UBS Series Funds



UBS Ultra Short Income Fund   

Statement of Additional Information  |  August 28, 2023

787 Seventh Avenue,

New York, NY 10019



Class A: USIAX


Class P: USIPX


Class I: USDIX

UBS Ultra Short Income Fund (the “fund”) is a diversified series of UBS Series Funds (the “Trust”), a professionally managed open-end investment company.

The fund’s investment advisor and administrator is UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS AM”). UBS Asset Management (US) Inc. (“UBS AM (US)”) serves as principal underwriter for the fund. UBS AM and UBS AM (US) are indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of UBS Group AG.

Portions of the fund’s annual report to shareholders are incorporated by reference into this Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”). The annual report accompanies this SAI.

You may obtain a copy of the fund’s annual or semi-annual report, when available, without charge by calling toll-free 1-800-647 1568.

This SAI is not a prospectus and should be read only in conjunction with the fund’s current prospectuses dated August 28, 2023. Different classes of shares are offered by separate prospectuses. A copy of the relevant prospectus may be obtained by calling your Financial Advisor or by calling the fund toll-free 1-800-647 1568. The prospectus also contains more complete information about the fund. You should read it carefully before investing. This SAI is dated August 28, 2023.

Table of contents   Page
The fund and its investment policies     3  
The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations     3  
Strategies using derivative instruments     25  
Disclosure of portfolio holdings     34  
Organization of the Trust; trustees and officers; principal holders and management ownership of securities     39  
Investment advisory, administration and principal underwriting arrangements     50  
Portfolio transactions     60  
Additional purchase, exchange and redemption information and other services     61  
Valuation of shares     63  
Taxes     64  
Potential conflicts of interest     70  
Other information     77  
Financial statements     78  



The fund and its investment policies

The fund’s investment objective may be changed without shareholder approval. Except where noted, the investment policies of the fund may be changed by its board without shareholder approval.

The fund’s investment objective is to provide current income while seeking to maintain low volatility of principal.

Under normal circumstances, the fund invests in fixed income securities and money market instruments. The fund’s investments in securities may include, but are not limited to, government obligations including agencies, debt issued by government-sponsored and supranational entities, as well as municipal securities, corporate debt, mortgage-backed, asset-backed, and inflation-linked securities. Investments in money market instruments may include, but are not limited to, commercial paper (including asset-backed commercial paper), certificates of deposit, notes, time deposits, repurchase agreements and other money market securities. The fund may invest in the securities of money market funds, including those advised by UBS AM.

The fund may invest in securities of any maturity, but will generally limit its weighted average portfolio duration to one year or less.

The fund normally invests in investment grade securities. Investment grade securities possess a minimum rating of Baa3 by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”) or Fitch Ratings, Inc. (“Fitch”) for long-term ratings and/or equivalent short-term ratings, comparably rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization, or, if unrated, are determined by UBS AM, the fund’s investment advisor, to be of comparable quality. The fund may at times hold securities rated below-investment-grade if the rating for a security held by the fund is subsequently reduced to below-investment-grade (commonly referred to as “junk bonds,” which are considered speculative in nature).

The fund’s investments may have a variety of interest rate payment and reset terms, including floating or variable rate, zero coupon and other features. In addition, the fixed income securities purchased by the fund may include those of US and non-US issuers. The fund‘s investments are typically denominated in US dollars or hedged to US dollars.

The fund will, under normal circumstances, invest more than 25% of its total assets in the financial services group of industries.

The fund is not a money market fund and does not seek to maintain a stable net asset value (“NAV”). The fund should not be considered to be a money market fund or the equivalent of a money market fund.

The fund may engage in derivatives transactions; however, it is not a principal strategy of the fund. Derivatives instruments such as futures, forwards, options, and/or swaps may be used for risk management purposes or as part of the fund’s investment strategies.

The fund may lend its portfolio securities to qualified broker-dealers or institutional investors in an amount up to 3313% of its total assets.

The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations

The following supplements the information contained in the fund’s prospectus and above concerning the fund’s investments, related risks and limitations. Except as otherwise indicated in the prospectus or the SAI, the fund has established no policy limitations on its ability to use the investments or techniques discussed in these documents.



Bonds. Bonds are fixed or variable rate debt obligations, including bills, notes, debentures, money market instruments and similar instruments and securities. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are types of bonds, and certain types of income-producing, non-convertible preferred stocks may be treated as bonds for investment purposes. Bonds generally are used by corporations, governments and other issuers to borrow money from investors. The issuer pays the investor a fixed or variable rate of interest and normally must repay the amount borrowed on or before maturity. Many preferred stocks and some bonds are “perpetual” in that they have no maturity date.

Bonds are subject to interest rate risk and credit risk. Interest rate risk is the risk that interest rates will rise and that, as a result, bond prices will fall, lowering the value of the fund’s investments in bonds. In general, bonds having longer durations are more sensitive to interest rate changes than are bonds with shorter durations. Credit risk is the risk that an issuer may be unable or unwilling to pay interest and/or principal on the bond. Credit risk can be affected by many factors, including adverse changes in the issuer’s own financial condition or in economic conditions.

While assets in bond markets have grown rapidly in recent years, the capacity for traditional dealer counterparties to engage in fixed income trading has not kept pace and in some cases has decreased. For example, primary dealer inventories of corporate bonds, which provide a core indication of the ability of financial intermediaries to “make markets,” are at or near historic lows in relation to market size. This reduction in market-making capacity may be a persistent change, to the extent it is resulting from broader structural changes, such as fewer proprietary trading desks at broker-dealers and increased regulatory capital requirements. Because market makers provide stability to a market through their intermediary services, the significant reduction in dealer inventories could potentially lead to decreased liquidity and increased volatility in the fixed income markets. Such issues may be exacerbated during periods of economic uncertainty.

US Government securities. US government securities include direct obligations of the US Treasury (such as Treasury bills, notes or bonds) and obligations issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest (but not as to market value) by the US government, its agencies or its instrumentalities. These US government securities may include mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by government agencies or government-sponsored enterprises that are not guaranteed or insured by the US government. Other US government securities may be backed by the full faith and credit of the US government or supported primarily or solely by the creditworthiness of the government-related issuer or, in the case of mortgage-backed securities, by pools of assets.

Securities issued by agencies and instrumentalities of the US government that are supported by the full faith and credit of the United States, such as securities issued by the Federal Housing Administration and the Government National Mortgage Association (“GNMA”), present little credit risk. Other securities issued by agencies and instrumentalities sponsored by the US government that are supported only by the issuer’s right to borrow from the US Treasury, subject to certain limitations, such as securities issued by Federal Home Loan Banks, and securities issued by agencies and instrumentalities sponsored by the US government that are supported only by the credit of the issuing agencies are subject to a greater degree of credit risk. The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”) historically were agencies sponsored by the US government that were supported by the credit of the issuing agencies and not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. However, on September 7, 2008, due to the value of Freddie Mac’s and Fannie Mae’s securities falling sharply and concerns that the firms did not have sufficient capital to offset losses resulting from the mortgage crisis, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”) placed Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into conservatorship and stepped into the shoes of and succeeded to all of the rights of their shareholders. In addition to the conservatorship, the US government has taken various steps to provide additional financial support to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, including by having the FHFA (as conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) enter into an agreement with the US Treasury to provide financial support in exchange for Senior Preferred Stock and warrants to purchase common stock of the entities. The actions of the US government were intended to assist



Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in maintaining a positive net worth and meeting their financial obligations. Although the US government provided financial support to such entities, no assurance can be given that it will always do so.

The future for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is uncertain. Under a letter agreement between the FHFA (in its role as conservator) and the US Treasury, the FHFA is prohibited from removing its conservatorship of each enterprise until all litigation regarding the conservatorship has ended and each enterprise has retained equity capital levels equal to three percent of their total assets. It is unclear how long it will be before the FHFA will be able to remove its conservatorship of the enterprises under this letter agreement. The FHFA has indicated that the conservatorship of each enterprise will end when the director of FHFA determines that FHFA’s plan to restore the enterprise to a safe and solvent condition has been completed. The FHFA’s 2022 report to Congress on the conservatorships noted that, under amendments to the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework (“ERCF”), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac published their first capital disclosures in the first quarter of 2023 and delivered their first capital plans to FHFA in May 2023. Should Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac be taken out of conservatorship, it is unclear whether the US Treasury would continue to enforce its rights or perform its obligations under the Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement. It is also unclear how the capital structure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be constructed post-conservatorship, and what effects, if any, the privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will have on their creditworthiness and guarantees of certain mortgage-backed securities. The ERCF requires Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, upon exit from conservatorship, to maintain higher levels of capital than prior to conservatorship to satisfy their risk-based capital requirements, leverage ratio requirements, and prescribed buffer amounts. Accordingly, should the FHFA take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship, there could be an adverse impact on the value of their securities which could cause the fund’s investments to lose value. The US Congress and the executive branch, including the US Treasury and the FHFA, continue to evaluate proposals to reduce the US government’s role in the mortgage market, including to take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship, wind down, restructure, consolidate, or privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Should the US government adopt any such proposal, or should the FHFA take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship, the value of the fund’s investments in securities issued by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac may be impacted.

US government securities also include separately traded principal and interest components of securities issued or guaranteed by the US Treasury, which are traded independently under the Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (“STRIPS”) program. Under the STRIPS program, the principal and interest components are individually numbered and separately issued by the US Treasury.

On June 3, 2019, under the FHFA’s “Single Security Initiative”, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started issuing uniform mortgage-backed securities (“UMBS”). The Single Security Initiative seeks to align the characteristics of certain Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities and to support the overall liquidity in certain markets. In addition, Freddie Mac has offered investors the opportunity to exchange outstanding legacy mortgage-backed securities for mirror UMBS. The effects that the Single Security Initiative may have on the market and other mortgage-backed securities are uncertain.

Any controversy or ongoing uncertainty regarding the status of negotiations in the US Congress to increase the statutory debt ceiling could increase the risk that the US government may default on payments on certain US government securities, including those held by the fund, which could have a material adverse impact on the fund. The long-term US credit rating has been subject to downgrades by multiple major credit rating agencies since 2011, in part as a result of disagreements within the US government over raising the debt ceiling to repay outstanding obligations, and similar situations in the future could increase volatility in both stock and bond markets, result in higher interest rates, lower prices of US Treasury securities and increase the costs of different kinds of debt. It is at least theoretically possible that under certain scenarios the US government could default on its debt, including US Treasuries. UBS AM cannot predict the effects of these or similar events in the future on the US economy and securities markets or on the fund’s portfolio.

Investments in financial services. To the extent the fund’s investments are concentrated in the financial services sector, the fund will have correspondingly greater exposure to the risk factors that are characteristic of such



investments. In particular, investments in the financial services sector may be particularly affected by economic cycles, business developments, interest rate changes and regulatory changes. For example, declining economic and business conditions can disproportionately impact companies in the financial services sector due to increased defaults on payments by borrowers. Interest rate increases can also adversely affect the financial services sector by increasing the cost of capital available for financial services companies. In addition, financial services companies are heavily regulated by governmental entities and, as a result, political and regulatory changes can affect the operations and financial results of such companies, potentially imposing additional costs and possibly restricting the businesses in which those companies may engage.

Mortgage-backed securities and mortgage pass-through securities. The fund may also invest in mortgage-backed securities, which are interests in pools of mortgage loans, including mortgage loans made by savings and loan institutions, mortgage bankers, commercial banks and others. Pools of mortgage loans are assembled as securities for sale to investors by various governmental, government-related and private organizations, as further described below. The fund may also invest in debt securities which are secured with collateral consisting of mortgage-backed securities (see “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Collateralized mortgage obligations (“CMOs”) and real estate mortgage investment conduits (“REMICs”)”) and in other types of mortgage-related securities.

Investments in mortgage-backed securities may be subject to a high degree of credit risk, valuation risk and liquidity risk. This risk may even be higher with mortgage-backed securities supported by subprime mortgages.

The timely payment of principal and interest on mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by GNMA is backed by GNMA and the full faith and credit of the US government. These guarantees, however, do not apply to the market value or yield of mortgage-backed securities or to the value of fund shares. Also, securities issued by GNMA and other mortgage-backed securities may be purchased at a premium over the maturity value of the underlying mortgages. This premium is not guaranteed and would be lost if prepayment occurs. In general, mortgage-backed securities issued by US government agencies or instrumentalities other than GNMA are not “full faith and credit” obligations. Certain obligations, such as those issued by the Federal Home Loan Bank are supported by the issuer’s right to borrow from the US Treasury. Obligations issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were historically supported only by the credit of the issuer, but as of the date of this SAI such agencies are placed temporarily into conservatorship by the US government. The effect that this conservatorship will have on the entities and their guarantees is unclear. Although the US government and its agencies provide financial support to such entities, no assurances can be given that they will always do so. Unscheduled or early payments on the underlying mortgages may shorten the securities’ effective maturities and reduce returns.

The fund may agree to purchase or sell these securities with payment and delivery taking place at a future date. In periods of rising interest rates, the fund may be subject to extension risk, and may receive principal later than expected, causing additional volatility. A decline in interest rates may lead to a faster rate of repayment of the underlying mortgages and expose the fund to a lower rate of return upon reinvestment. To the extent that such mortgage-backed securities are held by the fund, the prepayment right of mortgagors may limit the increase in net asset value of the fund because the value of the mortgage-backed securities held by the fund may not appreciate as rapidly as the price of noncallable debt securities.

Interests in pools of mortgage-backed securities differ from other forms of debt securities, which normally provide for periodic payment of interest in fixed amounts with principal payments at maturity or specified call dates. Instead, these securities provide a monthly payment that consists of both interest and principal payments. In effect, these payments are a “pass-through” of the monthly payments made by the individual borrowers on their mortgage loans, net of any fees paid to the issuer or guarantor of such securities. Additional payments are caused by repayments of principal resulting from the sale of the underlying property, refinancing or foreclosure, net of fees or costs that may be incurred. Some mortgage-backed securities (such as securities issued by GNMA) are described as “modified pass-through.”



These securities entitle the holder to receive all interest and principal payments owed on the mortgage pool, net of certain fees, at the scheduled payments dates regardless of whether or not the mortgagor actually makes the payment.

Any discount enjoyed on the purchases of a pass-through type mortgage-backed security will likely constitute market discount. As the fund receives principal payments, it will be required to treat as ordinary income an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of the payment or the “accrued market discount.” Market discount is to be accrued either under a constant rate method or a proportional method. Pass-through type mortgage-backed securities purchased at a premium to face will be subject to a similar rule requiring recognition of an offset to ordinary interest income, an amount of premium attributable to the receipt of principal. The amount of premium recovered is to be determined using a method similar to that in place for market discount. The fund may elect to accrue market discount or amortize premium notwithstanding the amount of principal received but such election will apply to all bonds held and thereafter acquired unless permission is granted by the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service to change such method.

The principal governmental guarantor of mortgage-related securities is GNMA, which is a wholly-owned US government corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development. GNMA is authorized to guarantee, with the full faith and credit of the US government, the timely payment of principal and interest on securities issued by institutions approved by GNMA (such as savings and loan institutions, commercial banks and mortgage bankers) and backed by pools of mortgages which are insured by the Federal Housing Authority or guaranteed by the Veterans Administration. These guarantees, however, do not apply to the market value or yield of mortgage-backed securities or to the value of fund shares. Also, GNMA securities often are purchased at a premium over the maturity value of the underlying mortgages. This premium is not guaranteed and should be viewed as an economic offset to interest to be earned. If prepayments occur, less interest will be earned, and the value of the premium paid will be lost.

Commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance companies, mortgage bankers and other secondary market issuers also create pass-through pools of conventional mortgage loans. Such issuers may, in addition, be the originators and/or servicers of the underlying mortgage loans as well as the guarantors of the mortgage-related securities. Pools created by such non-governmental issuers generally offer a higher rate of interest than government and government-related pools because there are no direct or indirect government or agency guarantees of payments. Mortgage-related securities that are issued by private issuers may not be subject to the underwriting requirements for the underlying mortgages that are applicable to those mortgage-related securities that have a government or government-related guarantor. As a result, the mortgage loans underlying private mortgage-related securities may, and frequently do, have less favorable collateral, credit risk or other underwriting characteristics than government or government-sponsored mortgage-related securities. Non-governmental issued pools more frequently include second mortgages, high loan-to-value mortgages and manufactured housing loans. The coupon rates and maturities of the underlying mortgage loans in a pool issued by a private issuer may vary to a greater extent than those included in a government guaranteed pool, and the pool may include subprime mortgage loans and Alt-A loans. Subprime loans refer to loans made to borrowers with weakened credit histories or with a lower capacity to make timely payments on their loans. Alt-A loans are considered riskier than prime loans but less risky than subprime loans. There are various factors, including higher loan to value and debt to income ratios or inadequate documentation of income, assets or credit history, that classify a loan as Alt-A. For these reasons, the loans underlying these securities have had, in many cases, higher default rates than those loans that meet government underwriting requirements. However, timely payment of interest and principal of these pools may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, including individual loan, title, pool and hazard insurance and letters of credit. The insurance guarantees are issued by governmental entities, private insurers and the mortgage poolers. Such insurance and guarantees and the creditworthiness of the issuers thereof will be considered in determining whether a mortgage-related security meets the fund’s investment quality standards. There can be no assurance that the private insurers or guarantors can meet their obligations under the insurance policies or guarantee or guarantees, even if through an examination of the loan experience and practices of the originators/servicers and poolers, UBS AM determines that the securities meet the



fund’s quality standards. Although the market for such securities is becoming increasingly liquid, securities issued by certain private organizations may not be readily marketable.

In the past, the market for such securities has experienced substantially lower valuations and reduced liquidity. Similar conditions could occur in the future. Initially following the financial downturn, the concerns on the part of market participants were focused on the sub-prime segment of the mortgage-backed securities market. However, these concerns expanded to include a broad range of mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, as well as other fixed income securities. These securities are more difficult to value and may be hard to sell. In addition, in general, securities issued by certain private organizations may not be readily marketable.

On June 3, 2019, under the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s “Single Security Initiative”, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started issuing uniform mortgage-backed securities (“UMBS”) eligible for delivery into the to-be-announced (“TBA”) market in place of their current TBA-eligible mortgage-backed securities. The Single Security Initiative seeks to align the characteristics of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac TBA-eligible mortgage-backed securities and to support the overall liquidity in the TBA market. In addition, Freddie Mac has offered investors the opportunity to exchange outstanding legacy mortgage-backed securities for mirror UMBS. The effects that the Single Security Initiative may have on the market for TBA-eligible and other mortgage-backed securities are uncertain.

Collateralized mortgage obligations (“CMOs”) and real estate mortgage investment conduits (“REMICs”). A CMO is a debt security on which interest and principal are paid, in most cases, semi-annually. CMOs may be collateralized by whole mortgage loans but are more typically collateralized by portfolios of mortgage pass-through securities guaranteed by GNMA, Freddie Mac, or Fannie Mae and their income streams. Privately-issued CMOs tend to be more sensitive to interest rates than government-issued CMOs.

CMOs are structured into multiple classes, each bearing a different stated maturity. Actual maturity and average life will depend upon the prepayment experience of the collateral. CMOs provide for a modified form of call protection through a de facto breakdown of the underlying pool of mortgages according to how quickly the loans are repaid. Monthly payments of principal received from the pool of underlying mortgages, including prepayments, is first returned to investors holding the shortest maturity class. Investors holding the longer maturity classes receive principal only after the first class has been retired. An investor is partially guarded against a sooner than desired return of principal because of the sequential payments.

In a typical CMO transaction, a corporation issues multiple series (e.g., A, B, C, Z) of CMO bonds (“Bonds”). Proceeds of the Bond offering are used to purchase mortgages or mortgage pass-through certificates (“Collateral”). The Collateral is pledged to a third party trustee as security for the Bonds. Principal and interest payments from the Collateral are used to pay principal on the Bonds in the order A, B, C, Z. The Series A, B and C Bonds all bear current interest. Interest on the Series Z Bond is accrued and added to principal and a like amount is paid as principal on the Series A, B, or C Bond currently being paid off. When the Series A, B and C Bonds are paid in full, interest and principal on the Series Z Bond begins to be paid currently. With some CMOs, the issuer serves as a conduit to allow loan originators (primarily builders or savings and loan associations) to borrow against their loan portfolios. REMICs are private entities formed for the purpose of holding a fixed pool of mortgages secured by an interest in real property. REMICs are similar to CMOs in that they issue multiple classes of securities.

REMICs are entities that own mortgages and elect REMIC status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The fund will purchase only regular interests in REMICs. REMIC regular interests are treated as debt of the REMIC and income/discount thereon must be accounted for on the “catch-up method,” using a reasonable prepayment assumption under the original issue discount rules of the Code.

CMOs and REMICs issued by private entities are not government securities and are not directly guaranteed by any government agency. They are secured by the underlying collateral of the private issuer. Yields on privately-issued



CMOs, as described above, have been historically higher than yields on CMOs issued or guaranteed by US government agencies. However, the risk of loss due to default on such instruments is higher since they are not guaranteed by the US government. Such instruments also tend to be more sensitive to interest rates than US government-issued CMOs. The fund will not invest in subordinated privately-issued CMOs. For federal income tax purposes, the fund will be required to accrue income on CMOs using the “catch-up” method, with an aggregate prepayment assumption.

Dollar rolls. The fund may enter into dollar rolls in which the fund sells securities and simultaneously contracts to repurchase substantially similar securities on a specified future date. In the case of dollar rolls involving mortgage-backed securities, the mortgage-backed securities that are purchased typically will be of the same type and will have the same or similar interest rate and maturity as those sold, but will be supported by different pools of mortgages. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid during the roll period on the securities sold in a dollar roll, but the fund is compensated by the difference between the current sales price and the price for the future purchase as well as by any interest earned on the proceeds of the securities sold. The fund could also be compensated through receipt of fee income. The Trust does not believe the fund’s obligations under dollar rolls are senior securities and accordingly, the fund, as a matter of non-fundamental policy, will not treat dollar rolls as being subject to its borrowing or senior securities restrictions. In addition to the general risks involved in leveraging, dollar rolls are subject to similar risks as repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements.

Other mortgage-backed securities. UBS AM expects that governmental, government-related or private entities may create mortgage loan pools and other mortgage-related securities offering mortgage pass-through and mortgage-collateralized investments in addition to those described above. The mortgages underlying these securities may include alternative mortgage instruments, that is, mortgage instruments whose principal or interest payments may vary or whose terms to maturity may differ from customary long-term fixed rate mortgages. As new types of mortgage-related securities are developed and offered to investors, UBS AM will, consistent with the fund’s investment objective, policies and quality standards, consider making investments in such new types of mortgage-related securities.

Asset-backed securities. The fund may invest a portion of its assets in debt obligations known as “asset-backed securities.” Asset-backed securities are securities that represent a participation in, or are secured by and payable from, a stream of payments generated by particular assets, most often a pool or pools of similar assets (e.g., receivables on home equity and credit loans and receivables regarding automobile, credit card, mobile home and recreational vehicle loans, wholesale dealer floor plans and leases). The market for asset-backed securities is volatile, which may negatively impact market liquidity conditions.

Such receivables are securitized in either a pass-through or a pay-through structure. Pass-through securities provide investors with an income stream consisting of both principal and interest payments in respect of the receivables in the underlying pool. Pay-through asset-backed securities are debt obligations issued usually by a special purpose entity, which are collateralized by the various receivables. The fund may invest in these and other types of asset-backed securities that may be developed in the future.

The credit quality of these securities depends primarily upon the quality of the underlying assets and the level of credit support and/or enhancement provided. Such asset-backed securities are subject to the same prepayment risks as mortgage-backed securities. For federal income tax purposes, the fund will be required to accrue income on pay-through asset-backed securities using the “catch-up” method, with an aggregate prepayment assumption.

The credit quality of most asset-backed securities depends primarily on the credit quality of the assets underlying such securities, how well the entity issuing the security is insulated from the credit risk of the originator or any other affiliated entities, and the amount and quality of any credit support provided to the securities. The rate of principal payment on asset-backed securities generally depends on the rate of principal payments received on the underlying assets which in turn may be affected by a variety of economic and other factors. As a result, the yield on any asset-backed security is difficult to predict with precision and actual yield to maturity may be more or less than the anticipated yield to maturity. Asset-backed securities may be classified as “pass-through certificates” or “collateralized obligations.”



Asset-backed securities are often backed by a pool of assets representing the obligations of a number of different parties. To lessen the effect of failures by obligors on underlying assets to make payment, such securities may contain elements of credit support. Such credit support falls into two categories: (1) liquidity protection; and (2) protection against losses resulting from ultimate default by an obligor on the underlying assets. Liquidity protection refers to the provision of advances, generally by the entity administering the pool of assets, to ensure that the receipt of payments due on the underlying pool is timely. Protection against losses resulting from ultimate default enhances the likelihood of payments of the obligations on at least some of the assets in the pool. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies or letters of credit obtained by the issuer or sponsor from third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction or through a combination of such approaches. The fund will not pay any additional fees for such credit support, although the existence of credit support may increase the price of a security.

Due to the shorter maturity of the collateral backing such securities, there is less of a risk of substantial prepayment than with mortgage-backed securities. Such asset-backed securities do, however, involve certain risks not associated with mortgage-backed securities, including the risk that security interests cannot be adequately, or in many cases, ever, established. In addition, with respect to credit card receivables, a number of state and federal consumer credit laws give debtors the right to set off certain amounts owed on the credit cards, thereby reducing the outstanding balance. In the case of automobile receivables, there is a risk that the holders may not have either a proper or first security interest in all of the obligations backing such receivables due to the large number of vehicles involved in a typical issuance and technical requirements under state laws. Therefore, recoveries on repossessed collateral may not always be available to support payments on the securities.

Examples of credit support arising out of the structure of the transaction include “senior-subordinated securities” (multiple class securities with one or more classes subordinate to other classes as to the payment of principal thereof and interest thereon, with the result that defaults on the underlying assets are borne first by the holders of the subordinated class), creation of “reserve funds” (where cash or investments, sometimes funded from a portion of the payments on the underlying assets, are held in reserve against future losses) and “over collateralization” (where the scheduled payments on, or the principal amount of, the underlying assets exceeds that required to make payments on the securities and pay any servicing or other fees). The degree of credit support provided for each issue is generally based on historical credit information respecting the level of credit risk associated with the underlying assets. Delinquencies or losses in excess of those anticipated could adversely affect the return on an investment in such issue.

Duration. Duration is a measure of the expected life of a bond on a present value basis. Duration incorporates the bond’s yield, coupon interest payments, final maturity and call features into one measure and can be a fundamental tool in portfolio selection and yield curve positioning of the fund’s investments in bonds. Duration was developed as a more precise alternative to the concept “term to maturity.” Traditionally, a bond’s “term to maturity” has been used as a proxy for the sensitivity of the security’s price to changes in interest rates (which is the “interest rate risk” or “volatility” of the security). However, “term to maturity” measures only the time until the scheduled final payment on the bond, taking no account of the pattern of payments prior to maturity.

Duration takes the length of the time intervals between the present time and the time that the interest and principal payments are scheduled or, in the case of a callable bond, expected to be made, and weights them by the present values of the cash to be received at each future point in time. For any bond with interest payments occurring prior to the payment of principal, duration is always less than maturity. For example, depending on its coupon and the level of market yields, a Treasury note with a remaining maturity of five years might have a duration of 4.5 years. For mortgage-backed and other securities that are subject to prepayments, put or call features or adjustable coupons, the difference between the remaining stated maturity and the duration is likely to be much greater.

Duration allows UBS AM to make certain predictions as to the effect that changes in the level of interest rates will have on the value of the fund’s portfolio of bonds. For example, when the level of interest rates increases by 1%, a debt security



having a positive duration of three years generally will decrease in value by approximately 3%. Thus, if UBS AM calculates the duration of the fund’s portfolio of bonds as three years, it normally would expect the portfolio to change in value by approximately 3% for every 1% change in the level of interest rates. However, various factors, such as changes in anticipated prepayment rates, qualitative considerations and market supply and demand, can cause particular securities to respond somewhat differently to changes in interest rates than indicated in the above example. Moreover, in the case of mortgage-backed and other complex securities, duration calculations are estimates and are not precise. This is particularly true during periods of market volatility. Accordingly, the net asset value of the fund’s portfolio of bonds may vary in relation to interest rates by a greater or lesser percentage than indicated by the above example.

Futures, options and options on futures have durations that, in general, are closely related to the duration of the securities that underlie them. Holding long futures or call option positions will lengthen portfolio duration by approximately the same amount as would holding an equivalent amount of the underlying securities. Short futures or put options have durations roughly equal to the negative duration of the securities that underlie these positions, and have the effect of reducing portfolio duration by approximately the same amount as would selling an equivalent amount of the underlying securities.

There are some situations in which the standard duration calculation does not properly reflect the interest rate exposure of a security. For example, floating and variable rate securities often have final maturities of ten or more years; however, their interest rate exposure corresponds to the frequency of the coupon reset. Another example where the interest rate exposure is not properly captured by the standard duration calculation is the case of mortgage-backed securities. The stated final maturity of such securities is generally 30 years, but current prepayment rates are critical in determining the securities’ interest rate exposure. In these and other similar situations, UBS AM will use more sophisticated analytical techniques that incorporate the economic life of a security into the determination of its duration and, therefore, its interest rate exposure.

