or the Fund, its investment strategies or this prospectus.
Adviser Compensation
During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, the Adviser received compensation of 0.75% of the Fund's average daily net assets, after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement, if any.
Invesco, not the Fund, pays sub-advisory fees, if any.
A discussion regarding the basis for the Board’s approval of the investment advisory agreement and investment sub-advisory agreements of the Fund is available in the Fund’s most recent annual or semi-annual report to shareholders.
Portfolio Managers
Investment management decisions for the Fund are made by the investment management teams at Invesco and Invesco Asset Management.
The following individuals are jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio:
James Cowen, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2008. He has been a member of Invesco's Real Estate Team since 2001 and has been associated with Invesco Asset Management and/or its affiliates since 2001.
Grant Jackson, CFA, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2018 and has been associated with Invesco and/or its affiliates since 2005.
Darin Turner, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2010 and has been associated with Invesco and/or its affiliates since 2005.
Ping-Ying Wang, CFA, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2006 and has been associated with Invesco and/or its affiliates since 1998.
More information on the portfolio managers may be found at www.invesco.com/us. The website is not part of this prospectus.
The Fund's SAI provides additional information about the portfolio managers’ investments in the Fund, a description of the compensation structure and information regarding other accounts managed.

Other Information
Purchase and Redemption of Shares
The Fund ordinarily effects orders to purchase and redeem shares at the Fund’s next computed net asset value (NAV) after it receives an order. Insurance companies participating in the Fund serve as the Fund’s designee for receiving orders of separate accounts that invest in the Fund. The Fund may postpone the right of redemption only under unusual circumstances, as allowed by the SEC, such as when the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) restricts or suspends trading.
Although the Fund generally intends to pay redemption proceeds solely in cash, the Fund reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether to satisfy redemption requests by making payment in securities or other property (known as a redemption in kind). Redemptions in kind may result in transaction costs and/or market fluctuations associated with liquidating or holding the securities, respectively.
Shares of the Fund are offered in connection with mixed and shared funding, i.e., to separate accounts of affiliated and unaffiliated insurance companies funding variable products. The Fund currently offers shares only to insurance company separate accounts and funds of funds. In the future, the Fund may offer them to pension and retirement plans that qualify for special federal income tax treatment. Due to differences in tax treatment and other considerations, the interests of Fund shareholders, including variable product owners and plan participants investing in the Fund (whether directly or indirectly through fund of funds), may conflict.
Mixed and shared funding may present certain conflicts of interest. For example, violation of the federal tax laws by one insurance company separate account investing directly or indirectly in a fund could cause variable products funded through another insurance company separate account to lose their tax-deferred status, unless remedial actions were taken. The Board will monitor for the existence of any material conflicts and determine what action, if any, should be taken. The Fund’s NAV could decrease if it had to sell investment securities to pay redemption proceeds to a separate account (or plan) withdrawing because of a conflict.
Redemptions by Large Shareholders
At times, the Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders redeem large amounts of shares of the Fund. Large redemptions may cause the Fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so. In addition, these transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders (if applicable) if such sales of investments resulted in gains and may also increase transaction costs and/or increase in the Fund’s expense ratio. When experiencing a redemption by a large shareholder, the Fund may delay payment of the redemption request up to seven days to provide the investment manager with time to determine if the Fund can redeem the request-in-kind or to consider other alternatives to lessen the harm to remaining shareholders. Under certain circumstances, however, the Fund may be unable to delay a redemption request, which could result in the automatic processing of a large redemption that is detrimental to the Fund and its remaining shareholders.
Excessive Short-Term Trading Activity Disclosure
The Fund’s investment programs are designed to serve long-term investors and are not designed to accommodate excessive short-term trading activity in violation of the Fund’s policies and procedures described below. Excessive short-term trading activity in the Fund’s shares (i.e., purchases of Fund shares followed shortly thereafter by redemptions of such shares, or vice versa) may hurt the long-term performance of the Fund by requiring it to maintain an excessive amount of cash or to liquidate portfolio holdings at a disadvantageous time, thus interfering with the efficient management of the Fund by causing it to incur increased brokerage and administrative costs. Where excessive short-term trading activity seeks to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities from stale prices for portfolio securities, the value of Fund shares held by long-term investors may be diluted. The Board has
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adopted policies and procedures designed to discourage excessive short-term trading of Fund shares. The Fund may alter its policies and procedures at any time without giving prior notice to Fund shareholders if Invesco believes the change would be in the best interests of long-term investors.
