May 1, 2023


Schwartz Value Focused Fund


This Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) supplements the Prospectus offering shares of the Schwartz Value Focused Fund (the “Fund”). This SAI, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety into the Prospectus, should be read only in conjunction with the Prospectus for the Fund, dated May 1, 2023, as it may be revised or supplemented from time to time.


Because this SAI is not a prospectus, no investment in shares of the Fund should be made solely on the basis of the information contained herein. It should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus of the Fund. A copy of the Fund’s Prospectus may be obtained by writing the Fund at P.O. Box 46707, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246-0707, or by calling the Fund toll-free at 888-726-0753, or on the Fund’s website: Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the same meaning as in the Prospectus.





Schwartz Investment Trust
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170


Table of Contents







Schwartz Investment Trust (the “Trust”), an open-end management investment company, was organized as an Ohio business trust on August 31, 1992. The Trust currently offers seven series of shares to investors: the Schwartz Value Focused Fund, the Ave Maria Value Fund, the Ave Maria Rising Dividend Fund, the Ave Maria Growth Fund, the Ave Maria World Equity Fund, the Ave Maria Focused Fund and the Ave Maria Bond Fund. Each series has its own investment objective, strategies and policies. This SAI provides information relating to the Schwartz Value Focused Fund (the “Fund”). Information relating to the Ave Maria Value Fund, the Ave Maria Rising Dividend Fund, the Ave Maria Growth Fund, the Ave Maria World Equity Fund, the Ave Maria Focused Fund and the Ave Maria Bond Fund (the “Ave Maria Mutual Funds”) is in a separate SAI. The Fund is a non-diversified series of the Trust.


Shares of the Fund have equal voting rights and liquidation rights. When matters are submitted to shareholders for a vote, each shareholder is entitled to one vote for each full share owned and fractional votes for fractional shares owned. The Fund is not required to hold annual meetings of shareholders. The Trustees shall promptly call and give notice of a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of voting upon the removal of any Trustee when requested to do so in writing by shareholders holding 10% or more of the Trust’s outstanding shares. The Trust will comply with the provisions of Section 16(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), in order to facilitate communications among shareholders.


Each share of the Fund represents an equal proportionate interest in the assets and liabilities belonging to the Fund with each other share of the Fund and is entitled to such dividends and distributions out of the income belonging to the Fund as are declared by the Trustees. The shares do not have cumulative voting rights or any preemptive or conversion rights, and the Trustees have the authority from time to time to divide or combine the shares of the Fund into a greater or lesser number of shares, so long as the proportionate beneficial interest in the assets belonging to the Fund are in no way affected. In case of any liquidation of the Fund, the Fund’s shareholders will be entitled to receive as a class a distribution out of the assets, net of the liabilities, belonging to the Fund. Expenses attributable to the Fund are borne by the Fund. Any general expenses of the Trust not readily identifiable as belonging to a particular fund are allocated by or under the direction of the Trustees in such manner as the Trustees determine to be fair and equitable. Generally, the Trustees allocate such expenses on the basis of relative net assets or number of shareholders. No shareholder is liable to further calls or to assessment by the Trust without his express consent.




A more detailed discussion of some of the terms used and investment policies described in the Prospectus appears below. Unless otherwise indicated, all investment practices and limitations of the Fund are nonfundamental policies that may be changed by the Board of Trustees (the “Board of Trustees” or the “Board”) without shareholder approval.


Commercial Paper. Commercial paper consists of short-term (usually from one 1 to 270 days) unsecured promissory notes issued by corporations in order to finance their current operations. The Fund will only invest in commercial paper if rated A-1 by Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings



(“S&P”) or Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) or Prime-1 by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or unrated paper of issuers who have outstanding unsecured debt rated AA or better by S&P or Fitch or Aa or better by Moody’s. Certain notes may have floating or variable rates. Variable and floating rate notes with a demand notice period exceeding seven days will be subject to the Fund’s policy with respect to illiquid investments unless, in the judgment of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. (the “Adviser”), such note is liquid.


Commercial paper represents an unsecured promise by the issuer to pay principal and interest when due, and is subject to the provisions of bankruptcy, insolvency and other laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors. Adverse economic changes or corporate developments could materially impact the ability of an issuer to pay principal and interest, when due.


The rating of Prime-1 is the highest commercial paper rating assigned by Moody’s. Among the factors considered by Moody’s in assigning ratings are the following: evaluation of the management of the issuer; economic evaluation of the issuer’s industry or industries and an appraisal of speculative-type risks that may be inherent in certain areas; evaluation of the issuer’s products in relation to competition and customer acceptance; liquidity; amount and quality of long-term debt; trend of earnings over a period of 10 years; the financial strength of the parent company and the relationships which exist with the issuer; and recognition by the management of obligations which may be present or may arise as a result of public interest questions and preparations to meet such obligations. These factors are all considered in determining whether the commercial paper is rated Prime-1. Commercial paper rated A-1 (highest quality) by S&P has the following characteristics: liquidity ratios are adequate to meet cash requirements; long-term senior debt is rated “A” or better, although in some cases “BBB” credits may be allowed; the issuer has access to at least two additional channels of borrowing; basic earnings and cash flow have an upward trend with allowance made for unusual circumstances; typically, the issuer’s industry is well established and the issuer has a strong position within the industry; and the reliability and quality of management are unquestioned. The relative strength or weakness of the above factors determines whether the issuer’s commercial paper is rated A-1. Commercial paper rated F-1+ by Fitch has exceptionally strong credit quality and the strongest degree of assurance for timely payment. F-1 paper has very strong credit quality, F-2 has good credit quality and F-3 has fair credit quality, with the assurance for timely payment adequate, but adverse changes could cause the securities to be rated below investment grade.


Bank Debt Instruments. Bank debt instruments consist of certificates of deposit, bankers’ acceptances and time deposits issued by national banks and state banks, trust companies and mutual savings banks, or by banks or institutions the accounts of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”). Certificates of deposit are negotiable certificates evidencing the indebtedness of a commercial bank to repay funds deposited with it for a definite period of time (usually from 14 days to 1 year) at a stated or variable interest rate. Bankers’ acceptances are credit instruments evidencing the obligation of a bank to pay a draft which has been drawn on it by a customer, which instruments reflect the obligation both of the bank and of the drawer to pay the face amount of the instrument upon maturity. Time deposits are non-negotiable deposits maintained in a banking institution for a specified period of time at a stated interest rate. The Fund will not invest in time deposits maturing in more than 7 days if, as a result thereof, more than 15% of the value of its net assets would be invested in such securities and other illiquid securities.



These bank debt instruments are generally not insured by the FDIC or any other government agency, except that certificates of deposit may be insured for up to $250,000. The profitability of the banking industry depends largely upon the availability and cost of funds for the purpose of financing lending operations under prevailing money market conditions. New government regulations, a downturn in general economic conditions or exposure to credit losses arising from possible financial difficulties of borrowers may impact the value of bank debt instruments.


When-Issued Securities. The Fund may purchase securities on a forward commitment or when-issued basis. When-issued securities are securities purchased for delivery beyond the normal settlement date at a stated price and yield and thereby involve the risk that the yield obtained in the transaction will be less than that available in the market when delivery takes place. The delivery of and payment for these securities typically occurs 15 to 90 days after the commitment to purchase. The Fund will only make commitments to purchase securities on a when-issued basis with the intention of actually acquiring the securities and if delivery and payment for the securities takes place within 35 days after the date of the transaction. In connection with these investments, the Fund will direct its custodian to place cash or liquid securities in a segregated account in an amount sufficient to make payment for the securities to be purchased. When a segregated account is maintained because the Fund purchases securities on a when-issued basis, the assets deposited in the segregated account will be valued daily at market for the purpose of determining the adequacy of the securities in the account. If the market value of such securities declines, additional cash or securities will be placed in the account on a daily basis so that the market value of the account will equal the amount of the Fund’s commitments to purchase securities on a when-issued basis. The purpose and effect of this is to prevent the Fund from gaining investment leverage from when-issued transactions. To the extent funds are in a segregated account, they will not be available for new investment or to meet redemptions. Securities purchased on a when-issued basis and the securities held in the Fund’s portfolio are subject to changes in market value based upon changes in the level of interest rates (which will generally result in all of those securities changing in value in the same way, i.e., all those securities experiencing appreciation when interest rates decline and depreciation when interest rates rise). Therefore, if in order to achieve higher returns, the Fund remains substantially fully invested at the same time that it has purchased securities on a when-issued basis, there will be a possibility that the market value of the Fund’s assets will experience greater fluctuation. The purchase of securities on a when-issued basis may involve a risk of loss if the broker-dealer selling the securities fails to deliver after the value of the securities has risen.


When the time comes for the Fund to make payment for securities purchased on a when-issued basis, the Fund will do so by using then-available cash flow, by sale of other securities or, although it would not normally expect to do so, by directing the sale of the securities purchased on a when-issued basis themselves (which may have a market value greater or less than the Fund’s payment obligation). Although the Fund will only make commitments to purchase securities on a when-issued basis with the intention of actually acquiring the securities, the Fund may sell these securities before the settlement date if it is deemed advisable by the Adviser as a matter of investment strategy. The Fund will not accrue income with respect to a when-issued security prior to its stated delivery date. The Fund does not currently intend to invest more than 5% of its net assets in debt securities on a when-issued basis.



Rule 18f-4 under the 1940 Act permits the Fund to invest in securities on a when-issued or forward-settling basis, or with a non-standard settlement cycle, notwithstanding the limitation on the issuance of senior securities in Section 18 of the 1940 Act, provided that the Fund intends to physically settle the transaction and the transaction will settle within 35 days of its trade date (the “Delayed-Settlement Securities Provision”). A when-issued, forward-settling, or non-standard settlement cycle security that does not satisfy the Delayed-Settlement Securities Provision is treated as a derivatives transaction under Rule 18f-4.


Repurchase Agreements. Repurchase agreements are transactions by which the Fund purchases a security and simultaneously commits to resell that security to the seller at an agreed upon time and price, thereby determining the yield during the term of the agreement. In the event of a bankruptcy or other default by the seller of a repurchase agreement, the Fund could experience both delays in liquidating the underlying security and losses. To minimize these possibilities, the Fund intends to enter into repurchase agreements only with its custodian or with banks or broker-dealers that have been approved as adequately creditworthy by the Adviser. There is no limit on the amount that the Fund may invest in repurchase agreements; however, the Fund will not enter into a repurchase agreement not terminable within 7 days if, as a result thereof, more than 15% of the value of its net assets would be invested in such securities and other illiquid securities. The Fund does not intend to engage in reverse repurchase agreement transactions.


Although the securities subject to a repurchase agreement might bear maturities exceeding 1 year, settlement for the repurchase will never be more than 1 year after the Fund’s acquisition of the securities and normally would be within a shorter period of time. The resale price will be in excess of the purchase price, reflecting an agreed upon market rate effective for the period of time the Fund’s money will be invested in the securities, and will not be related to the coupon rate of the purchased security. At the time the Fund enters into a repurchase agreement, the value of the underlying security, including accrued interest, will equal or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement, and, in the case of a repurchase agreement exceeding 1 day, the seller will agree that the value of the underlying security, including accrued interest, will at all times equal or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement. The collateral securing the seller’s obligation must be of a credit quality at least equal to the Fund’s investment criteria for portfolio securities and will be held by the custodian or in the Federal Reserve Book Entry System.


For purposes of the 1940 Act, a repurchase agreement is deemed to be a loan from the Fund to the seller subject to the repurchase agreement. It is not clear whether a court would consider the securities purchased by the Fund subject to a repurchase agreement as being owned by the Fund or as being collateral for a loan by the Fund to the seller. In the event of the commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings with respect to the seller of the securities before repurchase of the security under a repurchase agreement, the Fund may encounter delays and incur costs before being able to sell the security. Delays may involve loss of interest or decline in price of the security. If a court characterized the transaction as a loan and the Fund has not perfected a security interest in the security, the Fund may be required to return the security to the seller’s estate and be treated as an unsecured creditor of the seller. As an unsecured creditor, the Fund would be at risk of losing some or all of the principal and income involved in the transaction. As with any unsecured debt obligation purchased for the Fund, the Adviser seeks to minimize the risk of loss of repurchase agreements by analyzing the creditworthiness of the obligor, in this case, the seller.



Apart from the risk of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, there is also the risk that the seller may fail to repurchase the security, in which case the Fund may incur a loss if the proceeds to the Fund of the sale of the security to a third party are less than the repurchase price. However, if the market value of the securities subject to the repurchase agreement becomes less than the repurchase price (including interest), the Fund will direct the seller of the security to deliver additional securities so that the market value of all securities subject to the repurchase agreement will equal or exceed the repurchase price. It is possible that the Fund would be unsuccessful in seeking to enforce the seller’s contractual obligation to deliver additional securities.


U.S. Government Obligations. “U.S. Government obligations” include securities that are issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury, by various agencies of the U.S. Government, and by various instrumentalities which have been established or sponsored by the U.S. Government. U.S. Treasury obligations are backed by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government. U.S. Treasury obligations include Treasury Bills, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bonds. Treasury Bills have initial maturities of 1 year or less; Treasury Notes have initial maturities of 1-10 years; and Treasury Bonds generally have initial maturities of greater than 10 years. U.S. Government obligations also include treasury inflation-protected securities (“TIPS”) issued by the U.S. Government that have an inflation adjustment applied to the principal according to changes in the Consumer Price Index.


Agencies and instrumentalities established by the U.S. Government include the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal Land Bank, the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), the Small Business Administration, the Bank for Cooperatives, the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, the Federal Financing Bank, the Federal Farm Credit Banks, the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, the Resolution Funding Corporation, the Financing Corporation of America and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Some of these securities are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government while others are supported only by the credit of the agency or instrumentality, which may include the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Treasury. In the case of U.S. Government obligations not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, the investor must look principally to the agency or instrumentality issuing or guaranteeing the obligation for ultimate repayment, and may not be able to assert a claim against the U.S. Government itself in the event the agency or instrumentality does not meet its commitment. U.S. Government obligations are subject to price fluctuations based upon changes in the level of interest rates, which will generally result in all such securities changing in price in the same way, i.e., all such securities experiencing appreciation when interest rates decline and depreciation when interest rates rise.