Investments in money market funds. The fund may invest in money market funds that either seek to maintain a stable $1 NAV (“stable NAV money market funds”) or that have a share price that fluctuates (“variable NAV money market funds”). Although a stable NAV money market fund seeks to maintain a stable $1 NAV, it is possible for the fund to lose money by investing in such a money market fund. Because the share price of a variable NAV money market fund will fluctuate, when the fund sells the shares it owns those shares may be worth more or less than the price the fund originally paid for them. In addition, neither type of money market fund is designed to offer capital appreciation. In exchange for their emphasis on stability and liquidity, money market funds may offer lower long-term performance than bond investments. Certain money market funds may impose a fee upon the sale of shares or, until October 2, 2023, may temporarily suspend the ability to sell shares if such fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums. The fund also is subject to the management fees and/or expenses of underlying money market funds. At the same time, the fund would continue to pay its own management fees and expenses with respect to all of its direct investments. See also “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Investments in other investment companies.”

Yields and quality of money market instruments. The yields on the money market instruments in which the fund invests are dependent on a variety of factors, including general money market conditions, conditions in the particular market for the obligation, the financial condition of the issuer, the size of the offering, the maturity of the obligation and the ratings of the issue. The ratings assigned by rating agencies represent their opinions as to the quality of the obligations they undertake to rate. Ratings, however, are general and are not absolute standards of quality. Consequently, obligations with the same rating, maturity and interest rate may have different market prices.

Variable and floating rate securities and demand instruments. The fund may purchase variable and floating rate securities. The yields on these securities are adjusted in relation to changes in specific rates, such as the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), and different securities may have different adjustment rates. Certain of these obligations carry a demand feature that gives the fund the right to tender them back to a specified party, usually the issuer or a remarketing agent, prior to maturity. See “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Credit and liquidity enhancements.”



Generally, the fund may exercise demand features (1) upon a default under the terms of the underlying security, (2) to maintain its portfolio in accordance with its investment objective and policies or applicable legal or regulatory requirements or (3) as needed to provide liquidity to the fund in order to meet redemption requests. The ability of a bank or other financial institution to fulfill its obligations under a letter of credit, guarantee or other liquidity arrangement might be affected by possible financial difficulties of its borrowers, adverse interest rate or economic conditions, regulatory limitations or other factors. The interest rate on floating rate or variable rate securities ordinarily is readjusted on the basis of LIBOR or some other index or published rate, or is otherwise reset to reflect market rates of interest. Generally, these interest rate adjustments cause the market value of floating rate and variable rate securities to fluctuate less than the market value of fixed rate securities.

LIBOR discontinuance or unavailability risk. Certain of the fund’s investments and payment obligations may be (or previously were) based on the London Interbank Offer Rate (“LIBOR”). LIBOR was a leading floating rate benchmark used in loans, notes, derivatives and other instruments or investments. As a result of benchmark reforms, publication of most LIBOR settings has ceased. Some LIBOR settings continue to be published, but only on a temporary, synthetic and non-representative basis. Regulated entities have generally ceased entering into new LIBOR contracts in connection with regulatory guidance or prohibitions.The fund may continue to invest in instruments that continue to reference LIBOR or otherwise use LIBOR reference rates due to favorable liquidity or pricing, however, new LIBOR assets may no longer be available.

Regulators and market participants have been working together to identify or develop successor reference rates and necessary adjustments to associated spreads (i.e., the amounts above the relevant reference rates paid by borrowers in the market) (if any). Replacement rates that have been identified include the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”), which is intended to replace US dollar LIBOR and measures the cost of overnight borrowings through repurchase agreement transactions collateralized with US Treasury securities, and the Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (“SONIA”), which is intended to replace GBP LIBOR and measures the overnight interest rate paid by banks for unsecured transactions in the sterling market, although other replacement rates could be adopted by market participants. At this time, it is not possible to predict the effect of the establishment of SOFR, SONIA or any other replacement rates.

Additionally, industry trade associations and participants are focusing on the transition mechanisms by which reference rates (including LIBOR) and spreads (if any) in existing contracts or instruments may be amended, whether through market-wide protocols, fallback contractual provisions, bespoke negotiations or amendments or otherwise. Various pieces of legislation, including enacted legislation from the states of New York and Alabama and the US Congress, may have affected the transition of LIBOR-based instruments as well by permitting trustees and calculation agents to transition instruments without effective LIBOR fallback language to a successor reference rate. Such pieces of legislation also include safe harbors from liability, which may limit the recourse a holder may have if the successor reference rate does not fully compensate that holder for the transition of an instrument from LIBOR. It is uncertain what impact any such legislation may have. Notwithstanding the foregoing, some instruments continue to use synthetic LIBOR settings. These instruments may transition to another floating rate index after LIBOR ceases to be published. The LIBOR transition may have an impact on the value and liquidity of all floating rate instruments.

Alteration of the terms of a debt instrument or a modification of the terms of other types of contracts to replace LIBOR or another interbank offered rate (“IBOR”) with a new reference rate could result in a taxable exchange and the realization of income and gain/loss for US federal income tax purposes. The Internal Revenue Service has issued final regulations regarding the tax consequences of the transition from IBOR to a new reference rate in debt instruments and non-debt contracts. Under the final regulations, alteration or modification of the terms of a debt instrument to replace an operative rate that uses a discontinued IBOR with a qualified rate (as defined in the final regulations) including true up payments equalizing the fair market value of contracts before and after such IBOR transition, to add a qualified rate as a fallback rate to a contract whose operative rate uses a discontinued IBOR or to replace a fallback rate that uses a discontinued IBOR with a qualified rate would not be taxable. The Internal Revenue Service may provide additional guidance, with potential retroactive effect.



At this time, it is not possible to exhaustively identify or predict the effect of any changes to reference rates, any establishment of alternative reference rates or any other reforms to reference rates. The elimination of LIBOR or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates may affect the value, liquidity or return on, and may cause increased volatility in markets for, certain fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades, adversely impacting the fund’s overall financial condition or results of operations. In the event that a floating rate benchmark is discontinued, UBS AM and/or its affiliates may have discretion to determine a successor or substitute reference rate, including any price or other adjustments to account for differences between the successor or substitute reference rate and the previous rate. Such successor or substitute reference rate and any adjustments selected may negatively impact the fund’s investments, performance or financial condition, and may expose the fund to additional tax, accounting and regulatory risks.

Temporary and defensive investments. When UBS AM believes that there is an insufficient supply of the type of fixed income securities and money market instruments in which the fund primarily invests, or during other unusual market conditions, the fund may hold cash and may invest all or any portion of its net assets in money market instruments, including repurchase agreements. To the extent the fund holds cash, such cash would not earn income and would reduce the fund’s yield.

Credit and liquidity enhancements. The fund may invest in securities that have credit or liquidity enhancements or may purchase these types of enhancements in the secondary market. Such enhancements may be structured as demand features that permit the fund to sell the instrument at designated times and prices. These credit and liquidity enhancements may be backed by letters of credit or other instruments provided by banks or other financial institutions whose credit standing affects the credit quality of the underlying obligation. Changes in the credit quality of these financial institutions could cause losses to a fund and affect its share price. The credit and liquidity enhancements may have conditions that limit the ability of the fund to use them when the fund wishes to do so.

Illiquid investments. The term “illiquid investments” includes any investment that the fund reasonably expects cannot be sold or disposed of in current market conditions in seven calendar days or less without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment, as classified by the fund and as determined pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Investment Company Act”) and applicable rules and regulations thereunder. In classifying investments as illiquid, the fund will use information obtained after reasonable inquiry and take into account relevant market, trading, and investment-specific considerations, as well as applicable SEC guidance. The fund reviews liquidity classifications at least monthly, and more frequently if changes in relevant market, trading, and investment-specific considerations are reasonably expected to materially affect one or more of its investments’ classifications. The fund may not be able to readily liquidate its illiquid investments and may have to sell other investments if necessary to raise cash to meet its obligations. The lack of a liquid secondary market for illiquid investments may make it more difficult for the fund to assign a value to those investments for purposes of valuing its portfolio and calculating its net asset value.

Restricted securities are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“Securities Act”), and may be sold only in privately negotiated or other exempted transactions or after a registration statement under the Securities Act has become effective. Where registration is required, the fund may be obligated to pay all or part of the registration expenses and a considerable period may elapse between the time of the decision to sell and the time the fund may be permitted to sell a security under an effective registration statement. If, during such a period, adverse market conditions were to develop, the fund might obtain a less favorable price than that which prevailed when it decided to sell.

Not all restricted securities are illiquid. A large institutional market has developed for many US and non-US securities that are not registered under the Securities Act. Institutional investors generally will not seek to sell these instruments to the general public, but instead will often depend either on an efficient institutional market in which such unregistered securities can be readily resold or on an issuer’s ability to honor a demand for repayment.



Therefore, the fact that there are contractual or legal restrictions on resale to the general public or certain institutions is not dispositive of the liquidity of such investments.

Institutional markets for restricted securities also have developed as a result of Rule 144A under the Securities Act, which establishes a “safe harbor” from the registration requirements of the Securities Act for resales of certain securities to qualified institutional buyers. These markets include automated systems for the trading, clearance and settlement of unregistered securities of US and non-US issuers, such as the PORTAL System sponsored by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (previously, the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“FINRA”)). An insufficient number of qualified institutional buyers interested in purchasing Rule 144A-eligible restricted securities held by the fund, however, could affect adversely the marketability of such portfolio securities, and the fund might be unable to dispose of them promptly or at favorable prices.

The board has delegated the function of making day-to-day determinations of liquidity to UBS AM pursuant to guidelines approved by the board. UBS AM takes into account a number of factors in reaching liquidity decisions, which may include (1) the frequency of trades for the security, (2) the number of dealers that make quotes, or are expected to make quotes, for the security, (3) the nature of the security and how trading is effected (e.g., the time needed to sell the security, how bids are solicited and the mechanics of transfer) and (4) the existence of demand features or similar liquidity enhancements. UBS AM monitors the liquidity of restricted securities in the fund’s portfolio and reports periodically on such decisions to the board. The fund may not acquire any illiquid investment if, immediately after the acquisition, the fund would have invested more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid investments that are assets.

UBS AM also monitors the fund’s overall holdings of illiquid investments. If the fund’s holdings of illiquid investments exceed its limitation on investments in illiquid investments for any reason (such as a particular security becoming illiquid, changes in the relative market values of liquid and illiquid portfolio securities or shareholder redemptions), UBS AM will consider what action would be in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders. Such action may include engaging in an orderly disposition of securities to reduce the fund’s holdings of illiquid investments. However, the fund is not required to dispose of illiquid investments under these circumstances.

Repurchase agreements. The fund may enter into repurchase agreements. Repurchase agreements are transactions in which the fund purchases securities or other obligations from a bank or securities dealer (or its affiliate) and simultaneously commits to resell them to the counterparty at an agreed-upon date or upon demand and at a price reflecting a market rate of interest unrelated to any coupon rate or maturity of the purchased obligations. The fund maintains custody of the underlying obligations prior to their repurchase, either through its regular custodian or through a special “tri-party” custodian or sub-custodian that maintains separate accounts for both the fund and its counterparty. Thus, the obligation of the counterparty to pay the repurchase price on the date agreed to or upon demand is, in effect, secured by such obligations. The fund considers a repurchase agreement having more than seven days remaining to maturity an illiquid investment and will not enter into such repurchase agreement if, as a result, the fund would have invested more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid investments that are assets. The fund may utilize a put feature to limit the maturity of repurchase agreements it enters into.

Repurchase agreements carry certain risks not associated with direct investments in securities, including a possible decline in the market value of the underlying obligations. If their value becomes less than the repurchase price, plus any agreed-upon additional amount, the counterparty must provide additional collateral so that the collateral is at least equal to the repurchase price plus any agreed-upon additional amount. The difference between the total amount to be received upon repurchase of the obligations and the price that was paid by the fund upon acquisition is accrued as interest and included in its net investment income. If the seller or guarantor becomes insolvent, the fund may suffer delays, costs and possible losses in connection with the disposition of collateral. Such an insolvency may result in a loss to the extent that the value of the purchased securities or other assets decreases during the delay or that value has otherwise not been maintained at an amount equal to the repurchase price.



Reverse repurchase agreements. Reverse repurchase agreements involve the sale of securities held by the fund subject to its agreement to repurchase the securities at an agreed-upon date or upon demand and at a price reflecting a market rate of interest. Reverse repurchase agreements are subject to the fund’s limitation on borrowings and may be entered into only with banks or securities dealers or their affiliates.

Reverse repurchase agreements involve the risk that the buyer of the securities sold by the fund might be unable to deliver them when the fund seeks to repurchase. If the buyer of securities under a reverse repurchase agreement files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, the buyer or trustee or receiver may receive an extension of time to determine whether to enforce the fund’s obligation to repurchase the securities, and the fund’s use of the proceeds of the reverse repurchase agreement may effectively be restricted pending such decision. As described in further detail below, the SEC adopted a final rule related to the use of derivatives, reverse repurchase agreements and certain other transactions by registered investment companies (“Rule 18f-4”) and rescinded and withdrew certain guidance of the SEC and its staff regarding asset segregation and coverage transactions. Under the final rule, when the fund trades reverse repurchase agreements or similar financing transactions, including certain tender option bonds, it needs to aggregate the amount of indebtedness associated with the reverse repurchase agreements or similar financing transactions with the aggregate amount of any other senior securities representing indebtedness when calculating the fund’s asset coverage ratio or treat all such transactions as derivatives transactions. As the fund is subject to the value-at-risk (“VaR”) testing requirement, reverse repurchase agreements and similar financing transactions must be included for purposes of such testing whether treated as derivatives transactions or not.

Counterparty risk. The fund may be exposed to the risk of financial failure or insolvency of another party. To help lessen those risks, UBS AM and/or its affiliates, subject to the supervision of the board, monitors and evaluates the creditworthiness of the parties with which the fund does business.

Operations risk. The fund is subject to the risk that it may not be able to complete a transaction in the manner or at the time desired or other potential operational issues because of difficulties with the settlement process or other functions related to the processing of securities transactions. Such risks may arise from factors such as processing errors, human errors, inadequate or failed internal or external processes and controls, failures in systems and technology, documentation issues, changes in personnel and errors caused by third-party service providers.

Lower rated debt securities. Fixed income securities rated lower than Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P or Fitch for long-term ratings and/or equivalent short-term ratings, a comparable rating assigned by another rating agency or, if unrated, determined by UBS AM to be of comparable quality, are below investment grade and are considered to be of poor standing and predominantly speculative. Such securities (“lower rated securities”) are commonly referred to as “junk bonds” and are subject to a substantial degree of credit risk. Lower rated securities may be issued as a consequence of corporate restructurings, such as leveraged buy-outs, mergers, acquisitions, debt recapitalizations or similar events. Also, lower rated securities are often issued by smaller, less creditworthy companies or by highly leveraged (indebted) firms, which are generally less able than more financially stable firms to make scheduled payments of interest and principal. The risks posed by securities issued under such circumstances are substantial.

Issuers of these securities are often highly leveraged, so that their ability to service their debt obligations during an economic downturn or during sustained periods of rising interest rates may be impaired. In addition, such issuers may not have more traditional methods of financing available to them and may be unable to repay debt at maturity by refinancing. The risk of loss due to default by the issuer is significantly greater for the holders of lower rated securities because such securities may be unsecured and may be subordinated to other creditors of the issuer. Further, an economic recession may result in default levels with respect to such securities in excess of historic averages.

The value of lower rated securities will be influenced not only by changing interest rates, but also by the bond market’s perception of credit quality and the outlook for economic growth. When economic conditions appear to be deteriorating, lower rated securities may decline in market value due to investors’ heightened concern over credit quality, regardless of prevailing interest rates.



Especially at such times, trading in the secondary market for lower rated securities may become thin and market liquidity may be significantly reduced. Even under normal conditions, the market for lower rated securities may be less liquid than the market for investment grade corporate bonds. There are fewer securities dealers in the high yield market, and purchasers of lower rated securities are concentrated among a smaller group of securities dealers and institutional investors. In periods of reduced market liquidity, lower rated securities prices may become more volatile, and the fund’s ability to dispose of particular issues when necessary to meet the fund’s liquidity needs or in response to a specific economic event such as a deterioration in the creditworthiness of the issuer may be adversely affected.

Lower rated securities frequently have call or redemption features that would permit an issuer to repurchase the security from the fund. If a call were exercised by the issuer during a period of declining interest rates, the fund likely would have to replace such called security with a lower yielding security, thus decreasing the net investment income to the fund and any dividends to investors.

Besides credit and liquidity concerns, prices for lower rated securities may be affected by legislative and regulatory developments. For example, from time to time, Congress has considered legislation to restrict or eliminate the corporate tax deduction for interest payments or to regulate corporate restructurings such as takeovers or mergers.

Such legislation may significantly depress the prices of outstanding lower rated securities. A description of various corporate debt ratings appears in Appendix A to this SAI.

Securities issued by non-US issuers rated below investment grade entail greater risks than those of higher rated securities, including risk of untimely interest and principal payment, default, and price volatility, and may present problems of liquidity, valuation and currency risk.

When-issued and delayed delivery securities. The fund may purchase securities on a “when-issued” basis or may purchase or sell securities for delayed delivery to or by the fund later than the normal settlement date at a stated price and yield. The fund generally would not pay for such securities or start earning interest on them until they are received. However, when the fund undertakes a when-issued or delayed delivery obligation, it immediately assumes the risks of ownership, including the risks of price fluctuation. Failure of the issuer to deliver a security purchased by the fund on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis may result in the fund’s incurring a loss or missing an opportunity to make an alternative investment.

A security purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis is recorded as an asset on the commitment date and is subject to changes in market value, generally based upon changes in the level of interest rates. Thus, fluctuation in the value of the security from the time of the commitment date will affect the fund’s net asset value. When the fund commits to purchase securities on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis, it will designate cash or other liquid assets on the books of its custodian, marked to market daily, in an amount at least equal to its obligations under the commitment. The fund’s when-issued and delayed delivery purchase commitments could cause its net asset value per share to be more volatile.

The fund may sell the right to acquire the security prior to delivery if UBS AM deems it advantageous to do so, which may result in a gain or loss to the fund.

Under Rule 18f-4, the fund will be permitted to invest in a security on a when-issued or forward-settling basis, or with a non-standard settlement cycle, and the transaction will be deemed not to involve a senior security (as defined under Section 18(g) of the Investment Company Act), provided that, (i) the fund intends to physically settle the transaction and (ii) the transaction will settle within 35 days of its trade date. The fund may otherwise engage in when-issued, forward-settling and non-standard settlement cycle securities transactions so long as the fund treats any such transaction as a “derivatives transaction” for purposes of compliance with Rule 18f-4. These requirements may limit the ability of the fund to invest in securities on a when-issued or forward-settling basis, or with a non-standard settlement cycle, as part of its investment strategies. See “Strategies using derivative instruments—General description of strategies using Derivative Instruments.”



Investments in other investment companies. In addition to the fund’s investments in money market funds, the fund may invest in securities of other investment companies in general, subject to limitations imposed by the Investment Company Act. Among other things, these limitations generally restrict the fund’s aggregate investments in other investment companies that are not money market funds to no more than 10% of its total assets, subject to a number of exceptions under SEC rules, including Rule 12d1-4. The shares of other funds are subject to the management fees and/or other expenses of those funds. At the same time, the fund would continue to pay its own management fees and expenses with respect to all its investments, including shares of other funds. See also “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Investments in money market funds” and “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Auction rate and remarketed preferred stock.”

Zero coupon and delayed interest securities. The fund may invest in zero coupon or delayed interest securities which pay no cash income until maturity or a specified date when the securities begin paying current interest (the “cash payment date”) and are sold at substantial discounts from their value at maturity. When held to maturity or cash payment date, the entire income of such securities, which consists of accretion of discount, comes from the difference between the purchase price and their value at maturity or cash payment date. The discount varies depending on the time remaining until maturity or cash payment date, prevailing interest rates, liquidity of the security and the perceived credit quality of the issuer. The discount, in the absence of financial difficulties of the issuer, decreases as the final maturity or cash payment date of the security approaches. The market prices of zero coupon and delayed interest securities are generally more volatile and more likely to respond to changes in interest rates than the market prices of securities having similar maturities and credit qualities that pay interest periodically.

Zero coupon securities are subject to greater market value fluctuations from changing interest rates than debt obligations of comparable maturities which make current distributions of interest (cash). Zero coupon convertible securities offer the opportunity for capital appreciation as increases (or decreases) in market value of such securities closely follow the movements in the market value of the underlying common stock. Zero coupon convertible securities generally are expected to be less volatile than the underlying common stocks as they usually are issued with short maturities (15 years or less) and are issued with options and/or redemption features exercisable by the holder of the obligation entitling the holder to redeem the obligation and receive a defined cash payment.

Zero coupon securities include securities issued directly by the US Treasury, and US Treasury bonds or notes and their unmatured interest coupons and receipts for their underlying principal (“coupons”) which have been separated by their holder, typically a custodian bank or investment brokerage firm. A holder will separate the interest coupons from the underlying principal (the “corpus”) of the US Treasury security. A number of securities firms and banks have stripped the interest coupons and receipts and then resold them in custodial receipt programs with a number of different names, including “Treasury Income Growth Receipts” (“TIGRS”) and Certificate of Accrual on Treasuries (“CATS”). The underlying US Treasury bonds and notes themselves are held in book-entry form at the Federal Reserve Bank or, in the case of bearer securities (i.e., unregistered securities which are owned ostensibly by the bearer or holder thereof), in trust on behalf of the owners thereof. Counsel to the underwriters of these certificates or other evidences of ownership of the US Treasury securities has stated that for federal tax and securities purposes, in its opinion, purchasers of such certificates, such as the fund, most likely will be deemed the beneficial holder of the underlying US government securities. The fund will not treat such privately stripped obligations to be US government securities for the purpose of determining if the fund is “diversified,” or for any other purpose, under the Investment Company Act.

The US Treasury has facilitated transfers of ownership of zero coupon securities by accounting separately for the beneficial ownership of particular interest coupon and corpus payments on Treasury securities through the Federal Reserve book-entry record-keeping system. The Federal Reserve program as established by the US Treasury Department is known as “STRIPS” or “Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities.” Under the STRIPS program, the fund will be able to have its beneficial ownership of zero coupon securities recorded directly in the book-entry record-keeping system in lieu of having to hold certificates or other evidences of ownership of the underlying US Treasury securities.



When US Treasury obligations have been stripped of their unmatured interest coupons by the holder, the principal or corpus is sold at a deep discount because the buyer receives only the right to receive a future fixed payment on the security and does not receive any rights to periodic interest (cash) payments. Once stripped or separated, the corpus and coupons may be sold separately. Typically, the coupons are sold separately or grouped with other coupons with like maturity dates and sold in such bundled form. Purchasers of stripped obligations acquire, in effect, discount obligations that are economically identical to the zero coupon securities that the US Treasury sells itself. These stripped securities are also treated as zero coupon securities with original issue discount for tax purposes.

Convertible securities. A convertible security is a bond, preferred stock or other security that may be converted into or exchanged for a prescribed amount of common stock of the same or a different issuer within a particular period of time at a specified price or formula. A convertible security entitles the holder to receive interest or dividends until the convertible security matures or is redeemed, converted or exchanged. Convertible securities have unique investment characteristics in that they generally (1) have higher yields than common stocks, but lower yields than comparable non-convertible securities, (2) are less subject to fluctuation in value than the underlying stock because they have fixed income characteristics and (3) provide the potential for capital appreciation if the market price of the underlying common stock increases. While no securities investment is without some risk, investments in convertible securities generally entail less risk than the issuer’s common stock. However, the extent to which such risk is reduced depends in large measure upon the degree to which the convertible security sells above its value as a fixed income security.

A convertible security may be subject to redemption at the option of the issuer at a price established in the convertible security’s governing instrument. If a convertible security held by the fund is called for redemption, the fund will be required to permit the issuer to redeem the security or the fund could convert it into underlying common stock or sell it to a third party.

Municipal bonds. Municipal bonds are debt obligations that are issued by states, municipalities, public authorities or other issuers and that pay interest that is exempt from federal income tax in the opinion of issuer’s counsel. The two principal classifications of municipal bonds are “general obligation” and “revenue” bonds. General obligation bonds are secured by the issuer’s pledge of its full faith, credit and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue bonds are payable only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special excise tax or other specific revenue source such as from the user of the facility being financed. The term “municipal bonds” also includes “moral obligation” issues, which are normally issued by special purpose authorities. In the case of such issues, an express or implied “moral obligation” of a related governmental unit is pledged to the payment of the debt service but is usually subject to annual budget appropriations. Custodial receipts that represent an ownership interest in one or more municipal bonds also are considered to be municipal bonds. Various types of municipal bonds are described in the following sections.

Municipal securities and issuers of municipal securities may be more susceptible to downgrade, default, and bankruptcy during periods of economic stress. Factors contributing to the economic stress may include: lower property tax collections as a result of lower home values, lower sales tax revenue as a result of reduced consumer spending, lower income tax revenue as a result of higher unemployment rates, and budgetary constraints of local, state and federal governments upon which issuers of municipal securities may be relying for funding. In addition, as certain municipal securities may be secured or guaranteed by banks and other institutions, the risk to the fund could increase if the banking, insurance or other parts of the financial sector suffer an economic downturn and/or the credit ratings of the institutions issuing the guarantee are downgraded or are at risk of being downgraded by a national rating organization. Such a downward revision or risk of being downgraded may have an adverse effect on the market prices of the securities and thus the value of the fund’s investment. Further, a state, municipality, public authority or other issuers of municipal securities may file for bankruptcy, which may significantly affect the value of the securities issued by such issuers and therefore the value of the fund’s investment. During the most recent economic downturn, several municipalities filed for bankruptcy protection or have indicated that they may seek bankruptcy protection in the future.



Municipal securities are also subject to the risk that the perceived increase in the likelihood of default or downgrade among municipal issuers as a result of market conditions could result in increased illiquidity, volatility and credit risk. In addition, certain municipal issuers may be unable to access the market to sell securities or, if able to access the market, may be forced to issue securities at much higher rates. Should these municipal issuers fail to sell bonds when and at the rates projected, these entities could experience significantly increased costs and a weakened overall cash position in the current fiscal year and beyond. These events could also result in decreased investment opportunities for the fund and lower investment performance.

Municipal lease obligations. Municipal bonds include municipal lease obligations, such as leases, installment purchase contracts and conditional sales contracts and certificates of participation therein. Municipal lease obligations are issued by state and local governments and authorities to purchase land or various types of equipment or facilities and may be subject to annual budget appropriations. Funds generally invest in municipal lease obligations through certificates of participation.

Although municipal lease obligations do not constitute general obligations of the municipality for which the municipality’s taxing power is pledged, they ordinarily are backed by the municipality’s covenant to budget for, appropriate and make the payments due under the lease obligation. The leases underlying certain municipal lease obligations, however, provide that lease payments are subject to partial or full abatement if, because of material damage or destruction of the leased property, there is substantial interference with the lessee’s use or occupancy of such property. This “abatement risk” may be reduced by the existence of insurance covering the leased property, the maintenance by the lessee of reserve funds or the provision of credit enhancements such as letters of credit.

Certain municipal lease obligations contain “non-appropriation” clauses which provide that the municipality has no obligation to make lease or installment purchase payments in future years unless money is appropriated for such purpose on a yearly basis. Some municipal lease obligations of this type are insured as to timely payment of principal and interest, even in the event of a failure by the municipality to appropriate sufficient funds to make payments under the lease. Insurance does not guarantee the price of the municipal lease obligations. The credit rating of an insured municipal lease obligation reflects the credit rating of the insurer, based on its claims paying ability. The insurance feature is intended to reduce financial risk, but the cost of such insurance and the restrictions on investments imposed by the guidelines in the municipal insurance policy will result in a reduction in the yield on the insured municipal lease obligations purchased by the fund. However, in the case of an uninsured municipal lease obligation, the fund’s ability to recover under the lease in the event of a non-appropriation or default will be limited solely to the repossession of leased property without recourse to the general credit of the lessee, and disposition of the property in the event of foreclosure might prove difficult.

Industrial development bonds (“IDBs”) and private activity bonds (“PABs”). IDBs and PABs are issued by or on behalf of public authorities to finance various privately operated facilities, such as airport or pollution control facilities. These obligations are considered municipal bonds if the interest paid thereon is exempt from federal income tax in the opinion of the bond issuer’s counsel. IDBs and PABs are in most cases revenue bonds and thus are not payable from the unrestricted revenues of the issuer. The credit quality of IDBs and PABs is usually directly related to the credit standing of the user of the facilities being financed. IDBs issued after August 15, 1986 generally are considered PABs, and to the extent the fund invests in PABs, shareholders generally will be required to treat a portion of their exempt-interest dividends from the fund as a “Tax Preference Item.” See “Taxes” below.

Participation interests. Participation interests are interests in municipal bonds, including IDBs, PABs and floating and variable rate obligations, that are owned by financial institutions. These interests carry a demand feature permitting the holder to tender them back to the financial institution, which demand feature generally is backed by an irrevocable letter of credit or guarantee of the financial institution. The credit standing of such financial institution affects the credit quality of the participation interests.