Pursuant to the Fund’s policies and procedures, Invesco and certain of its corporate affiliates (Invesco and such affiliates, collectively, the Invesco Affiliates) currently use the following tools designed to discourage excessive short-term trading in the Fund:
(1) trade activity monitoring; and
(2) the use of fair value pricing consistent with the valuation policy approved by the Board and related procedures.
Each of these tools is described in more detail below.
In addition, restrictions designed to discourage or curtail excessive short-term trading activity may be imposed by the insurance companies and/or their separate accounts that invest in the Fund on behalf of variable product owners. Variable product owners should refer to the applicable contract and related prospectus for more details.
Trade Activity Monitoring
To detect excessive short-term trading activities, the Invesco Affiliates will monitor, on a daily basis, selected aggregate purchase or redemption trade orders placed by insurance companies and/or their separate accounts. The Invesco Affiliates will seek to work with insurance companies to discourage variable product owners from engaging in abusive trading practices. However, the ability of the Invesco Affiliates to monitor trades that are placed by variable product owners is severely if not completely limited due to the fact that the insurance companies trade with the Fund through omnibus accounts, and maintain the exclusive relationship with, and are responsible for maintaining the account records of, their variable product owners. There may also be legal and technological limitations on the ability of insurance companies to impose restrictions on the trading practices of their variable product owners. As a result, there can be no guarantee that the Invesco Affiliates will be able to detect or deter market timing by variable product owners.
If, as a result of this monitoring, the Invesco Affiliates believe that a variable product owner has engaged in excessive short-term trading (regardless of whether or not the insurance company’s own trading restrictions are exceeded), the Invesco Affiliates will seek to act in a manner that they believe is consistent with the best interests of long-term investors, which may include taking steps such as (1) asking the insurance company to take action to stop such activities, or (2) refusing to process future purchases related to such activities in the insurance company’s account with the Fund. The Invesco Affiliates will use reasonable efforts to apply the Fund’s policies uniformly given the potential limitations described above.
Fair Value Pricing
Securities owned by the Fund are to be valued at current market value if market quotations are readily available. All other securities and assets of the Fund for which market quotations are not readily available are to be valued at fair value determined in good faith consistent with the valuation policy approved by the Board and related procedures. An effect of fair value pricing may be to reduce the ability of frequent traders to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities resulting from potentially “stale” prices of portfolio holdings. However, it cannot eliminate the possibility of frequent trading.
The price a Fund could receive upon the sale of any investment may differ from the Adviser's valuation of the investment, particularly for securities that are valued using a fair valuation technique. When fair valuation techniques are applied, the Adviser uses available information, including both observable and unobservable inputs and assumptions (i.e., publicly traded company multiples, growth rate, time to exit), to determine a methodology that will result in a valuation that the Adviser believes approximates market value. Fund securities that are fair valued may be subject to greater fluctuation in their value from one day to the next than would be the case if market quotations were used. Because of the inherent
uncertainties of valuation, and the degree of subjectivity in such decisions, the Fund could realize a greater or lesser than expected gain or loss upon the sale of the investment.
See “Pricing of Shares—Determination of Net Asset Value (NAV)” for more information.
There is the risk that the Fund’s policies and procedures will prove ineffective in whole or in part to detect or prevent excessive short-term trading. Although these policies and procedures, including the tools described above, are designed to discourage excessive short-term trading, they do not eliminate the possibility that excessive short-term trading activity in the Fund will occur. Moreover, each of these tools involves judgments that are inherently subjective. The Invesco Affiliates seek to make these judgments to the best of their abilities in a manner that they believe is consistent with the best interests of long-term investors. However, there can be no assurance that the Invesco Affiliates will be able to gain access to any or all of the information necessary to detect or prevent excessive short-term trading by a variable product owner. While the Invesco Affiliates and the Fund may seek to take actions with the assistance of the insurance companies that invest in the Fund, there is the risk that neither the Invesco Affiliates nor the Fund will be successful in their efforts to minimize or eliminate such activity.