Government debt can be adversely affected by large and sudden changes in local and global economic conditions that result in increased debt levels. The total public debt of the U.S. as a percentage of gross domestic product has grown rapidly since the beginning of the 2008-2009 financial downturn and has accelerated with the U.S. Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Government adopted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES ACT”) in 2020 and the American Rescue Plan in 2021, which are directed towards supporting American workers and businesses adversely affected by the economic upheaval from the COVID-19 pandemic. Fiscal stimulus packages such as the CARES Act and the American Rescue



Plan Act are the largest economic stimulus packages in recent history. The U.S. Government is also investing significantly in infrastructure and national defense, and government agencies project that the U.S. will continue to maintain high debt levels for the foreseeable future. Because there is little precedent for this situation, it is difficult to predict the impact on the markets of this or other significant policy changes. Although high debt levels do not necessarily indicate or cause economic problems, they may create certain systematic risks if sound debt management practices are not implemented. A high national debt level may increase market pressures to meet government funding needs, which may drive debt costs higher and cause the U.S. Treasury to sell additional debt with shorter maturity periods, thereby increasing refinancing risk. A high national debt also raises concerns that the U.S. Government will not be able to make principal or interest payments when they are due, which may adversely affect the value of certain instruments held by the Fund. In August 2011, S&P lowered the long-term sovereign credit rating of U.S. Government securities from AAA to AA+ and also downgraded the long-term credit ratings of U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises. In explaining the downgrade, S&P cited, among other reasons, controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and growth in public spending. S&P continues to affirm its AA+ long-term credit rating on the U.S. and its rating outlook of stable. Because of the rising U.S. Government debt burden, it is possible that the U.S. Government may not be able to meet its financial obligations or that securities issued by the U.S. Government may experience credit downgrades. From time to time, uncertainty regarding the status of negotiations in the U.S. Government to increase the statutory debt ceiling could increase the risk that the U.S. Government may default on payments on certain U.S. Government securities, cause the credit rating of the U.S. Government to be downgraded, increase volatility in both the stock and bond markets, result in higher interest rates, reduce prices of U.S. Treasury securities, and/or increase the costs of certain types of debt. Political events within the U.S. at times have resulted, and may in the future result, in a shutdown of government services, which could negatively affect the U.S. economy, decrease the value of the Fund’s investments and increase uncertainty in or impair the operation of the U.S. and other securities markets.


Equity Securities. The value of a company’s stock may fall as a result of factors directly relating to that company, such as decisions made by its management or lower demand for the company’s products or services. A stock’s value also may fall because of factors affecting not just the company, but companies in the same industry or in a number of different industries, such as increased production costs. The value of a company’s stock is also based upon investor sentiment and market perceptions. The increasing popularity of passive index-based investing may have the potential to increase security price correlations and volatility. Since passive investing strategies generally buy or sell securities based simply on inclusion and representation in an index, securities prices will have an increasing tendency to rise or fall based on whether money is flowing into or out of passive strategies, rather than based on an analysis of the prospects and valuation of individual securities. This may result in increased market volatility as more money is invested through passive strategies. The value of a company’s stock also may be affected by changes in the financial markets that are relatively unrelated to the company or its industry, such as changes in interest rates or currency exchange rates. The value of a company’s stock is also generally subject to the risk of future local, national or global economic disturbances based on unknown weaknesses in the markets in which the Fund invests. In the event of such a disturbance, issuers of securities held by the Fund may experience significant declines in the value of their assets and even cease operations, or may receive government assistance accompanied by increased restrictions on their business operations or other government intervention. Governmental and quasi-governmental authorities and regulators



throughout the world, such as the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System in the United States (“Federal Reserve”), have in the past responded to major economic disruptions with a variety of significant fiscal and monetary policy changes, including, but not limited to, direct capital infusions into companies, new monetary programs and dramatically lower interest rates. The Federal Reserve has spent hundreds of billions of dollars to keep credit flowing through the short-term money markets since mid-September 2019 when a shortage of liquidity caused a spike in overnight borrowing rates, and again in 2020 and 2021 with large stimulus initiatives intended to respond to economic stresses stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has contributed to higher inflation. Many central banks across Europe, Asia and elsewhere have adopted similar economic relief packages. In 2022, the Federal Reserve ended various stimulus packages and introduced quantitative tightening, which has caused market downturns, disruptions and volatility. In addition, political events within the U.S. and abroad, terrorism, political or economic dysfunction within some nations, public health crises and related geopolitical events, as well as environmental disasters, may add to instability and could negatively impact financial markets and the performance of the Fund.


Global economies and financial markets are increasingly interconnected, which increases the possibility that conditions in one country or region might adversely impact companies or foreign exchange rates in a different country or region. Geopolitical and other risks, including war, terrorism, trade disputes, political or economic dysfunction within some nations, public health crises and related geopolitical events, as well as environmental disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, may add to instability in world economies and markets generally. Changes in trade policies and international trade agreements could affect the economies of many countries in unpredictable ways. Some governmental authorities at times have taken steps to devalue their currencies substantially or have taken other steps to counter actual or anticipated market or other developments. Steps by those regulators and authorities to implement, or to curtail or taper, these activities could have substantial negative effects on the financial markets. The withdrawal of support, failure of efforts in response to a financial crisis or investor perceptions that these efforts are not succeeding could negatively affect financial markets in general as well as the values and liquidity of certain securities. The U.S. Government has, in the past, discouraged certain foreign investments by U.S. investors through taxation, economic sanctions or other restrictions and it is possible that the Fund could be prohibited from investing in securities issued by companies that are subject to such restrictions. The imposition of protectionist trade policies and sanctions by the U.S. or another government or country could cause disruptions to the country’s financial system and economy, which could negatively impact the value of securities issued by that country. The health crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak has exacerbated other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries and has negatively affected the global economy as well as the economics of individual countries and the markets in general, in significant and unforeseen ways. The pandemic has disrupted the supply chains that many businesses depend upon and accelerated trends towards working remotely and shopping on-line, which has negatively affected certain business sectors and companies that have been slow to transition to an on-line business model. The government response to these events, including emergency health measures, welfare benefit programs, fiscal stimulus, industry support programs and measures that impact interest rates, among other responses, has also impacted the financial markets and the value of the Fund’s holdings. These disruptions have led to general concern and uncertainty that has negatively affected the global economies and the stability of the global financial markets and resulted in an increase in defaults and bankruptcies.



Various countries have recently seen significant internal conflicts and in some cases, civil wars and new disturbances due to acts of war or other political developments. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and corresponding subsequent events, have had, and could continue to have, severe adverse effects on regional and global economic markets for securities and commodities. Following Russia’s actions, various governments, including the United States, issued broad-ranging economic sanctions against Russia, including, among other actions, a prohibition on doing business with certain Russian companies, large financial institutions, officials and oligarchs; the removal by certain countries and the European Union (“EU”) of selected Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (“SWIFT”), the electronic banking network that connects banks globally; and restrictive measures to prevent the Russian Central Bank from undermining the impact of the sanctions. In addition, the United States has banned oil and other energy imports from Russia, the EU has imposed a partial embargo on Russian crude oil and petroleum products, and the United Kingdom (“UK”) phased out oil imports from Russia at the end of 2022. These sanctions, the potential for future sanctions, and Russia’s retaliatory responses to other sanctions and actions, may continue to adversely impact the Russian economy, which may result in, among other things, the continued devaluation of Russian currency, a downgrade in the country’s credit rating, and/or decline in the value and liquidity of Russian securities, property or interests. The duration of ongoing hostilities and the vast array of sanctions and related events cannot be predicted. These, and other events, have put Russia’s economy into a recession.


Foreign Securities. Subject to the Fund’s investment policies and quality standards, the Fund may invest in securities of foreign issuers that trade on a foreign securities exchange or in the over-the-counter markets. The Fund may also invest indirectly in such companies in the form of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”). ADRs are receipts typically issued by a U.S. bank or trust company that evidence ownership of underlying securities issued by a foreign issuer. ADRs, in registered form, are designed for use in the U.S. securities markets.


Investments in foreign securities, including ADRs, involve risks that are different in some respects from an investment in a mutual fund that invests only in securities of U.S. domestic issuers. The performance of foreign markets does not necessarily track U.S. markets. Foreign investments may be affected favorably or unfavorably by changes in currency rates and exchange control regulations. A change in the value of a currency in which a security is denominated against the U.S. dollar will result in a corresponding change in the U.S. dollar value of that security and such a change may also affect the value and income of the securities of issuers who are exposed to that currency. Generally, when a given currency appreciates against the dollar (the dollar weakens), the value of securities denominated in (or otherwise exposed to) that currency will rise. When a given currency depreciates against the dollar (the dollar strengthens), the value of securities denominated in (or otherwise exposed to) that currency will decline. Exchange rates are influenced generally by the forces of supply and demand in the foreign currency markets and by political and economic events occurring inside and outside the U.S., many of which may be difficult, if not impossible to predict. There may be less publicly available information about a foreign company than about a U.S. company, and foreign companies may not be subject to accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. companies. There may be less governmental supervision of securities markets, brokers and issuers of securities than in the U.S. Securities of some foreign companies are less liquid or more volatile than securities of U.S. companies, and foreign brokerage commissions and custodian fees are generally



higher than in the U.S. Settlement practices may include delays and may differ from those customary in U.S. markets. Investments in foreign securities may also be subject to other risks different from those affecting U.S. investments, including local political or economic developments, expropriation or nationalization of assets, restrictions on foreign investment and repatriation of capital, imposition of withholding taxes on dividend or interest payments, currency blockage (which would prevent cash from being brought back to the U.S.), and difficulty in enforcing legal rights outside the U.S. U.S. Government policies have, at times in the past, discouraged certain investments abroad by U.S. investors through imposition of currency controls, changes in tax policy and other restrictions.


General economic and financial conditions and events in particular countries or geographic regions may adversely impact the prices of securities held by the Fund. For example, EU member countries that use the Euro as their currency (so-called Eurozone countries) lack the ability to implement an independent monetary policy and may be significantly affected by requirements that limit their fiscal options. European financial markets have recently experienced volatility and have been adversely affected by concerns of economic downturns, credit rating downgrades, rising government debt and possible default on or restructuring of government debt in several European countries. In June 2016, the UK voted in a referendum to leave the EU, thereby initiating the British exit (commonly known as “Brexit”) and on January 1, 2021, the free movement of people and goods and services between the UK and the EU ended. This has resulted in changes to European travel, duty-free shopping and immigration rules as well as substantial volatility in foreign exchange markets and a depreciation in the value of the British pound against other currencies. Brexit has also exacerbated existing inflationary and supply chain challenges. The Fund faces risks associated with the potential uncertainty and consequences that may follow Brexit, including instability in global political institutions, regulatory agencies and financial markets. Brexit could also lead to legal uncertainty and politically divergent national laws and regulations as a new relationship between the UK and EU is defined and the UK determines which EU laws to replace or replicate. In addition, it is possible that measures could be taken to revote on the issue of Brexit, or that portions of the UK could seek to separate and remain a part of the EU. Any of these effects of Brexit could adversely affect any of the companies to which the Fund has exposure and any other assets in which the Fund invests.


Both in developed and developing countries, crises may arise that have the potential to severely erode the value of investments. These episodes may include instances of default, restructuring, economic pressures introduced by significant commodity price declines or severe devaluations of foreign currency with respect to the U.S. dollar. In the past, governmental and non-governmental issuers have defaulted on, or have been forced to restructure, their debts, and many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit. Defaults or restructurings by governments or others of their debts could have substantial adverse effects on economies, financial markets, and asset valuations around the world. In addition, financial regulators, including the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, at times have taken steps to maintain historically low interest rates, such as by purchasing bonds. Some governmental authorities at times have taken steps to devalue their currencies substantially or have taken other steps to counter actual or anticipated market or other developments. Steps by those regulators and authorities to implement, or to curtail or taper, these activities could have substantial negative effects on financial markets. The withdrawal of support, failure of efforts in response to a financial crisis, or investor perception that these efforts are not



succeeding, could negatively affect financial markets generally as well as the values and liquidity of certain securities.


Emerging Markets. Emerging market countries are those considered to be every country in the world except Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Investments in emerging market countries may include special risks in addition to those generally associated with foreign investing. The value of investments in emerging market countries may be more volatile due to greater uncertainties of investing in less established markets with lower trading volumes and economies that are not as developed or diverse. Governments of many emerging market countries have exercised substantial influence over many aspects of the private sector through ownership or control of many companies and the future actions of these governments could have a significant effect on economic conditions in emerging markets. With respect to certain emerging market countries, the absence of developed legal structures governing private or foreign investment or allowing for judicial redress for injury to private property, political or social instability or diplomatic developments could adversely affect investments by U.S. persons in these countries.


Many emerging market countries have little experience with the corporate forms of business organization and may not have well developed corporations and business laws or concepts of fiduciary duty in the business context. Regulatory authorities in some emerging markets currently do not provide the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board with the ability to inspect public accounting firms as required by U.S. law, including sufficient access to inspect audit work papers and practices, or otherwise do not cooperate with U.S. regulators, which potentially could expose investors to significant risks. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) in 2021 determined the PCAOB was unable to inspect or investigate audit firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong. On August 26, 2022, the PCAOB signed a Statement of Protocol with the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China to grant the PCAOB access to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms in mainland China and Hong Kong completely, consistent with U.S. law. To the extent the PCAOB remains unable to inspect audit work papers and practices of PCAOB-registered accounting firms in China with respect to their audit work of US reporting companies, such inability may impose significant additional risks associated with investments in China.


Industry/Sector Risk. The greater the Fund’s exposure to any single type of investment, including investment in a given industry, sector, country, region, or type of security, the greater the impact the performance of that investment will have on the Fund’s performance. Companies in the same industry often face similar obstacles, issues, and regulatory burdens. As a result, the securities of companies in the same industry may react similarly to, and move in unison with, one another. An industry or a sector’s performance over any period of time may be quite different from that of the overall market. Certain sectors, such as technology, financial services, or energy, can be highly volatile. Industry classifications for the Fund are based on classifications maintained and developed by third parties. The sectors in which the Fund may have greater exposure will vary from time to time. As of December 31, 2022, the Fund had 28.5% of the value of its net assets invested in stocks within the real estate sector, 24.9% of which was held in in a single stock within the real estate sector (Texas Pacific Land Corporation). Some stocks that are associated with the real estate sector operate



as property leasing companies for a particular industry, such as the natural gas and crude oil industry, and may be more dependent on the strength of their underlying industry than the strength of the real estate market generally. The oil and natural gas market has experienced periods of volatility and fluctuation that is often based on factors that may be out of the control of the issuers of such securities, including changes in supply and global demand, international political and economic developments and the success of exploration projects. Real estate stocks could also be affected overbuilding, increases in property taxes and operating expenses, lack of available financing, vacancies, changes in interest rates, changes in zoning laws, casualty or condemnation losses and property damage.