A participation interest gives the fund an undivided interest in a municipal bond owned by a financial institution. The fund has the right to sell the instrument back to the financial institution. As discussed above under “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—credit and liquidity enhancements,” to the extent that payment of an obligation is backed by a letter of credit, guarantee or liquidity support arrangement from a financial institution, that payment may be subject to the financial institution’s ability to satisfy that commitment. UBS AM will monitor the pricing, quality and liquidity of the participation interests held by the fund, and the credit standing of financial institutions issuing letters of credit or guarantees supporting those participation interests on the basis of published financial information, reports of rating services and financial institution analytical services.

Put bonds. A put bond is a bond that gives the holder the unconditional right to sell the bond back to the issuer or a third party at a specified price and exercise date, which is typically well in advance of the bond’s maturity date. The obligation to purchase the bond on the exercise date may be supported by a letter of credit or other credit support arrangement from a bank, insurance company or other financial institution, the credit standing of which affects the credit quality of the obligation.

If the fund holds a bond subject to a “one time only” put, the fund ordinarily will either sell the bond or put the bond, depending upon the more favorable price. If a bond has a series of puts after the first put, it will be held as long as, in the judgment of UBS AM, it is in the fund’s best interest to do so. There is no assurance that the issuer of a put bond acquired by the fund will be able to repurchase the bond on the exercise date, if the fund chooses to exercise its right to put the bond back to the issuer or to a third party.

Tender option bonds. Tender option bonds are long-term municipal securities (or interests therein) sold by a bank, other financial institution or special purpose entity subject to a demand feature that gives the purchaser the right to sell them to the bank or other financial institution at par plus accrued interest at designated times (the “tender option”). The fund may invest in such securities with tender options that may be exercisable at various intervals, and the interest rate on such securities is typically reset at the end of the applicable interval in an attempt to cause the bonds to have a market value that approximates their par value, plus accrued interest. The tender option may not be exercisable in the event of a default on, or significant downgrading of, the underlying municipal securities, and may be subject to other conditions. Therefore, the fund’s ability to exercise the tender option will be affected by the credit standing of both the bank or other financial institution involved and the issuer of the underlying securities or its insurer (if any). If the fund invests in tender option bonds, the financial statements, financial highlights and other materials containing financial information of that fund will properly reflect these transactions, and the fund’s independent accountants will concur with the accounting treatment being applied to the fund’s transactions.

Tax-exempt commercial paper and short-term municipal notes. Municipal bonds include tax-exempt commercial paper and short-term municipal notes, such as tax anticipation notes, bond anticipation notes, revenue anticipation notes and other forms of short-term securities. Such notes are issued with a short-term maturity in anticipation of the receipt of tax funds, the proceeds of bond placements and other revenues. Investments in municipal bonds may be subject to additional risks, such as the failure of the issuer to make payments because of political issues or adverse determinations as to taxability that may negatively impact value.

Mortgage subsidy bonds. The fund also may purchase mortgage subsidy bonds that are issued to subsidize mortgages on single family homes and “moral obligation” bonds that are normally issued by special purpose public authorities. In some cases the repayment of these bonds depends upon annual legislative appropriations; in other cases repayment is a legal obligation of the issuer, and if the issuer is unable to meet its obligations, repayment becomes a moral commitment of a related governmental unit (subject, however, to such appropriations).

Stand-by commitments. The fund may acquire stand-by commitments under unusual market conditions to facilitate portfolio liquidity. Pursuant to a stand-by commitment, a municipal bond dealer agrees to purchase the securities that are the subject of the commitment at an amount equal to (1) the acquisition cost (excluding any



accrued interest paid on acquisition), less any amortized market premium and plus any accrued market or original issue discount, plus (2) all interest accrued on the securities since the last interest payment date or the date the securities were purchased, whichever is later.

The fund will enter into stand-by commitments only with those banks or other dealers that, in the opinion of UBS AM, present minimal credit risk. The fund’s right to exercise stand-by commitments will be unconditional and unqualified. Stand-by commitments will not be transferable by the fund, although the fund may sell the underlying securities to a third party at any time. The fund may pay for stand-by commitments either separately in cash or by paying a higher price for the securities that are acquired subject to such a commitment (thus reducing the yield to maturity otherwise available for the same securities). The acquisition of a stand-by commitment will not ordinarily affect the valuation or maturity of the underlying municipal securities. Stand-by commitments acquired by the fund will be valued at zero in determining net asset value. Whether the fund paid directly or indirectly for a stand-by commitment, its cost will be treated as unrealized depreciation and will be amortized over the period the fund holds the commitment.

Lending of portfolio securities. The fund is authorized to lend its portfolio securities to broker-dealers or institutional investors that UBS AM deems qualified. Lending securities enables the fund to earn additional income, but could result in a loss or delay in recovering these securities. The borrower of the fund’s portfolio securities must maintain acceptable collateral with the fund’s custodian (or a sub-custodian or a special “tri-party” custodian) in an amount, marked to market daily, at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned, plus accrued interest and dividends. Acceptable collateral is limited to cash and US government securities. The fund may reinvest any cash collateral in money market investments or other short-term liquid investments, including other investment companies. In determining whether to lend securities to a particular broker-dealer or institutional investor, UBS AM or a lending agent subject to UBS AM direction and oversight will consider, and during the period of the loan will monitor, all relevant facts and circumstances, including the creditworthiness of the borrower. The fund will retain authority to terminate any of its loans at any time. The fund may pay reasonable fees in connection with a loan and may pay the borrower or placing broker a negotiated portion of the interest earned on the reinvestment of cash held as collateral. The fund will receive amounts equivalent to any interest, dividends or other distributions on the securities loaned. The fund will seek to retain record ownership of loaned securities to exercise beneficial rights, such as voting and subscription rights, when retaining such rights is considered to be in the fund’s interest and operationally reasonably practicable.

State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”) has been approved to serve as lending agent and receives fees for such services. Additionally, State Street has been approved to engage a third party bank as a special “tri-party” custodian for securities lending arrangements.

Cyber security risk. As the use of technology has become more prevalent in the course of business, the fund, like other business organizations, has become more susceptible to operational, information security and related risks through breaches in cybersecurity. In general, cybersecurity failures or breaches of the fund or its service providers or the issuers of securities in which the fund invests may result from deliberate attacks or unintentional events and may arise from external or internal sources. Cybersecurity breaches may involve unauthorized access to the fund’s digital information systems (e.g., through “hacking” or malicious software coding), but may also result from outside attacks such as denial-of-service attacks (i.e., efforts to make network services unavailable to intended users). Cybersecurity failures or breaches affecting the fund’s investment advisor or any other service providers (including, but not limited to, fund accountants, custodians, transfer agents and financial intermediaries) have the ability to cause disruptions and impact business operations, potentially resulting in financial losses, interference with the fund’s ability to calculate its net asset value, impediments to trading, the inability of fund shareholders to transact business, destruction to equipment and systems, violations of applicable privacy and other laws, regulatory fines, penalties, reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs, and/or additional compliance costs. In addition, substantial costs may be incurred in order to prevent any cybersecurity breaches in the future.

While UBS AM has established business continuity plans in the event of, and risk management systems to prevent, such cybersecurity breaches, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems including the possibility that



certain risks have not been identified. Furthermore, UBS AM does not directly control the cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by the fund’s other service providers or any other third parties whose operations may affect the fund or its shareholders. The fund and its shareholders could be negatively impacted as a result.

Auction rate and remarketed preferred stock. The fund may purchase certain types of auction rate preferred stock (“ARPS”) and/or remarketed preferred stock (“RPS”) subject to a demand feature. These purchases may include ARPS and RPS issued by closed-end investment companies. ARPS and RPS subject to a demand feature, despite their status as equity securities, are economically similar to variable rate debt securities subject to a demand feature. Both ARPS and RPS allow the holder to sell the stock at a liquidation preference value at specified periods, provided that the auction or remarketing is successful. If the auction or remarketing fails, then the holder of certain types of ARPS and RPS may exercise a demand feature and has the right to sell the ARPS or RPS to a third party guarantor or counterparty at a price that can reasonably be expected to approximate its amortized cost; other holders may suffer a partial or complete loss of liquidity. The ability of a bank or other financial institution providing the demand feature to fulfill its obligations might be affected by possible financial difficulties of its borrowers, adverse interest rate or economic conditions, regulatory limitations or other factors.

The fund’s investment in ARPS and RPS issued by closed-end funds also is subject to limitations that generally prohibit the fund from investing more than 10% of its assets in securities of other investment companies that are not money market funds. See “The fund’s investments, related risks and limitations—Investments in other investment companies.”

Market risk. Market risks, including political, regulatory, market, economic and social developments, and developments that impact specific economic sectors, industries or segments of the market, can affect the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments. In addition, turbulence in financial markets and reduced liquidity in equity and/or fixed-income markets may negatively affect the fund. Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and conditions and events in one country, region or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. Events such as war, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, recessions, rapid inflation, the imposition of international sanctions, pandemics or other public health threats could also significantly impact the fund and its investments. These risks may be magnified if certain events or developments adversely interrupt the global supply chain, and could affect companies worldwide.

Recent examples include pandemic risks related to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) and the aggressive measures taken worldwide in response by (i) governments, including closing borders, restricting travel and imposing prolonged quarantines of, or similar restrictions on, large populations, and (ii) businesses, including forced or voluntary closures, changes to operations and reductions of staff. The effects of COVID-19 have contributed to increased volatility in global financial markets and may affect certain countries, regions, companies, industries and market sectors more dramatically than others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and any other outbreak of an infectious disease or serious environmental or public health concern could have, a significant negative impact on economic and market conditions, could exacerbate pre-existing political, social and economic risks in certain countries or regions and could trigger a prolonged period of global economic slowdown, which may impact the fund. It is not known how long the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will, or future impacts of other significant events would, last or the severity thereof. To the extent the fund is overweight in certain countries, regions, companies, industries or market sectors, such positions will increase the risk of loss from adverse developments affecting those countries, regions, companies, industries or sectors.

Low or negative interest rates. In a low or negative interest rate environment, debt instruments may trade at negative yields, which means the purchaser of the instrument may receive at maturity less than the total amount invested. In addition, in a negative interest rate environment, if a bank charges negative interest, instead of receiving interest on deposits, a depositor must pay the bank fees to keep money with the bank. To the extent the fund holds a negatively-yielding debt instrument or has a bank deposit with a negative interest rate, the fund would generate a negative return on that investment.



In the past, certain European countries and Japan have pursued negative interest rate policies, and there is the possibility that negative interest rate policies might be pursued in the United States at some point in the future. In a low or negative interest rate environment, some investors may seek to reallocate assets to other income-producing assets, such as investment-grade and higher-yield debt instruments, or equity investments that pay a dividend, absent other market risks that may make such alternative investments unattractive. This increased demand for higher yielding assets may cause the price of such instruments to rise while triggering a corresponding decrease in yield over time, thus reducing the value of such alternative investments. In addition, a move to higher yielding investments may cause investors, including the fund (to the extent permitted by its investment objective and strategies), to seek fixed-income investments with longer maturities and/or potentially reduced credit quality in order to seek the desired level of yield. These considerations may limit the fund’s ability to locate fixed-income instruments containing the desired risk/return profile.

Investment limitations of the fund

Fundamental investment limitations. The following investment limitations cannot be changed for the fund without the affirmative vote of the lesser of (1) more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the fund or (2) 67% or more of the shares of the fund present at a shareholders’ meeting if more than 50% of the outstanding shares are represented at the meeting in person or by proxy. If a percentage restriction is adhered to at the time of an investment or transaction, a later increase or decrease in percentage resulting from changing values of portfolio securities or amount of total assets will not be considered a violation of any of the following limitations. With regard to the borrowings limitation in fundamental limitation (2), the fund will comply with the applicable restrictions of Section 18 of the Investment Company Act.

The fund will not:



Purchase securities of any one issuer if, as a result, more than 5% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in securities of that issuer or the fund would own or hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of that issuer, except that up to 25% of the fund’s total assets may be invested without regard to this limitation, and except that this limitation does not apply to securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies and instrumentalities or to securities issued by other investment companies.

The following interpretation applies to, but is not a part of, this fundamental restriction: Mortgage- and asset-backed securities will not be considered to have been issued by the same issuer by reason of the securities having the same sponsor, and mortgage- and asset-backed securities issued by a finance or other special purpose subsidiary that are not guaranteed by the parent company will be considered to be issued by a separate issuer from the parent company.



Issue senior securities or borrow money, except as permitted under the Investment Company Act and then not in excess of 3313% of the fund’s total assets (including the amount of the senior securities issued but reduced by any liabilities not constituting senior securities) at the time of the issuance or borrowing, except that the fund may borrow up to an additional 5% of its total assets (not including the amount borrowed) for temporary or emergency purposes.



Make loans, except through loans of portfolio securities or through repurchase agreements, provided that for purposes of this restriction, the acquisition of bonds, debentures, other debt securities or instruments, or participations or other interests therein and investments in government obligations, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, bankers’ acceptances or similar instruments will not be considered the making of a loan.

The following interpretation applies to, but is not a part of, this fundamental restriction: the fund’s investments in master notes, funding agreements and similar instruments will not be considered to be the making of a loan.




Engage in the business of underwriting securities of other issuers, except to the extent that the fund might be considered an underwriter under the federal securities laws in connection with its disposition of portfolio securities.



Purchase or sell real estate, except that investments in securities of issuers that invest in real estate and investments in mortgage-backed securities, mortgage participations or other instruments supported by interests in real estate are not subject to this limitation, and except that the fund may exercise rights under agreements relating to such securities, including the right to enforce security interests and to hold real estate acquired by reason of such enforcement until that real estate can be liquidated in an orderly manner.



Purchase or sell physical commodities unless acquired as a result of owning securities or other instruments, but the fund may purchase, sell or enter into financial options and futures, forward and spot currency contracts, swap transactions and other financial contracts or derivative instruments.

The fund will, under normal circumstances:



Invest more than 25% of its total assets (measured at the time of purchase) in the financial services group of industries. The fund may not concentrate its investments in any other industry outside of financial services. That is, the fund may not invest more than 25% of its total assets (measured at the time of purchase) in securities of issuers whose principal business activities are in the same industry outside of financial services, except that this limit does not apply to (a) securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, (b) any of its agencies or instrumentalities and (c) repurchase agreements secured by such obligations.

The following interpretations apply to, but are not a part of, this fundamental restriction: the financial services group of industries is deemed to include industries within the financial services sector, including US banking, non-US banking, broker-dealers, insurance companies, finance companies (e.g., automobile finance), and related asset-backed securities. Asset-backed securities will be grouped in industries based upon their underlying assets and not treated as constituting a single, separate industry. UBS AM may analyze the characteristics of a particular issuer and security and assign an industry classification consistent with those characteristics in the event that either a third-party classification provider used by UBS AM or another fund service provider does not assign a classification or assigns a classification inconsistent with that believed appropriate by UBS AM based on its analysis of the economic characteristics of the issuer.

Note regarding other investment limitations. In addition to the fund’s investment policies and restrictions, UBS AM may adopt certain additional internal investment criteria which may further restrict the fund’s investments.

As of the date of this SAI, UBS AM policies prohibit investments by the fund in businesses involved in:



Controversial weapons, which cover:



cluster munitions



anti-personnel mines



chemical weapons



biological weapons



nuclear weapons produced in breach of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons




Depleted Uranium manufacturing



Thermal coal extraction and oil sands (20% revenue threshold at acquisition)

UBS AM may modify this list of prohibited investments, at any time, without shareholder approval or notice.

Because the above policy may cause the fund to exclude certain investments for nonfinancial reasons, the fund may forego some market opportunities available to funds that do not have such a policy.

Strategies using derivative instruments

General description of derivative instruments. Although the use of derivatives is not a main strategy of the fund, in accordance with Rule 18f-4 it may use a variety of financial instruments (“Derivative Instruments”), including certain options, futures contracts (sometimes referred to as “futures”), options on futures contracts, forwards and swap transactions for risk management purposes or a part of the fund’s investment strategies. The fund will generally use only fixed income and currency Derivative Instruments. The fund may enter into transactions involving one or more types of Derivative Instruments under which the full value of its portfolio is at risk. Under normal circumstances, however, the fund’s use of these instruments will place at risk a much smaller portion of its assets. Certain Derivative Instruments, including those that may be used by the fund, are described below.

The fund might not use any Derivative Instruments or derivative strategies, and there can be no assurance that using any strategy will succeed. If UBS AM is incorrect in its judgment on market values, interest rates or other economic factors in using a Derivative Instrument or strategy, the fund may have lower net income and a net loss on the investment.

Options on debt securities—A call option is a short-term contract pursuant to which the purchaser of the option, in return for a premium, has the right to buy the security underlying the option at a specified price at any time during the term of the option or at specified times or at the expiration of the option, depending on the type of option involved. The writer of the call option, who receives the premium, has the obligation, upon exercise of the option during the option term, to deliver the underlying security against payment of the exercise price. A put option is a similar contract that gives its purchaser, in return for a premium, the right to sell the underlying security at a specified price during the option term or at specified times or at the expiration of the option, depending on the type of option involved. The writer of the put option, who receives the premium, has the obligation, upon exercise of the option during the option term, to buy the underlying security at the exercise price.

Options on securities indices—A securities index assigns relative values to the securities included in the index and fluctuates with changes in the market values of those securities. A securities index option operates in the same way as a more traditional securities option, except that exercise of a securities index option is effected with cash payment and does not involve delivery of securities. Thus, upon exercise of a securities index option, the purchaser will realize, and the writer will pay, an amount based on the difference between the exercise price and the closing price of the securities index. However, it is possible for the option to expire worthless, in which case the purchaser will realize a loss, and the writer will realize a gain.

Securities index futures contracts—A securities index futures contract is a bilateral agreement pursuant to which one party agrees to accept, and the other party agrees to make, delivery of an amount of cash equal to a specified dollar amount times the difference between the securities index value at the close of trading of the contract and the price at which the futures contract is originally struck. No physical delivery of the securities comprising the index is made. Futures contracts are traded on exchanges with a clearinghouse. Generally, contracts are closed out prior to the expiration date of the contract.



Interest rate futures contracts—Interest rate futures contracts are bilateral agreements pursuant to which one party agrees to make, and the other party agrees to accept, delivery of a specified type of debt security at a specified future time and at a specified price. Although such futures contracts by their terms call for actual delivery or acceptance of bonds, in most cases the contracts are closed out before the settlement date without the making or taking of delivery.

Options on futures contracts—Options on futures contracts are similar to options on securities, except that an option on a futures contract gives the purchaser the right, in return for the premium, to assume a position in a futures contract (a long position if the option is a call and a short position if the option is a put), rather than to purchase or sell a security, at a specified price at any time during the option term or at specified times or at the expiration of the option. Upon exercise of the option, the delivery of the futures position to the holder of the option will be accompanied by delivery of the accumulated balance that represents the amount by which the market price of the futures contract exceeds, in the case of a call, or is less than, in the case of a put, the exercise price of the option on the future. The writer of an option, upon exercise, will assume a short position in the case of a call and a long position in the case of a put.

Forward currency contracts—A forward currency contract involves an obligation to purchase or sell a specific currency at a specified future date, which may be any fixed number of days from the contract date agreed upon by the parties, at a price set at the time the contract is entered into.

Swap agreements—The fund may enter into swap agreements, including credit, total return equity, interest rate, index, currency rate and variance swap agreements. Swap agreements can be less liquid and more difficult to value than other investments. Swap agreements are entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from one day to more than a year. In a standard swap transaction, two parties agree to exchange the returns earned on specific assets, such as the returns on, or increase in value of, a particular dollar amount invested at a particular interest rate, in a particular foreign currency, or in a “basket” of securities representing a particular index or other group of securities.

Because its cash flows are based in part on changes in the value of the reference asset, a total return swap’s market value will vary with changes in that reference asset. In addition, the fund may experience delays in payment or loss if the counterparty fails to perform under the contract.

General description of strategies using derivative instruments. The fund may use Derivative Instruments for risk management purposes to attempt to hedge its portfolio and also to attempt to enhance income or return or realize gains and to manage the duration of its bond portfolio. In addition, the fund may use Derivative Instruments to adjust its exposure to different asset classes or to maintain exposure to the fund’s principal investment strategies while maintaining a cash balance for fund management purposes. The fund also may use Derivative Instruments to facilitate trading and to reduce transaction costs.

Hedging strategies can be broadly categorized as “short hedges” and “long hedges.” A short hedge is a purchase or sale of a Derivative Instrument intended partially or fully to offset potential declines in the value of one or more investments held in the fund’s portfolio. Thus, in a short hedge the fund takes a position in a Derivative Instrument whose price is expected to move in the opposite direction of the price of the investment being hedged. For example, the fund might purchase a put option on a security to hedge against a potential decline in the value of that security. If the price of the security declined below the exercise price of the put, the fund could exercise the put and thus limit its loss below the exercise price to the premium paid plus transaction costs. In the alternative, because the value of the put option can be expected to increase as the value of the underlying security declines, the fund might be able to close out the put option and realize a gain to offset the decline in the value of the security.

Conversely, a long hedge is a purchase or sale of a Derivative Instrument intended partially or fully to offset potential increases in the acquisition cost of one or more investments that the fund intends to acquire. Thus, in a long hedge,



the fund takes a position in a Derivative Instrument whose price is expected to move in the same direction as the price of the prospective investment being hedged. For example, the fund might purchase a call option on a security it intends to purchase in order to hedge against an increase in the cost of the security. If the price of the security increased above the exercise price of the call, the fund could exercise the call and thus limit its acquisition cost to the exercise price plus the premium paid and transaction costs. Alternatively, the fund might be able to offset the price increase by closing out an appreciated call option and realizing a gain.

The fund may purchase and write (sell) straddles on securities or indices of securities. A long straddle is a combination of a call and a put option purchased on the same security or on the same futures contract, where the exercise price of the put is equal to the exercise price of the call. The fund might enter into a long straddle when UBS AM believes it likely that the prices of the securities will be more volatile during the term of the option than the option pricing implies. A short straddle is a combination of a call and a put written on the same security where the exercise price of the put is equal to the exercise price of the call. The fund might enter into a short straddle when UBS AM believes it unlikely that the prices of the securities will be as volatile during the term of the option as the option pricing implies.

Derivative Instruments on securities often are used to hedge against price movements in one or more particular securities positions that the fund owns or intends to acquire. Derivative Instruments on bonds may be used to hedge either individual securities or broad fixed income market sectors. Income strategies using Derivative Instruments may include the writing of options to obtain the related option premiums.

Income strategies using Derivative Instruments may include the writing of options to obtain the related option premiums. Return or gain strategies may include using Derivative Instruments to increase or decrease the fund’s exposure to different asset classes without buying or selling the underlying instruments. The fund also may use derivatives to simulate full investment by the fund while maintaining a cash balance for fund management purposes (such as to provide liquidity to meet anticipated shareholder sales of fund shares and for fund operating expenses).

The use of Derivative Instruments is subject to applicable regulations of the SEC, the several options and futures exchanges upon which they are traded and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”). For example, in October 2020, the SEC adopted Rule 18f-4 related to the use of derivatives, reverse repurchase agreements and certain other transactions by registered investment companies and rescinded and withdrew certain guidance of the SEC and its staff regarding asset segregation and cover transactions. Under Rule 18f-4, the fund is required to treat derivatives and other transactions that create future payment or delivery obligations (except reverse repurchase agreements and similar financing transactions) as subject to value-at-risk (“VaR”) leverage limits, a derivatives risk management program and certain reporting requirements. Under Rule 18f-4, when the fund trades reverse repurchase agreements or similar financing transactions, including certain tender option bonds, it needs to aggregate the amount of indebtedness associated with the reverse repurchase agreements or similar financing transactions with the aggregate amount of any other senior securities representing indebtedness when calculating the fund’s asset coverage ratio or treat all such transactions as derivatives transactions. As the fund is subject to the VaR testing requirement, reverse repurchase agreements and similar financing transactions must be included for purposes of such testing whether treated as derivatives transactions or not. The SEC also provided guidance in connection with Rule 18f-4 regarding the use of securities lending collateral that may limit the fund’s securities lending activities. These requirements may limit the ability of the fund to use derivatives and reverse repurchase agreements and similar financing transactions as part of its investment strategies. These requirements may increase the cost of the fund’s investments and cost of doing business, which could adversely affect investors. In addition, the fund’s ability to use Derivative Instruments may be limited by tax considerations. See “Taxes.”

In addition to the products, strategies and risks described below and in the prospectus, UBS AM may discover additional opportunities in connection with Derivative Instruments and with hedging, income, return and gain strategies. These new opportunities may become available as regulatory authorities broaden the range of permitted



transactions and as new Derivative Instruments and techniques are developed. UBS AM may use these opportunities for the fund to the extent that they are consistent with the fund’s investment objective and permitted by its investment limitations and applicable regulatory authorities. The fund’s prospectus or SAI will be supplemented to the extent that new products or techniques involve materially different risks than those described below or in the prospectus.

Special risks of strategies using Derivative Instruments. The use of Derivative Instruments involves special considerations and risks, as described below. Risks pertaining to particular Derivative Instruments are described in the sections that follow.



Successful use of most Derivative Instruments depends upon the ability of UBS AM to predict movements of the overall securities or interest rate markets, which requires different skills than predicting changes in the prices of individual securities. While UBS AM is experienced in the use of Derivative Instruments, there can be no assurance that any particular strategy adopted will succeed. The value of Derivative Instruments may rise or fall more rapidly than other investments and are subject to risk of potential adverse market movements or changes in market volatility. It is possible for a fund to lose more than the amount it invested in the Derivative Instruments.



There might be imperfect correlation, or even no correlation, between price movements of a Derivative Instrument and price movements of the investments that are being hedged. For example, if the value of a Derivative Instrument used in a short hedge increased by less than the decline in value of the hedged investment, the hedge would not be fully successful. Such a lack of correlation might occur due to factors affecting the markets in which Derivative Instruments are traded, rather than the value of the investments being hedged. The effectiveness of hedges using Derivative Instruments on indices will depend on the degree of correlation between price movements in the index and price movements in the securities being hedged.



Hedging strategies, if successful, can reduce risk of loss by wholly or partially offsetting the negative effect of unfavorable price movements in the investments being hedged. However, hedging strategies can also reduce opportunity for gain by offsetting the positive effect of favorable price movements in the hedged investments. For example, if the fund entered into a short hedge because UBS AM projected a decline in the price of a security in the fund’s portfolio, and the price of that security increased instead, the gain from that increase might be wholly or partially offset by a decline in the price of the Derivative Instrument. Moreover, if the price of the Derivative Instrument declined by more than the increase in the price of the security, the fund would suffer a loss. In either such case, the fund would have been in a better position had it not hedged at all.



As described below, the fund might be required to make margin payments when it takes positions in Derivative Instruments involving obligations to third parties (i.e., Derivative Instruments other than purchased options). If the fund was unable to close out its positions in such Derivative Instruments, it might be required to continue to make such payments until the positions expired or matured. These requirements might impair the fund’s ability to sell a portfolio security or make an investment at a time when it would otherwise be favorable to do so, or require that the fund sell a portfolio security at a disadvantageous time. The fund’s ability to close out a position in a Derivative Instrument prior to expiration or maturity depends on the existence of a liquid secondary market or, in the absence of such a market, the ability and willingness of a counterparty to enter into a transaction closing out the position. Therefore, there is no assurance that any hedging position can be closed out at a time and price that is favorable to the fund.



Derivative Instruments are also subject to counterparty risk, operations risk, and legal risk (including risk of insufficient documentation, insufficient capacity or authority of counterparty, or legality or enforceability of a contract). Regulation relating to a fund’s use of Derivative Instruments could potentially limit or impact the fund’s ability to invest in Derivative Instruments, limit the fund’s ability to employ certain strategies that use Derivative Instruments and/or adversely affect the value of Derivative Instruments and the fund’s performance.



Options. The fund may purchase put and call options and write (sell) put or call options on securities in which it invests and related indices. The purchase of call options may serve as a long hedge, and the purchase of put options may serve as a short hedge. The fund may also use options to attempt to enhance return or realize gains by increasing or reducing its exposure to an asset class without purchasing or selling the underlying securities. Writing put or call options can enable the fund to enhance income by reason of the premiums paid by the purchasers of such options. Writing call options serves as a limited short hedge, because declines in the value of the hedged investment would be offset to the extent of the premium received for writing the option. However, if the security appreciates to a price higher than the exercise price of the call option, it can be expected that the option will be exercised and the fund will be obligated to sell the security at less than its market value. Writing put options serves as a limited long hedge, because increases in the value of the hedged investment would be offset to the extent of the premium received for writing the option. However, if the security depreciates to a price lower than the exercise price of the put option, it can be expected that the put option will be exercised and the fund will be obligated to purchase the security at more than its market value.

The value of an option position will reflect, among other things, the current market value of the underlying investment, the time remaining until expiration, the relationship of the exercise price to the market price of the underlying investment, the historical price volatility of the underlying investment and general market conditions. Options normally have expiration dates of up to nine months. Generally, over-the-counter options on bonds are European-style options. This means that the option can only be exercised immediately prior to its expiration. This is in contrast to American-style options that may be exercised at any time. There are also other types of options that may be exercised on certain specified dates before expiration. Options that expire unexercised have no value.