Pricing of Shares
Determination of Net Asset Value (NAV)
The price of the Fund’s shares is the Fund’s NAV per share. The Fund values portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available at market value. Securities and other assets quoted in foreign currencies are valued in U.S. dollars based on the prevailing exchange rates on that day. The Fund values securities and assets for which market quotations are unavailable at their “fair value,” which is described below.
Even when market quotations are available, they may be stale or not representative of market value in the Adviser’s judgment (“unreliable”) because the security is not traded frequently, trading on the security ceased before the close of the trading market or issuer specific events occurred after the security ceased trading or because of the passage of time between the close of the market on which the security trades and the close of the NYSE and when the Fund calculates its NAV. Issuer specific events may cause the last market quotation to be unreliable. Such events may include a merger or insolvency, events that affect a geographical area or an industry segment, such as political events or natural disasters, or market events, such as a significant movement in the U.S. market. Where the Adviser determines that the closing price of the security is stale or unreliable, the Adviser will value the security at its fair value.
A fair value price is an estimated price that requires consideration of all appropriate factors, including indications of fair value available from pricing services. Fair value pricing involves judgment and a fund that uses fair value methodologies may value securities higher or lower than another fund using market quotations or its own fair value methodologies to price the same securities. Investors who purchase or redeem Fund shares on days when the Fund is holding fair-valued securities may receive a greater or lesser number of shares, or higher or lower redemption proceeds, than they would have received if the Fund had not fair-valued the security or had used a different methodology.
The Board has designated the Adviser to perform the daily determination of fair value prices in accordance with Board approved policies and related procedures, subject to the Board’s oversight. Fair value pricing methods and pricing services can change from time to time.
The intended effect of applying fair value pricing is to compute a NAV that accurately reflects the value of the Fund's portfolio at the time that the NAV is calculated. An additional intended effect is to discourage those seeking to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities resulting from “stale” prices and to mitigate the dilutive impact of any such arbitrage. However,
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the application of fair value pricing cannot eliminate the possibility that arbitrage opportunities will exist.
Specific types of securities are valued as follows:
Senior Secured Floating Rate Loans and Senior Secured Floating Rate Debt Securities. Senior secured floating rate loans and senior secured floating rate debt securities are fair valued using evaluated quotes provided by an independent pricing service. Evaluated quotes provided by the pricing service may reflect appropriate factors such as market quotes, ratings, tranche type, industry, company performance, spread, individual trading characteristics, institution-size trading in similar groups of securities and other market data.
Domestic Exchange Traded Equity Securities. Market quotations are generally available and reliable for domestic exchange traded equity securities. If market quotations are not available or are unreliable, the Adviser will value the security at fair value in good faith using the valuation policy approved by the Board and related procedures.
Foreign Securities. If market quotations are available and reliable for foreign exchange traded equity securities, the securities will be valued at the market quotations. Because trading hours for certain foreign securities end before the close of the NYSE, closing market quotations may become unreliable. If between the time trading ends on a particular security and the close of the customary trading session on the NYSE events occur that are significant and may make the closing price unreliable, the Fund may fair value the security. If an issuer specific event has occurred that the Adviser determines, in its judgment, is likely to have affected the closing price of a foreign security, it will price the security at fair value. The Adviser also relies on a screening process from a pricing vendor to indicate the degree of certainty, based on historical data, that the closing price in the principal market where a foreign security trades is not the current market value as of the close of the NYSE. For foreign securities where the Adviser believes, at the approved degree of certainty, that the price is not reflective of current market value, the Adviser will use the indication of fair value from the pricing service to determine the fair value of the security. The pricing vendor, pricing methodology or degree of certainty may change from time to time.
Fund securities primarily traded on foreign markets may trade on days that are not business days of the Fund. Because the NAV of Fund shares is determined only on business days of the Fund, the value of foreign securities included in the Fund’s portfolio may change on days when the separate account to which you have allocated variable product values will not be able to purchase or redeem shares of the Fund.