Special Purpose Acquisition Companies. The Fund may invest in stock, rights, warrants, and other securities of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) or similar special purpose entities. A SPAC is a publicly traded company that raises investment capital in the form of a blind pool via an initial public offering (IPO) for the purpose of acquiring or merging with an existing company. The shares of a SPAC are typically issued in “units” that include one share of common stock and one right or warrant (or partial right or warrant) conveying the right to purchase additional shares or partial shares. At a specified time following the IPO (generally 1-2 months), the rights and warrants may be separated from the common stock at the election of the holder, after which they become freely tradeable. After going public and until an acquisition is completed, a SPAC generally invests the proceeds of its IPO (less a portion retained to cover expenses), which are held in trust, in government securities, money market securities and cash. To the extent the SPAC is invested in cash or similar securities, this may impact the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objective. If a SPAC does not complete an acquisition within a specified period of time after going public, the SPAC is dissolved, at which point the invested funds are returned to the SPAC’s shareholders (less certain permitted expenses) and any rights or warrants issued by the SPAC expire worthless. Because SPACs and similar entities are in essence blank check companies without an operating history or ongoing business other than seeking acquisitions, the value of their securities is particularly dependent on the ability of the entity’s management to identify a merger target and complete a profitable acquisition. Some SPACs may pursue acquisitions only within certain industries or regions, which may increase the volatility of their prices. The securities issued by a SPAC, which are typically traded in the over-the-counter market, may be considered illiquid and/or be subject to restrictions on resale. In addition, investments in SPACs may be subject to the same risks as investing in any initial public offering, including the risks associated with companies that have little operating history as public companies, including unseasoned trading, small number of shares available for trading and limited information about the issuer.


Warrants and Rights. Warrants are essentially options to purchase equity securities at a specific price during the life of the warrant and are valid for a specific period of time (generally 2 or more years). Rights are similar to warrants, but normally have a short duration and are distributed by the issuer to its shareholders. The Fund may purchase warrants and rights, provided that the Fund does not presently intend to invest more than 5% of its net assets at the time of purchase in warrants and rights other than those that have been acquired in units or attached to other securities. Of such 5%, no more than 2% of the Fund’s assets at the time of purchase may be invested in warrants which are not listed on either the New York Stock Exchange or the NYSE American. Investments in warrants and rights involve certain risks, including the possible lack of a liquid market for resale, potential price fluctuations as a result of speculation or other factors, and failure of the price of the



underlying security to reach or have reasonable prospects of reaching a level at which the warrant or right can be prudently exercised (in which event the warrant or right may expire without being exercised, resulting in a loss of the Fund’s entire investment therein).


Borrowing and Pledging. The Fund may borrow from banks to clear securities transactions but only as a temporary measure for emergency or extraordinary purposes and only in an amount not exceeding 5% of its total assets. The Fund may pledge assets in connection with borrowings but will not pledge more than 5% of its total assets. The Fund’s policies on borrowing and pledging are fundamental policies that may not be changed without the affirmative vote of a majority of its outstanding shares. Borrowing may cause greater fluctuation in the Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) until the borrowing is repaid. Money borrowed by the Fund will be subject to interest and other costs.


Investment Company Shares. Investment company shares are securities of other open-end or closed-end registered investment companies and include money market funds and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”). The Fund may invest in shares of other investment companies, but will not invest more than 5% of its total assets in shares of any single investment company and will not purchase more than 3% of the outstanding voting shares of any investment company. Rule 12d1-4 under the 1940 Act (“Rule 12d1-4”) allows a fund to acquire the securities of another investment company in excess of the limitations imposed by Section 12 of the 1940 Act without obtaining an exemptive order from the SEC, subject to certain limitations and conditions. Among those conditions is the requirement that, prior to a fund relying on Rule 12d1-4 to acquire securities of another fund in excess of the limits of Section 12(d)(1), the acquiring fund must enter into a fund of funds agreement with the acquired fund. (This requirement does not apply when the acquiring fund’s investment adviser acts as the acquired fund’s investment adviser and does not act as sub-adviser to either fund.) Rule 12d1-4 is also designed to limit the use of complex fund structures. Under Rule 12d1-4, an acquired fund is prohibited from purchasing or otherwise acquiring the securities of another investment company or private fund if, immediately after the purchase, the securities of investment companies and private funds owned by the acquired fund have an aggregate value in excess of 10% of the value of the acquired fund’s total assets, subject to certain limited exceptions. Accordingly, to the extent the Fund’s shares are sold to other investment companies in reliance on Rule 12d1-4, the Fund will be limited in the amount it could invest in other investment companies and private funds. In addition to Rule 12d1-4, the 1940 Act and related rules provide certain other exemptions from these restrictions. Investments by the Fund in other investment companies will result in duplication of advisory, administrative and other operational expenses. An investment in an investment company is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other governmental agency, entity or person.


Money Market Mutual Funds. In order to maintain sufficient liquidity to implement investment strategies, or for temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in shares of one or more money market mutual funds. While investor losses in money market mutual funds have been rare, they are possible. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. Certain money market funds have floating NAVs, while others seek to maintain stable NAVs (typically, $1.00 per share). If the liquidity of a money market fund’s portfolio deteriorates below certain levels, the money market fund may suspend redemptions (i.e., impose a redemption gate), which would



prevent the Fund from redeeming shares of the money market fund, or may impose a liquidity fee of up to 2% of the value of shares that the Fund redeems. These measures may result in a loss to the Fund or prohibit the Fund from redeeming shares when the Adviser would otherwise redeem shares.


ETFs. Passive ETFs are a type of investment company that represents a portfolio of securities designed to track a particular market index and active ETFs are a type of investment company with an investment manager that is actively managing the portfolio. The Fund could purchase shares of an ETF to gain exposure to a portion of a U.S. or foreign market. ETFs sell and redeem their shares at NAV in large blocks (typically 50,000 shares) called “creation units.” Shares representing fractional interests in these creation units are listed for trading on national securities exchanges and can be purchased and sold in the secondary market in lots of any size at any time during the trading day. The risks of owning shares of an ETF generally reflect the risks of owning the underlying securities they are designed to track, although lack of liquidity in an ETF could result in it being more volatile. To the extent that the management fees paid to an ETF are for the same or similar services as the management fees paid by the Fund, there will be a layering of fees, which would increase expenses.


Gold and Precious Metals. The Fund may from time to time invest in ETFs or other companies that invest directly or indirectly in commodities or whose business is related to commodities. For example, the Fund may invest in companies whose business is related to the mining of precious or other metals (e.g., gold, silver, etc.) or registered investment companies that invest in securities of mining companies and related instruments (including, without limitation, the underlying commodities). Investments in securities of companies involved in mining or related precious metals industries, and the value of the investment companies and other companies that invest in precious metals and other commodities are subject to a number of risks. For example, the prices of precious metals or other commodities can move sharply up or down, in response to cyclical economic conditions, political events or the monetary policies of various countries, any of which may adversely affect the value of companies whose business is related to such commodities, or the value of investment companies and other companies investing in such business or commodities. Furthermore, such companies are subject to risks related to fluctuations of prices and perceptions of value in commodities markets generally.


Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”). While the Fund will not invest in real estate directly, it may be subject to risks similar to those associated with real estate investments because of its ability to purchase securities of companies that generate income from the real estate industry. A REIT is a pooled investment vehicle that may invest primarily in income producing real estate or real estate related loans or interests. Such REITs are dependent upon management skills, subject to the strength of the real estate market and could be affected by the following factors: overbuilding and increased competition; increases in property taxes and operating expenses; declines in the value of real estate; lack of availability of equity and debt financing to refinance maturing debt; vacancies due to economic conditions and tenant bankruptcies; losses due to costs resulting from environmental contamination and its related clean-up; changes in interest rates; changes in zoning laws; casualty or condemnation losses; variation in rental income; changes in neighborhood values and functional obsolescence and appeal of properties to tenants. Other REITs that operate as property leasing



companies for a particular industry, such as the oil and gas industry, wireless network, or timber industry, are more dependent on the strength of their underlying industry than the strength of the real estate market. REITs are also subject to heavy cash flow dependency, defaults by borrowers, self-liquidation and the possibility of failing to qualify for tax-free pass-through of income under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and failing to maintain exemption from the 1940 Act. To the extent that the management fees paid to a REIT are for the same or similar services as the management fees paid by the Fund, there will be a layering of fees, which would increase expenses.


Illiquid Investments. The Fund may invest in illiquid securities, which include certain restricted securities (privately placed securities), repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7 days and other securities that cannot reasonably be expected to be sold or disposed of in current market conditions, within seven calendar days, without significantly impacting the market value of the investment. Pursuant to Rule 22e-4 under the 1940 Act, the Fund has established a liquidity risk management program and enhanced disclosures regarding Fund liquidity. The Fund will not acquire illiquid securities if, as a result, they would comprise more than 15% of the value of the Fund’s net assets. The Board of Trustees has designated the Adviser as the administrator of the Fund’s liquidity risk management program, responsible for assessing, managing and periodically reviewing the Fund’s liquidity risk, based upon relevant market, trading and investment-specific considerations.


Restricted securities, including securities eligible to be resold pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, may be sold only in privately negotiated transactions or in a public offering with respect to which a registration statement is in effect under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Where registration is required, the Fund may be obligated to pay all or a part of the registration expenses and a considerable period may elapse between the time of the decision to sell and the time the Fund may be permitted to sell a security under an effective registration statement. If, during such a period, adverse market conditions were to develop, the Fund might obtain a less favorable price than prevailed when it decided to sell. Further, certain securities, once sold, may not settle for an extended period (for example, several weeks or even longer). The Fund will not receive its sale proceeds until that time, which may constrain the Fund’s ability to meet its obligations (including obligations to redeeming shareholders). Restricted securities will be priced at fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with consistently applied procedures adopted by and under the general supervision of the Board of Trustees, with the assistance of the Adviser. If through the appreciation of restricted securities or the depreciation of unrestricted securities, the Fund may have more than 15% of the value of its net assets invested in illiquid assets, including restricted securities, the Fund will take such steps as is deemed advisable to reduce its exposure to illiquid securities.


Portfolio Turnover. The Fund does not intend to use short-term trading as a primary means of achieving its investment objective. However, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate will depend upon market and other conditions, and will not be a limiting factor when portfolio changes are deemed necessary or appropriate by the Adviser. If the Fund experiences unexpected net redemptions, it could be forced to sell securities without regard to their investment merits, thereby decreasing the asset base upon which the Fund’s expenses can be spread and possibly reducing the Fund’s return. High portfolio turnover involves correspondingly greater commission expenses and transaction costs and may result in the Fund recognizing greater amounts of capital gains, which would increase the amount of capital gains the Fund must distribute to shareholders in order to maintain its status as a regulated investment company and avoid the imposition of federal income or excise taxes. See “Taxes.”



Economic and Market Events and Geopolitical Risks. Events in the financial sector may cause an unusually high degree of volatility in the financial markets, both domestic and foreign. These events have included, but are not limited to: bankruptcies, corporate restructuring, and other events related to the sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008; financial distress in the U.S. auto industry; steep declines in oil prices; credit and liquidity issues involving certain money market and high yield mutual funds; S&P’s downgrade of the U.S. long-term sovereign debt and measures to address U.S. federal and state budget deficits; governmental efforts to limit short selling and high frequency trading; actions taken by government and quasi-governmental authorities and regulators throughout the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including significant fiscal and monetary policy changes; the war between Ukraine and Russia; supply chain disruptions and high inflation; social, political and economic instability in Europe; economic stimulus by the Japanese central bank; dramatic changes in currency exchange rates; and China’s economic slowdown. There can be no assurance that market and economic conditions will not worsen in the future. In addition, other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future could affect the economies of many nations, individual companies, and the market in general in ways that cannot be foreseen at the present time.


Relatively high market volatility and reduced liquidity in credit and fixed-income markets may adversely affect many issuers worldwide. This may result in issuers having more difficulty obtaining financing, which may, in turn, cause a decline in their stock prices. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve or foreign central banks to stimulate or stabilize economic growth, such as decreases or increases in short-term interest rates, or interventions in currency markets, could cause high volatility in the equity and fixed-income markets. In June 2022, the Federal Reserve began a quantitative tightening program to reduce its US treasury and mortgage-backed securities holdings in order to reduce the excessive liquidity in the banking system, and the Federal Reserve also began to raise interest rates in 2022. The impact of quantitative tightening, future interest rate increases or other adverse conditions (e.g., inflation/deflation, increased selling of certain fixed-income investments across other pooled investment vehicles or accounts, changes in investor perceptions or changes in government intervention in the markets) could cause the value of fixed-income investments to decrease. Over the longer term, rising interest rates may present greater risks than has historically been the case due to the prolonged period of low rates, the effect of government fiscal initiatives, and the market reaction to those initiatives.


The Fund is subject to the risk that geopolitical events may disrupt securities markets and adversely affect global economies and markets generally. Natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and other severe weather-related phenomena generally, and widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, have been and can be highly disruptive to the markets. War, terrorism and related geopolitical events have led, and in the future may lead to increased short-term market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on U.S. and world economies and markets generally. These events, as well as other changes in foreign and domestic political and economic conditions could adversely affect individual issuers or related groups of issuers, securities markets, interest rates, secondary trading, credit ratings, inflation, investor sentiment and other factors affecting the value of the Fund’s investments. At such times, the Fund’s exposure to the risks described elsewhere in this SAI and in the Fund’s Prospectus can increase and make it difficult for the Fund to implement its investment program for a period of time.



Inflation and Deflation. The Fund may be subject to inflation and deflation risk. Inflation risk is the risk that the present value of assets or income of the Fund will be worth less in the future as inflation decreases the present value of money. The rate of inflation in many countries worldwide has increased recently due to supply chain disruptions, fiscal or monetary stimulus, energy price increases, wage inflation and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, among other factors. The Federal Reserve has raised the federal funds rate and signaled the possibility of further increases. There is no guarantee that actions taken by the Federal Reserve and other governmental bodies to reduce inflation will be effective. Unanticipated or persistent inflation may have a material and adverse impact on the financial condition or operating results of companies in which the Fund may invest, which may cause the value of the Fund’s holdings in such companies to decline. In addition, higher interest rates that often accompany or follow periods of high inflation may cause investors to favor asset classes other than common stocks, which may lead to broader market declines not necessarily related to the performance of specific companies. Deflation risk is the risk that the prices of goods and services in the U.S. and many foreign economies may decline over time. Deflation may have an adverse effect on stock prices and the creditworthiness of issuers and may make defaults on debt more likely. If a country’s economy slips into a deflationary pattern, it could last for a prolonged period and be difficult to reverse.