The fund may effectively terminate its right or obligation under an option by entering into a closing transaction. For example, the fund may terminate its obligation under a call or put option that it had written by purchasing an identical call or put option; this is known as a closing purchase transaction. Conversely, the fund may terminate a position in a put or call option it had purchased by writing an identical put or call option; this is known as a closing sale transaction. Closing transactions permit the fund to realize profits or limit losses on an option position prior to its exercise or expiration.

The fund may purchase and write both exchange-traded and over-the-counter options. Currently, many options on equity securities are exchange-traded. Exchange markets for options on bonds exist but are relatively new, and these instruments are primarily traded on the over-the-counter market. Exchange-traded options in the United States are issued by a clearing organization affiliated with the exchange on which the option is listed that, in effect, guarantees completion of every exchange-traded option transaction. In contrast, over-the-counter options are contracts between the fund and its counterparty (usually a securities dealer or a bank) with no clearing organization guarantee. Thus, when the fund purchases or writes an over-the-counter option, it relies on the counterparty to make or take delivery of the underlying investment upon exercise of the option. Failure by the counterparty to do so would result in the loss of any premium paid by the fund as well as the loss of any expected benefit of the transaction.

The fund’s ability to establish and close out positions in exchange-listed options depends on the existence of a liquid market. The fund intends to purchase or write only exchange-traded options for which there appears to be a liquid secondary market. However, there can be no assurance that such a market will exist at any particular time. Closing transactions can be made for over-the-counter options only by negotiating directly with the counterparty or by a transaction in the secondary market if any such market exists. Although the fund will enter into over-the-counter options only with counterparties that are expected to be capable of entering into closing transactions with it, there is no assurance that the fund will in fact be able to close out an over-the-counter option position at a favorable price prior to expiration. In the event of insolvency of the counterparty, the fund might be unable to close out an over-the-counter option position at any time prior to its expiration.



If the fund were unable to effect a closing transaction for an option it had purchased, it would have to exercise the option to realize any profit. The inability to enter into a closing purchase transaction for a put or call option written by the fund could cause material losses.

The fund may purchase and write put and call options on indices in much the same manner as the more traditional options discussed above, except the index options may serve as a hedge against overall fluctuations in a securities market (or market sector) rather than anticipated increases or decreases in the value of a particular security.

Limitations on the use of options. The fund’s use of options is governed by the following guidelines, which can be changed by its board without shareholder vote:



The fund may purchase a put or call option, including any straddle or spread, only if the value of its premium, when aggregated with the premiums on all other options held by the fund, does not exceed 5% of its total assets.



The aggregate value of securities underlying put options written by the fund, determined as of the date the put options are written, will not exceed 50% of its net assets.



The aggregate premiums paid on all options (including options on securities, securities indices and futures contracts) purchased by the fund that are held at any time will not exceed 20% of its net assets.

Futures. The fund may purchase and sell securities index futures contracts or interest rate futures contracts. The fund may purchase put and call options, and write put and call options, on futures in which it is allowed to invest.

The purchase of futures or call options thereon can serve as a long hedge, and the sale of futures or the purchase of put options thereon can serve as a short hedge. Writing call options on futures contracts can serve as a limited short hedge, and writing put options on futures contracts can serve as a limited long hedge, using a strategy similar to that used for writing options on securities or indices. In addition, the fund may purchase or sell futures contracts or purchase options thereon to increase or reduce its exposure to an asset class without purchasing or selling the underlying securities, either as a hedge or to enhance return or realize gains.

Futures strategies also can be used to manage the average duration of the fund’s bond portfolio. If UBS AM wishes to shorten the average duration of the fund’s bond portfolio, the fund may sell a futures contract or a call option thereon, or purchase a put option on that futures contract. If UBS AM wishes to lengthen the average duration of the fund’s bond portfolio, the fund may buy a futures contract or a call option thereon, or sell a put option thereon.

The fund may also write put options on futures contracts while at the same time purchasing call options on the same futures contracts in order synthetically to create a long futures contract position. Such options would have the same strike prices and expiration dates. The fund will engage in this strategy only when it is more advantageous to the fund than is purchasing the futures contract.

No price is paid upon entering into a futures contract. Instead, at the inception of a futures contract the fund is required to deposit with the futures commission merchant (“FCM”) through whom the transaction was effected, “initial margin” consisting of cash, obligations of the United States or obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States. Margin must also be deposited when writing a call option on a futures contract, in accordance with applicable exchange rules. Unlike margin in securities transactions, initial margin on futures contracts does not represent a borrowing, but rather is in the nature of a performance bond or good-faith deposit that is returned to the fund at the termination of the transaction if all contractual obligations have been satisfied. Under certain circumstances, such as periods of high volatility, the fund may be required by an exchange to increase the level of its initial margin payment, and initial margin requirements might be increased generally in the future by regulatory action.



Subsequent “variation margin” payments are made to and from the futures broker daily as the value of the futures position varies, a process known as “marking to market.” Variation margin does not involve borrowing, but rather represents a daily settlement of the fund’s obligations to or from a futures broker. When the fund purchases an option on a futures contract, the premium paid plus transaction costs is all that is at risk. In contrast, when the fund purchases or sells a futures contract or writes a call option thereon, it is subject to daily variation margin calls that could be substantial in the event of adverse price movements. If the fund has insufficient cash to meet daily variation margin requirements, it might need to sell securities at a time when such sales are disadvantageous.

Holders and writers of futures contracts and options on futures can enter into offsetting closing transactions, similar to closing transactions on options, by selling or purchasing, respectively, an instrument identical to the instrument held or written. Positions in futures and options on futures may be closed only on an exchange or board of trade that provides a secondary market. The fund intends to enter into futures transactions only on exchanges or boards of trade where there appears to be a liquid secondary market. However, there can be no assurance that such a market will exist for a particular contract at a particular time.

Under certain circumstances, futures exchanges may establish daily limits on the amount that the price of a future or related option can vary from the previous day’s settlement price; once that limit is reached, no trades may be made that day at a price beyond the limit. Daily price limits do not limit potential losses because prices could move to the daily limit for several consecutive days with little or no trading, thereby preventing liquidation of unfavorable positions.

If the fund were unable to liquidate a futures or related options position due to the absence of a liquid secondary market or the imposition of price limits, it could incur substantial losses. The fund would continue to be subject to market risk with respect to the position. In addition, except in the case of purchased options, the fund would continue to be required to make daily variation margin payments.

Certain characteristics of the futures markets might increase the risk that movements in the prices of futures contracts or related options might not correlate perfectly with movements in the prices of the investments being hedged. For example, all participants in the futures and related options markets are subject to daily variation margin calls and might be compelled to liquidate futures or related options positions whose prices are moving unfavorably to avoid being subject to further calls. These liquidations could increase price volatility of the instruments and distort the normal price relationship between the futures or options and the investments being hedged. Also, because initial margin deposit requirements in the futures markets are less onerous than margin requirements in the securities markets, there might be increased participation by speculators in the futures markets. This participation also might cause temporary price distortions. In addition, activities of large traders in both the futures and securities markets involving arbitrage, “program trading” and other investment strategies might result in temporary price distortions.

Limitations on the use of futures and related options. The fund’s use of futures and related options is governed by the following guidelines, which can be changed by its board without shareholder vote:



The aggregate initial margin and premiums on futures contracts and options on futures positions that are not for bona fide hedging purposes (as defined by the CFTC), excluding the amount by which options are “in-the-money,” may not exceed 5% of the fund’s net assets.



The aggregate premiums paid on all options (including options on securities, securities indices and futures contracts) purchased by the fund that are held at any time will not exceed 20% of its net assets.



The aggregate margin deposits on all futures contracts and options thereon held at any time by the fund will not exceed 5% of its total assets.



Foreign currency hedging strategies. The fund may invest outside the United States and use options and futures on foreign currencies, as described above, and forward currency contracts, as described below, to hedge against movements in the values of the foreign currencies in which the fund’s securities are denominated. Such currency hedges can protect against price movements in a security the fund owns or intends to acquire that are attributable to changes in the value of the currency in which it is denominated. Such hedges do not, however, protect against price movements in the securities that are attributable to other causes. The fund may invest outside the United States and enter into foreign currency strategies for purposes of risk management, efficient asset allocation and in pursuit of the fund’s investment objective. The fund might seek to hedge against changes in the value of a particular currency for multiple reasons, including when no Derivative Instruments on that currency are available or such Derivative Instruments are considered expensive. In such cases, the fund may hedge against price movements in that currency by entering into transactions using Derivative Instruments on another currency or a basket of currencies, the value of which UBS AM believes will have a positive correlation to the value of the currency being hedged.

The value of Derivative Instruments on foreign currencies depends on the value of the underlying currency relative to the US dollar. Because foreign currency transactions occurring in the interbank market might involve substantially larger amounts than those involved in the use of such Derivative Instruments, the fund could be disadvantaged by having to deal in the odd-lot market (generally consisting of transactions of less than $1 million) for the underlying foreign currencies at prices that are less favorable than for round lots.

There is no systematic reporting of last sale information for foreign currencies or any regulatory requirement that quotations available through dealers or other market sources be firm or revised on a timely basis. Quotation information generally is representative of very large transactions in the interbank market and thus might not reflect odd-lot transactions where rates might be less favorable. The interbank market in foreign currencies is a global, round-the-clock market. To the extent the US options or futures markets are closed while the markets for the underlying currencies remain open, significant price and rate movements might take place in the underlying markets that cannot be reflected in the markets for the Derivative Instruments until they reopen.

Settlement of Derivative Instruments involving foreign currencies might be required to take place within the country issuing the underlying currency. Thus, the fund might be required to accept or make delivery of the underlying foreign currency in accordance with any US or foreign regulations regarding the maintenance of foreign banking arrangements by US residents and might be required to pay any fees, taxes and charges associated with such delivery assessed in the issuing country.

Limitations on the use of forward currency contracts. The fund may invest outside the United States and enter into forward currency contracts or maintain a net exposure to such contracts only if the consummation of the contracts would not obligate the fund to deliver an amount of foreign currency in excess of the value of the position being hedged by such contracts.

Swaps. The fund may engage in swaps, including but not limited to interest rate, currency, inflation and index swaps and the purchase or sale of related caps, floors, collars and other derivative instruments. The fund expects to enter into these transactions primarily to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or portion of the portfolio’s duration, to protect against any increase in the price of securities the fund anticipates purchasing at a later date, or to gain exposure to certain markets in the most economical way possible. Swap agreements may be negotiated bilaterally and traded OTC between two parties or, in some instances, must be transacted through an FCM and cleared through a clearinghouse that serves as a central counterparty. Certain standardized swaps are also subject to exchange trading. Although central clearing and exchange trading is expected to decrease counterparty risk and increase liquidity compared to bilaterally negotiated swaps, central clearing and exchange trading does not eliminate counterparty risk or illiquidity risk entirely.

Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by the fund with another party of its respective commitments to receive or pay interest (e.g., an exchange of fixed rate payments for floating rate payments) with respect to a notional amount



of principal. Currency swaps involve the exchange of cash flows on a notional amount based on changes in the values of referenced currencies. An inflation swap is an agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to pay the cumulative percentage increase in a reference inflation index (e.g., the Consumer Price Index) and the other party agrees to pay a compounded fixed rate over a stated period of time. Index swaps involve the exchange by the fund with another party of payments based on a notional principal amount of a specified index or indices.

The purchase of a cap entitles the purchaser to receive payments on a notional principal amount from the party selling the cap to the extent that a specified reference stock or a reference index exceeds a predetermined interest rate or amount. The purchase of an interest rate floor entitles the purchaser to receive payments on a notional principal amount from the party selling the floor to the extent that a specified reference stock or a reference index falls below a predetermined interest rate or amount. A collar is a combination of a cap and a floor that preserves a certain return with a predetermined range of interest rates or values.

The use of swaps involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. If UBS AM is incorrect in its forecast of market values, interest rates and other applicable factors, the investment performance of the fund will be less favorable than it would have been if this investment technique was never used. Swaps do not involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets or principal, and are subject to counterparty risk. If the other party to a swap defaults and fails to consummate the transaction, the fund’s risk of loss consists of the net amount of interest payments that the fund is contractually entitled to receive. Under Internal Revenue Service rules, any lump sum payment received or due under the notional principal contract must be amortized over the life of the contract using the appropriate methodology prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service.

The fund will enter into swap transactions only with banks and recognized swap dealers believed by its investment advisor to present minimal credit risk in accordance with guidelines established by the board. If there is a default by the other party to such a transaction, the fund will have to rely on its contractual remedies (which may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws) pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction.

The fund may take either a long or a short position in credit default swap agreements on a single security or instrument. In a long position, the fund would make periodic payments to the counterparty in return for credit protection and would receive the full notional amount, or “par value” of the reference obligation in the event of default during the term of the transaction. If the fund takes a long position and no event of default occurs, it will lose its investment (i.e., the periodic payments) and recover nothing. In a short position, the fund receives a fixed rate of income throughout the term of the contract, which typically is between six months and five years, provided that there is no default event. If an event of default occurs, a fund in a short position must pay the counterparty the full notional value of the reference obligation. In addition, there may be disputes between the buyer and seller of a credit default swap agreement or within the swaps market as a whole as to whether a credit event has occurred or what the payment should be. Such disputes could result in litigation or other delays, and the outcome could be adverse for the buyer or seller. Credit default swap transactions involve greater risks than those associated with a direct investment in the reference obligation.

Cleared swaps are transacted through FCMs with the clearinghouse serving as a central counterparty. The fund posts initial and variation margin in connection with cleared swap transactions through its clearing member FCMs. Central clearing is expected to decrease counterparty risk and increase liquidity compared to over-the-counter swaps. However, central clearing does not eliminate counterparty risk or illiquidity risk entirely. In addition, the margin required for cleared swaps may be in excess of the collateral required under a similar over-the-counter swap. Regulators have adopted certain minimum margin requirements on uncleared swaps, which could change this comparison. These margin requirements currently require the fund to make variation margin payments and may require the fund to make initial margin payments. Certain cleared swaps are also traded and executed on trading facilities, which may increase market transparency and liquidity but may require a fund to incur increased expenses



to access the same types of swaps. Rules adopted in 2012 also require centralized reporting of detailed information about cleared and uncleared swaps and publication of certain swap data. Reporting of swap data may result in greater market transparency, but these rules place potential additional administrative obligations on the fund.

UBS AM and the Trust do not believe that the fund’s obligations under swap contracts are senior securities and, accordingly, the fund will not treat them as being subject to its borrowing or senior securities restrictions. However, the net amount of the excess, if any, of the fund’s obligations over its entitlements with respect to each swap contract will be accrued on a daily basis. To the extent that the fund cannot dispose of a swap in the ordinary course of business within seven days at approximately the value at which the fund has valued the swap, the fund will treat the swap as illiquid and subject to its overall limit on illiquid investments of 15% of the fund’s net assets.

Disclosure of portfolio holdings

Policies and procedures generally. UBS AM and the fund’s board have adopted portfolio holdings disclosure policies and procedures to govern the disclosure of the portfolio holdings of the fund. UBS AM and the fund’s chief compliance officer also considered actual and potential material conflicts that could arise in such circumstances between the interests of fund shareholders, on the one hand, and those of the fund’s investment advisor, distributor, or any affiliated person of the fund, its investment advisor, or its distributor, on the other.

The fund’s disclosure policy with respect to the release of portfolio holdings information is to release only such information consistent with applicable legal requirements and the fiduciary duties owed to shareholders. Subject to the limited exceptions described below, the fund’s portfolio holdings will not be made available to anyone outside of UBS AM unless and until the information has been made available to all shareholders or the general public in a manner consistent with the spirit and terms of this policy. A description of the type and frequency of portfolio holdings that are disclosed to the public also is contained in the fund’s prospectuses.

After giving due consideration to such matters and after the exercise of their fiduciary duties and reasonable business judgment, UBS AM and the fund’s board determined that the fund has a legitimate business purpose for disclosing portfolio holdings to certain persons/entities and that the policies and procedures are reasonably designed to ensure that disclosure of portfolio holdings and information about portfolio holdings is in the best interests of fund shareholders and appropriately address the potential for material conflicts of interest.

UBS AM’s procedures require that the UBS AM Legal and/or Compliance Departments address any material conflicts of interest regarding a disclosure of portfolio holdings and determine whether a disclosure of the fund’s portfolio holdings is for a legitimate business purpose and in the best interests of the fund’s shareholders prior to the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the fund or the UBS AM Legal and/or Compliance Departments authorizing the disclosure of portfolio holdings. The UBS AM Legal and/or Compliance Departments will periodically review how the fund’s portfolio holdings are being disclosed to and used by, if at all, service providers, UBS AM affiliates and certain fiduciaries, and broker-dealers to ensure that such disclosure and use is for legitimate fund business reasons and consistent with the best interests of the fund’s shareholders.

Board oversight. The fund’s board exercises continuing oversight of the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings by (i) overseeing the implementation and enforcement by the fund’s chief compliance officer of the portfolio holdings disclosure policies and procedures, and the fund’s policies and procedures regarding the misuse of inside information; (ii) considering reports and recommendations by the chief compliance officer concerning any material compliance matters (as defined in Rule 38a-1 under the Investment Company Act and Rule 206(4)-7 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”)) that may arise in connection with any policies governing portfolio holdings, and (iii) considering whether to approve or ratify any amendment to any policies governing portfolio holdings. UBS AM and the fund’s board reserve the right to amend the fund’s policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of portfolio holdings at any time and from time to time subject to the approval of the fund’s board.



Complete portfolio holdings—disclosure to service providers subject to confidentiality and trading restrictions. UBS AM, for legitimate business purposes, may disclose the fund’s complete portfolio holdings at times it deems necessary and appropriate to rating and ranking organizations, financial printers, proxy voting service providers, pricing information vendors, derivatives collateral managers, third-parties that deliver analytical, statistical or consulting services, custodians or a redeeming party’s custodian or transfer agent as necessary in connection with redemptions in kind, and other third parties that provide services (collectively, “Service Providers”) to UBS AM and/or the fund.

Disclosure of complete portfolio holdings to a Service Provider is conditioned on the Service Provider being subject to a duty of confidentiality, including a duty not to trade on the basis of any material nonpublic information pursuant to the terms of the service agreement between the Service Provider and the fund or UBS AM, or the terms of the confidentiality agreement. The frequency with which complete portfolio holdings may be disclosed to a Service Provider, and the length of lag, if any, between the date of information and the date on which the information is disclosed to the Service Provider, is determined based on the facts and circumstances, including, without limitation, the nature of the portfolio holdings information to be disclosed, the risk of harm to the fund and its shareholders, and the legitimate business purposes served by such disclosure. Disclosure of complete portfolio holdings to a Service Provider must be authorized by a Trust officer or the General Counsel, Deputy General Counsel or an Associate General Counsel within the Legal and Compliance Departments of UBS AM.

Complete portfolio holdings—disclosure to UBS AM affiliates and certain fiduciaries subject to confidentiality and trading restrictions. The fund’s complete portfolio holdings may be disclosed between and among the following persons (collectively, “Affiliates and Fiduciaries”), subject to authorization by the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the fund or by an attorney in the Legal and Compliance Departments of UBS AM, for legitimate business purposes within the scope of their official duties and responsibilities, subject to such persons’ continuing duty of confidentiality and duty not to trade on the basis of any material nonpublic information, as such duties are imposed under UBS AM’s code of ethics, the fund’s policies and procedures regarding the prevention of the misuse of inside information, by agreement or under applicable laws, rules and regulations: (i) persons who are subject to the code of ethics or the policies and procedures regarding the prevention of the misuse of inside information; (ii) an investment advisor, distributor, administrator, transfer agent, custodian or securities lending agent to the fund; (iii) an accounting firm, an auditing firm or outside legal counsel retained by UBS AM or the fund; (iv) an investment advisor to whom complete portfolio holdings are disclosed for due diligence purposes when the advisor is in merger or acquisition talks with the fund’s current advisor; (v) a newly hired investment advisor or sub-advisor to whom complete portfolio holdings are disclosed prior to the time it commences its duties; and (vi) custodians and other third parties as necessary in connection with redemptions in kind of the fund’s shares.

The frequency with which complete portfolio holdings may be disclosed between and among Affiliates and Fiduciaries, and the length of the lag, if any, between the date of the information and the date on which the information is disclosed between and among the Affiliates and Fiduciaries, is determined by the UBS AM Legal and Compliance Departments based on the facts and circumstances, including, without limitation, the nature of the portfolio holdings information to be disclosed and the risk of harm to the fund and its shareholders and the legitimate business purposes served by such disclosure.

Complete and partial portfolio holdings—arrangements to disclose to service providers and fiduciaries. As of the date of this SAI, the specific Service Providers, Affiliates and Fiduciaries with whom the fund has arrangements to provide portfolio holdings in advance of their release to the general public in the course of performing or to enable them to perform services for the fund or for other reasons as specified below, are:




State Street, the fund’s custodian, accounting agent, securities lending agent and sub-administrator, receives portfolio holdings information daily on a real-time basis in connection with the custodian, fund accounting, securities lending, valuation and sub-administration services it provides to the fund.



Ernst & Young LLP, the fund’s independent registered public accounting firm, receives portfolio holdings information on an annual and semi-annual basis for financial reporting purposes. There is a 25-day lag between the date of portfolio holdings information and the date on which the information is disclosed to Ernst & Young LLP for semi-annual reporting purposes. Ernst & Young LLP also receives portfolio holdings information annually at year-end for audit purposes. In this case, there is no lag between the date of the portfolio holdings information and the date on which the information is disclosed to Ernst & Young LLP. In addition, Ernst & Young LLP receives holdings twice a year for fiscal income and excise tax provision reporting purposes with a 25-day lag time.



Bloomberg Finance L.P. receives daily portfolio holdings for the fund at the end of each day in connection with its provision of services related to liquidity risk management.



The rating agency Lipper and the financial news and data companies Bloomberg L.P. and FactSet Research Systems Inc. receive portfolio holdings information on a quarterly basis so that the fund may be included in each company’s industry reports and other materials. There is a 60-day lag between the date of the portfolio holdings information and the date on which the information is disclosed to these companies. The rating agency Morningstar will receive portfolio holdings information on a monthly basis 10 days after month end.



A limited number of financial printers used by the fund to print and file its annual and semi-annual shareholder reports and other regulatory materials. There is at least a two week lag between the date of the portfolio holdings information and the date on which the information is disclosed to the parties.



ISS Securities Class Action Services, LLC receives portfolio holdings information on a monthly basis on a 6-day lag in connection with proxy voting and class action claims processing services provided to the fund.



International Data Corporation receives portfolio holdings information daily on a real-time basis in connection with providing pricing information for the fund’s portfolio securities.



Marketing Spectrum receives portfolio holdings information no earlier than three weeks after the close of a fiscal annual or semi-annual period in connection with its preparation of a draft “letter to shareholders” for inclusion in annual and semi-annual shareholder reports.



The Investment Company Institute (the “ICI”) receives portfolio holdings information relating to each month of a quarter on a quarterly basis for public policy research and advocacy purposes. There is a 60-day lag between the end of a quarter and the date on which the information is disclosed to the ICI.



RiskMetrics Solutions LLC receives daily portfolio holdings for the fund in connection with its provision of services related to risk management, including derivatives risk management.

Complete and partial portfolio holdings—disclosure to broker-dealers in the normal course of managing fund assets. An investment advisor, administrator or custodian for the fund may, for legitimate business purposes within the scope of their official duties and responsibilities, disclose portfolio holdings (whether partial portfolio holdings or complete portfolio holdings) and other investment positions comprising the fund to one or more broker dealers during the course of, or in connection with, normal day-to-day securities transactions with or through such broker-dealers subject to the broker-dealer’s legal obligation not to use or disclose material nonpublic information concerning the fund’s portfolio holdings, other investment positions, securities transactions or derivative transactions without the consent of the fund or the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the fund,



or an attorney in the UBS AM Legal and Compliance Departments. The fund has not given its consent to any such use or disclosure and no person or agent of UBS AM is authorized to give such consent except as approved by the fund’s board. In the event consent is given to disclose portfolio holdings to a broker-dealer, the frequency with which the portfolio holdings may be disclosed to a broker-dealer, and the length of the lag, if any, between the date of the information and the date on which the information is disclosed to the broker-dealer, is to be determined based on the facts and circumstances, including, without limitation, the nature of the portfolio holdings information to be disclosed, and the risk of harm to the fund, its shareholders, and the legitimate fund purposes served by such disclosure.

Complete and partial portfolio holdings—disclosure as required by applicable law. Fund portfolio holdings and other investment positions comprising the fund may be disclosed to any person as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations. Examples of such required disclosure include, but are not limited to, disclosure of fund portfolio holdings (i) in a filing or submission with the SEC or another domestic or foreign regulatory body, (ii) in connection with seeking recovery on defaulted bonds in a federal bankruptcy case, (iii) in connection with a lawsuit or (iv) as required by court order, subpoena or similar process (e.g., arbitration proceedings). The UBS AM Legal Department must authorize the disclosure of portfolio holdings information when required for a legal or regulatory purpose. The UBS AM Legal Department may not be able to prevent or place restrictions on the disclosure of the fund’s portfolio holdings when compelled by law or regulation to provide such information, even if the UBS AM Legal Department determines that such disclosure may not be in the best interest of fund shareholders or that a material conflict of interest is present or appears to be present. However, the UBS AM Legal Department will attempt to monitor the use of any fund portfolio holdings information disclosed as required by law or regulation.

Disclosure of non-material information. Policies and procedures regarding non-material information permit UBS AM fund officers, UBS AM fund portfolio managers, and senior officers of UBS AM Fund Treasury, UBS AM Legal and Compliance Departments, and anyone employed by or associated with UBS AM who has been authorized by the UBS AM Legal and Compliance Departments’ representatives (collectively, “Approved Representatives”) to disclose any views, opinions, judgments, advice or commentary, or any analytical, statistical, performance or other information, in connection with or relating to the fund or its portfolio holdings and/or other investment positions (collectively, “commentary and analysis”) or any changes in the portfolio holdings of the fund that occurred after the most recent calendar-quarter end (or, in the case of a fund publicly disclosing portfolio holdings on a monthly basis, after the most recent monthly public posting of portfolio holdings) (“recent portfolio changes”) to any person if such information does not constitute material nonpublic information and complies with the portfolio holdings disclosure policies and procedures described above.

An Approved Representative must make a good faith determination whether the information constitutes material nonpublic information, which involves an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. UBS AM believes that in most cases recent portfolio changes that involve a few or even several securities in a diversified portfolio or commentary and analysis would be immaterial and would not convey any advantage to a recipient in making an investment decision concerning the fund. Nonexclusive examples of commentary and analysis about the fund include (i) the allocation of the fund’s portfolio holdings and other investment positions among various asset classes, sectors, industries and countries, (ii) the characteristics of the fund’s portfolio holdings and other investment positions, (iii) the attribution of fund returns by asset class, sector, industry and country, and (iv) the volatility characteristics of the fund. An Approved Representative may in its sole discretion determine whether to deny any request for information made by any person, and may do so for any reason or no reason.

“Approved Representatives” include persons employed by or associated with UBS AM who have been authorized by the Legal and Compliance Departments of UBS AM to disclose recent portfolio changes and/ or commentary and analysis in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures.



Prohibitions on disclosure of portfolio holdings. No person is authorized to disclose fund portfolio holdings or other investment positions (whether online at, in writing, by fax, by e-mail, orally or by other means) except in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures. In addition, no person is authorized to make disclosure pursuant to these policies and procedures if such disclosure is otherwise unlawful under the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws (as defined in Rule 38a-1 under the Investment Company Act). Furthermore, UBS AM, in its sole discretion, may determine not to disclose portfolio holdings or other investment positions comprising the fund to any person who could otherwise be eligible to receive such information under the applicable policies and procedures, or may determine to make such disclosures publicly as provided by the policies and procedures.

Prohibitions on receipt of compensation or other consideration. The portfolio holdings disclosure policies and procedures prohibit the fund, its investment advisor and any other person to pay or receive any compensation or other consideration of any type for the purpose of obtaining disclosure of fund portfolio holdings or other investment positions. “Consideration” includes any agreement to maintain assets in the fund or in other investment companies or accounts managed by the investment advisor or by any affiliated person of the investment advisor.



Organization of the Trust; trustees and officers; principal holders and management ownership of securities

The Trust was organized on April 29, 1998 as a statutory trust under the laws of Delaware and currently has sixteen series. The Trust has authority to establish additional series and issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest of each existing or future series, par value of $0.001 per share.

The Trust is governed by a board of trustees, which oversees the fund’s operations and which is authorized to establish additional series. Each trustee serves an indefinite term of office. The tables below show, for each trustee (sometimes referred to as “board member”) and officer, his or her name, address and age, the position held with the Trust, the length of time served as trustee or officer of the Trust, the trustee’s or officer’s principal occupations during the last five years, the number of portfolios in the UBS fund complex overseen by the trustee or for which a person served as an officer, and other directorships held by such trustee.