Fixed Income Securities. Fixed income securities, such as government, corporate, asset-backed and municipal bonds and convertible securities, including high yield or junk bonds, and loans, generally are valued on the basis of prices provided by independent pricing services. Prices provided by the pricing services may be determined without exclusive reliance on quoted prices, and may reflect appropriate factors such as institution-size trading in similar groups of securities, developments related to special securities, dividend rate, maturity and other market data. Pricing services generally value fixed income securities assuming orderly transactions of institutional round lot size, but a Fund may hold or transact in the same securities in smaller, odd lot sizes. Odd lots often trade at lower prices than institutional round lots. Prices received from pricing services are fair value prices. In addition, if the price provided by the pricing service and independent quoted prices are unreliable, the Adviser will fair value the security using the valuation policy approved by the Board and related procedures.
Short-term Securities. The Funds (except as noted below) value variable rate securities that have an unconditional demand or put feature exercisable within seven days or less at par, which reflects the market value of such securities. The Funds that operate as government money market or retail money market funds value all of their securities at amortized cost.
Futures and Options. Futures contracts are valued at the final settlement price set by the exchange on which they are principally traded. Where a final settlement price exists, exchange traded options are valued at the final settlement price from the exchange where the option principally
trades. When a final settlement price does not exist, exchange traded options shall be valued at the mean of the last bid/ask quotation generally from the exchange where the option principally trades. Options not listed on an exchange and swaps generally are valued using pricing provided from independent pricing services.
Rights and Warrants. Non-traded rights and warrants shall be valued at intrinsic value if the terms of the rights and warrants are available, specifically the subscription or exercise price and the ratio. Intrinsic value is calculated as the daily market closing price of the security to be received less the subscription price, which is then adjusted by the exercise ratio. In the case of warrants, an option pricing model supplied by an independent pricing service may be used based on market data such as volatility, stock price and interest rate from the independent pricing service and strike price and exercise period from verified terms.
Swap Agreements. Swap agreements are fair valued using an evaluated quote provided by a clearing house or an independent pricing service. Evaluated quotes provided by the pricing service are based on a model that may include end of day net present values, spreads, ratings, industry and company performance.
Open-end Funds. If the Fund invests in other open-end funds, other than open-end funds that are exchange traded, the investing Fund will calculate its NAV using the NAV of the underlying fund in which it invests and the prospectus for such open-end funds explain the circumstances under which they will use fair value pricing and the effects of using fair value pricing.
The Fund discloses portfolio holdings at different times to insurance companies issuing variable products that invest in the Fund, and in annual and semi-annual shareholder reports. Refer to such reports to determine the types of securities in which the Fund has invested. You may also refer to the SAI to determine what types of securities in which the Fund may invest. You may obtain copies of these reports or of the SAI from the insurance company that issued your variable product, or from the Adviser as described on the back cover of this prospectus.
The Fund generally determines the net asset value of its shares on each day the NYSE is open for trading (a business day) as of approximately 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (the customary close of regular trading) or earlier in the case of a scheduled early close. In the event of an unscheduled early close of the NYSE, the Fund generally still will determine the net asset value of its shares as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on that business day. Portfolio securities traded on the NYSE would be valued at their closing prices unless the Adviser determines that a “fair value” adjustment is appropriate due to subsequent events occurring after an early close consistent with the valuation policy approved by the Board and related procedures.
The Fund intends to qualify each year as a regulated investment company and, as such, is not subject to entity-level tax on the income and gain it distributes to shareholders. Insurance company separate accounts may invest in the Fund and, in turn, may offer variable products to investors through insurance contracts. Because the insurance company separate accounts generally are the shareholders in the Fund, all of the tax characteristics of the Fund’s investments flow into the separate accounts and not to each variable product owner. The tax consequences from each variable product owner’s investment in a variable product contract will depend upon the provisions of these contracts, and variable product owners should consult their contract prospectus for more information on these tax consequences.
Dividends and Distributions
The Fund expects, based on its investment objective and strategies, that its distributions, if any, will consist of ordinary income, capital gains, or some combination of both.
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The Fund generally declares and pays dividends from net investment income, if any, annually.
Capital Gains Distributions
The Fund generally distributes long-term and short-term capital gains (net of any available capital loss carryovers), if any, at least annually. Capital gains distributions may vary considerably from year to year as a result of the Fund’s normal investment activities and cash flows.
Share Classes
The Fund has two classes of shares, Series I shares and Series II shares. Each class is identical except that Series II shares have a distribution or “Rule 12b-1 Plan” that is described below.