Corporate Bonds and Preferred Stocks


It is not the Adviser’s intention to have the Fund invested in debt securities primarily for capital appreciation; the Fund may, however, from time to time, have all or a portion of its assets invested in debt securities for defensive purposes or to preserve capital on a temporary basis pending a more permanent disposition of assets subject to the Adviser’s analysis of economic and market conditions. There is no formula as to the percentage of assets that may be invested in any one type of security, except as set forth herein or in the Prospectus. When the Fund has a portion of its assets in U.S. Government obligations or corporate debt securities, the maturities of these securities (which may range from 1 day to 30 years) will be based in large measure both on the Adviser’s perception as to general risk levels in the debt market versus the equity market, and on the Adviser’s perception of the future trend and term structure of interest rates.


Although the Fund invests primarily in common stocks, the Fund may, in seeking its objective of long-term capital appreciation, invest in preferred stocks and corporate debt securities, including securities convertible into common stocks, without regard to quality ratings assigned by rating organizations such as Moody’s, S&P and Fitch. The Fund does not hold, nor intend to invest, more than 5% of its net assets in preferred stocks and corporate debt securities rated less than “investment grade” by either of these two rating organizations. Lower-rated securities (commonly called “junk” securities) are often considered to be speculative and involve greater risk of default or price changes due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness. Securities rated in any category below Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P and Fitch are generally considered to be “junk” securities. The Fund will promptly sell “junk” securities as necessary in order to limit its aggregate investments in such securities to 5% of net assets, which may cause the Fund to suffer a loss.


See Appendix A to this SAI for a description of the quality ratings assigned by Moody’s, S&P and Fitch.



Preferred Stocks. Preferred stocks, unlike common stocks, offer a stated dividend rate payable from a corporation’s earnings. Such preferred stock dividends may be cumulative or non-cumulative, participating, or auction rate. If interest rates rise, the fixed dividend on preferred stocks may be less attractive, causing the price of preferred stocks to decline. Preferred stocks may have mandatory sinking fund provisions, as well as call/redemption provisions prior to maturity, a negative feature when interest rates decline. Dividends on some preferred stocks may be “cumulative,” requiring all or a portion of prior unpaid dividends to be paid before dividends are paid on the issuer’s common stock. Preferred stock also generally has a preference over common stock on the distribution of a corporation’s assets in the event of liquidation of the corporation, and may be “participating,” which means that it may be entitled to a dividend exceeding the stated dividend in certain cases. The rights of preferred stocks on the distribution of a corporation’s assets in the event of liquidation are generally subordinate to the rights associated with a corporation’s debt securities.


Convertible Securities. A convertible security is a security that may be converted either at a stated price or rate within a specified period of time into a specified number of shares of common stock. By investing in convertible securities, the Fund seeks the opportunity, through the conversion feature, to participate in the capital appreciation of the common stock into which the securities are convertible, while investing at a better price than may be available on the common stock or obtaining a higher fixed rate of return than is available on common stock. The value of a convertible stock security is a function of its “investment value” (determined by its yield in comparison with the yields of other securities of comparable maturity and quality that do not have a conversion privilege) and its “conversion value” (the security’s worth, at market value, if converted into the underlying common stock). The credit standing of the issuer and other factors may also affect the investment value of a convertible security. The conversion value of a convertible security is determined by the market price of the underlying common stock. If the conversion value is low relative to the investment value, the price of the convertible security is governed principally by its investment value. To the extent the market price of the underlying common stock approaches or exceeds the conversion price, the price of the convertible security will be increasingly influenced by its conversion value. A convertible security may be subject to redemption at the option of the issuer at a price established in the instrument governing the convertible security. If a convertible security held by the Fund is called for redemption, the Fund must permit the issuer to redeem the security, convert it into the underlying common stock or sell it to a third party.


General Risk Factors of Fixed-Income Securities. Investments in fixed-income securities are subject to inherent market risks and fluctuations in price due to changes in earnings, economic conditions, quality ratings and other factors beyond the control of the Adviser. Adverse economic changes or individual corporate developments could materially impact the ability of an issuer to pay principal and interest when due. Fixed-income securities are also subject to price fluctuations based upon changes in the level of interest rates, which will generally result in all such securities changing in price in the same way, that is, all such securities experiencing appreciation when interest rates decline and depreciation when interest rates rise. Although it is generally true that fixed-income securities change in response to changes in the level of interest rates, these price changes are not necessarily of the same magnitude. Future interest rates increases could result in less liquidity and greater volatility of fixed-income securities. Fixed-income securities are subject



to liquidity risk resulting from the lack of an active market, a reduced number of traditional market participants or the reduced capacity of traditional market participants to make a market for fixed-income securities. New regulations and changing business practices of financial intermediaries that make markets in fixed-income securities may cause those intermediaries to restrict their market making activities for certain fixed income securities, which may reduce the liquidity and increase the volatility of these securities.


Risk Factors of Lower-Rated Securities. Lower-rated debt securities (commonly called “junk” securities) may be subject to certain risk factors to which other securities are not subject to the same degree. Prices of lower-rated securities have been found to be less sensitive to interest rate changes and more sensitive to adverse economic changes and individual corporate developments than more highly rated investments. An economic downturn tends to disrupt the market for lower-rated securities and adversely affect their values. Such an economic downturn may be expected to result in increased price volatility of lower-rated securities and of the value of the Fund’s shares, and an increase in issuers’ defaults on such securities.


Also, many issuers of lower-rated securities are substantially leveraged, which may impair their ability to meet their obligations. In some cases, the securities in which the Fund invests are subordinated to the prior payment of senior indebtedness, thus making it highly unlikely that the Fund will be able to receive payments when senior securities are in default.


The credit rating of a security does not necessarily address its market risk (that is, the risk that the value of a security will be adversely affected due to movement of the overall stock market or changes in the level of interest rates). Also, ratings may, from time to time, be changed to reflect developments in the issuer’s financial condition. Lower-rated securities held by the Fund have speculative characteristics which are apt to increase in number and significance with each lower rating category.


When the secondary market for lower-rated securities becomes increasingly illiquid, or in the absence of readily available market quotations for lower-rated securities, portfolio securities may be valued at their fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with consistently applied procedures adopted by and under the general supervision of the Board of Trustees. Also, increased illiquidity of the market for lower-rated securities may affect the Fund’s ability to dispose of portfolio securities at a desirable price.


Certain laws or regulations may have a material effect on the Fund’s investments in lower-rated securities. As examples, certain legislation requires federally-insured savings and loan associations to divest themselves of their investments in lower-rated securities and other legislative proposals have been introduced in order to limit the use of, or tax and eliminate other advantages of, lower-rated securities.


LIBOR Risk. Instruments in which the Fund may invest may pay interest at floating rates based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or may be subject to interest caps or floors based on LIBOR. The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), which regulates LIBOR, phased out the use of one-week and two-month U.S. dollar LIBOR settings at the end of 2021, and the use of the remaining U.S. dollar LIBOR settings will be phased out by June 30, 2023. On March 15, 2022,



the Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act was signed into law and provides a statutory fallback mechanism on a nationwide basis to replace LIBOR with a benchmark that is based on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”). It is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted. The transition process may involve, among other things, increased volatility or illiquidity in markets for instruments that currently rely on LIBOR or result in a reduction in the value of certain instruments held by the Fund. Any such effects of the transition away from LIBOR, as well as other unforeseen effects, could result in losses to the Fund.


Cybersecurity Risk. As the use of technology and the frequency of cyber-attacks have become more prevalent, the Fund has potentially become more susceptible to operational risks through breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional events that may interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions or Fund NAV calculations, or cause the release of confidential information or the loss of proprietary information. This in turn could cause the Fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss. Cyber security attacks may include, among other things, gaining unauthorized access of digital systems for the purpose of misappropriating assets or sensitive information, corrupting data or causing operational disruption. Cyber security breaches of the Fund’s third-party service providers (including its transfer agent, intermediaries and custodian) or issuers that the Fund invests in, can also subject the Fund to many of the risks associated with direct cyber security breaches. Like operational risk in general, the Fund’s service providers have established risk management systems designed to reduce the risks associated with cyber security. However, there is no guarantee that such efforts will succeed, especially since the Fund does not directly control the cyber security systems of issuers or third-party service providers.




The Trust has adopted certain fundamental investment limitations designed to reduce the risk of an investment in the Fund. These limitations may not be changed without the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Fund. For purposes of the discussion of these fundamental investment limitations, the term “majority” of the outstanding shares of the Fund means the lesser of: (1) 67% or more of the outstanding shares of the Fund present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund are present or represented at such meeting; or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.


Under these fundamental limitations, the Fund may not:


1.       Borrow amounts in excess of 5% of the Fund’s total assets, except as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes.


2.       Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except insofar as the Fund may technically be deemed an underwriter under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in selling a portfolio security.


3.       Invest 25% or more of the Fund’s total assets in any one industry.



4.       Purchase or sell real estate, mineral leases, futures contracts or commodities in the ordinary course of business.


5.       Make loans; however, the Fund may enter into repurchase agreements and may purchase corporate and debt obligations for investment purposes.


6.       Invest for the purpose of exercising control of management.


7.       Issue senior securities as defined in the 1940 Act, or mortgage, pledge, hypothecate or in any way transfer as security for indebtedness any securities owned or held by the Fund except as may be necessary in connection with permissible borrowings, and then not exceeding 5% of the Fund’s total assets, taken at the lesser of cost or market value.


8.       Purchase any securities on margin; however, the Fund may obtain such short-term credit as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities.


9.       Sell any securities short unless, by virtue of the Fund’s ownership of other securities, the Fund has at the time of sale a right to obtain securities, without payment of further consideration, equivalent in kind and amount to the securities sold and provided that if such right is conditional, the sale is made upon the same conditions.


10.    Purchase or sell any put or call options or any combination thereof, provided that this shall not prevent the purchase, ownership, holding or sale of warrants where the grantor of the warrants is the issuer of the underlying securities.


The percentage limitations included in the fundamental investment limitations apply at the time of purchase of a security. So, for example, if the Fund exceeds a limit as a result of market fluctuations or the sale of other securities, it will not be required to dispose of any securities. Industry classifications for the Fund are based on classifications maintained and developed by third parties. The Adviser reserves the right to change industry classifications as it deems appropriate and without seeking shareholder approval. The Fund is not permitted to engage in securities lending.


The Trust does not presently intend to pledge, mortgage or hypothecate the assets of the Fund as described above in investment limitation 7. The Fund has never made, nor does it presently intend to make, short sales of securities “against the box” as described above in investment limitation 9. The statements of intention in this paragraph reflect nonfundamental policies which may be changed by the Board of Trustees without shareholder approval.





Overall responsibility for management of the Trust rests with the Board of Trustees. The Trustees, in turn, elect the officers of the Trust to actively supervise its day-to-day operations. The Trustees serve until their retirement and the officers are elected annually. The following is a list of the Trustees and executive officers of the Trust. Four Trustees of the Trust are not interested persons, as defined in the 1940 Act (the “Independent Trustees”).


Name, Address and
Year of Birth
Length of
Held with
Principal Occupation(s) During
Past 5 Years and Directorships of
Public Companies
Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Interested Trustee        
George P. Schwartz, CFA**
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1944
Since August 1992 Trustee/Chairman and President Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. 7
Independent Trustees        
Donald J. Dawson, Jr.
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1947
Since January 1993 Trustee Retired in 2015. Prior to retirement, he was Chairman of Payroll 1, Inc. (payroll processing company) from 1986 until 2015 and Chief Executive Officer of that company from 1986 until 1998 7
John J. McHale, Jr.
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1949
Since April 2014 Trustee Consultant to the Commissioner of Major League Baseball. From 2000 until 2020, he was an executive of Major League Baseball serving in the roles of Executive Vice President and Special Assistant to the Commissioner 7
Edward J. Miller
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1946
Since May 2017 Trustee Retired in 2019. Prior to retirement, he was Vice Chairman and Director of Detroit Investment Fund since 2001 and Invest Detroit Foundation since 2010 (financiers for redevelopment of Detroit Michigan) 7
William A. Morrow
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1947
Since April 2018 Trustee Retired in 2017. Prior to retirement, he was Senior Executive Vice President of Crain Communications Inc (business media) from 1985 until 2017 7
Executive Officers        
Timothy S. Schwartz, CFA**
5060 Annunciation Circle, Ste. 101
Ave Maria, Florida 34142
Year of Birth: 1971
Since April 2000 Treasurer President and Chief Investment Officer of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc, as of March 1, 2021. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. until December 31, 2019.  
Cathy M. Stoner, CPA, IAACP**
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1970
Since January 2010 Chief Compliance Officer Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. as of January 1, 2020. Chief Compliance Officer and Vice President of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. until December 31, 2019.  
Robert C. Schwartz**
801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
Year of Birth: 1976
Since October 2013 Vice President and Secretary Senior Vice President and Secretary of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. as of January 1, 2020; Vice President of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. until December 31, 2019.  

*     The Fund Complex consists of the Fund and the Ave Maria Mutual Funds.


**   George P. Schwartz, Timothy S. Schwartz, Cathy M. Stoner and Robert C. Schwartz, as affiliated persons of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., the Fund’s investment adviser, are “interested persons” of the Trust within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act. Timothy S. Schwartz and Robert C. Schwartz are sons of George P. Schwartz.



Trustees’ Ownership of Fund Shares. The following table shows each Trustee’s dollar range of beneficial ownership of shares of the Fund and, on an aggregate basis, of shares of all funds within the Trust overseen by the Trustee. Information is provided as of December 31, 2022.