Independent Trustees
and age
  Position(s) held
with Trust
  Term of office1
and length of
time served
  Principal occupation(s)
during past 5 years
  Number of portfolios
in fund complex
overseen by trustee
  Other directorships held
by trustee

Alan S. Bernikow;
K2 Integrity

845 Third


New York, NY



Trustee and

Chairman of

the Board of



Since 2005




(Chairman of

the Board of


  Mr. Bernikow is retired. Previously, he was director of Revlon, Inc. (cosmetics) (and served as the chair of its audit committee and as the chair of its compensation committee), and deputy chief executive officer at Deloitte & Touche (international accounting and consulting firm). From 2003 to 2017, Mr. Bernikow was also a director of Destination XL Group, Inc. (menswear) (and served as a member of its nominating and corporate governance committee).   Mr. Bernikow is a trustee of 4 investment companies (consisting of 38 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Bernikow is also the lead director of Mack-Cali Realty Corporation (real estate investment trust) (and serves as the chair of its audit committee).

Richard R. Burt;
McLarty Associates 900 17th Street, N.W.

8th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20006

  Trustee   Since 1998   Mr. Burt is a managing partner of McLarty Associates (a consulting firm) (since 2007). He was chairman of IEP Advisors (international investments and consulting firm) until 2009.   Mr. Burt is a trustee of 4 investment companies (consisting of 38 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   None



and age
  Position(s) held
with Trust
  Term of office1
and length of
time served
  Principal occupation(s)
during past 5 years
  Number of portfolios
in fund complex
overseen by trustee
  Other directorships held
by trustee
Bernard H. Garil;
6754 Casa Grande Way
Delray Beach, FL 33446
  Trustee   Since 2005   Mr. Garil is retired (since 2001). He was a managing director at PIMCO Advisory Services (from 1999 to 2001) where he served as president of closed-end funds and vice-president of the variable insurance product funds advised by OpCap Advisors (until 2001).   Mr. Garil is a trustee of 4 investment companies (consisting of 38 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Garil is also a trustee for the Brooklyn College Foundation, Inc. (charitable foundation).
Heather R. Higgins;
c/o Keith A. Weller, Fund Secretary
UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
One North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
  Trustee   Since 2005   Mrs. Higgins is the president and director of The Randolph Foundation (charitable foundation) (since 1991). Mrs. Higgins also serves (or has served) on the boards of several non-profit charitable groups, including the Independent Women’s Forum (chairman) and the Philanthropy Roundtable (vice chairman). She also serves on the board of the Hoover Institution (from 2001 to 2007 and since 2009).   Mrs. Higgins is a director or trustee of 7 investment companies (consisting of 41 portfolios) for which UBS AM or an affiliate serves as investment advisor or manager.   None
Virginia G. Breen;
c/o Keith A. Weller
Fund Secretary
UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
One North Wacker Drive
IL 60606
  Trustee   Since July 2023   Ms. Breen is a private investor and board member of certain entities (as listed herein).   Ms. Breen is a director or trustee of 7 investment companies (consisting of 41 portfolios) for which UBS AM or an affiliate serves as investment advisor or manager.   Director of: Paylocity Holding Corp.; UBS A&Q Fund Complex (3 funds); the Neuberger Berman Private Equity Registered Funds (21 funds); certain funds in the Calamos Fund Complex (28 funds). Former Director of JLL Income Property Trust, Inc. (from 2004 to June 2023) and Tech and Energy Transition Corporation (2021 to March 2023).



and age
  Position(s) held
with Trust
  Term of office1
and length of
time served
  Principal occupation(s)
during past 5 years
  Number of portfolios
in fund complex
overseen by trustee
  Other directorships held
by trustee
David R. Malpass;
c/o Keith A. Weller Fund Secretary
UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
One North Wacker Drive
IL 60606
  Trustee   Since July 2023   Mr. Malpass served as President of the World Bank Group from April 2019 to June 2023. Prior to that, he served as US Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs (August 2017—April 2019) (Mr. Malpass also had previously served as a trustee of the funds from 2014 until 2017, when he entered public service.)   Mr. Malpass is a trustee of 4 investment companies (consisting of 38 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   In his role as President of the World Bank Group, Mr. Malpass was President of, and Chairman of the Boards and Administrative Councils of, the following: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Development Association; International Finance Corporation; Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. In his role as Undersecretary of the US Treasury, Mr. Malpass was also on the boards of Overseas Private Investment Corporation (the US Government’s development finance institution until it merged with another government entity in 2019) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (a US foreign aid agency).



Each trustee holds office for an indefinite term.



Name, address, and age   Position(s) held
with Trust
   Term of office1
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years

Rose Ann Bubloski4;


  Vice President and Assistant Treasurer    Since 2011    Ms. Bubloski is a director (since 2012) (prior to which she was an associate director (from 2008 to 2012)) and senior manager of fund accounting—US (previously named product control and investment support) at UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. and/or UBS Asset Management (US) Inc. (“UBS AM—Americas region”). Ms. Bubloski is vice president and assistant treasurer of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Franklin P. Dickson4;


  Vice President    Since 2017    Mr. Dickson is an associate director (since 2015) and tax compliance manager (since 2017) (prior to which he was a product controller (from 2015 to 2017) of fund accounting—US (previously named product control and investment support) of UBS AM—Americas region. Mr. Dickson is a vice president of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Lisa N. DiPaolo2;


  Vice President    Since 2015    Ms. DiPaolo is an executive director (since 2020) (prior to which she was a director from 2008 until 2020) and portfolio manager (since 2015) at UBS AM—Americas region. Ms. DiPaolo joined UBS AM— Americas region in 2000 and has been a municipal securities analyst on the tax-free fixed income team. Ms. DiPaolo is a vice president of two investment companies (consisting of 22 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Charles W. Grande2;


  Vice President    Since 2017    Mr. Grande is a managing director, head of municipal fixed income team (since 2020; formerly co-head from 2017 until 2020) and head of municipal credit research (since 2009) with UBS AM—Americas region. Mr. Grande is a vice president of two investment companies (consisting of 22 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Mark F. Kemper3;


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2004 and 2019, respectively    Mr. Kemper is a managing director (since 2006) and senior legal advisor (since January 2023). Most recently, Mr. Kemper has held senior Legal and Compliance positions at UBS AM—Americas Region including general counsel (2004 through 2019 and 2021 to 2023) (prior to which he was senior legal counsel (2019-2020 and 2021)), Interim Head of Asia Pacific Legal (2020-2021) and Interim Head of Compliance and Operational Risk Control (2019) of UBS AM—Americas region. He has been assistant secretary of UBS AM—Americas region (since 2022) (prior to which he was secretary (from 2004 until 2022) and assistant secretary of UBS Asset Management Trust Company (since 1993). Mr. Kemper is a vice president and assistant secretary of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager. Mr. Kemper is employed by UBS Business Solutions US LLC (since 2017).

Joanne M. Kilkeary4;


  Vice President, Treasurer and Principal Accounting Officer    Since 1999 (Vice President) and since 2017 (Treasurer and Principal Accounting Officer)    Ms. Kilkeary is an executive director (since 2013) (prior to which she was a director (from 2008 to 2013)) and head of fund accounting—US (since 2020) (prior to which she was head of regulatory, tax, audit and board governance for product control and investment support (from 2017 until 2020)) (prior to which she was a senior manager of registered fund product control of UBS AM—Americas region (from 2004-2017)). Ms. Kilkeary is a vice president, treasurer and principal accounting officer of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.



Name, address, and age   Position(s) held
with Trust
   Term of office1
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years

Igor Lasun2;


  President    Since 2018    Mr. Lasun is a managing director (since 2021) (prior to which he was an executive director (from 2018 until 2021)) and head of product development and management for UBS AM—Americas region (since 2018) (prior to which he was a senior fixed income product specialist from 2007 to 2018, and had joined the firm in 2005). In this role, he oversees product development and management for both wholesale and institutional businesses. Mr. Lasun serves as president of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Leesa Merrill3


  Chief Compliance Officer    Since 2022    Ms. Merrill is an executive director (since March 2023) (prior to which she was a director (from 2014 until March 2023) and served as head of compliance risk (from 2020 to 2022) (prior to which she was a senior compliance officer (from 2004 until 2020)) for UBS AM—Americas region. Ms. Merrill serves as chief compliance officer of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM or one of its affiliates serves as investment advisor or manager.

Ryan Nugent2;


  Vice President    Since 2009    Mr. Nugent is an executive director (since 2017) (prior to which he was director (from 2010 to 2017)), and portfolio manager (since 2005) and head of municipal trading (since 2013) of UBS AM—Americas region. Mr. Nugent is a vice president of two investment companies (consisting of 22 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Robert Sabatino3;


  Vice President    Since 2001    Mr. Sabatino is a managing director (since 2010) (prior to which he was an executive director (since 2007)), head of global liquidity portfolio management (since 2015), head of US taxable money markets (from 2009 to 2015), and portfolio manager of UBS AM—Americas region in the short duration fixed income group (since 2000). Mr. Sabatino is a vice president of three investment companies (consisting of 37 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Eric Sanders2;


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2005    Mr. Sanders is a director and associate general counsel with UBS Business Solutions US (since 2017) and also with UBS AM—Americas region (since 2005). Mr. Sanders is a vice president and assistant secretary of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Philip Stacey3;


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2018    Mr. Stacey is a managing director (since March 2023, prior to which he was an executive director (from 2019 until March 2023)) and Head of Legal—UBS AM Americas region (since January 2023) prior to which he was Head of Derivatives and Trading Legal and associate general counsel (from 2017 through December 2022) with UBS Business Solutions US LLC and also with UBS AM—Americas region (since 2015). Mr. Stacey is a vice president and assistant secretary of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

David Walczak3;


  Vice President    Since 2016    Mr. Walczak is an executive director (since 2016), head of US money markets (since 2015) and portfolio manager of UBS AM—Americas region. Mr. Walczak is a vice president of three investment companies (consisting of 37 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.



Name, address, and age   Position(s) held
with Trust
   Term of office1
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years

Keith A. Weller3;


  Vice President and Secretary    Since 1998 (Vice President) and since 2019 (Secretary)    Mr. Weller is an executive director and deputy general counsel (since 2019) and Head of Registered Funds Legal (since June 2022), (prior to which he was senior associate general counsel) with UBS Business Solutions US LLC (since 2017) and also with UBS AM—Americas region (since 2005) and has been an attorney with affiliated entities since 1995. Mr. Weller is a vice president and secretary of 6 investment companies (consisting of 50 portfolios) for which UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager and is also involved with other funds for which UBS AM or an affiliate serves as investment advisor or administrator.



Officers are appointed by the trustees and serve at the pleasure of the board.


This person’s business address is 787 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019.


This person’s business address is One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606.


This person’s business address is 1000 Harbor Boulevard, Weehawken, NJ 07086.



Information about trustee ownership of fund shares
Independent trustee    Dollar range of
equity securities in
Ultra Short Income Fund
   Aggregate dollar range of
equity securities in all
registered investment
companies overseen by
trustee for which UBS AM
serves as investment
advisor or manager1
Alan S. Bernikow   



Over $100,000

Richard R. Burt   




Bernard H. Garil   



Over $100,000

Heather R. Higgins   



Over $100,000

Virginia G. Breen*    None    None
David R. Malpass*    None    None

Information regarding ownership is as of December 31, 2022, unless otherwise noted.


Information for Ms. Breen and Mr. Malpass is as of July 31, 2023.

Leadership structure and qualifications of board of trustees

The board is responsible for oversight of the fund. The board is currently composed of six trustees, all of whom are not “interested persons” of the fund as that term is defined by the Investment Company Act (“Independent Trustees”). The board members have selected Mr. Bernikow, an Independent Trustee, to act as chairman of the board. The chairman of the board’s role is to preside at all meetings of the board and generally to act as a liaison with service providers, officers, attorneys and other trustees between meetings. The chairman may also perform such other functions as may be delegated by the board from time to time. The board has established an Audit Committee and a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee to assist the board in the oversight and direction of the business and affairs of the fund, and from time to time may establish ad hoc committees, informal working groups or designate one or more members to review and address the policies and practices of the fund or to liaise with the fund’s Chief Compliance Officer or service providers, including staff of UBS AM, with respect to certain specified matters. The board meets at regularly scheduled meetings five times throughout the year. In addition, the trustees may meet in-person or by telephone at special meetings or on an informal basis at other times. Each committee meets as appropriate to conduct the oversight functions delegated to the committee by the board and reports its findings to the board. The board and Audit Committee conduct annual assessments of their oversight function and structure. The Independent Trustees have also engaged independent legal counsel to assist them in performing their oversight responsibilities. The trustees have determined that the board’s leadership and committee structure is appropriate because it allows the board to exercise informed and independent judgment over the matters under its purview and to allocate areas of responsibility among committees of Independent Trustees and the full board in a manner that enhances the full board’s oversight.

The fund has engaged UBS AM to manage the fund on a day-to-day basis. The board is responsible for overseeing UBS AM and other service providers in the operations of the fund in accordance with the Investment Company Act, applicable state and other laws, and the fund’s charter. The board reviews, on an ongoing basis, the fund’s performance, operations and investment strategies and techniques. The board also conducts reviews of UBS AM and its role in running the operations of the fund.

The board has concluded that, based on each trustee’s experience, qualifications, attributes or skills on an individual basis and in combination with those of the other trustees, each trustee should serve as a trustee. In determining that a particular trustee is qualified to serve as a trustee, the board has considered a variety of criteria, none of which, in isolation, was controlling. The board believes that, collectively, the trustees have balanced and diverse experience,



skills, attributes and qualifications, which allow the board to operate effectively in governing the fund and protecting the interests of shareholders. Among the attributes common to all trustees are their ability to review critically, evaluate, question and discuss information provided to them, to interact effectively with other board members, UBS AM, other service providers, counsel and the independent registered public accounting firm, and to exercise effective business judgment in the performance of their duties as trustees. In addition, the board has taken into account the actual service and commitment of the trustees during their tenure in concluding that each should continue to serve. A trustee’s ability to perform his or her duties effectively may have been attained through a trustee’s educational background or professional training; business, consulting, public service or academic positions; experience from service as a trustee of the fund, other funds in the fund complex, other investment funds, public companies, or nonprofit entities or other organizations; and/or other life experiences. Set forth below is a brief discussion of the specific experience, qualifications, attributes or skills of each trustee that led the board to conclude that he or she should serve as a trustee.

Amb. Burt has served as a director/trustee of funds in the fund complex for over two decades, including as a member and/or chair of various board committees. Amb. Burt has many years of experience in advising companies regarding international investment and risk management. Amb. Burt has served on the boards of directors of The Central Europe, Russia and Turkey Fund, Inc., The European Equity Fund, Inc. and The New Germany Fund, Inc. (and served as a member of each such fund’s audit, nominating and governance committees) and has served as a director on other corporate boards. Prior to joining McLarty Associates in 2007, Amb. Burt was chairman of Diligence Inc. (information and risk management firm). Amb. Burt was the chief negotiator in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks with the former Soviet Union (1989-1991) and the US Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany (1985-1989). He had also been a partner of McKinsey & Company (management consulting firm).

Messrs. Bernikow and Garil and Mrs. Higgins were elected as directors/trustees of the funds in the fund complex during 2005-2006. Messrs. Bernikow and Garil and Mrs. Higgins also serve as members and/or chairs of various board committees.

Mr. Bernikow has extensive accounting and finance experience (being a Certified Public Accountant and having served for many years as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Deloitte & Touche LLP, one of the four largest independent registered public accounting firms in the US) and currently serves, or has served, on the boards and committees of various public companies and a national bank.

Mr. Garil has over four decades of experience in the fund management business and for much of that time he served as an executive of a fund adviser and as a member of the boards of funds, trust companies, and non-profit organizations, including OFI Trust Company and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. He began his career at the SEC.

Mrs. Higgins has experience as a portfolio manager for a major US trust bank and has held senior executive positions and/or directorships at several major charitable organizations.

Ms. Breen became a trustee effective July 2023. She has more than 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. She also has experience serving on boards of other entities, including other investment companies.

Mr. Malpass became a trustee effective July 2023. In his role as President and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank Group, Mr. Malpass led the Bank Group’s public and private sector operations to a record $122.6 billion in commitments in fiscal year 2023, including record investments in climate finance, pandemic preparedness, and debt sustainability. In addition to having been the President of the World Bank Group, he served as US Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs and has held various other government positions. He was also Chief Economist at Bear, Stearns & Co. Mr. Malpass also had previously served as a trustee of the funds from 2014 until 2017, when he entered public service.



Additional details about each trustee’s professional experience is included above in the table in the section captioned “Organization of the Trust; trustees and officers; principal holders and management ownership of securities.” That table contains information regarding other directorships currently held by board members.

Risk oversight

The fund is subject to a number of risks, including investment, liquidity, compliance, operational and valuation risks, among others. Risk oversight forms part of the board’s general oversight of the fund’s investment program and operations and is addressed as part of various regular board and committee activities. Day-to-day risk management with respect to the fund is the responsibility of UBS AM or other service providers (depending on the nature of the risk), subject to supervision by UBS AM. Each of UBS AM and other service providers have their own independent interest in risk management and their policies and methods of risk management may differ from the fund’s and each other’s in the setting of priorities, the resources available or the effectiveness of relevant controls. As a result, the board recognizes that it is not possible to identify all of the risks that may affect the fund or to develop processes and controls to eliminate or mitigate their occurrence or effects, and that some are simply beyond any control of the fund, UBS AM or its affiliates or other service providers. As part of its regular oversight of the fund, the board, directly or through a committee, reviews reports from, among others, management, the fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, its independent registered public accounting firm, counsel, and internal auditors for UBS AM or its affiliates, as appropriate, regarding risks faced by the fund and UBS AM’s risk oversight programs. The board has appointed a Chief Compliance Officer, who oversees the implementation and testing of the fund’s compliance program and reports to the board regarding compliance matters for the fund and its service providers; the board has designated one of its members to liaise with the Chief Compliance Officer between board meetings to assure that significant compliance issues identified by the Chief Compliance Officer will be brought to the attention of the full board in a timely and appropriate manner. The board may, at any time and in its discretion, change the manner in which it conducts risk oversight.


The Trust has an Audit Committee and a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The members of the Audit Committee are currently the Independent Trustees. Virginia G. Breen is chairperson of the Audit Committee. The following Independent Trustees are members of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee: Richard R. Burt (chairman), Heather R. Higgins and Bernard H. Garil.

The Audit Committee is responsible for, among other things: (i) overseeing the scope of the fund’s audit; (ii) overseeing the fund’s accounting and financial reporting policies, practices and internal controls; and (iii) approving, and recommending to the board for ratification, the selection, appointment, retention or termination of the fund’s independent registered public accounting firm, as well as determining the compensation thereof. In furtherance of its duties, the Audit Committee also is responsible for, among other things: obtaining assurance from the fund’s independent registered public accounting firm of its independence and discussing any disclosed relationships or services that may diminish the objectivity and independence of the independent registered public accounting firm; inquiring as to the fund’s qualification under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and the amounts distributed and reported to shareholders; reviewing with the independent registered public accounting firm any problems or difficulties with the audit; and reporting to the full board and making recommendations as it deems necessary or appropriate. Although the Audit Committee has the responsibilities described above, it is not responsible for planning or conducting the fund’s audit or determining whether the fund’s financial statements are complete and accurate and are in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles. Absent actual knowledge to the contrary, Audit Committee members are entitled to rely on the accuracy of the information they receive from persons within and outside the fund.

The Audit Committee normally meets in conjunction with regular board meetings, or more frequently as called by its chairperson. During the Trust’s fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, the Audit Committee held five meetings.



The Trust’s board has also established a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee that acts pursuant to a written charter. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for, among other things: selecting, evaluating and recommending to the board candidates to be nominated as additional Independent Trustees; making recommendations to the board with respect to compensation of board and committee members; performing an annual evaluation of the board and its committees; reporting on such evaluation to the board; and performing such other corporate governance functions as the board may authorize.

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee held four meetings during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023.

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders if a vacancy among the Independent Trustees occurs. In order to recommend a nominee, a shareholder should send a letter to the chairperson of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, Mr. Burt, care of the Secretary of the Trust at UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc., UBS Tower, One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606, and indicate on the envelope “Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.” The shareholder’s letter should state the nominee’s name and should include the nominee’s résumé or curriculum vitae and must be accompanied by a written consent of the individual to stand for election if nominated for the board and to serve if elected by shareholders.

Information about Independent Trustee ownership of securities issued by UBS AM or any company controlling, controlled by or under common control with UBS AM

As of December 31, 2022, the Independent Trustees and their immediate family members did not own any securities issued by UBS AM or any company controlling, controlled by or under common control with UBS AM.


Each Independent Trustee receives, in the aggregate from the UBS AM funds he or she oversees, an annual retainer of $255,000. The chairperson of the board receives annually an additional $75,000; the chairperson of the Audit Committee receives annually an additional $35,000; and the chairperson of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee receives annually an additional $25,000. In addition, a board member who undertakes a special assignment to provide assistance in coordinating the board’s oversight of compliance matters, contract reconsideration matters or corporate restructuring matters (currently Heather R. Higgins, Bernard H. Garil and David Malpass, respectively) receives annually an additional $25,000. The foregoing fees are allocated among all such funds as follows: (i) one-half of the expense is allocated pro rata based on the funds’ relative net assets at the end of the calendar quarter preceding the date of payment; and (ii) one-half of the expense is allocated according to the number of such funds. No officer, director or employee of UBS AM or any of its affiliates presently receives any compensation from the funds for acting as a board member or officer. All board members are reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending meetings.



The table below includes certain information relating to the compensation of the Trust’s current board members and the compensation of those board members from all funds for which UBS AM or an affiliate served as an investment advisor or manager during the periods indicated.


Compensation table1              
Name of person, position    Aggregate compensation from
Ultra Short Income Fund3
     Total compensation from the
trust and the fund complex4
Alan S. Bernikow, Trustee    $ 5,862        $ 341,250  
Richard R. Burt, Trustee      5,359          280,000  
Bernard H. Garil, Trustee      5,359          280,000  
Heather R. Higgins2, Trustee      5,359          349,000  
Virginia G. Breen, Trustee2               89,000  
David R. Malpass, Trustee                



Only Independent Trustees were compensated by the funds for which UBS AM or an affiliate serves as investment advisor or manager.


Mrs. Higgins and Ms. Breen also serve on the boards of other registered investment companies for which an affiliate of UBS AM serves as investment advisor or manager.


Represents fees paid to each trustee during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023.


Represents fees paid during the calendar year ended December 31, 2022 to each board member by: (a) 4 investment companies in the case of Messrs. Bernikow, Burt and Garil; (b) 7 investment companies in the case of Mrs. Higgins; and (c) 3 investment companies in the case of Ms. Breen, for which UBS AM or one of its affiliates served as investment advisor or manager. Mr. Malpass was appointed as Trustee in July 2023 and therefore did not receive any fees paid during the calendar year ended December 31, 2022 from investment companies for which UBS AM or one of its affiliates served as investment advisor or manager. No fund within the UBS fund complex has a bonus, pension, profit sharing or retirement plan.

Principal holders and management ownership of securities

As of August 1, 2023, trustees and officers of the Trust owned in the aggregate less than 1% of the outstanding shares of any class of the fund.

As of August 1, 2023, the following shareholders were shown in the Trust’s records as owning more than 5% of any class of the fund’s shares. Except as listed below, the Trust does not know of any other person who owns beneficially 5% or more of any class of the fund’s shares:


Share Class   Name and address1    Percentage of shares
beneficially owned as
of August 1, 2023
UBS Ultra Short Income Fund Class A  

UBS Financial Services Inc.

FBO Thomas J. Edelman

UBS Ultra Short Income Fund Class I  

Joseph K. Abed


The shareholders listed may be contacted c/o UBS Asset Management (US) Inc., Compliance Department, 787 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019.

Any person who owns beneficially, either directly or through one or more controlled companies, more than 25% of the voting securities of a Trust is presumed to control the Trust under the provisions of the Investment Company Act. Note that a controlling person possesses the ability to control the outcome of matters submitted for shareholder vote of a Trust or the fund.



Investment advisory, administration and principal underwriting arrangements

Investment advisory and administration arrangements. UBS AM acts as the investment advisor and administrator of the fund pursuant to a contract (“Advisory and Administration Contract”) with the Trust. Under the terms of the Advisory and Administration Contract, UBS AM manages the investment operations of the fund and also administers the fund’s business affairs. In return, the fund pays UBS AM a contractual advisory fee of 0.20% and an administration fee of 0.10%, each computed daily and paid monthly. Under the Advisory and Administration Contract, for the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023, 2022 and 2021, UBS AM earned (or accrued) investment advisory and administration fees in the amount of $3,017,823 ($1,096,287 of which was waived), $7,199,402 ($2,110,457 of which was waived) and $9,101,463 ($2,786,601 of which was waived), respectively.

Under the terms of the Advisory and Administration Contract, the fund bears all expenses incurred in its operation that are not specifically assumed by UBS AM. Expenses borne by the fund include the following: (1) the cost (including brokerage commissions, if any) of securities purchased or sold by the fund and any losses incurred in connection therewith; (2) fees payable to and expenses incurred on behalf of the fund by UBS AM; (3) organizational expenses; (4) filing fees and expenses relating to the registration and qualification of the fund’s shares under federal and state securities laws and maintenance of such registrations and qualifications; (5) fees and salaries payable to trustees who are not interested persons (as defined in the Investment Company Act) of the Trust by reason of affiliation with UBS AM or any of UBS AM’s affiliates; (6) all expenses incurred in connection with the board members’ services, including travel expenses; (7) taxes (including any income or franchise taxes) and governmental fees; (8) costs of any liability, uncollectible items of deposit and other insurance or fidelity bonds; (9) any costs, expenses or losses arising out of a liability of or claim for damages or other relief asserted against the fund for violation of any law; (10) legal, accounting and auditing expenses, including legal fees of special counsel for the trustees who are not interested persons (as defined in the Investment Company Act) of the Trust by reason of affiliation with UBS AM or any of UBS AM’s affiliates; (11) charges of custodians, transfer agents and other agents; (12) costs of preparing share certificates; (13) expenses of setting in type and printing prospectuses and supplements thereto, statements of additional information and supplements thereto, reports and proxy materials for existing shareholders and costs of mailing such materials to existing shareholders; (14) any extraordinary expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel) incurred by the fund; (15) fees, voluntary assessments and other expenses incurred in connection with membership in investment company organizations; (16) costs of mailing and tabulating proxies and costs of meetings of shareholders, the board and any committees thereof; (17) the cost of investment company literature and other publications provided to trustees and officers; (18) costs of mailing, stationery and communications equipment; (19) expenses incident to any dividend, withdrawal or redemption options; (20) charges and expenses of any outside pricing service used to value portfolio securities; and (21) interest on borrowings of the fund.

Under the Advisory and Administration Contract, UBS AM will not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the fund in connection with the performance of the Advisory and Administration Contract, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of UBS AM in the performance of its duties or from reckless disregard of its duties and obligations thereunder. The Advisory and Administration Contract terminates automatically upon its assignment and is terminable at any time without penalty by the board or by vote of the holders of a majority of the fund’s outstanding voting securities, on 60 days’ written notice to UBS AM or by UBS AM on 60 days’ written notice to the fund.

The fund and UBS AM have entered into a written fee waiver/expense reimbursement agreement pursuant to which UBS AM is contractually obligated to waive its management fees and/or reimburse expenses so that the fund’s ordinary total operating expenses of each class through August 31, 2024 (excluding dividend expense, borrowing costs, and interest expense relating to short sales, and expenses attributable to investment in other investment companies, interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, expenses related to shareholders’ meetings and extraordinary



expenses) would not exceed 0.35% for Class A, 0.25% for Class P and 0.23% for Class I. The fund has agreed to repay UBS AM for any waived fees/reimbursed expenses to the extent that it can do so over the following three fiscal years without causing the class expenses in any of those three years to exceed these expense caps and that UBS AM has not waived the right to do so. The fee waiver/expense reimbursement agreement may be terminated by the fund’s board at any time and also will terminate automatically upon the expiration or termination of the fund’s advisory contract with UBS AM. Upon termination of the agreement, however, UBS AM’s three year recoupment rights will survive.

UBS AM has entered into a Sub-Administration Agreement with State Street to provide accounting, portfolio valuation and certain sub-administrative services for the fund. UBS AM pays State Street for the services it provides under the Sub-Administration Agreement.

The fund has entered into a Service Agreement with State Street to provide certain regulatory support services to the fund, including Form N-PORT preparation and filing services. The fund pays State Street a fee at an agreed-upon rate for the services it provides under the Service Agreement. Under the Service Agreement for the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023, 2022 and 2021, the fund paid fees in the amounts of $13,500, $13,500 and $13,500, respectively.

Bank line of credit. The fund participates with other funds managed or advised by UBS AM in a $185 million committed credit facility (the “Facility”) with State Street, to be utilized for temporary financing until the settlement of sales or purchases of portfolio securities, the repurchase or redemption of shares of the fund at the request of shareholders and other temporary or emergency purposes. Under the Facility, the fund has agreed to pay a commitment fee on the average daily balance of the Facility not utilized. The commitment fee has been allocated among the funds in the Facility as follows: 50% of the allocation is based on the relative asset size of funds in the Facility and the other 50% of the allocation is based on fund utilization. During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, the fund did not borrow under the Facility.