Distribution Plan
The Fund has adopted a distribution or “Rule 12b-1 Plan” for its Series II shares. The plan allows the Fund to pay distribution fees to life insurance companies and others to promote the sale and distribution of Series II shares. The plan provides for a maximum fee equal to an annual rate of 0.25% (expressed as a percentage of average daily net assets of the Fund). Because the Fund pays these fees out of its assets on an ongoing basis, over time these fees will increase the cost of your investment and may cost you more than paying other types of charges.
Payments to Insurance Companies
The insurance company that issued your variable product, or one of its affiliates, may receive all the Rule 12b-1 distribution fees discussed above. In addition to those payments, Invesco Distributors, Inc., the distributor of the Fund and an Invesco Affiliate, and other Invesco Affiliates may make cash payments to the insurance company that issued your variable product or the insurance company’s affiliates in connection with promotion of the Fund and certain other marketing support services. Invesco Affiliates make these payments from their own resources. Invesco Affiliates make these payments as incentives to certain insurance companies or their affiliates to promote the sale and retention of shares of the Fund. The benefits Invesco Affiliates receive when they make these payments may include, among other things, adding the Fund to the list of underlying investment options in the insurance company’s variable products, and access (in some cases on a preferential basis over other competitors) to individual members of an insurance company’s sales force or to an insurance company’s management. These payments are sometimes referred to as “shelf space” payments because the payments compensate the insurance company for including the Fund in its variable products (on its “sales shelf”). Invesco Affiliates may also make payments to insurance company affiliates for support, training and ongoing education for sales personnel about the Fund, financial planning needs of Fund shareholders or contract owners that allocate contract value directly or indirectly to the Fund, marketing and advertising of the Fund, and access to periodic conferences held by insurance company affiliates relating directly or indirectly to the Fund. Invesco Affiliates compensate insurance companies or their affiliates differently depending typically on the level and/or type of services provided by the insurance companies or their affiliates. The payments Invesco Affiliates make may be calculated on sales of shares of the Fund (Sales-Based Payments), in which case the total amount of such payments shall not exceed 0.25% of the offering price of all shares sold through variable products during the particular period. Such payments also may be calculated on the average daily net assets of the Fund attributable to that particular insurance company or its affiliates (Asset-Based Payments), in which case the total amount of such cash payments shall not exceed 0.25% per annum of those assets during a defined period. Sales-Based Payments primarily create incentives to make sales of shares of the Fund and Asset-Based Payments primarily create incentives to retain assets of the Fund in insurance company separate accounts or funds of funds.
Invesco Affiliates are motivated to make the payments described above in order to promote the sale of Fund shares and the retention of those
investments by clients of insurance companies. To the extent insurance companies sell more shares of the Fund or retain shares of the Fund in their variable product owners’ accounts, Invesco Affiliates may directly or indirectly benefit from the incremental management and other fees paid to Invesco Affiliates by the Fund with respect to those assets.
In addition to the payments listed above, Invesco may also make payments to insurance companies for certain administrative services provided to the Fund. These services may include, but are not limited to, maintenance of master accounts with the Fund; tracking, recording and transmitting net purchase and redemption orders for Fund shares; distributing redemption proceeds and transmitting net purchase payments; reconciling purchase and redemption activity and dividend and distribution payments between a master account and the Fund; maintaining and preserving records related to the purchase, redemption and other account activity of variable product owners; distributing copies of Fund documents, such as prospectuses, proxy materials and periodic reports, to variable product owners; assisting with proxy solicitations on behalf of the Fund, including soliciting and compiling voting instructions from variable contract owners; and responding to inquiries from variable contract owners about the Fund. The Fund has agreed to reimburse Invesco for its payments made to Insurance Companies to provide these services, up to an annual limit of 0.15% of the average daily net assets invested in the Fund by each insurance company. Any amounts paid by Invesco to an insurance company in excess of 0.15% of the average daily net assets invested in the Fund are paid by Invesco out of its own financial resources, and not out of the Fund’s assets. Insurance companies may earn profits on these payments for these services, since the amount of the payments may exceed the cost of providing the service.
You can find further details in the SAI about these payments and the services provided by insurance companies or their affiliates. In certain cases these payments could be significant to the insurance company or its affiliates. Your insurance company may charge you additional fees or commissions on your variable product other than those disclosed in this prospectus. You can ask your insurance company about any payments it or its affiliates receive from Invesco Affiliates, or the Fund, as well as about fees and/or commissions it charges. The prospectus for your variable product may also contain additional information about these payments.