Trustee Dollar Range of
Fund Shares Owned
by Trustee
Aggregate Dollar
Range of Shares of All
Funds in Trust Overseen
by Trustee
Interested Trustee:    
George P. Schwartz, CFA Over $100,000 Over $100,000
Independent Trustees:    
Donald J. Dawson, Jr. $10,001 – $50,000 Over $100,000
John J. McHale, Jr. None Over $100,000
Edward J. Miller None Over $100,000
William A. Morrow None Over $100,000


Trustee Compensation. No Interested Trustee will receive any compensation from the Trust for serving as a Trustee of the Trust. Effective January 1, 2022, each Independent Trustee receives from the Trust an annual retainer of $63,000, payable quarterly (except that such retainer is $76,500 for the Chairman of the Governance Committee/Lead Independent Trustee and $71,500 for the Chairman of the Audit Committee), plus a fee of $6,000 for attendance at each meeting of the Board of Trustees. A Trustee Emeritus may serve on the Board in an advisory capacity for a period of three years following his retirement from the Board, but has no voting authority. A Trustee Emeritus receives one-half of both the annual retainer and fee for attendance at each Board meeting. These fees are allocated among the Fund and the Ave Maria Mutual Funds based upon their proportionate share of net assets.


The following table shows the compensation paid in 2022 to each of the Independent Trustees:


Independent Trustees: Aggregate
From the Fund
Pension or
Benefits Upon
Compensation From
the Fund and Fund
Donald J. Dawson, Jr. $1,025 None None $100,500
John J. McHale, Jr.  $ 887 None None $87,000
Edward J. Miller  $ 887 None None $87,000
William A. Morrow  $ 973 None None $95,500


* The Fund Complex consists of the Fund and the Ave Maria Mutual Funds


Leadership Structure and Qualifications of Trustees


Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for oversight of the Fund. The Trust has engaged the Adviser to oversee the management of the Fund on a day-to-day basis. The Board is responsible for overseeing the Adviser and the Fund’s other service providers in the operations of the Fund in accordance with the 1940 Act, other applicable federal and state laws, and the Trust’s Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Board meets in person (or occasionally by teleconference) at regularly



scheduled meetings four times throughout the year. In addition, the Trustees may meet in person or by telephone at special meetings or on an informal basis at other times. The Independent Trustees also regularly meet without the presence of any representatives of management. The Board has established an Audit Committee and a Nominating and Governance Committee (the “Governance Committee”) and may establish ad hoc committees or working groups from time to time to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. The Independent Trustees have also engaged independent legal counsel, and may from time to time engage consultants and other advisors to assist them in performing their oversight responsibilities.


The Board of Trustees is led by its Chairman, Mr. George P. Schwartz, CFA. Mr. Schwartz is an Interested Trustee of the Trust because he is an officer and the controlling shareholder of the Adviser. Mr. Schwartz, with the assistance of the Trust’s other officers, oversees the daily operations of the Fund, including monitoring the activities of all of the Fund’s service providers. As Chairman, Mr. Schwartz has primary responsibility for setting the agenda and presiding at each Board meeting.


Mr. Donald J. Dawson, Jr. serves as the Lead Independent Trustee and Chairman of the Governance Committee and Mr. William A. Morrow, an Independent Trustee, serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee. Each Committee Chairman reviews meeting agendas and presides at all meetings of their respective committees. In his role as Lead Independent Trustee, Mr. Dawson facilitates communication and coordination between the Independent Trustees and management, reviews meeting agendas for the Board, Chair’s executive sessions of the Independent Trustees and shall preside at meetings of the Board at which the Chairman of the Board is not present.


Board Committees. The Board has established a Governance Committee and an Audit Committee, each consisting of the Independent Trustees: Donald J. Dawson, Jr., John J. McHale, Jr., Edward J. Miller and William A. Morrow. The Audit Committee oversees (i) the Fund’s accounting and financial reporting policies and practices, its internal controls and, as appropriate in its judgment, the internal controls of certain service providers; and (ii) the quality and objectivity of the financial statements of the Fund and the independent audits thereof. In addition, the Audit Committee acts as a liaison between the Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm and the full Board and pre-approves the scope of the audit and non-audit services the independent registered public accounting firm provides to the Fund. The Governance Committee oversees the independence and effective functioning of the Board and reviews in the first instance and makes recommendations to the Board regarding any investment advisory agreement relating to the Fund. The Governance Committee will review shareholder recommendations for nominations to fill vacancies on the Board if such recommendations are submitted in writing, addressed to the Committee at the Trust’s offices and meet any minimum qualifications that may be adopted by the Committee. During the most recent fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Audit Committee and the Governance Committee each met four times.


Qualifications of the Trustees. The Governance Committee reviews the experience, qualifications, attributes and skills of potential candidates for nomination or election by the Board. In evaluating a candidate for nomination or election as a Trustee, the Governance Committee takes into account the contribution that the candidate would be expected to make to the diverse mix of experience, qualifications, attributes and skills that the Governance Committee believes contribute to good governance for the Trust. The Board has concluded that, based on each Trustee’s experience,



qualifications, attributes or skills on an individual basis and in combination with the other Trustees, each Trustee is qualified and should continue to serve as such. In determining that a particular Trustee was and continues to be qualified to serve as a Trustee, the Board has considered a variety of criteria, none of which, in isolation, was controlling.


Mr. George P. Schwartz has served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Adviser since he founded the Adviser in 1980. He has over 50 years of experience in the investment management profession, including 7 years as an investment research analyst and partner with two New York Stock Exchange member firms and 6 years as Senior Investment Officer and Chairman of the Investment Committee of a national bank. Mr. Schwartz holds a B.S. degree in Finance from the University of Detroit. He is a CFA charter holder and a Chartered Investment Counselor. Mr. Schwartz has served as President and a Trustee of the Trust since August 1992. The Board concluded that Mr. Schwartz is suitable to serve as a Trustee because of his professional experience and his academic background.


Mr. Donald J. Dawson, Jr. previously served as the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of a closely-held company from 1986 until 1998 and Chairman of that company from 1999 until 2015. He was also a Board member of a non-profit organization from 2000 until 2017, serving as Chairman from 2009 until 2011. Mr. Dawson holds a B.A. degree in Economics from Georgetown University and a J.D. degree from the University of Michigan Law School. He has previously been licensed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) as a general securities representative. Mr. Dawson has served as a Trustee of the Trust since January 1993. The Board concluded that Mr. Dawson is suitable to serve as a Trustee because of his business and legal experience, his academic background and his service and experience on other boards.


Mr. John J. McHale, Jr. is a consultant to Major League Baseball and served as the Special Assistant to the Commissioner of Major League Baseball from April 2015 until December 2020, responsible for special project assignments, grievances and on-field disciplinary matters. He previously served as Executive Vice President of Administration and Chief Information Officer for Major League Baseball from 2000 until 2015, overseeing the administrative functions of the MLB Central Office. Prior to 2002, he served in executive capacities for various Major League Baseball teams; Chief Operating Officer for the Tampa Bay Rays (2001-2002), President and Chief Executive Officer of the Detroit Tigers (1995-2001) and Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations of the Colorado Rockies (1991-1994). He was a Board member of the United States Amateur Baseball Federation, Inc. and a Trustee of several major league baseball retirement and pension plans until December 2020. Mr. McHale holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame, a J.D. degree from Boston College and an L.L.M degree from Georgetown University. Mr. McHale has served as a Trustee of the Trust since April 2014. The Board concluded that Mr. McHale is suitable to serve as a Trustee because of his business and legal experience, his academic and professional background and his service and experience on other boards.


Mr. Edward J. Miller retired in 2019. Prior to his retirement he was Vice Chairman and Director of the Detroit Investment Fund since 2001 and the Invest Detroit Foundation since 2010, which provides financing for residential and commercial redevelopment of the City of Detroit Michigan, and was actively involved in the management of both organizations until 2016. Prior to joining the Detroit Investment Fund, Mr. Miller was an Executive Vice President at Standard Federal Bank (now Bank of America) from 1995 until 2000 where he was responsible for commercial banking



activities. Before he joined Standard Federal Bank, Mr. Miller held executive management positions with Comerica Bank and Manufacturers Bank (prior to its merger with Comerica). These positions included responsibility for Retail Banking (1993-1995) and Trust and Investment Management (1988-1993). He started his career with Manufacturers Bank in 1970 and held positions in commercial lending, strategic planning and corporate development before being appointed Executive Vice President in 1990. He is a Board member of various non-profit organizations. Mr. Miller holds a B.S. degree from Regis University in Denver, Colorado and an MBA from the University of Detroit. Mr. Miller has served as a Trustee of the Trust since May 2017. The Board concluded that Mr. Miller is suitable to serve as a Trustee because of his business and investment experience, his academic and professional background and his service and experience on other boards.


Mr. William A. Morrow retired in 2017. He previously served as a Senior Executive Vice President for Crain Communications Inc., an international business media company, from March 1985 until May 2017. As Senior Executive Vice President, he had overall responsibility for Crain Communications’ internal business operations, including finance, legal, acquisitions, administration, human resources, facilities and other corporate areas. He also served as Plan Administrator for Crain Communications’ Pension and Profit Sharing Plans. Prior to working at Crain, Mr. Morrow was a partner-in-charge in the Detroit office of Touche Ross & Co. (now Deloitte & Touche LLP) and a member of the firm’s national Management Advisory Council. He is active in many civic and business organizations, including serving as a Trustee and member of the Executive Committee at the University of Detroit Mercy. He is a former director of American Business Media, a membership association for business-to-business information providers, and previously served as Chairman. Mr. Morrow holds a B.S. degree in Accounting from the University of Detroit and a J.D. degree from Wayne State Law School. Mr. Morrow has been a Trustee of the Trust since April 2018. The Board concluded that Mr. Morrow is suitable to serve as a Trustee because of his business, legal and financial experience, his academic and professional background and his service and experience on other boards.


Risk Oversight. The Fund is subject to a number of risks, including investment, compliance and operational risks. Day-to-day risk management of the Fund resides with the Adviser or other service providers (depending on the nature of the risk), subject to overall supervision by the Adviser. The Board has charged the Adviser with (i) identifying events or circumstances, the occurrence of which could have demonstrable and material adverse effects on the Fund; (ii) to the extent appropriate, reasonable or practicable, implementing processes and controls reasonably designed to lessen the possibility that such events or circumstances occur, or to mitigate the effects of such events or circumstances if they do occur; and (iii) creating and maintaining a system designed to evaluate continuously, and to revise as appropriate, the processes and controls described in (i) and (ii) above.


The Board has appointed a Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) who reports directly to the Board and provides presentations to the Board at its quarterly meetings, in addition to an annual report to the Board in accordance with the Fund’s compliance policies and procedures. The CCO regularly discusses the relevant risk issues affecting the Trust during private meetings with the Independent Trustees. The CCO also provides updates to the Board on the application of the Fund’s compliance policies and procedures and how these procedures are designed to mitigate risk. Finally, the CCO reports to the Board immediately in between Board meetings in case of any problems associated



with the Fund’s compliance policies and procedures that could expose (or might have the potential to expose) the Fund to risk.


Although the risk management policies of the Adviser and the service providers are designed to be effective, those policies and their implementation may vary and there is no guarantee they will be effective. Not all risks that may affect the Trust can be identified and not all processes and controls to eliminate or mitigate their occurrence or effects can be developed. Some risks are simply beyond any control of the Trust or the Adviser, its affiliates or other service providers.




The Adviser is located at 801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244, Plymouth, Michigan 48170. George P. Schwartz, as the controlling shareholder of the Adviser, may directly or indirectly receive benefits from the advisory fees paid to the Adviser. Under the terms of the Advisory Agreement between the Trust and the Adviser, the Adviser manages the Fund’s investment process. The Fund pays the Adviser a fee, computed and accrued daily and paid quarterly, at an annual rate of 0.75% of its average daily net assets. The advisory fee for the Fund was at the annual rate of 0.95% of the Fund’s average daily net assets until May 1, 2022.


By its terms, the Advisory Agreement has an initial two-year term and will remain in force from year to year thereafter, provided such continuance is approved at least annually by: (1) the Board of Trustees; or (2) a vote of the majority of the Fund’s outstanding shares; provided that in either event continuance is also approved by a majority of the Independent Trustees, by a vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting such approval. The Advisory Agreement may be terminated at any time, on 60 days’ written notice, without the payment of any penalty, by the Board of Trustees, by a vote of the majority of the Fund’s outstanding shares, or by the Adviser. The Advisory Agreement automatically terminates in the event of its assignment, as that term is defined by the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder.


Expense Limitation Agreement. The Adviser has entered into an Expense Limitation Agreement whereby it has contractually agreed to reduce advisory fees and reimburse Fund expenses to the extent necessary so that ordinary operating expenses (excluding interest on borrowings, taxes, brokerage costs, acquired fund fees and expenses, litigation and other extraordinary expenses) do not exceed an amount equal to 1.25% annually of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Any fee reductions and/or expense reimbursements by the Adviser are subject to repayment by the Fund for a period of three years from the date such fees and expenses were incurred, provided the Fund is able to effect such repayment and remain in compliance with the undertaking by the Adviser to limit the Fund’s expenses.


The Expense Limitation Agreement may be terminated by the Trust or the Adviser upon not less than 60 days’ prior written notice, provided, however, that (i) the Adviser may not terminate the Agreement without the approval of the Board of Trustees and (ii) the Agreement terminates automatically if the Adviser ceases to serve as the Fund’s investment adviser. The Adviser will have no claim against the Fund and the Fund will not pay for any unpaid amounts if its Expense Limitation Agreement expires or is terminated. The Expense Limitation Agreement is in effect until May 1, 2024.



Advisory Fees. The following table shows the advisory fees paid by the Fund to the Adviser during the last three fiscal years.


Fiscal Year Ended Advisory
Accrued by
the Fund
Reductions by
the Adviser
Received by
the Adviser
December 31, 2022 $256,610 $36,210 $25,276 $245,676
December 31, 2021 $233,045 $64,264 N/A $168,781
December 31, 2020 $166,623 $79,720 N/A $86,903


* As of December 31, 2022, the Adviser may seek recoupment of $180,194 of its investment advisory fee waivers no later than the dates stated below:


$          79,720 December 31, 2023
$          64,264 December 31, 2024
$          36,210 December 31, 2025


Fund Expenses. The Fund is responsible for the payment of all expenses incurred in connection with the registration of shares and operations of the Fund, including fees and expenses in connection with membership in investment company organizations, brokerage fees and commissions, legal, auditing and accounting expenses, expenses of registering shares under federal and state securities laws, insurance expenses, taxes or governmental fees, fees and expenses of the custodian, transfer agent, administrator and accounting and pricing agent of the Fund, fees and expenses of the Independent Trustees, the cost of preparing and distributing prospectuses, statements, reports and other documents to shareholders, expenses of shareholders’ meetings and proxy solicitations, and such extraordinary or non-recurring expenses as may arise, such as litigation to which the Fund may be a party. The Fund has an obligation to indemnify the Trust’s officers and Trustees with respect to such litigation, except in instances of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard by such officers and Trustees in the performance of their duties. General Trust expenses are allocated among the Fund and other series of the Trust based upon each series’ relative net assets (on the date the expenses are paid), or the nature of services performed and the relative applicability to each series. In addition, the Fund reimburses all officers and Trustees, including those who may be officers, directors, employees or stockholders of the Adviser, for reasonable out-of-pocket costs related to their attendance at Board of Trustee meetings.