Personal trading policies. The Trust, UBS AM and UBS AM (US) have adopted a Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics establishes standards by which employees of UBS Asset Management (including all employees of UBS AM and UBS AM (US)) (together, “Covered Persons”) must abide when engaging in personal securities trading conduct.

Under the Code of Ethics, Covered Persons are prohibited from, among other things: (1) executing a securities transaction on a day during which a fund has a pending or executed buy or sell in the same security; (2) entering into a net short position with respect to any security; (3) purchasing or selling futures (except currency forwards) that are not traded on an exchange, as well as options on any type of futures (exchange-traded or not); (4) purchasing securities issued by a supplier or vendor about which the Covered Person has information or with whom the Covered Person is directly involved in negotiating a contract; and (5) acquiring securities in an initial public offering (other than a new offering of a registered open-end investment company).

In addition, Covered Persons must obtain prior written approval before purchasing, selling or transferring any security, subject to certain exceptions listed in the Code of Ethics. Covered Persons and trustees are required to file the following reports: (1) an initial holdings report disclosing all securities owned by the Covered Person or interested trustee and any securities accounts maintained by the Covered Person or interested trustee, which must be filed within ten days of becoming a Covered Person or interested trustee (Independent Trustees are not required to file this report); (2) quarterly reports of security investment transactions and new securities accounts. Independent Trustees need only report a transaction in a security if such trustee, at the time of the transaction, knew or should have known, in the ordinary course of fulfilling his or her official duties as a trustee, that, during the 15-day period immediately preceding or after the date of the transaction by the trustee, such security was purchased or sold by the funds, or was being considered for purchase or sale by the funds; and (3) an annual certification that they have read



and understand the Code of Ethics, that they have complied with its requirements during the preceding year, and that they have disclosed or reported all personal transactions/holdings required to be disclosed or reported.

A copy of the Code of Ethics has been filed with and is available through the SEC.

Proxy voting policies. The Trust’s board believes that the voting of proxies on securities held by the fund is an important element of the overall investment process. As such, the board has delegated the responsibility to vote such proxies to UBS AM. Following is a summary of UBS AM’s proxy voting policy.

You may obtain information about the fund’s proxy voting decisions, without charge, online on the fund’s website ( under the appropriate “drop down” menu category on this Web page) or on the EDGAR database on the SEC’s website ( for the most recent 12-month period ending June 30th for which an SEC filing has been made.

UBS AM’s proxy voting policy is based on its belief that voting rights have economic value and should be treated accordingly. Good corporate governance should in the long term, lead towards better corporate performance and improved shareholder value. Generally, UBS AM expects the boards of directors of companies issuing securities held by its clients to act in the service of the shareholders, view themselves as stewards of the company, exercise good judgment and practice diligent oversight of the management of the company. A commitment to acting in as transparent a manner as possible is fundamental to good governance. While there is no absolute set of standards that determine appropriate corporate governance under all circumstances, and no set of values that will guarantee ethical board behavior, there are certain principles, which UBS AM considers are appropriate to protect the economic value of its clients’ investments. UBS AM may delegate to an independent proxy voting and research service the authority to exercise the voting rights associated with certain client holdings. Any such delegation shall be made with the direction that the votes be exercised in accordance with UBS AM’s proxy voting policy.

When UBS AM’s view of a company’s management is favorable, UBS AM generally supports current management initiatives. When UBS AM’s view is that changes to the management structure would probably increase shareholder value, UBS AM may not support existing management proposals. If management’s performance has been questionable, UBS AM may abstain or vote against specific proxy proposals. In general, UBS AM generally exercises voting rights in accordance with the following principles: (1) with respect to board structure, (a) an effective chair is key, (b) the roles of chair and chief executive officer should be separated, (c) board members should have appropriate and diverse experience and be capable of providing good judgment and diligent oversight of management, (d) the board should include executive and non-executive members; and (2) with respect to board responsibilities, (a) the whole board should be fully involved in endorsing strategy and in all major strategic decisions, (b) the non-executive directors should provide a challenging but positive environment for the executive directors and (c) the board should ensure that at all times (i) appropriate management succession plans are in place; (ii) the interests of executives and shareholders are aligned and the financial audit is independent and accurate; (iii) the brand and reputation of the company is protected and enhanced; (iv) a constructive dialogue with shareholders is encouraged; and (v) it receives all the information necessary to hold management accountable. UBS AM exercises its voting rights in accordance with overarching rationales outlined by its proxy voting policies and procedures that are based on the principles described above.

The proxy voting policy includes guidelines regarding consideration of environmental, social, and corporate governance (“ESG”) factors during the exercise of voting rights on behalf of UBS AM’s clients, such as the fund. Underlying UBS AM’s voting and ESG guidelines are two fundamental objectives: (1) acting in the best financial interest of clients and enhancing the long-term value of their investments; and (2) promoting best practice in corporate governance and ensuring that portfolio companies are sustainable and successful.



UBS AM has implemented procedures designed to address a conflict of interest in voting a particular proxy proposal, which may arise as a result of its or its affiliates’ client relationships, marketing efforts or banking, investment banking and broker/dealer activities. To address such conflicts, UBS AM has imposed information barriers between it and its affiliates who conduct banking, investment banking and broker/dealer activities and has implemented procedures to prevent business, sales and marketing issues from influencing its proxy votes. Whenever UBS AM becomes aware of a conflict with respect to a particular proxy, a vote normally will be cast in line with UBS AM’s proxy voting policy. If it is identified that this action would not be in the best interests of UBS AM’s clients, and under certain circumstances, the relevant internal UBS AM committee may be required to review and resolve the manner in which such proxy is voted.

Transfer agency related services. UBS Financial Services Inc. provides certain services pursuant to a delegation of authority from BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (“BNY Mellon”), the fund’s transfer agent, and is compensated for these services by BNY Mellon, not the fund.

For the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023, 2022 and 2021, UBS Financial Services Inc. received from BNY Mellon, not the fund, $76,745, $113,533 and $137,308, respectively, of the total transfer agency and related services fees paid by the fund to BNY Mellon.

Principal underwriting arrangements. UBS AM (US) acts as the principal underwriter of the fund’s shares pursuant to a principal underwriting contract with the Trust (“Principal Underwriting Contract”). The Principal Underwriting Contract requires UBS AM (US) to use its best efforts, consistent with its other business, to sell shares of the fund. Shares of the fund are offered continuously. UBS AM (US) enters into selling agreements and dealer agreements with other broker-dealers (affiliated and unaffiliated) and with other financial institutions to authorize them to sell fund shares. As of the date of this SAI, UBS AM (US) has entered into a Dealer Agreement with UBS Financial Services Inc. and a selected dealer agreement with another Financial Intermediary (as defined below). UBS AM (US) is located at 787 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019 and at One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606.

Under a plan pertaining to the Class A shares adopted by the fund in the manner prescribed by Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act (“the Plan”), the fund will pay UBS AM (US) a service fee, accrued daily and payable monthly, at the annual rate of 0.10% of the average daily net assets of Class A shares.

UBS AM (US) uses the service fees under the Plan primarily to pay broker-dealers for shareholder servicing, currently at the annual rate of 0.10% of the aggregate investment amounts maintained in the fund by each broker-dealer. Each dealer compensates its financial advisors for shareholder servicing that they perform and offsets its own expenses in servicing and maintaining shareholder accounts, including related overhead expenses.

The Plan and the Principal Underwriting Contract specify that the fund must pay service fees to UBS AM (US) for its service-related activities, not as reimbursement for specific expenses incurred. Therefore, even if the expenses of UBS AM (US) exceed the service fees it receives, the fund will not be obligated to pay more than those fees. On the other hand, if the service expenses of UBS AM (US) are less than such fees, it will retain its full fees and realize a profit. Expenses in excess of service fees received or accrued through the termination date of the Plan will be the sole responsibility of UBS AM (US) and not that of the fund. Annually, the board reviews the Plan and the expenses of UBS AM (US) for Class A shares of the fund separately from the expenses attributable to the other classes of shares.

Among other things, the Plan provides that (1) UBS AM (US) will submit to the board at least quarterly, and the trustees will review, reports regarding all amounts expended under the Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made, (2) the Plan will continue in effect only so long as it is approved at least annually, and any material amendment thereto is approved, by the board, including board members who are not “interested persons” of the fund and who have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Plan or any agreement



related to the Plan, acting in person at a meeting called for that purpose, (3) payments by the fund under the Plan shall not be materially increased without the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the relevant class of the fund and (4) while the Plan remains in effect, the selection and nomination of board members who are not “interested persons” of the fund shall be committed to the discretion of the board members who are not “interested persons” of the fund.

In reporting amounts expended under the Plan to the board, UBS AM (US) will allocate expenses attributable to the sale of each class of the fund’s shares to such class based on the ratio of sales of shares of such class to the sales of all other classes of shares. The fees paid by one class of the fund’s shares will not be used to subsidize the sale of any other class of fund shares.

For the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, the fund paid (or accrued) to UBS AM (US) $207,287 in service fees under the Plan.

UBS AM (US) estimates that it and its affiliates incurred the following shareholder service-related expenses with respect to the fund during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023:


Class A

Marketing and advertising   $ 0  
Amortization of commissions     0  
Printing of prospectuses and SAI     0  
Branch network costs allocated and interest expense     0  
Service fees paid to financial advisors     87,682  

“Service fees paid to financial advisors” represents compensation paid by UBS Financial Services Inc. to its financial advisors.

In approving the Plan, the Board considered all the features of the distribution system and the anticipated benefits to the fund and its shareholders. With regard to the Plan, the Board considered, as relevant (1) that no initial sales charges or deferred sales charges would be imposed with respect to the fund, (2) the belief of UBS AM (US) that the combination of service fees and having no initial sales charges or deferred sales charges would be attractive to dealers and financial advisors, resulting in greater growth of the fund than might otherwise be the case, (3) the extent to which fund shareholders might benefit from economies of scale resulting from growth in the fund’s assets and shareholder account size and the potential continued growth and/or preventing further erosion of the fund’s assets (4) the services provided to the fund and its shareholders by UBS AM (US) pursuant to the Principal Underwriting Contract, (5) as applicable, the services provided by dealers pursuant to each dealer agreement with UBS AM (US), (6) the shareholder service-related expenses and costs incurred by UBS AM (US) and/or UBS Financial Services Inc.; and (7) the benefit to the fund and its shareholders of the fund being available as an exchange vehicle for shares of the corresponding class of other funds for which UBS AM (US) serves as principal underwriter.

With respect to the Plan, the Board considered all compensation that UBS AM (US) would receive under the Plan and the Principal Underwriting Contract, including service fees. The board also considered the benefits that would accrue to UBS AM (US) under the Plan in that UBS AM (US) or an affiliate would receive service, advisory and administration fees that are calculated based upon a percentage of the average net assets of the fund. These fees would increase if the Plan were successful and the fund attained and maintained significant asset levels.

UBS AM (US) may make cash and non-cash payments to affiliated and unaffiliated broker-dealers and other financial intermediaries (collectively, “Financial Intermediaries”) that engage in selling efforts on behalf of the fund, subject to the internal policies and procedures of UBS AM (US). The source of such payments may come from UBS AM (US)’s



own resources (including through transfers from affiliates). Payments made out of the underwriter’s own resources are often referred to as “revenue sharing.” Revenue sharing payments generally are based on the value of fund shares sold as a result of such selling efforts although they could take other forms (such as, without limitation, ticket charges or “trail” fees for servicing shareholder accounts). Revenue sharing payments are negotiated by UBS AM (US) and may also be based on such other factors as the Financial Intermediary’s ability to attract and retain assets, the quality and quantity of the services provided by the Financial Intermediary, the Financial Intermediary’s relationship with UBS AM (US) or the reputation of the Financial Intermediary.

Revenue sharing payments are made by UBS AM (US) out of its own resources (and not out of fund assets). The value of a shareholder’s investment in the fund and the return on that investment will be unaffected by these revenue sharing payments. The source of revenue sharing payments may come from transfers from other UBS entities, such as UBS AM. UBS AM (US) may pay Financial Intermediaries a finder’s fee for a variety of reasons, including (1) where UBS AM (US) is paying shareholder servicing fees or making other payments to a separate Financial Intermediary that makes shares available to others, (2) where the assets in an account reach a certain threshold or (3) where a Financial Intermediary provides marketing support or access to sales platforms or personnel.

UBS AM (US) provides Financial Intermediaries with sales literature and advertising materials relating to the registered investment companies advised by UBS AM. UBS AM (US) also shares expenses with Financial Intermediaries for costs incurred in hosting seminars for employees and clients of Financial Intermediaries, subject to UBS AM (US)’s internal policies and procedures governing payments for such seminars. These seminars may take place at UBS AM (US)’s headquarters or appropriate locations and may include reimbursement of travel expenses (i.e., transportation, lodging and meals) of employees of Financial Intermediaries in connection with training and education seminars. Subject to UBS AM (US)’s internal policies and procedures, UBS AM (US) may provide any or all of the following to employees of Financial Intermediaries and their guest(s): (i) an occasional meal, a sporting event or theater ticket or other comparable entertainment; (ii) gifts of less than $100 per person per year; and/or (iii) UBS AM (US)’s promotional items of nominal value (golf balls, shirts, etc.). In addition, Financial Intermediaries may maintain omnibus accounts and/or have similar arrangements with UBS AM (US) and may be paid by UBS AM (US) for providing sub-transfer agency and other services.

You should ask your Financial Intermediary about any payment it receives from the underwriter and any services provided.

Additional compensation to affiliated broker-dealer. UBS AM (US) may pay its affiliate, UBS Financial Services Inc., the following additional compensation in connection with the sale of fund shares through UBS Financial Services Inc. in consideration of distribution, marketing support and other services:



Annual rate of 0.05% (5 basis points) of the value of the net assets invested in the fund to be paid on a quarterly basis (although UBS Financial Services Inc. may choose not to receive such payments, or receive a reduced amount, on assets held in certain types of accounts or wrap fee advisory programs).

UBS Financial Services Inc. charges a minimum of $75,000 per calendar year for distribution, marketing support and other services.

The foregoing payments are made by UBS AM (US) out of its own resources. Such payments are often referred to as “revenue sharing.”

Additional compensation to other financial institution(s). As of August 28, 2023, UBS AM (US) anticipates that Institutional Cash Distributors, LLC (“ICD”), an unaffiliated financial institution, will receive additional compensation (as described in the prospectus) from UBS AM (US) from its own resources. With respect to fund shares, as per written agreement between both parties, for new accounts, UBS AM (US) shall pay ICD at an annual rate of 0.08%



of the average monthly value of shares sold and held by ICD. For existing accounts, who at the time ICD becomes the broker of record for the relevant customer, and the customer already has an account(s) open with the fund, UBS AM (US) shall pay ICD at an annual rate of 0.04% of the average monthly value of fund shares sold and held by ICD. If UBS AM (US) needs to lower fund fees in response to low interest rates to keep fund yields at or above 0.01%, UBS AM (US) may reduce the fee rates in its sole discretion, by an amount equal to the percentage reduction in the overall expense ratio of the fund.

The foregoing payments are made by UBS AM (US) out of its own resources. Such payments are often referred to as “revenue sharing.”

You should ask your Financial Intermediary about any payment it receives from the underwriter and any services provided.

Securities lending. Pursuant to an agreement between the fund and State Street, the fund may lend its securities through State Street as securities lending agent to certain qualified borrowers (the “Securities Lending Agreement”). As securities lending agent of the fund, State Street administers the fund’s securities lending program. These services include arranging the securities loans with approved borrowers and collecting fees and rebates due to the fund. State Street also collects and maintains collateral intended to secure the obligations of each borrower and marks to market daily the value of loaned securities. If a borrower defaults on a loan, State Street is authorized to exercise contractual remedies on behalf of the fund and, pursuant to the terms of the Securities Lending Agreement, has agreed to indemnify the fund for certain losses, which exclude losses associated with collateral reinvestment. State Street may also, in its capacity as securities lending agent, invest cash received as collateral in pre-approved investments in accordance with the Securities Lending Agreement. State Street, in its capacity as securities lending agent of the fund, is authorized to engage a third party bank as a special “tri-party” custodian for securities lending arrangements and enter into a separate custodial undertaking with each applicable borrower under the fund’s securities lending program. State Street maintains records of loans made and income derived therefrom and makes available such records that the fund deems necessary to monitor the securities lending program. For the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, the fund earned income and incurred the following costs and expenses as a result of its securities lending activities.


Gross Income from Securities Lending Activities1   $ 54,188  
Fees and/or Compensation for Securities Lending Activities and Related Services  
Revenue Split2     915  
Fees Paid for Cash Collateral Management Services3     963  
Administrative Fees4     0  
Indemnification Fees5     0  
Rebates to Borrowers     48,657  
Other Fees     0  
Aggregate Fees/Compensation for Securities Lending Activities     50,535  
Net Income from Securities Lending Activities     3,653  

Gross income includes income from the reinvestment of cash collateral, premium income (i.e., rebates paid by the borrower to the fund), loan fees paid by borrowers when collateral is non-cash, management fees from a pooled cash collateral reinvestment vehicle that are deducted from the vehicle’s assets before income is distributed, and any other income.


Revenue split represents the share of revenue generated by the securities lending program and paid to State Street Bank and Trust Company.


Fees paid for cash collateral management services include the contractual management fees deducted from a pooled cash collateral reinvestment vehicle that are not included in the revenue split.


These administrative fees are not included in the revenue split.


These indemnification fees are not included in the revenue split.



Portfolio managers

The portfolio managers who are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund are Robert Sabatino, David Walczak, David Rothweiler and Scott Dolan. The following tables provide information relating to other accounts managed by the portfolio managers as of June 30, 2023.


Robert Sabatino:                              
     Other pooled
investment vehicles
     Other accounts
Number of Accounts Managed     19          3          5,107  
Number of Accounts Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees     0          0          0  
Assets Managed (in millions)     $90,020          $6,247          $13,631  
Assets Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees (in millions)     $0          $0          $0  
David Walczak:                              
     Other pooled
investment vehicles
     Other accounts
Number of Accounts Managed     19          12          5,112  
Number of Accounts Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees     0          0          0  
Assets Managed (in millions)     $90,020          $7,308          $19,411  
Assets Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees (in millions)     $0          $0          $0  
David Rothweiler:                              
     Other pooled
investment vehicles
     Other accounts
Number of Accounts Managed     0          1          5,111  
Number of Accounts Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees     0          0          0  
Assets Managed (in millions)     $0          $402          $11,171  
Assets Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees (in millions)     $0          $0          $0  



Scott Dolan:                              
     Other pooled
investment vehicles
     Other accounts
Number of Accounts Managed     1          4          5,119  
Number of Accounts Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees     0          0          0  
Assets Managed (in millions)     $24          $662          $16,573  
Assets Managed with Performance-Based Advisory Fees (in millions)     $0          $0          $0  

The portfolio management team’s management of the fund and other accounts could result in potential conflicts of interest if the fund and other accounts have different objectives, benchmarks and fees because the portfolio management team must allocate its time and investment expertise across multiple accounts, including the fund. The portfolio managers and their team manage the fund and other accounts utilizing a model portfolio approach that groups similar accounts within a model portfolio. UBS AM manages accounts according to the appropriate model portfolio, including, where possible, those accounts that have specific investment restrictions. Accordingly, portfolio holdings, position sizes, and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across accounts, which may minimize the potential for conflicts of interest.

If the portfolio managers identify a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one account or model portfolio, the fund may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of filled purchase or sale orders across all eligible model portfolios and accounts. To deal with these situations, UBS AM has adopted procedures for allocating portfolio trades across multiple accounts to provide fair treatment to all accounts.

The management of personal accounts by the portfolio managers may also give rise to potential conflicts of interest. UBS AM and the fund have adopted a Code of Ethics that governs such personal trading, but there is no assurance that the Code of Ethics will adequately address all such conflicts.

UBS AM’s compensation philosophy is to align the interests of its employees with those of its clients and investors. UBS AM’s Total Reward Principles are intended to provide a strong link to its strategic imperatives and encourage employees to live UBS AM’s strong and inclusive culture that is grounded in its three keys to success: UBS’s Pillars, Principles and Behaviors.

These guiding principles underpin UBS AM’s approach to compensation and define its compensation framework that aims to balance performance and prudent risk-taking with a focus on conduct and sound risk management practices. UBS AM’s compensation structure is designed to encourage employees to develop a strong client franchise, create sustainable value and achieve the highest standards of performance. Moreover, UBS AM rewards behavior that helps build and protect the firm’s reputation-specifically accountability with integrity, collaboration and innovation. UBS AM strives for excellence and sustainable performance in everything it does. Compensation for each employee is based on individual, team, business division and Group performance, within the context of the markets in which UBS AM operates.

In general, the total compensation received by the portfolio managers and analysts at UBS AM consists of two elements: a fixed component (base salary and benefits) and an annual discretionary performance award that is correlated with investment performance.

Fixed component (base salary and benefits):



Set with the aim of being competitive in the industry and monitored and adjusted periodically with reference to the relevant local labor market in order to remain so.




The fixed component is used to recognize the experience, skills and knowledge that each portfolio manager or analyst brings to their role.

Performance award:



Determined annually on a discretionary basis.



Based on the individual’s financial and non-financial contribution-as assessed through a rigorous performance assessment process-as well as on the performance of their respective function, of UBS AM and of UBS as a whole.



Delivered in cash and, when total compensation is over a defined threshold, partly in deferral vehicles.



For awards subject to deferral, the deferred amount is calculated using graduated marginal deferral rates, which increase as the value of the performance award increases.



For Asset Management employees, deferred amounts are typically granted in two deferral vehicles. Investment professionals typically receive 60% in the UBS Fund Ownership Plan (“FOP”) and 40% in the Deferred Contingent Capital Plan (“DCCP”). A small number of Investment Professionals may also receive a portion of their deferral in the UBS Equity Ownership Plan (“EOP”). Non-investment professionals receive 60% in the EOP and 40% in the DCCP.



All deferred awards under the FOP are granted in the form of Notional Funds. FOP awards vest over three years with 50% of the award vesting in year two and 50% in year three, provided the vesting conditions, including continued service, are met and the awards have not been forfeited on or before the vesting dates. The Notional Funds awarded under the FOP are aligned to selected UBS Asset Management funds. They provide for a high level of transparency and correlation between an employee’s compensation and the investment performance of UBS Asset Management. This enhances the alignment of investment professionals’ and other employees’ interests with those of our clients.



All deferred awards under the EOP are granted in the form of UBS shares. EOP awards vest over 3 years with 50% of the award vesting in year two and 50% in year three, provided the vesting conditions, including continued service, are met and the awards have not been forfeited on or before the vesting dates.



The DCCP was introduced for performance year 2012 as a key component of UBS’s compensation framework to align compensation incentives with the capital strength of the firm. For employees whose performance award is subject to deferral, 40% of the amount deferred is delivered in the DCCP. The terms of the DCCP are similar to those of a loss-absorbing bond instrument offered to external investors with regard to notional interest entitlement and the impact of trigger and viability events.



DCCP aligns the interests of our key employees with the interests of external investors and, alongside FOP and EOP, attempts to ensure an appropriate balance between client and other stakeholder alignment.

For our Equities, Fixed Income, Investment Solutions and Passive investment areas:

From January 1, 2015, UBS AM introduced a new Key Performance Indicator (“KPI”)-led model for each business area, aligning our business steering logic with our strategic priorities. For our investment areas, sustainable investment performance is a major component of the KPI model.

Portfolio managers’ performance awards are subject to detailed KPIs, mainly focused on investment performance of relevant client portfolios and funds, and also including some other factors such as risk management and client focus.



Equities, Fixed Income, Solutions and Passive are assessed annually based on the investment performance during each of the prior three years versus benchmark, performance target and peers. (The specific benchmark for the fund is identified in its Fund Summary section in the prospectus.) This helps to ensure that the interests of portfolio managers are aligned with those of our clients. In addition, we evaluate our passive strategies in terms of how closely the performance of the strategies tracks their respective benchmarks over time.

As of April 30, 2023, Messrs. Sabatino, Walczak, Rothweiler and Dolan did not own any shares of the fund.

Portfolio transactions

The fund purchases portfolio securities from dealers and underwriters as well as from issuers. Securities are usually traded on a net basis with dealers acting as principal for their own accounts without a stated commission. Prices paid to dealers in principal transactions generally include a “spread,” which is the difference between the prices at which the dealer is willing to purchase and sell a specific security at the time. When securities are purchased directly from an issuer, no commissions or discounts are paid. When securities are purchased in underwritten offerings, they include a fixed amount of compensation to the underwriter.

For purchases or sales with broker-dealer firms that act as principal, UBS AM seeks best execution. Although UBS AM may receive certain research or execution services in connection with these transactions, it will not purchase securities at a higher price or sell securities at a lower price than would otherwise be paid if no weight was attributed to the services provided by the executing dealer. UBS AM may engage in agency transactions in over-the-counter securities in return for research and execution services. These transactions are entered into only pursuant to procedures that are designed to ensure that the transaction (including commissions) is at least as favorable as it would have been if effected directly with a market-maker that did not provide research or execution services.

During the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023, 2022 and 2021, the fund did not pay brokerage commissions.

During the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023, 2022 and 2021, the fund did not pay brokerage commissions to UBS Financial Services Inc. or any other affiliate of UBS AM. The fund did not allocate any brokerage transactions for research, analysis, advice and similar services.

Research services and information received from brokers or dealers are supplemental to UBS AM’s own research efforts and, when utilized, are subject to internal analysis before being incorporated into its investment processes. Information and research services furnished by brokers or dealers through which or with which the fund effects securities transactions may be used by UBS AM in advising other funds or accounts and, conversely, research services furnished to UBS AM by brokers or dealers in connection with other funds or accounts may be used in advising the fund.

Investment decisions for the fund and for other investment accounts managed by UBS AM will be made independently of one another in light of differing considerations for the various accounts. However, the same investment decision may occasionally be made for the fund and one or more accounts. In those cases, simultaneous transactions are inevitable. Purchases or sales are then averaged as to price and allocated between the fund and the other account(s) as to amount in a manner deemed equitable to the fund and the other account(s). While in some cases this practice could have a detrimental effect upon the price or value of the security as far as the fund is concerned, or upon its ability to complete its entire order, in other cases it is believed that simultaneous transactions and the ability to participate in volume transactions will benefit the fund.



As of April 30, 2023, the fund owned securities issued by its regular broker-dealers or entities that may be deemed affiliates of those regular broker-dealers (as defined in Rule 10b-1 under the Investment Company Act) as follows:


Issuer    Type of Security      Value

Bank of America Corp.


Corporate bond

     $ 7,975,320  

Deutsche Bank AG


Corporate bond


BNP Paribas SA


Corporate bond


Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.


Corporate bond


J P Morgan Chase & Co.


Corporate bond


Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.


Corporate bond


Toronto-Dominion Bank


Corporate bond


Royal Bank of Canada


Corporate bond


Portfolio turnover. The fund’s annual portfolio turnover rates may vary greatly from year to year, but they will not be a limiting factor when management deems portfolio changes appropriate. The portfolio turnover rate will be calculated by dividing the lesser of the fund’s annual sales or purchases of portfolio securities (exclusive of purchases or sales of securities whose maturities at the time of acquisition were one year or less) by the monthly average value of securities in the portfolio during the year. The fund’s portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal years ended April 30, 2023 and 2022 were 72% and 56%, respectively.

Additional purchase, exchange and redemption information and other services

Additional purchase information. A description of the types of investors eligible to purchase each share class of the fund is included in the prospectuses.

The fund may, subject to approval by the board, accept securities in which the fund is authorized to invest as consideration for the issuance of its shares, provided that the value of the securities is at least equal to the net asset value of the fund’s shares at the time the transaction occurs. The fund may accept or reject any such securities in its discretion.

Under normal circumstances, the fund will redeem shares when so requested by a shareholder’s broker-dealer, the shareholder’s Financial Advisor, the shareholder’s financial institution or directly by shareholders for direct accounts. Such a redemption order will be executed at the net asset value next determined after the order is received by UBS AM (US) or the fund’s transfer agent. Redemptions of the fund’s shares effected through a broker-dealer or other financial institution may be subject to a service charge by that broker-dealer or other financial institution.

Additional exchange and redemption information. As discussed in the relevant prospectus, eligible shares of the fund may be exchanged for shares of the corresponding class of most other Family Funds (“Family Funds” include PACE® Select funds, series of The UBS Funds and other funds for which UBS AM (US) serves as principal underwriter). Class A shares of the fund are eligible for exchange for shares of the same class of most other Family Funds which currently offer them. Class P shares of the fund are eligible for exchange for shares of the same class of most other Family Funds, although you may not be able to exchange your shares for Class P shares of the series of PACE Select Advisors Trust until certain operational procedures are implemented by UBS Financial Services, Inc. Shareholders will receive at least 60 days’ notice of any termination or material modification of the exchange offer, except no notice need be given if, under extraordinary circumstances, either redemptions are suspended under the circumstances described below or the fund temporarily delays or ceases the sales of its shares because it is unable to invest amounts effectively in accordance with the fund’s investment objective, policies and restrictions. Investors exchanging Class P shares on certain brokerage platforms may be subject to commissions or other fees.