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Financial Highlights
The financial highlights show the Fund’s financial history for the past five fiscal years or, if shorter, the period of operations of the Fund or any of its share classes. The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the Fund’s financial performance. Certain information reflects financial results for a single Fund share.
The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).
This information has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with the Fund’s financial statements, is included in the Fund’s annual report, which is available upon request.
Net asset
of period
Net gains
on securities
realized and
Total from
from net
from net
Net asset
value, end
of period
Net assets,
end of period
(000's omitted)
Ratio of
to average
net assets
with fee waivers

Ratio of
to average net
assets without
fee waivers


Ratio of net
to average
net assets
turnover (c)
Series I
Year ended 12/31/23
Year ended 12/31/22
Year ended 12/31/21
Year ended 12/31/20
Year ended 12/31/19
Series II
Year ended 12/31/23
Year ended 12/31/22
Year ended 12/31/21
Year ended 12/31/20
Year ended 12/31/19
Calculated using average shares outstanding.
Includes adjustments in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and as such, the net asset value for financial reporting purposes and the returns
based upon those net asset values may differ from the net asset value and returns for shareholder transactions. Total returns are not annualized for periods less than one year, if applicable, and do
not reflect charges assessed in connection with a variable product, which if included would reduce total returns.
Portfolio turnover is calculated at the fund level and is not annualized for periods less than one year, if applicable.
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Hypothetical Investment and Expense Information
In connection with the final settlement reached between Invesco and certain of its affiliates with certain regulators, including the New York Attorney General’s Office, the SEC and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office (the settlement) arising out of certain market timing and unfair pricing allegations made against Invesco and certain of its affiliates, Invesco and certain of its affiliates agreed, among other things, to disclose certain hypothetical information regarding investment and expense information to Fund shareholders. The chart below is intended to reflect the annual and cumulative impact of the Fund’s expenses, including investment advisory fees and other Fund costs, on the Fund’s returns over a 10-year period. The example reflects the following:
You invest $10,000 in the Fund and hold it for the entire 10-year period;
Your investment has a 5% return before expenses each year; and
The Fund’s current annual expense ratio includes any applicable contractual fee waiver or expense reimbursement for the period committed.
There is no assurance that the annual expense ratio will be the expense ratio for the Fund’s classes for any of the years shown. The chart does not take into account any fees or other expenses assessed in connection with your variable product; if it did, the expenses shown would be higher, while the ending balance shown would be lower. This is only a hypothetical presentation made to illustrate what expenses and returns would be under the above scenarios; your actual returns and expenses are likely to differ (higher or lower) from those shown below.
Series I
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Annual Expense Ratio1
Cumulative Return Before Expenses
Cumulative Return After Expenses
End of Year Balance
Estimated Annual Expenses
Series II
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Annual Expense Ratio1
Cumulative Return Before Expenses
Cumulative Return After Expenses
End of Year Balance
Estimated Annual Expenses
Your actual expenses may be higher or lower than those shown.
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Obtaining Additional Information
More information may be obtained free of charge upon request. The SAI, a current version of which is on file with the SEC, contains more details about the Fund and is incorporated by reference into this prospectus (is legally a part of this prospectus). Annual and semi-annual reports to shareholders contain additional information about the Fund’s investments. The Fund’s annual report also discusses the market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund’s performance during its last fiscal year. The Fund also files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the 1st and 3rd quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to its reports on Form N-PORT. The Fund’s most recent portfolio holdings, as filed on Form N-PORT, will also be made available to insurance companies issuing variable products that invest in the Fund.
If you have questions about an Invesco Fund, or you wish to obtain a free copy of the Fund’s current SAI, annual or semi-annual reports, or Form N-PORT, please contact the insurance company that issued your variable product, or you may contact us.
By Mail:
Invesco Distributors, Inc.
P.O. Box 219078
Kansas City, MO 64121-9078
By Telephone:
(800) 959-4246
On the Internet:
You can send us a request by e-mail or
download prospectuses, SAIs, annual or
semi-annual reports via our website:
Reports and other information about the Fund are available on the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s Internet site at http://www.sec.gov, and copies of this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate Fund
SEC 1940 Act file number: 811-07452