CCO Expenses. The compensation and expenses of any officer or Trustee of the Trust who is an officer, director, employee or stockholder of the Adviser are paid by the Adviser, except that the Fund reimburses the Adviser for a portion of the compensation and expenses of the Trust’s CCO, who is an employee of the Adviser. The Trust also reimburses the Adviser for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the CCO in providing these services. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Fund paid compliance fees and expenses of $1,726, $1,124 and $625, respectively.





The portfolio managers for the Fund are Timothy S. Schwartz, CFA, lead manager and George P. Schwartz, CFA co-manager. The portfolio managers are also responsible for the day-to-day management of other accounts managed by the Adviser as indicated in the following table. None of these accounts has an advisory fee based on the performance of the account.


Other Accounts Managed (as of December 31, 2022)
Name of
Portfolio Manager
Type of Accounts Total
Number of
Assets of Other
Number of
Managed with
Advisory Fee
Based on
Total Assets of
Accounts with
Fee Based on
George P. Schwartz, CFA

Registered Investment Companies:
Other Pooled Investment Vehicles:
Other Accounts:

$1,403.5 million
$ 0
$ 138.7 million
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
Timothy S. Schwartz, CFA

Registered Investment Companies:
Other Pooled Investment Vehicles:
Other Accounts:

$ 371.1 million
$ 0
$ 0.5 million


$ 0
$ 0
$ 0


Potential Conflicts of Interest


The Adviser does not believe that any material conflicts of interest exist as a result of the portfolio managers advising the Fund and the other accounts listed above. While a portfolio manager may occasionally recommend purchases or sales of the same portfolio securities for the Fund and the Ave Maria Mutual Funds and/or another account he manages, the Adviser believes that it is highly unlikely that simultaneous transactions would adversely affect the ability of the Fund to obtain or dispose of the full amount of a security which it seeks to purchase or sell or the price at which such security can be purchased or sold. In addition, procedures are in place to monitor personal trading by the portfolio managers to ensure that the interests of the Fund and the Adviser’s other clients come first.




Each of the portfolio managers receives a fixed annual cash salary plus an annual bonus from the Adviser, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Adviser. The annual bonus is based upon a variety of factors, which may include the overall performance and profitability of the Adviser and the overall performance of and profit generated by the accounts managed by a portfolio manager. There is no standard benchmark for comparison, or fixed length of time over which performance is measured by the Board of Directors of the Adviser in determining the portfolio managers’ annual bonuses. Compensation of the portfolio managers also includes profits of the Adviser. The profitability of the Adviser depends primarily upon the value of accounts under management, including the Fund. A portfolio manager’s compensation is not directly based upon the performance of the Fund or the amount of the Fund’s assets.



Ownership of Fund Shares


The following table indicates the dollar range of shares of the Fund beneficially owned by the portfolio managers as of December 31, 2022:


Portfolio Manager Dollar Range of Fund Shares Beneficially Owned
George P. Schwartz
Timothy S. Schwartz
Over $1,000,000
$100,001 - $500,000




Decisions about the placement of the Fund’s securities transactions and negotiation of commission rates when applicable are made by the Adviser and are subject to review by the Board of Trustees of the Trust. In the purchase and sale of portfolio securities, the Adviser seeks best execution for the Fund, taking into account such factors as price (including the applicable brokerage commission or dealer spread), the execution capability, financial responsibility and responsiveness of the broker or dealer and the brokerage and research services provided by the broker or dealer. The Adviser generally seeks favorable prices and commission rates that are reasonable in relation to the benefits received. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Fund paid brokerage commissions of $25,927, $8,465 and $18,788, respectively. The lower brokerage commissions paid by the Fund during the 2021 fiscal year were primarily attributable to a decrease in commission rates and portfolio trading activity, while the higher brokerage commissions paid during the 2022 fiscal year were primarily due to an increase in assets.


The Adviser is specifically authorized to select brokers who also provide brokerage and research services to the Fund and/or other accounts over which the Adviser exercises investment discretion and to pay such brokers a commission in excess of the commission another broker would charge if the Adviser determines in good faith that the commission is reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided within the safe harbor provided by Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The determination may be viewed in terms of a particular transaction or the Adviser’s overall responsibilities with respect to the Fund and to accounts over which it exercises investment discretion.


Research services include securities and economic analyses, reports on issuers’ financial conditions and future business prospects, newsletters and opinions relating to interest trends, general advice on the relative merits of possible investments for the Fund and statistical services and information with respect to the availability of securities or purchasers or sellers of securities. Although this information is useful to the Fund and the Adviser, it is not possible to place a dollar value on it. Research services furnished by brokers through whom the Fund effects securities transactions may be used by the Adviser in servicing all of its accounts and not all such services may be used by the Adviser in connection with the Fund. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the amount of transactions and related commissions directed to brokers because of research services provided were $10,464,336 and $13,840, respectively.


The Adviser may aggregate purchase and sale orders for agency trades of the Fund and its other clients if it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duties to seek best execution for the Fund and its other clients. The Adviser will not favor any advisory account over any other account, and



each account that participates in an aggregated order will participate at the average share price for all transactions of the Adviser in that security on a given business day, with all transaction costs shared on a pro rata basis.


The Fund has no obligation to deal with any broker or dealer in the execution of securities transactions. Over-the-counter transactions will be placed either directly with principal market makers or with broker-dealers. Although the Fund does not anticipate any ongoing arrangements with any brokerage firms, brokerage business may be transacted from time to time with various firms. Neither the Distributor nor affiliates of the Trust, the Adviser or the Distributor will receive reciprocal brokerage business as a result of the brokerage business transacted by the Fund with any brokers.


Code of Ethics. The Trust, the Adviser and the Distributor have each adopted a Code of Ethics under Rule 17j-1 of the 1940 Act which permits personnel to invest in securities for their own accounts, subject to certain conditions, including securities that may be purchased or held by the Fund. The Codes of Ethics adopted by the Trust, the Adviser and the Distributor are on public file with, and are available from, the SEC.


Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures. The Trust and the Adviser have adopted Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures that describe how the Fund intends to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities. The Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures of the Trust and the Adviser are attached to this SAI as Appendix B. Information regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to its portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge upon request by calling 888-726-0753, or on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at


Portfolio Holdings Disclosure Policy. The Board of Trustees has adopted policies to govern the circumstances under which disclosure regarding portfolio securities held by the Fund and disclosure of purchases and sales of such securities may be made to shareholders of the Fund or other persons.


Public disclosure regarding the portfolio securities held by the Fund is made quarterly in Annual Reports and Semi-Annual Reports to Shareholders, and in monthly holdings reports on Form N-PORT (“Official Reports”). Except for such Official Reports and as otherwise expressly permitted herein or required by applicable law, shareholders and other persons may not be provided with information regarding portfolio securities held, purchased or sold by the Fund.


The Fund posts a listing of its 10 largest holdings of portfolio securities as of the end of each calendar quarter at These listings are typically available on the website within 10 business days of the end of the quarter. The listings of the 10 largest holdings of portfolio securities on the website are available to the general public.


Information regarding portfolio securities as of the end of the most recent month or as of the end of the most recent calendar quarter, and other information regarding the investment activities of the Fund during such month or quarter, may be disclosed on at least a 30-day lag to rating and ranking organizations for use in connection with their rating or ranking of the Fund, but only if such disclosure has been approved by the CCO of the Trust as being in the best interests of shareholders and serving a legitimate business interest of the Fund. Below is a table listing the organizations that have been approved by the CCO to receive non-public portfolio information



along with the types of information received, conditions or restrictions on use, timing of disclosure and any compensation received for providing portfolio information. These organizations have not signed confidentiality agreements. However, each organization is bound by a duty of confidentiality. The CCO and the Board of Trustees have determined that the Trust’s policies and procedures with respect to the disclosure of portfolio information are reasonable and sufficient to prevent any harm to the Fund and its shareholders.


Name of Rating
or Ranking Organization
Information Provided Timing of Release and
Conditions or Restrictions on
Use of Portfolio Holdings Information
Receipt of
Compensation or
Other Consideration
by the Fund or
Affiliated Party
Morningstar, Inc. CUSIP, security description, shares/par value, market value, coupon rate, maturity date and fixed income survey Provided monthly, with a 30-day lag. No formal conditions or restrictions. None
Bloomberg L.P. CUSIP, shares/par value, market value, security description, coupon rate, maturity date and percent of total net assets Provided monthly, with a 30-day lag. No formal conditions or restrictions. Bloomberg has indicated that it requires all employees to sign confidentiality agreements acknowledging all information received during their employment must be used for legitimate business purposes only. None
Standard & Poor’s, Inc. (“S&P”) CUSIP, security description, shares/par value, market value, coupon rate, maturity date and percent of total net assets Provided monthly, with a 30-day lag. No formal conditions or restrictions. S&P has indicated that its employees are required to follow a code of business conduct that prohibits them from using portfolio information for anything other than performing their job responsibilities; S&P employees must certify annually that they have followed this code of business conduct. None
Lipper Inc. CUSIP, shares/par value, market value, security description, total net assets, coupon rate, maturity date Provided monthly, with a 30-day lag. No formal conditions or restrictions. Lipper Inc. has indicated that it will not trade based on the Fund’s portfolio information, and it prohibits its employees from any such trading. None
FactSet CUSIP, security description, shares/par value, market value, coupon rate, maturity date and fixed income survey Provided monthly, with a 30-day lag. No formal conditions or restrictions. FactSet employees are required to follow a code of business conduct and ethics that obligates them to use a reasonable degree of care to safeguard confidential information and must agree in writing to comply with this code of business conduct and ethics. None
Confluence Accounting platform for performance calculation and regulatory reporting CUSIP, security description, shares/par value, market value, coupon rate, maturity date and percent of total net assets Provided monthly. The Agreement has a Confidentiality Clause that prohibits Confluence from using the information except in connection with the performance or exercise of its obligations or as may be required by law. None


These policies relating to disclosure of the Fund’s holdings of portfolio securities do not prohibit: (i) disclosure of information to the Adviser or to other Fund service providers, which are the Fund’s administrator, distributor, custodian, independent registered public accounting firm, legal counsel to the Trust and to the Independent Trustees, pricing service, financial printer/typesetter and proxy voting service, or to brokers and dealers in connection with the Fund’s purchase and sale of portfolio securities, provided that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to aid in conducting the ongoing business of the Fund; and (ii) disclosure of holdings of or transactions in portfolio securities by the Fund that is made on the same basis to all shareholders of the Fund.


The CCO may approve other arrangements, not described herein, under which information relating to portfolio securities held by the Fund, or purchased or sold by the Fund (other than information



contained in Official Reports), is disclosed to any shareholder or other person. The CCO shall approve such an arrangement only if the CCO concludes (based on a consideration of the information to be disclosed, the timing of the disclosure, the intended use of the information and other relevant factors, as determined by the CCO) that the arrangement is reasonably necessary to aid in conducting the ongoing business of the Fund and is unlikely to adversely affect the Fund or any shareholder of the Fund and is in the best interests of shareholders and subject to a confidentiality agreement and prohibition of trading based upon material non-public information. The CCO shall inform the Board of Trustees of any arrangements that are approved by the CCO pursuant to these policies, and the rationale supporting such approval, at the next regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees following such approval.


Neither the Adviser nor the Trust (or any affiliated person, employee, officer, trustee or director of the Adviser or the Trust) may receive any direct or indirect compensation in consideration of the disclosure of information relating to portfolio securities held, purchased or sold by the Fund.




The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated by dividing the lesser of purchases or sales of portfolio securities for the fiscal year, exclusive of short-term investments, by the monthly average of the value of the portfolio securities owned by the Fund during the fiscal year. High portfolio turnover involves correspondingly greater brokerage commissions and other transaction costs, which will be borne directly by the Fund, and may result in the Fund recognizing greater amounts of capital gains, which would increase the amount of capital gains which the Fund must distribute to its shareholders in order to maintain its status as a regulated investment company and to avoid the imposition of federal income or excise taxes. See “Taxes.”


Generally, the Fund intends to invest for long-term purposes. However, the rate of portfolio turnover will depend upon market and other conditions, and will not be a limiting factor when the Adviser believes that portfolio changes are appropriate. The Adviser anticipates that the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate normally will not exceed 100%; however, market conditions may dictate a higher portfolio turnover rate in a particular year. A 100% turnover rate would occur if all of the Fund’s portfolio securities were replaced once within a 1-year period. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 14% and 18%, respectively.




The price (NAV) of the shares of the Fund is determined as of the close of the regular session of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) (normally 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) on each day the Trust is open for business. The Trust is open for business every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.


In valuing the assets of the Fund for purposes of computing NAV, portfolio securities are valued at market value as of the close of trading on each business day when the NYSE is open. The Fund values each security or other investment pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board. The Board



has appointed the Adviser as the valuation designee to fair value securities or other investments pursuant to procedures approved by the Fund’s Board. Securities that are traded on stock exchanges, other than NASDAQ, are valued at the closing sales price as of the close of the regular session of trading on the NYSE on the day the securities are being valued, or, if not traded on a particular day, at the closing bid price. Securities that are quoted by NASDAQ are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price or, if an Official Closing Price is not available, at the most recently quoted bid price. Securities traded in the over-the-counter market are valued at the last reported sales price or, if there is no reported sale on the valuation date, at the most recently quoted bid price. Securities that are traded both in the over-the-counter market and on a stock exchange are valued according to the broadest and most representative market. Investments in shares of other open-end investment companies are valued at their NAV as reported by such companies. Fixed income securities are generally valued using prices provided by an independent pricing service. The independent pricing service uses information with respect to transactions in bonds, quotations from bond dealers, market transactions in comparable securities and various relationships between securities in determining these prices. Securities traded on a foreign exchange are typically fair valued by an independent pricing service and translated from the local currency into U.S. dollars using currency exchange rates supplied by an independent pricing service. Securities (and other assets) for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at their fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with consistently applied valuation procedures established by the Adviser and approved by the Board, subject to the Board’s oversight. One or more independent pricing services may be utilized to determine the fair value of securities held by the Fund. The Fund may retain an independent pricing service to determine the fair value of foreign securities if the value of the securities may be materially affected by events occurring before the Fund’s pricing time but after the close of the primary markets or exchanges on which the foreign securities are traded. A security’s “fair value price” may differ from the price next available for that security using the Fund’s normal pricing procedures. The Adviser will review and monitor the methods used by such services.