If conditions exist that make cash payments undesirable, the fund reserves the right to honor any request for redemption by making payment in whole or in part in securities chosen by the fund and valued in the same way as they would be valued for purposes of computing the fund’s net asset value. Any such redemption in kind will be made with readily marketable securities, to the extent available. If payment is made in securities, a shareholder may incur brokerage expenses or other costs in converting these securities into cash.

The redemption price may be more or less than the shareholder’s cost, depending on the market value of the fund’s portfolio at the time.

Investors redeeming Class P shares on certain brokerage platforms may be subject to commissions or other fees.

Financial institutions. The fund may authorize financial institutions or their delegates or agents, to accept on its behalf purchase and redemption orders that are in “good form” in accordance with the policies of those service institutions. The fund will be deemed to have received these purchase and redemption orders when a service organization or its agent accepts them. Like all customer orders, these orders will be priced based on the fund’s net asset value next computed after receipt of the order by the financial institutions or their delegates or agents. Financial institutions may include retirement plan service providers who aggregate purchase and redemption instructions received from numerous retirement plans or plan participants.

Automatic investment plan—Class A shares. UBS AM (US) or your financial advisor may offer an automatic investment plan with a minimum initial investment of $1,000 through which the fund will deduct $50 or more on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis from the investor’s bank account to invest directly in the fund’s Class A shares. In addition to providing a convenient and disciplined manner of investing, participation in the automatic investment plan enables an investor to use the technique of “dollar cost averaging.” When a shareholder invests the same dollar amount each month under the plan, the shareholder will purchase more shares when the fund’s net asset value per share is low and fewer shares when the net asset value per share is high. Using this technique, a shareholder’s average purchase price per share over any given period will be lower than if the shareholder purchased a fixed number of shares on a monthly basis during the period. Of course, investing through the automatic investment plan does not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. Additionally, because an automatic investment plan involves continuous investing regardless of price levels, an investor should consider his or her financial ability to continue purchases through periods of both low and high price levels.

Automatic cash withdrawal plan—Class A shares. The automatic cash withdrawal plan allows investors to set up monthly, quarterly (March, June, September and December), semi-annual (June and December) or annual (December) withdrawals from their Family Funds accounts. Minimum balance of fund shares is $5,000; minimum withdrawals are $100.

Shareholders who elect to receive dividends or other distributions in cash may not participate in this plan.

An investor’s participation in the automatic cash withdrawal plan will terminate automatically if the “Initial Account Balance” (a term that means the value of the fund account at the time the investor elects to participate in the automatic cash withdrawal plan) less aggregate redemptions made other than pursuant to the automatic cash withdrawal plan is less than the minimum values specified above. Purchases of additional shares of the fund concurrent with withdrawals are ordinarily disadvantageous to shareholders because of tax liabilities. On or about the 20th of a month for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual plans, your financial advisor will arrange for redemption by the fund of sufficient fund shares to provide the withdrawal payments specified by participants in the fund’s automatic cash withdrawal plan. The payments generally are mailed approximately five Business Days (defined below under “Valuation of shares”) after the redemption date. Withdrawal payments should not be considered dividends, but redemption proceeds, with the tax consequences described under “Dividends and taxes” in the prospectuses. If periodic withdrawals continually exceed reinvested dividends and other distributions, a



shareholder’s investment may be correspondingly reduced. A shareholder may change the amount of the automatic cash withdrawal or terminate participation in the automatic cash withdrawal plan at any time without charge or penalty by written instructions with signatures guaranteed to your financial advisor or BNY Mellon. Instructions to participate in the plan, change the withdrawal amount or terminate participation in the plan will not be effective until five days after written instructions with signatures guaranteed are received by BNY Mellon. Shareholders may request the forms needed to establish an automatic cash withdrawal plan from their financial advisors or BNY Mellon at 1-800-647 1568.

Individual retirement accounts. Self-Directed IRAs may be available through your financial advisor through which investments may be made in shares of the fund, as well as in other investments. Investors considering establishing an IRA should review applicable tax laws and should consult their tax advisors.

Transfer of accounts. If investors holding Class A, Class P or Class I shares of the fund in a brokerage account transfer their brokerage accounts to another firm, the fund shares will be moved to an account with BNY Mellon. However, if the other firm has entered into a dealer agreement with UBS AM relating to the fund, the shareholder may be able to hold fund shares in an account with the other firm.

Valuation of shares

The fund generally determines its net asset value per share separately for each class of shares as of the close of regular trading (usually 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on each Business Day, which is defined as each Monday through Friday when the NYSE is open. Prices will generally be calculated earlier when the NYSE closes early because trading has been halted for the day. Currently the NYSE is closed on the observance of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

The fund calculates its net asset value based on the current market value, where available, for its portfolio securities. The fund normally obtains market values for its securities and other instruments from independent pricing sources and broker-dealers. Independent pricing sources may use reported last sale prices, official market closing prices, current market quotations or valuations from computerized “evaluation” systems that derive values based on comparable securities or instruments. An evaluation system incorporates parameters such as security quality, maturity and coupon, and/or research and evaluations by its staff, including review of broker-dealer market price quotations, if available, in determining the valuation of the portfolio securities or instruments. Securities and other instruments also may be valued based on appraisals derived from information concerning the security or instrument or similar securities or instruments received from recognized dealers in those holdings. Securities and instruments traded in the over-the-counter (“OTC”) market and listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. (“NASDAQ”) normally are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. Other OTC securities are valued at the last bid price on the valuation date available prior to valuation. Securities and instruments which are listed on US and foreign stock exchanges normally are valued at the market closing price, the last sale price on the day the securities are valued or, lacking any sales on such day, at the last available bid price. In cases where securities or instruments are traded on more than one exchange, the securities or instruments are valued on the exchange designated as the primary market by the fund’s investment advisor. If a market value is not readily available from an independent pricing source for a particular security or instrument, that security or instrument is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the board. Various factors may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of a security’s or instrument’s fair value. These factors include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the investment; the nature and duration of restrictions on disposition of the securities or instruments; and the evaluation of forces which influence the market in which the securities or instruments are purchased and sold. Securities and instruments listed on foreign stock exchanges may be fair valued based on



significant events that have occurred subsequent to the close of the foreign markets. Foreign currency exchange rates are generally determined as of the close of the NYSE.

Rule 2a-5 (“Rule 2a-5”) under the Investment Company Act provides that a market quotation is readily available only when that quotation is a quoted price (unadjusted) in active markets for identical investments that the fund can access at the measurement date, provided that a quotation will not be readily available if it is not reliable. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available must be valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the board. The board designated UBS AM as the valuation designee pursuant to Rule 2a-5 to perform fair value determinations for the fund. UBS AM, as the valuation designee, is responsible for periodically assessing any material risks associated with the determination of the fair value of the fund’s investments; establishing and applying fair value methodologies; testing the appropriateness of fair value methodologies; and overseeing and evaluating third-party pricing services. UBS AM has a valuation committee to assist with its designated responsibilities as valuation designee. Valuing securities at fair value involves greater reliance on judgment than valuing securities that have readily available market quotations. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the determination of a security’s fair value in accordance with the fund’s valuation procedures will in fact approximate the price at which the fund could sell that security at that time.

The amortized cost method of valuation, which approximates market value, generally is used to value short-term debt instruments with 60 days or less remaining to maturity, unless UBS AM determines that this does not represent fair value as the fund’s valuation designee pursuant to Rule 2a-5 under the Investment Company Act. Investments in open-end investment companies are valued at the daily closing net asset value of the respective investment company. Pursuant to the fund’s use of the practical expedient within ASC Topic 820, investments in non-registered investment companies are also valued at the daily net asset value. All investments quoted in foreign currencies will be valued daily in US dollars on the basis of the foreign currency exchange rates prevailing at the time such valuation is determined by the fund’s custodian.

Futures contracts are generally valued at the settlement price established each day on the exchange on which they are traded. Forward foreign currency contracts are valued daily using forward exchange rates quoted by independent pricing services.

Swaps are marked to market daily based upon values from third party vendors or quotations from market makers to the extent available, and the fluctuations in value, if any, are recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation of swaps on the Statement of operations. In the event that market quotations are not readily available or deemed unreliable, the swap is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of UBS AM as the fund’s valuation designee.


Backup withholding. The fund is required to withhold 24% of all dividends, capital gain distributions and redemption proceeds payable to individuals and certain other non-corporate shareholders who do not provide the fund or UBS AM or the applicable dealer with a correct taxpayer identification number. Withholding at that rate also is required from dividends and capital gain distributions payable to those shareholders who otherwise are subject to backup withholding or who fail to certify that they are not subject to backup withholding.

Sale or exchange of fund shares. A shareholder’s sale (redemption) of fund shares may result in a taxable gain or loss, depending on whether the shareholder receives more or less than his or her adjusted basis in the shares. An exchange of the fund’s shares for shares of another Family Fund generally will have similar tax consequences. In addition, if the fund’s shares are bought within 30 days before or after selling other shares of the fund (regardless of class) at a loss, all or a portion of that loss will not be deductible and will increase the basis of the newly purchased



shares. Any loss realized by a shareholder for six months or less will be treated as long-term capital loss to the extent of any distribution of net capital gain received by the shareholder with respect to such shares.

The fund is required to report to you and the Internal Revenue Service annually on Form 1099-B not only the gross proceeds of fund shares you sell or redeem but also its cost basis for such shares that were purchased or acquired on or after January 1, 2012. Cost basis will be calculated using the fund’s default method of average cost, unless you instruct the fund to use a different available calculation method. If you hold your shares through a financial intermediary you should contact such financial intermediary with respect to reporting of cost basis and available elections for your account.

Qualification as a regulated investment company. The fund intends to continue to qualify for treatment as a regulated investment company (“RIC”) under Subchapter M of the Code. To so qualify, the fund must distribute to its shareholders for each taxable year an amount at least equal to the sum of 90% of its investment company taxable income (consisting generally of taxable net investment income and net short-term capital gain) and 90% of any net interest income excludable from gross income under Section 103(a) of the Code. In addition to this requirement (“Distribution Requirement”), the fund must meet several additional requirements, including the following: (1) the fund must derive at least 90% of its gross income each taxable year from dividends, interest, payments with respect to securities loans, net income from certain qualified publicly traded partnerships and gains from the sale or other disposition of securities, or other income (including gains from options or futures) derived with respect to its business of investing in securities (“Income Requirement”); (2) at the close of each quarter of the fund’s taxable year, at least 50% of the value of its total assets must be represented by cash and cash items, US government securities, securities of other RICs and other securities that are limited, in respect of any one issuer, to an amount that does not exceed 5% of the value of the fund’s total assets and that does not represent more than 10% of the issuer’s outstanding voting securities; and (3) at the close of each quarter of the fund’s taxable year, not more than 25% of the value of its total assets may be invested in securities (other than US government securities or the securities of other RICs) of any one issuer, in two or more issuers that the fund controls and which are engaged in the same or similar trades or businesses or in the securities of certain qualified publicly traded partnerships.

Repurchase agreements are considered securities, and may be treated as “Government Securities” as defined in the Investment Company Act, if fully collateralized with such securities, for purposes of the tax diversification requirements that must be met for the fund to qualify for pass-through treatment under the Code.

By qualifying for treatment as a RIC, the fund (but not its shareholders) will be relieved of federal income tax on the amount of the investment company taxable income and net capital gain that it distributes to shareholders. If the fund failed to qualify for treatment as a RIC for any taxable year and certain cure provisions are unavailable, (1) it would be taxed as an ordinary corporation on its taxable income for that year without being able to deduct the distributions it makes to its shareholders and (2) the shareholders would treat all those distributions, including distributions of net capital gain (the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss), as dividends (that would generally be taxed as ordinary income) to the extent of the fund’s current and accumulated earnings and profits. In addition, the fund could be required to recognize unrealized gains, pay substantial taxes and interest and make substantial distributions before requalifying for RIC treatment.

Other information. Dividends and other distributions the fund declares in December of any year that are payable to shareholders of record on a date in that month will be deemed to have been paid by the fund and received by the shareholders on December 31 if the fund pays the distributions during the following January.

Distributions of net investment income received by the fund from investments in debt securities and any net realized short-term capital gains distributed by the fund will be taxable to shareholders as ordinary income and will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction for corporations.



The fund intends to distribute to shareholders any excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss (“net capital gain”) for each taxable year. Such gain is reported and distributed as a capital gain dividend and is taxable to shareholders as gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for more than one year, regardless of the length of time a shareholder has held his or her fund shares and regardless of whether the distribution is paid in cash or reinvested in shares. The fund expects that capital gain dividends will be taxable to shareholders as long-term gain. Capital gain dividends are not eligible for the dividends-received deduction for corporations.

A portion of the dividends (whether paid in cash or in additional fund shares) from the fund’s investment company taxable income may be eligible for the dividends-received deduction allowed to corporations. The eligible portion may not exceed the aggregate dividends the fund receives from US corporations if both the fund and the corporation satisfy certain holding period requirements.

The maximum individual rate applicable to qualifying dividends on certain corporate stock and long-term capital gains is generally either 15% or 20%, depending on whether the individual’s income exceeds certain threshold amounts. The rate reductions do not apply to corporate taxpayers. The fund will be able to separately report distributions of any qualifying long-term capital gains or qualifying dividends earned by the fund that would be eligible for the lower maximum rate. A shareholder would also have to satisfy a more than 60-day holding period with respect to any distributions of qualifying dividends in order to obtain the benefit of the lower rate. The fund will not generally derive significant amounts of qualifying dividend income that would be eligible for the lower rate on qualifying dividends.

An additional 3.8% Medicare tax is imposed on certain net investment income (including ordinary dividends and capital gain distributions received from the fund and net gains from redemptions or other taxable dispositions of fund shares) of US individuals, estates and trusts to the extent that such person’s “modified adjusted gross income” (in the case of an individual) or “adjusted gross income” (in the case of an estate or trust) exceeds certain threshold amounts.

Certain distributions reported by the fund as Section 163(j) interest dividends under the Code may be treated as interest income by shareholders for purposes of the tax rules applicable to interest expense limitations under Code Section 163(j). Such treatment by the shareholder is generally subject to holding period requirements and other potential limitations, although the holding period requirements are generally not applicable to dividends declared by money market funds and certain other funds that declare dividends daily and pay such dividends on a monthly or more frequent basis. The amount that the fund is eligible to report as a Section 163(j) dividend for a tax year is generally limited to the excess of the fund’s business interest income over the sum of the fund’s (i) business interest expense and (ii) other deductions properly allocable to the fund’s business interest income.

If fund shares are sold at a loss after being held for six months or less, the loss will be treated as long-term, instead of short-term, capital loss to the extent of any capital gain distributions received thereon. Investors also should be aware that if shares are purchased shortly before the record date for a taxable dividend or capital gain distribution, the shareholder will pay full price for the shares and receive some portion of the price back as a taxable distribution.

The fund will be subject to a nondeductible 4% excise tax (“Excise Tax”) to the extent it fails to distribute by the end of any calendar year an amount at least equal to the sum of 98% of all of its ordinary income for the calendar year (taking into account certain deferrals and elections) and 98.2% of its capital gain net income for the one-year period ending on October 31 of that year, plus certain other amounts.

Please be advised that abandoned or unclaimed property laws for certain states (to which your account may be subject) require financial organizations to transfer (escheat) unclaimed property (including shares of a fund) to the appropriate state if no activity occurs in an account for a period of time specified by state law. For IRA accounts escheated to a state under these abandoned property laws, the escheatment will generally be treated as a taxable distribution to you; federal and any applicable state income tax will be withheld. This may apply to your Roth IRA as well.



Passive foreign investment companies. The fund may invest in the stock of “passive foreign investment companies” (“PFICs”) if that stock is a permissible investment. A PFIC is any foreign corporation (with certain exceptions) that, in general, meets either of the following tests: (1) at least 75% of its gross income is passive or (2) an average of at least 50% of its assets produce, or are held for the production of, passive income. Under certain circumstances, the fund will be subject to federal income tax on a portion of any “excess distribution” received on the stock of a PFIC or of any gain from disposition of that stock (collectively “PFIC income”), plus interest thereon, even if the fund distributes the PFIC income as a taxable dividend to its shareholders. The balance of the PFIC income will be included in the fund’s investment company taxable income and, accordingly, will not be taxable to it to the extent it distributes that income to its shareholders.

If the fund invests in a PFIC and elects to treat the PFIC as a “qualified electing fund” (“QEF”), then in lieu of the foregoing tax and interest obligation, the fund will be required to include in income each year its pro rata share of the QEF’s annual ordinary earnings and net capital gain (which it may have to distribute to satisfy the Distribution Requirement and avoid imposition of the Excise Tax), even if the QEF does not distribute those earnings and gain to the fund. In most instances it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to make this election because of certain of its requirements.

The fund may elect to “mark to market” its stock in any PFIC. “Marking to market,” in this context, means including in ordinary income each taxable year the excess, if any, of the fair market value of a PFIC’s stock over the fund’s adjusted basis therein as of the end of that year. Pursuant to the election, the fund also would be allowed to deduct (as an ordinary, not capital, loss) the excess, if any, of its adjusted basis in PFIC stock over the fair market value thereof as of the taxable year-end, but only to the extent of any net mark-to-market gains with respect to that stock the fund included for prior taxable years under the election. The fund’s adjusted basis in each PFIC’s stock with respect to which it has made this election will be adjusted to reflect the amounts of income included and deductions taken thereunder.

By making the marked to market election, the fund may recognize income in excess of the distributions that it receives from its investments. Accordingly, the fund may need to borrow money or dispose of some of its investments in order to meet its distribution requirements. If the fund does not make the mark to market election with respect to an investment in a PFIC, the fund could become subject to federal income tax with respect to certain distributions from, and gain on the dispositions of, the PFIC which cannot be avoided by distributing such amounts to the fund’s shareholders.

Because the application of the PFIC rules may affect, among other things, the character of gains, the amount of gain or loss and the timing of the recognition of income with respect to PFIC stock, as well as subject the fund itself to tax on certain income from PFIC stock, the amount that must be distributed to shareholders, and which will be taxed to shareholders as ordinary income or long-term capital gain, may be increased or decreased substantially as compared to a fund that did not invest in PFIC stock. Note that distributions from a PFIC are not eligible for the reduced rate of tax on “qualifying dividends.”

Derivative Instruments. The use of hedging strategies involving Derivative Instruments, such as writing (selling) and purchasing options and futures contracts, involves complex rules that will determine for income tax purposes the amount, character and timing of recognition of the gains and losses the fund realizes in connection therewith. Gains from options and futures derived by the fund with respect to its business of investing in securities will qualify as permissible income under the Income Requirement.

Certain regulated futures contracts and listed nonequity options (such as those on a securities index) in which the fund may invest may be subject to Section 1256 of the Code (“Section 1256 contracts”). Any Section 1256 contracts the fund holds at the end of each taxable year generally must be “marked to market” (that is, treated as having been sold at that time for their fair market value) for federal income tax purposes, with the result that unrealized gains or losses



will be treated as though they were realized. Sixty percent of any net gain or loss recognized on these deemed sales, and 60% of any net realized gain or loss from any actual sales of Section 1256 contracts, will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss, and the balance will be treated as short-term capital gain or loss. These rules may operate to increase the amount that the fund must distribute to satisfy the Distribution Requirement (i.e., with respect to the portion treated as short-term capital gain), which will be taxable to its shareholders as ordinary income, and to increase the net capital gain the fund recognizes, without in either case increasing the cash available to the fund. The fund may elect not to have the foregoing rules apply to any “mixed straddle” (that is, a straddle, clearly identified by the fund in accordance with the regulations, at least one (but not all) of the positions of which are Section 1256 contracts), although doing so may have the effect of increasing the relative proportion of net short-term capital gain (taxable as ordinary income) and thus increasing the amount of dividends that must be distributed.

Offsetting positions in any actively traded security, option, futures or forward currency contract entered into or held by the fund may constitute a “straddle” for federal income tax purposes. Straddles are subject to certain rules that may affect the amount, character and timing of the fund’s gains and losses with respect to positions of the straddle by requiring, among other things, that (1) loss realized on disposition of one position of a straddle be deferred to the extent of any unrealized gain in an offsetting position until the latter position is disposed of, (2) the fund’s holding period in certain straddle positions not begin until the straddle is terminated (possibly resulting in gain being treated as short-term rather than long-term capital gain) and (3) losses recognized with respect to certain straddle positions, that otherwise would constitute short-term capital losses, be treated as long-term capital losses. Applicable regulations also provide certain “wash sale” rules, which apply to transactions where a position is sold at a loss and a new offsetting position is acquired within a prescribed period, and “short sale” rules applicable to straddles. Different elections are available to the fund, which may mitigate the effects of the straddle rules, particularly with respect to mixed straddles.

When a call option written (sold) by the fund expires, it will realize a short-term capital gain equal to the amount of the premium it received for writing the option. When the fund terminates its obligations under such an option by entering into a closing transaction, it will realize a short-term capital gain (or loss), depending on whether the cost of the closing transaction is less (or more) than the premium it received when it wrote the option. When a call option written by the fund is exercised, it will be treated as having sold the underlying security, producing long-term or short-term capital gain or loss, depending on the holding period of the underlying security and whether the sum of the option price received on the exercise plus the premium received when it wrote the option is more or less than the underlying security’s basis.

Certain hedging activities may cause a dividend that would otherwise be subject to the lower tax applicable to a “qualifying dividend,” to instead be taxed at the rate of tax applicable to ordinary income.

Debt Investments. Some of the debt securities (with a fixed maturity date of more than one year from the date of issuance) that may be acquired by the fund may be treated as debt securities that are issued originally at a discount. Generally, the amount of the original issue discount (“OID”) is treated as interest income and is included in income over the term of the debt security, even though payment of that amount is not received until a later time, usually when the debt security matures. A portion of the OID includable in income with respect to certain high-yield corporate debt securities may be treated as a dividend for federal income tax purposes.

Some of the debt securities (with a fixed maturity date of more than one year from the date of issuance) that may be acquired by the fund in the secondary market may be treated as having market discount. Generally, any gain recognized on the disposition of, and any partial payment of principal on, a debt security having market discount is treated as ordinary income to the extent the gain, or principal payment, does not exceed the “accrued market discount” on such debt security. Market discount generally accrues in equal daily installments. The fund may make one or more of the elections applicable to debt securities having market discount, which could affect the character and timing of recognition of income.



Some debt securities (with a fixed maturity date of one year or less from the date of issuance) that may be acquired by the fund may be treated as having acquisition discount, or OID in the case of certain types of debt securities. Generally, the fund will be required to include the acquisition discount, or OID, in income over the term of the debt security, even though payment of that amount is not received until a later time, usually when the debt security matures. The fund may make one or more of the elections applicable to debt securities having acquisition discount, or OID, which could affect the character and timing of recognition of income.

The fund generally will be required to distribute dividends to shareholders representing discount on debt securities that is currently includable in income, even though cash representing such income may not have been received by the fund. Cash to pay such dividends may be obtained from sales proceeds of securities held by the fund.

Constructive sales. If the fund has an “appreciated financial position”—generally, an interest (including an interest through an option or futures contract or short sale) with respect to any stock, debt instrument (other than “straight debt”) or partnership interest the fair market value of which exceeds its adjusted basis—and enters into a “constructive sale” of the position, the fund will be treated as having made an actual sale thereof, with the result that gain will be recognized at that time. A constructive sale generally consists of a short sale, an offsetting notional principal contract or a futures contract entered into by the fund or a related person with respect to the same or substantially identical property. In addition, if the appreciated financial position is itself a short sale or such a contract, acquisition of the underlying property or substantially identical property will be deemed a constructive sale. The foregoing will not apply, however, to a transaction during any taxable year that otherwise would be treated as a constructive sale if the transaction is closed within 30 days after the end of that year and the fund holds the appreciated financial position unhedged for 60 days after that closing (i.e., at no time during that 60-day period is the fund’s risk of loss regarding that position reduced by reason of certain specified transactions with respect to substantially identical or related property, such as having an option to sell, being contractually obligated to sell, making a short sale or granting an option to buy substantially identical stock or securities).

Foreign currency transactions. Under the Code, gains or losses attributable to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates which occur between the time the fund accrues income or other receivables or accrues expenses or other liabilities denominated in a foreign currency and the time the fund actually collects such receivable or pays such liabilities generally are treated as ordinary income or ordinary loss. Similarly, on disposition of debt securities denominated in a foreign currency and on disposition of certain financial contracts and options, gains or losses attributable to fluctuations in the value of foreign currency between the date of acquisition of the security or contract and the date of disposition also are treated as ordinary gain or loss. These gains and losses, referred to under the Code as “section 988” gains and losses, may increase or decrease the amount of the fund’s net investment income to be distributed to its shareholders as ordinary income.

Conclusion. The foregoing is only a general summary of some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting the fund and its shareholders. No attempt is made to present a complete explanation of the federal tax treatment of the fund’s activities, and this discussion is not intended as a substitute for careful tax planning. Accordingly, potential investors are urged to consult their own tax advisers for more detailed information and for information regarding any state, local or foreign taxes applicable to the fund and to dividends and other distributions therefrom.

Other taxation. The foregoing discussion relates only to US Federal income tax law as applicable to US persons as determined under the Code. Distributions by the fund and dispositions of fund shares also may be subject to other state and local taxes, and their treatment under state and local income tax laws may differ from the US Federal income tax treatment. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers with respect to particular questions of US Federal, state and local taxation. Shareholders who are not US persons should consult their tax advisers regarding US and foreign tax consequences of ownership of shares of the fund, including the likelihood that distributions to them would be subject to withholding of US Federal income tax at a rate of 30% (or at a lower rate under a tax treaty) and the possibility that they may be subject to US estate tax.



Taxable distributions to non-US shareholders are generally subject to a 30% withholding tax (or at a lower rate under a tax treaty). Distributions to non-US shareholders of short-term capital gains and interest income are expected to be subject to withholding tax because certain detailed information necessary for a possible exemption is not expected to be available.

The fund is required to withhold US tax (at a 30% rate) on payments of dividends made to certain non-US entities that fail to comply (or be deemed compliant) with extensive reporting and withholding requirements designed to inform the US Department of the Treasury of US-owned foreign investment accounts. Shareholders may be requested to provide additional information to the fund to enable the fund to determine whether withholding is required.

Future legislative or administrative changes or court decisions may significantly change the conclusions expressed herein, and any such changes or decisions may have a retroactive effect with respect to the transactions contemplated herein.

Potential conflicts of interest

Activities of UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “UBS Asset Management”), UBS Securities LLC and UBS Financial Services Inc. and their affiliates (collectively, “UBS”) and other accounts managed by UBS

UBS Asset Management is a large asset management firm with approximately $1.2 trillion in assets under management worldwide as of June 30, 2023.1 UBS Asset Management offers investment capabilities and investment styles across all major traditional and alternative asset classes, including equity, fixed income, currency, hedge fund, real estate, infrastructure and private equity investment capabilities that can also be combined in multi-asset strategies. UBS Asset Management has nine main hubs globally: Chicago, Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich.

UBS is a worldwide full-service investment banking, broker-dealer, asset management and financial services organization. As a result, UBS Asset Management and UBS (including, for these purposes, their directors, partners, officers and employees) worldwide, including the entities and personnel who may be involved in the investment activities and business operations of the fund, are engaged in businesses and have interests other than that of managing the fund. These activities and interests include potential multiple advisory, transactional, financial, consultative, and other interests in transactions, companies, securities and other instruments that may be engaged in, purchased or sold by the fund. This section sets forth considerations of which investors in the fund should be aware, and that may cause conflicts of interest on the part of UBS and UBS Asset Management that could disadvantage the fund. To address these potential conflicts, UBS and UBS Asset Management have established various policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to detect and prevent these potential conflicts of interest and prevent the fund from being disadvantaged.

Prospective investors should carefully review the following, which more fully describes these and other potential conflicts of interest presented by UBS Asset Management’s and UBS’ other businesses and interests.

Potential conflicts relating to portfolio decisions, the sale of fund shares and the allocation of investment opportunities

UBS’ other activities may have an impact on the fund. UBS Asset Management makes decisions for the fund in accordance with its obligations as investment advisor to the fund. However, UBS’ other activities may, at the same time, have a negative impact on the fund. As a result of the various activities and interests of UBS, it is likely that the fund will have multiple business relationships with, engage in transactions with, make voting decisions with respect to, or obtain services from UBS and other entities for which UBS performs or seeks to perform investment banking or other services. It is also likely that the fund will undertake transactions in securities in which UBS makes a market or otherwise has other direct or indirect interests.


UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. managed approximately $336.0 billion as of June 30, 2023.



UBS conducts extensive broker-dealer, banking and other activities around the world and provides investment banking, broker-dealer, prime brokerage, administrative and other services to clients which may involve markets and securities in which the fund invests. These activities will give UBS broad access to the current status of certain markets and investments. As a result of the activities described in this paragraph and the access and knowledge arising from those activities, parts of UBS may be in possession of information in respect of markets and investments, which, if known to UBS Asset Management, might cause UBS Asset Management to seek to dispose of, retain or increase interests in investments held by the fund or acquire certain positions on behalf of the fund. UBS will be under no duty to make any such information available to the fund or personnel of UBS Asset Management making investment decisions on behalf of the fund and maintains information barriers designed to prevent the misuse of such information. In general, personnel of UBS Asset Management making investment decisions will make decisions based solely upon information known by such decision makers without regard to information known by other UBS personnel.

