RNS Number : 3006W
Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC
31 July 2018

For filings  with the  FCA  include the  annex

For filings  with issuer ex clude the  annex









2. Re a son for the notification (plea se tick t he a p propri a te b ox or b o x es):


An acq uisition or disposal of v oting rig hts



An acq uisition or disposal of q uali f ying fin anci al instru ments w hich m ay result in t he acq uisition of s hares a lready issu ed to w hich v oting ri g hts are att ach ed

An acq uisition or disposal of in struments with simil ar eco no mic effect to q uali f ying fin ancial instruments


An e v ent c h a n ging the breakd o wn of v oting rig hts


Other ( ple ase s peci f y):



3 . Full n ame of per s on( s) subj ect to the notification obligation: iii



Fiera Capital Cor porati on













4 . Full n ame of s h areholder(s)

(if differe nt from 3.): iv

PORTFO L IO                                    HOLDI N GS

Lo rtr on H olding Corp .-Gl o bal                  5,1 0 0.00

BN PP IP BELGIUM - G.A.                   35 ,9 88.00

OIL INVES T MENT CORP OICL            97 ,5 56.00

CR BNC FON DS PRINCIPAL US          90 ,6 92.00

COAST CONSERVATION                      3,2 3 1.00

FON DS FIERA ACTIONS                     50 ,1 69.00

FIERA INTERNATION AL                    2 3 6 , 0 7 8.00

8 3 7 FDS DIV EQUILIBRE IN TL             16 ,9 16.00

8 6 7 ACTIONS MON DIA LES               2 8 0 , 7 3 8.00

8 3 8 FDS DIV. CROISSANCE                 9,5 7 2.00

FON DS ACTIONS                                 8,7 8 2.00

FON DS DE PLAC E MENT DU              12 ,0 54.00

D UFF & P H E LPS                                24 ,6 25.00

FON DS DESJARDINS ACTI O NS        2 0 4 , 3 3 5.00

FIERA CAP GLOBAL EQUITY             59 ,9 65.00

FON DS FIERA ACTIONS                   1 2 9 , 8 0 2.00

CHICAGO LABORERS' AND                11 ,0 71.00

M ICROSOFT RUSS E LL                       96 ,6 81.00

RUSSELL INVESTMENT                   1 1 0 , 6 2 9.00

RIC IV P LC RUSSELL AL P HA              3,4 0 3.00

RIL STICHTING                                   52 ,1 23.00

RIL ALGEMEEN                                   6,3 2 4.00

RIC V RUSS E LL GSEO FU ND             13 ,6 56.00

RIM NATION AL PENSION                   26 ,5 13.00

RUSSELL W ORLD EQUITY                 12 ,0 31.00

RUSSELL (RCCF A ND RIC) -             1 6 2 , 4 6 6.00

RUSSELL INVESTMENTS RIC             28 ,8 61.00

J .C. PENNEY COR PORATI ON             23 ,0 77.00

RIC II P LC RUSSELL                           61 ,7 40.00

RIC P LC RUSS E LL                             29 ,3 02.00

STATE OF I DAHO                               22 ,0 14.00

N EW YORK CITY EM PL OYEES          49 ,3 65.00

THE TEACH ERS RETIRE MENT           49 ,3 64.00

THE NEW YORK CITY FIRE                19 ,7 26.00

N EW YORK CITY BOARD OF               9,9 1 3.00

H UNTINGTON INGA L LS                      54 ,1 35.00

FIERA GL OBAL EQUITY FU ND          6 5 4 , 3 6 4.00

FON DS FIERA SCE P TRE                   58 ,9 99.00

FIERA CAPITAL FON DS                     20 ,2 02.00

FIERA CAPITAL                                   7,7 5 6.00

TENNESSEE CONSO LIDATED          2 8 5 , 9 9 6.00

P UBLIC E M P LOYEE                         1 0 0 , 6 3 9.00

AON HEWITT CIT - FIERA                   50 ,8 51.00

AON HEWITT GROUP TRUST             80 ,8 58.00

M ARSHFIELD CLINIC SA LARY            24 ,5 00.00

CAISSE DE RETRAITE                      1 5 9 , 2 1 9.00

FI DUCIE G LOBA LE DU R.B.A.            10 ,0 00.00

L ON DON LIFE BA LANCED                   6,7 2 9.00

CAISSE PRIVE                                 142,065.00

GOLDMAN SACHS NON-US               54,500.00

GOLDMAN SACHS NON-US               27,309.00

FIERA GLOBAL EQUITY FUND          120,001.00

INTERNATIONAL EQUITY                  132,296.00

GLOBAL EQUITY LONG-ONLY          250,104.00

FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT          254,165.00

FIERA CAPITAL GLOBAL                    11,063.00

FIERA CAPITAL                                  31,917.00

TOTAL                                          4,591,530.00

5 . Date of the tra n sa ction and date on

w hi ch the threshold is cros sed or reac h ed: v


July 31, 2 0 18


6 . Date on w hich i ss u er notified:


Cr ossed a bo ve 6%

7 . Threshold(s) th at i s/are cros sed or reac h ed: v i , vii


   8. Notified details:                                                                                                                                            

A : Voting rights att ached to shar es v iii, ix

Clas s/t ype of

shar es


i f po ss ible u sing the I SIN CO DE

S ituation previous

t o the t riggering t ransac tion

Resulting si tuation after the triggering transac tion



S hares


of V oting Rights


of shar es

Number of voting

r ights

% of voting rights x





x i i






Or dina ry sha res


G B 00 B WFGQN14






4,5 91,5 30






B: Qualif ying Financial Instruments


Resulting si tuation after the triggering transac tion

T y pe of financial

inst rument

E xpiration date x i ii

E xe rcise/

Conversion Period x i v

Number of voting

r ights that m ay be acquired if the inst rument is exercised/ con ver ted.

% of voting

r ights



C: Financial Instruments with similar economic eff ect to Qu alif ying Financ i al Instrum ents

xv , x vi


Resulting si tuation after the triggering transac tion

T y pe of financial

inst rument

E xe rcise


E xpiration date x vii

E xe rcise/

Conversion period x viii

Number of voting rights

inst rument refers to

% of voting rights x i x ,









Tot al ( A +B+ C)

Number of voting rights

P ercentage of voting righ ts


4,5 91,5 30



9 . Chain of controll ed undertakings throu gh  whi ch the voting rights and/or the financial  instruments  are  eff ectiv e ly held, if applicabl e:  x x i


Fiera Capital Cor porati on, a  d uly register portfolio mana g er r e gistered in all t he  provinces a nd territori es of Ca n a da, acts as in v estment  ad viser and  has in v estm ent discr etion  a n d/or c on trol for all the  s hare holders list ed in  box 4  a bo v e.


Proxy Voting:


10 . Name of the proxy holder:




11 . Numb er of v oting rights proxy holder will c ea se to hold:





12 . Date on which proxy holder will c e ase to hold voting rights:





13 . Additional inform ation:




14 . Contact name:

Rebecca McLe od

Vice Presid ent, Le g al and C orporate Affairs

Fiera Capital Cor porati on


15 . Contact t e l ephone numbe r:

514 . 95 4 . 6 4 7 3 (Ca na da)

r m cle o d@ f iera c ap it a l. c o m


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