As noted in the Prospectus, the Fund offers the following shareholder services:


Shareholder Account. When an investor makes an initial investment in the Fund, a shareholder account is opened in accordance with the investor’s registration instructions. Each time there is a transaction in a shareholder account, such as an additional investment or a redemption, the shareholder will receive a confirmation statement showing the current transaction.


Automatic Investment Plan. The Automatic Investment Plan enables investors to make regular periodic investments in Fund shares through automatic charges to their checking account. With shareholder authorization and bank approval, the Transfer Agent will automatically charge the checking account for a specified amount ($50 minimum) which will be automatically invested at the share price determined on the day(s) of the month specified by the shareholder. The shareholder may change the amount of the investment or discontinue the plan at any time by writing to the Fund.


Systematic Withdrawal Plan. You may establish a Systematic Withdrawal Plan if your account has a value of $5,000 or more and receive monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments, in amounts of not less than $50 per payment. You may authorize the Fund to redeem the necessary number of



shares periodically (monthly, semiannually, or quarterly in March, June, September and December). Payments may be made directly to an investor’s account with a commercial bank or other depository institution via an Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) transaction.


Instructions for establishing this service are available by calling the Fund. Payment may also be made by check made payable to the designated recipient and mailed within 7 days of the redemption date. If the designated recipient is other than the registered shareholder, the signature of each shareholder must be guaranteed on the instructions (see “How to Redeem Shares” in the Prospectus). A corporation (or partnership) must also submit a “Corporate Resolution” (or “Certification of Partnership”) indicating the names, titles and required number of signatures authorized to act on its behalf. The application must be signed by a duly authorized officer(s). No redemption fees are charged to shareholders under this plan. Costs in conjunction with the administration of the plan are borne by the Fund. Investors should be aware that such systematic withdrawals may deplete or use up entirely their initial investment and that the redemption of shares to make withdrawal payments may result in realized long-term or short-term capital gains or losses. The Automatic Withdrawal Plan may be terminated at any time by the Fund upon 60 days’ written notice or by an investor upon written notice to the Fund. Applications and further details may be obtained by calling the Fund at 888-726-0753, or writing to the Schwartz Value Focused Fund, c/o Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 46707, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246-0707.


Transfer of Shares. To transfer shares to another owner, send a written request to the Fund at the address shown herein. Your request should include the following: (1) the Fund name and existing account registration; (2) signature(s) of the registered owner(s) exactly as the signature(s) appear(s) on the account registrations; (3) the new account registration, address, social security or taxpayer identification number and how dividends and capital gains are to be distributed; (4) signature guarantees (see “How to Redeem Shares” in the Prospectus); and (5) any additional documents that are required for transfer by corporations, administrators, executors, trustees, guardians, etc. If you have any questions about transferring shares, call or write to the Fund.




The Prospectus describes generally the tax treatment of distributions by the Fund. This section of the SAI includes additional information concerning federal taxes.


The Fund has qualified and intends to continue to qualify annually for the special tax treatment afforded a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, so that it does not pay federal taxes on income and capital gains distributed to shareholders. To so qualify the Fund must, among other things: (1) derive at least 90% of its gross income in each taxable year from dividends, interest, payments with respect to securities loans, gains from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities or foreign currency, certain other income derived with respect to its business of investing in stock, securities or currencies or from net income derived from an interest in a qualified publicly traded partnership (“PTP”); and (2) diversify its holdings so that at the end of each quarter of its taxable year, the following two conditions are met: (a) at least 50% of the value of the Fund’s total assets is represented by cash, U.S. Government securities, securities of other regulated investment companies and other securities (for this purpose such other securities will qualify only if the Fund’s investment is limited in respect to any issuer to an amount not greater than 5% of the value of the Fund’s total assets and not greater than 10% of



the outstanding voting securities of such issuer); and (b) not more than 25% of the value of the Fund’s total assets is invested in the securities (other than U.S. Government securities or securities of other regulated investment companies) of any one issuer, the securities of any two or more issuers that the Fund controls and which are determined to be engaged in the same or similar trades or businesses or related trades or businesses, or the securities of one or more qualified PTPs. For these purposes, a qualified PTP is generally a PTP other than one where at least 90% of its gross income is gross income that would otherwise be qualifying income for a regulated investment company.


There is a remedy for failure to meet the Subchapter M diversification test if the failure was due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect. The remedy involves certain divestiture and procedural requirements, and payment of a tax. In certain de minimis situations, no tax is due in the event of a failure to meet the diversification requirements, but the divestiture and procedural requirements apply. Similarly, in the event of a failure to meet the Subchapter M income requirements, if the failure was due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect it can be cured by satisfaction of procedural requirements and payment of a tax.


The Fund’s net realized capital gains from securities transactions will be distributed only after reducing such gains by the amount of any available capital loss carryforwards. Capital losses may be utilized indefinitely to offset net realized capital gains, if any, prior to distributing such gains to shareholders. As of December 31, 2022, the Fund had a short-term capital loss carryforward of $221,016 for federal income tax purposes, which is available indefinitely to offset net realized gains in future years.


A federal excise tax at the rate of 4% will be imposed on the excess, if any, of the Fund’s “required distribution” over actual distributions in any calendar year. Generally, the “required distribution” is 98% of the Fund’s ordinary income for the calendar year plus 98.2% of its net capital gains recognized during the one-year period ending on October 31 of the calendar year plus undistributed amounts from prior years. The Fund intends to make distributions sufficient to avoid imposition of the excise tax.


Taxation of the Shareholder. Dividends from net investment income and net short-term capital gains are generally taxable to shareholders as ordinary income. Distributions of long-term capital gains are taxable as long-term capital gains regardless of the length of time shares of the Fund have been held. Distributions are taxable, whether received in cash or reinvested in shares of the Fund.


Individual shareholders may benefit from lower rates applicable to long-term capital gains on certain distributions that are attributable to certain dividends received by the Fund from U.S. corporations and certain foreign corporations (“Qualified Dividends”). Long-term capital gains are generally taxable to individuals at a maximum rate of 20%, with lower rates potentially applicable to taxpayers depending on their income levels. For 2023, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 requires individual taxpayers with taxable incomes above $492,300 ($553,850 for married taxpayers, $523,050 for heads of households) to be subject to a 20% rate of tax on long-term capital gains and Qualified Dividends. Taxpayers who are not in this highest tax bracket continue to be subject to a maximum 15% rate of tax on long-term capital gains and Qualified Dividends. These rates may change over time. Distributions of net short-term capital gains that exceed net long-term capital losses will generally be taxable as ordinary income. In addition, for an individual shareholder to



benefit from the lower tax rate on Qualified Dividends (either 15% or 20%, depending on income levels), the shareholder must hold shares in the Fund, and the Fund must hold shares in the dividend-paying corporation, at least 61 days during a prescribed period. The prescribed period is the 121-day period beginning 60 days before the date on which the shareholder or the Fund, as the case may be, becomes entitled to receive the dividend.


Amounts distributed by the Fund that are attributable to certain dividends received from domestic corporations will qualify for the 70% dividends-received deduction for corporate shareholders. A corporate shareholder’s dividends-received deduction will be disallowed unless it holds shares in the Fund, and the Fund holds shares in the dividend-paying corporation, at least 46 days during the 91-day period beginning 45 days before the date on which the shareholder or the Fund, as the case may be, becomes entitled to receive the dividend. The dividends-received deduction will be disallowed to the extent a corporate shareholder’s investment in shares of the Fund, or the Fund’s investment in the shares of the dividend-paying corporation, is financed with indebtedness. Additionally, a corporate shareholder would not benefit to the extent it or the Fund is obligated (e.g., pursuant to a short sale) to make related payments with respect to positions in substantially similar or related property.


The Fund may be subject to a tax on dividend and interest income received from securities of a non-U.S. issuer withheld by a foreign country at the source. The United States has entered into tax treaties with many foreign countries that may entitle the Fund to a reduced rate of tax or exemption from tax on such income. It is impossible to determine the effective rate of foreign tax in advance since the amount of the Fund’s assets to be invested within various countries is not known. If more than 50% of the value of the Fund’s total assets at the close of a taxable year consists of stocks or securities of issuers in foreign countries, the Fund may elect to pass through to its shareholders the foreign income taxes paid by the Fund, provided that certain holding period requirements are met. In such case, the shareholders would be treated as receiving, in addition to the distributions actually received, their proportionate share of foreign income taxes paid by the Fund, and will be treated as having paid such foreign taxes. Shareholders generally will be entitled to deduct or, subject to certain limitations, claim a foreign tax credit with respect to such foreign income taxes. A foreign tax credit will be allowed for shareholders who hold shares of the Fund, and the Fund must hold shares in the dividend or interest-paying corporation, for at least 16 days during the 31-day period beginning on the date 15 days before the ex-dividend date. Furthermore, a shareholder would not benefit to the extent it or the Fund is obligated (e.g., pursuant to a short sale or otherwise) to make related payments with respect to positions in substantially similar or related property. Shareholders who have been passed through foreign tax credits of no more than $300 ($600 in the case of married couples filing jointly) during a tax year may be able to claim the foreign tax credit for these amounts directly on their federal income tax returns without having to file a separate Form 1116.


Each shareholder is advised annually of the source of distributions for federal income tax purposes. A shareholder who is not subject to federal income tax will not be required to pay tax on distributions received.


If a shareholder fails to furnish his social security or other tax identification number or to certify properly that it is correct, the Fund may be required to withhold federal income tax at the rate of 24% (backup withholding) from such shareholder’s dividend, capital gain and redemption payments.



Dividend and capital gains distributions may also be subject to backup withholding if the shareholder fails to certify properly that he is not subject to backup withholding.


Taxable distributions generally are included in a shareholder’s gross income for the taxable year in which they are received. However, dividends declared in October, November and December and made payable to shareholders of record in such month will be deemed to have been received on December 31st if paid by the Fund during the following January.


Distributions by the Fund will result in a reduction in the market value of the Fund’s shares. Should a distribution reduce the market value below a shareholder’s cost basis, such distribution would be taxable to the shareholder as ordinary income or as a long-term capital gain, even though, from an investment standpoint, it may constitute a partial return of capital. In particular, investors should be careful to consider the tax implications of buying shares of the Fund just prior to a distribution. The price of such shares includes the amount of any forthcoming distribution so that those investors may receive a return of investment upon distribution which will, nevertheless, be taxable to them.


A redemption of shares is a taxable event and, accordingly, a capital gain or loss may be recognized. Investors should consult their tax advisors regarding the effect of federal, state, local, and foreign taxes on an investment in the Fund.


Any loss arising from the sale or redemption of shares of the Fund held for six months or less will be treated for federal income tax purposes as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amount of capital gain dividends received by the shareholder with respect to such Fund shares. For purposes of determining whether shares of the Fund have been held for 6 months or less, a shareholder’s holding period is suspended for any periods during which the shareholder’s risk of loss is diminished as a result of holding 1 or more other positions in substantially similar or related property.


Certain U.S. shareholders, including individuals, estates and trusts whose income exceeds certain levels, are subject to an additional 3.8% Medicare tax on all or a portion of their “net investment income,” which should include dividends from the Fund and net gains from the disposition of shares of the Fund. U.S. shareholders are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the implications of the additional Medicare tax resulting from an investment in the Fund.


Pursuant to Treasury Regulations directed at tax shelter activity, taxpayers are required to disclose to the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) certain information on Form 8886 if they participate in a “reportable transaction.” A transaction may be a “reportable transaction” based upon any of several indicia with respect to a shareholder, including the existence of significant book-tax differences or the recognition of a loss in excess of certain thresholds. A significant penalty is imposed on taxpayers who participate in a “reportable transaction” and fail to make the required disclosure. Investors should consult their own tax advisors concerning any possible disclosure obligation with respect to their investment in shares of the Fund.


Federal law requires mutual fund companies to report their shareholders’ cost basis, gain/loss, and holding period to the IRS on the Fund’s shareholders’ Consolidated Form 1099s when “covered” shares are sold. Covered shares are any regulated investment company shares acquired on or after January 1, 2012 and any such shares acquired before January 1, 2012 are considered non-covered



shares. In response to this federal law, the Fund chose “average cost,” which is the mutual fund industry standard, as the Fund’s default tax lot identification for all shareholders. Average cost is the method used for reporting the redemption of any covered shares on your Consolidated Form 1099 unless you select a different tax lot identification method. You may choose a method different than average cost as long as you do so at the time of your purchase or upon the redemption of covered shares.


Information set forth in the Prospectus and this SAI that relates to federal taxation is only a summary of some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting shareholders. No attempt has been made to present a detailed explanation of the federal income tax treatment of the Fund or its shareholders and this description is not intended as a substitute for federal tax planning. Accordingly, shareholders of the Fund are urged to consult their tax advisors with specific reference to their own tax situations. In addition, the tax discussion in the Prospectus and this SAI is based on tax laws and regulations which are in effect on the date of the Prospectus and this SAI; these laws and regulations may be changed by legislative or administrative action.




The Fund, when it is deemed to be in the best interests of the Fund’s shareholders, may make payment for shares repurchased or redeemed in whole or in part in securities of the Fund taken at current value. Should payment be made in securities, the redeeming shareholder will generally incur brokerage costs in converting such securities to cash and will bear market risk until the securities received are converted into cash. Portfolio securities that are issued in an in-kind redemption will be readily marketable.




As of April 7, 2023, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Special Custody Account For the Benefit of its Customers, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, California 94105, owned of record 10.53% of the outstanding shares of the Fund; and Louis C. Argenta Living Trust, c/o Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., 801 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 244, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, owned of record 20.81% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.


As of April 11, 2023, the Trustees and officers of the Trust as a group owned of record or beneficially 7.97% of the outstanding shares of the Fund, as shown in the Trust’s records.




U.S. Bank, N.A., 425 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, has been retained to act as custodian for the Fund’s investments. As custodian, U.S. Bank, N.A. acts as the Fund’s depository, safekeeps its portfolio securities, collects all income and other payments with respect thereto, disburses funds as instructed and maintains records in connection with its duties.




The firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP, 111 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, has been selected as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Trust for the fiscal year ending



December 31, 2023. Deloitte & Touche LLP performs an annual audit of the Fund’s financial statements and advises the Fund as to certain accounting matters.




Sullivan & Worcester LLP, 1666 K Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006, serves as counsel to the Trust.




Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC (“Ultimus”), 225 Pictoria Drive, Suite 450, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246, serves as the transfer agent, administrator and fund accountant to the Fund pursuant to a Mutual Fund Services Agreement. Ultimus maintains the records of each shareholder’s account, processes purchases and redemptions of the Fund’s shares and acts as dividend and distribution disbursing agent. Ultimus also provides administrative services to the Fund, calculates daily NAVs and maintains such books and records as are necessary to enable Ultimus to perform its duties. For the performance of these services, the Fund pays Ultimus a fee based upon a percentage of the average daily net assets of the Fund, subject to a minimum monthly fee. In addition, the Fund pays out-of-pocket expenses, including but not limited to, postage, stationery, checks, drafts, forms, reports, record storage, communication lines and the costs of external pricing services. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, Ultimus received administration, fund accounting and transfer agent fees from the Fund of $38,565, $36,000 and $36,000, respectively.




Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC (the “Distributor”), 225 Pictoria Drive, Suite 450, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246, serves as principal underwriter for the Fund pursuant to a Distribution Agreement. Shares are sold on a continuous basis by the Distributor. The Distributor has agreed to use its best efforts to solicit orders for the sale of Fund shares, but it is not obliged to sell any particular amount of shares. The Distribution Agreement has an initial two-year term and provides that, unless sooner terminated, it will continue in force from year to year, provided such continuance is approved at least annually by (1) the Board of Trustees or a vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Fund; and (2) a majority of the Independent Trustees by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. The Distribution Agreement may be terminated by the Fund at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees of the Trust or by vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Fund on 60 days’ written notice to the Distributor, or by the Distributor at any time, without the payment of any penalty, on 60 days’ written notice to the Trust. The Distribution Agreement will automatically terminate in the event of its assignment. The Distributor is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ultimus. Stephen Preston is an officer of both the Distributor and the Trust.




The financial statements of the Fund, which have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, are incorporated herein by reference to the Annual Report of the Fund dated December 31, 2022.





The various ratings used by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”), S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) and Fitch Ratings are described below. A rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (“NRSRO”) represents the organization’s opinion as to the credit quality of the security. However, the ratings are general and are not absolute standards of quality or guarantees as to the creditworthiness of an issuer. Consequently, the Adviser believes that the quality of corporate bonds and preferred stocks in which the Fund may invest should be continuously reviewed and that individual analysts give different weightings to the various factors involved in credit analysis. A rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold a security because it does not take into account market value or suitability for a particular investor. When a security has received a rating from more than one NRSRO, each rating is evaluated independently. Ratings are based on current information furnished by the issuer or obtained by the NRSROs from other sources that they consider reliable. Ratings may be changed, suspended or withdrawn as a result of changes in or unavailability of such information, or for other reasons.


The long-term ratings of Moody’s, S&P and Fitch for debt securities are as follows:


Moody’s Investors Service, Inc.


Aaa – Obligations rated Aaa are judged to be of the highest quality, subject to the lowest level of credit risk.


Aa – Obligations rated Aa are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk.


A – Obligations rated A are judged to be upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk.


Baa – Obligations rated Baa are judged to be medium-grade and subject to moderate credit risk and as such may possess certain speculative characteristics.


Ba – Obligations rated Ba are judged to be speculative and are subject to substantial credit risk.


B – Obligations rated B are considered speculative and are subject to high credit risk.


Caa – Obligations rated Caa are judged to be speculative of poor standing and are subject to very high credit risk.


Ca – Obligations rated Ca are highly speculative and are likely in, or very near, default, with some prospect of recovery of principal and interest.


C – Obligations rated C are the lowest rated and are typically in default, with little prospect for recovery of principal or interest.


Moody’s appends numerical modifiers 1, 2 and 3 to each generic rating classification from Aa through Caa. The modifier 1 indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking in the lower end of



that generic rating category.


S&P Ratings


AAA – An obligation rated “AAA” has the highest rating assigned by Standard & Poor’s. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation is extremely strong.


AA – An obligation rated “AA” differs from the highest-rated obligations only to a small degree. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation is very strong.


A – An obligation rated “A” is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher-rated categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation is still considered strong.


BBB – An obligation rated “BBB” exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to weaken the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation.


BB, B, CCC, CC and C – Obligations rated “BB,” “B,” “CCC,” “CC” and “C” are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. “BB” indicates the least degree of speculation and “C” the highest. While such obligations will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions.


BB – An obligation rated “BB” is less vulnerable to nonpayment than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions that could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


B – An obligation rated “B” is more vulnerable to nonpayment than obligations rated “BB,” but the obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. Adverse business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair the obligor’s capacity or willingness to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


CCC – An obligation rated “CCC” is currently vulnerable to nonpayment, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, the obligor is not likely to have the capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation.


CC – An obligation rated “CC” is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment. The “CC” rating is used when a default has not yet occurred, but S&P expects default to be a virtual certainty, regardless of the anticipated time to default.


C – An obligation rated “C” is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment and the obligation is expected to have lower relative seniority or lower ultimate recovery compared to obligations that are rated higher.



D – An obligation rated “D” is in default or in breach of an imputed promise. For non-hybrid capital instruments, the “D” rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due, unless S&P believes that such payments will be made within five business days in the absence of a stated grace period or within the earlier of the stated grace period or 30 calendar days. The “D” rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of similar action and where default on an obligation is a virtual certainty, for example due to automatic stay provisions. An obligation’s rating is lowered to “D” if it is subject to a distressed debt restructuring.


NR – This indicates that no rating has been requested, that there is insufficient information on which to base a rating, or that Standard & Poor’s does not rate a particular obligation as a matter of policy.


The ratings from “AA” to “CCC” may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the rating categories.


Fitch Ratings


AAA – Highest credit quality. ‘AAA’ ratings denote the lowest expectation of default risk. They are assigned only in cases of exceptionally strong capacity for payment of financial commitments. This capacity is highly unlikely to be adversely affected by foreseeable events.


AA – Very high credit quality. ‘AA’ ratings denote expectations of very low default risk. They indicate very strong capacity for payment of financial commitments. This capacity is not significantly vulnerable to foreseeable events.


A – High credit quality. ‘A’ ratings denote expectations of low default risk. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered strong. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic conditions than is the case for higher ratings.


BBB – Good credit quality. ‘BBB’ ratings indicate that expectations of default risk are currently low. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered adequate, but adverse business or economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity.


BB – Speculative. ‘BB’ ratings indicate an elevated vulnerability to default risk, particularly in the event of adverse changes in business or economic conditions over time; however, business or financial flexibility exists which supports the servicing of financial commitments.


B – Highly speculative. ‘B’ ratings indicate that material default risk is present, but a limited margin of safety remains. Financial commitments are currently being met; however, capacity for continued payment is vulnerable to deterioration in the business and economic environment.


CCC – Substantial credit risk. Default is a real possibility.


CC – Very high levels of credit risk. Default of some kind seems probable.


C – Near default. A default or default-like process has begun, or the issuer is in standstill, or for a closed funding vehicle, payment capacity is irrevocably impaired. Conditions that are indicative of a “C’ category for an issuer include:


a. the issuer has entered into a grace or cure period following non-payment of a material financial obligation;



b. the issuer has entered into a temporary negotiated waiver or standstill agreement following a payment default on a material financial obligation;


c. the formal announcement by the issuer or its agent of a distressed debt exchange;


d. a closed financing vehicle where payment capacity is irrevocably impaired such that it is not expected to pay a closed financing vehicle where payment capacity is irrevocably impaired such that it is not expected to pay interest and/or principal in full during the life of the transaction, but where no payment default is imminent.





Schwartz Investment Trust and Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc.


Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures


Schwartz Investment Trust and Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. intend to exercise a voice on behalf of its shareholders and clients in matters of corporate governance through the proxy voting process. We take our fiduciary responsibilities very seriously and believe the right to vote proxies is a significant asset of shareholders and clients. We exercise our voting responsibilities as a fiduciary, solely with the goal of maximizing the value of our shareholders’ and clients’ investments.


Schwartz Investment Trust’s (“SIT”) Board of Trustees has delegated to Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. (“SICI”) the responsibility of overseeing voting policies and decisions for the Trust. Our proxy voting principles for Schwartz Investment Trust and our other clients are summarized below, with specific examples of voting decisions for the types of proposals that are most frequently presented:


General Policy for Voting Proxies


SICI will vote proxies solely in the interests of clients. Any conflict of interest must be resolved in the way that will most benefit clients. Since the quality and depth of management is a primary factor considered when investing in a company, substantial weight is given to the recommendation of management on any issue. However, SICI will consider each issue on its own merits, and the position of a company’s management will not be supported in any situation where it is found not to be in the best interests of clients. Proxy voting, absent any unusual circumstances or conflicts of interest, will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth below.


Conflicts of Interest


SICI recognizes that under certain circumstances it may have a conflict of interest in voting proxies on behalf of clients. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, situations where SICI or one or more of its affiliates, including officers, directors and employees, has or is seeking a client relationship with the issuer of the security that is the subject of the proxy vote. SICI shall periodically inform its employees that they are under an obligation to be aware of the potential for conflicts of interest on the part of SICI with respect to voting proxies on behalf of clients, both as a result of the employee’s personal relationships and due to circumstances that may arise during the conduct of SICI’s business, and to bring conflicts of interest of which they become aware to the attention of the Proxy Manager. SICI shall not vote proxies relating to such issuers on behalf of client accounts until it has determined that the conflict of interest is not material, or as it relates to SIT’s holdings, a method of resolving such conflict of interest has been agreed upon by the Trust’s Nominating and Governance Committee. A conflict of interest will be considered material to the extent that it is determined that such conflict has the potential to influence SICI’s decision-making in voting a proxy. Materiality determinations will be based upon an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. If the Proxy Manager determines that a conflict of interest is not material, SICI may vote proxies notwithstanding the existence of a conflict. If the conflict of interest is



determined to be material as it relates to SIT’s holdings, the conflict shall be disclosed to the Nominating and Governance Committee and SICI shall follow the instructions of the Committee. The Proxy Manager shall keep a record of all materiality decisions and SICI’s Chief Compliance Officer shall report them to the Nominating and Governance Committee on a quarterly basis.


Election of the Board of Directors


SICI believes that good governance starts with an independent board, unfettered by significant ties to management, all of whose members are elected annually. In addition, key board committees should be entirely independent.


SICI will generally support the election of directors that result in a board made up of a majority of independent directors.


SICI will hold directors accountable for the actions of the committees on which they serve. For example, SICI will withhold votes for nominees who serve on the compensation committee if they approve excessive compensation arrangements or propose equity-based compensation plans that unduly dilute the ownership interests of stockholders.


SICI will support efforts to declassify existing boards. SICI will vote against efforts by companies to adopt classified board structures, or impose “poison pills” on its shareholders or adopt multiple classes of stock.


Approval of Independent Auditors


SICI believes that the relationship between the company and its auditors should be limited primarily to the audit engagement, although it may include certain closely related activities that do not, in the aggregate, impair independence.


Equity-based Compensation Plans


SICI believes that appropriately designed equity-based compensation plans, approved by shareholders, can be an effective way to align the interests of long-term shareholders and the interests of management, employees, and directors. Conversely, SICI is opposed to plans that substantially dilute shareholders’ ownership interest in the company, provide participants with excessive awards, or have inherently objectionable structural features.


SICI will generally vote against plans where total potential dilution (including all equity-based plans) exceeds 10% of shares outstanding.


SICI will generally vote against plans if annual option grants have exceeded 2% of shares outstanding.


These total and annual dilution thresholds are guidelines, not ceilings, and when assessing a plan’s impact on our shareholdings SICI considers other factors such as the nature of the industry and size of the company.



SICI will vote against plans that have any of the following structural features:


Ability to re-price underwater options


Ability to issue options with an exercise price below the stock’s current market price.


Ability to issue reload options.


Automatic share replenishment (“evergreen”) feature.


SICI will support measures intended to increase long-term stock ownership by executives. These may include:


Requiring senior executives to hold a minimum amount of stock in the company (frequently expressed as a certain multiple of the executive’s salary).


Requiring stock acquired through option exercise to be held for a certain period of time.


Using restricted stock grants instead of options.


To this end, SICI supports expensing the fair value of option grants because it substantially eliminates their preferential financial statement treatment vis-à-vis stock grants, furthering SICI’s case for increased ownership by corporate leaders and employees.


SICI will support the use of employee stock purchase plans to increase company stock ownership by employees, provided that shares purchased under the plan are acquired for no less than 85% of their market value.


Corporate Structure and Shareholder Rights


SICI believes that shareholders should have voting power equal to their equity interest in the company and should be able to approve (or reject) changes to the corporation’s by-laws by a simple majority vote.


SICI will support proposals to remove super-majority (typically from 66.7% to 80%) voting requirements for certain types of proposals. We will vote against proposals to impose super-majority requirements.


SICI will vote for proposals to lower barriers to shareholder action (e.g., limited rights to call special meetings, limited rights to act by written consent).


SICI will vote against proposals for a separate class of stock with disparate voting rights.


SICI will generally vote for proposals to subject shareholder rights plans (“poison pills”) to a shareholder vote. In evaluating these plans, SICI will be more likely to support arrangements with short-term (less than 3 years) sunset provisions, qualified bid/permitted offer provisions (“chewable pills”) and/or mandatory review by a committee of independent directors at least every three years (so-called “TIDE” provisions).


Corporate and Social Policy Issues


SICI believes that “ordinary business matters” are primarily the responsibility of management and should be approved solely by the corporation’s board of directors. Proposals in this category,



initiated primarily by shareholders, typically request that the company disclose or amend certain business practices.


SICI generally votes against these types of proposals, though exceptions may be made in certain instances where SICI believes a proposal has substantial economic implications.


Proxy Voting Process


Proxy voting is subject to the supervision of Robert C. Schwartz, Senior Vice President of SICI (“Proxy Manager”). Reasonable efforts will be made to obtain proxy materials and to vote in a timely fashion. Records will be maintained regarding the voting of proxies under these policies and procedures.