In conformance with the fund’s investment objective and subject to compliance with applicable law, UBS Asset Management may purchase securities for the fund during an underwriting or other offering of securities in which a broker/dealer affiliate acts as a manager, co-manager, underwriter or placement agent, or receives a benefit in the form of management, underwriting, or other fees. Affiliates of UBS Asset Management may act in other capacities in such offerings for which a fee, compensation, or other benefit will be received. From time to time, affiliates of UBS Asset Management will be current investors in companies engaged in an offering of securities which UBS Asset Management may purchase on behalf of its clients. Such purchases may provide a direct or indirect benefit to UBS Asset Management affiliates acting as a selling shareholder. UBS Asset Management may also participate in structured fixed income offerings of securities in which a related person may serve as trustee, depositor, originator, service agent or other service provider in which fees will be paid to such related person. Further, a related person may act as originator and/or servicing agent of loans or receivables for a structured fixed income offering in which UBS Asset Management may invest fund assets. Participation in such offering may directly or indirectly relieve financial obligations of related persons.

UBS Asset Management may purchase or sell, or recommend for purchase or sale, for its investment advisory clients securities of companies: (i) with respect to which its affiliates act as an investment banker or financial advisor; (ii) with which its affiliates have other confidential relationships; (iii) in which its affiliates maintain a position or (iv) for which its affiliates make a market; or in which it or its officers, directors or employees or those of its affiliates own securities or otherwise have an interest. Except to the extent prohibited by law or regulation or by client instruction, UBS Asset Management may recommend to its clients, or purchase for its clients, securities of issuers in which UBS has an interest as described in this paragraph.

UBS’ financial and other interests and relationships may incentivize UBS to promote the sale of fund shares. UBS, its personnel and other financial service providers, have interests in promoting sales of the fund. UBS Asset Management may also make cash and non-cash payments to banks, broker-dealers, insurance companies, financial planning firms and other financial intermediaries, that sell shares of the fund, subject to UBS Asset Management’s internal policies and procedures. The source of such payments may come from the underwriter’s own resources (including through transfers from affiliates). Payments made out of the underwriter’s own resources are often referred to as “revenue sharing.” Please read the section entitled “Investment advisory, administration and principal underwriting arrangements” for more information.

With respect to both UBS and its personnel, the remuneration and profitability relating to services to and sales of the fund or other products may be greater than the remuneration and profitability relating to services to and sales of other products that might be provided or offered by UBS or other third parties. UBS and its sales personnel may directly or indirectly receive a portion of the fees and commissions charged to the fund or its shareholders. UBS and its advisory or other personnel may also benefit from increased amounts of assets under management. Fees and commissions charged to the fund may also be higher than for other products or services, and the remuneration and profitability to UBS and such personnel resulting from transactions on behalf of or management of the fund may be greater than the remuneration and profitability resulting from similar transactions for other funds or products.



UBS also may have relationships with, and purchase, or distribute or sell, services or products from or to, distributors, consultants and others who recommend the fund, or who engage in transactions with or for the fund. For example, UBS regularly participates in industry and consultant sponsored conferences and may purchase educational, data or other services from consultants or other third parties that it deems to be of value to its personnel and its business. The products and services purchased from consultants may include, but are not limited to, those that help UBS understand the consultant’s points of view on the investment management process. Consultants and other parties that provide consulting or other services to potential investors in the fund may receive fees from UBS or the fund in connection with the distribution of shares in the fund or other UBS products. For example, UBS may enter into revenue or fee sharing arrangements with consultants, service providers, and other intermediaries relating to investments in mutual funds, collective trusts, or other products or services offered or managed by UBS Asset Management. UBS may also pay a fee for membership in industry-wide or state and municipal organizations or otherwise help sponsor conferences and educational forums for investment industry participants including, but not limited to, trustees, fiduciaries, consultants, administrators, state and municipal personnel and other clients. UBS’ membership in such organizations allows UBS to participate in these conferences and educational forums and helps UBS interact with conference participants and to develop an understanding of the points of view and challenges of the conference participants. In addition, UBS’ personnel, including employees of UBS, may have board, advisory, brokerage or other relationships with issuers, distributors, consultants and others that may have investments in the fund or that may recommend investments in the fund. In addition, UBS, including UBS Asset Management, may make charitable contributions to institutions, including those that have relationships with clients or personnel of clients. UBS’ personnel may also make political contributions. As a result of the relationships and arrangements described in this paragraph, consultants, distributors and other parties may have conflicts associated with their promotion of the fund or other dealings with the fund that create incentives for them to promote the fund or certain portfolio transactions.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, UBS Asset Management may make payments to authorized dealers and other financial intermediaries (“Intermediaries”) from time to time to promote the fund. The additional payments by UBS Asset Management may also compensate Intermediaries for subaccounting, administrative and/or shareholder processing services that are in addition to the fees paid for these or similar services by the fund. Payments made by UBS Asset Management may vary between different Intermediaries. Please read the section entitled “Investment advisory, administration and principal underwriting arrangements” for more information.

Potential conflicts relating to the allocation of investment opportunities among the fund and other UBS accounts. UBS Asset Management provides investment advisory services to certain accounts, including through model based programs, UBS Asset Management may have investment discretion (“Discretionary Accounts”) or may not have investment discretion (“Non-Discretionary Accounts”). In the case of Non-Discretionary Accounts, the account will typically be notified of recommended changes to a model simultaneously with the Discretionary Accounts. With respect to the fund, UBS Asset Management may follow a strategy that is expected to be similar over time to that utilized by those accounts. The fund and the Non-Discretionary Account clients are subject to independent management and, given the independence in the implementation of advice to these accounts, there can be no assurance that such investment advice will be implemented simultaneously. Neither UBS Asset Management nor its affiliates will know when advice issued has been executed (if at all) and, if so, to what extent. Therefore, it is possible that prior execution by Non-Discretionary Accounts could adversely affect the prices and availability of the securities, currencies and instruments in which the fund invests.

Other potential conflicts relating to the management of the fund by UBS Asset Management

Potential restrictions and issues relating to information held by UBS. From time to time and subject to UBS Asset Management’s policies and procedures regarding information barriers, UBS Asset Management may consult with personnel in other areas of UBS, or with persons unaffiliated with UBS. The performance by such persons of obligations related to their consultation with personnel of UBS Asset Management could conflict with their areas of primary responsibility within UBS or elsewhere. There will be no obligation on the part of such persons to make



available for use by the fund any information or strategies known to them or developed in connection with their own client, proprietary or other activities. In addition, UBS will be under no obligation to make available any research or analysis prior to its public dissemination.

In connection with its management of the fund, UBS Asset Management may have access to certain fundamental analysis and proprietary technical models developed by UBS Asset Management or its affiliates (including UBS). UBS Asset Management will not be under any obligation, however, to effect transactions on behalf of the fund in accordance with such analysis and models. In addition, neither UBS Asset Management nor any of its affiliates (including UBS) will have any obligation to make available any information regarding their proprietary activities or strategies, or the activities or strategies used for other accounts managed by them, for the benefit of the management of the fund, and it is not anticipated that UBS Asset Management will have access to such information for the purpose of managing the fund. The proprietary activities or portfolio strategies of UBS Asset Management and its affiliates (including UBS) or the activities or strategies used for accounts managed by them or other client accounts could conflict with the transactions and strategies employed by UBS Asset Management, and have adverse effects on the fund.

Potential conflicts relating to UBS’ and UBS Asset Management’s proprietary activities and activities on behalf of other accounts. Transactions undertaken by UBS or client accounts managed by UBS (“Client Accounts”) may adversely impact the fund. UBS and one or more Client Accounts may buy or sell positions while the fund is undertaking the same or a differing, including potentially opposite, strategy, which could disadvantage the fund. For example, an equity fund (but not this fund) may establish a short position in a security and UBS or other Client Accounts may buy that same security. The subsequent purchase may result in an increase of the price of the underlying position in the short sale exposure of the equity fund and such increase in price would be to the equity fund’s detriment. Conversely, the equity fund may buy a security, and UBS or Client Accounts may establish a short position in that same security. The subsequent short sale may result in impairment of the price of the security which the equity fund holds. Conflicts may also arise because portfolio decisions regarding the equity fund may benefit UBS or other Client Accounts.

For example, the sale of a long position or establishment of a short position by the equity fund may impair the price of the same security sold short by (and therefore benefit) UBS or other Client Accounts, and the purchase of a security or covering of a short position in a security by the fund may increase the price of the same security held by (and therefore benefit) UBS or other Client Accounts.

The directors, officers and employees of UBS and UBS Asset Management may buy and sell securities or other investments for their own accounts or for seed capital accounts (including through investment funds managed by UBS and UBS Asset Management). As a result of differing trading and investment strategies or constraints, positions may be taken by directors, officers and employees that are the same, different from or made at different times than positions taken for the fund. To reduce the possibility that the fund will be materially adversely affected by the personal or proprietary trading described above, the fund, UBS and UBS Asset Management have established policies and procedures that restrict securities trading in the personal accounts of investment professionals and others who normally come into possession of information regarding the fund’s portfolio transactions.

UBS Asset Management’s affiliates have direct or indirect interests in electronic communication networks and alternative trading systems (collectively “ECNs”). UBS Asset Management, in accordance with its fiduciary obligation to seek to obtain best execution, may execute client trades through ECNs in which its related persons have, or may acquire, an interest. A related person may receive compensation based upon its ownership percentage in relation to the transaction fees charged by the ECNs. UBS Asset Management will execute through an ECN in which a related person has an interest only in situations where it reasonably believes such transactions will be in the best interests of its clients and the requirements of applicable law have been satisfied.



In accordance with Section 11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules thereunder, UBS Asset Management’s affiliates may effect transactions for fund or advisory client accounts on a national securities exchange of which an affiliate is an equity owner and/or a member and may retain compensation in connection with those transactions.

Gifts and entertainment. From time to time, directors, officers and employees of UBS and UBS Asset Management may receive gifts and/or entertainment from clients, intermediaries, or service providers to the fund, UBS and UBS Asset Management, which could have the appearance of affecting or may potentially affect the judgment of the directors, officers and employees or the manner in which they conduct business on behalf of the fund, UBS and UBS Asset Management. To reduce the appearance of impropriety and the possibility that the fund may be materially adversely affected by such gifts and entertainment, UBS and UBS Asset Management have established policies and procedures that restrict the receipt of gifts and entertainment from clients, intermediaries, or service providers to the fund, UBS and UBS Asset Management.

UBS may in-source or outsource. Subject to applicable law, UBS, including UBS Asset Management, may from time to time and without notice to investors in-source or outsource certain processes or functions in connection with a variety of services that it provides to the fund in its administrative or other capacities. Such in-sourcing or outsourcing may give rise to additional conflicts of interest.

Selection of brokers and dealers and commission rates. While UBS Asset Management selects brokers primarily on the basis of the execution capabilities, UBS Asset Management, in its discretion, may cause a client to pay a commission to brokers or dealers for effecting a transaction for that client in excess of the amount another broker or dealer would have charged for effecting that transaction. This may be done when UBS Asset Management has determined in good faith that the commission is reasonable in relation to the value of the execution, brokerage and/or research services provided by the broker. UBS Asset Management’s arrangements for the receipt of research services from brokers may create conflicts of interest, in that UBS Asset Management has an incentive to choose a broker or dealer that provides research services, instead of one that charges a lower commission rate but does not provide any research.

UBS Asset Management does not allocate the relative costs or benefits of research received from brokers or dealers among clients because UBS Asset Management believes that the research received is, in the aggregate, of assistance in fulfilling UBS Asset Management’s overall responsibilities to clients. The research may be used in connection with the management of accounts other than those for which trades are executed by the brokers or dealers providing the research. UBS Asset Management may receive a variety of research services and information on many topics, which UBS Asset Management can use in connection with its management responsibilities with respect to the various accounts over which it exercises investment discretion or otherwise provides investment advice. These topics include: issuers, industries, securities, economic factors and trends, portfolio strategy, the performance of accounts, statistical information, market data, earnings estimates, credit analysis, pricing, risk measurement analysis, and other information that may affect US or foreign economies, security prices, or management of the portfolio.

The research services may include written reports, pricing and appraisal services, market data services, analysis of issues raised in proxy statements, educational seminars, subscriptions to trade journals, portfolio attribution and monitoring services and computer software and access charges which are directly related to investment research. Research services may be received in the form of written reports, online services, telephone contacts and personal meetings with security analysts, economists, corporate and industry spokespersons, investment consultants and government representatives. Research services are either provided directly by broker-dealers or generated by third parties and are provided by the brokerage firm to which the commissions are paid including commission sharing arrangements.

Certain services may be mixed use, or used for research purposes as well as other purposes. Payment for these services is made as follows: the portion allocated to research is paid for through commissions, and the portion allocated to other purposes is paid for by UBS Asset Management. This allocation is determined by UBS Asset



Management’s Best Execution and Trading Committee in good faith and based on objective criteria, to the extent available, of the amounts used for research and non-research purposes; however, the decision regarding what amounts are paid by UBS Asset Management versus paid by clients through commissions presents a conflict of interest. Research services received from brokers and dealers may be supplemental to UBS Asset Management’s own research efforts and, when utilized, are subject to internal analysis before being incorporated into UBS Asset Management’s investment process. As a practical matter, it would not be possible for UBS Asset Management to generate all of the information presently provided by brokers and dealers.

UBS Asset Management may receive in-house or proprietary research from dealers that execute trades on a principal basis for its clients. The research received will be of the type described above, excluding third-party research services.

Potential regulatory restrictions on investment advisor activity. From time to time, the activities of the fund may be restricted because of regulatory requirements applicable to UBS and/or its internal policies designed to comply with, limit the applicability of, or otherwise relate to such requirements. A client not advised by UBS would not be subject to some of those considerations. There may be periods when UBS Asset Management may not initiate or recommend certain types of transactions, or may otherwise restrict or limit its advice with respect to certain securities or instruments issued by or related to companies for which UBS is performing investment banking, market making or other services or has proprietary positions or otherwise has come into possession of material inside information. For example, when UBS is engaged in an underwriting or other distribution of securities of, or advisory services for, a company, the fund may be prohibited from or limited in purchasing or selling securities of that company. Similar situations could arise if UBS personnel serve as directors of companies the securities of which the fund wishes to purchase or sell. The larger UBS Asset Management’s investment advisory business and UBS’ businesses, the larger the potential that these restricted list policies will impact investment transactions. However, if permitted by applicable law, the fund may purchase securities or instruments that are issued by such companies or are the subject of an underwriting, distribution, or advisory assignment by UBS, or in cases in which UBS personnel are directors or officers of the issuer.

The investment activities of UBS for its proprietary accounts and for Client Accounts may also limit the investment strategies and rights of the fund. For example, in regulated industries, in certain emerging or international markets, in corporate and regulatory ownership definitions, and in certain futures and derivative transactions, there may be limits on the aggregate amount of investment by affiliated investors that may not be exceeded without the grant of a license or other regulatory or corporate consent or, if exceeded, may cause UBS, the fund or other Client Accounts to suffer disadvantages or business restrictions. If certain aggregate ownership thresholds are reached or certain transactions undertaken, the ability of UBS Asset Management on behalf of the fund to purchase or dispose of investments, or exercise rights or undertake business transactions, may be restricted by regulation or otherwise impaired. As a result, UBS Asset Management on behalf of the fund may limit purchases, sell existing investments, or otherwise restrict or limit the exercise of rights (including voting rights) when UBS Asset Management, in its sole discretion, deems it appropriate.

UBS Asset Management and its affiliates, including, without limitation, UBS and its advisory affiliates, have proprietary interests in, and may manage or advise with respect to, accounts or funds (including separate accounts, other funds and collective investment vehicles) that have investment objectives similar to those of the fund and/or that engage in transactions in the same types of securities, currencies and instruments as the fund. UBS and its affiliates are also major participants in the global currency, equities, swap and fixed income markets, in each case both on a proprietary basis and for the accounts of customers. As such, UBS and its affiliates may be actively engaged in transactions in the same securities, currencies, and instruments in which the fund invests. Such activities could affect the prices and availability of the securities, currencies, and instruments in which the fund invests, which could have an adverse impact on the fund’s performance. Such transactions, particularly in respect of most proprietary accounts or client accounts, will be executed independently of the fund’s transactions and thus at prices or rates that may be more or less favorable than those obtained by the fund. UBS Asset Management has developed policies and procedures consistent with regulatory requirements that provide that it will allocate investment



opportunities and make purchase and sale decisions among the fund and other client accounts in a manner that it considers, in its sole discretion and consistent with its fiduciary obligation to each account, to be reasonable. Allocations may be based on numerous factors and may not always be pro rata based. Thus, this system may adversely affect the size or price of the assets purchased or sold for the fund.

The results of the fund’s investment activities may differ significantly from the results achieved by UBS Asset Management and its affiliates for their proprietary accounts or other accounts (including investment companies or collective investment vehicles) managed or advised by them. It is possible that UBS Asset Management and its affiliates and such other accounts will achieve investment results that are substantially more or less favorable than the results achieved by the fund. Moreover, it is possible that the fund will sustain losses during periods in which UBS Asset Management and its affiliates achieve significant profits on their trading for proprietary or other accounts. The opposite result is also possible.

The investment activities of UBS Asset Management and its affiliates for their proprietary accounts and accounts under their management may also limit the investment opportunities for the fund in certain emerging and other markets in which limitations are imposed upon the amount of investment, in the aggregate or in individual issuers, by affiliated foreign investors.

From time to time, the fund’s activities may also be restricted because of regulatory restrictions applicable to UBS Asset Management and its affiliates, and/or their internal policies designed to comply with such restrictions. As a result, there may be periods, for example, when UBS Asset Management, and/or its affiliates, will not initiate or recommend certain types of transactions in certain securities or instruments with respect to which UBS Asset Management and/or its affiliates are performing services or when position limits have been reached where such securities or instruments otherwise would have been permissible investments for the fund. Additionally, the fund or certain accounts may be licensed to trade securities or engage in transactions in certain jurisdictions while other funds and accounts are not licensed.

In addition, certain officers and certain employees of UBS Asset Management are also officers or employees of UBS, or its affiliated entities. As a result, the performance by these officers and employees of their obligations to such other entities may be a consideration of which investors in the fund should be aware.

UBS Asset Management may enter into transactions and invest in securities, instruments and currencies on behalf of the fund where customers of UBS or, to the extent permitted by the SEC, UBS itself, serves as the counterparty, principal or issuer. In such cases, such party’s interests in the transaction will be adverse to the interests of the fund, and such party may have no incentive to assure that the fund obtains the best possible prices or terms in connection with the transaction. In addition, the purchase, holding and sale of such investments by the fund may enhance the profitability of UBS Asset Management and/or UBS. UBS and its affiliates may also create, write or issue derivative instruments for customers of UBS or its affiliates, the underlying securities, currencies or instruments of which may be those in which the fund invests or which may be based on the performance of the fund. The fund may, subject to applicable law, purchase investments that are the subject of an underwriting or other distribution by UBS or its affiliates and may also enter into transactions with other clients of UBS Asset Management or its affiliates where such other clients have interests adverse to those of the fund. At times, these activities may cause UBS Asset Management or its affiliates to give advice to clients that may cause these clients to take actions adverse to the interests of the fund. To the extent affiliated transactions are permitted, the fund will deal with UBS Asset Management, UBS and its affiliates on an arms-length basis. UBS Asset Management or UBS may also have an ownership interest in certain trading or information systems used by the fund. The fund’s use of such trading or information systems may enhance the profitability of UBS Asset Management and its affiliates.

It is also possible that, from time to time, UBS Asset Management or any of its affiliates may, although they are not required to, purchase and hold shares of the fund. Increasing the fund’s assets may enhance investment flexibility and diversification and may contribute to economies of scale that tend to reduce the expense ratio of certain types of funds. UBS Asset Management and its affiliates reserve the right to redeem at any time some or all of the shares of the fund



acquired for their own accounts. A large redemption of shares of the fund by UBS Asset Management or its affiliates could significantly reduce the asset size of the fund, which might have an adverse effect on the fund’s investment flexibility, portfolio diversification, expense ratio and may result in significant transaction costs. UBS Asset Management will consider the effect of redemptions on the fund and other shareholders in deciding whether and when to redeem its shares.

It is possible that the fund may invest in securities of companies with which UBS has or is trying to develop investment banking relationships as well as securities of entities in which UBS Asset Management or UBS has significant debt or equity investments or in which UBS makes a market. The fund also may invest in securities of companies to which UBS Asset Management or UBS provides or may someday provide research coverage. Such investments could cause conflicts between the interests of the fund and the interests of other UBS Asset Management or UBS clients. In making investment decisions for the fund, UBS Asset Management is not permitted to obtain or use material non-public information acquired by any division, department or affiliate of UBS Asset Management in the course of these activities. In addition, from time to time, UBS’ activities may limit the fund’s flexibility in purchases and sales of securities. When UBS is engaged in an underwriting or other distribution of securities of an entity, UBS Asset Management may be prohibited from purchasing or recommending the purchase of certain securities of that entity for the fund.

Present and future activities of UBS Asset Management and its affiliates, in addition to those described in this section, may give rise to additional conflicts of interest.

UBS AM may buy for the fund securities or obligations of issuers in which UBS or other funds or accounts have made, or are making, an investment in securities or obligations that are subordinate or senior to securities of the fund. For example, the fund may invest in debt securities of an issuer at the same time that UBS or other funds or accounts are investing, or currently have an investment, in equity securities of the same issuer. To the extent that the issuer experiences financial or operational challenges which may impact the price of its securities and its ability to meet its obligations, decisions by UBS (including UBS AM) relating to what actions to be taken may also raise conflicts of interests, and UBS may take actions for certain accounts that have negative impacts on other advisory accounts.

While UBS AM will make proxy voting decisions as it believes appropriate and in accordance with UBS AM’s policies designed to help avoid conflicts of interest, proxy voting decisions made by UBS AM with respect to the fund’s portfolio securities may have the effect of favoring the interests of other clients or businesses of other divisions or units of UBS. UBS AM’s proxy voting policy is discussed in more detail in the section entitled “Proxy voting policies and procedures.”

As a registered investment adviser under the Advisers Act, UBS AM is required to file a Form ADV with the SEC. Form ADV Part 2 contains information about assets under management, types of fee arrangements, types of investments, potential conflicts of interest, and other relevant information regarding UBS AM. A copy of UBS AM’s Form ADV Parts 1 and 2 is available on the SEC’s website (

Other information

Delaware statutory trust. Although Delaware law statutorily limits the potential liabilities of a Delaware statutory trust’s shareholders to the same extent as it limits the potential liabilities of a Delaware corporation’s shareholders, shareholders of the fund could, under certain conflicts of laws jurisprudence in various states, be held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust or the fund. However, the Trust’s Trust Instrument disclaims shareholder liability for acts or obligations of the Trust or the funds. The Trust Instrument provides for indemnification from the fund’s property for all losses and expenses of any fund shareholder held personally liable for the obligations of the fund. Thus, the risk of a shareholder’s incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is limited to circumstances in which the fund itself would be unable to meet its obligations, a possibility which UBS AM believes is remote and not material. Upon payment of any liability incurred by a shareholder solely by reason of being or



having been a shareholder of the fund, the shareholder paying such liability will be entitled to reimbursement from the general assets of the fund. The trustees intend to conduct the operations of the fund in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible, ultimate liability of the shareholders for liabilities of the fund.

Classes of shares. The fund consists of Class A shares, Class P shares and Class I shares. A share of each class of the fund represents an identical interest in the fund’s investment portfolio and has the same rights, privileges and preferences. However, each class may differ with respect to expenses, including service fees, if any, other expenses allocable exclusively to each class, voting rights on matters exclusively affecting that class, and its exchange privilege, if any. The different expenses applicable to the different classes of shares of the fund will affect the performance of those classes. Each share of the fund is entitled to participate equally in dividends, other distributions and the proceeds of any liquidation of that fund. However, due to the differing expenses of the classes, dividends and liquidation proceeds on Class A, Class P and Class I shares will differ.

Voting rights. Shareholders of the fund are entitled to one vote for each full share held and fractional votes for fractional shares held. Voting rights are not cumulative and, as a result, the holders of more than 50% of all the shares of the Trust may elect all its board members. The shares of the fund will be voted together, except that only the shareholders of a particular class of the fund may vote on matters affecting only that class, such as the terms of a Rule 12b-1 Plan as it relates to the class. The shares of each series of the Trust will be voted separately, except when an aggregate vote of all the series is required by law.

The Trust does not hold annual meetings. There normally will be no meetings of shareholders to elect trustees unless fewer than a majority of the trustees holding office have been elected by the shareholders. Shareholders of record of no less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Trust may remove a trustee by vote cast in person or by proxy at a meeting called for that purpose. A meeting will be called to vote on the removal of a trustee at the written request of holders of record of at least 10% of the outstanding shares of the Trust.

Class-specific expenses. The fund may determine to allocate certain of its expenses (in addition to service fees) to the specific classes of its shares to which those expenses are attributable.

Custodian and recordkeeping agent; transfer and dividend agent. State Street, located at One Congress Street, Suite 1, Boston, MA 02114, serves as custodian and recordkeeping agent and provides other services to the fund. BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (formerly, PNC Global Investment Servicing (US) Inc.) (“BNY Mellon”), a subsidiary of BNY Mellon Bank, N.A., serves as the fund’s transfer and dividend disbursing agent. BNY Mellon is located at 400 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809.

UBS Financial Services Inc. provides certain services pursuant to a delegation of authority from BNY Mellon and is compensated for the services by BNY Mellon, not the fund.

Counsel. The law firm of Dechert LLP, Three Bryant Park, 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, serves as counsel to the fund. Dechert LLP also has acted as counsel to UBS AM in connection with other matters. Proskauer Rose LLP, Eleven Times Square, New York, NY 10036, serves as independent counsel to the Independent Trustees.

Independent registered public accounting firm. Ernst & Young LLP, One Manhattan West, New York, NY 10001, serves as independent registered public accounting firm for the fund.

Financial statements

The fund’s annual report to shareholders for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, is a separate document supplied with this SAI, and the financial statements, accompanying notes and report of independent registered public accounting firm appearing therein are incorporated herein by this reference.



Appendix A

Corporate debt ratings

Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. describes classifications of corporate bonds as follows:

Aaa. Bonds which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred to as “gilt-edged”. Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues.

Aa. Bonds which are rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all standards. Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are generally known as high-grade. They are rated lower than the best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in Aaa securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there may be other elements present which make the long-term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

A. Bonds which are rated A possess many favorable investment attributes and are to be considered as upper medium-grade obligations. Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment sometime in the future.

Baa. Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium-grade obligations, (i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured). Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well.

Ba. Bonds which are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well-assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class.

B. Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small.

Caa. Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing. Such issues may be in default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest.

Ca. Bonds which are rated Ca represent obligations which are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings.

C. Bonds which are rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing.

Note: Moody’s also supplies numerical indicators 1, 2 and 3 to rating categories. The modifier 1 indicates the security is in the higher end of its rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking toward the lower end of the category.

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group describes classifications of corporate debt ratings as follows:

AAA. An obligation rated AAA has the highest rating assigned by S&P. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is extremely strong.



AA. An obligation rated AA differs from the highest rated obligations only in small degree. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is very strong.

A. An obligation rated A is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher rated categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is still strong.

BBB. An obligation rated BBB exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.

BB, B, CCC, CC, C. Obligations rated BB, B, CCC, CC and C are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. BB indicates the least degree of speculation and C the highest. While such obligations will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions.

BB. An obligation rated BB is less vulnerable to nonpayment than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.

B. An obligation rated B is more vulnerable to nonpayment than obligations rated BB, but the obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. Adverse business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair the obligor’s capacity or willingness to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.

CCC. An obligation rated CCC is currently vulnerable to nonpayment and is dependent upon favorable business, financial and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, the obligor is not likely to have the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.

CC. An obligation rated CC is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment. The CC rating is used when a default has not yet occurred but S&P expects default to be a virtual certainty, regardless of the anticipated time to default.

C. An obligation rated C is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment, and the obligation is expected to have lower relative seniority or lower ultimate recovery compared to obligations that are rated higher.

D. An obligation rated D is in default or in breach of an imputed promise. For non-hybrid capital instruments, the D rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due, unless S&P believes that such payments will be made within five business days in the absence of a stated grace period or within the earlier of the stated grace period or 30 calendar days. The D rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of similar action and where default on an obligation is a virtual certainty, for example due to automatic stay provisions. An obligation’s rating is lowered to D if it is subject to a distressed exchange offer.

Plus (+) or Minus (—): The ratings from “AA” to “CCC” may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.

r. This symbol is attached to the ratings of instruments with significant noncredit risks. It highlights risks to principal or volatility of expected returns which are not addressed in the credit rating.

N.R. This indicates that no rating has been requested, that there is insufficient information on which to base a rating or that S&P does not rate a particular obligation as a matter of policy.



You should rely only on the information contained or referred to in the prospectuses and this Statement of Additional Information. The fund and its principal underwriter have not authorized anyone to provide you with information that is different. The prospectuses and this Statement of Additional Information are not an offer to sell shares of the fund in any jurisdiction where the fund or its principal underwriter may not lawfully sell those shares.



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